ConvergenceChapter 1 free porn video

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[Author's Note: The EPOD Saga Continues, inspired by the characters created by, and used with the permission of Vulgus in "A Chance to Advance" and "Insomnia." Warning--spoiler information!]

"Three weeks," Mark Dunham answered the question posed to him that morning with a smile that seemed to light up his whole being. "But it seems like we've known each other forever," he continued. He turned to gaze with loving eyes on his new bride. Until their civil ceremony two days before, she had been Kari French.

Kari Dunham returned his smile with one of her own, reflecting both adoration and--not so unusual in newlyweds and young lovers--a touch of sexual expectation that everyone in the room recognized easily. The light touches they had been giving each throughout the morning only served to reinforce the message--these two were hot for each other.

Their hosts during their stay in Middlebury, Gregg and Amanda Collins were both pleased and amused at the obvious intensity of the young couple. The very visible love shown in the couple's expressions, body motions around each other, and low-level murmuring together showed all those assembled that the newlyweds obviously wanted to conclude the business at hand here quickly. One could easily tell that they just wanted to retire upstairs to the bedroom as soon as possible, so they could fuck each other silly. It was as if a sexy movie were playing out across their faces in front of everyone.

Mark and Kari had crashed here upon their arrival late the previous night, flying in from the city where they were living. Mark had retrieved Kari from her now former work place on her last day of employment two days before. They not only wanted to be together during Mark's interview for a position as a junior vice president at J.A.M. Aluminum, but to enjoy each other's company as only newlyweds could.

It helped that the president of the company, Mr. Morris, had insisted that Mark bring Kari along for the interview weekend visit. There were some things about the job that involved her as well, although Mr. Morris had been rather circumspect about details until they could speak face-to-face; thus, the gathering at the Collins house this morning.

"We met under some ... unusual circumstances, and ended up falling in love almost overnight. I asked her to marry me after knowing her for only three days," Mark went on, smiling--beaming actually--at Kari first before looking around at the others. He received approving nods from the men and several oh-that's-so-romantic sweet smiles from a few of the ladies present.

He shot a quick glance in Amanda Collins' direction and saw the knowing look in her eyes. Reddening slightly, he looked down quickly at the table as he reached for his cup, taking a quick sip of coffee. His instant of embarrassment passed quickly, though.

To see these folks in this very intimate, friendly setting, Mark could not help but believe that he could easily feel a sort of kinship. It was almost as if he had known them all his life even though they had only been introduced just over an hour-and-a-half earlier. They were so friendly and so real that he immediately felt right at home with these folks.

Oddly, even though he was acutely aware of the status of these folks gathered around him, Mark found it difficult to discern easily from their appearances and easy-going manner that these were some of the most powerful and successful business people in the community and, in fact, all of Vermont. Well--of course--the house in which they were gathering might have been a tip-off, as it easily topped a couple of million.

Seated directly across the medium-sized transparent acrylic table from Kari and Mark were Mr. Morris, the president of J.A.M. Aluminum--a multimillionaire businessman who had more than doubled the size of his father's company since taking over the reins almost two decades before--and his wife, Helen. She was a beautiful brown-haired, hazel-eyed lady in her late thirties who spoke with a soft Southern accent. Though she and Mr. Morris--who insisted that Mark call him Mo--were each sharing a second marriage, they reflected a mutual intensity of love that almost made them seem like the newlyweds here, instead of Mark and Kari.

Now that he thought about it, looking around slowly, Mark thought he detected something deeper among ALL the other couples at the table than just the usual we're-comfortably-married look.

The other guests at the brunch were some of the junior vice presidents and one senior vice president of J.A.M. Aluminum and their wives--all of whom, in other settings, unkind people might have referred to as 'trophy wives.' This was because of the exquisite beauty among all of them and their undeniable sexual allure.

Except that there again were those obvious threads of a deeper emotion that were almost visible--almost tangible in the air above them in the morning light that put lie to the idea of just simple business and bed-warming duties as the firm ties in these marriages. These couples were so obviously very much in love, and wanted everyone who saw them to have no doubt about that fact. And even though Madison Scott was unaccompanied, but having arrived with Jeff and Carol Mitchum, she radiated affection for her friends and their mates that was intense as well.

