Upset? free porn video

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UPSET? Laura and I met at a sorority party our senior year at OSU. I was taking web page design and was on the swim team; she was a business major and majorette. We dated infrequently, both of us desiring to keep our grades up. We were realistic and knew the probability of us remaining together was pretty slim. After several meetings with potential employers that had visited campus it turned out that there were several companies interested in us. As luck would have it, I hooked up with a startup telecommunication company in Chantilly, VA and Laura was taken on by a banking operation specializing in loans, also in Chantilly, VA. We were pleasantly surprised to find we would be in the same area. After looking into the available housing, we found out it was one of the most expensive places in the state in which to live. On that note, we decided to look for a place to live and move in together. We were lucky to find a rather comfortable home to rent, since the owner was in the military and had been transferred to Korea. Our living arrangements were quite acceptable. We rarely entertained, but usually had a couple of pool parties in the summer. I was an old homebody, swimming laps in the pool to keep in shape; playing golf on a course than ran through our development. Laura, was different, however, and liked to go out frequently, and seemed to head to the clubs in nearby D.C. whenever some of the other ladies she worked with desired to go. Then, in early 2001, there seemed to be a crash in the stock market and telecom companies were falling like dominoes. My company was one of the first to declare bankruptcy. I was out of work and no-one was hiring. Being a homebody anyway, I felt no real loss at not having a lot of money to spend, there was only unemployment compensation. I started taking care of things around the house, cleaning and cooking, as well as the outside chores in order not to appear to be a burden. "Jimmy, could I ask you a favor?" Laura asked one Sunday evening. "I'm wondering if it would be too much of me to ask if you could take care of the laundry, also? Most goes to the cleaners anyway, so that leaves less than a basket full to do here. Could you?" "I don't see any problem with that," I replied. However, it turned out that a problem did arise. Handling her lingerie started to cause some stirrings in my loins, especially when I found matching sets of bras, panties and garter belts. I tried to put these things out of my mind as I folded them and put them away, but the feel of the nylon was eating into my psyche. One Wednesday, I was hanging some of her wash-and-wear items in her walk-in closet and came across a long garment bag. It must have been something new, as I had not seen it before. Curiosity got the better of me, and I looked inside. I found a lovely white peignoir set comprising a gown consisting of a lightly meshed chiffon outer layer over a more opaque inner nylon layer, and a robe of even lighter mesh chiffon that was barely there at all. I took it out and held it in my hands, it felt so smooth and slippery sliding through my fingers, sort of like touching a cloud if one could. I guess all the pent up feeling from handling her lingerie got the better of me, so I carried it into her bedroom and held it up to my neck as I looked in the mirror. It didn't take long, as I was already shirtless, and I pulled it over my head and let it float down over my body. I then pulled my shorts off and stood there rubbing the material over itself and my body. The feeling was unbelievable. I heard the buzzer to the dryer go off, and it brought me back from wherever my mind drifted off to. I immediately got one of those scared adrenalin rushes just thinking about getting caught by Laura. It was quite a high. I hurriedly returned the gown to it hanger in the garment bag and hung it back in her closet. Unbeknownst to me, the price tag got cut off by the zipper of the bag, and fell unseen to the floor of the closet. As I took care of the rest of the laundry, Laura came home and we chatted about each others day. Later that night, I found myself tossing and turning in bed thinking about the softness of the gown, and I ended up masturbating to the thought. The next day, while Laura was at work, I thought about some of Laura's other things, and how nice they felt. I went to her room, pulled out a pink bra, panty, garter belt set and sheer black stockings, and put them on. Since I did the laundry, I didn't figure she'd notice they have been handled. Again, the material caressed my hairless skin, and the stockings felt especially heavenly as I rubbed one leg against the other. I had heard about cross-dressers, but only now realized why they were hooked on wearing feminine garments. The feeling of the material and the rush one gets from thinking about getting caught was clearly addictive. I wasn't long before I moved to wearing more of Laura's things. Over the next couple of weeks, I would do something or another that I thought would be a little dangerous while dressed. For example, I would put on one of Laura's dresses and run a small safety pin through the dress and the slide of the zipper to make it harder to remove. Sometimes I would even pinch the side of the catch of the safety pin together trapping the tip there between. Other times I would wrap scotch tape around the ankle strap of a pair of three inch heels. Of course, my fantasies were all about getting caught, but in reality I knew Laura's schedule too well to actually dally enough to get caught. Or so I thought. It was a Friday morning, my chores had been done earlier in the week and I again went to Laura's room to find something to wear. I slipped into a lavender underwire bra to give me breasts, a lacy lavender garter belt, lavender satin panties and seemed black stockings. Then I donned a lavender camisole and a short lavender half slip. I then sat on the bed and put on a pair of 4 inch black spiked dress sandals. Feeling adventurous, I scotch taped the buckle of the sandals. I admired myself posing in the mirror for a few minutes, then went into the closet to find a dress, or a blouse and skirt outfit. After a few minutes, I decided on a grey turtleneck sweater dress that had no sleeves and a skirt that would barely fall below the hem of the half slip. I carried it back into the bedroom and was immediately brought up short by a surprised "OH MY GOD" from Laura. I dropped the dress and ran from her room to mine, barely making it I was shaking so hard. I slammed the door and hopped onto the bed, raising my foot to remove the shoe. I was shaking so hard I couldn't find the end of the tape to remove it, but I kept picking at it. BAM, BAM, BAM! Laura was pounding on the door. "Jimmy, what the fuck are you doing in my closet!" she yelled. "Answer me, dammit!" Then I reckon she realized I hadn't locked the door, and it flew open. She stalked over to me as I kept picking at the tape, and slapped my hand away. "Jimmy, what the hell's going on?" