Tour De Frances I free porn video

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Tour De Frances I Driving through the French contryside brought back so many memories and great success I had achieved over the past 4 years. It was once again time for the greatest cycling event on the planet and my trip to the Palermo castle was the first order of business. Hanna, my trainer, personal physician, and chauffer, had carefully prepared me for the race I was favored to win again for the 5th year in a row. I personaly did not feel my best going into the race as my times and stamina were not as robust as other years. I was still very competitive and ready to compete despite my lackluster training. "You're not saying much Hanna, What's the problem dear?" "Oh, I'm just a little tired. I'm looking forward to relax when we get to the castle." "Are you sure? You seem to be in another world the last two months." "I guess the stress of trying to get your times back to last year's is wearing on me a little." "Yea, I know what you mean, I've been thinking about it a lot as well. I just know we will be able to win somehow one way or another, just don't give up on me!" She looked over at me, gave me a big smile and blew me a kiss. I closed my eyes and took a cat nap for the final 2 hour drive. "Hey sleeping beauty, wake up, we're almost there." I opened my tired eyes and I could see the towering spikes on top of the castle in the distance. "What a sight, how bout it Hanna dear?" "Yea, it sure is a great honor to be invited back to the castle for the 5th straight year." The owner of the castle, Miss Palermo, traditionaly invites back the winner of the previous years race. We get the best comfort and meals anyone could ask for along with the honor of staying at the prestigious castle for 4 weeks, and she never charges a penny to anyone! At last our 5 hour road trip has ended as we sat at the edge of the moat waiting for the 300 year old wooden drawbridge to be lowered. Hanna and I made some small talk as we waited the 20+ minutes for the lowering the of the medieval bridge. "Boy I hope we can solve this stamina issue and why your times are off honey." "Just relax Hanna, we've had these issues before and we've always found the solution. I hope Miss Palermo has something good for our dinner tonight, I'm Quite hungry." The bridge kissed the ground and we made our way across the wooden planks into the parking area. Miss Palermo and her staff were there waiting to greet us. "Bonjour my friends, bonjour!" "Hello Miss Palermo, it's so nice to see you again!" The stunning Itialian woman with strict moral values never looked beter. She was truly beautiful in every way. Always impeccably dressed in the finest feminine dresses and shoes and her feminine figure was admired around the world! We exchanged hugs and a peck on each others cheeks as her servants pulled our bags from the car. "I must say Frankie, you are looking in fine shape. Are you going to win this race for the 5th year in a row?" 'Well Miss Palermo, I think we have our work cut out for us this year." 'What do you mean my dear?" "Uh, what he means Miss Palermo is that we haven't quite peaked yet but we're expecting things to work out in our favor." Hanna gave me a 'keep your mouth shut look' and then smiled to our host. "Well, whatever Frankie, come in and get your bags unpacked. Dinner will be served at 6:00 sharp. You girls take their bags and show them to their rooms. Her servants picked up our bags and led us up the stairs. "Frankie dear, what the hell are you looking at?" "Oh, uh, nothing Hanna, nothing at all!" My eyes were taken in on Miss Palermo's beautiful french servants. Both girls were dressed stunningly in short black servant uniforms. Their legs were encased in shiny black nylons and their figures were so femininely perfect with a tight ass and well defined breasts. How could any man not be lusting over these beauties. One of the girls took Hanna to her room and I followed the other. She pushed open the door and carried my bags in. "Here my dear let me help you with those." "Merci Frankie, your bags are quite heavy." "What is your name my dear?" "Michelle, but please do not call me by my name, Miss Palermo has very strict rules on not talking to her guests! If she finds out we were talking she will punish me." "Yes, I know the rules are pretty strict around here. I guess this could be our little secret, ok." The french beauty gave me wink and a smile before leaving me to unpack. I finished packing and took a long hot bath to relax a little before dinner. My thoughts were on racing and trying to figure out how I was going to win this race. Dinner was served right on time at 6:00pm per Miss Palermo's invitation. The servants served up some of the best food I have ever eaten in my life along with some of the best wine as well. We made small talk at the table for over an hour while we ate our meals. Hanna had a pissed off look on her face throughout most of the meal because I was paying too much attention to our host and her servants. The girls cleared the table of all the dishes and prepared to serve up our coffee. "Miss Palermo that was one fine meal, I just love this country." "Merci Frankie, I know you just love it over here, perhaps you will move here permanently some day." "I doubt that will happen Miss Palermo, I still love the western lifestyle back in the states. But if the day comes that I would make the move you'll be the first to know." Miss Palermo seductively rolled her gold chain necklace between her fingers as she smiled at me. "Yes Frankie, you would fit in well around here." The servants erved up our coffee and we continued to make small talk before saying goodnight and heading back to our rooms for the evening. Around 9:00 Hanna came barging into my room. "So Frankie, are you enjoying all the sights around here!" "Take it easy Hanna, what the hell pissed you off!" "I see the way you're looking at those servant girls and flirting with Miss Palermo at dinner! Hell you didn't even look at me once, don't I interest you any more?" "Hanna, Hanna, will you relax!" Tears began rolling down her cheeks and I extended my arms to embrace her. "Come here dear." She ran into my waiting arms and cried her eyes out. "You told me you loved me Frankie, please tell me you still do!" "Of course I do dear, come on now I think you're over reacting a little today." "I'm sorry Frankie, the stress is just getting to me because I can't come up with a solution for your lackluster training." "Come on now, don't give up on yourself, it's a long race and we still have time to find some answers. "I just don't want to see you fail, you have meant the world to me for the past 7 years and I always want to be by your side." "Listen to me Hanna, I have always been faithful to you and I want you to be my wife some day but now is not the time. When my racing days are over you and I will spend the rest of our lives together, I promise!" I wiped her tears from her face and we shared a passionate kiss before she went back to her room. That was all the drama I needed for one day so I turned out the lights and laid out on the bed for the night. The next day was filled with getting my bike and equipment ready for the race. A good 4 hours of preperation was needed to insure against any problems. While checking my tires and air pressures, Miss Palermo joined me as she made her morning walk around the castle. "Well, good morning Frankie, how's that bike looking?" "Very good Miss Palermo, I don't think I will have any issues." She was dressed to the feminine max with a knee length dress and high heels. Her face was perfectly made up along with her elegant manicured Red fingernails and her intoxicating feminine perfume would make any man crumble. "Why do you look at me with that look Miss Palermo?" "Oh, I just love to have athletes around here for my enjoyment. There's nothing like a hot body full of muscles." Her hand slid across my shoulders and she ran her fingers through my hair. "Performance is everything, don't you think Frankie?" "Uh, Well, yea, I guess you could say that!" She rubbed her nylon covered leg with mine and slid both her hands down to my waist staring deeply into my eyes! "Miss Palermo, I really should be working on my equipment." "I bet you're even faster in the bedroom then on the roads aren't you Frankie dear?" Her long fingernailed hand slid into my shorts and her nylon covered leg continued rubbing with mine. "I bet the competition is quite stiff for the girls who want to join you in the bedroom. Now, let me see how strong you are!" "Please Miss Palermo, If Hanna sees this I'll never here the end of it." "Miss Palermo grabbed my cock and began to pull on it!! "How does that feel Frankie darling? I bet you make love to all kinds of women around the world don't you?" "Of course I do Miss Palermo, please control yourself!" "What's the matter dear don't you find me attractive?" "Yes, yes I do, you're one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, but I wish to be with Hanna." "Hanna, a mere doctor, why mess around with a girl like that when you could be with a worldly woman like myself?" Her eyes were filling mine with lustful thoughts as she massaged me! "What's the matter here Frankie, you're not responding to me! This cock of yours isn't stiffening up for me. You know it's not wise not to try and please your host." "I'm, I'm, I'm just nervous Miss Palermo, now please stop this!" She continued to pull on my cock for several minutes with no results. "I can't believe this Frankie, I guess we'll have to play another day. You will be in my bedroom before you leave to go back to the states, and I always get what I want!" She snapped the waistband of my shorts with a dissapointed look on her face and gracefully clicked her high heels out of the room. My head was spinning at Miss Palermo's advances. But the bigger problem was my cock was not getting hard for her. I continued checking my equipment for the remainder of the morning before heading back upstairs. "How's it going Frankie?" Hanna came into my room and locked the door behind her. "Get your shoes and socks off dear." I sat on the edge of the bed and removed my socks and shoes for her. From her training bag she produced the familiar purple bottle and needle. "You know Hanna, I'm not sure this drug stuff is working as good as it use to." She pulled back the plunger and removed the needle from the little bottle. "Now hold still." She carefully stuck the needle through the skin betwen my toes and shot the clear liqud into me. "There we go dear, I have uped the dosage a little to see if this will improve your performance for tomorrows opening stage." "Speaking of performance Hanna, my sex drive seems to be in reverse the last couple of months. "Yea, I noticed it to, we haven't made love in 3 months, I was going to ask you about it. I think this new steroid I have you on may have some weird side effects so don't make much out of it. When the race is over I will cut back on the dosage. You have to remember dear, if you want to stay ahead of the doping police you have try new drugs that won't show up in the screenings." "Yes I know, you have told me this over and over." "Don't get upset with me, you're the one who wants to win every year. If the public ever found out you were taking illegal enhancers you would be out of cycling forever!" "Ok,ok, take it easy! I can live without a little climax for a while. I was kinda concerned a little." "Just relax and get some rest for tomorrow." She gave me a kiss on the forehead and shut the door on her way out. I laid back onto the bed thinking about Miss Palermo and her advances this morning. Eventually I drifted off for an afternoon nap for several hours. "Frankie, are you awake?" The sweet sound of Michelle's voice echoed from the hallway. I took a long streatch, got out of bed and opened the door to greet her. "Why Hello Michelle, as you can see I am awake." Her eyes stared into mine as she nervously stood in the doorway. "Dinner will be served in one hour, Miss Palermo sent me to make sure you were informed and to find out if you needed anything to help make you more comfortable." "You are an extremely attractive woman Michelle and I can think of several things you could do to help me be more comfortable." "Frankie, please!" "I have to tell you Michelle, you remind me of a beautiful woman I met last year." "Merci Frankie, she must have been a very lucky woman to have met such a handsom man." She winked her eye and smiled before headed back down the hallway with her high heels clicking away and her nylon covered legs rubbing together with every step! As I went to close the door I noticed Hanna's door was ajar and she was standing in the doorway