Clockwise around the clear round table from Helen Morris were junior vice president Brad Pittman and his wife, Jan--she being a pretty redhead around twenty-two--and giving off a very strong aura of assurance, almost as if she were the one truly in charge here professionally as well as socially--with Brad being a couple of years older than she.

Then there were Carol and Jeff Mitchum, the only senior VP and his wife present--both in their early thirties, with Carol coming off as a very personable, while slightly ditzy blonde. Jeff seemed to appear very relaxed and comfortable, yet mysteriously amused during this whole gathering. It was as if he were anticipating something unusual to occur at any minute.

Next was Madison, a striking brunette in her early thirties, sitting between Jeff and Kari--recently divorced from former junior VP Carl Scott. She was seemingly 'joined at the hip' with her friend Carol Mitchum.

Counter-clockwise, on the other side from Mr. Morris were Mark's friends Gregg Collins--at twenty-six, already a junior VP and reputedly an engineering marvel--and Amanda. She was Gregg's dark blonde twenty-three-year-old partner in life, with a knowing gleam in her eyes. For some reason Amanda preferred to be called Mouse even though her sultry beauty left Mark believing she was anything BUT mousey.

Next to her sat another junior VP, Dean Steadman, who was in his mid-thirties--independently wealthy in his own right, since, as had been mentioned in the conversation earlier, he could afford a house in this neighborhood--and his blonde wife Andrea--called 'Andi' by everyone. It turned out that she was very much younger than Dean. She amazed both Kari and Mark when she informed them she was actually only seventeen, though she looked to be a very hot twenty-three. That had to be an interesting story, Mark mused.

Next to Andi sat Mike Clarke, another late-twenties junior VP. And sitting between Mike and Mark was--oh, my God, she's almost gorgeous beyond belief--Mike's twenty-four-year-old wife Chastity. Called "Chaz" by the others, she had shoulder-length brown hair and dazzling green eyes. She could have easily posed for Playboy or any other men's publication while having the whole male world drooling and stumbling over their tongues to satisfy her slightest whim.

Kari had noticed Mark's eyes bugging out at Chaz as they had been introduced earlier. She had subtly squeezed his hand with one of her own, and brushed the beginnings of a bulge in his pants with the other. She wanted to remind him silently of the potential pleasures closer at hand--as well as the unmistakable possibility of penalty later on if he didn't reserve his lustful looks for his new bride.

As relaxed, friendly, and accepting as everyone was being, Mark still did not really feel comfortable enough to go into the really strange details of his and Kari's meeting. He had only just met these people with whom he and Kari were sharing a wonderful Saturday morning brunch. Well, he had known Gregg Collins professionally in engineering circles for quite a while, and had met Mouse about six months before.

Mark glanced briefly at Mouse, a real beauty--Gregg was truly blessed to have met and married her--who had what could only be called a sage smile on her beautiful lips as she looked at him and Kari. Hoping to forestall any further details until he got to know the others better, Mark simply continued the thought from his previous comment. "Mouse and Gregg know a bit about the circumstances of our, uh ... unusual meeting and brief courtship."

And about the sexual crisis that forced me to call Mouse, he thought to himself. He had called frantically asking--in fact, begging--for a referral to Gregg's brother, Gary, the psychologist, who helped out during that critical time in Kari's life a few weeks ago. He squirmed uncomfortably as the fingers of Kari's hand gently interlaced with his.

At the same time, he nudged her foot with his. He had noticed her knees beginning to drift apart slightly under the transparent table, causing her skirt to move above her knees. I guess we still need some work on recognition and control of her flashing urges, he thought. It still turns me on like crazy when she deliberately tries to show off her pussy, but there are some times when it is totally NOT appropriate, his mind went on. Like now--when I am being interviewed for a job--and an executive position at that!

Though he did not realize it, the movement of his leg during his light foot touch correction under the transparent acrylic table, followed by the move of Kari's knees back to a more respectable position did not go unnoticed by Mouse Collins. Mouse cleared her throat and smiled with a natural warmth that spoke of her true concern.

