Do It!Chapter 7 free porn video

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"Worst mood he's ever been in since I've known him," she said confiding in me.

"Whys that do you suppose?" I now asked.

"The Grayson account," she said simply. "He's been involved in it on and off now for nearly two years. Every time he thinks he's got it nailed down, something happens, something changes. But we all know, it has something to do with the President of the company herself ... Sybil Grayson. Every time Ted thinks that he's got this one wrapped up, she throws him a curve ball, some new wrinkle she's not happy with, wants more research done. Doesn't really care about the money, pays him whatever he tells her it's going to cost. In the beginning, he even made the prices so steep, he thought she'd either capitulate, or fire us ... either or. She did neither. She paid, and paid ... and then kept asking for other things. It's gotten to the point now, that Master's becoming almost consumed by it, trying to find a way to finally wrap things up, and come out ahead when he does. He's been working on that account again this week, and apparently from what I've heard since his return, he's no closer now than he ever was. I think he's about ready to throw in the towel, and I can assure you ... it would be the first time he's ever done that, and it's not sitting too well with him either."

I had dealt with a few hardheaded women in my time as well, but I couldn't recall any as being quite this stubborn or hard to work with, save for one. It turned out she in fact hated men ... almost to the point of obsession, and because she did, she had made what should have been a very easy investment, turn into a living nightmare. That was ... until I personally got involved.

"I wonder if it's a man thing," I asked. "Maybe ... she just doesn't like Ted?"

"Yeah, we wondered about that in the beginning as well. Ted even hired on a woman who he felt had the credentials, and expertise to put this one to bed. Unfortunately, that didn't work out either, for some inexplicable reason, Ms. Grayson seemed to become even harder to work with, eventually telling Ted that if he didn't replace the woman, and actively work the account himself, she'd sue him for breach of contract. And so ... here we are again. Master's frustrated, there's been no real headway, and he's ready to cave in, even if it means losing several million dollars in a lawsuit."

"I wonder if Ted ... Master, would let me look into it ... into her?" I asked curiously. I had after all, done other things outside of simply being his "Companion", to which I felt like I had pleased him, achieving the results he had hoped for and expected.

"I'll mention it ... suggest it," Bella told me. "But don't get your hopes up. I seriously doubt Ms. Grayson would enjoy having to work with you, any more than the other woman Ted hired when trying that before. So it's highly unlikely ... but as I said, I'll ask ... and we'll see."

Needless to say, I was surprised two days later when Bella came walking into my room unannounced.

"Sorry Maringa, but Ted needs you ... right away, tonight," she told me. He's already booked you another suite where he's staying. I've already ordered clothing to be delivered to your room, which should be there by the time you arrive."

"Where am I going?" I asked anxiously, wondering how much time I had, and what I needed to prepare for.

"You're flying out to San Diego ... now. You'll be checking in at the Hotel Del Coronado, Ted has chartered a plane for you, which will be waiting for us by the time we get there. Deidra and I are coming along with you as well, and we'll fill you in along the way. As I understand it ... Master finally did come up with some fairly useful information, though it cost him a pretty penny in doing so. He's hoping that what he's discovered, found out ... might prove useful to him. Useful enough ... to be able to use it, and perhaps gain some leverage and finally wrap this project up once and for all. But the bottom line is ... you'll be having dinner with him, and Ms. Grayson this evening, and then cocktails afterwards back in her own Penthouse there at the resort."

"Where will the two of you be?" I then asked.

Deidra and Bella smiled at one another, finally looking at me. "We'll be available and ready ... at your beck and call, afterwards," they said.


"Yeah ... afterwards. Now ... read this," she said handing me a manila envelope, which obviously contained a bit of new information in it. "Masters hoping that from what he's found and discovered, that your arrival, might actually end all this. Hopefully anyway. It might not be much, but it's all we have," she added.

I began reading through the few letters, documents, and even a private investigators report. Alone, none of them added up too much of anything. But all gathered together as I read through them, going back ... reading through them again, they began to paint a very, very interesting picture for me. Suddenly, I began putting a few thoughts of my own together.

"She's smiling," Deidra said as I glanced up at the two of them.

"Yes she is, you come up with anything?" Bella asked.

"I don't know ... maybe. If I'm wrong however..."

"If you're wrong, then we're no worse off than we already are," Bella said. "But if you're right ... if there is something useful here, I know for a fact, you will make Ted ... Master ... a very happy man. And I for one, would prefer seeing him happy again, as opposed to becoming the very defeated looking man he's suddenly started turning into."

Once again I smiled. "It might be a long shot, but if what I'm thinking is correct ... it might be our only shot. Just how far are the two of you ... and Master, willing to go to help me do this?" I now asked.

Once again my dear friends looked at one another knowingly. "We'll go as far as you want or need us to go," Bella said. "The question is ... will Master?"

And that I knew ... might turn out to be the key to everything. "Is there any way I can reach him by phone? Even before we land?" I then asked.

"Sure ... I can get him for you momentarily," Bella informed me.

"Good ... but just one more thing."

"What's that?" Bella asked.

"It might be better if I spoke to him alone when I do ... he might not be as willing to do it as he might need to be, and secondly ... if he isn't, there's no point on involving the two of you in that conversation either."

I could see that both Bella and Deidra were curious about whatever it was I'd come up with. But under the circumstances, I felt until I'd discussed this personally with Ted, see what he thought ... how he felt about it, especially as I now knew, he'd be involved in an entirely different way beyond anything he might have considered, or even be open too. So until we spoke about it, there was no point in letting on what it was I'd come up with.

"You can talk to him up in the stewards area," Bella told me walking back towards me. "He's already waiting on the line for you."

I swallowed, stood ... and hurriedly made my way forward again. I had no idea how Ted was going to take this. But it was the only thing I could personally come up with.

"You want to do what?" Ted nearly screamed at me over the phone. "You're not serious!" he added calming down ... though only slightly. He was at least thinking about it. "What makes you believe that will work? I've been working on and off with her now for the past two years ... I don't see..."

