Vampire_(2) free porn video

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By Homealone_447

The creature set the waiting period on 80 years. A lifetime. It is long enough to become a myth; a fairy tale only used to scare the children. Old people would die and new would come to replace them. Fresh meet with no memory of what had happened in the past. They would be careless. Easy prey.

Nobody would look for him and he would be able to come back over and over, until the end of time.


Cassandra was sitting on the study, feeling uneasy. She’d found a manuscript in her grandfather’s old desk and now she couldn’t stop reading. It was so mysterious. It read…

“The legend establishes that it came down in a ball of fire hundreds of years ago near the northern woods, but no one can tell for sure. It is said that the creature attacks young women to drink their blood and take them into the woods. The women just vanish in the night, never to be seen again. Always from this town and always after a certain period of time.
But this creature is a ghost. Nobody had seen it. Nobody has even heard it. Despite my extensive research, there is no real proof of its existence expect for only one woman found almost 200 years ago, completely drained of her blood.
They say it is a vampire but I think it is something else. If my calculations are correct, the next visit from the creature will be in twenty years. I’ll be waiting…”

Cassandra lifted her head and exclaimed, “Oh shit! Twenty years? This document was written twenty years ago!”


Cassandra lived with her cousin Marian and other members of the family in their grandparent’s old house. She ran excitedly to find her cousin and tell her about her discovery…

“I’m telling you. He says that this creature, or ghost, or something, will come to this town and take young women!” Cassandra explained.

“And grandpa wrote that? He died almost five years ago. I gotta tell you, it sounds kind of crazy,” Marian responded.

“Our grandfather wasn’t crazy. Actually he was very lucid, even in his last days,” Cassandra insisted.

“There isn’t much we can do about it anyway. Let’s just hope that the creature doesn’t come at night and grab your feet!!” Marian joked at her cousin expense.

“Shut up!” Cassandra shouted, easily scared.

“Haha! Ok, I feel tired. I’m going to my room,” Marian said, getting up from the sofa.

Cassandra believed the document was telling some kind of truth but she also knew Marian was right. There wasn’t much she could do.


That same night, a silent shadow crept inside Marian’s room. The unsuspecting woman slept peacefully, unaware that her life was about to change forever.

She had left the bedside lamp on and the yellow light contrasted with the bluish glow that filtered through the window. The monster got closer to the bed and analyzed the pretty female. She was perfect for his needs…

In his head, there was an insistent thought that grew stronger every second Fresh blood…

The hideous creature touched Marian’s body slightly. Almost like a gentleman trying to wake his lover. Marian opened her eyes slowly, wondering who was waking her in the middle of the night.

When Marian looked up, she saw a horrifying creature leaning over, staring back at her. She tried to scream but the sound got stuck in her throat. After a second, Marian rationalized that it had to be a nightmare. Cassandra put frightening ideas in her head and now she was having bad dreams.

Meanwhile, the monster kept looking back at her. He wasn’t moving. He just stayed there with those bright yellow eyes fixed on hers.

Marian tried to move away, but she couldn’t. Then she tried unsuccessfully to look away. She felt completely paralyzed by an unrecognizable force. Some kind of bestial thrall was taking control of her.

The vampire knew perfectly well what he was doing. He had done this many times before. The chemicals in his breath and the power of his eyes were more than enough. The mind of these fragile human females was so easy to subjugate. And once he learned the language it became even easier…

The vampire spoke, “Submit to me!!”

Marian was getting lost in those enthralling yellow eyes. She could almost feel her thoughts being unavoidably pushed aside. Even her fear was fading away, replaced by a growing need to submit… to obey.

Marian’s unblinking eyes let the telepathic commands filter into the deepest corners of her consciousness, rearranging her mind to be his slave!

The monster moved back and she followed, sitting on the bed, as if an invisible line was linking her eyes to his, keeping her trapped with nowhere else to go but to be with him.

He spoke again. His voice was low and harsh but Marian believed it was the most beautiful sound she’d ever heard. A sound that made her body shiver and her pussy twitch.

“You are mine!”

“I am yours…” Marian responded without even thinking about it

“Your body belongs to me!” He said.

“My body belongs to you…” Marian repeated.

“You will obey!”

“I will obey…”

Marian was now standing rigidly beside the bed, staring forward, right into his eyes.

The creature pulled her bra down and delicately caressed the tip of her left nipple. Marian felt a pulse of joyful electricity radiate out in every direction, letting a load moan escape her lips. She was ready!

The vampire leaned forward and bit her neck!

