RoomersChapter 6 free porn video

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I was way pissed as I stood in the bay window trying not to listen. May oughta be a good month, and now I had to make choices. Shoot for her, shoot for Candice, or try and reconcile them, keep on dreaming about both barrels. Well, fuck number three: I'm not the dam' United Nations. Her voice went on and on, kinda like a soprano chain-saw and she was red in the face, looking angry. First time I'd ever seen her like that and it wasn't pretty.

' ... And last night she brought someone back and I heard them. You know her room's right over mine, and I could hear the bed moving, and them moaning and everything. It was disgusting. They were like animals.' I'd heard them too. Sounded like they were having some pretty dirty fun. I'd even given myself a few strokes while I listened. Shit, she was beginning to get on my nerves. Maybe I'd been wrong about her.

'Rachel has guys back once in a while, Susan, ' I said, 'and she ain't a quiet girl. You've never complained.' She looked at me as if I was stupid.

'Mr. Taylor, Rachel doesn't bring back other women: we are talking about perversion, not normal relationships. I pay my rent on time and I want you to do something about it right now.' Definitely not number three. She'd left my door ajar and I was pretty sure Candice and Rachel were still in the house: number two was looking better. I spoke a little louder

'Susan, I'm sorry but it's your problem. This is the twenty-first century and life's moved on. Hell, girl, I'm kinda surprised at you. She's quiet, she works hard, she pays her rent on time just like you. I kinda like her. We talk about history some, and she's sharper'n a new razor blade. Her personal life's nothin' to do with you or me. You gonna complain she's black as well?' Nice touch, that.

'Mr. Taylor, I have rights as a tenant here, and listening to that kind of filth isn't one of them.' There goes number one. I hate hearing about rights She probably thought BJ's were a perversion too. I cranked up the volume another notch.

'Susan, here's what you can do. You can carry on listenin' when Candice brings someone back, or you can go buy some earplugs, or you can pack and leave. You choose that, I'll give you back half your fuckin' security deposit, which is dam' generous of me. You choose to stay, you can shut the fuck up, and in the meantime you can go look for somewhere to live next year. I don't want you in my fuckin' house any more. And if you give Candice any shit at all I'll throw your ass out on the street and you can take me to court. I'd fuckin' love to explain all this to some liberal judge.' I went over to the door and held it wide open. There was a scuffling noise on the stairs and I was glad I'd raised my voice some.

'Have a nice day, Susan.' She glared at me and stomped out and I heard her go upstairs and slam her room door. I went over to the bay window and breathed deeply. Jeez, I hate stress, and now the house was gonna be full of it. There was a knock on the door and I flung it open.

'Susan, I won't change my fuckin' mind ... Uh sorry, Candice, c'mon in. You want some coffee? Fresh two hours ago. I think I got a bagel left too.' She stared at me, then laughed.

'Jesus Christ, Doug, I've never been in this room without you offering me food or drink. You're like a den mother.'

'My mom raised me right, ' I said. 'Whaddya need, Candice? I'm sorry I shouted when you came in. I been havin' a tryin' morning.' She nodded, her face serious.

'I heard the last part. In fact the whole house heard.' Her voice said I'd called it right.

'Yeah, well, it kinda got outa hand. I don't shout often, but when I do I tend to lose it.'

'Dam' good thing too, ' said a voice from the doorway.

'Shit, Rachel. What is this? Some kind of delegation?' She shook her head.

'Only thing I want to do is apologize. I was waiting for you to sweet talk her and you didn't. I'm sorry I thought that.' She turned and marched out, and I swung back to Candice.

'You think you need to apologize for anythin' at all, I'll kick your beautiful ass up and down the street like a football. You got that?' She gave me a great big smile.

'I'm not here to apologize, Doug. I just wanted to say there aren't many guys who'd have said that kind of stuff to a cute little blonde they'd been watching pretty attentively while she was sunbathing.' She was still smiling and I almost did the same.

'Busted. Were you checkin' out her or me when you spotted that?' Now she looked as if she was blushing, but it's hard to tell.

'That's not the point. If she goes you'll lose money: that's why Rachel was surprised. Come here.' She took a step towards me and stopped. She was a tall girl, and we were face to face. She grasped my ears, then leaned in and kissed me. A good one too, sliding the very tip of her tongue along my lips. Only a hint, but with a whisper of promise and I noticed that when she stepped back she was breathing a little quick.

'OK? Thank you Doug Taylor. I'm glad I live in your house, and I'm pleased you admire my ass. Sharper than a new razor blade, huh? You smooth-talking devil, you.' She left, and I savored the taste of her lip gloss, faint in my mouth. Her head popped back round the door.

