Teenolivia and Amanda at the lake
- 3 years ago
- 41
- 0
"That can't be it. The damn thing wouldn't work!"
You don't say that to two fellow geeks without them wanting the details. "I was into tinkering with laser and was working on a liquid bromide version. I don't see how it fits in though. I could only get enough output for one shot. I was working on a revolving input source something like an old Gatling gun but it was only in the design stage. I didn't have the resources to model it."
Tina smiled and said "bingo!"
Adam added "I saw that in a movie once!"
I smiled "me too, "Real Genius" was one of my favorites. I guess whoever wrote the screenplay didn't even think about the fact that it could actually work, but theirs was frozen."
He was getting more animated as he asked questions about size, output and range.
When I told him the range I tested at was 200 miles and had destroyed a junked car he was more enthusiastic. He asked what I had intended to do with it and I explained my theory of taking out terrorists with it from either converted bombers or a drone.
"That's why you're here dude. How many lives would be saved by not having to send troops into some hellhole to root out the bad guys? 200 miles is already low earth orbit. You could use satellite imagery to pick a target and no terrorist would be safe. They can't stay inside forever." He added a bit of useful information "I worked on a couple of laser projects at MIT. I'll help if you'll let me."
I told him I'd appreciate it and we talked a bit about the projects he had been on. Lasers were going to be an important part of the plan and not just for toasting terrorists. We were going to need better computers to advance technology at the rate we wanted and lasers were essential to manufacture the microprocessors we wanted to produce. We agreed to get together again soon.
After he left we went to the main house to see Al. He had company but we stole him for a quick conference. He was still against the merger since he would be leaving (hopefully) for the NFL when he graduated but agreed that Joyce and Linda needed to know the story.
I was secretly relieved that he felt that way. The thought of being involved with Joyce like that had no appeal to me after Jan. Every time we were together I knew I'd be thinking about her sister. Telling them about us would head off any bad feelings about not being in the loop. We couldn't hide it from them much longer anyway.
I tried to show Al the trick I had taught Adam and admitted I had been too dumb to think of it before but It didn't work. I could do it for him but he couldn't follow what I was doing. I came to the conclusion that it must be because he hadn't been sent back. The Gods must have altered us to be able to do this. In the end, he stayed "activated". He would find that they wouldn't be able to wear him out as easily now. I was able to do all the other things since there wouldn't ever be a need to change them back. Remembering how his previous football career had ended made me experiment a little more. Nothing short of a sledgehammer would tear his ACL now. The girls would be surprised soon. Now the only fly in the ointment was Lin. There was no way she wouldn't find out with Adam in the picture.
What I had done with my healing abilities had me wondering about Dee. The gods said he couldn't be helped but I wanted to try. I called and asked them to stop by on their way home tomorrow before Joining Tina and Kathy in bed. They were excited about the idea but I warned them it was a long shot.
When Dee arrived the next evening I explained to him what I intended to do. He brightened up considerably as he asked "do you think it's possible to make me potent again?"
I told him I could try but if the Gods couldn't do it I had little hope that I'd be able to. I also told him that I could attempt to give him a little "growth spurt" if he wanted me to try (he most definitely did) I warned him that I didn't know if I could but I would try.
After he thanked me Rhonda gave us some hope. She reminded me that the Gods hadn't actually said they couldn't heal Dee. They had seemed to indicate that they weren't allowed to.
On that hopeful note we joined hands. I had the stamina thing down pat but the growth took some work. It was almost as if I had to reawaken cells and remind them what they were supposed to do. Glands had to be reminded what their purpose was. It was like convincing them that puberty wasn't done yet. After I thought that was done, I checked the fertility problem.
The Gods had been serious. Dee's testicles were toast, I mean dead with a capital D. The must have really shot the radiation to them. I had an idea of my own though and pursued it with a vengeance when I discovered that yes, it was possible. Very difficult, but doable. When I was done I slumped over and fainted.
I heard Dee yelling from a distance as I blacked out. I woke up with my head in Jane's lap and three concerned faces hovering over me.
I was a little tired but otherwise felt fine and told them so. I sat up with just a little mild dizziness. I felt almost too satisfied with what I had done. I told them I was sorry for scaring them but what I tried was harder than I had imagined.