With no intent to embarrass anyone, she said, "Mark, I want you to know that you can trust everyone at this table implicitly. Several of us also have ... unusual stories that brought us together. We all share an even more unusual story together that I hope you and Kari can hear as the morning progresses without judging us too harshly.

"I hope that, when you hear it, we don't end up scaring the two of you off. Gregg and I have known you for awhile. And having met Kari last night and gotten to know her better this morning--and I think she's just a darling, by the way--I believe that you two were meant to be part of us here at J.A.M. and part of our family."

Family, thought Mark. Did she really mean to use that term? Nevertheless, he could begin to feel like the people seated around this table were, in fact, a family of sorts. He envied that level of intimacy that they gave off. Mark began to relax a little more and looked adoringly once again at his new bride. If he and Kari could be part of what amounted to a family support system while they worked through Kari's ... condition ... that would be wonderful.

Kari returned his look with one that spoke wordlessly of an intense love, tinged with something else that the rest--notably Jan Pittman--just could not quite grasp immediately. But something was there besides young love, all right. Jan sensed it and hoped that whatever it was would not turn out to be at odds with the subject of the conversation that was about to follow.

She had gone over it in her mind for a couple of days. Jan was hoping this young couple would hear and accept what, to most folks, would seem absurd and totally out of the question, professionally, personally, and morally.

Jan had briefly consulted her good friend and mentrix Midge Burton the day before about how to present her pitch. Midge, the wife of one of J.A.M. Aluminum's other senior vice presidents, David Burton, had chuckled and assured her that if she handled this interview and presentation at least half as well as she had the ones with Chaz Clarke and Dean Steadman and his 'child-bride' Andi, then she would do fine.

The conversation this morning had been light and friendly around the wonderful brunch that Katerina--Gregg's and Mouse's housekeeper, cook, and evidently good friend--had served them before she had departed. The executives and wives had smiled (in fact, the men had all seemed to leer at Kat lustfully for a brief moment, despite the obvious presence of their wives) as Kat had bid Gregg and Mouse farewell.

Kat was off to join Jan's housekeeper, Dani, for the rest of the morning and afternoon. She had informed them that they were going to, as she mysteriously put it, "take a ride on Paul's 'equipment' at Jo's invitation, and take pity on Glenn at Kara's request."

Before her departure, Kari and Mark were somewhat surprised when Kat planted what could only be interpreted by most people as a lover's kiss right on the lips of Gregg! Not only that, she had turned and then kissed Mouse on the lips just as passionately!

Jan and several others had chuckled, as they noted their guests' attempts to hide their shock and obvious embarrassment behind polite smiles. After a sip of coffee, and through a warm smile, Jan had said, "As you can see, we are all pretty close around here," treating Kat's kisses with a 'this-is-just-routine-around-here' attitude, as Kat had closed the door behind her on the way out.

Now to the big question...

The others, with some unseen sense and without an overt signal, now turned their attention to Jan. There were more than a few sly smiles, as she blushed slightly before clearing her throat. Looking directly at Kari, Jan said, "It's supposed to get easier each time; but I can't seem to be able to get it out as smoothly as I rehearsed it."

Kari and Mark had developed quizzical looks at the sudden lapse in the aura of self-assuredness that Jan had exuded up to this point. They glanced at each other momentarily before returning their attention to Jan.

"What Mouse says is true; we are truly a family of sorts here. But, we are an unusual family that not many people would choose to be part of unless they marched to a slightly different drummer than the majority of folks." She paused to take another sip of coffee.

"Mark, I know that you and Mo have worked out the details of the purchase of your company and its patents ... congratulations, by the way." Mark gave a slight bow of his head in acceptance. "And I know that part of the agreement was the offer of a job as a junior vice president here at J.A.M. With Gregg's raving about your skills as an engineer, manager, and leader, and with Mo's being impressed by your company's annual reports, we are all certain that you are a perfect fit for J.A.M. Aluminum's executive level."

What is this, Mark thought. Why is Jan, who is just a junior VP's wife of all things, giving this type of speech, one more suited to Mo or even Jeff Mitchum, as the only senior VP present? And yet, both Mo and Jeff, and even her husband Brad were sitting there with amused smiles on their faces.

