I Won't Hurry YouChapter 5 free porn video

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Someone was lightly shaking my shoulder; I woke up. A voice said, "It was a ricochet. The round went in three inches; hit an artery and then some muscle tissue, but no bone. You'll be almost back to normal in two weeks.

Later I felt someone kiss me; I could feel tears... Elke? I went back to sleep.

I woke up again in late afternoon; I was hungry and thirsty. The nurse said she would get something for me.

Ten minutes later, Top came into the room. "Lieutenant, Elke and Sophie are fine. Waters has a long recovery since the round broke the femur, but he'll be back. And the Colonel is ecstatic; since it appears that you hit the jackpot.

"A team of ten intelligence officers is flying in from Ft. Meade to help analyze what you found.

"For a puke Lieutenant, you appear to be a hero."


"She's with Sophie in the hospital. The drugs we gave the kids were strong, and they are under observation. She'll see you tomorrow."

The next morning at about 0730 the door opened and the First Sergeant came into the room with two cups of coffee.

"Good morning, Lieutenant.

"Good morning, First Sergeant."

He grinned as he handed me the coffee. "Sir, I broke a rule and I trust to your discretion—this is the first time in my military career I ever got a cup of coffee for a lieutenant."

Feigning seriousness, I replied, "Trust me, Top. Your secret will never be forced from me."

We talked a while and then he left. There was an initial meeting of the ten intelligence officers over from Ft. Meade along with the Division's intelligence section to decide how they would attack the information we had brought back... Top was invited to attend the meeting.

Elke came into the room at about 1100. She kissed me hard and thanked me for saving Sophie, and then she started to cry—overwhelmed by everything. I just held her and when she stopped crying, we kissed again.

Three hours later I was discharged with a pair of crutches and an order that the bandage had to be changed every other day.

Elke and I sat on a bench overlooking the parade grounds. I saw that we were loosely surrounded by four guards, but didn't mention it to Elke. We held hands and for long periods of time nothing was said. At one point Elke whispered, "I owe you everything."

I just squeezed her hand.

After dinner that night with Elke and Sophie (Sophie was very shy, and I felt terrible that she was so scared of me), they went to the Visitor's Housing and I went to my room.

I took a pain pill and quickly fell asleep.

"Lieutenant, wake up." I felt someone shaking my shoulder.

I looked up and saw the clock showed 0400. The Sergeant said, "Colonel Weldon wants to see you in 10 minutes."

"I need to shower and shave."

"No time, Lieutenant. The jeep is outside."

I walked with my crutches into the Colonel's office—I had passed Elke who looked at me bewildered and scared. Sophie was in her lap sleeping.

Weldon grinned at me and said, "Lieutenant, we hit the mother lode on what you got out of the safe. Our people in the field tell us the Russians are outraged and humiliated. To regain some face, the word is that they're going after Elke and the kid to show us they can't be treated that way.

"They're going to try to kill them.

"We've made the decision to get all of you out of here.

"A plane will take you to Frankfurt, then Manchester and Washington."

"When?" I asked.


Minutes later we walked into the courtyard. Two jeeps and a staff car were waiting for us. Top was in charge and ordered four armed soldiers into the lead car, four into the third car, and then told Elke, Sophie and me to get into the back seat of the staff car. He carried a shotgun with him as he got into the passenger's side of our car.

We raced to the nearby military airport. A ten-passenger military plane was sitting on the tarmac with its propellers turning over as we pulled up.

We stopped in front of the plane as a staff sergeant came running up. "First Sergeant, this plane is full."


The sergeant whined, "First Sergeant, please get off the tarmac."

Top turned to his men and handed the shotgun to one of them. He said, "This plane doesn't leave."

Ten minutes later two majors and a captain walked down the plane's stairs giving us dirty looks. We boarded.

That was the end of the screw-ups. We were met at Frankfurt, then at Manchester, and finally at Andrews outside of D.C. Two staff cars met us at Andrews, and an hour later we were escorted into an estate, fed a meal, showered, and Elke and Sophie went to sleep. Before they let me crash, a doctor inspected my wound and put a new bandage on it.

