On Set free porn video

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“And cut,” shouted Stephen in a theatrical way.

As the crew started to drift offset Stephen called Kirsty and Tom over.

“Right obviously you have read the script, are you both ok with the love scene. In order to make things as comfortable for both of you, I have decided that there will only be myself and one cameraman on set. Is that ok?”

Both Kirsty and Tom nodded before Kirsty spoke.

“I appreciate the thought, can the cameraman be a woman please, I have been naked on other sets, but I think I would feel more at ease with another woman on set, even if she is behind the camera.”

Stephen nodded, “Totally agree and although I hadn’t done it for that reason, I had chosen Rachel because she is the best we have.”

Tom nodded his head in agreement.

“Well then guys, I suggest you go to makeup and we will give you a shout when we are ready for the next shot. It is the first meeting of your two characters at the supermarket.”

“Got it,” they both said in unison and turned and walked in opposite directions to their trailers.


Kirsty was a slim woman, with long flowing auburn hair, long legs and slim waist. Her breasts were small and despite being twenty-five she easily passed for an eighteen-year-old. It was this youthful appearance that had continued to allow her agents to go get her small roles in any number of films over the last five years since she had left her teen years behind.

Finally, though she had been offered the leading role in a film playing not surprisingly a young teenager who comes of age and meets and falls in love with an older man.


Tom looked at himself in the mirror and secretly was pleased with what stared back at him. Yes, he was a man in his early fifties but he had begun his career on the stage as a dancer and a dancer’s body he still possessed. Yes, his face had a few lines on and his hair was a now flex with grey, but he was still pretty muscular and lean.

This was going to be the first time he had been naked for a role, but then this was also the first time he had ever been on a film set and to say he was nervous was an understatement.

Pushing it to the back of his mind, he picked up his script and glanced over the next scene. He had a couple of days to mentally prepare for “that” scene and he needed to concentrate on the next few days.


The film company might have provided the two lead stars with the latest in on set trailers to relax between scenes, the night-time accommodation was like something from the 50s or 60s. They were filming on the North East coast and rather than a posh hotel it was a B&B complete with a large matronly type landlady.

“Fancy a couple of drinks in the lounge tonight,” Kirsty asked Tom as they walked up the gravel front path, “I could do with some company tonight, it's getting a bit repetitive, that is unless you are doing something else.”

“Let me juggle my diary, I might be able to spare a couple of hours after I have washed my hair, cancelled the dinner party I was going to and told the two young ladies who I had invited to join me later to come another night.”

Kirsty’s face fell, “No, no, if you have plans.”

Tom laughed, “Seriously, I was joking who is going to invite me to a dinner party I know nobody in this neck of the woods. As for having woman back to my room, could you imagine trying to sneak one woman past Mrs Northcott, never mind two.”

Kirsty’s face broke out in a grin, “true I can see her stood at the top of the stairs with her arms folded and tapping her foot in disgust.”

“Oh no, not the tapping of the foot,” Tom said, faking a look of horror and putting his hands on either side of his face, “that would be followed by the sharp intake of breath and then a harrumph.”

Kirsty laughed, “stop it, she will hear us. Shall we say about nine-ish?”

Tom nodded and stepped aside to let Kirsty enter before him.


Tom looked up from his book as Kirsty burst into the lounge.

“Sorry I am late, I was chatting to my agent and lost track of time,” she suddenly stopped talking.

“Something wrong?” asked Tom.

“It’s just that you appear to have dressed up, I feel embarrassed.”

Tom looked at Kirsty, who was still standing in the doorway, dressed in leggings and a hoodie, “Don’t be, it is better to be comfortable and happy, after all in this business we spend most of our waking hours putting on a fake façade.”

“Oh, that is easy for you to say dressing in trousers and a smart turtle neck jumper you look so, so bohemian.”

“I told you I always dress in a similar fashion, I come from a theatre background, we are all pretentious fools, looking down on the TV and movie actors even though they earn more money and more fame than any of us ever will. Now, do you want that drink?”

