Devlin's StoryChapter 5A free porn video

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Devlin peeled one eye open and looked across the pillow at her window. She could hear her mother downstairs. Through the partially opened window she could hear kids playing outside. She sighed. She knew it was Saturday, and right now she wanted no part of it. She felt tired, bone weary tired, the kind of tired where you sprawl back in bed and don't move for several hours. And she'd promised to go shopping with her mother.

She reached for the covers and discovered she had pushed them off during the night. She felt around. Her long nightgown was twisted up around her waist, and she was bare to the world. "So what else is new?" she muttered to herself. Ignoring it, she swung her legs out of bed and sat on the edge, trying to clear her thoughts. Her mouth tasted like something had died in it. She tried to remember--oh, yeah, she'd licked Tim's cock dry after he'd cum. That would explain the taste. She should have rinsed her mouth out when she'd gotten home, but she'd been so tired she'd gone straight to bed.

That reminded her--she stripped off her nightgown and stood in front of the mirror, examining herself carefully. No, no bite marks on her breasts. And none on her thighs, either. One Saturday morning the year before she'd found little bite marks on her thighs. Until they'd gone away she'd had to stay away from shorts and swimming suits. That had taken some explaining. She still wasn't sure her mother had bought the explanation.

She gave herself the once over one more time. Her hair looked like a rats nest, going in all directions and tangled in on itself. Her sloping shoulders--whatever she bought today was going to be with shoulderpads. Her breasts--which continued to grow... She got out her cloth tape and measured again. 29" around the ribs, 38 1/2", maybe 39" over the fullest part of the breast. Damn, D cup for sure, and probably more. She studied one of her boobs--was it a trick of the light that it seemed a little fuller? She shook her head. DD cup here I come, she thought. Wonderful. Manufacturers charged an extra $5 for that extra D. She measured her waist: 23 1/2", she'd lost a little there. Her hips: 34". Size Small panties might actually hang on her. She wondered if she was getting too skinny. Her hip bones didn't stand out, but when she saw the doctor next week she should probably bring that up. But the overall effect--she definitely had an hourglass figure. And finding clothes she could wear was going to be a problem.

She looked at the dark little patch covering her sex. How would she look with it shaved off? She tried to remember what she looked like when she was 10. She tried to superimpose that on her reflection, but it didn't work. Then she had an idea. She went rummaging through her closet until she found her Polaroid camera. She still had four shots left in it. Sabrina had a home computer with an art program on it. She could scan the picture and then erase her pubic hair and see what it looked like. She took the picture, then took another with her legs a little apart. She'd save the other two pictures for Sabrina if she wanted to try this, too.

She spent a few minutes trying on bras, trying to see if there was one that fit without really digging at her. Jeff had made the point that her favorite one was leaving marks on her, and if a guy was noticing something like that it had to be pretty bad. She had her sports bra and a dozen regular ones--of those, two fit. The rest were so tight her breasts bulged over the cups, or cut into her hard enough to pinch. How had she gotten by with these? She looked at the dresser drawer and realized she'd been wearing these two for most of the last month. She sighed. It was definitely time to go shopping.

She tried on her sports bra. It fit, but it felt like it was squeezing her to death. She couldn't really draw a deep breath. She took it off and dropped it with the others. She had a tube top she sometimes wore when she was exercising. She pulled that on. It fit better than the rest, it should, she'd bought it only a month before. She hadn't realized how much support it gave her. If a tube top gave her more lift and support than something designed for the job it was past time to go shopping

She took her place in front of the mirror, her hand resting on the bar her mother had installed for her when she was 8. She hadn't had a dance class in nearly three years, but she had never given up the ritual of morning exercise. She stretched, she twisted, she jumped, she kicked. All the while she could hear her dance instructor, "Higher, Devlin. Think Longer. Point your toes. Reach, girl, Reach!"

Afterwards she took a quick shower to wash off the sweat, then skinned into the rest of her clothes, fought her hair into some semblance of order, and headed downstairs. Her mother was making breakfast, and right now it smelled marvelous. Her stomach rumbled sympathetically. She laughed at its low growl.

"Somebody's in a good mood this morning," her mother said.

