Devlin's StoryChapter 5A free porn video

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Devlin peeled one eye open and looked across the pillow at her window. She could hear her mother downstairs. Through the partially opened window she could hear kids playing outside. She sighed. She knew it was Saturday, and right now she wanted no part of it. She felt tired, bone weary tired, the kind of tired where you sprawl back in bed and don't move for several hours. And she'd promised to go shopping with her mother.

She reached for the covers and discovered she had pushed them off during the night. She felt around. Her long nightgown was twisted up around her waist, and she was bare to the world. "So what else is new?" she muttered to herself. Ignoring it, she swung her legs out of bed and sat on the edge, trying to clear her thoughts. Her mouth tasted like something had died in it. She tried to remember--oh, yeah, she'd licked Tim's cock dry after he'd cum. That would explain the taste. She should have rinsed her mouth out when she'd gotten home, but she'd been so tired she'd gone straight to bed.

That reminded her--she stripped off her nightgown and stood in front of the mirror, examining herself carefully. No, no bite marks on her breasts. And none on her thighs, either. One Saturday morning the year before she'd found little bite marks on her thighs. Until they'd gone away she'd had to stay away from shorts and swimming suits. That had taken some explaining. She still wasn't sure her mother had bought the explanation.

She gave herself the once over one more time. Her hair looked like a rats nest, going in all directions and tangled in on itself. Her sloping shoulders--whatever she bought today was going to be with shoulderpads. Her breasts--which continued to grow... She got out her cloth tape and measured again. 29" around the ribs, 38 1/2", maybe 39" over the fullest part of the breast. Damn, D cup for sure, and probably more. She studied one of her boobs--was it a trick of the light that it seemed a little fuller? She shook her head. DD cup here I come, she thought. Wonderful. Manufacturers charged an extra $5 for that extra D. She measured her waist: 23 1/2", she'd lost a little there. Her hips: 34". Size Small panties might actually hang on her. She wondered if she was getting too skinny. Her hip bones didn't stand out, but when she saw the doctor next week she should probably bring that up. But the overall effect--she definitely had an hourglass figure. And finding clothes she could wear was going to be a problem.

She looked at the dark little patch covering her sex. How would she look with it shaved off? She tried to remember what she looked like when she was 10. She tried to superimpose that on her reflection, but it didn't work. Then she had an idea. She went rummaging through her closet until she found her Polaroid camera. She still had four shots left in it. Sabrina had a home computer with an art program on it. She could scan the picture and then erase her pubic hair and see what it looked like. She took the picture, then took another with her legs a little apart. She'd save the other two pictures for Sabrina if she wanted to try this, too.

She spent a few minutes trying on bras, trying to see if there was one that fit without really digging at her. Jeff had made the point that her favorite one was leaving marks on her, and if a guy was noticing something like that it had to be pretty bad. She had her sports bra and a dozen regular ones--of those, two fit. The rest were so tight her breasts bulged over the cups, or cut into her hard enough to pinch. How had she gotten by with these? She looked at the dresser drawer and realized she'd been wearing these two for most of the last month. She sighed. It was definitely time to go shopping.

She tried on her sports bra. It fit, but it felt like it was squeezing her to death. She couldn't really draw a deep breath. She took it off and dropped it with the others. She had a tube top she sometimes wore when she was exercising. She pulled that on. It fit better than the rest, it should, she'd bought it only a month before. She hadn't realized how much support it gave her. If a tube top gave her more lift and support than something designed for the job it was past time to go shopping

She took her place in front of the mirror, her hand resting on the bar her mother had installed for her when she was 8. She hadn't had a dance class in nearly three years, but she had never given up the ritual of morning exercise. She stretched, she twisted, she jumped, she kicked. All the while she could hear her dance instructor, "Higher, Devlin. Think Longer. Point your toes. Reach, girl, Reach!"

Afterwards she took a quick shower to wash off the sweat, then skinned into the rest of her clothes, fought her hair into some semblance of order, and headed downstairs. Her mother was making breakfast, and right now it smelled marvelous. Her stomach rumbled sympathetically. She laughed at its low growl.

"Somebody's in a good mood this morning," her mother said.