Kirsty nodded and Tom climbed out of his armchair and walked over to the drinks cabinet, “what would you like, Mrs Northcott’s selection is pretty limited, Whiskey, Brandy, Gin, vodka. Oh look, some Crème de menthe, I wonder how long that has been in here, do you think people still drink it?”

“Gin and tonic, I guess, but not too large don’t want to feel like shit tomorrow on set.”

Having poured them both a drink, Tom returned to his seat, Kirsty chose to stretch out on the brown leather sofa across from him.

“You know I saw you in the West End when I was twelve.”

“Thanks, how to make a guy feel old, you going to follow it up with, my mother was a big fan?”

“What, no, well actually she like musicals and West End shows, she used to take me with her occasionally,” Kirsty’s voice trailed off.

Tom almost laughed, “You know you are cute when you blush, what made you want to take up acting then?”

“Err, I was in a school play and loved being out there on the stage, then seeing the stars on the red carpet at the Oscars I just knew it was something I wanted to do. I didn’t realise that it was not all glamour, the long periods of waiting tables and working in call centres. What about you?”

“Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain, I saw it when I was seven or eight, I was captivated by the graceful movement, the songs, the story of old Hollywood. I pestered my mum for dancing lessons from that day on and thankfully she agreed. I stuck at it all through my teenage years, the name-calling was tough mind you.”

Tom got up and poured himself another drink, “actually that is not true, at the beginning it was tough, I was the only boy learning to dance in a group of about twenty or so girls. All the other boys thought I was gay, but then as all boys do, they discovered girls and suddenly I was their best friend.”

Kirsty laughed, “Despite the periods of ‘resting’ I guess I have been lucky really, got a few small parts in soaps and TV dramas and then moved into minor parts in films, and now this, my first lead role.”

“Speaking of which, are you comfortable with the love scene and being naked in front of the crew?”

“No not really, it is why I asked for the cameraman to be a woman, I have been topless on a few sets, but I knew the camera was not really on me so it somehow made it easier as I was just window dressing for the main action going on elsewhere on the set. This is different.”

“Thank God for that, I thought it was just me. I have never been naked on stage before and the only people who have seen me naked since I grew up have been my two ex-wives and my doctor. I am also concerned about,” Tom paused, “how shall I put this, something coming up.”

Lucy looked at him, “You mean getting an erection, well it is natural, but I know from other actors I have spoken to there is so much else going on and they are so busy trying to remember their lines, and positions that whilst getting hard is a possibility it is unlikely as it is the last thing on their minds. Having said that I would take it as a huge compliment if you did as I am the only other one naked on set with you.”

“You're probably right, still it doesn’t stop me shitting myself with the thought, I assume Stephen is going to be clever with the angles and give us plenty of directions.”

“Oh God, yes, it's only a certificate 15 remember. This is really bothering you isn’t it?”

“A little, yes, it is. When I got sent the script, I read that bit but it didn’t mean anything. After all, it just said, love scene and a few directional comments and the like. It is my first film remember.”

“You will be fine, trust me, do what you are good at.”

“Which is what?” said Tom with a frown.

“Acting, stupid. Just get into character and everything will fade into the background.”

“Your probably right. Another drink?”

“Go on then,”

The pair chatted for another hour and had a few more drinks before both slightly unsteadily went upstairs to their rooms and bed.


Two days later Tom and Kirsty stood in white robes behind the camera as the crew positioned the cameras and put the finishing touches to the bedroom set.

“Right guys,” Stephen turned to face the actors, “in a few minutes I will ask the rest of the crew to leave the set and then it will just be myself and Rachel. Now we will shoot the start of the scene with the passionate kissing and undressing this afternoon, so this will just be the sex scene.”

“Very clinical,” muttered Tom to Kirsty, “put tab A in slot b.”

Kirsty giggled, “Shouldn’t that be rod A in hole B?”

Tom stifled a laugh and looked around the set.

