The Fairy
- 4 years ago
- 21
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I awakened to a wonderful sensation in my groin area. When I opened my eyes there was a delicious red bush hovering over my lips. I sighed "ahhh, breakfast!" and proceeded to get my fill.
I stayed hard after dishing up some "cream of Matt". Beth just licked her lips, shook her head, and mounted me with "never look gift cocks in the mouth!"
We decided not to get dressed for breakfast and found a surprise when we walked out of the bedroom. George had evidently clued Gail in on our clothing preference and she was nude. She was also built and lovely.
Kathy had also dropped by with some outfits and an explanation. She was as naked as we were and ignored Gail's embarrassment. The statuesque blonde gave everyone a full body hug, including Gail and finished with a kiss for her that soon had me hard again.
The older woman was flustered but Kathy said "I'm so glad you stayed! I wish I could have joined you but maybe next time? Anyway, I brought some things for you to pick from and..."
"Wait a minute here!" Gail said "what was all that about!"
Kathy explained "I've had the hots for you all year. I was hoping the three of us could get together but if you don't want to I understand."
Gail looked more surprised than shocked "you mean you and George are lovers?"
Kathy smiled "it's kinda complicated. It's more like me and Matt, me and George, me and Gene, sheesh! The list is too long to get into right now and we don't want to be late. Is that a problem?"
Gail sat down and said "more of a revelation. I really want to hear this but you're right we need to hurry."
Kathy chuckled "taking a shower with one of these guys can be time consuming no matter how much fun it is. I'm serious though, I hope you visit often. I spent enough time with you in the beginning of the year to both like and respect you. You really helped me a lot."
At my quizzical look she explained "I still had some issues about my former parents and Gail helped me work through them. She helped me appreciate that what I have is much better than what I lost."
Gail was dressed much better today than yesterday. She chose a silk blouse and skirt that came to mid-thigh. Even Kathy's underwear fit her perfectly and was much sexier than what she had on yesterday. I was just finishing up the bacon and eggs when I saw Kathy whisper something in Gail's ear that got a smile and a blush.
Kathy grinned and explained "I was just telling Gail about how much fun it was to be with both of the twins at once."
Gail looked a little flushed and asked "George, could you and Gene stop by my office during study hall? I'll give you both passes. We need to talk about your schedules"
Later that night they stopped by and said it was the most fun any of them ever had during study hall. It seems Gail had a fantasy about being fucked on her desk, both forward and backward. On a whim she decided to add "in her chair" as well.
I complimented her on her borrowed outfit so much she finally said she was taking Kathy shopping with her. She seemed a little despondent and I asked her if something was wrong. She said "are you kidding? I'm twenty-five and George is what, thirteen? If word got out about this I'd be locked up. Not only that but he's better than any "so called man I've ever met. I suppose you could say that yes, there is a problem. What am I going to do? I don't want this to end but I'm doomed if it doesn't!"
I asked how anyone would find out. "You know there are several people who live with me. None of them will say a word about what goes on there. There are no neighbors and no one to see you come and go. You could move in this house and nobody would find out." She seemed resigned but only slightly convinced as she left.
After school the twins went to practice with me. We noticed Nina in her old spot and went to see what was up. We were all met with a steamy kiss and an "I miss you!" She gave a sniff at Gene and smiled "what have you been up to mister? Unless I'm mistaken you've been up to and into someone at school!"
He smiled. "Oops, busted. "If you can drop by Matt's later I'll tell you about it. There's too many people around here." I left them talking and hurried off to drills.
When I got home I heard screaming but it definitely wasn't anger. It went on for another half-hour before the twins staggered out of the bedroom. They looked like they'd been "rode hard and put away wet." They saw me laughing and groaned.
Gene said "that woman's gonna fuck us to death! The more we told her about Gail the hotter she got. She's visited with her a lot since she came back and liked her too. She also admitted she thought Gail was hot and wanted some of what we had".
George sighed "Two of 'em? We're dead meat!"
They were starved so we decided to order some Chinese from a place that delivered. I was just picking up the phone when the doorbell rang. I was pleased with who it was but I'm not sure the twins were.