"Just feeling good," Devlin said. And she did feel good. She always slept well after a lot of sex, and the night before had been no exception. "What's the plan for today?"

"There's a discount mall that just opened up in Cedar Point. It's mostly outlet stores, so we might be able to find some real bargains."

Devlin looked at the food on the stove and set the table. "I was looking through my clothes a few minutes ago," she said as she worked. "And, yeah, I need some new things."

"Well, as soon as we finish eating we'll go," her mother said. She filled their plates with scrambled eggs. "They open at 10, and if we get there early we might be able to beat the crowds."

They pulled into the nearly empty parking lot at the discount mall just before 10. Her mother sighed happily. "Where to first? I need a couple of blouses, a black skirt, and a new pair of slacks. What did you say you needed?"

"A couple of outfits," Devlin said, "a couple of skirts and sweaters I can mix and match, and some new bras."

"You've been growing again," her mother said with a glance at her chest. "We'll get the other things first and then we can take our time with the lingerie."

Three hours later Devlin stood in front of a mirror and turned, looking critically at the skirt she was trying on. It was black, short and tight. She had already picked one skirt that was calf-length, one that came to just above the knee and a blue jumper that came down to her knees. This would give her a short one. With two sweaters and a pair of slacks she was about done here.

"Not bad," her mother said from behind her.

"It goes with that white turtleneck sweater I bought a little while ago."

Her mother nodded and looked at the price tag. "How much do you have left?"

"About $30 or $40 in my wallet," Devlin said.

"Your bras usually cost twice as much as mine," her mother said. "I think you'll only be able to get two of them."

"That'll give me four," Devlin said. "They'll just have to last for a while."

"If you stop growing."

Devlin spread her hands. "Hey, don't look at me, I don't seem to have any say in the matter."

Her mother looked down at her own much smaller chest. "Apparently neither do I. Hurry up and get changed, I'll be waiting for you at the cash register."

When they walked into the lingerie shop Devlin got her first shock of the day. Standing behind the counter was Emma. At first the woman didn't see her as she was helping another woman. But when she turned at the tinkling of the bell, she stopped with a start. Her face quickly smoothed out.

"May I help you?"

"We wanted to look at some bras," her mother said. "I need one, and my daughter needs a couple."

"Certainly," Emma said. She did a quick judge by eye. "You might be interested in these," she said, leading her mother to a display along one wall. "All Bali and Olga bras are on sale today and the newest styles might be what you're after." She eyed Devlin. "For you we can do custom-made bras, but they take longer and cost more."

"I hope we don't have to go that far," her mother said. "I can usually find something to fit me in just a couple of minutes. But I think my daughter will need some help, she's been growing quite a bit this last year."

"Certainly," Emma said. She looked at Devlin when they moved away. "That's your mother?" Devlin nodded. Emma stood there in silence looking at her. "Just how old are you?" she asked finally.

Devlin had known this was going to happen the moment she'd seen Emma, and she couldn't think of any way around it. This could be the end of her worries about swinging--and Danny. "I'll be 18 next Wednesday."

"You're 17?" Emma seemed stunned. "But I thought... I understood... Didn't you tell me you were older?"

Devlin shook her head. "I never told you how old I was. Danny may have lied, but I never did. Nobody ever asked me how old I was. Ever."

Emma thought about that in silence. "You've been coming to my parties since you were... since you were, what, 15?"

Devlin looked at the floor and nodded. "I was 15 the first time I came to your parties."

"But you seemed older," Emma said. "You had to be."

"I wasn't."

Emma stared at the wall for nearly a minute. "I'm going to have to think about this," she said at last. "I--I'm not comfortable with the thought of a 15 year old swinger. There's-I don't know, there's something that's just not right about it."

"Well I'm not 15 any more," Devlin said.

"That isn't the point."

"If you mean what am I going to be like years from now?" Devlin asked. "I don't know. I've thought about that. The legal stuff?" She nodded her head. "There are some legal things that could be a problem, if they got out. But not after I turn 18, of course. Then I'm legal. If you mean questions about Danny, well, I thought them through. From a legal viewpoint..." She shrugged. "Well, I went in to it knowing exactly what was going on. Nobody pressured me, I knew exactly what was happening, and I made most of the decisions."

