GreeniesChapter 15A free porn video

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Martian wastelands — 148 kilometers west of Eden

August 27, 2146, 0330 hours Eden/New Pittsburgh time

Callahan looked at the bleak landscape around him, seeing everything in the eerie shades of green and gray produced by infrared enhancement. He saw hillsides and gullies between them. He saw swirling dust. He saw rocks and boulders and pebbles. But aside from the forty men of his platoon who were spread widely around him, he saw little else.

"Nothing," he reported to Captain Ayers, who was four kilometers away at the refuel and resupply point. "There's not a goddamn thing out here."

"Are you sure?" Ayers returned, his voice transmitted on the same tactical channel the platoon members, the sergeants, and the individual men used in order to avoid making Callahan a target of Martian snipers.

"Am I sure?" Callahan shot back. "What the hell kind of a question is that? You either see something or you don't see something and we ain't seeing shit!" He knew he was well into the land of impertinence towards a superior officer but he didn't really care. What could they do to him? Send him to Mars?

"You're standing exactly where the last mortar attack came from," Ayers told him, ignoring the insolence for the moment. "It's only been ten minutes since the last shot was fired. There have been no landing signatures from Hummingbirds and it's more than two hundred below out there, well outside the visibility parameters of the Martian biosuits. There's no way they could have gotten out of view yet!"

"No hot spots, no footprints, no expended mortar shells, no Martians," Callahan said. "Just a whole lot of emptiness."

"Where the hell did they go?" Ayers demanded, his voice transmitting the strain and fatigue everyone was under.

Callahan shared his frustration, as did his men. They had really thought they were going to get one over on the Martians this time but the Martians had once again proved themselves a little wilier than they'd been given credit for.

"Clusterfuck," Callahan muttered. "This whole war is nothing but a clusterfuck."

Things had seemed to be looking up a little after that first devastating ambush the previous morning. New orders came down from General Wrath himself, orders that almost seemed to make sense. The formation had moved out, their aim to reach and secure the fueling point as quickly as possible and set up a forward airfield. They'd hugged the northern edge of the valley, tanks thickly guarding the left flank, close enough to engage any further ambush attempts immediately. This hadn't stopped the Martians, of course — Callahan had come to accept that nothing was going to completely stop them — but it had brought the attrition down to an almost acceptable level. The Mosquitoes still came in with depressing regularity, picking off APCs three and four at a time, and there was still nothing in the marine arsenal to counter this, but there was no more mass slaughter of APCs from Martian special forces teams hidden in the hills. They still attacked but generally they would not fire more than one volley of shots off before the tanks would drive them away. And since the long-standing order of engaging any team with ground forces once they dared to attack an armored column had been rescinded, they had lost no more men to sniper fire or mortar attack. The lead elements had pulled into the grid assigned as the refuel point just after 1600 yesterday. The establishment of the perimeter and the setting up of the supply units had gone even faster than expected. And then the trouble had started.

The moment that refueling and resupply operations began, mortars began to fly in, bursting directly over the top of APCs and tanks being pumped full of fuel and liquid oxygen, directly over the top of other armored vehicles being loaded with fresh ammunition and air canisters. Exposed troops were shredded. Supply hoses were destroyed. A few spectacular explosions occurred when the Martian shells detonated in exactly the right spot and caught an exposed fuel tank in just the right way. Artillery units tried to counter the mortar fire with little success. Intelligence still hadn't hacked into the Martian Internet and cracked the GPS satellite data. Troops sent out to engage the mortar teams were ambushed by squad-sized special forces units, just like on the landing zone perimeter. When command elected to stop sending the troops out after the mortar squads the special forces units began sniping at the APCs again with anti-tank lasers, exploding them in place. When command tried to counter this by ordering the troops inside of those APCs to dismount the Martians continued to explode the vacated vehicles but also started raining down some of the mortars on the exposed troops and cutting them down with sniper fire. The worst disaster, however, occurred when an attempt was made to move up some of the hovers from the landing ships to the newly established forward airfield at the re-fuel point. Twenty-four hovers left the LZ. None of them made it to their destination. They were pounced upon by a flight of eight Mosquitoes sixty kilometers out and methodically shot out of the sky. Hindsight would suggest that the Martians still had a special forces team or two watching the LZ from the surrounding hills and had vectored in the ambush.

