Money!Chapter 12 free porn video

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My body did its alarm clock impression and woke me at ten to six. Peanut and I had changed positions. I was holding her with my hand over a tiny breast, and her small hand over mine. It was amazing that this little girl could wrestle race cars all over a track. That's no easy feat. It was time to get going, so I pinched a nipple and bit her neck. She flipped over and kissed me with a smile. She said, "Let's get going. We're going to begin building my truck today."

We went through the shower to wake up, and I didn't shave again. I wanted to have a week's worth of whiskers on my face, but it wouldn't look like a dirty face most guys have because my hair is so light. I was going to wear the wig, but decided to leave it off and told Peanut to leave hers too. She complained that all the women she met last night had nice haircuts and she wanted the same. I promised her that we would find a salon and get her hair trimmed up.

We brought our coveralls, gloves, and caps, went to the truck, and drove over to the huge patio at the trailer park. Carts were arriving and it was just a little after six thirty. Steve hollered at us when we walked in the door as teen kids began coming from the house. A toddler came walking through to be picked up by Steve. She said to me, "My name is Ellen. I have six toes." She stuck her foot up in the air to show me that she had six toes.

Steve was rolling his eyes, and said, "Meet Glenda, my morning coffee girlfriend. She was one of the first people I met when I came here. Her husband is Martin, and will be here soon. He loves the pastries in the morning."

Peanut brought me a mug of coffee. Ellen wanted to be held by Peanut so she crawled from Steve, across me, to get to Peanut. The toddler hugged the little woman and began jabbering to her about something that must have been important. The tall lady who had been eating wings with me last night was behind Steve, caressing his hair, said, "I like the blond wig. Those are some nasty scars on your head. Are you letting your hair grow out?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, I think my hair will grow out to be almost white with some dark streaks."

Peanut said, "Speaking of hair; is there a salon around here where I could get trimmed up? I look pretty shaggy if I don't wear my wig. I've been cutting my own hair for a while and I want to look better now for this character I'm with."

Steve laughed, and said, "You're in trouble now. There's an agenda when women begin telling you they want to look good for you."

A lady in a police uniform came out of the house carrying an infant. She handed it to Steve, who gave it to Kathy. She said, "Some dad you are." She turned to Peanut, and said, "I let Sue Ellen figure out who is and who isn't a good person, and I've never seen her take to someone like that. Is she telling you anything good?"

Steve said, "The first thing she did is tell Peanut her name and say that she had six toes. She's been jabbering since."

The woman said, "I'm Mickey, junior wife of this clown. You'll have to get a real introduction to this menagerie and let us tell you what we're about."

There was a commotion at the entrance door at that instant. Mickey said, "Well, Steve isn't so bad when you begin comparing him to Chuck, the real cult leader."

A stream of women came in carrying infants and also had toddlers running in to see who all was there to greet them this morning.

Peanut elbowed me, and said, "I didn't recognize him last night, but he and that girl with the two babies are blues guitar players. They have done tours with the Expedition."

What do I know about blues groups? I like rock blues, but I've never been to any concerts and I've never had much of any music to listen to unless someone created a playlist for my iPod. I don't think I've changed my playlist in three or four years.

Steve said, "You'll probably meet all the Expedition this week, because Chuck and Lisa are helping them finish an album. Chuck has a great house with a separate professional studio. Ask for a program if you go to his house. He has so many kids that he makes the moms put little T-shirts on his kids with their names on them. How many are there now, Kathy?"

Cathy said, "I think there are thirty one total with Lisa's quads, but there are also older kids that he's adopted."

Wow, thirty-one kids. Then it struck me, "How many women does he have?"

Glenda said, "It's either fifteen or sixteen."

Peanut exclaimed, "Oh my God, the world would crucify him if they knew that."

Kathy asked, "Why? They all love him and he loves them all. You'll love that group because they are very friendly. Be careful though, as they'll be trying to get you added to the population."

A young tall teen came out and gave Kathy and Steve a hug. "I'll be at Chuck's in the studio with Lizzy all day. I just wanted you to know."

Peanut exclaimed again, "Are you Bonita? From the youth blues band, the 'Lucky Lady Blues Band'?" Lizzy came bouncing up at the same time, and said, "We are part of them, but today is all Expedition and probably some Lisa and Chuck music."