'And I'll try to keep the noise down. My, uh, friend got a little carried away.'

'So would I, Candice. Don't sweat it.' She poked her tongue out and disappeared again. I went to the window and looked out. One door closes, another opens. And Candice sure had a beautiful ass, and she sure walked with a spring in her step, just like that other one I usedta know.

My senior year was kinda unfocused. Looking back now, I can see that breaking up with Judy had changed something, made me more careful maybe. If I kept the graph lines in synch the talent kicked in and I got what I wanted, but the way it happened sucked. Selfish is one thing, but callous is another. I didn't want to think about that, but it stayed in the back of my head. I guess I knew that I might hafta be real selfish again one day, but right now I didn't want anything much, so I let myself go some. Shit, that felt so good: no gym, just enough work to keep scoring B's: slackers' paradise. I didn't go out much. Coupla girls threw me charity fucks, but mostly I spent down time with Annie. Thank God for her: there when I wanted, never asked questions, made me laugh, kept me on my toes just enough. The perfect fuckin' woman, you think about it.

'You're gettin' kinda chubby, Doug, ' she said one day. 'I mean you're no sack of potatoes but you for sure will be, you don't do somethin'. She was in the crook of my arm, relaxing, and reached over and grasped my extra roll.

'Six months ago I couldnta pinched an inch, ' she said, 'and now look at you: Pillsbury dough boy's little brother. I'll tell ya somethin' else too: your tongue's still five star, but I gotta say that the fuckin' main course is slippin'.' She chuckled at my expression and wormed closer. 'Upside is that this is a lot more fuckin' comfortable than it usedta be, ' she murmured. 'Everythin' in life's a trade-off, I guess.' Comfortable trade-off? Made me sound like an air-bed in a garage sale.

'You're cold, girl, except when you're hot. Get your ass up here and stay with the five star.' She grinned, climbed up my chest, and settled herself.

'Let the fuckin' good times roll.'

I hafta say that since I'd persuaded her to tidy up a little, eating her was a better experience. Not that it was bad before, but it sure as hell tickled some. She wasn't convinced, kept playing around with the style every coupla weeks. Racing stripe one time, nothing the next, stubble trouble the next. Today she was cleaned right up except for an off-center diamond to the right of her slit. All this time and she could still fuckin' surprise me. I started working round her, aiming to tease her some as payback and she squirmed happily.

'Hey, Doug, don't play with me like that. I'm ready to go.'

'My way or the highway, Annie. Pillsbury dough boy's got a mind of his own.' I pursed my lips and gave her a Bronx cheer right over her clit, then relented. Truth to tell, she was so responsive that I never could resist her. I rolled my tongue over and round her and she bore down and started to move gently so I slid it in deep, aimed it at my nose, and she began her climb. I love the feeling of pleasing a woman, making her want more. I kept the pace down, coaxing and then retreating, tantalizing and then forgiving, and she wriggled and gasped, speeded up some, then finally tensed for a moment before her pussy began to flutter and her thighs tightened over my ears. When she was done she slid back and put her head on my chest.

'Jesus, six stars, minimum.' I pushed her down some till her ass was nudging my cock, and she peered up at me. 'Four years we known each other, Doug, and goin' down on me still gets you hard. You sure know how to make a woman feel wanted. Fuck the slippage. I'm gonna take care of that right now.' Hell, eating pussy gets me hard, period, but I didn't mention that right then. She sat up and reached between us, grasping me gently and guiding me into her body with the skill of practice. I felt a surge of something that was more than like and kicked it out of the way. Why ruin a perfectly good friendship? I pushed up, driving deeper into her, and she squinched her eyes up and started riding.

I guess she'd needled me though, because I started putting in a little gym time, cut down on the ice-cream, told myself I needed to be in shape for when I went to see McCarthy, keep the fuckin' talent agile. I gotta say that our time together improved though. I upped the studying as well: no point in not preparing thoroughly. This could be my only chance at the jackpot, and if you gotta do something you hate, do it positive or not at all. Slackers think about the risk/reward ratio pretty carefully sometimes. I let myself dream about being rich enough to choose my lifestyle, checked the graphs some, tried to get a balance that didn't kill me.