giving me a pissed off look. "She shook her head from side to side and slammed the door shut. Once again I was busted flirting with the beautiful Michelle. At least she didn't see the session with Miss Palermo this morning. Dinner was exquisite as always and the usual small talk and foreplay between Miss Palermo and myself was the highlight of the evening. By the time we had finished our coffee, Hanna was ready to kill me. The servants finished clearing the table and we said our goodnights to everyone. When we reached our rooms Hanna broke down crying on my shoulder once again. "Frankie! Why don't you love me anymore?" "Please Hanna, you know I love you, now come on." "I seen you flirting with that servant this afternoon and what's going on with you and Miss Palermo?" "Nothing is going on with Miss Palermo or Michelle, I swear!" Miss Palermo is just being her friskie self just like last year but there's nothing going on, please believe me dear." "Please be faithful to me and don't give in to Miss Palermo's seduction, I want to be with you forever!" We shared several kisses over the next few minutes as she regained her composure. "Get a good nights sleep darling and I will see you in the morning." "Good night Hanna, pleasant dreams." The door was shut and I headed to the bathtub for a long bath. The hot water felt great against my buldging muscles. I laid my head back on the edge of the tub and thoughts about Michelle and Miss Palermo swirled around in my head. The thought of making love to either woman would be as great as winning the 21 stage race. For several minutes I fantasized on banging Michelle and Miss Palermo at the same time! I pulled at my cock for more arousal but frustratingly I got absolutely no response. Just like the last 3 months, I was unable to get hard. There was no life in my cock from all the steroids Hanna had been firing into my bloodstream. When I woke the next morning I once again drew a hot bath and relaxed for a half hour before breakfast. The Familiar sweet voice of Michelle echoed from my room. "Frankie, are you decent?" "Uh, Just a minute Michelle, I'm in the tub." I jumped out of the tub and dried myself off, then wrapped the towel around my waist. "Well good morning Michelle." "Good morning Frankie." Her eyes were about ready to pop out of her sockets as she stared at my perfectly tuned body." She casualy walked around me to get a better look. "I must say Frankie, your body is beautiful and so sexy!" Her hand slid across my chest and her sultry eyes were full of lust! "You know Michelle, I think we could have a lot of fun together after the race." "Please Frankie, don't tease me like that. I'm just a servant, what would you want with me?" "It's nice to meet and get to know new people and I find you extremely interesting and beautiful." "Stop it Frankie, you're making me blush! Perhaps we could sit and talk when you return to the castle, as long as Miss Palermo does not find out. I think she would fire me on the spot if she found out." "Well, why don't the two of us go somewhere outside the castle?" She got a very dissapointed look on her face. "Did I say something wrong?" "I can't Frankie, Miss Palermo has an electronic collar on me and I am forbidden to leave the castle without her removing it first." I watched Michelle unzip and roll down the satin collar of her dress exposing the electronic device. "You see, the French courts have exiled me here to be her personal servant forever, kind of her slave in a way. The collar can only be removed for emergencies. If the collar is removed and not back around my neck in 2 minutes, an alarm will go off and the court will be notified. If I'm caught without wearing it I will be sent to prison for life!" "I'm sorry to hear that Michelle, how did you end up as her servant?" "I was a very bad girl and the court sentenced me to the castle. Miss Palermo and the court are the only ones that know the code to remove the electronic collar and give me my freedom. I spent the last two years at a rizty feminine finishing school so I could meet her strict code of femininity. I am constantly harassed and punished when I do not meet or exceed her imposible standards." "That's so sad Michelle." "Don't worry about me Frankie, just win the race and hurry back! Breakfast will be served in one half hour." She slid her tounge seductively across her Red lipstick covered lips and playfully tugged at my towel. I opened the door for her and watched her beautiful body sashay down the hallway. I got dressed and took my vitamins that Hanna had laid out for me and headed down to the table for breakfast. "Well good morning Frankie, you look well rested." "Thank you Miss Palermo, you are looking stunning as well this morning!" She was decked out in a longsleeve bright Red feminine knee length dress that fittted her hourglass figure perfectly along with 4" sky high Red open toed heels. Her Red toenails shined beautifully through her suntan nylons. "Merci Frankie, It's about time time you notice me!" Small talk filled the table throughout breakfast as Hanna and I planned our strategy for the begining stages. "Miss Palermo finished her breakfast and excused herself. "Good luck today stud! I look forward to seeing you back here in 3 weeks after you win." Her hand slid across my shoulders and her high heels clicked away from me and Hanna. The expression on Hanna's face could not be put into words! "What the hell was that? Stud!" "Shhhhh, keep your voice down Hanna." "Please tell me you love me Frankie!" "You know I do Hanna, how many times do I have to say it? Miss Palermo has a little thing for me and she's not shy in hiding her feelings. Now please forget about her, we have a race to win." She threw down her napkin onto the plate and stood up. "I'll see you in the car in 30 minutes, don't be late stud!" She stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut. Michelle was giggling at the blowup and I continued finishing my breakfast. Michelle walked over to me to clear the dishes and with a rye smile she giggled to me. "Good luck Stud!" "That's not funny Michelle!" We exchanged a smile and I made my way to the car. The trip to the starting line was a very quiet one with very little being said by either of us. When we arrived for the opening stage, the usual mob of reporters surrounded me taking pictures and asking for my opinion on this year's course. I signed several autographs and chatted with some of my competitors on my way to pick up my race number. "Hey Frankie, you're looking a little on the light side, are you training ok man?" "Thanks for that vote of confidence Pedro. I'm ready for number 5 this year and you guys will be way behind like last year." After getting my number and checking my bike one last time I nervously waited for the openinig ceremonies to begin. "Good luck Frankie!" Hanna gave me a kiss on the cheek and then disappeared into the massive crowd of spectators. The boring opening ceremonies finished up an hour later and the race began with a bang as always. Being out front to start any of the stages is a big plus because you don't run the risk of getting caught in a pile up if someone makes a mistake. After about 3 miles into the stage several guys began to pass me. I was flying and running great but they just flew by me again and again! "Hey Frankie, it looks like you got a tire going down man." I looked back at my rear tire and there was no doubt about it. With over 110 kilometers to go, I had no choice but to stop and have it changed. Everyone flew by me in a matter of seconds as the tire was changed. By the time I rejoined the race I was 5 minutes behind and out of contention for stage 1. Several photographers got plenty of pictures of my rotten luck and huge early dissapointment. When I reached the finished line my miserable time had only beat 10 other competitors! "Tough luck Frankie!" I shook my in head in disgust as everyone gathered around me. What a way to start! I huffed and puffed answering questions for the next 30 minutes. "Frankie are you ok? You look very tired after that first stage." "I'm fine, I'm just a little winded from trying to catch up." Deep inside I knew I was tired, and just didn't feel right from the first stage. For the next hour the buzz at the scene was about me and how unfit I looked even with having the flat tire. When Hanna and I got back to the hotel I fell on the bed exhausted and light headed. "Frankie dear how are feeling?" "I don't understand Hanna, I'm just so drained from the first stage! I usually don't feel this bad until the tail end of the race." "Come on honey, sit up for me and I'll give you your shot." I sat up on the edge of the bed and Hanna quickly shot a double dose of steroids into me. "There you go, now get some sleep before supper, I have to run and take care of some errands." She gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked out the door. I pulled the covers over me and slowly drifted off into a sound sleep for several hours. "Wake up sleepy head." The comforting voice of Hanna rang in my ears. With a big yawn I pulled the covers off my tired body and sat up. "What time is it?" "It's almost 6:00 and time for dinner. Here, pick out something you want. Hanna handed me the hotel menu. "What's this for, I thought we were going out to eat at your favorite restaurant?" "Yea, fat chance on that happening, take a look out the window." I walked over to our 20th floor window and looked down. "My god, what's going on down there, did someone get hit by a car?" "Duuuh idiot, it's the European media, and they all want pictures of Frankie Fabulous after his lousy opening stage." "There must be 100 people down there!" "Yea, and that means we're eating in our room tonight, because where ever we go they will follow and we will have no privacy." "Ok,ok, we'll dine in tonight." We placed our order and waited for room service to deliver our meals. "So Frankie, are you as tired as you look?" "Hanna please stop it with this tired shit! I don't understand why I was so drained after that opening stage. Are you sure this new steroid is as good as last years?" "No, I'm not sure Frankie. What I am sure of is this, the doping committee can't trace it in your bloodstream and that's the main goal. We can't even go back to last years steroid because it is now a banned substance and several of your competitors have been kicked out of racing because of it." "Well, I guess were stuck then aren't we?" Hanna smiled at me and nodded. "Don't worry Frankie, one of these days you'll see the results." After a fantastic meal Hanna did some reading and I surfed the net checking out all the headlines of stage 1. The start of Stage 2 found me in the back of the pack. I was refreshed from the good nights rest and I was ready to kick some ass!" I passed a lot of guys and halfway through the 70 kilometer stage I actually pased the leader and his familiar bright Yellow jersey. With the fastest part of the stage coming into view I felt a pop at my pedal and the sound of my chain breaking! Once again I was sidelined along the side of the road and everyone zipped by me again! For the second straight day I would not post a competitive time. The press was going to have a field day with this latest stroke of bad luck. My chain was repaired and I casualy finished the stage in all but last place. When I crossed the finish line I was immediately mobbed by reporters. "Frankie, Frankie, your thoughts on this run of bad luck your having this year?" "Look guys, I can't explain what the hell is going on here this year. It is truely unbelievable to have two events like this back to back! That's all I have to say." After the official scoring was posted I noticed I was all but doomed to repeat as champion. Hanna and I loaded up the equipment and made our way through the mob of reporters before pulling out. "My God Frankie, are you cursed this year or what?" "I don't know Hanna, I guess the cycling gods are not shining too brightly on me this year." Reporters crowded our vehicle and took several hundred pictures as we made our way out of town and back to the hotel. It was a very quiet ride for the 10 mile ride. "So what are you having tonight dear?" I want the same meal as last night. I felt pretty good before that damn chain broke. Call me when it gets here, I need to take a bath and calm down." "Hold it Mr., you need your shot first!" "Allright, allright!" Once again I sat on the edge of the bed and Hanna spread my toes apart. She injected me several times with the illegal steroids in both feet. "There you go dear, now go get your bath, I'll call you when the food arrives." I drew a hot bath and tried to regroup mentally for tomorrows 3rd. stage. Dinner was prepared perfectly as usual, there is nothing like