Confession Chapter 12
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
I went back to work though and began to build a device to build crystals that went into the sixth dimension. Wayne would be coming back with the children as a simple computer. He was a 56 though and would be the most intelligent computer anywhere near this planet.
Walt and Garbo helped make the crystals I wanted. I needed to test the new equipment against the units made by the Wikki before they were taken away. I was not finished my work when Grotto returned. He landed in Toxlo and let the children off. There was a hundred and twenty seven of them. They were all very smart even without computer augmentation and had wheedled their way onto the passenger list.
I greeted my children as best I could when there was this many. Some of them were upset because their mother had died and they were coming to the planet where it happened. The rest of the mothers expected this and helped the way the Tomma always did this.
The small Tomma females that constantly circled me like a pack of sharks saw new meat. I approved of the idea because there were few avenues open to my children on earth besides their brothers and sisters.
Grotto whispered to me, "We found nothing wrong but I am sure it was just the way we handled this situation that prevented it."
"I think so too. One step might not have been followed as well as it should. This felt to me to be the cause." Louder I said, "Have you aged many years with all those children in your ship?"
"Your children were very polite but they were so curious all the time. They wanted to pull apart my computer. When that was denied them they began making crystals to strengthen our hull. They showed me how to increase the efficiency of my engines and my power source."
"Do you think they could do as they said?"
"I am positive of this."
"You may have some young Wikki acting similarly soon. Your technology will leap forward."
"There are many that will not want this."
"Your race has many enemies and even the conservatives like better weapons and stronger shields."
"Not all Wikki are rational, friend Wally."
We walked around for a while and I knew that Grotto had something to say. Finally he mentioned, "We have drones on your home planet. We found a computer of amazing power. We could only guess at the power."
"Where was it?"
"There is more than one?"
"Warren is a 52. Wayne who came on your ship is a 56 and Wesley is a 21."
"Those figures are higher than I imagined. We found the island and figured the unit might be a 30. Nobody has ever made such machines before."
"I would like to try for a 10 one day. I have the children to help."
Grotto stopped to think and I waited patently. He finally said, "You could use those machines to manage the galaxy as easily as your computer manages this planet."
I said, "The Wikki do not use the computers as much as the Aristis do or as much as I do. We are friends now and I want us allies too. If I have my way all of your ships will be improved and that is why I wanted to trade for hulls so we too could protect ourselves."
"Your ships could beat ours in only a few years."
"Why are you thinking like that, friend Grotto? We trade. Your ships come in and they are improved or you get the crystals to do it yourself. We have very few people to crew our ships and the people on earth are barbarians that are a danger to all of us. If your own people are here helping us then you know what is happening. They would be part of our crews. This is what it is supposed to be like in the academy. We help each other and gain by doing so."
"Your Star Fleet now sounds like it will become a very formidable force if it is allowed to survive."
"It will be if the Wikki help us."
"Would you aid us in fighting the Aristis?"
"That is a question that is difficult to answer. Are you pushing the Aristis out of their homes? Are your people the aggressors?"
Grotto said, "For centuries the Aristis have been harassing our people. We believe they only wish to fight us so that they will gain experience. The Aristis are now less numerous and we are trying to contain them."
"It sounds to me like the Aristis need to have a change of leadership. I thought the Aristis were all warriors ready to kill or be killed but that is not the case. Perhaps if the leaders were to die then the race could be channelled into more constructive pursuits."
Grotto said, "The way King Rontem made way for you?"
"Partially, but why is it necessary for me to rule? An army and a computer of at least 30 could keep a single world under control."
"There are many Aristis worlds."
"There are many bright Wikki children to help me build computers, ships and weapons."
"This would protect you and give us a chance to fight other enemies."
"Then you have to help me build and protect the Academy."
The next two days was just a way of reintegrating with my family. Some large Wikki came to Toxlo that I had not seen before. This was a fact finding mission if I ever saw one and I made sure they got to see how well we worked with the Wikki we had here in the city.
My own family was learning to integrate with the Wikki even faster than the native Tomma. They were very bright and used to learning before they even arrived. The children showed little fear of the spider-like creatures that out massed them.
I got them to talk about what they would do to Grotto's ship if they had the chance and the resources. I was sure this had already been mentioned so the children went into detail of how this could be done.
The Aristis warriors took to the children very quickly and not just the boys. They were all very dedicated. Some of my 'kids' showed up and were inducted quietly into the group with a lot of care.
The Aristis were paraded near the visiting Wikki to show that they were now upstanding citizens of this new culture.
An added bonus came when I found out that the Wikki loved the smell of chocolate. I got Grotto alone and gave him some after finding out that it was safe. He loved it. We made some synthetically and it was good but not as good as the natural product. There were some chemicals in the natural product that made the Wikki feel good. Similar chemicals did the same to humans.
Wesley was now busy buying up the stocks of chocolate beans in a depressed market. Eventually we could get the synthetics variety to be just as good but at the moment it was not necessary. Grotto left with our entire supply of chocolate to have a talk to his leaders about the benefits of trade.
I got the feeling that there was an undercurrent of conflict within the Wikki. Eldhino felt it too and said to me, "My King, some of the spi... Wikki look at you like a Tappic. I do not understand it."
