Caroline and Mr White Part Four
- 2 years ago
- 34
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Someone was sitting on the side of the bed staring at me. I felt a lot more rested, so I opened my eyes and saw Sandra sitting on the bed watching me.
I asked, "Are you okay? What's up that you're here?"
The beauty, who I was so fascinated with, leaned over and kissed me so softly that it made me tingle down to my toes. She did it over and over again, until she finally sat up, and said, "I couldn't understand it when you turned down taking some of the money from the situation. How could you refuse to accept what was rightfully yours? I had to think about what you said, and realized that although you're a soldier, you are not someone who revels in that kind of killing. I'm sorry, Chuck. My family pushed you into doing for us what we couldn't do for ourselves. You realized that it had to be done and quickly took care of it, but none of the family realized how traumatic it could be for the men you gathered. We had checks ready for twenty-five thousand each and gave them out. That amount meant nothing to the family, but it may be something special for those men."
Sandra stood and paced at the side of the bed before saying, "Your values and mine are different. I was jubilant that you crushed those people, but I then realized how many innocents you may have included. There was nothing else to do. It had to be done down to the last man. Everyone is happy that you or your men didn't suffer any casualties, and astounded that you were able to destroy the compound and all the drugs. I used you, Chuck. The family used you. You have influenced me a great deal these last few days, and I want you to know that I want to be closer to you. I've tried to introduce you to my family and to make you a part of it. I hope you will continue to join me as you learn more about what and who we are."
She came back to the bed and looked at me hard, then told me, "My family is not made up of gangsters or members of organized crime. Dad has worked hard to build a legal shipping company. People have assumed that Dad was doing the same as his father and grandfather who both played on the other side of the law. Sure, we might cut a corner here and there, but we play by the rules for the most part. What you and the men did will tell the rest of the cartels that we don't import drugs, and we will not be a part of that business. The best part is that those men now know we will strike back if they push."
I sat up and told Sandra, "I need to use the bathroom. I'm rested, so I'll dress and then we can go out. I'm ready for life again. What day is today, Friday, Saturday, Sunday?"
The woman chuckled, and said, "Saturday evening. Put some casual clothes like jeans and a knit shirt with your sport coat on, and let's go to Nonna's. She knows what you did and will want to reward you. You see, the family all want you to be a part of us."
I could smell coffee, so I got up and went to the kitchen and found Juanita, Izzy, and Connie. There was also a small man with a very friendly smile. Izzy gave me a big smile and a couple of eyebrow waggles, and shifted her eyes to the guy sitting with them.
Juanita poured me a cup of coffee while I stuck my hand out, and said, "I'm Chuck, and you are?"
The smiling man said, "Julio Rodriquez. I'm a butcher at the meat store where Juanita and Isabel shop. I asked Isabel out and we're going to a movie. Isabel said you were the man of the house and you had to approve of me. I hope I meet your standard."
I gently squeezed Julio's hand, and said, "You appear to be just the person for our Izzy. Enjoy each other's company and don't be a stranger. Wait until you find out how good a cook this little girl is. You'll want to be here for meals often."
Izzy was standing next to me, and used an open hand to smack me on the arm. Our tiny lady said, "I'm glad you like my cooking. Juanita has taught me."
I excused myself so that I could get dressed to go with Sandra. She sat with Connie and Juanita as those two encouraged Julio and Izzy to begin their date. I ran through the shower, and dressed as suggested in jeans, a knit shirt, and was surprised to find two sport coats in the closet. The new coat was a tight cord light brown corduroy sport coat with leather elbows. Sure, why not? I went out to the kitchen, and asked, "I'm not sure who bought this for me, but it is perfect for situations like this."
Connie said, "This Meretti interloper babe is the one who brought it to you. She went to the Men's Wearhouse to get it in your size since you just had suits altered there."
I smiled and gave Sandra a one-armed hug.
Taking my hand and moving toward the door, Sandra said, "Come on, I have a driver tonight who can take us to Grandmother's."
I guess the one driver I'm most familiar with works all the time, as he smiled at me as a bodyguard held the door open for Sandra and me. Why do we need a bodyguard if we eliminated the problem?
I'm not going to let it get under my skin tonight since I was mellow after having five hours of sound sleep. We were greeted by a lot of people when we walked into the restaurant. Bonito Meretti quickly got up and hugged me. He said, "You have proven yourself to me and to all my men. They knew they weren't trained to do something like that, and were all holding their breath while you and your men did the job. The way the entire mountain disintegrated was videoed by one of the crew. It will be that couple minutes of the spectacular explosions if there is any one thing that will keep others from trying to use the company to transport illegal merchandise. Your men did an amazing job."
It was almost like a reception line as person after person shook my hand, hugged, kissed me on the cheek, and most of all, each said, "Thank you." It's amazing that these men, who were reputed to be some of the meanest and most vicious in this part of the state, were thanking me for doing what they couldn't.
Grandmother finally made everyone sit so her people could serve us some of her special food. I found it cute that she personally served me a small dish of her delicious calamari and small clams. I was served a wilted spinach salad followed a very large piece of perfectly cooked meat next. A small lobster tail was with the meat that beckoned to be eaten a piece at a time after being soaked in butter. The entire meal was a treat with the family celebrating together. I relented and had some wine, but declined the many offers for other drinks.
I'm sure that everyone in that little restaurant was as stuffed as I was. I leaned over to Sandra, and said, "How about going for a long walk to settle this meal. We're not far from the water, and the coast up near the resorts is usually good sand to walk on."
Sandra smiled at me, and we left with the driver and bodyguard after we had said thank you to everyone for the great meal and gave her Nonna a special hug. We went down by the big hotels, and walked out to the beach through one of their parking lots. There wasn't much of a moon, but it was light enough for us to watch the small birds running back and forth, catching the tiny bugs as the tide came in and went out.
