An American Nanny In England Part 2 free porn video

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This particular morning I had my mid-cycle cramps as I call them. It's painful enough for me to think of it as a mini-period, but it only ever lasts half a day or so and then it's over. I took a few aspirin and began to get ready for the day.

After I got dressed I got the girls out to music class and then started my chores followed by planting the flowers that came in from the nursery. I ended up getting pretty filthy and I was actually relieved when Mr. Edwards called to say that he had picked up the girls at the school and was dropping them at a friend’s house for the night. He added that he had a flight to catch and that I should take the rest of the day off. It was unusually generous of him, but I didn't dare question my good fortune.

I spent the next two hours finishing my work in the flower beds and then I headed to my cottage for a well-earned hot shower. I left my dirty garden shoes at the door to my little mudroom and I dropped my clothes in a neat little pile just inside the door. My toes sunk into the plush carpet as I walked naked to my bathroom.

A few minutes later found me in utter rapture as the warm water soothed my sore body and washed the earth from my skin. I lathered up and then decided to go ahead and be a little feminine as I shaved my legs for the first time in a few weeks as well as my pubic area. I always felt clean when I shaved everywhere. I sat on the shower floor thoughtlessly wrapped up in watching the blade turn stubbly skin into smooth skin.

Satisfied with my shaving I stood up and washed my hair and followed that up with a liberal dash of conditioner. At this point I shut off the water and popped open my baby oil to moisturize. "Snap!" went the bottle and I poured the soothing oil on my body. I massaged myself all over, even between my toes, until I was a glorious and sopping mess of conditioner and baby oil. It was wonderful!

I massaged my scalp a bit more and then figured that it was time to turn on the water and rinse off all this mess. The water came on and was soon set to just the right temperature. In a few minutes I would be a completely new woman with a fresh outlook on the evening. Maybe I'd head into town and see about a movie? Yes, that's what I'd do, a movie would be great.

"Oh, yes."

I screamed out of absolute fright as I heard Mr. Edwards behind me.

"Get the FUCK out of here now you goddamned bastard or I'll..."

My head spun from what had to be the most solid slap I'd ever taken. I fell to the floor of the shower in a daze, my senses just blown by the sudden assault.

"Come on, get up you, you'll not pass out on me now."

He stood me up and leaned me against the cold tile. The shock of the cold helped me get my bearings and the blackness began to fade from my sight.


I couldn't quite make sense of the sound when Mr. Edwards pulled me tight against him.

"Ohhh, I have been waiting for this! You didn't think I forgot about you, now did you pet?"

His cock nestled between the globes of my ass and I felt him pushing his cock at me. A chill ran over me as I feared he was going to try to put that huge thing into my ass.

"Mmmm, pet, I love goose bumps; did I ever tell you that?"

His hands ran over my slickened body, inadvertently massaging my baby oil into my skin. I stood there silent, fearing another slap, as his hands explored me. Our silent dance went on for several minutes as he continued his molestation. Finally, his hands met on my breasts and then followed down my sides until he firmly held my hips. I was just starting to wonder what the hell this was all about when I realized what he had done with my baby oil.

"Oh my God!!" I gasped as his oiled cock slid into my pussy in one stroke. The sudden intrusion was more shocking than my first assault since this came without any warning at all. His left arm wrapped across my chest and his right arm came across my belly to clamp me to him as his cock plowed my depths. I was stunned for a moment as he fucked me, but still don’t think I wanted what was now happening to me.

"No! You've gotta stop! I can't, no WE can't!"

I exploded in tears and began to struggle with him and was rewarded when his cock slipped from me and he turned me around to face him.

The world went completely black with the force of his second slap.

He had me pinned up against the tile when I came to, my breasts squeezed flat on the white ceramic. My feet weren't touching the floor. His breathing was mixed with moans and groans, and then my awareness included his massive cock pistoning deep into me. He seized me round the belly and I started crying again as I felt his cock swell up inside of me.

I tried to fight him again but found it pointless as he caught his breath and hugged me tight. The bastard continued to pump in and out of my poor swollen pussy; exploring depths I never knew existed in me.

Time seemed to slow down for me and I swear I felt his cock ripple inside of me. The first wave began in the base of his cock and it swelled past my pussy lips and up into my body where the shot of cum splashed hard against my cervix. The futility of fighting overcame me and I stood there stupidly and helpless as Mr. Edwards' pumped his cum deep into me.

And then he was gone.

