GreeniesChapter 24B free porn video

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MPG Headquarters, New Pittsburgh
1700 hours

General Jackson was well beyond expressing outrage and condemnation at Laura Whiting when she came strolling into his office, once again completely alone, without benefit of a single one of her security detail. It had gotten to the point where she simply came and went as she pleased, walking on the meanest of the New Pittsburgh streets, riding unescorted on the MarsTrans, just like she was another middle-aged woman out to see the sights.

"Sometimes I wonder," Jackson told her as she sat in the chair next to his desk, "if you're actually trying to get yourself killed, Laura."

"Why on Mars would I try to do that?" she asked him.

"I don't know," he said. "As long as I've known you and as close as we've been over the years, even I don't always know what's going on in that brain of yours."

"Sometimes I don't either," she said. "I was just over at NP General Hospital, visiting some of the wounded." She frowned. "There are a lot of them to visit over there."

"Yeah," he agreed. "I won't argue with you there. How was their morale?"

"Much better than I would have thought, actually," she said. "They all seem to think we're going to hold this city. They're proud to have been a part of that. A few of them even cried when they saw me."

"That's good," he said. "I think the fighting spirit of our people is going to be a major factor in this thing — something the WestHems haven't counted on."

"So you think we're going to hold New Pittsburgh?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yes, I think we're going to hold it. The WestHems have taken a hell of a beating clearing our first lines here. They're in the middle of their refuel and rearm about twelve klicks west of the main line. Best estimates say they've taken at least fifteen percent casualties so far, that their tanks have been cut down by almost forty percent, and their APC are down at least thirty percent. Like in the first phase, a lot of them had to walk forward from the Red Line. We're keeping the pressure on them with arty, air attacks, mortar attacks, and special forces attacks. When they move forward to the main line we'll chop them up like hamburger. I think they just might break under the pressure at that point. Even if they don't, I don't think they have enough men or enough ammo to push through, not with our positions still intact."

"That's good news indeed," Laura said, pleased. "I'm really fond of this city and I'd hate to have to leave it."

"Me too," Jackson agreed.

"And how about Eden?" Laura asked. "I understand your flanking maneuver was successful in its mission?"

"It was," Jackson said, "but at considerable cost. They moved through the mountains undetected and caught the WestHem mobile guns completely by surprise, killing all but eleven of them according to telemetry sent to us from the peepers. They then went after the WestHem supply column. Our air strikes took out about half of the WestHem tanks guarding the column and the tanks themselves took out the rest in the first five minutes of the attack. We then blasted and blew up more than ninety percent of the cargo, fuel, and oxygen cars. Unfortunately the marines responded quicker and in larger numbers than we'd anticipated. It took us longer to get our tanks back into the safety of the mountains after the attack then we thought it would. We were engaged by a superior force of WestHem tanks on the north and the south egress points. This cost us one hundred and twelve tanks."

Laura shook her head quietly. "So many," she said.

He nodded. "Most of those were kills too. It's really hard to live through a direct hit from an anti-tank laser. We only collected twenty-three wounded from the engagement — all of them the victims of machine gun fire or eighty millimeter shrapnel after they went out on foot after their tanks were disabled by indirect hits."

"They're safe now?" she asked.

"Yes, the wounded have all been flown out and transferred to Eden hospitals. The tanks and their crews are staging in the Gibbons Valley ten klicks north of the main valley or the Cypress Valley twelve klicks south of it. We're going to fly some cargo carriers fitted with hydrogen and oxygen tanks out to them so they can refuel. I'm hoping to have them in the air before dark but... well... it's an improvised solution and you know how those go."

"I surely do," she said. "So tell me about the battle for Eden. How are we doing on the main line? I understand you've wiped out their artillery and their supplies but you're also down five hundred tanks. Will we hold? Can we hold?"

Jackson sighed, a little of the strain he was under showing in his face. "They can push through our lines," he said. "If the person directing them up there — I'm inclined to think it isn't really Browning since he's a blithering idiot — if he's even halfway competent at his job, he'll order them to concentrate on the center and push hard to break through and get into the MPG base there."

"They can?" she asked.