Finally, after almost three hours of having men picked off by sniper bullets, blown up by mortars, of having APCs randomly explode in groups of four all over the formation, the sun had gone down, bringing blessed night to the landscape. It was thought that the Martians were unable to operate at night since their biosuits were no longer invisible and since the stealth aspects of their aircraft would be cut in half. Men were ordered back into their APCs to get some sleep. Refueling and resupply operations were ordered resumed at full speed. It was hoped that the bulk of the combat and artillery units would be ready to roll on Eden by sunrise. In addition another flight of sixteen hovers was ordered to move up from the LZ, their task to start bombing the Martian fixed heavy artillery sites outside of the MPG base.

The first indication that the Martians could, in fact, operate at night if they chose to came when all sixteen of the hovers were ambushed and shot down by Mosquitoes in almost exactly the same spot as the first twenty-four had been. This left the Eden operational area with only twenty combat hovers still capable of flight and those were all assigned to escort the many medivac shuttles that were transporting the many wounded back up to the hospital ship.

"It's official now," Callahan told Ayers when the news of the second flight of downed hovers had reached him. "The Martians have complete and total air superiority over this battlefield. We have nothing left to counter it."

"Air superiority doesn't win wars," Ayers responded. "Taking the enemy's positions does and we're still quite superior in armor and sheer manpower."

"For the moment," Callahan said. "They keep knocking us off like this that just might be in question too."

"Never happen," Ayers assured him. "Now that it's dark the Martians have all gone back inside their base. We'll get our units resupplied, get the ground troops a little rest, and we'll be at the Jutfield Gap by noon. When we meet those Martians head on we'll start kicking some serious ass."

They would not be at the Jutfield Gap by noon. Nor would the ground troops be getting much sleep. No sooner had the words come out of Ayers' mouth than the first of the thought-to-be-impossible nighttime mortar barrages had come rolling in, blasting two refuel teams into oblivion, destroying three hydrogen and oxygen hose systems, and exploding one APC. A few minutes later another barrage came in, this time from a different direction. A few minutes after that, yet another from yet another direction. It was determined that there were at least four squads out there, each with three weapons. Counter battery fire from the marine artillery units was as useless as it always was. No one could even begin to delude themselves that the Martians were firing blind, just hoping that their shells would land in the right place because their shells were landing in just the right place each and every time. Without fail they would come down atop a fueling or re-loading operation, or a group of exposed troops. Someone was within line of sight and was directing the fire. But who? And how? If they were in line of sight then they should be able to be seen in the infrared spectrum. But there was nothing, not even a hint of heat showing out there.

The Mosquitoes came soon after, popping out of the hillsides and blasting APCs, the fact that it was night not making an iota of difference in their targeting, aiming, or navigation skills. As soon as the Mosquitoes disappeared, more mortar fire would come in. As soon as the mortar fire died out, another group of Mosquitoes would come in. The fueling operation slowed to a crawl once again and marines continued to die with depressing regularity. Tanks plastered the surrounding hillsides with eighty millimeter cannon fire, hoping to blunder upon the person or persons directing the fire. This accomplished nothing but a waste of precious ammunition. There were simply too many hillsides, too much potential ground to cover.

Callahan spent most of the night huddled beneath the wreckage of an APC that had been struck hours before, watching the shells come arcing in, the explosions as they detonated, the laser flashes from the ghostly Mosquitoes, the impotent return fire of the marine tanks and anti-air units, and wishing he'd decided to join the army instead of the fucking marines.

And then, at 0300, just as he had finally started to drift into a fitful state that could technically be called sleep, someone had the idea of sending a few platoons out into the hills to seek out and destroy the mortar teams. In all, two companies worth of platoons were picked for this task and marched over to the hillsides on foot (more than one of them coming under fire from the mortars they were going to silence) and positioned themselves to make a quick rush inward. Another barrage came flying out and Callahan and his platoon had just happened to be closest. They'd moved in as fast as possible (which wasn't terribly fast at all, most of them were still quite clumsy in the Martian gravity) and found nothing. Not a goddamn thing. Apparently none of the other platoons that had rushed in to silence the other mortar teams had found anything either.