"Just feeling good," Devlin said. And she did feel good. She always slept well after a lot of sex, and the night before had been no exception. "What's the plan for today?"

"There's a discount mall that just opened up in Cedar Point. It's mostly outlet stores, so we might be able to find some real bargains."

Devlin looked at the food on the stove and set the table. "I was looking through my clothes a few minutes ago," she said as she worked. "And, yeah, I need some new things."

"Well, as soon as we finish eating we'll go," her mother said. She filled their plates with scrambled eggs. "They open at 10, and if we get there early we might be able to beat the crowds."

They pulled into the nearly empty parking lot at the discount mall just before 10. Her mother sighed happily. "Where to first? I need a couple of blouses, a black skirt, and a new pair of slacks. What did you say you needed?"

"A couple of outfits," Devlin said, "a couple of skirts and sweaters I can mix and match, and some new bras."

"You've been growing again," her mother said with a glance at her chest. "We'll get the other things first and then we can take our time with the lingerie."

Three hours later Devlin stood in front of a mirror and turned, looking critically at the skirt she was trying on. It was black, short and tight. She had already picked one skirt that was calf-length, one that came to just above the knee and a blue jumper that came down to her knees. This would give her a short one. With two sweaters and a pair of slacks she was about done here.

"Not bad," her mother said from behind her.

"It goes with that white turtleneck sweater I bought a little while ago."

Her mother nodded and looked at the price tag. "How much do you have left?"

"About $30 or $40 in my wallet," Devlin said.

"Your bras usually cost twice as much as mine," her mother said. "I think you'll only be able to get two of them."

"That'll give me four," Devlin said. "They'll just have to last for a while."

"If you stop growing."

Devlin spread her hands. "Hey, don't look at me, I don't seem to have any say in the matter."

Her mother looked down at her own much smaller chest. "Apparently neither do I. Hurry up and get changed, I'll be waiting for you at the cash register."

When they walked into the lingerie shop Devlin got her first shock of the day. Standing behind the counter was Emma. At first the woman didn't see her as she was helping another woman. But when she turned at the tinkling of the bell, she stopped with a start. Her face quickly smoothed out.

"May I help you?"

"We wanted to look at some bras," her mother said. "I need one, and my daughter needs a couple."

"Certainly," Emma said. She did a quick judge by eye. "You might be interested in these," she said, leading her mother to a display along one wall. "All Bali and Olga bras are on sale today and the newest styles might be what you're after." She eyed Devlin. "For you we can do custom-made bras, but they take longer and cost more."

"I hope we don't have to go that far," her mother said. "I can usually find something to fit me in just a couple of minutes. But I think my daughter will need some help, she's been growing quite a bit this last year."

"Certainly," Emma said. She looked at Devlin when they moved away. "That's your mother?" Devlin nodded. Emma stood there in silence looking at her. "Just how old are you?" she asked finally.

Devlin had known this was going to happen the moment she'd seen Emma, and she couldn't think of any way around it. This could be the end of her worries about swinging--and Danny. "I'll be 18 next Wednesday."

"You're 17?" Emma seemed stunned. "But I thought... I understood... Didn't you tell me you were older?"

Devlin shook her head. "I never told you how old I was. Danny may have lied, but I never did. Nobody ever asked me how old I was. Ever."

Emma thought about that in silence. "You've been coming to my parties since you were... since you were, what, 15?"

Devlin looked at the floor and nodded. "I was 15 the first time I came to your parties."

"But you seemed older," Emma said. "You had to be."

"I wasn't."

Emma stared at the wall for nearly a minute. "I'm going to have to think about this," she said at last. "I--I'm not comfortable with the thought of a 15 year old swinger. There's-I don't know, there's something that's just not right about it."

"Well I'm not 15 any more," Devlin said.

"That isn't the point."

"If you mean what am I going to be like years from now?" Devlin asked. "I don't know. I've thought about that. The legal stuff?" She nodded her head. "There are some legal things that could be a problem, if they got out. But not after I turn 18, of course. Then I'm legal. If you mean questions about Danny, well, I thought them through. From a legal viewpoint..." She shrugged. "Well, I went in to it knowing exactly what was going on. Nobody pressured me, I knew exactly what was happening, and I made most of the decisions."

