Little Big Man Saturday chores
- 2 years ago
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JJ was happy to have Tina traveling with him, she took his mind off the conversation between he and grandma. Tina was cheerful and talkative, and it was the best medicine for the drive. She and Hilda were best of friends now and that is all she could talk about for an hour.
Halfway home, Tina wanted to stop for burgers and cokes, insisting they drive to a park two miles off the main highway and make a picnic out of their purchases. Her real reason was to take photos, claiming she didn't have pictures of JJ. After a talkative lunch, she got the camera he gave her when JJ got the new one, asking to take his picture. His mom and dad bought it for his twelfth birthday and she insisted he give it to her when she saw his professional prize.
Tina took pictures of her brother sitting on the car and posed on the picnic table. JJ insisted he take pictures of her and she posed for him, these to be developed in a commercial photo lab. Tina began laughing at JJ as she posed because he became erect. Posing for a few very sexy shots, she began laughing harder because there were eight or ten kids running and playing, he was constantly turning to hide the erection.
Tina knew why JJ looked at her strangely, shaking his head as he smiled. She couldn't stop talking she was so wound up. She wanted to talk about her sightseeing tour, as Hilda and grandpa called it, and express her feeling however she remembered Hilda's warning.
JJ mentioned they were the touching types, and she learned this during the brunch. Someone always had a hand on someone else, unnerving at first, but by the time they were finished eating she was accustomed to someone touching her; hair, face, neck, arms and hands, even her legs during the meal. Initially, she was leery of grandma, after the introductions she and grandma were sitting on the swing and grandma's hands were on her arm, leg, neck, and shoulder, constantly, likewise grandpa touched JJ in the same manner.
Once they were inside and seated at the table, she was now close to grandpa, his hands seemed to be on her constantly, however as she looked in JJ's direction, grandma seemed the same, touching JJ, as she had touched her earlier. During the meal, JJ sitting on one side was caressing her leg and arm, and grandpa on the other, had his hand on her leg, arm, or shoulder. By the end of the meal, she was comfortable with the newly introduced couple's touching hands.
"The meal was delicious, Hilda," JJ said, as she was clearing the soiled dishes. The eye contact between each was warm as they rose, waiting on grandma.
"JJ, could I speak with you in the study? Dad could entertain Tina for a while, JJ and I have business to discuss?" Grandma was already walking to the study.
Grandpa said, "Come young lady, I'll show you around, it's a beautiful day and we'll walk down to the stream."
Tina took grandpa's arm, initiating the intimacy, as they walked from the house. Unknowingly, she did herself a big favor because now his stride was lessened and he was walking her speed. It seemed natural for her to place her arm around his waist, after his arm went around hers. Grandpa named the four horses standing in the pasture, as they passed each one. Tina noticed one came up late and they were past it before she was told its name. Stopping at the stream, grandpa told her some of the history of the family, and she began to feel as though he drafted her into the family, he relaxed her so, making her feel as though she was already family.
It was a warm day and her blouse was sticking to her body, as they walked back, stopping where Baby was waiting for them. "This is Baby," he said, "he is Hilda's. His mom was a thorough bred, and the morning Baby was born his mama raised a ruckus for an hour, waiting for someone to come to the barn. Hilda came and Baby's mom lay down, and with her dying breath pushed, and Baby was born. Hilda pulled him from his mom and nursed him, day and night for ten days. The vet wanted to put him down however Hilda wouldn't hear of it. He was a preemie and a runt, still only stands thirteen-two, but he is all horse now.
Tina could see he was all horse, all male horse, eighteen inches was hanging from his stomach, and as she neared him, that eighteen inches was stiff and making 'smacking' sounds on his belly, each time his prick buckled. Watching him was making her wet between the legs, she wished JJ had an instrument as such.
Baby followed, on his side of the fence as they walked back to the barn. Once inside, grandpa walked to his fridge and pulled two bottles of beer from the rack, passing one to Tina. Tina took the cold beer and drank, thinking she had never drunk a beer before noon a day of her life. It was delicious and she was hot and thirsty.
Grandpa finished his rather quickly; however, he waited, explaining some of the items she appeared interested in found in the barn. This was the first barn, in fact, the first time she had ever been as close to a horse as she had this day. Finishing her beer and placing it in the receptacle, as grandpa had done, she took his arm and followed, as he walked.
Entering another section, there was a strange looking device in the center of the room, asking grandpa what it was and how was it used, guiding him to it. She could see baby, watching, and wondered if he had free reign of the entire farm.
