The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 24
- 2 years ago
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Erica thought she was being artful. When Bobby came on the line, she told him that part of the railing on the ramp had cracked and he needed to come take a look at it. She didn’t tell him, of course, that she’d had to throw all her weight at the railing ... several times ... to get something to break. She’d done it at night, when the neighbors couldn’t see her.
She couldn’t admit that she just wanted him. Not on the phone. She wasn’t even sure she wanted him. But she was full of nervous energy again, like she’d been before. She knew Will would make love to her if she asked him to, but she thought of him more and more as Christy’s man. No one must ever find out about her and Will, because that would ruin it for him with Christy.
Besides, Bobby was a different kind of lover than Will. Bobby knew how to make her insane with pleasure. It was those thoughts that made her find a way to get him to her house again. Then, maybe when she could see him, she’d know whether it was him she wanted, or something else. She hoped it was something else. She didn’t know what she’d do if, when she saw him, she got “that feeling.” She knew that if she had to admit to the man who had made her pregnant that she craved his touch again ... well, she’d just die. She was sure of it.
She saw the truck pull up and Bobby get out. He walked right up to the broken support and looked at it. Then he looked at the window, for some reason, and then back at the support. He shook his head and came to the front door.
She expected him to knock again, like he did last time, but he didn’t. He just walked in. She stood there wide eyed as he looked at her.
“If you wanted me to come over, all you had to do was tell me,” he grumbled. “You didn’t have to vandalize my work.”
“I need you!” she blurted.
“I can see that,” said Bobby.
“I’m sorreeee,” she moaned.
“C’mere,” he said, holding out his arms.
She was almost crying when he enfolded her in his arms.
“Hey,” he said into her hair. “It’s no big deal.”
“Yes it is,” she said into his chest. “I feel like such a fool.”
“You know what your problem is?” he asked.
She could think of a dozen things, but she said “No,” instead.
“You’re all wrapped up with trying to be who you think you’re supposed to be instead of just being yourself.”
“What do you mean?” she asked, still pressing her face to his chest. He smelled good, like ... Bobby.
“Do you like me?” he asked.
“Why are you asking me that?” she moaned.
“See there?” he asked, rubbing her back. “I know you like me, Okay? I know it and you know it, so why can’t you just say it? I’ll tell you why you can’t say it. You think you’re not supposed to like me, am I right?”
“Maybe,” she said softly.
“So, instead of just being yourself and saying ‘Bobby I’m horny, come take care of me, ‘ you play this game of some sort that supposed to make you feel better. But it doesn’t. Am I right about that?”
“Yes,” she said, her voice muffled.
“I’m sorry I got you pregnant, but right now I want you so bad it really hurts. I’m stiff for you. I want to hear you have an orgasm and I want to know I gave it to you.”
“Ohhhhhhh,” she moaned into his chest. No man had ever talked to her like that ... that explicitly. Before, if a man had said something like that she would have slapped him. But now ... it made her panties wet. Well, it would have made her panties wet if she’d been wearing any. She had nothing on under her robe.
“See?” he said. “How hard was that? I just said how I feel. Maybe you’ll be happy about that and maybe you won’t, but at least you know where I’m coming from.”
“Tell me more,” she said, her voice high.
Bobby had felt her relax against him when he told her he wanted her. She hadn’t tensed. He thought about Amanda again, who had wanted him, but couldn’t admit it either. He still couldn’t use ropes on Erica. He thought about her reaction to his words and got an idea. He didn’t know if it would work or not. On the bright side, it wouldn’t take long to find out.
“You want me to tell you what I want to do?” he asked.
That was apparently too direct, because she didn’t answer. She just hugged him harder.
“I want to see your fabulous breasts,” he said. He waited to see if she tensed. When she didn’t, he went further. “They’re the most fabulous breasts I’ve ever seen. I could sleep on them. I want to suck your nipples and listen to you have an orgasm.”
“Mmmmmmm,” she mumbled into his chest.
“And then I want to squeeze them, the way you like it so much, squeezing until you almost scream.”
“Nnnnngg,” she groaned.
