24 ChristmasesChapter 7 free porn video

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“I think that would nice,” Riza says over the phone. “It really would be nice, and I’m certain Josh will like it.”

“Then it’s settled,” David says, clicking the end button on his phone. He and Riza have been divorced for just a little over two years. Riza has custody of their son, Josh. Since then both have remarried, David to a woman with a kid already. Since the marriage, both Josh and his stepbrother, Owen has become best friends. He looks over at Mr. Lindon and says, “I’ll take it.”

“Excellent choice,” Mr. Lindon says, pleased to hear it. “Shall I warp it up for you?”

David grimaces. “I don’t think you got a box big enough for it.”

Mr. Lindon glows as he smiles. “I have a great deal of things, you never know.”

The man chuckles at that. “Well, I never thought I’d be buying a plant like this in a bookstore.”

“Yes, I have tried to make it less like a bookstore and into something more, but I love books.”

“Plants too, by the looks of it,” David says, gesturing to the small greenhouse off past the books.

“Well, yes,” Mr. Lindon agrees. “She will love this plant. The next time you think of purchasing another, please come back to see me.”

David scoops up the plant and smiles. “Should I ever find myself with another ex-wife, I think I will.”

The day goes by pretty slow. When David’s wife gets back from some last minute shopping for him with Owen, he loads the boy up to take over to Riza’s. David really dislikes Christmas because it is when Riza asked for the divorce. What made it worse was the divorce wasn’t finalized until the following Christmas. He had tried everything he could to make it work, but Riza had already found Hank, and had been fucking him for nearly six months at that point.

It is Josh that opens the door when they arrive. “Hey Dad,” the boy says. “What’s the plant for?”

“Your mom,” David says.

“Oh ... cool,” he says with complete disinterest. Then he turns to redheaded kid next to the man. “Hey Owen, come on. Do I have something to show you.”

David watches them go, waiting outside for Riza to appear. Ever since the divorce she won’t let him step into her house without an invitation. They have had their quarrels in the past, but he almost feels like a vampire needing to be invited in every time. Eventually she appears and waves him in.

“That’s a very interesting plant you have there,” Riza says. “Is that the present you bought for me?”

“Yeah, we’re going to call it a peace offering,” David says, following her into the kitchen.

“You don’t have to buy a plant to make a peace offering, she says.

“My therapist says that a gift, like a plant, is a good symbol when making a peace offering,” he says, setting the plant down on the table.

“Therapist?” she repeats. “Huh?”

“Well, it’s a step forward,” David continues. “I mean, we want what’s best for Josh. And there is no reason that we need to be at each other’s throats all the time.” Riza turns and laughs. David finds it offensive, but it’s easy for him to not get angry. He is after all bullshitting her about the whole matter. “What’s so funny?” he asks, feigning be hurt emotionally.

“Next you’ll want to have barbeques and hang out with Hank while I hang out with your wife,” she explains.

“That is a step I hope to see in the future,” he says, putting on a serious face. “Being together as a family through a common bond, such as Josh, can be a healing experience.”

“You’re serious about this, aren’t you?” she asks, suddenly feeling a little like an ass.

“Of course,” David slathers on the lie. “There is no reason to go around hating each other for the rest of our lives. Happiness is born every day, so why not start on a holiday when things are supposed to be forgiven and things made anew?”

“I think I like this change in you, David,” she says. “I think we can look to a better future. Would you like to stay for dinner?”

David isn’t too surprised that she bought into his lies. He shakes his head. “No, we have dinner plans. But thanks for the offer. Let’s get through the holidays and slowly inch into things.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Riza says, feeling her face heating up with a little redness in her cheeks. “Yeah, we don’t need to rush anything.”

“Well, I’ve got to go,” David says. “Enjoy the gift. I’m told that when it blooms, it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before.”

Riza watches the man leave, feeling good about the revelation. She is filled with optimism and cannot wait to look forward to the new year ahead. When she hears the door closed, she looks briefly at the plant before slipping out of the kitchen.

“Alright you two, it’s time for bed,” Riza says to the two boys.

