A Benign SomethingChapter 2 free porn video

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For the remainder of the day, I tried to keep myself busy. It was a typical dull Sunday for me. I cleaned up around the house, tried to work in the garden, but still, I was bored to tears. Rachel had gone out with Kate somewhere, leaving me to my own devices. By 3pm, I was about at my wit's end. I couldn't take the silence and isolation any longer. I walked into the kitchen to the phone and flipped through the university directory looking for Gayle Martin.

And then I found it.

I picked up the phone and was about to dial, but stopped. What was I doing? I hardly even know her. We only talked for, perhaps, a total of an hour and ten minutes. And now I was calling her, as if we were dear old chums? I quickly hung up the phone. No, I thought. Even I would think it a bit strange for someone I had only just met to do that. And then depression set in. I slowly trudged out to the living room and fell back onto the couch.

"I need to get outa here," I mumbled, running my hands through my hair.

A few hours later, after doing the laundry and folding it, attempting to clean Rachel's room, but immediately stopping upon finding a sex toy under her bed, aside from the usual clutter, she finally arrived home.

She was helping me fix dinner in the kitchen, when she nearly knocked my socks off.

"Guess who we saw at the mall?" she asked, while slicing a cucumber.

I was rinsing a head of lettuce in the sink.

"Who's that?" I replied.


I chuckled.

"And who would that be?"

Rachel tossed a small slice of cucumber into her mouth, replying, "That, uh, Gayle chick. Gayle Martin."

My heart instantly started racing, and all the blood in my body sank to my feet.

"Oh yeah?" I replied, trying to maintain some control and not seem overtly, even strangely, enthusiastic about this revelation.

I turned off the water and shook the lettuce in the sink, and then placed it in a bowl and began peeling it.

"And what'd she have to say?" I asked with a nervous grin.

Rachel picked up the cutting board and scraped the cucumber slices into a bowl.

"Notta whole lot," she replied.

My sudden glee quickly evaporated.

Rachel set the empty board in the sink and turned on the water to rinse it off.

"Oh... Almost forgot," she said. "She asked what you were doing Thursday night."

I had just picked up the bowl of lettuce and was about to turn toward the kitchen table, when she said that. I gulped and glanced at Rachel, who thankfully wasn't looking, as I'm sure I was white as a ghost.

"Yeah?" I squeaked.

Rachel pulled the board out of the sink and began wiping it off with a dishtowel.

"Yeah, said she's having some friends over at her place and wanted to know if you'd wanna come over too, I guess. I dunno... I wasn't really paying attention and she talks kinda fast, anyway."

Now I could feel my face turning red - red with anger. I wanted to toss the lettuce across the room and throttle my own flesh and blood. Instead, I forced myself to remain calm.

"Did she, uh... saying anything else? Any information? Like when and where?"

Rachel wiped her hands with the towel and turned to me. She seemed to be racking her brain, trying to remember, while I became more impatient.

"Umm... Oh, yeah," she finally said, and reached into her back pocket, pulling out a small slip of paper. "She wrote it down."

Rachel handed it to me, and there, scrawled on it in someone else's handwriting, obviously not Rachel's, was a name, phone number, address, and time. Below this were the words, "Dress casual". Next to that was a smiley face.

The blood that had boiled to my face now flooded back down to my feet.

"Gonna go?"


I looked up and Rachel was staring at me. She poked her finger at the paper in my hand.

"Gonna go?" she asked.

"Oh... Um... Yeah, well, uh... Sure. Sure, I don't think I have anything going on that night, so, uh... yeah, you know, why not? Sure."

Rachel smirked.

"Yeah," she replied sarcastically. "You gotta real busy schedule, huh?" Then she turned and walked into the living room. "A real social butterfly," she said. "That's you."

For the remainder of the night, I felt giddy. I hadn't felt this good in a long time. For some reason this little, otherwise insignificant, invitation made me feel more alive than ever before. So much time had passed, since I last felt such joy in my heart, and I was happily becoming reacquainted with something I thought I'd never again experience.