“And while you’re cumming, I want to slide my prick into your slick pussy until it comes out your mouth. I want to fuck you, Erica.”
She looked up then. Her eyes were hot.
“Fuck you, Bobby Dalton,” she said, her voice husky. “You bastard. You manage to tear down every wall I build up. Nobody’s ever talked to me like that in my whole life. And what pisses me off the most is that I’m dripping wet right now, because of it. So fuck you, Bobby.”
He picked her up. She squealed and wiggled, but had no chance to escape. He took her to her bedroom and dropped her on the bed.
“If you don’t want that robe torn apart, I suggest you take it off,” he said, unbuttoning is shirt.
“Bobby!” she complained.
“Do you want me?” he asked.
“Yes!“ she screamed. “There! Are you happy now?!”
“Very,” he said. “In fact, you made my day. Now ... I’m going to make yours.”
She barely got her robe off before he was on her like a lion on a lamb. He was rough, but didn’t hurt her. He growled a lot. He practically attacked her breasts, and she squealed as he sucked one nipple and squeezed the other, just like he’d said he wanted to do.
She came within a minute.
He wasn’t finished, though. From there, after her first orgasm, he forced apart legs she tried to keep together and then entered her in one long lunge that took her breath away. Then he pounded her, making her breasts jump and wiggle like Jell-O in an earthquake. He pushed so hard, going in, that she felt herself moving toward the headboard.
Erica found out something else about herself that she hadn’t known.
She liked rough sex.
He was clearly dominating her this time. That was plain to her. But the intensity of his passion, the way he seemed to almost lose control, the fact that she had driven him to this display of raw male sexuality sent streaks of something through her body that felt, amazingly, like power. She had called him and he had come at her call. He was a magnificent male in the prime of his life. He wasn’t with some other female. He had ignored the other women he could have been with and was devoting himself completely to her.
The orgasm she had while thinking these things was only partially physical. Her mind and body had been joined, and her pleasure was exponentially greater.
He seemed to understand how she could both want and resist this domination of her body. After she screamed through that orgasm, he slowed to give her time to breathe, before pressing himself deep and staying there to rotate his loins and make her cum again. In the middle of that orgasm, he spurted in her.
He rolled them, still in her, and held her tight against him as they caught their breath.
“You made a baby in me,” she said into his chest.
“I know,” he said into her hair. “I’m sorry ... but I loved every second of it.”
“I’m going to be a mommy,” she said.
“You’ll be a wonderful mommy,” he said, stroking her back. “I’m proud our daughter will have such a strong mother and good role model.”
She snorted into his chest. “I’m neither strong nor a good role model,” she grated. “I let you get me pregnant and I’m here with you right now. Both of those are because I’m weak.”
“Is being fully a woman weak?” he asked. “I don’t think so. Being a mother is neither easy nor glamorous, but it’s the most important job in the whole world. It takes a real woman ... a strong woman ... to be a good mother. I think you are both.”
“You’re just trying to butter me up so you can fuck me again,” she moaned.
“Based on tonight, I suspect I’ll get to fuck you again anyway,” he said.
She pulled back and looked up at his face. “Sometimes I hate you.”
“I know,” he said. “You’re a little difficult to get along with too, every once in a while.”
When he was hard again, she rode him. She did that languidly, just enjoying the feeling of his hard prick rubbing inside her. She didn’t try to lean forward to get her clit involved. Again, he somehow seemed to know she was just playing and left her nipples alone. That lasted ten minutes, then changed as he started talking again. He reached for her breasts and pushed them together.
“These are the gorgeous breasts that will feed my daughter,” he said. He ran his thumbs over the nipples. “She’ll suck these beautiful nipples and will get delicious milk from them. I will too.”
Erica shuddered. She thought that was just nasty, but it sent a thrill through her too and she sped up unconsciously.
“You’ll do this after she’s born,” he said. “You’ll ride me like this and your nipples will leak and drip warm milk onto my chest. I’ll suck them while you fuck me.”
“Ooooooo,” she moaned, leaning forward.
“Like this,” he said, lifting his head to capture a nipple. He sucked hard.