The next morning Elke and I met with a colonel who explained that we were going to stay at the safe house while they debriefed Elke. He thought it would take two or three weeks.

I asked, "Can I be with Elke when you talk to her?"

"No, Lieutenant."

I was pissed, but Elke touched my arm and said, "Stay with Sophie. Make her comfortable with you."

We started a routine. Elke would go to be debriefed and Sophie and I would go to play. Sophie quickly became my best buddy. She laughed and giggled, and squealed with pleasure every time I gave her a new stuffed toy, which was about every other day—I was spoiling the hell out of her and loving every minute of it.

One morning they debriefed me with Sophie on my lap, but it was only about the grab—from the time I went in to the time we returned to base with the kids.

"When Waters got hit, why did you go back?"

I thought what a dumb ass question that was..."He's one of us."

"But Lieutenant, you must have known that you had important information that Waters told you to protect."

I was pissed and repeated, "He's one of us."

"Lieutenant, did you see Water's weapon when you went back for him?"

Another dumb question I thought. "No."

"So you would agree the weapon was lost under fire?"

"I guess so... yes."

One of the officers took pity on me. "Waters signed out the weapon and he lost it. The bureaucracy says we have to file a report relieving him of responsibility for the weapon."

I grunted. I asked, "Can you tell me about the stuff we brought out?"

The same officer chuckled and replied, "Well the good news, Lieutenant, is that your security level has been raised to 'Top Secret.' The bad news is that you don't have the need to know what you brought out; we can't tell you a thing about it."

Sophie started to squirm and I thought, "Typical Army bullshit."

After a few more questions they ended the meeting. Sophie and I went out to play.

We were in adjoining rooms—Elke and Sophie in one room, me in the other. On the second night at the safe house I heard a light tapping on the connecting door that separated our two rooms. It was Elke.

She had an impish grin on her face. "You played with Sophie all day; now will you play with me?"

Later, as she gasped with anticipation, she begged me to enter her. She was sopping wet and I slid in fully with the first thrust. It was not the night for slow love making, but rather a rough, violent rhythm that tried to erase all the stress and troubles we had endured over the past months. When she came, she screamed my name. I let myself go and pushed into her one more time as far as I could go and then felt my cum filling her—I never remember coming so long or so hard.

When we were through she looked at me and simply said, "I love you, Dave."

At the beginning of the third week, Sophie and I were playing in the field behind the mansion when a staff car pulled up. A brigadier general got out and walked towards me.

"Lieutenant?' he asked.

Even though I was not in uniform, I went to rigid attention—I'd never met a general before.

"Sir, Lieutenant Wheeler."

"We need to talk," he said genially.

"Sir, I have Sophie..."

"Lieutenant, my aide has three young kids. He also has a four-month-old Labrador puppy that he brought with us. She'll be entertained."

I heard Sophie squeal with laughter as a black puppy started chasing her.

"Yes, Sir."

We started walking. "Lieutenant, here's the situation. I got my star two months ago. Your German intelligence command has dual reporting—one goes to the Division Commander and the other goes to the Washington Army Intelligence Agency, which happens to be the duty that I just assumed.

"You had a tremendous achievement and both Colonel Weldon and I seem to be getting most of the credit for it—I just gave the okay based on lower recommendations. Bullshit, of course, but you take it when you can.

"Since you just made me a hero, so to speak, I thought I should at least get the real story."

I was telling him about the operation when he interrupted and asked, "Were you scared, Lieutenant?"

"Sir, I was scared shitless from the time I got into the truck until we landed back at the base."

He grinned at me, "I agree with the others, Lieutenant. You do have some common sense."

We talked for two hours. We ended up in the field where we started. Sophie was asleep on a blanket and the black Labrador puppy was sleeping with his tiny head resting on her stomach—they were both exhausted.

I turned to the General and asked, "What happens to Elke?"

He paused, "I'm told she'll be moved to a German neighborhood in Milwaukee and be assimilated into the area."

