CousinsChapter 2 free porn video

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Laurie lay there on the sofa, eyes half-closed, totally relaxed. Her running shorts were pulled slightly aside, the hem of her tee-shirt was up to her neck, and her legs were spread apart. To me, she was the most beautiful, sensual girl in the world. I wanted to see more of her, though. I wanted to see her as I saw her in my dream: stretched out with nothing at all on.

She opened her eyes wide and looked up at me. "I didn't know anything could feel that good. Thank you for doing that to me. Now I know what girls mean when they talk about 'coming'."

Seeing Laurie reclined like that, I couldn't help but say, "Do you know I dreamed about you the other night?"

"You did?" Pleased, Laurie asked, "What was the dream about?"

"Well, you were stretched out like you are now, but you were completely nude. Not one stitch of clothes or shoes."

She was silent for a moment, thinking of what I said. Then in a small, soft voice she said, "Would you like for me to make your dream come true?"

"Yes," I whispered. Laurie then sat up and in one sweeping motion pulled her tee-shirt over her head. She stood up and was reaching for her shorts when I stopped her. "Wait, Laurie. Please, let me do that."

Laurie looked puzzled, but then she smiled softly. "Yes," she said very slowly, "that would be nice. I would like for you to finish undressing me."

I gently pressed Laurie back down on the sofa, then down onto her back. I took off her shoes and socks slowly, running my hand up her calf and thigh after each sock and each shoe. Her breathing became faster and her thighs quivered slightly with each stroke.

Then there was just her shorts and panties to go. When they went, not only would my dream come true, not only would I be seeing my first live nude woman, but I would be seeing in totality the most beautiful girl I knew. My hands trembled and my heart beat faster as I reached for the waist of her shorts. I took hold of them and gently started tugging them down. They stuck when they reached her buttocks, but Laurie helped by lifting herself so the shorts could finish sliding down. Finally, down to her feet, then off and on to the floor. Now, only her panties were left.

Her panties were just as I had imagined--pale blue bikini, cut high in the hips with a French cut. The whole crotch area was soaked and was almost completely transparent. I could see swirls of pubic hair and I could dimly see the crease that split the three-inch splay between her legs. I could smell Laurie, too. A rich, musky, but still pleasant odor welled up from her. For the first time, I experienced the aphrodisiac aroma of a woman sexually aroused, a woman in heat.

I tugged further at the silken panties, pulling them down in the same way I had done the shorts. Slowly, they came down, inch by inch, revealing Laurie's softly rounded tummy. The first curl of pubic hair appeared, then a whole swatch. My hands shook as I pulled the fabric down even more. There it was--the beginning of the crease between Laurie's legs, the swollen lips of her saturated pussy that the view through her panties had only hinted of. I tugged the panties down more, down to her thighs. Her whole pussy was there right in front of my face. I paused, taking in the vision, reveling in the sight and smell of Laurie's sexual core.

I came back to my senses then and pulled the panties down over her legs and feet, caressing the thighs and legs as I went. I wadded up the panties and put them to my nose, closing my eyes and taking in the heady aroma. It truly was an aphrodisiac. My cock was already throbbing in my jeans, but the musky smell made it spurt out even more pre-cum. Laurie's panties had been soaked, but my Jockey shorts were even worse. A spot was soaking through the front of my jeans, and the whole inside area around my cock and balls felt wet and hot and slick.

I dropped the panties to the floor and just continued to kneel there, my senses almost overcome by the sight of Laurie totally revealed. One leg had dropped to the floor, leaving her vulva area spread apart. The lips and valley between were shiny, glistening with her secretions. Her pubic hair was arranged in a swirling pattern, damp and still pressed to her skin from her panties. The curls were blonde, perfectly matching the hair streaming over her shoulders. The little nubbin that had given her so much pleasure was barely visible at the top of the lips. It looked swollen and ripe and was a deeper color than the surrounding area.

My eyes traveled upward, to her softly mounded belly, to the area just below her rib cage where the rapid beating of her heart showed on the surface. My vision crept up even more, and there were her breasts. Round, white, with nipples standing erect and little bumps speckling the brownish-pink circles of her areolas. Her breasts blended into her neck with a flow that was like music. Her barely-cleft chin added a counter-point to her mouth, lips damp and slightly open as she breathed rapidly. Then her eyes--round, blue, soft and languid. For a long moment I stared with awe and wonder into those eyes and she returned my gaze, silently. She broke the silence with words. In almost a whisper she said, "Do I look like your dream?"