"But... 15."

Devlin glanced over her shoulder at her mother, who had selected one bra and was considering another. "I'm nearly 18, now. She doesn't know, and I'd like to keep it that way. And right now I need a new bra." She paused. "Can we talk about this later?"

Emma shook her head slightly. "Okay," she agreed. "Later." She touched Devlin's shoulder, turning her slightly. "Have you measured yourself lately?"

"This morning."


"I'm 29" just under the bust, and 38 1/2" or 39" across the fullest part."

"Well, we'll measure again anyway," Emma said. She got her cloth tape measure out of the drawer. "Arms up, please." She measured the teenager. "I think you had it pretty close. At the very least you need a D cup, and you have a small back." She smiled. "I would recommend a DD cup. I only have a few in stock, especially in your size. Your small back makes you really hard to fit."

"I'm afraid I'm still growing, too," Devlin added.

"I've got some over here that might work," Emma said as she walked towards a display on the back wall.

Devlin looked at them, finally selecting three to try on. "I'll let you know," she said.

"Find anything?" her mother asked, coming over.

"These, so far," Devlin said. "I'm going to try them on."

Her mother nodded. "I'm going to run down the mall to that store that had dinnerware," she said. "There was something there I want to get. I'll be back in a bit."

"I'll probably still be here trying things on," Devlin said.

She overflowed the first bra and the second one sagged a bit. The third just hung on her without giving her any support. Emma brought a rack full of bras back and placed it just outside the dressing room. "This way you don't have to keep walking back and forth."

Finally, after an hour, Devlin had found one that fit and seemed to leave a little room for growth, and one that felt comfortable and supported her. She pushed the rack back out into the main part of the store.

"That's it?" Emma asked.

"These are the only ones that fit," Devlin said.

Emma pursed her lips. "Tell you what," she said. "I've got something in back that might work for you."


"It's something new. It was designed for those women who can't find any bras in the standard sizes."

"Like me."

"Like you." She rubbed her chin. "I've never actually used it, but I've seen the training video and I've taken a class on how to use it."

"What is it?" Devlin was intrigued. "A bra fitting machine?"

"More or less. It uses lasers, and a computer. It measures you, then translates it into instructions for a sewing machine to make you a custom bra. We can give it a try."

"How long does it take?"

"The measuring and so on takes about 10 minutes. It takes a few days for the bra to arrive after I send everything in. And it costs $25."

"It's not going to give me some dorky looking bra, is it? You know, an iron maiden bra?"

Emma unlocked a drawer and pulled out a binder. "Here are the styles that are available," she said. "Look through it, see what you think, and we can try it if you want." She glanced at a woman who'd just entered the store. "I'll take care of her and be back in a few minutes.

Devlin made herself comfortable and started reading. The binder showed the entire process, starting with a woman with an ill-fitting bra. It showed her as the machine measured her breasts and body. It had pictures of styles, colors, and samples of fabrics. And it showed the same woman with the machine made bra. She smiled at a point repeated over and over: no pictures were actually taken. Instead the measurements were translated into computer code. That didn't bother her, but it would reassure a lot of women.

By the time Emma got back to her she had made up her mind. "I'll try it," she said. "I assume that if it fits I can get more."

"That's the whole idea," Emma said. "The original idea was from a company that makes personalized bathing suits. They just extended their idea into lingerie."

Devlin spent a few minutes standing in front of a camera lens. In a monitor she could see the upper half of her body covered with a fine grid of lines drawn in red. At the instructions of the computer she lifted her arms, turned, stretched, leaned over, and so on. When it was finally done she used a touch screen to answer a series of questions on fabric, cup style, strap size, and so on. Finally the computer printed out a small sheet of paper covered with a list of numbers and a small square of some grayish tint.

"That's it?" she asked when she showed it to Emma.

"That's it," Emma said. "I can translate the numbers, but the computer uses this gray rectangle. Apparently all the information is contained in it."

Devlin was impressed. "So what happens now?"

"Well, the computer has already dialed the main computer and logged your order and measurements. You keep this as a reference and bring it in if you want to order any more."

"And I'll get to try them on before I buy?"

