Desicions, Decisions free porn video

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Jacinta was excited. She was finally 16. Old enough so she was legally able to date Jeremy.
He had promised her that they would try dating as soon a she turned 16 but he had one surprise for her before that.
" Almost". Jeremy whispered in he ear. She shuddered and tried to listen to find out where she was.
They were in a large hall and Jacinta had a sneaky feeling they were at Perth's first ever YouTube convention.
She felt Jeremy let go of her shoulders and slip something over her neck.
She was getting excited now. She knew it had to be the neck tag that let them into the convention. She had been researching the YouTube con for weeks and had save up money so she could go and see her favourite you tube celebrity of all time, Charlie McDonnell.
There was a lot of single steps and stops as If they were waiting in line for something.
" Please Jeremy? Please take the blindfold off. I will do anything." Jacinta said.
" I like the blindfold Jacinta. It's kinky." Jeremy said laughing.
Jacinta heard some one else laugh. A laugh she had heard a million times before on videos. Some how it sounded even better in person.
" Charlie?" Jacinta asked. She was so excited she was almost bouncing on the spot.
" I think it is a bit kinky too but now I have ruined the surprise, haven't I." Charlie said in his cute British accent.
Jacinta felt the blind fold being loosened and when she finally opened her eyes she saw Charlie was the one undoing it.
He had put his hands behind her head to undo the knots and Jacinta was so shocked at the proximity her arms closed around him and she hugged him.
She let go sheepishly grinning and blushing like an idiot, making both Jeremy and Charlie laugh.
" Sorry." Jacinta said. She just held back the fan girl scream that was dying to get out.
" I have had worse. You have to tell your friends something right Jacinta?" Charlie said a little amused. " Wait are you Jacinta as in Jacinta loves you?" Charlie asked.
" umm yeah. How did you know?" Jacinta asked excitedly.
" I go through my followers list sometimes and watch a couple of their videos. Your so petite and adorable." Charlie said. " I have never seen someone pull off that haircut like you do. It really is beautiful on you. Plus the red in your hair matches the red of your lips. Amazing." Charlie said trailing off. " Sorry that was a bit creepy. I feel awkward now."
Jacinta felt like her heart might explode.
She hugged Charlie again and blushed even darker.
" So was this a good birthday surprise?" Jeremy asked.
" Oh my god yes Jeremy!" Jacinta said hugging him. "Thank you."
" Your welcome." Jeremy said smiling.
" Okay. I can only do an autograph and a picture right now but here...." Charlie said digging through a bag and pulling out two tags like the ones they were wearing but black. " These are VIP passes. In about an hour I will be in the back room with all the other stars. Come find me and we can chat some more. Your videos have intrigued me and I'd love to know more about you Jacinta." Charlie said looking at her.
Jacinta smiled and said " Thank you so much. This is turning out to be the best birthday ever. I have heaps of things I want to ask when my brain gets over the shock of actually meeting you and hugging you." Jacinta said.
" Sounds good." Charlie said looking amused.

Jacinta and Jeremy walked around to all the other stalls and brought some tobuscus merchandise. Toby wasn't able to make it to the you tube con but he promised he would be there the next year.
Ryan higa was there and so was Fred and smosh. The place was packed with people and every now and then you would hear a girl scream or see a girl faint after meeting their favourite YouTube star in person.
Jacinta was so glad she was able to restrain herself and have a semi normal conversation with Charlie. Even if all he did was compliment her hair and all she did was hug him.
She was surprised. She had had the same haircut since year 9 and she always died it the same bright shade of red but never had she ever been complimented as much as Charlie just did.
She felt above the clouds.
" Thank you so much Jeremy. You have no idea how happy I am." Jacinta said wrapping her arms around one of his and looking up at him.
" Your welcome. And I just love seeing that smile on your face. It just makes everything seem better." Jeremy said.
Jacinta's heart skipped a beat and she blushed again.
She couldn't help but compare Charlie to Jeremy.
Jeremy was the bad boy. The boy her parents would never approve of but he was also the boy who introduced her to awesome music, who made her feel special, loved, who was the person who she could trust with anything. Then there was Charlie, sweet, amazing, loveable Charlie. He was hilarious and hot but she hardly knew him except for his YouTube videos and then she only knew what every other girl in the world could know.
She was so glad she didn’t have to make a decision between them. It would be one of the hardest choices of her life.