"No," I whispered back. "You look a hundred... no, a thousand times better than in my dream. There, you just existed in my imagination. Here, you're real, right in front of my eyes, right where I can feel and touch you."

I reached down and lightly stroked her belly mound and the area under her breasts. "Even in my dreams, I never realized a girl's body could be so beautiful. Can I look closer, Laurie? Can I explore? I want to find out all about a girl's body."

Laurie kind of half-smiled and said, "Okay, but only on the condition that I get my turn with you. Is that a promise?"

Her words made my heart beat even more rapidly. "My God," I thought, "she wants to do me like I'm doing her, and she's asking my permission." It was my turn to smile now. "Yes, Laurie, that's a promise."

I knelt between her legs and spread them apart so that I could see right into the area between them. I could see all her pussy and down into the crack between the globes of her buttocks. Her little brown rosette nestled there between those cheeks. I took my hands and spread the lips of her pussy even further apart. I realized it was more complex than I had imagined, composed of several folds and sets of lips. Down near the bottom I could just see the opening into her cavity, the place where I had had my finger earlier. At the top of the lips was that special little nubbin, her ultra-sensitive clitoris. The whole area was wet and coated in a slippery fluid. I ran my finger up and down the crease, feeling the wetness and slipperiness. I put one finger into the cavity and slowly pushed it in to past the knuckle. I pushed it the rest of the way so that it was totally inserted into her. The cavity was slick, just like the outside, and warm. I pushed the finger in and out and the walls of the cavity seemed to cling to my finger, as though they wanted to take it captive.

I added a second finger to the first and pushed them in and out, twisting them slightly. As I did, some of her slippery secretion flowed out of the cavity, coating my fingers and dripping down so that it ran down the crack between her buttocks. Laurie moaned softly as I did this. "Does that hurt, Laurie?" I asked in alarm.

"Noooo... ," Laurie said in a choked voice, "that doesn't hurt at all. You don't need to stop." I realized then that she wasn't hurting at all, but was getting as turned on as I was. It was as new and exciting to her as it was to me, and she was getting sexually aroused like me.

I had heard about boys eating pussy and had wondered what made them want to do something like that. With my face so close to Laurie's pussy, with the sensation of the touch and smell of it, I realized what made it so attractive. I withdrew my fingers from her and lightly rubbed my thumb over her clitoris. She gasped, moving her hips up and down just slightly. I took my fingers and spread the lips of her pussy wide apart and, bending my head closer, pushed my tongue out and lightly stroked her nubbin with it. With a sharp intake of breath, she hunched her center up to me.

"Danny, what ARE you doing?"

"I'm teaching you what it's like to have a boy eat you."

"Oh, God, Danny, I've heard about eating, but I never thought it would happen to me. If that was a sample, I don't know whether I'll be able to stand it."

"Well, I've never done it before, Laurie, so I don't know whether I'm doing it right or not."

"Nothing could be more right than what you just did."

I put my mouth back between Laurie's legs and stroked my tongue up and down. I ran my lips up one side, caressing the swollen pussy lip. Then I went down the other side, suckling and licking. I extended my tongue as far as it would go and bored it into the cavity down below. I made love to her with my tongue, pushing in and out, twisting my head from side to side. Slowly, I pulled my tongue out of the soaking hole and pressing it so it was broad and fat ran it up and down, right in the middle of her crease. I covered the area all around her vaginal opening, alternating pressure and light, fluttering strokes.

I lifted Laurie's legs and put them over my shoulders so I could have completely uninhibited access to the center of her sex. I reached up and caressed her breasts, rubbing my thumbs lightly over and around the nipples. Laurie was moaning almost constantly, a low crooning sound of pure pleasure. With her legs draped down my back, she pulled me in even closer. Her thighs squeezed and released against the sides of my head, in perfect harmony with the actions of my mouth and tongue.

I lifted Laurie up higher and moved my mouth down to her little brown star. It was coated with her secretions, just like my face and all the area of her sexual center. I extended my tongue and rubbed it lightly over the wrinkled surface. "Oh, God, Danny! Uuuuhhh... Dannieeee..." Laurie moaned, wrapping her legs completely around my neck and squeezing. I shaped my tongue into a little spear and delved the wrinkles until I found the center. Twisting my tongue around and around, I worked a space for it to finally enter. Laurie kept squeezing and softly crooning as I paid homage to her little nether spot.

