Kathleen Ch. 2 free porn video

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After having spent such a perfect afternoon in bed with her, I found myself eager to further explore the sensual possibilities of Kathleen. A previously planned trip to the mainland however, to conduct a workshop on real estate exchanges prevented me from getting together with her for the next two weeks. Midway through my trip I called her at work and we talked for a few minutes but the presents of clients in her office precluded any intimate conversation so we simply made a date for dinner upon my return from New York.

During my trip, I was surprised at the number of times thoughts of Kathleen came to mind. I realized I was possibly more smitten than I had thought when I passed on an obvious invitation to get better aquatinted with one of the women assigned to help with the logistics of my seminar. As I contemplated returning her interest, it occurred to me that, although she was a very stunning and intelligent lady in her late twenties who could have held her own in a Playboy layout, I really wasn’t interested. I had been aware for some time that beauty in a woman and sensuality are often not synonymous but had never before had I let that knowledge stop me from the pursuit of possible pleasure. This time however, while I enjoyed the eye candy, I longed for the more substantial fare I anticipated finding at home.

—=== 000 ===—

After surviving a long flight home and spending the next day slogging through the piles on my desk that always seem to greet my return from mainland trips, I was more than eager as I approached Kathleen’s house at seven that evening. I had been celibate for the past two weeks and hoped she was not looking forward to a leisurely dinner downtown.

To say that her mood matched mine would be a gross understatement. Swinging the door wide, she stepped into the doorway and suddenly I was overwhelmed, first by the sight and smell of her, than by the sound of her laughter, and finally by her feel and taste as she moved her large softness against me, slid her arms around my neck and pressed her open mouth against mine, forcing her tongue between my lips. Without thought my hands reached around her massive form to grasp her hips, sinking into the soft pillows of flesh and slipping sensuously against the nylon of her peignoir, lustfully pulling her more tightly against me. As I struggled to recover from my surprise and delight, it occurred to me that we would dining in that evening. My next thought was to wonder if two weeks of celibacy was enough for the ordeal of the night ahead.

When she finally came up for air, she leaned back in my arms while still pressing her bulging tummy against my rampant cock. ‘I thought perhaps we’d have hors d’oeuvres here first,’ she said with a naughty grin. ‘It feels like you might agree,’ she continued, sensuously flexing her hips as her abdomen massaged that most obvious sign of my arousal.

‘Only if the hors d’oeuvres come wrapped in a sexy negligée,’ I replied.

‘Will this one do?’ she asked, stepping back into the room and slowly turning to show me her abundant charms, displayed for my viewing pleasure in a white teddy. Her huge breasts strained the lacy cups to overflowing and bulged over the deep décolleté, threatening to burst out into my hands. As she turned, the French-cut legs of her outfit framed the bare flesh of her broad hips, her full round thighs encased in sheer stockings, all clearly visible through the transparent peignoir draped from her shoulders. I realized I was almost panting at the possibilities for pleasure within the opulent softness of this bountiful earth goddess.

‘Perfect,’ I answered, following her into the house, shutting the door behind me and walking over to take her into my arms again. As our tongues writhed together in another lubricious kiss, I felt her body shift slightly away from me, then a tugging at the front of my pants, and finally her soft fingers as they reached into my shorts and closed around my rampant cock. As she began to stroke the rigid shaft, my hips jerked in spasms and I almost lost my cool into her caressing fist.

‘My, aren’t we on a hair trigger tonight,’ she remarked as she sensed the closeness of my climax and reluctantly pulled her hand from my pants.

‘I’m just glad to see you,’ I answered, grinning.

‘I’m surprised those New York ladies left me any,’ she laughed. ‘I guess they aren’t as friendly as they’re reputed to be.’

‘Oh, they tried, but there just weren’t enough of ’em.’

‘Oh, really? And just how many of them do you require?’

‘Only one, but I couldn’t find even one with enough of her to be worth my while. I think you’ve cured me of bony women,’ I quipped to her surprised laugh as she got my pun.