"There is one thing," said Ayers now, "there hasn't been any more mortar fire since we sent the platoons in after them."

This should have comforted Callahan, made him feel he had accomplished something. It didn't. It implied that they were under surveillance, that Martian eyes were gazing at them right now, this very second. That gave him the creeps. "So what are you saying?" Callahan asked. "Do they want us to stay out here?"

"That's affirmative," Ayers replied. "If you're keeping the mortar fire down by being out there then we want that to continue. That'll only leave us the Mosquitoes to worry about."

"We're totally cut off from assistance out here, cap," Callahan said.

"Obviously whoever is out there, however they're managing to keep out of sight, they don't want to try to take on a platoon. Just hang tough. Take up defensive positions. Hell, you're probably safer out there than you are back here."

"I suppose," Callahan said.

At that moment Corporal Grigsby, who had taken over for a dead sergeant in command of third squad, suddenly keeled over, his helmet smashed open, blood vapor boiling out of it — the tell-tale signature of a Martian sniper at work. Everyone hit the ground, their weapons pointing outward, their chatter suddenly filling the airwaves with fearful expletives.

"What the hell is going on?" Ayers demanded.

"Sniper," Callahan replied. "He took out Grigsby on third squad."

"Did you get him?" Ayers asked. "He has to be visible in infrared if he was close enough to shoot someone!"

"Did anyone see a shot?" Callahan asked the platoon at large.

No one had. A few minutes later the word was passed that two of the other platoons looking for two of the other mortar teams had also come under sniper fire and, furthermore, that the snipers in question had both taken out squad leaders.

"Get out of there," Ayers ordered in disgust. "As fast as you can. And don't talk on the frequency unless you absolutely have to."

They got out of there. They didn't talk. No one else shot at them but within ten minutes of leaving the hillsides the mortars began to fly again.

At 0723 a Hummingbird banked in and came to a landing four kilometers from the position Callahan and his platoon had been chased from four hours before. The ramp came down and Lon and his squad descended into the dust cloud formed by the landing. They were moving much slower than normal as each was heavily laden with almost fifty kilograms of weight they didn't normally bring into the field with them. Still they made it clear of the aircraft and into a defensive position in less than forty seconds. The ramp of the aircraft closed and it ascended back into the sky.

"Okay, let's move it," Lon said. "You never know when those Earthlings are going to start hitting the broad side of a greenhouse with their arty."

They got to their feet and lumbered quickly across the flat area, heading for a hill half a kilometer to the south. Sure enough, before they were even halfway there the white streaks of incoming artillery rounds came flying over the hills, trying to intersect with the flare of heat they'd detected with their passive systems. As was usually the case, they weren't even close. The rounds impacted so far away they didn't even see the flashes.

They made it safely to the hill and, after a brief check of the terrain, began to move closer to the marine positions. The sniper/observation teams already in position out here had let them know that no dismounted marines were currently in the neighborhood but you could never be too careful. There was always the miniscule chance that a marine patrol had somehow managed to slip by in the middle of the night without being seen. They walked in a spread out formation, lumbering under the extra weight but cautious, their eyes searching pre-assigned zones for anything that shouldn't be there.

"Charlie-five is just around the next hill," Jefferson reported about two kilometers in. "Close enough for direct-com. Do you want me to try a hail?"

"Yeah, give it a shot," Lon said. He knew that mortar team C-5, who was assigned to this sector, was receiving telemetry showing the location of Lon and his team, but making radio contact was still a good idea. After all, the team had been up all night, shooting and hiding from the marines and they were probably a bit jumpy.

"I got 'em," Jefferson reported a minute later. "They're standing by on the south side of the hill, ready for the meet."

"Static," Lon said. "Let's get over there and get rid of all this shit."

It took them another five minutes to walk around the base of the hill. Though the faith the team held in the invisibility of their biosuits have never been in question since the day the marine hover had passed right over the top of them without seeing them, it still did their hearts good when they stared at the spot where the mortar team was purported to be and saw nothing but rocks and hillside. It was only when the sergeant in charge of the team stood and waved at them, deliberately showing himself, that the illusion of nothingness was spoiled, and then only for that one man.