The water was starting to get cold so I went into practical mode and washed out the conditioner, soaped off the baby oil and cum, and then dried off. I knew that there was nothing I could do, so I went to my room and collapsed on the bed. I had placed some tissue in the front of my panties, because his semen was still leaking out. I got up and made my self a cup of tea. I sat down on my sofa wondering if I should just quit or stick it out. I was amazed and ashamed at how my body had betrayed me. I was enjoying these sessions and found myself hoping for another one very soon. Pulling me from my revelry, I heard the teapot begin to whistle. I went into my little kitchen, retrieved a cup from my cupboard. I placed a teabag into the cup, poured the water, and waited for the smell of the fine English tea to relax me. I must have slipped into a deep sleep because when I awakened the room was blacked out, I couldn't even see the streetlights. I found out later that he'd put a pair of goggles over my eyes that he'd spray painted black to keep me from seeing anything. When I tried to say something I found out that I was gagged. Then I tried to move and realized that I was tied up with my arms hooked over a wooden post stretching across my back and my wrists lashed together behind the back of what seemed to be a chair of some sort. My legs were spread out wide and my knees and ankles were tied to the seat, which was as wide as my outstretched legs were. There was a cool breeze wafting through the room and a damp smell. It smelled as if I was in a cellar or basement.

I heard him moan an approving sound and felt the warmth of his lips on my breasts, kissing them and then biting and teasing my nipples. I was ashamed that this monster was making my body respond to his attentions against my will. He spent what seemed like forever kissing almost every inch of my body before I heard him start to undress.

I tried to scream and the goggles filled with my tears when I heard his belt buckle come undone, then his zipper, followed by the sound of his pants crumpling to the floor. I could only imagine that his cock was swollen from his excitement and he was waiting for the right time to plunder my pussy. “You look good enough to eat my pet.” His words dripped out of his mouth and I could hear the passion within him.

He caressed my feet and my ankles, stopping to touch my fingers, I felt him move near to me. His hot breath flowing across my breasts as he pushed a finger into my opening and was rewarded with a gasp that escaped me before I even realized it. I cried with all my being as I realized the certainty of what was about to happen to me. I remembered my senior prom with Ryan when I told him that I couldn't have sex since I was saving myself for the right man and the right time. I actually laughed a little at the irony of depriving myself of such a romantic time with Ryan to have my body taken now by this almost total stranger.

I felt the warmth of his legs and his cock as it rubbed my bare skin as he reached across me to retrieve something and then he leaned back, settling between my legs again. I wondered what he was doing for a brief moment and then I heard a "snap" that was followed by his squirting something all over me. The smell of it told me that it was my baby oil that I usually kept by my bedside.(He must have retrieved it.) His hands smoothed the oil into my skin and then I felt him squirt it onto my pussy where it soaked me and ran down the crack of my ass onto the hard wooden seat below me. He poked a finger into me again as he massaged the oil into my pussy lips and I thrashed and screamed trying to stop him, but my screaming came out as muffled moans which I’m sure only aroused him more. “Easy my pet, I’m sure you will enjoy this just as much as our little tryst before. I can feel and see your juices flowing already. They are making a nice wet spot on the seat under you. So your mind might be saying no, but your body is saying bring it on.”

I was so surprised when he actually stopped what he was doing! He got up from between my outstretched legs and I heard him walk across the floor, then he walked back. I heard a strange whine begin to build and then he poked me in the side of my ass with something. Then my world turned into pain and color as he then slammed the humming thing up my ass through an opening in the back of the chair. It was an area I had never even dreamed of exploring, but knew very soon when my pussy involuntarily began to clench, that I knew it was a very sensitive opening to me. He plunged the vibrator in and out of my ass for a while. Faster and faster, bringing me close to an orgasm, then he would slow down and go as deep as he could only to pull out to the tip. My body was screaming for release. It was then I heard myself yelling, “Make me cum please!!! I need to cum RIGHT NOW PLEASEEEEEEEEE!!!!” “Oh my pet, are you asking me or begging me?” Tears welled up in my eyes as I confessed, “I am begging you to please make me cum.”
Some time went by and all I could feel was his hot breath on my body. Then he stood back up, brushing his cock suggestively across my mouth. I flicked my tongue out as I felt him go by and tasted his cock as I licked the underside. He stood motionless for a moment and moved his cock closer. I reached out with my mouth and tongue and engulfed his cock as deeply as I could. “Oh you like my taste do you my pet?” All I could do was to shake my head and mumble my approval. He moved away from me and there was an audible pop as he escaped the grip of my mouth. I heard a snap again and I trembled as he squirted more baby oil onto me and rubbed it into me again, but I didn't dare scream or try to fight him. I heard the oil squirt again but didn't feel it hit me anywhere and then I realized he was rubbing it on himself. “Is your pussy ready for me yet my pet? Would you like to see my cock plunging in and out of your pussy?” I moaned and answered with a shuddering, “Yesssss pleaseeee!”
With my plea he reached up and I felt him loosening the goggles that covered my eyes. My eyes had to adjust, but the sight I witnessed had me anticipating what was to come next. I tensed as he moved in between my outstretched legs and I felt and saw his cock slip in between my oiled pussy lips. Everything felt so slick that I knew he had oiled up his cock, too. There was plenty of lubrication this time, but still a lot of resistance as his cock began its onslaught on my only recently plundered pussy. Again I was amazed at how most of his cock disappeared into my pussy and how engorged my pussy lips were.

