The Merchant Of ChaosChapter 5 free porn video

Vanlo leaned back in his chair with a small sigh. He put down his quill and cradled his writing hand in his other and rubbed his wrist with his bony fingers.
His eyes shifted between the two documents before him. On the left was the yellowed parchment that bore Roquan's formula for the Draught. On the right was a parchment filled with a tired scrawl that was readable only to him.
He was annoyed with himself. He had hoped to make far more progress than this.
In the absence of the ingredients he needed, he was jotting down the approaches he wished to try and the precise mixing that would be needed for each. He looked towards his apparatus, now empty and pristine, with a forlorn gaze.
He shook out his writing hand and picked up the quill again, but dropped it when his wrist twinged again.
Vanlo frowned and glanced behind him suddenly. He rose to his feet and headed to the door. "Lanno!"
Lanno looked up from where he was finishing with a patient. "One moment."
Vanlo nodded once curtly. Amanda looked up from where she was doling out doses of Kaylaxxa into vials. For once he did not look back and offer her a smile as he usually did.
The slave to which Lanno was tending slid off the table and smiled. Lanno grinned lasciviously and gave her a playful slap on the rear as she departed. The slave giggled as she sauntered out.
Lanno smiled once more in her wake before turning to Vanlo. "Yes, what may I... ?"
"What were you doing with that slave, Lanno?" Vanlo demanded.
Lanno hesitated. "Treating a very minor skin irritation. Why?"
"Did you need to use any special equipment that you were moving about the treatment area?"
"No, of course not. She just needed a salve, that's all."
"I distinctly heard an odd noise just now."
Lanno looked perplexed. "I didn't hear anything."
"I didn't either, Master Vanlo," said Amanda.
Vanlo flinched, as if only seeing Amanda for the first time now. "Oh! My apologies, Amanda, I didn't know you were there."
"Sorry, Master," Amanda said. Her schedule had been changed when Vanlo noted that they were busier in the mornings than the afternoons. Thus Amanda spent the morning in the office and the afternoon in training. Perhaps Vanlo had forgotten.
Except that would have been rather uncharacteristic of him.
"And you are sure you heard nothing?"
Amanda nodded, looking a bit confused herself.
"I am sure that I had heard something."
"Well, it wasn't from in here, Vanlo," said Lanno.
Vanlo did not look convinced, but he nodded once. "Very well. I did want to ask you if you knew when those ingredients would arrive."
Lanno rolled his eyes. "I didn't know the last two times you asked me, and I still don't know."
"It has been nearly a quarter moon since you ordered them."
"I know. But..."
"You did convey a sense of urgency to them, did you not?"
Amanda corked the vial she was filling and put it aside without taking her eyes from the two of them. She took an empty vial in hand, but then paused as she watched.
"I told them the story we had made up about it being for a head trauma, so yes, I would assume they would be expedient about it."
"I sincerely hope you did, Lanno, for your own sake. I hope the importance of this work was not lost on you."
Lanno frowned. "Now just a moment, Vanlo. I..."
"There it is again!" Vanlo said, his head whipping around. "Did you hear it?"
Lanno exchanged an awkward glance with Amanda. Both of them looked worried as they turned their gaze back to Vanlo.
Vanlo pause for an awkward moment. "Yes, well ... I suppose the slaves must be working the gardens outside," he said, looking terribly embarrassed despite his attempts not to. "Inform me the moment the ingredients arrive, Lanno."
"Of course," Lanno said in an uncertain voice as Vanlo turned away.
"Lanno?" Amanda said quietly.
"Huh? Oh ... um, yes, what is it?" he said absently as he walked over to her.
"Is Master Vanlo all right? Or is he always that hard on you?"
Lanno smirked. "Well, he is hard on me sometimes, but that's, um, just his way of things."
Amanda glanced dubiously towards the door that Vanlo had occupied. "I just don't remember him being like that since I started working here."
"Well, I guess he just has a lot on his mind."
Amanda looked at him. "You're worried about him, too, aren't you?"
"I never said that."
"You don't have to."
"So you think you can read me that easily, is that it?"
"Yes. I'm a slave. I'm trained to notice these things."
Some of Lanno's amused smile faded. He backed up a half step. His eyes flicked over her body until he caught himself and stopped. "Well, you don't always have to act the slave you know," he muttered.
"Actually, I do, according to Master Roquan."
"I meant around me."
Amanda said nothing.
"You know, you do have the privilege of wearing some clothing, don't you?"
"Well ... yes, I do, if I want to."
"Then why don't you?"