"That's eerie," Lisa said. "We're only two hundred meters away, he's standing up and he still seems to blend into the background. If I didn't know he was there I wouldn't have noticed him at all."

"Laura Whiting has blessed us with bad-ass military engineers," Lon agreed. "Come on, let's get over there."

As they came closer and closer the other five members of the mortar team became gradually visible one by one, at first just as vague outlines in the visual spectrum and then gradually firming up into human-like shapes. They stepped out from their hiding hole when Lon's team got within twenty meters.

"Lon Fargo, you old dick smoker," said the sergeant in charge of them. "Ain't the fuckin' Earthlings rid the planet of your greasy ass yet?"

"Not yet," Lon replied, stepping closer. "But they've sure as shit been trying. One of them tank shells passed about a meter over my head yesterday. How you doing, Mike?"

Handshakes were difficult to accomplish in a biosuit. The two of them greeted in the manner that had evolved to replace this ancient ritual when out in the field — they banged their right fists together three times.

"I'm tired as a motherfucker," Mike said. "Hungry too. I hear you brought us some breakfast."

"Yep," Lon agreed. "Ten fresh food gel packs, five of them beef paste, five chicken paste. You all can fight over who gets what."

"We've long since gotten over that," Mike said. "They all taste like shit anyway."

"I hear our paste tastes like filet mignon compared to the WestHem paste," one of Mike's men interjected. "They don't even try to flavor theirs. It's just raw nutrients."

"That has to be pretty damn disgusting," Lisa said. "I'm surprised they eat at all."

Mike's men all took a minute to look at Lisa with varying degrees of curiosity. All had heard about the female special forces member, of course, and a few had even met her before, but this was the first time they'd ever seen her out in the field, packing a weapon and lugging a huge equipment bag.

Lisa noticed their perusal. "Yeah, I got tits and a pussy all right," she said sweetly. "Don't I guys?"

"Yep," Jefferson said. "I've seen 'em."

"She is definitely not a boy," Horishito agreed.

Lon simply smiled, amused at the discomfort Lisa was causing the mortar team. "Anyway," he said. "We brought the marines some breakfast too. Sixty eighty millimeter mortar shells, fresh off the Alexander Industries assembly line. Will that hold you until you're relieved?"

"Hope so," Horishito said. "It's all we could fuckin' carry."

"Six apiece?" one of Mike's men said. "Is that all? Hell, we carry ten apiece when we deploy."

"Do you now?" Lisa asked. "And do you carry a twelve kilo anti-tank laser and thirty kilos worth of charging batteries and twelve kilos worth of extra ammunition as well? We sure as shit did."

The man grinned through his helmet. "You seem to fit in with Fargo and his team pretty good, Wong," he said. "No, we don't carry all that, although we do have to carry the actual mortars around. Those weigh a kilo or two."

"Point taken," Lisa said.

"Yes," said Lon, "and if we're done measuring dicks here, how about you guys relieve us of this shit before I get a fuckin' hernia? Where do you want it?"

"Right this way," Mike said. "Let me show you to our supply closet."

He led them along the side of the hill and between a couple of large boulders. There, in the dark recesses behind the larger of the boulders, he lifted a piece of firm plastic imbedded with fake Martian rocks and covered with dust that had blown in. Beneath it was a hole about a meter deep, two meters long, and a meter and a half wide. Twenty or so eighty millimeter shells and a few boxes of ammunition were neatly stacked inside.

"Nice," said Lon as he hefted his pack from his shoulders and set it down on the ground. "You guys dug this yesterday?"

"Took about an hour," Mike confirmed. "Our own hidey holes are about six meters that way." He pointed further along the hill, towards another scattering of boulders. "Those took longer to dig but we were ready for action by the time the sun went down."

"The cover insulation worked as advertised?" Lisa asked, referring to the insulating material that had been developed to keep the heat released from a biosuit from seeping out into the nighttime atmosphere and therefore giving away an underground position.

"Like a charm," he replied. "Ambient temp went up about two degrees every ten minutes when we were sealed inside, that's how well it was keeping the heat from escaping. Around 0330 the Earthlings sent a platoon strength unit in here after us. Some of them were less than ninety meters away and didn't see us."