French cooking. "So what's your strategy for tomorrow Frankie?" "I really have no choice but to try and win this stage. I am so far behind I just can't believe it!" "Just don't burn yourself out, you still have 20 more stages after this one." "Yea, yea, I know, but I really have no other options." "You know what might help you tomorrow dear?" "No, what's that Hanna?" Her foot plopped up onto my chair and she slowly began to massage my groin. "Maybe all you need is to fuck my brains out tonight to give you some more confidence tomorrow, hmmm?" "Maybe I do need to release some tention my dear?" I picked her up in my arms and threw her on the bed. "I guess it's time for dessert!" After several passionate kisses Hanna began to pull on my limp cock! "Come on Frankie bang me good and hard, I need it to!" I straddled her like so many times before and waited for my erection to be born. Come on Frankie, what's the matter dear?" "Please be patient Hanna, it will come!" For the next several minutes Hanna pulled at my limp cock with no results. "Come on Frankie, think of me as Miss Palermo or that slutty servant of hers!" I must admit the thought of banging Miss Palermo or Michelle would be great but it did me no good tonight!" After 10 agonizing minutes Hanna lifted up her pillow and handed me a dildo. "Here stud, see if you can please me with this!" "Hanna this is all wrong!" "Just do it Frankie or you can forget about getting anymore shots!" I now had to please her with a stiff 9" rubbery dildo in the palm of my hand! I slid the rubbery artificial cock in and out of her just as she asked. "Oooooh yes Frankie that's the spot dear!" After several thrusts way up her love canal, she began to shake and quiver. "Yes Frankie dear, faster! faster!" She was out of breath and panting heavily as I slid the dildo in and out of her as fast as I could. Her body tensed up right before her mighty climax shook the bed! As quickly as it started it ended. There I laid holding a 9" dildo in my hand with Hanna totally satisfied. She reached over to me and kissed me deeply. "I hope you can remember how to please me next time my dear!' I was so humilated that I had to use a dildo to please a woman in bed! "You were wonderful Frankie, lets do it agian tomorrow night!" I got up threw the dildo onto the pillow and went to the bathroom to take a hot bath before heading back to bed. What the hell was wrong with my sex drive! I just couldn't believe what had just happened and how humiliating it was! The next morning at breakfast Hanna was all smiles and I was down in the dumps after a rough nights sleep. Reading the tabloids at breakfast didn't help my mood either. "Just look at this shit Hanna, I'm getting more publicity for not winning than if I was in the lead!" 'Relax dear, and save that energy for the race today and the bedroom tonight." "Please Hanna, don't bring up last night again." With a playful giggle and smile she looked up at me. "You were awesome last night dear!" I threw the papers on the floor and gulped down my juice and vitamins. "I'll see in the garage, I'm going down to check out my equipment one more time." "Ok Frankie, I will be down shortly." The road trip to stage 3 was full of discussion and ideas on how to win this stage. After great debate I decided on my strategy and hoped for the best. I was not at 100%. I was a little tired and the stress of my poor start was begining to wear on me. When we arrived I was once again the center of attention. Reporters mobbed the car and several security guards had to pull them away. I said nothing to anyone as Hanna and I made our way to the scorers building to get our morning instructions. I picked up my official packet and opened it. "Oh no Hanna, look!" "What is it Frankie?" The familiar orange paper from the doping comittee was in my trembling hand! "Well, I guess I have to give them a urine sample after this stage." My rotten luck continued, now I was randomly picked for a urine sample. This just added more stress to my situation. I handed Hanna the packet along with the orange paper. "Good luck today Frankie, I will see you at the finish." Once again I found myself in the back of the pack for the start of stage 3. Several of my competitors joked around with me saying how nice it was to see me in the back for a change. I fired back with several harsh comments as the air horn sounded and we were off! The first 20 kilometers were perfect for me I passed half the pack on my way to the front! Even though I was a little tired, I still was taking a lot of prisoners with my efforts. Half way through the stage I passed the leader! Now I was really making up time, but I had to finish in front of him to make up any ground. With 30 Kilometers to go I could see the stage leaders and the mountains in the distance. My legs were starting to sting and I was getting tired from the super fast pace. I drank the last of my energy drink and pushed on. With the final 5 kilometers to go, we started our finish up and into the mountains. My legs were turning into rubber, I was almost out of breath and I was not passing anyone. In fact, everyone I passed earlier now began to zip by me! "See you at the finish Frankie!" "I was so out of breath I couldn't even make a comment. I fell back into mid pack with 2 kilometers to go and I was losing the battle physically and now mentaly as well! My legs and throat were burning with intense pain and fatigue, I could barely keep pedaling up the steep mountain. With one kilometer to go I did the unthinkable and stopped! I got off the bike and continued to push it up the mountain. The reporters snapped countless pictures of this humiliating scene. The large crowds were laughing and booing me as I huffed and puffed pushing my bike to the finish. I jumped back onto the bike for the final 500 meters and used up every last ounce of energy just to finish. Some of the medical staff helped me off the bike and escorted me to a bench. "Frankie are you ok?" I was sucking in as much air as I could before I answered. "I'm not sure what's going on, I think I may have burned myself out in the first half of the stage." "Man you look terrible. Here get some fluids in you." I drank down another 2 bottles of water and closed my eyes trying to recover. "Frankie dear are you ok?" "I don't know Hanna, something just isn't right here." "Come on try and recover and find some more strength, we still have to give a urine sample." The crazed media surrounded us taking more pictures and asking questions. "What's going with you Frankie?" "No comment, I have no comment, now please give me some time to regroup!" I sat hunched over onto my knees trying to recover. 20 minutes later Hanna helped me from the bench and we headed into the main building where the doping committee was waiting. "Hello Frankie, boy you look drained. Here is your container, follow me please." I took the small cup like container and went into the private room with him. Within a couple of minutes I was done and my sample was ready for the lab. "Thank you for your cooperation Mr. Fabulous. I hope you have better luck tomorrow." Hanna and I left the building and out into the mob of reporters who were waiting for me. "Frankie, Frankie, What is going on with you this year are you sick or something?" I answered no questions as the mob of reporters followed us to our vehicle. Several times the security police had to push them away before we could drive off. The trip back to the hotel was filled with despair and dissapointment. To make matters worse, I was having some minor abdominal discomfort and cramping in my leg muscles. When we got into the hotel room I fell onto the bed totally exhausted and my will to win was gone. I watched Hanna spread my toes and inject the steroids in me one more time. "Get some rest dear youlook so tired!" I put my head on the pillow and drifted off to sleep. "Frankie, Frankie, its time to get up dear." I woke up to Hanna's voice and felt her tugs at the covers. "I'm awake, I think?" My head was cloudy and my vision was a little blurry as I opened my eyes. "How are you feeling this morning?" 'What do you mean morning, I'm ready for dinner." "Well, you slept through dinner last night. I tried to wake you several times but you didn't get up." "This is terrible Hanna, I can't afford to miss any meals!" I tried to get out of bed but I was to weak and fell back onto the pillows. "Come on Frankie, stop fooling around we have to get ready." "I can't Hanna, I don't have any strength." She pulled me out of bed and stood me up. The room began to spin a little and my efforts to stand on my own were not enough. I fell back onto the bed and closed my eyes. "You're not fit to continue the race my dear, I don't know what you picked up but it appears your quest for a fifth win a row is over!" "Please hanna just give me a couple of more minutes, I can make it. I pulled myself to the edge of the bed and tried to stand. I wobbled for a few seconds before falling back on the bed! I watched Hanna pick up the phone and make the call to the tour administration committee informing them that I would be dropping out of the race. I fell back asleep knowing I was done for this years race. At lunch time Hanna woke me up again. "Come on Frankie, you have to get up now." I rolled around the bed before I sat up and opened my eyes. "Come on and get up, I ordered you some lunch before we go." "I'm not hungry Hanna." "You have to eat something now come on." Hanna pulled me out of bed and walked me over to the table. On the table were several platters of fine french cooking. I tasted a small portion of the main course and slowly began to eat. "That's it dear keep eating, we have a long 4 hour trip back to the castle today." "Why are we going back to the castle, I thought we were heading to the airport to go home?" "Your in no condition to fly or deal with media right now. Miss Palermo has invited us to stay with her for a couple of weeks until the race is over and everything cools down." "Ok, I guess that will work for now, but I do want to get back home so we can do some tests on me and find out what happened here." "I think you picked up a viral infection and it will take a week or so to get rid of it." "I hope your right, I can't remember the last time I felt so weak." On the table was a copy of the local newspaper with a picture of me pushing my bike up hill in yesterdays stage. It dosen't get more humiliating than this when it comes to cycling! The 4 hour road trip back to the castle was uneventful, although the pain in my side was not going away. I took some asprin and some perscription pain killers the night before but they were not working for me. By the time we reached the castle the pain was starting to get worse. "Hanna this pain in my side is really getting anoying." As we waited for the drawbridge to be lowered Hanna pulled up my shirt and started probing around my abdomen. "Tell me when it hurts dear." "Ouch, that's the spot!" "Hmmm, I don't think it's anything serious and I'm sure it's not your appendix. When we get unpacked I'll take some images with my new hospital grade ultrasound machine." I pulled my shirt down and Hanna drove us back across the bridge. Miss Palermo and her servants were ready to great us. "Bonjour Frankie and Hanna, welcome back. I wish the cicumstances were different for you." "Thank you Miss Palermo, I just have no clue what happened out there. I pulled my bag out of the trunk and dropped it immediately bending over in pain." "My god Frankie are you allright?" "Yes, yes, I'm fine it's just a pulled muscle." "Michelle, take Mr. Fabulous's bag to his room and draw him a hot bath." Michelle picked up my bag effortlessly as if it only weighed 2 pounds and I followed her wincing with every step. Miss Palermo and Hanna continued their conversation as Michelle and I walked up the staircase to the 2nd. floor. Even in her high heels Michelle was quickly out in front of me as I limped along way behind her. By the time I reached my room I could here the bath water running. I shut the door behind me and Michelle popped out of the bathroom. "Oh Frankie, you're all I have thought about since your departure 4 days ago, it hurts me to see your pain on and off the road." "Thank you for your concern Michelle." I sat on the bed and Michelle towered over me in her high heels. "You know Frankie, I think I would like for us to have some fun together if your offer is still on the table?" "Yes Michelle it sure is, but it will have to wait until I heal up." Her eyes met mine and her million dollar smile filled me with more confidence than I had all week. "Come Frankie, go take your bath, I will try and drop by later to see if you need anything." Her sultry looks were all I could think about as I laid motionless in the tub. The hot water did relieve some of my discomfort but it was not the answer to the problem. After dinner Hanna came over to my room with her new machine. "Ok dear take off your shirt and lay on the bed." Hanna covered my skin with a clear gel and then probed the wand several times across my abdomen. "Just a couple more passes dear, hang in there." My skin was covered in the clear gooey gel but it had no smell to it. "Ok Frankie, go wash that off and I'll go see what developes." Hanna left the room and I headed to the bathroom. The gooey material was tough to rub off and I was in discomfort the whole time. After 10 minutes or so I managed to get all the gel off and waited on the bed for Hanna to return. 