TurbulenceChapter 7 free porn video

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After my class day was finished, I went back to the room where I found Ryan studying at his desk. Figuring I would take a short nap I swung myself into the upper bunk.

“Don’t plan on a lot of sleep Dub,” he said. He had already reworked my Axe wound nickname into an abbreviation of A-W. With a leering grin, he went on, “The twins are expecting us at Spike’s for fish and chips and then another romp at their parent’s house.”

My immediate need for shuteye was tempered by his news but I still marveled that this kind of stuff kept happening to me. “Wake me up just before we have to go.”

“I don’t get it,” he said in admiring contempt, “How in the hell can you do so well and not even study.”

“Some’s got it, and some’s don’t,” I said.

“Fuck you, Dub.”

They were identical in every respect and loved deceiving people by alternating their personas. They had done it so often since they were little girls that they didn’t even have to plan for it. Last night Corey who ended up with Arthur acted a more dominant role while Meghan was slightly subservient with Ryan. The roles were not hardcore sub or dom roles just enough to give the appearance that they were different when they cared to be. It was a rare occurrence when they were found out. Pulling the wool over peoples’ eyes had become a game that was second nature for them and great fun, the kind that only identical twins could pull off.

Sometimes the ruse was permanent, depending upon the amount of regard they had for the people they were involved with. Mostly though it was just a lark that they would enjoy and laugh about with their victims when they might be found out. With Ryan and Arthur, the twins planned on milking the ruse as long as they could, just to keep these interesting young men on their toes. After comparing notes on the two students, they thought Arthur was either a prodigy or had the benefit of a well-practiced mentor, “Probably his mother or auntie,” Corey conjectured.

Meghan’s opinion of Ryan was that he was not a slouch as a sexual partner. He was great at foreplay, understood the location of erogenous zones, and knew how to manipulate them. He was natural at cunnilingus and unlike most young men she had been with was not only familiar with analingus but quite adept at it. He was “obviously a bloke who’s been with quite a few ladies ... certainly on top of the heap as far as men his age are concerned.”

Corey was more enthusiastic about Arthur. “He IS at the top of the heap as far as the endowment is concerned Meg and you won’t believe what a good lover he is. He made me climax SO many times. And when I came, I simply exploded and went bonkers. He gave me the shivers. The only drawback is that he is quite shy when it comes to licking a lady’s bum.”

The twins had perfected switching roles; each could give accurate accountings of their experiences to the minutest detail ... able to remember the circumstance her twin had imparted to her as if she had actually experienced it. Corey wanted to spend at least one more night with Arthur and was not eager to exchange with her sister so soon. But having let the cat out of the bag about his size, an unusual experience for most women stimulated a great deal of curiosity. Then there was his ability to suss out so many orgasms.

Meghan practically begged her sister to let her have a try at him. Once she agreed Corey thought No problem he’s probably not as good as I remember anyway (that happened often enough before). Besides, the analingus marks her twin gave Ryan convinced her to agree to switch at least for tonight. They would do the ruse, dress completely the same and take the guys back to the house playing the role of their twin sister.

As we walked into Spike’s we immediately saw the two blonde girls sitting at the table in the corner. “Crikey,” Ryan said, “they’re dressed exactly the same. Can you make out which one is Corey?”

“Nope,” I said perplexed by the exact images of the two sisters. Confused by what I thought would be such an easy identification of someone I had been so intimate with just the night before I asked Ryan, “Can you tell which is Meghan?” Unsure of myself as I approached the table I hoped to get close enough to be able to determine the difference.

Both girls giggled. Meghan said to Ryan, “What’s the matter, doesn’t my big man recognize me?”

Ryan blushed, looked over at Corey (Meghan)and back at Meghan (Corey), and said, “How do the two you even tell the difference?”

Meghan said, “That’s easy silly, I’m Meghan and she (nodding at Corey) is Corey.” She eyed him seductively and said, “Kiss me and see if you don’t remember how I kiss.” It was a familiar openmouthed kiss, more eager since last night’s intimacy. It appeared that they would devour one another.”

“Do you want to try ME?” Corey asked me.

