Money!Chapter 4 free porn video

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I remembered it had been somewhere around one in the morning by the time I crawled into bed. I looked at the clock to see it was already just after seven. I needed to get going, so I got up, dressed in my running and workout clothes, and checked to see if there was coffee made yet. I guess the girls were on Connie's schedule, so I took my house key, let myself out, and stretched out before beginning to walk until I was running. I went a little farther before turning around and going back home today. This had been a good hour's run. I was sweating profusely, so I went to my room, showered, put another set of workout clothes on, and went down to the kitchen. There still was no coffee, so I imitated Juanita and manufactured a pot. I made a bowl of instant oatmeal so I would have something in my stomach while it was brewing.

I was finishing my oatmeal and coffee when Juanita came in. She smiled as she asked, "Did you visit with Isabel when you got home? I didn't hear any noises."

"No, Dora wore me out by showing me her business. It sure is a lot bigger than you would think. There is a restaurant, a bar, and a dance club that also has a floor show. The place has three floors and was crazy busy. I was so tired by the time I got home that I fell asleep almost before I could get my clothes off."

"Well, you need to help her out. She is determined to lose her cherry, and she has chosen you. Go work out and maybe you should throw her over your shoulder and take her to bed when you come home. Make love to her and tell her that you are not the man for all time for her, but love to make love to her. We'll see if she understands."

I grabbed my house and car keys and went out to my new ride. I stepped on the brake and pushed the button after opening the door and sitting in the driver's seat. The car started instantly. I let it warm up while I put my seatbelt on. The backup camera monitor came on when I put the car into reverse, and I used it to back up until I could use the horseshoe drive to get to the street.

This was different since I was using the car for a normal task, an everyday use. I parked the car sort of between the gym and the dojo. I stretched out again since I had already run, and used their weights for a solid forty-five minutes of lifting. I kept the weights down and did more reps than some would, but it felt good to me. I noticed my arms were thickening and that my body was beginning to feel more normal.

The Oriental man who I met the day before was finishing with a student when I entered the dojo. He asked the student if he might want to do some Tai Chi with us this morning, as it was a chance to stretch his muscles out and have his body learn some repetitious movements that will be valuable with his discipline.

This was perfect, as it was something I needed to train my body to be better at being prepared. All my training had been for immediate action, but I now needed to learn to savor each movement and enjoy how my body responded after each form's conclusion.

Mr. Choi worked with me for an hour, knowing that I was relaxing and enjoying the graceful movements and becoming more relaxed with my body. I thanked the master for his instruction when the student left. He said, "You will be ready for me to teach you to spar very soon if you can let your mind and body drift with the forms. You make me happy to teach you. The man here today learned something new as well. He found out there were many movements to learn and many ways to perform each move. Maybe you would like to lead some Tai Chi classes. It would be good for you. Think about it and let me know."

I encountered Izzy while she was dusting in the living room when I arrived at home. She smiled at me and said, "My door was not locked last night, and no one came to visit. It might have been my fault, as I was so excited that I fell asleep. Remember that I don't lock my door."

I grabbed the tiny woman and picked her up as she squealed. I gave her a kiss and told her, "You're a delectable morsel that I will have to sample slowly in order to find all the goodness in you, Izzy."

She was almost swooning when I put her down. I saw Juanita from the corner of my eye, and asked Izzy, "Is there something I can have as a snack? I need food of some kind, but I'll take a shower first."

It was already ten in the morning, so I had used three hours for physical training. I wouldn't have much time for anything else but my training, eating, and being at work if I worked for the girls at the club. I needed a job, but would I really be an asset to the girls? I would go back again tonight and stay a little longer. They wouldn't get out of there until after five if the club didn't close until three. That's a seven day a week gig. I hoped the girls were making money with their operation.

Connie came downstairs in a flowing see through gown and robe that was beautiful after my lunch. I was sitting at the table, so she came and sat on my lap with her head on my shoulder. She said, "Dora said that you stayed until just after one last night. You need to make sure you get your rest. You look like you're filling out, especially your arms. Keep eating heavy and be sure to get enough sleep."

"So you went by the club last night?"

