Tour To Auzzie Land, Down Erotic Ad free porn video

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So a mate Themba and myself went on a sports tour down under to the land of Auzz and decided that we would take a week after the end of the trip to do a little back packers trip and see if we can indulge ourselves in some Auzzie beaver. On our third night, after having some wild parties and great sex, we found ourselves a bit short on cash. All due to the fact that we had to get the locals horribly pissed before anyone would take on Themba’s throbbing 25cm dong, which is locally referred to as a penostrofis, which is like a penis, just a whole lot longer, wider and far more active in all ways.
While having a few jugs of XXX with some locals we hooked up with this cool dude named Bruce. While chatting he kindly offered us a place to stay for the night, explaining that he was married to this amassing Thai lady, but warned that she was a bit of a prude. Later that evening after several more jugs, we drifted back to his spot, what a surprise, his wife was as hot as a Hotone and friendly as ever.
We were given the house rules and one was that there were water restrictions due to a long drought. As team mates we had no hassle sharing a quick shower to save some water, so in we hopped, in our rush we must have not closed the door properly and during the shower Themba nudged me and gestured to the open door. To my utter surprise there was this beautiful young Thai wife watching us shower, with her one hand down her pants and the other caressing her exposed beautiful, hard nipple. Not knowing what quite to do, Themba took the plunge and invited her in, with a quick sly glance towards the lounge where Bruce was sitting, she slipped in not closing the door.
With out saying, the temperature in that bathroom climbed considerably within seconds, she dropped her kit and jumped right in. Not wanting to spoil the moment, I asked what would happen if Bruce walked in, she calmly replied, don’t worry about him, his always joked that he would want to watch me be fucked hard by a huge black cock. If he comes in, tie him up and let him watch, that can be his punishment for talking shit about things tat turn me on, knowing I can’t show him how hot it makes me, now he can see for himself.
She had the most amassing well-kept body, with a juicy meaty beaver, that was moist and ready for the taking. Without much encouragement she took hold of Themba’s penostrofis, with a twinkle in her eye, saying, I’ve always wanted to feel a real one like this. At that, loan and behold Bruce walked in, he had this mixed look on his face, some what astonished but with some excitement. The two of us jumped out the shower grabbed him and tied him up with a belt.
His wife walked over and said, make yourself comfortable, I haven’t had some good cock in a while, this is going to be a long evening for you, and now you can watch, just as you told me you would like too.
With that she got straight down on her knees, whipping Themba’s huge cock into her mouth and started sucking him off so hard, I thought she might swallow the whole thing. At that I started to caress her beautiful firm, hard nipple breasts, she rolled over still sucking on the black monster, exposing that lovely meaty pussy. I caressed it for a minute and then she aggressively said, don’t fuck around, finger me with those strong big fingers until I flood you with my love juice.
It was at this stage I realized that we where in for the night of our lives. As I stuck my large fingers into the moist love whole, she made a strange noise, somewhat pleasant but aggressive. Finding that swollen g-spot, I worked it hard and the harder I worked it the more she wanted, until she screamed out in ecstasy and shot warm love juice all over myself and by now a frustrated Bruce, who exclaimed, how has that not ever happened when we do it. After catching her breath, she quietly answered, my love you need to practice with me a bit.
She then told Themba to lie on his back, with excitement in her eyes she lined up the tree of manhood and slowly and cautiously started to slide it in, her body shacking with excitement and apprehension. After a few attempts she managed to get most of his manhood inside that moist dripping pussy, turning then to me, instructed me not to be shy and to make a whore of her, saying shove that white cock in my ass whole. It was so nice and tight, and did something for me, could feel that monster fucking her pussy, while I fucked her star fish. It was amazing and we all came together, as if it was scripted. We all collapsed to the bathroom floor, with tingling’s of joy running through our veins, except for Bruce…….
