08 TogetherChapter 86 free porn video

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Flashback – Ben – Back at the formerly captured hospital

I was walking around, checking on my men (that sounded funny to me - ‘my men’) and noticed none of them had NV on. I squatted by a Pvt. and asked, “Where’s your night vision gear?”

He replied, “Sgt., we never used it before.”

I stood up and ordered in my command voice, “All night sentries will use NV gear until further notice.”

I watched as they pulled their NV gear out of their packs, put them on their helmets, switched them on and began to scan their assigned areas.

One of them reported, “I have a large contingent of towelheads on the move.”

I moved beside him and verified that he was correct. I informed him, “They are positioning themselves for a morning attack. Let’s see if we can mess up their plans.”

I put the thermal scope back on my sniper rifle, set the bipod on the window frame and began to take out the fuckers. At first they were confused because they couldn’t tell where the fire was coming from but finally one of them figured out it was the hospital and they hightailed it back to their fucking rat holes.

I waited until one stuck his head up and then blew it off. The Pvt. beside me said, “That was a hell of a shot!”

I replied, “Thanks for the praise but I’m just doing part of my job.”

We spent the rest of the watch keeping the towelheads from coming back. It was time for the next watch so I pulled them to the side and ordered, “You will use your NV and continue to scan the area. We have effectively eliminated fifteen of the fuckers tonight. They are trying to mass for a morning attack, so this is of utmost importance.”

I headed to George’s HQ area where he was sawing logs on a makeshift couch/bed. I crawled over in the corner and caught a little sleep. I woke in two hours like I planned and went to check on the watch. Thank God they were all awake! If I had found one sleeping I probably would have tossed the fucker out of the window. I squatted beside a Pvt. and asked, “What’s going on?”

He complained, “The towelheads are moving but are staying just out of the range of our M4’s.”

I smiled and said, “Let’s shake them up some.”

I found a good position for my sniper rifle, turned on the thermal scope and began to blast the fuckers to their hell. It didn’t take as long for them to figure it out this time until they hauled ass back to their ‘safe’ location. I yawned and said, “Come and wake me when they start moving again.”

The Pvt. woke me three more times that night and I sent the fuckers scurrying. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow when the M107 was supposed to show up. Then their ‘safe’ location was going to turn into their graves.

Someone kicked my boot and waking from a sound sleep I reacted by using a leg sweep and knocked them on their ass. George complained, “Banzai what the fuck!”

I apologized, “Sorry Sir! I was up off and on most of the night. The towelheads were trying to mass in an area for an attack.”

George said, “Next time I will make sure to shout your name.”

I laughed and said, “That’s probably a good idea.” I stood up, helped George to his feet and he said, “The Blackhawk should be here in ten minutes; they’re going to drop the supplies on the roof.”

I asked, “Is there any coffee around.”

George said, “Just the instant from the MREs. At least we have a canteen full of hot water.”

Shit I knew there was something I forgot to ask George to get: A coffee pot. I went to the canteen full of hot water, pulled out two of the instant coffee packs from the MREs, poured them in a cup, added the hot water and said, “I’m heading up to the roof to make sure the area is relatively clear.”

George followed me and I asked, “Whatever happened to Jack’s spotting scope?”

George said, “I’m not sure.”

I swore, “Shit, Jack will kick your ass if you lost his spotting scope.”

A Corporal approached, held the spotting scope up and asked, “Sgt., is this device that you’re looking for?”

Thank God it was Jack’s spotting scope. I asked, “Corporal, what have you been doing with this?”

He said, “I keep an eye on the towelheads with it, and announce when we have a new suicide bomber coming.”

I smiled at him and said, “Good work Corporal, why don’t you keep the spotting scope but whatever you do don’t let it get damaged or my spotter will have your ass.”

He said, “Thank you Sgt. I will make sure I take good care out of it. By the way, there are a bunch of towelheads over there.”

He pointed at the remnant of a wall of one of the buildings and I said, “Thank you and we’re going to take care of them after the Blackhawk arrives.”