Peanut was grinning so wide that it looked unnatural. She said to me, "I want to move here; the hell with Miami and Homestead. I want to be with all these people. I guess I can't do that if all my cars are down there. It is cooler up here, and I don't like cold. There's good and bad in everything."

We ate a couple of sandwiches and a donut, along with some milk and another cup of coffee before Steve announced, "Time to get to work. I'm excited about building a car or truck right there in our shop. This is exciting."

We walked into the famous S&S factory through some big double doors and into a sparkling clean white work area. Lights were coming on and compressors were filling their tanks. A short redhead told me, "Bring your pick up around back so that we can unload what you have. We already have a frame and we just need to make sure everything will match up to mount."

I backed up to a door where several of the motor builders were exclaiming that our equipment was clean. Peanut told them, "We steam everything off so that it will be easier to work with. No sense in getting oily when you're not under pressure to get something done."

All the various parts were pulled from the pickup's bed and laid out to be inspected before going into the new frame and body. The little redhead who I learned was 'Shawna', the Manager of the motor and custom motorcycle shop, as well as a tremendous artist who can airbrush cartoons on a motorcycle, golf cart, truck, car, airplane, and even a huge tractor-trailer rig. Shawna was inventorying the parts we brought with us and graded them. She had the engine put on a stand and separated the tranny. She had a conversation with a couple of guys who were finishing up an engine, and left both the engine and transmission by their work area.

Sandy, Mandy, and a deaf guy were fitting body parts and running wiring harnesses. Peanut was putting the suspension on the car and fitting the brakes and wheels to make sure of clearances. She was using her Sprint truck rule book for each step, and measuring everything for accuracy multiple times. I'm not a mechanic, but I know how to fit and wire a dash panel. Peanut had a blueprint that was like a detailed paint by number. You took a numbered wire in a color group and fit it through to where it was supposed to go. The mass of tubing and metal was beginning to look like some kind of vehicle by lunch time.

Steve had called a halt for us to go have lunch in the cafeteria. A man I recognized as being one of the premier NASCAR team owners came in with a handful of men to eat lunch with us while we were in line to get food. Gene, the team owner, and his men all had to shake Peanut's hand and tell her how special she was to have sacrificed her truck to save the man and his kid.

Steve took everyone back to the area where the truck was being built when we were finished eating, and told the new men Gene had brought, "Sandy and Mandy will direct you on what to do. We should have everything needed on the display trucks or in the parts bins. I have something for Gene and Buddy to do."

I saw our motor in pieces being worked on the way Butch's mechanics rebuilt motors at his shop. The transmission was in pieces at the adjoining work space as well. I would swear, if I didn't know better, that the two guys working on the motor were one hundred percent gay, and the team working next to them was hardcore lezzies. I wasn't going to make a comment.

On the way to where Steve was taking us, I told him, "I want you to know that I have the money to pay for everything. We were just so overwhelmed by how bad the truck was destroyed that we just didn't think we could get the talent to build another truck in time to compete this week or next to win a position to race in Daytona. Peanut needs two more races of any kind, and has to have at least one top three placing. She and Butch were accepted, but the driver and truck still has to qualify. I've found out that we can race at East Bay this weekend or race Friday, Saturday, and even Sunday at Volusia to get the two races in and place in one. We may have to modify the truck Friday night, but we should be able to finish in a place both Saturday and Sunday. This will give us two weeks to make the car track ready. There are two practice sessions on the eighteenth, then qualifying and the race on the nineteenth. Peanut knows this is a stretch to accomplish, even if our truck hadn't been wrecked."

Gene said, "I'm here to help you through some of the bullshit that you'll encounter because you're not a good old boy. Your second hurdle is going to be Peanut being a girl, and her size. I watched some video of her running two different winged cars and can't believe that tiny creature could do what she did. I realize you had to drive the second winged car and looked like the rookie driver you are. I will admit you did well in the late model, but it looked like you were trying to keep the dents out of the car. That isn't going to happen on short tracks."

He took a breath, and said, "I've contacted a bunch of manufacturers to help you guys out with parts. You need the sponsor tags on the car and they all want to get on board because Peanut is new to the big tracks and you're part of a new team. They might pull the plug if she craps out early, but I somehow think she's going to keep a lot of people excited to help you guys."