"But... 15."

Devlin glanced over her shoulder at her mother, who had selected one bra and was considering another. "I'm nearly 18, now. She doesn't know, and I'd like to keep it that way. And right now I need a new bra." She paused. "Can we talk about this later?"

Emma shook her head slightly. "Okay," she agreed. "Later." She touched Devlin's shoulder, turning her slightly. "Have you measured yourself lately?"

"This morning."


"I'm 29" just under the bust, and 38 1/2" or 39" across the fullest part."

"Well, we'll measure again anyway," Emma said. She got her cloth tape measure out of the drawer. "Arms up, please." She measured the teenager. "I think you had it pretty close. At the very least you need a D cup, and you have a small back." She smiled. "I would recommend a DD cup. I only have a few in stock, especially in your size. Your small back makes you really hard to fit."

"I'm afraid I'm still growing, too," Devlin added.

"I've got some over here that might work," Emma said as she walked towards a display on the back wall.

Devlin looked at them, finally selecting three to try on. "I'll let you know," she said.

"Find anything?" her mother asked, coming over.

"These, so far," Devlin said. "I'm going to try them on."

Her mother nodded. "I'm going to run down the mall to that store that had dinnerware," she said. "There was something there I want to get. I'll be back in a bit."

"I'll probably still be here trying things on," Devlin said.

She overflowed the first bra and the second one sagged a bit. The third just hung on her without giving her any support. Emma brought a rack full of bras back and placed it just outside the dressing room. "This way you don't have to keep walking back and forth."

Finally, after an hour, Devlin had found one that fit and seemed to leave a little room for growth, and one that felt comfortable and supported her. She pushed the rack back out into the main part of the store.

"That's it?" Emma asked.

"These are the only ones that fit," Devlin said.

Emma pursed her lips. "Tell you what," she said. "I've got something in back that might work for you."


"It's something new. It was designed for those women who can't find any bras in the standard sizes."

"Like me."

"Like you." She rubbed her chin. "I've never actually used it, but I've seen the training video and I've taken a class on how to use it."

"What is it?" Devlin was intrigued. "A bra fitting machine?"

"More or less. It uses lasers, and a computer. It measures you, then translates it into instructions for a sewing machine to make you a custom bra. We can give it a try."

"How long does it take?"

"The measuring and so on takes about 10 minutes. It takes a few days for the bra to arrive after I send everything in. And it costs $25."

"It's not going to give me some dorky looking bra, is it? You know, an iron maiden bra?"

Emma unlocked a drawer and pulled out a binder. "Here are the styles that are available," she said. "Look through it, see what you think, and we can try it if you want." She glanced at a woman who'd just entered the store. "I'll take care of her and be back in a few minutes.

Devlin made herself comfortable and started reading. The binder showed the entire process, starting with a woman with an ill-fitting bra. It showed her as the machine measured her breasts and body. It had pictures of styles, colors, and samples of fabrics. And it showed the same woman with the machine made bra. She smiled at a point repeated over and over: no pictures were actually taken. Instead the measurements were translated into computer code. That didn't bother her, but it would reassure a lot of women.

By the time Emma got back to her she had made up her mind. "I'll try it," she said. "I assume that if it fits I can get more."

"That's the whole idea," Emma said. "The original idea was from a company that makes personalized bathing suits. They just extended their idea into lingerie."

Devlin spent a few minutes standing in front of a camera lens. In a monitor she could see the upper half of her body covered with a fine grid of lines drawn in red. At the instructions of the computer she lifted her arms, turned, stretched, leaned over, and so on. When it was finally done she used a touch screen to answer a series of questions on fabric, cup style, strap size, and so on. Finally the computer printed out a small sheet of paper covered with a list of numbers and a small square of some grayish tint.

"That's it?" she asked when she showed it to Emma.

"That's it," Emma said. "I can translate the numbers, but the computer uses this gray rectangle. Apparently all the information is contained in it."

Devlin was impressed. "So what happens now?"