I felt my heartbeat throb in my head and my pussy as his cock slipped into me. My body gave as much as it could to this immense intruder. The pain was awful yet pleasurable as his slickened cock drove into my equally moist pussy as far as possible in one thrust. The sudden fullness I felt inside me once again took my breath away as a series of low guttural moans were released from my innermost being. It was hard to believe these moans were emanating from me and once again I felt betrayed by my own body.

I was beside myself as I thought about this man plundering me, his cock driving into me, his relentless thrusting in and out of my pussy. Involuntarily, I found myself pushing my pussy into him to meet his ever quickening thrusts. His cock plowed me deeper and more slowly in answer to my body fucking him back. My emotions were confused. I was disgusted with myself, hated my tormentor, but I was utterly and completely fascinated with each new sensation I was feeling. I found myself mesmerized and obsessed with watching, as his cock continued to make its journey into me deeper and deeper with each thrust. He caught up my thighs in his hands and I felt his cock plow into the door of my womb. I was terrified as he became to me a mindless machine pistoning his cock into my body with a blinding fury. He pounded me so hard I thought that he was going to kill me. I was shuddering and shaking uncontrollably as he rammed his cock into me. I knew I was close to an awesome release. I closed my eyes and let the storm envelope me. The waves began slowly as my pussy began contracting, gripping the massive intruder, trying to pull him in deeper. I threw my head back and screamed…”I’m Cummmminggg…don’t stop…please!!!!” I shivered as wave after wave washed over my sweaty restrained body. I arched my back as much as possible and cried as I relished the feeling I so often had denied myself.

His breathing became ragged and I felt his cock swell inside of me. A million thoughts went through my mind as I realized he was about to cum. I was unprotected and didn’t want him to cum inside me again, as I felt were we lucky the last time. I said in a voice as sultry as I could, “I want to drink your cum. I want to feel the thickness of it as it runs down my throat. If any spills out I want to rub it into my body.” I watched as he slowly pulled his huge cock from my pussy astounded as it felt like his cock was pulling my pussy out as he pulled out of me slowly. He moved from between my legs on his knees to stand in front of me, with his cock inches from my mouth. I instinctively tried to reach out with my hands to grasp him only to remember my arms were tied up behind my back. “Open your mouth my pet and I will give you a drink that you will never forget.” I opened my mouth wide as he grabbed my hair roughly and shoved me down onto his cock. He pulled his cock out then slammed back into my mouth, fucking my mouth as he was my pussy just moments before. I sucked and licked for all I was worth as he fucked my mouth. I gagged a number of times, but this didn’t faze him. It only made him fuck my mouth harder. I saw his legs tense up and felt him quiver as he moaned loudly and said. “Ahhhhhhhh drink my pet. Swallow all of my thick cum.” I tasted small amounts of slick cum on my tongue, but I didn’t have to wait much longer as he savagely grabbed my head and pushed me down so his cock was shoved partially down my throat. I gagged as the first thick stream blasted against the back of my throat. The amount of cum seemed to never end, it was stream after thick stream filling my mouth and then sliding down my throat. I just kept on sucking him as he pulled out so that only his head was in my mouth. I sucked him hard as I felt him shudder again as the last of his cum was drained from his cock. He just stood there for I don't know how long with his cock pulsing in my mouth and softening as the time ticked on. I was utterly wasted when he finally pulled himself from me and he ran the head of his cock down my chest to my pussy lips one last time. I almost told him to fuck me again, but didn’t want to push the issue. I knew that I had passed another of what I considered tests by asking to swallow his seed.

