The Merchant Of ChaosChapter 40 free porn video

A shrill whistle sounded on the deck of the Dreadnought Blaze. "Capt'n on deck!"
Captain Boddas rose to the top of the stairs, smiling at his crew as they stood at rigid attention. He nodded once. "As you were."
The men turned away and returned to their duties, save for one. A somewhat stocky, scruffy-looking young man remained at partial attention, facing the Captain. Boddas turned towards him long enough to ask, "You have a report for me?"
The First Mate nodded and followed as his Captain strolled towards the railing. "Aye, my Lord. The Fleet Adm'ral is safe and away. He's picked up a good tailwind since he left the day b'fore. Should make good time."
Boddas nodded absently as he looked towards shore, his eyes sweeping it from south to north. "Anything of more pertinent interest?"
"Aye, got a report from yer contact in port. They got the Farviewin' pearls ya asked for d'livered to the town mayors an' got 'em bound." He smiled, showing off several broken teeth. "Ya pegged it right, Capt'n, ya did. That Duric is goin' right fer the Palace. Not botherin' with the port towns."
Boddas smirked as he turned to face the First Mate. "And why should he? He has no need of ports. He knows the Emperor has no landing craft or any other means of delivering significant numbers of soldiers to his embattled lands. He gets all his supply inland. It is a very shrewd tactic."
The First Mate grinned. "Aye, leavin' them ta yer advantage, right, Capt'n?"
"Who better than those port towns to inform me of the position of Duric's army?" Boddas said with a smug smile. "How long until those pearls arrive?"
"Gettin' back ta port this mornin'. Should have 'em by midday, mebbe sooner."
"Very good." Boddas stepped away from the railing. "Bring the dreadnoughts towards shore, spread them out in a standard bombardment line. We can make adjustments as we go once I find out where Duric is. We should be able to shake them up just as they're winding down after the day's campaign."
"That late? Ya won't try an' slow 'em down during the day?"
"Better to get them when they're tired and their reaction time is down. And it just might demoralize them a bit."
The First Mate chortled. "Sneaky, Capt'n, sneaky!"
"Nothing sneaky about it. Just sound military tactics. Now, get to work on my orders. We'll need the Mage-guns charged and ready."
"Aye, Capt'n!"
Evella paused before the mirror in Lanno's quarters and smoothed out her dress, then ran her fingers through her hair to rid it of any remaining tangles. She dropped her arms to her side and let out a long sigh.
Now what?
That was the question she asked herself every morning. It was a struggle to find things to occupy her time. Lanno had to work at the Healer Office and take lessons from Vanlo on chemistry. She could not work there because that was Amanda's shift.
Evella resented Amanda, not just for taking up the morning shift, but for her apparent carefree attitude towards her lot in life. She had not had the Draught at all, not even a modified version of it, yet she had no trouble playing the part. Evella wished she could have as easy a time of it.
Evella turned away from the mirror. She glanced at the door as she crossed the room to Lanno's locker. She knelt beside it and opened it. After some rummaging around, she extracted a small pouch. Something rattled inside as she drew it close.
She tugged the drawstring open and peeked inside. There sat her remaining supply of the drug that she had created. She had promised Lanno she would not use it if she could avoid it. She would have to let the previous dose last as long as it could. Yet she was sure it was already wearing off. She was thinking about sex but she felt only a mild tingling in her nether regions.
Evella lifted a vial, let out a frustrated sigh, and dropped it back into the pouch. She put it back in the recesses of Lanno's locker -- the last place she thought he would look for it -- and cast a lingering, forlorn look at it before slowly closing the lid.
Evella stood and shook her head. She could not stay there another moment. It felt too much like being cooped up in her office at Freya's Manor. She tried to steel herself as much as possible against her own uneasiness over seeing so much nudity, then briskly walked out of Lanno's quarters. At the main path, she first turned towards the Healer office, reconsidered, then walked the other way.