Steve said, "Gene and I both talked to Butch. He's putting your race day pit crew together with some of his men from Miami and some experienced men who don't have a team right now. You're going to be spending some money on pit suits, equipment, and tires."

Gene continued, "You'll have to prove you have a crew before they'll let you try to qualify. My crew chief will give yours some advice as to how to prepare. It's only two hundred fifty miles if you make the race, but you're still going to run through some tires. It all depends on your driver. Some drivers can run five hundred miles on three or four sets of tires, and another group will use eight. Fuel economy can be good and bad. You won't have a clue until your first practice. Just remember to follow every rule for every part."

We drove to the patio where Steve said, "I have workout stuff for each of you. We're going to the gym for a while. You're lucky that it's too cool or we would be going to the pool for some sun. Buddy is used to warmer weather down in Miami, but I'll bet he doesn't get much sun."

I didn't comment because an honest answer would disclose my real identity. A surprise was workout shorts, T-shirt, socks, and several sizes of shoes including a pair that fit. I called Butch on my burner phone before going back out to join the other two. The guy was exuberant over having to get a pit crew together. He said he would be up in Tampa with some racing equipment this weekend, as well as with who he thinks could be the beginning of a pit crew. My friend said, "I wish you could use your real name. This is going to be some really big visibility for the team. Don't be surprised if the scrawny little girl doesn't scare the shit out of a lot of drivers, teams, and owners. I'll call you on this number, so don't use it for anything else but us."

I walked out and found Steve ready, but Gene wasn't out yet. Steve said. "Mercy said you use a second identify to keep some people away from you. I'll help if you need help to clear up your real identity. I do have a little pull with a few agencies. The other guy who can be your real friend is Chuck, my Chuck. He has some major pull with DOJ and some military units."

I smiled and said, "You two might understand if I tell you the real story since you and Chuck are also Marines. I'll try to get with both of you this evening and try to talk it out. Being who I am right this minute is good in some ways, but it's a pain for my close friends."

Steve said, "Let's see if we can help. Here's Gene, let's go work out."

Gene and Steve obviously worked out regularly. Steve had the best workout deal as several very attractive women who were, or could be, wives of his or Chuck's were there working out. I smiled a lot over the struggles a couple of the women were having trying to stay covered. The males there were definitely entertained. I think my lifting regimen was more intense than the two guys would think, but I was trying to get some muscle back.

I put the weights back on the racks and went to get a drink of water.

Gene asked me, "How would you feel about Peanut possibly joining a team, preferably my team as an alternate driver if she has some luck on the track over the next couple of weeks?" when we were on the way back to the patio to change back into our regular clothes. "You could be an asset to a team that needs to keep a car in the races yourself, since you have your license. It doesn't pay all that well, but it would possibly give you a chance to stay with Peanut."

I told the truth, "I ran into Peanut because I needed a helper and driver, Gene. She filled the bill. She had hardly any clothes, was overly skinny and very hungry. I've cleaned her up, bought her some clothes, feed her well, and have been fulfilling some of her dreams. I personally don't have anything pending in life except to help my friend down in Homestead. My sister has a job for me out on South Beach, but I don't think that's for me."

"I'll have to figure out whether or not to continue racing if Peanut goes. I could support us and possible increase my participation with cars. All that would be fun, but I really don't care for the notoriety the racing circuit has. I'm really trying to become about as low profile as I can get. Let's all three of us work on making Peanut a hot property and give her that chance to succeed."

Steve said, "That's very unselfish of you; we really do need to talk. Let's get a shower and go see what progress they've made since lunch."

A plain light blue racing pickup with a GM front end was sitting on tires in the garage, while the two possibly gay guys were running up an engine on a stand while every head in the shop was crammed together to watch the laptop computer screens. The faces all turned from a grim look to broad smiles. One of the guys removed all doubt as to his orientation when he said, a little loud, but in a clearly joking manner, "You need to get us hooked up with Buddy for a job like that. He is really hot."

Peanut slugged the guy and he moaned, saying, "Now I won't be able to finish the rear end. I'd rather fool with his rear end, though," he laughed. The two girls who had been assigned to the transmission were working on an engine, so they had obviously finished the tranny.