"Well, the computer has already dialed the main computer and logged your order and measurements. You keep this as a reference and bring it in if you want to order any more."

"And I'll get to try them on before I buy?"

"Always," Emma said. "But I think you'll be happy with the result." When Devlin opened her purse, she added, "You pay for it when it gets here, you don't have to pay for it now."

"That's fine by me," Devlin nodded. "I'm going to need a sports bra, too. The one I have now is worn out." She rolled her eyes. "I can't imagine how that happened."

"I've got a few," Emma said with a smile. She looked around the store, pursing her lips. "Maybe you should try a sporting goods store, though."

"I did last week," Devlin said. "Most of their stock didn't fit, and the ones that did felt like they were squeezing me till I couldn't breathe. They don't make them for gals my size."

Emma browsed through her rack, finally selecting two. "I think either of these might work for you."

Devlin came back from the dressing room a minute later. "This one," she said, holding one up. "The other doesn't support me."

Emma nodded. "It happens. Anything else?"

Devlin glanced around the store. "Yeah, just a minute." She selected two sets of plain panties, and one really sexy one. She looked through the stockings, finally choosing three pair. "That'll do it, I think."

Emma rang up the purchases. "$86.83 with tax."

Devlin handed Emma her debit card. "There are times, like now, when I wish I was smaller. There's a girl who sits next to me in English who can spend $40 and buy four bras and two sets of panties."

Emma smiled. "But small ones are not as much fun as big ones," she said quietly. "It's like a kid in a candy store. I still don't know what to think about your age," she went on. "I'm going to have to talk this one over with Tim. It bothers me. I've always thought you were an adult, which means you were old enough to make your own decisions. But this is a shock."

"Now you know why I never went in the video room," Devlin said.

"Huh. That's right. I never saw you in there."

"Old enough to do it, not old enough to watch others doing it on television." She scowled. "It's a funny world."

"It is," Emma said. "But Tim and I will talk this over."

"You'll have to tell Danny," Devlin said. "I won't."

"That's fair," Emma said. Then she got a better look at the teenager's face. "Is there something wrong?"

"No... well..." Her voice trailed off. "Maybe I'm just a little tired of what's going on," she said. "I mean, I have sex with Danny every day, Emma, every day, right after my Mom leaves for work. If I have a date, I come home from it and Danny and I have sex. It's fun, he's a great guy to screw, but, well, I mean it's every single day. I love sex, but sometimes it's... well, it's a chore."

"I didn't realize you two were together every day," Emma said. "And here I thought I had a busy sex life with two parties a month. I guess we learn something every day."

"And you know what's worse?" Devlin went on. "The night I had my first date with Jeff, we went to a dance, I was upstairs in bed with Danny when Jeff showed up. And there I am, out on the dance floor with Jeff, and I can feel Danny's cum on my legs. And some nights I don't get a chance to get any homework done, I'm rolling around naked on the bed with Danny."

"Sometimes you just have to say no," Emma said.

"I want to, and I don't want to," Devlin said. "I mean I like having sex with him. I like sex anyway, I like the way it makes me feel, I like the closeness, the intimacy, everything. Call me weird, but I do."

Emma smiled. "I know what you mean," she said softly, "and I like sex, too, otherwise I wouldn't be throwing those parties. It's a shame most women are taught to not like sex." She thought a moment. "To get back to Danny, does he have sex with his wife?"

"Quite a bit," Devlin said. "When he came back from his trip he had sex with her twice in the morning, then had sex with me in the evening. I thought I was over-sexed, but he has it bad." The bell at the door tinkled. She looked up to see her mother walking in. "We'll have to continue this some other time."

Emma nodded. "I may call you," she said. "I think you just need someone to talk to. You've been holding this in too long."

"Holding what in too long?" Devlin's mother asked.

"Her chest," Emma said. "I think she found something that fits, but we're special ordering a couple of bras for her."

Her mother smiled. "Seems like just yesterday she was 10 years old."

"They grow up fast," Emma said. "Especially at her age. It seems like just yesterday my daughter was making mud pies, and now she's a senior in high school."