Lord General Rithas sighed and tugged at the reins. The beast snorted and turned abruptly from the edge of the road, then galloped into the trees until the din of boots against packed earth faded. He pulled the horse to a stop and turned the beast towards the forest. "I accept the summons."
Emperor Z'haas began raging even while his image was still shimmering into being. "What in blazing hellfire is taking you so long?"
"We are marching as fast as we can, every waking moment of the day, my Emperor," said Rithas patiently.
"Lord Duric has advanced. He is pushing back my legions to the south. Cowards! They do not know how to stand and fight!"
"The Lord General of those legions is more than competent, my Emperor. I am sure he is engaging in a fighting withdrawal."
"I do not want withdrawals!" Z'haas bellowed. "I want Duric out of my lands!"
"My Emperor, I will be there in time. I will protect the Palace."
Z'haas had a wild look to his eyes that would have worried Rithas if he had not already settled on his current course of action. Now it was an advantage. The more the Emperor was addled, the less likely he would see the danger. "Protection is not enough, Lord General. I want him destroyed. I want him routed. I do not want to go through this again!"
Rithas maintained a steady, steel-eyed gaze. "I pledge to you that I will help your southern legions smash Duric's army. They will be destroyed or scattered, and this war will end. The Emperor will reign supreme once more across Oceanus."
Z'haas let out a windy sigh. As he did, he lifted his head high and regained some of his regal bearing. "Yes, Lord General, it will be so. But you must make haste. You must get here and set your legion against Duric. You must be here to make history!"
Rithas smiled. "I will, my Emperor. And I agree. History will indeed be made."
Z'haas nodded once and terminate the Farview.
Rithas was quite pleased with himself. He had managed that without telling a single lie. Yes, an Emperor would reign once more, but it would not be Z'haas. And, yes, history would be made, but not in the way that Z'haas had envisioned.
"Let him have his illusions," Rithas muttered as he steered his horse back to the road.
Just as he emerged, his adjunct Dollas rode up. "Another missive from the Emperor?" he asked with a tiny smile.
Rithas cast a cool look at him. "Simply to complain about the campaign. Everything is well in hand."
He turned his horse around and galloped a short distance before pulling back to a more sedate pace. Dollas drew even with him. "You cannot fool him forever, my Lord."
"And who says I am attempting to do so?"
"There are some in my clan that tell me that Lord Duric advances quickly. Surely we cannot be there in time now."
Rithas frowned and continued to stare straight ahead, only occasionally glancing at the ranks of men marching in a wide column down the road. "Perhaps your clan hears incorrectly. Perhaps Duric is bogged down trying to gain a foothold on Imperial lands. Perhaps our legions have more resolve than you give them credit for."
"And perhaps whatever your plans are will not come to fruition after all."
Rithas abruptly yanked on the reins. The horse came to a protesting stop. "Care to explain that comment?"
"My Lord, with all due respect, it is obvious to anyone with an ounce of intelligence that you are up to something."
"Really? And you suddenly know all there is to know about being a Lord General?"
"Please, my Lord, do not insult my intelligence. You have husbanded a great deal of supplies, yet you gave Commander Foron a pittance. You doled it out very carefully and very frugally, and now you return with nearly all of it, instead of transferring some of it to the Commander for his continued campaign."
Rithas sighed and tried to look bored. "Do you have anything else?"
"Your reluctance to advance with Commander Foron. Your transfer of some of your more vocal opponents of your strategies to Commander Foron's legion. Your lies to the Emperor. Shall I go on?"
"And what is it you are looking for from me? A confession? Something to give to the Emperor for the hope of favor from him?"
Dollas coaxed his horse closer and lowered his voice. "My Lord, the current Emperor is not long for the throne if he continues to fight with the forces that he has. It is obvious to me that you are not anxious to stop it despite your words."
The Lord General frowned. "Go on."
"I will not state out loud what I believe your plans are," said the young adjunct. "I will preserve your illusion of secrecy. All I wish is some favor from you."