"Gail! I'm glad you're here! I've got another one of your fans here and we were getting ready to order Chinese, would you join us?"
Gail was hesitant and apologetic when she saw a nude and smiling Nina exit the bedroom. "if this is a bad time I can go. I don't want to intrude."
I told her not to be silly and come in. I heard George muttering "definitely dead meat" under his breath and smiled at his predicament. "Join the crowd, buddy" I thought.
Nina bounded into the room when she noticed Gail and gave her a big hug. When she let her go she said "I've wanted to do that all year Miss Jenson!"
She was informed that away from school we were to call her Gail before she added "I stopped by to tell someone something important but I suppose it can wait until later."
I told her that Nina was part of the family and that anything she wanted to say could be said with her there. "In for a penny, in for a pound I guess" Gail said with a sigh. "Alright here it is." she looked at George and said "I'm yours OK? Heart and soul if you want me, all the way and non-stop, goddess help me because I can't help myself. I think I'm in love, or at least lust."
Nina just smiled and said "of course you are Gail. Welcome to the club!" Gail got a kiss from both of us and I don't know which was hotter. I did notice both ladies doing a little ass groping though. I got Gail's order and added it to ours before making two calls.
Kathy showed up and kissed all of us. It seemed like Gail was comfortable with it. At the end of Kathy's kiss I could tell she was very comfortable with it. I'd be willing to bet her knickers were soaked.
While we ate I went over some things we hadn't covered last night and waited for the reaction. We hadn't told her what we were supposed to do. She took it in stride "I should be shocked and say you're crazy now, right? The problem with that is it just makes too much sense for me not to believe you. The thing that makes me believe you the most though happened last night and today. I think you guys might just be able to pull it off."
I wasn't surprised by her calm acceptance and began part two. She was enthusiastic when I told her about the others. after she digested more of the plan she agreed that it was probably the only way to get the job done. She asked how she could help and we told her that it was up to her.
Economics could be important to us. Trade was going to be a huge issue when we enforced real fair trade and not the sham that existed now and in the past "future."
When I told her about Tina's research and our "island plans."Her eyes shone with eagerness as she blurted "do you have any idea what that will mean?"
She saw my expression and said "sorry, I guess you do. You know that if that is used like a club you can get whatever you want. If China or Korea tries to raise tariffs or limit imports, you limit export of technology to them and they'll cave in a heartbeat."
After that we had a very enjoyable evening. I asked if she'd like to meet the others but she wanted to wait until another day. I think the twins were as happy as Nina and Kathy were to find out that Gail was very bi-sexual.
The homecoming game was interesting. For the first time, I got angry playing football. I don't know if it was their coach who came up with the idea or if the players dreamed it up on their own. At every opportunity the guy who was supposed to block me went for my knees. They weren't trying to take me out of the play. They were intentionally attempting to injure me.
I had an idea but didn't know if it was legal. I asked the coach during half-time and he said he didn't think there was a rule against it. "It might be because nobody's ever done it" he told me "if you can pull it off I'd like to see it!"
He was as pissed as I was because the refs were ignoring their tactics. They were playing dirty every chance they got and we were only up 14-0. They got the ball first in the second half and on the first play it happened again. I had begun moving toward the line because it was an obvious pass play.
When the lineman went for my knees I helped him with a shove downward on his helmet and used his back for a springboard over the line as I went airborne. Their quarterback had only dropped back two steps when I hit him and the ball went flying.
Our defensive end scooped it up for another score. Both the quarterback and my springboard were still down. The QB was out cold and the lineman seemed to be in some pain.
The opposing coach was screaming at the refs but they declared it a legal play. We got fired up after that and I started using the fact that with the crowd in the middle the refs couldn't see an uppercut when I threw it.
When a head went down toward my legs from then on, it was met with a forearm or a heavily taped fist under the chin. Occasionally I would help their head find my knee as well. My teammates followed my lead and began defending themselves as unobtrusively as possible. Our coach had been so mad at the tactics being used against us he left the starters in for the entire game and we ended up winning 62-0. Three more of the scores were by the defense.
I don't know which was more strenuous, the game or the dance. With our crowd I would have been busy enough but other girls kept asking me to dance too. Most high school guys just won't dance but I liked to.
