Money!Chapter 29 free porn video

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My morning began the way I liked it by waking up early and running. Janet wanted to run with me and was with me the entire time. She was talking a lot, asking about how Chuck handled his women’s parents, how they handled the babies’ names, and on and on. I told her, “Go see them. Either that or talk to them when you’re all at the patio. You know how sweet they all are and will gladly talk to you. I’ll bet they’ll tell you some good stories.”

That seemed to satisfy her, and we continued to run the rest of the way back to the patio. We were still early, and had a mug of coffee with Steve before he turned the lights on. Steve said, “Your prisoner transport was a really good icebreaker with the new Transportation Administration people. They won’t use their own aircraft when there’s possible damage to a plane, and then hire folks like us because they think we’re unsuspecting. Well, we aren’t and we protect our property. All prisoners will be chained like those yesterday when we transport them. I think that’s a perfect method to get the job done.”

Steve told me, “Chuck is planning to have you in his office today. I don’t think you’re going anywhere, but be ready. Chuck isn’t all that readable sometimes.”

I smiled as I thought toward Chuck. He was busy with his women and children. I could feel how happy he was helping with diapers and clothing as he handled each of his kids. Back there in the corner of his thinking was what we needed to do today. This was a capture that the men from St. Pete had flubbed twice. Chuck was determined to get the men to complete this open warrant today.

I was wearing a suit hoping to complement Chuck in looking good. He came to the patio driving his Impala, and had filled the front seat with Lisa and four babies, and the back seat with Taiying and Sing, two boy toddlers, and two babies.

I ran out to assist the women to get the little ones into the patio and on into the house when he pulled up. The two toddlers ran for the patio door and had it open and were inside before I could take two babies from Lisa.

Chuck laughed and said, “I know that was very unsafe, but I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal for a half a mile. We need to use this car, so I thought it would save a trip.

The other ladies drove up in long carts, and told the toddlers that they could get out. There was complete bedlam as the rest of the toddlers streamed into the patio and ran from adult to adult to say good morning. Chuck was standing by me when he had drawn a mug of coffee, and said, “Go change into something close to what I’m wearing. There’s no sense in ruining good clothes on a bunch of dirt bags like we’re going after. Change and we’ll head straight to the rendezvous in St. Pete. There are people from the FBI, Pinellas County, and St. Petersburg involved. These guys are ghosts if they get away this time.”

We grabbed some sandwiches and left. Chuck began explaining what had been planned, and what he was going to do to change the plan to foil any planned escape from our net. Chuck said the Pinellas County detectives found the men and have the location staked out to keep them there. It was reported that the wanted men had planted cars in the neighborhood to use as a backup escape route as soon as our plan was announced. Deputy U.S. Marshals went to each car and disabled them so that was one less escape path.

Our plan was to have Deputy Marshals and the FBI close in and be obvious about their locations. The men we were after weren’t known to be shooters, but you never know when you have someone cornered. Chuck made sure that I had my armor on, and then said, “We’re going to screw all the plans up by driving a prisoner van right up to the house. You and I are going to go up to the house, rattling chains and hollering for the men inside to come out and save us all a lot of time.”

“That’s a little risky, isn’t it, Chuck?”

The boss man said, “It is, but we’re going to have snipers all over to make sure none of them start shooting. I think this will work with men who don’t want the needle.”

We met with the Feds’ team leader, and had his people start bringing the other law enforcement people in about ten feet at a time to be sure that they didn’t miss someone already out of the house and trying to get away.

Chuck had me drive the van up to the house and open the back doors wide. I grabbed at least six sets of chains and started walking toward the house. Chuck was walking that way, holding his badge so that anyone could see that he was a law enforcement officer.

A voice from the house hollered, “We’re not letting you just walk in here to get us. You know that we’re armed and we don’t want to go to jail.”

