GreeniesChapter 22B free porn video

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The artillery barrage had been going on for ten minutes now, the 150mm shells dropping atop their hill, exploding and shaking everything. It did not match the ferocity of the barrage they'd endured during the first phase but all knew there would be no let-up this time.

"Tanks moving in!" said a voice over the net. "Battalion strength. Our tanks and the AT teams are engaging."

Jeff was huddled against the back of the trench, his head down low, the SAW curled up against his chest. He didn't get up to look at the tanks. He wasn't putting his head in one of the firing holes until he absolutely had to.

More explosions began to rock the hillside as the tanks opened up on the anti-tank positions above them, raking them with a terrifying volume of eighty-millimeter fire. It sounded like they were blowing the entire top of the hill off. He felt fear unlike anything he'd experienced to this point. Soon those guns would be shooting at his position, supporting the advance of the ground troops. He felt fear for Xenia as well. She was down in her tank with Valentine and Belinda Maxely facing twice as many tanks as they ever had before. She could be dead already, her beautiful body fried to a pulp by a WestHem tank laser. That was a thought he tried to push out of his mind but it refused to go.

"APCs moving in," said another voice. "A whole fucking shitload of them!"

"I got 'em," said Sergeant Walker, who was peering through one of the periscope cameras. "Too many to count. If they're fully loaded with dismounts we're looking at multi-battalion strength coming after our position."

"Fuck me," said Hicks, his eyes wide and terrified.

"Where the fuck are those reinforcements?" asked Drogan. "We only have two platoons on this hill. We can't hold off that many marines!"

"No, we can't," Walker said. "The LT says it's the same situation up and down the line. We're gonna be pulling back real quick."

"How quick?" Jeff wanted to know. "I vote for fuckin' now!"

"We need to bloody them up a bit first," Walker said. "AT teams and the tanks are engaging the APCs now. They've knocked out about ten of them."

"Any word on friendly tank losses?" Jeff asked.

"No," Walker said. "No word. Okay, everyone. This is it! APCs are stopping about two hundred meters short of the hill. Get in position and open fire as soon as they start to dismount. Remember, stick to your zones!"

Jeff stood up and put the barrel of the SAW through the firing hole. He looked out into a sea of muzzle flashes from tanks, smoke and explosions from return fire, and laser flashes from anti-tank fire. The APCs were in a broad line stretching from one side of the hill to another. Walker was right. There were too many of them to count.

An artillery shell landed just down the hill from him. The flash overwhelmed his visual mode. The concussion hammered into him hard enough to drive some of the air from his lungs. Several pieces of smoking shrapnel came flying into his firing hole, one of them pinging off the side of his helmet.

"Jesus," he mumbled, just as another one exploded a little further up.

Mortar shells, fired from behind them, began to drop in the midst of the APCs, their proximity fuses causing them to explode about ten meters up. And then the marines began to dismount, appearing from around the back of the APCs. The mortar rounds felled some; most began to move forward, toward the base of the hill.

Jeff put his targeting recticle on a concentration of them and opened fire, taking three of them down with one burst. He then shifted and fired at another group that had come out from one of the other APCs. The rest of the squad opened up as well, popping at them with their rifles. Many marines went down but within thirty seconds there were hundreds of them still up and they were moving in.

The APCs began to fire to cover them, sending sixty millimeter shells and twenty millimeter cannon fire at the infantry positions. Riggins, one of the newer members of Jeff's squad, was killed almost immediately as a twenty millimeter round went right through his head. Two of the shells exploded directly in front of Jeff's hole, sending more shrapnel into the trench. A piece of it ripped through the top of Jeff's shoulder but missed the skin beneath.