We walked for about an hour before we went back to the car. I suggested to Sandra, "How about we drop you at your place, and your driver take me home."
Sandra asked, "Don't you want to come in for a while?"
I sort of waved toward the front of the car, and said, "We'll be able to enjoy being alone without an audience one day soon. I don't want to do it that way, but I can wait. Do you work out on Sunday? I'm not sure I want to yet."
Sandra said, "I usually go to Mass with the family on Sunday. You can go with us if you want."
"I'm fine for tomorrow. I think I might take a drive down through Homestead to see some friends. One of my high school buddies lives down there now, and I'd like to see him. We'll talk tomorrow sometime. Sleep well."
I watched her and the bodyguard go inside, and then the driver and I went the short distance to my house. It was still early on a Saturday night, so I went in and raided the cookie jar. Juanita and Connie were still up watching Saturday Night Live. I joined them knowing that Juanita was playing the part of the mother by waiting up for Izzy.
I stretched and said that I was going to bed. Connie said, "I'll join you and let you keep me warm tonight. We can watch the rest of this silliness from your bed."
My buxom Aunt Connie snuggled up to me, and said, "Remember that you have to help me take a good shower in the morning. She laid a very hot kiss on me, turned her back to me, and rubbed her nice bottom into my middle. I don't think either of us watched or listened to fifteen minutes of the program before we both fell asleep.
I momentarily woke up when I heard Julio bringing Izzy home. I heard Juanita go to bed and also heard Izzy wanting Julio to sit with her to watch television. There was some rustling and moving around for a minute, then the soft noise of kissing. I went back to sleep smiling.
Morning wasn't busy, but I dressed in my running clothes and went out to stretch my legs for an hour. Juanita was up and had coffee, as well as some of her Cuban pancakes, ready when I returned. Connie came in and joined me and then Izzy floated in and came to me for a sweet lip kiss and hug. She was blushing as she said, "I really like Julio, and I'm sure he really likes me. He's coming to get Juanita and me shortly so we can all go to Church together."
Connie and I went to the bathroom to wash each other's back when we finished eating the delicious breakfast. Connie was very enthusiastic about how I washed her back, and made sure that I probed deep inside her to make her a happy woman. This was something new for me, but Connie showed me exactly the right way to take care of business.
That woman knew how to leave a man with rubber knees.
I dressed in Jeans and T-shirt before going to the garage to go down to Homestead. My Impala wasn't there, but the Mercedes sat on the other end of the garage looking like it was ready to be driven. I wanted to be angry, but knowing Dora's determination, I felt that I should try to accept what she was doing. To be an asshole, I called my gorgeous sister's cell phone knowing that she probably was still asleep. I said, "You are such a beautiful asshole to steal my car and leave this piece of foreign junk in its place," when she answered.
Dora almost giggled, but said, "I'll give you your Impala back, but I want you to drive my gift. Check the glove box and see that you're the registered owner, with the insurance paid up by the company you're using. The whole family actually uses that same company."
"Don't you know that I don't need to be driving a fancy car like that and will attract attention, Dora. It's tough to not stand out with a car like that."
"Who cares, Chuck? I'm rolling in dough and want to share it with you. I know that you have all the trust money, but I want to show you how you could join us at the club and double or triple the money from the trust."
"You're too much, Dora. I'm going to visit Butch Snider down in Homestead. I'm sure you remember him. He was always staring at you and fingering his hardon. That guy had it bad for you."
Dora said, "I remember him. He hung out with Harold and Benny, as well as you. What's he doing down in Homestead?"
"He has a shop that builds race cars and has done well. The man's married to a real fox if you can believe his Facebook page, and already has a couple of rugrats. The other guys and I are all going to his place today and the Impala would have been a better selection to drive."
"Well tough-shit, Brother. Go show off what your sister gave you as a welcome home present. I'm sure all the guys know your sister is one of the owners of the 'Three for Fun' gentlemen's club out on the beach. Too bad you don't have some complimentary meal cards for the guys. Oh! Go into my room and see if there are some in my jewelry box. Make sure you give Butch some extra cash for the babysitter so that his wife can enjoy a fancy steak dinner at the club. They probably won't want to go to the dance club, but that card will handle everything for them all night if they do."
"You're amazing, Dora. Too bad you're my sister or I'd be chasing you all over South Beach."
"What's the matter, Brother dear, don't you know that incest is common down here in the south? I'd love to sample that hunk of a brother I have. You know that I will do that very soon. Now, go get those gift cards and drive my gift to you down to see Butch. I need to go back to bed and rub off. Oh, and your Impala is a nice car."
My sister is a classic. You might as well sit back and let it happen when she wants something to happen. She won't give up until she gets her way.
I found a bunch of couples and individual cards for the clubs and restaurant. I put some of each into my pockets and remembered that I hadn't cleaned the pockets of my BDUs I had worn to eliminate the bad guys.
The pockets were all empty except for the blouse pocket. I pulled the check from BM shipping from my pocket and opened it. The check was for fifty-thousand dollars. It said 'For a job well done' in someone's script on the memo line.
Wow, fifty-thousand fucking dollars. The U.S.A. wouldn't have any enemies if the military paid like this. They would all be eliminated immediately. Maybe I was hasty by giving away the pile of money the men had divided for me. I hope it did go to someone who needed it.
I opened the garage and pulled the Mercedes out. Sandra drove up in her car as I was letting the engine warm up, parked it, and walked to the Mercedes. I rolled the window down, and she said, "Dora called me and told me to hurry over here and go with you to see some of your high school buddies. Can I come along?"