The area was relatively clear, and cleared out even more after I used my sniper rife to send a couple of them to hell.

The Blackhawk ended up being a CH-53 Super Stallion with a huge fucking pallet swinging below it. I ordered, “Stay clear of the pallet.”

The men listened to my order, hell some of them even left the roof. The CH-53 carefully set the pallet on the roof, they cut it loose and then the chopper got the hell out of Dodge. The Marines rushed to the pallet until I ordered, “This isn’t a fucking Christmas present for you to open! I want an inventory of all the items on the pallet. I looked around, saw the Corporal whose nose I messed up, pointed at him and said, “And that’s your job.” I pointed to two other Pvts. and added, “And you will help him.”

I watched some as they began to unload the pallet then I heard, “Incoming suicide bomber!”

I ran over to the side of the roof the where announcement came from. This time it was a little boy and I started to hesitate but George whispered, “Banzai, boys or girls it doesn’t matter to the fucking towelheads as they do the same to both of them, take the shot.”

It helped me feel slightly better when I took the shot and the suicide vest exploded. Somehow we needed to find the fucker making the suicide vests and eliminate him.

I looked at George and asked, “George, do all the suicide bombers come from the same direction?”

He thought for a moment and said, “Not all of them, but most of them do. What are you thinking?”

I smiled at George and said, “I think a little recon mission is called for. I want to find the fucking place where the suicide vests are being created and take it and the fucker building them out.”

George faltered, “Banzai, I’m not sure I can authorize that mission, it sounds dangerous.”

I knew sooner or later George and I were going to disagree so I suggested, “Sir, why don’t you get on the horn to Colonel Maggie and see what she says.”

George looked at me and asked, “She’s going to approve it, isn’t she?”

I smiled at George and replied, “Yes Sir she will. I’m Recon and that is part of what I do.”

The Corporal came over, I looked at him and asked, “Well?”

He handed me a yellow legal pad and said, “Sgt., here’s a list of the items we’ve received. I also double checked it with the inventory sheet on the pallet.”

I replied, “Good job Corporal!”

I looked at the list and said, “Bless you Colonel Maggie.”

George asked, “Did you get everything you wanted?”

I smiled and said, “It’s even better than that, she sent a coffee maker.”

George responded, “A lot of good that will do, we don’t have electricity.”

I replied, “Not now we don’t, but this is a hospital so it will have backup generators. With a little work we will not only have power, we will have lights at night.”

The Corporal who handed me the sheet said, “Sgt., there are power mains that run close to the hospital. They were severed by the towelheads and are hanging loose. Perhaps I could hook them up so we would have power almost all the time.”

I asked, “Do you have any experience working with things like this?”

He answered, “Yes Sgt., I did it back home all the time.”

I ordered, “Corporal, if you electrocute yourself, I’m going to kill you.”

He laughed and replied, “No problems Sgt., I will be careful.”

I looked at George and said, “Now it’s time to take care of some towelheads.”

We headed up to the roof. I found the box containing the M107 and the other boxes containing the M25s and changed my mind. I looked at a Pvt. and ordered, “Go find me the five best shooters from last night.”

He took off and I told George, “First, I want to deploy the M25s before we pull out the M107 and raise some hell.”

I took the first M25 out of its box, found the ammo, slapped in the magazine, racked the action, headed to the edge of the roof and found a towelhead who thought he was going to sneak past me. I used the mildot scope to calculate the distance1, ran the math in my head, did the holdover and fired. The round hit him in the chest and he was dead.

1 A person’s chest is 16 to 17 inches high. By using the mildots in the scope, you can calculate the range. Height in inches/361000/number of mildots = range
17/361000/ .49 = 963 yards

George commented, “Nice shot, how far away was he?”

I replied, “He was just under 1000 yards.”

One of the shooters came up and reported, “Sgt. you wanted to see me?”

I replied, “Let’s wait until everyone shows up.”