"I did because the driver told me the date room was double booking all over the city when she picked me up. They sent me on two more quick dates that worked out well. I finished up at the club about four and had some prime rib that the girls had saved for the staff. I brought some home for you. You can warm it up for your lunch. Are you going in tonight?"

"I was thinking about it, Connie. I'm not sure I want to work from five in the evening until five in the morning seven days a week. I know the girls want me to be a part of their business, but that's a bust ass schedule and is as bad as the military was. I know I need a job, and I'm sure the girls would pay me well and give me lots of benefits like the car, and a lot of personal attention from the way they act. I don't think I can handle the twelve hour shifts right now, and I don't know how long it will be before I can."

Connie smiled and said, "You need to talk to the three of them. All three don't work every night. They take turns, and one will work half the night and another will finish sometimes. There are usually two of them there all the time, but occasionally only one. I think they had specials last night and felt that all three needed to be there. Beth and Gabby almost went out for dates as it turned out. You could make a couple of hundred grand a year without working but a couple of hours most nights and an occasional weekender if you were a girl. Do you know that Dora, Gabby, and Beth each had a half million saved up from escorting when the three went into business. They each put up a half million, and that place has grown from there. I'll bet they're each knocking down a couple of mill a year now."

"Holy smokes, Connie; is there that much money in that business?"

"Chuckie, my boy, there's gold between a smart woman's legs. Knowing that pussy has a value and that a lot of men are willing to pay for it is all that's necessary to know. Being discreet in how you market it is most important. It's important so that the customer knows he can't be traced and the escort will treat him in a manner that he will want to come back."

"That's amazing, Connie. I guess I never looked at that business the way you see it. Did you and Mom work together?"

"Oh yeah, we did a lot of parties together. I was really young then and a lot of the men liked the idea of fooling with some kid their own kid's age. The two of us used to have some good times, then come home and fuck your dad into a state of unconsciousness. Your mom and I would spend another few hours snacking on each other to get our cookies enough to the point where we were satisfied. Your dad was a fuck machine, but he was only good for three or four rounds. We both constantly loved on him, but the man would be loving your mother when he woke up in the morning. Those two were true lovers, and he then began the business that became so successful"

"How do Dora and I know that Dad was our father?"

"Oh, that was easy. Your mom didn't take a date for over six months until she knew that she was full of a baby, when she wanted her first baby that turned out to be you. She did the same with Dora. She had her tubes tied so there would be no accidents when she was born. You have no idea how much that woman loved your dad and you kids. Your Mom took you two with her every day because she wanted to be at the business with your dad all the time. That the two of them died together was fitting. I know you still hurt from losing them, but please know that they loved you two kids far beyond what was normal. Your folks were good even with the crazy business your sister is in. Talk to the girls and tell them your worries and fears. Say goodbye and have them come for the car if they can't pacify you. You can still go buy your own. You know the old car I drive doesn't have many miles and it's only for me and Juanita to get groceries."

I hugged my aunt to me and softly said to her, "I think I'm as bad as your dates. You are so beautiful that it is easy to want to be with you intimately."

"Well, not today, Buddy. My Mother Nature aunt is visiting for a few days. We can fool around in the shower if you want to do that, but I want it to be a long, slow, loving adventure when I pop my nephew's cherry. Now go ravish Izzy so that she doesn't go crazy on us."

I thought about how funny this all was. The three women, in addition to the drivers, the call center women, and Izzy, all offering and I wasn't taking any of them up on their invitations. Was it because it wasn't my idea? Was it because I was afraid that I wasn't up to the task? I hadn't had a piece of ass since that lovely in Germany. What was it, over a year ago? My last stateside assignment was completely devoid of female troops. It didn't include any female troops because of the severity of the mission we were going on. I could make my life a living pussy legend right now, but I was holding back because I would enjoy a woman more if it was consensual and welcomed.

I ate the prime rib for lunch, along with some more black beans and the forever pot of rice on the stove. The prime rib was delicious, even warmed up in the microwave.