"Sure, climb in, but where's your big, burly bodyguard."
Sandra grinned at me, and said, "Daddy said that I could go with you without a babysitter. He also said you probably need protection from me more than me from you. He's so funny sometimes."
I put the car in gear and the two of us were off. It isn't far down to Homestead, but a lot of Miami people think Homestead is where all the lesser people live. It's not true, as there are a lot of wealthy people down there. Butch had a thriving business building all kinds of race cars. His business flourished as teams used his shop for cars for various divisions and events the track held. Butch had promised me a chance to drive a car on the Homestead track when I came home from the Marines.
Sandra and I had an amiable conversation on the way down. We talked about some of things we liked to do and found out she liked to go shrimp scooping from the channel bridges, but hadn't done it in years. We agreed to get the gear together to repeat some of the fun from our youth. I agreed to go with her on one of her family's sailboats when she said we could go on a small one that she was licensed for, and possibly go to the Dry Tortugas and stay overnight on the boat. She also said she was a licensed pilot and we could fly one of the company's small aircraft to the islands if we wanted. She kept telling me how there was a lot we could do together if I wanted to.
When the GPS brought me to Butch's house I wasn't surprised it was a beautiful place in a very nice neighborhood. I parked on the side of the very wide driveway and went around and opened Sandra's door. She was dressed in some fairly snug shorts and a cute top, obviously without a bra, and sandals. Perfect Florida attire.
We walked around to the back of the house and saw two women in bikinis, one in a maternity outfit, and about a half dozen kids in a nice pool. The guys all saw us at the same time, and hollered at once. Surprisingly, I knew all the girls as they had graduated from school with us. It was like a class reunion. The pregnant Sarah got to be first to give me a hug. She grinned during her welcome, and said, "The loner has shown up after all, and with a good-looking babe. She stuck her hand out to Sandra, and said, "I'm Sarah, Benny's wife. We're adding to the populace as you can see. I needed to catch up with these other two."
June, another good-looking fellow classmate, gave me a hug, and then said to Sandra, "I'm June, Harold's mistress and wife. I should probably shed this bikini so that Chuck doesn't feel out of place. His sister doesn't have an exclusive on naked women."
Harold had made it away from the big grill, and said, "Don't say a word. Never encourage her to get naked and be the group's temptress."
The third girl was almost bashful as she gave me a warm, full-body hug and lip kiss. She said, "I'm so glad you're home from those awful places. We all missed you, Chuck." The woman surprised Sandra and gave her a hug and kissed her the same way before saying, "You lucky woman, you. All us girls wanted to give Chuckie a try, but he was always shy and never asked anyone out. I got lucky and found my wonderful Butch the week we graduated, and I didn't let him go."
Butch hollered, "Bring your babe over here to see if you have trading material."
"Don't be so crude, Butch. We don't even know Sandra yet, and you're already propositioning her." Jean introduced herself and took Sandra to join the other two women watching the kids in the pool.
Benny stuck a bottle of beer in my hands, and asked, "Are you going to join us in holy matrimony? All the jokes about you aren't going to get pussy anymore once you're married are wrong so far. We compare and we're all being very well taken care of."
I sincerely told the guys, "That's really cool, and makes me think that making that final step wouldn't be bad."
Harold said, "Your babe looks like a hot one. Is she as good as she looks?"
"Don't know yet, Harold. We really haven't known each other long." I looked at my buddies who didn't have beer bellies and asked, "You guys all look fit. What are you doing to stay that way?"
Butch grinned, and said, "Fucking."
Benny cleared that up by telling me, "The three of us brag to each other how much we're getting and the girls are confirming our claims as well as bragging on our lovemaking. We do get a lot of exercise doing the dirty, but all three of us go to a gym to work out daily."
Harold said, "I think we go to the same gym, Chuck. Are you the one who is going to give Tai Chi classes? I already signed up for them."
Butch asked, "Are you a new Sensei and give martial arts lessons?"
"No, I'm just going to teach classes on Tai Chi, and hope it helps people relax. If you take the evening class, Harold, start coming in the morning for some free Tai Chi forms to help your day. Those forms are not a class and are free. I do them for me and a lot of others follow."
Benny said, "You may have six of us there if we can get babysitters. The women would love Tai Chi as it is so relaxing. They would come if they knew you were leading. It's so good to have you home again."
Butch asked, "So what are you going to do now that you're a civilian again?"
"I don't know yet. Sis wants me to work with her at her club, but I'm not sure that's for me."
"Oh man, you're being offered an unlimited pussy supply, and you're going to pass it up?" Benny was shaking his head.
Harold asked his buddy, Benny, "Would you give up what you have for an unlimited pussy supply?"
Benny looked at the three of us and said, "Not a chance. I'm one of the luckiest men alive."
Harold said, "See, we have our own benefits, but have to be reminded sometimes."
The two guys looked at Butch to get his take on the subject, and he smiled as he said, "There's no way I'm messing that up with booty like I have and you guys have too,. Chuck was always slow, and I'd almost bet he graduated a cherry boy."
The truth was obvious because I was blushing so hard. Benny exclaimed, "Jesus Christ, the guy most likely to score at least a third of the class wasn't getting any?"
Benny's wife had snuck up behind him and said, "So would you have chased me the way you did if Chuck had nailed me a few times?"
Benny was red-faced for having been caught doing guy talk. He pulled her to him and said, "Who knows? We both got virgins in that ratty old station wagon I had. I'm still amazed that we figured out what part fit into the other."
Benny's golden tongue saved him once again, the same as in our youth. He hugged his luscious wife, and said, "Well, you sure don't get much of a chance to fight me off. You also seem to welcome me as often as we're in the mood."