"Creek, displacing," he called, letting them know that the SAW would be out of action for a few seconds. He moved to the hole to his right and put it back out there. In the time this took the marines down below had advanced another fifty meters. They were moving in as fast as they could, not shooting back, not crawling, not stopping to help those that had fallen. He opened up on a group of them, raking down six of them but had to stop and pull back inside as a furious barrage of sixty millimeter and twenty millimeter fire began to slam into his position. Sandbags exploded and dust flew. Shrapnel sprayed everywhere. He bent down low and moved back to his original hole. This time he only got three marines before the APCs below started plastering him.

"They're at the base of the hill," Walker said, unleashing a three round burst from his own weapon. "They now have defilade from the mortar fire."

"They're not stopping to regroup, sarge," Drogan said. "They're moving up fast, all at once. Not using covering fire."

"They learned from the last time," Walker said. "Keep the fire on them as long as you can, but get ready to pull back. The AT teams have already disengaged."

The artillery continued to slam into the hill and the marines below continued to climb. Jeff moved from hole to hole, firing the SAW down at them, mowing down two or three at a time and then quickly displacing before the APCs could zero in on him. The other squad members continued to fire their own weapons, most using single shots at individual soldiers. Drogan had a grenade launcher on her M-24 and when they got into range she began to use it. Their shooting was true and the marines fell in considerable numbers but there were simply too many of them over too great an area. Their advance was relentless and terrifying.

When the artillery suddenly stopped, indicating that the marines were close enough that they might get hit with it, the order finally came down. "Okay, everyone," Walker said. "It's time to get the hell out of here. Withdraw to the rear as quickly as you can. Creek, you and I will keep some fire on those marines until everyone is headed down."

"Right, sarge," he said, moving in towards the center of the trench and putting his barrel through.

The rest of the squad grabbed all the ammunition, food packs, and waste packs they could carry and started working their way through the trench. Jeff and Walker put bursts of fire down on the advancing marines for about two minutes and then Walker decided that was enough time.

"Let's hit it, Creek," he said. "The sooner we get down and in the APC, the sooner your girlfriend down in the tank will be able to pull out too."

"Fuckin' aye," Jeff said, firing one last burst down and taking out two more marines. He pulled the SAW back inside and slung it over his back. He followed Walker down to the access trench and they began to work their way down to the bottom.

The APC's were waiting down there and they climbed inside. The doors shut and they began to rumble across the wastelands, heading for the Blue Line to the east. All up and down the line the same thing was occurring. The Jutfield Gap — Eden's most formidable chokepoint on the western approach, the chokepoint responsible for more than seventy percent of the enemy infantry and armor casualties in the first phase of the battle — had fallen to the marines in less than thirty minutes.

Captain Callahan sat halfway up Hill 778, his back against a large boulder, his M-24 resting on his lap. Twenty meters further up the hill was the opening of the trench the Martian infantry troops who had recently vacated this hill had operated from. One of his platoons was carefully approaching it, their weapons ready, peering inside to make sure the former occupants had really left.

"Remember," Callahan told newly promoted Lieutenant Skag, who was in charge of that particular platoon, "keep your men well clear of that trench. Those Martians love their booby traps."

"Yes, sir," Skag replied. "We're not going closer than five meters."

Callahan's company had been one of five that had gone after this particular hill, which had been held by a single company of MPG reinforced with an anti-tank platoon. The hill had fallen with an ease that was almost absurd in light of the heavy price they'd paid during phase one. The anti-tank fire as they'd approached had been very light, with only one or two weapons flashing. They'd lost more APCs to the Martian tanks than from the AT weapons — a stark reversal of the first time. Callahan had lost fourteen of his men on the advance, ten when their APC was hit by one of the tanks, two to the Martian mortar fire as they'd dismounted, the other two to small arms fire from within the trenches as they'd mounted the hill. The other companies involved in the attack were reporting similar casualty rates. Apparently the new plan of moving quickly in overwhelming numbers was having the desired effect.

"Callahan," said the voice of Captain Boothe on the command channel. "Why don't you stroll on up the hill for a minute. There's something up here I think you might want to see."