The other four showed up then I handed them their new M25s along with the cheat sheet that was in the box and began my instructions, “This is your new rifle, I tested one of them and they are accurate as hell...”

George interrupted, “ ... Banzai made a kill shot with that rifle at almost 1000 yards.”

I continue, “The accuracy of this rifle is only as good as the shooter is at estimating the size of a towelheads chest using the mildot reticle. The average chest size is 16 to 17 inches. For the shot I saw the towelheads chest measured .49 mils. If you look on your cheat sheet you will see that equates to 963 yards. Now don’t bother with messing with the dials on the scope, just make the holdover the cheat sheet tells you and fire.”

One of the shooters asked, “What about the wind?”

I replied, “Well the good news is it’s not very windy here. Later we will go over holdoffs for windage and also how to clean your rifle so you don’t damage it. Are there any further questions?”

They didn’t have any questions, took their new rifles and began to practice. George suggested, “Banzai, do you want to help them some more?”

I replied, “No George not right now. I have a date with the M107 and some towelheads that are hiding behind a piece of one of the buildings.”

I pulled the M107 out of its box, grabbed some ammo and headed to my firing area.

Flashback – Jack – The next day, the training of John

It took another hour to arrange John’s foot locker. I was dead tired and said, “I’m hitting the sack, we need to make sure we’re up early.”

John announced, “Don’t worry Sgt. I always wake up early from when I was the cook since I had to get up and begin breakfast.”

I felt like complaining but knew it wouldn’t do any good so I turned over and went to sleep.

Too early the next morning, I heard John moving around and it woke me up. I flipped on the light and complained, “Damn, you weren’t kidding about waking up early. You’re up before the fucking roosters.”

John apologized, “Sorry about that, the good news is I made my bed.”

I got out of my bed, walked over to his bed and surprisingly a quarter did bounce off it. I praised him, “Good job! Since we’re up early let’s go do some PT. After that we’ll catch a shower and then make some MREs for breakfast.”

We headed out to the track and even though I hated it, started to run laps. John did better today - it was good to see that at least he was trying. After PT we headed to the laundry, picked up our clean BDUs and towels and headed to the shower. After the shower John said, “If you show me how to requisition MREs I will do that today.”

I really wondered how in the hell John had survived all this time if he didn’t know how to even requisition things so I finally asked, “John it doesn’t seem like you know how to requisition things, so how in the hell did you get the food that you cooked.”

John said, “Headquarters sent me the food and the menu I was to follow and I have to tell you it was hell!”

I probed, “Why was it so bad.”

John said, “Well many times the food they sent was terrible quality or they wouldn’t send enough for the number of troops I had to feed. There were times that I couldn’t even make the meals on the menus because they didn’t send the correct food.”

I asked, “Did you tell anyone about this?”

John slouched (I let it ride this time because I felt I was on to something) and replied, “Well, I tried to tell the Colonel, but every time I tried to tell her, she yelled at me for the food being so bad.”

I asked, “Do you think they sent you the food for this morning’s breakfast?”

John realized he was slouching, stood up straight and apologized, “Sorry Sgt. I know slouching is a bad habit I have. And unless the Colonel stopped the food shipments then we should have received the food for this breakfast.”

I said, “John, I would love to see what headquarters sent you for this breakfast.”

John responded, “Follow me.”

We headed into the empty kitchen and there was a pallet sitting on the floor of the kitchen. John walked over to it and said, “This was for this morning’s breakfast.”

He handed me the menu and I read that it was supposed to be SOS. I took a deep breath and complained, “What the hell stinks?”

John poked around on the pallet and said, “The beef for the SOS wasn’t refrigerated and has spoiled.”

I asked, “Why wasn’t it refrigerated?”

John replied, “I have no idea, that’s the way it always came in.”

I really felt like I was on to something so I questioned, “Are you telling me they ship this in a truck that’s not refrigerated?”

John said, “Yeah that’s right. When I complained they said they didn’t have any refrigerated trucks available.”