My nap was very pleasant. I woke up with Izzy holding my hand over her tiny breast. I kissed her neck and it was as if I had pushed a button because she flipped over so fast that I was surprised to find our lips together. The tiny woman said, "I'm not sure why I want you so much, but I do. I fantasized you would be the lover who made me a woman from the time I heard about you. No man looked at me as a woman, but you recognized me as a true woman as soon as you looked at me, and I knew the man I had fantasized over was the man to make me that woman. I used to think that you would take me multiple times, and then tell everyone near and far what a wonderful woman I was. I realized that wouldn't be good, so I changed my fantasy to you finding me a man to keep me forever. I know it's silly, Chuck, but I've been in love with you for over four years and wanted you to make me a woman for that long. You need to do it soon, my love."

What do you say in response to that?

I pulled her close so we could kiss. I think she felt my tears because I felt so unworthy as they fell from my eyes. I told her, "Isabel, Izzy, you are so special and so innocent, I feel like I'm some kind of leper to even be hugging you like this. Please let this be something that happens between us because it's inevitable and not anything forced. I'll come to you or you come to me. We can sleep together without the final penetration and wait until it is the right time. Will you let that happen?"

It was Izzy who was in tears now. She passionately kissed me, and said, "You are going to have a bed warmer now. Thank you for giving me permission to snuggle with you."

"Okay, little woman, I need to get up and have a snack. I should eat something like a supper before I go to see my sister at work."

Connie came in while I was eating, and said, "Be sure to call to make sure who might be there this evening. You still need to speak to all three at once again, and tell them of your concerns. I'm sure they've thought of them too."

I was showered and dressed by five, so I called my sister's cell. She sounded groggy when she answered. I told her that I wanted to talk this evening and she told me that she would be in by six. She told me, "Tonight is Gabby's night, but I can have Beth come by too. Do you need all three of us?"

"I don't know, Dora. I guess you and I have to talk first, then I can talk to your partners when I know what I'm talking about."

Dora said, "How about meeting me at the Village Inn on the south end of the island on Fifth. You'll see it right after you get on the island. I need breakfast, and you can always eat. I'll see you at six."

We amazingly went from right away, to five, to six in a flash. I had plenty of time, so I drove to the appointed place at a slow pace. I had to pass the restaurant to find a place to do a U-turn, and I was able to come back and park before entering at five-fifty-seven.

I walked into the restaurant and looked around to make sure she wasn't already there. She wasn't, so I asked the hostess to give me a corner booth. She didn't like the idea of a single taking up a six place setting, but she gave me what I wanted. I assured her there would be more than me.

Dora walked in the door at just a minute after six, but wasn't decked out in her club finery. She saw me and headed my way without waiting for the hostess. I got up, hugged her, and we kissed like cousins. A good start.

A waitress brought us coffee, water, and menus. Dora inhaled the coffee before saying, "Last night was unusual as it was busy from the opening bell, and included all phases of the business. You know none of us girls was able to get to sleep until after seven this morning. We almost had a fight over who had to work tonight, but it was Beth's turn, so she's there although in a fog. Tonight should be peaceful after a night like last night. So talk to me, Brother. What's on your mind?"

"Exactly all that, Sis. I don't think I can do this six days a week. Working from five to five, or six or seven in the morning, is too much like the Marines. Do I really want to do that as a civilian? Are we talking five/six/or all seven days a week? I have to be able to find something where I don't have to work twenty-four seven again. I'm still recovering, and not ready for daily twelve hour shifts, Sis. I don't want to disappoint you, but I think this is the time to say it all."

My sister now had a fork full of pancakes that she had crammed into her mouth. She continued chewing until she finally swallowed, took a drink of her coffee, and then said, "I wouldn't want you to try to work twelve hours a day, seven days a week. Beth and Gabby don't work those hours either. We try to alternate every night except when there are promotions. Last night was a little off the wall, and we all ended up staying the whole night. It was a good night and I swear it was one of the best weekday nights we've ever had. Every aspect of the business was busy. The escorts were doing two and three dates in the time they're used to doing one. They knew the value and the business that was waiting, so they made up for it. Our aunt probably did six or seven last night, which probably made her a minimum of ten grand. It made the company about ten grand as well, of course. Do you know that we did enough chauffeur business last night to totally write your car off? We could have cleared about a million last night if we had another fifty girls and twenty-five cars."