"Always," Emma said. "But I think you'll be happy with the result." When Devlin opened her purse, she added, "You pay for it when it gets here, you don't have to pay for it now."

"That's fine by me," Devlin nodded. "I'm going to need a sports bra, too. The one I have now is worn out." She rolled her eyes. "I can't imagine how that happened."

"I've got a few," Emma said with a smile. She looked around the store, pursing her lips. "Maybe you should try a sporting goods store, though."

"I did last week," Devlin said. "Most of their stock didn't fit, and the ones that did felt like they were squeezing me till I couldn't breathe. They don't make them for gals my size."

Emma browsed through her rack, finally selecting two. "I think either of these might work for you."

Devlin came back from the dressing room a minute later. "This one," she said, holding one up. "The other doesn't support me."

Emma nodded. "It happens. Anything else?"

Devlin glanced around the store. "Yeah, just a minute." She selected two sets of plain panties, and one really sexy one. She looked through the stockings, finally choosing three pair. "That'll do it, I think."

Emma rang up the purchases. "$86.83 with tax."

Devlin handed Emma her debit card. "There are times, like now, when I wish I was smaller. There's a girl who sits next to me in English who can spend $40 and buy four bras and two sets of panties."

Emma smiled. "But small ones are not as much fun as big ones," she said quietly. "It's like a kid in a candy store. I still don't know what to think about your age," she went on. "I'm going to have to talk this one over with Tim. It bothers me. I've always thought you were an adult, which means you were old enough to make your own decisions. But this is a shock."

"Now you know why I never went in the video room," Devlin said.

"Huh. That's right. I never saw you in there."

"Old enough to do it, not old enough to watch others doing it on television." She scowled. "It's a funny world."

"It is," Emma said. "But Tim and I will talk this over."

"You'll have to tell Danny," Devlin said. "I won't."

"That's fair," Emma said. Then she got a better look at the teenager's face. "Is there something wrong?"

"No... well..." Her voice trailed off. "Maybe I'm just a little tired of what's going on," she said. "I mean, I have sex with Danny every day, Emma, every day, right after my Mom leaves for work. If I have a date, I come home from it and Danny and I have sex. It's fun, he's a great guy to screw, but, well, I mean it's every single day. I love sex, but sometimes it's... well, it's a chore."

"I didn't realize you two were together every day," Emma said. "And here I thought I had a busy sex life with two parties a month. I guess we learn something every day."

"And you know what's worse?" Devlin went on. "The night I had my first date with Jeff, we went to a dance, I was upstairs in bed with Danny when Jeff showed up. And there I am, out on the dance floor with Jeff, and I can feel Danny's cum on my legs. And some nights I don't get a chance to get any homework done, I'm rolling around naked on the bed with Danny."

"Sometimes you just have to say no," Emma said.

"I want to, and I don't want to," Devlin said. "I mean I like having sex with him. I like sex anyway, I like the way it makes me feel, I like the closeness, the intimacy, everything. Call me weird, but I do."

Emma smiled. "I know what you mean," she said softly, "and I like sex, too, otherwise I wouldn't be throwing those parties. It's a shame most women are taught to not like sex." She thought a moment. "To get back to Danny, does he have sex with his wife?"

"Quite a bit," Devlin said. "When he came back from his trip he had sex with her twice in the morning, then had sex with me in the evening. I thought I was over-sexed, but he has it bad." The bell at the door tinkled. She looked up to see her mother walking in. "We'll have to continue this some other time."

Emma nodded. "I may call you," she said. "I think you just need someone to talk to. You've been holding this in too long."

"Holding what in too long?" Devlin's mother asked.

"Her chest," Emma said. "I think she found something that fits, but we're special ordering a couple of bras for her."

Her mother smiled. "Seems like just yesterday she was 10 years old."

"They grow up fast," Emma said. "Especially at her age. It seems like just yesterday my daughter was making mud pies, and now she's a senior in high school."

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Friday Toby "Hey kids, time to get up", Angie's mom said. Somehow, the sheet had slipped off of me, and she could see that we were both naked; that didn't seem to bother her. "OK, I'm awake; thanks", I said. "Angie, sweetie, time to wake up." "Mmmmm, I don't wanna get up; I wanna stay just like this, forever", she said. "Unh, unh; come on, we've got to get up for our last day streaking through the halls of Richwood High", I said. "OK, OK!" she said. "Party pooper". We got...