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I whispered, plummeting down off the high I had been in earlier, and resuming the picking at the tape. "Sorry? Sorry? That doesn't answer my question. What the hell are you doing in my close? Quit picking at the shoes!" she yelled. "Talk to me! Wait what are you picking at? You better not be tearing up my shoes! Is that tape? Why'd you put tape around the buckle? Shit, this is too weird." She walked out and came back a few seconds later carrying the dress I had dropped and a camera. "Do you know how much this dress cost? You better not have stretched it out. Damn it, here, put it on! You can just pay me for it!" she said. "And you can pay me for the other clothes you have on too! Go on, put it on! That's what you were planning wasn't it? NOW!" Trembling, I pulled it over my head as she took several pictures of me, stood, and smoothed it over my butt as I sat back on the bed. "You can leave those clothes on until you can give me a satisfactory accounting of your actions," she said while continuing to take more pictures, and she then walked from my room. I couldn't find the strength to face her, so I sat there. I heard her leave about ten minutes later. I guess she'd tired of waiting for me to come out and explain things. I eventually drifted off to sleep, the downer having left me quite drained. I awoke to the sound of my door slamming open. It was nearly 2 am. Laura was standing there, telling me to get up and go to the living room. I was calmer now and thus managed to get to the living room. "Well?" asked Laura. "I'm waiting." She patiently waited as I managed to explain how this all got started peignoir set and the rush I got from dressing up, assuring her that I had never done this before, and that I had no idea I had these tendencies. When I finished, she wanted to know what other clothes I had worn, so she headed me off to her bedroom and told me to take out the clothes I had worn from her closet. I did as ordered and piled them on the bed. "I wondered about that price tag I found on the closet floor a while back. Now I know. Fine, you want to wear it, it's yours too. You can sleep in it tonight! It's going to cost you a pretty penny to replace those things on the bed. Anything else?" she asked, as she walked back into the closet. "No Mam," I meekly replied, and to which she raised an eyebrow. "Get your things and bring them to your room, you need to hang them up," she ordered. "Yes Mam," I said, getting everything together and piling them on my bed. She sat and watched as I was putting things away. I soon ran out of space in my closet. "What do I do with the rest?" I asked. "Mam!" she stated. "Huh?" I asked. "You started calling me 'Mam' earlier, continue," she replied with a slight grin. I swallowed the lump in my throat, "Yes Mam. What do I do with the rest, Mam?" "I don't know, take some of your clothes out so these can fit!" she stated. "And what will I do with my clothes, Mam?" I asked. "Throw them in a trash bag," she directed. "In fact get all your male clothes and bag them. You can put them in the loft in the garage. You can have them back after you've paid for your 'new' clothes." "B-but, what will I wear?" I asked. "MAM!" she shouted. "What will I wear, Mam?" I asked again. "You'll just have to wear skirts and dresses, until you earn your male clothes back," she replied "But, what about when I do the chores, like mowing the lawn, Mam? I can't wear high heels on the lawn." I implored. "Hmmm," she thought out loud, "maybe a tennis dress with ruffled panties and pink tennis shoes? Yes, since I need to go shopping to replace the clothes you've taken, we'll both go shopping tomorrow for your tennis outfit. Now do as I instructed, then put on your night gown and get some rest. Morning comes early, and you'll soon find out what it means when we girls say 'Shop 'til you drop'." Early the next morning Laura barged into my room telling me to get up, shower and shave closely. As I was showering, she set out my lingerie, along with a denim skirt, white blouse, and three inch strappy sandals. I was soon dressed and she applied some makeup on me, informing me that since it was early, the makeup should be light. During the process she thinned my eyebrows considerably. I couldn't believe the girl looking back at me from the mirror when she was finished was I. "Not bad if I say so myself," she stated. "You'll attract the attention of some of the guys that hang out at the mall ogling the women. (I groaned) Now, go make breakfast while I get ready." "Yes Mam," I replied. She came out in tan shorts, a tank top and tennies. "Why can't I wear shorts and tennies, MAM?" I asked. "Do you have any?" She asked in return. "No Mam," I replied. "OK, let's eat and get going. You can do the dishes when we get back," she instructed. We found ourselves at the mall about a half hour before opening time. Laura suggested that we walk to the other end, window shopping along the way, then actual shopping and the way back. While walking along, I noticed she was right about the guys, seemed to me there was always some guy staring at us every where we turned. Once the stores opened, we moved to the misses section of one of the anchor store to start to replace Laura's clothes. She informed me, "we won't buy everything at once, since it would be too hard to carry and load it in the car. We'll just have to find time to come back." She picked up a few dresses and shoes, making sure that she had the proper attire to go out evenings. She made me keep the receipts in my purse so I could keep an accurate accounting of the expenditures. I kept a running total of the receipts in my head, and wondered to myself how I would ever repay her. Eventually, we ended up in the sporting goods shop and looked through the tennis outfits until she found me a very short dress with ruffled panties. Of course, she made me try them on, too. Then she found me a pair of pink tennies and also got me a pair of white tennies with pink stripes and pink laces. I told her my feet were killing me and asked if I could wear the white and pink tennies now. She flatly refused my request with the "now you know what we girls go through" line. Moving towards the front of the store she paused at the swim- wear section and picked up a hot pink two piece bikini set. I just knew it was for me. "OK, were done in here, let's go get some lunch," said Laura. We got some things at the food court and sat there resting for a bit. "So, how do like being a girl now?" she asked. "I think you've about taken something out of it," I said. "Well, I guess I'll have to think of something new for you to try," she said. "OK, let's head toward the car." A little down the way, we came across a ear piercing kiosk advertising two- for- one special. "OK, Jennifer, time to for something new." "Jennifer?" I asked. "I could go in and use your real name if you wish," she said. "Jennifer is fine, thanks," I said. She took me up to the kiosk and asked the attendant for the special, and picked out a pair of pink studs and a pair of gold studs. As I was getting the piercings, Laura walked off, and I started to panic. "Relax," said the attendant mistaking my nervousness. "This won't hurt a bit." After I was done, I took a seat on a nearby bench and waited for Laura to return. While waiting some guy sat down next to me and tried to make conversation, but I managed to discourage him without giving myself away. As he left, Laura walked up and asked, "Who's your new boyfriend? Did you give him your phone number?" Blushing, I responded with, "Nobody. No Mam." "Too bad," she said, "he looked pretty good. Didn't you think so, Jennifer? Oh well, you don't have time to take a lover, yet." she teased. "OK, I think we've done enough damage to your pocket book, let's go home." "Yes Mam," I said, noticing a couple of boxes she had brought with her. We finally got to the car, loaded our purchases and headed home. Arriving home I was made to carry all the packages in and put her things on her bed and mine on my bed. When I got to the boxes she had acquired while I was getting my ears pierced, I asked her where they went. She told me to take them to my bedroom, and followed me there. "I want you to strip off now, down to your lingerie, she instructed. "Then you can open your surprise." Doing so, I reached into the top box and pulled a waist cincher out. "Let's get your waist a little smaller, shall we? Turn around and I'll tighten it up for you, and then you can open the next box." In the next box was a short crinoline petticoat, which I had to pull on. In the final box was a black satin French maid's outfit, with white antique lace around the hem, the sleeves and the bodice. "Step into it Jennifer. Let's see how it fits." "Why a maids uniform, Mam?" I asked. "Well, you need to pay off your dept, so I've decided to let you work it off as my ladies maid," she responded. "I figure I can start you off at minimum wage, and if you are a good girl, we can discuss a raise in six months. Of course you don't have to, you can always pack up your new wardrobe and leave. Of course, I do have those photos your folks might be interested in." "No Mam, I think minimum wage is fair," I said despondently. What have I got myself into, I wondered to myself. "Good, I'm glad you agree. You can start with this morning's dishes and cleaning the kitchen," she said. "Please