‘Well, I guess that’s just their loss,’ she answered, giving me a quick peck on the cheek to acknowledge my complement. ‘You know,’ she continued, changing the subject, ‘if I’m going to abuse your body all night, I suppose I really should make sure you have enough nourishment to keep up your stamina. I’ve got some cold roast beef and the fixin’s for sandwiches. Interested?’

‘Sure, that sounds good. Besides anticipation only fans the flames.’

‘Spoken like a true hedonist,’ she replied as I followed her into the kitchen. ‘I have a friend who maintains that true hedonism demands total discipline but I’ve never had enough discipline to test her theory so I can’t say for sure if she’s right or not.’

‘That is an in interesting theory. I’m inclined to agree with it except it needs research to determine the point at which delaying pleasure deprives you of it instead of heightening it. I suspect that point is different for each person. How about your friend, has she been able to test her theory?’

‘I doubt it. She’s just as horny as I am,’ she grinned. ‘You know,’ she continued, changing the subject again, ‘if you’d like, there’s some of my brother’s clothes upstairs which he keeps here for when he visits to run on the beach. I think there’s a pair of shorts that should fit if you want to get more comfortable.’

‘That sound’s good, especially since it would appear we’re not going to make it out of the house for dinner,’ I answered with a grin.

‘First door to the right at the top of the stairs. Just rummage around and you’re welcome to anything you find,’ she said as she opened the refrigerator and began to set food out onto the counter.

—=== 000 ===—

Returning to the kitchen ten minutes later dressed only in a pair of loose-fitting blue nylon running shorts, I found Kathleen sitting in the dining nook which featured a large picture window overlooking the beach and ocean and the fading remains of the day. The only interior light was from a candelabra in the center of the table which had been set with two stemmed glasses dripping with condensation from the chilled wine they held, and two plates laden with large sandwiches and generous dollops of potato salad. Noticing the gleaming silverware atop white linen napkins which completed the tableau, I realized she had gone to considerable lengths to plan our little snack and had obviously never intended for us to leave the house for dinner.

‘I hope you like Chablis, it’s all I had chilled,’ she said as I sat down across from her.

‘Perfect,’ I replied. ‘I feel as if I should be wearing a white tie and tails, or at least a shirt for such a formal setting.’

‘Why? I’d just have more to rip off when I rape you,’ she answered with a lecherous smirk.

‘What happened to anticipation and ‘true hedonism’?’

‘I told you, I have no discipline, especially when it comes to lust,’ she replied, her blue eyes gleaming in the candle’s light as she lifted her goblet to her full lips. ‘Dig in. My pussy’s been dripping all afternoon in anticipation of your hard cock and I’m not in the mood to wait much longer.’

—=== 000 ===—

As I washed down my last bite of sandwich with a final gulp of Chablis, I looked across to s
ee her lecherously smirking at me so I stood and moved around to stand at her side of the table. I intending to pull her up into my arms but she remained seated grinning up at me while she reached out and began to slowly stroke my growing cock through the thin nylon.

‘Is this my dessert?’ she asked as she grasped the elastic waste band of my shorts. Pulling them down to my knees, she helped me to step out of them, freeing my now rampant cock to leap out into the candlelight. ‘Umm, yummy,’ she moaned as her plump fingers closed around my shaft pulling it toward her mouth. Placing her pursed lips against the dripping tip, she allowed the point to force her lips apart as it entered the warmth of her mouth to be caressed by her swirling tongue, evoking a moan from me in response.

After two weeks of abstinence and her earlier fondling, I had no resistance left. Placing my hands on either side of her head to keep myself from collapsing, I surrendered, filling her soft mouth to bulging capacity with hot sperm.

When I returned to my senses, I looked down to see her grinning up at me. ‘I though perhaps we should take care of your immediate problem before we got down to serious lust,’ she said then flicked her tongue out to capture a stray pearl of cum which had leaked from the corner of her mouth. As I took a step back, she stood and wrapped her dimpled arms around my neck. Pressing her full softness against me, she kissed me, her tongue carrying the salty taste of my own sperm into my mouth. At first I felt slightly overwhelmed by her brazen wantonness, then I noticed a renewed jolt of life in my recently emptied cock and decided to just let go and let her and the night take me where they would.