30 minutes later she strolled in carrying several negatives in her hand. "Stand up for me Frankie." "What did you find out?" "Hold still and be quiet, this may be very serious. Hanna began to probe around my belly while looking at the negatives. "I want you to take a deep breath and hold it in for me til I tell you let it out, ok." 'Ok, Hanna what ever you say." I took a deep breath and waited for her instruction. "Now, does this hurt you when I press here?" I shook my head from side to side. "How about here, or here?" Once again I shook my head from side to side. She pushed in everywhere and I had no discomfort. "Ok dear you can breathe again! Hanna looked at me funny as I tried to catch my breath. "So, so, what does all this mean?" "From what I'm seeing in the negatives and with your symptoms, I have come to the conclusion that some of your organs are out of place and pressing into your intestines. "Well what caused this to happen?" "I think it was those new steroids I have been giving you and it is making your organs freek out. I can see your liver is enlarged and is clearly pushing deep into your intestines." "So now what?" "In time your body will heal itself, but this could be a 6-12 month process." "Hanna, I can't live with this pain for 6-12 damn months!" "Well, I may have a solution to your discomfort, but I'm not sure you'll go along with it. "What is it?" "I noticed when you were holding your breath for me you were not in any pain. The reason for this is simple, you were sucking in your organs back to their natural position." "You know, your right! It seems when I breath in I'm not in any pain, it's was only after I exhaled. So what do you think will help me?" "Wait here, while I retrieve something from my room." While Hanna was gone I took deep breaths and held it in as long as I could to get some relief. Hanna came back into the room with her hands behind her back. "So what are you hiding there?" With a big laugh she placed a womans corset in my hands. "Are you nuts Hanna! I'm not wearing a corset." "Calm down Frankie, women have worn these garments for centuries to help improve their figures, now it's gonna be your turn." "No, no,no! I refuse to wear this thing!" "Come on Frankie, at least try it on to see if my idea would work." "No fuckin way!" "Ok fine, then you can find another doctor and trainer in the morning. If you don't wear this to bed tonight I'm out of here take it or leave it!" She took the garment from hands began to untie the laces while she waited for my response. "Please Hanna, don't force me to do this." She wrapped the Black and Red satin corset around my waist and ordered me to start taking deep breaths. "That's it Frankie, very good." The laces were zipped through the eyelets and my waist began to shrink!" "How does this feel dear?" "It's working Hanna, I can't feel any pain!" She finished tying the laces in a big bow and threw me a baggy t-shirt to wear. "Put this on and look in the mirror." The shirt was baggy enough to cover up the outlines of the corset and all my pain had vanished. "I can't believe I'm wearing a damn corset!" "Stop your crying or I'll get you some nylons or panties to wear as well." "That's not even funny Hanna. How long do you think I will have to wear this thing?" "I have no clue, we will have to monitor the situation as the weeks go by. Now get some sleep and I'll check in on you in the morning. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and shut the door. I crawled into bed and for the first time in almost two days I was pain free. The next morning started off great with the sweet voice of Michelle echoing from the hallway. "Bonjour Frankie, are you awake?" I got out of bed and adjusted my t-shirt before opening the door. 'Bonjour Michelle, it is so nice to see you this morning!" "Merci Frankie, I must apologize for not checking in on you last night. Miss Palermo had some things for me to take care of and I could not get away." "Don't worry about it my dear, I will be here for the next two weeks, we will have plenty of time for another visit. She began to giggle and smile. "I would love that Frankie! Breakfast will be served in one hour." "Beat it tramp!" We both looked over to see Hanna walking down the hall with another pissed off look on her face. Michelle quickly clicked her heels down the hallway and down the staircase. "Get inside asshole!" Hanna grabbed my arm and slammed the door shut!" "Please don't call me that Hanna, Michelle was just informing me when breakfast was being served." "Whatever! take off your shirt so I can see how your doing." I pulled my shirt off and Hanna checked out my corseted waistline. "Well, your corset is fitting you perfectly. Did you have any pain last night?" "No, and I slept great." "Good, I think I'll keep you in that corset throughout the day as well and not just at night. Tonight I'll take it off when you bathe. Now, I have some pills for you to take and I want to give you a shot of antibiotics so pull down your shorts for me." I swallowed the two big Pink pills as Hanna filled the syringe with liquid. "This may pinch a little." My ass cheek was punctured with the needle making me jolt forward. "Damn Hanna!" "Just relax dear I'm almost through." I felt the needle being pulled out of ass cheek. To my shock she quickly refilled the syringe and repeated the same process in my other cheek!" "Come on Hanna, What the hell are you doing!" The needle was pulled out and I was left rubbing both my ass cheeks. "I need to give you these shots for another 5 days so get use to it. I also want you to take 2 Pink pills a day until I tell you to stop." "Ok, ok, I just hope I can take this corset off soon." "Take your pills like I told you and I have no doubt you'll be out of that corset in no time." She left the large pill bottle on my nightstand and took her medical bag with her. I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes for a couple of minutes before heading down for breakfast. The next 5 days were filled with more injections and double doses of the large Pink pills. I was getting my strength back little by little but I just didn't feel like myself. Everytime I took my corset off to bathe, I felt the familiar pain in my side and was forced to wear it on a 24/7 basis. Michelle and I spent more and more time talking everytime our eyes met. Being in my room all day was driving me crazy. I was so afraid to leave my room except for my meals. Some days I would have Michelle bring my meals to my room. I just couldn't take a chance on someone finding out I was wearing a womans corset. The weekend arrived with sad news from home. Hanna had her bags packed and was in my room giving me one last injection in my sore ass. "I'm sorry I have to leave you Frankie." "When will you be coming back?" "It should not be too long, my mother should be out of the hospital in a week or so." "Why can't I go with you?" "I only booked one seat on the plane and I don't think you're well enough to fly yet." "Please Hanna, get me a ticket to go home with you, I can't stand being cooped up in htis room all day!" "No way Frankie, there's still 20-30 reporters lining the castle road waiting to get some photos of you and I can't have that, you mean too much to me. The race has 8 more stages to go and it will be over next weekend. By then all these reporters will pack it in and move on." She lifted up my chin with her hand and kissed me on the forehead. "I will be back soon my dear, I have left Miss Palermo some phone numbers where I can be reached if you develop any new symptoms. I sadly stared out the window as she walked out of the room with one of the servants carrying a handful of bags. I closed the door, fell onto the bed and began to cry for several minutes. I haven't cried in over 20 years, but today I was so emotionaly wound up and I felt so alone with Hanna leaving. I sat up on the edge of the bed and wiped my eyes. Then it hit me, the corset! I jumped up to the window to see the back of Hanna's car speeding away down the castle road with the drawbridge being slowly pulled back up! I was now screwed. I fell back on the bed crying my eyes out. What the hell was wrong with me today! After a good hour of trying regain my composure I heard a knock on my door. "Frankie, are you decent in there?" The sound of Miss Palermo made me grab my shirt and jump out of bed! "Just a second Miss Palermo." I nervously looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath before opening the door. "Well Frankie, how are we doing today?" "To be honest, I'm kinda on edge a little with Hanna gone." "I'm sure there are plenty of things around here that would fill that void, don't you think?" "I guess so?" "What I'm trying to say is that I will have Michelle help you with anything you need until Hanna returns, how does that sound?" "Thank you Miss Palermo, I can't thank you enough for your hospitality these last 3 weeks. "Since you feel that way my dear, why don't you give Michelle a hand today, one of my servants has taken ill and it would get you out of this room for a while." "I don't know Miss Palermo, what would I be doing?" "Oh, just some odds and ends. If it's too much for you, you can come back to your room." She stood in front of with her arms folded across her chest anxiously waitng for my reply. "Well, I guess I could try it for a while." "Great, I will send Michelle up immediately and the two of you can get started. You know Frankie, you look like you're losing weight." Miss Palermo walked around me a couple of times tugging at my oversized shirt. "Uhh, I think this shirt is a little big on me that's all." "Perhaps, but your muscle mass is much smaller than when you arrived. I trust you and Michelle will do a good job today and don't let me catch the two of you doing anything else but working!" Yes, Miss Palermo, I won't dissapoint you." "I will have Michelle up here shortly." The door was shut and I ran over to the mirror checking out my muscles. She was right, my muscles were smaller and less defined. Michelle joined me in my room a couple of minutes later witha big smile on her face. "Miss Palermo has informed me that you wish to help me with some of my tasks today." "That's right Michelle." She giggled and grabbed my hand. "Come with me Frankie and we'll get started." We walked out of the room and back down the staircase. "Where are we going?" "You'll see." Her high heels clicked along the stone faced floor and her Black nylon covered legs rubbed together with every step. We walked for another minute or so and then entered into a washroom. "We will be doing some laundry today Frankie." "Laundry! I never did any laundry in my life, this is womans work!" "Calm down Frankie, it's not difficult to learn and you said you would at least try." "Yes I know, but guys don't do this kind of stuff." "Keep your voice down, If Miss Palermo hears you, she'll take it out on me." Michelle handed me some bottles of detergent and softener. "Now, I want you to do all the items that need hand washing. You"re not ready for ironing or pressing, ok?" "I guess so, I mean isn't there something else we can do?" "Come on Frankie, don't be sis about this. Michelle brought over a overflowing basket of feminine undergarments and sat it on the floor next to me. "You want me to wash this stuff?" "Of course my dear, don't be shy, i'm sure you've had your hands on plenty of panties and nylons before. First you fill this bin with cold water like so. Then pour in one capfull of detergent and mix it up. I watched Michelle's elegant manicured red fingernails stir the soapy water creating lots of suds. "Next you thow in 3 or 4 items of the same color and start squeezing. She grabbed my hands and placed them in the bin. "Please Michelle, I don't think this is for me." "Nonsense Frankie, your doing fine." Michelle watched over me as I squeezed the soapy water in and out of the panties for several minutes. "Very good dear, now dump the water out and refill the bin with clean cool water and repeat the same process." After