No wonder we were all fucking sick: HQ was doing a number on us! I ordered, “Come on John, we’re going to have a talk with Colonel Maggie.”

We walked into Colonel Maggie’s office and she said, “I wondered when you would get here, you’re a little late.”

I looked at Colonel Maggie and said, “Sir! John might not be to blame for the poor quality of the food since HQ has been doing a number on us. They are shipping the food in unrefrigerated trucks so by the time it gets here it’s spoiled.”

Colonel Maggie sat all the way back in her chair and said, “Jack, that’s hard to believe.”

I said, “Well, you should come and see the food they sent us for this morning’s breakfast. It’s spoiled already sitting in the kitchen.”

John added, “I am sure it was spoiled by the time it arrived.”

Colonel Maggie ordered, “John, lead the way to the kitchen.”

The three of us went to the kitchen, Colonel Maggie walked in, took one whiff of the air and about puked. She looked at John and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me.”

I interceded, “Sir, he tried to tell you several times but every time he went to your office, you yelled at him about the food.”

Colonel Maggie looked deep in thought and then said, “John I owe you and apology for not allowing you to tell me about this. I promise you I won’t do that again. Jack thank you for bringing this to my attention, now if you don’t mind I have some asses to chew.”

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Daisy 07132017

At the ripe old age of 21, Daisy already has had around 40 sex partners she admits to. After losing her virginity very early on, she took a break from sex and then came back with a vengeance, to the point where she was considered the High School slut. Words like that just roll off Daisy’s back. Fact is she’s really into giving and receiving sexual pleasure by any means necessary, and as we can see here in her very first porn shoot, she’s not afraid to enjoy herself, no matter...

2 years ago
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Aunty K Sath Guwahati Mai Sex Kiya Part 8211 1

Mera nam sandy(name change), Guwahati mai parhai k silsile rahta hu..Mera age 21.. B.A kar rha hu.. Ye story aj se 6-7 months pehle ki matlab august ki hai .. Mai yaha rent house pe rehta hu .. 2 room aur 1 kitchen hai..Mere sath ak cook v rehte hai..Kavi kavi wo nhi rehte .. Un dino cook 3 days se nhi tha mere room mai..Wo kuch kam k silsile 1 week k liye bahar gaya tha.. Wo matlab aunty meri chote uncle ki wife thi..Age 29, size – 32/36/34 hai..Dekhne mai v bohot achi thi ..Puri sexy...

3 years ago
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Slut at sixteen Part 1

My name isnt all that important. But if you need to pin one on me, You can call me Hannah. This is a true account and full story of how i got into the sex trade. I say true account but really there have been certain bends in the story to make it more entertaining in the long run, but basically its pretty much all true. I've decided to split this story into parts in an attempt to turn it into a novel of sorts and to improve on my writing skills. I welcome criticism and would happily chat...

2 years ago
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Losing my mouths virginity true story

This is the first sexual encounter I ever experienced with a grown ass man who I had just met for the first time that night. As a c***d growing up I happened to be a very rebellious girl and I gave my family hell with my attitude and behavior. Because I grew up with basically a lot of freedom I would do as I pleased when I pleased and even though I knew I would get into loads of trouble I didn’t really care. I must have been around the age of 12 at the time of this incident and I happened to be...

2 years ago
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family camping trip2

“Abs you know I want to spend all of my time with you, but I have to run it past the parents first.” Olive said as she pressed herself into Abbys encircling arms as she pulled her head around into a passionate kiss. Olive felt her friends hand slip underneath her shirt and find her bare breasts. As her friends hand encircled her tits she felt her nipples harden and press against Abbys palms. Abigail rolled her friend over onto her back as she ran her hand along Olive’s pale white flesh,...

1 year ago
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The Education of Diana ch 03

As Diana woke up that summer morning she heard a shower running. The bungalow they lived in was rather small, but she and her brother Bradley each had their own room. That was one of the nice things about living here in the village along the coast. The very best thing was her friendship with Tony. She took her time getting up. She needed to use the bathroom, but she had to wait for whoever was in there. As she gathered up clothes from the floor, she was humming. Her window was open, and she...