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SEX GAME GETAWAYA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY Amanda WrighterCHAPTER TWOFriday, May 23rd, 20143:39 P.M. “Come on, Frank. We have to hurry with this,” Joseph whispered. The men disassembled the vehicles with stealth and speed, taking care to leave no evidence behind. The cars were supposed to look normal…that’s what the boss wanted. They just weren’t supposed to run. Joseph and his crew were experts when it came to engines. They’d had to fix plenty of them during their missions. The white...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 18 Charlie and Reginald

December 1970, age 15 Two days after Christmas, Dan, Harry and myself were on the road north to Sheffield. We had debated bringing Harry’s mum but decided it was kinder to leave her in ignorance. When we reached our old home town, it felt like old times checking into the usual hotel. It was two Christmases ago that I was last there, back when Grandpa was still alive. That meant it had also been two years since I’d been to my parents’ graves. I resolved to fix that. The surveillance op was...

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My Crazy Sex Slave Fantasy

One day I casually uploaded an ad on Locanto to search a female who wants a slave. I really didn’t expect any reply considering my body and penis size. After a week I logged in to Locanto and saw that I had received a message from an unknown user. She was a woman and she gave her number to call.She didn't mention anything else and so I called immediately. She picked the phone and there was a sweet but strict voice. I said, “Hello, I am from Locanto.” She said, “Oh okay,” and asked me about my...

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Master called my Bluff

Calling a Sissy's Bluff I am a sissy slut. Once upon a time I was just a sissy slut wannabe, but that has all changed now. You see, I had posted some online ads, saying that I was hoping to meet a dominant Master who would come claim me and turn me into his own personal sissy slut. That was certainly my fantasy, but I hadn't ever met anybody who wanted to really make that fantasy come true. Truth be told, I wasn't sure that I wanted it either, so I must admit that when the Master of...

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My Wifes Female Nordic Lover

My wife Jean is a sweet petite 5’ 2” brunette doll that looks like a movie star. Although she is small, her body is perfectly proportioned with her firm ass, perky tits, and thin waist. I met her at work and knew she had several lesbian affairs in college, but I thought that phase of her life was over. I did notice that she had several friends and they all seem to fit a pattern, very sexy, tall, large, Scandinavian blonds, with large boobs and Nordic looking features. It was odd that here was...

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On AMC TV there was a series ?Mad Men? that aired during the summer and fall of 2007.  It was set in the spring to fall of 1960 and focused on an advertising firm located in midtown Manhattan.  The series illustrated that the ?Fifties? sucked just as much as some of us recollected they did.  But it also demonstrated that in a world that peddled things that were not actually real, nothing could be trusted to be what it seemed to be.  MadAvAdMen describes an alternative universe where the...

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SamChapter 21A

Monday got off to a bang when I gave Bud his morning wake-up and he gave me a serious pounding. It had been a couple of days since I had ridden a big cock or worn my pacifier and my pussy had shrunk all the way back to near-virgin status. When Bud tried to push into me too quickly, it made tears come to my eyes. He stopped right away when he heard me cry out in pain. "You OK?" he asked. "Yes," I said, biting my lip and sniffing back a tear. "Don't stop! Please don't stop! Just go a...

5 years ago
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Strip Football

“How’s it look outside?” you ask.“Eh, there’s still snow, and it’s cold probably not worth trying to go out,” I reply.“Stuck inside again today, what would you like to do today?” A bit of annoyance slipping into your tone.“Steelers are on.”“Fine. I guess,”  you reply as you flop onto the couch.My feelings reflect your obvious annoyance, cabin fever is starting to set in a bit after three days stuck in the house.  We’re still in our “snowed in” uniforms, shorts and a sweatshirt for myself,...

Love Stories
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New Neighbors Part 1

She caught Tom’s attention as soon as she, her husband, and their teenagers moved in next to his house. New neighbors for the old Smith’s house he thought and interesting at that. Sarah, he came to learn was her name, and no she wasn’t one of the teenagers. She was the wife and teenager’s mom. A blonde between the ages of 35-40, 5’-3” or 5’-5”, a few pounds over her desired weight, she would readily admit. But Tom found it very sexually intoxicating. The first couple months that they were...

