BiofeedbackChapter 6 free porn video

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Veronica Luisa Juarez – “Ronni” to just about everybody besides her parents -- felt a giddy tingle in her tummy as she made her way to her friend’s house. She could still hardly believe the rapid and significant changes in her life. Three months ago, the quiet, somber seventh-grader, third of five children and daughter of hard-working, socially-conservative Mexican immigrants, had felt like a nobody.

Both of her parents had entered the country as children, illegally with their own parents in the mid-eighties. President Reagan’s amnesty program had normalized their status and they had since followed all the rules and were now proud to be citizens -- Republican voters, in fact. Her father owned a handful of dry-cleaning businesses throughout the city, and worked long hours, primarily keeping an eye on the business rather than working the plant anymore, but sometimes he couldn’t help himself -- and sometimes it couldn’t be helped. Her mother often pitched in at the locations, too, although of course they had plenty of non-family staff at this point. Mr. Juarez believed that he could really only trust family with keeping the chain’s reputation top-notch. As a result, and as a savings measure, Ronni and her siblings spent many a school night evening and weekend morning doing homework in one of the shops between handling the intermittent front counter traffic.

On this particular Friday afternoon and evening, however, Ronni was free of those responsibilities, although she was scheduled to help out in the west side location the following afternoon. Tonight, she had permission to sleep over at her new best friend’s house. A new best friend who had changed everything for Ronni.

This friend was amazing!

She was an eighth grader, just about the most popular girl in their middle school, and in Ronni’s eyes the prettiest, too. Ronni was of course probably correct in this latter assessment, for in cliquey adolescence those two characteristics – female social position and pulchritude -- are often highly correlated.

But frankly, there were lots of hot and popular girls in the school, especially among the eighth graders, who naturally “ruled the roost.” This particular hot and popular girl was “amazing” because of what she had done for Ronni, what she had done with Ronni, and what she had done to Ronni.

For Ronni, she had, out of the blue, befriended her, publicly, which had immediately skyrocketed the younger girl’s profile, popularity, and status. Ronni still had no idea why this had suddenly happened. Sure, the two girls had both been cheerleaders for the combined seventh- and eighth-grade boys’ basketball team, but that wasn’t particularly relationship-building; after all they had only practiced maybe six times after school, and then cheered for a grand total of five home games. So Ronni had been acquainted with her benefactor casually, but this didn’t really explain the older girl’s outreach. And besides, she herself hadn’t been popular at all, had no boyfriend, and most importantly of all, was merely a seventh grader.

Despite the tendency of girls Ronni’s age to harbor insecurities about their physical attributes, a tendency she shared in standard measure, she couldn’t ignore the reality that she herself seemed to be considered attractive by most of the boys. The small circle of girlfriends she had maintained prior to her “elevation” had always wistfully expressed envy of her pretty face, her sleek dark hair, her cinnamon skin tone, her eyes -- especially her eyes: large, dark, unbelievably long-lashed -- and even the way her butt looked in her favorite jeans. But despite the secret hope these compliments had occasionally evoked in her heart-of-hearts, her shyness, the limited opportunity her duties in the family business afforded for out-of-school social activities and, above all, the constraints imposed by her strict and loving parents, most importantly that of “absolutely no boyfriends,” had conspired to settle the thirteen year old cutie into a vague schoolyard anonymity. Until she stepped in.

That is what the popular, bright, and very pretty Bethany Michaels had done for Ronni.

With Ronni ... well. It still made her blush to think of how that started. Bethany had for whatever reason decided to befriend Ronni, but of course that didn’t go from zero to “best” friends overnight. But it did involve a growing frequency of text exchanges and threads, sharing tables at lunch, or sitting together on the bus, and then the basic hanging out after school. They didn’t live too far from each other, and so they had initially traded visits, under the general pretext of studying together, although since both girls were good students on their own and not even in the same grade or taking the same classes, these were really just occasions to play with electronics or watch some TV, and more often than not text other girls in the “clique” not present. Bethany’s looping her into those text circles, Ronni knew, was almost as important as sitting with her at lunch in solidifying her acceptance into the exclusive top social tier at Northside Middle School.

One day Bethany had asked Ronni if she would be willing to help one of her friends out. Ronni, of course, had sad “sure”; she would do anything for this older, now-idolized girl. The request was simple enough.

