Money!Chapter 9 free porn video

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Oh my, that feels good. I opened my eyes and saw Gabby's beautiful blond hair still on my shoulder, but rising and falling on my morning excitement was a delicious redhead with her head thrown back and her very large breasts moving almost in a circle. I could feel her excitement by how she squeezed me as her own excitement overcame her. Who would know that this woman had a pair as large as they were? She leaned forward over me as her orgasmic tremors slacked, causing a nipple to land on my lips. I sucked it in and the redhead sucked her in breath and shuddered with my very stiff tool still deep in her.

Beth pulled her nipple from my lips and leaned down to passionately kiss me. She told me, "Damn, I'm going to give you another Mercedes for making me feel that good. Come for me. Don't hold back; pour yourself into me and cake me with your come like you did to Gabby."

I couldn't roll her over because Gabby was still hugging me with her head on my shoulder. The redheaded beauty began pumping on me and squeezing me while continuing to shudder. She went into some kind of overload and almost fainted, but continued pounding me until I blasted away into her.

That's when I realized that there was someone behind Beth doing unnatural things to her as she rode me. That someone was Dora, who rolled Beth off me and dove for her now drenched pussy. Gabby woke up just then, and said, "Am I missing out on something? I couldn't have missed out on much with my pussy feeling like it was the subject of a gangbang last night. I can't believe I've actually had enough for a while."

Dora rose up and looked at Beth, Gabby, and me with a glassy look, and asked, "What do you think? Ready for a little incest, Brother?"

Beth told Dora, "You'll have to work for anything he has left. I think he left a gallon inside me. I can feel it squishing around in there."

Gabby was still hugging me, and said, "I know he came in me at least three times last night, and there was come everywhere every time. I sucked him off and let him come all over me, and still can't believe how much there was. I'm going to keep him, Dora." The blonde kissed me with a lot of tongue and passion, and reached down to discover that I had already recovered.

Beth said, "Come on, Dora, let's go to bed and get some sleep. It's already seven and we don't want to sleep all day. You're going to have to take a nap today to be ready to work tonight, Gabby. I think you're on by yourself."

Dora was handling my stiffy and longingly looking at it, but got up and followed Beth out of the room. She stopped at the door, and told me, "See, I told you that you would enjoy yourself if you stayed with us a while. Now, take a shower and get out of here. Gabby needs some more sleep."

Gabby and I took a quick shower, and she didn't want any kind of touching near her pleasure center. She told me, "You don't look that big, but you sure do fill me up. That was the best I can remember, and you know that I've had some experience. Be sure to want to take me on more dates."

I was soon leaving to go home, and looked around for the car that had followed us here last night. I had to assume it was one of Sandra's men because she had seen me at that downtown club. She couldn't say too much, because she was out with a rather elegant guy with his own bodyguards. She wasn't able to confront me last night because I'm sure she didn't want the guy to know the two of us were very close friends. Close enough for us to sleep together, but we still hadn't made love. Our relationship was strange.

I realized that my phone was off when I pulled it out. I turned it on and it immediately sent me alarms for voicemails and text messages. I pulled into a Mickey D's and went in to eat a couple of Egg McMuffins with bacon, along with a cup of coffee and milk. I even remembered what pocket had the tens.

I read the text messages while eating. There was one from about ten last night when I realized Sandra was there, but no more until about an hour ago. The voicemails began this morning at seven ten, and were spaced about every ten minutes. I sat there eating, trying to think whether or not I even wanted to talk to her.

My phone rang which made me look to see who it was. It was Sandra. I answered with a simple, "Hello."

There was a pause, and then Sandra said, "There is an explanation, but who was that you were with?"

"None of your business or do we share the identities of our company last night. Some jerk followed me to my sister's condo last night, so I stayed there. I don't have a gun permit and I didn't want to kill him with my bare hands. I slept at my sisters where her two partners also live. I'm sure you'll tell me where you slept."