He was begging his wife before we started again and again and, well for the rest of that night and following day, with a nap and some grub in between, just to tie his hand in front and take his shorts off so he could please himself a bit. His wife answered emphatically no, that wasn’t in your fantasy……………………
In German
Während ich in Afrika aufwuchs, lebte ich ein wunderbares Leben voller Out-Doors-Erlebnisse und viel Spaß in freier Wildbahn, aber eine Sache, die fehlte, war die Interaktion mit der Frau, die ich attraktiv fand. Nachdem ich viele Jahre gespart hatte, hatte ich genug Geld gesammelt, um auf ein Abenteuer in Übersee zu gehen, und freute mich darauf, einige Damen zu treffen, die meine Säfte fließen lassen würden. Stundenlang hatte ich die großen Geschichten meiner älteren Cousins über ihre Reisen nach Europa gehört und darüber, wie die Frau ihre Aufstiege liebte und mehr als bereit war, sie zu springen und ihre Knochen stundenlang zu klappern, ohne Kommentare und frei von Sex. Das wurde meine Fantasie, und alles, was ich tun wollte, war meine Jungfräulichkeit mit einer europäischen Frau zu brechen, in einer schönen Umgebung, und toller Sex.
So der Tag schließlich kam, als ich den Plan bestieg und in Richtung Südspanien ging, sah ich sogar in der Broacher, dass es Strände gab, die Nacktheit erlaubten, wenn man mochte. Alles, was ich wollte, war, dorthin zu gehen und all diese heißen Damen zu sehen. Auf dem Weg über die Flugzeugreise konnte ich mir nur meine Pläne zum ersten Mal vorstellen, wie, wann und mit wem...... .....
Bevor ich es wusste, war ich in Spanien, alles war so anders, alle so freundlich. Als ich ins Hotel kam, wurde ich von einer sehr heißen dreißig etwas Dame getroffen, das schien sehr nett. Ich sollte mich aber bewegen. Sie sagte sanft nein, indem sie mir sagte, dass es Hunderte von Frauen geben würde, die über mich kämpfen würden. Ich dachte, das wäre einfach zu gut, um wahr zu sein, und das war es auch. An diesem Abend war ich so enttäuscht, dass nichts zustande kam.
Im Laufe der Zeit baute ich den Mut auf, an einen FKK-Strand zu gehen, gut vorbereitet, könnte ich hinzufügen, ich hatte auf mehrere Paar enge Witze, um sicherzustellen, dass ich nicht schwelgen würde diese pochende Hardon, und zum Glück habe ich es getan. Nach einem Spaziergang auf und ab die Länge des Strandes, Überprüfen der heißen Waren aus, konnte ich helfen, aber gehen Sie auf die öffentlichen Toiletten und entlasten meine pochenden Penis, es war wie eine Explosion nie zuvor, die Hölle brach los.
Ohne Glück bin ich zurück ins Hotel gedriftet, das war ziemlich retro und nicht sehr modern, aber für mich erschwinglich. Ich ging zu dem, was ich dachte, war mein Zimmer, legte den Schlüssel, drehte mich um und öffnete die Tür. Auf dem Bett lag diese gut gebräunte Göttin mit ausgebreiteten Beinen Adler, mit meiner Erziehung wandte ich mich sofort ab, dann sagte diese Stimme eines Engels: "Sei nicht schüchtern, ich habe von einem großen dunklen und hübschen Mann wie dir geträumt". Es war, als wären alle meine Gebete auf einen Schlag erhört worden, sprach sie zu mir? Ich hatte noch nie eine Frau gesehen, nicht von meiner Familie nackt außer in einem Buch, wo alle guten Stücke nicht von Sternen beschattet wurden. stars.
Ich entschuldigte mich dafür, dass ich sie anborde, sie war überhaupt nicht verblüfft, sie sagte mir, ich solle auf dem Bett neben ihr sitzen und sie gab mir einen Kuss auf die Wange und sagte: Mein Name ist Kim, was dir gehört? Ich stellte mich vor und sie fragte, wo ich herkomme. Ich erklärte, dass ich ein Wildzüchter in Afrika und Berufsjäger war, und dass dies mein erstes Mal im Ausland war. Sie nahm meine Hände und sah sie an und sagte, dass sie so groß und stark sind, ich sagte schüchtern Danke. Sie nahm dann eine Hand und legte sie auf ihre Brust, ihre Brustwarzen, wo hart wie ein Felsen und ihr Sking war so weich, ich wurde sofort rockhart und war so peinlich. Sie sagte mir ruhig, ich solle mich entspannen, und dass alles in Ordnung sei. Ich sagte ihr schüchtern, dass ich noch nie mit einer Frau auf diese Weise gewesen war und nicht einmal wusste, wo ich anfangen sollte.
Sie fragte, ob ich jemals ein Mädchen zuvor geküsst hatte, ich antwortete nein, aber mein Cousin hatte erklärt, was zu tun war. In diesem Fall fühlte ich mich so peinlich, dass ich dies mit ihr geteilt hatte, da ich wusste, dass mein Cousin mir gesagt hatte, ich solle immer so tun, als wüsste ich alles, was es über eine Frau zu wissen gab. Sie seufzte, ich fragte, was das Problem war, sie antwortete, absolut nichts, ich habe davon geträumt, einen jungen Mann zu haben, der eine Jungfrau ist, also kann ich ihm Recht beibringen, es ist eigentlich meine Phantasie, und jetzt ist die Zeit und der Ort. Halten Sie auf Ihre Socken jungen Mann, ich bin Gong, um Ihnen die Fahrt eines Lebens zu geben.