"Trust me," I said actually interrupting him. "After all ... Master," I now added. "What have you ... we, got to lose?"

He was quiet ... considering it.

"If you're wrong..."

"Then I'm wrong ... and willing to accept whatever punishment comes my way because of it. But ... If I'm right, then maybe this will soon be over with. And if it is ... if I am right, then I expect to be paid fair compensation for my efforts."

He actually laughed at that.

"All right ... agreed. On both counts. So you'd do well to keep that in mind Maringa," his tone of voice suddenly threatening. Though he soon lightened up somewhat again. "So, what is it you need me to do?" He now asked.

And I began telling him.

I was admittedly nervous as I began dressing for dinner. Bella and Deidra had selected a variety of evening gowns for me to look at and try on. But the moment I saw the elegant white dress, I knew immediately that's the one I'd be wearing. It was fairly low-cut, though without being too vulgar or obscene, but the whole purpose of my selection was because it was slit up on the left side nearly all the way to my upper thigh. Perfect for what I had in mind, though it would entail Ted's sitting to the left of me at the dinner table. Though even that might have to be changed once we arrived at the downstairs restaurant, dependent upon our seating.

I had continued to look over Sybil's dossier, gleaning what I could from it, slowly putting together a picture of who the woman really was, though there was very little there all by itself that Ted wouldn't have already devoured as well, trying to learn something more about this woman. What made her tick, what were her weaknesses in addition to her obvious strengths. There wasn't much, but there was something that had given me a hunch about her. There would of course be an element of risk involved with this, I was going on my gut feeling here. And what made me nervous the most, was what if I was wrong? If I was ... then there would no doubt be hell to pay, and I knew there and then, Master would make me pay it, especially if I truly fucked this up.

I knew Sybil's photo wouldn't do her justice. Not when I saw her in real life, no doubt dressed to the nines for dinner. The posh restaurant right there at the hotel would make things easier for later ... hopefully, if things proved out to be correct. If they did, then a few hours from now, we'd be back here in my room, where Bella and Deidra both would be prepared and waiting for me.

"So ... you got everything you need then? Any questions?" Neither of them did, though they looked just as nervous about this as I was.

"We'll be here ... waiting for you, just as you asked. I just hope you're right about her," Bella cautioned me for the umpteenth time already.

"I'm almost certain I am, but we'll soon find out won't we?" I stated, and then gathered my small matching carry purse, and proceeded on down to the restaurant, purposely being fashionably late, though only by a few minutes. Just enough to hopefully ensure they would both be there waiting for me at the bar were we'd agreed to meet before going in and sitting down to dinner.

Sybil was as I expected, a ravishing beauty. Dressed elegantly in her own somewhat revealing, black floor-length gown, she looked the picture and part of someone well to do, accustomed to the finer things in life, and expecting them. She was tall for a woman as well, giving her an additional sense of power and authority, and easily six feet, just as tall, if not an inch taller in fact that Ted was. She had purposely pulled her long shoulder-length blonde hair up in a French bun, giving her additional height. Her breasts full, showing plenty of cleavage, just as mine were, without giving the whole show away, though simple moves in one direction or another would certainly show more than they did. At just forty-four years of age, she looked ten years younger than that, no doubt a distinct advantage over men ... even men like Ted who thought they had years of experience over her. Many found in dealing with her, just how wrong they truly were. Not only had she amassed a vast fortune, she was savvy in using it, as well as being intelligent enough to know how to mix that, along with her obvious sexuality to get whatever it was that she wanted. Sybil Grayson was known for her ruthlessness when it came to matters of business. More than one man had fallen by the wayside, giving in to her demands, something she was content to ride out no matter how long, until she'd finally gotten what she wanted.

In Ted ... she had met her fiercest challenge, but even he was beginning to tire of her head games.

I soon saw the two of them sitting at the bar together. Ted spotting me across the way as I approached, standing.

"Ah, Maringa. I'd like to introduce you to ... Ms. Grayson."

"Please, call me Sybil," she said as she offered her hand to me, which I then took, shaking it.

"It's nice to meet you," I responded, taking a quick breath, purposely eying her. "I like your dress, very beautiful, shows off your tits very well."

Standing off to one side and slightly behind her, I saw Ted's eyebrows raise at the comment, as well as a somewhat surprised look on Sybil's face too at my bold comment about her breasts. I had wanted to accomplish two things in doing that, saying that. One ... to catch her off guard, and then cause her to raise her guard up just a little bit. Two, it was important for me to let her know that I wasn't intimidated either by her beauty or her wealth. I might not have been her equal in matters of business, but I wanted to let her know, I found myself as equally attractive, and self confident as she was in simply being a woman.

"Ah well ... thank you. I ah ... yours are, beautiful as well," she stammered slightly before reasserting herself. "Would you care for something from the bar? Or should we be seated for dinner?" She asked.

"Why don't we be seated. I'll order a wine at the table," I told them both. I knew the next part would be critical to my plans, and though I'd be winging it to some extent, I also knew I had Ted's blessings to do so ... up until the time at least that I'd proven myself wrong, if indeed I was.

We were soon escorted towards a small table set for four, near one of the big picturesque windows looking out over the ocean. It was obviously one of the best seats in the house, but it wasn't at all conducive for what I had in mind. When asked if our seats were acceptable, I immediately spoke before anyone else could.

"Actually no ... I'd much rather prefer a cozy, private booth," I stated once again seeing Ted's surprised expression, as well as a rather dismayed looking one coming from Sybil as I hurriedly looked about the seating area. I found what I was looking for, but it was also currently occupied. "That one ... that one over there," I said indicating which one I meant, though the Maitre' d looked at me bewilderedly. Though it still had a reasonably nice view of the ocean, it wasn't exactly the best seating arrangement, that we could have had.

"I'm sorry, but..." he began.