Marian barely felt the tiny sting pierce her skin but it was immediately replaced by an incredible blissful feeling that pulsed through her like repeating blasts of heat, blazing her thoughtless mind, seducing her, spreading like beautiful poison through her entire body, spiking her lust even further.

When the vampire felt he had drink enough, he released her neck and gave her a command, “Get on your knees.”

“Yes, master.”

As Marian knelt down, she saw the enormous phallus of the monster dangling in front of her face but she didn’t flinch even for a second. She had to obey!

“Open your mouth!” The vampire commanded.

Marian complied and let the wide girth of his cock enter her mouth as her nipples swelled from the excitement of satisfying her master. The monster fucked Marian’s face for a while, pushing his cock as deep as he could, banging her throat harder and harder until he exploded in a long awaited climax!

Marian felt the hot, thick sperm fill her mouth and she reached her own forceful orgasm. Ripples of ecstasy waved back and forth across her body but she kept in place, her lips firmly snuggling the erupting cock and receiving rivers of cum down her throat until ordered different.

Feeling satisfied, the vampire decided that it was enough for the night.

“You will not remember anything that happened tonight. Tomorrow night you will be ready for me.”

Marian looked back at him with an expressionless face and reassured her order, “I will not remember. Tomorrow I will be ready Master.”


The next day, Cassandra and Marian rested in the garden. Cassandra noted that there was something strange about her usually cheerful friend.

“Are you feeling ok? You are kind of quiet today,” Cassandra asked.

“I feel fine. I’m just a little tired and I can’t concentrate on anything,” Marian responded, then she added, “I had a strange dream last night but I can’t remember what it was about.”

As Marian talked about her “dream”, she unexpectedly felt her pussy jolt under her skirt. She got scared and excited at the same.

Marian is never like this. She may be sick or something. I better keep an eye on her, Cassandra thought while she looked worriedly at her cousin.


That night, almost unconsciously, Marian removed all of her clothes and lay on the bed completely naked. She left the light on the ceiling turned on, which was something she never did before. But tonight it just seemed right. She had to be ready, even that she didn’t know what for.

A few hours later, a beautiful sound echoed in her head, in her soul.

“Slave!” the vampire called.

As she opened her eyes wide, everything came back to her in a second. Her purpose. Her destiny was waiting for her right there, a few feet from the bed. She was ready.

Marian sat on the bed with a mindless movement. Her eyes fixed on the creature in front of her but not looking at all. The beautiful voice was still resounding in her head filling everything, not leaving room for any other thought. She had to obey.

“Stand up and come here…,” he ordered.

Marian’s nipples were about to burst from exhilaration, as she got closer to him. Once again those yellow, penetrating eyes entered to the deepest corner of her mind and stirred every part of her body.

“You will give me your blood!” the vampire said.

“Yes, Master…”

The monster bent over and attached his blood-sucking teeth into her neck. Marian moaned from the sheer pleasure of giving a part of her to her Master.
Her heart pumped hard and every time an ounce of blood poured into the vampire’s body, the pulsating beat in her pussy felt increasingly stronger.

Now she will be with him always. Even after she was long gone. This single thought brought her to the brink of an orgasm.

Marian’s love juices were already oozing down her thighs when the vampire removed his mouth from the slim woman’s neck. It was time for a new kind of amusement.

“Move to the table and bend over” he commander her.

“Yes, Master.”

The vampire grabbed his enormous phallus and aimed at Marian’s tight vaginal cavity. He was going to leave something inside of her that would help in the process of a definite and final submission.

The big cock penetrated Marian with one single stroke, piercing her body deeper and stretching her wider than she could ever imagine possible.

Even before the monster’s pole was fully lodged inside her anxious body, Marian exploded in ecstasy. Her pussy twitched and jolted around the fat cock, clasping every inch of his meat with blissful desperation, trying to keep him inside of her forever.

The creature fucked her relentlessly for a long while. He turned her around, making her lie on her back over the table and kept pounding at her curvy body with all his might. Marian gasped every time he smashed with full force against her delicate body, pushing the air out of her lungs and her consciousness a little bit further away.

As she felt his cock bloating inside of her, she instinctively lifted her head and looked at him with unfocused eyes. The vampire pushed forward one last time and…He climaxed! A huge blast of sperm filled her womb completely, visibly bloating her belly to accommodate so much fluid. Marian’s mind went completely blank as an unbelievable rush of pleasure expanded from her pussy.

The monster kept pumping sperm into her body until his balls were entirely drained. Now it was just a matter of waiting until the physical subjugating process was completed.