Today was Sunday and the get-together, or whatever it was, wouldn't be until the following Thursday - four agonizingly long days. All evening, I fought the urge to call her. Over and over, I played out in my mind what I'd say, what my reason would be for calling. To thank her? To let her know I had accepted her offer? Or maybe she felt sorry for me. Maybe she and Rachel had been talking that afternoon and somehow my name came up in the conversation.

"Where's your mom?"

"Sitting at home sulking. She's really in bad shape. Boy, I feel sorry for her, don't you?"

Was this a pity invitation? No. No, it couldn't be. Besides, I doubt Rachel would talk about me like that. I think she understood what I was going through. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I reasoned out how that conversation probably went.

"Where's your mom?"

"Uh... Last I saw her, she was at home vacuuming the rug. Why?"

That was more like the Rachel I knew.

So, I didn't call Gayle. I wanted to. I wanted to very badly, but I didn't. I resisted the temptation. No, I thought, I'd call her tomorrow evening. Still, that would be a torturous twenty-four hours.

That night, as I crawled into bed, I leaned over to set my alarm on the nightstand. The phone was sitting next to it. I glanced at the clock once more, the fleeting thought of calling her coursing through my mind, but quickly turned away and pulled the covers up over my shoulders.

"Definitely not at this time of night," I mumbled.

Sure enough, the next day was pure Hell for me. I was nearly tempted to call her around noon, but thought better of it. That would probably be worse than calling her as soon as I got the invitation. So I waited. Every now and then, I'd glance at the clock in the back of my classroom, seeing how much longer I'd have to wait and suffer. The hands moved slowly, excruciatingly slowly. And even though it felt like the day would never end, with each passing hour, every minute that slipped by, I knew I was that much closer to home, the phone, and my new friend.

It wasn't until 4:30pm that I finally cast off the shackles and jumped in the car and sped home. By 5pm, I was standing in the kitchen debating whether or not to call. I looked over at the clock, my new tormentor, and bit my lower lip. Shaking my head, I forced myself to walk away.

"Too soon," I muttered. "Might not be home."

What about calling her at six?

I shook my head again. No. That might be too soon, as well. She might be out jogging or running or exercising or whatever it is she does.

All right, how about seven? Surely she must be done by then.

I sat on the edge of the couch and thought about it. Seven o'clock. No, let's make it seven-thirty, just to be on the safe side.

Ok, but what're you going to do until then?

Make dinner.

And that's how I busied myself for the next hour. By 6pm, Rachel was home, but said she had a late lunch and wasn't hungry. Although it would have been nice to know this before I prepared enough food for two people, still, it killed an hour. Half an hour later, I had finished dinner, chatted with Rachel for a few minutes about her day, and was ready to clean up. When seven o'clock rolled around, I decided that was long enough. I was going to call Gayle.

I walked over to the phone and pulled from my pocket the slip of paper she had given to Rachel, and, as I dialed the number, my fingers trembled slightly. Then I held the phone to my ear and waited nervously.

It rang once. Then twice. Then three times. I closed my eyes.

"C'mon," I mumbled.


My eyes flew open and I smiled.

"Uh, yeah... is this Gayle?"


"Hi, this is, uh, Jessica... Jess... I dunno if you remem-"

"Oh, yeah," she chuckled, cutting me off. "Right. Yeah, I remember. Of course. Jess, sure. How could I forget? So did you get the, uh... note I gave to Rachel? I didn't know, if you..."

"Yeah. Uh huh. Yep. I got it," I replied happily, holding up the slip of paper to no one in particular.

I felt nervous. My toes and fingers felt numb and my throat was dry.

"Oh, ok. Great," she replied. "So, um, it's just a little dinner party. Nothing fancy. I was just thinking, uh, hey, why not send you an invite, too, ya know?"

I was staring down at the note in my hand, staring at the smiley face she'd drawn, which caused me to smile in kind.

"Yeah," I said. "I'd like that. Thanks. Thank you. That was, uh... very thoughtful of you."

There was a muffled noise on Gayle's side of the phone, as if she were moving around.

"So, ok. Well, um... Lemme think there... It starts about... Oh, I dunno, six-ish or so. But, I mean, you can show up any time you'd like."

"Would six-thirty be ok?" I asked.