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How Much Glamour Can You Take

How Much Glamour Can You Take By: Darlene LeQueene Dedicated To Denise UK 2/5/2010 I guess if fate had never changed my direction I might never have met her. Fate sometimes plays funny tricks on you. It seemed such a simple thing that changed the whole direction of my life. So simple, but the course it changed was far from simply or easy. My current girlfriend only a casual girlfriend, because I liked her hairstyle asked me to drop her off at the beauty salon on Saturday afternoon...

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Enslaved By My Neighbors

     Enslaved By My Neighbors-part 1                                 This story is intended as sexual fantasy        entertainment for adults only.It was a normal saturday morning.  I sat watching a good sci fi movie, and sipped on a beer as I twittled my toes in front of the TV screen. I was one of the fortunate few who did not have to work each day for a living, since I had inherited a very generous  amount of money from an uncle with whom I had been close since childhood. I wasn't rich but I...

2 years ago
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A threesome sex in a cab

The cab driver was only 23, and had been in this country for just sixteen months. He had emigrated from Russia, hoping for a chance to make it big in the USA. The young cab driver was trying to keep his eyes away from the rear view mirror, but the woman’s moaning made it difficult for him. He found himself looking back and tilting the mirror down to get a better look. The well-dressed man had told the cabby to drive slowly so they wouldn’t make the traffic lights on Sixth Avenue...

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Jack Be Quick Ch 08

Don’t start reading here, without reading the other seven chapters. Reading the last chapter before you start at the beginning, just isn’t right, somehow. Stand up for truth, justice, and the American way, like Superman. Be a hero. Do the right thing. You’ll feel better for it. Besides, if you think this will tell you who the bad guy is so you can spoil the story for your friends, I’ve got a surprise for you. ***** There wasn’t a lot to tell Trudy when I got back to her house. She was...

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A sliver of light crawled through the crack in the d****s; making its way across the carpet, up the side of the bed and directly into my eyes. It was just enough to wake me. I like it really dark when I sleep so I frequently wake up early during the summer with the sun’s early rise.I had an intense ‘morning hard-on’ but it was going to have to wait for a while. My wife was not a morning person: my waking her at this hour would not amuse her. I started to turn over and put my arms around her and...

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Unexpected Threesome

The holiday so far was amazing with lots of hot girls in little bikinis. The girl I had met at the nightclub, Nicole, had been spending some time with me during days and at night. One day we were at her apartments having a nice little kissing session when her Dad interupted and basically told me to leave and that he didnt want his daughter doing anything while hes around. I could sort of see his point but she was old enough and mature enough to make her own decision. As I left teh apartment I...

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What have you done to Jessica

I slowly opened eyes and saw a beautiful girl sleeping beside me.Her soft pale skin, lovely eyes, juicy lips, soft nipples, juicy nipples were making me feel how lucky I am to have her.I still remember our relationship back then before she left the house. We never had a brother-sister like relationship. We never used to talk much. She was busy in her world and me in my world. She was 8 years older than me.So I didn’t like the idea of staying in my sisters house when my mom decided to go on a...

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Asian Massage

A year ago I had my first Asian massage. Now I’ve had dozens or massages before and I expected that this one would be no different. I arrived at the place about 5:00 in the afternoon. It was January in St. Louis and it’s always cold.The lobby was done in a cheap Asian fashion. Supposed to look like China I guess. I paid $60 up front in cash. There were several young and attractive Asian girls (I assumed Chinese) that I could see down the hall. They were dressed black pants, sandals and white...

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Meeting of Friends That Will Last a Long Time

It is summer in the South and the weather is the same old thing of being hot and humid. You have invited your girlfriend, Connie, to come to your cabin for a long weekend as you have just returned to the dating scene since your divorce was finalized just recently. Connie is 5'8" with blonde hair and a figure that shows she has taken care of it. Also invited is Connie's mother, Patricia, and her latest boyfriend, Tom. You have also extended an invitation to Connie's sister, Jeannie, and her...