“Already?” Josh asks.

“Yes, you know you have to get to bed before Santa will come,” she says.

“When’s Hank getting home?” he asks, brushing off his mother’s words.

“He’s working late tonight, but he’ll be here when you wake up in the morning,” she says. “Unfortunately he had to work late tonight.”

“Dude, let’s go,” Owens says. “We’ve got to go to sleep so Santa will come.”

Josh looks over at his friend and sees the anticipation behind his eyes. “Yeah, that’s a good idea I guess,” he says quickly. “The faster we go to bed, the sooner Christmas will get here.”

“Alright you two,” Riza says. “Brush your teeth and change your clothes first.”

“Yeah, okay Mom,” Josh says heading down the stairs to his bedroom.

Owen looks at the woman and smiles. “I’ll make sure he brushes them good.”

The door to the basement closes, and as soon as it does, Riza hears a noise coming from the kitchen. She doubts that Hank is home, so it has to be something that fell. When she steps into the kitchen there isn’t a mess anywhere and nothing obvious has fallen from a shelf or counter. All the cabinets are closed too. “Maybe I’m just tired,” she mumbles to herself.

“Maybe you are,” a voice agrees with her. “Maybe you should have a seat somewhere.”

“Who said that?” she asks, spinning around in a circle. She’s never heard the voice before, and if not for seeing the two boys going downstairs, she would assume they were playing a trick on her.

“Make yourself comfortable,” the voice continues. “Have you had enough sleep lately?”

“I’ve been sleeping just fine,” she replies, not really thinking about talking to a disembodied voice. “Christmas shopping has been a little stressful, but nothing out of the ordinary.”

“Maybe a glass of water is all you need,” the voice suggests.

“Where are you?” Riza asks.

“Why, I’m right here, the voice says.

“Where exactly?” she asks.

“On the table of course,” the voice answers.

Riza looks at the plant, really looking at it. It looks like any ordinary plant with green stalks and leaves, pink and white flowers. Then it moves. Suddenly the stalks are moving like vines. Two broad green leaves flitter and come together right before her, forming a face.

“What... ?”

“I am Yoolock,” the voice says.

“How are you talking?” she asks staring curiously at the plant.

“I’m in your head,” Yoolock says. “I cannot communicate physically.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to sit and relax,” he answers. “Have a drink of water.”

“Well, you’re the plant,” Riza states. “Shouldn’t I get you the water?”

“I do not require water,” he says. Suddenly a flower comes forward toward the woman. It stops right in front of her face and opens up. The flower takes on the form of a cup full of clear liquid. It does not cross her mind to question him about the liquid. She even cups the flower softly with her hand, lifting it to her lips. The water is clean, almost sweet even. “What do you enjoy doing when not occupied with Christmas shopping?” he asks mildly.

“Oh, I don’t know,” she begins to answer. “Many times when Hank is home, I like spending time in the bedroom fucking.”

The smile that comes onto her face intrigues the plant. More tendrils, all with flowers on the ends spread out. One in particular reaches out to tease along her cheek. Riza doesn’t move away as it touches her, though the caress does cause her to shiver just a little bit. When another tendril tugs at the hair tie holding her ponytail, she allows it to be pulled and her hair spill out over her shoulders. Despite the relative comfort in the house, goosebumps tickle her arms.

The tendril with the cuplike flower slides from her hand. Her fingers slacken, feeling the smoothness of the petals sliding off her fingers. Another tendril moves to her arm, brushing lightly, caressing her warm flesh. Her eyes move to it, seeing the flower bud’s journey pause at her elbow before moving upward. The bud blossoms as it slides along her shoulder. Then it moves higher to cup the side of her face.

“Often I have dreams of experience I could bring to a woman,” he rumbles in her mind. A tendril slides under the hem of her shirt, curving up around the base of the breast. She takes a deep breath as she stares at the leaf face of the plant, feeling the warmth in her cheeks. “Is it my words or my touch that brings warmth to your face?” he asks as his petals caress her cheek.

“I ... I’m not quite sure,” she admits.

The answer seems to please the plant. “If my touch makes you blush, then you are not afraid?”