"Because I've grown so used to being naked all the time that it doesn't really matter to me anymore."
Lanno looked upset, and Amanda was mystified as to why.
"All right," Lanno said, casting a stern gaze at her. "If you have to be a slave all the time, then I can order you to put something on, can't I?"
"Well, yes, but why would you want to?"
"Is a slave supposed to ask questions like that?"
Amanda hesitated. Her voice grew a touch cool when she answered. "I guess not. Should I go back to calling you 'Master' now?"
Lanno glared, but it quickly faded. He shook his head. "Look, forget I said anything," he muttered as he turned away.
Amanda put down the vial and stepped up to him. "Have I done something wrong?"
Lanno faced her. "What? No, of course not."
"Then why are you acting so hostile towards me?"
Lanno snorted and shrugged. "Maybe I decided to treat you like a 'proper' slave again."
Amanda thought on this for a moment, then shook her head. "No, that's not it."
"So you can read my mind now, is that it?"
"You said you had trouble seeing me as a slave anymore. You're not really acting like you were when you did think of me as just another slave. You're just being ... unfriendly."
Lanno sighed. "Okay, fine. I still don't see you as a slave anymore. Not really."
Amanda considered his words. "Not really?"
Lanno ran a hand through his hair. "Amanda, it's hard not to think about you as if you were a proper slave. Not ... not when you go around here naked all the time."
Amanda nodded in understanding. "You mean you can't think of me like a slave anymore, but you still want to have sex with me."
Lanno looked stunned. "Uh..."
"So is that it?"
"Well ... yes, I guess so."
Amanda found something inherently amusing about all of this. She tried not to show it, but the corners of her mouth twitched when she spoke again. "Master Roquan says I am still a slave and will always be a slave. That's just how things are. So you can order me to have sex with you."
Lanno made a face. "I thought that was the last thing you wanted me to do."
Amanda thought she might explain to him how she had come to view him in a different light over the past quarter moon. Ever since he stopped treating her as a thing and started dealing with her as a person, he seemed different from the boorish man that she remembered.
But then again, it was more fun to keep him guessing. As much as she was coming to forgive him, part of her still wanted a bit of revenge. This was a harmless way to accomplish it.
She was still a little wary. She was still worried he might do the same thing if given the chance. But she was not having sex with men as much as she had been, and she missed that. Roquan did not bed her every night.
She had to tell herself that it was not an addiction. She simply enjoyed the act of sex.
"Maybe it doesn't matter," she said.
Lanno frowned. "I don't follow you."
"I'm a slave. I do what I'm told."
"But ... would you want to have sex with me?"
"If you tell me to."
"Oh, that is not what I meant!"
Amanda couldn't hold back anymore. She grinned and let out a giggle.
Lanno glared, then chuckled. "Now you're being a naughty slave."
Amanda simply smiled.
"Look ... if I did tell you to do it ... I won't do what I did before, all right?"
"Only of that's what you want, Master."
Lanno threw up his hands. "Argh!"
Amanda laughed. "All right."
"Huh? All right? You'll do it?"
"I'm a slave. You tell me to do it. I thought you understood that."
"Oh stop it!" Lanno snapped, but he was smiling as well. "All right, then. My quarters at dusk."
Amanda nodded. "Yes, Master."
"Now ... get back to work."
Amanda giggled again and headed back to the counter. Lanno smiled and turned away.
Amanda could not believe she had done that. That had made her feel more empowered than she had ever felt even back on Earth. At last she was finding something new to enjoy in her life again.
But she also needed to do this. In a strange way it would bring closure to the earlier incident with Lanno. It would allow her to reassert control in the same situation where she previously had felt completely powerless. She couldn't imagine a more fitting end.
Vanlo's midday constitutional, something he started many years ago in lieu of having a meal at that time of day, was usually a source of solace for the old Healer. This was especially true in his sunset years, as it helped keep his creaking joints and tired muscles from stiffening too badly.
Yet that day it was only another worry for him.
It started out well enough. The odd sense of hearing a voice just behind him faded as he strolled towards the southwest corner of the Manor, where Sirinna's quarters lay. He relaxed for the first time in days. It eased his mind, convincing him that he was suffering from nothing more than a bout with stress.
The task the Overlord had given him was indeed a burden. A high honor, no doubt, but it weighed on him just the same. He wondered if perhaps he were finally too old to be doing this anymore. This, he resolved, would have to be his last big project. He would retire and let Lanno run the show.
But that thought troubled him almost as much.