A young guy wearing overalls and was some sort of technician approached Stephen, “All finished.”

Stephen nodded and then turned around and shouted at the top of his voice, “Ok, everybody off the set, take a long lunch. We will let you know when you are needed back on set.”

As the crew trooped offset, Tom and Kirsty walked over to the bed and waited patiently until the last person had left.

Taking a deep breath, Tom looked over at Kirsty, “Well, here goes nothing.”

He shrugged off his robe and stood for a second or two in front of Kirsty before grabbing the covers and climbing into the bed.

Kirsty looked him up and down, for a man in his early fifty’s he had a very good body even a slight six-pack. Realising that he was looking at her, she disrobed did a quick spin and then climb in alongside him. Pulling the covers right up to her neck.

Tom laughed, “very beautiful.”

“Thanks, you’re not bad yourself, glad I shaved now as I see you did some manscaping down there.”

“I know, I was unsure as I am hoping my tackle won’t be on screen but just to be on the safe side though I would tidy myself up, it has been a while since I have been in bed with a sexy lady.”

“Really, have you not got a girlfriend?”

“No, after my last marriage broke down, I dated a couple of times, but no, not at the moment, what about you?”

“No, not really,” there was a long pause, “I have decided to concentrate on my career. At least that is what the publicist said is the correct answer to that question when the film comes out.”

Stephen approached them, “Right you two, remember you are full of lust and passion this is the first time you have been in bed. Tom, you have to take the lead as the older man.”

Tom’s mouth was suddenly very dry so he just nodded.

Under the covers, Kirsty took his hand and gave it a quick squeeze. As Stephen walked back to behind the camera, she whispered, “don’t worry.”

Up until now, nobody had noticed Rachel stood behind one of the cameras, but she moved the camera forward so that it was about a meter away from the bed and then returned to a bank of screens next to Stephen.

“Ok, there are five cameras set up for different angles and I will control the main one,” she pointed at the screens you can see what they are filming on these.”

“Got it, ok get ready, Kirsty, Tom can you pull the sheets down for God sakes nobody makes love under the covers. Start by taking one another in your arms and kissing.”

Both actors laughed nervously, Kirsty flipped the cover down to expose her breast, before they turned to one another.

They pulled in closer and Tom leaned forward, their lips touched.

Stephens voice rang out, “Stop.”

He jumped down off his stool and approached them, “For fuck sake, you are not kissing your mother, you are madly in love with each other, there is passion, fireworks, stars, kiss each other like there is no tomorrow. Now we will go again, let's make it believable.”

He turned and stalked back to his stool.

Tom drew in a deep breath and moved in so that his body was now fully pressed against Kirsty she, in turn, turned fully to face him.

They did not wait for the call to start but began to kiss, pushing their lips hard against each other. At first, it felt awkward, but gradually the movements soften and the kissing became real.

Rachel looked over at Stephen, who wordlessly motioned for Rachel to begin filming, he did not want to break their concentration.

The kissing was now passionate, Kirsty moaned into Tom’s mouth. He broke the kiss and prop himself up on an elbow.

For Tom the set had now faded into the background his only focus was Kirsty, he leaned down and they began to kiss again. Her arms wrapped around his back and pulled him down towards her, their tongues explored each other’s mouths. She felt his cock against her thigh, it was growing hard and was pushing into her.

Stephen thought about giving directions, but felt that it was probably better if he let the two actors proceed naturally as this would make the scene feel more realistic and he was sure that with five cameras shooting from various angles he would be able to edit together something that indicated passion and lust.

Stephen glanced at the bank of screens and smiled; Tom was obviously enjoying this as his rock-hard cock could be seen on the screen showing the feed from the camera at the bottom of the bed

Kirsty could feel herself getting incredibly turned on by the kissing and loved the way Tom was gently stroking her arms. His hand cupped her breast and she arched her back slightly placing more pressure on her sensitive nipple.