Marian remained on the table completely overwhelmed and totally fulfilled. While her pussy still twitched with orgasmic spasms, the remnants of the sperm dribbled down to the floor. One single thought lingered in her mind behind those enthralled blue eyes: Her Master had filled her with his cum and now she would live with a part of him forever. She had another small climax.

The sound of the vampire’s voice interrupted her reverie as he gave her another order, “Go down to the basement and wait for me there.”

“Yes, Master. I’ll go down to the basement and wait for you.”


Cassandra was worried about her friend and decided to check on her. She was really surprise to find Marian walking naked across the hall…

“Marian! What are you doing naked out here?”

Marian didn’t answer. She didn’t even turn her eyes. The entranced woman kept walking straight ahead like a mindless robot following a programmed command.

As Marian got closer, Cassandra noticed the faraway look in her friend’s eyes. She knew that something was wrong.

“Hey, are you ok? Marian!”

Oh my God! I think she is sleepwalking. I guess I’m not supposed to wake her.

Marian walked by Cassandra and continued down the hall.

I better follow her to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself. This is so weird.

Cassandra followed Marian into the basement and the first thing she saw from the top of the stairs was Delia, one of the maids, standing rigidly in the middle of the floor.

“Oh Shit! There’s Delia! And she is naked too! What the hell is going on in here?”

Marian walked down to the basement floor approaching Delia. At that moment, Cassandra noticed a strange thing wrapped around Delia’s hip.

What is that on Delia’s body? It looks like some sort of sexual toy.

Cassandra thought about it for a moment and arrived to an unnerving conclusion…

Does this mean that Marian is a lesbian? But she is asleep. Oh shit! Maybe Delia hypnotized her to do things with her!

While Cassandra tried to understand what was happening, Delia moved for the first time, tilting her head back and moaning softly as she felt immense pleasure spreading from her crotch.

The source of the woman’s blissful feelings was a slick pinkish tentacle that was pulled out from her womb, across her sensitive vaginal walls and was projected out like a flexible phallus. Cassandra couldn’t see it because she still was on top of the stairs behind the girls.

Marian moved robotically in front of Delia and spread her legs.

The tentacle protruded even further out of Delia’s body and curved up, seeking for the closest heat source. It aimed at Marian’s pussy and penetrated her deeply!

Marian felt the warm, lubricated appendage pushed deep into her love canal while an insistent mantra repeated in her head over and over

“The Master is pleasure, The Master is pleasure …”

It took her only a few seconds to reach a delightful orgasm that pushed her mind into a deeper state of entrancement and adoration to the creature, her Master.

Cassandra watched with incredulity through the whole scene until she heard a sound coming from behind.

“Shit! Someone is coming!”

Cassandra ran down the stairs searching for a place to hide… she found a small dark space below the concrete stairs and squeezed in.

The vampire walked calmly down to the basement, certain that his slaves were ready for him. He saw with satisfaction that Delia’s parasite was already placing an egg into Marian’s womb.

The creature reached the bottom of the stairs and Cassandra saw him. She had to cover her Mouth to prevent screaming from terror!

Oh God!!

The vampire moved closer to the girls and spoke to Delia…

“Look at me!”

He looked at the woman with wide hypnotic eyes and gave her an order.

“You will give me your blood now!”

Every word he spoke, pierced through Delia’s ears and resonated in her pussy. She responded with mindless devotion…

“Yes, Master. I’ll give you my blood now.”

Cassandra witnessed with true horror as the monster leaned forward and sank his teeth into Delia’s neck.

He is biting her! He’s going to suck all of her blood!

This is the monster that my grandfather was describing! This is the vampire!

The parasite’s tentacle retracted slowly into Delia’s body while her Master fed from her. The woman’s heart beat fast from sexual exhilaration. Every drop of blood that flowed into her Master’s sucking mouth brought her a little closer to ecstasy, until it was too much and a powerful climax exploded behind her eyes.

Cassandra looked at Delia’s orgasmic spasms as the monster drank her blood. She didn’t notice that right beside them, Marian’s belly began to grow at an incredible speed.

A few seconds later, the greenish segments of a new parasite began to slide out of Marian’s pussy. This parasite would form a symbiotic relationship with the vampire. They both would feed from her blood. The vampire would provide the hosts and provide protection and the parasite would keep the host in a constant state of arousal, making it easier to uphold her when the Master was not around.

Marian moaned out loud as the squirming creature pushed its way out of her pussy. Her numbed mind only registered one thought…

The Master is responsible for this blissful feeling. The Master is pleasure!