At the front of my mind, I was thinking I'd have to make dinner for my daughter, but the truth is she could make it herself. I simply didn't want to be the first person there. I've always felt a bit awkward about that, particularly when I don't know anyone. I'd rather walk in on a crowd, than have one walk in on me.

"Yeah, sure," she said. "Just so I know when to be standing at the door to meet you."

We both chuckled nervously, and then I was at a loss for what to say next. And, the strange thing is, I also got the impression Gayle felt the same way.

There was a second or two of silence.

"So, um... casual then, right?" I asked, desperately fishing for something to fill the uncomfortable void.

"Yeah," she replied. "But don't get all dolled up for me."

We both chuckled again, and then I thought perhaps it best to make a graceful exit, while I still could.

"Well, all right then," I said, tapping my fingers nervously on the kitchen counter. "I guess I'll see you at six-thirty."

"Great. Great," she replied. "Can't wait to see you again."

It was the strangest thing, but I actually giggled, when she said that, eliciting the same from her.

"Ok, then, um... Well, bye. And thank you again."

"All righty," she replied with what I could almost envision as a smile. "See you then. Six-thirty."

I slowly hung up the phone, still nervous, but giddy all the same. As I turned around, Rachel walked into the kitchen.

"Who was that?" she asked.

I quickly glanced back at the phone, gesturing to it, saying, "Oh, uh... That was Gayle. I just, uh... you know, called to thank her for the invitation."

Rachel nodded, and then opened a cupboard and pulled out a glass.

"You goin', then?" she asked.

I leaned against the counter, replying, "Um, yeah. No reason not to, ya know? Not like I'm some great social butterfly with a full schedule, huh?"

Rachel poured herself some ice tea and took a sip, giving me a thumb's up, as she walked back out to the living room.

That evening, I went through all of my clothes, trying to figure out what to wear. She said casual, so that's what I wanted, but not too casual. I hardly knew her, and I certainly wouldn't know anyone there, so I thought it best to go with a nice casual.

I sifted through everything in my closet, finally settling on jeans and a decent blouse. Now all I had to do was wait three days — three very long days.

When Thursday finally rolled around, I was a nervous wreck for most of the day, and my heart wasn't in my lessons. I tried to remain focused, but it was becoming more and more difficult with each passing hour. By 2pm, I was nearly at the end of my rope in keeping up any semblance of sanity.

After being perfectly alone for the last few years, here was a chance to find company and comfort. In a few short hours, I had the chance to recapture some of what I had lost, to reenter the world of the living and be a part of life again. Things were starting to look up, if only in the form of a new friend. But even that tiny sliver of light was enough to warm my heart and soul.

On Thursday afternoon, once school was out, I rushed home and quickly got dinner started for Rachel, so by the time she arrived, all she'd have to do is finish it. Then up to my bedroom, I dashed, pulling off my drab school clothes and dressed for the dinner party. While I was in the bathroom primping and styling my hair, Rachel came home. I was leaning toward the mirror, applying lipstick, when she stepped into the doorway behind me.

"Gettin' ready for you big date?" she said with a smirk.

I pulled the lipstick away and pressed my lips together.

"Funny," I muttered.

Rachel turned and walked into her bedroom. I could still see her reflection in the mirror, moving around in her room.

"You know she's a dyke, don't ya?" she called.

I was applying eye shadow, when she said that, and slowly stood up, staring at myself in the mirror. I hadn't even thought of that. A few seconds later, Rachel was standing in the door behind me again.

"Look nice," she said.

I closed my makeup kit and placed it back on the wire shelf above the sink.

"Thanks," I mumbled, slipping past her and into my room.

As I sat on the bed slowly tying my shoes and thinking about what Rachel had said, she walked in and leaned against my dresser.

"You knew that, didn't you?"

I put more effort into working my shoelaces and looked up at her.

"Knew what?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"That's she's a dyke."

I looked down, shaking my head, and dropped my foot to the floor, lifting the next.

"Wish you wouldn't use that word," I replied with a huff.

"Why not?" she chuckled. "I'm a dyke. Kate's a dyke. Gayle's a dyke. What's the big deal?"

I glanced at her and she grinned.

"It's an ugly word," I replied. "That's why. And, yeah, I kinda figured she wasn't exactly straight."