Breaking the kiss both and having heard no directions from the direction Tom flipped over onto his back-pulling Kirsty over so that she was now lying on top of him. Her legs were closed and lying between Tom’s, she could feel his cock pushing into the front of her thighs as they resumed kissing. Slowly Kirsty pulled herself up against his body and straddled him.

Sitting up, she could feel his cock now beneath her its length resting long the folds of her pussy. She moved her hand, placing it down against his cock, pushing it harder against her pussy. She started to rock back and forth sliding along the length of the shaft to simulate sex. This long hard cock was turning her on and as she teased it, she could feel herself leaking all along its length. She moaned and dropped forward to kiss him.

Tom was struggling to hold back, his cock was bursting, he didn’t think he had ever been so hard. He could feel his shaft becoming slick with the juices coming from Kirsty’s pussy and being smeared along his length as she rocked.

Kirsty’s was moaning loudly now as Rachel moved in to get a close up of Tom and Kirsty’s faces. Rachel could see the tip of Tom’s cock poking out from between Kirsty’s groin and hand and although she had not been instructed to get actual footage of genitals, she zoomed in.

Things were getting heated between the pair and Tom lifted Kirsty ever so slightly and drew back his hips.

Kirsty knew what Tom was planning and she welcomed the fact that he was taking the initiative, to help she raised herself even more and pushed Tom’s cock back with her hand so that it split her pussy lips.

Tom pushed up and felt the warmth of her body envelope the head of his cock, he was sure that Kirsty wanted to continue but a slight doubt was still present. That doubt was quickly extinguished when Kirsty lowered herself down and the whole of his cock was now buried inside her.

All thoughts of being on a movie set were gone and now the two actors began to fuck, Rachel moved round to the end of the bed and through the camera lens she saw Tom’s shaft emerging from between Kirsty pussy lips, it was slick with her juices, the reflection of the lights giving it an almost plastic look.

Kirsty dropped forward her head going to the side of Toms and her moans sounding loud in his ear. Her breast felt soft and smooth against his chest.

Tom’s hand moved up her thighs and settled on her arse, he turned his head and kissed the side of her head. He let Kirsty set the pace, she moved slowly up and down, her breast rubbing on his chest.

Rachel was mesmerised by the sight and with total disregard for where the other cameras were placed in the room, she started to move around the bed devouring the sight of the couple fucking in front of her. She had done a full rotation of the bed and now she was back at the base looking directly at Tom’s long and thick cock appearing and disappearing into the folds of Kirsty’s pussy, she could smell sex almost taste it in the air.

Rachel was getting very turned on, she turned her head from the viewfinder and looked over at Stephen, who was staring intently at the bank of screens to his left and she could see the shape of his cock pushing against the jeans he was wearing. She thought about going over and pulling his trousers down and relieving her frustration, but she knew that Stephen was the ultimate professional and would not abuse his position of authority plus she remembered that he was married with two young kids.

Returning to the action she decided that she needed to imprint the scene in her mind and relieve herself that evening with the help of her trusty wand. With a bit of luck, she might be able to get an unedited copy to take home with her.

Kirsty was getting close to orgasm and she slowly pushed herself back up to a sitting position driving Tom’s cock deep into her. Her eyes fluttered and a long loud moan escaped her mouth as her pussy clenched around his cock. She stopped moving as she allowed herself to recover, biting her bottom lip and throwing her head back.

As her breathing came back to normal Tom raised himself and wrapped his arms around her and gently turned her over onto her back. He started to thrust, building up speed. Kirsty raised her legs up and put her arms around his neck.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned. These were the first words that had been spoken on the set since filming had begun, “don’t stop.”

Tom was getting close and speeded up, his breathing was shallow and his heart was beating fast, sweat forming on his brow.

Kirsty felt his cock start to pulse and Tom suddenly made a few quick and deep thrusts before pausing as he flooded her pussy with his cum.

His arms began to shake and Kirsty pulled him down onto her, embracing him, showering him with kisses as he recovered.