There wasn't an answer, but I could her sharp intake of breath. I simply said, "Look, you don't want to be honest with me, so let's cut this relationship off now before either of us invests any more emotion in it. I enjoy you and your family, and have been a gentleman with you. I'm sure you and your date enjoyed separate beds last night. Considering that you didn't text me after ten PM, and your voicemails didn't begin until after seven thirty this morning. What was that, when you were riding home from wherever you stayed last night? Go away, Sandra. I am not a toy and will not be used by you or anyone else. Goodbye."

I ended the call and felt a horrible emptiness. I had really liked that girl and she turns out to be the kind of deceptive woman who I can't stand. Beth was even straight up as to why she felt the way she did about the car. I don't need that kind of bullshit.

My phone rang again, and it was Sandra. I punched the call off and shut the phone off. I finished my food and drove home, watching to make sure no one was following me. I saw a strange car sitting on the opposite side of the road from our house, but between houses, when I turned into the street that led to my house. There was a lot of room between houses as this was Pinecrest, after all.

I pulled into the garage and went into the house. I enjoyed some coffee with Juanita, and then went to change clothes. I hung my suit up and remembered to take the money clip with the hundreds out of the pocket. I put jeans and a knit shirt that you wore outside your pants on, and then pulled the shoebox with the Beretta down. I wiped the Beretta down, then went to find the pocket stuff I had when I came back from my trip up north. I put the surgical gloves on, then slid a magazine into the Beretta and put a round in the chamber. I put an extra full magazine into my rear pocket and went out the back door and around the pool. The house directly behind us was empty and had been empty for years and years. Someone came by to do the lawn and keep the house painted. I was able to walk around the block and check on the car sitting there. The guy was smoking a cigarette, drinking coffee, and reading a newspaper. I walked up on the car and put the Beretta into the man's face, causing him to spill his coffee.

"Be smart and don't even try to wipe yourself off. With the barrel of the Beretta against his head, I found a nice forty caliber Glock under his arm that I put into the waist of my jeans. I told the man, "Do yourself a favor, and very slowly get out of the car without any quick moves. A gun could go off out here and no one would even hear it. All these homes are old and built to keep noise out."

The guy got out and I made him lean up against the car, keeping his feet spread with all his weight on his arms. I frisked the guy and found no backup, but I did find a pair of handcuffs. I pulled those and then found a wallet that held a County Detective ID and a gold badge. I asked the guy, "Are you on duty, or are you doing a private job?"

He didn't say anything, so I figured him to be working off the clock for BM Shipping. Not wanting to cause too much trouble to him or me, I put him back into his car and used the cuffs to lock him up to the steering wheel. I pulled his keys from the ignition and took the cuff key off. I threw it into the brush and then opened his trunk and emptied his Glock of the magazine, but there was none in the chamber. I dumped the gun, all the bullets from the magazine, and put them into the trunk. I tossed his ID and badge into the trunk and then to make it even tougher for the guy, I put the keys into the trunk and shut it.

I had found his cell phone and looked to see if there were any work numbers in his contacts. I did find BM, SM, and Sandra's cell phone also listed. There was a listing for Duty Commander. I called that number and got, "What do you want, Nickels; you're off this week, aren't you?"

I told the man, "Your man is handcuffed to his personal car with his gun, ID, badge, and keys in his trunk. I will not be as nice if you allow him to follow me around like he has been again. Now, you can use his phone's GPS to find him. Let me take a couple of pictures and send them to you since this is your cell phone. You should probably go by his house and get a spare set of car keys, but then he might have a trunk release button inside the car. I didn't hurt him, but please know I will if it comes to that."

It took me a couple of minutes to take some pictures of the guy. I had to push his head back to get a good face shot that included the hands cuffed to the steering wheel. I sent the pictures to the Commander and to the SM telephone number.

I tossed the phone on the seat and popped the hood. I wiggled and yanked the battery cable until it came off. The trunk button wouldn't work without power. I used the phone again and pushed the contact for SM. Sandra answered, and asked, "Is he doing something that I should know about?"