That, of course, was a lie. But it wasn't as if I had assumed she was heterosexual, either. The fact is it never even crossed my mind. But now that it was there, now that the seed had been planted, that same unassuming mind began running rampant with questions, though one in particular was the focus: why did she invite me? Was she simply being friendly or did she have some other ulterior motive? Then I began thinking about what that ulterior motive could be.

Was Gayle attracted to me?

I was standing in my closet, looking for a light jacket to wear, and let my gaze fall to my husband's side. Nothing there had been touched since his death. Everything was as he left it, the day he went to the hospital to have a benign brain tumor removed. In and out in a few days was how it was supposed to go. Instead, within hours of his surgery, he had climbed out of bed to go to the bathroom, against the orders of his nurse, and made it back just in time to hit the call button, alerting the nurse's station that he needed assistance. When she got to his room, he was lying on the floor dead. A blood vessel in his brain had ruptured.

Rachel and I had walked down to the hospital cafeteria to get the three of us something to eat. He wanted pizza and a Dr. Pepper. We had left him sitting up in bed, talking and lively, watching television. The surgeon had been in to check on him, saying he could probably go home in two or three days.

For several months leading up to that day, I had been worried sick he was going to die, that his tumor was worse than what the doctors had said. They all assured me it was benign and that removing it was a routine procedure. And when he was sitting up in bed, laughing and talking, I was finally able to sigh in relief. I had thought my worries were over.

I quickly snatched a jacket from a hanger and clicked off the light in the closet, walking out and shutting the door behind me. Rachel had gone downstairs, and I could hear the television on in the living room.

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I kept a pillow on my lap to cover my nudity. Maya was wearing at-shirt. It covered only her thighs. Maya asked me about dinner. I left the choice to her. She said either we can order it at home, or we can go out. We decided to go to her favorite restaurant for dinner. We completed the formalities of calling our respective families. Maya got ready. She was wearing a red-colored open shoulder top and a short black skirt. She looked radiant spicy hot in that attire. We booked a cab to the...

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Lucy's mom had just married her third husband. He was handsome and liked going naked around the house which the mom thought was sexy. They also spent a lot of time in bed and Lucy could hear the wild sex from the two of them. One day Lucy was in the kitchen in her nightgown and he came in naked. She stared at his huge dick and he said to her "You like my big dick?" Then he ran his hand up under her nightie and grabbed a tit. He told her "You have those nice big tits like your momma. Do you fuck...

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Honest--there's real sex in this part. >>>>>> I brought a change of clothes for Andrea and Chrissy—jeans and a sweatshirt. It was early October and the weather can be chilly, especially on the beach. I’d spent too many cold walks on the boardwalk and I had no desire to repeat. I thought I’d warn Amy and Amber when I got there, however Andrea and Chrissy had obviously beat me to the punch. Amy wore what seemed to be skin-tight jeans and a tight sweater under a light jacket. Amber...

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I had sex in the dressing cabin of our local indoor swimming pool. It was not long after a former bf of mine and I broke up. Back then I went swimming with some college friends once a week (1 other girl and 3 guys). I didn't find much joy in swimming that day as I was still angry and frustrated about my ex. I did my lanes too fast and got powered out quickly. I got out of the water, toweled myself dry and sat on the side for a while. Since it seemed that my friends would be doing their lanes...

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The Wizards of Nowy WarsawChapter 7

The two siblings sat on their bed, an oil lamp illuminating the pile of sticks on the covers. Kasia only half saw her surroundings. The King had ... talked to them. Talked to HER! She could still feel the heat from his hand as it had touched her shoulder. Or so she imagined. More, His Grace had asked a favor of them. Asked something he could have asked of any woodworker, any skilled craftsman. Her eyes dropped into her lap. It was so ... so... "Why us?" Her brother's voice brought her...

3 years ago
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Lots My Virginity To A Friend

Hello everyone. It’s my time to contribute to ISS users and givers. My name is Krunal (of course fake name) my email id is I am from Gujarat. I had studied in very reputed college. I am 27 years old with average height, body and reasonably good looks. The incident which I am going to narrate is 3 years back when I was in college. During my graduation days I had an affair with a girl Tina (name changed). She had average looks but great figure, nice height and sweet nature. For me she was the...