"On my way," Callahan said. He stood and began to climb, walking around the edge of the lower trench opening and onto the steeper slope of the hill. The going was a little tough but he relished the fact that he was doing it without being shot at. In about five minutes he made it up, finding Boothe standing near a collapsed heap of sandbags.

"I think we know why the AT fire was so sparse from this position," Boothe told him after they switched down to a short-range channel.

"Oh?" Callahan asked.

"Take a look," he said, pointing beyond the sandbags.

Callahan took a few steps closer and looked inside. A large portion of this trench had collapsed, its concrete barricades smashed open, its sandbags blown to pieces. There were more than a dozen dead Martians visible in the rubble, some with limbs blown off, some with heads blown off, most with their protective biosuits shredded by shrapnel. The remains of their AT weapons lay with most of them.

"The arty," Callahan said.

"Exactly," Boothe confirmed. "These trenches are well-designed and well-built but they can't stand up to a sustained artillery barrage with penetrating shells. I talked to Colonel West while you were climbing up here and he confirmed that all up and down the gap we're finding the same thing. We didn't get all of the AT trenches but we got a lot of them. That kept them from blasting us while we moved in and let the APCs and the tanks concentrate fire on the infantry trenches. Coupled with our greater numbers we were able to walk up these hills with minimal opposition."

"So that air strike we launched did some good after all?"

"It would seem so," Boothe said. "We didn't get all of their heavy guns. I saw some of those big-ass shells passing overhead as we moved in, but it was nothing like the first phase. If we can keep our artillery firing and supporting us we're gonna take that fucking city, Callahan."

"What about when their reinforcements are all in the fight?" Callahan asked. "We hit them here before they were able to get in on it. What about the Blue Line?"

"We're going after the Blue Line as soon as all of the hills are cleared," Boothe said. "That should be in less than an hour."

"Nice," Callahan said, looking at the dead Martians with relish. It was nice to see that they were capable of being killed after all. "I'm gonna head back down and tell my men what I've seen up here."

"You do that," Boothe said. "It's good for morale."

"You know it," Callahan said. His panic and anxiety were now gone. It seemed that maybe an end to this nightmare was now in sight.

The Blue Line

September 14, 2146

0332 hours

The trenches in the Blue Line had not been repaired after the first phase of the war. All of the efforts had instead gone into fixing the main Jutfield Gap positions on the theory that the gap was where they would inflict the most damage. As a result the position Jeff and the rest of his platoon were occupying was tattered and blasted, with many of the sandbags destroyed, much of the concrete already crumbled open, and large holes around most of the firing positions.

"If they bring that arty down on us we're fucked," Hicks said as they repaired what they could and set up their equipment.

"I heard we lost a lot of the AT guys," said Drogan. "Is that true, sarge?"

"It's true," he confirmed. "Casualties were heavy among the hilltop positions in the gap."

"How heavy?" asked Jeff.

"I don't have exact numbers," Walker told him, "but we're losing a lot to desertion now too. You all saw the desertion line out there, didn't you?"

They had. As they'd climbed up this hill to occupy this trench greater than a hundred soldiers had been awaiting evacuation by the support APCs. And that was just in this section.

"If we lose all the AT teams there won't be anyone to keep their numbers down when they move in," Drogan said.

"Can you fuckin' blame them?" Hicks asked.

"You're looking at it the wrong way," Walker said. "Most of the AT teams are staying."

"Huh?" asked Drogan.

"They got the shit kicked out of them in the last battle and took heavy losses. They're fighting in an army that allows you to leave without consequences at any time. And yet, despite all that, only a couple hundred are choosing to call it a war. Most of them are willing to climb back up those hills and give it another go. What does that tell you?"

"That they're a bunch of fucking idiots?" Hicks suggested.

"No," Walker said. "That they believe in what we're fighting for out here. That they're willing to put their fuckin' lives on the line for it."