Sie legte meine Hände über meinen Kopf und zog mein Oberteil ab, entblößte meinen gut gebräunten zerrissenen Körper, sie nahm einen Moment und nahm dann meine Hand und legte sie zwischen ihre Beine, sie war so nass wie möglich, dass der Biber so feucht und einladend war. Ich wusste wirklich nicht, was ich tun sollte, ich konnte nicht mit all der Konzentration denken, die es brauchte, um meine pochende Männlichkeit von selbst explodierenden zu stoppen. Sie legte sich sanft zurück und breitete ihre Beine aus, breitete ihren fleischigen Biber aus, damit ich ihn sehen kann, und sagt, dass er dich nicht beißen wird. Ich berührte es langsam und sie seufzte wieder, ich fragte, ob das falsch war, sie sagte die Hölle nein, ich warte darauf, dass du diese riesigen Finger in die Seite von mir steckst und mich zum Sperma mache. In meiner Unwissenheit fragte ich, aber wo? Sie breitete sich ruhig noch breiter aus und half mir, meine Hand nach unten zu legen, ein Finger rutschte direkt hinein, sie sagte, keine Angst zu haben, einen anderen hineinzustecken und zu erkunden. Ich kann Ihnen nicht sagen, was im Inneren passiert ist, weil ich die Worte nicht finden kann, aber alle meine Lektüre kam nach vorne. Nachdem ich ein oder zwei Sekunden lang probiert hatte, fand ich den g-Punkt, genau wie das Buch es sagte, ich sanft, da ich es massieren konnte und sie begann, ihre Hüften zu bewegen. Ich konnte nicht glauben, dass mir das wirklich passierte.
Es war nicht einmal eine Minute, denke ich, und sie fing an zu wanken und ihre Muschi wurde noch nasser, ich war mir nicht sicher, ob ich sie verletzte oder nicht, also verlangsamte ich. Sie rief "Nicht aufhören, Finger ficken mich härter, ich bin im Begriff, so hart zu cum" so machte ich mich bequemer und gab es ihr noch härter, sie mochte das wirklich. Mit in Sekunden, gab es diesen Schimmer von liquated, die aus ihrer Muschi spritzte, wie ein Brunnen, sie war so aufgeregt und hielt einfach auf cumming. Nachdem sich alles ein wenig beruhigt hatte, erzählte sie mir, dass dies das erste Mal war, dass sie jemals einen spritzenden Orgasmus hatte und es seit Jahren versucht hatte. Damals bedeutete mir nicht viel, aber im Nachhinein erkannte ich, dass vielleicht etwas Magie in meinen großen starken Fingern steckt. Sie fragte dann, ob ich es noch einmal machen möchte, in dieser Phase war ich Spiel für alles, also legte ich meine Finger hinein und fing an, ihren sehr geschwollenen G-Punkt zu reiben, sie kam einfach und kam, so oft konnte ich es nicht glauben, ich hatte nur einmal am Tag Sperma.......................................
In Danish
Mens jeg voksede op i Afrika, levede jeg et vidunderligt liv fuld af uddørsoplevelser og masser af sjov i naturen, men en ting, der manglede, var interaktion med kvinde, jeg fandt attraktiv. Efter at have sparet i mange år, havde jeg akkumuleret nok penge til at gå på et oversøisk eventyr, og glædede sig til at møde nogle damer, der ville gøre min safter flow. I timevis havde jeg hørt de høje fortællinger om mine ældre fætre om deres ture til Europa, og hvordan kvinden elskede deres stigninger, og var mere end villige til at springe dem og rasle deres knogler i timevis, uden kommentarer og fri kærlighed til sex. Dette blev min fantasi, og alt, hvad jeg ønskede at gøre, var at bryde min mødom med en europæisk kvinde, i nogle dejlige omgivelser, og stor sex.
Så den dag kom, da jeg gik om bord på planen og ledes til det sydlige Spanien, jeg selv så i broacher, at der var strande, der tillod nøgenhed, hvis du kunne lide. Jeg ville bare se alle de lækre damer. På vej over på flyet tur alt, hvad jeg kunne tænke på var mine planer for første gang, hvordan, hvornår og med hvem ...... .....
Før jeg vidste af det, var jeg i Spanien, alt var så anderledes, alle så venlige. Da jeg kom til hotellet, blev jeg mødt af en meget varm tredive noget dame, der syntes meget rart. Jeg selv om jeg skulle gøre et træk. Hun sagde forsigtigt nej, ved at fortælle mig, at der ville være hundredvis af kvinder, der vil kæmpe over mig. Jeg tænkte, det var for godt til at være sandt, og det var det. Den aften var jeg så skuffet, da intet skete.