Shawna saw us watching and came back to us. "We need to run this thing out to Lakeland on Wednesday and see how the car tracks. Sandy and Mandy have really worked hard to keep everything within NASCAR specs. They know all the rules. They went over to Gene's place to let Peanut use the simulator for a half hour or so to test her strength and reflexes. They both say that she's a driver."

Gene nodded and said, "I knew it as soon as I saw her. She carries herself like a driver, walks like a driver, but isn't a blowhard, so I wondered about her. I'm glad you had them take her over. Let's see if we can finish it with paint tomorrow night."

Shawna, in her usual brash manner, said, "Fuck that. I'm painting it tonight. I called the owner of the shop down in Homestead to find out what name I should tell the world the owner is. He gave me some ideas about Peanut since he's known her for over ten years. I'll do a good job but NASCAR said they are going to retire her old number and gave us ninety-two. Peanut didn't care. She said she didn't care and can win with number one or even a double zero. NASCAR sent someone down to the Homestead shop so they could take the door that was toward the guy she saved for the retired number display."

I was amazed at how a dozen people went right back to working on the truck. The truck was sitting on four separate stands that appeared to be scales. They were scales. Mandy caught me staring at them and said, "We need to know the exact weight on each wheel for the setup. It'll all balance out when we get the engine, tranny, and rear end in. They should be installed within an hour. We'll have to fill the fuel bladder to get the proper weight distribution."

Steve took me on a tour of the building, and then next door where they were working on some of the big shipyard lifts that can handle those huge shipping containers. Next to that was what looked like a massive fiberglass operation. There was a curing room with car parts, another with airplane parts, and then something behind some black curtains. It's an amazing operation. Something strange was a bunch of old style railroad cars with some people polishing the exposed brass. What I could see was impressive. Inside a building at the end of the track was what looked like an old steam engine.

Same as Money!
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"Uncle Joshua!?" Jonathan asked, his voice filled with panic. "Uncle Joshua! Get up! Please, please get up..." "Oh my god," Viks gasped as she crouched down beside Joshua. "Steph, call 999! Now!" "Uh, okay," Stephanie said, fumbling in her bag for her phone as Viks rolled Joshua onto his back and checked his neck. "He's got a pulse but it's very weak," Viks said. "What- what do we do?" Jonathan asked, unable to contain his sense of panic. "Get a first aid kit," Viks said. "If...

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Summer Romance Never Forgotten 03

Please vote. Please give me the support of your vote. * We all have a lost love, a love that was never meant to be. Robert recalls his firs time with Emma. Emma took him by his hand and led him to her bedroom. Once there she pressed her naked breasts and her bikini bottom, clad pussy against him in a full body to body hug. Then she kissed him again. She French kissed him. This kiss was as good as the first kiss. Every kiss was as good as the first kiss. Kissing and kissing him, she...

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Gangbang Girl

Well the weather has got warmer and I have been venturing out in my extreme heels, only to the local Express store, I have had a lot of comments from a gang of youth's that hang around the side of the building, on my way to and from the car.The tall black one is very loud,tends to fondle his crotch a lot.As the week wore on my usual trip for basics cigarettes and alcohol! became more fun, cheeky banter ensued."Its booty gal in the fuck me pumps" "Wanna cream her hot lips" "Spunk on her legs"...

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Breeding My Nieces

Foreword An Uncle Bob Story This is another example of me seeing someone else’s “recipe” and wanting to cook it myself. Unfortunately, the story snippet I found in my files didn’t have the author’s name on it, so I can’t give credit to whoever had the original idea. But, as happens a lot, I altered the “recipe” a bit, putting my own spin on it. The interesting thing about that (to me) is that I have tried for literally years to write a short stroke story without success. I did it all the...

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Babysitting Alex Part 4

Wednesday I woke up and I was alone in bed, so I got in my underwear and went downstairs, Aky and Mark were in their underwears playing Xbox, I was actually starting to see both of them as my little brothers, I was mostly always alone because I am an only child, that led me to be a little cold towards people and of course, a bit shy when meeting new people, but seeing both of them there, made me get warm, and happy. "Good morning you two" I said. "Morning" both said not taking...