They remained locked in a tender embrace, with his cock slowly deflating and cum dripping out and pooling on the bed beneath her arse.

Stephen leaned out of his chair and tapped Rachel on the arm gesturing to her that she should return to his side.

As Rachel returned to behind the bank of screens, the set was quiet except for the deep breathing of the two actors. Tom was still between Kirsty’s legs, her hands gripping his forearms, they were both looking deep into each other’s eyes.

Stephens voice suddenly broke the silence, “Thank you very much guys that was perfect, we will wrap it up there. Get dressed, go get a drink and a bite to eat. We will return in an hour and do the start of the scene.”

With that Stephen ushered Rachel off the set, leaving Tom and Kirsty alone.



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Chapter 10 I couldn’t stay the night with Amy and on the drive home all I could think about was which one of Amy’s friends had just sucked my cock. I knew that no matter how many times I asked she would never tell me, so I just let my imagination run wild. I had met many of her friends but none seemed like the type to do what we just did, but I guess that made it all the more erotic. When I walked into my house Beth was sitting on the sofa watching TV and said, “Hi daddy, where you been?” “Just...

4 years ago
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CagedChapter 7 Up For Auction

The next four weeks were a flurry of activity for the young slave. She slept and ate little. Her exercise regimen was long and strenuous. She felt her muscles grow hard and her stomach and waist get narrower. She could see the muscles on her stomach, but there was still a thin layer of fat that covered them. "I think it is genetic," said her Master, after several weeks. "The only way we could get rid of that layer would be to completely starve you, and that we don't want." After seeing...

2 years ago
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Riya My Divorcee Hot Neighbour

Hi friends, Disclaimer: names are not real, though person and story are. This is my first story ever written by me. I ‘m Arron here, I stay in Goa. This is the real incident happened to me. I am 29 years old, a businessman, also crazy for fitness and martial arts. I’m always calm, composed and blessed with high sex drive. This is the true story/ incident about my encounter with a lady who had recently moved into my neighborhood. I’m introvert and like to stay alone. though my parent lived...

3 years ago
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old man in the grocery store part 6

I grab the lotion and proceed to rub it all over his cock to get it nice and hard. He's laying there on his back fully erect and he looked so hot. I climbed on top so now I was straddling him. He had his hands on my chest and was pinching my nipples which I love. I raised my hips and proceeded to lower myself on his gorgeous big cock. It took some time because he was pretty big but I managed to get it all the way in. It hurt at first but he said, " take your time " but I couldn't wait any...

1 year ago
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Party Favors

The house was full of people. Music thumped behind the closed door, voices chattered in and out of streams of conversations, and there were the occasional sounds of people leaving and coming into the party. Overall, I would say the party was a success. And I wanted nothing more to do with it. A growing migraine pounded at my skull as I shut myself in my private bathroom, shutting the door tightly. I leaned against it and stared at myself in the reflection of the mirror. Short dark hair, dark...

Quickie Sex
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Sheriff PorterChapter 15

"When I told my wife we why we hadn't Identified the girl. She asked, if I had found her wallet. No girl would be caught dead going out at night without at least a clutch bag. According to my wife. So I got to thinking, if she was killed here, then her bag might be somewhere around here. If so where was it? I checked all the other buildings and there it was. Well it was near some disturbed dust in this little building, but under an old desk. It was late at night and dark as the Sheriff's...

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Dirty League

I thought Dirty League would be a new sports-themed porn paysite with famous pornstars taking on whole football teams at a time. That got my mind racing and my dick hard before I could even click the link, which is not to say I was disappointed by what I found. While it isn’t a bunch of big-name bitches taking on big cock by the bunch, it will keep your boner engorged and your hands busy all day. Oh, and that titular dirty league they’re talking about? You’ll be building that...