I felt out of place as Ryan and Meghan’s public kissing commanded center stage in their inappropriate behavior. Their kiss was just like mine and Corey’s while we had been kissing at their parent’s home. But just like theirs, our lips were sealed in an open kiss and our tongues churned in our saliva-filled mouths. In a strange “way to go blokes” acceptance the observing crowd clapped and cheered. When I had the sensation that I was totally alone with Corey butterflies fluttered in my stomach crowded my stomach. It was like a dream scene in a movie. She tasted the same, smelled the same. I was hungry with the desire to go back to her parent’s house and resume where we left off last night.

As the four of us walked hand in hand down the street it was just like last night; Ryan and Meghan led the way, Corey and I followed. When they stopped ahead of us and kissed on the street we stopped as well and took advantage of the delay up ahead. We were more familiar with each other than last night, kissing with a better understanding of having already explored each other. While on the sidewalk to their house I was finding spots that I hadn’t become familiar with last night, grinding my finger in the seam of her jeans. Through the thick denim fabric of my Levi’s, she encased my plumping organ with her hand while our chins became soaked by our hungry, mouth-flooded kissing.

As Ryan and Meghan continued up the front stairs Corey whispered, “I’ll give you a tour of the surgery. I would like to practice giving you a physical. The door to the surgery was beneath the front steps with the entrance on the side. Opening the door with her key she walked in ahead of me, flipped a switch that turned on the light, and pulled me inside. We were in a small lobby with four chairs. There was a small desk for a receptionist and a door to the right of the desk that led to one of the two examination rooms. A bank of cabinets filled one wall with a space between the uppers and lowers which provided a flat surface where various instruments lay. A chair to the right of the examination table was placed cattycorner extending from the outside and inner wall that was a mirror image of the room we were in. I enjoyed the game that she was playing with me.

“Get up on the table young man,” she said, “I want to make sure of your healthy manhood before I put you through your paces tonight.”

She reached for the blood pressure cuff and wrapped it around my wrist. Taking a stethoscope from a hook on the wall she opened the earbuds and put them in her ears. Pumping the cuff, she placed the receiver of the stethoscope above the cuff on the inside of my elbow and listened as the cuff lost pressure to the beat of my heart. “120/75,” she said, “looks like you’ll be able to make it through the night.”

Opening a drawer, she took out folded fabric and handed it to me. “Take off all your clothes Mr. Chadwick, put on this robe and I will come in to examine you after I have gone to the bathroom. A pint will do that,” she said with a chuckle.

I took off all my clothes, hung them on the hook on the door then donned the robe which was open in the back. As I stood there naked wearing just the examination robe through which I could feel cool air through the opening in the back I felt silly. At the same time, it was such a novel way to act out sexual foreplay that gave me a sense of uncertain but nervous anticipation.

There was a knock on the door before it opened. Standing in the doorway was Corey except for a white nurse’s cap and the stethoscope dangling between her breasts she was completely naked. I saw her naked the night before but could not get as complete a view. Her body was thin and shapely, about five feet four inches tall, with legs that could have been those of a hosiery model. Framed in the doorway she could have been a picture in a bawdy men’s magazine, the nipples of her B/C-cup breasts almost curling up toward the ceiling.

Closing the gap between the door and me she placed the stethoscope against my chest, listened for a moment, and said, “Your pulse has gone up.”

I suddenly realized that while she was listening to my heartbeat her other hand had fondled me to a complete, sixty-degree erection. Crouching slightly and lowering the scope she placed it against the head of my penis, wrinkled her brow, and said, “Mm-hm it’s already increased fifteen beats.” Staring at my bouncing organ she giggled and said, “Isn’t this fun?”

Standing erect she looked me in the eye, pushed my right testicle up into my body, and said, “Turn your head and cough.” Pressing harder on the testicle she said, “No hint of a hernia. I think you’re healthy enough for tonight’s purposes. But I should check one more thing. Blokes like you should have a healthy prostate, let me check. Bend over the table.” She went to the cabinet, opened it, took out a white, throw-away 4 oz. cup, a tube of KY lubricant, and a surgical glove. “Just rest on your elbows.”

