RetreadsChapter 32 free porn video

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There was another disaster to prevent, this one was just as important as the others, at least to us. The problem was that we simply did not know how to stop it. Unless we could make someone at NASA listen, we would have to watch the Challenger explode all over again on January 28th.

We tried contacting Thiokol, our Congressman, and finally, NASA before playing dirty. I still had a phone number in my wallet but first I needed backup. There was someone whose honest and frustrated testimony I remembered well from the Roger's commission investigation of the Challenger disaster.

Roger Boisjoly was an engineer at Thiokol who had been trying to get the o-rings redesigned since the beginning of the shuttle project. He knew what could happen if a launch was attempted at the temperatures that were projected for this one.

His home phone number was even listed. After his immediate acceptance of my offer to help he was put on hold while I made the call. Surprisingly, I was put right through to the President.

After the pleasantries, I broached the subject. I first explained how the o-rings worked and then how they were affected by temperature. Reagan quickly grasped the implications but asked how it could be proven.

Roger volunteered that the only way it could be proven conclusively to everyone was by conducting an actual low temperature test. Reagan was amazed that this hadn't already been done. He promised to have the launch delayed until it was and after Roger suggested that the design needed to be changed to increase safety anyway, the President offered to call a temporary halt until this was done also.

I figured this would be a good time to help prevent the Columbia being destroyed at the same time and covered the problem of the insulating foam separation and how the effects of that could be tested as well. My opinion of the guy was going through some drastic changes, especially when he agreed.

The lead story in the news the next day was that President Reagan had called for a halt of all shuttle launches until safety concerns that had recently come to his attention were addressed.

His insistence of the tests and exactly how they would be conducted took the experts by surprise but they were forced to agree to them. The booster test at 35 degrees proved that the o-ring design was inadequate and the test in which a briefcase sized chunk of insulating foam was propelled at the real-world speed that would occur at launch blew a hole in the leading edge wing material.

I found out the guy had some serious integrity, too. Roger was strongly suspected of leaking information and his job was threatened. That changed on opening day of the baseball season.

Reagan threw out the first pitch at our game with Toronto in Arlington. He made it a point to shake my hand before returning to sit with his "special guest" Roger Boisjoly, the person he named as "one of the two people who saved the space program and helped prevent disaster".

Nobody would dare fire him now. The Challenger had a successful and uneventful mission on April 16th, 1986. Both problems were fixed. The redesign now had three o-rings, each of which was heated to 80 degrees and the Mojave Space Center became the new supplier for the insulating material on the propellant canister.

I would be glad when the shuttle project was cancelled. Not only did they occasionally get in our way, but the damn things were still too dangerous. No matter what they did, launching with what amounted to a silo of explosives strapped to your ass would never be a safe undertaking.

Every one of my mates, along with Bryan and Carl (and theirs) traveled with me to the Pro Bowl. The girls knew I was a huge Nicole Kidman fan and invited her to the game. I found out later that she wasn't much interested in football but it had been mentioned that Lea and I were contemplating a new movie and liked her work.

Windrider had just been released and the 19 year old Nicole was in Hawaii to visit friends. After the game, we all went out to dinner and she discovered fairly fast that the new movie was news to me.

She was even cuter when angry but I calmed her down by explaining that my "manager" often made plans without informing me (with a pointed look at a Tina who was desperately trying to appear innocent and failing) and that I really did enjoy her work.

I promised that if she liked the script, I would be happy to do the film with her. She had appeared flustered and confused all evening but got even more so after that. We talked her into coming back to the hotel for a drink and to let her (and me) read the script.

She must not have been used to drinking much. She poured it down like water as she read thing with me. Once the alcohol took over she lost it.

We about shit when she started crying and slurred out "this can't be happening, it didn't go like this before! I never even met you people or did this movie!"

She seemed to realize what she was saying then and started crying so hard she couldn't talk. I hugged her and she held on sobbing and hiccupping occasionally until she went silent. Upon closer examination, we discovered that she had passed out and put her in the bed to sleep it off.

We talked about the implications and the script among other things until five AM. That's when a very disheveled looking Nicole emerged from the bedroom and said "I feel like shit. Please tell me I didn't say crazy things last night..."