“I don’t like yoooooou,” she groaned, feeling an orgasm rushing toward her. She leaned forward more and pushed her belly forward so that her clit got involved.
He let go of that nipple and licked the other one.
“And if you’re not on the pill by then,” he said, “I’ll spurt in you and make a little brother for our daughter.”
“I hate you, Bobby Dalton!” she groaned, as the orgasm burst through her loins and made her go rigid.
He rolled and she cried out as the ecstasy she was in the midst of was threatened. But he pushed in deep as she settled onto her back, with his weight pinning her to the bed, and it came back to make her scream again.
“No you don’t,” he breathed into her face.
Then he spurted in her again.
“If you weren’t already pregant,” he whispered, “I’d be trying to make you that way right now.”
When he got up to leave, the next morning, Erica pulled the covers back over her. It was Saturday and she didn’t intend to get out of bed, maybe until after lunch. She had gotten a little sleep ... but only a little. She had also given up trying to pretend she didn’t need Bobby Dalton in her life. He leaned down to kiss her gently, once he was dressed.
“You’re right,” she said into his lips.
“About what?”
“I don’t hate you.”
“I know,” he said.
“Let’s not wait so long until next time,” she suggested.
“How about twice a week?” he asked.
“I think that’s a good plan,” she sighed.
Agatha’s hand was shaking so badly she could barely dial the phone. When the ring sounded in her ear, she felt like she might throw up.
It was him! That deep voice had to be him. She knew there was only one man living out there on that old farm.
“Y-y-yes,” she stuttered.
“M-m-mister Dalton,” she forced out.
“Yes, this is Bobby.”
“M-m-my floor squeaks,” she gasped.
“That’s too bad,” said the calm voice in her ear. “I’m sure that’s very annoying.”
“Can you f-f-fix that?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “It will depend on why it’s creaking and how hard it will be to get access to the underside of the floor.”
“I need ... an estimate!” she barked, finally remembering what she was supposed to say.
“I’d be happy to take a look at it. Who is this?”
Terror gripped her. On pure will power alone she managed to clear her throat and gasp into the phone: “Agatha Roberts.”
“And your address?”
A strange, almost surreal calm descended on Agatha. This was the final step. She’d have to tell the pervert where she lived. But it was all for a good cause. Her voice was surprisingly firm.
“625 Madison,” she said.
“I have some time this afternoon,” he said. “Is that too soon?”
Her calm was instantly displaced, as panic gripped her. Today!? Right now?!
“All right,” her voice cracked.
She’d had to sit down, because her knees wouldn’t support her as she hung up the phone. Then, fearing he might be there any second, she jumped up and ran to her bedroom. She pulled off her dress and got her special dress out of the closet.
She took the time to look in the mirror. She saw a white face, with huge eyes staring back at her, above a plain white bra and the slip. Her hair had a permanent wave in it. All it would need was a quick brushing.
New Year’s Eve of 1976 was celebrated much like it was anywhere else in the country. There were parties and gatherings that weren’t called parties, but which had a party atmosphere to them. One such was at Tilly and Jake Johnson’s house. There were only four people there, the other two being Erica and Will, but it was still a celebration. The kids were in bed, and the TV was on, but turned down. They hadn’t so much eaten a meal as snacked all evening, having a sandwich here, or some chips...
They only worked as long as it took to finish the second frame. Tabitha said she’d come back and help them cover the two new frames with canvas and get the scenes drawn on them. Then, with typical teenage superiority, she said she’d teach them how to paint, if they wanted to learn. Bobby smiled and Erica saw the flush that appeared on Tabitha’s face as she got attention from the man she was almost willing to, “do something stupid with.” On her way home she had a lot to think about. Most of...
Bobby found Tilly and Jake in the hallway. Tilly hugged him. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” she whispered in his ear. “I know,” he whispered back. He pulled away from her and looked at Jake, who looked a little worried. Bobby didn’t think it had anything to do with Tilly hugging him. “So ... this was your idea?” Bobby asked Jake. Jake seemed to give himself a mental shake and looked at Bobby. “Yeah,” he said, his voice a little husky. “I just think it’s time I got out more.” “You...