"Yes, yes ... I know. "Tell them to trade tables with us. Tell them that I will also pay for their dinner if they do, oh ... and also tell them they can order a bottle of your best wine as further compensation for accommodating us."

"Yes mam!" The Maitre' d responded bowing, and then quickly headed off towards the other table with my request.

Somewhat put off by my request, Sybil turned towards Ted, speaking to him as though I wasn't even there, asking him directly. "I thought you said Maringa was your assistant," she stated curiously, letting him know she wasn't at all happy at my seemingly rude request.

"In matters of business ... yes," he began, to which I quickly interrupted.

"But in matters outside business, our necessary roles reverse to some degree," I informed her, once again briefly catching Ted's slightly discomforting smile as I said that. Luckily for me, the other couple had quickly and happily agreed to the exchange as a small army of waiters quickly accommodated both parties. We were soon shown to our "booth", though Sybil was still clearly put out by the unexpected exchange. One more quick maneuver effectively positioned me, as well as placing Ted, where I wanted him. Sybil sliding in first, to which I then stepped in front of him, saying "thank you," and slipping in next to her. It obviously left Ted no choice but to slide in next to me, though I quickly grabbed his hand in the event he might have actually walked around in order to sit on Sybil's side of the table.

Once seated, and left alone for a moment after taking new drink orders, Sybil spoke, an irritated tone of voice clearly coming through. "I don't know why you chose this table over that one, the views much better over there," she said testily.

"Yes it is ... but it's much easier, a lot more privacy here," I responded back. "I have a very wet cunt at the moment, which needs fingering. And now Ted can do so without fear of anyone seeing him doing it," I said holding in a smile as I saw her eyes suddenly open wide in obvious shock at my blunt comment. I could only imagine what Ted's face must have looked like, though I had warned him earlier to try and not look too shocked, or too surprised by anything I said or did. Sybil once again looked past me, speaking to Ted.

"Is she always like this whenever the two of you are out together?"

Without turning to look at him, seeing his answer, I merely smiled at Sybil instead, pleased to hear what he said, and how he said it when he responded back to her. "Maringa is simply ... Maringa. She keeps my social life interesting," he said to Sybil. "I've learned to accept and allow her whatever she wants."

Sybil's face once again took on a new look as she eyed me a bit more appreciatively than she had before, though still shocked perhaps, taken aback by my lurid comment. "Well Ted? Like I said ... I have a very wet horny cunt at the moment, which would appreciate some much needed attention if you wouldn't mind."

In seconds I felt Ted's hand sliding up my thigh, surmising perhaps now the reason for sitting on that side of me as his hand traveled up, immediately finding my bare pussy. Which was in fact, wet, slick ... which I'd purposely ensured earlier, though my own natural juices had likewise come to the rescue in addition to that.

"That's it honey ... finger that slick hot pussy, let me hear it," I told him smiling demurely at Sybil who continued looking at me with a mixture of shock ... disgust perhaps, though there was also a hint of a bemused smile showing in her eyes. I was quite slick, the decadent sounds of his fingering easily heard as I even caught Sybil looking down towards my lap, hearing the slippery sounding juices as Ted's finger worked itself in and out of me. I smiled looking up, our waiter then just returning to take our dinner selections. Ted began to withdraw his hand, but I was prepared for that, quickly capturing it between my legs as I squeezed his hand there between them. "Don't you dare, I didn't give you permission to remove your hand yet." I waited, pausing, "Now ... keep tickling my clit with your finger," I told him having waited to make sure that the waiter who'd only then reached our table, heard every word that I said. He too paused looking at me, and then at Ted, a slight blush coming into his face as he stood there. "Well then, we ready to order?" I asked.

I made Ted finger me while we waited for our dinner, ensuring that Sybil could obviously hear the slickness of my cunt as he continued playing with me. Several times I glanced over, gauging her reaction, though she was fidgeting in her seat, she did her level best to put on airs of annoyance at times. And yet, other times, seeing her shift as she did, antsy ... I got the distinct impression this was getting to her in another way. Sybil as I'd hoped ... was becoming aroused.

"If you'd like ... I can have Ted finger you for a while, or ... I can if you'd prefer," I said easily taking another bite of my dinner, taking a sip of wine in washing it down with as she lifted her napkin to her mouth, wiping it.

"I'm fine. Thank you," she said politely enough, not quite as annoyed in her response as she'd been pretending to be earlier. "I will admit, if you don't mind my saying," she then said turning towards me a little, and in doing so, causing one of her breasts to show far more than it had been earlier. I had surmised right myself, a simple twist of her gown would indeed almost expose it, I had to assume with her positioning, she clearly knew that. "You're a very interesting woman indeed, a bit brash in some ways ... but I find myself intrigued by that. Intrigued by who you really are, and what you obviously want and enjoy out of life. In some ways perhaps, you and I have similar beliefs and tastes in things ... especially in men," she then added actually smiling towards Ted.

"He does have a nice cock. Perhaps later, I'll show it to you," I said ignoring Ted altogether, speaking for him in having announced that, as though his cock was mine ... and not his own. Sybil actually laughed at that.

"We'll see," she said simply. "Perhaps. Though the whole purpose of getting together tonight was to review where we're at on the project, after dinner."

"Yes, which we'll do later ... up in my room," I informed her. "Either later this evening, or tomorrow, dependent on how the rest of our evening goes. But to be perfectly honest, I perform and think a lot better, once I'm relaxed, satisfied ... and not quite so horny as I am now," I snickered joking with her. Once again, she had a semi-bemused smile in hearing that, looked and then winked at me quickly.

"We'll see," she said once again.

We soon after finished our meal, taking a slow leisurely stroll out on the boardwalk near the beach, listening to the surf as it made its way in. "Well, shall we go up to my room?" I suggested. "I think once there, we can decide if we're all really in the mood to conduct business tonight, or do something a bit more entertaining, leaving all that until tomorrow."

