Runner's MoonChapter 2 free porn video

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Walt had been rather cryptic in his comment about Josh's mother; he couldn't have said much more, what with Chris and Danny sitting there. But, Josh pretty well knew what he was talking about, and he had plenty of time to think about it as he and Danny ran K-Pit down to Camden. It wasn't anything new, after all.

Simply put, Sarah Archer didn't want her son to be a railroader. She wanted him to go to college, and make something of himself. He and Walt had been able to sell her on the notion that the railroading was only going to be temporary, so he could build up savings to go to college, and he'd spent very little of what he'd made since he'd started on the C&SL almost four years ago. He had bought a newer, but still used, pickup truck to replace his aging Chevette he'd driven around high school, and spent some money on the dogs, but really, they weren't all that expensive. He had a pretty damn good bank account, and by the time this summer was over with, he really would have enough money to start college.

But why?

Sarah had been proud of John, her older son. He'd gone to college, made something of himself, and was a junior CPA, working down in Camden. That was fine, Josh thought, if that was what he'd wanted, but he'd been in John's little office cubicle down in Camden, with no view of the sun, no view of the outside, no view of anything but a computer screen and tons upon tons of incomprehensible numbers, and nothing much to look forward to besides more numbers for year upon endless year. When Josh had walked out of the building, he'd been grateful for the deep breath of fresh air.

But, John was making good money, Sarah never failed to point out. Of course, with a wife, a kid, and another on the way, he was strapped as anyone else. Josh did a little math in his head. He wasn't making the same kind of money his dad was, of course, because his dad had all that seniority, but by the time you added the new base pay, plus the overtime, plus the unemployment in the winter together, he was going to be making better money than John. And that didn't even mention the four months of more or less free time in the winter, compared to John's two weeks of vacation that was difficult to take more than a day or two at a time since accounts continued to demand his attention.

No matter how you cut it, he had a better deal than John, without a minute of college, unless you considered the maintainer's school down in LaGrange as college, which his mother wouldn't. There'd been trouble over that, too, but since Bud had been paying for it and paying his wages, besides, the income in the winter had balanced that off. He figured that John would probably pull back ahead of him in salary, at least in raw numbers, but at what cost? A more expensive lifestyle, but one that didn't include the open air, the woods, the feeling of actually doing something, the freedom? Josh knew he was lucky to fall into this by accident, nearly four years ago, but now that he had literally put a life that he liked together, why give it up for one that he'd hate? Screw college, even if it meant being able to screw Amy again, which it probably wouldn't. It wasn't an option worth considering.

But his mother would never understand that, ever. As far as she was concerned, if you went to college, you were a success. If you didn't, you weren't. Josh and his dad might be able to string her along for the rest of the summer, but that string was wearing mighty thin. Sooner or later, there was going to be a blowup, and living at home was going to be pure hell.

Then there was the dogs. They'd strung that out about as far as it would go, and then some. Back in the days when it had been only the five dogs he'd gotten from Woody, it had been easy. Even training them had only involved a couple hours a day, a few days a week, and everybody else was out screwing around with dogs at the same time, so it had been an extension of the summer before. But more dogs had meant more training, more time, and it was getting harder and harder to do, and yet, if there were any hopes of being competitive again, it would take more dogs, not less, more time, not less, and he was already getting enough flak from her about the amount of time he spent messing around with the dogs.

And, to be fair, he was near the limits of what he felt he could ask from Mark, who had a hell of a lot of dogs out in back of his house.

The simple answer, he realized, was to get his own place, and that would be possible, now. That would be an utter admission to his mother that he was going to stay with railroading, but she was going to figure that out sooner or later, anyway. Maybe a little cabin out in the woods, where he could keep the dogs without any neighbors to bother, someplace where there was room enough to train them. It couldn't be a rental, of course, not with the dogs, but his bank account could stand a pretty healthy down payment. It couldn't be real far back in the woods, of course; he'd have to be close enough to go to work without taking a lot of time.

It seemed like the logical thing to do. He glanced at his watch. B-Pit was supposed to tie up in Spearfish Lake an hour before K-Pit, after their loaded run down from Big Pit west of Walsenberg, but if his dad ran late, he might get a chance to bounce the idea off of him privately, before they got home. If not, he'd find some sort of excuse to get his dad out of the house alone this evening.

Any hope of B-Pit running late was largely futile, of course; unless something broke on the older engines, and it rarely did, thanks to ongoing good maintenance, it ran on time. By the time Josh and Danny tied up on Track 2, the two GP-9s sitting next to them on Track 1 were quiet, and even the office was empty. Even though SLLT was called for 1800, it had already left. Josh knew that if John had the SLCR run ready to hand off, Bud liked to leave as soon as B-Pit had tied up; the earlier he could leave, the earlier he could get back. It was still going to be midnight, or later, before he could tie SLLT up for the day.