30 minutes or so went by with him wandering around before he came back. I watched as he sauntered across the room towards me, his manhood semi-hard but still quite impressive, swinging back and forth with each step he took. I will say this; this man had stamina. I was seriously sore by now and he knew it. He stood in front of me; his cock just out of reach. “I can tell you are near another orgasm. Would you like to cum again before I impale you once again?” I stammered as I answered him, “Yes please.” I begged him again. I’m sure he knew how close he had left me and the power is probably what had fueled his subsequent erection. He stepped back and went down to one knee. He leaned in and kissed my nipples, taking turns sucking them into his mouth and biting down on them with animal ferocity. I winced from the pain, but he knew the desired effect was being attained. He plunged two fingers into me as he pulled my mouth to his and almost smothered me as he kissed me deeply. He broke away from me and looked me up and down as he was repeatedly shoving his fingers in and out of my poor abused and sore pussy. However, I didn’t care and he knew it. He pulled his fingers out of me and brought them to his mouth and sensually licked them both slowly. Then he leaned down and softly blew onto my swollen pussy, waited for the reaction and then buried his mouth onto my sex. He licked all around my labia, savoring my juices and moaning softly as his tongue flicked in and out of me. He finally took my clit into his mouth and sucked my clit and rubbed it hard with his tongue. He plunged two fingers into me and started moving them in and out in time with his ministrations on my clit. It was not long and he got his reward as I bucked and squirmed in my restraints and let out a long moan as my pussy contracted around his fingers as if they were trying to wring juices out of them. I went limp and wondered if my now very pleasurable adventure was over at last. I was hoping that he would slam me again, but didn’t know if I could respond any more. I was drained, so I thought. My body had other ideas. He stood back as if admiring his work and said, “I would like to release you, but you have to obey me and not try to run, Ok? I tried to calm myself before I answered him to no avail as I heard my voice crack as I spoke. “I will do whatever you want of me just please fuck me again.” He loosened the restraints on my legs first, then my arms and torso. I stood shakily to my feet and gazed at him, admiring him from head to toe just as he had me moments earlier. He came to me and stood over me. Towering above me, my head barley even with his shoulders, he reached down and lifted me by my under arms. I instinctively wrapped my legs around him and began to bounce slowly trying to capture his cock inside me just one more time. Finally I felt the head of his cock touch my still swollen pussy lips. I know I shook, but I pushed my body down onto him as he shoved forward and upward and plunged his hard cock into my wet pussy. I was still very sore from being stretched beyond anything I could have imagined, but I didn’t care as I bounced up and down on his cock. The sound of his cock plowing my pussy reached my ears and I lost myself. I considered this man as my mate again. We were just two animals mating, I told myself, a male succumbing to his needs and a female catering to them. I kept my mind in this clinical kind of mode as he fucked me much more slowly this time. It didn’t surprise me when I felt the intense pleasure began to rise in my belly. His cock pummeled my pussy over and over. I held my breath as I fast approached another orgasm. I could tell he was getting close also as his thrusts became faster and faster. I wrapped my legs around his waist just as hard as my arms were clasped around is neck. No longer bouncing I held my body still and tense as he continued his assault on my pussy, slamming repeatedly into me. He pushed us back until the cold wall hit me. That was all it took. The contrast between the heated buildup of our now sweaty bodies and the cold insensitive wall made me explode. My body spasmed as he thrust in and out of me. My body went limp as he continued his onslaught. I was completely spent, but he continued and then announced his eminent release. I felt his cock twitch and swell inside me as he dumped load after load deep into me. I could feel the spaces around his cock inside me filling as he emptied his seed into me. He slowly pulled his shrinking cock from my pussy again with an audible pop.

He smiled at me and walked away. He blew me a kiss and then disappeared around the corner. I sat back onto the wooden contraption that had held me prisoner for most of the morning…….or was it afternoon, or was it might? I had no idea what time of the day it was as I slowly tried to stand up. I then heard the sound of his semen dripping from my pussy onto the concrete floor. I sat back down to regain my composure. It was then that I blacked out again from sheer sexual exhaustion.