Sarah finished off her coup by saying, "I'd be crazy to turn down some loving from my lover, my husband, with a schwanz the size of yours." The bulging wife turned and walked back to the women. Score one for Sarah.
Butch dumped an almost full beer over Benny's head and told him, "You may have a golden tongue, but you're going to have to learn to look around before you blow off steam. You're going to get all of us in the soup."
Three of us threw Benny into the pool and he was immediately attacked by all the kids.
Butch asked me, "Want to think about joining me in my shop? You know me and cars. I love to make them all run like clocks and you could be lining up work for me. Think about it, Dude, and think about running around the NASCAR circuit hunting up contacts and work."
"I love you guys, and actually love all your wives. I can't believe you three found happiness with our wet dreams in school. I suppose I did too, and would still be an active duty Marine if I didn't get kicked in the head. I'll think about it, Butch, but I don't know what's right for me yet, whether you mean what to do about work or women."
Butch gave me a one-armed man hug and flipped a chicken wing over. He smiled at me and hollered, "Listen up, this stuff is done and I see the table is full of food. I'm bringing the good stuff, so get your plates ready."
The moms were busy filling plates for the kids before filling their own, while watching to make sure the kids wouldn't make too much of a mess. The three dads helped the moms and made sure they had the meat they wanted.
Sandra moved to my side and said, "I love your friends. These women are about as natural as anyone could want. We need to meet any more you have like this."
I looked at my prize, and told her, "The food will all be gone if you don't get what you want. I know these guys, and they all eat like starving cats and dogs." Sandra just grinned, grabbed a plate, and began filling it.
Eating ribs that are perfectly cooked is always a treat. I ate a pile of ribs and a few wings. Sandra told them, "The man was in a coma from June almost to November. He lost so much weight that he looked like one of those refugees during World War II," when one of the women wanted to know why I wasn't as big as a blimp. "He's been packing it in since and working out to get his strength back. He's getting there but it will be another month or so before he begins to look like his previous self."
How would she know what I looked like before my conflict with the CID?
The afternoon was fun while we all helped clean up the mess we had made around Butch's pool. The parents began putting the kids into shorts and T-shirts to go home when the kids were worn out. I hugged each of my former classmates before getting into the Mercedes and driving away.
My somber mood caught Sandra by surprise. She asked, "Do you think you might have been happier if you had stayed here with your friends? None of those girls said anything about a girl you might have left behind. They all said how hesitant you were around your female classmates."
I told Sandra, "I wanted to be a Marine from the time I was about three or four. Dad taught me how to walk, march, and carry myself like a Marine as I grew up. His buddies would come by and drill me with silly things like the rules for a guard. You know, my dad actually had tears in his eyes when I was sworn in at the local station. He insisted that I be sworn in here instead of waiting until I was in camp. You know, that is the last time I saw my folks alive in person."
Sandra was wiping her eyes while listening to this narrative about that time of my life. I think she realized how my dad had shaped so much of my life, and he wasn't there to help me when I needed an escape from being the Marine I was taught to be.
We went inside at home and chatted with Juanita and Connie. Izzy was somewhere with Julio.
I asked Sandra, "Should I help you get home or are you planning on snuggling tonight?"
"I'm not leaving. Everyone knows that I'm going to stay with you tonight, and that we may be going to the gym in the morning. I say 'may be' because there are some things you and I have to work out before then. Come on, I have my sleep clothes, so let's go to bed."
We went to my bedroom suite where Sandra brushed her teeth and washed her face. I did the same, thinking that we both should probably shower. I had some sleep shorts and T-shirt on when I went into the bedroom. Sandra was lying on the bed, propped up on the headboard. She was completely nude. She said, "You're overdressed even if we don't do anything. I want to feel all of you on all of me. Now get like me and come to bed."
I was almost overwhelmed by this woman's directness. Sandra was laying on me, hugging me, and kissing my neck as soon as I slid into bed and pulled the sheet and spread over us. She whispered, "I know this might bend some rules, but I really wanted to feel you against me. I made up my mind that it was going to be consensual and we were going to enjoy every second if the two of us made love. Hold me and kiss me, Chuck. I know I shouldn't say this, but I'm in love with you. I don't know how to handle this, but I know that my body needs you. Hold me and let me fall asleep in your arms."
That's exactly what we did. It wasn't even ten o'clock and the two of us were sound asleep in each other's arms.
I woke up at quarter to six and looked at the beauty lying next to me. She was there ready to be ravished, but I also knew that she trusted me not to do that. Sandra wrapped herself around me as tried to move from the bed, and whispered, "Hold me one more minute. I need your kisses before the day begins."
We kissed and Sandra jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom when part of me was trying to expand to the point when it was obvious that I was ready for something more. I got up, straightened the bedclothes, and then listened for the flush. I went to the bathroom and unloaded as soon as I heard that and the shower begin.
The shower curtain pulled back when I shook off, and Sandra said, "I'll wash your back if you'll wash mine."
That was an invitation I couldn't refuse. That's what we did. We washed. Sandra said, "We'll need another shower after our workout and the dojo, but it won't be such a big temptation. We did what I wanted, but you could have had my cherry last night if you wanted. I was mentally ready to begin a sexual relationship with you, but you were the gentleman you always are. Let's go to the gym.
We both drove and parked between the two facilities. Our usual running and lifting brought the usual sweat we were used to. Choi asked, "Are you going to do your class today?" when we finished and went next door to the dojo.
"I sure am, and I'll be doing the morning freebies right now. Sandra has to go to work, so she needs to start and get out of here soon."
A couple of people had been waiting for me to show up and formed a line behind me so they could mimic my movements. Benny and the pregnant Sarah stepped into the line. Sarah made me think about various forms that could be beneficial to her, yet still be good for the others. I knew the key would be to slowly do the forms.