Erica lay in bed. She wasn’t sleepy and, for once, she wasn’t horny. She had gotten up and just left her brother. His last word: “Please!“ rang in her head. Her mind had calmed, while she lay there, unable to sleep, still in her robe. Her anger had faded to a dull ache that, while she didn’t realize it, was associated with her general wish that things hadn’t happened the way they had. It wasn’t just her brother. She wished her parents hadn’t died. She wished Billy - Will, she reminded...
Two hours later, Erica Bradford felt much better about some things ... and much worse about others. She felt better, because he was saying things were possible. She felt worse, because she didn’t understand half of what he was saying. Sitting with him and going over the set notes had revealed that she knew even less about building things than she’d thought. Luckily, the jock had a brain in his head that was bigger than the walnut size she had assumed. First of all, he seemed to be able to...
Instead of starting to work immediately, Bobby quit looking at the wood and turned his eyes on her. “That’s a winter coverall,” he said. “Well, of course,” she said. “It’s winter.” “But we’re working inside. That’s going to get awfully warm.” “I’ll be fine, thank you,” she said, peevishly. “Let’s get to work. I don’t want to spend all day here.” “Okay. I thought we’d start with the trees for the mist,” said Bobby. “That will teach you how to do miters and joinery, and help you understand...
The aftermath of the night that changed everything for both Erica and Will Bradford was surprisingly anticlimactic for both of them. Bobby was gone when Christy pushed Will up the ramp and into the house. Will was nervous, but his sister smiled tentatively at him and welcomed Christy, who didn’t stay long since Jillian was in the car. Both siblings were feeling similar things. Both felt desirable and like there was a new kind of hope in their lives. For Will, that hope was for a continuing...
Will sat stiffly in his seat. He wasn’t sure it had been a good idea at all to go with Christy. He felt a little like he’d been ambushed, though it didn’t bring the fear and helpless feeling he usually associated with that concept. She had sat beside him during the whole show, and had leaned toward him a number of times to make a soft comment about a scene or performance. At intermission she had brought back a plate of cookies, and had asked him if he needed to be pushed anywhere. He knew she...
Erica had never kissed Will. Not really. Not in the sense that most people think of a sexual kiss. Their lips had touched, but the tight skin that formed the left side of his lips wasn’t flexible enough to let him actually purse them. And, of course, she had never made out with a boy before. She had kissed her parents on the cheek, and had received similar kisses. She knew what her lips felt like when that had happened, so she just tried to kiss Bobby’s cheek ... on his lips. So basically,...
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Bobby had to drive, of course. He was responsible for the car, and Erica probably couldn’t have driven anyway, in the condition she was in. She sat stiffly in the passenger seat, still in shock, and paying no attention to William, who was in the back seat. Bobby felt compelled, therefore, to ... chat. Over the hour and fifteen minutes it took them to get out of the airport and to Erica’s driveway, Bobby learned quite a bit about William Bradford. He preferred “Will” to “William.” He wasn’t...
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nota dell'autore: Questa ? la prima storia che scrivo in Italiano. Spero vi piaccia. Tutti i diritti riservati (C) Shiraz Derwine. Sono vietate la copia e riproduzione per qualunque fine al di fuori di FictionMania o dove non espressamente autorizzata dall'autore. All rights reserved (C) Shiraz Derwine. -------------------------- Io, la spiaggia, ed Erica. -------------------------- Il piano era preciso: Maturit? e poi tre mesi di vacanza al mare lontano da pensieri, genitori, libri ...
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This is the second and final part of Me, the beach, and Erica All rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. A version of this story in Italian is available on FictionMania ------------ Continuing from part 1 ------------ The start of the following day looked a lot less interesting. I kept on my bra and Brazilian as I ate breakfast, I then changed into the...