I could see Dee hiding his disappointment until I added "but I think it worked. I mean all of it worked, Dee. It will be strange for you though. There was no possible way to make your present 'nads do their thing again. They're as useless as golf balls. While I was making things grow though, I had an idea. I hope you won't mind having three nuts. It might be a little weird but number three should be fully functional. You might like to know that the cancer was coming back too, but it's gone now."
He was overjoyed and practically in tears as he hugged me. "I don't think I will ever be able to repay you for this but I can only imagine how Jane will." I shrugged it off as the least I could do for a friend but told him Jane thanking me would be nice anyway.
I was almost scared when Jane explored my tonsils and whispered "the paramedics might need to be put on standby for what I'm going to do for you!"
The following weekend Rhonda was with her parents. Tina, Beth, and Kathy went shopping with mom. I was actually alone, and it felt strange. The situation was remedied very soon though.
When the doorbell rang I was sitting at the table reading the Journal and contemplating the purchase of a large block of Coca-Cola stock. The only misgiving I had was the dip it took over the "New Coke" fiasco. It hadn't taken long to recover though so I eventually decided to pull the trigger.
As I came to that conclusion the doorbell rang. I hadn't bothered getting dressed but grabbed a robe just in case before answering it. Jackie walked right in when I opened the door. She knew about the fact that I was by myself and said she needed to talk to me. Before she began, she removed my robe and what little she was wearing and sat me in a dining room chair before impaling herself on my rod with a sigh, saying "ahhh that's nice. I'm sure I'll think better like this"
Evidently she had been practicing some additional exercises. She began to milk my cock with her internal muscles as she asked "just what do you expect me to do as AG? You aren't going to be pushing any illegal agenda are you?"
It was difficult to concentrate but playing with her tits seemed to help as I answered "what I'd like for you to do is advise me on the constitutionality of every decision I want to make. I want it to be strictly legal with no bullshit loopholes for people to use."
She smiled "good, that's settled" and proceeded to screw me silly. Personally, I think the question was an excuse to visit, not that I was complaining or anything.
Tina had gone with dad to visit the farm next door and made a deal with them. She made a trade with the farmer that worked out well for all concerned. They would provide compost and manure for her project and we would supply them and us with fuel for the farm equipment and vehicles.
On other fronts, we were making money like we had our own private printing press. The combined knowledge of our little group had almost all the angles covered. Our biggest difficulty was keeping it invested and sheltering as much as we legally could from taxes. If things continued as they were, we would pass two billion in assets some time in the next six months.
I made the time to play with the youngsters as much as possible. I couldn't wait until they got a little older. Like most men, when they were this little I had problems relating but I wanted to make sure they were used to me always being there. I was not going to make the mistakes I had before and my children were among my worst. I had never been there for them. In my quest to stay as far away from their mothers as possible I had never spent significant time with them. Sure, I sent money but as the old song says "Can't buy me love".
Jane was pregnant again, and this one was Dee's. I have never seen two happier people. Jane thanked me senseless several times. I hadn't mentioned the little growth spurt I'd given Dee but she really appreciated it. They had opened three more stores and had moved closer to us.
School ended with our entire group, as well as the others we helped, getting straight A's. While this wasn't unexpected, it was still nice. Other than helping others we didn't study much. We weren't reading, we were writing. Because our knowledge was so diversified we needed to share it with each other. I was learning physics from Tina, management from Rhonda, medicine from Paula, and law from Jackie. In turn, Adam, Beth, and I were teaching the others about computer hardware and software.
Oh yeah, Paula's dad positively loved me now. They were rich. He had taken my advice on the oil stock, Wal-Mart, and many others and had even traveled to Vegas with my dad to place a few bets. They had also become friends. Mom and Frieda (Paula's mom) often travelled with them for some weekend fun.
Rhonda made the baseball team and started at first base. When she showed up at baseball tryouts with me no one paid much attention other than to stealthily ogle her figure. The fun started when they realized she was there to try out for the team. Not that there were any sexist remarks or anything. A lot of them had been on my little league team last year and had seen her play.
The coach knew about it beforehand because we had talked to him. After I filled him in on her stats and ability he was very receptive to the idea of having a girl on the team.