I told her, "Your County Detective is locked to the steering wheel of his car and has been reported to his Commander. Do yourself a favor and never have anyone follow me again unless I ask you to. Get here before the County cops do if you want to help the guy, and figure out how to get the car out of here."

Just to be on the safe side, I memorized the man's telephone number and planned on writing it down as soon as I could. I left the way I came, not letting the man see which way I went. I went back into the house, pulled the Beretta's magazine and chambered round and put them all into the shoebox. I put the surgeon's gloves into the inside pocket of the suit I had been wearing, and all the money I had into my pockets. Oh yeah, the phone number. I wrote it down, and then put it into my regular phone. I put my new sport coat on, went to the garage, backed the Impala out, and drove off. I went to the empty house behind ours instead of leaving the subdivision, and got out to watch what was going to happen.

A Cadillac pulled up to the police car and had the detective free in just a few minutes. They rummaged around trying to figure out how to open the trunk when they pulled the lever and opened the hood. They didn't see that the battery cable was loose at first, but were able to get it back on sufficiently to open the trunk. I watched as he re-assembled his gun and checked his ID.

The two cars were ready to leave when two Marked County cars and a plain car pulled up. There were a lot of cops standing in the usually quiet street. The guy in the Cadillac kept trying to leave, and was finally cuffed and put into one of the police cars after being frisked. I guess he might have had something he shouldn't.

The one guy who arrived in the plain car and one of the uniforms went to the front door and knocked. Juanita answered the door and told the men that I wasn't there and had left earlier. They wanted to look through the house, so Juanita let them and the two were in the house a good while and left empty-handed. I guess they didn't find the shoe box or the rifle, but they would have to get up on something to see either one. My Glock was in the box and in my sport bag with the ear and eye protection, an obvious new gun that I was just learning to use.

I wonder what they thought of the BDUs, but then Izzy may have already washed them and they were hanging up. I was sitting back in the brush near the cars when a flatbed tow truck came, loaded the Cadillac, and left. The plainclothes guy who was on site came back and yelled at the Detective and told him to report to the Captain to explain what he was doing.

The detective, both County cars, and the plain car then all left. I used my circuitous route to get back to my Impala and then drove out the far end of the area. I stopped at the first WaWa fuel station and bought a cheap cell phone without GPS, and a car charger. This was a good ole' Motorola flip phone that probably had a lot of miles left in it. I remembered the telephone number for the detective and put it in the phone. I then called Sandra. I knew that she wouldn't answer a strange number, so I left her a voicemail message.

She immediately called me, and was very angry. I asked her, "Why did you have someone watching me? Hire a private detective next time. They won't be so obvious and probably won't be so easy to walk up on. I want you to know something, though. I will hurt the next guy you send to watch me. You have really pissed me off and you have to think twice before doing something to me now. You gave me the tools, and I feel bad that I gave the money away now. Knowing you, you probably kept it for yourself. The only thing to say is it's been nice if you don't have anything to say."

"Don't go, Chuck. I need to talk to you and not on the phone. Can we meet? Can I see you?"

"Probably not, unless it's in the middle of a football field with all my men staged around to eliminate anyone who might want to harm me."

Sandra was sobbing, and said, "Isn't there any way I can talk to you? The man you saw me with is Carlo Agosto, and was my original intended by my family. He demanded his right to take my virginity when Daddy told him the marriage was off. He tried but he couldn't get it up. He tried again this morning and he finally slapped me several times, calling me a cold-hearted bitch who emasculates men. I couldn't call you until I called my driver to pick me up. My bodyguard wanted to kill Carlo on the spot when he saw my black eye and swollen face, but was told to let it happen away from Miami. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, and sorry I didn't forewarn you that I would have you watched, Chuck. I did it to make sure one of Carlo's men didn't try to get at you. I keep forgetting you're still a Marine and was fighting for your life not that long ago."