"Exactly," Jeff said. "That's why I'm staying."

"Me too," said Drogan.

Hicks hesitated for a moment but finally added his "me too" too.

"Incoming!" a voice yelled over the net.

Jeff looked up long enough to see the streaks of incoming artillery shells heading in their direction. There were a lot of them. He dove down into the trench and shoved himself under the overhang, trying to make himself as small as possible.

Concussions began to slam into them a few seconds later, rocking the trench, sending more sandbags down, filling the air with dust. They hammered in every few seconds, some far away, most close. The barrage went on and on without letup.

"They're hitting up above!" Drogan said after a particularly fierce series of explosions. "They're going after the AT teams."

"And they got them," Walker reported, his voice sounding a little shocked. "Two direct hits on the upper trench. Heavy casualties are reported and the trench is out of action."

"Fuck," said Jeff, his fear becoming palpable now.

The tanks rolled in a few minutes later and started plastering the entire hillside with eighty-millimeter shells. The APCs followed soon after, disgorging hundreds of ground troops and adding their own sixty and twenty millimeters to the fray. Jeff manned the SAW and the other squad members started putting rifle rounds down on the marines but this time the return fire was even more intensive. In addition, someone down below had noted the absence of anti-tank fire from the upper trenches and had directed the artillery fire onto the lower trenches. Huge explosions began to rip into the ground above and below. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before a lucky shot hit in just the right place.

Everyone was right. There was a bright flash of light and an explosion that blew in an entire section of their trench, obscuring even the infrared mode with dust and debris. Several screams echoed over the net, one them cut lethally short. Jeff felt shrapnel lance into his side and his legs, felt the sting of penetrating steel into his body. He was thrown down, gasping for breath, the SAW twisted and distorted from the blast.

His ears were ringing and his mind was not quite sure where he was and what he was doing. Slowly both of these problems faded to the point that he could hear frantic conversation over the continuing blast of explosions. He lifted his head up, remembering that he was in the middle of a battle. He checked his status screen and saw that his biosuit had been penetrated in two places but had sealed.

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Prodigious CollectionChapter 17

8 Section 79 -- Udders "We volunteer to suck your nipples," giggled Erin, "so they'll get toughened up and you'll be more ready to nurse Adam." The twins sat on both sides of the startled Diane and insinuated themselves beneath her arms, their shining faces turned up toward hers. Diane laughed heartily and hugged the girls to her. "Methinks you two have hatched a new plot that will end with you singing your own orgasms!" "Moi?" the twins asked in unison. They batted their eyes at...

1 year ago
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Then I cummed in their mouths..I cummed loads…mom was tired but still horny..she started sucking my penis I was still hard..then I spread her legs wide and inserted my penis in her pussy and ramming mom was moaning in pleasure..I fucked in that position for 15min then I fucked her doggy style…she was moaning heavily..and me too..then mom was screaming and enjoying …. We fucked her hard and we slept together as we were exhausted… [email protected]

4 years ago
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Fucking Sexpot Ramya

I have been a regular reader of this site and enjoy the stories posted on it. I especially enjoy the stories written by women – somehow it turns me on to read or hear a woman narrating a sexual experience that she has had. Anyway, I am now posting a story based on my experiences during my college days as a hostel student. Let me introduce myself first. I am Arjun, single, 28 years old, working since the last few years. I studied in a premier institution in Mumbai and spent some wonderful years...

2 years ago
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My First Time Fucking a Dog

About a few months after we started having sex, we continued spending a lot of time in his bedroom alone together with his door shut and locked. This one time his dog, Rocky, stayed inside his room with us while we were naked and fooling around. Rocky was a healthy adult German Shepherd Patrick’s family didn’t have neutered. Patrick didn’t think a man’s dog should be neutered and he always got whatever he wanted. It seemed like Rocky was always in heat. Sometimes when I went over there...