“This friend of mine ... well, he’s really a friend of my stepdad’s, he’s an adult ... well he has this app he is trying to test out. It’s super-secret ‘cause he doesn’t want the idea getting out before he can publish it. You know, so no one steals it.

“Anyway, this is like a video app, but he thinks it will be bigger than YouTube. Since teens rule with this kind of stuff, I’m helping him out, he wants me to help him make it better. It’s called beta-testing. I have his app on my phone, and whenever I watch a video or anything, I watch it on his app, to test it out. Would you help, too?”

Of course Ronni had immediately agreed, and so under the older girl’s direction she had downloaded the app -- something called TrackQ -- onto her phone and henceforth did all her video surfing through it. She dutifully reported certain buggy experiences to Bethany: sometimes the video would flash with seemingly random (and sometimes embarrassing) images, as though a different video from somewhere on the Internet, maybe like sitting next to the one she was trying to watch, accidentally bled over or something.

The eight-grader laughed and said she got those sometimes, too. She confided that her friend -- or rather her stepfather’s friend -- wasn’t so much of a coder, because in his real job he was a doctor. “He’s actually older than Don -- my stepdad -- so I’m not surprised his app isn’t perfect yet. He’s a good doctor, though, really nice, so I keep using the app, to help him out. I’ll let him know what’s happening with yours. Keep watching with it though, okay?”

Over time, Ronni really did start to prefer watching her video clips with TrackQ, despite the occasional weird “flash”. Somehow, watching videos with this app made her feel more excited, or maybe energized was the right word. Tingly.

Anyway, this shared project became an excuse to spend more time with her mentor, as the girls would often meet up after school at Bethany’s house, lay on the older girl’s bed, and surf videos, sharing good ones with each other.

Things changed in a big way one day when somehow they ended up looking at porn. Ronni wasn’t as naive as to never have seen it, nor to have failed to explore it a bit on her own, surreptitiously and a little guiltily, from time to time. And that crazy TrackQ app sometimes flashed with inappropriate imagery, so the girls had already seen bits of it in each other’s presence. But to look at it intentionally, like an actual porn video, together with another girl -- that was something different, and scary. To laugh and brush it off at first, but then to realize they were both more than just amused by it, but also fascinated, intrigued, aroused even -- flushed faces and more rapid breathing – that was a very different experience from furtive iPhone-surfing on a slow evening behind the front counter of one of her dad’s shops.

It wasn’t long before pornographic material made up the vast majority of the video surfing the girls did in each other’s company -- and in Ronni’s case, at least, one-hundred percent of the video surfing she did on her own.

That crazy TrackQ! Weird thing was, when she watched regular, “nice” videos on it, the interrupting flash images that sometimes occurred were almost always sexual. But when she watched porn, it seemed like just the opposite kind of material would occasionally flash -- cute babies, the American flag, the Virgin Mary. When she pointed this out to Bethany, the older girl had said something about conditioner, but when Ronni had corrected her, saying she hadn’t been seeing any hair-care images in the flashes, Bethany had sort of laughed and said “never mind”.

These mutual, shared afternoon explorations took a peculiar turn when somehow they ended up looking more and more at porn featuring women together, completely without men. Ronni was embarrassed that she found this just as arousing as the other kind, and was afraid that this would somehow “show” to her older friend. How humiliating if it did!

But almost as if she were a mind reader, Bethany not only broke that tension but addressed Ronni’s very confusion and concern!

“I used to think there was something wrong with me, liking the girl-girl stuff. But then I looked up some science on it. You know what? All women like it. Turns out scientifically that just about every woman likes other women that way ... it’s not lesbianism unless you only like women, and don’t want anything to do with guys. And that’s not me!”

“Me neither, I can’t give up guys!” Ronni had quickly replied, giggling nervously. Not that she could have pointed to any experience with boys, but she sure liked them a lot. But it had made her feel much better to hear the older girl both confess an interest in the girl-to-girl material, and to learn about the science. Bethany was pretty smart, so if she said that’s what the science said, it probably was.

“Let’s try it!”

What? Had Bethany really just...

Next thing she knew, Ronni felt the older girl’s mouth on her own. She was being kissed, and she kissed back. It was fun. It felt good. It felt good everywhere.