Meanwhile the ladies were almost about to burst out in giggles from the looks on their faces as they seemed to revel in Jan's obvious discomfort. There was evidently some personal or office dynamic at play here that Mark could not yet discern. His musing was interrupted as Jan continued, surprising him with an expletive.

"Shit! This doesn't have to be so hard; so here goes, and hang on tight.

"One critical part of being in the upper hierarchy of J.A.M. directly involves Kari, and her ... well ... duties, if you will, as the wife of a junior VP." Mark sat back a little straighter, wondering where this was going. He understood that corporate wives indirectly supported their husbands' careers in various ways, but what did Jan mean by "directly" in reference to Kari's involvement and what would these so-called "duties" entail?

"I know that your acceptance of the position here has nothing to do with the three-hundred-thousand-dollar a year salary and perks package since Mo's buyout of your company has left you flush with assets well beyond that. Mo, Gregg, and others have assured us that you want to work here because you enjoy the competition of business life and being part of a successful venture like J.A.M. Aluminum.

"We also know that you are a winner, and after hearing all about you and after meeting you and Kari, we believe that you two would be wonderful additions to our family." There was that word again. Now for the 'but... '

"But ... we need to be totally honest with you about a program at J.A.M. that goes back a long way in this company and makes us ... shall we say ... unique." Taking a breath and a sip of water, Jan plunged on.

"Whatever the outcome today, I--we all--ask that you keep what I am about to tell you absolutely secret. Some folks at the plant may have figured out parts of it, and some may have figured out all of it. But we try our best to be discreet about this program in order to maintain good order in the workplace. So far the employees that may be in the know have shown themselves to be really loyal and discreet."

Jan took another sip of coffee and then blew out a breath that puffed her cheeks briefly. "The program is abbreviated as EPOD; and that stands for Executive Pussy on Demand."

She paused for a split second to let the term register.

"It applies to all the wives of the junior vice presidents. It is optional for the wives of the senior vice presidents, who get officially promoted out of it. All the women at this table--with the exception of Kari, of course, and Helen--are in it either officially or in a legacy role, like Carol and Madison here or Midge Burton, who I hope you get to meet before you leave."

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Tim It’s been 3 years since the divorce. After Marsha returned to good health she moved back to her apartment and got on with her single life as far as I know. She still has to use a cane occasionally as her ankle will probably never be 100% again. She received a healthy seven digit figure from the guys insurance that hit her and killed her baby. He was arrested for vehicular manslaughter and sentenced to 3 years in prison. I sold the house and moved to Denver to another job. I split the...