When I regained my senses I found that he'd cleaned me up, dressed me in my night clothes, and had deposited me on my bed and covered me with the sheets and blankets that occupied my bed. This little affair had started out as something I believed I had to do to keep my job, as a rape in fact. Now it had progressed into something I would be looking forward to every time I saw Mr. Edwards walk by. I wondered if Mrs. Edwards had any idea of what her devote husband has been up to? I lay back down on my bed and began to think, maybe it never happened? Was it real or just the recesses of my mind crying out for attention? I slowly reached down and ran my fingers across my pussy and felt the wetness. As I put a finger inside I felt how sore my poor pussy was and knew it had really happened. This had me hoping Mrs. Edwards spent even more time down under. I made a mental note to definitely enter this in my diary as soon as I had the time, and secretly I hoped that I healed fast.


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Chapter Three: Nanny Cam Revelation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “She isn't even wearing panties tonight, the little slut,” my wife chortled in my ear. I reached up and adjusted the Bluetooth earpiece to make it more comfortable and stop pinching. “Ooh, this is almost as good as being there. She's ripe and ready for you. She's taken her medication and she's passed out.” My dick ached. Even after a month of fucking my eighteen-year-old daughter while she slept, I was still eager...

3 years ago
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Sabrina The Naughty Nanny

John Anderson lost his wife during the delivery of their daughter, Emily.  It had been a difficult time with the funeral and trying to adapt to being a father.  It was not easy taking care of an infant and having a full-time job.  John hired a nanny named Sabrina.  She did not live with them, but on occasions, she would spend the night if he got home late.  John was becoming suspicious of her because his neighbors told him she had several people visiting when he was not there.He did not mind if...

3 years ago
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The CircleChapter 35 Tammy the Nanny

Sandy said, “I think I might know someone who would be interested in a job as a nanny. She’s been one of my waitresses when we do big parties, and she’s reliable as anything, personable, and I’ve known her for two decades. She’d be perfect. She just finished launching her own kids that she started when she was in college, is suffering from empty nest syndrome, is a widow – he died in an auto accident, and has been wondering what to do with her life. She hasn’t been a player in any of our...

1 year ago
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Wife Denies And Nanny Provides Part 1

It all started when my wife, Sue, started going to her boot camp fitness class almost every day. While I certainly appreciated how toned and sexy her already hot body was getting; it came at the expense of her always being too tired to have sex either from her class or the ten mile runs she went on a couple of times a week with her girlfriends. I was lucky to get pathetic pity sex once every couple of weeks where I would get her off to a crashing porno orgasm only to have her lie there like a...

1 year ago
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The NannyPart 2

Athena found the ride from the airport in the smaller of the family's limousines to be truly wonderful. Not only did it give her strangely agitated body a chance to calm down for a few hours in absolute comfort, she had her first glimpse of the fabled city of Chicago. Okay, so it wasn't quite like she imagined it would be. Between Becky's high-speed driving and the pouring rain she hardly had a chance to see the city from the freeway on their way north from the airport, but at least she...

2 years ago
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Sex Diaries The Nanny

"Dude your nanny is fucking hot," Bill McRiley said as he handed Evan a cold one.Evan simply nodded and twisted the cap of his Miller and took a gulp."Yes she is," Evan finally said.As he and Bill watched he remaining of the Giants/Patriots game Evan thought back 6 months ago to when he and his wife were shifting through mountains of resumes. Evan's wife of six years had given birth to their first child and they were in serious need of a nanny. Claire was a tax lawyer and her maternity leave...

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Camryn the Nympho Nanny

Part 1 The Doctor put his hand on Camryn's shoulder. He looked at Camryn's parents and in a low voice said, "I am afraid your Daughter is a Nymphomaniac!" Camryn was startled and wanted to cry. "Is it true?, she thought to herself. Camryn knew she was in big time trouble right from the time her Mother and Father caught her being taken from behind, doggy style by her hunky boyfriend, Roger. It was such an awkward moment with Roger's cum shooting deep in her pussy. He was so startled...

3 years ago
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Robin The Nanny

Robin The Nanny It was possibly the most incredible climax of my life. Cum kept shooting up into her forever. I lost track of how many squirts I had shot into her very talented pussy. I opened my eyes and looked up at her. I was totally mesmerized by her. At first all I could focus on were her big beautiful C-cup breasts. They were a full C-cup and they hung from their massive weight. They were capped with nice light brown areolas with hard nipples that begged for me to suck on them....