"We'll see what shakes out from this cop thing, and it might be possible to visit after that. I think I should vanish for a while. It seems I keep getting into messes that I didn't cause. Try to straighten out your Detective and help him with his Commander or Captain, whoever it may be. You have influence, use it for good, and make sure your Detective knows not to mess with me. I won't be nice next time. Oh, yeah, why was your guy hauled off?"

Sandra said, "The dummy didn't have his carry permit with him. He's already been released and knows the consequences now. Call me, Chuck, I promise to listen."

Well, shit. I had written the babe off in my mind, and she's coming on with a possible explanation now. I can't believe Bonito Meretti would allow anyone to slap his daughter around and the guy is still breathing. I needed to find out who this Carlo Agosto is, and why he would have so much leverage over Sandra.

I needed to become a super sleuth and not a Marine, but I needed some toys first. I went to the first pawnshop going south. They had only one pair of handcuffs, and they were really beat up. They did have a pair of great binoculars that were obviously some guy's souvenir who had recently gotten out of the service. I wanted a digital camera with a long range lens, but everything the guy had was too big to lug around.

It took four more pawnshops before I hit pay dirt. The guy had a big box of regulation handcuffs. I separated four pair and checked each pair with keys to make sure they would pull apart. This same place had a digital camera stuck on a pair of powerful binoculars. I looked out the window and down the street. I could read a license plate number that was almost two blocks away. I tested the camera by storing the pictures on a USB drive. The pawn broker had to use his laptop to show me the pictures from the drive. They must have been a million megapixels because of the quality. The man was trying to sell me a laptop, but I told him I used an Apple iMac. The guy looked at me for a long time, then went to the back, and returned with two almost new MacBook Pros. Pointing at one, he said, "This one has the five hundred and twelve gig solid state storage, or you can link up to some cloud storage. It has the retina scan feature for security. This other is a straightforward MacBook Pro that has built in five hundred gig storage. You know what they are worth If you know Macs. This solid state one would sell for about twenty-five hundred, but you can have it for eighteen. It still has a valid transferable warranty that you can extend. This other one comes to me from dubious hands, but I can't find it on a stolen list. I'll sell it for eleven hundred."

My mind already said, "Buy it, buy it."

I said to the broker, "I'll take the four sets of cuffs, the binoculars with the digital camera, and the MacBook Pro. How about everything for twenty five cash?"

The guy said, "I'd like to get a little more, but your offer is fair. Let me get all the papers for the binoculars and the MacBook."

The man came back with all the papers and a travel case for the MacBook. He made sure the charger was the correct one, and then wrote up the total sale. I didn't think there was a problem disclosing who I was, so I wrote my correct address down that was confirmed with my driver's license. I counted out the hundreds I had in my jacket pocket, then made a production of getting my leather money clip out and emptied it of the five hundreds to make up the twenty-five hundred. I was holding the cash in hand when the broker came back with the total invoice. Twenty-six hundred and seventy-five dollars. I pulled my money clip with the tens and twenties and counted out five twenties and eight tens. I said to the broker, "I didn't bargain hard enough. Now I'm out of money for a while."

The man said, "Yeah, but you have some quality equipment. Those binoculars with the digital camera have to be worth a couple of grand, but I bought it right because I couldn't come up with any kind of price on it." He handed me a handful of USB drives and said, "Here, a handful of eight gig drives that will last you a while. I think the camera will take almost any size drive, so go buy some of the big ones."

I was smiling as I went out to the car. I had this part done. Now I needed to set something up for some privacy away from the house and South Beach. What I needed was another identity. I didn't know where to go to shop for something like that, but I knew I could get the money to buy it.

My travel south was toward Homestead, so I stopped in to see Butch at his shop. This guy had most of a block where he built and modified street rods, race cars, and anything that burned gas or race fuels. His shops were spotless, with his mechanics in white coats or coveralls as they worked on oily engines.

Butch was ecstatic that I came by, and we talked while he went from place to place to check on the progress of several projects. A slimy looking guy stopped Butch to ask him a question when we went inside. Butch told him to wait for him and he would be back.