The slapping sound and the rapid motions called Cassandra’s attention to Marian’s crotch. The sight of that strange greenish creature coming out of her friend’s body caught her completely off guard. She screamed!


The vampire lifted his head immediately and looked at Cassandra.

“An intruder! Get her!”

Cassandra tried to run away but she was instantly surrounded by Delia, Marian and the creature.

“Please don’t hurt me!”

“Don’t be afraid little one. I won’t hurt you,” the monster said with his raspy voice.

Delia and Marian grabbed Cassandra’s arms white the vampire got closer.

“You will feel better in a moment,” he added

“Get away from me! Let me go!”

“Just relax. Look into my eyes and you will find peace in them. You will find infinite pleasure.”

Cassandra looked at those yellow, magnetic eyes and for a moment she felt the need to stare a little longer. They were so pretty. But then she thought of her grandfather’s warning; this was the vampire! He was going to drink all of her blood and kill her!

Cassandra found the courage to close her eyes and turn her head away while she screamed,

“No! I won’t let you hypnotize me like you did to my friends! Go away!”

The vampire blew his intoxicating breath into Cassandra’s face. She felt dizzy.
The whole room began to spin beneath her feet. Even with her eyes closed, those dazzling eyes still lingered in her mind.

A few minutes passed. Cassandra couldn’t think clearly. Her friends were still firmly holding her arms but she couldn’t hear anything. Maybe the monster was gone…

Maybe he is gone… I have to see…

Cassandra looked up. The vampire was still there, inches from her face. She gasped, taking a deep breath, his breath. Those beautiful yellow eyes were still staring back at her, calling her.

The creature used all his power to control this rebellious young woman. She was resisting a lot more than other females had but she wasn’t strong enough. He spoke to her…

“You belong to me…” he said thunderously.

Cassandra heard the voice that reverberated loud inside of her head. She knew that she had to look away but she couldn’t. Suddenly she wasn’t so afraid anymore. He wasn’t going to hurt her. He told her that. Those eyes were so attractive, so alluring. She heard the voice again and her pussy jolted.
Cassandra was lost.


A while later, Cassandra was completely drowned in the creature’s thrall. Her mind was spiraling down into a world of absolute submission and there was no turning back. An overwhelming bliss traveled up from her sweet spots and collided in her brain with the utter pleasure of the vampire’s commands, filtering through her wide open eyes.

The warm tongues of Delia and Marian simultaneously lashing at Cassandra’s pussy and anus, opened her mind even further, easing the way of their Master into the deepest corners of her psyche.

“Your body belongs to me”

“My body belongs to you”

“You are my slave!”

“I am your salve”

“You will obey!”

“I will obey”

Cassandra could barely finish the last sentence before the explosive waves of a devastating orgasm blocked everything else. Now she truly believed she was in heaven but she was really at the gates of hell!

After regaining control of her body, the young woman stared back at her Master’s eyes, eager to let him fill her mind again, hoping he could fill her body next.

“You will give me your blood now.”

“I will give you my blood,” Cassandra responded, her pussy twitched.

Cassandra barely felt his teeth sinking into her skin as Delia wrapped her lips firmly around her clitoris and Marian pushed her tongue deeper into her ass.

The teen’s blood poured out of her veins and her sexual fluids poured out of her pussy. It didn’t take long before she climaxed again.

Hours later, the vampire was handling Cassandra’s slim body like a ragdoll, moving her up and down on his large cock, over and over. Cassandra was totally out of her mind, staring into infinity while her arms and legs hung limply and the monster pumped her furiously.

Meanwhile, Marian and Delia’s parasites pulled at each other’s tentacles, rubbing the women’s inner walls all the way to their wombs. The two friends could stay like that forever, their empty minds staring into nothing but feeling absolutely everything.

The vampire lifted Cassandra’s body one last time and pulled her down forcefully, shoving his cock until it couldn’t go deeper…

An instant later, he exploded in a powerful orgasm! The first gush filled her womb completely. The second one was too much to hold inside and sprayed abundantly from the crevices between her stretched pussy and his fat cock.

Cassandra felt her Master ejecting gobs and gobs of cum into her body and she reached yet another climax.

After the vampire was done with Cassandra, he dropped her to the floor and called for Delia. Marian was quick to jump on top of Cassandra and let her parasite place an egg into her friend’s cum-filled womb. Cassandra didn’t even notice the tentacle reaching inside of her. She was completely fulfilled and absolutely exhausted.