When I informed him that we had been practicing and she could hit every pitch I threw he became downright enthusiastic. He put her in the box first and had our second best pitcher from last year face her.
Jeff had been our catcher when we practiced and didn't hesitate to challenge her with the signs he used. I watched the smile on Ben's face as Jeff called a slider change into disbelief when Rhonda sent it into the left field corner for what would have been at least a double.
After she smacked a few more his smile was back. The coach had me take over for him and when we met between the plate and the mound he said "I think I'm in love, that chick can hit!" before handing me the ball and wishing me luck. Rhonda was zoned in pretty well and I only got one very good curve ball past her. She sprayed everything else all over the field.
After BP the coach put her at first and had us play in the field. She showed that she could play one hel of a first base as well. I actually had to play shortstop or outfield when I wasn't pitching, she was that good.
The Karate had done very well also. Sensei Timmons had recruited Kathy to help him instruct the earlier classes. It was hard not to laugh at the poor young guys she was trying to teach. They had major problems concentrating on what they were supposed to be doing instead of ogling her.
We ended up winning the league again and only lost three games all season. Football went much the same. We lost a couple of guys to age but everybody who could come back, did. We went undefeated for the second year in a row.
Time was a blur, every moment not spent in bed was taken up by research, music, and making money for the future. Land acquisition began. Many of us had lived all over the country and knew where large shopping centers, malls, ball parks, and other places would be built and we got there first. We'd make a killing on the investment when we sold it to the developers.
Life was good, but was about to get complicated. I vividly remembered watching the 1972 summer Olympics and was determined that it would be remembered more for Mark Spitz and Olga Korbut than the eight cowardly terrorists that overshadowed their accomplishments.
Al, Jackie, Adam, Rhonda, Tina, Kathy, and Beth were in on the plan. It was fairly straightforward and had only one major complication. How in the name of the gods would we ever get the folks to go along with it?
That turned out to be a non-issue. With things being the way they were, they had no problem with it. The only hard part was convincing them not to go with us.
We went to several events and had a blast up until the fifth of September. That's when we put on the trench coats and looped the slings around our necks that each had a sawed off 12 gauge loaded with 5 rounds of double ought buckshot attached to it. This had all been packed in our checked baggage. Airport security had a long way to go in the 70's.
We had no trouble sneaking into the Olympic village and walked right into the lobby of the apartment building where the Israeli athletes were staying. We made like student reporters trying to get an interview until the eight armed and masked Black September scum barged in shouting.
We simply turned and fired, each of us targeting one gunman. After the first round, two were still up and received more. We walked away in the confusion almost scot-free. They were so professional that we didn't even realize we'd been followed. Since it was the Mossad I guess it shouldn't have surprised us.
We were caught flat-footed and held in one of our rooms to be questioned but when they found out who the crud we took out was they got exceptionally nice in a hurry. I think they almost believed the story we gave them. It was actually very close to the truth. We explained that we had a vision about the event and described what had actually happened in the original version.
We still had a pretty rough time until the terrorists were positively identified. We were treated well but were obviously not going anywhere until they said we could.
After all was said and done, Israel picked up our tab at the hotel and we had great seats for the closing ceremonies. They also agreed to a face saving cover-up. We were never there. The terrorists had been taken care of by Israeli security forces.
They did know who we were though and that hadn't been part of our plan. Our folks didn't even ask about the foiled attack when we got back.
Seventh grade was an adventure. On several occasions the faculty attempted to skip us a grade. We managed to frustrate them every time. Some of us wanted to play various sports, which skipping grades would have ruined.
The others refused to be separated from us. They did manage to mix our class schedules but there were too many of us to keep from having at least two members of our group together at all times. Word quickly got around to the would-be bullies that their days were numbered.
We didn't just watch out for ourselves. We had an agreement that if any of us saw someone getting hassled we would stop it. It took several demonstrations to get the point across.
The school was a large one and included grades 7 through 12 on one campus. On the first day the usual "let's harass the new kids" started. The particular thug that picked me seemed to get angry when I ignored him and tried to shove me into the wall. I think he was saying "I'm talking to you twerp!" but he didn't get to complete the statement thoroughly enough for me to be sure. I put him in an arm bar and kicked him in his ample gut before walking on. Last I noticed he seemed to be revisiting breakfast.