2 years ago
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A Wilderness OrdealIntroduction

Alaska is a popular destination for vacationers. Tourists, hunters, fishermen, backpackers, white water enthusiasts, and other eco-tourists visit the 49th state every year. North of Anchorage, the largest city, and to the north and west of Fairbanks, lie vast areas that are mostly unexplored and uninhabited by man. It is a harsh unforgiving land far from the comforts of civilized life we have evolved into. It is beautiful country, and a well-educated outdoorsman can do well there. By doing...

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Madison and the Horse

The next morning came late to Madison. She awoke to find her parents gone and a list of things to do every day while she was gone. She got her clothes on and quickly finished her chores. She believed she disserved some free time so she went to ride her horse. Madison's horse was named Shadow because he was mostly black except for a white patch on his nose. As she came to the stable she suddenly became wet. She ignored the thought and continued onward. As she came to Shadows stable she found...

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Mistresss Little Daniel

Daniel sits on his knees by Mistress's chair waiting patiently for her to get home. She hasn't graced him with her presence in a week. He hears her combat boots hitting the pavement outside the front door. He tenses slightly, remembering what happened during their last session. Mistress walks through the front door, happy to see her little boy exactly where she wants him. She smiles and hangs her coat by the door. Looking at him, with his big blue eyes and sandy blonde hair, she speaks to him....

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When Your Hormones Go Crazy Part 5

My step-daughter's friends would often spend the night. They'd end up sitting in the living room, eating junk food, hanging out, and at some point and time, it seemed, every time their conversations would turn to sex.I know most people would consider it creepy, being my age, and hanging out in a house full of sixteen and seventeen year old girls, but I personally didn't give a shit. I loved hearing the way these girls talked, I always got turned on listening to their dirty conversations, and...

4 months ago
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Naughty at Saba U 4

I got a text from my sister Julie saying and it was genuine….. saying that she missed me and that she loved me. She wanted to make love to me……. I got a text from my sister Julie saying and it was genuine….. saying that she missed me and that she loved me. She wanted to make love to mE the usual way. Kinky. I was wondering if the the affair with Trey was to break us up. But it was working. when I went to where Trey was living he said he haven't seen Julie. So i text her about her...

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My name is Rick and this is chapter 2 of my story. If you haven’t read Chapter 1 I suggest you do so, as this will explain how I got to this point.Yesterday morning I was a normal, horny 15 year old teenager, and spent most of my “private-time” beating my meat over internet porn. However my life changed for the better at breakfast, when my Mom nervously told me she wanted to become my cum-bucket, and was willing to let me fuck her any way and any time I wanted! For the first time I got to fuck...

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Povestea Angelei

Am cunoscut-o pe Angela acum doua luni cand mi-am programat o sedinta de masaj la salonul ei din capitala. M-am lipit de ea si, pana sa-mi vina randul, ne-am imprietenit la toarta. Angela e o fata de o frumusete divina, iar povestea ei este de-a dreptul impresionanta. Dupa multe ezitari si-a dat acordul s-o scriu eu si s-o public pe site-ul asta. Lectura placuta!…………………………. Totul a inceput cu sase ani in urma; aveam 19 ani si eram o fata simpla de la tara, o moldoveanca cu parul auriu ca spicul...

1 year ago
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The boys fun

Daniel was a young man of 18, he was small for his age, rather skinny with boyish curly hair, he was slightly pale and had a tone body, he lacked in body hair unlike most of the kids his age and had a profoundly immature sense in his look, and personality. Owen, despite being Daniel’s younger friend was taller, average weight, with flat, straight spiralling hair. Daniel and Owen had opted to share a colledge room, but already, problems were occurring. “What the hell is this Daniel?” barked Owen...

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My Boyfriends Submissive Brother

"Dominant mistress seeking submissive slave to dominate and train over text." Or something of that nature... I had posted it online, in a 'personals' section of a sexual website. I also posted my number, and got many replies. Being picky, I only used one or two until him. Adam. I got a text almost a month after I had posted the ad. I was laying in bed, exhausted from a day of heavy housework. I had planned on a shower, but as soon as I was undressed, I received the...