An hour and a bit had past and Jacinta and Jeremy headed toward the backroom where the YouTube stars could relax without getting pestered by the fans.
Jacinta proudly showed her pass to the doorman and was ushered inside.
Jacinta and Jeremy looked around, quickly spotting Charlie talking to Alex Day other wise known as nerimon on YouTube.
Jacinta felt like fan girl screaming again but restrained herself by grabbing Jeremy's hand.
Slowly Jeremy pushed her over to Charlie who lit up when he saw her.
" I was wondering when you two would show up. Have you met Alex Day?" Charlie asked.
" No I don't think we have." Alex said smiling.
" No. I would remember meeting you. I have seen pretty much all of your videos. Your my second favourite you tube star." Jacinta said.
" Am I the first?" Charlie asked sounding so adorably hopeful in his British accent.
Jacinta could only nod.
" I knew it." Charlie said pleased. " Would you like a drink, Jacinta? Jeremy?" Charlie asked as Alex left.
" Just water." Jacinta said.
" lemonade." Jeremy said.
Charlie called a waiter over and ordered the drinks.
" come sit." Charlie said sitting at a booth. Charlie sat on one side and Jeremy sat on the other and out of habit Jacinta sat next to Jeremy.
She noticed Charlie look a little disappointed but didn't get it.
" So how are you liking Perth?" Jacinta asked.
" I really haven't gotten out enough to see it. I have the next two days though to go sight seeing." Charlie said.
" There's not much to see in Perth." Jeremy said with a snide laugh. " The best bits the city or the bell tower."
" Where's the bell tower?" Charlie asked.
" Two minute walk from the city." Jacinta commented with a little laugh.
" If you don't have anything on, do you want to show me around the city?" Charlie asked Jacinta, looking in her eyes with his beautiful smile.
" Sure." Jeremy said. " Won't take long though. There's not much to see."
" Great." Charlie said a little disappointed.
" We will have fun." Jacinta said smiling trying to convince him.
The few weekends leading up to her birthday Jeremy had started to hang out with her more and more and she was used to always having him around.
Hanging out in the city with Charlie would be like her best ever dream coming true.
Their drinks came and they chatted about the different places they had been.
Charlie was telling them about a different time on the tour when Jacinta's phone started ringing. She hit the Red button immediately.
"Sorry." Jacinta said urging him to continue.
As Charlie started to talk her phone started to ring again.
Again she hit the red button.
" You can answer it if you want." Charlie said.
" Yeah but I don't want to." Jacinta said smiling at Charlie. " It's probably my mum telling me I have to go home and get ready." Jacinta said.
"Ready for?" Charlie asked.
" My performance." Jacinta said. " I had to beg and plead to be able to come to this. I was supposed to be at school most of today and come here after but Jeremy persuaded me to ditch school today." Jacinta said.
" You have had fun today though haven't you?" Jeremy asked her.
" The most fun ever." Jacinta said smiling at Jeremy.
Jeremy smiled back.
" Can I come?" Charlie asked shocking Jacinta.
" Come where?" Jacinta asked curiously.
Her heart was pounding. She knew what he meant but it was taking a while to process.
" Your performance." Charlie stated smiling as Jacinta turned bright red.
" I brought tickets ages ago." Jeremy pointed out.
" Do you think the show would have sold out by now?" Charlie asked Jacinta.
" It's just a music recital." Jacinta told him.
" That's okay. I would like to get out and see some of Perth’s schools. Sort of as a comparison to schools back home." Charlie said.
" I uh well I might be able to get you a ticket. I will have to check with my friend who is the front of house manager." Jacinta said.
She got out her phone and dialled her friend Jessie's number. Jessie had graduated last year and on odd occasions worked as front of house manager for the school.
" Hello?" Jessie asked.
" hey Jessie. I need you to do me a big favour." Jacinta said.
" Sure what is it?" Jessie asked.
" I need an extra ticket for tonight. Someone special is coming." Jacinta said.
" You do know Jeremy already has a ticket?" Jessie asked.
" Yeah. It’s not him. Come a little early. I need to talk to someone." Jacinta said.
" Okay. I'll see you then. And don't worry about the ticket. I'll get it to you." Jessie said.
" Thank you so much. See you tonight." Jacinta said.
" Your welcome. Bye." Jessie said hanging up.
" Ticket done." Jacinta said smiling.
" Awesome." Charlie said.
" Great." Jeremy said a little sarcastically.
Charlie handed over his phone and Jacinta quickly typed in her number.
He did the same for her phone before she wrote down the schools address and what time the performance started.
" I'll see you tonight. Come on Jeremy we have to go." Jacinta said dialling her mum’s number.
" nice to meet you." Charlie said with a forced smile.
" you too." Jeremy said holding out his hand and almost daring Charlie to take it.
Charlie took it and they shook hands, once, twice, three times. Both squeezing the other hard to see who would give up first.
Jacinta turned around and Charlie let go first.
Jeremy smiled a huge smile and put his arm around Jacinta.
" Mums going to pick us up from out the front." Jacinta said.
" Awesome. I will come with you to reversals then go home and get changed." Jeremy said.
" Bye." Jacinta said to Charlie.
" Yeah I'll see you later." Charlie said as they left.