Som tiden gik, opbygger jeg modet til at gå til en nudiststrand, godt forberedt jeg kan tilføje, havde jeg sat på flere par stramme vittigheder for at sikre, at jeg ikke ville være svælgede denne dunkende hardon, og heldig jeg gjorde. Efter at have taget en tur op og ned på længden af stranden, kontrol af de varme merchandise ud, kunne jeg hjælpe, men gå til de offentlige toiletter og lindre min dunkende penis, det var som en eksplosion aldrig før, helvede brød løs.
Uden held drev jeg tilbage til hotellet, det var helt retro og ikke meget moderne, men overkommeligt for mig. Jeg gik op til, hvad jeg troede var mit værelse, satte nøglen, vendte sig og åbnede døren. På sengen lå denne vel garvede gudinde med benene spredt ørn, med min opvækst, jeg straks vendte sig bort, så denne stemme af en engel sagde "vær ikke genert, jeg har drømt om en høj mørk og smuk mand som dig". Det var som om alle mine bønner var blevet besvaret i en fejl swoop, talte hun til mig? Jeg havde aldrig set en kvinde, ikke fra min familie nøgen bortset fra i en bog, hvor alle de gode bits ikke var coved af stjerner.
Jeg undskyldte for barging ind på hende, hun var ikke fazed på alle, hun fortalte mig at sidde på sengen ved siden af hende, og hun gav mig et kys på kinden, siger, mit navn er Kim, hvad er dit? Jeg præsenterede mig selv, og hun spurgte, hvor jeg kommer fra. Jeg forklarede, at jeg var en vildt landmand i Afrika og professionel jæger, og at dette var min første gang i udlandet. Hun tog mine hænder og kiggede på dem, om, at de er så store og stærke, jeg genert sagde tak. Hun tog den ene hånd og lagde den på hendes brystvorter, hvor hårdt som en sten og hendes sking var så blød, jeg straks fik rock hårdt og var så flov. Hun roligt fortalte mig at slappe af, og at alt var fint. Jeg genert fortalte hende, at jeg aldrig havde været sammen med en kvinde på denne måde, og vidste ikke engang, hvor man skal begynde.
Hun spurgte, om jeg nogensinde havde kysset en pige før, jeg svarede nej, men min fætter havde forklaret, hvad de skal gøre. I dette tilfælde følte jeg mig så flov, at jeg havde delt dette med hende, vel vidende at min fætter havde fortalt mig altid at handle, som om jeg vidste alt, hvad der var at vide om en kvinde. Hun sukkede, jeg spurgte, hvad problemet var, svarede hun, absolut intet, jeg har drømt om at have en ung mand, der er jomfru, så jeg kan lære ham ret, det er faktisk min fantasi, og nu er det tid og sted. Hold fast i dine sokker unge mand, jeg gong at give dig en tur i et liv tid.
Hun lagde mine hænder over mit hoved og trak min top, udsætter min godt garvet rippet krop, hun tog et øjeblik og derefter tog min hånd og sætte den mellem hendes ben, hun var så våd som kan være, at bæver var så fugtig og indbydende. Jeg vidste virkelig ikke, hvad de skal gøre, kunne jeg ikke tænke med al den koncentration, det tog at stoppe min dunkende manddom fra selv-eksploderende. Hun forsigtigt layback og sprede hendes ben, sprede hendes kødfulde bæver for mig at se, siger røre ved det, vil det ikke bide dig. Jeg langsomt rørte ved det, og hun sukkede igen, jeg spurgte, om det var forkert, hun sagde helvede nej, jeg venter på dig til at sætte de store fingre i siden af mig og gøre mig cum. I min uvidenhed spurgte jeg, men hvor? Hun roligt spredt endnu bredere og hjalp min hånd ned, en finger gled lige ind, sagde hun ikke være bange sætte en anden i og udforske. Jeg kan ikke fortælle dig, hvad der skete indeni, fordi jeg ikke kan finde ordene, men alle mine læsning op kom til fronten. Efter sondering for et sekund eller to, fandt jeg g-spot, ligesom bogen sagde, at det ville være, jeg forsigtigt som jeg kunne masseres det, og hun begyndte at flytte hendes hofter. Jeg kunne ikke tro, at det virkelig skete for mig.
Det var ikke engang et minut jeg tror, og hun begyndte at vrikke og hendes fisse blev endnu vådere, jeg var ikke sikker på, om jeg var såre hende eller ej, så jeg bremset. Hun udbrød "stop ikke, finger fuck mig hårdere, jeg er so ved at cum så hårdt", så jeg gjorde mig mere komfortabel og gav det til hende endnu hårdere, hun virkelig kunne lide det. Med på få sekunder, var der denne vælde af flydende, der sprøjtede ud af hendes fisse, som et springvand, hun var så ophidset og bare holdt på Cumming. Efter det hele slog sig lidt ned, fortalte hun mig, at det var første gang, hun nogensinde havde haft en sprøjtende orgasme og havde forsøgt i årevis. På det tidspunkt betød ikke meget for mig, men i bakspejlet indså jeg, at måske er der nogle magiske i min store stærke fingre. Hun spurgte, om jeg gerne vil gøre det igen, på dette tidspunkt var jeg vildt for noget, så jeg satte mine fingre i og begyndte at gnide hende meget opsvulmede g-spot, hun bare kom og kom, så mange gange, kunne jeg ikke tro det, jeg havde kun nogensinde cum en gang på en dag .......................................