"This is a stanchion, and it's used for skittish phillies," he said and she noticed the smile on his face.
She smiled and chuckled, seeing the big smile on his face, and she thought he was trying to pull something over on her. She looked at him and said as she laughed, "Okay, I'll bite, I'm farm ignorant, how does it work and what is it really?"
"That's what it is, really," he said, returning her laugh, she was a pretty thing when she laughed, he said to himself. He was thinking he would like to get her in there and breed her one or two times, but she was actually ignorant of its use.
Tina chuckled, she knew he was putting her on; he was teasing a girl who knew nothing about the farm and she decided to call his bluff, "Okay, show me what you do and how it works! She was going to call his bluff, and they both began laughing. She knew she was not going to let him get the better of her. "I'm waiting," she said, a huge smile forming on her face. "Give me the full treatment," she was laughing hard now, needing to hold her sides. She caught him in his own tale.
"Okay," he said, as he moved the strange looking device, moving the collar lower. "Put your head in here."
"We lock their head in here so they can't move or run," he said as the collar closed against her neck. She heard the click and sure enough, she was secure and couldn't back away. "Then we give them a handful of oats," he said as he walked to a bin and scooped his hand inside, returning to her head. When he placed the oats against her face, she opened her mouth and actually took a mouthful, noting they were unusual tasting but not that bad.
As he walked around her, out of her sight, he was speaking slowly and softly, "We speak softly to the Philly, making her at ease, stroking her back and flanks." She could feel his hands rubbing across her back, and then over her shorts, stretched tight across her ass. "We keep speaking softly to her, gaining her confidence."
As he was speaking, his hands were caressing her ass, his hands feeling wonderful. She didn't want him to stop. She shouldn't have looked at Baby, because she saw his prick, eighteen inches and hanging, and began getting wet. She thought for a moment, it would be nice to be a horse and get that prick, however these thoughts only excited her more as she felt her pussy getting wetter.
Grandpa wasn't prepared for Tina, her moans and pressing against him, he wasn't sure she knew what she was doing. Sure, plenty of phillies had rubbed against him in the past, they were looking at his money. Those got what they deserved, he gave then nine inches of horse cock, listened to them neigh, and then rode into the sunset. Tina was different; she was JJ's sister, and a lady, as far as he knew.
He was assuming because Ellie classified her brother as a true gentleman, acting after she led him to drink. Ellie was honest with her grandparents; she said JJ took her cherry because 'she laid it on a table before him'.
Grandpa wasn't sure about the girl moaning for him to fuck her, he certainly didn't want to take advantage of her, she was naive. Tina's begging was due to her body wanting prick, provoked by the horse and his eighteen inches slapping hard against his belly. The truth be known, she wanted that eighteen inches.
Grandpa looked at the tight shorts covering the ass; it reminded him of April, so pure and free spirited, and God awful gorgeous.
The last two years he watched April as she walked, and swished, although only seeing her a dozen times, she was his baby, and she was the joy of his life. The boys who accosted her were lucky; grandma had a cool head, and could take things in perspective. His immediate reaction had been, make the next meal chewed, be with new uppers and lowers, and he knew the men to do it. His thoughts were, had they actually accosted her, they would be singing soprano the remainder of their lives, he knew at least six who were singing soprano now and two more wouldn't make a difference. Grandma knew he was hot headed, and she would only come to him as a last resort, and that would mean a lifetime of remembrance for the individual.
Now, he had another problem, was this girl, young woman he should say, because she was JJ's older sister, capable of making a wise decision. Never had he taken advantage of a woman, and it was certainly too late to start now. He couldn't understand how any man could take a woman, use her and toss her aside, if she was wholesome and sincere; sluts were tossed daily.
Grandpa didn't realize he had loosened and pulled her shorts and panties to her knees but he knew when he touched her pussy, it was open, wet, and wanting. His horse cock was ready and most willing, as it pressed hard against his trousers. Upon releasing his prick from its confinement, it slapped against his stomach, hard and ready, a duplicate of baby's.
He definitely wasn't bashful, however grandpa had no idea Tina's eyes had never left Baby's prick, and she was beginning to beg. He was slow; wanting to make sure, she actually wanted a prick, before he pressed his horse cock into service.
"Please, I want it, Please, I need it," she kept repeating. It was almost the reverse of being watched, now she was the watcher, the prick was slapping harder and harder against the horse's stomach, each slap sent a tingle through her body.