Marian’s mindless expression disguised well the immense pleasure she felt from serving her Master. In the back of her mind she knew that this was just a small sample of the rest of her life. Her pussy twitched hard.

Delia swallowed the vampire’s sperm one more time. She would feed from him as he would feed from her for many years to come. Her Master was everything to her and she would follow him everywhere.

The vampire and his new slaves enjoyed each other’s bodies for the rest of the night until it was almost sunrise.

As the dark night began to turn into a paler shade of blue, three sexy naked bodies walked silently into the woods, following their destiny, never to be seen again.

The end.

Author's note: There is a 3D graphic version of this story that shows every scene in detail.


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My wife michelle, of almost ten years in absolutely gorgeous.. Five foot tall and in very good shape, dark brunette hair with a nice set of fake ds we have added.. She is amazing to say the least.. For several years i have shared with her my fantasy of sharing her in a hot steamy three way with another man.. We have in the past had another woman join us as well as played partially with other couples.. It has been a main item in the sheets to add to the moment.. For several years my wife has...

3 years ago
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A New Life Ch 01

The following story is an original work of fiction. All characters described in this story are over the age of 18. If any of these characters resemble actual people, it is a coincidence. All rights are reserved. The story takes place in Atlanta, Georgia, and all the places and businesses mentioned are actually there. So, at least, that part is not fictional. The editor for this five-chapter story was XTipsyX. Her spelling and grammar expertise was a critical help along the way. She also...

1 year ago
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Healing Hands of TimeChapter 7

I was in a confused fog the morning after my date with Amber. I really didn’t know what to think about my evening with her, and I had no idea what to think about her idea of us dating without commitment. I liked Amber and we got along great, but I was still in love with Lindsey and despite everything, I somehow felt I’d be betraying her if I dated Amber. I was in my parent’s backyard, sitting in their big wicker swing and thinking about all that, when Shelby dropped onto the seat next to...

2 years ago
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A Jog to RememberChapter 3

I was really too exhausted to move, but Eva got up and helped me to my feet. We walked about 20 feet and found this nice wide creek and waded in. It was very cold but as we splashed around it became refreshing. After I had washed all the piss off my body and out of my hair, Eva had me lay down in the sandy area and raise my legs while she put as much water inside of my pussy and ass as she could. As I stood up, she put her arms around me and we kissed and held each other. “Do you love...

1 year ago
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Mom at the Roxy

This is a work of erotic fiction, and is not intended for viewing by anyone under the age of 18. All characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental. "Mom at the Roxy" (FM, FMM, FFM, voy, inc) is an erotic story about a college student who, although he has a normal and satisfying relationship with a beautiful fellow student, has an inescapable thirst for sexual exploration. This leads him to a world of erotic discovery...

4 years ago
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Free Spring Break Accommodations Ch 01

LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction. All sexually active characters are above the age of consent on their planet of origin. ___ Copyright (c) 2016 by Acup A word of warning, I write good stories, I hope, with some decent sex in them. If you’re looking for a stroker look somewhere else. For all my faithful readers, thank you for sticking with...

4 years ago
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Train Wreck

Train Wreck By Dimelza Cassidy The choices we make and the chances we take. It had been a long, tiring day. I worked at a local high-end car dealership, delivering serviced customer cars and dealer trades, as well as driving the parts van. It was brainless work, but rewarding nonetheless. At least to me. After trudging up the four flights to my apartment, I washed off the day's grime and checked my e-mail. I lived alone by choice. Most women or men...

2 years ago
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Kyles Adventures Chapter 1

At nights, the norm in the house was to eat dinner together as a family which was him, his mom, his lil sister and his older brother(by 3 years), at 7, watch alil TV in the den then do whatever you want and that's just what Kyle did before going to his room around 9. He watched TV until he heard his mom shuffling past his room to go to bed around 10 after putting his little sister to bed then he got up to get his nightly dose of porn to masturbate to before lying down on his bed to watch...

3 years ago
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The Antiques Werent the Only Old Thing

I got to work, and looked at the schedule for the day. Aside from routine shipouts and taking inventory in, I was scheduled to go to a frequesnt customer's home to inspect and inventory a group of consignment items. I recognized the name, and also saw it would be quite a drive, as the house was located in a semi-rural area outside of the city.I arrived at the address about 2:00 P.M., and drove up a long, tree-lined driveway to a large and meticulously kept home. I rang the bell, and was...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Amber Definition Of A Little Spinner

Ok and for the second week in a row I’m going to say it. I need to start hanging out somewhere other than AZ and this week it’s South of the border more because when a shy innocent 18 year old inexperienced girl like today’s exploit shows up to suck and fuck for the very first time on camera, you know it’s going to be a fun day. So just how inexperienced is she you ask? Well her total body count is THREE and Cam feels honored to be her fourth because she really hasn’t had too much...