4 years ago
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Another Surprise at the Gym FM Sexfight and More part 1

 ~~~~~~~~You may recall Margot from a previous story ("An Incredible Night at the Gym"). In case you haven't read the story, here's a brief synopsis.I met Margot at a party. We had no sooner met when she mocked me, insulted me, said I looked wimpy and out of shape. Margot is a striking woman so she already had me at a disadvantage. I wrestled in high school. I work out and I'm still in pretty good shape. I'm 6' 2" - 180 lbs. and I feel pretty good about my appearance, but coming from...

3 years ago
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Blood Lust Chapter One The Unusual Client

It’s a dark and muggy night. Clouds cover this sky, the orangish glow of the city lights reflects upon the puddles in the street, only disturbed by the occasional droplet of water. A man driving around the seemingly empty yet busy streets. Busy with drug deals, scantily dressed woman walking around waiting for a car to pull over to them. The man scanning every one of them, looking them up and down slowly. He notices one standing distant from any of the others. She may be alone, but she seems to...

1 year ago
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Despicable BeautyChapter 4

She gave a delightful shake. “I want to talk more about church and a Christian life. Steve, you know about those and I would like to learn.” “Have you ever read the Bible?” “No, Steve. I don’t even own one.” I was only slightly surprised. “I can cure that deficiency right now. I stood and went upstairs to the other bedroom and its bookcase. I pulled a Bible from the shelf and turned. She was nose to nose with me. I hadn’t realized that she had followed me. I handed the Bible to her. “This...

2 years ago
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Cuckolding Positive For Some Couples

Cuckolding Can Be Positive For Some Couples, Study SaysBy Ian Kerner, CNNActing on adulterous fantasies may strengthen a relationship, as counterintuitive as it may sound.Cuckolding has become fetishized into a powerful sexual fantasy for some.Sometimes just sharing a sexy thought can be arousing enough -- you don't have to follow through...(CNN)In our current political climate, the term "cuck" -- short for "cuckservative" -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they...

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Love Lust and Marriage full story

Today was day two at the hospital, I had come in for a routine procedure but because of delays to my scans, I was stuck here. It was nothing scary, some imbalance in magnesium or iron or something that sounded metallic. I had offered to lick an iron bar if it would help but unfortunately, it is not quite that simple, so here I sit. So, my name is Alice Cotter, I'm 28 years old and I'm 5 feet and 6 inches tall (on my tippy toes) and I weigh around… none of your fucking business! I am slim,...

3 years ago
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If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of this SARAH in the comments below. Enjoy...The greatest thing about my lover, Joe, is his cock. I just love it. It's so fat and hard and muscular, I love holding it, I love stroking it, I love kissing it, I love sucking it, I love feeling it between my tits, I love feeling it filling my arse-hole, I love feeling it filling my pussy.I'm 26, with long straight brown hair, and brown eyes. People have always called...

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He Was My Forbidden Fruit Part 3

You know something is wrong, that you shouldn't even be thinking it, let alone be considering it. It is completely wrong and if you ever go down that road, nothing but destruction waits for you at the end. But you still choose to take that chance, why? You have absolutely no idea, yet your very essence is compelled down that path and so you turn around and begin to walk that path of destruction... Sweet, manipulative, crazy, intense, insane, passionate...Those words come to mind as you continue...

4 years ago
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Helping Wifes Friend Get Pregnant Part 2

You will need to read part one to get caught up. After 3 unsuccessful months of trying the turkey baster approach, both my wife, and her best friend were getting worried. They knew it takes time, and at her friend's age, there was still a chance it might not happen at all. But they were determined to give it a real shot. And I was all too happy to keep offering my services. To this point, I had always either masturbated into the cup, or had my wife help me to cum into the cup. Except for the...

2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 11

The following Saturday Elspeth had to go into Harrogate so she collected Serena from school. Mark and Serena went riding in the afternoon. With the long summer evening they were not constrained by time so they took the horsebox and drove up to the moors to ride. Not only did they thoroughly enjoy the freedom and beauty of the moors but were able to talk a lot too. Serena's thoughts on what she wanted to do were beginning to crystallise and Mark was amazed that they were so close to...

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NowChapter 4 The Lost Decades

Eighteen years. Eighteen years. Presidents and Prime Ministers come and go. Fashions and fads peak and disappear into obscurity. Entertainers and athletes rise to high acclaim only to meld back into third-rate obscurity. The Internet and cellular telephones seemingly came out of the thin air, going from being an expensive novelty to a "must-have" essential. But few notice changes as they actually happen. Most are more concerned with the mundane of day-to-day living, just making it from...

1 year ago
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College Dorm Threesome

