A Benign SomethingChapter 2 free porn video

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For the remainder of the day, I tried to keep myself busy. It was a typical dull Sunday for me. I cleaned up around the house, tried to work in the garden, but still, I was bored to tears. Rachel had gone out with Kate somewhere, leaving me to my own devices. By 3pm, I was about at my wit's end. I couldn't take the silence and isolation any longer. I walked into the kitchen to the phone and flipped through the university directory looking for Gayle Martin.

And then I found it.

I picked up the phone and was about to dial, but stopped. What was I doing? I hardly even know her. We only talked for, perhaps, a total of an hour and ten minutes. And now I was calling her, as if we were dear old chums? I quickly hung up the phone. No, I thought. Even I would think it a bit strange for someone I had only just met to do that. And then depression set in. I slowly trudged out to the living room and fell back onto the couch.

"I need to get outa here," I mumbled, running my hands through my hair.

A few hours later, after doing the laundry and folding it, attempting to clean Rachel's room, but immediately stopping upon finding a sex toy under her bed, aside from the usual clutter, she finally arrived home.

She was helping me fix dinner in the kitchen, when she nearly knocked my socks off.

"Guess who we saw at the mall?" she asked, while slicing a cucumber.

I was rinsing a head of lettuce in the sink.

"Who's that?" I replied.


I chuckled.

"And who would that be?"

Rachel tossed a small slice of cucumber into her mouth, replying, "That, uh, Gayle chick. Gayle Martin."

My heart instantly started racing, and all the blood in my body sank to my feet.

"Oh yeah?" I replied, trying to maintain some control and not seem overtly, even strangely, enthusiastic about this revelation.

I turned off the water and shook the lettuce in the sink, and then placed it in a bowl and began peeling it.

"And what'd she have to say?" I asked with a nervous grin.

Rachel picked up the cutting board and scraped the cucumber slices into a bowl.

"Notta whole lot," she replied.

My sudden glee quickly evaporated.

Rachel set the empty board in the sink and turned on the water to rinse it off.

"Oh... Almost forgot," she said. "She asked what you were doing Thursday night."

I had just picked up the bowl of lettuce and was about to turn toward the kitchen table, when she said that. I gulped and glanced at Rachel, who thankfully wasn't looking, as I'm sure I was white as a ghost.

"Yeah?" I squeaked.

Rachel pulled the board out of the sink and began wiping it off with a dishtowel.

"Yeah, said she's having some friends over at her place and wanted to know if you'd wanna come over too, I guess. I dunno... I wasn't really paying attention and she talks kinda fast, anyway."

Now I could feel my face turning red - red with anger. I wanted to toss the lettuce across the room and throttle my own flesh and blood. Instead, I forced myself to remain calm.

"Did she, uh... saying anything else? Any information? Like when and where?"

Rachel wiped her hands with the towel and turned to me. She seemed to be racking her brain, trying to remember, while I became more impatient.

"Umm... Oh, yeah," she finally said, and reached into her back pocket, pulling out a small slip of paper. "She wrote it down."

Rachel handed it to me, and there, scrawled on it in someone else's handwriting, obviously not Rachel's, was a name, phone number, address, and time. Below this were the words, "Dress casual". Next to that was a smiley face.

The blood that had boiled to my face now flooded back down to my feet.

"Gonna go?"


I looked up and Rachel was staring at me. She poked her finger at the paper in my hand.

"Gonna go?" she asked.

"Oh... Um... Yeah, well, uh... Sure. Sure, I don't think I have anything going on that night, so, uh... yeah, you know, why not? Sure."

Rachel smirked.

"Yeah," she replied sarcastically. "You gotta real busy schedule, huh?" Then she turned and walked into the living room. "A real social butterfly," she said. "That's you."

For the remainder of the night, I felt giddy. I hadn't felt this good in a long time. For some reason this little, otherwise insignificant, invitation made me feel more alive than ever before. So much time had passed, since I last felt such joy in my heart, and I was happily becoming reacquainted with something I thought I'd never again experience.