Sybil didn't answer exactly, still eying me, though she did give me a slight nod of the head as we turned heading back up the beach back towards the back entrance of the resort. I slipped my hand inside my small purse as we did that. Having prepared the message I was about to send before hand, I then did so ... alerting both Bella and Deidra we were on our way. What would happen next, would be even more critical than anything that had happened so far this evening. But I was becoming more and more confident with each passing minute that I was correct. Even Ted had deferred to my taking charge, if anything becoming less and less authorative as the evening progressed. I had caught a few questioning, concerned looks from him early on. But he had kept true to his word, allowing me some leeway in my handling of things, so long as Sybil didn't simply explode, which so far ... she hadn't.

We rode up in the elevator in silence, down the hallway to my suite where I knew Bella and Deidra would be waiting inside for us, prepared to do as I'd told them, though Master of course had no idea what was about to happen. Not until it was too late of course, and committed to it whether he liked it or not, once we entered the room.

I slid my key in the slot, opening the door, and then stepped back inviting Sybil to enter in first. The room was fairly dark, just a soft light showing somewhere in the distance. Once again I quickly stepped in between her and Ted as she continued on even further.

"It's awfully dark," she began turning back to look at the wall where the light switch was in order to turn it on. When she did, Bella came up from behind her, along with Deidra who'd stood off to one side in the darkness, unseen. The black hood coming quickly and easily down over Sybil's head, Deidra grabbing the woman's arms pinning them behind her back as Bella did that. "What the fuck?" Sybil screamed out as spun helping to hold her securely as Deidra, and now Bella finished cuffing her hands behind her back. "Are you nuts? What the hell do you think you're..." I shoved a ball gag into her mouth, effectively shutting the woman up.

I turned briefly towards Ted, his expression said it all though thankfully he held his tongue ... at least for the moment anyway.

"Definitely time for a little fun," I said as the three of us now manhandled Sybil over towards the bed, pushing her down onto it. I quickly secured her feet and ankles to the bedposts with a length of soft, yet sturdy rope. "Alright ... let's see about getting her a bit more comfortable," I now added. Deidra had already unzipped her gown once she'd secured the woman's hands. It was now just a matter of pulling it up and off her, the wrong way perhaps, but it worked even though she fought against the three of us doing that momentarily. She soon found it useless however to resist us, as we quickly removed her gown. Like me ... she wore absolutely nothing on beneath it, as naked as I was.

"Alright ... now, let's make sure Ted's as secure and comfortable as well," I now instructed. He opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly shushed him, putting my finger to his lips, whispering.

"Maringa," he'd began, though not speaking loud enough for Sybil to have overheard.

"Shh, just do it!" I admonished him, adding. "Trust me ... but just do it!"

Though Ted hurriedly undressed himself, it took very little time for the three of us to secure Ted to one of the chairs, likewise ball-gagged, and then with the addition of a hood made available, but not yet covering his head. Once he was secured, rope-tied to a chair, the three of us moved back to the bed. If Sybil thought she was going to be semi-comfortable laying there, she was still in for a big surprise. Even so, she continued to struggle against the ropes that bound and secured her, though her efforts were of course futile, along with her ability to speak though she snarled a bit, trying to do so, but to no avail.

"Oh for Pete's sakes Sybil, quit fighting it. You'll enjoy it a lot more here in a moment if you do, though if struggling adds to your enjoyment, then continue to do so ... be my guest."

Though she did continue to pull at her restraints a little, she did seem to settle down, though more winded from the effort more than anything, unable to speak and now having quit trying, she found it easier to breathe as well, calming down even more. Until Deidra placed the bottom leg spreader against her ankles, now securing that before releasing her feet from the bed posts.

Bella had brought in the special reinforced stand we'd hidden around the corner inside the sitting room. Now placing it near the bed, it was a simple matter of lifting her up, the three of us easily able to do so, connecting her wrist restraint to latch on the upper bar of the stand. Sybil now hung there suspended off the floor, hands above her head, legs spread obscenely wide below. I noticed as we stepped away, her thumb-sized nipples had in fact hardened considerably, though whether from excitement, simple exposure, or even fear perhaps having made them done so remained to be seen. Still, they were a sensual temptation I wasn't about to ignore either. Nor was her pussy. She had obviously taken care of it, neatly trimmed, just a small little triangle above her puffy swollen lips. Just by the evidence of that it was easy to see she was aroused, or becoming so, even if she wasn't willing to admit it yet.

"Take care of that," I said commanding Bella, which was yet again another strange sensation, though the role she was currently playing for Sybil's purpose made it easy for her to do.

"Yes Mistress," she declared immediately, coming back minutes later with a new razor, warm water and soap.

Once again Sybil strained against her bindings, this time doing so a bit more urgently, once again trying to speak around the ball-gag, though only managing to make unintelligible sounds as she did.

"You'd best hold still," I cautiously warned her. "I'd hate her to nick you while she's doing this," I stated. "Nothing you can do about it anyway, but make it easier on her ... and on yourself. Either way Sybil, we are going to shave that sweet pussy of yours properly, so I can then enjoy it."

Realizing she didn't have any choice or say in the matter, she held still, hanging there as Bella quickly went about her business, shaving away the small tuft of hair above her pussy. Within moments it was smooth ... bare as Bella dampened the cloth running it around and about the now smooth surface.

"Very nice, very sexy," I said commenting on it, allowing my hands and fingers now run through her swollen lips, upwards towards the now bare skin. I continued upwards towards her breasts, cupping each briefly, tweaking her nipples into an even greater firmness than they already were. Nipples the size of good-sized gumdrops, sticking out now a good half an inch or more. I pinched each, pulling on them, hearing her groan as I did so, though she again struggled, briefly. "Let me see the nipple clamps," I told Deidra as she smiled, handing them to me.