"That had to have been a bit tense," Lon said.

"When they first showed up it was," Mike said. "I mean, there's six of us and forty of them and we don't even have a SAW out here, just our M-24s. But after a minute or so of looking at them through the periscopes we could see they weren't gonna find us even if they walked right over the top of us. The real tension started when they didn't leave right away, they just kinda stood out there, looking around. If they would've stayed more than an hour enough heat would've built up in our holes to start leaching through the insulation."

"How'd you get rid of them?" Lon asked.

"You know Meyers?" Mike asked.

"Ziff Meyers?"

"That's him," Mike confirmed. "He's our overwatch sniper and our recon guy. He and his observer got their own hidey hole about two clicks south, on top of one of the hills out there. They were the ones feeding us our targeting information last night. They were also the ones who warned us the Earthling dismounts were making a run into the hills. Anyway, they were scanning the transmissions, found the guy who was talking the most, and Ziff put a round right through his fuckin' skull."

"From two klicks?" Horishito said, visibly impressed.

"From two fuckin' klicks," Mike confirmed. "And there was a forty kph wind blowin' too. That is some serious-ass marksmanship there. It was beautiful. I saw the flash from his weapon but only because I knew where to look for it. None of the Earthlings saw shit."

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Czech Mate

In America, sex is an obsession; in other parts of the world it is a fact. -- Marlene Dietrich "For your eighteenth birthday I thought I would give you a weekend in San Francisco. How would that be?" Mike asked. Tomas nearly jumped out of his skin, "Really? We see San Francisco." "And I thought you might bring along a friend," Mike finished. Tomas sank back in his chair at the table. "Oh. But who? Julya and Jana are my friends. I'll make one mad if I take the other," he said...

2 years ago
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CNC in real life

It was one of those long shift days at work. I didn’t get off till 6. I was feeling particularly rowdy. I did a scan of the parking lot for M but he wasn’t there. Not unusual on a Friday. So, I called him as I began my walk home. “I think we should find us some plans tonight.” I said. “What kind of plans.” M replied. I am sure he was thinking about it. Does she want a shopping trip or a ride to her besties? What came next must have been a shock. Its really not me to just hit him...

3 years ago
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A Log Truck Driver In Outer SpaceChapter 20

Lunch at the women's mess was great. The burgers were like the ones mama used to make, sometimes. All I could think of as a tip for Yolanda was a smile and thank you so I let that make do and headed outside. Even though Charlie was lined up to begin investigating the wrongdoings of our prisoners there was still plenty that I needed to get a handle on. The houses for permanent residents were only the first things. After all these years of imported people the planet still had basically...

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Alices Adventures in a Nuclear Power PlantChapter 3

Alice was being promoted to the official position of permanent Containment Unit Nuclear Technician. Now she was a full-fledged "C.U.N.T." Her BFF Yoko was a little upset because she was the one with the dual track Graduate degrees in Systems Management and Master of Science and Alice only had a 3.2 GPA for an undergraduate degree in Modern French Literature. The plant was on suspension after the radiation problems in Number four. They had to shut down both Unit four and Unit three because...

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My birthday surprise part one

Most people dont remember their childhood very well. I remember all of mine. It all started when i was 4 years old. My two half brothers had to start living with me and my sister and brother. I was so happy, i had wanted older brothers and now i finally got them. I noticed my younger half brother started to take notice of my young body. Whenever i was having my "bath time", he always found a reason to go in and sneak glimpses of me sitting in the bath tub bathing. Around my 5th...

1 year ago
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He Kissed My Pussy

He kissed my Pussy &hellip,..I loved his eyes&hellip,and the feel of his warm body finally on top of me. We were almost naked. I knew it might&hellip,finally happen and right now&hellip,.. ———- &hellip,.Im Missy. Im not skinny anymore. I have nice tits now&hellip,but it didnt start out that way. &hellip,.. When Jerry became my step dad, I was already hot for him, even though I was young but of legal age in this state. &hellip,.This state has the lowest legal age of all&hellip,and I knew...