They shut down the SD-38s, set the brakes, and called it a day. "See you tomorrow," Josh called to Danny as he got in his pickup truck. Everything had gone pretty close to all right. They'd had to hold up a few minutes for John and Herm in SLCR, doing some switching down near Moffat, but that had been anticipated, and worked out on the radio even before leaving Spearfish Lake for the second half of the day. He couldn't complain; if you took out the few minutes of planned holdup, he'd run right on time, and the system was designed so that there was some slack for unanticipated things happening. If something major slowed things up so they'd hit the 12-hour DOT limit and have to tie up out in the boonies somewhere, then the whole system for the next day would get screwed up, and nobody would be happy. It usually happened two or three times a summer, usually due to mechanicals, and it sometimes took days to get everything back in working order.

But, neither Walt nor Sarah were home when Josh got there; there was a note: "Gone to Ed and Jill's for dinner and cards. There's leftovers you can microwave." It was a little disappointing; he'd liked to have shared the victory of the day, but he knew that his Dad knew that it would have to be minimized around the house, lest it cause problems. That would just make things worse.

Josh gave some thought to hopping back in the truck, and running out to the Spearfish Lake Inn -- the big motel out on the highway, not the Spearfish Lake Cafe, where he'd had lunch. They had some great steaks, and he really wasn't in the mood for leftovers. A steak would be appropriate for a day like today, but he realized he'd better get a shower before he headed out to the Inn; though better than in the steam days, fifty and more years before, railroading could still be a dirty job. He really wasn't that bad, but he felt dirty and sweaty after the hot afternoon, so went up and took a shower.

He was just pulling on underwear when the phone went off. He thought about letting it go; probably a sales call, at this hour. But, you never knew; he headed downstairs to answer it.

It wasn't a sales call. It was Dennis Bergen, a guy he'd helped get started with dogsleds the previous summer. He had a pretty good team; he'd finished fourth in the Warsaw Run last winter. "Jesus, God, Josh, I'm glad I caught you home," he said in a panicked voice. "I've got trouble, big time. Look, I gotta get rid of the team, right now."

"What the hell?" Josh asked.

"Amanda's on the warpath." He sounded frantic. "Says I gotta get rid of the team, the sled, the doghouses, everything, right now, or she'll leave me. She's ready to do it. Look, I don't care if I gotta give them away for nothing, they've got to be out of here tonight."

"Give me a second," Josh said, thinking furiously. Bergen had a couple of pretty good dogs, and five more that might or not be worth the effort, although the whole team had finished the Warsaw Run better than he had. And, he had a brand-new Tim White racing sled, a thousand dollars worth of plastic hotrod that had barely been used. What the hell, someone could use the dogs, even if he couldn't; he wouldn't have trouble getting rid of them. And, the sled was a deal. "A hundred bucks sound fair?" he said. "I think I've got that much cash in my wallet."

"A hundred bucks beats the living hell out of shooting them, which is what she says she's gonna do if you don't get over here," Bergen said, obviously worried but a bit relieved.

"Tell her I'm on my way," Josh said. "I gotta get some clothes on and get the dog box on the truck, so it's a half hour or so."

There was some talking in the background -- well, yelling was part of it. The words were muffled, but the emotion was clear. Bergen came back on the line. "Make it as quick as you can, Josh." The phone went dead in his ear.

It was quicker to pull on his dirty work clothes, rather than put on clean ones. In only a couple minutes, he was out in the truck, backing it up to the dog box. He'd built the dog box right after he'd gotten the truck, which was shortly after he'd gotten the team from Woody. It wasn't the sort of thing that he'd wanted to have on the back of the truck all the time; built rather crudely with reject waferboard from the plywood plant, it was rather ugly, but it had compartments for ten dogs. It had taken both this dog box and Mark's, with some dogs doubled up, to get to the various races they'd been to the past two winters. It sat on a rack alongside the garage, so he could back the truck up under the end of it, and slide it onto the sides. Four clamps held it into place. When he wanted to use the dog box, he could have it on the truck in ten minutes, and that was about what he managed. At the last instant, he decided he'd better throw in a couple of coils of rope from the garage, to tie down the sled, if nothing else.

It was several minutes drive over to Bergen's house. It was a damn shame, Josh thought. Bergen had only been into dogsleds for a year, but he'd had a pretty good year, with what Josh thought was a rather mediocre team, except for those two really good dogs. He'd been into it seriously, and it seemed like he was well on his way to having one of the better teams in the area. Now, this. Was a woman worth it?