2 years ago
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The Twins Get A Nanny

When I was seventeen and starting college, my parents managed to get their dream job. Running a busy pub restaurant was a dream they'd had for as long as I could remember; now they jumped at the chance.This, though, caused problems with the twins, my much younger brother and sister ,as my mother would not be able to collect them from school and care for them in the evening. The twins were seven at the time so my mother employed a Nanny. At first, that made me feel as though she didn’t trust me...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Sex Diaries The Nanny

‘Dude your nanny is fucking hot,’ Bill McRiley said as he handed Evan a cold one. Evan simply nodded and twisted the cap of his Miller and took a gulp. ‘Yes she is,’ Evan finally said. As he and Bill watched he remaining of the Giants/Patriots game Evan thought back 6 months ago to when he and his wife were shifting through mountains of resumes. Evan’s wife of six years had given birth to their first child and they were in serious need of a nanny. Claire was a tax lawyer and her maternity leave...

1 year ago
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The Naughty Nanny Chapter 1 2

Latoya is a 23 year old girl. She stands 5'3", with jet black hair, brown eyes and skin. She is a little on the chubby side, but not fat, weighing about 160 lbs., with a 42D chest, and a big round ass. Latoya is a live in nanny for a pretty wealthy family, taking care of their twin 10 year old girls and their 14 year old son. They also have a 19 year old son, who is away at college. She gets the kids up for school, and cleans the house while they're gone, and then makes dinner in the...

2 years ago
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The Nanny

After his wife, Laney, passed away giving birth to their fourth child, Austin needed help. His sister-in-law assisted him in a search for a live-in nanny, and posted an ad on The obstacle was finding someone willing to live with a single dad, most people found that a little unnerving due to the fact that there are so many creeps out there, and a single dad could take advantage.After about a week, only one good candidate had applied, Megan. Austin and his sister-in-law, Ruby, set the...

Straight Sex
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Caught by the Nanny

My parents going to the city was quite rare while we were growing up. Usually, they would make the trip only a handful of times a year to buy supplies and sign new contracts for dairy deliveries. While automobiles had been invented over a decade ago, they were considered a novelty in our part of the country, so most folks still traveled by wagon. While the distance to the city wasn't more than 30 miles, the amount of time it took to make the round trip mandated that my parents be away for at...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Altered Fates Domestic Tranquility with The Nanny

As always excessive praise is always welcome No copyright infringement intended. The rights belong to CBS and Childhood Sweethearts. CJ and I are just having fun not meaning any harm. Altered Fates: Domestic Tranquility with The Nanny By Eric and Caleb Jones Fran Fine's annoyingly nasal voice hammered at Maxwell's ears like a sledgehammer. She was sexy and lovable but oh, that voice of hers. Perhaps he should insist she go to a voice training class, but every time he hinted at...

1 year ago
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A Nanny Femtastic 2

A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 2 …I just couldn’t work out what was happening. I loved dressing in girl clothes, I felt relaxed and unstressed. But where was this leading! How could this work? I had never seen my parents that regularly maybe twice a year and they had mentioned on the telephone about meeting a few times. I put it off due mainly to my eyebrows!  But I couldn’t put them off indefinitely. I had also stopped seeing my mates who I used to hang around with at the rock clubs. Alex came...

2 years ago
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Sleeping DaughterChapter 3 Nanny Cam Revelation

“She isn’t even wearing panties tonight, the little slut,” my wife chortled in my ear. I reached up and adjusted the Bluetooth earpiece to make it more comfortable and stop pinching. “Ooh, this is almost as good as being there. She’s ripe and ready for you. She’s taken her medication and she’s passed out.” My dick ached. Even after a month of fucking my fourteen-year-old daughter while she slept, I was still eager to feel her hot, tight flesh wrapped about my cock. It was so wrong. So...

1 year ago
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Anal Sex with my Japanese Nanny

My wife had passed away recently and left me with our two young c***dren. My busy schedule required that I hire a nanny to help raise the k**s. My work required alot of travel to Japan to conduct business so it followed that a Japanese nanny would be best to teach my k**s about that culture while I was working. My company wanted me to move there for a year. So, I inquired about such a nanny from a Japanese firm. They sent me a brochure of prospective nannies and as I leafed through it I came...

3 years ago
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The Nanny Diaries

This is a work of complete fiction.  At the age of twenty-two I had pictured myself in college or even finishing up my years in secondary education. Never would I have pictured being a nanny. Though, I loved it, I could have just never imagined being here now. Sean, the young boy I watch is about three years old and one of the most polite children I’ve ever met. At six months old his mother passed away because of reasons unknown to me. Apparently it really crushed Sean’s father. So that’s when...

2 years ago
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The Nanny

I was sickened with how I had been feeling. I would fantasize about being with Julia. Julia was our nanny. She was young and beautiful. Just the kind of girl who needed attention. She had been living with us for the past few years. She was more than just a nanny, because she took care of me too. I slowly was falling in love with her. My wife was a doctor who had been working in Africa for the last few months. I never wanted to cheat on her, but my urges were becoming much stronger. I was alone...