Lea interrupted her with a hug and assured her that she shouldn't worry, explaining that she knew exactly how Nicole felt. "It blew me away, too. All that time thinking that I was the only one and then finding out that a lot of other people were in the same boat was a bit much at first but once you get used to it, things are much better because of it."

Obvious hope showed in her eyes as she said "are you sure about that? I think before I say another word I need to be convinced that you know what you're talking about."

It only took a couple of minutes to do that. A few comments about her future career and what would happen years from now was all it took. She quickly became happier but groaned "I never could drink very well" while holding her head. That was rectified in moments and the real Nicole came back and joined in an animated conversation.

I gave Rhonda a stern look when she asked "whatever did you see in Tom Cruise, anyway?"

Nicole waved me off and said "it's OK Matt. Actually, I did love the guy but that was before that scientology crap brainwashed him. He became a fanatic about it. That was the main reason we didn't have any kids. He insisted they would follow his beliefs, and as for mine... well, you can imagine how he felt about my religion. It all got to be a bit much, and when it became obvious he wasn't going to come to his senses, we split."

Bryan seemed to be just as big a fan of hers as I was. He hadn't taken his eyes off of her once since we'd arrived at the house. It quickly dawned on me that he wasn't a fan of hers because of her career though. Bryan hadn't been alive to see her on the screen.

I paid a bit closer to Nicole after that and realized she had problems keeping her eyes off of Bryan, too. I figured there was no need to prolong the agony, so I picked her up and put her in his lap.

After the surprise wore off Nicole asked "was I that obvious?"

Bryan hugged her and replied "I thought he did it because of me. I hope you don't mind

Nicole smiled "I like it here. It is a bit uncomfortable though. Tell me" she said, looking at Paula, "does he always carry a salami in his pocket? I know he's a large lad but surely he wouldn't need to pack such a big one around!"

That got a bigger laugh and my darling wives volunteered to take the rest of us shopping while they "rehearsed their love scenes". Both of them seemed to think that was a lovely idea

The movie was a post apocalyptic flick in which the world had been virtually de-populated by a biological war. Of the survivors, 85% were female. This required some major re-thinking of morality since the total world population numbered in the thousands at wars end. Once we got past the similarities of what had happened before, we really got into it.

I'm not easily impressed but when I saw the final cut, I was speechless. The girls were brilliant and I thought I even did pretty well. Bryan surprised the Hel out of everyone. The guy could really act! Maybe it was because he was paired with Nicole. The best part was the special effects. With the computer equipment we had developed, Adam did some truly amazing work. I was kind of worried when the critics got to see it but there wasn't a single bad review.

We met a new friend while doing some filming in California. While there, we were staying in one of the houses the local group owned and when Tina started to answer the door I stopped her. No one but our friends was supposed to know where we were and they would have just come on in.

I had never met the beautiful woman at the door but knew who she was. Why she was here had me confused though. For lack of any better idea, I invited her in.

Tina recognized her too and when she said "Patsy Kensit? The visitor smiled and said "you must be Tina. Mattie and the rest said I could find you here. I hope you don't mind that I dropped in unannounced. I just wanted to introduce myself." We didn't mind at all and had a lovely time becoming very well acquainted before morning. I'm pretty sure we even convinced her not to get the breast implants this time. At the moment, she looked just as she had in Lethal Weapon II (perfect).

While we were filming our first "official" space flight took place. The Omega II was larger than the original version and we had added wings to eliminate some questions. The ship was roughly the size of a large transport plane and made an impressive horizontal takeoff before going vertical. The plume of fire was for effect and was actually a hologram.

So was the simulated ejection of the "propellant canister" under the ship. It had never been there. We deployed five "communications satellites" containing the advertised features plus some of our additions. After that we dropped off some supplies for future projects on the moon and returned to Mojave, making a perfect landing and taxiing to the reviewing stand.

We would not answer any questions or comments about the spacecraft but did release a statement that we would be happy to contract to the government or any industry for future flights. One idiot we did answer.

He asked if we were aware that several scientists and aeronautical engineers had said there was no way our design would fly, much less reach orbit. Angie gave him a flat stare as she said "they say that about the bumblebee too. It seems to do just fine and it seems as if they're wrong about this as well, doesn't it?"

They were probably referring to the fake propellant canister and were most likely correct. Let them figure it out.