bring me an iced tea, first, Jenny." "Yes Mam," I said and started for the kitchen. "Hold it right there," she ordered. "you need to follow the ladies maid protocol now, Jenny. That includes a curtsy when you enter or leave my presence." "Yes Mam," I said doing my best curtsy and going to the kitchen to get Laura's tea. I found a serving tray and put a few crackers on it along with the tea, and returned to the living room, "Your tea, Mam," I said curtsying. "Very nice Jenny," she praised. "We'll make a proper ladies maid out of you in no time. It's good you already have taken on all the household chores, so it shouldn't take too much for you to adjust to your new position." "Yes Mam, will there be anything else Mam?" I asked. "No, if I need you later I'll ring this crystal bell," she said, tinkling the bell. "Yes Mam," I said, curtsied and went to clean the kitchen. Laura rang for me a couple of times, once to test me to make sure I was listening and again to request some more tea. "I think I'll move out to the patio by the pool, Jenny. Please take the tea out and make sure the lounge chair isn't hot." She requested. "Yes Mam," I said. While setting up the chair and a side table with her tea, she came out in the hot pink bikini. I stood up and curtsied, "I was afraid you had purchased that for me, Mam," I said. "It looks great on you, if I may say so." "Yes you may, Jennifer, thank you," she responded. "No I figured my old light blue would be nice on you. Why don't you go put it on? It's on you bed. You can then come back and swim a few laps." "Yes Mam, thank you Mam," I said and went to change. I returned and as I neared Laura, she pulled out the camera and had me pose for a couple of shots. Afterwards I started my laps. A half hour later I climbed out and Laura remarked I'd have to find away to hide my dick as the wet bottoms clearly outlined it.. She then sent me for more tea, and suggested I get a glass for myself, while we tanned. An hour and a half out in the sun left me with some tan lines that could not be hidden except by clothes. After our tanning session, we went in to change, I got back into my uniform and Laura into her new little black dress. She said she would be out until around 2 am. For the next couple of weeks I performed my usual chores, only now I had to wear my maid's uniform or the tennis dress, as appropriate for the chore. On Friday, of the second week, Laura called home and told me I was to get the rest of the day off, and she was taking me out to dinner for performing my duties appropriately. I was instructed to get cleaned up and put on the grey sweater dress I had been originally caught with. I was then told to lay out one of her outfits, consisting of red lingerie, a white blouse and a short red leather mini skirt. Upon arriving home later that day Laura remarked, "You look nice Jenny, I'll have to show you how to fix your make-up for evening though. I should be much darker." And she went in her room to shower. Stepping out of the shower she called me in to her room to help her dress. This was the first time I saw her naked, and I was in awe. "Quit gawking and help me dress, Jenny!" she laughed. Once we were ready, she drove us to a restaurant for a light meal. She inquired about my day and discussed hers a bit. She then said we would be going to Charlie's for drinks and dancing afterwards. I didn't eat much after that. "I don't think I'm ready to interact in public, Laura," I whispered. "Don't worry, you'll do fine, I'll do most of the talking," she assured me. "But what if some guy asks me to dance?" I asked. "I don't really know how, especially from the ladies point of view!" "You don't have to dance, but you really should try to enjoy yourself a little. After all, you don't get out much," she said. "And you don't have to dance with every guy that asks. Who knows, there may be one guy who catches your interest and you dance with him all night," she teased. I shivered. We got to Charlie's early enough to find a booth, and Laura ordered us a couple of small strawberry daiquiris. "I think I could have used a large one," I nervously remarked. She replied, "Don't worry, when that one gets low you probably find another on the table from some admirer. Of course, if you do, it doesn't mean you have to let him sit at the table, but you might thank him with a dance." God, I was a nervous wreck. As the evening progressed, I ended up dancing with three fellows, and we didn't have to buy another drink for the rest of the night. At one point, we heard someone shout out Laura's name. The guy came over and Laura introduced us, stating that his name was Mark and worked with her. Mark took my offered hand and kissed it. "Where have you been hiding?" he asked. I forced a smile at that old line, and stated, "I work for Laura as her personal maid." "I wish I had a maid like you," he responded. "Say Laura, why don't you and Jennifer come down to the marina tomorrow and we can go out on my boat? I could probably find a date for her." I quickly responded, "No thank you, I have certain chores to do on Saturdays." I was relieved to find out that he was more interested in Laura than me. I looked imploringly to Laura for support. Laura smiled and said, "Yes, she has to do a few things, first. Maybe Sunday would be better?" I jerked and exclaimed, "Wait, that's laundry day!" "Oh poo," said Laura, "you can do the laundry on Monday. It's not like I don't have anything to wear. Say Mark, why don't you invite Jason?" My God, she was setting me up with a date with another man. "I saw Jason here earlier, let me go look for him and bring him over to introduce him to your maid?" Mark responded. Mark did manage to find Jason and we were introduced. "I don't believe you're really Laura's maid," said Jason. "Oh, but she is," remarked Laura. "Why don't you and Mark come by early Sunday morning for breakfast and see how she looks in her uniform?" "If it's a French maid's uniform, I'm there!" echoed Mark and Jason simultaneously. "Oh it is," said Laura, "a little black one too. So we'll see you guys Sunday morning. Night!" No one noticed I hadn't said a word recently. I was scared. While Laura was taking us home, I asked, "How could you do that? I can't be dating another guy!" "Oh - no? What guy are you dating now?" she laughed. "You know what I mean," I responded. "Well, you are going to be living as my maid for some time to come, especially at the rate I'm paying you, said Laura. "Plus I plan on having people over for a pool party next week, so you can't hide, and you'll be expected to provide proper maid service. I figured you might as well get to know some of the guys I'll be inviting over so you'll be more relaxed. Plus you'll have some weekend days off and I don't want you hanging around the house all the time. This will get you committed to dating one guy, and you'll be able to truthfully tell other suitors that you already have a boyfriend. That is, if you and Jason hit it off Sunday. " "I think I'm getting ill," I meekly responded, and she laughed merrily. Sunday rolled around and Mark and Jason showed up for breakfast as promised. Laura had a good time at my expense by having me respond to her bell and constantly curtsying. After breakfast, I cleaned up the dishes and kitchen and changed into an outfit more appropriate for boating. My outfit consisted of sailor girl halter top and a short pleated skirt, under which I wore my bikini. Laura wore a more conservative short set over her bikini. Needless to say, the guys kept looking my way. Heading out in the boat, Jason asked If I'd like to drive. "Sure!" I said, not knowing that he intended to have me sit on his lap while he helped the little girl to steer the boat. Laura looked over, smiled widely and gave me a thumbs up. Jason was giving me something else up. I was beet red. We stopped at a little island and decided to go swimming. The guys expressed their appreciation of our bikinis in more ways than one. Why was I starting to notice their bulges? O was glad to get in the water so I could stay away from Jason, however, he proved to be as good a swimmer as I and reminded me of an octopus. It was a good thing I had tucked my dick and balls up into by body and SuperGlued the