4 years ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 57

Dan walked into the room and took a seat in one of the chairs. Shocked at seeing him, Pat asked, “How did you find me?” “Sally saw you, yesterday,” Dan answered. Sally had been walking down the hall to treat one of her patients and spotted Pat in the hospital room. Rather than confront Pat, she had asked one of the nurses about her. The story that came back was not good. Upset, Pat looked away and said, “Go away.” “No,” Dan replied calmly. He looked at the big woman lying in the hospital...

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Cherry Switches II

I'm standing at the end of the bed wearing nothing but my high heels. Slowly, obediently, I bend at the waist, arch my back and stick out my bare bottom. I try to be graceful and dignified in this most undignified position. My face is red with shame and my bottom feels like it's been stung by a swarm of bees. My husband Nicky is behind me whipping a cherry switch back and forth in the air...swish, swish, swish. "Husband," I love that word; my darling husband Nicky.Swish...THWACK "FUCK!"...the...

5 years ago
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LA Galaxy 0 United 7Manchester United kicked off the new era under Louis van Gaal with a 7-0 hammering of LA Galaxy at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena to claim victory in the Chevrolet Cup.The Reds were deserved winners on the night thanks to braces from Wayne Rooney, youngster Reece James and Ashley Young and a fine opening strike from Danny Welbeck.Van Gaal picked a strong starting XI for his first match in charge, the opening game of Tour 2014 presented by Aon, and opted for a tried and tested...

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Part 10 8211 Sexy Sendoff

Pranoti was 24 when I first fucked her. She was fair but not very beautiful. She had large eyes and a hypnotic stare. But she had one of the most voluptuous figure of 36-28-38. She looked very sexy and desirable. Never saw her in anything other than T-shirt and jeans. She had voluptuously large DD cup breasts. She was extremely shapely and sexy. She was my senior in my institute. The farewell party for the seniors was on and there were rock and pop music in the air. Frenzied dancing as if there...

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Headmasters Secretary Chapter IV

The first guest walked in, gave Liz his coat and locked eyes on her, well anything below her neck. Before she could take the coat off to the coat room, another couple of guests walked in. They both were short, round older men and both looked on the verge of a heart attack upon seeing her. Liz once again took their coats and was able to put the coats away. On returning, the final guest arrived. This one was a little leaner and looked a little like Disraeli. “Would you gentlemen Like some...

2 years ago
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Clueless But Willing

My name is Megan. I am an extremely beautiful woman in her 30’s. About three years ago I moved from the big city, along with my family, to explore what it would be like to live in a small town. My twin sister Maria, whom I am very close to, along with her family moved here too. I have slowly grown accustomed to the dramatic change of pace but have embraced my new lifestyle very well. It is kind of refreshing to walk into the post office and know many of the faces of the customers standing in...

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Years ago in London I met a nice fellow I worked with. We got bored doing long night shifts with security and used to chat about our love life’s a lot. I was happily married with a sexy wife back in the 1980s and two young c***dren, but because there were so many bills to pay I had to work long hours and seldom got to see my family. Friend Bill had been in a similar position with a fifteen year old daughter called Ellie, but his wife had suddenly walked out on him saying she had had enough of...

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Our New Maid

 Julie and I had just finished getting settled in our new five bedrooms, six bathroom home on two wooded acres. It’s in an exclusive gated community. The twenty homes each have their own wooded cul-de-sac. The trees and landscape gave us complete privacy. Looking out the double French doors in the kitchen, the garden had a walking path with a pond in the center and steps from the stone patio was the built-in pool. Near one end of the patio, there was a fully equipped outdoor kitchen with dining...

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TripinChapter 2

The loud voices woke me. After listening to the shouting for several minutes I still had no idea what was happening. I wanted desperately to ignore it, but I had to pee. That's what happens when a 46 year old woman gets awakened in the middle of the night. The bathhouse was in the trailer part of the campsite. So like it or not, I was going to be near the shouting. I was sleeping in my clothes, so the .357 was near me, but not inside my jeans. Before I left the space the pistol was back...

