- 3 years ago
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The artillery barrage had been going on for ten minutes now, the 150mm shells dropping atop their hill, exploding and shaking everything. It did not match the ferocity of the barrage they'd endured during the first phase but all knew there would be no let-up this time.
"Tanks moving in!" said a voice over the net. "Battalion strength. Our tanks and the AT teams are engaging."
Jeff was huddled against the back of the trench, his head down low, the SAW curled up against his chest. He didn't get up to look at the tanks. He wasn't putting his head in one of the firing holes until he absolutely had to.
More explosions began to rock the hillside as the tanks opened up on the anti-tank positions above them, raking them with a terrifying volume of eighty-millimeter fire. It sounded like they were blowing the entire top of the hill off. He felt fear unlike anything he'd experienced to this point. Soon those guns would be shooting at his position, supporting the advance of the ground troops. He felt fear for Xenia as well. She was down in her tank with Valentine and Belinda Maxely facing twice as many tanks as they ever had before. She could be dead already, her beautiful body fried to a pulp by a WestHem tank laser. That was a thought he tried to push out of his mind but it refused to go.
"APCs moving in," said another voice. "A whole fucking shitload of them!"
"I got 'em," said Sergeant Walker, who was peering through one of the periscope cameras. "Too many to count. If they're fully loaded with dismounts we're looking at multi-battalion strength coming after our position."
"Fuck me," said Hicks, his eyes wide and terrified.
"Where the fuck are those reinforcements?" asked Drogan. "We only have two platoons on this hill. We can't hold off that many marines!"
"No, we can't," Walker said. "The LT says it's the same situation up and down the line. We're gonna be pulling back real quick."
"How quick?" Jeff wanted to know. "I vote for fuckin' now!"
"We need to bloody them up a bit first," Walker said. "AT teams and the tanks are engaging the APCs now. They've knocked out about ten of them."
"Any word on friendly tank losses?" Jeff asked.
"No," Walker said. "No word. Okay, everyone. This is it! APCs are stopping about two hundred meters short of the hill. Get in position and open fire as soon as they start to dismount. Remember, stick to your zones!"
Jeff stood up and put the barrel of the SAW through the firing hole. He looked out into a sea of muzzle flashes from tanks, smoke and explosions from return fire, and laser flashes from anti-tank fire. The APCs were in a broad line stretching from one side of the hill to another. Walker was right. There were too many of them to count.
An artillery shell landed just down the hill from him. The flash overwhelmed his visual mode. The concussion hammered into him hard enough to drive some of the air from his lungs. Several pieces of smoking shrapnel came flying into his firing hole, one of them pinging off the side of his helmet.
"Jesus," he mumbled, just as another one exploded a little further up.
Mortar shells, fired from behind them, began to drop in the midst of the APCs, their proximity fuses causing them to explode about ten meters up. And then the marines began to dismount, appearing from around the back of the APCs. The mortar rounds felled some; most began to move forward, toward the base of the hill.
Jeff put his targeting recticle on a concentration of them and opened fire, taking three of them down with one burst. He then shifted and fired at another group that had come out from one of the other APCs. The rest of the squad opened up as well, popping at them with their rifles. Many marines went down but within thirty seconds there were hundreds of them still up and they were moving in.
The APCs began to fire to cover them, sending sixty millimeter shells and twenty millimeter cannon fire at the infantry positions. Riggins, one of the newer members of Jeff's squad, was killed almost immediately as a twenty millimeter round went right through his head. Two of the shells exploded directly in front of Jeff's hole, sending more shrapnel into the trench. A piece of it ripped through the top of Jeff's shoulder but missed the skin beneath.
"Creek, displacing," he called, letting them know that the SAW would be out of action for a few seconds. He moved to the hole to his right and put it back out there. In the time this took the marines down below had advanced another fifty meters. They were moving in as fast as they could, not shooting back, not crawling, not stopping to help those that had fallen. He opened up on a group of them, raking down six of them but had to stop and pull back inside as a furious barrage of sixty millimeter and twenty millimeter fire began to slam into his position. Sandbags exploded and dust flew. Shrapnel sprayed everywhere. He bent down low and moved back to his original hole. This time he only got three marines before the APCs below started plastering him.