Bergen was standing out in the dog lot, petting his leader, Magic, tears running down his eyes. Magic had never struck Josh as a particularly good leader, but the two obviously had a bond. This had to hurt. He'd try to make it as painless as possible.

"Thank God you're here," he said. "Amanda said she was going to shoot them if you didn't get here pretty quick. She was all set. I took this off of her," he said, holding a chrome-plated .22 revolver.

God knew what had set her off, but this had the potential for trouble. Josh would have been happier if he'd called one of the local cops, but there might not be time for that, now. The first thing to do was to get the dogs into the dog box, to get them out of sight, if nothing else. "Look," he told Bergen in a low voice as they loaded dogs. "Mark is going to flip when I show up. I'm not going to be able to hold onto all of them, but I'll at least keep Magic for you if Amanda will ever let you have her back."

"Not much chance of that," Bergen said, tears still rolling. "But thanks, anyway."

They worked quickly, loading the doghouses on top of the dog box. There were boxes of other things -- harnesses, good ones at that, ganglines, other gear, dog food, quite a bit of it. There was even a box of books. Laying on top was George Attla's "Everything I Know About Training And Racing Sled Dogs." Josh had wanted to even read a copy of that for a couple of years, but hadn't been able to find one. Though rushed, he pawed through the stack for a moment -- this was quite a collection. Hudson Stuck's "Ten Thousand Miles By Dog Sled," Lawrence Gould's "Cold," Admiral Byrd's "Discovery". An awesome collection of pretty rare books, just from those few titles, and more besides. "Sure you don't want to keep these?" Josh asked.

Bergen shook his head. "It'll just hurt too much to look at them."

"Look, Dennis," Josh said. "I know it doesn't seem possible now, but if you ever can get back into this, I owe you. I'll just keep these for you."

"Thanks, Josh," he replied, a little more sober, now. "It probably won't happen, but thanks, anyway."

Last to go was the little White racing sled. The only place for it was to have it balanced precariously on the open tailgate, tied on with one of the ropes he'd brought. Even so, things were loose; he'd have to drive carefully.

Josh finished tying the sled and doghouses down, while Bergen stood at the side of the truck, out of sight of the house, giving Magic one last pet. "I better get out of here," Josh said, reaching for his wallet. "Maybe things will cool down when I'm gone."

Bergen waved the money away. "Look, just be good to them, find good homes for them if you can't keep them, that's all I ask. Take this with you," he said, handing Josh the revolver. "At least it won't be around the house." He gave Magic one last pet, and the tears started rolling again.

Josh drove gingerly down the street until he was out of sight of Bergen's house, then stopped to tighten up the ropes. He'd done a hurried, half-assed job, and the last stretch into Mark's house -- well, they didn't call it "Busted Axle Road" for nothing. As he got back into the truck, he saw the revolver laying on the seat, and all of a sudden realized what had been going on. If Amanda had found another gun while they were loading up ... it was enough to give him a major case of the shakes. It had to have been even worse than he'd thought. Why in hell would a man want to put up with a woman like that?

He took his time getting out to Mark's house, partly because of the load, and partly because he was trying to figure out how he was going to break it to Mark that there were going to be seven more dogs out by the airstrip.

There were several vehicles sitting in the yard when Josh got there. Mike's minivan, but that wasn't anything new, but a strange pickup was there, too. Josh saw the Siberian Husky head logo on the door of the pickup, and knew that it had to be Greg Mears'. That's all he needed tonight, another dogsled association hassle.

Mark, Jackie, Mike and Greg were sitting out in the lawn chairs as he pulled up, each holding beers. Greg's other hobby, in addition to Siberian Huskies and dog association politics, was beer -- not knocking back the Bud Lights, but exotic, imported beers, drunk in moderation with the taste of the conniseur. He'd never heard of anything that Greg drank.

"What the hell is this?" Mark called at the sight of Josh's truck.

"Trouble, with a capital T," Josh replied, trying to keep it light, "Which rhymes with B, which stands for Amanda Bergen."

Jackie shook her head. "I knew it was going to come to this some day."

"Worse than that," Josh said, holding up the revolver as he got out of the truck. "He took this off of her. He gave it to me, since he didn't want it around the house."

"What are you going to do?" Mark asked.

Josh shook his head. "Well, actually, I think that for a few days, I'm just going to feed 'em, and see if it blows over, and he wants the dogs back."

"If it got that far, it probably won't," Mike commented.

"Well, if it doesn't," Josh said. "There are two or three good dogs here. I've got several of my own I wouldn't mind trading off. Maybe if we wind up having to go to ten dogs for the Warsaw Run, I can trade two or three for one."