At first, Bethany gave her the impression that this was all pretty new to her, too, but as their make-out and petting session continued, it became clear that she had done this sort of thing with girls before. That might have put Ronni off had she known it up front, but now that she was “guilty” herself, it actually reassured her; Bethany’s experience seemed to normalize the behavior. Creating her first sexual experience is what this amazing new friend had done with Ronni.

That first day it had been limited to what a previous generation might have called “necking.” But Ronni didn’t hesitate to return the next afternoon, and that went a little further. By the end of that week, the two middle-schoolers were making love in the fullest sense, and the first time the older girl used her mouth on Ronni’s previously untouched vulva, she thought she would die from the pleasure of it. Earnestly, she had immediately tried to return the favor.

Tried, but maybe not fully succeeded. At first, Bethany was appreciative enough, patient enough. But after a few sessions, it became clear to the younger girl that she had a lot to learn, that she wasn’t doing things quite well enough. Which is what led to what Bethany did to Ronni.

To Ronni. Truth be told, Ronni very much liked this third development, as frightening and embarrassing as it was at first. One day, up in Bethany’s room, as Ronni was dutifully trying to properly please the eighth grader’s freshly waxed pussy, something had clicked, and from that moment Bethany more or less switched from making love with Ronni to a sterner, take-charge mode, directing her, ordering her, molding her, it seemed, into what she, Bethany, wanted Ronni to be.

Outside of the bedroom -- at school, in front of parents, even in the privacy of non-sex-related text chats, Bethany continued to treat the younger girl like a peer, a friend, just as much of an “equal” as she did any of the other popular girls. But in the bedroom, in private, and during their more sexualized text exchanges, things were now completely different. Bethany was domineering, imperious, bitchy, while Ronni found herself being submissive, obedient, and fawning. And, to what she was sure would be her eternal humiliation, Ronni Juarez absolutely loved it!

Thinking of what Bethany had done to her as she walked the final block to the older girl’s house on this Friday afternoon had the petite Latina’s underaged vagina positively molten.

This physical state was occasioned not only by thoughts of their now asymmetric sexual relationship, but also by the practical reality of one of Bethany’s demands -- orgasm control.

Prior to her eye-opening affair with Bethany Michaels, the youngster had, like anyone else, explored masturbation and self-love. She had even managed to teach herself about orgasms, or at least what she had thought was an orgasm before Bethany had taught her how great they could really feel. But in those days, masturbation had been an occasional matter, and climaxing an even less frequent one.

After becoming lovers with the older girl, Ronni was soon masturbating and climaxing – and climaxing much more “successfully” -- all the time. She played with herself continually, almost continuously, if the thirteen-year-old were honest with herself. And Bethany had, at first, encouraged this excess.

Ronni was touching herself at every opportunity, masturbating and cumming, sometimes several times a day. Upon waking, and upon going to bed. Behind a slow dry cleaning store front counter. During a bathroom excuse in the middle of fifth period!

In fact, in looking back, it seemed to Ronni that her obsessive masturbation was the trigger that led to the change in the dynamic between the two girls. Bethany had encouraged her masturbation from the first, but at some point she actually started directing it. She’d instruct -- and later order -- Ronni to masturbate and report back, by text or in person. It got so Bethany would make her play with herself right in front of her, whenever they had even the most nominal or momentary privacy.

The eighth grader would insist on smelling Ronni’s fingers when she returned from the restroom, to verify that her orders had been carried out. And though all of this, Ronni had obeyed – and had loved the obeying.

Eventually, the most common instruction was simply the word “candy”, in text or by voice, and Ronni would take that as a command to immediately find an opportunity to privately bring herself off. Whenever she got this instruction, she was not done until she had cum.

Following this came the introduction of the code word “touch”, which meant she was to play with her pussy wherever she was, damn any privacy concerns beyond what she could pull off on the spot through stealth or cover. This, of course, seldom resulted in orgasm, but it was enticing and sexy and oh so yummy. After four or five intermittent “touch” commands, Ronni would be yearning for a “candy” to find some privacy and finish the job fully.