It didn't surprise me when Ramona asked. She just wanted to thank me for the advice. Most of the girls there with a date left me alone but there were enough unattached females to keep me on my feet all night.
I occasionally took a break and on one of these Becky saw my expression and asked what was wrong. "I just can't believe" I answered "that even though I'm at a table full of the prettiest girls in school I've been propositioned at least five times! Two came right out and asked if they could go home with me and three asked me out on a date."
Two of the others heard me and had opinions, especially when I told them who the girls were. Like it or not, I was popular because of football. They explained what I remembered from my high school days. Going out with me was kind of a status symbol because of that. It made me even gladder that I hadn't been tempted in the least. I made sure that I danced with the chaperones as well. Mrs. Fleming seemed flattered I had asked her and was a pretty fair dancer.
Gail was a dream to hold on the dance floor even though tried to look innocent. I danced with all the female teachers who were there whether they were mine or not. I figured "what the heck" I might end up in one of their classes sooner or later and some of them looked pretty hot! It wouldn't hurt to make a good impression and most of them were happy to be asked.
There was one delightful specimen that I couldn't resist asking. She was slim, tall, and seemed graceful just standing still. She also appeared so young that I didn't realize she was a teacher until we were on the floor.
When she told me her name was Miss Anderson I looked at her in disbelief and shook my head. "I guess that explains why you're such a good dancer. What subject do you teach?"
When she said "music" I chuckled "it figures. Do you teach dance, too? If you do I want to be in your class so we can do this again."
She looked at me and smiled "I'd like that. You dance like you've been doing it a while. I don't get the chance to do this much. Most men just don't know how. I hope you ask me again before this breaks up tonight."
I found out that she was the only music instructor at the school and that if I took the subject she would have to be the teacher. I had taken chorus before and had been a pretty decent singer. I even got stuck doing solos during performances. I mentioned that I liked to sing and was a fairly decent bass and she became enthusiastic for me to try it.
Holding her in my arms while dancing slowly made it inevitable that I would. When she added that if I did she would be very tempted to add dancing lessons I was hooked.
Eventually she realized that we were dancing as close as or closer than any couple on the floor and blushed "I'm enjoying this entirely too much" she commented. I'm afraid people will get the wrong idea."
That didn't stop her head from resting on my shoulder until the music stopped and we reluctantly parted. I promised her I'd look her up for another but smiled as I said it would have to be a slow dance.
She blushed again as she said she'd look forward to it. The contrast of the blush against her blacker than black hair was very attractive and I was afraid I had made a mistake when I pointed it out. Her smile was dazzling as she thanked me "you'd better not forget me" she warned as she walked away.
When I got back to the table Tina whispered "what was that all about? You two looked like you'd have rather been dancing horizontally out there. Isn't she the music teacher?"
Nina filled us in some more "I've got her fifth period and she's really sweet. This is her first year here and she's fresh out of college. She's from Texas and acts like she doesn't have much of a social life here yet. You'd better be careful Matt. I saw the look in her eyes and she really enjoyed that. Unless you want her you shouldn't dance with her again."
Tina asked the obvious "do you? It looked like you were enjoying that dance as much as she did."
I had to admit that she felt wonderful in my arms and as close as we were dancing I was sure she had realized that I was as hard as a rock the whole time. I had tried to move away to hide my obvious state of arousal a couple of times until I noticed that every time I did she pulled me back.
"Too late then" Tina said "now you have to decide what to do about it."
I looked at her and said "Tina, I may be past fifty but right now I'm in a 14 year old body filled with more hormones than should be humanly possible. I just danced with a very sexy and lovely woman. The only thing holding me back is the fact that I have several equally desirable women at home. I can contain myself but I don't know if I want to. There's another problem though. I don't remember her from before. I had music and the teacher's name was Miss Pope."
Comprehension dawned on her face "you're right! I didn't have music but I remember her. That seals it then, we need more info!"
The devious Nina said that Miss Anderson had got a ride with one of the other teachers and that teacher had to leave early because of a sick child. As of right now she didn't have a ride home. The consensus was that we should save her cab fare and offer her a lift. I had hired two stretch limos to do it up right. Tina suggested that she stop at our house first and get a ride from there with Al or our folks. With her devilish smile she suggested that I might even be able to talk her into another dance at our place.