Best Porn Games
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Incredible ChangesChapter 211 Nina

What game is she up to here? “Please call me Nina, Darren. That is what everyone calls me back home,” she told me. “Even if you are one of the few who can pronounce my first name correctly, I like to be called Nina by friends.” When did we become friends? Before she said another word, she got on her knees, pulled me into a kiss with one hand, and diddled herself with the other. It wasn’t a very long kiss. She looked in my eyes, down to my limp dick and back up to my eyes. I pulled her into...

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The Blue Girdle Fantasy 3

This is the third chapter in our story that involves the discovery of cross dressing and the joys of masturbation. If you have no interest in this fetish you will want to move to another story. I would appreciate your comments.Char knew that she had aroused me by showing me her pretty black satin bra and her black Days of the Week panties but I knew that hanging out in my half naked aunts room would be a problem and one thing Char had talked to me about was an appropriate time and place for...

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Spizoo Lexi Lore Young Blonde Nymphomaniac Impulses

Young blonde Lexi Lore is bored and is calling her friends to find out who is willing to spend a sexual evening, but her father is angry because he does not want to attend the appointment with the sex therapist to treat her sex addiction. In the doctor’s office, she begins to show her sexual impulses and to attack her doctor by taking his cock until she can get him excited, on her knees, she takes out his cock and begins to suck it and lick his balls and insert it into her throat to the...

2 years ago
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27 Minutes Part 1 of 3 Le train

July 2011. In all my travels, the Paris Metro is one of my favourite transport systems. Whether whizzing across to breathtaking views of La Tour Eiffel or hopping up to Anvers to marvel at the gleaming Sacré Cœur and bustling artists of Place du Tertre, it’s an essential piece of kit to explore what is arguably the most romantic European city. To plan a Metro journey, just like most other underground systems, the rule of thumb is to allow roughly three minutes per stop. While transit time...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Sweet And Hot Aunt

Hi Friends this my First story on ISS as i do no who and all will read this story and if you have any doubt can contact me in and then its my true first sex with my relative And she is my Queen for every As i am Venkatesh form Bangalore working for an IT company and then i had sex with lot of them in my life as i love sex lot and lot and love to have sex with married woman lot and then as my day are going on and i am single and enjoy every thing Ok i am having a nice body structure and then my...

2 years ago
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the horny sister

I had to go to the hospital for a check-up at the Gynecologist. Now I have problems with male doctors, so I always want a woman.Fortunately, this is no problem. When I arrived there, I was put in the waiting room by a sister and I had to wait.After 10 minutes she said to me, I walked into the treatment room and the sister said that I could undress myself and lie down,the Gynecologist would come this way.I took off my clothes and I asked if the sister could help me climb the chair, she did so...

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Linda Saga Of Lust And Love Ch 03

After class on Wednesday Linda finally decided to go to the Bible study as suggested by the Father. She picked out a long grey skirt and a white knit top. She wore her gold cross but skipped most of the make up and settled just for some light red lipstick. She remembered the modest part of her promises. Picking up her Bible she walked towards the church. In front of the education wing was a girl from the college that she recognized. ‘Linda, I am so glad you came to the Bible study,’ said Mary...

1 year ago
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Intro by gay gangbang in Tokyo

I had known a smallest 20 something guy in Japan. He had come to my English school to check out lessons, but decided not to sign up, but I kept running into him on the train. I assumed he was gay, but later found out that he wasn't - he wanted an American girlfriend - so I just assumed he was gay and didn't know it yet. A couple of months passed, and during the summer holiday when the country all but shuts down he showed up at my doorstep. I was surprised to see him, and invited him in for a...

3 years ago
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The Magic WandChapter 18

She was still crying and trying to pull away from him as he dragged her up the walk and into his parents’ house. Her entreaties of, “Please, Bobby, No,” bounced off of him like rain off a duck. His father was sitting on the couch reading the paper. He looked up as Bobby dragged a crying woman into the living room. “Where’s Mom?” asked his son. “I’m right here,” said his mother, coming from the kitchen. She was wearing an apron and had flour dust on her hands. “What’s going on?” She got a...