Gently lowering Laurie, I moved back up to her vaginal cavity, using my tongue like I imagined I would use my cock if it were in her. I made it as long and slender as possible and pushed it into her and out, using a slow twisting motion. At the same time, I rubbed my thumb over the opening I had just abandoned, lightly rubbing her anal opening in small circles. Her hips seemed to have a mind of their own, undulating up and down as I ministered to their center.

To now I had just barely touched her clitoris. I was getting much pleasure from what I was doing and I didn't want to chance it's premature end. I had already seen how sensitive her nubbin was, and I was fearful that attention to it would bring on her orgasm and an end to my pleasure. Laurie was not to be denied, though. She moved her hips so that the nubbin was right under my tongue and I had to pay attention to it.

At the same time, I moved my fingers back to her vaginal opening. I inserted two fingers into the hole and stroked them in and out. I sucked her nubbin up between my lips and ran the tip of my tongue over it. I could feel where the nubbin's little sheath had pulled back and its ultra-sensitive head protruded. I concentrated on this area, using the lightest strokes I could manage. Laurie started trembling all over, her legs pulling around my neck in spasms. She moved her hands down to my head, stroking my hair, making love to me with her hands. Her moan continued, soft and whispery, and then she started chanting, very softly, "So good... so good... soooo goooddd..."

Suddenly, Laurie clamped her legs around my neck, arched her back, and strained against my mouth. I could feel her pussy pulsating against my fingers inside, and then it clamped down on them, holding them in a vise grip. Laurie moaned, "Oh, God, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm commmmmminnnnnggggg."

Small convulsions wracked her abdomen, and her stomach, buttocks, and thighs shuddered. They seemed to go on and on as her orgasm continued in wave after wave. The leg-clamp she had on my head relaxed little by little, and I moved my tongue through her crease and over her clitoris very slowly and lightly, matching pace with her orgasm's slide down from peak. Gradually, her legs relaxed and she unwrapped them from around my neck and let them fall back down on my back. I took them from my shoulders and gently put them back on the sofa. Laurie lay there totally spent, absolutely still, savoring the slowly ebbing after-shocks of her orgasm.

From between her legs I gazed at her and was filled with a mixture of both pride and pleasure. The realization that I was the one responsible for her pleasure, the knowledge that it was possible for me to give so much pleasure to a girl, thrilled me and filled me with awe. I had been so worried about how I would act with a girl if given the opportunity, and now I had the assurance that I could give pleasure in its fullest measure.

Laurie's tremors had stopped and she now lay completely still. Her eyelids fluttered open and she smiled weakly at me. "Oh, God, Danny, I can't even begin to tell you how that felt. I thought I had to be in heaven. And you said you didn't know how it was done."

"I guess that sort of thing just comes natural. Besides, I had you to inspire me. I can't imagine that anyone could look more beautiful and sexy than you."

"There you go again, Danny, and I love every word of it. You still have to kiss me for saying it, though."

She held out her arms to me and I knelt over her, moving my lips down to hers. One arm went on my shoulder and caressed the back of my neck. The other went around my back and lightly stroked. Our mouths blended together, wet and open. Her tongue was the aggressor, moving under my lips, under my tongue, and all around it. Her vaginal juices were all over my face and in my mouth and I knew she could taste them the same as I had. As we broke the kiss, she reached out and licked all around my mouth, trying to get even more of them.

Then Laurie stirred. She put her hands to my chest and with the soft smile she had used before, pushed me away gently, saying, "Now it's time for you to keep your promise."

"I always keep my promises," I said, smiling back at her. "What do you want me to do?"

"Trade places with me, so that I can do you just like you did me. I want to get you naked and look at you and explore everything there is about you." She pushed at me even harder and then slipping around to my side stood up. She reached down for my hands and stood me up right against the sofa. Then she pushed me so that I had to sit down. She stood there, completely nude and unselfconscious, and reached down for my tee-shirt. She pulled it up, and I put my hands over my head so that she could pull it free. Putting her hands back on my chest, she gently pushed me down so that I lay supine on the sofa.