[A direct sequel to ‘Dress Off: Sasha vs. Tara’, as we learn more about the new career of Stacey Shackleton.] The black Volvo had now been parked outside the main administration building of the community college for a solid hour and a half, the steady rain outside seeming to go from vertical to horizontal as the wind worked its way along the spectrum from playful zephyr to pre-cursor for a gale. Inside the waiting car, a man and a woman were also speeding along their own spectrum. They’d...
ExhibitionismMoaning loudly as the jetting water frigged her clit, Erica brought up her left leg to rest it on the edge of the bathtub rim, and spread her fleshy pink cunt lips apart so she could jam two fingers into her moist kitty. As Erica fucked her horny pussy with her fingers, she kept reciting over and over in her head that tonight was all for David, and the love they shared. But way back in the darkest recesses of her mind she knew that there was a part of her that wanted what would be...
I was home alone playing my favorite video game when I heard the front door slam shut. I knew something was wrong because Erica had classes the whole afternoon and Angela was at cheer-leading practice. A moment later I saw Erica rush past my door. Concerned I followed her and found her lying on her bed crying into her pillow.Over the last few weeks Erica and I had masturbated together a number of times, either after school or late at night once Mom was in bed. It was not as steamy as the...
IncestMy name is Erin. I graduated from high school a few days ago. My final semester was full of class projects. But my most challenging and rewarding semester project has been the gradual corrupting of my best school girlfriend Erica. In the BeginningI've known Erica for as long as i can remember. We live only a few blocks away and we have been going to class together since elementary school. Physically, Erica is a stunner. 5 foot 8 inches, long blonde hair, deep blue eyes, a very fresh and cute...
Introduction: impromptu toying and anal fun Mf, anal, oral, incest, vegetables Erica, Ranch Wife, Ch 7, cucumber incident Yes, shes 14 now. Consider it a flashback or STFU. Erica carefully guided the big dually pickup through the parking lot and into the drive-through lane. She had been wanting to drive the previous summers here. Now at 14, she wasnt the youngest driver on the road, especially in farm and ranch country. Erica had never driven so much as a go-cart until she got to me. Big...
Erica, Ranch Wife, Ch 7, cucumber incident Yes, she's 14 now. Consider it a flashback or STFU. Erica carefully guided the big dually pickup through the parking lot and into the drive-through lane. She had been wanting to drive the previous summers here. Now at 14, she wasn't the youngest driver on the road, especially in farm and ranch country. Erica had never driven so much as a go-cart until she got to me. Big city life had her well adept at hailing taxi's and hiring cars. That's...
Erica opened the car door and carefully stepped out, stretching as she gently closed the car door. She shook her now shoulder length blonde hair, seeing Liam smile in response. He then opened his own door, and looked around for the machine so he could pay is parking fee. Spinning, he finally found it, about 5 cars down the road. Flashing his smile in Erica’s direction, he said, “be right back”. Erica gazed at him as he was walking, enjoying the view. He was wearing a light pink collared shirt...
Love StoriesDear all, I love ISS site since from lost 9 year I am reading all story, here I could like write my own experience as a gigolo guy Please send your feedback and valuable though to my mail I’d and if any one want to chat mail me Story started like this Myself rahul from hubli working in hubli only, alone guy getting life bore so I started time pass along with work usually free time or weekend I ll be busy with my laptop while searching something I came to know gigolo world In gigolo world one...
Kimberly Reed silently raged against her own stupidity as the voice in her earpiece finished breaking the news of Erica’s first success. She’d probably walked past the book fifteen times already, as she completed circuit after circuit of the floor, futilely waiting for some inspiration to strike. And now that damn bitch was back on level terms with her. As the buttons quietly dropped from Kimberly’s blouse, her blue brassiere and sumptuous cleavage hovered into view for the benefit of anyone...
ExhibitionismANNA AND ERICA (a Lesbian tale)Moscow was bitterly cold and windy. Erica could have chosen a nicer evening but no, she had no choice. Her cover was less and less credible to the authorities and she had to leave by the night train. She was hoping to see Anna one last time before she left. Erica hadn’t seen the Russian since that time in the club. The Embassy had ordered her back to the US. Maybe she would get a chance to come back and convince Anna to join her. This is a summary of the short but...