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Frans toy box

As I was helping Fran move into her new house, I discovered that one of the boxes I was loading into my truck was filled with sex toys. There were vibrators, dildos, and anal toys as well. I stashed the box away for later examination. I finished moving her Saturday evening. The rest of the week I thought about how to get to know Fran a little better. Early the next Saturday morning I drove over to Fran's house. The sun was just coming up and the neighborhood was quiet. I called Fran from my...

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not sexual yet but what u need to know about my pa

Here's my story and I'll try to go slower and paint a picture on me and my life from then till now. I grew up in a town not to far from me now we lived like we had nothing but we never went without, my father who I don't always agree with but I do RESPECT him because of what he's done and gone through for his family and other. I wanted to be like him one and told him that and his question to me was to "what does the word family mean to you" I said easy, you, me , anybody related etc etc. he...

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Jennys Awaking to SexChapter 11

I figured now that we had a week left before school started, I wanted to keep Jenny in my dreams and masturbation fantasies for when we wouldn’t be together as much. You know to use for masturbation. I felt it was time to ask her if she would pose for me. At first Jenny hesitated about doing it but I talked her into it. I promised her I would give her some photos of my cock in different stages of hardness, from completely deflated to hard to harder to hard as it gets and then one of my dick...

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The Frustration of losing virginity

During my senior year in high school, I took an advanced computer class sponsored by several corporations to encourage students to learn programming. The purpose of the class was for small teams to present an origin mathematical / scientific project at an end-of-year competition. My team had four people: myself the token senior and three juniors, a couple who I’ll call Brett and June, and finally Alicia. Brett and June wore a guise of a typical high school couple. Brett, an average athlete...

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Brians Adventures Ch 16

Tightening The Noose On the march back to Greatfoot I could tell that most of the troops were happy to be on their way to a hot meal and a soft bed. Some felt as Chezeleste did, that they were leaving unfinished business behind them and regretted leaving under such circumstances. Others simply didn’t care one way or the other, to them this was simply another order to follow, another place to march to. But mostly it was a quiet march with a bunch of tired and weary guards that could definitely...

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Sounds of LoveChapter 1

Larry stopped dribbling the ball and looked up at the truck that rolled down the street. "Looks like the Wilson's house finally sold. Maybe there will be some decent folks instead of the two old busybodies." I glanced in the direction that he had indicated. I had to agree with him. The Wilsons had been an elderly couple who had been the bane of every child's existence in the cul-de-sac for years. They would watch us like hawks and report any infraction to our parents. When we were...

2 years ago
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A Gift From Bhabhi

Hi sex lovers….This is abhay….Its my first story on iss and its real incedent which happen when i am pursuing my 12th. Ye meri pahli chudai thi…Ise pahle me vargin tha….Or ye meri lyf ki best chudai he…. Or plz mail ur feedback on my mail id or grls also contact me…. Me ek normal physics wla 21 yr ka ldka hu…. Or mere lund ka size 8 inch lumba he….Jo kisi bhi aurat ko satisfy hi nhi pagal kr skta he….. Ye ghatna us waqt ki he jb me 12th me tha to mujhe meri zindagi ka sabse hasin pal jine ko...

4 years ago
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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 20

Despite the girls' efforts not to wake him, Thule was up shortly after nine. He'd woken up earlier, but a quick glance at the other bed coupled with the sounds of muffled giggles and other, more guttural sounds convinced him that getting up at that point would either force him into an awkward rejection or make them take even longer than it already was to get out of the city. In spite of that, he still nearly got up anyway. It clearly didn't fit into his plans, but he was still male and...

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Good Boy Makes Good

After my first date with hot Daddy Mike, I knew I wanted him to fuck me with his thick cock, which was weird because the only other time I had been fucked, it was not a pleasant experience and one I tried hard to forget. (Let’s just say it wasn’t my idea.) But all I could think about was how much I wanted that cock inside me, even if that idea scared me to the very core. I started out playing with my butthole in the shower, slowly learning to ease a finger inside. It was awkward at first but I...