Easing three inches into her was easy, she was that wet. Before impaling her he asked, "Tina, are you sure this is what you want?"
Tina was insulted, he was treating her like a child. "Are you sure this is what you want," she repeated. "you sound like my mother," she said. Facetiously, she said, "Yes mother, this is what I want."
Those last words, and the tone in which she said it, was all he needed, she would get it.
"OOOWWWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," Tina screamed as she received the remainder of his nine inches. "Ask and ye shall receive," he said to himself as he drove, using all the strength he could muster in his ass. Holding firmly, fully penetrated, he knew she wasn't actually prepared, but her attitude and thought behavior improved his thrust. She would be more respectful, in the future, of her superiors.
"MOTHER FUCKER," Tina screamed, "YOU BASTARD."
"Little girl, you are in no position..." he didn't finish. He let his prick do his talking. So much for the nice guy, he thought, this is no lady, and he commenced.
The first eight or nine plunges drew a scream from her mouth on each plunge; however, she became completely numb after the twentieth. She was just a receptacle for sperm, when he decided to deposit it. Tina thought she could make him cum by tightening her pussy muscles; it worked on everyone else she tried it on. After the twentieth, she gave up; she could feel nothing, loosing count after forty and moments later, all matter of time. He was still pounding into her, and she wished for the horse, they were quick to shoot. He was pushing into her deep and hard, stretching her pussy, causing her to wonder if she would ever be the same.
Hilda just closed the door and was about to take the first step from the porch when she heard the scream, stopping shortly and listening. When she heard JJ's sister cursing grandpa, and the screams following, she rushed to the sound of the screams, she had to stop him, that was JJ's sister. Grandpa was a lover, except when he was provoked and she couldn't imagine Tina provoking him, to draw such pain. This was a usual occurrence on women and girls trying to get money the easy way, but she knew this couldn't be the case. Something was wrong.
When she turned the corner, she saw baby and she knew where they were, Baby was going to be as close to a pussy as he could get. He was worse than a teenaged boy she said many times, a pussy would get near and he got a stiffy. She was walking quickly and she no longer heard sounds from the girl, this was alarming and she began running. The last girl dad has fucked lifeless, she had to nurse two days.
Turning the corner and seeing the couple, she stopped and froze, it couldn't be, it had been over a year since he put a girl in the stanchion, it was five days before Hilda could get the girl to stand. Rushing to her foster dad, she called out desperately, "Dad, that's JJ's sister, she doesn't deserve this."
She was pushed away roughly, falling on the dirt floor, she looked up, Please dad, no more, let her go, please?" Hilda was begging for Tina's safety.
"She... asked... for... it," he blurted out between strokes.
Crawling on her knees and hands to the front of the stanchion, she spoke loudly, "Did you ask for this?"
"Y... E... S," Tina finally spat out, gasping for each breath.
Hilda sat back and watched her dad and Tina, she assumed it close to fifteen minutes from the time she heard the scream until Tina's eyes rolled back and her head flopped forward. Rising quickly, she slapped at the release lever with her hand and Tina fell backwards, her body falling against grandpa's prick firmly placed in her pussy. One loud squeal came from her mouth as she fell, her weight driving his prick deeper into her body.
Hilda looked at her dad, he also gave a loud grunt as her weight struck him, driving the air from within his chest cavity. Pulling his prick from Tina in a quick motion, the pain caused her to involuntary rise quickly, however she fell forward again, lifeless on the ground. Hilda stood and retrieved her father's trousers, and working together, they managed to get him dressed. Guiding him to the opening, she saw he was able to walk on his own and she turned to Tina.
Hilda kneeled by the young girl and took her hand. Tina looked up and smiled, Hilda returned the smile as she assisted Tina to a standing position. Tina pulled her shorts to her waist, buttoning them. Brushing the dirt from her hands and arms, she looked at Hilda and sighed.
"Hilda, I'm not a slut and I have been fucked many times, the last time a few minutes ago. Only one person has made love to me and J..." she stopped before finishing his name, not wanting to tell her she and her brother were in love.
"JJ," Hilda said, "you can say it here. Tina, what is said, and done here, stays here. You must remember that, JJ knows. You and your brother are lovers.
Tina shook her head, implying they weren't lovers, "We are in love, not lovers."
"What were you going to tell me, before I interrupted?" Hilda asked.