3 years ago
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me my girlfriend and a very good friend

Silvia and a Friend were sitting in Silvia’s boyfriend’s living room, waiting for him to finish work so they could go out. Silvia was leaning back on the sofa, sipping some wine. She was wearing a small leather jacket, a curve hugging dress down to her knees with a low cut to give ample cleavage, finishing with black sexy boots with her dark hair down, making her the definition of sex. The Friend was sitting on the other side of the sofa having a glass of water, wearing her leather biker...

5 years ago
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Spanked for doing dares in the garden

My name is Angie, I’d just turned 18 at the time of these events and was about to go off to university. My friend Mike is a couple of months younger than me, he’s tall and very fit but somehow we’d always just been ‘friends’. He was going off to University on the other side of the country soon and we were spending a fair amount of time together before going our separate ways. We enjoyed each other’s company and had done all the usual stuff together as we grew up, playing doctors and nurses...

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The Amulet part 2

As Drew became more familiar with the power of his new toy, he came to receive a perverse pleasure in humiliating people he thought to be, shall we say a bit pompous. One morning on the way to work, a mean spirited woman verbally abused a young boy who had accidentally stepped on her toe. After listening to her upbraid the lad for at least two minutes, Drew gave her a suggestion, and to the delight of the men and the shock of the women, the old biddy lifted her dress and masturbated to orgasm...

2 years ago
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I See It All The Time

Chapter 1 Being a seventeen-year-old guy, there's one thing you know about me for sure. Yep, and I do it as much as I can, which means, during school months, I do it once quickly in the shower in the morning, once as soon as I get home from school, a quick one after supper and a slow, lingering one in bed later. That's the best one of course, but they're all good. In the summer, well, I shower after breakfast and have time to turn the water off and soap-up real well and get a good one off. Then...

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Desi Couple Ke Sath Threesome Sex

Hello frnds, Kaise ho sab. Me Rohan Saxena, Ahmedabad se. Ye meri pehli story hai ISS pe. So galati ho jaye to maaf karna. Ye ek sacchi ghatna hai jo last week mere saath hui.Me ek shaadishuda mard hu. I love my wife. Aur mujhe married female bhi pasand hai. Me Ahmedabad me ek posh area me apni family ke sath rehta hu. Hum log family me 4 log hai. Mere parents, me aur meri wife. (My dick Size is 6 ) Hamare hi flat me ek middle aged couple rehta hai. Uncle ki age 45 aur aunty ki age 42 hai. Par...

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Stories With a MILF

One night, out of the blue, she texted me. "Hey Jim " She always used way too many smiley faces and exclamation points, "I can't get my DVD player to work!!! Could you come help me?" It was the first week of summer. I was home from college and visiting my parents. I had nothing better to and she was certainly some great eye candy. 'Why not?' I thought. I texted her back, "Be right there." "Thanks!!!" Lori replied It was close to nine o' clock when I strolled over to Lori's house. I knocked on...

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PureTaboo Joanna Angel Kayla Paige Swapping Secretaries

Miranda (Joanna Angel) and Gloria (Kayla Paige) are two wealthy, powerful business owners. Longtime friends, they have just finished eating lunch together at Gloria’s office. Gloria’s personal assistant, Naomi (Aliya Brynn), is also there, silent and subservient, waiting at Gloria’s beck and call. As Miranda and Gloria chat, it quickly becomes clear how elitist and arrogant they are. They are casually catty and demeaning towards each other, but are especially mean-spirited...

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Renaissance of the Heart Part 1

It was a surprisingly warm day for October. I had gone out at lunch for a sandwich and marvelled at the kaleidoscope of colours among the trees along the river. The linden were so pretty this year, the lemon yellow and olive a lovely contrast to the warm tones of the sycamore, which overhung the water’s edge. Had I more strictly artistic leanings, I might have set up my easel and splashed a watercolour of the lovely scene. But art takes many forms and my art was art itself.  Being so clement, I...

Love Stories
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The Tenant Part One of Twelve Lauras Story

I live in a room, kitchenette and shower room above a garage. It's a nice room, and a nice garage. Until recently I rented the room from a nice old couple, Mr and Mrs Gellatly. I was a good tenant, paid the rent on time, no wild parties, and they kept themselves to themselves. Perfect. I did feel that something was missing though. It was over a year since my last relationship. I kept myself in shape, walked everywhere, gym twice a week, watched what I ate, all that jazz. I was only 27 but...