2 years ago
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Sex Clinic 0 Synopsis

In the Sex Clinic I fathered quite a few babies at beautiful warm women who work there in the top jobsIntimate impregations in that sex Clinic were a natural follow-up of a foxy hot sexy holiday for threeIn the first episode I will tell how the sexy situation on a holiday with two good girlfriends got hotIn that hot holiday I found out about the secret sexy desire of the shyest of the two tasty great galsI introduced the idea to solve any holiday disputes by democratic voting - even before the...

1 year ago
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How I Met A Girl The Beginning 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, I am lostboy I am here to share a story with u!! I am 22 yrs old I live in Bangalore. I am slim with a good above average healthy dick(if you know what I mean by healthy)!! Ok now getting on to the story! I am a regular reader of iss stories they inspire me very much with my dirty thoughts. I really love these stories.As was surfing through these stories I was reading all the comments from different users I found comment of a girl I went to her profile and checked it was usual no much...

2 years ago
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Lost at Sea Book 2 DriftersChapter 11

Will’s head felt like it had been stuffed with cotton. He was cold. He was naked. He was stiff and sore. He was in a bathtub. Uncoiling himself was a process. He caught a whiff of himself and recoiled. What had happened? “Oh. Right,” he croaked as memories came flooding back to him. He reached over and started working the pump. In sputtering bursts seawater came flowing into the tub. It was comfortably warm. Probably daytime. The ocean was usually warm by noon this time of year. The charm...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful Lie Or A Harsh Truth Chapter 1

Berlin, Germany 7:00 am.SMOOCH!???: Wake up, sleepyhead! You'll be late for work.???: Come on " mom "! I don't want to go to school today!???: Don't tell you have forgotten what day is today.???: It's Friday! What does that have to with...OH, NO! TODAY IS THE DAY OF MY PROMOTION!???: It might not be, if you make a bad start before you even get the job. So hurry up mister..." General Manager "!???: You are a treasure Hilda! I don't know what i would do without you! SMECK!!!!!Hilda: Hey! What...

3 years ago
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Risky Maneuver to Satisfy Teenage Lust

My girlfriend and I had been dating and fucking for just a few months. We mutually lost our virginity to each other and our youthful passion led to some interesting situations. Lynn had a great body, which was topped off by huge tits, that were larger than most of the girls in High School. I was a skinny little runt that was nice to her and made her laugh. I was lucky to have her. Lynn and I were lying on the couch in her parent’s living room, watching a boring TV show. She had on a pair of...

1 year ago
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Billy hated being a flight attendant, mainly because dealing with public sucked. Most travelers, especially business travelers, were abusive and felt they were the only passenger on a plane. Nonetheless, the pay was good and Billy didn’t have to work too many hours. And, there was one regular traveler that Billy had his eye on. A businessman, James, who commuted on his flight every week. James was one of the few passengers who treated Billy and the other flight attendants with common courtesy....

3 years ago
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The First Time From Me

When I Was In High School, I Had Thought Of It All... Being Smart, Cool, Calm, And Nice With The Best Of Respect. But Then Came That Time I Wanted To Lose My V-Pass. *Virginity* I Was A Freshman Around At The Time, And I Had My Sights On This One Girl. It Was At A Football Game, I Made Out With Her And She Had A Thing To Do It With Me....So That Night Will Never Change Forever.... So October Comes, And She Gives Me This Note Saying We Are Going To Have That Moment Alone.... And It Happened...

2 years ago
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Till Death

-Virginia Woolf, “Orlando” *** It was sundown. The carriage reached the cottage on the cliffs. Porphyria followed the path to the door, but hesitated before knocking. Maybe I should go back, she thought. Maybe I should just throw myself off the cliffs instead. That would be better. But she knocked, and when the door opened she went in without waiting to be invited or greeted. She had to duck a bit to fit through the doorframe. She was a great, tall woman, with strong arms and broad...