I went through an hour's worth of forms, and then turned and bowed to three rows of people who had joined us. Butch and Jean were now next to Benny and Sarah. It made me feel good that my close friends had come to join me in my morning relaxation. Sarah came to me and said, "This was a better workout than my prenatal exercise class. Thank you, Chuck."
Butch and his amazingly beautiful wife both hugged and thanked me for starting their day off so well. I asked about their two kids, and Jean said, "My mom lives with us, and she doesn't have a problem watching them while I'm doing crazy stuff like this. Butch has to go to work, and I have to go home and be a housewife."
I walked Sandra to her car and she said she would call me later. I got into the Mercedes, and looked around to make sure that no one followed Sandra and that no one was paying close attention to me.
My day was going to be an easy one, but I still needed to get it started. I ate a big breakfast with a good piece of meat, along with three scrambled eggs and some potatoes. My weight was within fifteen pounds of what it had been, and the interim clothes I had bought were now becoming snug. I was thankful that I had purchased oversized suits and other dress pants so that I would fit in them as I filled out.
My first order of business was to run up to Hialeah to get my new Glock. I planned on doing some shooting, so I brought the 92fs with me so that I could stay proficient with that gun as well. It felt exactly like the M9, but it had to have a civilian model number. Dad had a little leather carry case that I put the gun in, along with three loaded magazines. I wanted to use up the military ammo so that I could replace it with good current rounds.
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August 4, 1993 The ‘Dead Lands’ was a desert. The soil was rich, but the land was barren for the simple reason that there was no water. After a rain, the whole area blossomed with plants that grew quickly, flowered, wilted; and then disappeared under a harsh sun. Deep beneath the ground was an aquifer that could be tapped to turn the desert area into productive farm land. Unfortunately, how much water was actually available was still unknown, and Jade Force was made of the kind of people who...
It is written in Polish, I will try to translate on English. I know very little English August afternoon, the last day of vacation. Today Ania has an exceptionally bad mood, she repeatedly tells me of her problems at work. I still keeps her that I have a good job, she doesn't have to work, if she doesn't want to. Maybe sometimes I will stay longer some days, but that won't change the time we spend together significantly. She insisted on working there until she got pregnant. For me, this excuse...
Hi,how r u friends mera naam mahesh hain or mera jaipur say hoon. Yeh un dino ki baathay jab main nay apnay graduation kay paper diyay thay or result ka intizaar ker raha liyay waqt guzari kay liyay inter net connection bhi lag waliya.wesay to main aksar net cafe jaya kerta tha mager waha sirf kabhi kabhi sexy web hi dekh liya kerta tha,mager jab gher ka net hua to buhut kuch dekhnay ko mila aik din main nay desi papa ki side lagai to us main erotic stories ka option dekha jab open kiya...
Hii friends…my name is Meet Aaj mai apko ek aisi kahani batane wala hu jisase apko man hi man aisa feel hoga ki yaar hamari kismat bhi aise raat ya din subah ya sham chamak jaaye…… To baat abhi ek mahine pahele ki he…me ek compnee me job karta hu.meri duty ka time subah 9 baje se 7 baje tak ka muje office ka bahar ka kam jyada karna rehta dinbhar bike leke yahan se waha or waha se waha.Ek din me bike leke dopar ke time compnee ka kam nipta ke wapas aa rahatha to raste me muje ek 35...
“Why Cory, come on in. I wasn’t expecting you.” “Hello, Mrs. Cornwall. I was going by and wondered if Amy was home.” “She isn’t right now but I am. Would you like a cold drink? I was just going to have some wine.” “Sure. Whatever you’ve got. Unsweet tea is nice in this weather.” They sat out in the sunporch on a long couch. “Call me Marcy, please. I’ll text my daughter and see when she’ll be back.” No immediate response so she says, “It’s nice to have a visitor. My husband is out of town...
This is the final chapter in Awakening. I am working on Melinda and Mark’s story. Thanks for reading. Ashira CHAPTER EIGHTEEN -Months later- ‘Stop fiddling with your tie,’ Ashira said, batting at Jake’s hand. ‘I can’t help it,’ he grumbled. Ashira sighed and looked up as Mark and his lawyer walked into the court room. ‘I want him to just …’ Jake jumped as someone placed a hand on his shoulder. ‘Jeez Trevor, you gave me a heart attack,’ Jake groused. Trevor laughed. ‘Where’s Sunny?’...
The weekend went as fast as Thursday and Friday. All six of us spent 4 hours Saturday and Sunday in the gym working on upper body exercises on Saturday and lower body on Sunday, plus an hour each day on the treadmills. Courtney joined us both days. Saturday morning she was pumped up. "I got a call from the APD chief this morning. Three things hit his desk at the same time yesterday afternoon. Someone had put a color picture of the banner welcoming me as director from the lobby, HR had sent...
"Ok Natalie start wanking him" Nat did as she was told. She wrapped her right hand around my stiff cock and started jerking me. "No ! you'll make cum too quick" I blurted but Nat continued "Slowly Nat" Hazel said as she climbed onto the bed next to me. She opened her legs. She looked at me as she started rubbing her pussy. "Just getting the juices flowing" she said and watched as Nat continued jerking me.Hazels hand increased the pace of her own masturbation and suddenly a big gush of water...
Choices by Patricia51 Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee’s dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped...
He felt nervous, probably more nervous than he had ever felt before. He knew he was stupid to have ever let it go as far as this, but somehow he just hadn't been able to stop himself. He'd placed the chair in the centre of the lounge as he'd been told and now he sat on the settee looking at it, waiting. Waiting for the text message that he feared would come, yet still somehow in a madly excited anticipation, fuelling that growing fear that was gnawing inside his stomach. He sat there,...