"That's what we were talking about," Greg said. "We are and we aren't. Let's get those dogs off the truck, and then I'll tell you about it."

With the five of them, it didn't take long to get the dogs off the truck, and tied out on chains, although better picket posts were going to have to be put in at the first opportunity. They unloaded the White sled, and the other gear from the truck, and stored it in the corner of the shop that Mark used for dogsled gear; Josh snagged the Attla book, and threw it on the seat of the truck, wanting to read it as soon as he could find the time; if Dennis decided he wanted his dogs back, he might not get another chance. "Jesus, what a day," he said as they finished up. "First, Bud surprises me, puts me on the engineer roster, and tells me I'm going to be running K-Pit the rest of the summer, and now this."

"He's got you running K-Pit?" Jackie said, surprised. "Who's braking?"

"Danny Evachevski."

"With the 38s?" Jackie knew what that meant, if no one else did. After all, she was Josh's half-sister, and had grown up with railroads almost as much as he had.

"Sure enough," he said proudly.

"Well, congratulations," Jackie said. "I remember when Dad went to engine service full time. That was when he was back with the Dirty and Old, of course, and I was pretty little, but that was a major big deal."

With the dogs staked out, the four went back up to the lawn chairs behind Mark's back porch. Greg stopped by the cooler in the back of his truck, and brought a dark brown bottle, handing it to Josh. "I take it congratulations are in order," he said. "Here's something to celebrate with."

Josh glanced at the bottle; a nondescript brown label said, "Bell's Ale." It even had an old-fashioned crimp top; Jackie handed him an opener, and he popped the top and took a swig. It was about as far from Bud Light as you could get, sort of sweetish, tasting a little of caramel. "Ye, gods, that's rich," he told Greg.

"Imported all the way from Kalamazoo," Greg said. "They make a nice little ale, though."

"Greg, where do you find all this stuff?" Mark asked.

"Oh, it shows up here and there, and I get it when I can," Greg said mysteriously. "Josh, I take it this is a big deal for you?"

"Yeah, it is," Josh said. He spent a couple minutes explaining, though much of the explaination was lost on all but Jackie, except for the summary: "What it means is that I have a good-paying job that's not going away on me, and plenty of time in the winters. The responsibility is awesome, and I'm having a little trouble realizing just how much faith Bud has in me to give it to me."

"He put it in the right place," Greg said. "I've seen how you are with dogs. If you handle trains the same way, you won't have any trouble."

"Well, I just hope it works out," Josh said. "It's going to be a busy summer."

"You'll do fine," Mike said. He'd been ten years older before George Webb had given him a comparable level of responsibility, and it wasn't the same kind of thing.

"Jackie, could I trouble you for a sandwich or something?" Josh asked. "I hadn't had a chance to eat anything when Dennis called, and if I don't eat something, this beer of Greg's is going to knock me on my butt."

"Sure, what kind of sandwich?"

"Anything on anything."

"I think I can manage that," she said, getting up from her chair.

Josh leaned back. Though he'd managed to keep it muted all day, the excitement of being turned loose with the SD-38s had taken a chunk out of him. Then, the adreneline rush when he'd realized the danger he'd been in at Bergen's. He hadn't noticed it at the time, but the more he thought about it the harder it hit him. Wouldn't that have been a bitch, to get shot on the same day he made the engineer roster? Now, Greg's beer on an empty stomach had just about used up his reserves. Thinking about something else wouldn't hurt. "So, what's the deal on ten dogs?" he asked.

"I was just getting started, so I'll take it from the top," Greg said.

He didn't actually start at the beginning, but Josh knew what had gone before. The big problem, always the big problem, was people like Kathy Webb, who knew nothing about dogsledding, assumed they knew everything, and were unwilling to learn from what they saw in front of them. In fact, she was a relatively minor problem. Though it hadn't happened to them, there had been court cases elsewhere where people had tried to stop dogsled races, have the local humane societies impound the animals, on the grounds that the mushers had been cruel to their dogs. Anyone who had ever seen racing mushers work and train their dogs knew that they were being anything but cruel.

Mark and Mike had taken some of that sort of heat, but working almost entirely with dogs rescued from the dog pound, they had built successful teams. Four of Mike's dogs, including his smart little leader, Ringo, had been less than an hour from being gassed when he'd rescued them. George, Tiffany's great leader, probably wouldn't have lasted another two days. The dogs were well-fed, exercised, and carefully cared for, and no matter how much anyone had complained, Mark and Mike figured that beat a gas chamber, any day. The local dog pounds and humane societies generally agreed, and by now had a list of people to call if a dog with team potential showed up.