The last time they bothered us it was Lin who demonstrated the error of their ways. Four large guys had a seventh grader in a circle and were bouncing him around. They laughed when all five-foot-six of Lin stepped in and told them play-time was over.
When a little seventh grade girl kicks the shit out of four juniors' people notice. She did get called to the office but it seems that nobody saw a thing. The bullies wouldn't admit what happened either, even the one with the broken arm. Being the only male in the group made me a target. I almost wished that Adam would skip a grade.
He had joined the Karate class and was doing pretty good. I was worried I'd need some help. I was especially concerned about gym class since I wouldn't have any back-up. It soon became obvious that I shouldn't have worried. A lot of the guys we had helped were there. The ones who might have tried something were too scared to do anything when they were heavily outnumbered. This made me even more popular because some of the smaller boys had expected to have trouble.
Beth had the expected problems because of her early development. This was countered by making sure at least one of us was always with her and resulted in a few more "disagreements" but eventually she was marked as "off limits" by the vultures to preserve their health. I think Beth had more to do with this than her escort did. She was very capable of handling herself.
There was one problem though. People talk, and because of P.E. my penile blessing got around.
We were walking home one day and Tina brought the subject up. "Do you know what your nickname is?" she asked coyly. I was afraid to ask "what" but I did. She giggled "TRIPOD! A few of the girls even asked me if it was true since they know I'm your sister. They think you're a hunk, too."
Kathy added "Me too. Heck, they even asked me if we had sex! They know I'm adopted and they said they'd like to get their hands on you."
I had noticed several girls seemed to make it a point to hang around me but I always had more friends that were girls so I hadn't paid it much attention. I told them honestly "I don't know what I can do about it. I don't want to be rude and since I refuse to play favorites with all of you they all must think I'm unattached at the moment."
Lin said "every girl who asks about you wants to be "attached" to at least one part of you."
Beth put her two cents in "some of them don't care about the equipment rumors at all though. They just think you're unbelievably adorable. I think they just have excellent taste in boys."
Rhonda added "that's what I tell them, too."
Tina told me that several girls, some of whom they liked, had been hinting that they'd love to see the pool. She thought they might want to see me in swim trunks more than they wanted to swim.
I told her it was her pool too and if she wanted to invite anybody over that was fine with me. I warned her that I would find it very hard to be a "brother" at home. It was difficult enough at school.
I had some payback stored up, too. "Speaking of unbelievably adorable" I informed them "guys talk too. I lost count of the times people have told me how lucky I am to be living at the same house as three of the hottest females on the planet, especially since they're adopted sisters and technically fair game. Others have asked me to introduce them to one of you and put a good word in. They know we're close friends but I don't think they suspect how close. I even decked some clown before I could stop myself when I heard him say how much he'd like to "nail" Rhonda. This was after the comment on how "fine" her ass was."
I was pretty sure what that meant, so I put some on and began rubbing my fingers through it all along the slit between her legs and around the pretty, plump lips that felt so soft and sexy to my touch. I was looking up at her was I rubbed through the shave cream, her smile letting me know it felt good. I kept running my finger up and down along the crevice, over and over, as the fingers of my other hand spread it around. "Mmm, you're doing that very nicely, Ross. I had an idea you'd do a...
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This is the final instalment of the Ned Kelly saga. I was trying to tidy up my files the other day when I realised that I had left this half written. So let's see what happens. It would be best if you read the rest of the saga which starts with Ned Kelly's Hell, then Ned Solves a Problem, Ned Kelly's Luck, and Ned Kelly's Success, otherwise there will be references that won't make sense. Ned stepped off the school bus on the first morning of the new school year, placing his cap, which he...
I checked my reflection in the bathroom mirror. Straightening my tie. Brushing off the shoulders of my suit. Fixing my hair. I guess you could say I was nervous. I didn't know why really but tonight was a big night for any teenager. Prom night. It was kind of a right of passage. I checked my breath and popped a breath meant just to be sure. I think every guy would be nervous about taking a girl to the prom. Me. I was taking three. The first was Abigail Smith. Abbey was the kind of girl that...