Brian and Brianna promised a much longer journey the next time, in distance if not in time. The paper I had recreated from memory had gotten them well on the way to interstellar travel. The first prototype was almost ready and they assured us it would be unmanned for the first test flight.

They explained that "warp drive" wasn't a bad description because what it did was actually warp time to move through space. The leading edge of the field created for this was labeled the wedge and the trailing field was the tail.

They described the process this way. "The Warp Drive alters space-time in such a way that the region directly in front of the ship contracts, while the region directly behind the ship expands. The net effect of this is that the ship is propelled on a weightless geodesic path through space-time."

They visited the set to give us an update and I had one problem with it. I could understand the theory but had one question. "Wouldn't that require massive, renewable power? Assuming you could make the trip out, how could you ensure you had the energy to return?"

They both broke into wide grins and Brianna said "that's the best part, daddy-o! We have designed what we call the "inertia drive". Space is full of energy just waiting to be used and we think that we know how to tap it."

I was gob-smacked "do you mean to tell me that you have come up with a drive that requires no energy storage?" I got two nods and a "yep!"

Brianna continued with "first we were going to use the ions that are all over the place in space but eventually came to the conclusion that we might not be able to tap enough power from them. Then my darling brother here (nodding to Brian) came up with this idea. People have been trying to decipher inertia since they named it with no luck but thanks to our fabulous genes and immense intellect, we did it in a month."

She was smiling as she said this, folks. They are not egotists, even if it would be understandable if they were.

For their first test flight they were sending the smallest ship they could. It would be about 120 feet in diameter. They explained that if it hadn't had to travel through the atmosphere it could have been much smaller. The gravity drive took up a lot of space. It could've been smaller for Earth gravity but they wanted to make it more powerful in case a planet needed to be scoped out with heavier gravity. They were targeting the barred spiral in the Fornax cluster, a distance of roughly 50 million light years.

I asked why they picked that as a destination and wasn't surprised that they had thought ahead. They strongly believed that there was a black hole at the center of that galaxy and wanted to take some gravitational readings to determine how strong the drive would be so we didn't get sucked into something like that through lack of knowledge.

The first healthy cash crops ever were harvested on reservation land that summer. Cattle and Buffalo were also grazing on lush grassland that had been barren the year before.

I loved it on the reservation and spent most of my brief vacation helping herd and tend cattle and then take in hay. It was also a great place to dodge the media and spend time with all my children. We also took our first trip into space in a ship designed to fool no one that spring. It felt strange traveling in what people would undoubtedly label a UFO if we were spotted (picture the ship from "Lost in Space). We only went to the moon because of time limitations but it was a lot of fun.

Sometimes playing ball got to be a drag, especially baseball. There were too many games too close together for me to have enough time with the family.

Between the games, interviews, and community service programs there just wasn't much leisure time. When I lamented this once too often I found myself in possession of a cattle ranch in Texas large enough to be secluded and remote enough for frequent visitors to go unnoticed.

Connie caught up with me whenever she could. We were often joined by others when we were on the road or in one case, we joined them. Being in the same league as Rhonda was nice, she had a great apartment and on this particular road trip we could at least get comfortable.

We didn't get a lot of rest but we had a great time. She was still the starting first baseman but people had stopped thinking of it as a publicity stunt log ago. She was the best lead-off hitter in baseball with a .347 average and 32 stolen bases. I pitched one of the three games there and she got two of the three hits off of me.

The unusual visit in Boston caught me by surprise. We were in town to play the (other) Sox and just settled down after returning to the room after game two when we heard a tentative knock on the hotel room door.

I didn't recognize her until she said "I guess I should have shaved" and ran her fingers through her long red mane.

It hit me then "Alice! Wow, you're even hotter with hair!"

I dragged her in and the three of us had a group hug before playing catch-up. "Man was it tough sneaking up here" she said "I had to pick the locks and disable the alarms on the fire doors to do it."

Tina and I exchanged a look. Kathy wouldn't like to hear that. We asked why she needed to see us so fast and she said "I want to apply for a job. You said I could, remember?" A assured her I did and asked what for.

She looked us in the eyes and said "I want to be a pilot and I want to go into space. Jim does too. You remember him don't you? He was sick when I was and you helped him too."