"I have managed to say something, either derogatory or insensitive to the person, before I would let them make love, rather fuck me. I realized that when grandpa was being so loving and I said something that changed his love at the last moment. I deserved what he did, how he treated me was my fault, I know that now. I assumed I had to make a statement, but I learned I don't. I have been cheating myself."
"Did you say something to dad?" Hilda asked.
"Yes, I did, Tina said, "I realize now he was being nice however I made an improper comment."
Hilda smiled and said, "Thank you for telling me, I knew you did. Dad was out of character, he only treats the moneygrubbers the way he treated you, and I knew you weren't one. Come, let's get you cleaned up."
Tina took two steps and stopped, moaning loudly. "Ouch," she said, "I'm sore."
Hilda laughed and said, "And you will be for three or four days, dad's prick is almost as large as Baby's." The horse hearing his name made a deep-throated sound, a low whinny.
Hilda helped Tina into the house, walking gingerly, and into a hot tub. When Tina finished her bath, Hilda was waiting with a robe, "You can wear this until your clothes are dry, they shouldn't be too long."
Tina knew Hilda was going to kiss her, and she didn't resist or turn away, she leaned forward meeting her. Hilda wasted no time in opening the robe and her head went to Tina's breast, but only for a minute. She moved lower and as she spread Tina's legs to bury her face between the young girls legs, Tina moaned, "I'm sore." Tina became wet quickly and came almost the moment Hilda sucked her clit into her mouth. Tina felt the soreness however she let the older woman lick and suck as she saw fit, grimacing a half dozen times.
Tina began removing Hilda's clothing and when her bra came of Tina froze, never had she seen such large nipples. Hilda's breasts were huge but her nipples that mesmerized Tina. "How did they get so large?" Tina asked.
"Baby sucks them for me," Hilda said, "he has been sucking since he was born. I bottle fed him and I would put milk on my nipples and he started sucking them when he was two days old, and he has been sucking them every day since."
Tina laughed and Hilda rose, looking at her strangely. "I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at JJ and I. JJ wants to see me and my roommate make love and I want to see Baby suck on your breasts."
Hilda started laughing, "Now you know why we don't speak of things outside the house that go on inside the house," and then she added, "Or inside the barn." Tina and Hilda began laughing at the last remark.
"Mmmmmmm, these are like sucking small pricks," Tina said as she began sucking Hilda's nipples, "I wonder if I can make them cum like a prick?" Tina was sucking and suddenly stopped, her mouth didn't leave the nipple however her eyes went to Hilda's. Hilda was smiling; Tina was getting milk from Hilda's breast. Tina began sucking harder, her milk began to flow heavier, causing Hilda to pull her from the nipple.
"I don't have as much as I did years ago; I love your mouth on my breast however I need to save the milk for Baby." Hilda began pushing Tina's head lower on her body and Tina took the gesture and buried her face in the wet pussy, wetter than any she had ever sucked, although this being only the sixth. Hilda had large pussy lips and the pussy covered Tina's face as she centered her face on the large woman, working her tongue deep as possible. Tina began fingering the large opening and within minutes, her hand was working in and out of the pussy, causing Hilda to begin moaning with pleasure. Tina had cum minutes before but as she worked her hand inside the opening, she began getting wet, placing her free hand over her opening and removing it quickly. She forgot she was sore.
Hilda came and Tina's face became soaked with her fluids, Hilda was a worthwhile comer, coming in great amounts. Tina and Hilda lay on the bed satiated when Hilda began wiping her hand between her legs, and covering Tina's breasts with her juices. Tina promised not to wipe it from her breasts after Hilda asked her to get JJ to suck her breasts, before they arrived at home.
JJ wound the camera, "Damn," he said aloud.
Tina turned to him, "I'm sorry, what did you say?" She was thinking about the events of the day, she was in dreamland, no longer paying attention to her surroundings, not even noticing they were alone, the cars with the children departing thirty minutes earlier.
"I'm out of film," JJ said, wrapping the cord tightly around the camera.
Sliding from the table and gingerly running toward the car, calling back as she ran, "We have another roll."
Smiling, as she opened the glove compartment, JJ said, "I've taken it already."
"But I..." she stopped mid-sentence as she saw JJ holding the two rolls of film for her inspection.
"I have some excellent shots, nothing is posed, they're all natural, I think they will be some of the best pictures you've ever seen, and they are random shots." JJ spoke proudly, he thought they would be perfect, the best kind. She actually didn't know she had been daydreaming for almost an hour, she had no idea he had loaded the second roll.