TeenI had just got back from the gym and was sitting in a towel at my computer desk after a quick shower when I decided to check my Facebook. I wasn’t overly interested in the usual ‘I’m bored’ status updates from various people I vaguely remembered from school. I was there for the App which was allowing me to flirt with women online at the click of the mouse. The main idea behind the app was that you would load up your picture’s into a separate profile and give a description about yourself. People...
Weeks later. They woke him from his exhausted sleep. He had been dreaming of Beevis fucking his ass. He was fully erect. Beevis smacked his erection with a crop as Butthead gripped his upper arms from behind. "Go soft!" Beevis ordered him. "Yes sir." Timmy thought about clubbed seals, dead babies, anything to lose his erection. It worked, but took a few minutes. Beevis smacked his cock until he was soft. Then Beevis ordered him, "Grow hard!" and smacked him until he did, fantasizing...
The next day, it continued in the same way. I would arrive wearing jeans, an overcoat, a stocking hat, and a scarf (even though it was above 45 degrees out). Shortly after 9:30, I arrived to get my makeup done by Liz, get into the suit with Heidi’s assistance, and went to work. Heidi and Rachel each came by and waved a few times. Once they even came by together and watched for a while as they ate a meal on the run and visited, but mostly it was just kids, kids, and more kids. On Thursday...
Mom's Unique Punishment, Re-imagined Original story and concept by Suejrz, 2005 Fan "remix" by tealights, 2020 Synopsis: When Danny Exner gets caught shoplifting, it's the last straw for his mom, who resorts to a unique punishment to curb his bad behavior. If Danny can't learn to behave, maybe Danielle can... either way, it's going to be a long summer. Author's Note: Suejrz's original MUP series was one of my favorite stories on Fictionmania back when I was in college and I...
Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Ben was still sitting in the interview room, manacled to the wall, when a police officer with sergeant’s stripes on his uniform sleeves walked in. ‘Your lawyer’s here,’ he said. ‘My…my lawyer?’ Ben said. He had been trying to figure out who to call and wasn’t doing very well. Other than the old lawyer who used to do legal work for his parents, he didn’t know any lawyers. Where had this one come from? ‘Didn’t you say you wanted a lawyer?’ the sergeant...
This one isn't particularly original, but I think that I threw a few interesting things in as well. Mostly it was just something that amused me to write. Can of Wishes By Morpheus My name is Gary Billings, I am 36 years old and I am a fully accessorized man. At least that `s what I tell people. I come with all the extras. I have a generous spare tire, an extra chin, and I even come with the solar powered brain and sex drive. Yessiree, I have all the accessories. As I...
Terry and Robin helped Wendy up from the floor and back into her bikini. Not only had it been six months since she'd had sex but, she'd never climaxed in the way she'd just done. Still a bit unsteady, she followed the others and wobbled out of the room with a wide, silly grin on her face. Waiting a few minutes, Brandon returned to the backyard and found Brittany soaking her feet by the pool with an impatieent look on her face. "Where have you been?", she asked. "You won't believe...
IncestOne Hell of a Way to Unwind after an Exam Coming home after taking my exam all I want is a beer and a nice hot bubble bath to relax. When I reach the door there is a note that reads, “I am here for whatever you desire tonight.” I open the door; I hear Robert Plant’s voice coming from the stereo, which brings a smile to my face. TJ knows how much Robert Plant's voice turns me on and how the music of Led Zeppelin always puts me in a better mood. Walking in the door there is a nice chilled glass...
Straight Sex( A Les Lumens Story ) Amber absently toyed with a lock of her strawberry blonde hair as she watched the streets pass by outside the bus window. Her stop was fast approaching, and she was psyched to finally spend some time in her new apartment. She still couldn’t believe that Rachel had conned her parents into renting it for them and moving their things. No more parents rules, and no more dorm rules. They were free to live the college life to its full extent now. With only a block or two left...
DARK DESCENTBy Otto MaddoxChapter 2“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” - John Adams (1814) The buzzer on the dormitory door woke Adrian with a sudden start and nearly caused her to roll off the bunk…before she realized what was happening. “What the fuck?” Grasping with frustrated efforts, she righted herself in the bed and sat up. The door buzzed again and this time was followed by...