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Runner Girl Ch 10

Amy sat on the floor between John’s knees watching TV as he played with her hair. ‘I can’t believe you have to work on Thanksgiving,’ she said. ‘I don’t have to, sweetheart, I want to. It’s business as usual in the UK, and I get out of visiting my family.’ ‘I thought you said you love your sisters.’ Amy turned and met his eyes. ‘Don’t you want to see them?’ John laughed, ‘Of course I do, just not on holidays. They’ve all moved to different cities and if I visit one, the other two get their...

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Runner Girl Ch 07

Amy and Tracy sat whispering on John’s couch, while the men worked in the kitchen. ‘I’m still getting over the shock of this place,’ Amy whispered to her friend. ‘I know,’ Tracy agreed. ‘I can fit my apartment in her about five times.’ ‘At least as many for me,’ Amy laughed. ‘So it looks like William’s super comfortable in the kitchen? And John’s being a good sport?’ ‘He’s trying to impress you,’ Tracy winked. ‘Little late for that. I’m officially smitten.’ Tracy sipped the wine she held...

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Runner Girl Ch 04

John was in deep. Slinging one of her legs over his shoulder, he plunged his cock even deeper and watched her face intently as her eyes bulged with each thrust. ‘Oh my god, you feel huge like this,’ she moaned loudly, ‘You’re gonna make me cum!’ Her tits bounced with each rapid plunge and he watched as her French-manicured fingertips rubbed a circle around her clit. Her precious dirty little mouth formed a perfect ‘O’ as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her body trembled visibly while her...

2 years ago
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I watched her run, her hair in a long pony tail, as it swished in time with her long strides. Long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride. Five minutes before they’d been wrapped round my back. This affair, this zipless fuck, had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn’t know her name, still never saw her at any other time and I still didn’t know where she lived… o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at the weekend. Time to be...

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Introduction: This is my first story and I would love to hear your comments! I was running… all I can do now is run. I hear his footsteps fallowing me. I try to scream but Im too scared. I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back...

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Runners dilemma

Why? I can’t say. I don’t know why. But I what I did and I don’t regret it a bit. I run with a co-ed club. It’s a fun bunch, some fast, some less so. We finished our run and everyone was standing around chatting, stretching and cooling off. And it was hot. Too hot. My shorts and tank top were soaked with perspiration. I tried toweling off to no avail. The idea of getting into my car, literally dripping with sweat, saturating my leather seats, was not appealing.I parked in the far corner of the...

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RunnerChapter 3

Ocala Florida 4:13 pm Marylyn I looked in fear, as the man tightened his finger on the trigger. Then I snapped out, "You kill me, and you will have every cop in the country after your ass. I'm a Federal Judge, and you have been photographed holding the weapon on me." "What you mean, photographed," the man asked as he looked around nervously. Raising my hand I pointed at the camera on the bank and then at the one on the light pole for the intersection and said, "Firstly, there is...

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RunnerChapter 4

USS Alabama, Mobil Bay, Alabama 7:20 AM Mathew We walked through the gift shop, and went to the snack bar. The girl behind the counter came over and asked what we wanted. We all had scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. I paid the bill, and we took our coffees to the table. A few minutes after we sat down the lady behind the counter called me. I went over and picked up the tray of food. Carrying it back, I set it down and passed the plates around to everyone. We ate our breakfast...

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RunnerChapter 5

Beaumont, Mississippi; 2:35 PM CodieAnn I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned, leveled the pistol, and fired. My bullets caught Teddy right in his chest, and he staggered back. I quickly fired twice more, and he flipped over the rail. I walked over and looked down at Teddy and saw he was still alive. With a snarl, I remembered all the rapes he had done to me and Katie, and I fired twice more. His body jumped twice as the rounds hit him. I snarled out at him, "That's for...

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RunnerChapter 6

4:30 AM Pakistan, Skyang Kangri Mountain: Ali Mohammed: High up on Skyang Kangri a small lab was buried deep in the Western flank of the mountain, protected by elements of the Elite anti-terrorism units of the Pakistan military. They were protecting dozens of the most highly respected microbiologist who worked for the government of Pakistan as they developed a new biological weapon. Snow was falling high in the mountains as I entered the base and walked past the security. I showed them my...

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RunnerChapter 7

9:30 AM Arkansas, Entrance to the Crater of Diamonds State Park: Matt: I cursed as the SUV almost made me crash. I watched as the teenagers screamed out the windows, waving beer cans. One even threw one at me, and I watched the spray hit the windshield as I straightened out the RV. The SUV overcorrected and I watched in horror as it went off the side of the road and into the gully that ran the length of the road. "Fucking idiots!" I said as I applied the brakes and stopped near the...