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Screwing my way to the top

Sweat dripped from his forehead and splashed down onto my chest. Trickling past my clavicle and down my sternum as it hid between my cleavage. I couldn't help but roll my eyes back as I felt the sensation of him entering me with such fervor. I could feel my body rocking back and forth as his hips continued to thrust forward between my legs. The sound of the table scooting across the panel flooring echoed in the glass room, which paralleled the vast metropolis outside. My hair kept tapping my...

Group Sex
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My first Time57

i was 12 at the time, my mum was 36 and had just split up with her second husband, well she found her self a young 21 year old punk boy. He was in a band, he was Greek and he was a stud i guess you could say. i hadn't met him yet they hadn't been going out long, finally when i met him, he came in my room in the morning and scared the shit out of me, i just stared at him and laughed. i got up and got dresses for school, i didnt want to go, i wanted to hang around at home to be...

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Party time

Party time again at our friends She and Pete's your, a big old place in a local village. They hold three or four a year and they tend to be fairly large gatherings that can get a wee bit saucy, especially in the early hours after plenty of alcohol.As it was summer I didn't overdress - shortish flared red skirt and a nice cleavage top with see thru bra and thong underneath. I knew from experience that most of the girls would be doing something similar. As I finished dressing I wondered if Sue,...

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Sex With My Cousin Rose Part 4 Best 2 Days Of Her Fucking Married Life

I am back another story with my cousin Rose.  is my email address. You can contact me there. This is the fourth part of my series. It’s the story about me and my elder cousin sister Rose. I’m 21 years now I have a 6-inch dick and 175 cm tall. My elder cousin sister is 26 with medium big boobs and ass with a curvy body and she’s just 3/4th my height. She is 5 years elder to me. Please read the previous stories before you read this one. So after the Onam incident, I went to visit her after a few...

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I was a CockSucker Now PT2 Gay

"That was unfucking believable" Jake exclaimed as I finally let his deflated cock slip out of my mouth. He tapped his phone screen and set it on my desk. Then he scanned the floor, looking for his shorts. "How long have you been sucking cock?"I smiled and snorted "Dude, seriously, you're my first. I had fantasized many times but your cock was the first to enter my mouth." "Leave your shorts off." I ordered and surprised myself by adding "I think I might want to suck you again.""No dude. I'm...

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Hellish heaven

She was there once again, on her knees, naked and waiting for him to come in. She was tense, nervous, afraid, just like the time before and still and yet again, so terribly, wonderfully alive. The door opened and she heard him close and lock it, put his bag down. The air seemed to have changed for her the second he came in. Hearing him was all she needed to focus, and all she needed to be happy. He repeated the same ritual than before. He let his fingers glide over her shaved and smooth...

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Cursed Dice

HOW IT WORKS: Whoever is "gifted" the two dice will find them both disolve into their hand leaving a tattoo of twin dice imprinted onto their palm. From that point onward the person who gifted them can send them a list of variables for the dice to be rolled for and the victim has no choice than to roll. They then must follow the outcome of the dice. EXAMPLE OF DICE GAME:

Mind Control
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Celebrating Freedom

My celebration of freedom The apartment was finally mine. I just saw her off at the airport and came home to look at my roommate- less haven for the next three weeks. Three weeks by myself, my time of absolute freedom. And tonight I was going to go in search of someone with to share the exhilaration of an empty apartment that I was feeling. Since I had not even had a date in the past two months, and the only girl who had approached me had just come off of a relationship with one of my friends,...

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fucking my husbands best friend A true story

My wife had been at a party along with myself and my best mate. We had all left a little early as we were drunk.We arrived back at my wife's parents house and had another couple of drinks.My wife got up and said goodnight before heading towards the bedroom.I followed her in where I found her undressed and in the middle of slipping into a c through nighty and panties. She lay on the bed where I began to kiss her and rub her clit which she reacted to straight away. She was as horny as fuck.I...

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An Interview Turned Into Life Changing Incident 8211 Part 1

Hi friends this is my second story. If you haven’t read the first story please click on author name and from there you can read the first one. Please send you reviews and feedback to Coming to the story this happened two weeks back. The heroine in this story is my cousin sister who is not much sexy but good looking. We were friends from childhood as she was just one year younger to me. We shared all when we were kids, we used to play, bath eat and sleep together when we were kids . As I moved...