Rithas was silent for a moment. "I see."
"Nothing big. Nothing extravagant. Just a position somewhere that allows me to accumulate some ... modest wealth. Enough to eventually retire comfortably and free from want. Is that so much to ask?"
The Lord General gave him a sardonic smile. "If I were truly considering such a scheme, and if I were truly able to pull off such a wild idea, I just might be inclined to show a little favor towards those that assisted me in any way."
"Then we understand each other?"
"I believe we do."
Dollas nodded. "Very good. Yes, my Lord, I agree. We will quite handily defend the Imperium, rout Lord Duric, and bring glory to our Emperor." He paused, smiled, and added in a very low voice, "Whoever he may be."
Dollas jerked his horse around and galloped back towards the front of the column.
Evella didn't really know where she was going. She knew nothing of the Manor save for Lanno's quarters, the Healer office, and the path in between. She simply picked a direction and a path and kept walking.
The paths wound and curved so much that she was no longer sure what direction she was going. She discovered she did not have to avert her eyes every time a naked slave passed. She was rather surprised, however, when they bowed their heads respectfully towards her as she passed.
She almost envied them. Despite how frightened she had been of receiving the Draught, and how traumatic it had been to remember her time under its influence, there was a certain simplicity about their lives that she craved.
Evella followed another curving path through a thicket of trees. As she came around the bend, she saw a stone archway ahead, and the trees appeared to part around a small clearing. Curious, she stepped towards it.
Evella came up short just before the archway and uttered a small gasp as her eyes fell on the Circle. Two adult female slaves lay upon the grass, each with her face buried between the other's thighs. The one on the bottom writhed and squirmed, her feet sliding, her heel occasionally digging into the ground as her muscles clenched. Her body trembled, her breath heavy. She licked at her partner with a reckless abandon.
Her partner was far more sedate, her tongue strokes slow and methodical. She was panting in her rising excitement, but she did not appear in as such dire need at the one under her. Finally the one on top showed signs that her excitement was reaching a fever pitch. She whimpered into the other's pussy, and her own ministrations faltered. Finally, it was too much. She tossed back her head and cried out in climax.
Evella gasped softly and felt a renewed heat in her nether regions.
The slave on top parted from the other, still panting. The one still on the ground clenched her hands into fists and let out a keening moan.
"Oh my, that was four!" exclaimed a platinum haired woman with delight as other slaves applauded. "You've never gone that far without cumming! Does anyone want to be number five?"
Evella's lips parted in shock as another slave approached and entwined herself with the one on the grass. She wondered if she had actually heard correctly, that this slave was actually holding herself back from orgasm.
She looked at the platinum haired slave and finally recognized her. It was Sirinna, the one that Vanlo had treated for night terrors.
Evella stared, more fascinated now than embarrassed. She watched the girl go through the same torturous ritual. This time it ended differently. Just as the latest contender was showing signs of reaching her peak, she threw her head back and uttered a loud cry as she finally came.
Sirinna beamed and began applauding. The others joined in as well. "Wonderful! Oh, so wonderful! Even better than when I trained you!"
Evella looked back at Sirinna. This was Roquan's Trainer? She let out a husky sigh and wrapped her arms around herself. Her sex felt wet and hot again.
The group began to break up. Evella's gaze lingered on Sirinna, who was talking to the other slave. When they finally parted, Sirinna started in her direction. Evella stumbled back from the archway and onto the path. Sirinna appeared and paused as her eyes fell upon the Healer. "Oh! Good day, Mistress Evella."
Evella blinked in surprise. "Mistress? Oh, I ... I'm not a Mistress, I just..."
"It is a proper title of respect, Mistress," said Sirinna. "Is there anything you need?"
"Oh, um ... no ... well ... yes, but..."
Sirinna tilted her head, giving Evella a confused look.
Evella sighed. "Sirinna, can we talk someplace a little more private?"