"They're at the base of the hill," Walker said, unleashing a three round burst from his own weapon. "They now have defilade from the mortar fire."
"They're not stopping to regroup, sarge," Drogan said. "They're moving up fast, all at once. Not using covering fire."
"They learned from the last time," Walker said. "Keep the fire on them as long as you can, but get ready to pull back. The AT teams have already disengaged."
The artillery continued to slam into the hill and the marines below continued to climb. Jeff moved from hole to hole, firing the SAW down at them, mowing down two or three at a time and then quickly displacing before the APCs could zero in on him. The other squad members continued to fire their own weapons, most using single shots at individual soldiers. Drogan had a grenade launcher on her M-24 and when they got into range she began to use it. Their shooting was true and the marines fell in considerable numbers but there were simply too many of them over too great an area. Their advance was relentless and terrifying.
When the artillery suddenly stopped, indicating that the marines were close enough that they might get hit with it, the order finally came down. "Okay, everyone," Walker said. "It's time to get the hell out of here. Withdraw to the rear as quickly as you can. Creek, you and I will keep some fire on those marines until everyone is headed down."
"Right, sarge," he said, moving in towards the center of the trench and putting his barrel through.
The rest of the squad grabbed all the ammunition, food packs, and waste packs they could carry and started working their way through the trench. Jeff and Walker put bursts of fire down on the advancing marines for about two minutes and then Walker decided that was enough time.
"Let's hit it, Creek," he said. "The sooner we get down and in the APC, the sooner your girlfriend down in the tank will be able to pull out too."
"Fuckin' aye," Jeff said, firing one last burst down and taking out two more marines. He pulled the SAW back inside and slung it over his back. He followed Walker down to the access trench and they began to work their way down to the bottom.
The APC's were waiting down there and they climbed inside. The doors shut and they began to rumble across the wastelands, heading for the Blue Line to the east. All up and down the line the same thing was occurring. The Jutfield Gap — Eden's most formidable chokepoint on the western approach, the chokepoint responsible for more than seventy percent of the enemy infantry and armor casualties in the first phase of the battle — had fallen to the marines in less than thirty minutes.
Captain Callahan sat halfway up Hill 778, his back against a large boulder, his M-24 resting on his lap. Twenty meters further up the hill was the opening of the trench the Martian infantry troops who had recently vacated this hill had operated from. One of his platoons was carefully approaching it, their weapons ready, peering inside to make sure the former occupants had really left.
"Remember," Callahan told newly promoted Lieutenant Skag, who was in charge of that particular platoon, "keep your men well clear of that trench. Those Martians love their booby traps."
"Yes, sir," Skag replied. "We're not going closer than five meters."
Callahan's company had been one of five that had gone after this particular hill, which had been held by a single company of MPG reinforced with an anti-tank platoon. The hill had fallen with an ease that was almost absurd in light of the heavy price they'd paid during phase one. The anti-tank fire as they'd approached had been very light, with only one or two weapons flashing. They'd lost more APCs to the Martian tanks than from the AT weapons — a stark reversal of the first time. Callahan had lost fourteen of his men on the advance, ten when their APC was hit by one of the tanks, two to the Martian mortar fire as they'd dismounted, the other two to small arms fire from within the trenches as they'd mounted the hill. The other companies involved in the attack were reporting similar casualty rates. Apparently the new plan of moving quickly in overwhelming numbers was having the desired effect.
"Callahan," said the voice of Captain Boothe on the command channel. "Why don't you stroll on up the hill for a minute. There's something up here I think you might want to see."
"On my way," Callahan said. He stood and began to climb, walking around the edge of the lower trench opening and onto the steeper slope of the hill. The going was a little tough but he relished the fact that he was doing it without being shot at. In about five minutes he made it up, finding Boothe standing near a collapsed heap of sandbags.