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Horrible Gas for Tami to endure

Tami was in the elevator humming her favorite song. As she waited, another girl stepped inside. "Tami?" the girl said. "Wait, it's you Abby, isn't it?" Tami suddenly recognized Abby. She was a little bigger than Tami, but not really overweight. Her booty was slightly big in her booty shorts. Abby recognized Tami's unforgetful face, her slightly upturned nose and her long hair. "Yeah, it's me!" Abby exclaimed, smiling. Suddenly they both heard a rumbling of the elevator and then they felt it...

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JJT Threesome

It was the year I was going to retire from the USAF Sept 1987 we were visiting my in-laws in MD.† We had gone to JJT's for an late afternoon drink without the in-laws and it was just me and Deb and Jack.† We were sitting at his kitchen table drinking Champagne and chatting. I know Jack has always been good with Deb in the past but was always curious if they had ever done anymore than be just very good friends. I became aware this day that they had done nothing more than a good night kiss when...

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What a special night Going all in

This isn't actually my story, obviously. Ghost writing for a friend about her first such unique experience.It was another night in another European city, or so I've thought. I moved here for fun. I had a lucrative job I could do from anywhere in the world, and I've read about this particular city in a novel I really liked. The writer drew a mental picture in my mind which was almost too nice to be realistic. And then I came here. It was all true. This was genuinely a little piece of heaven. If...

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Uma Aunty8217s Gangbang

Hi all thanks thanks for all your feedbacks earlier which is encouraging me to write more and more stories any girls aunties widows divorcees who want to have sex / sex chat in Bangalore can contact me on My aunt’s sizes are 36-30-30. Now back to the story it was a Saturday where we were having our session and in the evening wanted to go out and hang out she also wanted to have couple of drinks and smoke. So we went out to a near by mall and hanged out for a while and she was wearing a skin...

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The Way BackChapter 3

We arrived at the house by a circuitous route occasioned by my misreading David's instructions, but we were not late. David opened the door and issued us into the large and tastefully decorated and furnished living room, where stood a very attractive woman about my age. I assumed it was David's wife. At first she looked at me with horror and disbelief then expectation and finally her face showed disappointment. "This is Vivienne, Allan," David said gently. "Hello, Vivienne," I...

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SistersChapter 12 To Die For

Nikki and Zoë waved good-bye to Pete. Nikki found it amazing how different Pete could be when he was away from the rest of the gang. He was more patient, and instead of behaving like an asshole trying to impress them with smooth moves on the surfboard - far too difficult for beginners - he made sure you knew the basics before attempting something more daring. Nikki and Zoë were discussing this when they got home. "Hi, Nikki," Linda greeted them as they came in. "Hi,...

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The Asylum

I have been writing on the blog, that died. we choose not to renew the hosting and URL when it came up. So I am sharing my stories here since my 1 task from master lately is to write more fantasies. the asylum the couple was speeding down the road in a corvette, looking for an adventure. cookies hands were twirling Master's hair while he kept eyes on the road. he drove around a bend in the road and up to a big broken down building. the building was an old asylum. it was built in the...

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JapanHDV Ako Nishino Japanese porn star Miss Ako Nishino fucks a stranger

Hey remember that time we made Ako Nishino do some hitchhiking? And then we realized that going to Hokkaido would be too far away and we could not make it there by hitching a ride. And so we asked some truck driver for a lift and if he gave it to her we would let him have a special gift. He was young and fun and agreed to the terms even if he did not know that the gift was. It was this fun blowjob in the car. That was a real fun time as this dude got to get his dick sucked by the amazing Ako...

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Coming HomeChapter 7 The Entrance To Paradise

You can't begin to imagine how slowly the rest of that Saturday proceeded. I tried to watch a football game but my brain kept going back to that morning in my bedroom and her thrilling word 'Tonight'. I was in a state of suspended arousal literally all day. Around five, she appeared in the doorway from the kitchen. She had a loose, very well worn t-shirt on that literally formed itself around her nipples, which jutted out at me. Seeing me looking at them, she smiled. "Want a couple of...

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