"Can you guarantee me that the Russians can't find her there?"

"Of course I can't guarantee that. Do you have a better idea?"

"Yes, Sir."

After I was through talking he looked at me. "Lieutenant, you're asking for the world."

He paused and then said almost to himself, "But if ever a young lieutenant is going to ask for the world, this would be the time to try.

"No promises, Lieutenant. Let me work on it."

Five days later I was in my Class A uniform and escorted into an office in the Pentagon.

The General was there, along with a major from the Adjutant General Corps and a corporal holding a camera.

The General said, "Let's get it on, Major."

The Major said, "Attention to Orders:" They gave me a medal for the ding, and another with a "V" for valor for helping Waters and the overall mission.

I thought it was over, and relaxed. The general smiled and said, "Not yet."

The major repeated, "Attention to Orders:" I received an early promotion to Captain and the general put on the two silver stripes—railroad tracks—when we were done.

After the pictures were taken, the General dismissed the Major and said, "Follow me, Captain, Corporal."

We went down a corridor and came to another door. I opened it and saw Elke in a simple yellow dress with Sophie in front of her holding a bouquet of flowers. Next to Elke was First Sergeant Franklin in his Class A uniform. I saw on his chest three purple hearts, a bronze star with two "V's" for valor and a silver star.

Behind Elke and Top I saw the army chaplain. Ten minutes later we were married. The Corporal took pictures and then was dismissed.

We had a wedding luncheon—the General, Top, Sophie, Elke, and me.

The general looked at Top and said, "First Sergeant, it was nice of you to take leave to be at the wedding to give away the bride."

Not in the least intimidated Top replied, "Actually, General, the courier at our base got sick, and I volunteered to make the courier run.

"And," he said with a big smile, "when I got here, there had been a screw up and I'm stuck in Washington for at least five days waiting for the return courier flight."

The General grinned back and said, "I admire your mastery with the army system, Top."

Top grinned, "I take that as a compliment... Sir."

The next day a military transport took us to the West Coast and from there to the Big Island in Hawaii. We were met at the airport by a military sedan and were escorted, under guard, to a private military resort—it was provided to field-grade and general-grade officers for taking leave with their families

The Major-in-charge ignored the fact that I wasn't a field-grade officer and gave me a brief orientation—uniforms were strongly discouraged, all food and drinks were complimentary, and there was no tipping. He advised me that if Elke and I wanted time by ourselves, there was a waiting-list of enlisted personnel who would baby-sit for a few dollars.

We were taken to a two-bedroom cottage that was decorated very nicely. The small porch had two rocking chairs that faced the distant ocean where we could see the white breakers coming towards shore.

It was a fantastic place to have a honeymoon. Elke and Sophie were excited to be so near the ocean and were anxious to go to the beach and play in the ocean for the first time in their lives.

They went into Sophie's bedroom to change into their swimming suits, while I changed in our bedroom. They came out of the bedroom, giggling and laughing and stood at attention for me to inspect their suits—they had matching two-piece, red swimming suits. My heart melted when I saw Elke and her tiny clone standing before me. I got hard and Elke giggled.

Later that night when Sophie fell into an exhausted sleep, I stripped Elke and teased her until she begged me to come into her. I entered her and slipped through her wet walls until I had penetrated her completely. Moments later we climaxed together. We fell into a comfortable sleep in each other's arms. For the first time in months we felt no pressure or stress—just love.

I had ten days at the resort before going to my next duty station. We quickly fell into a routine of early morning breakfast, playing on the beach, a light lunch, then a nap for Sophie, and wonderful sex for Elke and me.

The afternoon was always different—a picnic, or trying to teach tennis to Elke and Sophie, or flying kites—we did anything that we thought would be fun.

We usually had an early dinner together and then we played with Sophie for a while until she was tired and put her to bed. The rest of the waking night was for talking to each other and more sex.