4 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 16

John had been working a case in which children were being swapped in a sex ring. The preliminary information they had was that the children were actually children of the members of the sex ring, kept in ignorance and serving only as sex toys. When the kids became too old for the pedophiles, they would get dumped in a large city to fend for themselves. As John, Ed, and Leroy moved into position behind a van in front of a middle class suburban house, Ed looked around and noticed a large number...

4 years ago
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Dost Ne Maa Ko Jabardasti Choda

Mera naam ranveer he me gujrat se hu meri age 18 he..Hum ghar me 3 log he me..Meri mom..Aur papa..Mere papa jiska naam yogesh patel he.Wo farmer he.Hum log rajkot me rehte he par hamara farm bahut dur ke gaao me he to papa zyada waha rehte he..Aur ghar par me aur meri maa yaha rehte he..Maa ka naam tina he uski age 37 he dikhne me badi hot lagti he umar se kai chhoti dikhti he uski hight 5’5 he..Unka figure dekh ke to kisika bhi lund tight ho jaye..Unka figure 36,30,38 he.Unke 36 ke bade bade...

4 years ago
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Double Booked

"Can I help you?" the woman at the front desk of the hotel asked. "I have a reservation. Tonya Benton." The woman's smile faded a little as she clicked away on the computer. After a few seconds, she said, "I'm terribly sorry, but we don't have any rooms available." Tonya gave a shake of her head, tossing her red curls, in disbelief of what she'd just heard. "What? I have a reservation. I made it a month ago." "I see it in the computer, but I'm afraid we had a software glitch...

3 years ago
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MILF Master

It was my 18th birthday. I was in my dorm at State. My roommate and best friend Mike was fast asleep. It was the third week of my college career. I was a math major, taking fifteen hours of class and working part time in the evenings as a bus boy at a nice cafe within walking distance of campus. I got up and reached down and shifted my morning wood. I was having an erotic fantasy about fucking the dean of the college math department over her desk in her office. She was in her mid-forties, a few...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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The Burning Candle

This story is incomplete. It is also less than a quarter the size of what I intend the final story to be. It should be long enough, and contain enough transformations, to satisfy your needs. I appreciate criticism on storyline, characters, etc. However, please do not criticize its grammar and spelling, unless you are willing to help me edit. :-D Do not repost this story in any place. It is a working copy, and the sole reason I'm posting it on Fictionmania is to get the inspiration to...

1 year ago
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SexFilled Adventures In The Marvel Universe

The Marvel superheroes, villains and everyone inbetween are always far too busy to have proper lives. Most of the time they're either stopping threats or running from them and whenever they do get a bit of spare time we hardly ever see it. So if your like me and have always wondered ehat those characters are up to behind closed (or open) doors then you've come to the right place because i'm going to be telling you all of the dirty little secrets and fantasies of the marvel universe and the...

3 years ago
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Was It A Dream

What a visit/dream..* I was going out after work, to meet up with some old friends that are actual great guys,** and we are among the few that keep our friendship** new.**We had survived. Maybe we had some survivors guilt to get over. Or maybe we just needed to occasionally celebrate still having a job during the Great Recession, since we all still worked Manhattan.**We went to an almost trendy little Club in Midtown Manhattan, nice atmosphere when you have some cool people as a base in...

2 years ago
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Marilyn and Connie and me

Marilyn and i have been close friends for 8 years and we seem to just work together very well. Since she moved back here 6 months ago and started over after a terrible marriage fell apart. She tried over and over to save it but her ex just wouldnt or couldnt. She was well employed and in her new home and her daughter Connie now 19 and in college were happy and it made me feel good after i had helped her any way i could. Marilyn is petite, 5 ft 3 and 100 lbs nice little 32 B breasts and a...