And most recently had come the code word “almost.” This is the one that drove her mad, that she hated, that she lived for. Upon this command, Ronni was to play with herself, publically or privately as conditions allowed, right up to the edge of a self-induced orgasm -- and stop. Bethany called this “edging”, and Ronni found it deliciously excruciating, particularly because it wasn’t long after this command’s introduction that Bethany declared Ronni was no longer allowed to bring herself to orgasm, regardless of whether she were alone or in Bethany’s treasured presence, without the older girl’s specific permission, which could be given in plain English or by the “candy” command.

Once Ronni had yielded control of her own orgasms, or lack thereof, there was no turning back. They weren’t co-equal lovers, they weren’t mutually experimenting. Bethany had become Ronni’s mistress, in the dominant sense, and Ronni was had become Bethany’s plaything and sex toy, a doll to divert herself with. And, in either girl’s bedroom, behind closed doors, her complete and devoted slave.

So perhaps it was the combination of these musings over her erotic submission with the fact that Bethany had forced her to edge seventeen times over the last three days without once allowing her to climax that had the seventh grader a-boil as she turned onto the walk and up the steps to the front door of 479 North Pleasant Street. She had her backpack slung over her shoulder, and within it were her toothbrush and her PJs – PJs that Bethany of course would not allow her to wear once they were alone and sequestered in the bedroom for the night. This was, after all, a “sleepover.” Not that Ronni expected she’d get much sleep with such an insatiable pussy -- and critical mistress -- to serve.

She reached for the bell and for the umpteenth time noticed that the nameplate said “Weathers” and again reminded herself that Bethany lived with her mother and stepfather. She had never heard her mention her real father, so Ronni wasn’t even sure if he was in the older girl’s life, or if he were even still alive for that matter. But occasionally she did have to re-remember that the tall, fit, and handsome man of this house wasn’t actually Bethany’s dad. After all, he did seem to act like a devoted parent; for instance, even though at the time she hadn’t known Bethany very well at all, she had even then noticed that Mr. Weathers hadn’t missed a single one of the boys basketball games that Bethany – and of course, Ronni – had cheered at this year. And unlike some spectators, he had seemed truly fascinated by their routines. Most people were more interested in the game, and her own parents hadn’t even attended once, but Bethany’s stepfather had watched their every move, attentively, which was nice of him.

Lost in this thought stream, she was startled when the door opened before she could push the bell. And who should it be coming out, but the man in question himself?

“Oh, Veronica, sorry to startle you, I was just heading out. Bethany’s upstairs, in her room. Staying over tonight, huh?” The man boldly scanned her up and down as he said this, as though he were appraising her body as a potential purchase. He did that every time they ran into each other, lately, whenever Mrs. Weather and Bethany were out of sight. He wasn’t the slightest bit shy about this act, he never was, and Ronni secretly enjoyed it. Of course, she never mentioned a peep of it to Bethany – she was sure that that would creep her out, knowing her own stepdad was checking out her younger friend -- but in her current highly-edged, orgasm-denied condition, Ronni had to consciously resist responding to this bold eyeballing with an instinctual reach for her own overwrought pussy!

But she did resist the crazy urge – as if! -- and Mr. Weathers smiled and held the door wide for her. “Yes, Mr. Weathers. Don’t have to work at a store tonight, not until tomorrow afternoon.” Mr. Weathers knew her dad, had been a customer for years, and he was also about the only person other than her parents to consistently called her “Veronica,” although he did so with a short “o”, in the English, rather than Spanish, fashion. And she always called him “Mr. Weathers”. Some of her friends’ parents insisted that the girls call them by their first names. But not Mr. Weathers, and this seemed totally right to Ronni. He was no equal; he was no peer to teenaged girls. He was a mature, adult man. She felt that mature adult man’s mature adult eyes on her thirteen-year old ass as she climbed the stairs and she told herself that she’d better get her face into Bethany’s immature pussy in a hurry before she found herself disobediently jilling-off in the upstairs hallway!

As she turned to make her way to her friend’s bedroom, she heard the front door close behind the departing – and distracting – male. Ronni was forming the distinct opinion that the more she was forced to edge without the release of orgasm, the less she could trust her own self-control!