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A Dream Come True By Teresa Ann Wood My name is Travis Miller and I always assumed myself to be a normal boy. I liked girls, I played sports. I masturbated while thinking about the girls. I never found myself interested in anything others might call 'deviant'. That is, not until I turned thirteen. I decided that year that I was going to try out for the football team. Being from a decidedly rural area, even for Kentucky, it was needful for every student to try out for...

1 year ago
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Sexual Stories

SexualStories! Do you like jerking off to erotic fiction? Well, you are not alone, mate. So many horny fuckers out there eat up this kind of smut. So, it’s not out of the ordinary. But where can you find a collection of sex stories that can get you off?Well, there’s a fuck load of options to choose from, and one such site you should consider visiting is Sexual Stories. Here, you are bound to find compelling sex stories that will make you cum in your pants right where you fucking sit.I know; it...

Sex Stories Sites
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Hot Night Beach

The night was young and the air was clean. It had just rained the night before and the palm trees were dripping drops of water. The sand was warm from the hot day, but cooled by the starry night. Jessica and I lay on the sand, cuddled up in a blankey and snuggled close together. We stare into the night sky as the stars twinkle and the fireflies dance around one another. I squeeze her tightly and kissed her cheek softly. She began to melt in my arms and drift off. I shot my tongue across her ear...

First Time
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Claires confidence

It was a wonderful summer fling, Claire and I had met on a summer camp where we were both working. We had real sexual chemistry and we would take every opportunity we could to get some alone time but that wasn't easy at a busy summer camp. So when the summer came to an end and Claire invited me to help her house sit her parents house I jumped at the chance even if it did mean a 3 hour car ride with Claire's friend Angela.Now don't get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with Angela as a person...

2 years ago
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(Enferia created by cerindclvr) Enferia is a kingdom of sword and sorcery. Ruled by the powerful Queen Syndra, the kingdom is famous for it's arena. Criminals (of the beautiful female variety) are forced to fight for their freedom before noble and commoner alike. Thieves, rebels and traitors are brought low before all. The rules of the arena shift to the Queen's whims, but generally the first fighter to be stripped naked loses. The victor gets to decide a forfeit the loser must preform. Beyond...

4 years ago
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JordanChapter 12

The next morning I got up, did my morning things then went down to the kitchen and made my coffee while waiting for Jordan. Soon I heard the sound of the shower and not long after a young beauty came downstairs to join me for breakfast. After breakfast and cleanup, I asked Jordan what she wanted to do today. "This morning, before it gets too warm, I'd like to go for a long walk on the beach. After lunch I want to go shopping and before you ask, I won't tell you what for – at least for...

2 years ago
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The Big Birthday Surprise

The big day had arrived, my fortieth birthday, I was lying in bed enjoying the thought of not having to go to work, it being Saturday. How could I be so lucky to have it land on a Saturday. I'm Sandra Jennings, My husband of sixteen years, Jimmie Jennings, had just gotten up to go make coffee. I laid there thinking what it was he was going to surprise me with. All he would divulge was, it was going to be a big surprise. Jimmie had turned forty seven his last birthday and after being married...

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Iridani Kitten Academy

Iridani Kitten Academy, 1 By: Bernice 14 Standing in her office Mistress Gwendolyn peered out her window over the courtyard in front of her School. The kittens had begun to arrive for the new school year, and she had three IGP Transports due to arrive, two in the next two hours, the third in another three days. Plus on top of it all she was embarking on yet another first, she was opening two lower grades to Kittenettes in the last two years before...

3 years ago
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Game Of Incest

Hi, my name is Alex. The story I am going to narrate is fully fictional. None of the characters are real. I am doing my bachelor’s degree in Aditya college. I am 21 years old with a muscular body having 7″ dick which is always poking out when hot girls are nearby. Coming to the story. My family consists of 4 members my father Ashish (51 years), mother Navya (41)and my hot sister Reshma (19). My mother is a housewife and my sister is studying. I am very much close to my sister and used to share...