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My first time when I pleased a Dominant man and go

To share with you all my first time. :)Already since I was a k** I had a fascination for penises. Watching my classmates in gym class or playing games. Real honest curiosity. Later came a certain shame, I come from quite a religious family and there was not a lot of room for free sexuality. Sexuality was something for that certain person you are going to marry. This got me always really afraid. I also turned more inward in puberty and became quite shy, having lots of hidden fantasies. I would...

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White DelightsChapter 7 Fun And Games

The Emir's bedroom in the Embassy was sumptuous, to say the least. When his visit had been announced the Ambassador had had it redecorated in the ornate gilded style of Louis XV and accurate reproduction furniture had been fitted, but with modern amendments tastefully done. Thus the controls for the room's lights, air-conditioning, electrically operated curtains on the windows and on the four-poster bed itself, were under the pillows in the centre of the bed head. The bed itself had...

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Tales of Corruption

In every story, in every setting, in every realm there is good. Heroes, mighty warriors of justice, arbiters of justice, or just those that make sure the papers are filed on time. And standing against them are the forces of evil, darkness, shadow, or just a difference in opinion. Rarely do these two forces cross the line from one to the other. And yet, there are always forces beyond just them, forces of a more... alluring nature. Some of these turn heroes into ditzy bimbos, others warp...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Wife Ko Full Maje Karwae

Mera naam rahul hai mere age 25 hai or dikne mai accha hu par mere phyc se girls impress jaldi hoti hai mere height 6 ft hai or muscular body hai or mere land ka size to mai tabhi batauga jab koi sex kare. Ye bat garmi ki hai mai apne kam se means business tours par kabhi kabhi Mumbai jata aata hu.par is bar ka tour sabse yadgar dosto hua u ki mere town se dirct Mumbai ki train nahi thi to mai pas k shahar se train mai jata tha.par ek dikkat thi Mumbai se aane mai wo train raat 11 bje...

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Jerryrsquos World ndash Getting to Know Sophie

I needed a rest so was hoping that Sophie would turn up too early, Bev was staying with her friend so I had the flat to myself again, I decided to take a long cool shower to freshen up and putting on a clean pair of silky boxers I popped a pill and grabbed a beer. I have a small patio at the back of the flat which is quite secluded apart from upstairs which is currently empty so I grabbed a couple of reclining sun chairs and set myself up to catch some sun, I even text Sophie to tell her to...

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How to have a great bi time

Mono pulled Dalton into the office. They had been fooling around together for months but being his supervisor, they always kept it secret at work. Mono was the bi one and Dalton, although a hetro virgin, always claimed to be the same. He pulled him in after the store was shut and they were locking up for the night. “I got a surprise for you” Mono locked the door behind them. And there perched on the swinging chair sat Mary. Mary was a local girl studying at the local university Mono had tapped...

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Honey BareChapter 3

Sarah's eyes had darkened, taking on the shade of emeralds. There was a fresh bloom of color in her cheeks; and I could feel the surge of her shoulders as she began to breathe heavily. I moved the zipper until it hit the end of the track. "It's been so long," she said in a very small voice. "Do you believe that?" "I want to believe it." I was doing a deep-knee bend, my hands grasping the sodden hem of her knit dress; raising myself up again and pulling the dress...

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Adam and the Ants The BeginningChapter 5 The Birthday Party

They say it's your birthday It's my birthday too, yeah They say it's your birthday We're gonna have a good time I'm glad it's your birthday Happy birthday to you —The Beatles, "Birthday" (used without permission) The rest of June seemed to last forever. With few exceptions, each day was a repeat of the last. The gang stopped by once or twice each week, but only on their way to other places. Sometimes they were going fishing, sometimes to the mall, but usually they were going to...

1 year ago
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Its All About Faith Pt 10

by Phillip Johnson Chapter One Hundred Sixty Buck found Kali still dressed and half lying on the couch. He went over to her and sat her up, dropped onto the couch and then brought her back across his lap. ‘You okay, hon,’ he asked? ‘I’m okay. I just wanted to be in here where it’s warm and comfortable. How are you doing, Buck? You have an awful lot on your mind right now.’ ‘Yeah I have. Damn, I hope I did the right thing.’ ‘I really believe you did. If I was your wife and you came to me...