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Married women 3 Anita

Many years ago I was a board member for a sports club. We were in desperate need of a new clubhouse, and money was scarce. We had a good project, but didn’t know how to get it going, so we decided to involve the public and to sell shares. We had high expectations – but there was a lot of work to be done!I can’t tell you how many people I visited with my plans, statistics and photos. Sometimes we got commitments, sometimes excuses, but I’d say about half the time I left the people either with a...

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Blue Cafe

Andy entered his local coffee shop. He was on his lunch break and liked to spend his hour using the free WiFi to browse the web on his tablet, catching up with emails and so forth. On this particular day, the coffee shop was jam-packed and, as he looked around, he could see nowhere to sit. He joined the queue anyway, confident that by the time he had purchased his drink, there would be a free table. A couple of minutes passed and Andy reached the end of the queue, paid for his drink and looked...

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Playground Love

She sat opposite me sipping her tea, the tracks of her tears still evident on her cheek. "I'm sure things will be ok," I tried to re-assure. "I don't know, this time he's gone too far," fresh tears left her eyes. It was painful for me to watch her like this. I had loved her for so many years, from the first time I saw her on the school playground. Her husband of just two years was fooling around with some slut he had picked up in a pub. "It's not that I wouldn't do anything he...

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underwear fun

It was the early 1980s and I was 14. It was the time of the school summer holidays; 6 weeks away from the classroom and me with nothing much to do. At the time we lived in a bit of a remote rural spot, so the long summer holiday could be quite a boring time for a restless teenager with too much time on their hands.I lived with my parents and 19 year old sister and during the day they were all out at work and so I was left pretty much to my own devices. I was old enough to be trusted to be left...

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My wife and I had been married for about two years when I brought up the subject of her fucking another guy

The first time I brought it up she seemed into it, but maybe that’s because I was fucking her at the time. I had her splayed out face-down on the bed and was getting her deep from behind while she rubbed her clit. As I described sharing her with multiple guys she came hard and scared the neighbors with her screams. To aid you all in your masturbatory fantasies, let me describe my wife Cindy: she’s 27, about 5 foot 4, with 34C tits, a nice round ass, and long dark hair. Did I mention...

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River RatChapter 22

When the party hit the beach at Diamond Wash where the crew bus was waiting, the first question they had of Jeff was, "How's Jerry?" "Not doin' too bad," Jeff said. "They let him out of the hospital a few days ago, but he's your typical boatman; he ain't got no place to go in Flag, so Marjorie and I took him in. Wants to go on the next trip, of course, but don't you dare even think about lettin' him." "I'll make a point of coming by and seeing him," Al said. "That is a hell...

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I love my job

I love my job!    Most days anyway.   Today I had to make the rounds with several clients.   I work for a large advertising firm that by and large was stuffy and hyper-competitive. It’s such a relief to get out of the office and out with “real” people.   I wore khakis and a light blue shirt and I figured I could get away without wearing a tie after the first two calls. It was warming up and I could feel a little trickle of sweat as I drove up to Lafayette .     I...

Straight Sex
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Chapter 31 Guilty Of Deadly Sin

In my school years, friends drifted in and out.  Fickle fate granted a lifelong few. Afterward, they were temporarily shipmates to a common port of call.  Unloaded, we embark to our different shores.I was blessed with a lifelong friend, Julie. We met in grade school.What first attracted us? I can’t remember. I was a protean, rural, Asian of dark complexion who snuck on a public-school bus. She was a pedigree, urbane, freckled girl with almost translucent skin, driven to school from afar by her...

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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 10

Emily, Lois' other roommate, didn't return until early morning. Sheila was still asleep, but Lois and Mike weren't; they were drinking coffee. "Sheila's latest beau?" Emily asked, cocking her head, her earrings clinking. "No," Lois replied, her smile sunny, "Mine." "You're kidding, right?" Emily asked, peeling off her black opera gloves. "No." Mike shook his head. "Okay, can somebody help me get out of this corset?" Emily asked. She put one of her high-top boots on a...

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Injustice IIIChapter 10

Jill had still been awake when I returned from the Carlton St. house, and I needed to tell her what I had done there. After a little more hugging and kissing, we returned to sleep. We arose very late on Tuesday morning after a good, if interrupted, night’s sleep. Following taking care of our usual morning rituals, we went out for a late breakfast which we combined with lunch that we took back to the room with us. This time we did not return to the hotel as we normally would. Instead I...