"Eldhino, there is nobody around to impress. Why are you calling me King?"
She had the decency to blush and a warrior did not do that very much. "I like to think that my mate is the king."
"When you say king, you put a barrier between us. The only wall I want is our skin."
She had to pause for a while and said like a much younger woman, "I will try, Wally."
"Good and remember that the Wikki only look like spiders. They may well be members of Star Fleet and we cannot have that kind of talk. Think of the Wikki as I do about Grotto. He is intelligent and a person in his own right."
"I'll try, Wally. The ones that look at you oddly are as intelligent as your friend. They want you the very much. The feeling is as strong as the way we want you."
"They know of my ability to see the future sometimes. They want to test me."
"That was your fear when you were young. You are going to have to protect yourself. We will watch out for you."
"Thanks Eldhino, but I do not think they will sneak around if they came for me. They would come in ships."
Eldhino and I talked about how the ordinary Wikki was like the average human. They were docile and let the group dictate what they were to think. The ones that I met were able to see me in a different light and fought this trend. Those that were more intelligent were also swayed by the group but did a lot of the swaying to.
My children went to the cruiser and worked on the computers I had started. It was soon easy to separate those that sympathised with us from those that didn't. The others stayed away as much as they could. The children picked up Wikki etiquette but it did not help much. Some of the younger Wikki were viewed as corrupted and were chastised by their superiors but there was little they could do about it.
The 'kids' were much better techs than those that had not met us. The Wikki had used similar techniques on their own young to see if they could emulate what I had done. It worked but not as well as I had managed. The type of love I used I think helped much more. The competition with the Tomma type people did a lot more to encourage the young Wikki to grow. The Wikki techs had colleagues before but now they had friends.
The birth of my latest children kept me busy for a month and a half. I wanted to be near the children when they emerged so that they would know who I was. The bonding that happened seemed to be different here on Cralto and I had to attribute it to the large number of Wikki or perhaps the All Mother.
I did not get much chance to be with the children except those of the Aristis, Betts, Erica and my two with Connie. The Tomma mates within a day went back into the ships so the children could remain within the confines of the ships' varied multidimensional field.
We were also building a computer like Wesley that we could live in but we had not got as much done. Some of the mistakes we made when we made Wesley were now being corrected.
The Wikki were very interested in this machine and they had thousands of drones checking out every facet. Grotto I insisted was placed in charge of the larger pieces of Wikki equipment that monitored the construction.
My 'kids' assisted too so they could learn. They worked with the older children and made a game of the task. This was a departure from the way the Wikki usually worked. They were far from lazy but they drifted off for a break more often and the breaks were longer. We were corrupting them when we worked this way.
The Wikki young were not suited to uniforms but we changed the harness that they sometimes wore to something similar to one we would wear. The Wikki took to the bosta after a while and this seemed to help them grow and stay more alert.
Our seven baby Wikki were now the size of grapefruit. A crystal was inserted to find where they were at all times for safety. They tended to stay near their 'nest' though. There were very few insects that survived coming close and even some birds and lizards found their way down their gullets. The poisonous variety did not seem to matter and the poison sacks did not seem to do any damage.
We could communicate with the young to their own ability. The older Wikki found it easy to exclude us while they could read us fairly easily. That was one of the reasons I did not want anybody even thinking derogatory thoughts.
Betts worked hard to overcome her aversion even to bringing our daughter close to the kids and Grotto. Grotto was kind and came close to inspect the child but I figured he was not really interested.
I could sense his distaste for the scent and I said telepathically, "I am sorry friend Grotto but my children do manage to smell from time to time. The Wikki children are usually cleaner but they manage to compete with the Tomma children well in this area too."
"You do not seem to mind the smell of our young now."
"I am used to it. I am also used to the smell of my own children but there are times when they outdo themselves."
Betts said, "I'll change her but you guys are being nasty. She only peed."
Grotto said, "Please do not become upset friend Betty. I will get used to the smell eventually. The smell in our own nursery is hard for me to take but it has to remain so our children will bond correctly."
"Wait until Lillian starts eating other foods besides milk. She would have got that from his side of the family, not mine."
Grotto did not understand the nuances and I explained them to him. He had thought it a conflict he had initiated between Betts and me. This took a while and Betts had to help. In a while I got the chance to hold may child that was named after Betts' mother. Erica came in later with Connie. Erica's mother did not rate very high in her books while our missing mate Connie, still did.
To start trade moving, the Wikki began to help us with the construction of the battleship. They would be paid in chocolate, computers and specialty crystals. To do this, the keel was dragged away from Cralto and placed near the desert planet Eito. There were still some Aristis soldiers unaccounted for and I did not want them destroying what I had built.
This trade agreement was hard fought out. It was only that the ship would not be ready for years yet that it was agreed to. I would have to provide the computers as the work progressed. I had a feeling that some of the Wikki would just like to destroy the ship before it became operational.
Grotto had pledged that some of the crew would be Wikki as a way of placating the leaders. One of the corvettes left to take work to more of the Wikki empire in hopes of gaining more support for their view. Grotto was not asked to come and neither were any of his suporters.
Grotto said to me in private, "I fear that the majority of my people may not be as open minded as I am, friend Wally."