When the next slow song started I was at Miss Anderson's side to ask her to dance. She was sitting all alone and eagerly accepted the invitation. We started right where we had left off and this time I did my best to get her as horny as she was making me. The more I thought about it the more I wondered if she hadn't been doing it on purpose.
It didn't make sense to me but it sure seemed that way. Three notes into the song my leg was between hers and my erection was rubbing her thigh. She just sighed and held me tighter. I could feel the heat of her mound as I explained hearing about her transportation problem and offered her a ride home with us. I didn't have to twist her arm. Music teachers weren't paid that much, especially new ones and saving the cab fare would be nice.
She didn't have a roommate and rented a small place from a woman she rarely even saw. I even got that promise of an extra dance at my house. She whispered in my ear "please call me Angie when we're not at school. I wish I could get by with it there. I hate all that "Miss" crap. It makes me feel like an old maid instead of twenty!"
I was surprised at her age and she let a rueful laugh escape "that's me, Angie Anderson child prodigy! I know about you and your friends and you're smarter than I was. I fell for that crap about skipping grades and graduated from high school when I was fourteen. Four years of college and two years of grad school later, here I am at my first high school dance doing what I missed out on then and liking it a lot more than I should. They'll probably fire me on Monday for practically raping a freshman on the dance floor but I don't give a crap because I'm having too much fun."
I whispered back as I rubbed her pussy a bit harder with my thigh "Believe me Angie I'm enjoying this at least as much as you but if you want to rape me we should wait until we get to my place."
After looking over her shoulder to make sure no one could see I cupped her tight ass in my hands and pulled her closer as I finished my statement "I don't think you can rape somebody as willing as me though."
She gasped and muffled her moan into my shoulder before looking me in the eyes and saying "do you realize you just made me have an orgasm in the middle of a homecoming dance that I'm supposed to be chaperoning?" I hope we leave soon while I can still contain myself."
As luck would have it, the dance was starting to break up. We were among the first to leave. People had been plotting behind our back as we danced. Angie and I found ourselves alone in one limo while everyone else (don't ask me how) squeezed into the other one.
As soon as the tinted windows hid us from view we attacked each other. The window between the driver and us was closed so he couldn't see us either. I think if the ride had been longer we would have done much more but we contented ourselves with passionate kisses and fondling each other through our clothes until we felt the car stop at my place.
Angie gasped "what about your parents? We should go to my place!"
I assured her we had all the privacy we needed right here and she dubiously agreed to stay. Tina, Karen and the others who were staying went to other rooms while I led Angie to my suite. As soon as the door closed Angie began undressing me and promised "we'll dance vertically later. Right now I need to get you horizontal!"
She kissed me while she worked on my shirt and I unzipped her dress before she nibbled her way delightfully down my body while removing my shirt and jacket. She was either in a hurry or not used to undressing a man because it took a bit of fumbling with my belt before she got my pants to fall. She giggled when she realized my shoes were still on and removed them so she could continue.
My painfully tented boxers were still on but I pulled her to her feet anyway. She was ahead of me and I wanted to catch up. I slipped her dress off her shoulders and let it fall to reveal her beautiful body. I kissed her as I released her breasts from their confinement and discovered they were as magnificent as the rest of her.
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IncestMy wife's sister Pam and her husband, Paul, were coming over for a cookout and planning of our first get together. They were bringing their house guest, Jim, Paul's roommate from college days. Jen was taking care of the rest of the meal and I was to bring home the steaks after going in to work to check on an order from my best client.It is a beautiful Saturday, and I pull in to the garage a little after 1:00 pm. I go through the back door of the garage with the steaks and extra charcoal. There...
I woke up several hours later and several things came to my realisation. The first is that I had a raging hardon and the worst case of blue balls that I could remember since high school. The reason for it, apart from an entire day of intense teasing with no satisfaction, was the next thing I became aware of. At some point during the night I had rolled over and cuddled up to Sarah. She was facing away from me and had her ass pressed firmly into my crotch. My cock was nestled firmly between the...