Couple of weeks before Easter I thought I'd better check out the ability, see if it still did what it oughta, so I locked onto a blonde junior called Hazel. Real cute, sorority girl, not the type to go much for country boys. Tell the truth, I was getting to feel like a piece of fresh would be welcome, so it was a case of two birds with one stone. Sure, I was having a pretty nice time with Annie, but her guy was coming and going and there were times when she wasn't available. Shit, contrast is fine too. I upped the work-outs and decided I'd try for A's, finish on a high note. Nights, I imagined Hazel being amazed by my party trick and turning into a quivering heap of flesh, begging me to fuck her every which way. The picture got so vivid so quickly that keeping my hands off my cock was a real effort. What with that and the extra work I got kinda grumpy. Good job Gary was a tolerant guy. If McCarthy hadn't been at the back of it all I'd never have bothered

I guess my talent was wanting to flex its muscles some, or else I was hornier than I thought: three weeks after Easter break I was coming out of the library, feeling kinda annoyed that Annie wasn't gonna be around for some weekend fun, when I heard my name being called. I looked up and nearly shit. Hazel, coming towards me at a half run, looking like I was the answer to a maiden's prayer. I waited for her to catch up and waited.

'Uh, you're Doug Taylor, right?' I nodded and she went on. 'Doug, I know we never met, but I need to ask a favor.' Click, soft but clear.

'Only if you tell me your name and how to find you.' A frown creased her forehead, as if she'd thought that everyone knew her.

'I'm Hazel Adams of course. I've seen you in the library and someone told me you're a History major, and that's why I need to talk with you.' Didn't need clicks for this. She wanted something, she was gonna have to offer something: it's the American way.

Hazel, if I can, I will. I gotta admit, I seen you about some, and you're a pleasure to notice. Whaddya need?' Her look segued into pleased.

'Uh, you did the World Studies course, right?' I nodded, and she gabbled on. 'Well, I'm doing it this semester, and what with one thing and another, and being so busy, I'm kinda behind, and I'm not sure I'm going to pass, and Professor van Leiden is so tough and uncompromising, and he's refused to cut me any slack, even when I asked real nice, and I wondered if... ' She stopped as I raised my hand. I was about to say sure, whenever you like, stuff like that, when the click sounded again.

'Hazel, I'm in my senior year, gotta lot of work myself. I mean, helpin' you play catch-up would be real nice, and I'm sure pleased someone pointed you my way, but I got so little time at the moment I'm not sure I can manage it. I'm sorry, but I gotta think about myself too. Time's getting' kinda short.' No harm in pointing out the obvious. Her shoulders slumped some, and I almost felt sorry for her. I wondered how she'd tried to persuade Prof. van Leiden. It was pretty well known he was gayer than springtime, so putting out for him for sure wasn't gonna work. Now me, I'm real hetero. I pretended to think. Hell, what she wanted to do was copy my papers, dress them up some, go back to her sorority feeling pleased. Only if she paid royalties though.

'Everythin' I got is on file, Hazel, but I'd be kinda unhappy to download it and have the disk flyin' about campus. Plagiarism's kinda frowned on, and van Leiden might remember stuff. I got pretty good grades on that course. I guess if you really want to you could come round and read my papers, take a few notes. Gotta be the weekend though. I'm sorta busy five outa seven.' She perked right up when I said that. I didn't say Gary went away weekends.

'This is real important to me, Doug. Would Friday be OK?' Bingo.

'Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday, Hazel. I'm not partyin' much this semester.' I gave her my address and she said thank you a million times, I was a really nice guy, how could she ever repay me, and I looked impatient some more. Some girls, you stand back from them, they see you as a challenge: guess Hazel was one of those. Funny how the clicks know these things. She went off eventually, and I went down the gym, lifted some weights, planned my moves. Next day I found a guy I knew who was doing the World Studies course and started him talking about hotties in the class. Seemed Hazel was doing pretty good: steady B's, no sweat. Jesus, shooting fish in a barrel, I thought. I bought some extra condoms in case it turned out a long weekend.

Friday evening I was set up: piles of books on the table shouting serious guy, smell of my fine pasta sauce wafting from the kitchen, me clean and relaxed, prepared to be real friendly but not quite helpful enough. Six o'clock the doorbell rang and I let her in. Bingo again. She'd dressed carefully, innocent seductive, and she smelled faintly of a good perfume. Her eyes were sparkling.

Well, shit, I had some fun fooling around, showing her how to access my files and all; she pretended to be interested for a while, then swung round on her chair, looked up.

'Stop teasing, Doug. I know you know that my grades are fine. You shouldn't have chosen Rick Samson to talk to when you were asking about me. He's got the biggest mouth on campus. What it is, is I started noticing you some about a month, six weeks ago, and you've got a kinda mysterious air about you, and I remembered you being with Judy Olsen last year and how she always looked sorta happy on Monday mornings, and I started thinking about that, and I'm used to going for what I want so here I am.' She looked at me challengingly, only a hint of nervousness in her eyes. It crossed my mind that she might be on a bet, or a dare or something. Sorority girls are big on that sorta thing. Confident girl though, I thought. Might as well be direct right back at her.