area closed. I'm sure he would have found something unexpected otherwise. On the way back to the docks I managed to stay away from Jason by laying on towels spread on the bow of the boat. Laura joined me. "I think Jason has a crush on you Jenny," she committed. "I know, but he is so aggressive," I remarked. "Do you think you could find me a guy less aggressive?" I surprised myself by asking. Laura chuckled, "No, I think Jason's aggressiveness will suit your submissiveness perfectly." "But I've never dated a guy before, I don't know how to keep him from putting his hands all over me," I replied. "There is one way you might get him to back off," whispered Laura. "You'd could tell him your actually a male maid." "Shit, he'd probably kill me!" I whispered back. "Well, if you can't control him, he's going to find out eventually," said Laura. "I saw the bulge in his shorts." I had a lot to think about on the way back to the dock. Once we put the boat away, Laura asked, "say guys, how'd you like to come over for supper? Jenny can get back into her uniform and serve some more." She was not going to let up. Mark and Jason accepted of course, but stated they had to go home and get cleaned up first. At home, I asked Laura what she would like me to prepare. "Nothing, we'll order Chinese when the guys get here," she said. "Now go get cleaned up and put on your uniform. You'll want to properly attired to meet our guests." "Yes Mam," I said with a proper curtsy. Later that evening, Laura had me put on some music while we sat at the pool. Everyone had a little fun at my expense for a while, but things did manage to settle down. As the music played, Mark pulled Laura into his lap and they started necking. Jason pulled me into his lap also and managed to give me a kiss. It wasn't as forced as I'd expected, but a little sensual. He sucked on my earlobe a little and turned my head to him and kissed me again. This time slipping in the tongue. At this point I gave in and relaxed in his arms. I was tired of fighting him off. Laura came up for air at one point and saw us cuddled together. She figured now was the time to inform Jason of my real position, while she and Mark were present. "Jason?" she called. "I think Jenny has something important to tell you, don't you Jenny? I looked over, sighed, and sitting up turned to face Jason. "What is it?" he asked. "Well, you know how you found it hard to believe I was Laura's maid? It is because I owe her a bit of money, and am working it off as her maid," I said. "Why don't you just get a regular job?" he asked. "You'd probably earn more money and be able to pay her back faster." "Well, its like this, now please don't get upset, but Laura has forced me into the position," I explained. Laura came home from work one evening and found me in her room wearing her lingerie and fixing to put on one of her dresses." "So?" he asked. "Please, don't interrupt and let me finish," I implored. "The thing is, I'm a male. Laura was so mad she feminized me and turned me into her sissy male maid. She took several photos of me and threatened to send them to my family. I think she has set us up so that she could have time to herself at home while we would be out on a date, or maybe it was more revenge on her part. You see when she found I had worn her cloths she made me buy them all. Of course, being out of work and here having those incriminating photos, all I could do was accept her proposal that I work as her ladies maid. Why she picked you to by my boyfriend, I don't know." Smiling, Jason responded, "I do. You see I'm very attracted to beautiful girls, but I an also bi. She knew I'd find you attractive, and figured I wouldn't get mad and pound on you when I find out. Does that sound accurate Laura?" "That's right Jason, replied Laura. "I was so mad at him, I had decided to not only feminize him but also make him take a boyfriend. I couldn't actually force him to take a boyfriend, but had to find someone aggressive enough to conquer him. I figured he was submissive enough that you'd have no trouble turning him into your girlfriend. The way you two were kissing and cuddling just now indicates I was right." Jason reached up and found a tear to wipe off my cheek, pulled me to him and passionately kissed me. He stood and picked me up in his arms, stating, "I think I've been teased by this feminine beauty too much this weekend, and am quite horny. I reckon Jenny is still a virgin and I'm going to have to change that." Laura called after us, "Just remember Jason, she's still my maid, and has to remain here with me until she pays off her debt." "Wait a minute, don't I get a say in this?" I asked. "NO!" everyone shouted at once. Jason said, "You're the submissive sissy and you're just going to have to learn how to be my girlfriend." With that he carried me into my bedroom and tossed me on the bed. He then stripped off his clothes and approached with an impressive 9" erection. He sat on the bed and leaned against the headboard, looked at me and told me to kiss his penis. I knew it was useless to fight it so I determined that this was going to be another first and reached out to hold him steady while I bent over and gave the tip a gentile kiss. Then, I licked it and tasted the pre-cum oozing from the tip. I then opened my mouth and took the head in, rolling my tongue around the ridge where he was circumcised. I then push down further and managed to slide the head into my throat without gagging. At this point I started pumping his dick with my mouth until he came, squirting his cum down my throat. I pulled off when he quit squirting and was surprised that he was still hard. "Time to take your virginity, Jenny," he said huskily. "Roll over and put your pretty ass in the air." After I did as instructed he flipped my skirt and petticoats over my back and pulled my panties down to my knees. "I think you've left me wet enough to enter your ass, however, it will hurt, so don't tense up. Just relax and it will be easier. Slowly, he pushed his dick in my ass until he was all the way in. At this point he started pumping, slowly at first, then picked up the pace when I started responding and pushing back to meet his thrusts. I couldn't believe this felt so good. "Fuck me harder, harder!" I shouted. Since he had gone off in my mouth earlier, it took a bit longer for him to reach his second orgasm. This enabled me to have and orgasm like no other. When he felt me shuttering and squeezing his dick harder he finally came. I then stripped off my uniform so I could get a shower. As I stood there naked, he asked, "if you're a male, where's your dick?" I told him how I had glued it up in my body so that I could present a more feminine line in my bikini. He laughed at this and took me into the shower so we could clean up. While in the shower, he had me wash his back and then had me kneel and wash his dick. This caused him to get another erection, which I had to relieve before we got out. In the bedroom, he slipped on his boxers to sleep in and I put on the white gown from peignoir set that had caused all of this to happen. "God," he said, "if I could get it up again I'd have to fuck you again." Soon it was Monday morning, and I knew I had a lot to do to clean up from last evening. I woke Laura with breakfast in bed, surprised that Mark had not spent the night. "Where's Mark?" I asked. "I don't go to bed with a guy on a first date, unlike some girl I know," she replied. "I don't want to hear any excuses today, you have a lot to do, there's last nights dinner, and there's also the laundry you didn't get to Sunday. I expect everything to be done properly by the time I get home tonight." "Yes Mam," I said remembering to curtsy. "So, now that you've been made into a woman, what are your plans for when you've finally paid your debt? Are you going to return to being Jimmy, remain here as my maid, or run off and move in with Jason?" she asked. "I have a feeling that Jason isn't a one woman kind of guy," I replied. "I think I'd like to have real breasts, so if you could pay for them, I think I'd like to remain as your maid." "I was hoping you'd say that," she smiled. "I reckon I can find you other boyfriends." "If Jason doesn't mind," I found myself saying.