ExhibitionismIn 2002 and 2003 when I was 23-24 years old, I decided to do a series of interesting masturbation challenges and I made detailed notes of the results. Here are the notes from one of those challenges:Challenge #3 - 3 Stop's & Start's per session for 7 sessions.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATES: September 19, 2002 - October 7, 2002 LENGTH: 18 Days, 13 Hours, 19 MinutesChallenge: To use the "Stop and go" method (Bring myself close to...
Hello dosto, Yeh meri pahli kahani hai, so plz bhul chuk maaf krna.. Mera naam anant hai or me delhi ka rahne wala hu. Meri age 25 yrs hai. Me ek multinational company me job krta hu. So baat aj se lagbhag 2 saal pahle ki hai jab job se aane ke baad fresh hoke me apne bister pe let ke wechat use kiya krta tha. Wechat me bhi mast features hai jese ki “shake” So ek din mene wechat me shake kiya or ek ladki ko request send ki Thodi der baad uss ladki ne meri request accept kr li or hamari chat...
During my second year in college I was in between girlfriends and at the time I was greatly indulging in my crossdressing fantasies. I spent a lot of time in lingerie sections of stores buying bargain panties and bras since that is all that I could afford. The pickings were fairly slim for a big guy, so I developed a love of granny panties because those are so easy to find at a store like Walmart or Target. Craig's List and similar websites did not yet exist at this time (including Fet-Life)...
You know those nights when you have been trying to fall asleep for what feels like hours and you reach that moment where you're still wide awake even though to anyone else you look dead to the world?It was then that I felt the covers move, the bed buckle under the extra weight of him climbing in. This was something new as I'm always fast asleep before he comes to join me, keeping different schedules always means going to bed at different times so feeling him next to me, his bare leg pressed...
Oh Mary 3Following on from the time on the train, which I guess is a couple of years ago now, Mary's appetite for extra cock had developed as had my own enjoyment of being cuckolded. Roger had faded away and been replaced by a string of other well hung men who openly fucked her in front of me. Mary grew quite fond of one, Paul who was only in his early 20s. He has a very slim build which only accentuates his very large thick cock. It almost looks incongruous as it cantilevers out 10 inches from...
Mark Denning listened patiently to Sid Buchanan's endless diatribe about the symbiosis of business and politics, growing faintly concerned about the way government ran at this level, as he was coming to understand it. Of course, he had never been overly naïve about it, and knew that considerable influence was peddled and pushed, but he had had no idea how far he would have to go to obtain the help of these people that he needed to get himself elected. The other man sitting with them at...
Hi Guys I am Sharmin and this is my first story in ISS. Hope you like it. My name is Rashid, I’m married to Nadia, and we have a daughter Suhana. Nadia and I are in our late 40s and Suhana is 19 and just finished her first year of college. Suhana is a sweet girl, a little on the chubby side, but the love of my life. Nadia and I have a fantastic sex life so there are no complaints there. Suhana came home for the summer after her first year at college. She seemed a little in the dumps but...
Incest(A TIGER) *Do you have a husband?* you ask. The question seems somehow comical once the words have left your mouth. You cough/ feeling strangely uncomfortable. Something about the way Maria Marquez is staring at you. Shaking her head: *I have many boyfriends but they dont know how to make love to a woman. They only know how to FUCK FUCK FUCK and fall asleep.* Youve arrived at a quiet stretch of the beach. Behind you the town is hidden by the trees. As the Brazilian touches your arm you...
When ever i came back for the weekends my stepsister jen and her brother would be gone at their dads house. So i didnt see them for close to two years. I talked to her on occasion. But never eally saw her. One weekend she ended up staying home and i actually got to see her. She had changed so much in that two year span. She went from being a cute little girl to being a smokin hot teen. Her tits swelled up her ass was fuller and her legs were the nicest pair i had ever seen. She had blond...
Finally, the engagement day came . I took a nice bath in the morning and went to the hotel one hour earlier than the scheduled time. My friends came with me to the hotel to help me in the preparation. It was 8 am when we reached the hotel. I went to bride room. I started changing my dress. I had bought a nice bra for the occasion. I tried that with the help of my friends. It was bit tight albeit bra was of size 36 and there I realized that my boobs size was slightly more than 36. My friends...