"I think we know why the AT fire was so sparse from this position," Boothe told him after they switched down to a short-range channel.
"Oh?" Callahan asked.
"Take a look," he said, pointing beyond the sandbags.
Callahan took a few steps closer and looked inside. A large portion of this trench had collapsed, its concrete barricades smashed open, its sandbags blown to pieces. There were more than a dozen dead Martians visible in the rubble, some with limbs blown off, some with heads blown off, most with their protective biosuits shredded by shrapnel. The remains of their AT weapons lay with most of them.
"The arty," Callahan said.
"Exactly," Boothe confirmed. "These trenches are well-designed and well-built but they can't stand up to a sustained artillery barrage with penetrating shells. I talked to Colonel West while you were climbing up here and he confirmed that all up and down the gap we're finding the same thing. We didn't get all of the AT trenches but we got a lot of them. That kept them from blasting us while we moved in and let the APCs and the tanks concentrate fire on the infantry trenches. Coupled with our greater numbers we were able to walk up these hills with minimal opposition."
"So that air strike we launched did some good after all?"
"It would seem so," Boothe said. "We didn't get all of their heavy guns. I saw some of those big-ass shells passing overhead as we moved in, but it was nothing like the first phase. If we can keep our artillery firing and supporting us we're gonna take that fucking city, Callahan."
"What about when their reinforcements are all in the fight?" Callahan asked. "We hit them here before they were able to get in on it. What about the Blue Line?"
"We're going after the Blue Line as soon as all of the hills are cleared," Boothe said. "That should be in less than an hour."
"Nice," Callahan said, looking at the dead Martians with relish. It was nice to see that they were capable of being killed after all. "I'm gonna head back down and tell my men what I've seen up here."
"You do that," Boothe said. "It's good for morale."
"You know it," Callahan said. His panic and anxiety were now gone. It seemed that maybe an end to this nightmare was now in sight.
The Blue Line
September 14, 2146
0332 hours
The trenches in the Blue Line had not been repaired after the first phase of the war. All of the efforts had instead gone into fixing the main Jutfield Gap positions on the theory that the gap was where they would inflict the most damage. As a result the position Jeff and the rest of his platoon were occupying was tattered and blasted, with many of the sandbags destroyed, much of the concrete already crumbled open, and large holes around most of the firing positions.
"If they bring that arty down on us we're fucked," Hicks said as they repaired what they could and set up their equipment.
"I heard we lost a lot of the AT guys," said Drogan. "Is that true, sarge?"
"It's true," he confirmed. "Casualties were heavy among the hilltop positions in the gap."
"How heavy?" asked Jeff.
"I don't have exact numbers," Walker told him, "but we're losing a lot to desertion now too. You all saw the desertion line out there, didn't you?"
They had. As they'd climbed up this hill to occupy this trench greater than a hundred soldiers had been awaiting evacuation by the support APCs. And that was just in this section.
"If we lose all the AT teams there won't be anyone to keep their numbers down when they move in," Drogan said.
"Can you fuckin' blame them?" Hicks asked.
"You're looking at it the wrong way," Walker said. "Most of the AT teams are staying."
"Huh?" asked Drogan.
"They got the shit kicked out of them in the last battle and took heavy losses. They're fighting in an army that allows you to leave without consequences at any time. And yet, despite all that, only a couple hundred are choosing to call it a war. Most of them are willing to climb back up those hills and give it another go. What does that tell you?"
"That they're a bunch of fucking idiots?" Hicks suggested.
"No," Walker said. "That they believe in what we're fighting for out here. That they're willing to put their fuckin' lives on the line for it."
"Exactly," Jeff said. "That's why I'm staying."
"Me too," said Drogan.
Hicks hesitated for a moment but finally added his "me too" too.
"Incoming!" a voice yelled over the net.
Jeff looked up long enough to see the streaks of incoming artillery shells heading in their direction. There were a lot of them. He dove down into the trench and shoved himself under the overhang, trying to make himself as small as possible.