On the eighth day we hired an enlisted soldier to watch Sophie while Elke and I went to the main dining room for a dinner just for us. They gave us a table for two on the outside porch facing the ocean. She sat across from me in her low-cut dress. The candlelight sent streams of light bouncing off her naked shoulders and upper chest. The minimum makeup she wore highlighted her high cheekbones.

It was a wonderful meal—Elke was laughing, teasing, and giggling the entire meal. Once Sophie had been rescued I had found another side of Elke's personality that had been repressed by the stress of her situation—she had an impish sense of humor and loved to tease—especially me.

Her most common tease was to use my new rank to address me..."Would the Captain like another drink?"

I would say, "Elke, stop that."

She would just giggle harder.

After dessert I said, "Elke, we only have two more days and then we go to my posting. It's not the best assignment that the Army could give us; it could be hard for you and Sophie."

Elke turned serious, "Dave, you still don't understand. Sophie and I have no family, and now we have no country. All we have is you—you saved our lives and made me feel safe. Wherever you take us, we will not complain, for our entire world is only you."

That absolute look of love and surrender shocked me. I realized, once again, how deep her love was for me.

We went back to the room, and paid the enlisted soldier for babysitting, I checked that Sophie was sleeping and then returned to our room.

Elke stood there naked. She grinned impishly, "Would the Captain like a second dessert?"

I took off my clothes and joined Elke on the bed. After a deep kiss I attacked her breasts with my tongue—licking, sucking, and lightly biting her hard nipples.

Elke giggled and said, "I hope the Captain isn't going to tease me."

I refused to answer and continued to tease her body with my tongue. Eventually I reached her vagina. I spread her legs wider and began to kiss her inner thighs and then spread her vaginal lips and licked her inner walls.

By now Elke was aroused and her groans were getting louder. She finally gasped, "Dave, quit teasing; put it into me."

I resisted, but then she wailed, "Please!"

Seconds later I slipped into her.

Afterward, we lay facing each other. We quietly talked as our bodies recovered from their sexual release. I kissed her forehead and then her nose. My hands cupped each breast while my thumbs gently rubbed her nipples.

"My Captain wants an encore?" suggested Elke with a smile.

"No, Elke. It's just that I had to put my hands somewhere."

Seconds later I felt two hands gently cup my balls and start to lightly squeeze them as her thumbs teased my cock.

I looked at her. She gave me that innocent, impish look.

"But Dave, I have to put my hands somewhere."

I was hard again. Elke grinned and said, "On your back, Captain."

She straddled me and guided my cock into her as she lowered herself. She looked at me and grinned as my hands once more held her breasts. But then she took my hands and put them on the bed—all I could do was look at her.

Moments later she started a rhythmic motion as she pulled up and thrust down. The movements were gentle at first and she never took her eyes off me—a loving smile always on her face. Each time she thrust down, her clitoris rubbed against me as she increased the pace. Her breasts, that I longed to touch, were bouncing up and down with her movements. I felt her vaginal walls squeeze me and knew she was coming. I felt myself release a few feeble spurts into her just before she fell forward to hug and kiss me.

"Thank you, my Captain."

Seconds later she rolled off me and fell asleep.

While she slept I thought, "What she said at dinner was so emotional—I was her world. And yet, I failed to tell her that she is everything to me. Other than my mom, I never felt this way about anyone in my life. When she wakes up tomorrow, I have to make sure she knows how I feel."

She moaned as if in a bad dream. I pulled her to me and she slept. Moments later, so did I.

The next morning as we walked on the beach I made sure Elke knew how I felt about her. When I was done, she hugged me and whispered, "Thank you, my darling, but you didn't have to tell me—every time you look at me I know how much you love me."

The last two days passed very quickly and once again the three of us were on a military transport plane to my new duty assignment.

We landed at an intermediate stop. When the time came to board the plane, a major stood in front of me and said, "Captain, we have a little problem. Will you and your wife follow me, please?"

The four of us were in a small office. I could hear our plane rev up its engines and then take off.

The major said, "The problem is the following: You have one set of somewhat unusual orders from Washington. Your orders absolutely violate the standing orders of the Regional Commander. So until the two contradicting orders are resolved, I'm afraid you're stuck here."