Today was Sunday and the get-together, or whatever it was, wouldn't be until the following Thursday - four agonizingly long days. All evening, I fought the urge to call her. Over and over, I played out in my mind what I'd say, what my reason would be for calling. To thank her? To let her know I had accepted her offer? Or maybe she felt sorry for me. Maybe she and Rachel had been talking that afternoon and somehow my name came up in the conversation.

"Where's your mom?"

"Sitting at home sulking. She's really in bad shape. Boy, I feel sorry for her, don't you?"

Was this a pity invitation? No. No, it couldn't be. Besides, I doubt Rachel would talk about me like that. I think she understood what I was going through. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I reasoned out how that conversation probably went.

"Where's your mom?"

"Uh... Last I saw her, she was at home vacuuming the rug. Why?"

That was more like the Rachel I knew.

So, I didn't call Gayle. I wanted to. I wanted to very badly, but I didn't. I resisted the temptation. No, I thought, I'd call her tomorrow evening. Still, that would be a torturous twenty-four hours.

That night, as I crawled into bed, I leaned over to set my alarm on the nightstand. The phone was sitting next to it. I glanced at the clock once more, the fleeting thought of calling her coursing through my mind, but quickly turned away and pulled the covers up over my shoulders.

"Definitely not at this time of night," I mumbled.

Sure enough, the next day was pure Hell for me. I was nearly tempted to call her around noon, but thought better of it. That would probably be worse than calling her as soon as I got the invitation. So I waited. Every now and then, I'd glance at the clock in the back of my classroom, seeing how much longer I'd have to wait and suffer. The hands moved slowly, excruciatingly slowly. And even though it felt like the day would never end, with each passing hour, every minute that slipped by, I knew I was that much closer to home, the phone, and my new friend.

It wasn't until 4:30pm that I finally cast off the shackles and jumped in the car and sped home. By 5pm, I was standing in the kitchen debating whether or not to call. I looked over at the clock, my new tormentor, and bit my lower lip. Shaking my head, I forced myself to walk away.

"Too soon," I muttered. "Might not be home."

What about calling her at six?

I shook my head again. No. That might be too soon, as well. She might be out jogging or running or exercising or whatever it is she does.

All right, how about seven? Surely she must be done by then.

I sat on the edge of the couch and thought about it. Seven o'clock. No, let's make it seven-thirty, just to be on the safe side.

Ok, but what're you going to do until then?

Make dinner.

And that's how I busied myself for the next hour. By 6pm, Rachel was home, but said she had a late lunch and wasn't hungry. Although it would have been nice to know this before I prepared enough food for two people, still, it killed an hour. Half an hour later, I had finished dinner, chatted with Rachel for a few minutes about her day, and was ready to clean up. When seven o'clock rolled around, I decided that was long enough. I was going to call Gayle.

I walked over to the phone and pulled from my pocket the slip of paper she had given to Rachel, and, as I dialed the number, my fingers trembled slightly. Then I held the phone to my ear and waited nervously.

It rang once. Then twice. Then three times. I closed my eyes.

"C'mon," I mumbled.


My eyes flew open and I smiled.

"Uh, yeah... is this Gayle?"


"Hi, this is, uh, Jessica... Jess... I dunno if you remem-"

"Oh, yeah," she chuckled, cutting me off. "Right. Yeah, I remember. Of course. Jess, sure. How could I forget? So did you get the, uh... note I gave to Rachel? I didn't know, if you..."

"Yeah. Uh huh. Yep. I got it," I replied happily, holding up the slip of paper to no one in particular.

I felt nervous. My toes and fingers felt numb and my throat was dry.

"Oh, ok. Great," she replied. "So, um, it's just a little dinner party. Nothing fancy. I was just thinking, uh, hey, why not send you an invite, too, ya know?"

I was staring down at the note in my hand, staring at the smiley face she'd drawn, which caused me to smile in kind.

"Yeah," I said. "I'd like that. Thanks. Thank you. That was, uh... very thoughtful of you."

There was a muffled noise on Gayle's side of the phone, as if she were moving around.