rinsing and squeezing out the excess water from the panties, Michelle walked me over to a washline to hang them up. "You clip the garments with two pins to the line and seperate them about 6" apart." The first 4 pairs of Black Panties were hanging from the line and Michelle grabbed my hand and walked me back over to the basket. "You have about 3 hours of work here so get busy. I will be ironing and steam cleaning some of my uniforms and Miss Palermo's expensive dresses." She gave my ass a little love tap and giggled as she walked away. The basket of worn feminine undergarments had a distinctive feminine smell to it, full of perfumes and womanly scents. For the next hour I did the work of a domestic with Michelle coming over several times to inspect my work. I had just filled the bin and began to wash some nylon slips when Miss Palermo walked in and surprised us. "Michelle, get your ass over here right now!" I quickly turned my head to see Miss Palermo pulling at Michelle's ear and pointing over at me. She lifted up the skirt of her uniform and gave her ass 3 sound smacks. She stormed out of the room and Michelle quickly came over to me. "What's going on? Why is she so pissed off?" Michelle quickly wrapped a frilly white servants apron around my waist. "Michelle, get this off of me!" "Please be quiet Frankie, Miss Palermo requires an apron on anyone who works in the washroom." I nervously looked down to see a more feminine waistline appearing as she pulled and tied the dangling straps together in a big bow behind me! "Now be good and wear this for me, I don't want to get my ass cracked again." "But Michelle!" "Shhhh your voice, now keep quiet and get busy. The sooner we get done the sooner you can take off the apron!" There I stood totally humiliated wearing a corset and a servants apron while washing feminine undergarments! For the next hour I caught Michelle looking at me several times with a playful and somewhat confused look on her face. "You know Frankie, your waistline is very trim for a man." "Uhh I don't know what you mean?" I nervously continued washing as she walked over to me. She wrapped her hands around my waist and slid them up and down my sides. "I think I may have your apron on too tight. Does it feel tight to you?" "No, no, it's fine!" "Why are you getting so nervous all of a sudden my dear?" "Uh, uh, I'm just a little jumpy wearing this apron I guess?" Her hands slid accross my back and right over the laces of my corset! "Oh my god Frankie!" She spun me around and pulled up my shirt exposing my corset!" She began to giggle and laugh, as I pulled my shirt back down! "Please Michelle, you can't tell anyone about this, please! I beg you!" "Why are wearing a corset if I may ask?" It's along story and I don't want to tell you it down here in case Miss Palermo comes back." "I must say, it fits you perfectly and gives you a more feminine figure." "Please Michelle, come to my room tonight to help me out of this thing so I can bathe." "Miss Palermo does not allow the servants on the second or third floors after dinner is served, I would be taking a great risk. But you hapen to be in luck tonight, Miss Palermo is leaving the castle for a social appearance and won't be back til tomorrow." "Great, come by around 7:00." "On one condition Frankie." "Yes, what is it?" "I want you to help me with my castle duties for the rest of the week." With a big smile she slid her hands up and down my corseted waistline waiting for my reply. "Ok, I guess I have no other choice. Do I have to wear this apron all week?" "Of couse, Miss Palermo would not allow you help me without it. Now lets get back to work." I adjusted my shirt and she retied the apron tightly around my waist. For another hour we continued with the washing and cleaning. I had reached the botom of the basket and all that was left were stockings and nylons. "Michelle do you want me to wash these." "Yes of course, but first let me see your nails." I dried my hands completely and Michelle inspected my nails. "Hmmm, it looks like you have some sharp edges on some of these and we can't have this." She went to a drawer and pulled out a pink feminine nail file. "Hold it, what do you think you're doing?" "Shhh, keep your voice down!" I need to file down these rough edges so you don't put runs in Miss Palermo's nylons." I watched anxiously as she filed some of my nails into an feminine oval shape. "There you go dear, now you can continue." The smell of Miss Palermo's nylons were filled with feminine juices and her intoxicating perfume. "So Frankie, do like women who wear nylons?" "I love the look, and it is one of the most feminine things a woman can wear." "Yes, I can see your curiosity growing in washing Miss Palermo's Nylons." The silky scented nylons swished in between my fingers and it was driving me crazy! Michelle noticed me taking more time than usual with them. "Ok Frankie, I think it's time to rinse." I snapped out of my transe like state and began to fill the bin up with clean water with Michelle by my side. "So tell me Frankie, do you like the feel of silky nylons too?" She began to rub her high heeled nylon covered foot with my pants leg." "MIchelle, please get control of yourself, what if Miss Palermo catches us?" She bent over and whispered in my ear. "I bet you would just love to run your hands up and down my nylons wouldn't you?" Her mouth opened wide and her warm moist breath filled my ear as I began to melt. "No Michelle, stop this before it's too late." Her hands slid down to my corseted waist and her tounge and feminine moans filled my ear. "What's the matter Frankie, don't you like an aggressive woman?" I tried to push her away but she was quite strong for a woman. "Maybe you would rather wear some nylons with your corset, hmmmm? You better start treating me better or I may have to tell Miss Palermo about your corset." "Please Michelle give me a break, I can't take it anymore! Tears began to run down my cheeks from the pressure situation. "My, my, your crying." I turned away from her and cried my eyes out. "There, there, Frankie, I didn't mean no harm, I was just playing with you." Michelle spun me around and took a pair of nylons to dry my tears. "I think you've had enough for one day. I can finish the rest of the laundry by myself. Why don't you go take a nap for the afternoon." She untied my apron and fluffed out my shirt." Thank you for all your help today. I will be up to see you tonight after dinner." She gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I hurried out of the washroom and ran to my room where I continued crying for several hours before dinner. I just could'nt keep my emotions in check today for some reason. At 5:00 I joined Miss Palermo at the dinner table. "Good evening Miss Palermo." Good evening to you Frankie, please sit down I wish to talk to you before your meal is served. I must apologize for losing my temper in the washroom this morning. Please understand that you did not know the dress code, but Michelle should have know better." "I understand Miss Palermo, apology accepted." "Now, lets get on with some more important things shall we?" "Like what?" "Michelle tells me you enjoyed helping out in the washroom today. She has also informed me that you wish to help with her daily duties for the remainder of the week until my sick servant is well enough to get back on her feet, is that correct?" I took a big gulp and meakly said yes! "Splendid Frankie, splendid! Now you do understand you will have to wear the apron while your working with Michelle and you must listen to her at all times. I run a very tight ship around here and all my people follow a strict code of etiquitte or they are punished. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes Miss Palermo, very clear." "Then it's settled, you will help Michelle with all her duties except for serving meals to my distinguished guests." "Thank you Miss Palermo, I do enjoy working with Michelle." "Yes I can see the chemistry brewing between the two of you. To be honest, I'm kind of jealous. I wish your eyes would light up for me like they do for her." "I like the two of you just as much, but if I had to choose one to be with for a lifetime it would be you." "I'm so glad you feel that way about me Frankie, maybe one day you will be here with me forever. Now if you will excuse me, I have a reception to attend to in town. I will see you tomorrow at breakfast." She gave me a playful wink of her eye and strutted out on her sky high heels. One of the servants served my meal along with a glass of fine wine and 20 minutes later I was heading back to my room. I prepared the bathroom for my bath and waited for Michelle to join me. While I waited I noticed my duffle bag was missing. I checked the closets and under the bed. It was gone and most of my clothes and my passport as well. I was in panic mode as I ran down to Hanna's room to see if someone had put it in there by accident. After a thorough search I came up empty handed. Tears once again filled my eyes as I walked back to my room with Michelle waiting for me. "Frankie what's the matter?" "I don't know what happened to my blue duffle bag. I know it was here this morning." "Calm down dear." "No you don't understand, my pasport and all my indentification was in that bag!" I sat on the edge of the bed trying to regain my composure." Michelle placed her hand to cover her opened mouth before she spoke."Oh, I'm so sorry Frankie, but I seen one of the other girls put that bag in Miss Hanna's car before she left this morning. She must have picked your bag up by mistake when she was in here this morning." "That's just great, now how am I going to get out of this country?" "Come on Frankie stop your crying. Miss Palermo is a very powerful woman with many friends in high places. She will fix things up for you." Michelle gave me a big hug and wiped away my tears. "Merci Michelle, merci!" "Your French is getting better! Now lets take off that corset and you can tell me the story on why you're wearing it." Over the next hour I told Michelle the story of how the corset was realigning my organs and that I would have to wear it for several months per Hanna's instructions. She was shocked to learn about me using illegal steroids for the big race. I shaved and filled the tub for a relaxing hot bath. Michelle sponged my back and filled me with comforting thoughts. "You poor thing, just look at these marks that corset left on you from the side boning."Deep impressions in my skin and were very noticeable. Don't worry about me Michelle, just please come to my room every evening to take this thing off and more importantly put it back on." "I will have to talk with Miss Palermo tomorrow to see if she will allow me to come up here after regular hours. Since you're helping me with my duties I think she will be willing to go along with it. Your skin is very soft. Do you use a daily moisturizer?" "My god no, isn't that something you girls do?" "Of course Frankie, but don't be ashamed by your soft skin. I like a man who's on the soft side rather than a macho tough jock who thinks he's gods gift to women. In fact, seeing you in that corset today kinda turned me on a little as you found out when I got a little friskie. I'm so looking forward to lacing you back into it my dear!" Her hand dropped the sponge in the water and her hand slid down my chest to my groin! "Michelle, I don't think this is a good idea!" "Shhh, be quiet Frankie we don't want to wake anyone up!" Her hand pulled at my limp cock with a great motion several times. I could feel my emotions starting to get out of control and began to quiver. "Come on Frankie, stiffen up for me so I can suck you off! The sexual torment continued for several minutes until she gave up. "You have great control my dear. I can't believe I couldn't get you hard, you seemed so interested in me." Once again tears ran down my cheeks as I was unable to complete the erection process. "I'm sorry Michelle, these steroids have killed my sex drive. I haven't made love to a woman in 4 months and it is so humiliating!" "There, there, Frankie, you're crying like a little girl, now stop this at once." I bent over and continued crying on Michelle's shoulder. "It's ok Frankie, it will come back one day. I just I hope I'm the woman you're in bed with when it happens. Come on now, lets get you dried off and back into your corset." The bath water spiraled down the drain and Michelle toweled me off. I could feel the pain in my side returning and was almost begging for her to lace me back into the corset. "This is a first time for me Frankie, I never put one of these on a man before." I could feel her excitement growing with every pull of the laces. I sucked in as much air as possible and she comple