4 years ago
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A sore shoulder and a pleased cock

Going into my freshman year of high school I decided that I wanted to become a doctor. I had no idea, yet, what kind of doctor, I just knew I wanted to be involved in medicine. At the young age of 14 I attended my first CPR and First Aid class. I was in LOVE with the thought of helping people in need. Shortly thereafter I started volunteering for our local ambulance company. Everything in life seemed to fade away as I focused on my career decision. Everything except for my burning desire to be...

2 years ago
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Humiliation of JaneChapter 7

As Jane walked down the path from her parent's house, she seemed calm and composed, but on the inside she was practically hysterical. After all she had been through the last couple of days she desperately wanted it all to end, but knew her ordeal was far from over. Now under the control of her vindictive little brother she found herself accompanying him to his friends house were she was to be the main attraction at a gang rape. At least, she hoped it would only be that, but feared it would...

1 year ago
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AngelaWhite Angela White Mia Malkova 123

This oil scene is out of this fucking world! What could be better than a pair of huge tits and a big booty covered in oil? Exactly! Nothing. There is nothing better. Not even Pizza. And when that booty is attached to Mia Malkova it makes it all the more perfect. I absolutely adore Mia. She is not only beautiful on the outside, she is beautiful on the inside too. Markus Dupree has quickly become one of my favourite studs and he wastes no time getting straight into the slippery action. There is...

3 years ago
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Boys Watching Me Play With My Pussy

Introduction: I was visiting my parents for a couple weeks and enjoying the privacy and the pool. Hi everyone. Something that happened a while back. I was visiting my parents for a couple weeks and really enjoying the nude sunbathing and swimming in their pool. It had a nice privacy fence but Mom told me that there were neighbors that were always working on ways to see over it and through it. Especially the boys next door and their friends. A couple days there and they had already seen me come...

4 years ago
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Free use world

This was the first story I wrote and I'm very sorry for all the errors. Bad writing, bad story. But hey, at least it's free -EnvyWest _____ 200 years ago, in the age of enlightenment, men found out that women have no soul. It made men believe women are nothing more than things to be owned. Stealing or damaging any owned woman is still illegal, but it is seen as similar to breaking or stealing someone's car. That is why being owned is very important for a girls savety. Girls are owned by their...

2 years ago
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Gay Son

When I was fourteen years old, my mother passed away due to complications of cervical cancer. Her doctors would never give my father an estimate of how much time she had to live. When asked, her Oncologist would only say to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.After her passing, the Oncologist admitted he and the other doctors expected mom to live three to five months after she was diagnosed. She, however, confounded them by living fourteen months. Later my father said it was both a...

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Fucking my beautiful mom

This is further to the story I posted recently, narrating how I fucked my mom’s best friend. I fucked auntie two days when my parents were out of town. Auntie told me that my parents would return the next day early morning and that I should go out and stay with friend the day before they returned. By this, she would have time to talk to my mom and prepare her for me. The same night I went to my friend and stayed with him. I returned home at 9 in the morning. I met dad in the apartments parking...

4 years ago
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The Accidental Plan Which Turn My Life 8211 Part 2

A warm welcome to all Indian sex stories readers and this is second part of The accidental plan which turn my life and I thank all the ISS writers who put up their effort in penning down their experiences. Thanks for your reply and messages. I am Reji, 26 years old guy working as a sales executive in Thrissur,  Kerala. About me 5.11 feet tall had dick of almost 7 inch and 3 inch thick also good looking. Give your valuable feedback on my email Aunties and ladies in and around Thrissur and...

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My Best Friends Pussy

One morning, I parked and as I removed my helmet, I heard the four cylinder growl of a crotch rocket pulling into the parking lot. The rider parked his Suzuki 600 sportbike right next mine. I waited for him to remove his helmet so I could greet him. He was my height, 5' 10”. Chubby but in a burly sort of way. He took his helmet off and I was struck by how handsome he was. I am not into guys and never even acknowledge how a guy looks but he bordered on beautiful. It surprised me that I...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 34 Katie is Americarsquos Sweetheart

Katherine Jackson turned down her street after another long day of appearances. Her life had been thrusted into the public spotlight since winning the beauty pageant. She had been interviewed by a host of national news networks and was dubbed ‘America’s Sweetheart’ by Ryan Seacrest during her appearance on the morning variety show ‘Live with Kelly and Ryan’. Her answers during the finale of the pageant resonated across America as the sexy beauty queen was bluntly honest about how everyone...