Vanlo had grown to trust Lanno much more than when he had first arrived, but there was still a gap between them. He could trust Lanno with treatments and assistance, but he was unsure the young man was up to the daunting task of administration.
As Vanlo swung around the east side of the Manor and headed back north, the phantom sounds were playing once more at the edge of his perceptions. Surely it was indeed stress. Or an unforeseen side-effect of Jollis' potion.
The old Healer's concern grew into worry as he drew closer to the main gates of the Manor. His auditory hallucination grew more prevalent, like insects buzzing by his ears, a constant rising drone.
By the time he passed the fork that led off to a narrow, winding path into a copse of trees, his worry turned to fear as the "sounds" reached a crescendo. Was his sanity slipping away so fast that he could actually feel it?
He stopped just short of the Overlord's quarters. A wave of panic threatened to overtake him, and he had to pause to calm his pounding heart.
Vanlo finally took a few unsteady steps forward and turned down the path leading back to the Healer office. To his relief, the phantom whispers attenuated. Perhaps it had just been a momentary attack. He would still be able to complete his last project if they did not come over him too often. After that, there was no choice. He must retire. He...
Vanlo abruptly came to a stop once more.
He turned his head, thoughtful. His body slowly followed the turn, and he walked back in the direction he had come. At once, the auditory manifestations surged once more.
He walked back towards the office. They faded.
Back towards the north again. They returned.
"Good heavens..." Vanlo murmured, and walked as quickly back to the north as his aged body would take him.
He returned to the fork. This time, he turned down the curving path, coming to the clearing ringed by torches that glowed with blue magical fire, and rushed to the large metal doors that led into the round, domed chamber.
Vanlo grasped the handles of both doors, and with a grunt, pulled them open.
At once, golden light washed over him, casting his shadow against even the bright sunlight. Vanlo stared in rapt wonder as he took a trembling step across the threshold.
Directly ahead of him, a golden column of energy pulsed and thrummed, shining outward from a floating crystal web housing a bright, ruby-red gemstone. Great, polished reflectors at either end sent the energy back again upon itself, slowly building the energies of the Overlord's Portal towards full power.
"Oh my," Vanlo murmured, the phantom sounds now an entire, raucous chorus. It was so loud that he had to retreat.
As he took a step back, the phantoms overcame him. His mind grayed, and he stumbled as he lost his balance. Two strong hands grasped his shoulders and prevented a fall.
"Vanlo, are you quite all right?" asked Roquan. "Shall I summon Lanno?"
"Roquan ... no... " Vanlo said in a weak voice. He gestured towards the Portal device. "Please, just ... get me away from here."
Roquan helped Vanlo out of the building and back up the path. Once they had rejoined the main path, Vanlo waved him off. "That should be far enough, your Lordship. I can handle it now."
The Overlord was reluctant to let go, and left one hand lightly on Vanlo's shoulder. "Were you looking for me, Vanlo? And are you sure you are all right?"
"Quite so, your Lordship," said Vanlo, his voice stronger and brighter.
"I happened to spot you when you first passed my quarters. You did not look at all well."
"I assure you, I am fine. More than fine. It appears I have some good news for you. It seems I may be reacquiring my Portal sense."
Roquan's eyebrows shot up. "Your Portal sense? Are you sure, Vanlo?"
Vanlo explained what had been happening to him, and how he had pieced it together from his walk. "The caveat, however, your Lordship, is that it is nowhere near what it was before. It is rather crude at the moment, and I can only tell when I am near Portal energies, and not from which direction they come. And ... it is a bit disorienting to be near them too closely."
"Yes, but this is a start. Surely this means it will come back in its entirety."
"That I do not know, your Lordship. I have already miscalculated when I first determined that the effects of the merchant's potion were permanent. I must reassess what I know of this formula he used, and how the ingredients interact."
One corner of Roquan's mouth rose. "In your copious spare time, I would imagine."
Vanlo smiled for the first time in a long while. "Hmm, yes, there is that."
"Please, Vanlo, feel free to take time from your main project to deal with this if you need to."
Vanlo was rather touched by the Overlord's offer, once again showing how much Roquan respected him. But he had already made a promise to Amanda, and he felt he had to keep that first. "I will try, your Lordship."
Roquan managed a small smile. "It is good to hear of something upbeat in the trying times we all face."
"Hmm, things are that bad, are they?"
Roquan frowned. "They could be better, let's just say that."
"Is there no movement in the war still?"
Roquan's face darkened. "Lord Duric thinks the Emperor is planning an attack. Finally. Though if it were me, I would have brought the war to Z'haas' doorstep as soon as was expedient rather than wait for the Emperor's first move."