As if matching my submission with her own, her lips softened and lifted from mine and she turned and nuzzled her cheek against my brest. ‘Take me to bed,’ she murmured, her breath tickling the hair on my chest.

Marveling at the way she could transform instantly from total slut into innocent child, I gently pulled her arms from around my neck and led her by the hand into her bedroom. I bypassed the bed, which I noted had already been stripped for action, and brought us to a halt in front of the open sliding glass doors overlooking the ocean and the full moon just breaking free of the horizon. Moving behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulled her soft body against me and laid my cheek against her feathery blond curls as we stood slowly rocking together to the hiss of the waves upon the sand.

I knew the calm wouldn’t last long with such a sexy lady in the moonlight and soon her hands came up to caress the backs of mine, then gently turned them, pulling my palms up to cup her massive breasts. As I teased her hardening nipples through the thin nylon of her teddy, she began to sway her hips in a sexy hula, massaging new jolts of lust into my groin. I bent to nibble an ear and eased my right hand down across her bulging tummy and under the edge of her teddy. My fingers moved through silken curls to slide between her puffy labia and onto her rigid clitoris. I had barely made contact with her slippery little button when her grip on my left wrist tightened and she began to shudder and moan. Her reaction was so strong that for a moment I feared she might be epileptic but gradually her shuddering subsided and she slumped back against me.

‘Now who has the hair trigger?’ I teased when she finally seemed to be coherent again.

‘Oh, baby,’ she sighed, ‘I haven’t gotten off like that in ages. I don’t know what you do but it sure tickles my fancy.’

‘Always glad to be of service, my dear. What say we lay down before you fall down.’

She slipped from my arms, turned and walked to the her king-sized bed, letting her peignoir slip from her body before she stretched out upon the broad expanse of white satin. She rolled onto her side facing me, her upper breast resting upon the lower one, causing the upper nipple to pop free of the confining white lace. Marveling once again at her lusty sensuality, I eased my body down beside her and buried my face in her opulence as her soft arms encircled my head, pulling me deeper into her bulging cushions of flesh. Taking the escaped tip between my lips, I began to suckle as if I were the small child I suddenly felt like, then I reached up to free the lower nipple. Using both hands to force the two tips together, I drew both into my mouth at once and began to gently chew the swollen rubbery nubs.

After several minutes of such treatment, she reluctantly pulled away, taking her arms from around me and replacing the lower one with a pillow under my head. Then she stretched the bodice of her teddy down under her glistening breasts to free them fully and settled back down beside me again, moving her upper thigh on top of my hips and reaching down with both hands to grasp my dripping cock and gently cup my scrotum while pressing her massive bust against my face again. As I reached up to once more bring both nipples into my mouth, I felt her hand leave my penis for a moment, heard a muffled snap, then felt her grasp return to ease the tip of my cock between her labia, masturbating it against her swollen clitoris.

Her moans grew louder as the intensity of her arousal increased until, without loosening her grip on my cock, she rolled onto her back. I eased between her deliciously full thighs and was raising my hips to thrust into her dripping pussy when she said, ‘No, just lay on me,’ and as I lowered myself onto her large, soft body she placed my shaft into the valley of her swollen labia like a hot-dog in a bun. I began to pump my hips, sliding my cock along her groove, sawing across the head of her clit with continuous friction.

Since her ‘dessert’ at dinner had taken the edge off my lust, I was able to relax and enjoy the ride without being swept away by the delightful sensations, but from the force of her movements and volume of her moans, it was obvious she had no such restraint on her passion. Wrapping her nyloned legs over my hips and her arms around my back, she drew me into her enveloping flesh and began to shriek and shudder in one of those incredibly violent releases I remembered from our afternoon several weeks ago.

Her arms and legs gradually eased their constriction of my body. As her climax abated I rolled off beside her, leaving her sprawled on the sheet panting for breath, and me once again in awe at the intensity of her passion. This lady got more mileage out of an orgasm than anyone I had ever been with. While I felt a little intimidated by her power, I also found it extremely gratifying to my ego to be able to provide her with such pleasure.