“I probably should be,” she says with a shrug. “But no, I’m not.” Riza smiles at Yoolock. “I don’t why, but I find this situation I’m in with you to be something erotic.”

“Oh?” Yoolock runs the flowered tendril slowly back up her arm, the petals moving in spirals along her flesh. The voice in her head has lowered to just above a lingering whisper. The plant’s desire is apparent with the tone of the single word spoken without voice as it is in his flittering touch.

“Your touch is ... nice...” she admits. “I don’t know what I would expect, certainly not this though ... from a plant...” She closes her eyes for a moment, feeling the petals make their slow caress along her skin. Her fingers curl against her shirt.

“Hmm...” the plant rumbles in her head, the tendril moving to her shoulder. From there it traverses across her body, dipping down to slide firmly over her breasts. It squeezes a breast, the grip careful but the strength behind it deliciously apparent. The petals move closer together like closing into a bud again, ultimately skimming over her nipple before slipping away.

Riza’s nipple is erect under the rough fabric. She swallows thickly, feeling a tingle of warmth between her thighs. That feeling is very familiar—something that Hank knew how to invoke every time he touched her. It is a feeling that before Hank she had not felt in a very long time. David could never seem to invoke it, but Hank could and Yoolock certainly can. She shifts around, her eyes moving along the plant’s stalk and its base.

Yoolock’s withdrawn tendril is quick to seek her out again, this time finding its way onto her leg. It slides up slowly, massaging and caressing at the muscles beneath her silky flesh as it goes. Another tendril runs along her cheek, nearing the side of her mouth. And another runs equally slow down her neck to trace the line of her shoulder blade. Riza lets out a light huff, feeling the touch. Her eyes have become unfocused as her body responds to the touches of the parasitic plant.

First there is a tendril, then another and another ... having a lover with tentacles is bound to be interesting—even if it isn’t even human. She leans back a bit into the chair, the skirt draping along her tight better.

The plant takes the cue, running a flowered tendril up her leg. Though it still massages, the movements between movements shorten. Before long, Yoolock runs his petals firmly along her inner thighs. “Mmm,” the plant murmurs soothingly inside her head. The tendrils quiver against her skin. Another tentacle sneaks out, tracing the opposite shoulder blade, moving across the sensitive places at the base of her neck. “You seem to be enjoying yourself,” the plant teases, tracing a bud along the cut that leads from her hip to crotch, stopping just short of her light bush.

Riza blushes even more deeply at this. “I never thought that a plant could be so entertaining. I can’t believe a plant can arouse me like this,” she says, trying to hide her enjoyment. She doesn’t want it to be obvious that she is happy for David’s change in attitude or the fact that he has brought her perhaps the most wonderful gift ever. Her eyelids flutter as she feels the tentacles and petals move along her. Both her nipples are standing erect and strong. The other parts of her are aching just as warmly.

“I certainly didn’t hear denial coming from you,” the plant whispers inside her mind, pulling its tendrils from her. Riza shifts against the hardness of the chair. The plant slides its tentacles downward, a petal now resting against her inner thigh with its petals mere inches away from her snatch. Riza is looking with eyes full of lust and craving as a tentacle pulls up her skirt. “Your body seems to enjoy my touch. And we haven’t even gotten to the best sort of touching.”

“It would seem that you know how to your stems and flowers in more ways than what they are meant for,” Riza remarks, shifting her weight on the chair and making it easier for the plant to pull up her skirt to have better access to her most private place. The wooden chair isn’t so comfortable, but the plant’s touch is a divine balance between gentle and firm and makes the woman forget about any discomfort caused by the furniture. And though she has had plenty of boyfriends and two husbands, she is a bit nervous to go further with a plant. Even going as far as she has already is insane. But Yoolock is something special, and his careful intentions are proof that he will be gentle, giving her an experience that she will never forget.