Dora looked at me, and said, "That doesn't resolve your problem though, does it? I know you can't work those hours because we can't. All the guys have others who work on days they don't. It's the nature of the beast, though. I have the guys alternate between a forty-eight hour, four night week, and a thirty-six hour, three night week. It's good if they get out of there in less than twelve hours. If not, tough. That's what the business requires. As for as your job; you will need a couple of assistants who will take the slack up for you. Beth, Gabby, and I will know they are trustworthy and will take care of business if you bring them on board. I wouldn't want you to work more than four nights a week, if that. The three of us girls haven't figured out what you would cost us, but we thought that we would keep you in bed a lot of the time if you were to live with us. That's a fucked up way to operate a business, isn't it?"

I was chuckling as my sister had a worried look on her face while she continued to stuff her mouth with pancakes. I was on my second plate of steak and eggs.

Ta da! Two gorgeous women walked into the restaurant and came straight to our booth. One sat beside me, and the other beside Dora. Gabby was the one next to me, and she said, "So does your brother want in, or is he waffling?"

Dora looked at me, then at Gabby, and said, "Waffling, but he has good reason. Both of you listen to him for a few minutes, and then you can have your say."

I told the two the same story I had given my sister. Both women were sitting with their mouth open when I was done. Beth said, "We didn't figure on you to work every day and every hour the joint is open, but we didn't present it that way, did we? We wanted you to be responsible, but didn't tell you how to be not responsible for some of the open hours. I agree that you can't handle that many hours with that much responsibility. How do we do this?"

Dora said, "We want what a man like Chuck can bring to our business. He can keep everyone together, and be able to show our security staff how to control crowds without having to break noses or bones. My feeling is that we will have to budget a hell of lot more so that Chuck could hire men of his choosing who could fill in for him while he's not there. He might have to be like us and be as close as his cell phone, but he wouldn't have to be on site."

Beth made a stupid statement in an angry haughty manner, "Well, we're giving him a fifty thousand dollar car, so he should give us some fifty thousand dollar service."

I pulled the house key from the fob, and tossed the fob on the table. "Here's your fucking car. I was on my way to buy a car when you forced this one on me. Have your fucking fifty thousand dollar car run your fucking business for you. Good day, Ladies."

I got up and walked out of the restaurant. There was a taxi sitting at the entrance that I waved down, got in, and made his day to get a fare back to Miami where I had him drop me at a car dealership. It was a Chevy dealership, so I ended up with a five year old Impala for under ten grand. It didn't take that long to get everything done. They argued with me over whether or not I could pay cash or if I had to finance the car to get the deal they gave me. I drove the car away from the dealership after having them charge my debit card.

I had shut my phone off as soon as I got in the cab, as my sister was already calling me. I didn't want to hear it. There sat one of the Hummer limos when I pulled into the house driveway, so I stopped, backed out, and drove to a nearby Holiday Inn Express. I rented a room and went to bed for a good night's sleep.

I woke up about five thirty and felt rested. I was over my mad now, and felt I could meet with them again, but I wouldn't be their butt boy. I drove home and parked by the garage after noting that there was no limo at the front door.

The front door burst open as I went to it, with my sister running toward me. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Chuck. I didn't mean for you to ever hear something like that. I didn't know Beth had that kind of resentment that you would be working with us and we would be supplying you with transportation. God, Chuck, I want you to have that damn Mercedes just because I want you to have it."

"Don't need it, Sis. I bought a car for less than a fifth of what Beth didn't want to give me. Listen, I'm sorry I flew off the handle, but I'm still a little touchy. I don't want you girls to get bent out of shape over this. You did fine before I came home, and you'll continue to do fine if I'm not part of your business. I don't want to be a part of it. You girls have made it work so far, so continue to make it work. I have plenty of money and I'm perfectly able to find a good job. I'm almost a college grad, so maybe I should finish that and then go out and market my talents. I still have some recovery to do, so I'll do that first. I love you, and thank you for trying to give me a good job, Sis. It just isn't in the cards at this time. Can I take you back to South Beach or to your apartment?"