" Grounded. This mean I can't go out to the city with Charlie." Jacinta said sulking.
" But today was worth it wasn't it? We had so much fun." Jeremy said.
" Yeah I did, I just wish I had more tome with him before he left." Jacinta sighed, "Ugh I hate these skirts." Jacinta said adjusting her long music skirt.
" Yeah they aren't really sexy." Jeremy said. Jeremy was lying on her bed waiting for her to get ready.
Jacinta continued fussing and it annoyed Jeremy.
" come here." Jeremy said patting his knees.
Jacinta sat on him and he circled his arms around her.
" You look professional and beautiful." Jeremy said.
Jacinta blushed and cuddled closer.
"Look at me." Jeremy said.
Jacinta turned her head and smiled at him.
Jeremy smiled back and leaned forward and kissed her.
" what happened to the whole I'm just a sister thing?" Jacinta asked pulling back.
" I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry." Jeremy said kissing her again. Jacinta let it happen. Jeremy was a really good kisser and Jacinta had been imagining this for a year now.
Some where in the back of her mind she was thinking about how Jeremy always did little things with her but never actually committed to her.
He took control of the kiss and leaned her back onto the bed, hovering over her.
One of Jeremy's hands ran up Jacinta's leg, pulling up her skirt.
He pushed up the skirt so it was just covering her underwear.
He rested his hand on her thigh and gave it a light squeeze, making Jacinta moan and bite down on his lip, hard.
Jeremy returned the moan and started to grind his erection on Jacinta's crotch.
Jacinta was a virgin so she didn't have much experience but she thought Jeremy felt quite big. Jacinta could feel herself getting wet and tightened her hand that was in Jeremy's hair, pulling it.
Jeremy moaned again but it was more like a growl.
Jeremy slowly poked his tongue into Jacinta's mouth and Jacinta followed suit.
Slowly Jeremy ran his hand down to Jacinta's underwear. He rolled on his side, with his back facing the door, and started rubbing up and down Jacinta's pussy. He smiled in the kiss.
" What?" Jacinta asked.
Jeremy leaned down and whispered in her ear, " Your so wet. I just can't stand it."
Jacinta moaned and her head fell back as Jeremy started rubbing her soaked panties.
Jeremy kissed her neck tenderly and Jacinta pulled his hair again.
Jeremy moaned and bit down on her neck quickly before returning to soft teasing kisses.
Jacinta's other hand moved to Jeremy's shoulder and slowly dragged down his arm with her nails.
Jeremy moaned and slipped his fingers inside Jacinta's underwear, quickly finding her clit.
He wiggled it from side to side and Jacinta felt her whole body start to spasm.
She pulled Jeremy's head by his hair back up to her mouth and kissed him hard.
" Jacinta! Mums yelling at me to get you- oh my god." Jacinta's brother Nik said as he opened the door.
" Tell mum I’m just finding my shoes." Jacinta said blushing as red as her hair.
" I don't think they are there Jeremy." Nik said shuddering and closing the door.
" Just another thing for your parents to blame me for." Jeremy said with a smirk.
" How much could he see?!" Jacinta worried embarrassed.
" I am covering most of 'down there'. I guess the no pants and my arm position gave it away." Jeremy said.
" Fuck." Jacinta said groaning.
" It will be fine. I'm sure he won't say anything." Jeremy said.
" Yeah but I really should get ready.
I need make up and shoes. I might have to re-do my hair as well." Jacinta said standing up.
Jacinta stepped out into the hall and ran into her still shocked brother.
" Please don't tell mum." Jacinta said.
" Are you even going out with him?" Nik asked. That hit a nerve that made Jacinta sad.
" Not technically." Jacinta said softly.
" I wont tell just don't do it again." Nik said.
" How much did you see?" Jacinta asked curiously.
" Enough to know what's going on." Nik said walking off.
Jacinta quickly fixed her hair and put on a little make up and went back to her room to find Jeremy looking at all the things Jacinta had on her shelves.
" I'm ready to go." Jacinta announced.
Jeremy turned around and smiled. " You look beautiful."
" Thanks." Jacinta said with a small smile.