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Want to meet mature milfs or cougars? Who hasn’t always wanted to bang a sexy MILF? No matter how old you are—18, 25, 50, 100—you just can’t deny that there is something so irresistible about a mature, experienced woman. I mean, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing quite like a beautiful teen either, but for very different reasons. When it comes to young girls (let’s say 18 – 25), they are hot because they are wild, fun, and really exploring their sexuality for the first time. It’s their...

Hookup Sites
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The Sexual Adventures Of Jake Part One

It was one week after my 18th birthday and I was in the computer room looking at porn of large breasted older women when my mother came home from work. She was 45 at the time but didn’t look a day over 35. She had shoulder length brown hair, beautiful blue eyes and a body to die for. Standing at 5"7 and weighing a reasonable 180lbs given the size of her 40DDD breasts. She had caught me a few times snooping through her bra drawer holding up and marveling at her large bras. Sometimes rubbing my...

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Arabian Nights Virtual World

THE ARABIAN NIGHTS VIRTUAL WORLD In the not too distant future holiday trips to virtual worlds will become a reality. This story is based on a trip to one such created world. To work the worlds would of course have there own rules and the very good ones would feel just as real as reality itself. Whilst the worlds would all have some emergency escape option, it is probable for realism that these would be difficult to access. The visitor would most likely exit via a certain portal...

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Bang Bang With Teenage Cocks

(I thank Mrs. S.A for sharing her fantasy and her inputs. I am grateful for her encouragement and giving me the liberty to mould her story as I liked) Two weeks at my in law’s place passed in a jiffy. My father-in-law and Rajiv, the neighbor’s teenager boy fulfilled my fantasy of getting fucked by two cocks in my cunt. My Mother-in-law, Bhakti, told me that in her entire married life, she had not seen her husband come home early from Office consecutively for so many days. He also avoided going...

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Aunty Seducing A Boy To Satisfy Her 8211 Part 2

Door bell rang, Lakith opened the metal door of the terrace, I offered him bowl while moving forward and told him not to feel embarrassed as all singles do this, “tu embarrass mat ho….ye kaam to sab kunware karte hain” and while accepting the bowl he blushed with a smile. I moved further in but stood in the open area and he instantly started having ice cream, now for me it was time to get shameless, my pussy was flowing heavily since dinner was started but once again I was feeling choked over...

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Urvashi and cousin

Hi! This is Urvashi and I will narrate this real fun. We had bought new home. My father and his big brother, they both purchased new home in the same society but at some distance. They had shifted to new home, and we were going to shift 6 months later. We had vaastu pujan of their home. I had wear stripped salwar-kameez. My uncle has two sons; one named Rahul is of 19 and other Amit of 24. The pooja had started and only we family members were present their. Others were going to come in evening...

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What A Sucking MotherChapter 9

Janey and Laura were once again sitting on the couch as they waited. Each was anxious in a different way. Laura, because she wanted to see her son fuck the girl he had desired for so long. Janey, because she was anticipating the sensation of a cock up her cunt for the first time. As they waited, Laura discovered that, although Janey had not been fucked before, she had certainly been sucked off, and had sucked a cunt. It happened, Janey told her, at school. She had been undressing in the...

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I'm in town for a couple of days and decide to pop over and pay you a surprise visit. I knock on the door but no answer; I'm pretty sure someone's home as I can hear music coming from the lounge room so I think to myself “I’ll just check out back in case she’s out in the yard”. As I walk past your bedroom window I hear a slight gasp and when I look around I notice the curtains slightly open, I look through the window and get a pleasant surprise. Your laying on your bed in a little lacy...

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The force

?That’s it?, he exclaimed, and ran his hand through his dark blond hair. He looked down at the feisty woman who had turned his live upside down the last couple of week with exasperation. He had reached his breaking point, what ever she wanted, he knew he could not give it to her. He was thoroughly fed up with compromising, and constantly listening to her reasonable, but unwanted demands for equality and her unreasonable demands for him to change.? He knew he could not change, and deep down, he...

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TANTRIC YONI MASSAGEThe vagina is called yoni in Sanskrit and loosely translates to "a sacred space." In Tantra philosophy, we approach the vagina from a place of the utmost love and respect. Yoni massage is a practice intended to truly honor a woman, to give her selfless pleasure, and to explore the sacred side of our sexuality.This isn't about having one orgasm. It's about trying to feel more and more pleasure that will become waves of multiple orgasms throughout the massage. It can be done...