Chuck looked at me as we stood about ten feet from the front door. He asked me, “What should I tell them? Should we remind them that they will get the Federal or the State needle if they shoot at us? They’re dead either way. They probably only have ten years or so against them right now. They’re dead meat if a gun goes off.”

I hollered, “In case you didn’t hear us, we’re offering you a choice between ten years or being dead. Please note that we haven’t shown a weapon yet, so we really don’t want to kill you. Come on, make up your minds. You can’t get out and run. All your backup cars are disabled and all your exits are covered by people with guns. Be smart and come on out.”

The front door of the house opened and while my heart was dancing in my chest, a face appeared with one hand holding the door and one hand up in the air. He half turned and said, “Don’t be stupid. We can all do the time and be out in ten. Come with me. I have the door, come on out.”

An amazing thing happened. Six men came from the house followed by two women. We didn’t expect this. The boss and I quickly chained the six men, and had waved some of our men forward to cuff the women.

We searched the men and had one of Jan’s female Agents search the women. One of our men was confirming we had the original four we had been after. We loaded the prisoner van and secured the prisoners when that was complete.

The van was going down the street and I was trying to turn the house search over to St. Pete or Pinellas County. Those two groups said that they had completed what was asked of them and all left the scene. All the supposed weapons were still inside the house, along with any possible contraband. Chuck waved his hand in a circle and hollered, “Gather around, Agents and Deputies.”

Chuck counted the remaining men and women, and said, “There are sixteen agents and Deputies, so we’ll go after this in teams of four. We don’t know what’s in that house, but we will when we finish. All you men with explosive and booby trap experience divide up with at least one on each team. Unload and break down any weapons you find. Find a pillow case or something to put them in. Any major contraband find should be tagged and left where it is to be photographed. I’m apprehensive there may be more men or women, possibly more dangerous than the ones we’ve just hauled off still there. I think this is a distinct possibility with the locals running away. Let’s take this place apart and clean it out.”

I mentioned to Chuck, “Something puzzles me. We didn’t find any cell phones on the men we took into custody. Don’t you think that’s strange?”

Chuck nodded and said, “Very strange. Let’s you and I work together and see if we sense any danger as we move around.”

The first thing we encountered was a trip wire. The man leading the team followed the wire to a pipe bomb inside the door. I told the men, “Let’s get ATF out here to clear the explosives. They are on standby and should be here within a half hour. Surround the house and watch for anyone wanting to leave while we wait.”

I had walked around the house noting the all frame construction probably from the fifties. The house was built up on blocks to be higher than any flooding. The area between the bottom of the house and the ground was covered with woven plastic lattice panels. One panel toward the back of the house was loose, with the grass leading to it pushed down with a lot of scuff marks around the area.

I walked past this panel and found the team assigned for this side. I showed them where the loose panel was and told them to find a hiding place and capture whoever comes out of there. They needed to wait for all the rats to be out before they made their move. One of the Agents said, “It’s just like in the sand. I know what to do.”

I told the others, “Listen to this man’s directives. He’s in charge.”

It took a few minutes to look over the rest of the lattice work to make sure there wasn’t another place that showed any use.

The Bomb Disposal Unit from the ATF showed up and we explained what we had found. The leader said, “We’re going to neutralize any cell activity around here in case they have something wired to a cell-activated detonator. Use your radios if you need to communicate.”

The ATF guys took almost two hours to find three more pipe bombs, and two of them were wired to cell phone detonators. I went into the house and kept checking for a hatch that would get us underneath the house. The food pantry held the answer, as it had a row of shelving that moved when I pulled on it.

Someone fired four rounds through the wall when I moved the shelves. We looked for a broom or mop with a long handle. I made everyone else move away and then pushed the shelving unit out of the way, exposing a small room with a big opening toward the back of the floor. A hand with an automatic weapon came out of the hole and fired four more rounds. I had held up my hand to keep us from returning fire so that they wouldn’t know where we were.

I hollered, “You’re still safe down there until I decide to spray that entire area under there with some automatic rifle fire. Do you want to test me?”