Same as Money!
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From the Pages of Carmyns Diary A True Story 5

June 17, 2007 3:40 p.m.Dear Diary,Sitting outside under the oak tree watching a collection of girls from another team practice a routine where they bend over, come back up, clap, poke their boobs out, do 180 degree turn, just to bend over again. They're doing all this under the blazing sun that makes 'em sweat, wetting their thin shirts, and exposing nipples for the ones not wearing a bra.All the girls on my team are crowded up under trees sitting Indiana style with notepads in our hands. We're...

2 years ago
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Anal Fantasies Cum True

For years I made love to my wife without being attached to the tight pucker that lies so closely behind the sweetest pussy in all the world, but then one day my tongue wandered into territory that had never before been shared with any other lover. As the tip of my tongue slipped past the back of her wet pussy into a field of fuzz and sweetness never before tasted, her reaction was immediate and in the opposite direction from my advancing tongue. At the time I was told not to plan on kissing her...

2 years ago
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bbw and maintenance guy

It was a Monday morning. The night before I stayed up very late so I was sleep-in late when I heard a knock at my door. I answered the door it was the maintenance man, tall about 6'2 I'm 5'2 so he's alot taller than me, chocolate skin, pretty smile in his maintenance uniform. I smiled and said hello, he said hello ma'am....he really called me ma'am and I'm 20years younger than him but Oh well. He said he had a order to change light in my kitchen. I had called a couple weeks before because the...

3 years ago
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Desert DreamChapter 5

John relaxed and let the strange ghostly music, with its breathy quality float him in a trance. It spoke of rare rains, sudden flowering of wasteland, rainbows and dew. It was incredible that such a small instrument, like a stick with two strings on it jammed into a tiny round drum, could produce such ethereal and dulcet waftings. Zithrusa gently drew the horsetail bow back and forth slowly as she lightly touched the strings, just firmly enough to shorten their chords. There was only...

4 years ago
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My Electric Fucking Machine

A few months ago i decided it would be a good idea to add a fucking machine to my large collection of bondage toys, so i did a bit of homework as to what i needed,& started searching.The two main items,the special DC volts motor & the electronics to control it i was extremely lucky to get off E-Bay,from seperate sellers,& both for the initial bid !! No-one ran me up ,heheThe slider mechanism that works the cock shaft is ex-British Military,prob off the Ark Royal !Having got all the...

2 years ago
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Tommy Part 7

"Tommy" By GentilePart 7---------She called back that evening with a grocery list. "Now, Tommy has given me a hundred dollars walk around money, (I held the money in our family/that circa) Cully. So, you buy the groceries and I'll repay you, okay?""Sounds good, honey.""You sound much better, Cully. I'm glad.""Yes, for sure.""Can't wait for Wednesday afternoon. Well, I am also looking forward to tomorrow evening when I see my little Cully-boy again, but, Wednesday will be a new beginning for us...

3 years ago
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a ladies friends

I get up from the sofa and walk to the kitchen while bruno stays licking his his now much larger cock. I grab the bag of pony oats and pour some into my bucket Toby must think i have forgotten him i say to my self i must take him some water. I leave Bruno still licking his cock while i head towards the stable Having both hands full i open the door with my foot toby turns to look at me as i enter, sorry Toby i have not been looking after you as i walk up to him and put the buckets on the...

3 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 68

It was after two in the morning by the time the buses carrying Lev, Rifkeh, and nearly two hundred people that were at least theoretically no more than two or three degrees away from knowing Rifkeh personally arrived in Miller’s Cataract. The three buses sat on the shoulder of a county road cresting a rise that overlooked Hodgeman-Lindburgh Park. Their vantage point was high enough to see about a quarter of the park, but at this hour, it was mostly a field of undifferentiated darkness broken...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Aubrey Sinclair VR 22663

Let me see that thong! You’re saying that to your woman’s friend Aubrey Sinclair, who’s sporting one when you stop by her place to pick up the swimsuit your girlfriend left there. Aubrey’s juicy bubble butt looks fantastic in that thong, cheeks bustin’ out! It makes you hard as a rock, especially since your girlfriend NEVER wears a thong! It gets better when Aubrey starts rubbing her thong’d ass all over your dick…and then it is ON! Aubrey giving you a blowjob by the pool, Aubrey giving you...