I was nervous about her doing something I had never experienced with my ass before. I had heard of the prostate but never considered what it was. I heard her snap the latex glove on her hand. After a moment when she was doing something behind my back, I felt the cool KY that she had squeezed on my asshole, felt her finger smooth the ooze around it then felt her fingertip opening my anus. “This might even hurt a little,” she said as her finger went all the way in. “Take the cup that I placed beside your head Arthur and put the head of your penis just inside it. It’ll catch some of your sperm that will leak out when I press your prostate.” I did what she said then felt her feeling for something inside my ass and pressed hard.

“OW,” I winced at the intense pain she had inflicted. At the same time about an ounce of sperm oozed into the cup.

“Your prostate is very smooth.” She chuckled then said, “Of course, a male your age would hardly ever have a chance of having prostate cancer. But I like feeling inside you.” She took the cup and peered into it. “And your sperm is perfectly creamy. “I love it.” Putting the cup to her lips she drained the contents like it was a shot of bourbon. Licking her lips, she smacked them and said, “Did you know that one sperm shot has the same amount of protein as an average egg? It contains only twenty calories. Yours tastes good. I LOVE it.” She seemed to have read my mind as she laughed and said, “Of course, you probably never had the occasion to think about that.”

Aware that I was with the fourth female who had taken my sperm in her mouth I remembered Colette, Sioban, and Corey and how I worried that each might have gotten sick because of the ickiness of having cum in their mouth especially when they swallowed it.

“Would you like for me to show you how you can cum in the most incredible way possible?

I was just getting over the painful poke she had given me inside my ass and wondered what she was talking about. It dawned on me how so many females were examined by male doctors. Given the interesting aspect of the examination room, I wondered if there were many docs who had taken advantage of female patients. Ever since I began puberty and had become aware of the urge to stimulate myself, I had the desire to masturbate to the point where I could shoot further and with more volume. It was similar to exercising and building muscles, trying to improve the nature of my maleness. So even if it might cause me more pain than I had already experienced I couldn’t pass up the opportunity of surpassing what I had done by myself.

“Sit on the table,” she said. I did, feeling the cool vinyl of the table pad on my bare ass. She went to the side of the table, raised the back to a leaning position, and said, “Lean back.” Adjusting the metal footrests. “Put your feet in the stirrups.” I felt silly and quite vulnerable with my feet sticking up in the air.

Standing to the right of the table she slid her finger inside my ass and finger-fucked it easily, rubbing gently on my prostate with her fingertip. Already partially hard I quickly became rigidly erect. “I’m going to jerk you until you’re ready to come and just when you are on the cusp, I’ll poke your prostate as I did before. It may hurt as much. It may hurt more. But believed me, from what I’ve been told you won’t believe how you will feel when you come.” I raised my eyebrows in question. “I mean I’ve been told that the feeling is surreal, kinda like you’re having an out-of-body experience.”

As she stroked me and fingered my ass I trembled on the brink of a huge climax. Having taken me to the edge of release with her stroking hand the rough digging of her finger doubled me up in a moment of gut-punching pain. My body recoiled with the spasm in my prostate which propelled my initial ejaculation further than anything I had ever experienced. The long jet of sperm splatted against the ceiling then formed a stretching glob that resembled a white stalactite. My attention was diverted to Corey’s head as her mouth took my penis inside and glugged with the explosions, swallowing my next two spurts.

The name of God escaped from both of our mouths. I was a helpless mass melting into the examination table. Corey with her head on my pulsing stomach huffed from her fellating labors. “Crikey,” she said, “I don’t think I’ve ever taken so much sperm into my mouth before.” Laying with her head on my stomach for a while she finally said, “Would you like to take a good look at me, Arthur?”

I was confused by what she said—I had seen her legs spread and had eaten her pussy the night before— “Yes, I would like to see it again Corey.”

“I don’t think you understand what I am talking about. Would you like to examine me as I have examined you? Would you like to see inside me? I mean deep inside me?”

Still not understanding what she was really saying I said. “Yes, I suppose I would.”

She went to the cabinet and took out another examining robe. As she was putting it on, she said, “Get off the table Arthur.” She went back to the cabinet, opened the drawer, and took out a couple of items.