Same as Money!
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the best way to end a dry spell

i haven't written anything in a long time because i haven't had much to write about. more like haven't had anything to write about. i've been in a dry spell that i can't even explain. granted, i'm not looking for a girlfriend, so FWBs are hard to come by. and, though i'm too ugly to be picky, there are certain women who catch my eye and others who don't. most of my hookups are with friends or people i've known for a while and thus was the case with the lady who broke my usual, i was in...

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My Sister and IChapter 6

"God Robbie, where did you learn to eat pussy like that?" Cindy said when she had finally gathered enough strength. "I've never climaxed so many times in my life." I smiled but didn't answer. For some reason, male pride or ego, I didn't want her to know that I had never eaten pussy before. Cindy finally sat up. She looked at me and whispered, "It's my turn." With that she slipped off the sofa and crawled between my legs. My cock wasn't as hard, but it was still a formidable...

1 year ago
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AnalAngels Milena Briz Sex at the workout

Beautiful Milena Briz works out in the gym regularly. You can already call her an expert on physical exercises, but she still chooses to ask the private coach for help. He is more than glad to help a sexy chick in a tiny outfit who teases him with the beauty of her curvy body. Milena Briz bends down when doing one of the exercises and realizes her ass touches his erected dick through his shorts. That feeling puts the end of a workout and becomes the beginning of a passionate fuck right in the...

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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be DamnedChapter 15

“Hey, Az, looks like it’s good news for both of us. Michael approved the plan for the New Year’s Eve Town Hall. He’s thinking CNN. But who for the host or hostess? Any suggestions? Also, Michael’s sending me, so that’s that. Messenger job all over again, as he doesn’t want to dirty his hands. Who’s gonna do it for your side?” Gabriel returned while I was in the middle of fucking a very horny Kim Kardashian West, thus separating her from Kanye for her own good. “Well, might I suggest two reps...

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a1 Peachpopsmilk A Catholic Schoolgirl Slut Used For Pleasure

As the teacher lectures, he can't help except to notice Xandra listening to her Apple Ipod As the teacher lectures, he can't help except to notice Xandra listening to her Apple Ipod. The teacher walks over to Xandra and strokes her hair. "You're going to flunk this class, young lady" "Teacher" Xandra say's. "No, no, no" Mr. Schlutzmaker guides Xandra in a demanding way. You're going to flunk this class. "Xandra attempts to tuck her Ipod away" Wait, not so fast, I want you to sing...

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Srilanka Tour 8211 Part II

By : Ranikomal Hi, this is Rani again, (kindly read Srilanka tour part 1 to get the basic introduction) At sharp 8 pm the door bell ring, I open the door and find our waiter sam was there carrying a tray with a bottle of black label whisky and some snacks on it, I let him enter in the room and guided to our table, Sanjay greeted him and told him to be on his ease, Sam pour the whisky in three glasses for all of as per Sanjay instruction and we started our conversation at this time I was in my...

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Wes and LesChapter 46

It was Tuesday, around five in the afternoon. When Jeff had first said there was no reason both kids couldn't recuperate at home, I'd been thrilled. Somehow I'd gotten the idea that they wouldn't be as sick or as helpless if they were home in their own beds, instead of the sterile hospital room. Les had been released Saturday afternoon. Maybe relocated is a better word. She was brought from the hospital to our house in an ambulance. They carried her upstairs in a stretcher and...

1 year ago
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At 41 Brian Somers was considered by everyone who knew him to be a Teddy Bear. He stood well over six feet, athletic almost to a fault, and appeared as though he could wrestle a Grizzly Bear, taking it two out of three falls. In addition to that, Brian was ruggedly handsome looking and was considered "quite the catch" by many of the women who worked at his office. Which was one of the reasons everyone had been so surprised when Brian and his wife of over 15 years were suddenly divorcing....