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Pickup in a Hurry

James Parker was sitting at the campus Starbucks, which he did as often as he could afford. He was appreciating the pickup era clothing, or rather the lack thereof, that the female patrons of the shop were displaying. Most of the girls who had swirled in with the lunch crowd appeared to be barely old enough to be legal in the diaspora era and wore no more than body paint and thongs. At least some of them did. A couple of the girls who had seated themselves at a table near where he sat were...

2 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 251 HURRY GO ROUND

(The police boats have arrived. As Saitou directs the investigation of the island, Enishi is led off in custody.) Kaoru: Misao. Misao: Yeah? Kaoru: Did you bring what I asked you for? It's all right, isn't it Kenshin? Kenshin: Yes... That's best. Kaoru: Wait! (Enishi turns his head.) Kaoru (holding out Tomoe's old, worn diary): Here... take this. That was the last we saw of Yukishiro Enishi. When we reached Tokyo Bay, he had disappeared from the ship, along with Tomoe's diary....

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I Wont Hurry YouChapter 2

The next morning I found my way to Captain Myer's section in the building and arrived at 0745. First Sergeant Franklin was already sitting at his desk in the office sipping coffee. He looked at me and asked, "Would the Lieutenant like some coffee?" "Yes, First Sergeant." He pointed to a pot on a corner table, "Help yourself." After pouring myself a cup of coffee I walked back to Franklin and asked, "Can you tell me where to find the form that I have to fill out when I have a...

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I Wont Hurry YouChapter 4

The next morning Elke was released from the hospital. However, before she physically left the building she sat down with the First Sergeant, an intelligence officer from the 2nd Armored Division's S2 office and a sketch artist. I was politely, but firmly, told that they would be more productive if I weren't with Elke when they talked. It was obvious to me that they were trying to identify the other four women whom the Russians had either coerced or talked into spying in our regional...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 25

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2006 Chapter 76 Military reporter for the Stars and Stripes 12:04 am November 2nd, 2006 (5:04 pm local time, Palestine) This was the strangest trial I ever attended. The Commandant on the Parris Island Marine Base Training Camp is not the sort of defendant I expected to meet on my beat in the Middle East. And he was on trial for piracy. Not even in my most drunk and drugged party state in college would I have thought this would happen. The defendant looked...

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We have recently been having problems with the bathroom pipes in the basement. We called our long-time plumbing company and they sent over Willy, a worker that we hadn't seen before. He's about 10 years younger than me. Nice looking guy, muscular body type. Grey hair, glasses, 6' tall and about 220 pounds. I got to see his plumber's crack several times as he worked on our pipes. He had a very hairy a$$. It took him about an hour to fix all the pipes but he did a good job and we shouldn't have...

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She dressed in a see through pink lace lingerie with the boobs cut out, black fishnets and knee high boots with spikes. When I came home she surprised me at the door, I said mmm damn you look sexy as fuck. Oh, just wait you haven’t seen anything yet, now get naked. She put a collar on me and shoved me on the floor; now kiss my feet up my legs to my pussy. She stopped me when I got to her pussy; you can look but not touch. She pulled me upstairs to the bedroom, and put my cock in a cage. I...

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Two Loves One LoverChapter 3 Epilogue

The sounds of almost thirty teenage boys and girls washed over me as I tended the barbecue, flipping burgers. Music blared out from a portable iPhone speaker system. Laughter and loud talking surrounded me. Girls were texting furiously for some reason. When I asked Chantal about their strange behavior, she laughed, telling me they were texting each other about the boys. Why, I wondered, couldn’t they just talk to each other? Had the art of whispering been lost? I watched Chantal while she...

1 year ago
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Chrissie and TomChapter 6

Tom was the first up; in grubby jeans and t-shirt he ate a quick breakfast before boarding Reminder to tidy up some loose ends he would normally have dealt with the previous evening. So when Chrissie arrived, having risen, eaten a cooked breakfast and dressed with care, she didn't find him on board 'Peewit', his yacht. It didn't take much effort to deduce where he was and she picked her way across the decks of SBs Wivenhoe and Xylonite to reach Reminder. He looked up from his labours and...