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 46 Frances

In Richmond, I had the pleasure of meeting one of that area's true belles and of spending much of a busy night in her company. She was introduced to me by one of Von Steuben's aides at a dinner for Captain Foster and several other officers. I was standing outside, supposedly on guard duty, smoking a pipe and keeping an eye on the stable area, when a sad-eyed captain appeared with this frilly, dark-eyed young lady on his arm, chattering away like a magpie. He seemed more than happy to leave...

3 years ago
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Tour Guide

"I don't swallow," Linda blurted drunkly."I do," Denise countered with casual frankness. I watched Linda make ‘her’ face, the one she always made when discussing aspects of sex that disgusted her. I'd seen it so frequently in the last ten years that it was too familiar, almost her natural state. The nose wrinkled and the brows crunched in, the mouth grimaced in revulsion. She never missed an opportunity to express her revulsion. "E-ew," she spat.Denise looked at me with arched brows. "She do...

4 years ago
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Tour Par Anjan Bhabhi Se Maze Liye

Hello, main Varun, 24 saal ka hu Mumbai se, aur main mechanical engineer hu. Main tall(5. 8) dark handsome ladka hu. Chalo ab main story pe ata hu. Ye baat hai 1 saal pehele ki jab main akela solo tour pe gaya tha Jammu & Kashmir. Woh 8 dino ki tour thi jismein 20 log the. Main ek tour wale package mein hi gaya tha. Inhi logo mein thi iss kahani ki heroine Sandhya. Chalo pehele Sandhya ke baare mein bata deta hu. Uski age 32 ki thi figure(34c-30-34). Uska chehra dekhte hi main uspe lattu ho...

3 years ago
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Tour Of Dens

Hi friends,i’m Nikhil from Bangalore. i’m 23 now. i’m working in a reputed company. this story is just few days old. i have written few stories in the past and i got response from many of them. to be frank it was not response, but it was guys who were asking for the addresses. anyways let me come back for this story now. your responses are always welcomed. read, dream and enjoy !!!!!!this story happened few days before. it was a long day in office. i left home very early n reached office by...

1 year ago
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Raoul and Francesco

When I lived in Luton twenty years ago I got chatting to these two Spanish lorry drivers, Raul and Francesco, that I met one weekend in a bar downtown. It was a place I regularly went on weekends called the Hard Rock Cafe. Served a Spanish beer called Sol with a wedge of lime in the bottle neck and there was a lot of karaoke and singalong hilarity about the place. I found out that these guys would stop over in Luton on their journey north from Spain to Glasgow because the younger one, Francesco...

3 years ago
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Tour Mei Ammi Ki Chudai Dekhi

Hi dosto, ye meri paheli chudai story hai aur es kahani me mai apne ammi ki chudai kaise huyi wo bataunga us se pahle mai apna introduction deta hu. Mai sahil age (18), mere ghar me randi ammi, abbu aur mai rehte hai, aap log hairan huye hoge ki mai apne ammi ko randi kyu keh raha hu, ye kahani padne ke baad aap log bhi mere ammi ko randi hi bolege. Meri ammi nazia, age (36-37), height : 5.9, weight 70, figure 34-26-36, ammi ke figure ko soch ke n jane kitne log mastrubute karte hoge, yaha tak...

1 year ago
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Tour into 3somes

Today was the beginning of a long 3-day weekend, and the last thing I wanted to do was lay around the house, or clean all weekend. It was a payday, plus being a 3-day weekend made it even more appealling to get away. I zipped home and grabbed a small overnight bag and threw in enough clothes for the weekend, plus my slinkiest bikini and a comfy pair of thongs. I planned on spending most of the weekend lounging by a pool, or better yet, snuggled up to "JJ" If I had my way! I called my parents...

4 years ago
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This story contains themes of lesbianism and incest, including graphic descriptions of sexual activity. If such material is in any way off-putting or offensive to you, please do not read any further. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The names have been changed to protect the innocent—and those who become a bit less innocent as events run their course. I really hope you enjoy it. I was the only one in our family to call her Francesca. Everyone else had her down as Fran or Aunt Fran,...

1 year ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 4 Setting Oneself Up

Everyone was up and out early the next morning. Megan and Ryan had stuck around just long enough for Alex to have a discussion with her and Lauren about what they should try to accomplish after he left. He also took a cue from his interactions with Tommy, Jenny Cox's husband. He suggested Ryan work with the spouses, boyfriends and families of his followers in Houston to help them adjust to their women's new role in his mission. Ryan seemed to like the idea, getting enthused about helping...

3 years ago
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[And yes, please vote and leave comments. They are always most appreciated.] I was the only one in our family to call her Francesca. Everyone else had her down as Fran or Aunt Fran, but not I. It was just something I'd started as a little kid. I guess I just adored her name, the exotic way it rolled off my tongue; that, and maybe, the unspoken implication that we enjoyed some bond over and above that shared between her and the rest of our family. Francesca was my Mom's younger sister; baby...

2 years ago
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Bridge Of Sighs 2 Francesca

As usual I won't recap Bridge Of Sighs, you will have to read it first.So we got to the last - but - one day of our trip. I had suggested to Richard that we .. or I try to get 'our waitress' in for a threesome. I had seen her with her girlfriend so I knew she was gay or bi. I was reasonably confident she'd fancy me, but of course she might have been you know FAITHFUL! MONOGAMOUS! a GOOD girl!I sure hoped not.I told Richard, rather teasing him, that if he approached her she'd think he was an old...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 14 Adventures on the Road

"Well, it's nice to see you folks so happy. Apparently you either got more sleep than we did, less alcohol, or something else to put those self-satisfied grins on your faces," Sammy commented when Alex and his posse climbed aboard Patricia's touring van. They'd decided to get an early start, skipping breakfast at the hotel. Chelsea had gotten everyone a to-go breakfast which she'd laid out on the table before them. "Hey, speak for yourself. Some of us not only didn't 'get any', but...

3 years ago
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Tour to Auzzie Land down underan erotic ad

So a mate Themba and myself went on a sports tour down under to the land of Auzz and decided that we would take a week after the end of the trip to do a little back packers trip and see if we can indulge ourselves in some Auzzie beaver. On our third night, after having some wild parties and great sex, we found ourselves a bit short on cash. All due to the fact that we had to get the locals horribly pissed before anyone would take on Themba’s throbbing 25cm dong, which is locally referred to as...