“You will find out just many ways soon enough,” the plant teases as it lifts the skirt, though not so far as to entirely uncover her. For a moment, Yoolock playfully hesitates, the face-like leaves looking at her as if glancing at her for approval. Then it drop down and disappears beneath the fabric. Tendrils begin the teasing, a single bud running up and down the front of her cunt. It runs over the folds, across her clit before inserting itself slightly and then running down again. “You’re so wet,” his voice comes into her mind again as another bud reaches out and runs along her warm cunt lips. Another tendril takes the opposite side and parts her folds. A tentacle worms its way forward through the opening of the leaf face where its mouth ought to be, slipping just the tip within her. It curls and twitches there, gently teasing. “Feel good?” the plant asks teasingly. “Do you want more?”

When Yoolock first started touching her on the outside of her twat, Riza shivered and became even wetter. As it starts to probe more deeply, with the tentacle finally finding its way in, she lets out a small whimper of pleasure, and nods. She can only imagine that if the plant has a cock it would certainly be pretty erect and throbbing by now. What Riza had not imagined is that it would feel so nice or that the plant would take its time like this when she knew many men would have quickly sought completion. Even Hank takes his time, yet his touch is nothing like what she feels now. Her head lolls back and she moans as she feels the teasing, probing attention of her snatch. Riza’s thighs tighten for just a moment before she forces them to relax. Her knees spread apart a second later.

Though Yoolock cannot see her nod, let alone her body, he can feel the woman responding. He can hear her murmuring in pleasure as her legs spread through the vibrations of the air. “That’s it,” he urges mentally, using a free tendril to push aside the skirt and allowing the material to pool around her hips. Riza has a good view of exactly what the plant is doing to her. The tendril drops her shirt and moves, slowly to her clit. As the woman watches eagerly, Yoolock slides the tentacle tongue deeper, curling and twitching it inside her. Unlike a cock or even a phalange, it allows for greater motion to seek out those hard to hit and wonderfully sensitive places to touch and caress them. The tendril against her clit begins to move—just the tip trailing over the nub in swift, gentle circles. Two more tendrils move outward to take hold of the woman’s legs, keeping her from squirming too much under the plant’s skillful ministrations.

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"Good morning mistress" i reply. As i say this she slides her big toe into my mouth and i begin to suck it like i have been trained. "I'm glad you got paid this week, you can take me to the mall later today so i can get some more clothes and lingerie" she stated with a sexy smirk on her face. "but we can do that later, for now i want you to make me some pancakes. i went to the kitchen and cooked her some pancakes and when i show her the food she looks disgusted. ...

2 years ago
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Strange PerversionChapter 7

Encouraged by the overwhelming success of the first two ventures with other dog lovers, Bette decided to answer one of the letters that had been more or less written just for her. The couple had enclosed their phone number in their letter and suggested that Bette give them a call. Bette found herself oddly excited as she reread their letter. Finally she picked up the phone and dialed their number. Her heart was pounding furiously as she heard the phone ringing then it was picked up and a...

1 year ago
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Banging the boss

You sit on a balcony crying and eating ice cream,you are upset. Why? Because you don't feel appreciated for what you do for Star City. All because of Cat Gaunt,you want revenge,time for you to take action."No more crying" you realize,it's time for revenge! So you go to Cat's office through elevator you don't want to girl give her a heart attack. "You have said mean things about me,and I want you to stop." You say,but she laughs. "This is a business,and if you don't like what I have to say...

2 years ago
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MotherInLaw Gets Her Way

My first impression of my mother-in-law when I first met her wasn’t really the greatest.  Evelyn came across as holier than thou and it was obvious she didn’t think anyone was good enough for her daughter; especially me.  I don’t think she expected me to last too long, and it’s quite possible her dislike for me could be the reason her daughter married me.   I first met her when my girlfriend Heather, now my wife, invited me over for dinner to meet her family five years ago.  I walked in the...

4 years ago
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This is the third installment of my story. If you haven’t read the previous two chapters you probably should, as this will detail the events that led to my current predicament. If merely want to read on, my name is Rick and I am a normal 15 year old teenager, who happens to have been fucking his mom senseless for the past two days. I had just finished fucking mom’s ass and had blown a huge load up her shit-hole, when I realized my 13 year old sister Rebecca had arrived home from camp three days...