Sirinna smiled. "Certainly, Mistress. Please, come with me."
Evella let Sirinna walk past her, then followed. The roar of the ocean greeted her as the trees fell away. She glanced over the indigo waters just before she entered a low building.
"These are my quarters, Mistress," said Sirinna. "This should do."
Evella hesitated. "Sirinna, you're the Overlord's Trainer?"
"Yes, that's correct, Mistress."
"So you can teach women about, um, sexual techniques?"
"Of course, Mistress."
"Like for pleasing a man?"
"Or a woman. Yes, indeed."
Evella blushed again. "Sirinna, I'm not ... I-I'm not a slave ... not really ... but can you ... could you teach me some things?"
"I would be most happy to, Mistress."
"You would? I mean, you don't need to tell Roquan? You don't need his permission?"
"Slave trainers are occasionally called to teach a client about the finer points of sex, Mistress," Sirinna explained. "And they are generally done in confidence as you are requesting. So I do not need to inform Master Roquan."
Evella let out a heartfelt, relieved sigh. "Thank you! I feel embarrassed enough asking this. I mean, I know how to have sex. Meaning intercourse. But that doesn't take a lot, it..."
"Oh, but there are many techniques I could teach you for just that, Mistress. Very many."
Evella bit her lower lip to suppress a whimper. Her thighs slipped past one another with a faint squishing noise in the crotch of her now damp undergarment. "Okay, I-I'll come back in a little bit," she said in a husky voice. "I have to ... um ... n-never mind..."
"Is it something I can help with, Mistress?" Sirinna asked. "Are you in need of sexual relief?"
Evella's cheeks glowed. "I-I couldn't..."
Sirinna stepped up to her. "Master Roquan's slaves are available for any staff or guests of his, Mistress. Please, I would be most happy if you took advantage of that."
Evella had not wanted to do it with a woman again. But her need was too great, the drug making it harder to experience her previous aversion. She managed a weak smile and let Sirinna take her hand.
A somewhat harried Lanno emerged from the back room of the Healer office. Vanlo followed moments later.
"Please be sure to review your notes this time about what you learned," the elder Healer said pointedly. "I do not wish to spend half of the next session merely going over again what you were supposed to have learned the previous day."
Lanno fumed silently. He surely did review his notes, but his mind was so much on Evella these days that it was harder to concentrate.
"Now, I am going for my constitutional. I will see you after the midday meal."
"Of course, Vanlo," Lanno said tersely.
Vanlo headed towards the back entrance and was gone.
Lanno tried to calm himself. He knew his anger towards Vanlo was misplaced. He had to learn more self-discipline if he were to keep all these facts and figures in his head. But Vanlo was driving him hard, and he was sure that he would still have trouble keeping up even if his concentration skills were up to par.
"Difficult material?"
Lanno blinked and turned his head. "Huh?"
Amanda turned towards him. "I asked if the material Vanlo's teaching you is difficult."
"Oh. Not really, just a lot of it."
"Is it at least interesting?"
Lanno nodded. "Yes, I'd say that." He paused. "So does this mean you're speaking to me again?"
Amanda hesitated. "I'm sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you," she said in a low voice. "I just didn't know what to say to you."
Lanno walked up to her. "I just want to know if you think I did something wrong. If I slighted you somehow."
Amanda was a bit nonplussed by the question. "Um, no, you didn't."
"So why did you give me the cold shoulder for so long?"
Amanda sighed. "I don't know. But you didn't help matters, you know. You barely seemed to notice me at all for those first few days since ... well, never mind."
"Go on, say it. Since Evella arrived, right?"
"Yes, since Evella arrived," said Amanda peevishly. "But it's my hangup and not yours. I know you hadn't seen her for awhile and you were worried about her."
The two stared at each other in silence for a few moments, as if each were daring the other to speak next. "You know I'm having sex with her, right?" Lanno asked.
Amanda rolled her eyes. "Who doesn't?"
"That bothers you?"