JJ walked from the car and past the picnic tables, he was going in the trees to take a piss. He stopped and turned when he heard Tina calling.
"JJ, where are you going?" Tina shouted.
"I have to take a piss," he said grabbing his genitals and exaggerating pain on his face.
"It would be nice if you said something, you are not the only one that has an urgent problem, you know," she said as she ran to him.
"You want to watch me?" JJ asked a big smile coming to his face.
She laughed aloud as she took his hand, needing assistance up the steep grade, "I hadn't thought about it, but since you volunteered, I'll watch."
"Turn about is fair play, follow me," he said looking at her and grinning as she smiled back at him.
He thought she was kidding but when he stopped and unzipped, she stepped closer, and to his side and waited. "Are you really going to watch me piss?" he said.
She didn't respond verbally, but she was nodding her head vigorously as she was smiling and watching his hands. He kept his eyes on her and her eyes never left the spot where she was staring. Taking his prick from his trousers, he had to strain to start the stream; her eyes on his prick had played a slight trick, giving him a semi-erection and making it impossible to piss without straining. Once his stream started his body relaxed as he let out a deep sigh, the sudden relief felt wonderful. Her eyes remained on his prick and he started working circle '8's with his piss stream. She chuckled aloud as she watched him direct his flow. Reaching her finger close to his prick and breaking the stream, she quickly placed her finger in her mouth and sucked it dry. She was still watching as he finished and replaced his prick, then zipping up.
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October, 1983, Chicago, Illinois On Saturday, I was happy to see that Jorge showed up to study group and spent some time with Stephie on his calculus. She asked him to stay for the party, but he declined. I felt that him showing up for study group was a good sign and that over time we’d be able to ease him into the group. It was a matter of convincing him that we liked him and wanted him to be around because he was an interesting guy who we wanted to hang out with. I only spent about an...
...At last after a few months inside and behind those solid bars. my hung stud Bruno was allowed to come outside for his day with me. Of course he was shackled to a guard and wore a GPS tag on his ankle!It now all meant I did not have to see Bill, that is hubbies mate who was in prison 1st as a visitor, using Bill as the excuse to go over there.No I could now see Bruno outside the prison, OK, with his guard there!Most of the more intimate meeting outside were in a park about 10 miles from the...
Perth, Part II "Are you okay?" asked Rachel the next morning. "I will be. Give me another day or three. I'm going to meet my dad at his office and go through some stuff. Then I want to make some calls. The we're going to have to talk." "You make it sound so solemn." "Serious, not solemn." "Oscar Wilde." "What?" "Wilde said that 'Life is fatal, but not serious'. But I don't know where." "That's okay. It's clever anyway." "I want to spend a...
After leaving Andrew to his own devices, Bryan had found Silver in the hot tub again, this time simply relaxing. She was floating along on a cushion of bubbles and it was apparent that she had turned the jets up as high as possible. Her figure lay just under the surface of the rolling froth, steam obscuring the details from inside the door. Her arms were outstretched, her legs spread wide to balance her atop the churning water. Her nudity was not unexpected, as it was almost obligatory for...
Douglas Before I approached Jenny at school that day after class to ask if she wanted to grab something to eat with me, everyday I would follow her home in her car. I knew she didn’t have a boyfriend and I knew that she lived alone. We had gone to high school together well, only during our senior year. I had fallen for her the moment I laid eyes on her, but I was always too much of a coward to ask her out. Girls surrounded me and constantly asked me out in high school, but Jenny never did. ...
Love StoriesRachael and Lee had been emailing each other for some time now, after being matched on a dating website. It all started quite innocently, well maybe not totally innocently as they had matched with high statistics in love, passion and being sexually adventurous. At first they started emailing a little about each others lives then moved on to swapping their fantasies, and erotic stories with each other. Of course this then grew into them both sharing their most intense intimate and dirty little...
Kenny continued to fuck my wife at work, she enjoying taking his rancid cock in her mouth and letting him fuck her arse as she lay on her desk. Indeed, the day did come when he invited her to his flat so she could meet with a couple of his friends that he said would like to fuck her. She of course dressed accordingly, like a prissy white woman who you would think wouldn’t give any black man the time of day, let alone one like Kenny!The evening came while I was working away from home. I advised...