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Its Not What You ThinkChapter 4

I didn't sleep well that night. The more I thought about things, the worse they seemed. Cyn clearly decided that it would be profitable for her to lie to me. It was absolutely true – she lied. I had no idea in what sense she 'profited, ' but she wasn't doing this for just fun. No one would go through all the trouble of setting me up like this for nothing. Or ... she was dumber than shit and doing all this for love and lust. Because it was a hell of a stupid thing to do to me and for her....

3 years ago
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One Thousand Kisses

One Thousand Kisses by Marlissa I drive the long ten miles to the edge of town, wondering what fun I will have with my little mistress Lily. I keep her in a cheap apartment on the outskirts of town, conveniently away from the exclusive executive subdivision where the Misses, kids and dog reside. I pay the apartment manager there something extra to take care of her shopping needs, so there's absolutely no need for my caged dove to have a car or even to leave her little love...

1 year ago
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Family Duties

Dear diary, Lol what am I saying, me a XX-year-old starts off this with "hello diary", my chores must be getting to me. Anyhow, hello future me, or whomever finds this, the reason I began to write here is because recently some strange things had begun to transpire here in my home.Writing about it will help me mentally, so for the next few years I will be writing here every night of all the adventures that happen here in this home! I guess I should start with my name, I am Peter Luna, I am the...

3 years ago
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My Darkest Desires Part 1

It had been a long winter and it was finally starting to get warm, I grabbed a light jacket and decided to go for a walk in the park. I picked up my phone, turned the music on, plugged the headphones in and set off to the park.A few people were walking around and most of the benches were empty, so I decided to sit for a bit and enjoy the scenery. I was leaning back against the bench with my eyes closed, it felt so good with the sun beaming down.Something blocked the sun, casting a shadow over...

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Janey 2

Janey lay gasping. She could not believe her pervert stepdad had made her cum like that.Her body was still shaking form the intensity of the orgasm this old man had given her. Jim was staring at her firm teen body and laughed/“I knew you were a slut like your mum. Now my turn to cum.*Janey knew he was going to fuck her she begged him not to. She told him he was virgin.“ Fuck I assumed you had been getting cock. Especially as your mum said you were on the pill. This is going to be better than I...

4 years ago
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ValerieChapter 27

The rest of the week including my work shifts went quickly enough, though other than a liaison with Jean, nothing of a sexual nature went on other than my seemingly relentless pursuit of Jan, which pleased and gratified her immensely. Sarah, our neighbour on the other side, had been an absolute delight in bed, but wished to keep things at arm's length for the moment. She did promise that sooner or later we'd get together for a bit of mutual fun. Seemed she had to be very discreet as her...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 5 Shares

Thursday, June 3, 1971 There was light coming in around the drapes on the window in my small stateroom, when the opening of the door woke me. I looked up to see Jason, staring at the two girls sandwiching me in my berth. He saw my eyes were open, so he nodded at me with a silly grin, grabbed his bag, and headed for the small bathroom. Moments later, I heard the sound of the shower. Jason seems to have grown up quite a bit in the last few days, under the excellent tutelage of Julie and...

3 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 20

It felt weird walking in the doors of the school naked, then walking down the hall to my class. I wasn't sure how I would act going into the classrooms, but I had to do it. It was totally embarrassing being naked around all the other clothed students and teachers, but it was something I figured I had to get used to. Mistress Mary opened the door and said, "OK cunt, here is your first class. Get your naked ass in there and stand up front so your classmates can see you." There I was naked...

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