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Hard WinterChapter 6 Winter Hard decisions

Authors note: There is little bit of period play just over a third of the way in to this chapter, it is only one scene and it ties in with an event later in the story, but you have been warned, so just skip that bit if it's not your thing! On the Wednesday morning we had our first major problem since we were appointed as leaders. Kelly came looking for me in a panic, she couldn't find Kirsty anywhere. I helped her look everywhere around our house and outbuildings, and then we started...

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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 6 Decisions

Jack paced back and forth in Drapper's small room until Drapper was about to grab him and toss him out on his no longer pointy ears "will you sit down!, your making me dizzy with all your pacing and mutterings, he will be here when he gets here." "Marluxion!! of all the dragons to have to show up, why him, why couldn't it have been some other dragon? why Marluxion, the most ancient of them all." "He will blast us all, we'll be charred embers, one glare of his silver eyeballs can make...

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I still think about how life would be different if I had had his baby. I’d be tied to him and his horrible family, forever, always struggling to keep them from indoctrinating my child. Sure, I could soak him for support, but I’d have to share the most precious thing in my life with someone I consider to have been a fluke with no right to lay claim to me or mine. I think about what a wretched father he’d be, and how I couldn’t trust his side of the family to consider anything but their own...

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     The door closed behind me as I slid into the seat.  I watched in total apprehension as the Police Officer walked around and climbed behind the wheel.  He checked his mirrors and pulled away from the curb without speaking.  After he closed the windows he turned on the air-conditioning, it felt good.  "Thought I told you to wait for me at the car he said."  'You did, I answered.'  'But you took off,'  'Yes. I got scared, I said'  He looked me over, for a second or two, I was wearing shorts...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 71 Strategic Decisions

October 8, 1988, Chicago, Illinois It was nearly 3:30pm before I saw Stephanie. My ROTC students had left, and Kara’s study group was just winding down, when Stephanie and Jorge came into my study. “She died about an hour ago,” Jorge said, his arm tight around my sister who had tears on her cheeks. “Her parents will take her home to Brooklyn for a funeral.” I nodded, “Jess warned me that was likely to happen. How’s my sister?” I smiled because Stephanie was standing right there. She gave...

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Journey to EdenChapter 5 decisions

The small band moved quickly and silently through the dimness. The moon was full, and Seth was thankful for the faint patches of moonlight that illuminated even the area beneath the trees. But it would be full dark very soon, and they were still too exposed. They had escaped their pursuers, but there were other dangers. It was Aard who found what they needed. One of the giant trees of the Deepwood had been toppled by lightning, apparently many lives ago. Mossy and overgrown, it at first...

4 years ago
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The Brass RingChapter 8 Making Decisions

It was going to be a fairly major problem tracking down Harley McDougal. I had no idea if he was still in town, or had departed for other places. Either case, I needed a way to find him. I'd spent a restless night thinking about what I needed to know before I could decide what to do about Merilee. I had a plan. It wasn't much of a plan, I admit, but at least it was something. "Discreet Services," the woman answered in a sexy voice. "How can I help you?" "I need help to find someone....

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The ArrangementChapter 14 Junior Year Decisions

I felt pretty good for a few weeks after that encounter, confident that I’d made the right decision with Hannah. I thought about Riley often, of course. But short of racing to Amherst and pledging my love for her, and begging her to leave Tom, there wasn’t much I could do. The race-to-Amherst thing seemed like something that would work in the movies, not in real life. I wanted Riley and I to have a future together, but I didn’t want to be a creepy stalker that scared her away for good. So,...