“Fuck you, you want us, come get us. I’m sure you’ll look good on the Coroner’s table.”

I pulled my Glock and lined up to shoot the hand that came out of the hole. The hand and gun came out several times, but didn’t shoot. It was as if he wanted someone to fire so he’d know where to shoot.

The hand came up again, and I shot the gun and hand. My round took the gun from the man’s hand, and it looked like it took a couple of fingers off with it. The screaming was enough to make the three other men under the house make a break for it through the lattice panel opening. The three men threw their weapons down and held their hands up as soon as the four lawmen showed themselves.

Chuck Johnson was standing behind me, and asked, “Are you through playing now? You’re a lot nicer than I am. I would have sprayed under there as soon as that guy shot the first time. I’m not saying that what you did was wrong, but you have a lot more patience than I do.”

I told boss Chuck, “I’ll give the other guy a break when I know that it’s a no-win situation for him. It’s his life if he screws it up.”

Chuck smiled at me, and said, “I think the men have found everything they wanted, including the money from that last bank robbery. We have a pile of cell phones that were taken apart to find the ones they could use for detonators. We can’t torch the place because it’s too close to other houses, and we don’t have any local law enforcement on site. Let me call the Sheriff to see if he wants the place. We’ll decorate it with Fed crime tape and confiscate it if not.”

The man who had been shot was a big heavy man and couldn’t, or wouldn’t, help anyone pull him out. We stripped him of his other toys and cuff keys he had hidden all over him when he was finally out from under the house. The paramedics understood that the subject must be guarded twenty-four/seven until we could get him to our Federal jail. A Deputy left with the prisoner. Our team leader called into the office to set up a guard rotation at the St. Petersburg hospital.

One of our men identified the guy from under the house as being part of a group who had been robbing small branch banks. There were no shooting injuries so far, but the group had shot up the ceilings in several of the banks they held up.

Our men were putting crime scene tape up all around the house and sealing the doors and windows. Someone would come over, appraise the house, and put it up for sale. The best offer within so many days and someone has a new home.

Chuck told me on the way back to Tampa, “Now we’re going to have to run an investigation on the Sheriff’s Department and the St. Pete city PD. I wonder why they didn’t want to stay and help the investigation, unless they suspected bombs, and why didn’t they tell us if they did. We then offered them a free house to sell, and they both turned it down as if it were about to collapse from termites. I’ll bet they find out when a Federal prosecutor brings a double handful of investigators in.”

Chuck said, “We make a pretty good team. I think we’ll double up on some of the older cases and see if the two of us can clean them up. You’re going out West next week, possibly for two weeks, but probably only one. The training you’ll receive is all action training. They already know your field skills and will use them as necessary. They may introduce you to several possible sidekicks who you will work with. Never make your mind up until you’ve seen that person under fire. I know it’s too late to discover they aren’t worth a shit then, but it’s important to not throw someone back who is tough enough to do the job. You’ll need a backup when you pull some of the jobs you’ll get. The southern border is heating up again from what I hear, and that’s always a problem. You have some hotbeds that always have someone who needs to be brought in from Michigan or in upstate New York. The Marshal Service works some of these, but your other new employer is very involved in those who might want to become terrorists. Use our gift to search them out and never leave one of them breathing our precious air here in the U.S.A. You’ll see. These people are very dangerous to everyone.”

Sarah cornered me as soon as I went into the Marshal’s office, and told me, “Write a detailed report of why you didn’t kill that bastard that fired on my people. I hope you had a good reason.”

I was stunned. I thought I had done what was right, but was really hearing it from someone who was very important. I truthfully wrote the report, including my thought process. I felt that I could bring the leader of the group hiding from us into custody by firing at his hand when it extended out of the hole. The idea was to scare him and the other men into attempting an escape via an area that we knew was setup as an escape route. My actions were successful, so we were able to capture the men trying to escape and ensure there were no injuries suffered on our side.