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Chapter 20 - Yolanda By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Mary Sue stood in the doorway of the library's special archives, hands on her hips. Before her stood the rows of shelves that had been in the basement when she had arrived. One of the first things she had done after taking over as the temporary librarian was to get a group of teenaged boys in to move the boxes stored in the basement up to where they would be better protected. She had then spent several...

2 years ago
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Allan In Wonderful Land

Allan In Wonderful Land Disclaimer: Any characters, events or whatever depicted in this story and the real world is purely coincidental. That very thought is too silly an too scary to contemplate. As to it's maybe copying a certain story by the author, Lewis Carroll, so what? This is a satire, a parody and just a silly comedic story, so get over with it and yourself at the same time. The use of the word, "fanny," in this story does not indicate a particular part of the female anatomy...

3 years ago
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Gand Main Land Part Part II

By : Today97 I hope you like my first story. M aage ki kahni sunta hu ab aap ko us raat hum dono so gayhe subhe phle m uta tha maine subhe hi subhe monu k land k darshan kiyhe wo kada hu tha mast leag rha tha uske baad m uta or apni gand k hole ko chua wo toda sa bhr k tarf aa gaya tha or usmain azeeb c chiz jaise dard ho rha tha or suj b gai thi.pir maine uske land ko dubaar deke or socha ek baar pir ise gand m le lu wo sidha leta hua tha maine uske upeer beth gaya or uske land Ko pakad kr...

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Land Ki Pyas Bujhaniwali Chahiye

Hi mera naam aadi hain mera email id hain ….Ye bat un dino ki 6mahine pahle ki hain meri mausi ki ladki jo mujhse 1 saal badi hai mausi ke saath humare ghar aayi aur humare ghar me aakar ma se kaha ki ye 2 –3 mahine idhar hi rahegi to maa boli kyu tab mausi ne kah are tuze bataya nahi tha kya ki amarnaath aur udhar ke saare tirth karne hai to maa boli are didi main to bhul hi gayi thi tub maine kaha ki maa tum jaogi to khana kaun banayega bhabhi bhi bhiya ke saath tour pe gaye hai who log bhi 2...

2 years ago
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What can be found at Eroti City? Do you know how you usually find some of the best porn on some of the most obscure websites out there? Yeah, well it would seem that this is exactly the case with This place seems like any other adult forum, but it’s just riddled with some of the best porn content and you wouldn’t even guess that it was without checking it out. Luckily for you, I’ve taken the liberty of exploring everything that has to offer and you’ll be thrilled to...

Porn Forums
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Mami Ki Gaand Ko Trupt Kiya Mere 7 Inch Ke Land Ne

Hi dosto first of all let me thank all ISS user who liked my first story “Didi Ki Gaand Marne Ko Pyaasa Mera 7 inch Ka Lauda” you can find it in incest section or go to this address And also like to thank you all who spend time to email me and praised my first story. Mai pichle 3 saal se england mai mere family ke saath rehta hu magar pehle mai ahmadabad mai tha jaha maine mere cousin ko...

5 years ago
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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 22

Mina Sutherland ... Doctor Mina Sutherland ... came back from town ten feet tall and walking with her feet off the ground. Mina knew how to glide, but this was more than that. Mina was going to handfast to Calvin P. Potter ... but he might take her name. Calvin Percival Sutherland sounded better than C.P. Potter. Cal was, by way of a million past ancestors, related to one Helen Potter ... she of Peter Rabbit fame and the artist of a multitude of illustrations for the scientific community of...

2 years ago
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Welcome To Fictionmania Land

Hi here is my contest entry and my Valentine to the group and it's authors. I hope you will see this as the tribute it is meant to be and try to find all the TG refernces made in it. Welcome To Fictionmania Land by Cabinessence (Fictionmania Contest Entry) I have always been more of a stay at home guy rather than a social animal. I'd much rather spend quiet evenings just hanging around the dorm than going out partying as many of the other guys who lived in my dorm did....

3 years ago
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Sasur Ka Land Meri Gand Mein Ghusa Barsat Mein

Hi I’m Ankit here a dirty sasur bahu story I’m going directly on action because maine puri kahani likhi thi aur jaise hi save karne ja raha tha kuch gadbad hogai aur puri kahani delete hogai to ab utta likhne ki himat nahi hai agar apko ye pasand aayi to gli ache se likhunga Main apne sasur ke sath rehti hoon meri umar 30 saal hai aur koi bachha nahi hai mera pati mumbai mein kam karta hai aur hum aur sasur jee gaon mein reh ke kheti sambhalte hain main chudne ko bahut tadapti hun mera pati...

2 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 4 Setting Oneself Up

Everyone was up and out early the next morning. Megan and Ryan had stuck around just long enough for Alex to have a discussion with her and Lauren about what they should try to accomplish after he left. He also took a cue from his interactions with Tommy, Jenny Cox's husband. He suggested Ryan work with the spouses, boyfriends and families of his followers in Houston to help them adjust to their women's new role in his mission. Ryan seemed to like the idea, getting enthused about helping...

2 years ago
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Roland and Verna Part 3

Verna wanted some extra painting done in her kitchen that management didn’t approve of so I took it upon my own to be responsible for the expense to repaint it if and when she moved. Management agreed and even agreed it would look really great the way she wanted it now. It was Friday. I finished painting the bathroom of an apartment by 10: AM. I went to the office and checked the work schedule. It was clear until Tuesday. I had already bought the paint and material for Verna’s...

4 years ago
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I had always fantasized about a big black man with a big thick cock fucking my lovely blond wife Elaine. She is 6 years younger than me, just 29 years old with short bottle blond hair and a very shapely 34 24 34 figure. Although she is only 5’2” tall she is well “stacked” with big soft breasts and nice pink nipples. I had sometimes asked Elaine if she ever fantasised about having sex with a big black guy, she said yes but showed no interest in making it reality. In fact she didn’t seem too...