1 year ago
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My Little SisterChapter 10 A Shopping Trip

The next week passed as the previous one - a mix of school lessons and frequent sexual encounters with Abi at home. I was often distracted during my lessons with thoughts of Abi and of the weekend exploits with Mum and Vikki - but strangely, when I was with Abi, I never seemed to be distracted by thoughts of school lessons! This week, our sessions weren't restricted totally to the bedroom at bedtime as they had been during the previous week. On the Wednesday, we'd both decided we'd...

2 years ago
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Kyle Earns an A

KYLE PETERSON found himself naked on his knees in the bathroom. The seventeen year old senior at Wilmont High was dazed and confused to say the least. Then the big naked dick slapped his face and his mind cleared. How had he come to this? How had it happened? This wasn't his own bathroom, where he sometimes stripped naked and lay on the floor to masturbate as most seventeen year old boys did. This wasn't the locker room, where he stripped and walked around dick and balls swinging as he...

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Big Cock Fantasy Part 5

When I woke, the sun’s bright light was streaming into my bedroom courtesy of the open balcony door. I was still on top of the rumpled sheets and on my back, legs and arms spread wide. I was a starfish! I lay, peacefully, reflecting for a few moments on the events of yesterday. And last night! As I replayed various scenes in my mind, my right hand automatically drifted between my thighs. Would my pussy still be gaping open from Justin’s amazing girth? No, my lips were tight, if somewhat...

2 years ago
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The Black Vultures Part one

The Nordeon, Southairian war started over a petty dispute on land ownership, taxation & shipping rights… The Violet Queen of Nordeon demanded more tax & High Lord Master Tasion, elected ruler of Southairian told her to shove it up her arse. The Violet Queen took exception to this vile insult & sent the messengers severed cock stuffed into a pig’s anus back to High Lord Master Taison, attached to a declaration of war…which was duly accepted.Pencower Keep is a small fortified outpost...

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Bad Porn

FADE IN: INT. SOUND STAGE - DAY CASANDRA, a tall blonde, enters a bedroom set wearing nothing but a bra and panties. LORENZO, a tall, dark, muscular Italian is sitting on the edge of the bed, naked and erect. Cassandra walks teasingly toward Lorenzo. DIRECTOR Cut, cut, cut! Cassandra darling, we are doing a porn here, not a 1950s romantic comedy. You walk in, you fall to your knees, you suck his cock until he is ready to come and then he pulls out and comes on your tits? Got it? Right,...

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Megan Pt 9

My aunt and uncle said they wouldn't be back to late and the boys had not had any dinner yet. My aunt made a comment about how much the boys were going to enjoy what I was wearing. I was a bit embarrassed since I was not expecting anyone else to be over there but there was nothing I could do, aside from just going with it. After they left I went into the family room where the boys were playing their video game, they hadn't seen me yet. Well I could tell they all approved of what I was...

1 year ago
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On My Own Pretending Hes Beside Me

** Thanks to all the wonderful authors on Lush who have given me such pleasure. Now, here's a bit of my own...**** The door clicked shut. The lock turned. Footsteps down the front steps. Car motor starting up, the car driving down the street. Gone. Finally. I was alone. I'd been horny all day, so horny. I'd been making excuse to put something in my lap and pushing down, just to feel the pressure of something against my pussy. My fingers had been just itching to sneak down the waistband of...

3 years ago
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satisfied my lusty sister

Hello i m akshat 19 years old from lucknow and this is a true incident that i m going to narrate.The incident which I am recalling was when I was doing my 12th(a year back).Month was of May very hot. We were having holiday for two months. I used to go and play cricket almost all the days. It was in such golden era of my life that I got an accident while playing cricket on the fields. My left leg got a fracture. I was hospitalized and brought back to home. I was nearly 20 days bed rest. Felt...

2 years ago
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White Teen Boy and Man Sucks Old Black Men

My name is Ed, and my wife Donna and I are in our 50s and living in the Columbus, Ohio area. We have two grown children who are on their own and also live in Ohio. Donna is an elementary school teacher and I am the creative director in an advertising firm, which usually requires me to work long hours. One night I was in the office late and went to the rest room to pee, and I knew that I was alone except for the evening janitors. The urinals in our building are separated by short divider/splash...