4 years ago
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Nanny in Los Angeles

I was living in Los Angeles. I was there to try and get in to show business. I took a job as a nanny for a couple that were both lawyers. It was only a temp job until their regular nanny came back.The husband came home occasionally in the middle of the day and worked in his office as did she. About three months in he started coming into the kitchen when I was cleaning up from feeding the kiids.I did the clean up after they went down for their nap after lunch. We talked usually about them and...

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This stofy goes back a ways but it was a day two of us wont forget.When my k**s were younger my wife thought it would be a good idea to hire a nanny.She was working full time and I owned my own business and things were good but she thought we needed some help around the house.My wife can try to be controlling you see and she already had a plan unknown to me.As it turned out my stepdaughter(who no longer lived with us)had a friend whos dad left and did not get along with her mom and was looking...

2 years ago
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The Nanny Diaries

This is a work of complete fiction.  At the age of twenty-two I had pictured myself in college or even finishing up my years in secondary education. Never would I have pictured being a nanny. Though, I loved it, I could have just never imagined being here now. Sean, the young boy I watch is about three years old and one of the most polite children I've ever met. At six months old his mother passed away because of reasons unknown to me. Apparently it really crushed Sean's father. So that's when...

Straight Sex
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The Nanny

THE NANNY        Young, beautiful, already on her own at times for almost three years, Jodi Lynn’s well experienced past her nineteen plus years.  Having lived sporadically from Florida to California, experiencing a range of the lighter drugs, having several relationships, she considers herself a ?Free bird? answering to no one without the slightest worry of the ramifications of any of her instantaneous whims.  Having answered a newspaper ad for a live in Nanny with an upper class family,...

2 years ago
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Nanny Ne Ki Shaadi 8211 Part 1

Kaise hai aap log? Chaliye mujhe app log Sapna keh lijiye. Ye meri pehli kahani hai. Main ek bahut chubby ladki hu. Meri breast bhi 36C hai, and meri bahut sari fantasies hai. Ye unhi mein se ek hai. Umeed karti hu, ki isko padhne ke baad aapko apna lund hilana aur apni chut sehlani pad jaye. Ye kahani hai Rashmi ki, jo ki ek college student thi, and meri hi tarah kaafi hari-bhari thi. 20 saal ki naazuk umar mein uska jism kisi bhi shadi-shuda aurat se kam nahi tha. Waise to wo dikhne mein...

1 year ago
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Niece Becomes Our Nanny

The greatest experience of my life happened when my niece agreed to be our nanny. But I am getting ahead of myself. My wife and I had been married for just over 10 years when we had our first baby. It almost amazes that we did have a baby, since we rarely had sex after the honeymoon. It wasn’t really a sudden stop, but gradually there were more and more days that my wife said “No, she wasn’t in the mood” For my part, I quit trying. It wasn’t worth the effort. Noone likes to beg. Two weeks...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 277 Searching for Nanny Cunt

It took over a week for the Nanny cunt to surface. She never really surfaced it just took that long for the company to put its resources into finding her. Somehow they had considered her case closed with my change in status. They still hadn't gotten used to me being in the equation. I guess since I was the first Ghostbot they were have trouble deciding what to do with me and how much to do for me. In the end they told me that someone had registered a car using Nanny Cunt's Boyfriend's...

1 year ago
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The NannyPart 4

Athena Valentine awoke suddenly in the darkened playroom. The dream she just experienced had been terrifying, and she was still not over its effects. It was the night of her graduation form City College, and her entire family had gotten together and reserved a room in the fanciest restaurant in town to celebrate. They were all dressed to the Nines. Even her younger sister had been wearing real clothes for a change. Things were just fine until she felt a light tickling on her feet. She...

11 months ago
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Second life with my babys nanny MaidServant Sex Stories

I was a single dad after my wife left for a sugar daddy. I was struggling to manage work and caring for two babies. And that is when Janice walked into our lives. The pretty southern belle was my aunt’s neighbor and she just breezed in, making everything easier. My twins immediately took to her, not having had a mommy around soon after they were born. But Janice – my God she was so pretty and so good to me. I was attracted to her and one night she had seen me masturbating to her thoughts, I was...