Erica was a chubby sexy slut who lived in a small town. In high school she was skinny and quite promiscuous. 10 years after high school she has been through bad relationships. After a while she grew a few pounds but that didn’t stop guys from wanting to titty fuck her or get a great blow job from her. Erica was about five foot three and had really big tits. She was chubby but fit her curves well. She had a decent sized ass. Her eyes were so incredibly sexy and she has a “fuck me face” that you...
Group SexAUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...
RAPING ERICA There was an email for Laura the next day, a Sunday. She read it with her tits bared for the webcam, her nipples still connected by her painful chain, the rest of her body naked. === To: Cow Udders From: You-Know-Who Your friend Michael is coming round today to check on his "investment". You have a special mission. (1) Get Michael to fuck your bitch girlfriend Erica in the cunt, unprotected, and ejaculate. (2) Erica must not consent, and you can't give her any of your...
It never rains but it pours mused Erica as her phone rang. She was hot, flustered, in a rush, dirty and driving but she knew she needed to answer it. She pulled into the nearest parking space which was a handy parking lot, that was beside a neighbourhood store. It was her husband, frantic to do well in his newly promoted job. He'd left a document in the boot of her car and needed to check the date on it. She slid out of the car and checked the date for him before he ended the call. As she stood...
Erica woke up and looked to her right. She smiled as she saw Liam, still sleeping on the bed where he had flopped after their love making in the morning. “Poor guy” she murmured, reaching over to stroke his leg. He was completely naked, and she reached over and grabbed his cock, lightly touching the head with the tip of her finger. Pausing, she tapped his cock again with her finger, then clutched it with just the tips off all her fingers, and started moving her hand up and down his cock, softly...
Love StoriesAll rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. A version of this story in Italian is available on FictionMania -------------- Me, the beach, and Erica -------------- My plan was as simple: Graduate from high school and then do three Summer months at the seaside far from worries, parents, books, and problems. I spent my whole last year of school just imagining how...
Introduction: not exactly in order, let me know if you want more or the gaps in the timeline filled in. Erica at 14, Ranch wife I was excited in several senses of the word. My niece Erica was going to stay with me for an indefinite time. I live alone on 110 acres of prime horse prairie in Wyoming, the company would be good. The best. Erica has stayed the summer several times since she was a teenager. Now, with her having graduated High School a year and a half early, she had time to kill and...
Introduction: a little harder than normal, might not be for all tastes I think I want a tattoo, Erica said. I dont fucking think so I replied. She looked hurt. Why she asked. Well, I didnt mean it THAT way, I just think you should wait until youre older. I said. I dont see why, Im learning to drive, I can cook and sew, I have a BOYFRIEND…That I have SEX with… lots and lots of SEX with… she said teasingly. With that she sat next to me at the desk and slid her hand onto my leg and grasped...
“It was a male blitzkrieg. Its Erica’s bukake moment. The spasmed sperm splash of every wanking and jerking Tom, Dick and Harry from the choir…plus a Mark and a Will… and her personal black skinned arse delighter…”Bernard really ought to give up smoking was Erica’s thought as she diverged from Chas and Beth in the vestibule. She had time to find the St Xavier’s Senior Male Choir before her own practice.....Her morning had been really pleasant, spent with Meredith. A senior dorm girl who had...
I was excited in several senses of the word. My niece Erica was going to stay with me for an indefinite time. I live alone on 110 acres of prime horse prairie in Wyoming, the company would be good. The best. Erica has stayed the summer several times since she was a teenager. Now, with her having graduated High School a year and a half early, she had time to kill and bugged her parents until they let her come back. There was no plan on when this would end. All of her previous trips were...
"I don't fucking think so" I replied. She looked hurt. "Why" she asked. "Well, I didn't mean it THAT way, I just think you should wait until you're older". I said. "I don't see why, I'm learning to drive, I can cook and sew, I have a BOYFRIEND...That I have SEX with... lots and lots of SEX with..." she said teasingly. With that she sat next to me at the desk and slid her hand onto my leg and grasped my cock through my jeans. "So, you want to play ? I asked. "No,...