2 years ago
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The Flirt A Heather Story Part 3

I had a great time tonight. Really hope to see you again soon, CJ texted, as soon as I got home.No chance! I replied.Really??Yes. I don't go out with guys who don't share the story about their VERY personal car choice decision over dinner, then feel me up in the back of a limo! NEVER! Never?Well. Almost never, I texted, attaching a laughing emoji.Maybe something that monumental happens on the second date, he replied.I will hold you to that! Thank you for dinner, BTW. I don't remember telling...

3 years ago
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used wife

The bar was packed out, well it was Saturday night. My wife Polly, a stunning petite redhead of 18 summers, and I pushed our way through the crowd. We had popped in for a drink before going to see a show. As we where passing a booth full of construction workers a guy tapped my arm and said. 'If you need a seat you can squeeze in here.' He stood up to let us in. I said to Polly, as she sat down, 'I'll get the drinks.' and went off to the bar.It must have taken me at least 15 minutes to get the...

2 years ago
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Runway 33

Chapter 33 A special delivery package was brought to the office addressed to Brenda Watson, and she knew what it would be, her costume for the evening. Brenda wondered what she would be wearing. Brenda liked to dress nicely, with class, not like some oversexed bimbo on the make but she had a feeling Melissa was going to make her do just that. Brenda opened the box and her worse fears came true. Melissa couldn't even be original and was going to have her wear a little black dress...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ka Gang Bang

Hi mera name rohit hai mai lucknow se hoon meri umar 24 yrs hai……Mera height 5’9 hai aur athlete personality hai mera penis ka size 6″Inch ka hai…Aur meri chachi 45 yrs ki hai bahut gori aur badi badi choochi hai jiska size 38 hai aur unki sabse mast cheez unki gandh hai jo bahut moti aur gori se hai….Chalo bina bore ki story par aata hoon….Mai ek hostel mai padta tha jaha mera bahut sare dost tha aur mera sabh dost meri chachi ko bahut pasand karte tha kyo ki meri chachi jabh bhi aati thi to...

2 years ago
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Family Tradition of Bondage Pt 08

This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental. Monday Morning, Robert dressed her in a skirt and blouse outfit, and sent her to work to give her notice. Two weeks and tell them about the new job and her responsibilities. Robert hadn’t canceled the driver so Sherri rode to work driven by the same young man with new comic books. She arrived out front and got out of the car, and bumped...

4 years ago
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The New Adventures of Ultrawoman

1.0a: continuation of spurius's writings, in the_dude79's Ultramom & Ultraboy. Hmm... added spurius as an owner of this story, but the story seems to fail to show it. Ultraman stepped forward to be the hero of the city, as Ultramom & Ultraboy {Brenda O'Riuin & Bryce O'Riuin} faded from memory as time passed. Then the event that Bryce was waiting for happened; The Ultimas {Ultimamom, Monica Danvers & Ultimagirl, Cyndi Danvers} broke out of prison, their choice activity was raping a bus full of...

3 years ago
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Job Ne Dilayi Ek Sexy Bhabhi

Hi friends, mera naam Rajesh (name changed) hai. Mera sabhi chut waliyo or lund walo ko namaskar. Mai Goa ka rahne wala hu. Mere lund ka size 9 inch hai. Meri age 25 hai aur mei ek insurance company mei kaam karta hu. July 2015 month ki baat hai muje ek customer mil gayi uska naam Kavita hai (name changed) vo ek Punjabi thi. Uska ghar mere ghar se lagbag 2 km ke duri pet ha. Uski age 35 hogi aur uska figure 36-30-34 hai. Vo yaha akele rehti thi uske pati Punjab mei thai aur saal me ek baar hi...