"It is certainly within the realm of military possibility," Jackson said. "We weren't able to cause the sort of attrition we strive for on their march forward. We were too busy dealing with the consequences of that damn air strike on our heavy guns. If not for that, Eden would be in the same position right now as New Pittsburgh. The Eden area marines were able to march almost intact right up to the main line. Our reinforcements are arriving but they are not all present. We're still shoving them piecemeal into their assignments as they come off the trains and half of the tanks are still in transit."

"So they hold too much of an advantage?"

"Not necessarily," he said. "But they do hold a significant advantage at this point in time. We're estimating anywhere from three and a half to one to almost four to one in ground troops. That's what makes their success militarily feasible. If they apply themselves to their task, they might just push through."

"You're not answering my question, General," Laura said sternly. "Will they succeed?"

"I can't say one way or the other," he said. "That's what I'm trying to tell you. It is possible for them to take Eden with what they have out there facing what we have out there. The question is, do they have the will to do it?"

"The will?"

"The will," he confirmed. "If they do take Eden, it's going to be costly for them. Their APCs and their tanks will be able to move up to within 300 meters of our main line positions but they're going to be in killing boxes subjected to intense AT fire. Their ground troops are going to have to advance over open ground that's been pre-sighted long before by our artillery crews and mortar crews and that's overlapped by fields of fire from our infantry crews. They're going to have to advance through all that and take our pillboxes one by one until they open up a corridor big enough to put troops through towards the city. All of that is going to cost them a lot of men. Their bodies are going to be littering that battlefield. That's where the will to fight comes in. My hope is that we've already sapped that will, not from the colonels and the generals that sit back in the rear or up in orbit and give the orders, but from the captains and the lieutenants and the sergeants that have to follow those orders. They will be the ones paying the price out there. We have to pin our hopes on those men making the decision that that price is too high to pay for a shithole planet like this."

"And that's what MPG doctrine has been all about, right?" she asked.

"Right," he agreed. "At least for this war. It's carried us this far. Let's see if it will carry us for a few more hours. If it does, we'll never have to rely on hope again."

"Amen," Laura said. "A-fucking-men."

Callahan was looking out through the main camera installed in his APC, staring east, towards the high-rises of Eden, which could now be seen poking upward into the sky. They were ten kilometers west of the Martian main line of defense, preparing to assault it. It was the second time Callahan had been in this particular position. The first time he'd risked a lengthy prison sentence to defy orders to advance. This time he knew he would be going forward.

Everything was quiet, which was an almost eerie sensation after all he'd been through. Their artillery had stopped firing ninety minutes before — quite abruptly, almost as soon as it had started. The official explanation was that technical difficulties had prevented artillery support. Callahan knew that was a bunch of bullshit. He was technically savvy enough to tap into some of the other operational channels and had heard the truth: that hundreds upon hundreds of Martian tanks had somehow gotten into the rear and massacred their mobile guns. They had also attacked the supply column. The word on the damage done was a little sketchier in this case but it sounded like they'd killed most if not all of the cars. That meant the supplies they carried — the fuel, the ammunition, the food packs, the drinking water, and the very air they were breathing — was now all that they had to finish the campaign with, for better or for worse. They either had to take Eden with this next attack or they would be forced to return to the LZ in defeat. Even then some of them might not make it back — particularly the one thousand tanks that had abruptly turned around and chased after the "technical difficulties" hampering the mobile guns.

The Martian artillery had stopped about ten minutes ago, tapering off as the APCs and tanks pulled into this staging location. He liked to think that they were finally out of shells to fire but he knew this was nothing but a pipe dream. They had stopped firing because there were no exposed troops for them to hit. Once they moved forward and stepped out of the protection of the APCs that fire would start up again, with proximity fused shells raining death down upon the advance.