"I have no premonition about this. Do you think your people will come here and simply stop our agreement?"
"Your children and you personally are very unique. They may want all of you including those on earth. We are not usually like this and I do not know what is causing this irrationality in my people."
I said, "My family's abilities might frighten your people, especially when I am here with the All Mother. We are then very much like the Wikki."
"What do you plan to do about it? I hope you do not decide to fight."
"Tell me friend Grotto, will one of your regional queens come here to investigate?"
"That is very likely."
"Do you think the All Mother may have a chance to change this queen's mind?"
"I am sure that she will be protected so she will not have any direct communication but I will get a chance to talk to her."
"I do not think that will be enough."
The time to get to the probable system and return was at least four weeks. Queens were not known for being impulsive so we could figure on a week or so additional grace. We had to get ready for the armada that was sure to come.
Wyatt was the name given to our most powerful computer. Wesley worked with us on its construction even though he was on earth. He had copies of all the information I had acquired about the Wikki and their technology. The thought transmitter is what we were banking most of our plans on. We could get our point expressed no matter what the opposition wanted to do short of nukeing the computer.
My mates went around to the various Tomma settlements and explained what was happening. We did not want the Wikki fought with bows but with reason. This way the All Mother would have a chance to think on this matter before one of the queens arrived.
My children and the kids worked as hard as they could to get Wyatt complete. It was not long after that happened that the kids were recalled to their ships. Grotto and a few of his crew were the only ones allowed to remain. They were still monitoring the construction of the computer. The work on the battleship was accelerated at the same time. I figured it was to compel me to work harder to provide a computer for them to pay for the work they did. We all knew that this was to keep me from working as much on Wyatt.
Betts and Erica were around me all the time now. They were worried and felt I needed protection. Our missile production had never faltered much because Wesley was still sending us surplus crystals from earth. They too would be a target but we felt that they would come after we were defeated or we came to a peaceful understanding.
A day came when Grotto was recalled. We knew what this meant. The queen was coming and probably with a lot of war ships. There was no way the Fonduush could survive if there was a fight so Betts and most of my family fled the system.
The Wikki were caught at our abrupt manoeuvre because we planned it long ago to coincide with our regular patrols. Keeping the strategy quiet and getting the mates to leave without me was difficult so they were simply not told.
Fonduush was now a very fast ship with all our improvements. Four of the cruisers gave chase but there was no chance of catching her.
I was bombarded by demands to call the Fonduush back or at least tell the Wikki where she was going.
I said, "We are not at war and we are not part of the Wikki empire. We go as we please and when we please."
A new person spoke to me and said, "Why did your ship flee?"
"Who am I addressing?"
There was a long pause that must be more embarrassing for the Wikki as time went on. I assumed it was the person in charge of the fleet that came here. I had never spoken to him before. In conversations with Grotto I called him Moss because of his long name. It took a long time for me to pronounce his name correctly because it was not just sounds but thoughts that went with it.
Moss gave his name eventually. I said, "High Captain, " and then gave his full name. "I am the king of this world while you are the High Captain of a small fleet of Wikki ships. I, like all Tomma, am a representative of the All Mother. You will show the same respect as you would a representative of your High Queen Bright Star. The Tomma do not require your permission to carry out the All Mother's tasks." I waited for a few minutes but I got no reply.
We had at least four weeks left before Wyatt would awake. Now I had to find ways of giving us enough breathing room for this to happen.
The children and I worked over the substrate to assist it to make the connections required. Apart from the crystal improvements, this was the activity that took the longest time.
Erica stayed with me this time. She could do little to help with the computer but she would go out to meet with smaller groups of Tomma. She usually brought many of our infants and the Wikki infants too. She tried to show up at religious ceremonies the way the rest of the mates had done so the All Mother could be invoked and then informed of what was happening.
Erica said, "Do you have any feelings about Betty?"
"No, she is probably going to run for a few weeks until she can loose the Wikki ships. If she can't then she will go near a Chlorine world as we planned. It is just too soon to know anything."
We had gone over this plan for a long time. A free Fonduush was strong weapon to hold over anybody's head. It was much like the Cold War on earth where many countries had the ability to kill not only their enemies but the entire population of the planet. I did not want to fight the Wikki but I wanted them to respect us or our weapons until they had a chance to respect us for peaceful and civilised reasons.
Grotto did not call me and I did not need his assistance yet so I refrained from calling him even if it was official business. The time came when we figured that a fleet of ships would arrive. We waited day after day but they did not show up. We basically ignored the Wikki as we went about our business in the system. They kept their other agreements by continuing with the building of the battleship and the monitoring of their portion of the system. High Captain Moss was not as trusting now and he sent many more sensors out to monitor the entire system.
Wyatt finally awoke and was greeted by Wesley and the rest of us. Grotto had managed to come back for the occasion with six of his people.
Grotto said, "This is a historic event. Never before has such a powerful computer awoken."
"I feel the same way friend Grotto, though I think Wyatt will be only the second of many."
"It would take us many years to build a machine like this even if we had the plans."
"You were given the plans and I hope your queen knows that they were freely given in friendship. The crystals for a computer like this are some of the many goods we have to trade."