3 years ago
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Rhian and Ric

Chapter 1 My brother and I, we're Welsh, that's people from Wales which you probably know is part of the United Kingdom, it's on the southwest side of Great Britain and is a beautiful land with a difficult and strange language. Many of us also have rather different and complex names, our first king, Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, is example enough, I think. You may not have heard the name I have: I'm Rhian and he's Ric, short for Richard, which, of course, is quite common in most English-speaking...

1 year ago
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Lost at Sea Book 1 Where Theres a Will chapter 6

This kiss was different. The first had been a question. This one was a demand. It was hungry. Not overly aggressive, but fierce with desire. Janie moaned into his mouth and one of his hands found the back of her neck and gripped a little harder than he probably should have. Her fingers were twined in his hair again. After a brief eternity their lips parted and their foreheads came together to rest on each other.“Wow,” Will said faintly. Janie nodded against his head. She was suddenly aware of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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TandraChapter 31

The ladies promised to make lunch, if I went out and ploughed. I put on my coat and boots, and let Dog out for a run. I started the truck, and visualized in my mind, where my first pass would be in preparation for the truck to remove the snow. The truck was all of a sudden a hundred metres away. Great sheets of snow were falling still. It was as if I had ploughed, using a space ship. "What did you girls do?" I could hear them chuckle, then do it again, as they relived the sight of me...

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The Venus Club ch1

I joined the army right after graduating from college in 1979. The prospects were good and I needed time to decide what to do with my professional life. Now, I see how innocent things were then. Some may say "naïve", but to me things were innocent. Sexwise. The scare of HIV was years away, most STDs were treated successfully with antibiotics and the worst that could happen was a hurt ego when you got rejected. A year later I was stationed at a base by the large capital of this small...

3 years ago
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Daughters Dream

"Ooh daddy," I moaned as I looked up into my fathers eyes, feeling him slowly stroking him self in and out of my tight wet pussy. I was fixing to cum, his hard cock never changing pace as I started to shiver, cumming around his hard cock, him closing his eyes as he felt my pussy spasm around him...Then I woke up, breathing hard with the feeling of my fingers on my clit. "Damn..." I said softly to my self. This was the third dream this week about my father, when will my mind give up? I slowly...

2 years ago
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Three In The Woods

My boyfriend Will couldn’t believe it when I first told him.“Seriously, Annie? Those woods near your flat are a popular cruising hangout? How the hell did you find that out?”“It’s not the whole of them, just a corner by the carpark. I started jogging round there for exercise during the first lockdown, and I kept seeing single men just hanging around. I can’t believe it took so long for the penny to drop, especially since there were a couple of trees with the word “cock” painted on them.”“Have...

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My breath strains: body tied, gagged and splayed. Condensed milk drips down my hair and over my ruined stockings while spittle rattles out the air holes of my oblong gag. The foldable chair squeaks as I struggle against the twine binding my wrists tight behind my back. In front of me, my Miss towers over my helpless body, steel-toed combat boots clacking over the hardwood floor. All the while, my cellphone buzzes loudly a few feet away on the kitchen counter.My eyes plead for it to stop. By...

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Amanda stood outside a high-rise apartment in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. The cold January wind ruffled her long hair and sent a chill through her body. She felt her nipples harden and press against the rough texture of her lace bra, concealed only by her shirt. She shivered. Should have dressed in more layers. But layers aren’t sexy and she needed to be ready if she saw him tonight. Amanda had visited this apartment before. Had been taken up to the top floor. Had been taken sexually in a way...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 283

Irish Mirror After living in the remote countryside of Ireland all his life, an old Irishman decided it was time to visit Dublin. In one of the stores, he picks up a mirror and looks into it. Not ever having seen a mirror before, he remarked at the Image staring back at him. "How 'bout that!" he exclaims, "Here's a picture of my Fadder." He bought the mirror thinking it was a picture of his dad, but on the way home he remembered his wife didn't like his father, so he hung it in...

2 years ago
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Haunted House

Haunted House Haunted HouseBy: John Maddux--Proof read by: FantazMaster  CHAPTER 1:? THE HAUNTED HOUSE  ???? It was approaching my favorite hunting time of the year? Halloween! Haunted houses were set up through out the city and suburbs and I knew just the one I was going to go hunting at this year. It was an old Victorian house with only the first and second floors in use. After purchasing a few costumes, I went through the house quite a few times in order to learn its layout. I made...