Callahan stopped looking through the camera and switched the view on his screen to the schematic of the battle plan for his company. They were part of a multi-battalion advance on two of the pillboxes covering the main line. They would advance between a series of tank traps and right up to a vast anti-tank ditch that ran the entire length of the line. There they would dismount and cross the ditch, moving across three hundred and twenty meters of open ground to the base of the pillboxes, which were concrete reinforced structures standing nearly sixty meters high and connected to each other and the other pillboxes by a network of concrete reinforced trenches that ran behind them. As to how many Martian soldiers each pillbox would hold, that was a figure that was mere speculation. Intelligence guessed no more than a platoon of infantry and maybe a squad or two of anti-tank teams up on the top level. Callahan's estimate was a little more pessimistic. Since the Martian rail system had not been bombed the Martians had probably reinforced their positions with units from Proctor or Libby. He wouldn't be surprised if there was company strength, maybe even a little more, in each of those pillboxes, all of them with but one goal in mind: Kill enough marines to keep them from taking this position.

It was going to be bloody out there, perhaps the bloodiest battle they'd fought in so far. Men were going to die in large numbers, blown to pieces by artillery and mortars, by eighty millimeter shells fired from tanks, gunned down by rifle fire and machinegun fire and twenty millimeter cannon fire. There was simply no way around that. Callahan would be out there, directing his men in this battle and his fate would be placed back in the hands of random chance. He would simply have to hope that none of those bullets or shells had his name on them. His luck had carried him this far. Would it carry him for a few more hours?

He tried to push these thoughts out of his head. Failing at this task he tried to at least push them back to the rear a bit. With this he enjoyed a little bit of success. He looked down at the schematic again, changing the view to the overall plan for the battle. It was simple and militarily sound, which made him wonder if they'd sub-contracted out to the Martians for its conception. There would be a powerful and hopefully overwhelming thrust on the Martian positions covering a two-kilometer section of the line. The positions north and south of the center would be ignored. The goal was to punch through and secure a path for the engineers to breach the outside of the Martian Planetary Guard base. If that could be done, the city would fall. It was nothing more than a brutal lunge pitting superior numbers against superior positions — the same sort of tactic the Chinese had used in World War III to overwhelm position after position on their advance south through Canada and the western United States. Swarming, it was called, and using it the Chinese had made it from the shores of Valdez in Alaska all the way to the Columbia River on the Washington-Oregon border in less than eight months. They had done this using tanks and aircraft far inferior to the ones the Americans were using to battle them.

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The Bimbo Virus

"Alert! Alert!" The alarm sounded. "The virus has spread! I repeat the virus has spread!" A man over the intercom yelled hysterically. Men and women in lab coats were running for their lives, pushing and shoving through the doors to save themselves. "What's happening?" Asked a young blonde woman. Who recently graduated from college and was on her first day on the job. "You must be the new girl? You see the short version is that there is a virus that turns anyone into sexy, and dumb bimbos." A...

3 years ago
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At My Friends Steves House

December 2015Steve’s HouseI met Steve when I was 25 years old, while teaching school and he was the Principal at the same school. Steve is 21 years older than, never married, lives alone, goes to strip clubs, has strippers over his house every Super Bowl Sunday, he is into porn and just a horny guy, but a super nice guy. I had just broken up with an old boyfriend of 2 years, who was a jerk and was not interested in dating anyone. So Steve invited me and a few other teachers to meet him after...

1 year ago
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A Winters Tale

Six weeks after their wedding, Ken and Laura arrived in Killington, Vermont. Ken in his early thirties loved skiing and Laura twenty-five was smitten by everything Ken did. They arrived late in the evening at Burlington International Airport and battled the snow to reach the ski resort. Immediately after checking in, the couple stepped into the outdoor hot spa.She braved the cold with her two-piece bikini and entered the hot tub jacuzzi. The force of the water literally bounced her light body...

4 years ago
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Cross dressing for my boyfriend

My name is Chris and I’m a 25 year old, white, bisexual male. I stand 5’9″ and weigh 135 pounds with light brown hair and brown eyes. I’ve always had somewhat of a feminine body and I’ve always enjoyed being a “bottom” when with other men. I met my boyfriend Mark about a year ago at a bar. The minute that I saw him, I knew I had to have his cock inside of me. Mark is 27 years old, 6’2″ and weighs 195 lbs with brown hair and a very hot body. He works out a lot and plays some sports. You could...