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SandcastlesChapter 19

The next morning Janey bounced into the kitchen, full of energy and noise. She was greeted by the sullen expressions of two horny adults who knew they weren't going to be getting satisfaction for another 5 long nights. It didn't deter her or dampen her obvious energy in the slightest. She was wearing, if you could call it that, one of the wispiest, sheerest short nightgowns I had ever seen her wear, and nothing else. A blind man could have seen her she was so exposed. It didn't do...

3 years ago
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Wife Swap I

My wife and I have been married eleven years and while we have a good marriage, the bedroom activities have lessened over time to a point where it is either just a superfluous act, or one of us got tipsy and took advantage of the other in a moment of weakness.Sitting at the coffee table one day a few weeks back, I looked over at Danny, which was short for Daniela- name she hated and asked her what would really make her happy.“Oh you know,” she said flicking her long brown hair back over her...

3 years ago
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Nylon Model

Nylon Model I'm a male model. Most of the time, its not a bad job, but there are a few headaches, at least for me. One of these is my orientation. For some reason, people almost always automatically assume that all male models are gay, and it has been a frustrating experience trying to get people to believe that I'm actually straight. Makes getting a date a bit of a challenge. Course, my current gig makes things much harder .... ****** Two weeks ago, in the office of...

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Mrs Wiata Confessions of a Housewife

I have been publicly humiliated in my own house , used and abused by several businessmen while tied to my bed , but in a week things can change for the better. Melanie graduated and her dad has taken her to his factory in Shanghai to learn the family business. The boy next door is in Australia with his football team touring the Central Coast in northern New South Wales for a month. His stepmother Josephine and I have developed a mutual friendship. Before the boy next door left he set my smart...

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Learning TogetherChapter 9

I went back to the house that I officially shared on Thursday afternoon to get a change of clothes; the lads were obviously in their usual disorganised form, and I did a good tidy-up of the kitchen to get rid of the rubbish that had collected and was starting to smell. I took out the rubbish to the bin, collected the mugs and plates from the sitting room and put them in the sink, and discovered that we were out of washing up liquid! I checked around the house and discovered that we also had...

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Plastic Danni Chambers reached for the small plastic object on the desk, and then pulled her hand away as if it had been burned. She put her one hand on top of the other, trying to stop the trembles that started at the tips of her fingers and went all the way to her core. It was just a piece of plastic, after all, an innocent object. In fact its presence here represented the best news of her life - she was finally whole, complete, and its purpose was to make sure that the...

1 year ago
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My Wife and her Best Friend Lay a TrapPart 2

Jenny smiled at J, enthusiastically nodding her head in agreement. She pushed on my chest, indicating that I should roll off her body and lay down beside her. I complied and plopped over on my back, my dick slapping at my stomach. I took Jenn’s hand and rubbed it against my once-again swollen cock, showing her that I was ready to fuck her some more, then I raised her hand to my lips to gently kiss each of her fingers. I felt wonderful and was enjoying the moment and anticipating the renewed...

4 years ago
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Julie Incense 8211 Part II

I hope you guys read Julie’s episode one and for those who did not read and a short catch up we lived in a small farm town about one and half hour from Vancouver City in BC. Most of the residence living here were either farmers or seniors. There was not much of social life here. There was another farmer originally from India, Dave lived with his son of my age about fifteen to twenty minutes drive from our farm. We used to meet every weekends alternately between at our place and theirs. I was...

1 year ago
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Bonded LivesChapter 6

Des Winter was in full swing and even though the snows had melted from the last storm to be replaced by rain, we found that our lives were almost the same as they had been before we bonded. Waking to tend the animals and gather the eggs, doing some flying if the weather was clear then gathering wood from the forest. Then cleaning out the inside pens and playing with Rolly. About every six days Del would leave, to go research things in the records then return. Del had kept his agreement to...

2 years ago
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Personality Lecturer Gets Banged

Hey, everyone! I’m Rahul from Bangalore back with another story. Just a quick note on why my stories take so much time for posting, it’s because the stories are a 100% genuine. Genuine stories take some time as for me to undergo the experience and then can be made as I can’t get laid everyday lol. On that note let me talk about my new experience. Anyone looking to provide feedback contact or looking for an experience me at The starting part of me being in college was 2 years ago. The later...