"So, ok. Well, um... Lemme think there... It starts about... Oh, I dunno, six-ish or so. But, I mean, you can show up any time you'd like."

"Would six-thirty be ok?" I asked.

At the front of my mind, I was thinking I'd have to make dinner for my daughter, but the truth is she could make it herself. I simply didn't want to be the first person there. I've always felt a bit awkward about that, particularly when I don't know anyone. I'd rather walk in on a crowd, than have one walk in on me.

"Yeah, sure," she said. "Just so I know when to be standing at the door to meet you."

We both chuckled nervously, and then I was at a loss for what to say next. And, the strange thing is, I also got the impression Gayle felt the same way.

There was a second or two of silence.

"So, um... casual then, right?" I asked, desperately fishing for something to fill the uncomfortable void.

"Yeah," she replied. "But don't get all dolled up for me."

We both chuckled again, and then I thought perhaps it best to make a graceful exit, while I still could.

"Well, all right then," I said, tapping my fingers nervously on the kitchen counter. "I guess I'll see you at six-thirty."

"Great. Great," she replied. "Can't wait to see you again."

It was the strangest thing, but I actually giggled, when she said that, eliciting the same from her.

"Ok, then, um... Well, bye. And thank you again."

"All righty," she replied with what I could almost envision as a smile. "See you then. Six-thirty."

I slowly hung up the phone, still nervous, but giddy all the same. As I turned around, Rachel walked into the kitchen.

"Who was that?" she asked.

I quickly glanced back at the phone, gesturing to it, saying, "Oh, uh... That was Gayle. I just, uh... you know, called to thank her for the invitation."

Rachel nodded, and then opened a cupboard and pulled out a glass.

"You goin', then?" she asked.

I leaned against the counter, replying, "Um, yeah. No reason not to, ya know? Not like I'm some great social butterfly with a full schedule, huh?"

Rachel poured herself some ice tea and took a sip, giving me a thumb's up, as she walked back out to the living room.

That evening, I went through all of my clothes, trying to figure out what to wear. She said casual, so that's what I wanted, but not too casual. I hardly knew her, and I certainly wouldn't know anyone there, so I thought it best to go with a nice casual.

I sifted through everything in my closet, finally settling on jeans and a decent blouse. Now all I had to do was wait three days — three very long days.

When Thursday finally rolled around, I was a nervous wreck for most of the day, and my heart wasn't in my lessons. I tried to remain focused, but it was becoming more and more difficult with each passing hour. By 2pm, I was nearly at the end of my rope in keeping up any semblance of sanity.

After being perfectly alone for the last few years, here was a chance to find company and comfort. In a few short hours, I had the chance to recapture some of what I had lost, to reenter the world of the living and be a part of life again. Things were starting to look up, if only in the form of a new friend. But even that tiny sliver of light was enough to warm my heart and soul.

On Thursday afternoon, once school was out, I rushed home and quickly got dinner started for Rachel, so by the time she arrived, all she'd have to do is finish it. Then up to my bedroom, I dashed, pulling off my drab school clothes and dressed for the dinner party. While I was in the bathroom primping and styling my hair, Rachel came home. I was leaning toward the mirror, applying lipstick, when she stepped into the doorway behind me.

"Gettin' ready for you big date?" she said with a smirk.

I pulled the lipstick away and pressed my lips together.

"Funny," I muttered.

Rachel turned and walked into her bedroom. I could still see her reflection in the mirror, moving around in her room.

"You know she's a dyke, don't ya?" she called.

I was applying eye shadow, when she said that, and slowly stood up, staring at myself in the mirror. I hadn't even thought of that. A few seconds later, Rachel was standing in the door behind me again.

"Look nice," she said.

I closed my makeup kit and placed it back on the wire shelf above the sink.

"Thanks," I mumbled, slipping past her and into my room.

As I sat on the bed slowly tying my shoes and thinking about what Rachel had said, she walked in and leaned against my dresser.

"You knew that, didn't you?"

I put more effort into working my shoelaces and looked up at her.