'Works for me. You wanna have a light meal, drink a little wine, get to know each other some first? I'd just as soon not rush things. You got a nine o'clock appointment or anything, then I'll be takin' a raincheck.' She looked pleased and puzzled at the same time. Sophisticated country boy was outside her orbit.

'That's a nice thing to say. I'm kinda hungry, I guess, and I got no plans at all.' She jumped up from the chair and hugged me, raising her face for a kiss. 'Only a bite to begin with though. We can eat properly later.' This was Patty Edwards all over again, I thought, kinda disappointed. Hell, though, I was gonna get some fresh pussy, and I hadn't done a dam' thing except lift a few weights, read a few books, have a couple of nice fantasy sessions: it had come to me, just like it was meant to.

'Sauce is made, wine's chilled. Come sit in the kitchen while I fix the spaghetti.'

Later on she lay on my bed, naked and eager, watching me undress. As I stepped out of my boxers she reached over and grasped my cock. I was at half-staff and she squeezed me experimentally.

'Needs work. C'mon over here. I love making it grow.' Me too; I let her arrange me on the bed and slide her lips smoothly over me. For a sorority girl she was pretty good, seemed to enjoy what she was doing. Not a patch on Annie, but then no-one ever has been. Hell, there are times when I miss that woman. Hazel was talented though, and I guess she'd had a lot of practice. Her head went up and down and her tongue swirled round and round and I lost myself in the waves of feeling, happy to let her set the pace. When she felt my balls tighten she slipped a hand under me and pressed gently against my ass, easing the tip of one finger through my ring and flexing it delicately. That set me off for sure and stars flashed though my head as I unloaded into her warm mouth. Seemed like she was the sort who liked to savor everything: her cheeks bulged as I filled her, then she let me fall from her lips and swallowed slowly and luxuriously before dropping her head again to clean me up some. She squeezed me and licked the last drops up carefully, then peered up at me.

'God, I love doing that. You sure come hard, Doug. Can you dish it out as well as take it?' Hint of impatience in her voice, anticipation too. I always like it when a woman's upfront about what she wants.

'I was gonna just roll over, Hazel, go to sleep maybe. Was there somethin' you wanted?' I tried hard, but couldn't keep the smile outa my voice, and she giggled and crawled up my body.

'You're kinda funny under all the laid-back stuff, ' she said as she nestled into my side. 'How come we never met before?'

'Because life is unkind, ' I said lazily. 'How come you never thought about me till now?' She pulled gently at the hair on my chest.

'It for sure is just the weirdest thing. I dreamed about you one night and when I woke up the dream was still there: in fact I can't forget it and it makes me so wet. I've been dripping ever since, almost.' So that's what happens, I thought. Her voice changed. 'Wetter than I am now and it's time you did something with that.' I reached down her back and let my fingers explore the crease of her ass and down to her soft folds.

'Any wetter than this I'm gonna need a snorkel. I guess you better be prepared though.' She wriggled round and when I was good and sure she was watching I slid my tongue out and showed her what I can do. As the tip curled up and over the end of my nose her eyes widened and a purely dirty smile spread over her face.'

'That looks so good. You wanna show me how it works?'

'Ain't gonna be work: not for me, anyway.' I rolled her over and gave her the whole ball of wax as a warm-up. Breath, tongue tip, nibbles round the edges, gentle thumb round her asshole, all the stuff that you gotta do to make it an occasion for them. She started moaning and gasping some, and flinging herself about, but I knew that she wasn't feeling anything special. When I looked up I caught her looking down, and there was a touch of disappointment in her eyes. Time for the show, I thought. I raised my eyebrows at her then cupped my hands under her ass and dragged my tongue down the whole length of her slit before nuzzling her clit with the tip of my nose.

Jeez, I said it wouldn't be work but it sure was. Her G spot was set kinda high I guess, and every time I managed to reach it I got a sorta stretching pain in the base of my tongue, real unpleasant. But I love eating pussy and my goddam pride was at stake, and I didn't think she was the sort of girl who keeps quiet about her experiences, good, bad, or indifferent: I sure didn't want her to go round badmouthing me, smearing my rep any, so I dug deep and forced my tongue up and back and pushed my nose against her clit and I guess it worked for her. I thought she was choking to death but when I raised my head to check she kinda snarled and pushed me back down to the coalface. Her breath was whooping in her throat and there was a sorta whistle every time she gasped. Lucky her thighs were tight over my ears and I couldn't hear too good. I kept right on doing what I was doing and she speeded up and speeded up until I thought I was gonna get a whiplash. I wondered if I'd be able to sue for assault. Finally her pussy snapped shut over my tongue and she lifted herself clear off the bed, dragging me with her and howling fit to wake the dead. I thought about the open windows and hoped that the neighbors were all safely watching TV. I held her ass tight while she finished up and when her thighs relaxed I disengaged thankfully. climbed back onto the bed.