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NobleChapter 16

We flew back to our main ranch house in the Black Valley Tribe land. Things were starting to get back to some sense of normal. Kevin had checked his message service and found there were three customers seeking his service. The first was another courier job transporting ‘Certified Bonds’ to complete a business sale. The second was from a mother of an up-and-coming young movie star her daughter who has been getting threats and little assistance from the local law enforcement agencies due to...

3 years ago
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Strangled Coed

university in California. She was 5'7" tall, with brown hair and gray eyes. She lived just off campus in an older complex of townhouse apartments. On this particular Tuesday; she had attended her normal schedule of classes followed by a lab. After the lab; she had met several of her girlfriends at a nearby restaurant/bar the group hung out at. After some food and chat; Kristin excused herself from the group to go home and study for Semester 1 Exams that would be starting tomorrow....

1 year ago
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 Cass had turned 17 just over 2 weeks ago. We had been planning this night for a few weeks now. I knew she was nervous about her first time and I wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible. I had made sure we were alone all weekend. Everything needed to be perfect. I had jacked off twice before she came over. She always got me so hard; I didn’t want to ruin it by Cumming to soon.  Her hands cupped her breasts with her shoulders slightly forward, almost as if she was trying to hide...

1 year ago
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Down On The Farm 01

Nicole carefully pulled her car around the back of the barn so it could not be seen from the road. She had spent months looking for a farm that was recently abandoned. The Owens’ farm was perfect for her purposes. It was over an hour’s drive from the city with no close neighbors. The Owens, an elderly couple, had died a few years ago. The house was empty, and so was the barn.To be sure the farm was indeed vacant, Nicole had driven past the farm several times in the early evening and even at...

2 years ago
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Mom Helped Son with his Imaginary Sexual Problem

"Come on. Arnie. What is really bothering you? Tell me. I'm sure mom can help." "Not this time, mom. It's really ambarassing" "It is sexual, isn't it? Remember? I am the one who gave you your first lesson in sex" "I think I am suffering from pre-mature ejaculation." "Really? How did you know?" "I found out during my masturbations." "When did you start masturbating? You should have told me about it. A mother would love to know about such thing." "I watched porn with...

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Nobody really knows what it’s about. That feeling within your soul. It’s like looking out into the night sky searching for a star that you last saw some time ago. You have no idea what it looks like, how bright it shines, but it’s there. The feeling is confusing, mixed up, missing, but yet its presence is undeniable, but only you know it exists. The sky outside was a brilliant light blue with wavy streaks of white clouds passing by in the upper atmosphere, peering down at the minute...

Straight Sex
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Christians hot neighbour

It was just another ordinary day for Christian. He woke up and jerked off thinking about his hot neighbour. He knew that nothing would ever happen with her but he couldn’t help himself. At 5’8” she was absolutely gorgeous with curly dirty blonde hair, tanned sexy legs that went for miles leading up to a great ass. It was tight and firm looking and sat right below her thin waist and flat sexy stomach. Right above her sexy stomach rested her tits and from what he could tell they looked to be...

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Kids scream and dogs bark, yet I come with new lemon! GOD SAVE US ALL! This particular lemon was comissioned by (believe or not) my gf and soul mate. I hope you like the lemon, it took me longer than I expected to make. Asuka looked at the packages Kaji had put his clothes at. "You don't have to go,“ she said kinda sad. Kaji gave a heavy sigh. "I got a open challenge. If I were to back away now, I'd never hear the end of it." he said finally. "Well…Can I wish you luck in my...

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The punk and me

I look back up at his face and see that he caught me staring, and he gave me a devilish smirk that nearly made me cum right then and there. I smirked back, I felt pretty sexy, I was wearing my tripp skirt and corset with my black buckle boots and looked like a dark sex goddess, my own ink showing at my thigh, right where my skirt ended so it was a teaser. I was about thirty more minutes from my house and the train seemed to be going slower than normal. I reached into my bag and grabbed out...

4 years ago
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Onam Celebration With A Twist

Hi everyone this is a story which happened few weeks back to me as you guys already know about me and my cousin relation which I narrated in my previous story “Morning With Cousin Sis” this was her friend who came to my house for Onam celebration this was my first Onam in Kerala and I was excited to see what these peoples do on that day so I got up early in morning and got a shower put my new clothes and went to my friends home around 9 in morning and after taking lunch from his house I...