Though we'll never know for sure, it is better than even money that hearing Randy spurting in his sister lowered Bob's resistance to doing the same thing in Samantha. Whether or not that was the case, after Sam had her first orgasm at the hands of her father, it became clear any resistance she had to submitting to the same behavior melted away. After tensing every muscle in her body, she relaxed completely, only to roll toward her lover to seek his lips, engaging in their most passionate...
When Dr. Pistol has problems getting his wife Alana Cruise to agree to anal sex, he ties her up and holds her captive in the closet while he concocts an Anal Love Potion for his reluctant love. Alana’s loving husband is merely trying to unlock her deepest darkest desires, desires she doesn’t fully realize that are lurking just beneath the surface. If the magic potion works she will soon discover she wants her ass filled with Tommy’s hard cock and fucked good, so good in fact...
xmoviesforyouSet in Coletown Keith Boyd Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall Keiths first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Aventure in mediocrity “I’m sorry this is Jo...
Dorothy slept peacefully for a couple hours and when she awoke she was feeling a lot better. "My goodness! I needed that," she said, hinting at both the nap and the fucking. She stood up stretching and dusted off her clothes. They resumed their travels down the footpath. "Tin Man, you know these woods better than either of us, do you know how much further it is?" Dorothy asked, tired of walking in the murky half-light of the forest floor."Well, I have never been to the edge of the woods,...
Fantasy & Sci-Fiகொழுக் மொழுக் மாமி - பாகம் 02 சோபாவில் தூங்கி கொண்டிருந்த என்னை யாரோ எழுப்புவது போல இருக்க, கண் விழித்து பார்க்க, மாமி தான் என்னை எழுப்பி கொண்டிருந்தாள். நன்றாக குளித்து, அலங்காரம் செய்து, சில்க் புடவை கட்டி, தலை நிறைய பூ வைத்து, தாலி மின்ன என்னை எழுப்பினாள். “என்னடா கண்ணா நல்ல தூக்கமா?” “ஆமாம் மாமி. டயர்டா இருந்துது அதான்.” “அப்படி என்ன தொர செஞ்சிடீங்க, டயர்ட் ஆகுற மாதிரி?” “ஹ்ம்ம்.. உன் உதட்டில தான்டி மாமி ஊத்துனேன்” என்று மனதில் நினைத்து கொண்டு, “சும்மா இருங்க மாமி....
“Come in!” Lilly yelled from her bedroom. Katie walked in wearing a curve hugging strapless silver mini dress that outlined her body so perfectly that Lilly couldn’t help but stare, “So who’s this for,” Lilly asked running her eyes over Katie‘s tight ass and big breasts. “Oh you know” Katie said with a wink. Both Lilly and Katie were single and during their weekly nights out they both picked up their fair share of men, but weren‘t interested in keeping them for long. Lilly was a tall curvy...
BisexualClose Encounter of the Best Kind Author's Note: Started to write this as an extension to another story and suddenly realized it was all wrong for those people. But there was something of a story and a little change and presto! A whole new story. But that didn't work out as well as I liked so I thought I'd try something. Perspective changes characters as the story progresses. Enjoy Dana Dana pushed a stray lock of hair back out of her face as she finished pulling the beer from the...
As soon as I got home I headed for the shower. I felt so guilty and dirty that I just had to wash away the ill feelings and the events of the past two hours. Bryan thankfully was in his office so didn’t hear me come in or distract me on my way to the shower. I was scared that if I saw Bryan he would know that something was up with me. He might start questioning me and interrogating me, and I didn’t know if I could hold up. It being a Friday night, my eldest daughter Zoey was staying at a...
Wife LoversHi friends, mera naam player hai name changed ye story mere friend ki wife ki hai jo bhut sexy hai or mera dost bhut hi chodu mere dost ka naam aman hai or uski wife ka neha kya batau dosto ky tagda figure hai 34 30 34 hai. Age 24 ki. Jo bhi ladki or aunty (chhattisgarh) ko sex k maze lene mko mail kr sakti hai bilkul secret mail id is Hum bilaspur m rhte hai ek din mere humre college friend ki marriage thi to aman n mko call kiya hmne call m decide kiya ki sunday ko nikalenge teeno but kuch...
Savannah, Georgia February 1986 Rebecca and Tony returned to the office having just come from visiting the base commander. Hunter wanted forty chairs this year and had pledged to raise $25,000 as well. Someone, they suspected the mayor's office, had already greased the wheels as it were. Or perhaps it was Tina and Riley's stunning success at Fort Stewart. After all, the base commander at Hunter worked for the commanding general at Fort Stewart. Having been left out the year before and...