I went to see my friend Nick on the way home from work, but it was his wife Susan that opened the door telling me Nick was away for a couple of days but still invited me in. I hesitated but have always fancied her and thought I might be in with a chance if Nick was away. I followed her in and was a bit disappointed when I saw her grand daughter Karen on the sofa watching TV. Nevertheless, I accepted the offer of a coffee and sat down. I soon realised that Karen was in her nightie ready for bed...
"You're the famous Texas Ranger Waite Phillips, aren't you?" I said, in amazement. I'd studied his photograph that was in the Encyclopedia. I found it during my research and patterned my outfit after his picture. I just knew I was in the presence of greatness. I quickly removed my hat and I held out my hand in a sign of friendship (I hoped). "Waite, this here fella is claims to be Matt Dillon," Jessie said, with a laugh. I frowned and as I turned toward him, I queried, "What's so...
Breakfast, or thoughts of breakfast, must be a current preoccupation, because this is my second story having a cereal (as opposed to serial) theme. Although because there are two, I guess they're serial as well. Hopefully, crisp, not soggy. The other influence for this story is a series of get-togethers Mr. Marcus has with former school classmates, happening with increased frequency. Perhaps as he gets older, he looks back a bit more. In this tale, Mr. Marcus examines the life of one of his...
I'm usually not given to voyeurism, but this time I couldn't help myself. Niki, my eighteen-year-old god daughter, had left her bedroom door open, and there I was, standing in the hallway outside watching her put on her nightie. The thin material of the night gown had tangled in her hair and was bunched up, covering her face. Concentrating on trying to separate hair and gown and unaware of my presence, she was oblivious to the scene she presented. And a delightful scene it was. Even though I...
The story begins when I was on a friends’ holiday a number of years ago, there was a group of us who went to college together, ten of us all together, 6 lads and 4 girls, and we were all good friends and had been through school as well together. Anyway as we approached our final exams, we thought it would be fun to go for two weeks of sun before we all inevitably followed our different career paths. We arranged to go to Playa del Ingles in Gran Canaria and split into two’s for room sharing, I...
This is a marginal follow-up to the Shywife story published earlier, but it will stand alone. It is, however, more fun to read them both. Tracy decided Jennifer was the one. I had to chuckle because Jennifer had a nasty habit of trying to tease me into a state of constant erection. I’d never known if she was really serious about getting it on with me, but she always stood too close to me when we happened to encounter one another. Her welcome kiss always featured a tiny taste of her tongue, and...
I step out of the shower and towel off. I walk over to my closet. I turn the light on and start to dig for the right outfit. I pull out several skirts and a few pairs of slacks. I throw aside the slacks. Not on your life. I want to tease him a bit. I look at a brown skirt. "No!" I say out loud. After throwing all of the skirts aside I look back in my closet. There hangs a jean mini-skirt. I look at it. I finally decide that I would at least try it on. I pull it on. I select a red silk...
As they came in the door all three had on long coats, me I had on pants and a loose shirt and there was my mother blushing as red as her see through, as she realized everybody could see her and she had no place to hide. Kathy was quick to pick up on mom's discomfort. "Ahh let me get this coat off, Mike you help the girls with their coats, please." Now, I was the only one dressed plus I had three coats to hang up. As I turned back from the closet I got a chance to look at everyone. Kathy...
Troy awoke on a bunk as he opened his eyes he found that he was in a small room about the size of a jail cell but with no bars. The cell was furnished very sparingly with a bunk, which he was on, and toilet facilities. His companions were gone. From above Jessie's, voice spoke, "You each are being given solitude so that you may make your decision without the influence of the others." "How will I know which decision the others have made?" he addressed to the air. Jessie's voice...
Hi everyone. My name is Anita. I was working in one of the add agency in Bombay. But my native is Andhra Pradesh. I am married and have a son. His name is Rahul and I call him Honey. He is every thing to me and for my husband. I really love my son. He is studying fashion designing in one of the colleges. He is handsome and every lady will have a look at him. I can proudly say that I have a handsome son. My husband works in a software company. We all use to spend the holidays together going for...