2 years ago
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At The Service Of My Mistress 8211 Mohini

Hi friends this is Neville 38 year old living in Chennai. I would like to narrate you a real story which changed my life. During Diwali Vacation my wife with kids have been to her mothers house in Delhi for a week. And their stay was prolonged to one more week due to some wedding in their relation. I was all alone in Chennai. I was having a great urge of having sex, so looked at news papers and called up one escort agency. They offered my college girls, house wives and big mature ladies. My...

1 year ago
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Yellow Suit Wali Punjabi Ladki Ko Khoob Choda

Hi Friends Mera naam Sunny hai.Mein Basically Amritsar(Punjab) se hun.Presently mein Mumbai mein job karta hun and yaha pe hi rehta hun.Mein ISS kafi time se padh raha hun and yeh mein apni Pehli story likh raha hun yaha pe.Sabse pehle mein apne baare mein bata dun.Meri age 25 years hai, Height 5ft 8inch hai. colour fair hai and achi body hai. I mean dikhne mein thik thak lagta hun.Dosto yeh baat un dino ki hai jab mein university mein 1st year padta tha.Tab mein roz bike pe hi jata tha.Ek...

2 years ago
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Entering the only saloon in this county, Amanda decide to sit down, and have a drink. Nobody wants to get on her bad side, since everybody know what will happend to them if they try to mess with her. She was known for one thing : Being the most wanted in the town. That's enough to make all the citizens of Tumbleweed scared of her. Even the sheriff thinks twice before trying to arrest her. So, as she was drinking her bottle of wiskey that she ordered , a tall man, wearing a bandana and a black...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 33

I noticed Tami's mom's car wasn't in the driveway as I walked up to her house the next morning. I grinned. A Saturday with nothing to do for a change, and a teenaged girl alone in her house. Life is good. I knocked, and Tami opened the door almost immediately. "Hi, Tony. Guess..." I didn't wait for her to finish. I stepped inside, pulling her to me, and pressed my lips to hers. One hand squeezed her butt cheek through her jeans, the other quickly found her breast, protected only by a...

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Morgans Game

by LindsayO© I wish I could say that the summer before my nineteenth birthday never happened, but it did. There are some people who will still not let me forget it. As a twentieth wedding anniversary present, my father decided to surprise Mom by taking her on a month-long cruise in Alaska. This meant, of course, that my brother, Jeremy, and I would have to have a babysitter. I don't know why this is, being that he is twenty,although maybe a little irresponsible, but leave it to my...

3 years ago
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All Alone

All AloneIt was one of those cold winter evenings and I was alone, Rob was away for 2 weeks on business, I missed him so much. I grabbed a TV dinner and a glass of wine and curled up on the settee, there was this travel programme on TV, it was about Jamaica, white fine sands, swaying palms and a turquoise blue sea, what I would give to be there now! I was lying on the beach at Sandals Royal Caribbean Resort, the warmth of the sun caressing my body, the sound of the waves kissing the soft sand,...

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Hot Mumbai Girl In The Apartment

Hi all this is Mahesh from Mumbai, I am average build fair and as normal as everyone. I hope the story below is not too elaborated and explained well in short to make you like please drop in your comments at I have been reading a lot many stories of guys and girls and had good shag through most of the stories; well coming to me I am from Hyd basically and had moved recently to Mumbai for my new job. I have been appointed as project manager and the office is like jakaas. Company had given me a...

4 years ago
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I have this immense crush on this man I work with, but being as I have a boyfriend I can't do anything further. One day while I was talking with him outside on a smoke break I think he was fishing for a way to come over and hang out, which would have been great! Somehow I let it slip that I was in a relationship and it didn't happen :( Well I had a dream about him the other night, which isn't unusual for me; I have some pretty vivid dreams! I thought I might like to share it!I was taking...