Wyatt underwent three days of constant testing and the Wikki had the opportunity to check our test results and even do a few of their own. The control of the telepathic communicator was given over to Wyatt only after he was fully aware of its power. The Aristis would never have done this because now a computer could kill all of us with a blast of this energy if not drive us insane. The Wikki did not know the power of the communicator we installed and thought it to be the same as what they would have in their ships.
When Wyatt spoke it was with my mannerisms and everybody knew that it was my personality in the machine. The Wikki took a while to digest this fact. They too could have the personality of a biological being in their computers but instead, chose to use the artificial variety. They tended to work better with the number of them on a major Wikki ship.
Wyatt was not the only one undergoing tests. Wesley had constructed a phased array of antennas mounted on small ships that were used to make a gigantic receiving dish for telepathic thought. The Fonduush had a much smaller unit and it was used to transmit to earth and Wesley. After a lot of communication on the hyperwave the unit actually worked.
The Wikki used a similar procedure that augmented the hyperwave but they were not as strong or as directional. Wesley had come across a few abnormalities that gave him the idea of doing this.
The Fonduush was also testing a new inertial compensator that was based on the Wikki design too. We had made more improvements on it before it was built, then more in the last few weeks.
The cruisers that had chased after the Fonduush had returned one at a time. They had not found our ship and High Captain Moss had not asked where she was again. Grotto asked for him with a hint of shame. I said, "Captain Grotto the Fonduush is undergoing independent tests of her hull and systems."
"Your ship had amazing speed. I was unaware that she was that fast."
I could not flaunt the fact that we used Wikki technology so I said, "We have made steady improvements on her the same way my children wanted to work on your own ship. The improvements are actually based on the increased number of high quality crystals that we can now manufacture."
"Will you come back and work with our people on my ship?"
We both knew this was coming. Months ago we had discussed this day in private. Now in public I said, "I am sorry friend Grotto, I am much too busy here. Your people are welcome to come here and learn."
"We have found that my people become disoriented when they are with you and lose their objectives. This does not happen as much on our ship."
"I cannot help you friend Grotto. I will give some of my time to your people but they must be here to get the benefit of it." I adlibbed and said, "Perhaps High Captain Moss will come here and visit. He may learn more about us himself instead of doing it through others. On my oath, I will protect him to the best of my ability and see that he gets safely back to his ship when he leaves. My only wish is to see that he gains a better understanding of us and the All Mother."
There must have been communications because Grotto hastily said, "That is impossible. The High Captain is busy too."
"That is too bad. The cruiser that left to fetch a queen, should return soon and perhaps we can talk then."
There was a pause. "How do you know this?"
"I observed that some of the Wikki were acting irrational. When this happens, I would think that they would go to get some guidance. That would be to see one of your leaders. I feel that we are interesting enough to warrant a personal visit."
"We were not irrational friend Wally. The Wikki are not used to those of other races."
He had to be spouting his leader's thoughts. I said, "Friend Grotto, have I attacked or harmed any of your people? Have the Tomma done any damage to your race? There are few Aristis here but they are under my command. Do you think that they can harm the Wikki?"
"I do not understand your questions but I do not see you or your people as a threat to my race."
"Thank you for that admission, because I see myself as only a light wind that moves the trees that is your home. I remove the stale air and bring the fresh scents to your people. I present the possibility of change. It is those that have irrational fears of those that are not of the Wikki race that I speak of. Your people like the gifts I have to offer and we have learned from each other. Change need not happen overnight but it may take years where each of the changes may be studied. Some of your people refuse to even look at what I have to offer besides crystals and computers. This I say is irrational behaviour."
Grotto waited for his captain's thoughts and when they did not arrive he said, "The Wikki have had no friends. We are attacked by many races. It is difficult to understand the motives of others. With no successes it is hard to feel safe enough to try to form a friendship."
I said quietly, "I admire the Wikki for their continued search for friends without losing what makes their civilisation strong. Those other races have lost if they had not allowed friendship to grow. I think that I have found a friend in a minor Wikki captain. That may be all that is needed now."
Wyatt was operational for twelve days before we detected the first signs of an approaching fleet. Grotto by then was on his own ship and he reported to us the number of ships and the fact that Queen New Leaf was approaching. Months ago Grotto had told me the names of the queens and what he knew about each of them. New Leaf was not one of them. She was either a replacement sent from Queen Bright Star or one that had been waiting in the wings when her queen died or was replaced.
The feeling I was getting was ambivalent. There was great danger but also a chance for success.
Wyatt had been focussing his antennas on the Wikki ships, trying to read thoughts. The Wikki had not been able to do this and I had little hope of doing it either. We had small drones that tried the same thing and had the same results.
Hours later the approaching fleet came to a halt and then one of the cruisers that had been stationed here approached. I was sure the High Captain was in this ship.
Work went on here on the planet's surface but we were all studying what was happening in space.
Erica stood beside me now and held Connie in her arms. "What do you think will happen now, Wally?" Her voice was quieter than usual.
"A lot of talk and especially with Grotto. Then New Leaf will want to talk to me."
"Any chance she will come here?"
I tried to think of a course of action that would give me the best results but I only had some vague feelings that could go either way.
The call finally came and it was through Grotto. "Friend Wally, Queen New Leaf would like to question you."