"Knew what?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"That's she's a dyke."

I looked down, shaking my head, and dropped my foot to the floor, lifting the next.

"Wish you wouldn't use that word," I replied with a huff.

"Why not?" she chuckled. "I'm a dyke. Kate's a dyke. Gayle's a dyke. What's the big deal?"

I glanced at her and she grinned.

"It's an ugly word," I replied. "That's why. And, yeah, I kinda figured she wasn't exactly straight."

That, of course, was a lie. But it wasn't as if I had assumed she was heterosexual, either. The fact is it never even crossed my mind. But now that it was there, now that the seed had been planted, that same unassuming mind began running rampant with questions, though one in particular was the focus: why did she invite me? Was she simply being friendly or did she have some other ulterior motive? Then I began thinking about what that ulterior motive could be.

Was Gayle attracted to me?

I was standing in my closet, looking for a light jacket to wear, and let my gaze fall to my husband's side. Nothing there had been touched since his death. Everything was as he left it, the day he went to the hospital to have a benign brain tumor removed. In and out in a few days was how it was supposed to go. Instead, within hours of his surgery, he had climbed out of bed to go to the bathroom, against the orders of his nurse, and made it back just in time to hit the call button, alerting the nurse's station that he needed assistance. When she got to his room, he was lying on the floor dead. A blood vessel in his brain had ruptured.

Rachel and I had walked down to the hospital cafeteria to get the three of us something to eat. He wanted pizza and a Dr. Pepper. We had left him sitting up in bed, talking and lively, watching television. The surgeon had been in to check on him, saying he could probably go home in two or three days.

For several months leading up to that day, I had been worried sick he was going to die, that his tumor was worse than what the doctors had said. They all assured me it was benign and that removing it was a routine procedure. And when he was sitting up in bed, laughing and talking, I was finally able to sigh in relief. I had thought my worries were over.

I quickly snatched a jacket from a hanger and clicked off the light in the closet, walking out and shutting the door behind me. Rachel had gone downstairs, and I could hear the television on in the living room.

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Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil doctor pennai eppadi usar seithu matter poten endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar karthick vayathu 24 aagugirathu.  Naan oru cab driver, naan vaithu irukum car bence pola irukum. Naan ippozhuthu thaan cab driver velai paarka aarambithu irukiren. Oru naal enaku cab booking vanthathu, athu sariyaaga iravu 10 maniku vanthathu naanum angu sendren. Andru sendru paarthaal athu oru pub, angu niraiya pengal elam...

1 year ago
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Renu 8211 Father inLaw part II

“Yes … my dear FIL… ee kodalini babga dengandi… ayi poyindi… aaammmaaa karchukuntunnanu… oh..” and sprinkled again and said… “MAMAYYA…don’t come in.. I am in unsafe period…” I tried pushing him as I felt him tense… “Don’t worry dear … 20 years back I have vasectomised my self… having sex with me is safe for any lady… even then if you want I will remove it…” and tried pull his tool from me. Once he said he is safe I put my hand on his BUTTOCKS and pulled down over me.. and I felt his warm juices...

3 years ago
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Turned in the Islands

I am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My name is Megan, and I still look very good at 32 years old, being 5'5" tall and weighing 125 pounds, with shoulder-length, natural blond hair and sparkling green eyes. My husband Ed is 35 years old and works as an editor for a book publishing house in New York City, and he always tells me how pretty and sexy I am. I am trim and fit from frequent workouts at the gym, and I have full and firm DD-cup breasts...

3 years ago
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Cum on me part 2

As the day approached more men agreed to come along and participate. Some simply wanted to watch and wank on me, whereas others wanted to wank on me and fuck me.I planned to have toys available for those who wanted to penetrate me but not with their cock, so I packed up dildos, butt plugs and vibrators for them to use as they wished. I confirmed the time and place with my gangbangees and I turned up on the day about an hour before to see what he had sorted out for the venue. When I arrived...