2 years ago
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A Day on the Highroad

Author's note : This story is just a fun little tale based on the characters of Final Fantasy X-2. If you haven't played either FFX or FFX-2, it won't really make a lot of sense, though you're welcome to still read it, of course. No, I'm not going to explain the meaning of all the terms I've used. Play the game and you'll understand. Alternatively, just ignore them and enjoy the two slutty fucktoys. This came about when I was debating the FFX-2 characters, and whether they were lesbians...

3 years ago
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Seasonal Daughters Book 2Chapter 6

Halloween was here and, when I came home, April said, Mom wants you to come upstairs and see her costume. She grinned. "You'll like it." She added. I went upstairs and opened the door. April and May were close behind. Obviously, they had seen her outfit and wanted to see my reaction. I walked in and stopped. "Laura, I'm home." She came out of the bathroom covered from neck to toe in black and looked naked, very naked. The outfit was skin tight and she couldn't have been wearing...

1 year ago
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A Visit To My Aunt

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hey, I'm Jacob. I'm 19 this year with a 7" dick that I shaved weekly. And my aunt, who is 37 and single with nice 32C cup tits and nice curve with nice round ass and long slim legs. I always visit my aunt weekly since i was young. But this time is different. when i reach, the door was unlocked so i just call out 'aunt!' before entering. My aunt, Jenn, was wearing a low cut dress and writing at her table. i went over to greet her again but she was...

2 years ago
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Sweet Revenge Chapter 6

The remainder of the week dragged by horribly. I even found that I wasn't exactly in the mood to do anything sexual either, though God only knows Cindy tried. I we both did that a lot of things were riding on this, including very possibly our marriage, though a lot had recently occurred that had cemented our love for one another even more so than it had been. Still...there were a lot of unknowns each of us had yet to face, the biggest of which was if we could comfortably go through...

2 years ago
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Anal Adventures

Nothing makes me orgasm harder than when something's in my ass. I'm not picky. A butt plug, a dildo, my own fingers, a pen. Whatever I could find, I'd use to stretch my hole and get myself off. Even thinking about stretching my asshole made me wet. I loved everything about it, the slight discomfort, the pleasure, enveloping around whatever object it was. It was a bit of an obsession of mine, an obsession that got me into some very interesting circumstances.It started when I was in college....

3 years ago
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Dinner Ch 3

I knew something was wrong. I sensed it all day by his unusual behavior. Robert was preoccupied and seemed a little jumpy. But, I chose to roll over and try to go to sleep; he would tell me when he was ready. And never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed what he would tell me.“Hon,” Robert said, “you can’t go tomorrow.”I rolled back over towards him, “What? What did you say, sweetheart?”He wouldn’t look at me and repeated, “You can’t go tomorrow.”We went back and forth a few times before...

Wife Lovers
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Working on the Desk with Barb Comfortable and Sexy

Phil knew his immediate boss, Barbara - or Barb as most everyone seemed to call her -- was probably a few years older than he was at 35, but she was one of the nicest people he'd ever been assigned to work under as his supervisor. She'd made him feel very welcome when he'd shown up for his first day of work and it was then that Phil had noticed a lot of things about Barb that he really liked. Barb wasn't beautiful but she was pretty in a very wholesome sort of way. She had somewhat short...

4 years ago
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"Listen, Doctor, I've had this problem for a while now. Nothing's worked. Not even Viagra." Ricky was at the end of his tether. The thought of never having sex again terrified him. "Hmm, well. There is something we could try. It's an experimental operation. We replace the muscle tissue in your penis with that from an elephant's trunk. Don't decide now. Think about it. Come back next week and let me know." Ricky decided that the elephant treatment was the only option should he ever...

3 years ago
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With A Mary Kay

I went home somewhat puzzled. I kept wondering what exactly is this therapy doing for me anyway? So far it seemed mostly to be about my masturbation habits which had nothing to do with the reason I started therapy anyway. My issues were with relating to women. Specifically strong women who are able to convince me to do things I don't want to do. Before A_ and Ilona I had actually no problem with women. Or so I thought. Nor had I a problem with masturbation before Ilona. Or again so I...