2 years ago
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Bath time with nanny and her niece full story

James lay his bed think about the accident he had been out with friends swimming in the lake in was sunny day there was five girls and eight boys all in the bathing suits enjoying the summer heat wave. Everyone was talking about the party the night before were everyone had a great time and drank a bit too much. Alex (Jason best friend) climbs up tree that was about four feet away from lake. Jump of the tree in to the lake with huge cannon ball that everyone there applauds. Jason seen...

1 year ago
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Bath time with nanny and her niece

James lay his bed think about the accident he had been out with friends swimming in the lake in was sunny day there was five girls and eight boys all in the bathing suits enjoying the summer heat wave. Everyone was talking about the party the night before were everyone had a great time and drank a bit too much. Alex (Jason best friend) climbs up tree that was about four feet away from lake. Jump of the tree in to the lake with huge cannon ball that everyone there applauds. Jason seen...

2 years ago
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Not Your Average Celebrity Nanny Ch 04

From part 3: Anne had frantically keyed into the house, and with her makeup streaming down her face, she made a beeline straight to Rachel and hugged her tightly, kissing her directly on the lips. Rachel could see Ryan standing behind Anne over her shoulder. The expression on his face was one Rachel had seen on his face many times on television but almost never in real life. It was a look of pure befuddled amusement. Especially as the kiss lingered even after Rachel looked, with sheer panic at...

2 years ago
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Not Your Average Celebrity Nanny Ch 02

It had been nearly three months since Rachel, a nanny for world famous celebrity couple, Ryan and Anne, had seduced Ryan in her guest house one night after work. Since then, they sought out every chance they could to be close together, even if nothing sexual could come of it. During a few trips out taking the kids shopping, some tabloid photos showed up. Rachel panicked when Anne brought them to Ryan and Rachel, but she quickly realized that Anne thought it was a huge joke. Ever since the...

3 years ago
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Nanny Cam

Nanny CamI am a divorced father of 3,two girls and one boy. My wife took off with another man a year after our third c***d and I have raised them as a single father.I am a good father with values and can be at times very strict but never to the point of hitting. I suppose I punish like most by grounding them or extra chores no tv etc. So I would consider myself a good parent. I have bathed and dressed them most of their lives and never thought anything sexual. I even let them shower with me at...

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My Grandfather My Nanny

My Grandfather, My Nanny By Heather St. Claire (This story is set in the Surrogates Universe created by Robert Benditti and Brett Wildele) Journal of Gender Studies, May 2042, Volume 53, Number 2 Editor's Note: The widespread introduction of personal surrogates has had far-reaching implications for almost every aspect of society, and the field of gender identity has certainly seen a myriad of impacts. One of the most interesting phenomena has been the cross-gender use...

3 years ago
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Nannys accident

It was an awful shock. Nan was 68 and we had a call to say she’d tripped when dancing, fallen awkwardly and broken not one arm, but both. Needless to say she souldn’t stay at home so mum and I brought her back and looked after her.To be honest, she was a pain in the arse. She is fiercly independent and hates being waited on. She may be 68 but only looks 50. Her hair is always immaculate and her make-up is perfect. She’s slim and turns a lot of head when she’s out. A rich auburncol,our...

4 years ago
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A Nanny Femtastic 10

A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 10 I rose early the next day and put on my white lace bikini, and took a dip in the pool. I was sitting on a lounger drying myself when Felicity came out. “Good morning gorgeous!” she said kissing me on the cheek. Our breasts rubbed together. “You know we have that party with those guys today sweetie?” “Are you sure we should go Felicity?” I said frowning. “What about Bradley?” “ Oh he will be ok, to be honest me and him are not getting on so well at the moment, a bit...

4 years ago
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A Nanny Femtastic 3

A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 3 ..That night me and the girls celebrated, I was about to start work at last next week! Ok as a woman but I kind of liked the idea more and more! The weekend passed quickly and I packed all my new wardrobe into a couple of large suitcases ready for the new start at  Hanover House. I was to be dropped off on Sunday evening and was to have dinner with Felicity and her family, my new family! I got dressed that afternoon in pale grey pencil dress with a slash neck...

3 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 89 Romancing the Nanny

Mark I was napping beside the pool – naked and slathered up the sunscreen so that I had a high gloss all over. Kate lay beside me also with a high gloss coat of oil on her, plus the residues from our lovemaking an hour prior. Occasionally, she’d change position, but always would lean over and kiss me as she turned from side to side. Each kiss also came with the words, “I love you.” I adored her as well. I kidded myself that I wasn’t napping. I convinced myself that I was being creative and...

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