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My Step Mommy

Hi, readers I am Arvindh age 19 from Chennai narrating you about the lovely relationship between myself and my step mommy Leah. my father is a software engineer working in France so we never usually have time to see each other, he usually comes once a year and stays with me maybe for a week and goes back to France. When he was on his usual visit to see me six months back he came with a beautiful blonde woman Leah and said to me that he got married to her in France and she will be your mommy. I...

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Enslaved Chapter 55

A series of uncontrolled sobs shook her... Quentin Osman was humming softly to himself, contentedly. It was the sound of a man well pleased with life. He began to murmur the words of the tune; at least his version:“Oh, what a beautiful morning; Oh what a beautiful day; I’m painting the cunt of my slave-girl; And everything’s going my way!” Quentin’s rather jowly, but well-tanned face slipped into a salacious grin. In his hand was a long, slim artist’s brush, the tip of which was covered with...

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Pauline The Slut Part 42 No Escape

It was raining when I woke the next morning and everyone was in the lounge relaxing. I joined them after breakfast. After an hour or so, my husband switched on the big screen. We all turned and watched as Anne and her daughters appeared on the screen. It was the video from the previous night showing Anne and the Girls revealing their sexual history followed by the four of them making love. Then the video moved to a scene of Hannah in the shower. My husband called Hannah over. He turned her so...

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Thug Love Chapter 9

I realize you all have been waiting for the next part of this story i been really busy so i kind of rush through this chapter but i'm working on the next to chapters and they are coming soonIts a early saturday morning and I'm awaken by the sound of my alarm clock. I immediately get up and start getting ready for work. While brushing my teeth i get a text from Jay, he's at work and he's texting me as he has done every morning we don't wake up together. we chat briefly via text and afterward i...

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The big house was fairly quiet, 12 year old Kerry was on her own her parents were away for the night, the only other person in the house was 16 year old Steve who was a local lad using the swimming pool to practise, he was a hopeful for the Olympics. Kerry watched as Steve swam back and forth wishing he would go home so she could swim. Kerry thought to herself why did her parents allow the low life from the local estate use their pool. Kerry saw Steve pull himself out of the pool and saw his...

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BeckyChapter 4

Brad’s turn: In retrospect, mistakes were made. Family weeks in a rented cabin, they’re fine for getting the kids out of the house and doing a vacation without forking over a hundred and fifty bucks a head to stand in line waiting for centrifugal bumblepuppy. Rented cabins are fine for family reunions. Rented cabins are wonderful for secluded, romantic trysts. I guess that when I came up with the idea, it was the first kind. Ends up as the third. If I was chasing The Great Bearded...

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New MagusChapter 19

Danielle and I were sprawled out on the bed, catching our breaths and letting the room’s AC cool us down. I didn’t know how long we’d being going at it, but judging by the dimming sunlight, it had to be a couple of hours, at least. I felt movement and rolled my head to see Danielle getting up on rubbery legs. “I’ve gotta go,” she said and stumbled toward the bathroom. I nodded but didn’t say anything. I had to go too, but could wait until she got back. It was a few minutes before the...

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Mom Cheating Dad On New Year

Hi guys, I am not sharing the names for the sake of privacy. I have already described mom in previous story so I direct come to the story without wasting any time. In the morning of On December 31, 2014 uncle comes to meet dad. Uncle asked my dad that he is going to a party on New Year eve, Can he take mom with him. Dad denied him but later mom convinced dad and got permission. She went to neighbor house in salwar suit at 6 o’ clock. I was conscious that why mom wears her old dress on New Year...

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A Mothers Helping Hands Part II

A Mother's Helping Hands - Part IIa reality-based fiction by DizzyDThis is part II of an erotic novel. If you haven't read Part I, you can link it here: you have, enjoy Part IIDr. Julie Alexander had gotten up at 3:00 am to see her husband off on his month-long business trip, and after trying unsuccessfully to get a few more hours of sleep, she was now sitting in her office waiting for her first appointment. As she did, the memories of...

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Some Kind of HeroChapter 79

The suit AI told me as soon as I had the hood on that the Net had a projected path of travel for us. With the hood up and the HUD working, Harley lifted us up and into the air from the back edge of the property. We followed the slope of the ridge until we were fifty feet from the top, then hugged it, following it north and east, before breaking over the ridge and moving even further north at higher speed. It was exhilarating to 'see' the ground rushing by beneath us. The clear area the...