—=== 000 ===—

When she had finally paid her oxygen debt and completed her reentry, I looked over into her blue eyes and remarked, ‘If you’re going to keep going off like that, I’m going to have to invest in some hearing protection.’

‘Sorry ’bout that but it just felt so good I had to let it out somehow.’

‘That’s OK. Making love to a women as appreciative as you is really good for my ego so I’m not complaining although I suspect the neighbors might.’

‘Fuck ‘um. They’re just jealous ’cause they ain’t having near as much fun as we are.’

‘Ah, but if you did fuck them, then they would be having as much fun as we are.’

‘I doubt it. Most of them wouldn’t know what to do with it if I did offer them some. And speaking of offering them some, I think we need to talk. Just so you know, while you are definitely the most fun I’ve had in the sack in a very long time, I am not by nature monogamous. I really enjoy getting my brains fucked out by you and look forward to a long and lustful relationship but I do have other interests and plan on pursuing them from time to time. And I would be surprised, and perhaps even a little disappointed, if you didn’t do the same.’

‘You know, I’m really glad you brought the subject up. I do have occasional opportunities arise, and I really appreciate your cand
or on the matter. I have no problem with an open relationship and in fact believe it can really add to our enjoyment of each other. The only problem I foresee is if I keep lusting after you like I have, I won’t have anything left with which to interest other interests.’

‘Oh, you poor man. I really feel sorry for all those other women who won’t get to take a bite out of this sweet little piece of meat,’ she replied, reaching out for my drooping member, still wet from out recent escapades, and leaning down to swirl her tongue around the head before sucking my rapidly rejuvenating joint into her talented mouth.

Due to our prior fun, I was almost instantly rigid and I began convulsively thrusting between her full lips. When I laid back to give her more room to play, she stretched herself out along side me then swung her knee over my head to settle her wet pussy down upon my eager mouth, her full thighs caressing my cheeks. Soft blond pussy curls and heady wafts of floral perfume mixed with feminine juices all combined to tickle my nose as I was smothered in her flesh. When I pursed my lips to suck on her glistening clitoris and flick it with the tip of my tongue, I felt her shudder and press her groin tighter into my face. Wanting to broaden my attack, I moved my head back slightly to stick my tongue as deeply as I could into her dripping vagina then moved further back to lick the dimple of her ass before curling my tongue to stab it into her purple rosette. When I was as deep as I could reach, she suddenly sat erect, burying my face completely between her broad cheeks and forcing my stabbing tongue even deeper into her spasming anus. I knew I was getting to her when the shudders and shrieks resumed.

When her climax finally faded, she slumped off my face to lay once again panting for breath. I allowed her to rest for a few minutes before remarking, ‘I guess I won’t need ear plugs after all. Your thighs make excellent mufflers.’ When she didn’t react to my joke, I looked over to notice she had fallen soundly asleep which I took as a compliment, attributing it to the intensity of the release I had given her.

—=== 000 ===—

My next conscious thoughts occurred when I felt a coldness in my crotch and I awakened to the hiss of whipped cream being sprayed onto my groin. I looked up to find her grinning at me as she placed a maraschino cherry atop the white mountain covering me from navel to scrotum.

‘Just relax and let me play,’ she said as she turned to place the jar of cherries on the night stand. Turning back toward me, she spread my legs and settled between them then plucked the cherry into her mouth and began to chew as she grinned up at me. The lasciviousness of her leer was sufficient to cause a visible movement under the fluffy white mound even before she extended her tongue and began to lick. Pushing her face completely into the melting foam, she wrapped her lips around the head of my resurrected hardon and sucked me into her mouth. Suddenly she raised her head and dropped her body forward, plowing her enormous breasts into the gooey mess to completely enfold my rigid pole between their soft warmth. Using the cream as lubricant, she began to rock back and forth masturbating my cock between her tits as I gasped at the lubricious sensations. When she sensed my impending explosion, she moved lower to surround my tightening scrotum in soft breastflesh as her lips and tongue resumed teasing my purple head.