Sybil began gurgling on her own spit, trying to make herself understood around the ball gag in her mouth, as she once again began fighting fiercely against and within her restraints. Ignoring the obvious however, I placed one of the wicked looking clamps on her hard extended nipple, letting the teeth of the clamp slowly bite down onto that fat thick nubbin. Sybil gasped audibly at the intrusion, and then amazingly, sighed deeply afterwards, holding still in fact as I lifted her other breast in my hand. I enjoyed the firm full weight of it as I did so, bouncing it up and down in fact, once again surprised upon hearing Sybil sigh pleasurably, inwardly as I did.

Same as Do It!
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After our episode in VS I didn't hear from June for about a week, then I was surprised to get a txt from her that ended with two xx s.I didn't know how to respond because I didn't know if Rod would look at her mobile. I didn't have to worry because shortly after the landline rang - it was June "Did you get my txt?" "I got the txt but I didn't want us to get into trouble with the bro & sis, so I didn't reply. However, I'm glad you rang because I wanted to talk. How do you feel about our VS...

2 years ago
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Unnatural Progression

It was time to go. It wasn't fun anymore, and if it wasn't fun, what else was there? Jeni pondered this a moment, pausing as she stuffed her meagre belongings into the worn and stained duffle. Life was a once only ride and be damned if she was going to get bogged down in Hicksville, with a dead end office job slowly sucking all the life and light out of her to make some rich asshole even richer. She wondered how "normal" people managed when it wasn't fun anymore. The people with jobs and...

4 years ago
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TwentyFive PairsChapter 8

Fredericksburg, Virginia 2012 "Who's that?" Dana's voice caught my attention and I looked up from my homework. I followed her gaze to see a boy, or a girl maybe, getting out of a grey sedan. Whoever it was had curling black hair to the shoulders, a black leather jacket, ripped jeans and dull black boots. The person hitched an old army knapsack over the left shoulder and as soon as he ... she ... was out of the car, a cigarette between the lips. "Beats me," I shrugged. "Is that a...

3 years ago
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As we drove away from the movie theater, your hand slipped into mine. So comfortable, so frighteningly familiar. You mention where you want to go and squeeze my hand. I navigate our city and where I used to only see geometric miscellany, something about your warmth changes everything.Every block, apartment complex, business, and stretch of industry is vibrant on that night. Angles, hues, and shapes I've never seen until you. We flew by those night streets, a surreal blur of towering buildings...

First Time
3 years ago
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Holy Dance Surprise

"Tony Morgan is a dick-head"This statement sat just below the toilet roll holder in one of the cubicles in the ladies toilets, matched two other similar sentiments elsewhere in the school and entirely agreed with my own views on the subject.Tony is my elder brother Greg's best friend, although the adjective and Tony did not sit well together in my mind, almost from the moment that Tony arrived at our school at the age of sixteen when his family moved into the area.Physically they were both...

4 years ago
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An Awkward SituationChapter 14

"Well?" Charles asked as they sat themselves down in the reading area of the school library. "What did you think?" "I'm impressed," Connie said in reply, gazing intently into Charles' face. "I'm not happy with making Amy prance around half naked, but I have to admit that the experiment showed results. The question is, are they permanent?" "Yes," replied Charles with confidence. "If a girl was to walk topless through the school in the near or distant future, everyone would now...

3 years ago
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Bills StoryChapter 3

"Come on Bill you gotta tell us, who is she? For as long as we've been coming on these trips to Sydney, which has been just over four years now, you've been slipping off to this place on the North Shore and you've never stayed at the hotel with us. Come on, she or they have to be very special." Charlie Martin, a tall middle aged man of average build with receding grey hair, was the first of the other three guys sitting in the restaurant of the four star hotel near Kings Cross to ask the...

2 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 35

Chuck I checked on Lisa as soon as I woke up. Yesterday's encounter was too close to the confrontation on the island. This time it wasn't her adrenaline that got her, it was the cruelty of the men who had been dumped into the sea. It's hard to believe people could just kill the young couple and make the parents watch them get tossed overboard. It makes me shudder. Then that poor older woman, about Missy's and Beth's age, just walked out and shot those men in the head. There could have...

4 years ago
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Tempestuous EnticementsChapter 12

Later in the day, Candace is out of the house. Lewis, Rita and Joyce’s brother are in the hot tub. His arrival wasn’t unexpected, but he wasn’t expected for another day or two. Joyce fails to see her brother stealing glances at her with the small bikini she is wearing. While she intends to keep her promise to herself not to go after Caleb, she finds that she has a strong urge for her son, perhaps a stronger urge. This is what keeps her attention focused off Mark. She doesn’t want to seduce...

3 years ago
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The Boys in BlueChapter 12

The cottage seemed empty without her, so as a distraction he increased his exercise periods. Running or cycling twice a day, followed by the exercises Ted had shown him. On Thursday the letter arrived, he had to report to the Medical Board the following Monday in London, then, on the Wednesday to RAF Renton reporting to Group Captain Carr. He knew Alan would give him the result of the medical then. He phoned Terry later that evening explaining that he would be in town to see the medical...

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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 24 The Incestuous Haremrsquos Passion

July 23rd, 2027 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston III I’d done it. I reveled in that fact as my family piled into the limo waiting for us out in front of the courthouse. The reporters were swarming us, shouting questions. We had won our freedom. A jury of our peers had recognized the truth. Incest was beautiful. My women were swarming me in the limo. Melody kissed me first, her lips hot and hungry on mine. Pam swooped in and claimed me next, hers tasting salty from the tears of relief she’d shed....

2 years ago
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Secondary School for Girls0

They'd pulled up at the side of the road, miles away from anything else. The last town they'd passed had been two hours ago, a dingy Scottish hamlet full of ancient looking fogies. They'd stared at Quinn as she screamed at her mother in the car park of a half abandoned garage. “YOU HATE ME!" She had yelled, spit flying from her mouth, her arms flung back and her fiery red hair whipping about her face as she shouted. The two hours from there to where they had parked had been filled with...