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Tigress Wife

Billy was driving himself to his friend James' new job, the Zoo as a caretaker. He zig zags through the dark streets. "God my life sucks" he moaned as he pulls in the parking lot. "My wife is having an affair and my job sucks. I think I am getting passed over for a promotion." Billy got out of his car as James poked out of a doorway and waves to him "Here but be quiet! I don't want anyone finding out." The loud BEEP echoed the parking lot as Billy locked his car up. His shoes echoed...

4 years ago
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SummerChapter 4 Pleasure Given Voice

Thomas had dressed himself carefully for his meeting the next day. As the days before had been, it was sunny and uncharacteristically hot for a Saturday in early June. The young blond had showered and combed his hair into something close to neatness and dressed himself in a pair of long khaki slacks, leather sandals, a short sleeved light blue t-shirt and an open green chequered over shirt. He'd gotten on the bus at seven and had retreated to the Grange, the formal name for the public...

3 years ago
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A First Time For Everything

Matt looked exceptionally young for his age and blessed with a complexion that meant he wasn’t all that troubled by facial hair. Spots were non-existent, always had been, even in his teens. Yet at twenty-eight years old you could never classify him as normal. His slim body, born out of long legs and a standard-sized upper torso fulfilled all his needs. He couldn’t be described as ripped at all. In fact, with the right hair, makeup and clothes he would pass as a woman.It wasn’t that he hadn’t...

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Finding ShelterChapter 23

I awoke to Carrie kissing me softly on my nose. She was already astride me — just waiting to make sure that I wasn't in dire need of the restroom before she slid down. When I smiled at her, she popped a breath mint in my mouth and kissed me solidly. "Here are the rules today," she said. Since I was trapped in her warmth, I pretty much would have agreed to anything. "No clothes unless we leave the house or we have company. Once an hour, I expect you to satisfy me orally, digitally or...

3 years ago
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Marie 2

"Timothy, no. I don't have ti," Marie's complaint was cut short.She was still getting used to Timothy's youthful eagerness and energy. Adjusting from not having a man for ten years of what seemed a permanently hard cock pointing at her, took some getting used to.It was only a few minutes since Timothy was grunting and filling Marie with his cream, and he was ready again.When he arrived, Marie had warned Timothy he couldn't stay long because she was going to a friend's."Just a quick...

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The Preachers Wife Chapter Two A Greek Island

“Would you like to go to Greece?”The question broke Maggie out of her focus on the column of numbers on the computer screen in front of her. “Excuse me?” she asked, puzzled.Dorothy, the president of the Christian charity, had posed the question. “I’m serious,” she explained. “I’m organizing a tour of our major contributors to visit Greece this summer. I’m calling the tour ‘In the Steps of Saint Paul.’ I need an assistant to help me.”“But I have never traveled and I know nothing about Greece.”...

1 year ago
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Reach Out For The Sunrise Ch 10

© Sadie Rose Bermingham & Bellora Quinn 2010 CHAPTER TEN – A NEW DAY Greetings! We promised that this one wouldn’t take long, didn’t we. See how well we keep our word. We definitely owe you some hotness after all we’ve put you through so we hope that you like this fresh offering. To any new readers out there, Sunrise is essentially a vampire story so if you don’t like boy on boy or bloodsucking in your sex-scenes then skip to the next tale. Have a nice day. xxx.S&B XAVIER: Xavier woke...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 9 All Night Long

Medway High School 2:15pm, Thursday, February 15, 1979 In geography, Mr. St. George said we were able to use today’s class period to start researching our class assignment on various Australian issues. I saw Liz Morkings and her partner, Ellie McIlharty digging through an Australian Anthology book for examples of Aussie folklore. Samantha was on her own like me, as her partner Joanne Gramm was with Lynette playing volleyball. I found out her topic was Aussie industries and national...

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The Contest

It was a big deal for the family. Every five years the entire clan got together and had a huge party. There were almost two hundred people there. Every year someone had to set up a special game for everyone to play. After fifteen years of marriage the chore finally fell to me and I had to provide the entertainment. I did not want to play, I hated the gatherings and the fucking games. But my wife and her family were not to be denied. My wife had six sisters. They were always close and because...

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Oh Hello Stepmom

Hello, my Dear Readers. I have been writing incest themed stories, focusing mainly on mom-son relationships, for some time now. I wanted to try something light-hearted, featuring a young & naive stepmom and her stepson, who is expecting nothing sexual from her. This is my humble attempt on the same. Happy Reading! Sidharth was both bothered and excited. He had just landed back in Mumbai, after completing his studies from a university in the UK. He was on his way home, and he was going to meet...