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Naturist Vacation

I woke up and was surprised to wake up beside a woman, which I hadn’t done for about a year or two. Then I saw who it was. It was my sister, Lana. She and my other sister, Leona, were staying with me, my daughters, and my mom because we were leaving today to go on vacation. Mom has found this incredible island resort with low prices, and she’d booked us a month. It was July after all, so my girls didn’t have any college classes. I stole another peek at Lana, admiring her objectively nice...

1 year ago
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The Reunion

My heart was pounding as I walked up the main steps. "Welcome class of 2002" screamed from a brightly colored banner hovering above the entrance. I pulled at my tight collar trying desperately to get some air. It suddenly dawned on me that I was having the exact same emotional response I had had 14 years previous. I walked inside and was immediately greeted by a very cheerful alumnus. "Welcome back Fightin' Fox It's me Tammy Fey-Lebowitz your Class president, can I have your name?" she asked...

3 years ago
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Slut MommieChapter 5

After my experience with Suzie in the shoe store, I just couldn't get her out of my mind. No matter how much I tried forgetting what happened that afternoon, I couldn't, the memories of me being seduced by that young woman kept coming back so vividly in my mind. The feeling of guilt usually associated those feeling but somehow my mind suppressed them, somehow the feeling of joy... the feeling of closeness with that beautiful girl always made it feel like it was right. My relationship with...

4 years ago
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My Mature Obsession

with mom getting closer and closer to the point of cumming,on the sofa in the reverse cowgirl position.I went deeper and deeper with each push.That's it son make your mothers pussy cum. She reached to rub her clit with one hand and started cumming hard as soon as she started,She began violently convulsing. Yes son that's it make Mommy Squirt. I was soaked with My mothers lady cum. When she calmed down she stood up and faced me and said Now Mommy's going to ride your cock like a two dollar...

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How I became Myself Part II

I found the bar (called Backstreet) and saw they had parking in the back. I parked and sat in my car, suddenly a little nervous about going in. This was my first time going anywhere public fully dressed; and my heart was beating a little fast. Another car parked across from me and the, how can I put this mildly, most non-passable woman walked out of the car and into the bar. She was around 6'4" or so and had a full beard and moustache and was wearing a dress and bad wig. Now let me...

4 years ago
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TMKOC Sonu Bhide ki mast jawani 8211 Part 6

Pichle parts mein aapne padha, ki Sonu ko abhi bhi Tapu ko 2000 rupay dene the. Usne jaldi paise kamaane ke liye jab internet par surf kiya, to woh ek adult website par pahunch gayi. Waha par ek ladke ne usko sex karne ke liye paise offer kiye. Sonu ne uski offer accept ki, aur usko milne hotel mein chali gayi. Waha us ladke Rahul aur uske dost Jai ne Sonu ko randi ki tarah choda. Unhone uske sath threesome bhi kiya, aur uski chut aur gaand ka poora maza liya. Us chudai se Sonu ko 15000 mile....

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Used by a perfect stranger

Used by a perfect stranger That spring night I had attended a party with my loving husband Victor. His boss had invited us, to celebrate a new anniversary of the company. Victor soon started to chat with all his colleagues and he forgot me…I was feeling too much warm inside the house; so, I stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. The cool evening spring air had an immediate effect under my short dress and a similar effect on my nipples, now hardening to the drop in temperature.Being there in...

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Midnight Delights

So here we are again, welcome everyone (I am back for now), so my story for tonight picks up at my on a rainy stormy night, I am just now getting home from another bullshit day at work. Another day another dollar. I am riding my metallic green old fashion 10 speed drop bar vintage Univega road bike that’s bicycle. To clear up any confusion I am a cyclist ( I really am, I’m also a bike commuter around my area you may catch me on my bike). A true cyclist no motor no Bluetooth nothing just my...

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Sexy Real Woman Hema

Hi am Rohan from Mumbai. Once my mother got transfer to a distant college in northern Mumbai. The only problem was my father and myself. We needed someone to look after us, the house and also to cook our food. The nature of my fathers job was such that he never turned up before 9pm. So someone was needed to take care of me. A frantic search was made in the neighbourhood and long forgotten relatives were given a call. The need of the hour was an elderly lady but as luck would have it none could...

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Deep Secret Ch 29 Extremes

Thirty-some-odd men were relaxing, spread eagle on chairs, most at or near the very long dining table. Although most had shot their loads several times during the past hour or two and their limp dicks were just hanging out, a few of those selfsame dicks were still being gingerly stroked. The two mostly naked women, after licking up whatever each could of the loads of semen covering the other’s face, neck, shoulders, and extraordinary breasts, were slowly beginning to make some coffee in the...

