ParenthoodChapter 6 free porn video

Monday morning I drove Liz to her campus, and promised to be there to pick her up in the afternoon. I had some business of my own to take care of, while she was meeting with her teachers. I found out that it felt good to really do something again, even if I wasn't making money, but spending it. Oh, well. In a few more months I would be able to make more of it, again.
Liz was tired, but smiling, when she jumped in next to me in the afternoon. She might have been tired, but it didn't stop her from telling me everything she had agreed to, with her teachers. If she managed to do everything, she would miss only a few lab study items, and she would be able to make those up next year. Back at my place she was once again on the verge of tears when she saw the laptop I had bought for her, but she agreed that it would really help a lot with her studies.
During the week we developed a routine of me dropping her at the college, and picking her up again. The following weekend she was busy with her studies, and I was busy making sure that her room would be ready. A nice queen-sized bed, a desk, a recliner and a nice shelf. If she used the desk, that would be fine, but if she didn't spend a single night in her bed, I wouldn't mind!
Sunday afternoon I gave her a duplicate set of my car keys.
"Liz, you have now been added to my car insurance. I think you'd better start practicing with it, since you'll need to drive it when you go home to visit your parents for Thanksgiving. I also paid the student parking fee for the rest of the year so you'll be able to drive to the campus and park the car there."
"I thought that you would be coming, too."
"My dear Liz, I don't know your dad, but I'm quite sure how I would feel if my little girl would come home and tell me that she is now living with someone twenty years her senior. They must have worried about you, and right now the best thing is just to convince them that you are doing fine with your studies."
She argued with me for a while. But when I made her think about her dad and how would he feel about me, she relented.
"John, I'll agree for now, but I am certainly not ashamed to been seen with you."
I just smiled and allowed her to lead me to bed. I guessed that dinner would have to wait. She really had her ways to make sure I didn't feel old!
Monday afternoon she was grinning ear to ear when she came home. When I raised my eyebrows as I looked at her, she was all smiles when she picked up a paper from her bag and put in front of me.
"See, John, I've been thoroughly tested and I'm clean. I also had my birth control shot renewed, so from now on we can forget the rubbers."
Maybe we would never get married, or have a long meaningful relationship, but certainly there was one way we were very compatible. I had always been very happy to eat pussy and now it was possible to give her a sample of something I was very happy in doing. I have to admit that I was quite satisfied with myself when she proclaimed afterwards that there should a warning sign on my tongue! Then she licked me clean until I was hard again, and after that she rode me, slowly but vocally. Once again, my double stimulation made her scream, and her pussy milked another load out of me.
Afterwards we snuggled on the sofa, ate some leftovers from the weekend, and told each other silly stories from our childhood.
It was Wednesday afternoon when we said our temporary goodbyes. She felt bad to leave me to spend my Thanksgiving alone while I did my best to convince her that I would be OK. Before she left she took a hold of me and looked into my eyes.
"John, as long as I live here with you, I and my body will belong exclusively to you. But I think it is unfair that during the last twenty years you have only been with your wife and me. I want you to go out and have sex with someone else. Just be careful and I don't want you to give oral to anyone else. Your wicked tongue is mine for now."
"But Liz, I have no need for that. Besides, I can hardly hold my own against you."
"Bullshit, John. You are in excellent shape and my mother surely will see that I'll walk bowlegged at least for a few days. Trust me, it would really make me feel a bit better if you would at least go out. I was like a slut for a while, and I really would like you to experience some other women. Just not the good-looking ones."
I looked at her not believing my ears.
"You really mean that, Liz?"
I shook my head.
"I can promise that I will go out, some day, but otherwise I'll not give any promises. That is all I can agree to."
She smiled and kissed me with passion.
"I'll check afterwards that you really did that. But remember, no kissing and no tongue, and use protection!"
"Yes, Mom."
She smiled and patted my cheek and then she was on her way. I shook my head and turned back in. Like hell I would go out and seek a one night affair. And yet some dark part of me found the idea at least a bit fascinating, and I could feel some stirring in my member. Like it would ever have any morals?
Wednesday evening and some time on Thursday afternoon, I did something to keep my mind occupied and check the status of my plans. My divorce should be final at the end of January. According to what I could see, everything was going just as I had predicted. The investment company I had worked for had taken some hits since I had left - as it seemed that they had missed some new prospects. On the other hand it was generally doing very well because I had planned and ordered a series of operations which were still ongoing. The asshole who had kicked me out, probably didn't even understand that for next few months they were still operating according to the instructions I had orchestrated. I had nothing against my old colleagues and I owned a big part of the company, so I surely didn't want them to fail. At least, not yet.
Thanksgiving day was bad, even though Mina called me. It didn't really help; I was sure that both of us had tears in our eyes when we finished. She told me that her brothers would be there with their girlfriends, and both my and Helen's parents would be there. She didn't have to tell me who's stupidity would be the main topic of the discussions. Luckily, Liz also called me later that day. She was so happy that it was infectious. She also told me that she had told her mother about her problems - and me. Together they had decided that her father didn't need to know everything, and it might be better to keep me out of the family discussions a little bit longer. After all, he was only nine years older than me.
I felt better after talking to Liz. I made a salad and warmed up some roast. Even if I didn't feel hungry, I knew that I had to eat. Besides, I had promised it to Liz. As the evening progressed, I tasted so much from my few single malts, that I knew that I would not be doing any serious exercise the following morning. However, I put the bottles away as I well knew my own tendency to get a hangover. I still had no intention of tossing away the golden liquid from the glass. Then my phone rang again.
"Hi, Sis. How is it down there?"
"Have you been drinking, little bro?"
"You cannot seriously claim that you can smell it on my breath. Besides, I've only been tasting my single malts."
"Yeah, only tasting. That is what Hugh sometimes claims, too. You probably know that Mom and your sons are still very pissed at you? They would be even more if they'd knew that you are screwing some college girl."
I almost snapped, but something in her voice made me rethink. That was exactly what it would seem to anybody outsider.
"Nice try, Sis. I guess you have been talking to Mina - who, by the way, is all too nosy for her own good, if you ask me."
"She is just worried about her daddy, Bro."
Somehow that hurt me more than anything she had said before, but she could not know about it. How could it be so that my biological sons could just take the side with their mother, and the only person who supported me was my daughter who wasn't even my daughter? I chuckled at the irony of the situation.

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