2 years ago
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Kylies Sex Diary 1

CHAPTER 1: First Time with Older ManWelcome to the first chapter of my sex diary! All the stories you will read are true and actually happened, but not all the stories are recent, some of it is about an experience I had many months or even years ago, but be sure that I was always 18+ in these stories.I also apologize if what you'll read is put in simple words. I never wrote stories before, sexual or not, so I have absolutely no experience. The other reason for keeping it simple is to make sure...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Doll Chapter 5

Friday finally arrived, like a slow train ... it seemed to Lynn that the day would never pass. Lynn checked the kitchen clock over and over, it never seemed to move. Finally it was time to get ready to go. Her husband Don did not seem terribly unnerved, and was sitting by the TV waiting for Lynn to get ready. She packed a few naughty, new outfits, boots, and assorted BDSM items in her bag. She donned a pair of hot-pink, thigh-high, ballet-boots, a pink and white vinyl, paneled flare-skirt that...

3 years ago
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31 March 2007Chapter 3

Dan and the family stopped at KFC and the pizza store on the way home. Abby tried to soothe Brad’s feelings by placing his hand slightly under the hem of her short skirt. In the front door, he went to his room wanting a few minutes to himself. “I know how to make him feel better,” Abby said, boldly taking off her top in front of Dan. He eyed the firm, bare breasts that rarely used a bra. “Give him a few minutes to take in the loss. As much as Brad loves you, Abby, a good fuck or blow job...

1 year ago
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The Sex Party in Rio

The story so far: My name is Carol and my friend Sally and I took a gap year after High School at 18 to go for six months to Brazil to work on an ecological station in the Amazon river. After 3 months we had the chance of going to Rio de Janeiro for a few days, arriving on a Thursday and leaving on Monday. On the beach on Friday, Sally met Tim, a nice looking 20 year old American boy who took her out on his boat and before long they were naked and fucking each other on the boat. Meanwhile I met...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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True Dreams of Rape

True Dreams of Rape By: Alice Email: [email protected] name is Alice. I come from a somewhat well-off family and just finished my 2nd year of college. I have decided to take a break over the summer and maybe do some traveling. Being a Korean but born and raised in the States, I was thinking of visiting Korea since I have never been there. I had plenty of time to think about it so I decided to sleep on it.Studying for college finals for the last few weeks really bogged down my time at the...

2 years ago
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Dulcie and All Hallows EveChapter 2

Dulcie and Peter's work with their visitors extended over nearly two weeks. Dulcie's sessions were almost certainly the hardest and by the time Lydia was satisfied, Dulcie was wrung out and drained, but, paradoxically, deeply happy. She woke up in Peter's arms the day after her last session with Lydia and just snuggled. It was Friday; the weekend with all the demands that placed on ministers was a day away. Peter opened his eyes and looked at her, his gaze full of love but also respect; he...

3 years ago
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Special Breakfast

I woke up early one morning and went downstairs to my kitchen. I wanted to fix breakfast for me and Louis, who had spent the night and had hot, passionate sex in my spacious bedroom. I had a new box of Special K cereal, which I bought from the grocery store last week, on top of the refrigerator. Being the short girl that I was, I had to get a chair from the dining room table and reached up to get the cereal. Once I got the cereal from the top of the fridge, I then moved the chair to the...

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I had been what I thought was staring discretely at this girl for a couple of days, ever since the beginning of criminology class. For the longest time most of the class thought she was deaf, the only communication she ever exhibited was sign language. She stayed to herself, "talking" only to a couple of guys who knew sign. I couldn't help but notice her the first time I saw her, she was exquisite. Not really gorgeous, but certainly pretty. Her name was Cheryl and she had long, frizzy dark...