Kevin and I were sitting down in the common room watching the move The Informers, as Sarah walked out of my room in a mini skirt and tight white tank top. You could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra because her nipples were pushing hard through the shirt. Kevin glanced over but tried to hide his attraction for my girlfriend. There was room between the two of us on the couch and Sarah squeezed right between us and kissed me on the cheek. She said “I love this movie” as she placed her hand on my...

Group Sex
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The Fountain of Youth Book IIChapter 16

After the agents had gone, we checked with Jude and Cindi. Neither had been able to come up with anything, so I asked them to come home. Ken and Thelma agreed to stay up with Cindi, so Missy, Jude and I grabbed a sandwich and settled in for a nap before it was our turn to take over at midnight. We snuggled in and did a little mutual groping, but we knew our night was going to be short, so we didn't take it any farther than that. We did all fall asleep while in rapport though, which was a...

3 years ago
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A Shoulder To Cry On Part Two Six Weeks Later

Six weeks. It was six long weeks since I'd last seen or touched her. So much had gone on between us since then. I couldn't close my eyes without flashbacks. Her opening the door, kissing me, touching me, me spanking her arse and cumming all over her. I couldn't tell a soul. I couldn't tell anyone that I had never fucked, or been fucked like that by anyone. She was undoubtedly the best sex I have ever had. In the long, agonising days and weeks that followed that eventful night, she had been...

2 years ago
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The Newtons

Part Five He liked it when I dressed up for him and he was instantly aroused and had me over the kitchen table. Lifting up my dress and fucking me without even stopping to put on a condom. He had me again in bed that night and I loved having his strong arms about me which made me go all soft and gooey. Work was the same over the next fortnight and the sex was never better with Miki, fucking and sucking each other nearly every night. I had told Miki of what went on between Christiana and...

3 years ago
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Screwed again at long last

Screwed again at long last !I am a 50 year old white femaleIt had been years since I last had a man to cuddle up to, let alone have any sex with one, in fact I had started to get worried that my love hole might heal over! You see my husband had left me for the baby sitter many years ago, and to make matters worse, things had started to head south on my body as well. I have to admit it, I was bored, lonely and fed up. That is until lately when the house next door which was up for sale and had...

1 year ago
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In Xanadu Ch 01

What begins here in Chapter 1 (and will continue in chapters to come) is a hot tale involving hetero, Sapphic, group, soulful, and wild rampant sex wrapped in a tale suspenseful and enigmatic. Enjoy! ILienBagby IN XANADU Jane strode from the lobby onto the street and raised her hand. A taxi screeched to a halt. Long legs, hard ass, small shapely breasts, glasses, hair piled high, she had an air of command. Taxis stopped for Jane Bederson! She stepped into the cab, gave her destination,...

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The School Part 4

The next day Miss Priscilla inited me to witness one of her punishment sessions. This was an unusual invitation, and unusual for me as I do not normally watch boys being punished. However it piqued my interest and I agreed to be a witness.The end of the school day came and I went to Miss Priscilla's classroom. The boy was already there, or should I say young man as he was a fine specimen and already grown into early manhood. I recognized him from the school. He was dressed in the normal school...

3 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 14 I Spice With My Little Eyes

I'd arranged to meet up with the Kalinin and his son in the conference room at the Prep Centre. I got there a little early and bumped into Harry as I walked in. "How's your new PA," I asked. "Has she worked out what's going on yet?" "Oh, I think so," said Harry. "In fact I was just about to pop in to see her, if you wanted to have a look." "Yeah, sure," I said, "I've got a while and I haven't really seen too much of the Prep Centre side of things." "She's in here," said...

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California Adventure with Blonde Angel

The flier said that there would be a summer trip to visit many of the major cities in California along with a group of foreign students. However, being in a wheelchair has its disadvantages. I had to spend the weeks leading up to the trip talking with the event coordinator about accommodations that would be needed at all of our hotels that we would be staying at. Just a few days before the trip, we worked out all of the kinks and I was set to go on this adventure. We showed up at the...

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Will you

Kathy had just gotten into an argument with her parents about her job now that she’d gotten one. Unlike most other teens struggling in college however, her parents had just thrown her out of their house when they found out she’d been erotic dancing to pay for all of her luxuries rather than the desk job they believed her to have. They didn’t even let her keep her car, not letting her have the keys they’d taken because, “It’s in our name, we’re not letting some little SLUT take our car! Get...

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How I fucked three generations and made a fourth i

I met my girlfriend through her daughter and my daughters friendship. Right away I could see where she got her looks. That fall our daughters left for college and we were fucking all the time. Life was good. One day as I had just gotten her off from circling my tongue on her asshole the phone rings. No big deal it was for her so I continued by entering her tight little ass. God I was ready to cum when I heard "of course MOM you can stay in Candace's room". My cock went from just about to...