Concussions began to slam into them a few seconds later, rocking the trench, sending more sandbags down, filling the air with dust. They hammered in every few seconds, some far away, most close. The barrage went on and on without letup.
"They're hitting up above!" Drogan said after a particularly fierce series of explosions. "They're going after the AT teams."
"And they got them," Walker reported, his voice sounding a little shocked. "Two direct hits on the upper trench. Heavy casualties are reported and the trench is out of action."
"Fuck," said Jeff, his fear becoming palpable now.
The tanks rolled in a few minutes later and started plastering the entire hillside with eighty-millimeter shells. The APCs followed soon after, disgorging hundreds of ground troops and adding their own sixty and twenty millimeters to the fray. Jeff manned the SAW and the other squad members started putting rifle rounds down on the marines but this time the return fire was even more intensive. In addition, someone down below had noted the absence of anti-tank fire from the upper trenches and had directed the artillery fire onto the lower trenches. Huge explosions began to rip into the ground above and below. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before a lucky shot hit in just the right place.
Everyone was right. There was a bright flash of light and an explosion that blew in an entire section of their trench, obscuring even the infrared mode with dust and debris. Several screams echoed over the net, one them cut lethally short. Jeff felt shrapnel lance into his side and his legs, felt the sting of penetrating steel into his body. He was thrown down, gasping for breath, the SAW twisted and distorted from the blast.
His ears were ringing and his mind was not quite sure where he was and what he was doing. Slowly both of these problems faded to the point that he could hear frantic conversation over the continuing blast of explosions. He lifted his head up, remembering that he was in the middle of a battle. He checked his status screen and saw that his biosuit had been penetrated in two places but had sealed.
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Helena and I had gone to that new club outside of town.Somebody had told my girlfriend that it was a swinger bar; but Helena said we could go there and pick up a couple of black guys and drag them to another place…I was home alone on that long week end and horny for cock.My loving hubby had not touched me for about a whole week…We sat there at the bar. The place was already crowded and it looked a swinger club. But Helena told me to stay a while more…We ordered two margaritas and just waited...
Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...
Sunny hustled by me to the door. "Joanne, Ben, so nice to finally meet you." Sam and Jeff had wandered toward the front hall. Harri was coming in from the living room. Sandy and Louis were coming down the stairs. Everybody saw my Father stiffen up when Sunny said, "Ben." Sunny stiffened momentarily herself but quickly recovered. "I hope the traffic wasn't bad with so many people traveling. Here, let me take your coats." "I'll get them, Mom," said Jeff, friendly and cheerful,...
After courting Shawna for a few months she announced it was time to meet her family. She had already shared many of the familiar family secrets. I knew her mother was recently divorced. She had told me that she only married Tom for the money and the stability that came with it. Her mother had grown up very poor, with little stability in her life. She had become pregnant with my wife at the age of only sixteen and had two more children with Shawna’s loser father before she was 21. She longed...
Ye Meri First story hai, Ye baat 1 month pehle ki hai, Mai ek textile company mein job karta hoon, jo ki online kapde sell karti hai bahut se customers ko product return karne ka process nahi pata hota hai to wo company k number pe phone karte hain process janne k liye, Vandana se meri baat aise hi huyi, Unka phone maine hi receive kiya unko process nahi pata tha return ka to maine unko process bataya, par unko phir bhi samajh mein nahi aya to unhone kaha apka name kya hai maine bataya ki mera...
Claudia and Dan sat in the physiatrist’s office waiting for her next meeting with Dr. Phillips. It had been five weeks since she and the others had been rescued, and her therapy for symptoms of PTSD was progressing well. He gazed at his love wearing a short pleated, peach coloured skirt, and cream coloured moderately low cut top. She paused from thumbing through a copy of Women’s Health to smile and grip Dan’s hand. Claudia seemed to be the central person to keep in contact with Wayne,...
Eli had Kady pressed up against the wall of her bedroom. At first he kissed her lips gently and methodically, as if mapping them. He nibbled her bottom lip, encouraging her to give into him. As she let his tongue meet hers, she could feel the icy heat in her veins spread as her body responded to the slow torture. She pressed against him, becoming needy for something to work her closer to the pleasure she knew she’d find with him. He had one hand pressed firmly against her hip and the other...