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My Nudist SisterChapter 5

I heard my parents fucking that night. It’s not something I’ve ever heard before. The individual sounds were familiar to me: my father’s grunts, my mother’s begging. “Please...” she moaned, so loudly that it echoed down the hallway and into my room. “Please...” Presumably at some point they’d made love while I was living with them - how else could Elly exist? - but it wasn’t something I’d ever experienced. After half an hour, my father gave out one loud grunt and my mother gasped one loud...

1 year ago
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A Story of Forbidden Desire

Kelly was fairly new to the neighborhood. She divorced her husband and moved across the country to be closer to her family. Working fulltime meant she had to juggle having a profession with raising a child, but Kelly didn't mind because her little girl meant everything to her. Relocating was scary at first, but Kelly got lucky by moving into a very friendly area of the city. The first family she met lived right next door. She instantly liked the older family and their teenager children,...

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My Stepdad Gene

My name is Drucilla, but my friends call me Dru, and my really close friends call me D. I met my step-dad when I was three years old. I was a little brat and Gene performed behavior extinguishment on me. He swatted my little butt once. It was hard enough that I never wanted to be spanked again. I made sure Gene never saw me do anything bad. Growing up I kept a low profile. My sister’s name was Antoinette, but we always called her Toni. She was supposed to be the smart sister. Gene talked to...

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Thick The Legend of the PAWG Part 3

It was a few months after TwerkFest, and Brooke was back at work at her job. The usual things happened at her job. The male gaze. She flaunted it a bit more, even though she and Mark were somewhat a thing. Her usual customers even returned. She looked at the four that showed up at TwerkFest in South Padre that day. She saw their distinct faces.“What’s up, Brooke?" Jaden said.“Or should we say, Miss New Booty?" Kevin replied, with a smirk.Brooke smiled and shushed them.“How you doing, Kevin? I...

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Packing Clarissas GenesChapter 3

Matt looked up at his sister, who had released his wrists, but was still sitting on his boner. She had a really funny look on her face too. She was flushed, and she was breathing much more deeply than her recent physical expense of energy could account for. "Are you going to let me up?" he asked. "I don't know," she said dreamily. Her hands came up and Matt watched in amazement as she rubbed her breasts. "Rissa? What are you doing?" Her eyes cleared suddenly and she looked at her...

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LiveJasmin Squirt

Squirting has always been a welcome spectacle in the porn industry. Girls who can achieve squirting orgasms always seem to be having the best time, and that’s what we love to see in porn. Then again, squirting scenes are even better and more authentic in live cams; you are certainly missing out if you haven’t seen a squirt girl cam. Anyway, as much as I would love to keep talking about these babes in a global setting, I want to bring focus to a specific website that has an affluent squirting...

Live Squirt Cams
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HomeTown Hero Ch 01

As with all my stories, they are mostly story with some sex, not sex with some story. Hopefully more to come. ***** I have a love/hate relationship coming home for break. I love being home and spending time with my family, but I miss the energy and excitement of living on campus, where there are always people to hang out with. Compared to college life, my home town of Hiltown—which is an ironic name, as there isn’t a hill anywhere near it—is just a little dull. (And yes, Hiltown is spelled...

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Vickies Abduction part 2

----------------------------------------------- Vickie could not stop thinking about her abduction and rape and getting wet every time she relived the experience. She did not report the incident to the police knowing that she could not give them a deion of the kidnapper and the fact that he did not hurt her in the slightest way. She smiled thinking that it had been the scariest, exhilarating, most exciting sexual experience of her life. She had never orgasmed so...

1 year ago
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A Game of Basketball Pt 3

Without my phone, I had no way to contact Nicole and I desperately wanted to talk to her. Not for any reason in particular. I was lovesick and she was the cure. I sent her probably 8,000 emails. That was a bit of an exaggeration, but that’s what it felt like. And of course, no one checks their student email over the weekend. Without much to do, I spent most of my time with my mother when she wasn’t at work. Apparently, she had a fun time with Miss Crandell. I knew they were friends, but I...

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