When I got off the table, she handed me two items: a strange-looking clamp-like device that was made of shiny stainless steel, and a small examination flashlight. “What I have given you Arthur is a speculum. This is what doctors use when they examine a woman’s vagina. Give it back to me.” I handed it to her. “This is the reverse of a clamp which holds things together. It is a device that is inserted into the vagina—she pointed to the small end. Once it is in place the doctor adjusts these brass nuts to expand the vagina and open it wide enough for him to plainly see inside.”

She talked to me as if she were teaching a class. “Ordinarily the doctor would use a lubricant to make sure the speculum is easy to get inside the woman without causing her pain from friction. But as you will see when I spread my legs and show you my pussy, you’ll notice that it is lubricated more than enough from the excitement of fooling around with you to need further lubrication.” She handed me the speculum.

Positioning herself on the table she put her feet in the stirrups, reached both hands between her legs, and spread her pussy lips as far apart as she could. “Slide the small end of the speculum inside me Arthur.” I did so with great uncertainty. “Push it in as far as it will go.” I did. “Now turn the nuts and spread my vagina open as far as it will go. I’ll tell you when to stop.”

I started twisting the nuts opening her vagina little by little. After twisting for what seemed a long time, I could see that her vagina was open wide enough that I might be able to put all my fingers inside her at least up to the knuckles. “Stop,” she said. “Now take the light, turn it on and look inside and tell me what you see.”

I turned on the light, bent down, and shined it inside the gaping hole in her crotch. I had never given much thought to what the inside of a female’s vagina might look like. It was what seemed like a giant pink cave being held open by the shiny metal instrument, its walls glistening with her sexual juices. At the far end of the cave, it seemed to be closed off with what resembled a soda bottleneck, but tightly closed. “Do you see my cervix?” she asked. “That’s my womb. It goes back inside my body about three inches.”

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The girl walked confidently into the bar. She strode up to the stool next the guy on the end and sat down. He’s an older guy, around fifty, about six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes and a wide-brimmed straw hat shading his light complexion. Once seated at the bar, she removed her sunglasses and ordered a margarita on the rocks. When her drink arrived she smiled demurely at the man to her left as she raised the glass to her lips.The guy she sat down next to and smiled at is me. I live alone in...

1 year ago
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RapeBetrayal 9 After All it is My Birthday

The late spring of 2002 was a weird time for me. I lost my virginity, finally. I was 18, going away to college, and have never had a serious girlfriend. Shit I did not even have a date for the prom. Go ahead, say it with me, "Loo-ZER!" I am not a nerd ("No really I'm not! Stop laughing at me you assholes, I'm NOT!!"). Yes I get good grades and like D&D, sci fi, and the occasional comic book. I'm not good at sports, and have a minor Spazzy-Klutz problem. I guess I should describe...

2 years ago
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Emma the Beautiful Girl With the Suckable Bonus

I had picked up this chick from the club and thought I'd bring her back to my apartment. Her name was Emma. She was so hot. She was about six feet tall, she had shoulder-length blonde hair and nice big tits. She was wearing a short black tube dress, showing off her beautifully tanned legs and wore black, open toe heels, showing off her soft, feminine feet. When we got to my door, she couldn't keep her hands off me. She rubbed her hand on my crotch and on my chest, softly kissing my cheek. I...

1 year ago
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I love computers. I’ve loved them for a long, long time. I’ve been designing them for over forty years. My computers make machines tick and make me enough money to do whatever the hell I feel like doing, which usually has something to do with a computer. Because of my work and my familiarity with the little devils, I get a little deeper into them than the average user. Sometimes it comes in pretty handy. My granddaughter Sara got sent to live with me because she was simply raising too much...

2 years ago
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New Girl In Town 1

My name is Sasha. I had just shifted to another state in the country and it had almost been a month. I hadn’t been for my regular check up in almost half a year. My neighbour was pretty much the only girl I knew around town. So I asked her one of those girl-to-girl things and she gave me the contact details of her doctor, and told me she worked as the receptionist at the clinic. My neighbour [her name was Kristen] was one of those people who indulged in extremely loud sex no matter what time of...