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After Work Surprise

part 3 continuation of "Lunch Break"I arrive home before you no went in to work an hour later todayI stop by the fridge and grab a beergoing to the bedroom I strip out of my work clothes...down to my boxerstonight we're going out clubbing "Let's see...what to wear...what to wear..."looking in the closet I select a pair of jeans that I know you likethey're somewhat tight...but you like the way they show off my assnow for a shirt...hmmmm...we'll go with the light blue button down...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 10 Leliana

Leliana had almost managed to resign herself that her – increasingly ardent – fantasies were just that: fantasy, and pure fiction. Nathaniel had shown no sign of wanting more, and as she kept reminding herself, he was a Fereldan Arl – he was never going to choose her, even if he was interested. And he’d made no overt moves to show that he was interested in her; he’d been friendly, and he still watched her the way Alistair looked at cheese, but he’d done nothing else. But it was only ‘almost’...

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Sharons early training

My wife Sharon or Tits as you probably know her,and I had been married three years and she loved to dance and while I appeased her at times, I would rather play pool. When we go out, Sharon tells guys she is married and I am with her. Tits still gets a lot of asks to dance. At 27 she looks older, at least early 30's. On this night she had on a very attractive skirt, white blouse, and a blue jacket and matching silk scarf along with long dangly slut earrings and 5 inch heels.Sharon has...

1 year ago
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Retirement Plan

Retirement Plan As I sat at the dressing table brushing my hair I noticed my wife looking at me oddly. She was sat on the edge of our bed, ready to go out for dinner. "What?" I asked, turning round to look at her. "Nothing really, darling," she replied. "It's just that in all my thoughts about married life I never once thought I'd be watching my husband sat at a dressing table getting ready to go out wearing such beautiful underwear," she finished with a smile. I paused with...

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Golden Ass

Kevin met Amy at the Wicker Ridge square, cruising with her friend Terry and her sister Pam. Amy was an 18 year old virgin and her passengers happily sang “Amy has a 'golden ass'.” They thought it was hilarious. Amy was driving a beat up four door Chevy Impala. It was a 1974. Kevin liked old stuff. Especially old stuff that had been through stuff. Her Impala looked like it had been through a war. On the losing side. Kevin was hanging out at the Wicker Ridge square with a high school...

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TransportChapter 9

Liz bent down and gently nibbled on Sarah’s ear. Sarah squirmed a little from the unexpected ticklish feeling. Liz moved slightly downward and gave a warm, wet kiss on Sarah’s neck. Sarah gave a soft sigh of pleasure and relaxed. Liz alternated between kisses and little licks as she moved from the side of Sarah’s neck to the bottom of her chin. She then went upwards and planted her lips right on top of Sarah’s. Sarah closed her eyes and enjoyed the softness of their lips and tongues...

4 years ago
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The Preachers DaughterChapter 16 New Echoes

Time: February 12, 9570 3:00:00 AM UCT "And go," said Eliana. They were at a precise coordinate 10 km south and 10 km west of their station, at an elevation 1940 meters above sea-level and 1120 meters above the local terrain. They were entering their first run of the day, traveling due west at 72 kph. The sun was just breaking on the surface below, though at their height they had been enjoying the golden light for several minutes. Eliana idly recorded the sun's azimuth at 135 degrees...

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Cousin ke chudai

hello friend mera nam ali hai main pakistan ke sehar karachi main rahta hon main rahta hon our koi shayad pheli dafa karachi se storie likh raha hoga main ne yahan ki bohat stories pare hein our tab se he mera dil bhi karne laga ke main bhi kisi ke sath sex karon kyun ke main first time likh raha hoon tu main ne details se bata raha hon mujhe nahi pata ke kese likhte hein bas jo howa wo bata raha hon our main ye nahi kahon ga ke ye bilkul sahe haii ya galat hai kisi ko yakeen karna hai tu sahe...

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WildOnCam Alexis Malone Wild And Hot Alexis Malone Returns And Wants To Fuck LIVE

Alexis Malone is ready to come back and she comes back with a bang! Fucking Chad Alva and getting nice and sloppy sucking down his hard dick! Alexis can’t wait to fuck and knows how to please you and whoever is in the room with her. How do you like when she fucks herself hard with her dildo while waiting for Chad to come back? Alexis just wants her pussy filled with cock! Chad comes back and that toy is thrown to the side so she can truly fuck and feel a real cock. She rides Chad in all...


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