Mother and sister love I want all of you to know that this is a real true story of my mother, my sister, and me. It all started when I was 25, and after my step-father passed away. I was in the living room watching television, when my mother told me to close my eyes so she could run to her room after taking a shower. Of course I closed my eyes, but always wanted to see my mother naked. I opened my eyes just enough to see her naked body go by me. My mom has a hot body for a woman her age, and at...
IncestAn insatiable Violet (Violet Starr) tells her boyfriend (Derrick Pierce) about the hours of fun she and her roommate (Mona Azar) had together the night before. Derrick loves the idea and tells Violet, “I want to see that”. Violet likes to share so she and Derrick engage in some 69 foreplay where she makes certain her roommate can hear her moans. Mona smiles as she immediately understands Violet’s “Call of the Wild”. She heads straight for the bedroom and joins the welcoming lovers for an...
xmoviesforyouEAGERTO The Ladies Loo was outside, around the back. As i said, I’d waited til they all went home then got in and found the tin where she kept her dirty rags. I’d busted the hopeless little padlock to get in and they never bothered to replace it so I had no trouble sneaking in whenever I liked and jerking off great wads of spunk into her dirty pads. They were fantastic — I would take off my pants and lie back on the toilet seat with a wet cuntrag pressed up between my legs and hold a sometimes...
September 14, 1975 “Where’s Benny?” “He’s around,” Tim answered. Cathy was genuinely concerned about Benny. She wondered if his absence had anything to do with the sudden sale of the lawn mowing company. She was convinced that Tim and Benny had a fight, and that Benny had left. “You keep saying that.” “He wanted alone time. I’m giving it to him,” Tim said. “I need to know what happened to him.” Tim replied, “You and Sandra wanted alone time, I gave it to you. Benny wanted alone time, I...
We both stood to strip off what little we wore, my cellphone rang with an odd sound and I jumped. I didn’t even know what it was at first. “Aren’t you going to answer it?” Kate asked. I slid my fingers across the screen and saw that I had my first text message. “I’ve got a text!“ “Read it, I bet it’s Lisa and she’s just gotten a new phone with unlimited texts and minutes. She’ll be texting you all the time ... she may even send you naked pictures.” “I’ve heard about that in the news....
We met a couple of same age at a camp site and had joined them for a drink, My wife is very focused on fucking any man she meets and this was know exception. we had all been drink loads of wine and the conversation had got around to sex swingers to which my wife gave them the full story. John our new friend was well turned on by the hard inside his jeans and my wife was giving him full view up her skirt. June the wife who was very good looking and great figure stood in front of me and as she...
Cheating WifesIntroduction: Sorry! I usually try to get one part out per day when Im doing a series, but in the battle between writing and sleep, sleep won. The next part will be coming as soon as possible, I promise (just dont expect it tomorrow)! As always, I hope you enjoy! I walked down to the living room from upstairs, spotting Riley sitting on the couch, a baseball game play on the TV. Six months had passed since that night on the porch. Summer vacation had ended and school was starting up again, which...
I finished my medical college when I was 24 and then joined house job in Medicine. The mind was always thrilled about meeting new people and to have good training. Being a young man, eyes were always popping from one girl to another looking for a soulmate. It was my 3rd week of working in the medical ward and I was in the group of young doctors who were busy doing the ward round with senior doctor. My allocated beds were soon coming and after presenting my cases I got free to see others doing...
Master Chef and Eveline bought the place. "I hope cash will do?" she said. Smart girl ... she had an oversized purse. Mrs. George, daughter of Mr. Johnson, he of the Mercury Sedan Delivery, said, "I'd be pleased to accept cash. My lawyer is on the way, Weatherford isn't far. Could you two wait and witness the sale?" That was to David and Wendy. Of course, they said yes. They all had tea on the huge veranda. It was a very genteel gathering that presented an interesting picture to a...