After taking my first shot into her mouth, she pulled away to direct the rest of my load onto her already creamy face and breasts. When she had exhausted my supply, she again placed her breasts against my groin then slithered her way up my body to lay on top, writhing against me to cover me with slime as she kissed me with the mingled flavors of whipped cream and sperm.

‘How about a shower?’ she said, laughing at the stunned look on my face.

Remembering the fun we had had in the shower during our first afternoon together, I eagerly agreed and we were soon frolicking under the hot spray. After almost half an hour of soapy fondling, the hot water began to fade and we were forced to get out. We took turns drying each other with big fluffy towels then walked back into the bedroom to survey the damage we had done.

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Blog 5

Blog 5: If there is one thing that casts a shadow across the happy playtime that is my amorous dalliance with Stephen, then it is his mother. To be fair, I can appreciate her concern; if you look at our relative ages than I am closer in years to her than I am to her son, but you would think she would give me some credit for all the time and effort I am taking in trying to turn her boy into a man.Although we’ve never met, she seems to have plenty to say on the subject of “that woman” to sweet,...

Straight Sex
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Sparkys DadChapter 15 Issues

Jerry Patterson had been dreading this. He served the Lord first and the parishioners second. He had careful to not ask about individual pledges so that they wouldn’t tempt him to serve one parishioner better than another. Then he’d heard at the Finance-Committee meeting in his first January of this appointment that they had sent in half their annual apportionment that month since a single donor had given that much in December expecting it to be sent to the Conference in January. “Okay,”...

1 year ago
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john never saw this comingblackmail

now before i go on i must explain something these stories are about 85% true and 15% fantasy i am writing about john because he is a useless fag that needs someone to show him off to the world and force his exposure though blackmail i just have to find someone with the guts to do it.john was to become a sissy fag slave for a bunch of sissys they put a sissy collar on john and locked it so he could not remove it.he was to wera 6in heels with ankle locks so he could not remove them they had him...

4 years ago
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The Long Con Magnificent Mandy part 4

She was a work of art that had to be achieved. Her squat build made it near impossible to appreciate her gifts. Thighs that big belonged on a thick Brazilian babe with a massive ass, a wide body and a come fuck me attitude. Then those tits. 34 C of pure magic. They were perky, firm, bouncy and . . . . delicious. It was crazy come to think of it. I had only actually sucked them three times. Three measly times. Why didn’t I incorporate that into each encounter? She was all tits and...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker

It was raining hard. I mean, like a torrential downpour, the kind that doesn’t let you see ten feet in front of your face. Even though I was under the canopy, pumping my own gas, I was still getting wet. It was then that I saw her through a momentary break in the sheets of rain. She kept looking behind her as she slogged down the road through the monsoon-like conditions. Then she was gone. I finished pumping and got back on the road. Returning home from a conference in North Carolina, I thought...

2 years ago
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Let Him Cum Oral Training

If the idea of blowjobs or taking some nice warm cum on your face offends you, this is not for you. For me blowjobs are a beautiful thing. Slow, romantic, rough, submissive, dominant - there's so much to blowjobs it'll be impossible to write everything down in one go - so this is about the rough type. Girls, you'll need to be submissive to enjoy this fun. This isn't about you teasing him, you being in charge or anything of the sort. This is about him grabbing your head and ramming his cock...

1 year ago
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Kim Possible fucking Mission

Kims squirmed through the tight vent with the walls pressing into her big round tits and her mound. Finally she reached the grate above Drakkens headquarters. with one swift movement she had kicked the gate through and swung down into the labratory. And suddenly she was surrounded by Drakkens red clad minions all staring at her boob that were still bouncing from the rough landing. Soon the minions were grabbing at her all over she felt her bra strap being undone through her shirt after that her...

1 year ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 18 Touch or Sex

Renée and I left the food court hand in hand. She needed the reassurance and I just enjoyed touching her. I dreaded the idea of adding any more girls to my little harem, but they were asking for more than just cozy moments and passionate nights. They wanted to feel safe. It was as good a reason as any to invite more to join us. The new question was, could I add to our montage without sex? Renée didn't know and neither did I. One thing was sure: I was going to have to figure out exactly what...