We both remembered him well and asked how he was doing. "Great" she bubbled "we've been married for two years now. He'd be here but he got sidetracked creating a diversion for me."

I gave her another hug and said "that's fantastic Alice. Say, do either of you like baseball?"

She practically gushed "oh yeah, but they don't like us much here because we're always rooting for the Rangers, it's the same thing with football because we cheer for Miami."

I handed her two front row box seat tickets right next to the visitors dugout and asked if she thought she and Jim could use them and meet us after the game for dinner to discuss their future. She left no doubt in our minds that they'd be there.

I admit it, I showed off for them. I pitched a perfect game to go with three home runs and a double. They watched the game with Connie, Wes, Tina, Angel, and Jackie, along with a dozen kids from the cancer ward at Children's Hospital that were much better after our visit with them yesterday.

After talking to the kids and me and my teammates signing some stuff for them we went across the street to a little brew pub that I stopped at every time I was here. It was right across from the back side of "The Green Monster" and was both simple and good. Their beers were fantastic and all made at the restaurant.

We munched on the pail of peanuts while waiting on dinner and talking. They spent some time kidding me about the disguise that I wore to keep from being recognized. When they were done, Angel (being the better judge of pilots) took the lead and soon gave me a thumbs-up.

"OK, you're in" I stated "can you be at Mojave next week?"

Jim almost choked on his beer and spluttered "that's it? No flight test or anything?"

Angel studied him with the gaze that seemed to cut right through a person and said "flight tests wouldn't tell me a thing about your ability. You'll be piloting things straight out of your imagination. Jet fighters ain't shit compared to our stuff."

She looked at the rest of us and said "I like these two" when they chorused "cool"

To their credit, neither of them mentioned the fact that a child had passed judgment on them. Wait until they saw her fly! Her nickname suited her. She could make a ship do about anything!

The rest of the season went well and we took another series, this time beating the Mets 4 games to 1. I wish I could say the same about the football season but we only went 10-6.

The only real excitement had been the return of the probe we sent out. There weren't any habitable planets discovered but we learned a lot about the capabilities of the new drive system.

The probe could have been back in ten days if it hadn't been put through its paces. We couldn't do nearly enough remotely to satisfy our concerns because of the time delay. Every move had to be pre-programmed into the system. This fault was about to be rectified.


We left on February 9th on the first manned mission man had ever made outside our solar system. The first target was Alpha Centauri.

We had picked this simply because it was the closest possibility of finding a habitable planet. Unfortunately unless you liked worlds without atmosphere or consisting of poisonous gases, it wasn't to be.

We only had time for a couple of more tries and our next one had been deemed more likely. The rest of the list consisted of sun-like stars that were too far away from Earth to determine if they had satellites.

We got lucky on the first try. 18 Scorpii was located 45.7 light-years from Sol in the constellation Scorpio (just off the left claw, if you want to peek). We found one habitable planet there with no sign of life.

It wasn't an ideal location due to its actual age but would do in a pinch if needed. By age, I mean it was a young world and still a bit unstable geologically. Earthquakes and volcanic activity seemed to be quite common on much of the land mass.

We chalked it up as a "possible" and moved on to 58 Eridani. We had some reservations about this one. Common conjecture had it as younger than Sol and unlikely to have developed a planet with an atmosphere.

They were wrong in a very big way. We discovered twin paradises. Not only were the planets Earth-like, it was the Earth before man had screwed it up, at least if you ignored the obvious differences in land mass configuration.

On the first there were several Islands the size of Australia and three large continents. Life had also evolved but not in the same way as on our home world. There were some similarities but nothing remotely resembling man.

As near as we could determine, there were no intelligent life forms. Just in case we had missed something, we left several canisters with information about us. Some was printed and others were in DVD format with a player. The player had 4 buttons, forward, pause, reverse, and stop.

What struck us the most was the air quality. It's amazing what truly clean air feels like with absolutely no pollution. We tested the atmosphere before leaving the ship and found that the oxygen content was 12% higher than on Earth and much cleaner.

The second planet was slightly smaller and almost exactly on the other side of the sun. Plant life was plentiful but animal life was almost non-existent. We left more of the canisters anyway. It looked like animals would thrive if introduced. We had found our new home(s).