2 years ago
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RunnerChapter 8

11:45 PM: Bella Vista, Arkansas: Ana: I just pulled my panties and shorts down when I heard someone yelling at the teller out in the store. "Give me the fucking money, or I will blow you away, you old hag! Check the bathrooms!" I quickly pulled up my shorts up and picked up my purse. I stepped up on the toilet and waited. I heard the men's bathroom door being kicked in and then the women's. I was crouched there shaking as I pulled my pistol out when I heard several gunshots and a...

4 years ago
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RunnerChapter 9

9:11 PM: Cheyenne, Wyoming: Matt: I ran over to the KFC to get dinner with Marybeth. I ordered two bucket-meals with multiple side orders for all of us. While we were over at KFC, the girls had run into Wal-Mart and picked up a few items. I felt my cell phone buzz in my pocket as I paid the bill, and we carried the food back to the RV. We enjoyed a good meal, and I booted up the laptop. I brought up the news and started checking to see what we had missed in the last few days. We watched...

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RunnerChapter 10

09:01 AM Laramie, Wyoming Matt We watched as the eight four month old Saint Bernard puppies buried Beth under their massive bodies. They were licking her all over, and had her giggling as she tried to recover from their assault. "What's going on, Matt?" Judy asked as she watched the fifteen year old being licked to death. Beth was being licked from all directions and didn't know where to turn to first, until the largest laid down on her belly. "Getting Mary her final birthday...

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RunnerChapter 11

05:50 AM: Matt: I woke up just before six am and looked at Judy sleeping. Ana was behind her, and had her arm draped over Judy's side. She was cupping Judy's left breast and gently massaging it in her sleep. With a smile I leaned down and kissed both of them gently on their noses until they woke up. Slipping out of bed, I saw Cyclone and Henrietta waiting for me. I petted them, and started to lead them out of the room when Henrietta jumped up on the bed and lay down beside Judy. She...

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RunnerChapter 12

07:30 PM Matt I lay there gasping in pain. The burning between my legs made me afraid to look, but I finally had to. Looking down, I saw a bloody furrows on my inner thighs. Checking the wounds I realized they weren't major because they had missed the arteries that ran on the inside of the thigh. I sighed out in relief. The bullets had also missed my nuts which was another good thing. They had only ripped through my pants and the inseam of my legs. The wounds were bloody, but not life...

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RunnerChapter 14 Death and Plague

09:19 AM: Matt: I hit the ground and rolled, the dog flipped over me, but didn't let go of my arm. Rolling and kicking at the dog, I noticed it was a German Shepard, and was wearing a badge on its collar. It was growling as it chewed the right sleeve of my parka. "Let go you SON-OF-A-BITCH!" I screamed as my foot smashed into its chest. The dog yelped but continued to try and get through my sleeve to get to the flesh inside. I could hear gunfire from behind me as John fired at the...

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RunnerChapter 15

05:42 PM: Matthew: "What?" I said as I looked at Anastasia and CodieAnn. "Over here," Beth said and we looked into the den. The floor was covered with plastic, and sheets were hung, making two enclosed partitions. Stepping into the first room, I saw a chair with a robe draped over the back. Before I could say or do anything, Marybeth stepped in, and started working on the straps on my backpack. I was so cold, that I was trying to get my gloves off and Mary grabbed them. With a quick...

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RunnerChapter 16

Lodge, near Driggs 8:45 PM: Mathew: I grabbed my shotgun with my right hand, as my left grabbed Anastasia's arm as the door was pushed open. With a yank of my arm, she went stumbling into Regina who was pulling out her pistol. The shotgun came up and I fired as the barrel of a rifle pushed through the opening. The steel pellets ripped through the thin door and the gun was withdrawn as I snapped out, "Everyone down!" Everyone started hitting the floor as an automatic rifle opened up from...

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RunnerChapter 17

Early Christmas Morning: Mathew: I lay there in bed watching my girls sleep. Looking at the clock, I saw it was five-twelve in the morning. Slipping Beth off of me, I slid out of bed and went to the bathroom while the girls cuddled closer together. After taking a piss, I walked to the bedroom door and looked at my girls, sleeping. Reaching down, I picked up my shotgun, opened the door and slid out. Cyclone followed me, and we went down the hall to a spare bedroom. I changed to warmer...

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RunnerChapter 20

Sheriff Sub Station: Six miles outside of Driggs: Mathew: I turned towards the door and took a deep breath. I had noticed that Ana was only wearing her shirt. I remembered the man telling her to push and I just knew my daughter was dead because I didn't hear her crying. With another deep breath to clear my mind I walked to the door and looked inside. Ana was sitting on an ambulance bed with CodieAnn holding her. She was crying and Codie was rocking her. Walking over to Ana, I sat down on...