"I will come friend Grotto and I will bring some of my family."
"Your family was not invited friend Wally. You must come alone."
"I will come with two of my mates and four children that can help me speak to her. Your own protocols allow foreigners some leeway and I am going to take it. I am a representative of the All Mother."
"I have spoken to her and she... only wants to see one of you at a time."
"She finds our shape... unusual?"
"That is correct friend Wally."
"Perhaps I can ask her myself?"
"She will not respond friend Wally. It is best to just come and do so quickly."
"I will still ask friend Grotto. This may take a few minutes so please be patient."
It was nighttime where I was but there were some people ready. Four wise men waited in the darkened courtyard. The mates currently on the planet and my own children gathered around and then so did many more from the city. With more people coming, I waited with my family and tried to calm some of those that were worried the most.
A fire was started with wood that had been kept dry for this purpose. There was a light drizzle but nobody objected to it.
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My name is Kelly Robin O'Hare, and am proud of who and what I am. Daddy taught me to be myself and never stopped loving me when I told him who I really was. He hugged me and said, "When do I meet my Princess?" I cried, "Now, Daddy," and went to my room and donned Momma's old red sailor style cheerleader uniform, matching bloomer, socks and shoes with Peavy suntan pantyhose. "You look just like your mother, Kel," he sighed. "Thanks, Daddy, I wish that she'd not died giving birth...
Susan Sunday was an older woman teaching sex education to young adults. These were young people out of high school, but without enough credits for their diplomas. She taught the class in the evenings and loved her work. "Now, class," she began one evening, "we'll talk about how reproduction is done." Susan almost chuckled at the sudden attentiveness of the young men. They already knew, or heard, she had an unusual way of teaching. It was called show and tell. She had discovered years ago...
Back when my youthful horniness was at its peak, I found myself at a crossroads with my sexuality. I had only hooked up with girls, however, I often caught myself fighting off feelings of sexual excitement at the thought of my best friend, Ryan. While I considered myself to be straight, I felt moments of weakness in the locker room after soccer practice. Although we would never get fully naked in front of each other, Ryan and I would strip down to our boxers to change from our gym shorts into...
Gay Male"'And to my grandson John, I leave the contents of this box,'" my grandmother's lawyer read out loud from her will, "'on the condition that he open it privately.'" He then gave it to me. "'To my granddaughter Jane, I leave my necklace...' It's...not here." "What do you mean it's not here?!" Jane asked angrily as she crossed her arms. This had the unintended effect of pushing up her large breasts which her black funeral dress was already having trouble containing. "I'm sorry miss, but it's not...
Mind ControlI barely slept. The blow that had knocked me across the floor of my bedroom had raised a dark purple bruise the shape of Maxie's fist on my jaw and split my lip. There was no blowing it off, it looked like I'd been in a fight and my red rimmed eyes only backed that up. I left the house before mum was even up and trudged to school through the thick cloud that had settled over the town in lieu of the earlier snow. My new tutor clucked disapprovingly when she saw me, turning from folding all...
Dr. Michael readied the new exam room for its first patient of the day. He’d had the room specially equipped to take advantage of the females he specifically chose from the young, inexperienced students who received medical examinations at no charge. In exchange for this free service they would allow medical students to be present during the exams. Or these females would think the men present at their exams were medical students. Dr. Michael never let actual medical students take part; instead...
MasturbationNow that Andy had finished performing oral and manual stimulation of the vaginal area on Beth she lay on the bed for awhile basking in the afterglow of her orgasim. She was feeling fulfilled and grateful because she was afraid Andy wasn’t really going to be up to taking care of both her and Susan together or even her alone for that matter. She thought he was just a creepy little man lusting for women he could and should never have in his life. Susan convinced her to give him a chance because...
EroticMy CPA and is one of the best in town, always gets me money back So I keep his phone number handy. He and his wife are partners in his business and both are competent CPA’s so I recommend them to all my coworkers and friends. This year I went to get my Taxes done and Cleo was out of town, his wife Alicia was at the office So we discussed what we had to do to take care of this mess I was looking at. Alicia is an older black woman and sweet as she can be. Her body is a bit out of shape for her 56...
InterracialWhen Alan woke up again late Sunday morning, he again marveled at the incredible luck and joy the world had brought him. Finally! Sex with Aunt Suzy AND Aims! And on the same day too. There's something so deliciously naughty about fucking a mother and daughter. That's what I call a day well spent. But today's a new day, and I'm going to take it easy. This is supposed to be my recovery weekend. He looked around, and to his surprise Amy was nowhere to be seen. He looked at the clock by his...
It was a cool June morning and I was feeling creative, so I grabbed a guitar, a notebook and a cup of coffee, and I walked down to my dock. It’s my favorite place to write songs. I live on the shore of a quiet lake in upstate New York, a really beautiful spot that never fails to inspire me. I sipped on my coffee and enjoyed the scenery for a few minutes, and then I warmed up my fingers on the guitar and played through a few of my usual tunes. On certain days the air is just right and the guitar...