2 years ago
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Sissy giving head

Single bi mature (55) male into a variety of things. I’m masculine and average looking, but love the feel of lingerie on my body. It simply turns me on to have silk, satin, and lace on. I’m certainly not a passable cross dresser but enjoy the feel. I am clean shaven, discrete, a non smoker and ddf. I expect the same in a partner. My cock is small, my balls are large. I am cut. I enjoy fondling, porn, nudity, oral, mutual masturbation, and erotic photography, and other things...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 10 The Dark Side of the Loon

July 5th-20th, 2002. Plaistow. London I returned in triumph to The Crown with my supporters, and spent the evening in joyous celebration. People clapped me on the back, and bought me trays full of foaming pints and Jim Beam chasers. "Well done, Des." "Nice one, Dewey." "Good on yer, Dave." Friends from the army, childhood, and neighborhood kept me buoyant on a wave of euphoria and alcohol, and, when at last I was poured into my bed at 23 Kitchener Road, the morning star was...

3 years ago
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Say CheeseChapter 9

Dad got up when he saw us. He came over to me and turned me around so my back is to him. He attached a thick leather cuff to my arm just above the elbow. Then he pulled my arms together behind my back and attached another cuff to my other elbow. There’s a short chain joining the cuffs and I’m now helpless. Dad then pulled a blindfold down over my eyes and stepped back. The only thing I was aware of for the next few minutes was Tyler moving around me taking some pictures. Tyler and Greg...

4 years ago
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The Guys Place Dare

Authors note: This is not based on my own idea, but on that of Ozzy Nelson, when I read the first Guy's Place I had to add on. This story can be posted on any free site, as long as Ozzy Nelson and I are given credit, so please enjoy and feedback would be great, seeing as this is my first story. Thanks, now onto the story. The Guy's Place: Dare Kari Hope "Dude, check her out," Justin said pointing at the girl working in the store across from them, as he and his two friends at in...

4 years ago
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Rodrick Rushing stepped into the lane. He raised his right arm and successfully blocked the shot. The ball ended up with one of his opponent’s teammates. That dude took a dumb shot. Rodrick rebounded the ball. He passed it up to his brother, Maurice, who dribbled up the court and may a layup. The buzzer blared signifying the end of the game.The Tribe had just clenched the league championship in the forty-plus division. The beat out the Shooting Stars. The score was 59 to 53.The team accepted...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend Pt2

When I woke up Saturday morning I was alone in bed. I briefly wondered if yesterday had all been a dream, but the tenderness of my ass told me it was real. I crawled out of bad and briefly considered putting on a robe but then thought why bother. I walked downstairs to the kitchen where I found Paul making coffee. I walked up behind him, put my arms around him and kissed his neck. He turned his head and kissed me back. “I hope you don’t mind me helping myself to breakfast” he said. “After...

1 year ago
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Angel Flight

"Mr. Stewart? You ready to go, sir?""You bet. Lead the way!"The 96-year old man didn't need a walker, and only used a cane when he expected to have to walk enough to cause age-related aches and pains. This trip to Washington DC was one of those times, so he grabbed it, stood up, and made his way toward the waiting jet."Good morning," they heard a flight attendant say to a boarding passenger as they got closer to her."Welcome aboard," she told the next person."Have a pleasant flight," she said...

2 years ago
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Return to the House of Lush Part 2

I watched Heather walk away down the corridor with a heavy heart. After so long apart I didn't want to be separated from her, even if it was only for a couple of hours. It seemed a crime for us to be so near and yet apart. But I had my duties at the House of Lush and I was needed to chaperone in the Basement. I went though the door, into the stairwell and descended the stairs. As befits a route used solely by the domestic staff there was none of the glamour of the house's grand staircase....

4 years ago
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Pahela sex nokrani kay sath

Hallo dosto my name is raj I am from mumbai aap sabhi ko apun ka salam chalo boys & girals apna lund or chut ko hila naa chalu kar do kayo ki mare a garam sex storie padkar aap sabhi muth mar nay par majbur ho jaye gay …Chalo dosto abb storie kay taraf rukh karte hai a such aaj say sal pahele ka hai tab may 23 sal ka tha mare ghar may mom dad or may raheta tha a real storie hay mare ghare ke nokrani ki jis say may nay pahele sex kaa anand uthaya us ka nam savita tha wo 45 year old lady thi par...

3 years ago
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Molly Gets Stuck in the Alley

PART 2: Molly became aware of her surroundings. Near the end of the very dimly lit alley, she realized it was a good block back to the main street. She only guessed at the hour, figuring she had been fucked for almost two hours. Looking around some more, she found her clothes. Wrinkled a little, but intact just the same. Slowly, she began to get dressed. Her white panties were stretched out a little, but served to help keep the sperm from running too much down her tan thighs. Next she pulled...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Lauren Phillips Stepmom Likes It Up The Ass

Lauren Phillips and her stepson, Ricky Spanish, are tidying up at the end of a shift at the coffee shop. Lauren is so proud of Ricky having stepped up to help fill in today while they were short-staffed. In fact, she wishes they could work together like this ALL the time. Just imagine how much FUN they’d have! While Ricky agrees it’d be fun, and that he’s glad she’s chasing her dreams of owning the coffee shop, he’s NOT expecting it when the conversation takes a...

1 year ago
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Across Eternity Book 4 Chapter 10

After a whole night of hardcore sex, spending the day on horseback was the last thing Noah, Valia, and Elisandra wanted. Still, if they didn’t make it back to Sylphtoria before nightfall, the elves would assume the worst and send an army to find the queen, so they had to tough it out. Before leaving, they took their time in the purification pool to cleanse their bodies, clothes, and the blanket. They didn’t want the sharp-nosed elves wondering why the trio smelled suspiciously like cum....