The "kids" told me about some of the new developments while we traveled. The ship was constructed out of a material that Aaron and Mandy (who had invented it) had named "Gleipnirite" after the Dwarven "Gleipnir" of the Eddas that was supposed to be the strongest material ever known.

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Queen Isabella was very beautiful. It was impossible to keep our relationship professional.Queen Isabella was so beautiful, and I secretly wanted her. Probably every man working in the palace did. Her husband, Leonardo, paid little, if any, attention to her and had several mistresses hidden away that he visited regularly.But being a good Queen, she ignored it outwardly, but I knew she was hurting inside. I felt sorry for her, but I was only her personal secretary and could not do anything. I...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Surprise

A long overdue sequel to my stories "Mistaken Identity" (Ch. 1) and "The Coupling" (Ch. 2).  I couldn’t believe the turn in events.  Here I was in the kitchen, half-naked, juices from our coupling dribbling down my thighs, and it wasn’t my dream man John, but my step-brother Matthew that was behind me all naked.  It certainly was the best sex that I had ever had, but I really wanted my parent’s best friend John to fill me with his seed.  After all, my mother got impregnated by John.  But it was...

1 year ago
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Yet Another Encounter With Aarti

Hi All this is Atul once again from Mumbai. I must thank all my reading fans to send me the overwhelming response for my last 4 stories of my encounter with Aarti. Surprisingly, this time, fan mails from women are more than those of men. Due to my job responsibilities, I could not write much nowadays but now got free time to write a one. This will be a continuing story of my encounter with Aarti at Khandala. So here I go. Needless to say to all my reading fans that they will respond with their...

2 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 11

“I sure wish I could be there just to see him get that big cock in a young girl’s pussy. I know I’d get a cum just watching. I’d really love to be the one to help him get his cock in a pussy for the first time.” “Darin may have to settle for a woman for his first time. I’m not sure it would be a good idea for him to try to get that big fucker in a young, inexperienced pussy the first few times, really.” “I have some friends that may help us. They have sugar daddies and they know all about...

1 year ago
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Rick Shares all Part Two

Rick & DiannaPart III showed up at 8pm on a Friday night as previously arranged, with a case of Corona in hand. Rick greeted me at the door with a huge grin, music playing loudly in the background. “Dianna’s in the bedroom, go on in” he said before I even had a chance to acclimate. “Woe, man. Right now?” I said. I had just walked in the damn door! “She’s ready for ya, b*o! What can I say? You want me to tell her to come out?” He asked. I thought for a nano-second, then shrugged. “No, I’ll...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 68 Deacutejagrave Vu

November 18, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Hi!” Winter’s sisters, Summer and Autumn, and their friend Brooke exclaimed when they saw me. “Well, if it isn’t three members of «Le Quattro Stagioni»!” I grinned. “All of whom are married or engaged!” Vickie said from behind me. “I wonder if I could get a hall pass...” Brooke said, winking. “You go ask Bob if he’s Ok with THAT!” Vickie snickered. “Maybe not the best idea I’ve had today,” Brooke agreed. “Dance later, Steve?” “Of course!” “Do you...

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Catherine and Callie

I met Catherine when I was 16 and she was 14. She had a high school crush on me, a shy, skinny boy who she had seen playing basketball in her neighborhood park. We were introduced by a mutual friend, and spent a few hours that first day just talking on the swings, until her mother called her in for dinner. Catherine was a beautiful girl, with deep brown eyes, dark brown hair, and an hourglass figure even at her tender age. Though we dated for a few months, we never went farther than kissing...

Straight Sex
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Double Trouble

If you are not over the age of 18 or whatever the legal age is where you live -- don't readthis! Go back to comics!Keywords     Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity  HumiliationCategories    Bondage  Femdom  Forced  CrossdressingJason thought he had it made until two ladies he dumped ganged up on him.Double TroubleBy Janet Baker"Julia", Janet wept copiously,  mascara running down her cheeks, "The bastard dumpedme!""Oh Janet honey, I'm so sorry!  What happened?  Who?  Who are you talking about? ...

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My Luck With Friend8217s Hot And Sexy Girlfriend

Hello friends! I am Virat, 27, from Goa. I am tall and have 7″ cock and its thick too and can satisfy most girls. Any girl or woman wishing for secret fun with full satisfaction can write to me at  This is my 1st time in story writing. This story is about my friend’s girlfriend (Pranjali) and me. Coming to the story, my childhood friend was in a relationship with this girl for a year. I met her for the 1st time when I had gone to pick up my friend from his college. When I reached the...