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Saving Atlanta Upside Down Chapter 3

“So talk to me, what happened?” asked Leah.“I mean, it was overwhelming, I couldn’t do shit and I wasn’t used to it,” replied Aline.“So what about it struck out to you? What happened? Did it help?” asked Leah.“I mean most of 'em give up after a couple minutes but he kept going and going and going, I felt worn out as fuck after a while. He even mocked me but I couldn’t do jack shit. In a weird way though, it feel good to be humbled,” said Aline, in her southern accent.“Let’s see what Hannah...

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Bedding Zoe The Scam Edward and Emily 1

Edward read Emily's text during a hold-up in the late afternoon London traffic, but he didn't reply. He'd wait until he arrived at the airport hotel. And he wanted to decide if he should mention Paul Henderson's wife.He could have jumped Lisa Henderson - he should have tumbled her right there across the Henderson kitchen table like she wanted him to. But he didn't. He could hear Emily say near misses don't count and, of course, she'd be right.The hotel car park was underground and dark, quiet...

Oral Sex
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Taking The New Toy For a Spin

ITS HERE!” she squealed. What’s here?” I asked from the kitchen but I already knew what IT was. I just wanted to make her say it. She almost skipped through the house into the kitchen. “You know, the toy!” Toy? Yes, toy, the vibrator we just bought. Oh yeah, vibrator. We had just ordered a Lyla 2 remote bullet vibrator. My wife of 25 years, Lynn, was acting like a kid at Christmas. She tore open the box and pulled out the contents. WOW, that looks fantastic. She was right the soft...

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Diversion Part 2

I must really thank C.O. And G.S. for inspiring me! Hope you enjoy! Don’t forget to read Diversion — Part 1!! It was getting late as I left the airport and rented a car. I browsed the lot as it was quickly turning to dusk. I turned the corner and saw the car I wanted. Not just any car though, a jet black 2012 Mustang Boss 302! I speed out of the parking lot headed for HWY 863. I was several miles down the highway going a cool 99 mph when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a police car...

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20 July 2008Chapter 5

Cathy, fresh from a shower found Dan and Karen sitting at the dining room table. Last minute preparations were being made for his party. “You know that I’m going to try and throw you in the pool again,” Dan warned his love. “I have no doubt that you will. This time I won’t protest,” she replied kissing him. She recalled Dan’s birthday last year. It was the worst day of her life and yet, one of the best, Dan had saved her from her own certain death. Karen went to her knees and revealed his...

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Carried Away

“I really don't want to go,” Chloe whined, sitting on the couch in just a t-shirt and pair of panties.“Chloe,” Hannah sighed, exasperated. “Come on. Put some pants on. You need to get out. You need to interact with people.”“I don't wanna,” Chloe pouted.Hannah grabbed her by the wrists and tugged her off the couch.“Ugh,” Chloe grumbled, standing. “I hate pants. I hate people.”“Then wear a dress.”Chloe rolled her eyes as she grabbed a pair of jeans from her dresser and slid them on. She glanced...

Straight Sex
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Selena and JoeChapter 6

A rustling on the bed began to rile Joe from his sleep at he washed he cobwebs from his mind. He became aware of Selena slipping in behind him on the bed to spoon him, reversing the position they fell asleep in. "Good morning," she whispered with a kiss to his cheek. "Good Morning yourself! Are we sorry for anything that happened last night?" "No, not for me anyway. There was a lot of sexual tension building and I think we lifted it. My reasoning may have seemed flawed, that a first...

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Monica Bill and Their Lusty Desires

Chapter 1 Monica was 21-years old and she was already a very mature young woman physically. Maybe she wasn't really that mature mentally at that age, but that maturity would come and come in a big hurry. Monica had some sexual experience by that point in her life -- she certainly wasn't a virgin, and she'd gain much more sexual experience in the days ahead. Monica had boyfriends and even a married lover before she moved to Washington DC and there was one thing for sure about Monica, when...

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