She knocked on Bethany’s bedroom door, heard a “C’min”, and swiftly entered and shut the door behind her. She watched Bethany rise from the bed and cross to the cushioned white ladder back chair by the window. The pretty brunette casually tossed a flattish square pillow on the floor before it, and opened her white terry cloth robe revealing her sleek, nude form, as she took the seat. In a practiced fashion, Ronni pulled her own top off and removed her bra as she knelt between he older girl’s spread thighs and, without a word, opened her mouth to engulf Bethany’s glistening vulva. Her taste was tangy, and she was already quite wet, a fact that pleased Ronni. This suggested that Bethany had been playing with herself, anticipating their time together, looking forward to her plaything’s arrival. Ronni felt a twinge of pride in her shame.

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"Sammy," Suzanne called from the foot of the stairs. "Sammy, you have company." I got off my bed, walked the length of the hall and looked down the stairs. Suzanne was looking up at me. Seeing that I had heard her, she went back to the foyer. I heard her saying something to my visitor as I descended the stairs. "Sammy, this is Mrs. Ford. She wants to speak with you about her son," Suzanne said, putting her arm around my waist and looking from me to my visitor. Mrs. Ford radiated...

3 years ago
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Kate 1

In the land of harps and Guinness lives a pretty girl everyone calls Kate. Of course her given name is Katherine but Kate seems to fit her better. She was deeply in love with her first boyfriend but that’s hardly unusual for a girl seventeen years old. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that she THOUGHT she was in love. ‘Love’ is so easily defined by a seventeen year old girl. ‘Love’ gets harder to understand at twenty. Kate is now twenty-seven and things are even more confusing. Let’s go...

4 years ago
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Flights of ConsciousnessChapter 7

When David and his mother arrived home, David handed a heavy bag to Darla. "The tapes that make you and Barbara victims are in this bag, Darla, along with the camera coach had hidden in the locker room. Destroy the tapes and the camera, and destroy the unlabeled tape in the other bag. Barbara, you're the star on that tape." He handed his mother the other bag. "Inside this bag, besides the tape I just mentioned, you'll find evidence that will put coach behind bars. The evidence consists...

1 year ago
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An affair starts

Saz had been working part time at the pub in the evenings and at weekends for a while now.She was now 51 married with c***dren who were growing up. Whilst working she knew she was being chatted up each time this man was in. He was called Stuart and was 11 years older than her. While she was a professional having been a teacher he was a bit of a roughneck really having done numerous jobs over the years despite being fairly intelligent. He had just finished working on the oil rigs so was in the...

1 year ago
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My First Ever Lasting Sex

Hey this is sexy Ritu before you telling her experience with her cousin. I am new to this site and it is my first ever experience I want to share with you guys. If you like the story please mail me in Here the story begins and as I am engineer so please cooperate with me and ignore my mistakes. Ritu a good looking girl and having good assets with a ravishing figure of 34_28_32 and I can bet any guy can fall for me in my home. I live with my mom papa and a cousin. I am the only child of them...

2 years ago
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Mark and Kerry and me make a happy three

Kerry is a very pretty blonde with a trim, tight, athletic figure. Not only was she pretty, but she turned out to be really fun to hang out with. For this weekend, the Saturday events were a game at Wrigley in the bleachers, followed by a street festival and some bars. We had an especially beautiful day and the alcohol was flowing freely. After the game, we hit the street fest and continued to drink and listen to a few bands. Mark and Kerry kept glancing at me and whispering to each...

3 years ago
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Just taken a shower, walked into my bedroom the sun was bright and beating down on my bed, I dropped my towel and laid down taking in the hot relaxing sun. I had just started to get hair down there it was soft and my nipples had just started to grow, they were nipple buds about the size of a pop bottle cap, I touched one and felt a feeling I had not felt, I was feeling aroused, I put one hand between my legs and felt a small hard bump but when my finger touched it, it felt good. I had never...

2 years ago
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My body searched in a back room

I was that afternoon at the local mall, having some nice diamond pieces between my fingers at the jewelry shop. I could not decide what to buy…Suddenly four strong hands lifted me in the air and dragged me into a back office, before I could open my mouth to scream for help.Two giant security guards had attacked me. They locked the door behind them and made me stand in the middle of the room. They were both black men, muscled hard bodies and even handsome...I started to be scared, thinking those...

2 years ago
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Going to Hell

“And those sinners who dare argue with our Lord’s divine will,” shouted the Reverend Gary Whitman, “Will be doomed to spend an eternity in hell! Who is that, you ask? Who are these sinners? Well, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you. It’s the murderers, the criminals, the thieves!” The congregation cheered. Reverend Whitman’s movements were animated and exaggerated when he was in the middle of a sermon. Whitman was a man in his mid-forties whose light brown hair was beginning to gray. He was...