1 year ago
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Baby backfire

Hi my name is Sasha Hillenburg. I am 6'4" have brown hair, and eyes to match. This is the story of the time I almodt turned my friend into a baby. It all started on a Saturday night she came over and I asked " want to make a bet?" of course she said yes. " loser does what the other says for the rest of there lives." again she said yes. So the deal was that we had to play truth or dare and do the nastiest things ever. I won. I am married and I can not have a baby so I decided she would be mine....

Erotic Fiction
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My Dream Cameron Edited

"Cameron?" I asked his in a sweet sympathetic voice "ya?" he reply in a shaky voice " what were you just doing?" I asked " nothing man nothing " he replied way too fast for it to be truthful "Cameron" I said " look, It won't change our relationship, soo.. Are you gay? I asked There was not point denying it so he replyed " yes" in a soft nervous voice     I leaned to whisper in his ear taking his head in my hand and said" it's ok,  I am too"  As soon as I said that...

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Mrs Ds Pleasure

It wasn’t warm in the room, but we were covered with a sheen of sweat from our exertions.  I was buried deep within Mrs. D, grinding my pubic hair against her clit.  Her legs were wrapped around my waist, heels pulling against my butt, urging me to go harder.  The room was filled with her moans, my grunts, the squishy sounds from her nether regions, and the scent of her passion. “What the fuck?” in a voice I recognized immediately.  We jumped.“Oh, shit!” Mrs. D exclaimed.Looking over I saw Bob...

Group Sex
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HandsOnHardcore Katrina Moreno Deep And Hard Anal Plowing

An upset conversation can be smoothed out by some deep and hard anal plowing. You don’t believe me? Well then, sit back, get your boners ready and watch today’s Hardcore masterpiece by the DDF Network, featuring Katrina Moreno from Uruguay. The brown-eyed hottie with amazing big tits gets in an argument with Pablo Ferrari. At the same time, the hot-blooded long-haired secretary shows off her long legs, perky butt, and hot high heels. Katrina Moreno grabs him by his balls, takes his...

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The Desk Clerk

Introduction: A private investigator finds a jewel in a big city jungle. Traveling for a living can be a boring and lonely existence. As a private investigator working within the trucking insurance industry, I spent roughly three weeks per month on the road.It didn’t take long to realize that the better hotels and motels are the only places to stay. You just never know what you’ll get with the cheaper places. Therefore, I have stayed at Holiday Inns almost exclusively, for a number of years....

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Sex Everlating

He lay there in the middle of the night watching her sleep. Her large and soft breast heaving up and down while she breathed in and out. “God she’s beautiful,” he thought. And with that notion he could not help himself any longer. He retched out his hand and gently caressed the very top of her breast. Immediately her nipple hardened and she stirred. “MMM,” she then brushed the baby hairs from her face that managed to escape from her ponytail. Worried that he had woken her he left here alone...

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A Year Of Darkness The Sorrowed Part 3

Introduction: I turned around, and my happiness was shattered into a million pieces… (This is the third part of A Year Of Darkness, read the first two parts to fully grasp the story.) I stood up and looked into the sky, Damon was out there somewhere, somewhere far. I was going to find him, and then kill him. I wanted vengeance for Devon… That was exactly what I set on doing… ————————————– I turned around to Russell and Jamie, a look of determination on my face, a feeling of darkness...

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And 4 Makes Mom

100% fiction! My three daughters were all raised in a conservative house and went on to marry successful men. Mt two oldest daughters married attorney's and my youngest 18yo daughter married a very handsome med student and son of a wealthy local businessman. I had never cheated on my husband until this and honestly never thought about it although I was sure that he had slept with a few of my friends and some of the interns that worked for him over the years. My oldest two daughters (Eliz and...

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June Gets Her Degree Part 2

As dinner progressed, June gave me her personal account of her experience at the Scottsdale resort/bar. She told me that she had worn her little black dress, Victoria's Secret lingerie, black thigh-high stockings and medium high heels. June said that she'd walked into the bar about eight o'clock, sat down on a stool, ordered white wine and began her two hour lesson. The bar patrons were a group of drunk golfers, a few couples and herself. She'd started watching CNN on the television when a...

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Thanksgiving BJ

How I got my cock sucked on Thanksgiving. It was Thanksgiving and we were visiting f****y and friends. There were around 20 or so people there. People were coming and going, so it was a little hard to keep up with where everyone was or what they were doing. After lunch most everyone was outside or watching football. I drank a lot of tea with my meal and so I went to the main bathroom. The door was closed, but I figured if anyone was in there they would lock the door and due to its location,...