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Teenage Girl Loves to Fuck Older Men

There have been stories in the news recently about the importance of kids having stable homes with loving mothers and fathers. I was blessed with just such a home, except that my parents are both very busy with their careers and related social events with other adults and had little time for me. I know that I'm loved, but not enough for them to pay much attention to my personal life.My name is Tori, and I was sixteen years old when my parents moved to Portland, Oregon so they could accept their...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Esperanza Del Horno 07242018

Pizza and anal! Pizza and anal! Sounds crazy, but, as they say, ain’t no sex greater than sex with a crazy girl! That’s how some might describe Esperanza Del Horno, who’s called five of her favorite Bulls over to her place. For pizza. And anal. And to make sure the Bulls understand where she’s coming from, Esperanza wore a very special shirt she got at the mall. It’s straight-to-the-point and succinct: PIZZA AND ANAL. So the Bulls warm up using Esperanza’s...

2 years ago
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Joylyn First time by herself

This is a true story with fwd texts, forgive for the improper grammar, neither of us is very good at it....Walking into the US Cellular store was terrifying. My tummy turning uncontrollably. I walked straight to the counter and a very short white man walked up "can I help you?" "I would like to talk to the manager please"I was so worried that maybe there was another manager in the store and they were going to send the wrong one out. Tummy turning .sweating uncontrollably. so great full that I...

2 years ago
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Sex In Puri With My Gf

Hi, Dis iz Mahi, frm BBSR, Odisha. Studied at MITM College, Bhubaneswar, ma B-tech 2nd year mechanical student of this college.. Main apna ek story share karna chahta hun jo ki mere sath ek bar hua tha.Ye ek real story hai.Ye ghatna 3 year pehle ki bat hai.Ye mera or mera gf ke andar hua ek real incident hai. Mere gf ke bare mein bolta hun uska naam Mama hai or mere sath padhti thi. Bahut hi sexy hai uska figure kuch30-28-30 hai…Usko main bahut pyar karta tha…Ek din college me MD ko pata chal...

1 year ago
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Awesome Threesome 8211 Our First Experiment

Hi, this is Abhijit and this is my first story on ISS. I will keep sharing my real life experiences for people to read. I am born and raised in Kolkata. This story is about me and my fiancée and our first experiment with our sex life. I met Akansha during my Post graduation days in Delhi. It was 5 years back when I was 22 and she was 21. We are now engaged and will be getting married in February. Akansha belongs to Jaipur, Rajasthan and had also come to Delhi to pursue her post graduation. It...

3 years ago
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Hot Mother And Son Having Sex

Hello all, this is your Rocky Raju from Hyderabad back with an incident that happened with my mom Sneha. It was mother and son having sex.  As I have mentioned in , her size is 34-30-36, a stunning figure at the age of 43 years. My dad went to Bangalore on business after the lockdown was lifted, and my younger sister was in my grandma’s place. It was time for me to take advantage of my mom’s beauty. I woke up early in the morning as everything was normal until the afternoon. I was feeling...

2 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 43 Boy in the Bubble

April 14, 2019 Hello Everyone, Today was much more interesting than I intended it to be. My family went to a Renaissance Fair and I promptly locked my keys in the car. I was distracted as my wife and I were discussing the legality of where I was parking. So as they went and enjoyed the fair I was attempting to get into my car. First, I called my insurance company as I have a road side assistance policy. No dice, as they reimburse you later and I had eleven dollars in my pocket. Next, I...

1 year ago
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First gay experience as adult also first of a ser

I had often fantasized about having sex with a guy and had really been getting into watching gay porn! I have some friends that had a friend that was gay and I had been to his house before to party a few times! So of course I started fantasizing about him! To finally one night I decided what the heck and I took a walk late at night! I was nervous when I got there but I still knock on the door! He came to the door and somewhat recognize me and invited me in!We sat down and talked for a little...

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A High Class Whore0

The smell of bacon woke me the next morning and I eagerly hopped out of bed and rushed downstairs. Wearing nothing but a long sleeved top and white panties, I tried to look sexy as I walked around the corner to the kitchen. There he was, a tall man of six foot three inches with sea foam eyes and honey brown hair. He was the most attractive trucker that any one had ever laid eyes on. We ate and talked and once we had finished and cleared the table, he told me how much he missed me as a firm...

3 years ago
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Jilnar Jardaly in Fuckland

Once upon a time, there was a very sexy and horny little slut called Jilnar Jardaly, who was having lots and lots of fun at her girlfriend's wedding day!After the beautiful ceremony, the reception was well under way and Jilnar, was having such a lovely day! She'd already fucked nearly all the male guests, as well as several of the female ones. Best of all, she still had a few more hours left in the day to seduce the rest and add them to her enormous and ever-growing list of sexual...