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My Best Friend Punima 8211 Part 1

Hello ever one this is my first time submitting a story in Indian sex stories. Every human life has its own good and bad days and I was not excluded from it. My name is Amit. I am an engineering student studying in Russia. This story took place when I was 20 year old and had just come back to my home (West Bengal) after many years. I stay alone in my home since my parents are working in USA. So basically this whole holiday I will stay alone. Being in an age where I just crossed my teen this so...

2 years ago
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The HealerChapter 50

The next couple of work periods were spent preparing for our transit back to the Empire. Travelling with the Fleets were Amanda, Aramissa, Taisha, Tillan, my Mum and Dayyev, though they were all travelling on the Fury, the flagship of the 6th Fleet, not in stasis on the Spitfire, like me. Also travelling back was Gramps Tivey on the Assault Carrier Felthorn. As ever, Torun tried to get out of going into stasis though to no avail, even Flinn intended travelling back that way, handing over her...

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Wifes Birthday Surprise

It was my birthday. I had just gotten out of the shower and was standing naked in front of the full length mirror. Looking at all the ways my body had changed in the last few years, it was obvious I was getting older. My youthfulness was disappearing and middle age was setting in. My boobs were still the 36DD they had been for years but they were starting to sag a little. My ass was still round but that too wasn't as perky. Oh well. Nothing I can do about that, I thought to myself as I pulled...

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Wife Redeems XMAS Coupon Creampie

In addition to the normal Christmas gifts my wife and I exchanged I also made some coupons that she could redeem for oral sex. I took my time and made four professional looking gifts certificates on my computer and put them under the tree for Christmas morning.Now oral sex is something I am willing to do, and that I love doing. But I thought that the coupons that she could use at any time or place she wanted might lead to the act taking place at an unusual time or place, or would add some...

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Naughty Innocence

Kaitlynn smiled mischeviously as she slipped into her black lace panties. Turning around and pulling down her lacy black mini skirt, which matched her pink corsette top that had a black lace design on the edges. Kaitlynn was a petite girl with long honey brown hair that was curled, beautiful hazel eyes, a clear complexion, and last but definitely not least, a perfect rack and backside. She measured about 36D but her top made her look as though nothing could contain her breasts which were...

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My Niece Jehna and her friend Ashley

This story is about my niece Jehna and one of her friends Ashley they are both 18 it came about when I was visiting my sisterr while I was looking for work and I had to stay with my sister as I lived in GA and she lived in FL. My sister had just moved into a 1 bedroom apt and it was fine with me on the sofa and the arrangement was working until her daughter Jehna who just turned 18 5’7 about 120lbs and nice 36c breasts broke up with her boyfriend and needed a place to stay so she also moved in...

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Banging A Hot lady 8211 Part 01

Hello Everyone, I’m Vicky. Well to talk about me a little bit. I’m 24 and a Freelancer. My email ID is . And I like traveling. My ultimate goal is to land in Miami for a month. This was one of the incidents that had happened to me when I was traveling to Goa. Goa is one of my favorite relaxing spots whenever I fed up with the daily activities. And It was one of the best incidents that had happened in my trips. I met this beautiful aunty where she had come on the trip alone. Her name is Niha...

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Why there are safety procedures when working with other lifeforms

It was in the depts of the hostile sea that covers planet SG-58231 that it was found. Though found is not the right word to describe what happened. Agnes was there, the one, lucky intern in Nasa’s most coveted crew, the crew that gets to plant an American flag in new worlds, unveils environments never before seen or touched by humans, plans and executes the initial research necessary before anything found is deemed safe enough to be shipped back to Earth for further examination. They entered...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 9

Deedee and I had surprises for each other Tuesday morning. I walked up to her locker just before classes started and handed her a freshly pressed gray jersey. She eagerly took it and opened her locker to hand me my white jersey. I made a show of pressing it to my nose. “How does it still smell like you?” “A girl has to have her secrets,” Deedee giggled, tapped my chin dimple and gave me a peck on the cheek before spinning off to the girl’s room to change into my jersey. “Get a room!” Mike...

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