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Here's a fragment of a large tg novel for the enjoyment of your readers. The entire story is far too large to post here, I'm afraid (about 350,000 words). (And besides, I'm hoping to get it published commercially.) In spite of the magical aspect of the submitted fragment, the novel is sci fi, with the technology only slightly beyond present-day capabilities. In both the fragment and the entirety, the plot revolves around the forced metamorphosis of a self-centered male-chauvinist...

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Rise of Roxy Ch 05

Roxy left on a dirty weekend with Mal the next Saturday morning, her gratitude for Mal over-ruling her earlier decision not to do it because she’d found she’d liked his wife. She recanted because she felt beholden to him and Roxy said if he wanted her he better make it soon before she changed her mind. ‘I’ll take you somewhere this Saturday,’ he said hastily. They entered the luxuriously appointed cabin at a mountain resort. Mal put down their bags inside the door and stood in the middle of...

3 years ago
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Caught in the Act

How would Jaden explain this? It wasn’t like he could say ‘it’s not what it looks like’ for what Asami saw was very explicit. Miki’s head was thrown back, eyes closed, mouth gasping for air. Her naked body, flushed, nipples hard and distended. The evidence lay sprayed over her body, long streams of white cum, not too fresh, but easily identifiable. All seem to jettison from between her spread eagle-legs that were tangled in Jaden’s arms, held open so that his body fit snuggly in between. But...

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Mother and Son The Prequel

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. After an overwhelming response from my first two stories, especially Mother and Son which has attracted over 350,000 readers; I have decided to open up and reveal my first incestuous experience. Reflecting back over the years, there is no doubt that what happened between my brother and I planted the seeds for the present day. I would like to share these...

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Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Virgin BrideChapter 1 The Client

The case began as so many do: in our rooms at 221b Baker Street. Holmes was in a dark study and was teasing a melancholy strain from the strings of his violin. Under normal circumstances I would beg him to desist, though having just endured an hour-long tirade on the dearth of intelligent criminal activity in London, I was disinclined to interrupt him lest he resume that broken thread. The sound of hooves on the street below roused me from my study of the newspaper and I moved to the window...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 5 Charlies Caf

I sat up in bed, and the details of the dream faded from sight. The sun was warm and I noticed more cars in the parking lot below. Nature's morning call prompted me to get up for the day and immediately I noticed a gooey, sticky feeling in my shorts. Remembering enough of the dream, I knew that my body mush have physically responded to the fantastic encounter. After gathering a towel, clothes, and shower equipment, I made for the bathroom. Peeling away my underwear confirmed my suspicion. I...

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Mom and Me

I have a confession to make. I always had this hard on thing for my mom. Not the sexiest of woman, but she had a great boobs & ample ass. I knew my mom was a slut, because I have seen her sleep with my Dads Bros (at least 2 of them). Well that was long back when I was a 7-8 year old boy. This particular incident happened when I was in my last semester of Engg. College. Dad & Mom will have frequent fight & now a day’s Dad use to sleep alone in the drawing room. I knew she was missing the sex....

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Adventure in Singapore

The morning after the barbecue, James woke late. It was already light and he could hear sounds in the street outside the villa. Suddenly the events of the night before came flooding back and he felt a terrible feeling of dread. Ann! He had left her with that man… he struggled to remember the stranger’s name… Yes! … Daniel! As he raised himself, he became aware that Ann was lying beside him in the bed. She was asleep, her face wearing an expression of utter...

3 years ago
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Ashok Uncle 8211 Part 5 The kinky morning after coffee

When I finally opened my eyes, the sunlight was streaming through the window. I was still naked under the covers on the bed that Ashok uncle had fucked me. I lay there for a few minutes and took stock of all the sensations. I felt the soft sheets felt delicious on my bare skin felt. My lips felt throbbing and swollen. My throat felt dry and sore, and my ass felt stretched and mildly painful. I wasn’t sure what to feel as memories of the previous evening came flooding back. He had fucked me. He...