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Teri Mike Me

If we hadn't both been a little drunk, the whole thing might not have happened. We were, though; tipsy anyway, relaxing at the neighborhood bar after working out at the gym. Mike was my neighbor, best buddy, drinking partner, and the black answer to every woman's dream. At least that's what the women thought; hell, that's what I thought. I'm not gay, or puny, or bad-looking, but I thought he was gorgeous. Worse, he was easy-going and modest, which pretty much assured him of a steady stream...

3 years ago
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My Chachi My Angel The Slow Sex

Hi this is mohit(name changed), im 21 years old still, I live in raipur , lets get to the point, this is the story about my first sexual encounter with my aunt(chachi) , let me describe her she is voluptuous,5 6″ in height and with fair to pinkish complexion, she is 34 yrs old, she has long hairs with a round face , her cheeks are almost pink which makes her look more beautiful, her lips are the most beautiful part of her face they are pink but when she applies lipstick over them it makes her...

2 years ago
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Kyles Wife

Jill, my wife, and I attended the annual October formal of our dance club on a Saturday night. I was dressed in a standard tuxedo with a black bow tie. Jill wore a strapless, floor length forest-green sheath formal, spilt up the left leg to mid thigh, and a long string of pearls wrapped four times around her neck with the first loop tight against her throat and the last cascading to nestle against her breasts. Her blonde hair was in a bun. Her makeup was lightly applied with a hint of green eye...

1 year ago
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My Intimate Experience with a Woman

I was feeling excited at the thought of touching and being touched by a woman for the first time. I had been looking forward to this so much and it turned me on knowing we were going to be watched by my partner. I wanted him to see me being touched in an intimate way by a woman. It was not just any woman either. Emma was one of my closest friends. We had both been curious about what it would be like to have a woman touch us and it was her who suggested she would like to be touched by me and not...

3 years ago
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The Coach

When I was young I was told I could be a cheerleader. I jumped at the prospects and became one of the “popular girls” at school. I was always practising my cheers and even helped pick the new girls for the team.Of course, being a teenager and a cheerleader, it meant that I partake in some activities that helped me assimilate into the squad. I also got to help the new girls on the team assimilate. Suffice to say, by the time I turned eighteen, I was a confirmed lesbian.I loved being a lesbian,...

2 years ago
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Majhi khalaloo aai

Namaskar iss vachak ho! Hee gosht ahe jevha mee 17 varshacha hoto and majhi aai sadharan 38. Maaze vadil nokri nimitta pardeshi astat and varshatoon ekdach kahi divasa sathi ghari paratat. Eka varshi jevha baba ghari ale hote tevha ratri mee pani pyayla uthlo hoto. Aai babancha kholivaroon swayampak gharat jatana sahaj aat dokavlo. Daar thodese ughde hote and atoon awaj jet hote. Mee dar thodese dhakalle. Aat bed lamp chaloo hota ani palangavar aai babanchi pranaykreeda chaloo hoti. Aai...

3 years ago
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Homosexual Indoctrination the Possessor Possesses Liberty Boy

01 The fight between Control, The Possessor's minion, and Liberty Boy, the daring sidekick of Liberty Man had gotten pretty out of hand. Control and Liberty Boy, both spandex clad, Control in purple and Liberty Boy in patriotic red, white, and blue, swung at each other, but Liberty Boy was more swift and, with an uppercut, knocked out the young villainous minion. Liberty Man's sidekick tossed Control against a wall and posed, hands on hips, spandex hugging his increasingly toned body, to...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Anya Olsen 23671

Anya Olsen loves taking sexy, half-nude pictures of herself and printing them out. The problem is that she loves doing it at work, and when there’s a problem with the printer and she needs IT to help her, it turns into an even bigger problem. But that’s what happens to her today, and Tyler the IT guy is there to assist her, and it seems that she may have momentarily forgotten what exactly was printed on the paper, because she doesn’t seem to care that he’s fishing through the printer. But when...

1 year ago
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My First Sex I love Pink

Note: These events took place with minor alterations. The names of people and places have been changed to protect the promiscuous.I was working in a shoe store before my last year of high school, a job I loved since I love ladies with sexy legs especiallyin stockings and sexy. I was 17 years and quite shy. I do have a slight speech difficulty.It was late on a Friday when this beautiful lady, well dressed wearing and pink satin scarf walked into the shop. She had quite a lot of shopping from...

3 years ago
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On My OwnChapter 15

On the way back to the far side of the park, I called the auto parts store to get the fuel pump for the Daniels car. I also ordered the other stuff to tune and service it. I asked about the shaft and housing and they said they could get it, but it would not be available until tomorrow. I told them to order it for me, along with the service materials for the car. I pleaded, "Could you bring me the fuel pump and the other goodies. Tell the gate guard that I'm at the Daniels and Kelly places....

3 years ago
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My Singing Valentine

It was the day before Valentines Day and it was always the beginning of one of the funnest events of the year. Every year for two days we would have a fundraiser for the Student Council called singing valentines. Students and faculties would the week before purchase a song to have performed for someone. During the two days participants would interrupt classes in order to perform these songs. You could send them anonymously if you wanted to. This particular year one of the hottest girls in the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Train journey to Lao Cai

Train journeys always make me horny. No idea why. Maybe it’s the frequency of the monotonous clacking and rattling of the wheels. Maybe it’s the mellow vibration. I don’t know, but my thoughts always seem to drift into a certain direction. If a cat’s purr have healing power, then I’m sure train rides can have some sort of aphrodisiacal effect. I will have to google that once we’re back to civilization with Wi-Fi.I haven’t taken a train for over ten years. I drive everywhere these days, but in...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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ChanceChapter 6 Parting

Morning came too soon for both. Duncan had left a wake up call, but that was a real misnomer! He hadn't been able to shut his eyes for more than an hour or two all night. And he hadn't been able to sleep then. In the bathroom he nicked himself shaving, couldn't find his styptic pencil, then bled profusely through the toilet paper he used to stem the flow. Knowing he was grumpy Duncan vowed to hold his tongue. He may never see Helen again and he wanted her to have kind thoughts of him in...

2 years ago
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Devon Sports Center fact fantasy

I used to go to a sports center near where I lived that had a wet area that three days a week was clothing optional. It had a sauna with a cold plunge pool, a 6-8 person jacuzzi and a steam room as well as a relaxation area and two showers. The first couple of times I went I wore my trunks, but by the third one I was naked like the majority of the people. I'm not going to lie the clientele was 95% male. Occasionally some couples would come in and more rarely a single woman or a couple of women....