1 year ago
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Tour Par Anjan Bhabhi Se Maze Liye Part 2

Hello. Main Varun, 24 saal ka Mumbai se. Main mechanical engineer hu. Main tall, dark, handsome ladka hu. Housewife ya naughty ladki jisse detailed roleplay karna ho ya mujhse chudwana ho toh mujhe hangout pe message kare id: Jisne bhi Part1 nahi padha ho woh usse padh le toh apko is story mein maza ayega. Chaliye ab story pe age chalte hai.  Chalo pehele Sandhya ke baare mein bata deta hu. Uski age 32 ki thi figure34c-30-34. Uska chehra dekhte hi main uspe lattu ho gaya tha. Uske woh ubhre...

1 year ago
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Tour De Frances II

Tour De Fances II By 4:00 I had finished with the washing and Ironing. Michelle inspected all my work for the day and was Quite dissapointed on several counts. "Just look at these creases in Miss Palermo's skirts and dresses! She will crack my ass for a week if I gave her these in this condition! "I'm sorry Michelle, I'm just not that good at this stuff." Well guess what, your ass is gonna be right back here after we eat and you'll be rewashing and reironing half this stuff. I could...

1 year ago
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Tour De Frances III

Tour De Frances III Estelle and I headed back to my room and waited for Michelle to return from the wine cellar. Estelle wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close for a deep kiss. "Ohh my dear, I'm gonna love making out with you this weekend." "Let me go you lesbian!" "Stop trying to get away Frances, you can't hide from me so you may as well enjoy the attention I'm giving you!" Her hand slid up under my dress and into my panties. "Yes, I can't wait to feel you ram...

3 years ago
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Tour De Frances IV

Tour De Frances IV Our high heels clicked up the stairs and down the hall to the kitchen. We could see Miss Palermo standing at the doorway waiting for us. "Lets go girls, it's almost 3:00! Frances, you're not swinging those hips sweetie." I quickly slowed down my walk and began to bounce my hips with my high heel steps. "That's much better dear, you girls can line up right here." The three of us stood at attention and Miss Palermo looked over Michelle. She picked up her hands checking...

4 years ago
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Detours Part 1 of 3

It was Bonnie’s dad who had instilled in her the love of a good, long road-trip. Her appreciation of the finer things such as a car loaded with snack-food and CDs, rest stops, and the nuances of “roadkill bingo” were all because of him. He enjoyed planning his routes as much as he did just tossing the bags in the trunk on a whim and picking a direction and driving. And Bonnie always went with him. “North American roads have more total distance than the rest of the world combined,” he told...

Straight Sex
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FRANCESCA by bobby Frank was driving down Oak Street, looking for the house where his friend Rick said the party would be. He couldn't wait to meet this Filipina broad he'd been promised would be there. He loved Asian girls, and was getting pretty excited. He'd always heard that they were pretty submissive and would basically do whatever a guy wanted, but he'd never had an opportunity to ever bag one. "Tonight's the night.", he smiled to himself. (As you can see, Frank didn't...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 9 Would Energy by Any Other Name

Alex awoke to the sound of the hotel room door opening. He wasn't quite aware of anything yet, so he simply rolled over and glanced wearily at the door. "Hey, just came by to bring you something to eat," Cate said by way of a greeting. "I figured that none of you would manage to get moving yet." "Man, how come my sister never brings me stuff to eat in the morning?" Brittany complained, as she tried to find a sheet to pull over herself. "Hey, I think angels just have very angelic...

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How Frankie became Francesca

Ever since I was young, I was treated differently. My mom's friends would always comment on how pretty I was with my slender body, long eyelashes and bright green eyes. I spent a lot of time on my own growing up. My father left when I was a teen and my mom and older sister were always out of the house, which meant I spent a lot of time playing by myself.  When I was seventeen, I noticed that my body wasn't changing as much as my friends. I seemed to lack any manly characteristics and my penis...

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Segeltour in der Karibik

Klaus war eigentlich kein Fan von Auslandsreisen – insbesondere nicht nach Südamerika – aber seine Frau Sabine hatte ihn solange bequatscht bis er zugestimmt hatte. Grund waren aber weniger die Überzeugungskräfte seiner Ehefrau, sondern vielmehr die Aufzählung über die Personen die noch mitfahren würden. Da war zum einem die frisch getrenntlebende Kirstin, das befreundete Pärchen Britta und Karsten, und zu guter Letzt die Nachbarn Patrick und Kristina. Kirstin war heiß und Brittas überhebliche...

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Wandertour in den Bergen

Isabella bereute gerade nicht zum ersten Mal ihre Entscheidung mit ihrem Bruder Antonius, dessen Frau Maria und deren Nichte Viktoria einen Wanderausflug in den Bergen zu machen. Isabella war zwar sehr sportlich und erfreute sich an der Natur, aber das Problem war ihre Begleitung. Weniger ihr Bruder, der mit 38 Jahren drei Jahre älter war als sie, sondern dessen Frau Maria. Diese war von Anfang an gegen die Bergtour gewesen und ließ dies alle Beteiligten von Anfang an deutlich spüren. Zunächst...

1 year ago
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Latina Fuck Tour! Oh, Latinas! Why are they so sexy? There’s just something about the way they move that gets my cock rock hard and keeps it that way for hours (unless, of course, you get to moving those hips while you’re riding me, then I’m done for…). Consider this a love letter of sorts.I love your thick thighs, your caramel skin. Don’t worry, I love you fairer skin Latinas too (Spanish girls are just as hot as Colombianas as far as I’m concerned). And my girls with the darker complexions,...

Premium Latina Porn Sites
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Have you ever been on a Face Fuck Tour? I hate to tell you, but I think I already know the answer to that question. As much as we’d all love to go around boning pretty girls in the mouth, day in and day out, most of us will just never get that opportunity. I’ve certainly been luckier than most, but even if I wasn’t a bona fide porn stud, this next site might be the ideal place to get my vicarious face-fucking thrills. I certainly wouldn’t be the only one, as their traffic has nearly tripled...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
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Fingered By Aunt Francesca

My beautiful Aunt Francesca slid her fingers slowly up and down the lips of my vagina, skillfully and urgently exploring every fold of my sensitive places. I was completely naked on her couch, where she found me rubbing myself just a few minutes before. Her eyes moved up and down my body slowly as my breathing became uneven. I felt my breasts bouncing slightly as my tummy twitched when she touched me. I liked watching her watch me. She was erotically fascinated with my body, I could tell."Have...

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Detours Part 3 of 3

The Malibu pulled into the unpaved parking space just in front of the office of the Traveller’s Lodge. The ten room strip motel was just off the side of the roadway, located between here and there in the middle of the forest. There were only two other cars parked outside when Bonnie and Donovan had arrived. Normally, Bonnie was able to drive much longer into the night. Though she wasn’t exactly tired, she felt like she had needed a break. She and Donovan had barely spoken to each other for the...

Straight Sex
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Detours Part 2 of 3

Ten years ago... It was Friday night, a week before Bonnie was to head off to her freshman year in university. Earlier in the day, Bonnie’s dad had surprised her by giving her the car to take with her. “When we get there and get you settled in, I’ll take the bus back,” he had said. While she kind of wished that he had told her earlier --it was going to be a scramble to find a place to keep it at university on such short notice-- she couldn’t thank her dad enough. It made her a little...

Straight Sex
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Touring Under PressureChapter 3 The Fear of Angels

"Did you really agree to what I just heard?" Cate asked her brother after they'd gotten into the car and underway. "Yeah, he did. I'm waiting to see how this all falls apart," Gail laughed at the mess Alex had just gotten himself into. "I'm telling you, Alex, if that creep tries anything... ," Cate said, leaving the rest of the threat unstated. "I'm sure he's not going to ... never mind, I'm not so sure of that, myself," Alex replied. "If he tries anything with me, you may...

3 years ago
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Tour Guide

‘I don’t swallow,’ Linda blurted drunkly. ‘I do,’ Denise countered with casual frankness. I watched Linda make ‘her’ face, the one she always made when discussing aspects of sex that disgusted her. I’d seen it so frequently in the last ten years that it was too familiar, almost her natural state. The nose wrinkled and the brows crunched in, the mouth grimaced in revulsion. She never missed an opportunity to express her revulsion. ‘E-ew,’ she spat. Denise looked at me with arched brows. ‘She do...

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Tour Bus Break Down

A bus speeds down the road, when suddenly a loud bang can be heard, the bus slows down and smoke pours out of the engine. "What’s happening" said a women's voice from the back "We seem to be having some engine problems", said the Mark the driver the bus comes to a full and complete stop. Mark, a sweaty overweight man gets off the bus and checks on the engine, he comes back a minute later. "Unfortunately i can't fix it" Mark said "Oh great so now were stuck here", said the women the women moved...

3 years ago
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Tour de Force Descent into Rolandas Netherworld

On the living room sofa, Rolanda continued to stroke my spent body with her soft hands, dragging her beautifully manicured red nails gently through the cum-soaked hair of my chest and my pubic arch as we smoked in relaxed silence. She was the picture of mature loveliness in her chic nautically-themed outfit. I looked down and admired her stunning red pumps, and then we kissed again, interrupting my reverie with the insertion of her minty smoke-scented tongue between my teeth while...

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Tour With My Mom Uncle8217s Family

Hi to all ISS readers this is my second story hope you all enjoy it.please excuse me for my spelling mistakes. My name is Vijay i am studying 10th class in a small village in Andhra preshrank and coming to my family my dad had died in when i am small and the only responsible person in my house is my mother padma she is 34 year of age but looks like mid 20’s because she works as a teacher in a govt school in our village.i just completed 9th final exams and feeling bore as my friends all gone to...

2 years ago
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Tour Of Srilanka Part I

By : Ranikomal Greeting to all ISS readers, this is my first story which is based on my real life, I’m 28 year old married north Indian, girl with right curve on right place in my body, my statics – 34B-28-36, and very fair complexion,  my husband always tell my that he enjoy when other people look at me and admire my beauty, lets come back to our adventure which happen last year when me and my hubby sanjay decided to take a break from our very busy schedule of job for 10 days and landed to...