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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 16 Relationship Decisions

“What are you going to do about Roger and Mike?” Edie asked Amber as they lounged around their condo’s living room in sexy t-shirts and not much else. “You going to alternate weekends with them or weekend days? Neither one is going to be happy with that, you know. What’ll you do about other business? You have to keep marketing yourself.” “You’re just full of questions,” Amber replied. “Last couple first; yes, I’ll keep marketing and working as an escort. I talked to both men about that, and...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 17 More Decisions

1872 Two late snowstorms blanketed the area and gave Robert Williams plenty of time to read his borrowed law books as business all but disappeared. He found that he enjoyed it, completely lost track of time some days, and by March had struggled his way through most of the Maryland code, at least those parts he found interesting and relevant. In the back of one of his ledgers he had accumulated several pages of notes and, with lawyer Anderson's help, a list of Latin terms and their...

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 9 Decisions

Patrick woke Jake before the sun had risen. A runner had come with orders from the admiral. Patrick told him his breakfast was waiting in the sitting room with the orders. Jake through on his uniform from the day before and walked barefoot to the table to retrieve the orders. He broke the seal and read them thru. Jake was to turn over the Bulldog to LCMDR Perry at his earliest convenience and report to the admiral’s office. No later than nine o’clock this morning. He mused at that. He had...

2 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 63 The Hardest Decisions

The king saw the castle looming in front of him and smiled. The weather had turned more comfortable as the group had ridden northward. Now, as they approached the water, a pleasant breeze had begun to blow. It cooled their overheated and sunburned skin. After the attempted ambush, the next 20 days had been relatively uneventful. Even dropping Yerrick’s former betrothed in Symonds hadn’t created a stir. Joseph had explained the situation to Leif Symonds and his wife, Narna. The king wouldn’t...

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Light Decisions

It had been a bad day, all told, the masters had been especially attentive to his studies recently, something that always annoyed him as he was used to having a rather higher autonomy than others. Kai wasn’t like other students, he was a prodigy of sorts, an illusionist in the college without peer for his age, his fellow students leagues behind him in this school of magic. He had shortcomings, of course, his success and prowess outside of illusionary magic was limited, but while the Masters...

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Iron Lord Part 2 The decisions

I woke up first. She was still laying over me in the dark, her breasts firmly pressing onto my chest. For a second I was worried, because I generally wake up with a jump from a nightmare, but it seemed she was still asleep. I relaxed, listening to her breath and the sound of waves for about half an hour. I breathed deeply, hoping to trap an essence of her smell inside my lungs. At first I was completely in a void where nothing mattered. But inevitably, I began to think. I was supposed to be...

3 years ago
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Whiskey Decisions

So I’m Laura, I am 5 ft tall with brown hair and eyes. I’m average build, I wear 36 B/C bra size (kinda in between…still a good handful) and I have a great ass so I’ve heard. I had just turned 18 and although I had done some serious experimenting, I was still a virgin. So after throwing back dollar shots of whiskey all night with my friends, going swimming seemed like the best idea. In our group was my best friend Mel, her fuck buddy Nick, and his roommate Sean. We started off swimming in our...

3 years ago
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Economics and Decisions

The economics of sex are interesting. Sometimes we marry for sex. That can cost millions. We take ladies to dinner. We buy drinks. We pay for prostitites (although I never have). And we invite women to join us on exotic trips. Even if we don’t spend a lot of money, sometimes we spend hours of our time on the phone. Occasionally we find ’em, fuck ’em and forget ’em without spending a dime. That has its place, but it’s not as good as the other stuff!!!  This is an analysis story. I don’t have a...

2 years ago
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Naruto slept soundly. He'd only just returned to the Hidden Leaf Village weeks before, and he found that he'd missed his old bed. As he lay there snoozing, his pillow partly on his head, it was the sun's warming kiss that woke Naruto up rather than his alarm clock. The sunlight seemed to fill his body with energy. He woke slowly, smiling, ready for another day. He rolled over and took the pillow off his head. "Darn, it's barely 8 o'clock," he thought. It wasn't his usual wake up time, but today...

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Executive Decisions

Mia did up the button of her suit and looked in the mirror, her cleavage was showing nicely and she looked hot. Mia smiled to herself, time to make a good impression. Mia was a 34-year-old woman with shoulder length brown hair and light hazel eyes, her cute button nose was perched atop a pair of full ruby lips. She checked herself out once more and smiled. She was wearing a black corset top that pushed her breasts together and up. She wore matching trousers and a matching jacket on top. To...