Sarah sat reading my report over and over. She said, “Chuck, that crazy boss of ours, had you confronting those people without a drawn weapon and just rattling chains. All the people you’ve brought in have been a wealth of information about other wanted men in the area so far. You know, you’ve done well and proven yourself to the other Deputies. They’ll follow someone with the size of your balls if you have any action. Now go down to see Cap at the firing range. I’m calling Jan to shoot with you. This should be interesting.”

I made a pass by the coffee pot and found that it was fresh, so I poured myself a Styrofoam cup. I was supposed to tell Chuck if I was going to the range, so I poured another cup and put a lid on it and went down the hall to his office.

His two watchdogs cornered me as soon as I entered, and asked me if I had an appointment. Wanda heard them and hollered, “Let the kid in and I’ll get Chuck off the phone. Meet Chuck Miller, he’s Chuck’s field replacement.”

I could see Chuck on the phone in his office. He waved me in and held his hand out for the cup of coffee. He sipped while he argued, and finally said, “Fine, I’ll bring my man up there and we’ll show you it can be done. Now quit whimpering around like a bunch of kindergarten girls and get ready to finish this.”

Chuck was going to slam the receiver, but slid it into place without banging it. He let out a sigh, and said, “Well damn, there goes everything through Saturday unless we get lucky. Why are you here unless it’s to make me feel good?”

I laughed and said, “I was on my way to the firing range, and Sarah said that you were to be told.”

“Yep, I did say that. Let’s go do some shooting.” He half turned and yelled, “Come on, Wanda; I’m sure that you’re lagging behind your required range time.”

There was laughter from Wanda’s office.

Cap was stuffing rounds in magazines down in the range area. He already had about twenty magazines stacked up when the girl known as ‘Jan’ came running in. “Damn, Chuck, you give us a pile of people with a ton of knowledge, and think that we can interrogate them in a couple of hours? This group is good because they know shit from Atlanta to Miami.”

Chuck said, “I’m here to watch my new man shoot. He just got out of the Deputy Academy so he may be good. Why don’t you two do some warm up, then go head to head.”

Jan said, “I still want to shoot you. I think I’m close to beating your ass on the course. We’ll find out.”

Cap gave me two magazines, and said, “These are for warm up so use them to see how the range feels.”

He had the target out to the full twenty-five meters and blacked out a body mass and head target. This was just another round of shooting at stationary targets for accuracy.

After we finished warming up, Cap asked, “Who wants to go first? How about you, Jan, so that you can set a standard for a new man on the range? We’re doing the random decision course, so let’s see how you both do on decisions, accuracy, and speed.”

Jan was very good, but I didn’t think she was exceptional. My buddies in school could have beaten her. Knowing this was a girl and I didn’t want to show her up terribly, I ran the course with a hundred percent decision, one hundred percent accuracy, and about ten seconds faster than she was.

“Holy shit, you can’t be a new shooter. You’re faster than me by ten seconds and scored higher on decision than me. Let’s do it again, but you go first.”

Knowing that Jan would double down to beat me this next round, I put my three magazines on the shelf with my weapon and stood. The bell rang and I was going through the targets as fast as possible and finished by slamming the timer button with a really good time.

Jan was standing there with her hands on her hips. She said, “You do one, Chuck, and see how you compare to your man. That’s some incredible shooting.”

Chuck said, “I’m a little rusty, but I’ll give it try. Let me use a couple of magazines to warm up.”

I watched Chuck as he went through two magazines as fluidly as any shooter could. Chuck was someone you wanted behind you if the shooting became critical.

Same as Money!
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Straight Sex
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Mom Son Honey Camping 4

I woke up in the tent next morning replaying some of the events that had occurred previously. My mother and I had gotten honey on her shirt and my pants so she asked me to “clean” her chest and she “cleaned” my penis. That evening, in order for us to get any sleep without me having a raging hard on, mom let me cum inside her. Finally, all this sexual tension and teasing boiled over at the beach when my mother and I finally broke through and christened our new relationship, at least I hope...