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Yolanda Yields

Billy's pretty sister's new best friend was a lovely girl called Yolanda. She was, in many ways, even better looking than his sister who was a first class fox with a killer body and great smile. Yolanda was more mature, almost fifteen. She had really long, shapely legs, and tiny waist, about 22 inches, maybe less, and a fine pair of globular jugs set high on her chest and tipped with tiny, pink rosebuds; matched melons, made for squeezing. Her hair was light auburn and very curly and her...

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Poonam La Land Dakhaun Zavle

Hi. Me amit nashik cha rahanara tumchyasathi navin khari ghatna gheun aaloy. Maazi pahili story pooja la ani tichya aaila land dakhaun zavle vaachlich asel. Aata chi story poonam chi aahe ji maazi kamvaali mulgi aahe. Mala story kashi vatli te mail jaroor kara. Maza mail aahe Poonam eka garib gharatli mulgi aahe. Tichya gharat tich saglyat mothi aahe. Tichya aai vadlanna kamat madat mhanun dhune bhandyachi kaam karte. Disayla itki sundar ki kaslich kami navti tichya sharirat. Mast figger aahe....

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Land Ne Dilaya Promotion Part lll

Wo mere land ko paglo ki trah chus rhi thi mano jaise aaj hi use pura nigal jayegi us k chusne puccch puccch jasi awaje nkal rhi thi jo mujhe or pagal bana rhi thi ab mujh se rha hi ja rha tha maine us k sar ko pakad k us k muh ko chodne laga or wo bhi mera land pure halak tak le rhi thi or ek haat se apni choot sehla rhi thi 10 min us ka muh chodne k baad mai us k muh me hi jhad gaya or maine dekha k wo sara maal pi gayi or fir mere land ko chatne lagi. Or fir maine use hug kiya or kiss karne...

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iWank Erotic

Porn aggregator sites are always a good place to go to if you’re looking for strength in numbers. If just a few thousand porn videos in a specific category aren’t enough for you, then porn aggregator sites are the perfect solution. They work by combining videos from various platforms in various categories and just linking them. It looks like the videos are hosted on the aggregator site, but you’ll actually get redirected to the actual website where the porn video is hosted. is one such...

Porn for Women Sites
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Sexcom Erotic

Sex, gifs, eroticism, stuff that’s great to masturbate to, especially if you’re a woman. Hello to all my dear ladies out there! Welcome to another installment of a “porn for women category” review. I’m not going to say that you just have to watch this kind of content. In my eyes, you can and should check out some more hardcore stuff, but in my experience, this is the kind of porn that works the best for most girls out there and I would be damned if I didn’t show it to you today. Guys usually go...

Porn for Women Sites
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A Highland Fling

Clouds scurried swiftly across the sky and the early morning air was crisp with the first hints of autumnal frost as I started my southerly drive over Rannoch Moor. I'd set off deliberately early, hoping to avoid the worst of the late summer holiday traffic on the A82. Behind me lay Fort William and a fabulous week's holiday in the Scottish Highlands, where I'd visited Kilchurn Castle, explored my paternal ancestry on the Isle of Skye and searched unsuccessfully for the Loch Ness Monster. Ahead...

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Land Ne Dilaya Promotion Part ll

Maine keh diya k “jagana padega unhe ab” use mere haat pe haath rkhte hue kha k “ek kaam karo aaj mere yhi ruk jao family ko kyu tang karna” maine bhi ok kha or apne office bag se apne khade land ko chupate hue bike ko baramde me park karne laga bag ko aage latka k bike park karne me dikkat ho rhi thi jo priya ne notice kar liya or us ne kaha k bag mujhe pakda do maine mana kiya lekin fir bhi us ne bag mujh se le liya or jaise hi bag hataya to street lite ki roshni me mera tana hue land ka...

5 years ago
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Akhir Girlfriend Ne Mere Virgin Land Ko Seduce Kar Liya

Hi guys girls aunties bhabies etc and I am a regular reader of ISS and ye mera phela sex experience main aapke saath share karne jaa raha hoon main Mumbai ka rehene wala ek 19 years ka average ladka hoon. Ye baat 3 saal phele ki hain jab main 10th main tha, main tab kafi sharif tha aour ladkiyoon se sharmata tha aour bas meri uss samay kuch hi ladkiyan dost thi. Main aout mere friend ladkiyoon ko bas door se dekh kar hi khush rethe the aour kabhi baat karne k liye aage nahi badhte the jab mane...

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Welcome Readers to the LAND OF NOD. I will warn you that this story starts out slowly, well only for a short while, and then it gets intense and graphic. But I am sure as you read thru the chapters you will enjoy what happens in the LAND OF NOD. Chapter OneArrival at the ‘LAND OF NOD’‘Welcome to the Land of Nod’. Travis stood in the warm air of the early spring morning for a few minutes starring at the arched sign above the wrought iron double gates set within the twelve foot high hand laid...

3 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 14 Adventures on the Road

"Well, it's nice to see you folks so happy. Apparently you either got more sleep than we did, less alcohol, or something else to put those self-satisfied grins on your faces," Sammy commented when Alex and his posse climbed aboard Patricia's touring van. They'd decided to get an early start, skipping breakfast at the hotel. Chelsea had gotten everyone a to-go breakfast which she'd laid out on the table before them. "Hey, speak for yourself. Some of us not only didn't 'get any', but...