Vienna Rose is a mischievous schoolgirl who needs to make the grade. She waits until after her teacher splits from class to see if he left the answer sheet to the pop quiz around. She takes what she thinks will be a sure shot for an A, but realizes a couple days later that her brainy teacher left a trap for her. The answers were fake! She denies all of his accusations, but when he confronts her with footage of her breaking in and stealing the fake answers, she cracks. What are you going to do,...
xmoviesforyouThis story has been inspired by reading Chris51a’s stories. For several years my lovely wife who is now 60 and as attractive to me as the day we met has been putting herself down and denying her sexuality. We still have great sex but she is no longer as adventurous as she used to be. I am always trying to encourage her but she resists. She is partial to a glass of good wine so I decided to take her out for a meal and get her a bit tipsy as that usually loosens her up a bit. She obliged by...
This is my first story detailing the type of marriage I hope to enter into. I am firm believer in a Matriarchy lifestyle where the male takes the traditional role of the wife. Unlike other types of Internet relationships, I believe that a D/S marriage/relationship is built on the traditional values of trust, love, and fun. I do believe in fidelity, just incase your wondering, but only for the male. Commitment, another cornerstone of a relationship is based on the trust and love between...
Introduction: Chapter 3 and Epilogue, The finale. —– 3 — It all seems to be happening way too fast. I dont know how it all exploded like it did. Darling, calm down, his wife comforted. Both were changing into their night outfits in their bedroom. I cant remember a day where you simply couldnt stop smiling like you were today, and Alex looks like the happiest little girl in the world. How does this not worry you? Three days ago you were scared at how young she was. Now youre giving me a pat...
You are Aysha, an Australian currently living in America. You went to college in Miami, Florida and decided to stay in America. After graduating from college you moved into an apartment with your roommate from college, Zoe. Zoe was everything you were not. Tall, busty, gorgeous, popular. Meanwhile, you were felt average despite all the guys that hit on you. While she was drunk Zoe would always say you had a great ass.
LesbianI felt like I was carrying a piano. As I ran down the dirt road that separates my property from my neighbor's, all I wanted was a shower, a cup of coffee and a stack of pancakes. For a sixty five-year-old man, I'm in pretty good shape, but staying there takes work. So every morning, I get out of bed and hit the roads. I run between three and six miles, as long as the weather isn't too bad. This morning, as most, I saw the beat-up pickup truck that was owned by my best friend and neighbor,...
I soon learned that beatings were as common at Canard’s tavern as fucking. There was no routine or reason for them the way they had been when Fabienne was in charge of my mother. If business was slow, then Canard or his friends fucked the whores. If business was VERY slow and Canard became bored, then he beat them. Canard was usually drunk, horny, and bored when he initiated the beatings, and it was usually out of frustration with the women’s glances or condescending comments. He promised...
Having your kit with you is important if you plan on really indulging yourself or even just doing what you really want to do. When I first figured out what I was in this world and slowly sank into sanguine comfort with it I thought that everything I would need would just be there for my asking or taking. But I soon realized that if you want to do things right you need to put in some work. If you don’t sharpen the axe it’s just gonna pound and not chop, if it’s just an axe from a hardware...
Arizona babe Vanessa is going to college next year to study psychology. She’s a smarty-pants who likes playing tennis and soccer. She was on the cheer squad in high school, and her hobbies include off-roading, hiking and going on dates. “I wouldn’t say I’m a super horny person,” Vanessa told us. “I have a healthy sex drive, and I’ve done some pretty crazy stuff, but I’m not, like, a slut.” We asked Vanessa to tell us some of the crazy stuff...
xmoviesforyouWe Oregonians know how waves sculpt the sand, but here in Stevensport, we sometimes sculpt it ourselves. If you beachcomb with your eyes open, you’ll find agates. I sell them to Tom Hartman, an ex-hippie who makes jewelry for the tourists. I see the necklace at Sea Scapes for $20; the girl who found the rock got fifty cents. Go figure. Maybe I should be an ex-hippie, but I think I’d rather go to college to be an English teacher. They at least get paid for reading about other places. You can...
I yawned widely and then looked around, embarrassed. I had been reading so long and I was so bored, I'd totally forgotten about being in the Public Library. As I looked around to see if anyone had noticed my open yawn, I saw an older man in a three-piece suit staring directly at me. I nodded at him and then turned back to my book. I had just about finished the textbook I was studying and as I started to close it, the lights went out!! Since I was on the third floor of the Public Library,...