2 years ago
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Own prostitute

I am a young guy age 26 living in town. My father and Mother live in village. My mother is 44 and father is 56. I have a young brother also. He is only 4 year old. My mother give him birth in a little bit of age. Last month I received a letter from my parents that my father became very sick and he needs treatment which required a lot of money. He was the only earner of the family. So my mother wrote me for help. I live in a duplex home alone. So I told them to come. Now let me told you about my...

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Temptress In The Temple

My wife Beth and I take our fitness very seriously. The body is a temple of the Lord, and so we exercise regularly, I run three miles each morning. Not to be prideful, but the result shows in our trim, athletic figures, and I am glad to say that many people at the church we attend take a similar view of respecting the Lord's creation this way-- in fact I belong to a running group with some of the other lay pastors. I am particularly proud of my little Beth this way, because it is not what you...

4 years ago
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An early birthday present

Robert and Lena had happily coexisted in the small dorm room they shared for more than a year now, which led to a mix of surprise and confusion when Robert was awaked to the touch of her lips gliding over his already erect dick.As soon as he had dismissed the possibility of a strange dream he leaned back and let out a sigh.“How have I earned this?”For a second she let go of his dick to speak.“It’s your birthday, stupid. You didn’t forget, did you?”Robert couldn’t help but laugh, still confused....

4 years ago
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Can You Remember My Name

Nicaragua, South West of Managua The Village had settled for the night, the quiet was broken only by the cry of a hungry infant. The boats were in, and the fishing nets hung to dry down by the beach. William Walsh had arrived yesterday from Managua on the rumor that there was construction work here. He had spent the day looking for work. He had the skills - he had once owned a construction business, but those days were gone. There was work alright but not for Anglos no matter how skilled. The...

3 years ago
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Semen Girl Codis Handjob Lesson

Justin Justin was doing his best to keep from becoming sexually aroused as he gawked at the two teenage girls in short skirts who were standing on the bridge a few feet away. Both were young enough to be his daughters; in fact, Justin couldn't even tell if they were in high school yet. However, since that fateful September morning when the terrorists accidentally introduced Viagra, instead of the intended Valium, into the nation's ecosystem, Justin was discovering that his cock could spring...

2 years ago
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The Azayal Book 5Chapter 2

Meeting the Royal Family “We will reach the planet Remza in ten minutes. I will fly you over Merka, the capital so you can get a feel of the city, and then we will land at the palace,” said Nora. “I will show you to your rooms and then take three of you; Jason, Razza, and Julia, to meet with my mother, a brother and a sister. The rest of you will meet them at dinner. We will have a family dinner, two hours after we land where you will meet my father, and the rest of the family. I expect no...

2 years ago
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Sisterly Love

This is my first story so don’t be too harsh any feedback is helpful.It all started a few months ago when I actually started looking at my sister.   That’s when I realized that she was hot!   She wasn’t a D-Cup bombshell with amazing curves but for a sixteen year old she was everything a guy could hope for…and that was exactly the problem.   She played a sport every season so her body was in great shape.   Her abs and legs were toned but perfectly so they weren’t too muscular but just perfectly...

3 years ago
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Under the beams of the mointor

Hiii … hiii …somehow time passed unnoticed , we talked about lots of stuff , exchanged emails , she told me I’d like to see more of u , sure I told her . then later we did chat by the messenger , all was nice & pure . I saw her the other day in the library , where we sat outside & she started to tell me about herself , how old is she , her personality , what do people think of her, told me about her family….told me that she is not allowed to go out with me unless I go meet her father , then...

3 years ago
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I HAVE TO THANK RETROLOVER, as a result of talking with him, my memory was set back to Christmas DAy morning 1980 at 0134 me and Two Work Mates who i will call "TOM and DICK" were waiting for the Staff Coach to take us home, these coaches were either 24 or 82 seter jobs normaly. TOM says "Hay whats this coming our way" Dick "no Can`t be for us shorly" along came the usual coach driver exept hes driving my boy hood dream car the E-Type Jaguar Sports Car, For those who don`t know it, a two...