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Video Store Fun

I need to be fucked. I need to be fucked bad. It's been two months since I broke up with Adam. He had a nice cock; long and thick. Perfect for me. I'm always in need of sex. But I promised I wouldn't fuck people I wasn't dating.I'm 5ft 4inches, with dark brown hair I keep in a messy bun. I have green eyes, and I'm a size 36D. I'm thin. I'm working at the video store in town to save up some money for new clothes. It's the summer before my last year of high school. I'm 17 and I'm excited to be...

Quickie Sex
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Fisting Carmen

Carmen and I found each other online (surprise, surprise!). We had been exchanging correspondence for a little while, and when we were both comfortable, we decided to meet. She was 49. The best encounters happen when a connection is established over a little time, rather than jumping in too quickly. We got on very well at our first meeting over coffee and a light lunch. We knew we shared similar kinks and also a similar desire to keep things discrete due to work issues. We were both looking for...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 46

This shorty is compliments of Dingwall42‎ Little Jonny “I bet you haven’t got one of these”. Little Mary “No, but my Daddy has two of them. He’s got a small one for wee-weeing with and a big one for cleaning Mummy’s teeth.” Humor according to St John‎ “The thrill is gone from my marriage” Alan told his friend Don. “Why not add some intrigue to your life and have an affair?” Don suggested. “But what if my wife finds out?” “Heck, it’s 2018, Alan. Go ahead and tell her about it”. So Alan...

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Bretts Reunion

My wife Brettany received an invitation to her high school classes twenty-year reunion and she had spent the better part of the last two weeks trying to talk me into taking her. I really wasn't all that keen on taking her back, first, because I think reunions are stupid - my tenth taught me that - and second, I did not want to take her back because of who she was when she was in high school. Brett was the class slut! Actually, that's not really true - Brett was the school slut! She didn't...

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BangBus Scarlett Sommers Model Fucks For Cash

We got lucky today boys. We found ourselves a super model. This chick is HOT. Long legs, perfect body, and pretty face. This chick has some attitude though. We had to put her in check. We flashed some money at her and she came running to us, typical! We paid her 300 bucks and she got in the van and showed us the goodies. She flaunts her perfect tits, and then our man Peter got really horny. Can’t let my boy go out with a boner, this is the BANG bus, not the blue balls bus. We didn’t...

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Reenu Ritu And Unka Cousin 8211 Ek Bottle Whiskey

H!,I am Kabir Kanvar from Punjab. Yeh kahani meri cousin ritu and reenu ki hai jo ki phadayi kar rahi hai woh mujhse approx. 5 saal choti hai .hum log aksar shadiyo par hi mila karte the otherwise hum mein koi contact nahi hota tha. par yeh facebook bahut achi cheez nikli mere liye.Unhone ne mujhe facebook par add kiya . pehle toh kabhi koi baat nahi ki kabhi bus ghar walo ke baare mein puch kar baat khatam ho jati thi . Ek din raat ko Ritu ko kuch topic samjh nahi aa raha tha toh usne...

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DominionChapter 32

Thank you, everyone who has managed to reach this final chapter! Behold, the completion of the Dominion saga! Ragnarök It was the snap heard around the world. Augusta had been destroyed, crushed when Dominion’s castle fell apart, and then again due to the fiery mushroom cloud in the outskirts that Sirius caused and the mountain-sized moon that Dominion had dropped nearby. Shahti, Eric, and Eva had all narrowly avoided being pulverized. It was by some miracle, combined with a great amount...

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The Lamia

Upon the bleak Scottish moors in winter a single wanderer seeks solace from the storm. What he stumbles upon looks to be simple good hearted assistance but there is more to this refuge than meets the eye. *** It is in the bosom of a woman that the ray of the Divine splendor will receive human form. (Vedangas). Empty Moors. --------------------- The Scottish moors are bright with purple heather in the late autumn. Two months later the color is gone and the cold grips the huddled hawthorn and...

4 years ago
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Robbie MacraeChapter 13 Back in the USA

The girls went downstairs to have a quick supper of cookies and warm milk. Amanda told them that they should share Zoe's room and her Queen sized bed so that the guestroom was free for Robbie. They rushed to get ready for bed, still keyed up from their display for Robbie and the effect they had had on each other. Zoe had on her usual sleep tee and panties. Alison slipped into the bathroom and when she returned Zoe was surprised to see that she had on the camisole and French knicker set she...