In the morning when I woke up Sonya was in the bathroom taking a shower. While I lay in bed waiting for her to finish her shower I thought about our love making and how wonderful it had been. She had let me know at the restaurant, by giving me a peek under her skirt, that she was planning on making love to me but I almost fucked that up by picking a fight with her. My mind wandered back to the reason we were having problems and I then I suddenly realized something about that fateful night....
Judy was relaxing in a lovely hot bath. There were candles burning and when Sue entered they both looked beautiful in the semi-darkeness of the candlelight. Sue's robe was open and Judy looked lovingly at her to see her curves. The outline of her breasts, her nipples that were so suckable and her tummy with its soft white skin. Faint traces of her bush could be seen and then Judy looked up to the intense look of concentration on Susie's face. She was staring at Judy to make out the movement...
KUTTAY KE SATH MAZEY ======================== Hello Dosto Maria Here (MARIA Real Name) Lahore Defence Y Block Pakistan main rehti hoon, Main ISS ki daily ki reader hoon aur sexy kahaniyan parr parr kar mera bhi dil karta tha keh main kisi se chudwai karwaoon. Magar aap logon ko tu pata hain keh hamari society main yeh sab kuch itna easy nahi hoota. Main hamesha darti thi keh agar kisi se chudwa liya tu woh mujhey aaney wali life main blackmail karta rahega…. Mari age 22 hay aur main ek...
Carol and Monster: A Skipping School Story By Lana Lawrence Carol's sister walked downstairs, the stairs groaning under her bare feet. It used to be Melissa was so light on her feet she the stairs replied with squeaks but now that she was six months pregnant. Melissa sat down and poured her Corn Pops into her bowl with some milk. She didn't need to go to school no more. Mama said fifteen was old enough to quit. Daddy came in smoking a cigarette still in his wife beater and...
I have a fantasy. I am sure everyone has had a dream of being out in public totally naked. Maybe in a store or in a classroom. It’s a common dream. My desire is to be outside, naked, and be in a situation where I almost get caught. My name is Carol Jones. I am 24 yrs old and weight about 110 lbs. I am a runner and work out 3 times a week in the gym. I have shoulder length blond hair and I am 5′ 4”. I have a tight firm body. My tits are 34 D’s. They don’t look like those fake ones, all...
20Jas0012, The Labors of Jasper Episode 12; 4171 words Finding a game trail that went to Glastonbury was difficult. Many of the trails went north-south, following streams and rivers. All of them meandered. They traveled up and down hills. They followed streams, looking for places to cross. Sometimes the group had to double back. Ruka flew her drones often enough that she started to worry about fuel. They walked the chevalines through a flock of turkeys. The birds...
Adam had been walking his dog around the same block every night at 10:00pm sharp for years now. It was to the point where Max would walk himself, leash in mouth if Adam stopped to talk to a neighbor. On tonight’s walk he was surprised to see a new car parked in a blind spot on the road. As he approached the car he was equally surprised to see his neighbor Tom’s teenage daughter naked in the car getting her pussy eaten by an equally naked guy. Adam did not know the girl’s name or much about her...
ReluctanceWhen I dream, I go places and do things, without all the humbug of daily life and without my physical limitations. The setting can be anything from a hot-tub, an igloo in Alaska, or a bungalow in Tahiti. I can have with me as many people as I want; however, it is usually me, a boyfriend, plus another person, man or woman. What I like best about it is the fact it offers me the kind of privacy I don’t have in reality. I can fuck, make love, act out my kinkiest fantasies, or try some new things....
Love Storiessucking and biting at the same time pushing my tits up towards you almost lifting me off my feet. making it so I have to stand on my tippy toes and as I'm trying to push your shirt off and up over your head while i suck on your hard neck veins and working my way down your rock hard body i finally get your shirt out of the way and caress your chest and rub my tits into you i reach for the top of your pants getting your bulge in the palm of my hands making your pants tighter and tighter until i...
My stepsister Michele James is a meddling slut! She ruined my relationship by ratting me out for cheating, so when I (Peter Green) see the opportunity for some payback, I’m only too excited. I sneakily video her at the gym where she is clearly flirting with some random bozo, she even gives him her number! I follow her into the changing room to spy what other shenanigans she might get up to, but she just strips down exposing her big natural tits and hairy pussy. I figured it was the...
xmoviesforyouSummer of '97Luara and I were both 17 when we met. She was pretty and very popular. We hung out together every day during the summer. So it was nothing for us to end up in my backyard by the pool tanning our young bodies.She had a beautiful body of 5'5" 110 lb.And a chest that would satisfy a starving man.Where as me, I was 5'5" 125 lb. and nearly flat chested. The only imperfection she had was a scar on her chest where she had surgery."That is the summer I will never forget"It was the summer...
On July 15, 2015 my life was turned upside down. I just didn’t know it at the time. Looking back, I was like so many others caught in the middle-class grind with a demanding job, family life, a house in the suburbs, and the hefty mortgage to go with it. It would appear by world standards that I was living the American dream, or so I thought at the time.When I made the decision to become self-employed, I had no idea how demanding that would become. As the business started to grow, it seemed like...
CheatingIntroduction: Husband takes his wife out for dinner, dancing, and some hot sex. I wrote this story as a very basic and plain kind of story that would allow me to practice my writing without relying on fetishes or kinkiness to make it good. Please feel free to provide any constructive criticism you might have. Date Night Eric walked in the door of his home excitedly, not because the day was over but rather because of the night he had planned to come. Tonight he was taking his wife Michelle...