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Our new baby sitters mum 3

Introduction: Helen continues to play, Wendy has questions about sex. This is the sequel to Our new baby sitters mum (1) &(2) It is almost certainly better if you read them first. I was kneeling between my husband, Johns, spread knees, his cock in my mouth as I bobbed up and down along his shaft. Helen was seated on our couch, Wendy was sitting on the floor at her mother, Helens feet.. Wendy and Helen were both watching us closely. All four of us were naked. Eventually I felt Johns cum fill...

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My mom being taken while i watch

I got up as usual this morning, with having breakfast and taking a shower afterwards. It was 9am and i was getting ready to pack my things for school and to just take the day off as it was saturday, my mom had to visit my dad today at our other house which is located deep in country. About 100miles away from the place where we are now, it was a bit chilly outside and my mom wore sweater, warm skirt, pantyhose and heels. In my mind i thought "oh man i`m so lucky to have mom like this". After she...

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Vanished Ch 18

Master Geoff and I discovered yet another gorgeous high desert day awaiting us as we ran: it seemed as if we were running to meet the sunrise. The ink black slopes slowly took definition from the top down. The snow capped mountains were the first to meet the morning, they accepted the softest hint of pink only to have it deepened with dapples of oranges and russets highlighted with yellows and whites and shaded with grays. The kaleidoscope took deep dark shadows and turned them into a myriad...

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Making Love to You

A lady friend of mine asked me to write her a story about what it would be like making love to her. She wanted to know how and what I would do. So here is the story of how I would make love to my lady. I would make sure I got home at least three hours before you do. In that time I would have the house clean and laundry done and anything else that needed to be out of the way. I would also have supper cooking. Tonight the menu consists of your favorite meal. Chicken stir-fry with Almonds, the...

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kates master xx

Her master opened the hotel room door and Kate felt her heart beat faster…this was it….no going back, she watched her master look her over and smile at her as he pulled her inside…she had dressed simply…no one seeing her walk through the hotel would have ever guessed what she had planned that day, her hair was pinned up, her dress simple, with a belt round her waist, accentuating her curves, the ones her msater was going to lick and suck and fuck for the rest of the day. Her master pushed her...

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Saras Protective Dad part 4

The twins are definitely confused not understanding what’s happing between the two sisters. I don’t know if the twins heard any of the whispers. But both are wide-eyed and seemed to be a little excited. They look back from their mother to each other, and giggle, then look at me. Now I’m the one who is very confused as the twins puckered and blow kisses to me. I’m no sooner seated then when Jewels and Sara asked me to follow them into my office. I look to the twins and say I’ll be back...

2 years ago
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Lost in Lesbos

I was on my way to the beach to meet up with friends near Tampa, when my car got a flat tire. Groaning inwardly I got out and realized it was pitch black outside but I was sure I took off in the afternoon and I had only been on the road for 45 minutes. It wasn’t dark when I was driving either. Something was certainly amiss. When I get out to look at the tire, I spot a light in the grass over an old broken fence on the same side of the road where I pulled over. No cars were to be seen and even...

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Orgy on Eagletown Family

I live in the city and my story really starts when I was nine and my father came home early from work and caught my mom fucking the owner of the building we live in. My mom has been fucking anybody who could make her pussy happy, as long as I can remember and my father didn’t have a clue until he caught her with the owner of our building, who also lives in the building. It turns out that she was pregnant with me when her and my father where looking for a bigger apartment and she came...

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Usamas Fate

Usama's Fate By JRD It was a Grand Convocation of the Fae. All types were there: Elves, Gnomes, Brownies, Leprechauns; at least a few of every type of faerie was there. And all were clamoring to be heard. Finally, Oberon stood and yelled, "ENOUGH!" In a moment's time the clamor was gone, and the hall was silent. Oberon continued, "The rules stand! The Fae will not reenter the fate of humanity. Any who do so will answer to me!" then he and Titania were gone. As most of...