2 years ago
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Erotic Sex Experience With My Girlfriend

Hey guys and girls this is Ramesh. Let me explain my sex experience with my girl friend. We are in relationship for more than 3 years her name is Anu. We had sex more than 100 times in the past 3 years we both are damn romantic and we enjoy each other very much. Tell about myself I’m 6″ tall and lean and my dick size is around5.5″ I have good stamina to satisfy my girl hours together. Now to tell about my girl she is short and chubby she got a huge boobs and ass her stats is 36D 32 36 the...

2 years ago
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Return to EdenChapter 33

"Good morning, Accorda," the colonel said as she presented herself to him immediately after breakfast, as instructed. She was standing ramrod straight at attention. "At ease." He turned to his wife, who was finishing up negotiating her own breakfast as well as feeding Meier. "Are you ready, my love?" he asked. She nodded, taking a final sip of coffee. "I think we will want a little privacy and seclusion, our quarters?" She nodded again, rose to unselfconsciously take her husband's...

2 years ago
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Wendys Wedding Night Surprise

Was this the perfect wedding for both bride and groom? It has now been 10 years since Wendy and I were married. Our sex life has always been good but as with most marriages that initial "lust fest" has worn off, with c***dren also doing their best to dampen any ardour.This tale relates to the time just before we were married, right up to our wedding day. This was a time when we were still very spontaneous and regularly exhausted each other wherever and whenever the moment took us.This was a...

3 years ago
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The Storm Damage

Edited by George5. Of course, I had to screw with it afterward; so all missing steaks are mine. My marriage was destroyed and my anger peaked and was sustained by a power outage. Then another storm helped make some repairs. My name is Carl Arthur Thomas and at the time I was destroyed I was 29 years old and had been married for 5 years. We had no kids and had not talked about starting a family. I am 6’ 1/2” tall, blue-eyed, 180 pounds, and prematurely gray-haired. I am told that the gray...

3 years ago
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Fun with Ex Hubbys Commander

We turned down a gravel road and a couple more miles then through a gate and to a cabin. There were so many cars there that we had to park about 20 or so years. I got out and walked between the commander and his wife and felt wet as hell. The door opened and a man standing there naked and hard brought us into a room that had a central space that had been vacated of the furniture and mats laid down. There were men and women standing or lounging around the room, some drinking some smoking weed...

2 years ago
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I Thought She Made You Up Ch 02

Damn, I need an editor bad. Here we go. …………………………….. So, after spending a year having sexual adventures with two beautiful, intelligent women twice my age, I was suddenly on my own again. It was hard for me to adjust. I compensated by putting as much overtime in at my job as I could, saving the money for my dream of college. I still took community college classes and was almost done with my associate degree. I dated from time to time, and had a couple of short relationships, never anything...

2 years ago
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Having Sex Is A Good Treatment For Depression

Hi ISS readers, my name is Rahul. I am 27, Single, I’m basically from Mysore. Now shifted to Mangalore a beautiful city in Karnataka. This story is about how I got unexpected with my cousin Harini. So let’s go the story. Harini was my cousin and a good friend of mine who stays in Bangalore. This incident happened during October 2019. My uncle was looking for a groom for her for 5 months. They found one during August and her engagement was fixed in September. She got engaged to a rich person and...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 399

Toronto Woman Shot In Her Own Driveway... Linda Plews, 26, a resident of Toronto was visiting her in-laws and, while there, went to a nearby supermarket to pick up some groceries. Later, her husband noticed her sitting in her car in the driveway with the windows rolled up and her eyes closed, with both hands behind the back of her head. He became concerned and walked over to the car. He noticed that Linda's eyes were now open and she looked very strange. He asked her if she was okay, and...

2 years ago
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The Great Mumbai Floods

It was our 10th wedding anniversary round the corner in the month of October. My husband is a CEO in an MNC at Mumbai. Being a CEO, he was always hopping from one place to other and lived almost in a suitcase. So imagine my fate. Staying lonely in house and lying in bed most of the time. All works of the house like cooking, washing cleaning by self and even enjoying self on the bed in the afternoons and nights. That was my life cycle. My husband, Shashi is a highly educated engineer with...