I'm in the staff room, idly leaning against the worktop, scrolling through my phone. You walk in to make a brew and I hear you before I see you, 'Jeez Raquel your bum looks good in them jeans!' I smile coyly, loving your attention 'It looks even better out of them..' I quip back, still not bringing my eyes away from the phone. We'd been flirting for months, but we were both in long term relationships, so had never taken it further. I can feel you close by, standing behind me..almost touching...
You open your eyes to a bright new day and swing your legs out of bed. Today is the first day of summer break and you have the whole summer to achieve your long desired goal, fucking your mother. You’ve made dozens of different plans in preparation for the end of the school year and now is the time to try some out. A smile slowly forms on your lips as you consider how to start.
IncestHi ISS readers and this is Suresh from Andhrapradesh na age ippudu 25 years. I would like to narrate a wonderful experience happened in mhy childhood for your pleasure. Madi konchem rich family memu town ki dooramga oka farm house lo undevallamu. Naku 12 years unna;ppdu ma amma nirmala ma neighbour uncle tho lechipoyindi. Ma ammaki sex yava chala ekkuva. Ma dad business meeda monthly 25 days tours lo untadu. Ma dad ki ammaki age lo 14 years difference unnadi. Andukani ma ammaki satisfaction...
IncestEven before the others had started dinner in the cafeteria, the flashing lights and sirens had appeared outside the defensive shell. They had been preceded by, and were followed by, helicopters of various police and news organizations. Those arriving included: the Fairfax County Sheriff's department, the Virginia State Police, the FBI, and others including local radio and television news reporters. There was a multitude of details to be taken care of before our family would be able to join...
To sneak out of my parents’ house, I removed the screen from my bedroom window, crawled up through the window well, and pulled close the glass behind me. Keeping to the shadows, I chugged down the street toward Suave’s house. I quickly located his vehicle that was parked on the curb beside his home and found the doors unlocked. With a quick search of the interior I located the spare key that was found hidden in the ashtray. The car started right up and I swiftly drove it out of the...
It wasn't the first time we hooked up and it certainly wouldn't be the last. We were both aware we had hit upon the sexual jackpot guys in our situation found ourselves and neither wanted that to change. It was 6PM and I had been back in my hotel room getting ready for his visit for about an hour. In addition to the shower, I had been nursing a drink or two as the excitement that started the moment I stepped on the plane for this business trip built to its impending conclusion.My business trips...
John Doe, Welcome to The Bettie Page Academy. The worlds premier school for both classy beauties and top flight university education. We'd love to get you started on your path to success. First if you could tell us in what capacity will you be attending our school.
EIGHT by Jodi Master Nathan (known in normal life as Nate Cline) walked into the club, nodding at the bouncer Mike as he entered hid second home. He looked around and smiled as he saw the women and men, some holding a leash and the rest standing hooked to one. The smells assaulted his senses as he took in the heady mix of leather, latex, sweat, perfume and smoke and he headed for his booth. He sat as a waitress, her eyes never meeting his as she...
Gwen threaded her way through the occupied tables in the cafeteria until she reached one of the smaller empty tables. She sat down and looked at the dingy paint on the wall just a few feet away and wondered how long it had been since the school was painted. Grandpa Max had told her and Ben about when the school was first built when their fathers attended it back when it was a high school and she wondered if her father had stared at the same wall back when it had a fresh coat of paint. "Hi...
September. Frau Kurtz tapped her pencil against her teeth. She was short and plump and ugly and immaculately dressed, and I was absolutely positive that she was a complete bitch. I smiled cheerfully at her and waited. ‘You’re unlike the other candidates,’ she said at last. Her English was slow and she had a heavy accent. ‘Could you tell me why you are applying for the position?’ I’d wondered about that myself. ‘I was invited to attend this interview by the parents of… I forget their names,...
We were neighbours, the street were all new houses built in the Mid 70’s. Most of us were younger with families and all had large mortgages and money was a bit tight. The Credit card era was just about to begin. Due to the common cash shortage we all used to meet up one day a month in some one elses house bring a bottle of wine or a few beers of a half bottle of spirits some food and have a fun time. Nothing really happened much other than a pleasant social evening. It was suggested that...
Well, fantasies do run wild sometimes when you yearn for some cock.... This is one of mine >.< . hope you guys like it ^_^ You make your way to the bathroom (on the plane)………a few moments later, I join you. You meet me with a kiss – with your kiss is a hidden promise! I bite my bottom lip as I look at you with my brown eyes – the look that says I want you so badly. You quickly pull my dress up (only to discover I am wearing NO panties!), as I also try to undo your pants….it is very...
Summer of 86’ Part IVThat night we all stayed at Matt’s apartment, it was really large and in a nice part of San Diego. It only had one bedroom but it had a huge living room, Matt had a huge sectional sofa in it. Matt was gracious to offer me and Maggi his bedroom with his king bed, he even changed the sheets. Maggi and I showered and went to bed in our underwear. Maggi just wore panties, she had small tits (A Cups) and never slept with a bra, in fact the only reason she wore one all the time...
I popped into the store, instantly recognizing Kay from the numerous snapshots we had exchanged over the years. I stepped into her embrace like an old friend, giving her ear an air-kiss. We were old friends, in a sense, between the e-mails and chatroom meetings that we had entered over the years, even though this was the first face-to-face. It was a quarter to six, the store set to close, so I sat in a chair watching the last customer get checked out and head out the door. “You ready?” “Let me...