I was inspired by DPLover & aussiepornaddict and decided to post my own story about love for porn, how it started etc.Early YearsDuring my teenage years, I saw a erotic magazine and was fascinated by the image of Monica Bellucci (her pic in the bathtub was featured in an erotic story). Literally the first image i busted a nut for, as I remember, it was a good feeling to cum. I started since then, years went on, I discovered internet and Limewire. Downloaded some porn videos with very bad...
I was a bartender at a tavern in a small town in Connecticut. It was a "locals" type of place that buttered it's bread with it's regulars, the happy hour folk that were there everyday. The mahogany wood work gave it that dark yet warm and inviting feel that the chain pubs so desperately tried to replicate. This was a true original, a hundred years old and well kept. I knew the owner for years. He was the son of an old family friend. He hired me because he could trust me, and I accepted...
Fiction by Sue ALTERED STATES II ---------------------------------------------------------------- Inside of every tv there beats a faint wish that just somehow it could all come true, that he could in fact become a woman. Every day tvs walk down streets constantly looking at women, checking out their hair, their clothes, their walk, and mentally probing deep into the recesses of some unknown woman's mind. ...
When Sarah was new at the university she moved in with two roommates, Joeyand Mike. It was way cheaper than living alone and she had a completekitchen plus a nice big living room. The only downside was that she was alittle shy about bringing a guy over. "Not a big problem!", she thought atfirst. As she wasn't looking for anything serious anyway she found itperfectly ok to limit herself to sleepovers elsewhere. But as she made herfirst experience with this sweet guy she picked up at the...
I apologize BIG-TIME THIS IS MY OFFICIAL WARNINGThis is a **** story... bad stuff happens.I deeply apologize for not warning you guys the first time, If you don't like this please don't read. I have not made any alterations to this chapter as a side note.Okay my first attempt at lemonyness... be nice please no trolls or flames constructive criticism please. Also I don't own Httyd... the mistakes I do.An eighteen year old Astrid Haddock cuts her way through the forest behind her home heading for...
I'm Jonah,a H.S. freshman, and I'm in the middle of a sexual awakening. First I had awild encounter with my P.E. classmate Harry. Now the weekend has arrived, and my cousinEd is on his way. Ed is two years older than me, and has an amazing body. We play video games, and he lets me massage his back. Harry had been avoiding me at school, so I was totally pent up.Ed, and his mother were heading up for the weekend as a bit of a break for my aunt. We have a nice country home as apposed t their...
You are at home all alone one night when you suddenly hear a knock at the door. You open it up to find me standing there holding a bag. Before you can say anything I pull you in close and kiss your sweet lips. As I pull away I hold a finger up to your lips and hand you the bag. Look inside. You open up the bag and find a dozen candles and a collar inside the bag. I tell you to go put on your sexiest outfit and wait for me on your knees in the bedroom. You quickly change into some sexy lingerie...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!Stranger: wanna brother/sister roleplay?Stranger: 15 f submissive ;)You: im a male so brother i geuseYou: heyya sister..Stranger: im olivia btwStranger: u?You: i am your older brother... im 24 your stepbrother.called Frank.Stranger: why step brohter?You: it does not have to beYou: your older brother frank....Stranger: i dont want it to be step brotherYou: then i am your brother...You: i am horny as hell..... and i like what i see when i look at...
Detective Rollie Chambers knocked on the condo door and waited. He could see someone looking out the peep hole and he held up his badge. There was a sound Rollie didn't recognize then he heard the dead bolt being opened and the noise that a security chain makes as it's unhooked. The door finally opened. "Hi Miss Collins. Remember me?" Rollie asked. "I'm Detective Chambers." The last time he'd seen Sarah Collins her nose and eyes were swollen and discolored with bruises. The injuries...