2 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 60

7 AM, Saturday, 9/30/06 At the Grimes household, things were not going as smoothly as the family might have hoped. Margo had woken up at 6 AM and begun fretting about everything – the family's outfits for the evening, the caterers, transportation, and a thousand other things she didn't even bother putting into words. Candy was the second one up that morning, rolling off her air mattress on to the living room floor. She scratched herself and went stumbling toward the kitchen, only to hear...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 15

Waking up, I dreaded Mondays like any other person. Going through my routine, I had a thought. With as small as school was, I was eventually going to run into Jenn and her new boyfriend. I ultimately had no animosity against her or them. Would I have liked to open that sexual amusement park, yeah I would have liked it. That wasn’t to be, so I’d be as cordial with them as the situation demanded. I’d always heard, be the bigger man, so that’s what I’d be in this situation. The morning at...

2 years ago
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In The Booth

After many months of nothing happening in my marital bedroom, I began to feel an intense urge to be sexually desired. I thought of looking around my small hometown for satisfaction, but frankly I knew I wouldn’t trust anyone to keep quiet about the indiscretion I was hoping for. Instead, I continued with my own toys to please myself. That can only last so long before you long for the feel of skin. For years, I kept in contact with a beneficial friend from my past. In my single days, we spent...

4 years ago
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The Lesbian Humiliation of the Scarlet Troopers

Let me set the scene for you. My name is Emma I am a Captain in the Scarlet Troopers a group of highly trained female soldiers protecting the honour of our leader Priestess Anastasia. I have a squad of 30 troopers under my charge. We live in a peaceful but largely lawless society our enemies are the Amazonian Warriors a group of strong and powerful women who have no morals and are led by their Warrior Queen Skye a leader who hates all Scarlet Troopers and our Priestess. Our society has evolved...

2 years ago
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Summer Of Addictive Saturdays Part II

My eyes opened with a start, and I was no longer alone.I could write that it was the fervently imagined, mind-blowing licks of Mr. Weston's inquisitive tongue that came to life and expertly supplemented the gentle rub of my fingers as I floated suitless and spread open to the world in his swimming pool.But that's not what happened.The pool's owner was fully clothed, fully dry and had just moved into my field of vision. Reflexively I jammed my knees together with a slapping splash, and in a...

3 years ago
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Linda went to the doctors

Note: This story was made up and it not true.I had to get a new doctor, my doctor retired. This new doctor I have his name is Dr. Jones. He is new, came out of school not to long ago. He is 25 years old, he has dark brown hair, he has glasses on.Dr. Jones been treating me for 3 months now. Linda’s doctor just passed away. She is looking for a new doctor. Just a reminder, Linda is 40 years old, her hair comes down to her shoulders, light brown, she wears glasses, she’s a BBW weigh about 200 lbs....

1 year ago
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Eye of the Tigress

Night over Gotham City was still more than two hours away. Nevertheless, the dark figure in gray and black was already out searching the city. A crime most monstrous was in danger of becoming even more so. “Twenty possibilities down, only a hundred more to go,” the young woman beneath the cape and cowl thought as she looked over the waterfront. “Something like this would have to happen when Batman and Robin are out of town. I could really use that keen analytical mind of his.” Shielding her...

2 years ago
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tale of sex of another feather lead by the same fe

It is funny how sex can just pop up in our heads. Sometimes its a simple suggestion, or a look from a person. Each time it tempts us to go for the gold…and be sexual a****ls. I side on the shy side with sex, more so in that I don’t push for it like I want part from bad experiences. Recently I was friends, and my wife at a bar. At this bar was more then drinks, it was people singing, which is funny in its self. One friend, named Pat had wandered away, soon to come back with a friend....

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Brendas Reunion

Brenda Powers received the invitation to her 13th high school reunion in the afternoon mail and was sitting in her kitchen pondering if she really wanted to go or not. For the umpteenth time that afternoon she looked at the date for the reunion and realized that there wasn't any reason for her not to go ... well only one reason really — that bitch Trisha Grant. Brenda wanted to see all of her old friends and dance and have a few drinks but if Trisha showed up she didn't know what would...