3 years ago
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Celeb bots

We provided top notch Sex Dolls for years and now have gotten provision from several comic book companies to make a new line of sex dolls based on several of your favorite television series and can be customized in any way. Just place an order you will receive within 2-4 business days. Then you can use your lover in any way you see fit.

3 years ago
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Madame Morgan Danyelle

Madame Morgan: Danyelle Dan, an overweight hairy closet transvestite with thoughts of becoming a woman, is checking out a nice pair of stretchy boot cut pants to try on and possibly buy, "Oh wow these look like they might fit me." He grabs a blue top to match the black pants, then grabs some men's clothes as a cover to get into the dressing room. During all this he doesn't notice a beautiful woman watching his every move, studying him closely. In the dressing...

2 years ago
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Seducing My Sister Sanju 8211 Part II

Hi Vicky again with the continuation of the story, seducing sister Sanju. First things first thank you for the amazing feedback. After the completion of my conference, we started back to our hometown. On the flight, Sanju and I have decided that the amazing days in Delhi will be our little dirty secret and we will fuck whenever our parents are not around or whenever we find time. She told me that she loved me and would follow my orders as instructed. In my mind I started thinking, “What have I...

2 years ago
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Letting Go

“Baby, is that you?” Skylar sits up in her bed, startled. A thin sheen of sweat covers her forehead, matting some tendrils of dark wavy hair to her slick skin. “Are you there baby?”She blinks her eyes and rubs them, trying to focus and adjust to the darkness. A small glimmer of ambient light hovers in the room, casting silhouetted outlines for her to make out. The clock on her bedside nightstand reads 4:19AM. Her brain, still foggy from the Ambien, wrestles with the strictures put on her...

3 years ago
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A great night with Bec

I open my eyes. I’ am greeted by a pleasant surprise. A smile crosses my face as I look down and see Bec’s face imbedded in my stomach. “Morning” I smile. “Morning sexy” Bec replies. I lay back and shut my eyes as Bec moves her lips down my stomach. My mind is flooded again, reliving the visions of the previous night. What a night! Is all I can really say? I have thought about her for such a long time and last night I acted on it. It started with a night out as most do. I hit the dance floor...

Oral Sex
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Amatures in need 1

"Hi and welcome to Amatures in need" I said looking into the camera, after Steve had turned it on."Me and Steve have come to this little town in the midlands, because we received a urgent email from a middle aged woman named Carol, who has two k**s, a mortgage, no partner, and is really in need of a good hard fuck! So lets go find her!" I then said letting the audience know what was going on.You see, while we were filming Grandma Honey's videos, we started getting plenty of emails from ordinary...

1 year ago
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Samanthas Strip PokerChapter 8 Playing for Keeps

This time it was my turn to thank her. She sat cross-legged on the floor, doing nothing to conceal her cunt from my rapt gaze. I didn't even bother to look at my cards before I agreed to see her blind. She flopped the 4-6 of clubs, and the seven of hearts. I checked and she went all in. I finally looked at my cards, and I had the three of clubs and the six of hearts. Instead of going back to rubbing my shaft through my undershorts, I pulled my tool out and started yanking on it openly in...

3 years ago
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Bi threesome chapter 2 NOT mine

David, Amy & I Ch. 02If you read the first chapter, Amy and My Birthday Gift, you will recall that my best friend Amy presented me David to help me live out omy fantasy of a long, relaxed affair with another man and Amy added the spice of watching and participating.After I had blown David and enjoyed the flow of his copious cum down my throat, the three of us took a few moments to gather ourselves before continuing with the next step. Nothing was structured here – it was just what we...

1 year ago
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Tina and Paula The Final Party

Standing naked in front of the mirror, I don't look like much. I’m skinny, boney even, and my breasts are non-existent, some would even say I look like a boy. Sometimes I wish I had been born a boy. So many things would have been different, so much of my life might have turned out different. Most importantly, Tina might have fallen in love with me. I run my hands over my breasts. My nipples spring to life after my hands pass over them. I think about Tina and all the things we've done together....

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 830

This grouping is compliments of J & B Why? Because... 1. Why do men’s clothes have buttons on the right while women’s clothes have buttons on the left? BECAUSE When buttons were invented, they were very expensive and worn primarily by the rich. Since most people are right-handed, it is easier to push buttons on the right through holes on the left. Because wealthy women were dressed by maids, dressmakers put the buttons on the maid’s right! And that’s where women’s buttons have...

4 years ago
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Disabled But Still Able Part 3

It was in November that Brian broke his neck and became paralyzed. He still had motion in his arms, but his fine motor skills and his fingers were affected. The nerve damage to his legs was complete and he would be using a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He wondered at the time if he would ever have sex again. It was only the following summer that his questions were happily answered by two different women. The first was the personal care attendant he and his mother had hired. The second...

2 years ago
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The Bliss Pill Part 2

The Bliss Pill - Part 2 (Natasha - Things start to get interesting..) I awoke early. The only gap in the curtains letting sunlight through, straight onto my eyes. Was yesterday a dream? Feeling down between my legs, my cock and balls were back. Remembering last night, I stroked my cock to full attention, thinking about the pleasures I had experienced. As a full male, thoughts of plunging my cock deep into my own pussy drifted through my mind and it wasn't long before my cock...

1 year ago
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Dyked Arya Fae Nina North Megan Sage Knowing The Right Positions

Arya and Nina have heard great things about their new yoga teacher. She supposedly knows the most practical poses plus has a rockin body that almost anyone could appreciate while doing some relaxing stretches.their first class starts, they begin to notice her curves right away. The funniest thing about this was that their teacher was noticing them too.she helped them on their stretches, her hands seemed to slightly wander away from the safe zones. The girls didnt mind it, until she started...

3 years ago
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Andrews Girl Goes Black

Larry and Andrew had been friends for about 9 to 12 months. Larry was black, 6 ft tall with dark skin. Andrew was white a little taller than Larry. Andrew was dating Jen, she was Asian probably 5’ 3” with long dark hair and a tight little body. Priya was Indian about the same height as Jen with brown skin, shoulder length black hair, and a very nice little body also. Jen was very much in love with Andrew but very flirty with Larry. Larry thought she was being nice and didn’t think too much...

4 years ago
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Locked up part two

As I looked at myself naked in front of the mirror in the bathroom, my reflection pleased me. My strong, muscular upper body was tight and hairless, albeit a small patch of chest hair in the middle of my upper chest, with a trail leading down across my six pack abs which led to my crotch. The hickeys left on my lower abdomen by Derek gave me chills remembering how he so expertly sucked me off two days before he left. The thought of it caused my cock start to swell, but then the chastity cage...