Read before series to understand this........Lee Neville, an influential Anglo-Indian from Dehradun had come in to the capital today, two days after Sonika's scorching fuck with Loria. He was a close friend of the Oil Minister and of late was busy influencing him to oppose the setting up of private 'petrol stations' by the government. Shatir was heavily dependent on that to expand his business. Shatir and Ripu were engaged with the Minister for quite some time now on this issue and had got him...
I can't explain it. I have always wanted to watch my husband fuck friend or another female. The thought of it turns me on to the point that I get very wet and can nearly cum without even touching myself. My husband Mark and I have been married 18 years. We have an excellent marriage. We are totally comfortable around each other and our sex life is great. Mark is a great wife lover. I definitely appreciate that he takes his time to give me pleasure, and the fact that his cock is huge doesn't...
VoyeurTiffany Tatum joins her tailor Renato for an appointment to have some clothes fitted, but she can’t help but notice how hot he is. Renato turns his back so Tiffany can change into the clothes that he has altered for her, but he can’t help but look over his shoulder to sneak peeks at his stunning client. Tiffany does her own share of peeking, too, so they are even although they don’t know it. When Tiffany walks out, Renato gets on his knees to adjust the hem of the skirt. That...
xmoviesforyouRyan Keely is a star performer who is always on the road. Today, she’s filling in Elias Cash, her new personal roadie, on the tasks he’s expected to perform when traveling with her. He has to handle the merchandise, carry gear, set up the stage… Basically, whatever she needs done, he has to be the man for the job. Later on, Ryan is taking a relaxing bath, completely blissed out. As Elias checks on her, she asks him to help wash her back. As he does, Ryan gets flirty, obviously...
xmoviesforyouUnexpected Mommy - Part 1 By Trish5160 My name is Alex. I'm 14 and out of three boys born in my family, I was the youngest and like the runt in a litter of kitties. I am either blessed or cursed with gynecomastia, depending on your perspective. Gynecomastia is unexplained breast development in guys. No one really knows why this condition exists or what triggers it. There are a lot of theories, one being an imbalance of hormones at birth. A boy like me who's body has produced...
Demi Hawks and her boyfriend Robby Echo have an incredible sex life. One night, Demi and Robby are laying in bed together when Demi begins sneaking touches to her tits and pussy. When she begins to finger herself, Robby finally catches on to what’s happening. They engage in a bit of pillow talk where Robby tells Demi that he was reading the average man has sex only once or twice a week. The pair gloat that they have sex so much more often than that. To increase their stats even more, Demi...
xmoviesforyouThe scene opens with two young women, Tiffany Watson and Kira Noir, who are roommates and friends, stepping into their home. They’re complaining about how hot it is outside and how nice it’ll be to kick back and let the air conditioner do its job. Tiffany frowns and looks around, saying that it’s awful quiet… Also, it feels pretty warm in the apartment?? Kira groans, saying that the air conditioner CAN’T be dead TODAY of all days! It’s a record-setting...
xmoviesforyouPART TWOJulie had been away on a business trip for a few days. We chatted briefly every evening around supper time while she was out of town. It sounded like she was having a good trip. She told me that the meetings were rather involved and that they were wearing her down. When she got home, everything got back into its usual rhythm. We would make love once a week in our usual manner. Yes, I was experiencing some guilt for having slept with Diane but I did everything I could to hide that fact....
Responsibility is perhaps one of the most complex words in the English language. Written down on paper, it is fourteen characters long. It is pronounced using six syllables. Whether it is written down or spoken, the word is significantly larger than the average word. Despite that, it is still too short of a word to convey a concept so significant. It is a heavy word; just ask anyone who strives to live up to an unpleasant responsibility. Responsibility can weigh a ton. A responsibility is a...
Marie, I'm writing this for you because you seemed hurt when I didn't answer you last week at the funeral home. You saw how long Tom and I held each other and asked I came to be so close to him. And I just said it was a long story and I would tell you later, but I never did explain. It's just hard to say, Marie. It's hard to put into words. You see, it wasn't really about Tom and me, even though we've always been about as close as two cousins could be who had entirely different lives and...