1 year ago
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Dating A Chatting Friend After Three Years

Hi all. It’s been nice to meet you all thru ISS once again. I have been a regular reader of ISS and I have so far posted 3 stories in ISS. Now it’s time I pen down my 4th story which happened to me in the last week of December 2014. To give a small intro about myself, I’m 6ft tall, black guy. I’m from southern part of Tamilnadu. Recently moved to Chennai. I have been working in the field of sales for more than 6 years. I love matured ladies a lot and I love to do groping in buses or any crowded...

4 years ago
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The Joy Of Sex

Ten years since I set foot in this sleepy little outpost, nothing seems to have changed at all. It’s like a place stuck in a void, unable to break free. It’s a quintessentially English village - stuffy, well to do folk who look down on you if you don’t speak like a broadcaster from the 1950’s. Everybody has their nose in other peoples business, there are no secrets here.I pass many folk who I know as I walk through the narrow lanes, but nobody seems to want to talk, they either pretend not to...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Masked Hero MindSwap

Masked Hero Mind-Swap by Throne "I'm really glad you accepted me as your sidekick, Shadow Cape," the young woman said. "Just keep in mind that this is only a probationary trial," the tall costumed figure told her. "And please just call me Shadow." "Don't worry," she said. "I won't let you down... Shadow." He wasn't so sure about that. The female who called herself Yellow Bird was only eighteen, with no experience in the hero business. While he boasted enhanced strength and...

3 years ago
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BurrChapter 19 Sammys Life takes a turn

I got into a little trouble when I was fourteen. My name is Sammy Kovel Oldham and this is my story. I've related in the previous chapters how I was sent to live in with my guardian, John Oldham and how he assumed the responsibility for my education. Mr. Oldham placed me in Cromwell Military Academy where I endured hazing from my fellow students and strict discipline dispensed by the instructors. On weekends, I received love and attention from Mr. Oldham and his friends. I attended C.M.A....

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 407

Friday was hectic in the office; Lorrie set up a commercial account with one on the international air carriers to get the 40 employees to Africa on Monday. All of them were flying out Sunday afternoon and would not arrive in Africa until almost 24 hours later with layovers in Europe. All of those employees were scrambling to get last minute personal things taken care of. In a way, we were fortunate that out of the 40 only 10 were married or had families. All of them were relieved that they...

2 years ago
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Peters Advanced TrainingChapter 6

Debbie had a question ready for Peter when he arrived at the storage unit for his test. "Meagan was a little upset that you left before she was done with her homework. I think I know why, but I want to hear it from you. So, why did you put your pants on and leave before Meagan had a chance to tell you good night?" "If I had tried to go into any other room of the house to jack off, I'd have started cumming almost as soon as Meagan was out of sight. Either walking into the hall or going...

3 years ago
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Jackis Bitches

Jacki's BitchesBy ReddbunnzChapter One:  Carol?s Parents ReturnCarol was sitting in the parlor of her Uncle Rob?s home awaiting the arrival of her parents.  Carol, an 18 year old high school senior, was staying with her Uncle and his girlfriend, Joy, in order to finish high school while her parents were on an extended, three-month long European vacation. Carol was not only wanted to see them again, but she suddenly realized how much she had missed them both dearly.  Carol loved both her Uncle...

3 years ago
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Z at her Wildest

ZZ (3) Z at her wildest. A week later Z was still tingling.   She thought about the adult theater for the whole week after it had happened. She had the wonderment in her mind and the tingle/itch in her pussy.   She had called me a few times but I couldn’t get away. There were two things that she couldn’t get out of her mind–the black man experience and the “let us know when you are coming back. It will be good for business.”   I was able to get back down there about a week and a half...

1 year ago
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Beach Balls

I don't really like beaches. Sucks for me, 'cause I ought to like them in theory. Warm weather, nice breezes, and hot ladies wearing almost nothing? Those all sound like my idea of fun. But when I actually get there, the sand gets in my eyes, the sun burns all the spots I missed with my sunscreen, and I'm too paralyzed by nerves to ogle too much. I mean, what if someone notices, and laughs at me, or says I'm disgusting? The shame would burn long after the redness on my ears faded. And my...