2 years ago
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Daniels Passion2

Daniel said to me '...I came ready for you to be tight as hell, It's been some time since we bust your ass hole and it's natural for it to shrink when it heals...' I slid my hand back down off his upper arms and across my chest as I watched Daniel apply an amount of the baby oil to his rigid tool. Then Daniel looked down at me and stuck the bottle of baby oil up in my anus and squeezed a huge amount into my rectum. The suddenness and pain caught me by surprise and I yelped and jumped, Daniel...

1 year ago
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SRU The Virus

SRU: The Virus By Crunch Shawn wandered around the Hillsdale Mall aimlessly. He didn't really like the overcrowded, overpriced shopping center too much, but it seemed to be the best place to get his mind off of his latest failed relationship. He figured his problem was that he never made the time to actually make friends with the girl he was seeing. Being a product of young male hormones caused him to simply want to get into some girl's panties, not to bother with becoming...

3 years ago
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The Contest 2

I, however, didn't find it nearly as amusing as Judy did. "But for your first time totally dressed, you really do look good. I honestly don't think anyone would know that you're not a woman. It's amazing how feminine you really are. Not too many men could look this good in a skirt. I think I am really going to enjoy this summer even more since you look so darn realistic. It will be so nice having you take care of everything in the house and all the time looking so sweet and feminine....

3 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 38 Third Year Ends

Because our combined concert in Melbourne with AC/DC had been such a huge hit, Alberts was working on a similar gig here in Sydney. They had settled on using the Hordern Pavilion out at the showground; this one would have us playing together for all of the sets. The dates were set for three consecutive nights near the end of the month, which gave us a few weeks to work together with the other guys. We decided for the next couple of weeks we would all get together at Crystal; there was plenty...

4 years ago
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my new neighbors

It all started when I noticed my new neighbor was watching me clean my pool. I saw her watching through her bedroom window, the blinds were open just enough so I could see some movement inside. Earlier I had spilled some chlorine on my shorts and had to take them off. it was so nice out that I didn't think twice about being naked outside, in my own yard. When I noticed her watching, at first I was embarrassed and was going to cover up but then I started thinking about the last time I saw her...

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BtVS Love Trust and Monsters ndash Chapter 5

She was waiting for her mother on the landing, trying to look as casual as possible."Are you ok mom? You look a little pale?""I'm ok Buffy, I just feel so tired this morning. And my throat hurts so," she reached up to where Drusilla had bitten her but Buffy's fingers beat her to it."Owww!""Sorry mom, your glands feel really swollen. Maybe you should take the day off. I'll take Dawn to school.""Huh?" Dawn stuck her head around the corner of the bathroom door, her toothbrush still in her...

4 years ago
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A Twin Thing

Introduction: I have a thing for Identical twin boys. I had one but he died whe we were young. I wish we had the chance to experiment. Nathan and Nicolas were brothers, they are much closer than most brothers because they are identical twins. They do everything together. They have all the same friends, do all the same things and they look exactly the same. Not only are they brothers but they are best friends. Theyve been together for twelve years now and their relationship is about to become...

3 years ago
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The Babysitter Chapter One

Sometimes I guess it's hard to find ways to make a bit of extra money when you're home from college for the summer. It certainly wasn't easy for me looking for work. That's why I found myself doing a bit of babysitting in my spare evenings. I know, it's the kind of work that you'd expect from a teenage girl, not a nineteen-year-old guy who should be out living it up at nights. But, it was easy work and it was money. My parents were very young for the parents of someone my age, I sometimes found...

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Peter And Mrs Rodgers

It’s very hard when you’re introverted and shy.  It feels like speaking can be hard because you’re afraid of rejection.  That’s how it was for Peter Smith.  Peter was depressed that he didn’t have a girlfriend. It’s hard to do things when you’re depressed.  It was even harder when he went through puberty to discuss things with his parents.  He would breakdown and become anxious.Lucky for him there was the internet.  He googled his questions and his problems were answered.  He learned about sex...

First Time
2 years ago
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My Life in a Cage

My Life in a Cage By Tweak My name is "tweak" and I am being commanded by my Mistress Madam L to write you this story. She has given me the name "tweak" because it stands for "tit-warming-eager-ass- kisser". I asked, begged, Madam L to take complete control of my life for many months and one evening she decided that my request would be granted. As she began that fateful night she whispered into my ear, "You should always be careful for what you wish for. You may find...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 85

"I can't believe you're still here," John said. "I find it a little difficult to believe, myself," Heather said, reaching for her wineglass. "There's not been much of anything happening." Their dinner was in the dining room of the Spearfish Lake Inn. Heather wore her swimsuit under her clothes; after dinner, John had arranged for them to use the hot tub. It would be something different to do. For more than two months, Heather had been having dinner with John, on the average of...

3 years ago
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Business Suit

I'll like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took the time to mail me with their nice comments about my ex wife stories and I hope you all enjoyed her pictures. Writing about her has opened lots of new memories about our time together. Her business suits I have mentioned before but now I think I should go into a little more details. When she started with the Airline she was a lowly typist but over a very short few years she raised herself into a managerial position in the...

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A Sissy Saga Ch 12

Poppy returned to the dormitory much earlier than had been planned. Most of the students at the Grange were in special detention and occupied in doing things in preparation for Open Day, but he was no longer a proper pupil and for a while that afternoon he was a free agent. He was feeling active and restless, but he arrived to find the room occupied by the sole figure of Abigail seated at a table, and while knowing Abigail wasn’t always the most pleasant company he nonetheless gravitated...

4 years ago
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Emma Ch 49

XLIX Maisie found living with Tanya very different to living with Emma. For a start, Tanya was a very different lover. She made love with men at least as often as she did with women. She was also rather less concerned about Maisie’s education and career prospects. Maisie now had to find her own way to to the studios of Harlot TV. Perhaps, Maisie thought, it was just an inevitable part of growing up and looking after herself. And then there was the fact that Maisie had nothing like the primacy...