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NudeVista Erotic

Whenever my dick gets rock solid, I already know what I am in the mood to wank off to. I am sure many of you guys are the same. However, searching for a specific kind of porno on Google is not that fun, especially if you are ready to go. Google is an amazing search engine, but it gives you all kinds of results. Thus searching for something specific will take some time.It all really makes sense if you think about it. Google is meant for everyone, not just the perverts of the internet. With that...

Porn for Women Sites
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Mizuryu Kei Land

Welcome to Mizuryu Kei Land, the wonderful adult theme park based entirely around sex! Here, you can go to unwind, have fun, and let loose from your everyday selves. From games, to rides, to cultural events, to competitions and contests, you can always find something to do at Mizuryu Kei Land! The rules of the land are pretty simple, and they are easy to follow! Firstly, stay clean! While it’s understandable that you’re going to get lots of sweat and sexual fluids on you during your stay in...

Group Sex
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Padosh Me Aunty Land Ki Shanti

Hi friends .Me kunal singh from allahabad is story me aapka dost or host aapka welcome karta hu or khaskar mere allahabad or uske aaspas ki female members ka.Please dosto aap sabhi cahe story achi lge ya buri mujhe mail krke btana jaroor meri mail id he or meri female dosto jo bhi allahabad ya aas pas ki he vo to jaroor mujhe mail kare kya pta humara bhi yarana ho jaye.So me pehle apne bare me bta du me 24 hu currently or meri height 6 feet he or colour fair or log kehte he bht smart bhi hu.Me...

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Land Dekh K Ladki Ghabrai

Im Jagdish from Chandigarh n searching for aunty ,bhabi n hot girls jo sirf enjoyment k liye sex chahti ho or uske baad contact ki kosis na kare.can sen me mail. aap apne husban se b santusht nhin hai den i have an idea. Ok.ab mein apni story suru karta hun.meri paros mein ek larki rehti thi.jiska jism bhut hi sexy tha.uska badan bhra hua or uski ht bi 5f 9inch thi.mera to uski ht or badan ko dekh k hi land khra ho jata tha.uska jism is type ka tha ki bure aadmi ka land bi tight ho jaye.mein...

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Scrolller Erotic

Are you a girl who is into porn, but also likes simple apps like Instagram and shit like that? I know what that can feel like. If you can’t just scroll forever through an app these days, it’s like it’s not even all that good. Anyway, when it comes to scrolling and porn, the two sometimes go hand in hand with picture porn sites, but not so much with video ones. Today we’re taking a look at a website that takes the meaning of scrolling through porn to a whole new level as they implemented a site...

Porn for Women Sites
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My Weekend Alone With Uncle Roland

I had just finished up at work when my cell phone rang. "Sophia, come over this weekend," the voice said. "Hello to you, too? Mom, Its a 10 hour drive, if I come out it's for more then the weekend," I replied. "Fine, your room is ready, see you soon." The line went dead. Guess I was going to California. I drove home, packed some bags and hopped into my car. I drove for about an hour and half before I pulled up to a gas station. I went in picked up a few snacks and some water and headed back to...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

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AlohaTube Erotic! A neat little porn aggregator website, where you can find a little bit of everything. Then again, if you could not find a lot of random porno crap, it would not be called an aggregator website. Anyway, I am here to talk about AlohaTube, but more specifically, their erotic category. If you are just interested in the site overall, I have already reviewed it. You are welcome to check it the fuck out.You should know that if the erotic side of Aloha Tube does not suit your taste, you...

Porn for Women Sites
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In This Land

In this Land by Arcie Emm You may wish to read the prior Manny and Maude stories: 1. Mirror Mirror 2. On the Wall "Are you sure you don't need you to come, Maude? It's my job." "No, no, Manny, really I think it is better that I visit Baroness Asudem on my own. It's not that I don't enjoy your company, what with Andy being such a poor conversationalist, but a visit to the Baroness is often quite hard on her guests. Literally." "Huh?" "Well, see, Baroness Asudem is a...

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Land Dakhaun Sex Kela

Hii me amit nashik cha rahanara. Mazi pahili gosht sangtoy kahi chukla tar samjun ghya. Saglyanchya aayushyat parstree havi aste. Sagle aaplya dusrya premala shodhtat. Tasach me pan aahe. Maazya lagna nantar maazi bayko pregnant zaali tyaveles ti maheri geli 3 month sathi. Te divas bina sex che kase kadhu ha prashna sodvaaycha hota. Mag maazya friends la vicharu laglo ki maazya barobar sex karal ka tar tya mazyashi bhandlya. Nantar me tyanchi maafi magitli n parat changla bolu laglo. Tevdhyat...