"What difference does it make if it did?"
"It makes a big difference to me."
"Why should it?" Amanda demanded, annoyed. "I'm not your wife. I'm not even really your lover. I'm a slave. I shouldn't feel any more jealous over you having sex with Evella than I should some client having sex with another slave. Or some other woman."
Lanno stared hard at Amanda. Amanda glanced anxiously between him and the vials she had been filling. She seemed to shrink at his gaze and tried to return to her task.
"So ... we didn't have anything else between us?" Lanno asked in a low voice.
Amanda was so thunderstruck by the question that she spilled some fluid down the side of the vial she was trying to fill. "What?"
"It was just about the sex, that's all?"
Amanda opened her mouth and closed it again without saying a word. Suddenly she was at a loss for an answer. All she could do was toss the question back at him. "Wasn't that what it was all about with you?"
Lanno's eyes darkened. "I guess I don't know anymore. Maybe it was. You're not making it any easier for me to figure this out."
Amanda slammed a stoppered vial into its holder and faced him. "What is it you want from me? You want me to approve what you're doing with Evella, is that it?"
Lanno looked surprised. "Well, no, that's not what I meant."
Amanda was going to let it go there, but her eyes soon blazed with renewed anger. "Good, because I would tell you that I certainly do not approve. She's taking a stupid drug to keep herself sex-starved, and you're taking advantage of it."
Lanno frowned. "Look, I don't like the fact that she's taking this drug! Vanlo doesn't either, and even he's not stopping her. You going to yell at him about it, too?"
"He's not the one having sex with her, you are."
"And what am I supposed to do? Tell her to go do it with the slaves, with total strangers? Or go let some random man have her? Or wouldn't it be a little better that she do it with someone that she trusts and that at least won't treat her like a slave?"
Amanda realized that Lanno had a very good point. No one could make decisions for Evella, and he was simply trying to make the best of it. She was a bit shocked at her own reaction, but no words came to her that she could say to make it better.
Lanno sighed and threw up his hands. "Maybe we should go back to just not saying anything to each other anymore, at least then you won't be forced into pointing out all my faults."
Amanda finally got her voice to work, but he was already on his way out. "Lanno, wait, please, I'm sorry, I didn't..."
Lanno continued as if he had not heard her. Amanda trailed off and could only watch him go. When he disappeared out the front entrance of the office, Amanda clenched her teeth so hard that her jaw ached. Her hand closed into a trembling fist.
I am NOT jealous! Gods damn it, I am not jealous! I am...
There was a muffled crack. Amanda yelped and opened her hand. The vial she had forgotten she had been holding leaked green fluid on the counter and her palm, save for the dots of crimson where the shards of broken glass had cut her skin.
Amanda shielded her eyes with her free hand. She sniffled once, a few tears trickling otherwise silently from her eyes. She wiped them hastily and went to treat her hand.
Crews swarmed over the decks of the three Sunfire-class Dreadnoughts in Boddas' fleet. Along the side of each facing the shore, massive guns of cast-forged iron were revealed from under the tarps and pushed into place. So heavy were they that four men were required to move a single one. As each was moved into place, a shout went down belowdecks, were an equal number of men pushed an equally heavy counterweight towards the opposite side in order to keep the ship level in the water.
In turn, the men yanked open an access panel and revealed the inside of a spherical chamber at the base of the gun. Within, strange metals and crystals were arranged in a lattice. A single blue pearl was dropped inside. It slowed and hung suspended in the lattice.
Moments later, the pearl glowed scarlet. A bright aura expanded about it and touched the lattice. Soon the entire chamber churned with magical energy. Satisfied that the gun was charging properly, the sailor closed the panel.
From his vantage point in the center of the line of three ships, Boddas swept his gaze first towards the one fore, the Flare, and then towards the one aft, the Inferno. Dots of red peppered the sides as guns were charged in turn.
He turned towards the deck of his own ship. The men were already nearly done. He smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

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