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Tour of DutyChapter 2 Ambush

It turned out there were a couple of dozen other women or wives in the company. Sergeant Nolen's wife was one. The raid was considered a success but I was not sure. Peters was on his way home after the hospital and so were most of the other wounded. Only three would return to us and then there were the three dead... Somehow I did not think the raid had been worth the cost and there was the fact that now the platoon was down thirteen men. Alpha team had lost Alexander and Donald, the first...

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Tour of DutyChapter 4 Urban Strike

By that evening I had orders for fourth battalion to the east. They were actually on a regular base with two other battalions that were part of the second cavalry. Plus there was a squadron of vertical lift attack birds or warbirds and another battalion of marines. I went to check the other quarters and packed belongings for those that had died. Well except for weapons, those were not allowed or considered property of the dead man. I did get a cut down ten gauge magnum over and under. The...

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Tour of DutyChapter 5 Port Raid Lance corporalCam

I was walking on a cloud since Anh told me about being pregnant but she would not let me pamper her. There was more good news, I was promoted to lance corporal which meant more money. Of course there was also bad news, I was reassigned to a new unit forming in the east at a port. They were doing raids in smaller ports and fishing villages. I was also told I had been put in for the Queen's Star. Not for going after the other tanks but for taking out the first one while we were under fire. I...

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Tour of DutyChapter 6 City in the Cliff

Having two wives was a little strange but nice. Anh and Cam seemed to get along well and knew what to do with some of the gold coins. The gold statues were another matter and they made small shelves to display them on. We were not going to get a lieutenant for awhile so staff sergeant Black continued to run the platoon. We did get a sergeant to replace Zon and a corporal as well as enough new privates to completely fill the squad. I got a new private named Conner and we promoted Dunn to...

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Tour of DutyChapter 7 LRRP Corporal

I got two weeks off to recover and wrote up award recommendations for Sanders, Dunn, Billings and Conner. I recommended Sanders for promotion to lance corporal. Sergeant Albert would be out for a month and so would the two privates that had been wounded. I also got to repeat my debriefing to a couple of generals and a duke. For the two whole weeks I followed the girls into town and back to their little shop. Since I had trouble sleeping on my back Anh bought several pillows so I could...

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Tour of DutyChapter 8 Reaction Force Delta

The housing sergeant major got us a flight to and back so the girls and I could go see Shane, Clark and Morse in the hospital. The intel major had gone to see them for their debriefing. From what they told me he ignored everything they told him. He kept trying to get them to say I had been hiding and only came out after they had been wounded. It had pissed Shane off and he had called the strike force sergeant major who had made a few calls to the corp sergeant major. From what Shane told me...

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Tour of DutyChapter 9 Joining the Cavalry Sergeant

I was called to come in the next morning. I did not take chances and had the girls come with me. The whole regiment was called to form up and the Field Marshal arrived. This time he not only awarded me another Queen's Star but they read orders promoting me to sergeant. He gave a short speech and we knew it was about the traitor. The bastard had already been taken out of the country to stand trail. The enemy colonel we caught had been given a truth drug and told the story again to a half...

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Tour of DutyChapter 10 POW for a Day

The raid had been a success and the company commander was very happy. Every squad had two of the tri barrel miniguns now. Staff sergeant McBee was running the platoon until we got a new lieutenant. In a troop formation a week later we had an award ceremony. I was given another Knight's Cross and a Military Cross for the last mission. The awards I had recommended had gone through so my men got their awards. I also had a visit from the Duke of Cari. We had a nice talk and he gave me a scroll...

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Tour of DutyChapter 12 Swamp Patrol

I spent an hour each day visiting Anh and Cam in their tea shop. It was hard to believe so many wives or girlfriends came here. It was not only women either, I always saw officers or sergeant majors drinking coffee. I knew their coffee was good and they always had a new spice or tea for me. Anh was getting bigger and I made sure she was seeing a doctor and taking vitamins and supplements with Cam. Two weeks after our mission in the west the Troop held award ceremonies. I received another...

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Tour of DutyChapter 13 Coastal Patrol Lieutenant

I was up and in early the next day and found promotion orders to lieutenant on the captain's desk. There was also a note that lieutenant colonel Quincy had seconded my suggestion to give field promotions to staff sergeant Patterson and McBee. The general and the Troop commander arrived and I called both men to the office. They accepted and I gave them the day off to start the process. The company did maintenance and cleaned equipment and I saw Mr Darken and Amberjack off. I had a lot to...

4 years ago
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Tour of DutyChapter 14 Counter Offensive

I did not think the birth of my son was that big of a deal for anyone but us accept three days later the prince arrived. It was late afternoon so I was home and trying to help Cam and Anh who tired quickly. At least they were not having any problems taking William to their shop. Almost every lady was willing to help watch, feed or just talk about him. The prince had his wife, two dukes and their wives when he knocked and I let them in. He and the dukes were here to confirm my son as my heir....

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Tour of DutyChapter 17 Counting Days Major

Three days later I was sending two companies out in a fan to the north of the base. It was routine patrols looking for enemy or signs that they were in the area. The huge supply of ammo was inventoried and the men were allowed to look through the weapons and take one. We got another batch of fifty men to fill holes in the companies. When the Field Marshal arrived on the base I was preparing an award ceremony. All the companies were back and it had been just over a week since we returned from...

2 years ago
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Tourist Courting

Callie wrote the check to pay for four rooms and tore it out of her checkbook before handing it to the woman behind the check-in counter. The woman looked at the check for a moment, but didn't say any words of thank you. She just pulled her receipt book forward and wrote the receipt, which she handed over without comment. Callie remembered the sour-faced woman from more than forty years of visits, particularly when Callie and the woman had been much younger. The woman had been a sour-faced...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 33 Nov 1942 Germany and Italy Invade Vichy France

“Now at this very moment I knew that the United States was in the war, up to the neck and in to the death. So we had won after all! ... How long the war would last or in what fashion it would end no man could tell, nor did I at this moment care ... We should not be wiped out. Our history would not come to an end ... Hitler’s fate was sealed. Mussolini’s fate was sealed. As for the Japanese, they would be ground to a powder. All the rest was merely the proper application of overwhelming...

1 year ago
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Touring Ski Mansion for Investment

My real estate broker Maria called telling me about a ski home in Telluride with a wine mine, I was sent pictures. I told my broker I would fly up to see the property. The property description was interesting; Up to 1,600 wine bottles are stored in a 56-foot-long tunnel or “mine shaft” in the basement. There’s an antique ore cart on tracks, and lights are computerized to flicker like a lantern, and sound effects like creaking wood and dripping water are piped in. The wine shaft isn’t the only...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 2 A Big Night

Alex and the others got to the Reliant Stadium early, though still later than Patricia and her band had. Still, their passes gave them access, although the door guard gave them a wary look. Alex knew that band members typically gave these types of passes to groupies that would sometimes hang around the entrance, so he could only imagine what the guard thought of him and the women surrounding him. However the man didn't say anything, simply shaking his head as they walked past. Strangely...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 5 Further Experimentation

Anthony Barlow picked up the phone as soon as it rang this time. He wasn't about to miss this call. Things were getting more extreme and he was anxious to get a handle on them. "Good evening, Barlow residence," he answered. "Hello, Mr. Barlow. This is Harry Wittmore again," answered the reassuring voice he'd been so anxiously awaiting. "What have you got for me?" Anthony asked, hardly able to contain his nerves. Things hadn't been going well at home. "Well, I've got some...

4 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 7 Daddys Girl

Alex still felt unsure about the concert that night. He didn't know what it was, but he couldn't help feeling that something was off. About all he could figure was that with the increased number of people they'd have with a Saturday night concert, they'd likely have more things go wrong, so he clearly expected to be embarrassed or find himself in some uncomfortable situations tonight. But that was hardly unusual and he knew he had to get used to it, because it was now a constant part of...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 10 A Quiet Oklahoman Afternoon

Alex was glad to get out onto the streets of Oklahoma City. While he was afraid of attracting more attention to himself following the shooting in Dallas, he didn't like the idea of hiding in the hotel room any more than Cate did. What's more, the idea that Cate might have some ideas on how his 'automatic boost' ability worked had him enthused. If they could crack that nut, it would really improve things for his followers and for himself as well. As necessary as boosting people was, he...

2 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 11 No One Appreciates My Paranoia

Driving away conservatively, Leanna didn't notice any police cars, but they did hear sirens in the distance. "Alex, what the hell was that about?" Cate demanded, sounding peeved about the whole encounter. "I'm sorry, Cate, but you weren't aware of what was going on. Leanna advised me the guy wasn't a seasoned criminal. He didn't have the intent to harm anyone, and I was interested in making sure he didn't harm anyone by accident. When he grabbed for the bag the girl gave me, I just...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 13 A Few Different Perspectives

While they ate dinner and continued to hold court with the many women both lesbians and straight, who wanted to speak to him, Leanna went off to call the detectives back. She was gone for a while, but Alex wasn't worried. If anything was wrong she'd alert him, and if she was talking to them then they'd be unlikely to just drop by. "There you are," someone called out from the doorway. They turned, only to see Patricia and the rest of her band, including Chelsea and Jordan. "I might...

3 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 15 Some Initial Tests and Preliminary Results

"Holy shit, you've got to be kidding me?" "Nope. It's true. Cate thinks she's uncovered the key to how Alex activates people. But more than that, she thinks she knows how to detect who's a Seer and who's a Watcher." Dr. Ryan Moore stood up, enthused at the prospects this brought up. He started excitedly pacing around the room. "Man, this is a major break. We've been piecing things together for a long time, but ... So how does—" "She thinks the key is that both the Seers' and...

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