My birthday was yesterday (10/28). It was a good day! Lunch with the family and then dinner and a movie with my wife. Dinner was okay … food was decent, but over priced. Johnny English Strikes Again was very funny. But the best part of the day came later that night.When we got home from the movie, my wife went into our bathroom to take a bath. I logged into xHamster to see what was going on and to look at a few photos. After 20 minutes or so, I logged off and entered the bedroom. What I found...
When I was 26, I was divorced from my wife I was invited to a cousin’s wedding With no big plans and a good time to catch up, I made plans to go back east to the wedding. My aunt Cece called me and said “Danny, I heard you were coming to Frankie’s wedding? Where are you staying?”I said “Aunt Cece, I’m not sure, I haven’t worked that out yet.”“Well Danny, come stay with me, I got a spare bedrooms with no one in it since the k**s moved out. Come stay we me and we’ll catch up.”“OK, Aunt Cece...
A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 16 - 18 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...
Her name is Cheryl, not her real name. This is a story of a young woman, who despite technically being abused, feels that her abuse was more education than abuse. Because of the nature of the acts, only a bare minimum of details of those sexual acts will be included. This is her story as related to me over the internet. It all started at the age of 8 years of age, an uncle looked after her one evening. At first it could be misread as accidental, the contact with her panties, briefly to start...
Glade believed that she’d arrived at the point in her life where events had directed her. The trials she’d endured from the time her tribe was reduced to slavery, her travels across the southern and northern lands, her marriage to Flint, and, of course, the ever-present shadow of Demure: all of this was destined to culminate where she was now. The pinnacle of her life was to be a peripatetic shaman in the company of her black lover in the white glacial foothills of the Great Mountains. What...
Introduction: The third installment in the fictitious events between me and my friend. It was Monday, the first day back at school since my night with my dream boy… He had decided to confess his love for me after I went to his house. I just couldnt stop thinking about what hed said Dont worry, Ill take care of my girlfriend. That morning, he picked me up from my house to drive me to school. Hop in, he said, pulling up at the end of the driveway. I was standing in the cold waiting for the bus. I...
After that evening, Beth would stop by my lab a couple times a week for a little fun. We'd do all kinds of lesbian sex. After her wedding and her hymen was no longer intact, I introduced her to the joy of dildos. She took to it with the same enthusiasm as all the other things I'd introduced her to. With this new ability to make anybody I knew gay, I decided who I wanted to turn next. A name came to me instantly: my niece Clara. Clara was the daughter of my older brother, Ted. She was...
My wife loves costuming and going to the renaissance festival was an opportunity to dress up. She still has a gorgeous body and wearing the costumes of the period gave her an excuse to put the girls on display. She looked so sexy in her outfit with a push up laced bra. I was her servant man and followed closely behind her acting the part and always looking down. We went to the puppet show and stood in back overlooking the crowd. opposite us along the far wall was a young man who appeared to be...
Chapter 1 In a lot of ways, being fourteen, sucks. At least for a girl. At least for this girl. The boys are mostly jerks, nerds or jocks so in love with themselves that there's no room for a girl. There is one guy I would love to fuck. He would be my first. Oh, anything would be my first. I've never been felt-up, never had my boobs squeezed, my nipples sucked, never been fingered, never anything. And, I'm tired of it. But there is the one guy I want to fuck so bad I can just taste it. In...
I like sex. I refer to making love as an art. Can't even figure out the right words to describe that feeling when I orgasm. Its like mixture of best pleasure emotions blended together, some sort of a tickle and overload of happiness. It will make your body shake, lose control over yourself and doesn't leave you completely breathless. It can be recognized as the best feeling ever a girl can have. I love writing about it. That way I can send my thoughts, through lush to far off countries,...
Straight SexTiny Tina enjoys watching porn on and today in Private Specials, Cuckhold’s Fantasy her husband has decided to treat her to the real thing by inviting over stud Angelo Godshack for a proper good fucking. Tina’s cuckhold husband is the happy audience for this live shoot recording all the action on his phone as she warms up with a nice deepthroat blowjob to get the party started. Then watch this brunette beauty get the fuck she was craving as she has her pussy pounded while...
xmoviesforyouHi my name is Rohan and I am 29 years old, I live in Calcutta. I am about to share my own experience which happened couple of weeks back, with permission from the lady in the story. I’ll start from my description. I am 5’7 good body, fair and I look smart overall. The lady I am talking about is about 5’3″, average personality, curvy and pretty and my email id is girls can mail me freely All this started couple of months back when I was at home getting bored. Used to chat a lot with buddy’s a...
Hello everybody My Name Is kUmar maine sex se related bahoot se story padhe aur ise wjaha se mai is site ka diwana hoon .en sab kahaniyon ko pad kar mujhe bhi apne ek kahani yaad aa gai jo ki jindagi ki sachai hai.aap loog ese kitna sach manenge oo patanahi.khair ye mera pahla sex experience bhi ek sach kahani hai es liye mai ghar mohalla ka naam nahi de raha ye sirf confidentioal purpuse ke liya chhupa raha hoon. Ye un dino ki baat hai jab mai 10+2 Pas kar chuka tha . aur mere ghar ke...
It’s just another workout at the gym. Will tonight prove to be the same old routine? My schedule has been haywire lately. I am usually here long before sunrise but today it’s almost 9:00 pm at Power Gym. I just couldn’t make it in until an hour ago and, for me, it is never a good day unless there is a workout in there somewhere. It is nearing the end of my program, just one more set of lat pull downs and then off to the bench and I’m out. As the last reps are being completed I am invited...