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SueEllen Carter My Life In Atlanta

SUE-ELLEN CARTER CONTINUING THE STORY OF MY LIFE IN ATLANTA BY BETTY NOONE Dear readers: Thank you for your many nice reviews on my story, "Sue- Ellen Carter, A Southern lady." I want you all to know that I read them all and am pleased that you liked this story. The following is a continuation of Sue-Ellen's life in Atlanta. I hope that you will find this interesting as well. For those of you who haven't read the previous story this one won't make much sense unless you...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 9

Saturday Morning "Good Morning slave." Her Master's voice woke Brenda from a deep slumber. It took her a minute to remember where she was. It started coming back to her, naked in a king size bed with her Master, Las Vegas, Caesar's Palace, dinner, show, playing craps. Her eyes popped open when she thought of how she had exposed herself in the casino and the hallway. When she thought of how her Master fucked her on the balcony she relaxed, and stretched. "Mmm... Good Morning Master," she...

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After Valentines Day Treat

I had found a new girlfriend called Nancy, and now we had gone out on many dates.  I have grown to really enjoy her company and being with her, and we have many of the same likes and dislikes.  I like her so much that I don’t mind her wanting to spank me and having me wear this cock and ball harness.  The harness tends to keep me in an erect state and is somewhat embarrassing at times, but since I have grown to really love Nancy, I put up with it.  Also, now Nancy and I have exchanged house...

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Mothers Plan

Helen was a young mother, married and pregnant at s*******n At age 32 her tits were still rounded and firm with nice large nipples. Her curvy hips flowed into lovely thighs and slender calves and her arse was nice and tight, well rounded with silky smooth cheeks that drew plenty of admiring glances at the beach. Her puffy nether lips filled out the bottoms of the bikinis she wore and, because she liked the way it felt, she always kept a nice bush of pubic hair.Helen had been thinking about...

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Vanessas Island Chapter Seven

“Come on over here and get comfortable while I think up a story,” I suggested to Vanessa. “I know I’m not allowed to play with your pussy while I tell it, but what about your boobs. Can I play with those. I need something to inspire me.” “Well,” Vanessa considered, “normally that would be totally against the rules. But if you admit that you have lost totally already and that I am the absolute winner, then all rules can be suspended.” “Oh, hell,” I conceded, “you romped it in. Against your...

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Auntie Donna

She's a hairdresser and takes care of her self, painting her nails to match her outfit which would have been chosen and picked out the night before, her face is round and she seems to always have a smile on it no matter what she's doing and her looked after white teeth compliment it well.Donna has brown eyes and a button like nose. Okay, a little bit of history, when I was a young lad and wanking 4 or 5 times daily, Donna was a frequent fantasy in my head and i was always trying to get a...

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In the back of the cab

Myself and my ex in the back of a cab ! I'll start by telling you a little bit about myself and my ex girlfriend at the time, we were both 20 she had long brown hair and a body like you've never seen, perfect pert tittys and a round scrumptious ass with a tattoo going down her left side from her ribs and stopping at her pantie line. And I'm 5ft 11 gym fit with full sleeve tattoos dark wavey sort hair, now to the good bits :) We had been to a friends house for a few drinks and a take away on a...

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SaralindaChapter 44 Saralinda

That night I managed to eat a little of what Michelle cooked for us. All the time I was eating, though, I kept trying to remember Mamma. Jake and Gary and Moira were talking, including a discussion of a possible trip to Seattle, and whether that would be a good idea. Like, what they would be able to accomplish if someone went? I gave up trying to listen, and instead tried to see Mamma's face or hear her voice in my head. I tried to remember her smile. It was sad how hard it was to bring back...

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Unexpected fun with great niece Bekka

Parts of this are true, I am fucking her mother. I sometimes get the feeling Bekka is wanting me to fuck her too. My great niece ,Bekka calls me last week saying she's having problems with her new computer. I had just set it up the week before. I also had the shock of my life that same day. I had been fucking her mother for about 2 years. We were always careful about it. But I was at her moms before going to set up her computer unit. I needed a fuck real bad. Angie is...

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