3 years ago
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Captured The Sheiks Bride

‘This is not happening…’ Leanna thought to herself. Just two days ago she had arrived in the desert city of Zariff to take a vacation that her family insisted that she take. It was a charming city, and Leanna had been having a good time until she was drugged and kidnapped by a slaver. She was brought back from her reverie by a shout. ‘Get up!’ one of the guards yelled to Leanna. When she did not immediately respond the guard snarled and grabbed the rope that bound her hands and hauled her to...

2 years ago
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His fantasy come true

Lilly was very athletic. Captain of her volleyball team, and a football cheerleader, she had to remain physically fit all the time. And with the popularity of being a cheerleader, came the flocking friends and boys that came with it. Jake could never bring himself to ask his daughter if she had sex yet, but he knew better. One night she came home flustered and smelling like cum, and that answered any questions that might have been thought. She swore she had never had sex with a man, but he...

4 years ago
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Nude with My Girlfriends roommate

I went to visit my girlfriend, Melissa, at her school in Ohio during a weekend in mid-May. It was our first night together after being separated for three months due to her school schedule and my work load. I got there around dinner time and after meeting her roommate, Cathy, we headed out to get some dinner. After dinner, we all headed back to their apartment. Cathy was going to stay with her boyfriend that night, so we could have the place to ourselves. After Cathy packed up some clothes...

2 years ago
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richard goes to fat camp part 3

I left dick for half an hour and said goodbye to my neighbours then went to see what he had been up to.I found him on his back with his hand around his cock wanking off with a shot glass in his hand.'so Dick did you forget the rules ? i told you no wanking without me watching you it was one of the 1st things i told you'Dick took his hand off his cock 'sorry maam i forgot you gave me 2 shotglasses and said i should use them if i felt like a wank in the night maamso i thought it would be ok just...

2 years ago
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La Petite Mort Part I

Rebecca thrummed her fingers against the table top in a mindless tune and eyed the door in front of her worriedly. For the nth time in the past two hours she checked her watch, and then the large digital clock pinned above the counter, and wondered if the guy she was meeting today would be another no-show. The bells above the door chimed and she looked up anxiously, only to deflate when a woman pushing a stroller bustled into the café. There was no one behind her. Another glance. Her watch...

2 years ago
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The Joke That Backfired Part Four

The light from the bathroom was all that filled the room as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I saw the pretty form of Melanie’s body as she approached the bed.“Jesus, Mel, I can’t believe what just happened. Is it possible that my husband was so focused on getting himself off talking to me that he didn’t know I was being screwed by someone else?”Melanie giggled as she sat on the bed between my legs, “Hell, honey, he got what he wanted and I’d have to say you did, too! It sure sounded and...

1 year ago
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Diane Educates Her Sons Teammate

Diane was driving home after dropping her son off at college. It was a sunny crisp September morning and she was day dreaming about what she would do when her husband returned from his work placement in China. He had been away two months and it was going to be another two months before he was back in their bedroom. Meanwhile her fantasies were getting wilder and more frequent. Already, even before her alarm had sounded, she had rubbed herself to a gasping orgasm to the mental image of her being...

1 year ago
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Rima succumbs to curiosity

Rima and her husband Abhi moved into a new town consequent upon his transfer and they picked this new apartment complex to live in until they could find a place of their own. Abhi was 33 and Rima 29 years old and had been married since she was 24.She had done a lot of research to find one of the better neighborhoods as her husband was now becoming established in a well paying job so they would be able to afford a nicer home than the one they just moved out of. Their marriage was good and...

2 years ago
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First dates The rock star

This story was a special request for makkavellithedon-------------“I don’t know if this will be up your street but I have tickets to a gig this weekend?”That was where it began. Just few words from a stranger on a dating app and the next thing I knew I was standing in front of the mirror in my bedroom, stripping off and dressing up, trying to recapture the rock chick look from my teens. The baggy t-shirts were too frumpy; the steampunk corsetry somewhere between too scary and too hipster....