3 years ago
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Rachels Reward for Working Hard

This is my first posted story, please critique it good or bad comments all are welcome, definitely need the criticism, thank you. It was a quarter to five, almost time for Rachel to get off work. I had been planning this all week. I finished tying the last rope to the bedpost when I heard the front door close. I rushed out of the bedroom and closed the door. I walked over to her and placed a kiss on her dark tan cheek. I looked down at her business blouse, her top buttons popped open and her...

4 years ago
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Take Me AwayChapter 3

Lil stayed for quite a bit longer than just the couple of hours she originally planned, the three friends having entirely too much fun catching up and reminiscing about old times. When Lillian wearily wandered home, it was all Ari and Amos could do to crawl into bed. When the sun rose in the morning, Amos got up from the bed and hung a sheet over the window, blocking out the light, and immediately crawled back into bed. Arilee laughed quietly, but leaned up against her man and drifted back...

3 years ago
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Satans BrideChapter 3

"Hi, I'm Cathy Winslow. You placed the ad about wanting a roommate?" "Yes, yes please come in," replied Mioki opening the door for the attractive blonde. "I hope you haven't gotten someone already." "No, as a matter of fact there have been three others who have called, but you're the first to actually come by." They sat in the small living area and chatted. Each had a good feeling about the other from the beginning, but it was the blonde who seemed smitten with the dark haired...

4 years ago
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I felt a strong body press against my back. Hands were on my hips. Not all of these parts groping me belonged to the same man. The music was vibrating through us as hands and groins rubbed all over my body, sliding my dress up and wrapping fingers around my bare thighs.I was already wet.“Come with us.” A deep voice panted into my ear before licking it. His hand pulled mine and I followed with my new entourage into a private back room. Someone’s dick was being thrust between my cheeks and...

3 years ago
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Just Friends

Though it sounds silly, I get excited driving to his house. I can't help but think about how much fun we have as I turn onto his street, eager to give him the book I've been working on. I can't say the plot is really something to brag about, but he enjoyed reading it, so I'm happy to give him a hand-bound copy. As I pull up, I see him standing outside with his brothers and their friends. As if my arrival is their cue, they quickly jump into their respective cars and pull away before I can...

1 year ago
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A young wife

I first met Lee after I had gotten pregnant in high school and been shipped off in disgrace from my home to my estranged father after my mother had divorced him. We lived outside of town on a hilltop and my father was a musician and was gone most nights. My son had been born now and was about 3 months old I felt like an outcast living on this hill top. I was a city girl and not used to this. One day when I was outside weeding our garden a pickup truck pulled into our yard. I could see a guy at...

1 year ago
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You are Kiren Bloodfang, a half-orc (Orcish mother and human father, actually). Generally human in appearance, but bigger, hairier, stronger. Smellier, too, if you're being honest with yourself. You grew up in human lands with your father, and inherited a lot of the same values and skills. From him you learned tracking, forestry, hunting, and generally being a stand-up person. Generally you blended in as a "big kid", as long as you were taking enough baths. But as you hit your teens, and kept...

4 years ago
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A Cougar In The Night

I had been waiting for this oppotunity for months ! There I was....away for a 5-day stint at a class I was taking to prepare myself for a new direction and career move. I knew I was going to scope-out the local scene and find an escort for a little extra "inspiration". I poured over advertising that was all the usual "I-am-wonderful...call me" stuff, - and then I spotted an ad that said "Sex Coach for Consultation Visits". I love having a woman coach me and tell me what she wants and how I am...

4 years ago
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Fucking the neighbors

Never expected to have sex with Karen until she asked if I was interested. Even more surprised when she asked if her husband could join in!! Karen is a runner and I’m a cyclist. We frequently pass each other on the road and exchange a few words. We both are married and have college age kids. Didn’t know much more about her than that EXCEPT that she has big boobs that bounce as she runs, topped by some of the biggest nipples I’ve ever seen!! In warm weather, when she wears a tight tank top...