3 years ago
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Fucking Friends Sexy Sister Part II

Now after sometime we again feel that something burning inside. My cock again erecting and by movement of my cock she again start kissing shaft and getting wet mouth of her, speed of my shaft for erection got pace and it was again hard like a rock. During that process she caught that snake by its neck and direct me to stand up and drag me to her room viz a viz my room also while. We were approaching toward room she caught my penis in his hand and also rubbed it slowly slowly after reaching in...

2 years ago
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Stick in the mud

It was Valentine’s Day, the day of love and affection. I was in my European-style kitchen cooking up some oxtails, brown rice, and vegetables. The meal was for my woman, Drew. She was a short brown-skinned Ebony goddess with a great body, long black straight hair, and lovely brown eyes. I knew this was the night where we finally have the greatest sex!The doorbell rang; I opened the door and there was my goddess clad in a sexy red dress. She smiled at me and gave me a passionate kiss. Her...

4 years ago
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Mrs Kringle Is a Total Milf

The feisty little elf ran into the rear office shouting, "The cookies are burning. The cookies are burning. What should I do, Mama Kringle?" Martha Kringle looked up from the stacks of invoices and bills on the jumbled desktop and followed the excited full bearded adult elf who was still hopping up and down like he was on fire himself. She grabbed the oven gloves and pulled the obviously well-done chocolate chip cookies from the double oven. "Bennie, you saved the day. They are still...

2 years ago
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CorruptionChapter 15 Deadly Game

"It was Aimal, Scotty," Caleb said angrily into his phone. "He nearly took out my whole team! I don't know what came through the veil, but it sure wasn't a Companion, and it was dangerous! Al and I could barely slow it. It was all we could do to stop it, even when we linked! Scotty, I could hear Aimal thank me when I shot him. I think it had just become active. This thing assimilated with its host, quicker than I thought it would. We need that warrant so we can go in now, and pray Branch...

1 year ago
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A Memorable Leaving Do

Fran was leaving the company to take up a new job in Dubai; she was excited. Normally leaving drinks at the company were well attended and often got quite raucous. Because of the pandemic and social distancing rules, there was no way that a traditional get together could take place.The bosses did their bit; they put out some anodyne company-wide email entirely devoid of sincerity and gave her a gift voucher. Some of us weren’t going to let her go without a bit of a send-off. I had always got on...

1 year ago
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A Vacation to Remember Part 2

A lump began to grow in her throat, as she headed through the red doors.  She couldn’t hide it from John. She was nervous as hell. He sat her down and told her the real reason they had flown to London, at the hotel, only hours before.  She had gone through a variety of emotions, everything from anger to anxiousness—everything in between. However, Jen knew John was right, this was her fantasy, and every single minute detail had been planned for her pleasure.   John gingerly held Jen’s hand as...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Massage or what

A few months ago I took my wife to a massage parlor. We had been working very hard and needed to relax, that was the first step before our vacation. I had requested a room for the two of us and women to massage us. I remember grinning at that request, she said to me "why can't a man massage me?" "I'll request it if you want it" I remember saying but she said no and I let it go.When we got to the room, two HOT and I do mean HOT looking body women were in the room waiting on us. I swear my dick...

3 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 4 Malina1

I invite my Malina for a very special sexy tasty treatment to my studio at a small canal in AmsterdamI invite my Malina to cure her main mental hangup: to learn her to love to see herself in the mirrorI know why my Malina hates mirrors as she immediately focusses at her few body parts she likes lessI know why my Malina hates any mirror as she immediately sees her nose which looks a bit thick to herIf my Malina looks in a big mirror she gets the impression her thighs are too thick - in...

4 years ago
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Animal Lust

I could feel the first guy, the one who was thrusting between my legs change his pace slightly, signalling the nearness of his orgasm. I turned slightly so I could see my Husband sitting in the stuffed armchair watching us intently. Just then the second guy who was sitting on the bed, pulled my head back so he could kiss me, his hand roughly mauled my size 'B' tits. This rough treatment only added to the juices between my legs and pushed me over the edge. The guy between my legs stimulated by...

2 years ago
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His Teacher

Just watching her sitting there, looking at those sensual legs of hers beneath her desk, being crossed then re-crossed....just admiring how sexy those shapely breasts of hers looked under her crisp, white blouse all added towards stirring his thoughts and in turn, ensured his cock was rock hard inside his briefs. Finally, though he knew he was going to be taking an awful risk, he started to write beneath the heading already written boldly at the top of his paper....... To make my...