3 years ago
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I met jane through adult dating site. Jane is 23 bi, married and a mother .She had a k** by her older boyfriend , so she married him . She is at home looks after the k** ,he goes to work. The k** is 4 goes to nursery in the morning .She looked at my ad for onsite and started talking and then we exchanged number so we can talk and send each other pictures . After few day later we arranged to meet in person .I went to near where she lived.We had a coffee and talked and she invited me to her...

2 years ago
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ValChapter 8

Val didn't show up to the school for two weeks. Tiffany took over the responsibilities of taking Val her homework. But lucky for me two days after Tiffany told me not to come back I was told that I could visit again, and I was able to go to her house and pick up the homework instead of dropping off the stuff. One day I was surprised when I went to her house. Instead of picking up the homework Val greeted me at the door. She was completely dressed and she had her backpack with her. That day I...

2 years ago
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My Massage Experience

Hi everyone i am back with a story after a long time. My last story was me n my colony guard. Some of you have read it and some of you havent. Anyway i appreciate all the feedback i got and now wish to share another experience of mine. I am 21 yrs old from gurgaon. I am a bi sexual bottom who loves private experiences with like minded people. This story is an experience i had at a massage parlour in del. This was a year back when i had finished my graduation. I woke up one morning with an urge...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Katelyn And The Rhino

Tony Giordano sat in the window seat of the airplane wondering how his life had gotten so screwed up. His girlfriend had just dumped him for some "Poindexter" type, and now he was on a flight to Anywhere, USA. He needed to get away and think and he wanted to put as much America between him and her as his credit card would get him. It didn't matter where he went just as long as he went.He was lost in thought, staring out the window when he heard a soft voice next to him. "Excuse me, Sir. I'm...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 55 A Tour of Corsica

The walk across the dark landscape took a few minutes longer than I had hoped, but it was only three forty-nine when we arrived at the administration building. The door opened up and we found ourselves looking at a small room with several doors and a large purple circle marking a gravity elevator. “Wow,” Ashley said as we entered. “Lots of space.” “Which way to the teleportal?” I asked. “Use the first door on the left,” the AI said. “Concubines must wait for their citizen or another...

1 year ago
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Peter PrueChapter 2

Prue fell on a wooden bench, tears running down her cheeks. The bench stood on a knoll looking out over the dark sea, but she didn’t see it – neither the water, nor the clouds that chased the stars. Her trembling hand went through her bag until it found her ringing cellphone. “Pruts?” The tinny voice sounded urgent. “God, Jules, it was awful!” “I thought you’d meet him about now?” ““It’s already over, Jules. I ran! It was horrible!” “You mean you didn’t talk?” “He attacked me!” “He...

3 years ago
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18 Out Driving with Daddy and 4 Men

The word 'Dogging', kind off bypasses many people. Last month in the press, three young woman all schoolteachers were prosecuted under the public indecency act, for visiting and participating in 'Dogging', they went individually and were caught in a sting operation, in total, seven women and s*******n men, good odds for a horny girl to get into, but when you think about it, why not?I was still a girl when I found out about it, and it was close to home when I did, as both my mother and father...

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Chubby Freshman Chapter 8

Chapter 8Terry a high school student was very shy due to the fact that he was chubby and didn't play sports or excel at anything that would make him cool and fit in with the popular students other than being having a very high academic average. He didn't have a girlfriend and had little possibilities to have one. If the truth was known he liked to look at guys more than girls. He often masturbated thinking about cute guys especially handsome athletic guys who were always popular at school....

2 years ago
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Maa aur beti ki sex ki dastaan 2

Zaheer ke muh se aaise baat sunke usse zara bhi bura nahi laga,balki woh aur masti se chudwake late boli,”zaheer mai tayyar hoon teri rand banne,aagar har din aaise tagde musalmaani laude mile to sirf mai hi nahi meri beti bhi tum dono ki raand zaroor banegi lekin please ab to mujhe bata meri beti ko kaun kaun chodta hai?”uppar se imtiyaz aarti ki chut mai zordaar dhakke lagate uske nipples chuste bolta hai,”aarti abtujhe roz ye tagde lund chodenge,behanchod tu aaisa garam maal hai ki tare liye...