I murmured in agreement; unable to form coherent sentences with two sexy teen girls sucking and licking my shaft and balls. Lavender stopped licking my balls just long enough for her to stand up and give me a long hard kiss before getting back on her knees and rejoining her sexy friend. Me, enjoying myself so immensely, almost forgot about helping my two special friends with taking off their clothes. I quickly reached down and tried to pull off Lauren’s tight dress but had little luck....
“If I’m going to be sliding this down your throat, I’m gonna go and make sure it’s nice and clean first,” I said as I got up from the bed. “Can I ... can I wash it for you?” she asked as she looked up at me imploringly. “Sure, sweetie, whatever you want.” She followed me into the bathroom and I ran a sink full of hot water. I grabbed a clean washcloth off the shelf and tossed it into the water. She wrung it out thoroughly and then placed the hot steaming cloth on my spent dick. She took her...
The funny thing about space – beyond the asphyxiation and eyeball exploding and radiation – was how it took everything totally logical and threw it on its head. Most of my life was spent picturing space battles as being either sea battles or air battles, just with a prettier backdrop and force fields. Nope! Nada! Wrong! Also, technically, so was the eyeball exploding thing. The internal pressure of a human body was nowhere near high enough to get even soft tissue to do more than bruise when...
RopeI stepped up to the counter and dropped the two wrapped hanks of nylon rope on the wooden top in between the display of knifes and some tap rulers. The owner had given up watching the counter and was searching for some parts for another customer so his dutiful wife came out from the office and waited on me.“That’s pretty rope” she opined, “I picked that colored stuff up at the Hardware Show two years ago”. “You’re the first person I’ve seen even look at it”. “What are you going to use it...
There was a motor coach waiting for us as we deplaned in Pueblo, Colorado. It was like a Greyhound bus, but the logo was for a tour company I'd never heard of and the interior was a little nicer and the seats were a little bigger. As we headed away from the small private airfield, I noticed there were two dark cars following us. After a short ride, we pulled onto a wide driveway and drove about 200 yards up to a circle drive in front of a sprawling, adobe-style ranch home, complete with...
Now in the salad bowl of existence that is our multi-cultural, multi-racial, pantheist, pan-sexual world sometimes, it might appear that what divides us is greater than the sum of our shared humanity. So it is more important than ever that we can celebrate and, dare I say it, worship those most divine of creatures that transcend our petty divisions with the universality of their adorable essence. I am, of course, talking about wives. As a wife of no little standing and some experience, I can...
Wife LoversJuvenile SexualityByJim StanleyChapter 10Bernie and MeI excused myself at the end of the pinochle game. "Goodnight everybody,"was my exit cue, to which everyone responded, almost in unison, "Goodnight,sleep well." I went up the stairs and immediately undressed, lying nakedbeneath the covers, awaiting Bernie's warm body and his 10 inch hard cock.I had no idea how much longer the game would continue and lay theredry-mouthed anticipating all that would transpire between Bernie and methat night. My...
Jeri 2 "You are a "gurl," a very pretty gurl!" "What? What do you mean I'm a "gurl"?" "Jeri, a "gurl" is a pretty boy who wants, and needs to be a "gurl." And that is you." I was confused. I think I liked dressing like a girl, but did I want to be one? I wasn't exactly sure what Mr. Wilson meant by a "gurl." "Jeri, you're a natural. Trust me. You're sexy and cute! You need to be a "gurl." "Come here. Come closer, you sexy thing!" Well, no one had ever called me a "sexy...
He awoke from his deep slumber wondering if it had all been a dream. Surely she hadn’t been masturbating in his room. Surely he hadn’t done those things to her. It must have been a very vivid dream. Nonetheless, it brought a smile to his face. It was one hot dream and he would never look at her the same again.As he went to stretch in his bed, he quickly realized something was wrong. He couldn’t move his arms or his legs freely. Lying face down, he tried to wiggle his way around. The...
"If this is a slave's life, give me more of it," I thought to myself as I reclined in the first class seat for the flight to Riyadh. Previously my flights had all been economy class with limited space. Sapphire must have read my thoughts for she leaned over and murmured, "Make the most of it, the next part is on one of our own aircraft and you will start your life as a slave." On this flight the king had bought the whole of the first class cabin for our sole use and he expected and...