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Ladyboy Secrets

LADYBOY DIARYby utubeslutforgive the misspellings but inocent words get sensoredby the auto censelessDiaries can be dangerous and have unexpectedconsequences if they fall into the wrong hands.Or the right hands ….Early Spring and that meant a visit from myAunt Becky and my cousin Susie.I loved Susie but she was kinda weird.She had mood swings like she had permanentPMS, very unpredictable.Otherwise she was very sweet.Crazy bitch.The...

2 years ago
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A mothers bond

Paul and Karen, from the outsiders view were like any other mother and c***d, aside from on thing. In the early stages of her life Karen was volunteered to be the test subject to a groundbreaking form of genetic manipulation by her own foster parents who at the time were leading academics in human sexual manipulation. Periodically Karen would be injected with large amounts of growth hormone and other chemicals were fed into her body via deep canals into her reproductive organs and brain.The...

3 years ago
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Rob Vs The Succubus Round 2

I grabbed the cum-soaked shirt from the table and wiped up as much of the remaining cum as I could. T-shirts are not very effective towels. I wadded it up and threw it in the corner.I said, “Tell him that I left him a present.”I grabbed her waist and lowered her down from the table. I hate that table.The chair too.She excused herself to clean herself up a bit better.When she returned she had a damp towel. I cleaned up the table and floor. I had already picked up the chair. I had been reduced to...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Sissy Stepmother

Sissy Stepmother A Pantyboy Profile INTRODUCTION Cheryl here. You remember me. The 20-year-old pantyboy extraordinaire. Every man's naughty, secret, wet dream. Raconteur without equal. In "Service" and "Test Driven," I told you about Amy and Judy, two of my lovely roommates, fellow pantyboys and like me, covergirls for "Panty Boy," the only publication worth buying, besides some of those Spermco comic books about us "special boygirls" and the "Sunday New York Times." And Panty...

2 years ago
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An Unplanned Overnight Stay Chapter 3

Chapter 3 I set up my Lumix camera on my gorillapod, adjusted it so it took in all of the bed area and checked a picture, perfect, it covered it perfectly. I adjusted the zoom to the place I wanted it snapped off another shot. Even better, now I’d be able to record our lovemaking so that we could watch it at our leisure later.I walked back towards the bed, as I did so there was a tentative knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it wide. “Come in Ilke.” I said to the lovely brunette...

2 years ago
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African Prince 6

Chapter 6When Mikey awoke, it was almost noon and his Mom wasgone. Still trying to make sense of the morning'sevents, Mikey got up and ran a hot shower to cleanhimself off of his own dried cum. This time, as hewashed he felt no better. He felt his Mom had rejectedhim. She had teased him. She was ready to fuck him andhad stopped because of a goddamned broken glass."That whore," he growled aloud. "She tasted my cumyesterday. She was ready to fuck me today." His wordsand his anger got stronger...

2 years ago
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One Dark NightChapter 6

Last night all seemed like a bad dream. Surrealistic. Rick's rough sex with me. The idea of me being a stripper!But the reality all set in this morning with the sun streaming into the windows and sitting here with my cup of coffee. You may wonder a little about me, wonder why I would take off with these two shady characters and leave my old life behind. Well, the answer is much too complicated to give a simple reason. I had been very lonely for a long time. I was trapped in a loveless...

4 years ago
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He Remembers Tracey Ch 04

So college began with me living right above Tracey’s apartment. The “friends with benefits” relationship seemed to work well. When either of us needed sex, we found it just a flight of stairs away. Sometimes we just used each other for release, and other times it was an all-night event, filled with loving moments and ending with us sleeping in each other’s arms. I was always there for her whenever she needed to vent about her boyfriend. She was there for me and always ready to offer advice on...