1 year ago
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More Marsha episode 11

Introduction: Marsha counted the days till her date with Dot the week following the tailgate orgy. Dot inspected her nude body in the mirror with pride as she prepared for her friends visit that afternoon. Her breasts still rode high on her chest at thirty-five, nipples prominent with large pink aureole. Her flat belly led down to the whisp of blond pubic hair that marked the top of her prominent mound of Venus. She cupped her breasts, palming the nipples until they grew even more erect. The...

3 years ago
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Book 4 Hanks StoryChapter 7

Hank managed to get to his tent, a time or two he wasn't sure if he would make it that far with Nedra's nails on his back and her little sharp teeth nipping him in the side. Hank set Nedra on her feet "what are you doing here? Nedra, that was my family back there, what were you thinking of with such a display?" Nedra pouted prettily at Hank "oh my this I did not realize, your family seems delightfully unique. I have missed you, your Nedra needs your attention she languishes without...

4 years ago
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The Amulets of Power II the Kennedy WarsChapter 5

Characters introduced in Chapter 5 “The A Team”: SFC Meadows -Senior radio man SFC Morris and SSG Hadley - Heavy and light weapons SSG Tweed -Engineer and demolitions SFC Walls and SSG Johnson - Medics SFC Barlow and SSG Engles - Intelligence Captain Warren and 1st Lieutenant Sykes - Commander and XO MSG Sawyer - Operations and Team Sergeant The Thai Special Forces (TSF) Team: 1st Lieutenant Tamusarit - Commander Sergeants Mon and Thu - TSF NCOs The airfield was still on a...

2 years ago
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Strange Relationship Version X Chapter 002

Caitlin’s log: Sunday, 10 a.m. I’m lying in bed with a terrible, nagging ache. You’d be forgiven for thinking I’d gone ten rounds with a Cabernet Sauvignon, but you’d be wrong. The ache was spiritual rather than physical, the apocalyptic realisation that for the third night running I’d lain awake for hours before falling asl**p, contemplating all manner of things related to re-igniting my sex life. See? That’s what I keep doing, dressing the issue up in euphemisms – “re-igniting my sex life”,...

4 years ago
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18 but curious

It all started a few months ago where i thought to myself i had to have a gay experience after fantasizing about it for along time, i have been curious for a few years but turned 18 last summer so haven’t thought about actually doing the act as i felt too young, but wanted to do it before going to college. I read a lot on forums about being bi or curious and about peoples first times. I read a lot of erotic fiction and spent hours at night reading, then started to look at gay personals on...

Gay Male
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Earths CoreChapter 11 Blue World Estate

‘Is that it?’ Zax raised his brow. ... Listening for quite a while to the figure that emerged from the fog, the first thing Zax got to learn was its identity. Nocron Yorak Gogenta Jin Buvel, Gogenta in short. He is the previous owner of the Black Core. The humanoid form he presented himself in was his secondary form. His first, the colossal that gave the impression of being larger than a planet, too big to observe, was his innate form as a type of being called “Larzar”, which he in...

2 years ago
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Dads Doctor My wet dreams Partner

"Ok, I am on the way now," I said and hung up the phone from my dad.As you all know, my dad is a Bishop of a leading church in our community. Being the only child at home with him can be rewarding and also boring from time to time. I have to live up to a particular image especially when am around him. But the truth of the matter is this, when he's not around, the real me comes out. I am a "lady in the streets" and a "slut in the sheets!"My dad was at his office at the church all day and he was...

Straight Sex
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Bikini Beach Understanding A Girlfriend

Bikini Beach: Understanding A Girlfriend ********************************************** ElrodW Taking the steps two at a time, Don smiled as he anticipated a hug, and maybe some cuddling, from his roommate and girlfriend. He hated these business trips, but that was life in the consulting business. Once in a while, like now, the job finished early. Don hadn't even had time to call Leslie. This was going to be a very big surprise. As he reached the top of the stairs, his hand...

3 years ago
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Game Over Stories

Lexi's Scissor Hold "What a wimp." The nylon clad assassin said to her gasping victim. Her thighs were firmly holding his windpipe as the two of them slowly descended to the floor of the warlocks mansion. "Your boss must be a real weakling if he hires help such as you." The bodyguard didn't even hear her approach before she jumped upon his shoulders and placed her lithe, nylon thighs over and around his neck. He felt like a snake had been strangling him, slowly draining him of his strength....