2 years ago
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Happy Horny Family

I am Neha Luv, with another hot lesbian story. I am thankful for all your response. Please email me your feedback at My son Ramesh had told me about his girlfriend and I could not wait for him to bring her home. Ramesh is a doctor. He is 5 feet 11 inch tall, rugged looking guy whom the girls must find sexy. I was looking forward to female company in my house. His girlfriend, he informed me ,intended to spend more time with me after marriage. What I had not told my son was that I had a long...

3 years ago
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Lord of the Ring

Walking down the street one day, something catches your eye in the gutter. You pick it up to discover it is a solid gold ring. You slip it onto your finger and it fits perfectly. It looks quite cool so you keep it on and go on your way, pleased at your find. After all, it could be worth something. You notice a group of girls going into the leisure centre and being a young, hot blooded male, thinks how good it would be if you could become invisible and go into the ladies shower block. You...

3 years ago
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Wife watching

Here again we are Raja and Reeta, the sexy couple from Orissa is sharing our new sex experiences with story16 viewers .I am Rajiv writing this new episode of “wifewathing” for your enjoyment and quick response in this subject on our email address. As you know my wife Reeta loves the position to be on Top and also sitting on the lap of me facing each other. In every move the backside BUTTOCKS of my wife plays a vital role, as it looks superb when she is on top and moves her hips vigorously with...

1 year ago
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Fucked Hot Bengali Office Colleague At Home

Hello friends! I’m back with my other story of how I got lucky with a girl and then made her my slut. First of all, thanks for liking my previous stories. Now coming back to the story. The heroine of my story is my office colleague Pooja. She has a brown complexion, with beautiful eyes, just like any Bengali girl. However, she is not a Bengali. She is quite a hot girl, and many people in our office have a crush on her. Luckily, we became friends as we both had our training together, and then we...

1 year ago
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Ample PatientChapter 2

He backs away and leaves me to my own thoughts. I need to be left alone. I need to think. I need to calm down. My heart races and my hands shake, and they do so even more than before. I find myself unable to remember the location of the letters on the keyboard. And then I wonder if he noticed. "Did he notice my amazement?" I ask myself. "Did he hear my gasp when he said his length?" I figure I must have turned red with embarrassment. My body nearly drips with sweat. I stand up to get a...

3 years ago
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Smell of Vagina

Hi friends, this is Anuj from Mumbai. I want to share beautiful but true story of fucking of my mami.from the very first day i saw mamiji, i started masturbating thinking about her. One day my dreams come true. Once mamaji had terrible jhagda with mamiji. Mamiji the left mamaji’s house and came to ours. But to my fortune no body was there in my family as all have left for calcutta to attend a marriage. Mamaji’s house is almost 30km from ours . And she came at 10p.m. I told mami that i ‘ll drp u...

3 years ago
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Seduction at the Old Gaol Ch02

“I’m here for the tour,” James said with his dangerously addictive smile.Belinda looked up from the reception desk of the old gaol. He was wearing a different suit; this one wasn’t covered in dust, but otherwise he looked just as good. The punishment she’d inflicted on him on his last visit didn’t seem to have affected his confidence as he sat on her desk and continued to flirt. Even the growing queue of people forming behind him didn’t stop him from leaning over the desk and kissing her.“Stop...

2 years ago
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Brandy Ch 0708

Chapter 7 THE DRESSERS It’s amazing how many men there are with a thing about clothing of one sort or another, either for themselves or for their partner and, sometimes both. Of course, as I’ve said before, most men are more likely to be turned-on by something visual than the average woman is. For instance, there have been several attempts at launching magazines for women that include naked or semi-naked men, none have really been successful – compare that with the constant flood of ‘girlie’...

4 years ago
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An Outbreak of Violence

I gave up looking for a place in the car park and stopped on the verge. The rain had turned the grass to mud. At least it wasn't dog shit flaking off my shoes as I dragged my hangover round the office looking for somewhere to plug in my laptop. "Marion! You're late this morning. What are you doing out here among the workers?" Phil loomed over me, his immaculate image of pinstripe suit and silk tie marred by thinning hair combed across an expanse of pink scalp. "Hi, Phil. The bastards...

2 years ago
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boarding school for loving boys chapter 6

“I don’t give a crap. It’s a story. We don’t get paid for this, so crawl back into your hole if you don’t like my stories. Subject: Boarding school for loving boy’s chapter 6 Copyright: 2010 Not to be changed or copied without the owners consent. Gay: Young friends Story line: This story contains sexual contact between consenting boys and teens, love is also involved. Do not read this story if you are under 18 and it’s against your laws to read it. I did not bend your...

3 years ago
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My Mail Carrier

In my life, things always happen when I least expect them particularly with sex. I am an average guy average build with an average cock (6”) and definitely not a player. About three and half weeks ago, I am sitting at my desk as I work from home and travel a couple of days per week for work. The doorbell rings around 11AM, it is my mail carrier Cindi asking to use the bathroom. This is very odd as she delivers mail like clockwork around 2:00 – 2:15PM everyday for the last 14 years – never...

2 years ago
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Daddy Ians bed time story for his subs Shann

The three of us are at my house in the mountains enjoying a relaxing evening....Sandy has just arrived and I have instructed the two of you to put on your new schoolgirl outfits that daddy has bought for you both...little plaid skirt barely covering your ass cheeks, white ankle socks, white panties, sheer white blouses, your school tie and no bras‎...your hair to be put in braids and slutty makeup, way overdone...and then to return to the living room where I am awaiting your arrival...You both...

2 years ago
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Father Fucks Me HARD

In his dream she stood before him naked, her mouth open in hot desire as she looked up to kiss him, their tongues thrashing as he squeezed her full breasts. As he fondled her breasts he felt his arousal grow and his need became desperate as he tried in the dream to enter her. Then he woke up, still hard and desperate, the bed beside him big and empty, so he couldn't roll into Marion's waiting and welcoming embrace for a morning quickie. He reached for the laptop and opened a tab to his...

1 year ago
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Take My Cherry

“If you want, you can take my cherry!” I’m not sure how it came that I heard it at all, with the music blaring much too loud through the worn-down speakers and the crowd around me shouting and jumping. Someone had bumped into me, as if I hadn’t been miffed enough after Kirsty and Jo-Anne had somehow up and vanished from the party. I had swiped the spilled Tequila Sunrise from the front of my red tank top as good as I could and cursed the gods. This should have been our big end-of-year party,...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Whitney Wright Alexa Nova Yoga Rivals

Whitney Wright and Alexa Nova, two teenage friends, are practicing yoga together. As they show off various sensual poses, they compliment each other, although they soon become more critical as jealousy sets in. Both girls are proud and competitive, not backing down when the words start stinging. In fact, their poses just get more demanding as they try to prove themselves to be the most flexible. Things get heated when they start hitting below the belt and taking personal jabs at each...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Jynn The Guy With The BBC Is Jynn8217s Former Student

It’s the ultimate MILF fantasy: student fucks his former teacher, teacher fucks her former student. While Lil’ D. fixes her computer, Jynn, a 50-year-old wife and mom (and former teacher), watches and touches herself. She likes what she sees. At this point, she doesn’t care if her internet access gets fixed or not. “I think the internet should be good now, Mrs….” Lil’ D. says when he’s done. “Jynn,” she says. “It’s...