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Annabel Her Master

Annabel & Her Master Chapter I: My punishment. I am half-asleep when I hear my Master's key in the bedroom door. H e hasleft me here alone most of the day and as usual I can only imagine where he'sbeen. While I am chained here, for his pleasure, as he says, like an exoticbeast. Today, my bondage allows me to venture within about thirty feet of thebed but no more, just as much as is absolutely necessary. The stiff silvercollar around my neck is locked to a delicate but effective chain...

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The Halloween Party

Renae slammed the bedroom door and kicked her stilettos toward the closet. She ripped at the black lace garter and stockings, tearing them off in frustration and throwing them into the trash. The little black mini dress got balled up and thrown on the floor. She stomped into the bathroom and started the shower. As the steam filled up the master bath, she sat down on the toilet seat and let the tears come. The love of her life, her soul mate and partner simply did not want her, no matter how...

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Daniel And Eric Part One

I hadn't been a vampire for long, two or three years maybe, and my thirst or lust was not yet under complete control, nor were my impulsive actions, which could often lead to disputes among the older ones. As a result of my lack of control I had been placed here by the Elders Council, a group of vampires who were almost classed a royalty. It was the Elders who had thrown me in here, a nightclub run by vampires, and I was to stay here until I had gained control. To some it was a place to come...

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When Fantasy Becomes Reality

"Have you two ever talked about your fantasies", Marie had asked Sarah. "Not really", Sarah admitted. Truth be told, Charlie had never seemed like the adventurous type when it came to sex. But, wanting to change what her marriage had become, Sarah followed Marie's advice. To her pleasant surprise, she discovered that her husband did indeed have a kinky side. Together they'd found out that they shared many of the same fantasies; both wanted Sarah to have a train ran on her, while...

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Adventures of a reluctant wife chapter two

So, I had broken the ice. After many years of being a faithful and loving wife, I had now had two extramarital lovers in 5 months. I had discovered that you can have great sex without love. And I didn't feel at all guilty, because it was just what my hubby wanted.Tony had become a regular lover. I visited his flat at least once a week and always stayed the night with him. The sex with him got better and better, and more adventurous too. Graham was a different story. He was married, and...

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It happens when both people are ready for it, even if one doesn't yet know it, but some luck is involved as well. She had worked in the department less than six months, cultivating a - correct - impression of being organized and motivated. Their relations were cordial but polite, and a bit formal. One afternoon when no students or other faculty were around, their talk had unexpectedly turned to pornography. "I really can't see how anyone could read it," she had said. Marie, the obsessive...

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Mrs Robinson aka Mrs Simpson

Chapter 2 – Mr S opens upOh Bill that was wonderful she sighed … please don’t stop she pleaded … I’m nearly there again. I wasn’t thinking about stopping but it was great to hear I was hitting the spot. I wanted full access to her nether region so I yanked her panties down to her knees and she obligingly lifted one leg, reached back and slipped one foot out leaving her knickers dangling from her other ankle. I took a quick time out to bend down and bury my nose in the soaked gusset … boy was...

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Anal sex fisting and degradation Part 4

I must have fallen asleep on the couch because I woke up in Andy’s bed. It was still dark outside, but I heard him breathing right next to me. I slipped over and snuggled against him. We were both naked and I felt the warmth of his body. When I woke up again, Andy was lying on his side, watching me. He smiled and his hand gently touched my belly. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. We kissed for more than an hour, sometimes I was on top, sometimes he was. I rubbed his penis with my...

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As you,re aware from my previous posts I,m the only one in my marriage who still has strong sexual desires as my poor wife isn,t able to even give me hand relief any more due to ill health. Sadly I have to surf the net for pictures and videos to satisfy my desires and “choking the chicken” is never a substitute for fucking a juicy cunt or tight ass hole or my tongue slurping at a tastey cunt it,s still better than not being able to even think about sex. My memory is still pretty good and I hope...

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Hot Bhabhi Colleague8217s Wife Seduced Me

Hello everyone, this is Nik. This is my first story submission here – and is a true story. I am by all means an average guy working in an MNC. For a long time, I had kept this incident a secret but I feel that this forum is a good one to express myself and learn about other experiences. I am not really looking for any adventures here. Lol.  I am just taking time to share something which I kept secret for some time. Do let me know your, please. My email id is give at the end of the story. I am...

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Pushed a Little Too Far

Monday night is my favorite night of the week. That’s because Monday is game day. Every Monday from seven to eleven our club meets in the ballroom in the rec center to play board games, card games, night games or even console games. I’m game master of the club, and own forty-six of the seventy plus board games we play and know how to play almost all of them. My roommate, roommate to be, and friends all come play with us, and our club has been nominated for club of the year on campus. We usually...

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