Incest“Shh, be quiet!” Lexi whispered, giggling quietly as she grabbed Dr. Claar’s hand and pulled him through the aisles of the university library. He tightened his grip on her hand and stopped in the middle of one of the aisles of books, pulling her back to him. She stared up at him, smiling softly. He leaned in and kissed her, gently at first but then harder, backing her up against the book shelves. She moaned softly when his fingers grazed her nipples through her dress. He fondled her tits,...
I woke luxuriously the following morning and smiled at the naked man standing by the bed. It was, of course, a Tim standing by the bed with a tray of delicious coffee in his hands. “Good morning Toni. It’s ten o’clock breakfast buffet will open in half an hour.” He came to the bedside and placed the tray on my bedside table. I took advantage of his proximity to gently caress his semi with my finger tips and nails. Every time I saw a Tim, he had a semi erection, sleepily I wondered how they...
This story is based loosely on some real experiences and is mixed with a healthy dose of my kinky and perverse imagination. What is included is a lot of bisexual FF – a little MM, MF. There is punishment, spanking, exhibitionism, wrestling, groups and a little incest. It is primarily a fantasy. Do not try this at home – and always be safe. Also, all of the characters are all over 18 and everything is completely consensual. This story is long and I will post more and more of it as time passes. I...
It had been over three years since I had experienced orgasm with a man. I had had plenty of sex, but that was with my husband, and he had stopped satisfying me long ago. But I never dwelled on this fact, I just drifted along in my sexualy empty life, bored and uninspired. That was until I met my new financial advisor.A few months ago my husband and I had decided that it was time to review our finances. Tom had been recommended to us by a friend. He came over to our house one evening to talk to...
Wife LoversHi dosto mai saif fir se wapas aa gaya apni maa bahi dusro ke rakhal ka part 7 le kar aaya hu jaisa ke aap sab mera maa k bara me janta hai ke wo kitni badi chudakar hai nam anjum aur ab unki size thodi badh gai hai 40 36 42 ho gai.Sedhi se bat hai bhai itna chudwagi to badaga na..Khair bhai aab aaga ke story par aata hu jinona meri pheli story nai padi hai plz pad lena tab jakar samajh aayaga ye story.Aur mujha comment aur mail zarur karna aap loga ka mujha bhout sara mail aaya hai mera mail...
Oliver caught his younger sister playing with herself in bed next to him, and he couldn’t resist the temptation to join her! Riley looks over at her brother’s big hard-on and knew that’s exactly what she wanted. Watch as these siblings use each other for some much needed sexual relief. See this natural petite blonde ride her brother in their shared hotel room. He slides his long cock in and out of her cunt, making her cum multiple times leaving him covered in her creamy...
xmoviesforyouLoni called Mike or he called her almost every night.They would talk for hours and the phone sex that followed was always satisfying. On the second night, he informed her that his dad had taken some vacation days and was not at home. She responded that her dad was also not at home."That means they went to pick up the mobile home," he offered."I can't wait," Loni responded."Neither can I."Mike received a phone call from his dad on Wednesday. Mom would be driving him and his younger brother and...
TabooHello i m raj from ahemdabad and recent reader of iss erotic stories. Today i want to share my one of my favrioute sex exprience with my two cousin sister who themselves are real sisters each other and 25% lesbo too, but that lesbian relation with each other when i m not free or not able to give them a nice fuck. Now 1 thing : i know english but i would like to tell my story in hindi and english mix so to make you understand clearly. To ab main apni kahani shuru karta hu.Sabse pahele main apni...
IncestAs they entered bedroom Lisa ordered the collared teacher to kneel in the center of the room. Lisa proceeded one drawer at a time to go through all the drawers in the room. Some of the drawers contained clothes of her husband's which Lisa paid very little attention to. In the first of Mrs. C.'s drawers were panties and bras. All of these were dumped on the bed and after going though them Lisa threw all of them on the floor. "These all go Mrs. C." Mary was very embarrassed to be kneeling...
continued part 3. please leave comments and let me know what you think.It took a few days for mike and I to recover from the night he returned from the airport but then we got back into our routine of having sex every day or at most every other day. Most times it wasnt as wild and exciting as that night but we both were very satisfied after. Over the years Mike had gotten me quite the collection of toys which worked well at keeping my needs under control. One thing i missed when he was...