2 years ago
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Beauty and The Beast Chapter 6

“Good evening Rose,” said The Beast as she entered the dining room. “How many potatoes would you like with your stew?” Throughout the meal, The Beast made conversation as he usually did, and so after a few minutes Rose began to try to turn her head so that the light would show her new appearance in its best light. The Beast appeared not to notice. Eventually, Rose allowed her vexation to get the better of her. “Do you notice any difference about me this evening?” she asked. The Beast sighed...

2 years ago
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Continued 1

"Put it in your mouth."There was a war going on inside me in that moment. I mean, I wanted to, so badly. I was fighting the desire to start fingering myself right there between his legs, but I'd also never done anything, well, in front of people before. I glanced over at Tim and Michael, and they had that look, I mean, we all know that look. So much desire, but almost frozen by it. I looked up at Andre, that gentle, encouraging smile, those beautiful abs, and that glorious fucking cock right in...

3 years ago
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The Replacement

The Replacement Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a caption by Commentator] Carrie's hands started to tremble as she heard her younger brother entering her apartment. The tea in the cup in her hands thrashed about while she placed it upon her tabletop. Clearing her throat, Carrie called out, "Lee, can you come in here for a moment?" "What's up?" Lee inquired while he stared down at his sister. His inquisitiveness turned to concern once he noticed the nervous look...

4 years ago
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Office Ka Dost 8211 Part II

Hai all im divya from dehradun mere life ka pehli sex incident ‘Ofiice Ka Dost’ ko maine sab ke saath share kiya roj mere id pe itane emails arahe socha 2month pehele jo huwa o bhi batake mann ka boj halaka karalu, jaise aap logo nay pada meri pehli kahani me ‘office dost’ me kaise aaku nay mujhe bf ke hote hue bhi patakae chodha, uss din raath bhar nindh he nahi aaya pehli chudai ka dard aur sex ki talaf sone nahi diya saath me bf ko dokha dene ka guilty feeling bhi nindh uda diya tha, phirr...

2 years ago
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Hotel Sex with an Xhamster Friend

I'm meeting a new guy, Sandy today. He's coming from 12 hours away to have a fun weekend of sex with me. I'm excited and have booked a hotel room at the local Days Inn. It's far enough away from home, but still close enough to downtown or anywhere else he'd like to go see. That's if he wants to go any place besides to bed. The hotel has been built around the swimming pool and hot tub. I like it because you don't have to go outside to get to the pool area and each room has a view of the...

1 year ago
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Camping and Found My Love

My name is Eric. I went camping with my friend Justin this weekend and his wife Lana and his sister Bonnie was there. I told them I couldn’t make it to the lake because of my car but I got a ride to the road and surprised them. I walked around the trees blocking the way and the first one to see me was Bonnie. I looked at her and moved my finger saying come here and she started running to me not telling them why. She leaped in my arms and I held her off the ground for a few seconds. When I...

1 year ago
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Private Ginebra Bellucci Horny Maid Eager To Impress

Ginebra Bellucci is a sexy teen brunette who debuts today at in Sensual Maids 2 and this young and hungry girl entices her boss by presenting her juicy ass and pussy up in her sexy stockings on the kitchen table. But of course that’s not enough for Geneva and she wants even more as she seduces a client into joining them for quite the spectacular threesome. Watch as Geneva sucks cock left and right, gagging and deepthroating before taking turns fucking both lucky guys in some great...

1 year ago
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Me and my sister

I came home one day from school to find a note on my fridge from my mom. It said ," I won't be home for 2 weeks, I have a work thing in London. Love you, Bye!. P.s. Melissa is in charge, so listen to whatever she says Nichole!" I sighed and ripped up the paper. It was common for my mom to just up and leave for her work projects. She was an writer of books like "50 Shades Of Grey" and London was most times where her books were set in place. My father died in Afghanistan a long time ago...

4 years ago
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A BadMans Revenge

A BadMan's Revenge William Bonnie gets revenge on Pat Garrett. This story takes place in modern times. I did get this from Hedi, Bobbie, Larry, Helga, Nicole, and Billy. I hope you like it. Peace. Belle. Pat Garrett was a mean person. Pat was the type of person who would throw a sack of kittens or puppies in a river for laughs. William or Billy as he was called, would fight when he had to. Billy never went looking for trouble, but always caught the short end of...

1 year ago
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Sex with My Teacher

COMPLETE FANTASY I was in high school at age 16, and I had known for a while that I was bi. I was about 6 foot 150 lbs with brown hair, I was also slightly athletic. I always had the biggest crush on my teacher, he was dark haired and had a wonderful beard. He was shorter than me, probably 5'8" and 150lbs. He had just a wonderful build to him that drove me nuts. I always fantasized what his dick looked like. Anyway I was pretty sure he was gay because of the way he acted and he never had a...

Gay Male
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My best night of TV ever

Hi guys, heres my first story. After reading a lot of stories and seeing the abuse in the comment section, I have disallowed commenting. Feel free to PM me though. A few things: Yes, I am a woman and No, I dont fuck my dogs. I also dont want any contact, other than constructive comments on my story. Be sweet and maybe Ill write some more. Love, Kitty My best night of TV ever The loosening of moral laws by the new government had freed the people from the increasingly close-minded politics of...

3 years ago
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Huddersfield fun true story

I had been to the Huddersfield porno cinema all day. I was sucking and wanking around 30- 40 guys in there. The guys like watching porn and then going into the rpivate rooms with me. I would suck and wank and then let them finger my sweet arse for hours. As i left the cinema for a break, I walked onot the street and wanted fresh cock. I was bored of the middle aged guys all wankers sweaty and filty from masturbating for hours to hardcore pornographic films. I walked down the back street and saw...

1 year ago
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Hot Sex With A Married and Horny Pune Girl

Hi friends, this is my first story and it is a real incident. I am a new guy in Lucknow, staying in a PG. I was very active in some of the online apps and recently got a message from a 36 years old married lady, named Pooja in Lucknow. Her husband was a businessman who used to visit different cities for purchase and sale. Pooja loved her husband a lot but was very fascinated to try new things with other people. It took me almost 2 months to convince her to meet me and go out on a date. So, we...

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