2 years ago
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Being a slut in the woods

"I'm going to the park for a walk in about an hour, I'm feeling fruity so will probably be lacking underwear, I'll be wearing a red dress and walking like I have love eggs filling me ;) " I sent the message to about 15 men I'd found on the sex site I'd been playing on for a couple of weeks. I had carefully selected each one based on who was close and the size of their manhood, they were all massive and their profiles were full of filth. I didn't expect them all to turn up, one would be enough...

2 years ago
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Secluded HouseChapter 12 Too Sad To Be True

I was lying on the same examining table as before. Dr. Campbell had just finished the cast. My toes were sticking out funnily. Even this sight could not drive my despondency away. The cast reached all the way up to my hip. My knee was bent at almost 90-degree angle. Hairline fracture. It was at the same place where I had broken my leg three months ago. That's what the doctor said. The bump against the wall had caused it. If it is just a hairline fracture, why is the cast so big? Dr. Campbell...

1 year ago
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Annies Song

The big diesel was humming its song as I headed down I85 southwest of Montgomery, Alabama. It had taken 3 days to get this far from Dulles airport outside of Washington. Most times, I enjoyed the scenery as I drove through the states. I had no desire to do so now. All that mattered now was getting to New Orleans. Mickey had called saying she had arrived safely after a bit of a scare on the plane. Some guy had drunk too much and was making passes at every woman on the plane. The hostess kept...

3 years ago
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Fucking Cousin Sister In Field

Hello to all main sagar odisha bhubaneswar ka rehenewala hun. Main ek good looking ladka hun mera height 6” feet hai aur lund ka size 7″ hai age 24 hai. Aur meri cousin sister abhi sadi karchuki hai air uski age 26 hai aour apne huby ke sath maze maini to chudai story pe ate hain. Ya baat many saal purani hai jub main sayad 18 aur meri sis 19 thi tabaki. Main uss time pa sex ke bare main jyada nehini janta tha lekin mustabretion karta tha ok jyada bore nehini karta to baat us din ki hai jub...

2 years ago
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Davon and his black buddies

Late in the night, I was rudely awakened by a hard smack on my exposed buttocks.I felt the pain on my butt and opened my eyes, to see that nigger smiling at me, saying he had more black buddies to enjoy me…Davon was now my last black stud; I had met him just some days ago; but he had managed to made me his black cock whore…I lifted my head off the mattress, still a bit groggy from my tiredness.I looked at Davon and begged him to let me go back home. My loving hubby would be worry about me,...

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My Birthday

Number 7 of a series of individual stories. My Birthday ? by: Sonia_en_femme (email [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had various adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. One adventure involved going to an Ann Summers sex aid party with, needless to say, me dressed as a woman and at that party I had bought a Polyanna style little girls party dress for myself. When it...

3 years ago
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The Basement

One summer I was home from college, I found myself in the house alone and spotted the basement key sitting on the kitchen counter, it was always on an over-sized red plastic key fob but that was sitting beside the key, broken and removed from the chain. I stared at the key for what felt like forever then slowly picked it up. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I approached the door, my hands shaking as I turned the lock, each click of it's action seeming louder and my hands were...

4 years ago
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Indore To Bhopal

Hello iss readear meri yeh doosri story hai, aap sabne meri 1st story ko bahut pasand kiya mujhe khushi hui, aur bahut se mail bhi mile, thnx for that. Ab me apni 2nd story send kar raha hoon, I hope aap sabko yeh bhi pasand aayegi.Pehle me aap sabko apne bare me bata doon, myself Raaz living in Bhopal. Mere lund ka size 6” hai aur 3.5” mota hai, aur age 23yrs, agar koi bhi Bhopal ki lady ya girl mere saath fully satisfied sex karna chahe to mail me at , i’ll reply to u.Ab me apni story par...

4 years ago
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Blondies Wild Ride Part II

III Blondie whimpered softly as the Biker she’d dubbed Geronino tugged the cups of her bra down, freeing her breasts, doing he best not to squirm as she lay on the bar top. She had a sudden urge to push her hands down between her legs and finger herself, putting on a show while they watched. Only in her wildest fantasies had she ever been such a dirty slut. Now she reveled in it, licking her lips as she met each of their gazes, seeing the beast-like lust in their eyes, knowing that it was a...