3 years ago
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A Bulls Point of view on cuckolding a couple

]I'm the Bull …Laurel Was his Wife, Now Dan's A Cuck – How I Poached A Man’s Young Wife From Him And Made her my Baby Mama…..Dan asks, "Everything OK.""Yes super.""Good, Laurel and I have been talking and""I like you, I like the way you kiss me and hold me and touch me. You touch me like you respect me as a woman. Shall we?"I sit back next to her and lift her lips to mine. A soft kiss as I cup her breast, she begins to unbutton my shirt."Laurel do you have any limits sexually?""No, please fuck...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Identity Daphnes Chapter 9

This is the end of the action arc of the story. I hope you have been enjoying it so far. This is the climax of the story and next month's chapter tens (not sure how ten plural works, lol) will be the conclusion. Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual...

2 years ago
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The Barter System

Running. There were some consequences of a brisk jog that Sienna always could rely on. Firstly, it always made her sweat, of course, and she secretly enjoyed the way the salty, sticky perspiration pasted her running top and leggings to her skin. Second, there was always that heady, invigorating rush in her brain from endorphins released through physical exertion, giving her a charge throughout her entire body. Thirdly, it always made her feel strong, not like an ox per se, but more like feeling...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Bridezilla Brendas Beastly Brawl Part 1 Bringing on Bad Luck

Part 1 -- Bringing on Bad Luck Cast of named characters in this series: Brenda Robinson -- (21) 26 years old, 5'10" tall 140 lbs --- Bride. Arrogant, spoiled, domineering, wealthy, self centered, and oh so tall and beautiful. Bradley Eaton -- (22) 27 years old, 6'2" tall, 180 lbs --- Groom. Physics graduate student. Intelligent, hardworking, handsome, faithful, reliable. Amy Robinson -- (16) 21 years old, 5'10" tall 125 lbs --- Maid of honor. Physics undergrad student. ...

3 years ago
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Me and mom

I was walking home from a half day at school. When I got home I noticed mom's car was still at home. She worked in a factory so it wasn't that unusual for her to work different shifts. Dad was at work and wouldn't be home anytime soon. My little brother had and practice so he was going to be gone for awhile too. I threw my books on the table and started looking for mom. Her tv was on in her bedroom so headed that way. As I got closer to her room I could hear that she was watching a porno. So I...

2 years ago
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Schoolgirls First DateChapter 11

By the time the last movie ended and Jerry had returned to the car to drive the two youngsters home, both Billy and Julie were fully dressed. Jerry kept a foolish and somehow disturbing grin on his face all the time he drove. He let Billy off at his house and then turned the car back toward town, instead of driving his sister home. “Hey! Where are we going, Jerry!” Julie asked, glancing at her brother’s smiling face. He ignored her question and patted the seat close beside him. “Come sit...

2 years ago
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Transformed Into A Shemale

crossdresser – leather – virgin – shemale – lingerie – thrusts deeply – clad cock – tight denimI was 18 when I first had sex with a man. This is the story....I am a very hot looking guy. I say that knowing that some may consider me vain, or arrogant, but over the years I have had so many women and men tell me how fine I am, that I know it is true. I am 35, blond and blue eyed, 6'1," 180lbs, with a tan athletic body and a 7" beautiful cock. I have been dressing up as a sexy girl ever since I was...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Kiere Matty Its What Girls Do

Kiere is feeling lonely today, but her girlfriend, Matty, is here to cheer her up. Offering Kiere a hug and then a kiss, Matty lets her lover know she’s here for whatever. Kiere makes her interest in taking things further clear as she rubs her hands all over Matty’s ass as the girls feel each other up. Peeling Matty out of her clothes, Kiere continues to explore every inch of her lover’s soft skin. Matty returns the favor, unveiling Kiere’s magnificent big boobs and lush...

1 year ago
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Meine Schwester

Als meine Eltern zu meinen Grosseltern gefahren waren blieben meine Schwester Sandra und ich alleine zuhause. Ich war damals 18 Jahre alt und meine Schwester war 20. Wir spielten in meinem Zimmer an meinem PC. Meine Schwester bekam gar nicht genug und wollte gar nicht mehr aufhoeren. Nachdem ich keine Luste mehr hatte, meinte ich zu ihr, dass wir jetzt aufhoeren solltne. Aber meine Schwester wollte unbedingt noch etwas weiter spielen. Nach langem hin und her meinte ich zu ihr: "Ich mache Dir...