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Lyla 08 All hands on deck

Lyla: All Hands on Deck"To be honest Clarke, I thought you would be a lot more happy. Marlon has agreed to help out before the launch, you kept telling me that he is a genius and that you would kill to have his input on the team."Lyla sat in front of Clarkes desk, fanning herself with a folder. The heat was getting to everyone making them tired and cranky. This was her first face to face meeting with her boss since she overheard him and his wife arguing about her. She had spent the previous...

4 years ago
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Aunt Flo Gave Me My First Threesome

Aunt Flo had this appliance repairman, Mike. One day she spent an hour watching him work on her clothes dryer. Wordlessly she watched him and conjured up images of his cock, wondering what it looked like, how big it was, whether it was circumcised, what he was like in bed. This of course aroused her sexually. At the same time, Mike was absorbed with his work, but he was aware of being closely watched. By the time he finished the repair, there was a lump in the front of his pants. While he made...

1 year ago
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Kissing Cousins I

With years of friendship, Jared had slowly been turning his thoughts to his cousin more frequently, and would often slide his hand under the covers at night, thinking of Wesley's powerful arms while he jerked his teenage cock with the hurried strokes of a young hand. Since Wesley was oblivious to this increased attention, they had even changed together when he came to visit, further fueling Jared's wild fantasies. Today, after a long romp, they returned home to find a note from Jared's...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Kenzie Taylor Second Appearance

Kenzie Taylor is very excited about her Anniversary Present. Her husband told her she can have whatever she wants, in fact he sent over 2 Jewelry salesmen with Jewelry just to show her all the finest pieces that she could choose from. She spends her time looking at all the merchandise, but then realizes that “Anything She Wants” is more like what is in the 2 handsome Jewelers’ pants! When they say they aren’t sure about that she reminds them that her Husband told her she...

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Slave to The Sun Exposed Part Two

“Make love to me, James.” She said, staring him directly in the eye, her voice morphing into a low rough thrum. He took her face in his hands and kissed her sweet lips softly, and leaned his forehead against hers, staring intently into her strange brown/green eyes. “Is that what you really want, princess?” He had to ask. “Of course,” her lips parted on a breathless sigh, and her hands sought his chest, rubbing soothingly. She stared into the beautiful ocean-blue orbs that were his eyes. He was...

1 year ago
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Shes married but shell cyber

sitting in a yahoo chat room, an IM popped up on my screen. i hope you enjoy our convo, but the screen names have been changed to protect myself and her. keep reading until it gets to the action, it's good. hotwife798: so, what did you have in mind hornydude: i have no cam or audio, just havin' a little fun hotwife798: same here hornydude: so, what do you look like? hotwife798: 5' 7", long brown hair, stellar blue eyes (real, not contacts), great smile and dd's:) (also real) hotwife798: u?...

2 years ago
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Coming Clean

Sophie had received a distressing call from her realestate agent and had wasted no time in leaving the Hampton. Despite the awful traffic, she had finally made her way to the charming Tribeca block of the condo she wanted. She smoothIy parallel parked on what she hoped would be her new street. This wasn’t the moment to moon over her nonexistent love life. She needed to get up there and save the apartment she had worked so hard to find or her heart would be broken beyond repair. There were many...

4 years ago
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Honey Dew pt 51

Joel Fride was an attractive man of 52. His wife passed away when Beth was 2. Beth was his only child and he adored her. He knew when Carolyn passed away there were choices to be made with his daughter. It would be easy to spoil her and give her whatever she asked for. Joel, though, had worked hard to build his business. He wanted to instill his ethics in his daughter. Beth grew up a privileged child in that she had a grand home, private school, new car at 16 and trips abroad every...

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Foreign Exchange Part 3 of 3

I have had another opportunity to play with Andi, the hot Australian whois staying with us while she studies in the states. If you haven't read the first two parts of this story, you might want to check them out for background information. If you're only interested in the pleasure, read on. Enjoy! I love feedback! ******************** Craig, friend of mine, needed me to stay at his apartment one weekendand take care of his dog. Since I still live at home, I jumped at this opportunity to get out...

3 years ago
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Two Swinging Couples Some Gentle Adventures

We would like to tell you about one of our adventures with our friends who have since unfortunately moved interstate, Linda and Barny. We had been seeing them for quite a few months and had been in the habit of starting the sexual side of the get together with a sexy game of strip poker. This always seemed to get everyone into a relaxed and sexy mood. We would play the game and the losers would shed their clothes; and if you had lost all your clothes you could continue to play by choosing to...

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