Group Sex
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 1

The wormhole to the Mesopotamian colony was open and had just turned opaque, causing the vision of the settlement to fade. But the twins, Terisa and Talina, Elaine's twin daughters, didn't notice and they wanted to be the first of the group to touch foot in the distant past. "Who wants to go first?" Terisa yelled excitedly, already stepping forward into her very first wormhole and determined not to show any fear of the unknown. "Hey! Wait for me!" Talina yelped, then grabbed her...

4 years ago
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Is my sister gayNope

She knows she could have any guy fuck her in a New York minute and uses it to get what she wants. The thing of it, though, is that she acts like a slut, dresses like a slut, and talks like a slut, but she has never been fucked and has not even given anyone a blowjob! She told me she was scared to have sex even though all of her girlfriends have been laid. She played around with her girlfriends as girls do, pretending to be fucked with dildos and the like. She enjoys being eaten and eating...

3 years ago
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How May I Serve You My Uncontrollable Change from Successful Businesswoman to LowPaid Waitress Chapters 8 9 and 10

How May I Serve You? My Uncontrollable Change from Successful Businesswoman to Low-Paid Waitress By Rachel Rose Parker And this is it! The final chapters of my first ever story on FM and it's been a pleasure to share it all with you! I have been reading all the feedback and taking it all in, both positive and constructive. I hope people have enjoyed it enough to want me to do some more in the future. If you want to support what I've done, please consider checking out the book on...

2 years ago
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Revision of a true life Sex murder

Revision of a true life murder.  Daniel Sylvester murdered Alicia Ross, in real life.His trial in currently ongoing in Toronto, Canada.I dreamed I was Daniel Sylvester and this is how the encounter with Alicia Ross should have gone down.This is a work of fiction.    Page 1. ???? ?????? Life was a bitch and one lived right next door to me. ??????????? While I'd secretly watched her and fantasized often about raping and torturing her, it was all just in my imagination and I did my best...

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How Traditions Start part 17

An original story by Starrynight Liz walked into her bedroom, her mind still racing with everything that happened tonight. She watched Zach and Lisa having sex for the first time, big brother getting his first taste of his youngest sister's forbidden fruit, and afterwards Liz herself ended up having sex with her son. She sighed as she reached for the switch, turning on the light in the adjoining bathroom, and quietly closed the bedroom door behind her. Tom was sleeping heavily, and Liz...

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Immoral Fairie Tales

Once upon a time, long ago, there was a beautiful maiden. In all of the lands, there was not a woman who lived, more beautiful. So benevolent was this woman, that her kindness stretched to the four corners of the world. Kings, and Queens came to her, to show their gratitude for her simply being alive. The maiden was called Divinity Mundane, and for all of the beauty that she possessed, she was a woman of common wealth, common possessions, and common wisdom. Like all women of such wealth,...

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A bit of rough

Since my wife started a part time job on weekends I ususally just enjoy myself here on xhamster but the last time she worked she left me a shopping list. I was down the first aisle when I saw her, she was about 5' 10", taller than me, 36D tits, shoulder length blondish her, wearing a cream skirt that was hugging a little chub, cream blouse, she had big calfs, she looked posh.As I got to the 4th aisle I was standing next to her, breathing in her perfume, she asked me where the magazines...

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Memory Lane

Jane was on her way. She was going to miss John's visit this week, but was anticipating their nightly calls. No one ever made her feel so full, so complete. So loved, so needed. She had made sure to leave him a special something on his pillow before leaving. Waiting for him to get off work, return home to find it, and call her. Looking at the clock, she smiled. "Very soon now", she whispered to herself as she cruised along the interstate. Her mind began to drift, still focusing on the highway,...

Straight Sex
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Down On Bended Knees

DOWN ON BENDED KNEESPart Three of The Chronicles of Little StandingTwo days after the episode with Mrs. Carter I was again rising early in the morning. Well, the fact that it was in the morning meant that it was early for me. The country ways were clearly having their effect. I showered and dressed before going downstairs because I was not going to be caught by Mrs. Carter again. Not that I hadn’t enjoyed the spirited and rampant fuck that had ensued from her finding me masturbating in my...

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