1 year ago
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Skittish Kitten

This story may not be copied to or posted on any site without my express permission. —000— The townhouse I was living in had a large kitchen window opening out onto a large grassy area, with a few trees for shade. There was another townhouse just across the grassy area that had been sold a couple of weeks earlier. I had seen a very pretty woman moving in the previous weekend, with a lot of help from several men and women. I didn’t intrude at the time, as I thought that there was enough...

2 years ago
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Sex with my teacher

The name of my teacher is Fariha Jahan.She teaches Physics in our school.She is the hottest women in our school.She has big,massive boobs,and a huge ass.I had a crush on her for 3 years and I always wanted to have sex with her.She is 28 years old and unmarried.She is 5’8 and really beautiful.The way she walks would seduce anyone.I always liked her boobs and the way she moved her ass.While she teached us,I always imagined about sbe being nude in my bed,waiting to have sex with me.Everyday I...

3 years ago
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OceaniaChapter 28

Natalie approached the deep crater where the command trailer had stood. Beside it, the tractor unit was ablaze, dark plumes of thick smoke rising thirty metres into the air. "What are we looking for?" one of her reluctant assistants inquired. "A black ovoid about the size of a large grapefruit. It will have an array of small, shiny contacts dotted over its surface." "What is it?" "All that's left of my sister," Natalie replied sadly. "One day, we'll use it to bring her back to...

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flashing the mother in law 3

I had never thought about my mother-in-law in a sexual way during the three years I have been married to her daughter, Linda, even when circumstances caused us to move in with my wife’s parents. But since the time she peeked into my bedroom as I was undressing everything changed. I had never felt so sexually excited. Later that day, when Stella left her bedroom door open allowing me to watch her undress I started seeing my mother-in-law in a different way. Seeing Stella naked made me aware of...

4 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 37

The journey went uneventfully. The girls chattered away allowing Mark only a few observations but Victoria's hand never left his thigh. They had a pleasant lunch. The Braithwaites bade them farewell and they all set off again. They arrived at Craig Hill about five and were given a huge welcome by David and Elspeth. After tea Anthony and Frances went to their room. The girls went to visit the horses. Elspeth had indeed given Serena Lulu's filly, which she had named Esmerelda, and Serena...

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Samathas Story Chaps 1620

CHAPTER 16 So it was that the next evening I found myself sitting back in same car seat. This time heading for a far different evening than I had enjoyed the night before; and this time dressed completely different as well! Last night I had been dressed like a lady, David's wife; tonight I was dressed like a fuck-toy, David's sex slave. I was wearing a deep purple coloured satin basque with black lace trim. It was very tight and boned almost like a corset. It stopped short of...

4 years ago
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TransparenceChapter 7

Detective Curtis Holden has been waiting for well over an hour since getting back to the precinct. He normally doesn’t mind sweating out a suspect, but right now he is more worried about where Yulia is rather than sweating out this girl. There really isn’t anything to hold her on, and the moment she cries lawyer he knows it’s going to be over and done with. He has just stepped out of Captain Andrews’ office with the warning that he is going to need to get a confession or let the girl go. And...

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Damn CowboysChapter 3

Cammy drove up to Phill Burgin's truck. She told Phill that she needed his help to plan to entertain guests the next weekend. Cammy said "They will arrive Thursday afternoon and leave when ever you men conclude your talks. Cammy said "There will be four women that want to ride horseback, I would like the Wrangler to choose nice horses for them and one of your hands armed with a shot gun to ride with them. " Two of the ladies at least like to fish, I want a 'Dam Cowboy' to be with each...

3 years ago
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In The Beginning Ch 14

I found a beer for Louise and Janice and I decided to finish the bottle of wine I had started earlier with Marie. My two sexy housemates sat together on one of the sofas and I sat on another one facing them. We talked about our upcoming visit from my sisters and all we had to do to prepare for their arrival. With Janice’s help, Louise was confident that they would have the entire house presentable. I assured them that the grounds would be spectacular as well and everyone seemed to be in great...

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