4 years ago
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I should start by telling you about myself. My name is Billy Adams, 28 years old, and I am a serial rapist. I have been ?doing it? for a number of years, and, so far, have not been caught.How I became a rapist, I don’t know. I tell myself it is in my genes, but I guess that isn’t really true. I do it because I enjoy it. The look on the faces of the women as I fuck them.The first was Donna. She was eighteen years old, and gorgeous, she lived in the next street to me, and often took walks in the...

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Green Acres III

"Green Acres III" As soon as Dale agreed to Mrs. Foster's demands she quickly untied him from the bed then removed the nylon stockings from his head then removed the gag. After a quick trip back to the shower to get freshened up and to dampen his hair properly once again Dale was soon back in his feminine bedroom sitting on the little vanity chair as Mrs. Foster went to work once again. She worked expertly and quickly and wanted to get as much done as she could while Dale was still...

1 year ago
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You’ve got an awesome computer setup. Dual monitors, maybe even three. Or, hell, you might just have an awesome laptop with killer resolution. And you probably live alone. Oh, and you love high res pictures of kinky sluts. You love them so much that you could just sit back and stare at their plump asses and perky tits all day. Sound like you? I mean, most of you degenerates probably fit that profile. But I’m getting specific this time because the site I have is for you horny fucks out there...

Useful Software
3 years ago
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Love in which we Ammend

What began over six years ago, had nearly come to an end over a poor decision. Thomas Alton waited quietly, sitting on the sofa. The television was on, but he paid no attention to it. His eyes stared blankly at the curtains covering the patio doors. He could hear Jane moving around up stairs. She was still angry, and she had good reason to be, she was mad at Thom. As if to confirm this, Thom heard a loud thump as Jane dropped something on the floor. Thom felt it wasn’t a good time to get up and...

Love Stories
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My Sexual Experiences

Here are a few true to life experiences that my partner and myself have enjoyed over the years, starting from basic sex and transpiring into oral sex, further culminating in anal penetration. Thereafter sex toys and gadgets enhanced the experience and as time went on, swinging became a part of the fun. If this was not enough than more partners were brought into the equation and desires and fantasies culminated in introducing males with "Monster cocks" (for my partner). Finally, things like...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Restroom Sex 8211 Part 3 8211 The Restroom Again

This story is the continuation of the previous story. As I told before having sex with one girl led to a snowball effect. It’s really surprising to see that there have been so many women around me; whom I thought didn’t even care about boys or made people feel that they were confined to themselves; were not like that. It was the case of Janani Priya that taught me a lesson. We are all deluded about people. We just can’t find who is what. Ok enough philosophy for today. Ill introduce myself...

3 years ago
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Mother in law part 2

I woke up with a lovely feeling. What a morning erection! I am still randy after spanking my mother in law, Sumitra’s, round bottom and then entering her in her arse last night. I can still feel her soft rear on my right hand. The tightness of her bum hole – what a night. I had dreamt about the different ways we would fuck. But that would have to wait, since I had a very busy day in the office. As I opened my eyes, the maid walked in with my morning tea. “chai, sahab” “Madam Kahaa hai? “Niche,...

2 years ago
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Delores ThrockmortenChapter 6 The Job Opening

Fourteen year-old Debbie Baylock worked for The Little Girl clothing store company. She was a “live” model and a sales girl. As a model, she would wear the stores latest fashions as she stood in the front window of the store. She and the other models changed poses every couple of minutes. The store employed four adult women and four pre-teen girls as models. When she wasn’t modeling she was helping customers mix and match clothing styles. The Little Girl, owned by the conglomerate, World...

2 years ago
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A Hot Wife Is Created

My husband and I began role-playing all sorts of fantasies shortly after we started dating. It didn’t us long to figure out that we both had an unconventional sexual streak in us. I have always been very open and forward, and accepting of sex. I found out through life that most women definitely do not act like I do. I do believe that many women wish they could and want to, but they stop themselves because of social stigmas that get attached to women who pursue sex as aggressively men do....

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