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Summer Holiday Education PT 10

My granma was in a similar position I had just seen Mary in, she was on all fours only she was on top of James riding his cock while Toby was fucking her ass, granma was sucking on phil who still had his make up on and looked a little odd without his wig and clothing.   Denise was tonguing Chloe while they each fingered the others pussy, John was massaging his daughters tits from behind, teasing her nipples. Tama approached me smiling “Well looks like I get...

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Do I Know You Ch 06

6. ‘How about this,’ I said, ‘How about you stay in the restraints and let me fuck you until we both get there together?’ ‘Mmmmmm… I like it!’ she said, ‘But there is so much I want to do to you!’ ‘Oh, don’t worry baby,’ I assured her, ‘there will be plenty of time for that. Unless you have other plans, I don’t need to be back at my conference until tomorrow afternoon.’ I SO hoped that little self-invite would be well-received – fortunately, it was. ‘You have NO IDEA how happy I am to hear...

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PornWorld Ria Sunn Sex Hungry Boss Ria Sunn Enjoys Sensual DP Fucking In Office Breakroom

Horny boss Ria Sunn is in the office getting ready for a meeting and when she is joined by Erik and one of her employees, Michael she listens carefully to Erik’s sales pitch. While they take a break, Ria strips down to her white cotton panties and toys a glass dildo on her desk while the guys are waiting in the breakroom. Ria gets dressed quickly and joins them where she decides to use them both to satisfy her sexually! This hot executive gets her pussy and ass filled with cock and takes...

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I am drummer in a band called Atomic Spartacus. We've had a few shows but much in the way of anything finacially rewarding. We heard a local company was going to throw its employees a little party and bands were encouraged to submit audition tapes. It was to pick morale after a series of brutal winter storms battered the state. We had no Christmas-related songs in our line up but thwn we discovered it was to be a "tropical" theme and that no seasonal music was permitted. We shot a half dozen...

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Doctor visit

I was the last appointment of the day and the doctor was running late but I was ok with that. finally I was taken to the exam room and told to undress and put on a very small gown that tied in the front. I have firm DD tits and the gown would not go over them so I left it open. I am not shy at all and he was my doctor.The nurse came in and took all my vital signs while looking at my huge tits. She then listened to my heart taking time as to feel my breasts. Soon the doctor came in and smiled as...

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My Aunt Breast feeds Me

Hiall. This is love again with a new story about my aunt and me. Me love from mumbai and would like to satisfy women from Mumbai. So women feel free to contact as I can give the pleasure u want. My email id is now back to story. I’m a regular reader of this site. today i want to share a real experience of my life with you all. Though it’s nothing to do sex, but i can never forget the incident in my life. Now I m 26 yrs of age and still UN married. Right from my childhood I have always dreamt...

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Old Lonely finds a Friend

In the days when I had an appliance business in a small town in Kansas, I often laughingly referred to myself as "Old Lonely", the Maytag repairman. But occasionally I did find that being in the business of making customers satisfied meant going beyond the normal "service" work.One hot July afternoon, the phone rang and I picked it up."Pioneer Appliances" I answered."Hello, Bob? This is Amy McMullen. You sold us our Maytag dishwasher last year and it's full of dirty water and it won't pump...

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MELODY MEChapter 6

“Yes, I must admit. It is the second best feeling I have ever felt, Mel!” With that said she dropped all the way down, and I immediately came inside her! “I’m sorry, I am so sorry Mel! Will you ever forgive me?” “Don’t worry lover boy, I’ve done some reading too. It doesn’t matter how quick the first one is, it’s the second one!” I got hold of her, flipped her on her back, which caused her to growl at me, and I began to thrust hard, deep, and fast. “Ooooh, Paul ... keep it going, Baby, I...

3 years ago
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JourneyChapter 11

"In our time was the normal second or two turn around." Vee was 'explaining' to Mother, "In Sol time it was 2500 years." Gary hung his head. "You have to understand, I don't need a watch and Gary had used his 'Emergency Only' maybe twice and the lesson book WAS a trifle vague ... so the planned 250 years got a little long," Vee hesitated overlong and mother made that circular hand motion that tells one to get a move on. "The place was inhabited." When mother laughs ... it's...

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