4 years ago
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The Matrix GirlFight

Neo dropped low and spun, his leg whipping around in a vicious ground kick that chopped the legs out from under the agent, and then he spun around to wrap his bare legs around a cold brass pole and toss his head, sending masses of golden locks swirling in the air. 'What.' Neo paused. The agent was back on his feet, coming at Neo with a .45, piercing the air with bullets. Neo ducked from side to side, letting the bullets whiz by him harmlessly and then, squaring his shoulders he began...

3 years ago
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Designer Children Part 10

Chapter 23 "Ryan...unless it was the hospital, don't worry about it." Eve hugged her pillow. She slept in a pair of what should have been pajama shorts, but were more like pajama boots shorts. Her ass cheeks hung out of them, looking like heaps of crumpled caramel toffee. She reached for a non- existent blanket, the stifling midday heat removing any need for one. I had shaken her for a solid thirty seconds before she had even budged. It was like trying to wake a hibernating bear,...

3 years ago
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Faeophobia The Good Ole Days

"Haven't seen tits this big all week," grumbled the janitor to himself. And that was saying alot, considering the heavy workload that Jacob Renquist was putting in lately. Back when the 50-something bluecolloar wage-slave had just started this gig, the worst he had to clean up was graffitti, and dried-up wads of gum. But those day were gone forever. The dorm room Jake was cleaning was in fact a surprisingly accurate portrayal of the way the world was these days; disheveled, sloppy, and...

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My Favorite Niece Part2

As her pleasure diminished she couldn’t believe what she had done. Quickly she got up and pulled her panties on as she cried to him she was so sorry. She grabbed the rest of her clothes on as she continued to say she was sorry, she should never had done this. I tried to stop her to tell her it was alright but she wouldn’t listen. She grabbed her purse and rushed out the front door. She couldn’t believe what happened, what she did, she knew it was wrong. She pulled over to the side of the road...

3 years ago
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It had been a bitch of a day. I was NOT in a good mood. I’d skipped out of the office early which meant I would not be getting sacked for smacking my boss in her over smart mouth. It was good driving along the motorway. I could let out some aggression when the road was empty but I knew the only thing to really calm me down was my wife. I had the image in my mind of storming into the house, dragging her by her long auburn hair to the bedroom and r****g her like a cheap whore and making her...

4 years ago
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New Discoveries

When I was growing up my mother raised me by herself. She had always wanted a daughter so we did a lot of things together. She taught me how to do makeup and style my longer hair. A lot of people frequently commented that I looked a lot like her. It probably didn't help that I had blown out hair and some foundation on during my adolescent years. I was called gay and fag a lot but I never let it bother me. I knew that I liked women and I was getting plenty of attention from girls my age anyways...

1 year ago
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FembotsChapter 7 Deceipt of the Fembots

“Mr Haverstein can see you now,” announced the Production and Research Director’s Personal Assistant, a Series B droid called Janice and known by the less respectful staff as “RBF” for the intransigent expression she maintained irrespective of the requests being made for access to her boss. The sunny disposition that Alexa had acquired in commissioning had obviously not been a feature of Janice’s. With what they viewed as conclusive evidence of Alexa’s faulty behavious, Chris and Amanda had...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Mausi Ki Pyaas Bujhayi

Dosti mera naam Yuvi hai aur me ahmedabad se hu. mujhe chudayi bahot pasand hai. Me 29 saal ka hu aur body me thik thaak hu lekin jo mera lind hai wo sabse bada khiladi hai.Aajtak na jaane kitni bhabhi, aunty aur ladkiyo ko satisfy kiya hai me khud nahi janta. Yaha tak ki ab to me seal todne me bhi expert ho gaya hu. Kayi kunwari ladkiyo ki me seal toad chuka hu aur wo bhi bade pyaar se. Seal todte waqt me ladkiyo ka haushla banaye rakhta hu aur dhyan rakhta huki sex ka jyada se jyada majja...

3 years ago
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She was a he

“Gosh she’s hot” That was my first thought seeing her dancing and laughing at the club I visited late one evening on the road. She had a lean taut body, long legs, pixie haircut, and a big smile. Cute and sweet and feminine.I’d been driving for hours and wanted just a little noise and activity before bed in the motel beside the bar. The beer and the music were good, and the crowd seemed relaxed and friendly. I was happy just to sit at the bar and watch for a while.She had other ideas. After a...