Francis threw open the door and said sternly to Daniel “it is unacceptable, you just forgot, so you are so going to get a spanking.” Daniel looked up and immediately knew what she meant. Francis, his fiancé, asked him to take her library book back whilst she was at the shop. It was the last day so now she gets a fine and had made it clear, like very clear indeed, that she would put him across her lap if he forgot. Well, he did forget as he got engrossed in a game of cards with Francis’s...
A baby was giving me smooches while pulling on my nose with one hand and one of my ears with the other. Little Dan was grinning and jabbering at me as if telling me I had to get up. I snuggled with him, causing squeals and giggles, until Brandy snatched him up and told me, "Get up, and go take a shower. We all want to be with you a little while before you leave. It's already six-thirty." I didn't get enough sleep, but I did need to get up and visit with everyone before we left. Tina...
We lay there for ten minutes after we finished having amazing sex, just breathing. Then she got up and put on the same clothes. "I hope dinner didn't burn," she said, worried. "It was worth it if it did," I said. "Thank you, Sir," she dimpled. "Let's eat, and then I want to go swimming again." "That reminds me," I said. "I need to tell you what I told them about us." "You told them about us?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. "I had to tell them something. You were like a...
The neighbour had recently moved to a small country town in the southeast of England, assuming that nothing very exciting would probably ever happen there. He was soon proved wrong however, as he got to know his new next-door neighbours, married couple Caroline and Chris.He’d spoken to Caroline the day after he moved in, and they’d always got along really well following that initial meeting. Likewise, with Chris, he found once they got talking that they had a lot in common. They were both in...
Wife LoversTuesday 19th June 2018, morning, rushing to workI was in a strange place mentally as I drove across town heading to my first meeting of the day. My mind, still full of the sights and sounds of an unforgettable Monday evening at Malcolm’s house. An evening that started with a fairly conventional conversation and meal, punctuated only by Jill sneaking off to the kitchen for some kissing and make-out time with her new lover. But which had ended up with a three-way sex festival that had left...
Wife LoversMy heart thumped fast and hard in my chest, and I rubbed my hands carefully against the sides of my pants, hoping they were not as clammy as they were shaky. I got out of the car and walked slowly across the grassy hill of the park. It was a perfect day, weather wise. The sun was shining, with puffy white clouds that dotted the bright blue. I would have been happy even if it was cold and raining buckets. I hadn’t seen my fantasy lady, Rachael Duncan, in ten years. Per our agreement, we had kept...
hi readers, mai aapko apni ek story sunane jaa raha hu. yeh story meri, meri mami aur meri chachi ki hai. ek baar mere saare gharwale kahi bahar jaa rahe the aur mujhe rukna pada tha kyunki mere 12th ke boards the. mera dhyaan rakhne ke liye chachi ko bula liya gaya aur meri mami to mere ghar ke paas hi rehti thi. jab bhi wo ghar pe aati thi mai kisi na kisi bahane se unke paas hi baitha rehta tha. baar baar unhe kahi na kahi haath lagata rehta tha. mai jaanta tha ki wo bhi mujhe impressed hai....
“Welcome to the Transgender in STEM Symposium hosted by the African-American Transgender Alliance. I’m Ericka Scott, the program coordinator for the AATA. And today, we have quite a treat for you. We have a panel discussion with four Black transgender persons who all work in the fields of science, technology, engineering, or math. Interestingly enough, all of them also completed at least one of their degrees at an HBCU. After that, we’ll have some breakout sessions focusing on STEM education,...
Sitting back in the non-descriptive black car, he watched as the two boys left the house on the corner. Both were tall and slim for their ages and yet showed signs of one day being muscular in a rangy sort of way. To anyone else, they might have seemed like identical twins, but he saw the differences. The older one had a softer smile, a fuller set of lips. His eyes were rounder then the younger one, and the observer was sure if he saw them up close, they would be a soft, storm gray color. His...
"I have asked my mother to visit this weekend," announced Cindy Harrison to her husband Simon.Although a lot of men would be disgruntled to hear that their mother-in-law will be visiting, it was not so much hearing that she was coming that caused Simon to gasp, it was the actual phrase.If Cindy had said, "Mum is coming this weekend," or, "My mum is coming for a visit," or similar it would not be a problem but that particular phrase meant only one thing. Yes, sixty-four-year-old Mandy Bloomfield...
SpankingIt started as one of those days where nothing went right. From the moment my alarm clock jarred me awake at 6:00am (damn that broken snooze button), to narrowly missing the train to campus, I knew I should have just skipped classes. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given a choice as it was the first day of spring semester. If I was going to be out, I needed a damn good reason. Since I didn’t have one, well off to class I went. At about 10am, I battle the wave of academic humanity to attend my Organic...
Oral SexShelly turned the corner ahead of us after we stepped off the elevator. She’s been in a hurry since we left our suites. Sherry had just told her, “We’re going to be early, and I hope your Daddy is ready for all of us.” “Daddy loves it when people show up early for an appointment. He’s going to love Jerry and you. Me too - just for the way you and I are dressed.” “I’m still not sure about me coming to see him with my shirttail out, and open all the way down. I can understand any man being...