"Perhaps he did not think it expedient, yes?"
Roquan raised an eyebrow. "So are you going to tell me the same thing now?"
"And what would that be, your Lordship?"
"That I ought to leave the soldiering to the soldiers."
"Ah, well, soldiers do tend to be trained for soldiering, all things being equal. One would assume that makes them qualified for the task."
Roquan gave the Healer a stony gaze. Vanlo offered a tiny smile in return.
"Even when you say nothing, you manage to tell me off," said Roquan.
"Well, I must be a man of quite many talents, then."
The Overlord laughed. Vanlo was quite pleased to hear that again as well.
Upon returning from the midday meal, Lanno noticed with some concern that the old Healer was not back yet. Amanda was absent as well, having had to return to Sirinna for training that afternoon.
As he set about his next task of the day, he suddenly glanced about him. He thought someone had called his name. It was only when it happened for a second time that he realized he was being summoned to a Farview. Surprisingly, it was Yarlo G'slan, his old mentor back at the Guild Hall. He had not heard from the man since the first year of his studies.
Lanno eagerly headed into the storeroom. "I accept the summons," he announced.
The image of a wizened, thin man appeared. "Good day to you, Lanno," said the elderly Healer in a raspy voice, a very faint smile on his thin lips.
"Master G'slan! It's an honor to hear from you again," Lanno gushed with a wide smile. "I do hope this call is to congratulate me on my posting."
"Please, Lanno, you're a Master now, no formalities. Call me Yarlo. And yes, I see you have done quite well for yourself. Forgive me for not contacting you sooner."
"Not a problem, Master ... er, Yarlo. I know you're a busy man."
Yarlo smiled weakly. "Not busy, just lazy. I understand you're working under Vanlo G'tort."
"Yes, indeed. I would even go so far as to say I am honored to work with him."
"Good heavens. Is this the same Lanno that bristled at the suggestion that he might want to stay and learn from us old codgers for an extra year before seeking to be certified as a Master?"
Lanno managed a smile. "I guess I've learned a few things while I'm here," he said in a subdued but sincere voice.
"Apparently. I am happy for you in any respect. I fear that my call is not a social one, however."
"Oh? Is something the matter?"
Yarlo folded his hands before him and looked as though searching for words. "You had placed an order for some restricted herbs not too long ago, did you not?"
The question had been asked neutrally, but Lanno was wary of it just the same. "Um, yes, I did. But if you're concerned that I am not experienced enough to handle them, realize that I made this request on behalf of..."
Yarlo raised a hand and shook his head. "Vanlo's experience is revered at the Hall even if his career choice is not. No one is questioning this."
"Is this the reason we have not yet received the items?"
"In part, yes, but they are on their way now. I personally cleared them for shipment."
"You personally... ?" Lanno trailed off. He was a bit confused by all this, and had a strange feeling that he had done something wrong. "Uh, thank you, I appreciate it. But what's going on, Yarlo? Why was it held up in the first place without informing us?"
A short but uncertain silence followed. "Are you alone, Lanno?"
Lanno nodded quickly.
"Your Overlord has requested more Draught ingredients at roughly the same time," said Yarlo.
Lanno was careful to contain any reaction. Surely they had not figured it out that easily? Did they even know about that effect in the first place?
"Why should this be a concern?" Lanno asked carefully.
"Normally, it is not. But ... apparently, another Overlord has ordered a great deal of Draught ingredients, and her Healer has also ordered ingredients similar to your last order in roughly the same time period."
Lanno paused as the pieces fell into place. "Her Healer? Are you talking of Freya D'yros?"
Yarlo let out a small sigh. "Yes, but that is not something to be spread around. It is not important who is doing it."
"I guess I still don't see the problem."
Yarlo again paused and struggled. "Lanno ... I am not even supposed to be speaking to you about this, or to anyone outside the Healer Elders, but we are concerned what someone might do if they combined the Draught with some of the ingredients being requested. The reason I am contacting you is that I know Vanlo very well. I know he would not do anything to willfully abet in any ... any scheme to augment the Draught..."
Lanno carefully guarded his reaction, but not very effectively. He was too taken with the idea that someone would wish to augment the Draught any further than it already was.
"Assuming that Roquan was even foolish enough to reveal the formula in the first place..."
"Wait a moment, Yarlo, just wait a moment," Lanno said sharply, frowning. "Augment the Draught? Is that what you think Freya is doing?"
"It is all very circumstantial, Lanno. We have no proof, only concerns. We admit we do not understand the Draught formula well enough to..."

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