2 years ago
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The Taking of Rebecca Chapter 5

The Taking of Rebecca - Chapter 5 Rebecca wakes up from a good night's sleep. She rises slowly at first, then sits up suddenly, "Oh shit!" She exclaims as she sees by the clock that it's eight in the morning. "Lilith is up and I haven't made her morning coffee!" she mumbles to herself. She jumps out of bed and runs to the kitchen, naked. Her Mistress is already gone. Then she remembers it's Sunday. Lilith doesn't normally work on Sunday. She feels badly about not getting up with...

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Best cocksucking day of my life

I was new to cocksucking, having only sucked four cocks in my life. Actually the first cock, I only held it in my mouth for a few seconds. Then the guy sucked me. I was so ashamed of what had just happened I couldn’t wait to get away from him. I had met him on a city street where gay men cruised. I got out of my van and waited for someone to stop and offer me a ride. He took me to his home where we did the deed. Well, the shame lasted for only about a week. I wanted to do it again. I went back...

Group Sex
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Claudias Partyabend

Die 18-jährige Claudia und ihr Freund Thomas sind seit einem Jahr zusammen. Erst lief alles prima aber jetzt haben sie öfters Streit. Für Claudia war Thomas der erste Mann , Thomas hingegen hatte schon etliche. Er hatte die schüchterne Claudia auf einer Party kennengelernt. Eigentlich war sie nicht sein Beuteschema aber er hatte was getrunken und sie angequatscht. Als er sie in einer Ecke nur knutschte und ihr einen intensiven Zungenkuss verpasste bekam sie einen Orgasmus und krallte sich an...

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Controlling Bobbi Ch 04

If you haven’t read the prior instalments please do so. This will make much more sense if you do. I appreciate reader comments and constructive criticism, but this is a work of fiction, so please just enjoy it as such without worrying about the technical feasibility. Bobbi: What a strange dream I had last night. God it was hot. Chad had always been a target of sexual fantasy for me, but this dream had been so vivid I could still feel him sucking on my nipples. I can’t believe what a slut I...

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A Whole New Me Part 1

“Honey! Are you around?” I shouted from my room, rummaging through my drawers and naked from the shower. “What’s up, sweetie?” My girlfriend, Lisa, popped her head around the bedroom door. Her eyes taking in my body and a cheeky smile forming on her pretty face “Oh, looking good.” I wasn’t the most muscular guy but I wasn’t fat at all and Lisa always claimed she liked my body not being so hard and rough. She even convinced me to shave it more or less hairless; saying she preferred it that...

3 years ago
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My Brothers Best Friend

Introduction: Theather kids have fun too… Brandons melting chocolate eyes stared lovingly into mine. My heart raced, for I knew what was coming next. As his face drew closer, I could smell the Juicy Fruit gum he had chewed to make sure his breath was okay. Our slightly parted lips brushed against eachother, and a spark of electricity shot from my lips all the way to my toes. His tounge sprang unexpectedly from his mouth to explore my lips. I closed my eyes, and pulled him closer. After I had...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 314 The Big Questions

That is the sixty-thousand dollar question. One of the girls thought it over for a minute before answering, “I can’t speak for other girls or women, but the question of why is the reason I am in therapy. She and I have known each other forever. We are great at making people think we’re smart because we are quiet and keep to ourselves. But let us face reality, David. She and I are smart enough that we won’t be cooking fries for the rest of our lives, but just barely. We’ve known this all our...

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Taking the Risk Mishas Story Ch 17

For those that wanted to know more about Misha before he met Froo, here is his story and how he came to be in England which is where he met her and fell in love,, and his time with Suzanne the woman in his past. His passion for Suzanne becomes an obsession, as she plunges down into a self destructive whirlpool, so for those that believe that life’s many experiences make up a rich and interesting tapestry….here is Misha’s story. To read about Misha and Froo please read the companion story...

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