2 years ago
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Flirting with Tom

My mom used to have a good and close friend over for dinner with her son. Tom was so very HOT! He had the cutest smile and a rocking hard body. At dinner, we would secretly flirt with each other.One night I felt something under the table. He was sitting next to me while our mothers were talking to each other. His hands touched my leg softly but insecurely. I looked at him and smiled.From then on, at every dinner, we sat next to each other. He started moving his hand higher up my thigh and...

2 years ago
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Felicity Ch 34

Chapter 34: Ruthie and Sean It was late on a Wednesday afternoon in mid June when Mom and I pulled into Felicity, Texas. We had ample parking place at the seaside resort and I easily found a slot for Mom’s SUV and the attached trailer. Our room had with two queen beds, a recliner and a sofa in the room. Our window overlooked the sea and had a table and two chairs by it. It was a nice place. We took showers, dressed and were sitting on the terrace with drinks as we enjoyed the sea when a very...

1 year ago
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 2

The Doctor went to a closet, opened it, and wheeled out a small padded table, attached to a base by 2 upright bars. It reminded Tonya of a pommel horse. On the base were 4 leather cuffs, one at each corner. He looked at Tonya. "Take your clothes off!", he ordered. "What???" The abrupt change to the harsh voice startled her; she stood and stared at him for a moment. His voice returned to its gentle tone; "It's all part of the therapy, Tonya... I told you I'd be strict, didn't...

1 year ago
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A long night ahead of me

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hey there, the name’s Kevin. I’m 18 years old and a senior in high school. I live with my 36 year old mother, Michelle. My mom’s best friend his her younger sister, Sarah, who’s 34. We live in the same city as my aunt, she lives just a few houses away, so she spends quite a bit of time out our house. Nothing special, no nude sun bathing, no casual flirtation. Both my aunt and my mom are very attractive. Guess I should describe all 3 of us. I’m about...

1 year ago
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Nothing Else Matters 1 by loyalsock

About a week had passed since the incident with Casey coming by my work place, trying to blackmail me, by telling my friends I was dating a transsexual. I had talked with Christina about the whole situation, and she had been able to calm me down and help me relax. I had been so pissed off at first, that I couldn't even think clearly at the time. But with Christina's help, I was now seeing things a little more clearly than before, and I had even come to a decision of how I thought I could solve...

3 years ago
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Caroline Ch 1305

Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! In which Mike continues to rediscover Gianna. As ever, romance and sex: straight, oral, and anal. Some worries about the future as well. Mike’s Tale: Sunday I awoke in the morning to the feeling of lips on mine. ‘Wake up sweetheart,’ Lena whispered in my ear, ‘Gianna wants...

3 years ago
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My 18 Year Old Jessica A True Story Part 3

We went back to our routine of chit chatting at work. I found myself always wondering what she was wearing underneath and subsequently visualize her shaved tight pussy. I'd get a hint of a thong or a glimpse of a silky bra, but mostly Jessica would talk to me about normal stuff like TV shows and pissed off clients. Either way I had to concentrate very hard on losing my erection when lunch was over or I'd have been in for a very embarrassing walk down the hall. It had been about two weeks...

3 years ago
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Ritu didi bhag 2

Doosre din main kareeb 2.30 baje ritu didi ke ghar pahuncha.pahunch kar maine call bell bajaaee. Ritu didi ki aawaaz sunaaee di”kaun hai”. Main ne kaha vijay. Unhon ne aakar darwaza khola. Aaj to voh bahut hi sundar aur sexy lag rahin thin. Aaj unhein dekh ke lagta tha ki unhon ne khas make up kiya hai. Unke baal khule hue the aur rubber band se peechhe ki or baandh liye the.aankhon mein kaajal cheek bones par rouge aur honthon mein gulabi lipstick lagaye huein thin. Dress mein voh mini skirt...

4 years ago
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The Man and the Golden Jewel

The Man and the Golden Jewel: Part 1) “My name is Jeff Carter, and three months ago I found a Golden Jewel called The Golden Eye in an ancient temple in South America called El Templo de la Mente or Temple of The Mind, I am a novice explorer and for three months I searched for this lost temple for rumors of a golden Jewel bestowed to them by their Gods capable to bend other people’s minds to its will, it was used by the tribe to control women from conquered tribes they would be used as...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Part time Hooker

By Dina PetroMy Name is Mira, I was in My early twenties when this happened, being a good looking woman, with very sexy body, I had many options by then, my best female friend, Tina, was living a very comfortable life, although her family wasn’t so rich, Tina is a real gorgeous looking girl with super sexy, curvy body, we almost looked alike at that point of time, I did not think of asking her how did she manage to get the money, she was spending like crazy, although she was my best friend, but...

2 years ago
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Going For A Ride

It was a nice sunny, summer day.  I needed gas and a pack of cigarettes, so I pulled into a local gas station.  There were a couple of cars, and a large pop truck sitting in the parking lot.  I went into the store to make my purchase, and my old friend Dave was inside delivering cases of pop. Since he was busy, I went ahead and picked up a soda, and paid for my cigarettes and gas.  I didn't see him right off and walked back to fill up my car."Nice shorts," Dave shouted at me.  He made me jump,...

Gay Male
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Family PlanningChapter 4

I’m disappointed when I wake up alone. Emma is no longer by my side, and I assume that she returned to her own bed during the night. I hope my sister isn’t having second thoughts. This has been a week of many firsts, and I’m looking forward to the trip on Saturday. A possible mind blowing experience with two sexy cheerleaders. I just have to play it smart, and avoid the pitfalls that are placed in my path. It’s probably best if I don’t leave my bedroom. I can’t afford to make any more...

3 years ago
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My Hooker Wife

Introduction: This is a story about me being away and my wife comes dressed as a hooker. Absolutely not, I yelled at my wife. You dont need a $500 watch. I said as I walked out the door. That was the angriest I ever left my wife. She wanted to buy a $500 watch and she didnt have any money in her bank account. She expected me to buy the watch for her. Thats why we have separate accounts. We each have our play money and I wasnt going to use my money to buy her a watch. I did call her on the way...

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