2 years ago
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My Life Between Virginity and Celibacy Part one

ForewordDear Reader,What follows is an accounting of fifty years of my life as far as my lovemaking and sex life is concerned. I’ve tried to recall this in an honest manner with recollections of the good, not-so-good, and the painful missteps along the way. What started this was seeing a photo on a new friend’s profile page. Sadly, she has disappeared from my friends list. That photo so reminded me of the girl I first loved and wedded, and started me on this journey back through time. The...

2 years ago
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Cathy written on request from Nick

I’d just retired and was spending a lot of time watching our neighbours, Cathy was in her 40s but with a great body and Emma was her sexy daughter. I’d peeked into Cathy’s bedroom a few times seen her partially undressed and watched on one occasion when she tried to get Bill her husband to perform, but he’d come home drunk as usual and was in no state to service her. She obviously needed a good fucking and I was trying to find a way of giving it to her. One day my wife went out early and asked...

3 years ago
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Lady Cecelia Ch 02 Pt 04

The house of the Dauphin of Agincourt was rife with corruption and debauchery. Know all at the outset that never in French history was one more decadent than this. In France, King Henry’s men languished in Agincourt castle prison. Their humiliation at the hands of the French was ceaseless. English Knights of higher order found themselves visited for the sole purpose of the French Court’s entertainment. French men, some of them, lost interest in these Anglican nobles who soon found themselves...

3 years ago
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Jake Ryans heart trouble 1

 “All set. According to my monitor here, you have just a small heart murmur. Nothing too concerning, I’ll schedule a follow-up appointment so we can look at it in detail.” Nurse Jackie went over to the large monitor on the wall and pointed to an unusual looking peak on the ECG screen. In a whirlwind of activity, she had printed a number of medical forms and removed her gloves. “Here, I’ll need you to sign these and then we can schedule for next time. Just take it easy on the physical activity,...

3 years ago
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Hubby brings me a dog as a gift

My loving husband left me home alone for making a business trip that would take at least three weeks away from town.Victor had never gone for a period so long. Some weeks before, he surprised me by bringing a sweet nice Great Dane as a gift for me. I named the big guy Leopold, after a former king from Belgium…One of my neighbors, Susan, was a dog trainer and then she trained my sweet Leopold. After a full week, she brought him back, saying now he was very well trained for my needs during...

4 years ago
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The Cave of Solitude

The Cave of Solitude By Kachakali See a picture of this story at my site: Am I alive or am I dead? Is this purgatory? I cant see anything. I cant tell if I'm blind or not. Darkness is the same if my eyes are open or not. I've been wandering in this darkness forever it seems. How do I even know I exist? Do I still have a body? or am I just a wandering thought? When the bandits came, I ran into this secret cave. I found it myself....

3 years ago
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Me Joe and Jason

The three of us sat there for a short while drinking the drinks I had brought in from the kitchen. Joe sat on one side of Jason while I sat on his other side. After a few minutes I reached over and caressed Jason's cock, "Have you been enjoying yourself?" I asked him. Looking over at me, "Yes' was all he answered "Have you liked what you have done and we did to you?" I now asked. Thinking just for a second, "It's been great" he replied. Smiling and looking over at Joe, "Well, let's see if we...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Friends Hot Mom

One day, while I was in high school, on my way home from soccer practice, I stopped off at my friend Rob’s house to see what he was planning on doing over the weekend. I rang the doorbell, and his mother answered the door, dressed in a pair of shorts, and a vest. His mom was a total fox, tall and slim with blonde hair. It was hard to believe that she had a son my age. “Hi Mrs Connolly,” I said, as I my eyes roamed over her body seeing how well she filled the shorts and vest that she was...

3 years ago
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Breaking me down

I am not happy to admit that I was broken down. I was out last night for drinks with the girls. A good looking man started buying me drinks. I broke away to sit with him. After some time chatting and getting tipsy he asked me to leave with him. I was getting flush so off we went. Before we got to his care he started kissing me in the parking lot. While kissing his hands moved from my ass to my chest. He was a very good kisser and my hand was roving too. I was rubbing the outside of his...