1 year ago
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The Stag Do

Although most of the lads had partners they always looked for girls for 3 somes or more when in new cities “what happens on tour stays on tour” was always their motto. “This one is extra special tonight boys, for Mike’s big occasion I've done extra research. She’s such a slut I almost didn’t believe she was real, but I tested her out before you boys arrived. She really is an all access slut, and fit too!” They all started cheering and unconsciously upped their pace back to the hotel....

4 years ago
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Am I An Angel Or A Devil 8211 Pt 14 A New Job Offer

Hai guys I am Deepthi after a long time. I am really very sorry for not writing for so long. Thank you so much for your feedback on my previous stories and thanks for your support too. For those who are reading my story for the first time please read my previous stories for understanding the story continuation better. While I last wrote about the trip with my friends, I am sorry that for some reasons I cannot write that story anymore. But I will start with what happened after that. Please...

4 years ago
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Sexual Awakening Part Two Italian Adventure

Nan’s encounter with Andre had left her full of confidence and newfound sexual energy. She learned that not only could she enjoy sex, but desired it. And while her fling with Andre was completely gratifying, it also sparked a flame deep within her and the fire was building. With the French countryside well behind her, she fantasized about André as the train moved on. They had said goodbye in Austria, and now she was headed to Italy. She had always been fascinated by the tales of ancient Rome....

2 years ago
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Annie and Michelle Part 1

Michelle glanced over at Annie from her desk at the office. Her beautiful long strawberry blond hair was combed neatly away from her face, and her long, smooth legs slid gracefully out from under her mini-skirt. Looking at Annie's legs always made Michelle happy, because they reminded her of that one day after school, five years ago, when they were both 16, that had changed her life forever. Michelle had always been shy and reserved about her sexuality, whereas Annie was brash and open. She had...

3 years ago
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MillpondChapter 2

From her vantagepoint in the back seat of Bubba's 1957 Chevy, Becky noted that Vicki Stevens had two big things about her-she had big breasts and a very big mouth, both of which were on prominent display all of the time. Vicki had been chattering incessantly during the entire trip out to the millpond. And, even with her high school drill team tee shirt acting as a swimsuit cover-up, the enormity of her boobs was clearly apparent to everyone in the car. As a result, Becky found Vicki's...

2 years ago
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My First Time

For starters, I suppose it would help to clarify what I mean by “first time”. This story is about my first real sexual experience with a girl. My first orgasm was visually and hands off induced. My father use to buy Penthouse magazine and leave them lieing in the bathroom. I quickly became a big fan of the magazine and looked forward to each new edition. One night when my family was asleep, I snuck a copy into my bedroom. Up to this point, I had only experienced getting a hard on while...

3 years ago
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Good Morning Wood

I heard Robins singing outside my window in early April when Jimmy rolled over on top of me. His morning wood pressed against me. The grin on his face told me what he wanted. Although, I was tired and barely awake after last night’s love making and multiple orgasms, I knew there was no way I could say no. ‘Looks like you are interested in an encore Jimmy.’ I leaned over to the nightstand and looked at my iPhone. ‘Jimmy it’s your lucky day we have time for a quickie. Your morning wood...

3 years ago
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My Dirty Aunt

FIRST OF ALL THIS IS A REAL STORY NOT FAKE AND THE WORDS MAMOO9UNCLE AND MAMI (AUNTY) THESE ARE PUNJABI WORDS FROM THE SATE OF PUNJAB, PAKISTAN OR INDIA. PLZ ENJOY.. Hey it’s me Azeem again with different story. This story is about me and my mami (my mamoos wife.) This happened about for years ago. First let me tell u about myself. I am a Punjabi boy no a man from Pakistan well built and hung. If u know what I mean. So this happened when I was visiting my mamoos village and had to stay there...

3 years ago
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My special Cousin

I grew up with two sisters and as I was the youngest, I recieved more Lee Way than they did. I joined the Canadian Army at the age of 16, which back in the 60's, could be done with the signature of your Guardian. In my case, my Father. I had gone through all my basic training, and had graduated with Highest Honours. Which meant that I was selected for Special Training which sent me through several experiences that helped shape to what I am...