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Another College Experience

My Junior year of college was definitely the most sexually active time of my life thus far. Granted, I just started my Senior year, but thus far, I haven't kept the pace that I did last year.I started crossdressing a few years back and do it in public every now and then as I look pretty feminine when I get dolled up. I have made it a habit that every Halloween, I would dress as something sexy and girly. Last Halloween, I had a plethora of costumes that I wanted to wear, but ended up wearing a...

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Anne Marie Kitten Book Store Slutwife

We had fooled around with some threesomes in years past. She has brought home a couple of her girlfriends for us to play with, and I have let her fuck around with two of my best friends while I watched. There is nothing that gets me hotter than picturing Anne Marie pleasing and being pleasured by another guy, but up until this point, I had always been present when she would take any cock other than mine. Needless to say, I was very surprised by the incidents that took place recently. My...

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Unexpected pleasure 3I think a little more background is called for as I continue with our story. This all took place in the early seventies please bear in mind no internet/mobile phones and all the easy communication we have today. I worked then and still do in the heavy plant business, a more macho occupation you couldn’t find and with what was going on with Rosie and I was to say the least a little groundbreaking. Most of the guys I worked with would never have considered such a course of...

3 years ago
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A House DividedChapter 2

I know what I want and this ain't it! After I had dropped Jo off at the airport, I went back to my office and called the home catering service again to make sure our first meals would be delivered tonight. I'm no cook and it wasn't likely I'd have the time or inclination to learn in the next months. We couldn't eat at restaurants every night, so, at Jo's suggestion, I called a home catering service and discussed a series of menus for our evening meals. We could cope with breakfasts and...

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WarlockChapter 3

It turned out that there was indeed a central Stores facility, which took up its own deck. Sophia was sent there by another nameless mechanic — the closest one she could find on the flight deck — who was immediately helpful. He even offered to walk her to the deck, just to make sure she found the place. Sophia gave him a tight smile and turned him down. She knew very well why he was suddenly so attentive. Her damp clothes were plastered to her body, leaving pretty much nothing to the...

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The Player PlayedChapter 2

We moved in a couple of days later. Not completely, we only took suitcases with enough clothes for a holiday as it were, and decided that decisions regarding our other possessions could be left for the time being. On the first morning Mr Johnson, who seemed rather older than the remarkably comely Mrs Johnson took us on a tour of the estate, all of which seemed to be running just fine, with the farm managed and various cottages let, in addition to which there was a considerable amount of...

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Her Black BF Booty Call Blacken

It was about one in the morning when her phone rang. We had been asleep for a couple of hours. We normally go to bed at eleven. Debbie reached for the phone."Hello baby," she said. "I hoped you would call."Sitting up, Debbie turned on the lap. With the light, I could see the sparkle in her eyes as she talked on the phone. "Sure baby. I will come right over. Just give me a little time to get ready." And then, "Ok. I can't wait too. I am excited. Kisses."With that, Debbie stepped out of bed and...

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Tom returned home from his second semester at Lyling Military University to find out that his mother and father would be gone for the next year to France leaving him home for his 2 week semester break alone with Deana; the Woman left in charge of the care of the house and to manage the servants until their return.   This was not the news Tom had hoped for, Deana was a very strict by the rules woman.   She was middle aged, had 2 children that had left home, and her husband had long been gone...

Straight Sex
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 05

Relentless weeks of rehearsals followed and Peter slid into an easy routine of collecting Jennifer at her apartment, attending rehearsals and taking her back to his apartment for dinner and music. Working, learning lines and memorizing stage movements were delightful tasks and always they had something to discuss. Even so, Peter did not attempt to hold her or kiss her. He was terrified of risking the friendship he believed they both enjoyed. At last, the time came for the villain to sweep the...

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