3 years ago
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EarthquakeChapter 4

The woman driving the fishing boat pulled up to our houseboat because it was the largest. Sue grabbed the rope the woman threw to her and tied her boat to ours. She turned to the man lying in the bottom of the boat and was gushing tears as she spotted the amount of blood on the boat's bottom. Bill dropped into the boat and looked at the wound. It was a bullet hole in the man's back, and there was no exit wound. Bill called for help and we hauled the man into Bill and June's bedroom. June...

4 years ago
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Sorority Games

This is the story about hell week at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. My friend Anne and I were pledging one of the biggest sororities (Delta Sigma) at the College. We were a bit nervous and very excited, because this sorority dated the hottest guys on the campus. There fraternity was called Phi Gama Delta (Figi). It was 1981, and we were in our first year of college. Anne and I were room-mates and living in the dorm. Dorm life was okay, but if you were a sister in a sorority...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Padosi Ne Ki Meri Mast Chudai

Hello friends . My name is anita and I am 21 years old . I was not so bold and horny before. However, as time passed I got addicted to watching porn and fingering . Whenever I meet a boy my pussy becomes wet thinking how huge his dick would be and how amazing it will feel when he will fuck me. Waise mera size 32 26 32 hai aur mujhe sex karna bahot pasand hai Jada time na waste karte hue topic pe aate hai Yeh story hai meri aur mere padosi rishab ki. Rishab bachpan se meri bagal wali flat mai...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Numi Zarah BANGladeshi Cleaning Service

Numi Zarah is working as a maid while in nursing school. Brian Omally sees this as an opportunity to fuck her. She agrees to let him pay her double to take her clothes off while cleaning the house. She has a super sexy body. He starts jerking off while she’s cleaning. At first she’s creeped out but once he offers to quadruple the pay she sucks his dick real nasty. She lets him fuck her from the back, she got fucked on the couch, and she got on top of him and bounced her ass on him....

2 years ago
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I Want to Play a Game the Game ContinuesChapter 3 Time to Play a Game

Fifteen minutes later and Reynolds' team were ready to go. A feed of all four monitors was being fed to monitors set up in the interrogation room, the techs were already on the case of tracking the source of the videos and Reynolds had managed to get a begrudging go ahead to take the lead in the case and the interrogation due to emergency circumstances. With still a full three and three quarter hours still on the clock, Reynolds was ready to play whatever sick game the bitch had in...

2 years ago
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Vanessa Now Transformed Makes Some Sport

Vanessa now transformed, makes some sport It was a total scandal when I told my mother everything about my new aspirations. Obviously, I never said anything about my step sister Elena; that would have to remain a secret. After a while, my mother accepted the fact that I would never become a real man: seeing me dressed up as a slut everyday certainly helped her to understand the situation. She finally made peace with me and even started to give me some suggestions. My outfits were way...

2 years ago
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An Adventure With A Business Man In Karachi Hotel

Dear readers admirers and followers How are you? Hope all is well and you are enjoying your lives and also the indian sex adventures and if you are not having any indian sex adventures please do have them ;-) Firstly like always introduction of myself. I’m 42 male having a complicated sexual orientation, I am a bi-sexual versatile bottom. I have a smooth fair and a little plump body. There are virtually very little hair on my body and that too are taken care off by hair removing and other...

Gay Male
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The Reunion of Paul Ellen

Author’s note: One of my earlier pieces, and still a favorite. * The Tender Spot had been closed forty minutes. Everyone else had left. The lights were out, but thin, weak rays of light eked through the blinds on the front windows from the streetlight outside. Paul glanced at the piano, fingered a few notes, before joining his hands together on his lap, thinking…. Then he said, ‘Who said anything about that?’ ‘I did,’ Ellen replied quietly, as if someone else in the room could overhear...

1 year ago
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A Come BackChapter 46 The End of Summer

I didn't wake up till long after the sun had. I felt sore and still mentally tired. "Billy?" I called, looking about. On the bedside stand there was a folded note: Rest well, help yourself to anything. I'll be just downstairs seeing to the horses. If you need me just call. Billy No Molly, No Cleo, and No Eddie. I rubbed my hands over my face and sighed. It's what I needed. "Billy, I'll take you up on your offer." I said to the note and went to his bath tub and turned on the...

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