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Wet Morning

It was 2 am, and she was right on time. I watched the back door to my neighbours house open, just like every night. She wasn't much older than me, only 25, and she was . Tall, blond, thin, she was hot. I normally don't fantasize about other women, but it was hard to avoid it with her. I had a perfect view of her hot tub from my bedroom window. She 'entertained' herself in it frequently. My own personal porn show, I guess. Just about every night, she would be out there, lining up her pussy with...

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Late Night Gym Session of Fucking

I consider myself in good shape. I lift four days a week and do cardio the other three; I won’t win any Mr. Universe titles but you can see each of my abs. I am strong and toned at about six feet tall. I weigh in at a lean 175 with short brown hair and 28 years of age. I have never had problems with the ladies either. I had a serious girlfriend of about two years at the time of that night.I was on my second day of a long business trip in an unfamiliar city. On some trips, my girlfriend came...

2 years ago
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Exposing Cindy spring break

Volume I – Exposing Cindy: Spring Break  Chapter one: setting the context I was raised in the Midwest, Ohio to be precise, and my move to south Louisiana, to attend college, was a culture shock of biblical proportions for me. I arrived on the LSU campus, an innocent 17-year-old product of an ‘all-girls Catholic school’, quite naïve and a bit overwhelmed. I had received a partial academic scholarship to attend Louisiana State, which made this my lowest cost option to get a college education. I...

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Man of the House

I came home from school one afternoon without my sister. My mom, a realtor, didn’t have any appointments that day, so she was at home. “Where’s Paige?” she asked as I shut the front door behind me. “ Detention,” I said. Mom sighed. “Again? What did she do this time?” “ How should I know?” “ You’re her brother, Josh, you’re supposed to look out for her. I know, I know, Mr. Big-Time High School Senior doesn’t want to have to babysit his 16-year-old sister, but you’re her big brother, it’s...

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HandsOnHardcore Canela Skin Sasha Rose Latina Sub Canela Skin Takes a Master And a Mistress in Both Her Holes

When master David Perry shows up, he’s pleased to see that his own new busty sub, dark-haired Sasha Rose, has prepped his old sub, curvy Latina babe Canela Skin, quite well. But Sasha knows she’s no match for the master himself! After Canela’s forced to take a monster vibrating dildo in her poopchute while she sucks on Sasha’s strap-on and David’s own trouser snake, the dynamic dom duo take turns fucking and being fucked by this eager beaver. But then they decide...

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Neighboring friends become lovers

I grew up in the country. Way in the country. The county in which I was raised was exclusively farms, big farms that stretched for miles in every direction. Our closest neighbors were just over 3 miles away.In many ways, this is ideal for c***dren. I was forced to play with my siblings (2 older brothers, 2 younger sisters), and we were forced to be creative in finding ways to fill our time. We played in the fields, in the barns, we even managed to fool around with the tractors from time to...

3 years ago
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In most areas of magic, I am generally considered to be a very weak wizard...but in one area I am almost peerless. In my specialty area of magic, I am generally considered to be one of the most powerful wizards in the United States. I am woefully unprepared to hurl bolts of lightning around or transform dogs into cats, but when it comes to sensing potentials in people, places and things...I am generally very capable. Because of this talent, I have been highly successful in training...

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Glorious Anya

Anya sat in the gloryhole enclosure. There were apertures all around her, and she could just about fit in there so that a penis inserted behind her would enter her behind (either her anus or her pussy, based on the angle), while one inserted in front could be taken in her mouth. She could use her hands on members that entered from the sides, and if she stood, she could trade her pussy for her mouth.There were four apertures, but only three cocks currently. They were big, thick, black dicks...

Oral Sex
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MySistersHotFriend Ashly Anderson 24525

When summer means water guns, water guns means bombs, meaning big tits bouncing in bikinis! Speaking of, Ashly Anderson’s bombs are jiggling around in her thong swimsuit as she’s battling her friend’s brother Kyle in a water gun fight. But when his shooter goes bone dry, Ashly’s got him cornered…until he sees a bottle of oil in plain view, grabs it and squirts it all over her. But now that Ashly feels her bikini’s ruined, she’s got no choice but to take it off, exposing her big fat juicy tits,...


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