Story #1: by MaxMonPart 1: Pretty flowers, pretty Tina Tina wore a smile reminiscent of surprise as if she had just opened a birthday gift that held her most desired thing; a sense of anticipation fulfilled with glee, and a natural enchantment filled her eyes most of the time. To her every day brought forth wondrous moments she took in eloquent stride. She exuded sincerity that life was a precious thing best experienced in the here and now, to not concern one’s ambition with the anxiety in not...
Cousin to the queen, damn. "Lord Allard, sheathe your weapons and see to your men. After we take care of them, you and I will need to talk. Just don't do anything dumb, I'd hate to have to kill you." I sheathed my sword after cleaning it off. He looked incredulous but followed my directions. Unfortunately for him, I only left one of his guards unscathed and four with a survivable wound. Two would be permanently crippled because of it, but they'd live. Bright Lady, watch over the souls...
It's late at night, you have been driving for hours and it was safe to say you were now officially lost. It is pouring down with rain and you can hardly see where you are driving, it's a long country road with nothing but trees as scenery. But in the distance you can just about make out, through the heavy rain a faint light. From a house possibly?. Just when your day couldn't get any worse your car starts to make a strange noise. Moments later the car just cuts out. You don't have much...
Jacob Bard Daniel called her at work just before quitting time and told her he would be waiting for her at their loft downtown and for her not to be concerned about the lights not working. He had removed the fuses. Obviously, this was not going to be their usual romantic Friday evening rendezvous. He went on to assure her he had everything taken care of and that dinner could wait a little—adding that he had thought of nothing but her all week, and she was all he wanted. She giggled shyly,...
Author: Gus - Sorry for the length, but this was a very erotic and unusual event that I still often masturbate to. There is no dialogue because this entire incident took place without any conversation.Several year ago when I was in my mid 40's, I was traveling to the west coast and had a chance to visit Santa Cruz. There was a spa that features massages, but also has hot tubs, cool tubs, sunbathing, and sauna among its services - all clothing optional. Many, even most, people go there and never...
MasturbationAfter Phillip and Tom said good night and went on their way. Jenny and I were left standing there not knowing what to say to each other. I opened the car door for her and helped her in. Then I went around and climbed in on the driver's side and started the engine. As I looked over at her I asked, "Where to?" Jenny looked back at me uneasily as she gave me her address. I pulled out of the bar's parking lot and began heading in the general direction of her house. As we drove we talked and got to...
SeductionYe meri pehali stories hain.aaj tak maine bahoot stories padi hain. Phir muje laga ki kyu na main bhi apana expiriance aapse share karu . Mera naam rajesh hai, age hain 32 aur mai mumbai me rehata hu. Meri married life bahoot achhi chal rahi hain.mai bahoot khush tha apani life se. Mumbai me mere friend circle bahoot hain. Sabse achhe rishte hain mere.un dosto me se ek dost jisaka nam hain prakash o mera bahoot khas dost hain usaki shadi ko 3 saal hue hain.muje o hamesha khush lagta tha. Ek...
2013: Jane was walking home with her parents when it happened... planes either had rough landings or crashed completely, people were running all around, shopping carts, fire, etcetera. This was the day when the "ShakuGukan" a wandering, conquering, alien race which captured the females of their victims and breeded them to produce more eggs.. everyone was rounded up into shelters of anykind. Luckily the armies of the world were able to defeat the ShakuGukan but it dearly cost both sides. 2014:...
BDSMJust by saying those words, Tim's cock twitched and other pearl of fluid oozed from its hole. From the side, I slathered it around his cock and even smeared some on his balls before stroking his hard-on. My fist was moving up and down when I stopped and took off my jean shorts before sitting on his chest, facing his cock. Some of Jay's cum was still squishing around in my rectum and starting to ooze on Tim. Straddling his chest, I slid back until my ass was touching Tim's mouth but leaning...
Boyfriend, James, and I both grew up in strict surroundings, me more than him. Me. Phyllis, a pert, perky, sweet, pretty female had to be carefully watched as I was perceived by parents as bait in the eyes of other men and so I was raised and protected. James, not so much, being a guy but his home life was also on the strict side. Very little hugging and kissing in his home or mine. We started dating and caught up on our deprived past with lots of hugging and kissing and cuddling. The...
Not long ago, I went to a mandatory leadership seminar provided by our corporation. The featured speaker Dr. Justin Davies focused mostly on one basic theme. He said that the concept of a self-made man is nothing but an illusion. He went on to show by example how each of us are a sum of others input, both good and bad. Dr. Davies broke this down to different levels called the pyramid of influence as shown by a projected graphic. The bottom layer was representing our daily level of influence...
First TimeThe night I first fucked my mother was undoubtedly the happiest time inmy life, although it has been nearly equaled many times since in ourtorrid love life. It happened in her father's house way back in the hills of Kentucky. Wegot word that my grandfather was in very poor health, and Mom wanted togo see him right away. Since it was early in the week, Dad couldn't getoff work, and my brother and sister and I were in school, but Mom didn'twant to travel alone, so she asked me, the oldest...