Love Stories
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Sandy was more than a little upset with herself as the early morning light brightened the hall. Her son had been due to arrive home from school late last night, and though she really wanted to be awake when he arrived, sleep had gotten the better of her. She thought about going to his room to check on him, but then thought the better of that idea and, retreating to her room, found her bathrobe and slowly made her way to the kitchen.  As she poured her first cup of eye-opener she thought about...

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Drinking Decisions

I was at a dance club one night a few years back. It was one of these goth/electro sorta things, it kinda looked like something out of a Marylin Manson video. I had been drinking most of the night with my friends and had a pretty good buzz on. This girl comes to the bar next to me, black vinyl corset, black vinyl pants with a zipper that ran from front to back. Long crazy colored hair. She sees me looking and just licks me on the neck. So I grab her ass and tell her "nice ass" without a word...

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Economics and Decisions

The economics of sex are interesting. Sometimes we marry for sex. That can cost millions. We take ladies to dinner. We buy drinks. We pay for prostitites (although I never have). And we invite women to join us on exotic trips. Even if we don't spend a lot of money, sometimes we spend hours of our time on the phone. Occasionally we find 'em, fuck 'em and forget 'em without spending a dime. That has its place, but it's not as good as the other stuff!!! This is an analysis story. I don't have a...

First Time
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Sandy was more than a little upset with herself as the early morning light brightened the hall. Her son had been due to arrive home from school late last night, and though she really wanted to be awake when he arrived, sleep had gotten the better of her. She thought about going to his room to check on him, but then thought the better of that idea and, retreating to her room, found her bathrobe and slowly made her way to the kitchen. As she poured her first cup of eye-opener she thought about...

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Whiskey Decisions

So I'm Laura, I am 5 ft tall with brown hair and eyes. I'm average build, I wear 36 B/C bra size (kinda in between...still a good handful) and I have a great ass so I've heard. I had just turned 18 and although I had done some serious experimenting, I was still a virgin. So after throwing back dollar shots of whiskey all night with my friends, going swimming seemed like the best idea. In our group was my best friend Mel, her fuck buddy Nick, and his roommate Sean. We started off swimming in...

First Time
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Iron Lord Part 2 The decisions

I woke up first. She was still laying over me in the dark, her breasts firmly pressing onto my chest. For a second I was worried, because I generally wake up with a jump from a nightmare, but it seemed she was still asleep. I relaxed, listening to her breath and the sound of waves for about half an hour. I breathed deeply, hoping to trap an essence of her smell inside my lungs. At first I was completely in a void where nothing mattered. But inevitably, I began to think. I was supposed to be...

Straight Sex
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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 13 Life and Death decisions

After what seemed like a rest period the door to the cell opened and a goblin slave came in to clean away the straw and replace it with fresh straw as he left the door stuck remaining slightly open, Xanaphia had been woken by the noise of the Goblin and remained lying embracing Iliafray, outside the door the two slaves heard a part of a conversation between two of the drow slavers much was irrelevant but part of it was asking if the prisoners were ready for the rites of devotion and it being...

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Lately I've been reading a few stories about revenge and getting even. Hard as I've tried, I can't seem to leave these stories alone. I guess it's because of something that I did awhile back and now I'm paying the price 'mentally'. It had been a couple of months since I did something really stupid. Now I totally regret it and I hardly remember most of it. I'm Jim Hawkins and have been married to my wife Christina for seven years. We're both in our early thirties and seem to have a...

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Flight or Fight Decisions

You will find that I use Lewis and Mark in this story for the name of the same person. This person has memory failure after a short series of traumatic events. He does not know his real name and asks to be called Mark. When the narrator refers to him, he is Lewis. When addressed by the new people in his life he is Mark Toward the end I indicate where the story stops being narrated and becomes first person. Obviously a person with no memory has a difficult time telling a story well. It is...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 39 Decisions

May, 1984, Chicago, Illinois On Wednesday at work, Scott handed me a 9-track tape and a manual. My new task was to upgrade the Plexus Unix systems to the latest version of System III Unix. It took most of the day to upgrade both computers and to verify that the Universe database system as well as the Ethernet connections were working. At the end of the day, Scott told me that he had a new project for me - optimizing some Z80 assembly code for an embedded controller. I took a quick look at...

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