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My Mother The Customer Relationship Manager

Hello, everyone, my name is Anuj, and I’m from Gurugram. This story is not mine but of one of my fans that he sent me to my email. I will tell this story of his customer relationship manager mom in his own words. My name is Kshitij, and I live in Delhi with my mother, father, and servant. I am 21 years old, and this story took place 2 years back when I was 19 and had just joined the new college. My father, Brij Mohan, 42 years old, runs a small grocery store from our house. We have a servant,...

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My Wifes New Husband

My name is Amy. I work at a large company as the assistant to the VP in charge of new product development. I’ve been married to my husband Jim for 6 years and have two lovely children. Jim and I met in high school and have been an item since. The summer after graduation Jim took me on a weeklong camping trip and forgot to pack condoms. We had been sexually active for the past 4 months and took every opportunity to have sex but never without a condom. The first few days of camping we tried to...

4 years ago
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The Stalled Elevator Labia Massage

I always make it to work on time. I have a routine. Normally I hit the elevator by 7:15, but this day I was early as I stepped into the cab, the door began to close when suddenly a left hand slid into the crevice of the closing door and the doors sprang open. Her hair was a bit out of place, pulled back, blonde highlights but her graying roots were becoming. She apologized and stated something about having a bad day. The doors closed and began its trek up. First floor, second third fourth they...

Oral Sex
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Temptation by all

Kayla sat there looking eager to start a new day, her long blonde hair flowed down to a revealing top that covered he nipples, her skirt was very short and her pussy was becoming wet from her panties. The photographer, Mary snapped away at Kaylas petite body as she shouted out positions. "Thanks Kayla thats a wrap, your the best model ive ever seen" Mary lent forward and gave Kayla a kiss on the check and then one on the mouth which sent tingles to Kaylas pussy. Kayla strutted off forcing her...

Group Sex
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A gifted girl

6 am. You left early for work. You seemed to have completely forgotten what day it was. Kissed her lips and hurried off. You didn’t even have breakfast. You said you had an early meeting with your staff. She sighed. She was lying on her stomach on the bed, her white nighties crumpled on her. Her hair tousled everywhere, she felt like a horrible sight. She groaned and got up. Took a quick shower after she left the bedroom. Didn’t even take the time to fix the bed as she felt bad already. ...

3 years ago
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Fantasy about tying wife blindfolding her

One evening my husband Tom asked if he could tie me naked to the kitchen table and fuck me. It seemed a bit silly but if that would make him happy, I didn't mind. He stripped me naked, blindfolded me and put a gag around my mouth. Bent me forward across the table, spread my legs wide and tied each ankle to a table leg. I was laying across the table with my arms either side of my head and my hands clutching the far edge of the table (It was a narrow table.). He then put rope around my wrists and...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Aidra Fox Ivy Jones Trophy Hunter Part One

Aidra Fox is spending the afternoon revisiting memories about old lovers. She is going through a box of memorabilia from all the girls she’s been with, when she finds Ivy Jones’ panties in there. She puts them on her face and smells those sweet succulent pussy juices. She picks up the phone and decides that it might be time for her to get lost in Ivy’s pussy. Ivy, however, is busy studying for a chemistry exam and has a lot of work to do. Aidra suggests that she drops the...

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Aarti Fucked Before Her Marriage

Hey readers, this is Atul once again with a brand new incident. All my readers may recollect who Aarti is and I meet her in bus journey to Aurangabad during my office tour and had the discreet relationship with her and all my readers may recollect that she was divorcee and staying all alone in Mumbai after our relationship. We enjoyed the sex very much and she was also addicted to it. So, at last, she decided to get marry with a widow person, whose wife expired in a car accident and he do not...

1 year ago
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My first suck

I was after heavy night. Woke up about 9-9:30 with hungover. Straight away I've reach computer, and clicked into Internet chat on polish website"interia". I've decided that I'll go to room "gay". I was fancy big cocks earlier but never had courage to show it. I've found this guy from my city.. 40 years old (I was 27 that time), could drive to me, agreed with my conditions that we won't be kissing and touch our body's in kinda erotic way, so simply just sucking... I've told him it will be my...

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