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Tour Par Anjan Bhabhi Se Maze Liye Part 2

Hello. Main Varun, 24 saal ka Mumbai se. Main mechanical engineer hu. Main tall, dark, handsome ladka hu. Housewife ya naughty ladki jisse detailed roleplay karna ho ya mujhse chudwana ho toh mujhe hangout pe message kare id: Jisne bhi Part1 nahi padha ho woh usse padh le toh apko is story mein maza ayega. Chaliye ab story pe age chalte hai.  Chalo pehele Sandhya ke baare mein bata deta hu. Uski age 32 ki thi figure34c-30-34. Uska chehra dekhte hi main uspe lattu ho gaya tha. Uske woh ubhre...

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Tour De Frances II

Tour De Fances II By 4:00 I had finished with the washing and Ironing. Michelle inspected all my work for the day and was Quite dissapointed on several counts. "Just look at these creases in Miss Palermo's skirts and dresses! She will crack my ass for a week if I gave her these in this condition! "I'm sorry Michelle, I'm just not that good at this stuff." Well guess what, your ass is gonna be right back here after we eat and you'll be rewashing and reironing half this stuff. I could...

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Tour De Frances III

Tour De Frances III Estelle and I headed back to my room and waited for Michelle to return from the wine cellar. Estelle wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close for a deep kiss. "Ohh my dear, I'm gonna love making out with you this weekend." "Let me go you lesbian!" "Stop trying to get away Frances, you can't hide from me so you may as well enjoy the attention I'm giving you!" Her hand slid up under my dress and into my panties. "Yes, I can't wait to feel you ram...

4 years ago
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Tour De Frances IV

Tour De Frances IV Our high heels clicked up the stairs and down the hall to the kitchen. We could see Miss Palermo standing at the doorway waiting for us. "Lets go girls, it's almost 3:00! Frances, you're not swinging those hips sweetie." I quickly slowed down my walk and began to bounce my hips with my high heel steps. "That's much better dear, you girls can line up right here." The three of us stood at attention and Miss Palermo looked over Michelle. She picked up her hands checking...

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Literotica stories, search, and tags! If you’ve ever stroked the pole while reading dirty stories online, you’re probably already familiar with Literotica. The site has been around for 20 years now and gets well over 50 million views a month. It’s the king daddy motherload of written porno.The site has hundreds of thousands of stories, poems, and pictures, all submitted by Literotica users. This active and horny community has been key to the site’s longevity and popularity.Twenty Years of...

Sex Stories Sites
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Maryland My Maryland

Maryland’s Heritage Introduction: This is being written in response to something an anonymous commenter included regarding my story titled ‘Wife Gets What She wants’. He said he had friends who all referred to Maryland as a ‘Yankee State’. I wanted to address that remark. Well I am a Yankee in the ‘American’ sense, but I’m not precisely a Yankee, and neither are most Marylanders, at least in the more historic use of the word. I doubt if the anonymous commenter ever reads this, but like so...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 6

It was when a small female child pointed to me and called me “Greybeard” that I suddenly realized I had spent far too much time in the Holy Land. When I sat down to contemplate my status, I realized that I had a sizable harem of a half dozen females, all young and nubile, and that I was able to poke them whenever the urge hit me without any fear of conflicting issues. I was no longer a young warrior, but a seasoned knight with lots of battles under my belt. The fact that I had spent most of...

3 years ago
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Visiting QueenslandChapter 4

We got greeted and went inside. Mum immediately asked what was new. Weena began telling her about the Royal Perth and my new unpaid appointment in the Navy and then paused... "Oh, yes. And I'm going to make you grandparents." Mum screamed and grabbed Weena's hand. "When? When?" "Most likely end of April or beginning of May." "Are you sick? What can't you eat? What would you like?" "I've only had a bit of nausea, not much. I eat some biscuits or crisps before getting up....

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Savage Land Savage Lesbians

Open for contributions, this is intended as a collaborative story. The Savage Land is a hidden place, lost to time. Filled with plants and animals long thought extinct, dinosaurs roam vast plains and lush jungles of titanic trees while sabre-tooth tigers stalk their prey amidst its soaring rocky peaks. The vast ruins of long lost and forgotten civilizations hide treasures and traps, yielding to the brave or lucky rewards of dark magics or mysterious technologies and death to the unlucky. The...

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38 Years Land Lord Aunty Aur Noukrani Ne Sath Sex Kiya

Mera nam hain sizler boy, age 21, from kolkata,ea ghatna tab ki thi jab main tab graduation kar raha tha, main roz gym karta tha, isi liye mera body dekhne layek tha, main chad me ek chotasa room me reheta tha, aunty ne meri bohut khayal karthi thi, Ab me main kahani pe ata hoon, mere room me me akela hi rehe ta tha, auntu ki ek ledki 12 sal ki our ek ledka 9 sal ki thi, uncle abroad me reheta tha, every 2 years he come to india for 3 months, dono bacche mera sath bahut ghul mil gaye the, unka...

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Curvy Erotic

Meet CurvyErotic blog, a site that has managed to break free from the stereotype that erotic art is a skinny girl’s affair. This site features the most beautiful classic, seductive and plus-size models with all the curves in the right places. There are always new models featured whether from the ’60s or from the modern erotic art. The galleries featured are juicy enough with their spicy descriptions. There is only one thing that’s for sure, if you are into thick babes there is no better place...

Naked Girls Galleries

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