2 years ago
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Family Fun at Pear Tree CottageChapter 6

Today was Friday and Gwen and her daughter had sloped off early to do some shopping, Alan lazed on top of his bed with his eyes closed thinking about the fun they had enjoyed since arriving here last Saturday; although he felt a little upset that Derek the postman had not returned as he said he would do. As he recalled that first day in this cottage, and his own son displaying the male family member trait of loving cock as well as cunt; he idly stroked his rapidly hardening cock. He let his...

3 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 14

Merie was waiting beside her car for Brock in the parking lot. “So, did you learn the difference between real and pretend?” she said with a laugh when he got out. “Is she live? Or is she Memorex? My dad always says shit like that. Does that make sense to you?” “Not a lot, no,” Brock answered. “Sorry. But to answer your question... “Are you free this weekend? If you are, perhaps we might spend some time together.” Merie pumped her fist. “Yes,” she said triumphantly. “I was praying for...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 13

In honor of shark week... Two great white sharks swimming in the ocean spied survivors of a sunken ship. “Follow me son” the father shark said to the son shark and they swam to the mass of people. “First we swim around them a few times with just the tip of our fins showing.” And they did. “Well done, son! Now we swim around them a few times with all of our fins showing.” And they did. “Now we eat everybody.” And they did. When they were both gorged, the son asked, “Dad, why didn’t...

1 year ago
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Gender Role Reversal Reboot Chapter 4

My tummy rumbled a little as I waited patiently in the cafeteria line to get my lunch. After Home Economics, Aidenne, Carla and I quickly made our way towards the cafeteria stopping briefly at the restrooms to wash up and touch up our makeup. For me, this stop was very much needed, as I'm still not used to the fact that there weren't any makeup stations at nearly every corner. That's another thing that we boys have to get used to when we transition from the boys' elementary school to...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 8 Origins and Dark RevelationsChapter 11

First thing Aric noticed was that he heard a soft crackling fire as he tried to open his eyes. The pain was extremely intense behind his eyes and it felt like someone was trying to beat their way out from inside his head for a few moments. Taking a couple deep breathes he tried to move again, and even though the pain was just as intense, he found he could start to sit up. The thick blanket that was over him fell away and he realized that it felt as if he was on top of a couple more blankets...

3 years ago
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Choti Behen Ki Seal Todi

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers , mera naam Faiz hai mai Bangalore me ek engineering student hun. Meri umr 21 saal hai. Mujhe incest stories padhna bohut pasand aur isi se mujhe himmat bhi mili. Meri family me hum paanch log hai mai , mummy, Daddy, aur meri do behen(badi naziya aur choti shaziya).dono hi mujhse choti hain. Is kahani me maine apni dusri behen ki seal todi. Shaziya ki umar 18 saal hai aur naziya ki umar 20 saal. Dono hi bohot khubsoorat hai bade bade boobs, badi si gand aur...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Numi Zarah BANGladeshi Cleaning Service

Numi Zarah is working as a maid while in nursing school. Brian Omally sees this as an opportunity to fuck her. She agrees to let him pay her double to take her clothes off while cleaning the house. She has a super sexy body. He starts jerking off while she’s cleaning. At first she’s creeped out but once he offers to quadruple the pay she sucks his dick real nasty. She lets him fuck her from the back, she got fucked on the couch, and she got on top of him and bounced her ass on him....

4 years ago
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Ending the Masquerade

The early nineties was an interesting time for me. As an avid role playing game player, I was accustomed to a hobby dominated by boys and men. At 23, I was out of school and on my way in a new career. But then two things combined to bring a significant change for the time. First, the Goth culture had grown significantly in the United States, even if many people had widely varying definitions of the term. Secondly, there was the release of Vampire the Masquerade, or more accurately, the Mind’s...

1 year ago
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As the name will tell you, on Just Porno you get to see a lot of porn videos. You have all kinds of dirty clips, and a lot of these videos come from genuine amateurs. So, if you are looking for some new free porn content, you have surely come to the right place, because this site is filled with lots and lots of porn videos that you can watch for free.Now, the first thing that was a bit annoying is the fact that I had to disable my Ad-block. Some of the videos did not want to play even with the...

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