3 years ago
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Mother got banged

Hi iss readers ,today i m going to share a true experience of mine which happened just about 2 yrs back .i had just joined the eng college then.i have an elder counsin sister whose marriage was fixed .so we had to leave for the village to attend the marriage.let me tell u abt my family first.i have a father ,a mother and a younger sis.do to some official work my father could not go..so three of us left for the village. We reached there just 3 days prior to shagun and tilak.a number of our...

2 years ago
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Home Away From HomeChapter 9

"John, I'm going to visit the palace, and I feel like I need some backup. Will you go with me?" "Son of a bitch, Hank, you don't do easy ones, do you? Yeah, it's against my better judgment, but I will go into the lion's den with you. There is one problem, though. How do we get out without having our asses splattered with machine gun slugs? "You haven't talked to Mary about this, have you?" He stared at me for a moment and said, "Okay, I thought not. You know as well as I do what...

1 year ago
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RapedChapter 2

Resuming my seat, I realized I had three major problems. My hands were bound, I was naked, and the three guys sat just outside the door. I felt dejected, both by my circumstances and by what had happened to me and how I had acted. I had actually been aroused by what they did to me. Even as I sat here looking back with disgust, I could not deny this truth. My cock was limp now, but it had been hard as a rock, and even the memory caused a twinge of feeling I did not want to face up to. Leaning...

2 years ago
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Whats a Father to DoChapter 4 Cathy

I tapped lightly on Cathy's door, hoping that she had already gone to sleep. No such luck, I heard, "Come in, Daddy, I'm ready for my turn to get tucked in." I went over to the bed and Cathy was on top of the folded over sheet and light blanket. Cathy too wore one of my old t-shirts for a nightgown. This one, however, had seen much better days. It had holes and was getting a little threadbare as well. I could see one pink nipple poking out of one of the holes in the shirt and there was a...

2 years ago
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So I'm almost eighteen and still a virgin! Not by choice but by design... My mother doesn't trust men guess my father really did a number on her! I don't think I'm bad looking at all but I hide my good looks behind these book worm glasses and baggy clothes well not me my mother hides me I think she thinks if I don't look attractive then the boys will leave me alone! Well its working! Not a date or a flirt in all this time! I watch the other girls making out in the hallway's getting groped...

2 years ago
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My family

It was a Friday, and REKHA and I went to watch a football match. But it was washed out because of unexpected rain. We rushed home before it became stormy. We were sopping wet when we reached home. As we reached the front door, I took off my slacks and shirt (I had my underwear) so that the dripping water does not soak the carpet. So did my sister, she took off her jeans and shirt. We hung our dresses at the umbrella hanger to let it dry and opened the door and entered to our respective rooms....

3 years ago
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Older now ready for more

I had finally done it! I stopped fantasizing and started doing. I had placed an ad on a gay dating website and took the leap. I had been with two guys now, one my age, "Joe" and one younger, "Kimmy." I meet them both on the website. Kimmy reached out to me the next day after I had picked him up and we parked. We ended up kissing and sucking each other to orgasm in my car. Joe was a regular guys guy but Kimmy was my feminine, so when Kimmy wrote that he would like to see me again and dress up...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 389

Saturday morning there was a nervous tension in the air. If the Intel was accurate, the terrorists were going to make their play during the parade, but we still did not know which day of the two days there were parades scheduled. Howie and the drone operators were out checking everything out early. Howie had assembled all 18 of the devices and they were behind the new wall that had been built. The only thing left was to install the battery and turn the key to arm them. The two gun drones...

3 years ago
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Subway Girl Ch 07

Friday I got home from work and still had a few hours to kill before going to Alicia’s, so I decided to call my dad. He answered the phone, but I was immediately reminded why I usually call him on Sunday mornings. It was obvious he had been drinking, but he wasn’t slurring, just being talkative. I told him I was still working, and then I told him I’d met a girl. ‘Yeah, I figured that,’ he said. I could hear ice clinking in the background like he was swirling his drink. ‘I noticed your cell...