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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 5

“That definitely is a positive,” said Claire. “Having only 151 cars of that model manufactured should make identifying it much easier.” Tyler nodded and took another drink of coffee. He had been updating Claire and Dennis in on what Katie had told him about the Corvette over breakfast. They were scheduled to meet with Sheriff Radcliff in a little under an hour, and he wanted the opportunity for them to all to be as informed as possible before the meeting. Claire continued with what she had...

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The Family Of Cucks And Sluts Part 8211 4

Hi guys this is me south Indian fucker back with  the fourth installment of series family of cucks and sluts Disclaimer: most of my stories are fantasy.So please dont ask about whether my story is real or not to me.If I write real stories I will say so. Please keep supporting me and say you valuble comments and fantasies to me My email id: Story continues…. My mom went for her plastic surgery and body modifications……  Daniel’s men dressed me in a short skirt…. Which was till my ass region...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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A Bikini for her BirthdayChapter 15 Bikini

“So, social media,” Zann played back what she’d learned (and decided) to the nude teen huddle on the airbeds that afternoon. I’d managed to get in a couple of hours’ sleep snuggled up with her, but now she was back in action mode. “It’s important to build our brand. We have to make it interesting and interact, do lots of fun posts. We need a name that looks good and sounds good and nobody else has. And it has to tie in with our product. Then people have to hear and see it over and over again,...

4 years ago
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The New Guy Chapter 3

Jennifer watched out her passenger window as Niccolo pulled into the driveway to her house. It had been a decent evening at the office dinner party. She knew she would miss her colleague but had to admit that it would be a good promotion for Leon. Now arriving back home, she felt relaxed and tingly. Smiling to herself, she tried to remember the last time she felt buzzed. Having had a quiet ride home, Niccolo’s voice startled her.Niccolo turned the engine off. He looked over at Jennifer and...

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Secret Lives of Sheets

First time? Does it show? I mean this is... oh-mi-god-I-can't-believe-I'm-a-Top-Sheet-at-the-Ritz! Sorry, I'm just a little... Alright. Calm down calm down. I've done this dozens of times; this is my ninety-third bed; fifty-four as a Bottom. You've done inety three! Is it true what they say? That most of the time you just lie around waiting. I hope not, I want romance, I want passion, I want... Wait'll you get your first fart. Yewww. Look Top, I've been peed-on, pooped-on, and...

1 year ago
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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 6

The Slopes A moment after Tanya closed her eyes, there was a knock on the door. "Room Service," a cheerful voice said through the door. "Your breakfast is here." Tanya opened her bleary eyes, squinting against the morning light coming through the window. It's morning! "Come in," she yelled at the door. Frank jumped at the sound of her voice. " ... the hell?" he mumbled. He was stiff and sore. Every muscle in his body ached. He pushed himself up, his hands burying themselves in...

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Butlers DelightsChapter 2 Interview

There were only two people interviewing him, one the Ambassador and the other was introduced as His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever. The Emir opened the proceedings by saying, "Thank you for joining us today; I want nothing to interfere with our discussion here, so please do not attempt to use the correct formal honorific; feel free to call me 'sir'. We already know a great deal about you, so perhaps it would be better if you were to interview us?" "Thank...

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A Few Minor Adjustments Ch 01

Stephanie is my sexy, beautiful bride. We’ve been married almost five years, and she’s my best friend in the world. It’s just that after so much time–we dated and lived together for almost ten years before we married–some of the spark had gone out of our sex life. When we first married, we’d fuck four times a week, and then it was two times a week, and then it was a couple of times a month. Our lovemaking would usually be in the missionary position, and I think that we were both really bored....

4 years ago
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Loving Alternative Marriage

Please feel free to leave feedback. I would love to hear your comments, suggestions and criticisms. By all means please let me know if this story is a turn on for all girls and admirers out there. Nothing makes me more excited xoxoxo The following is told from the authors perspective. Joyce had a wonderful day at the office. She received an unexpected call from her new Vice President Charles who had just been promoted from corporate attorney. She knew Charles very well. ...

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