By the Sea Part III "Now let's be sure you stay in the proper position, little one," Mistress spoke as I assumed the position she wished, bent at the waist, my legs partly spread, and my upper torso resting on the wooden patio table. She took some rope that had been out on the patio since the previous day and tied my ankles, each one to the table's legs, and my wrists, separately across the table and down to the legs. The rope was not coarse or fiber-y, and so chafing would be minimal....
I’ve always ridden cock bareback since I was a teenager, in fact I don’t ever remember using a condom with any of the over 450 cocks that have pumped my faghole and emptied loads of cum deep inside my asshole. The mere thought of all those cocks in me over the years makes me weak in the knees! So I guess in a manner of speaking that I’ve always been a “bug chaser” by default since I never use protection. However, I’ve been actively seeking those infected by HIV/AIDS for the last six years...
"Mother, are you really happy now?" Margret asked as she sat at the kitchen table while Teresa dried and put away the last of the lunch dishes. Taking the last cup of coffee from the pot, Teresa sat down across from her daughter. "I assume you are talking about either my man, your sisters or the new baby. Probably all three," she smiled softly. "The simplest answer is yes. I am happier than I have ever been before in my life." She paused and took a sip. "But my guess is you are...
Hi to every iss reader I am happy to return to this site with my another story. First of all i want to thanks all of u for making my previous story a super hit.and i got a great response from all the readers. I am srinivas completed my studies and doing a job in pvt company. This story is when iam was in college. In last summer we got vacations and iam feeling very bore in house as iam alone with my family. During this time a telugu film named vikramarkudu was released. I liked it very much and...
After gym lesson, Sarah stay long in ladies showers. The other girls were done and go home, but she want a moment for yourself. She were pleasantly tired, hot water caress her breast and make her horny. So she slide down to the crotch witch one hand, with the other one rub the hard nipple and - shit, somebody came. She listen the voices. Men voices. Mayby three. What's the hell? "Fuck it, only cold water again. Mayby here in ladies - wait, i hear shower!" "Is anybody here?" Sarah turn water...
This story happened in the summer of 2011. I would occasionally hang out at a buddy and coworker’s house, playing pool and watching movies. We were both single, I was 28. Often his younger brother, Ryan, would be there. He was twenty-three at the time, slim with light brown hair. Up to that point I had considered myself straight and had always dated girls, but I had found myself looking at gay and bisexual porn a lot and really enjoying it, so I was curious. I was attracted to Ryan physically...
Laura's pain over the thought of Yvette sleeping with both Rhonda and the Director of Offer Management during her husband's absence was very great. But she still had Randi to see nearly every other day, and of course April, who reported directly to her. Anyone would want Randi, and, Laura realized, having slept a few times with April only made her want to do it more. I wonder why her boyfriend, and now Yvette, keep saying she has a big ass, Laura thought, admiring it from behind her desk...
Ken sat in a comfortable chair and watched the two sleeping women. His wives, curled together like contented cats. Truth be told, he felt pretty sated himself, but not tired in the slightest. It would be dawn in a few hours and he was looking forward to sitting down with nice cup of coffee and getting in some simulator time. He had his solo license now, but had no intention of stopping until he was qualified to fly a jet He had the money to buy a Leer, and intended to, since watching what the...
This is the second chapter, but the main character *Nathan* has changed to *Chris*Miss Abi 2The hour trip back on the plane for Chris seemed to last forever as he replayed last night’s affair through his mind over and over again. Guilt had plagued his body since waking up, but when his mind played the image of Abi to him, he was overcome with lust, pleasure, and hole inside of him feeling that he would never see her again. He loved his wife, but this new found spark he acquired in Vegas tore...
Hi I’m luv age 26 size 5.6 . This story is really true one This story is all about the day of holi . Holi k din bhang pilakar maya aunty ki kadak chudai ki . Maya aunty humari family friend hai. Unki age 36 hai aur gori hai . Unka figure 34-32-34 hai . She is damn hot . Holi k din ka wait saal bhr hota hai. Aap uss din kuch bhi karo koi bura nahi manta. Baat iss holi ki hai jab hum sab ikhata hue holi khelne ko.Mere ghr ki chat per hum holi khel rahe the mai mom dad relatives maza aa raha tha...