2 years ago
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A New Way of LifeChapter 6

Days of walking later we came upon a citadel. The days were spent in discussion with Leonore about the current state of esoterics and with the girls improving my wood craft. Food was plentiful and we, thankfully, didn't have to resort to the Sandman for "food". The nights? Me, 16, lovely companion, enough said. The citadel was a sight to behold. Rising hundreds of meters in the air, made of glass, it looked like an old sky scraper from the old earth. It positively oozed esoteric energies...

3 years ago
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The Memory of Leila

I could never confront myself with my sexuality; I was always debating if I was straight or not. My parents would kill me if I so much as looked at a girl the wrong way, but males never felt right. I finally had the chance to figure things out when I met Leila. I was 21 and working as a bartender. The men there would always yell at me, telling me to take off my shirt or to stand up on the bar. I would always refuse, but that didn't stop some unlawful squeezing of my rump. I hated it. It was a...

3 years ago
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Border Town Rendezvous

Border-town Rendezvous Townville was a quiet, sleepy little border-town that had certainly seen better days. Sadly there were far too many retail shops with For Lease signs, old decorations from holidays long past dangling in the windows and an unfortunate air of abandonment. If tumbleweeds existed in this part of the world, they would surely have been blowing down the street. In its heyday, it was quite the travel corridor between two very popular vacation destinations. The vacation resorts...

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The HomestandersChapter 4

Even though Vicky had volunteered to be the designated driver for the evening of the party, to no one's great surprise the number of people going from around the Bradford area quickly outgrew a single car. The same night Kevin showed up at Jason's house with a pile of motorcycle parts Vicky asked Jason if he knew anyone with a big van they could use instead. Jason did, a guy from the plant whose hobby seemed to be a dozen kids, and who needed an extended-body full-size van to haul them...

3 years ago
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Secret Service Kitty AndersonChapter 7

Tom was a nice man to talk to, but I really did not see him as husband material at this time, so I made my goodbyes and continued my journey the next morning. I was just far enough out of Underwood to make returning not worth the effort when the rain started. Fortunately, my Oldsmobile had a buggy top that would keep most of the rain out, though I was already wet by the time I got all of the canvass in place. My dress was soaked, and I was feeling the chill of the air that leaked into the...

4 years ago
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Getting Published

Hollys deep brown eyes were expectedly watching her possibly future boss find the words he was trying to tell her. Her rounded face looked bright with hope, her being eager for some great news. Well, Holly, he began whilst he adjusted his neck tie, almost as if he were adjusting his confidence in front of her to piss her off, I think youre at a good er stage, but theres one problem with your capitalization. A problem with her capitalization? Taken aback, Holly asked what was wrong with her...

2 years ago
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My Sex Teacher

As my parents were abroad and not expected for another 15 days, I went to spend the first 15 days of my vacation at my Aunt’s place. I was then 18 years old She is my Mom’s youngest sister She was 30 years then. and was living alone as her husband was not in the country at that time.After dinner, the first night Aunt told me to have a bath and get to bed while she closed and secured her apartment. Coming from a boarding home, the big tub in Aunt’s bathroom was too tempting for me not to indulge...

1 year ago
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The Farmers DaughterChapter 3

Klaus Hanslein Junior: Berks County Fair “Hey Klaus, ain’t that your girlfriend?” Grainger Thomas asked. “What? Where?” Was he talking about Rebecca Schmidt? “Dude, your eyes suck.” Ronnie Thomas, Grainger’s older brother, pointed. “Right there in line at the pistol shooting booth.” I saw her standing there. She looked perfect. She was still everything I wanted and hated. I remember the first time I saw her, walking from the school bus and the wind pushed her skirt up tight against her...

1 year ago
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A wild weekend at my cousin Jessicas

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was 19, my cousin Chris is my best friend. We never seemed to mind that we were related. Anyways, I thaught it might be nice to spend the weekend with my cousins. When I arrived I was greeted by my cousin Jessica. Man had she grown up!!! I remember when we were 16 and spin the bottle was as far as it went but man. My cock autimaticly came to life just looking at her. She was a little shorter than me with excellent curves, a pretty face, and a nice...


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