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This is a incident which happened two years back when I joined a new firm.the story is about my boss mrs kusum chaddha.after and before this incident I had lesbian sex with many women who were younger than me.in college I did lesbian sex with girls but this was the best and most memorable was with mrs kusum chaddha who is older than me.By her experience and perfection she gave me lovely orgasm.she was the best.I was new in firm I was not much familiar to her as she was from different...

2 years ago
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Christie and MichaelConfessions from the House of Pleasure Pt 1 Intro

Christie was feeling the alcohol. She had two drinks and was slowly sipping a third. The one reason she was allowing herself to get so drunk was because her hotel room was upstairs. The faint beat of the trip hop music that played through hidden speakers seemed more twisted and looped. “Sometimes I think they try to hard to be cool.” Christie turned her head. Next to her sat a man in a suit. The jacket laid across the back of the chair with the tie. The liquid in his glass was amber. Whiskey...

3 years ago
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Shes free and looking

One week ago, you saw you neighbor throw out her cheating boyfriend. You have known her for 2 years now and are glad to she her "cleaning house". Secretly, you have always had a thing for her...a BIG thing. She is a hot 24 year old woman. 5'9", 190 lbs, blonde hair, pale skin and soft, supple D-cup breasts. Oh, those tits....you've had many dreams about those tits. She loves to wear low cut or loose fitting tops to show them off. Well, since she kicked his ass out, you've been the good neighbor...

2 years ago
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Touching the Taboo

Moira had told me I wasn't allowed to borrow her computer since she used it for editing her 'important' art projects. Luckily she was not good with passwords, so she had to trust on her word being enough. Usually it was, since I had my own laptop anyway, but unfortunately this time I had forgotten to bring it with me.I worked furiously on my essay for a while, but then I started getting comfortable with the feeling of getting it finished in time and my interests started drifting elsewhere.I...

2 years ago
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Becumming a School Girl Part 2

Be-cumming a School GirlPART 2Well the years have rolled by. I am now 18. Being a prostitute had its moments. So many men with weird fetishes – but it was fun – I just love being fucked so much and drinking cum. They seemed to love the fact that I was a young boy with a girlie body. Some clients came nearly every night and if I was already busy they would join in with one at each end or sometimes Aunt Anne would help out. I loved best those men who liked to have sex dressed as a girl – it...

2 years ago
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Dark Days

Corinna sat in the shade of the parasol on the picturesque terrace of the Villa Fabian Kirrlers with him and Monika at the garden table. She interviewed the top DJ Kirrler for the network magazine PromiStoryCheck. Both laughed a lot and it would have been even funnier if her photographer Simone had been there as usual. Instead she had to take Monika Faller with her. Monika, who presented herself on the way here as an investigator of the LKA, was in her mid-thirties and should refute the...

1 year ago
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After reading the title, I’m sure some of you are thinking, “who the fuck is Jav Doe?” “Is she (or he) some porn star who performs all kinds of naughty nastiness under a weird alias?” “Is she a mysterious porn producer who chooses an alluring, albeit confusing, professional name, kinda like Mr. Him?” (If you don't know who that is, check her out – she’s made some decent stuff.)No and no. Jav, for you uncultured newbs, is an abbreviation for Japanese Adult Video. JavDoe.com aka JavDoe.tv is the...

Asian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The Buddy System

The Buddy System By ncsissyboi Life was going good, I had recently graduated from college and just started a new job, I was in a large firm with lots of employees. I was single and hoping to finally have a great job and now a relationship and hopefully some good friends as well. All through school, I focused on going to college and paying for college, never really dated much, never spent time making friends as I worked and was busy. I was very masculine and yet never really...

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Kellee and Kaylee

Kellee held her breath. What came next would change the way she dealt with her sister for the rest of her life. Trembling, she reached out and laid a hand over her bare breast. Kaylee shuddered. “I’m not sure about this,” Kaylee whispered anxiously. Kellee kept her hand where it was. “I’m just as scared as you are,” she whispered. She looked at the bedroom door, suddenly ultra paranoid. One or the other had checked the door ten times in the last ten minutes. “I’m more scared of asshole...

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