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Wild ChildChapter 3

Rene took possession of his new prizes and immediately posted them on the website he used as a trading vehicle. Traffic on his site was always pretty high because of the various special cargoes he handled, but as soon as the gorilla girl, as she was now being called, was posted for auction, the traffic went through the roof. White girls in Africa are always a hot item for sale, but the blog he had posted with her picture boosted interest way beyond even his expectations. An opening bid of...

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Seduced into her first anal sex under the guise of

Hi, I'm Vicky. I'm a twenty-two year old single girl with a very healthy sexual appetite. Now I don't consider myself a pervert, but I've always liked a bit of variety in the sex department. I want to be able to say that I've tried most things, and one thing I always wanted to do, though please don't ask me why, was anal sex. That was why I asked my then boyfriend, Alex, to do it with me. But, oh boy, did I regret it! Neither of us had done it before and so neither of us knew the importance of...

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I finally meet my online friend

It was a Tuesday morning. I had slept in and so at 9:50 am I was just getting out of the shower. I heard my phone ring it was a text message. I read it, it is from you, my online friend Christine. It reads, “I am at the pie van, do you still want to meet?” Jesus, we had chatted online about you coming over, but I thought you were kidding. It was just talk’ winding me up, and getting us both horny. Now you’re here, well just 2 kilometers away. I reply with, “Hell YES!” Then add my address, and...

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Kanchan Didi 8211 Part 2

Kanchan Didi – Part 2 Bhai ka pyaar Holi pe ye mujhe maayke chhodne aaye. Mummy ne mujhe is baar kum se kum ek maheene rukne ke liye kaha. Ek maheene bina chudai ke guzaarna to bara mushkil maaloom par raha tha. Jaane se ek raat pahle inhone mujhe poori raat choda. Maine bhi jee bhar ke chudwaya kyonki agla ek maheena to sookha hi jaane wala tha. Shaadi ke baad pehla moka tha jub main itne lumbe samay ke liye maayake rahne aai thi. Agle din ye waapas chale gaye. Jis din ye gaye usi din Vicky ka...

4 years ago
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Family Affairs

But when I was ten I walked into their room. I found Mitchell's head between Dale's legs. Dale was throat fucking Mitchell. Mitchell tongue wiggled on Dale's cock. I didn't see Dale's cock. But I saw something so gross it changed my life. Mitchell puked up his lunch all over Dale's cock and balls. It was yellow and chunky like mashed bananas. Mitchell didn't know what to do. Dale pulled him off and jacked off with the gooey stuff on his cock. And overted my eyes before he unfurled his...

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The Day After the World Ends Bravo

“The world ends every day for those who die,” James read the statement at the beginning of the philosophy test. “Defend or refute this statement,” the instructions on the test continued. “Not the easiest question ever, yet I believe I have an answer,” he thought. ‘This statement is entirely untrue for everyone,’ James wrote, ‘My reasoning on this follows my belief that we all have eternal life, that life being either in heaven or hell. ‘Those who accept the fact of Jesus as Messiah and live...

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Flowers For SarahChapter 1

Sarah McKinney loved flowers. Take a walk down Lakeland Street almost any morning or afternoon and you would find Sarah in the yard tending her zinnias, chrysanthemums and marigolds under the old maple tree in the front, or pruning or fertilizing her roses in the back yard. Besides her flowers, she also tended a number of foliage plants and there were shrubs and bushes of several varieties. Her yard was the envy of the neighborhood and neighbors would often ask her advice on planting and...

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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 4

The Bowels It could have been any Maltyrian but I was certain it was Galmy. At the same as I said her name I realized she would not recognize me. She still had these inhuman big eyes and that translucent complexion. Her hair was the same midnight black as I remembered. She said. “You know me, Captain... ?” Her eyes scanned over my uniform blouse looking for my name tag. “Captain Olafson?” She was out of uniform so I could not see what rank she had attained since I seen her last. “Yes I...

4 years ago
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Thand Mein Ek Garam Parivaar

Hello Folks. Aj fir dil kiya ki kyun na ek kalpanik (fictional) kahani pesh ki jaaye. Pasand aaye toh mujhe likhna na bhuliyega is email address par Apne email par yeh zarur mention kijiyega ki is kahani ko padh kar aap kitne bar muth maare. Yeh kahani puri tarah se kaalpanik hai aur kisi bhi ghatna se dur dur tak koi sambandh nahi hai. Yeh sirf aapke manoranjan ke liye hai. Aur iske peeche kisi bhavna ko protsahan dene ki koshish nahi hai. Kahani se pehle apna introduction de deta hu. Main...

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