LesbianNote de l'auteur: vous trouverez dans ce chapitre et dans les suivants, quelques tranches de vie de l'enfance d'Alexandre. Ces petites histoires, qui se d?roulent entre 10 et 15 ans environ, permettront d'accompagner Alexandre dans la d?couverte de sa vraie personnalit?. L'enfance d'Alex - Partie 1 Arriv?e... La nouvelle maison ------------------------ Victor Martis n'?tais pas m?content de quitter cet appartement qui commen?ait ? ?tre trop petit pour eux trois... Il savait qu'Alexandre serait ...
First Time Bi ExperienceI am a normal, 50 year old hetrosexual guy who’s wife doesn’t look after him. Never had or desired male to male sex.For my own sanity I use a few of the massage parlor’s in Manchester , England to satisfy regular sexual needs (Oral, suck and vigorously bang hell out of the girls there).One girl who really satisfied and is more of a friend now (and would do anything) was called C and worked at Fingers by the Manchester United Football ground. Mid 40’s , lovely body, great...
After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...
I sat in my office going through my lecture notes just prior to heading off to the classroom at our local community college. I was in a good mood and looking forward to spending a Friday night with some fellow “horn-dogs” at a local strip joint called “Babes”.My wife and I had split up months earlier, because she and I just didn’t see eye to eye on things and I was feeling a bot down because I hadn’t been out of the apartment in months, closeting myself away from the world. Then, one of my...
OccupationsSaturday, June 24, 1995Heather was pissed. Really pissed. Pissed off at her now ex-boyfriend Jimmy, pissed off at her father, pissed off at Katie Donovan, pissed off at the whole damn world.She slammed on the brakes of the beat-up, old Chevy work pickup she was driving. It skidded to a halt on the dirty, dusty road. She turned the key and let the pickup die. Heather gazed out at the field of wheat stubble off to her left. Varying shades of yellow and brown cascaded over the landscape as the...
True(The North) Orys II Was Riding His Horse Alongside the Knights of The Kingsguard, He Was The Squire of His Uncle Jaime Lannister, and Had Been for Five Years. Before That He Had been Fostered Amongst the Tyrells, and Served as A Page in The Court of His Grandfather, Lord Tywin Lannister. Unlike His Siblings, He'd Inherited His Father's Traits, and Some of The Man's Personality as Well. In short, He was a Combination of Baratheon Ferocity and Fortitude, and Lannister Cunning and...
Chiquita and Aaron are in the forest, looking at the sky. They are lying on the ground, staring at the moon and the stars. They secretly love each other. They’ve always lived like best friends, sometimes enemies, but mainly friends. They never told each other how they really felt about each other. They are left stranded on this island since they were eight years old. ‘What do you think it’s like to be the moon and stars?’ Chiquita asks. Aaron smiles, ‘I don’t know. To provide light to the...
In the anticipation of more action to come, we slept nude, hugging each other that night. Somehow, Minnu managed to get up early enough and dress up so that my mom doesn’t catch us together in this awkward state. She went downstairs and helped mom with the chores while I was asleep. When both my parents left for work, she came to my room running and got on top of me. She was brimming with lust. She gave a deep smooch on my lips waking me up in the process. I got up and we tangled our tongues...
IncestAfter San Antonio our life settled down into a rut... of course, for me, it was rut that led each night to sleeping with four beautiful, sexy, sweet, funny, erotic... you get the picture... women. Yes. It was better than any fantasy I'd ever had... Elizabeth got the job she wanted at the Franklin Zoo. Lisa and I worked out a deal that made her a full time employee of the company, Mary had a big client end up in court — where they won, making her their hero. Amanda finished the book she was...
Summer In Northern California Part 2 This is the story of my first time spending the weekend at Kelly and Karen’s house while their parents are away for the weekend. Karen is Kelly’s younger sister. They are a year and a half apart. Well it was summer vacation in California and my girlfriend Kelly called me to tell me that her parents where going away for the weekend and did I want to spend the weekend with her and Karen. In less than a second I said yes. We talked about riding bikes around...
I had wasted my first year in college just making stupid decisions of not studying and skipping classes. I was put on academic suspension for one term. I didn't have the courage to tell my girlfriend and whom agreed to move in with me after only dating a few months. We thought we could save money by living together off campus. We moved into our small one bedroom apartment just a mile from campus on July 1st. For a short time, it was awesome! Her name was Melissa and she was the hottest girl I'd...
Once again comments are appreciated. After I had brought her to orgasm with my mouth and hands we lay there on the futon together, her half naked and me with a terrible hard on, for a few minutes watching the rest of the movie. After a bit she grabbed her underwear and put them back on and then pulled the blanket back over us as she snuggled back into my arms. My hard on never did go away as we lay there together but that was ok, I had a feeling I would be able to satisfy myself soon...
Diverting Pastimes 1 After breakfast, Burt was wandering through the duchess's huge town house, simply enjoying yet another day off from mucking out the stables and lifting sacks of grain. He was convinced he had the better part of the deal he and his beloved Lady Ann had made, even if he had written her a note to give her the fortnight off. It still seemed incredible to him that he'd been able to write that note - and sign it with her very own signature; but it wasn't the only...
The New Years Eve Party - My SONIA ============================ (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!) My name is Robert and I am sitting in my flat thinking back over the most amazing weeks holiday that I had ever had while waiting for my new girl friend, Janice, to arrive. I am still almost in a daze thinking back over the events and how much my life has changed in such a short time. I took a swig of my whiskey and then as I heard the door bell ring my...
Classroom rules for teachers and girls in grades K-10: Always be respectful of all males. When a male enters the classroom, greet them with, “Hello, Mr. (name)”. If an adolescent boy enters the classroom, greet them with, “Hello, (and their name).” Always smile, be approachable and give hugs when a male, no matter his age, does something for you or complements you on your appearance. Eyes forward, sit up straight in your chair, hands clasped together on the desk unless you are taking...