3 years ago
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NGO or Fucking CenterPart3

NGO OR FUCKING CENTER-PART3 Hi, ISS readers, this is Nisha Kapoor again presenting the next part of my this long story. I am from Punjab, a married good-looking girl working on a reputable post. As I have stated earlier, writing sex story is my hobby only and whatever I am describing in this story is a work of fiction,(although may be true for any girl). This is not related to my real life. As advised by the doctor after my INAUGURAL FUCK (first by mantri ji alone and then by him and his two...

3 years ago
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My Preference for Girls didnt change

When I decide to finally go into my transition, I kinda felt I might think differently about boys. Well I guess I do some. I like gay boys or more feminine boys now than before I started trans, but I find I still like girls. Most trans girls I know now prefer to have sex with boys. Maybe I'm confused, but I kind of like sex with girls and trans girls more now. So lemme go on. Last weekend I was sharing a house with a friend and decided to go out to the pool. Cate was going shopping and asked me...

1 year ago
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The Cruise

As I walked up the gangway I thought to myself, ‘Tammy, you really need this.’ My husband, Ross and I hadn’t had a vacation in three years, work had been so pressing that we were just unable to get away. Now I was on board the luxury cruise ship for twelve days of relaxation and fun in the southern Caribbean. Our cabin was large with a separate bedroom and a small, private balcony. We looked around our accommodations as we unpacked and were very pleased that we had splurged for the suite rather...

3 years ago
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Bills Bedroom Bondage

Bill and his wife, Joyce, were enjoying one of their sexy bedroom games. They found the games kept the sex life going and they would kind of compete to see who could come up with a new kink or twist that they could enjoy. This time. Joyce had decided that Bill should be tied for a change, while she teased him.Bill had enjoyed having her tied many times, taking advantage of her helplessness to tickle her remorselessly until she was almost wetting herself, arousing and denying her relief until...

4 years ago
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Catching a friend8217s bbw wife after fucking some black guys

It had been a long day and my first day in London with my new colleague Roger, we had spent the day running around London seeing client after client. The plan was to stay in London as our last two clients would only see us late at night so it was a hotel for us both, however they both cancelled at the last minute and Roger suggested we go and stay at his place. He said his wife would be happy to have us and we set off for his place. He tried to call her from the car but got no answer but it...

1 year ago
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Dont Ask Dont Get Part 3

Act ThreeFive hours later, with the party in full swing next door, I heard the unexpected sound of knocking at the front door.I went to open it, and found Lauren looking up at me. “Well, hello…” I started, figuring this really was my lucky day. But before I could even finish my greeting, she pushed past me and into the house. I caught a blast of cheap perfume as she brushed by.“No, please, do come in,” I said sarcastically. I ran my eyes over her unashamedly. The bikini was gone. She had a...

1 year ago
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My First Katheoy

I’ve never been attracted to ladyboys, but since going on sex vacations, I’ve told myself that I shouldn’t indiscriminately avoid all contact with them. If I met one somewhere and felt an attraction to or a connection with her, I should take the physical contact as far as I could stand. Besides, it’s likely the revulsion is a product of society instead of any sort of ingrained taste, and as I’ve matured and advanced my own sexual desires, I’ve grown more tolerant of the range of sexual desires...

4 years ago
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The Driving Test Part 2

I moaned into his mouth as he fucked me. The muscles of his back and legs flexed and strained as he held me in the air, thrusting powerfully into me. His cock burrowed into my tight hole with each thrust, gaping me as I threw back my head and cried out. “Oh god! It’s so big!” I moaned, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. “You love my prick in you, don’t you?” His deep voice sounded strained from the effort he was putting in. That same sexy, cheeky smirk lit up...

3 years ago
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EllenChapter 13 Coming to Terms

Don Antonio Ruiz de Costa was well aware of the rules of gentlemanly conduct. For instance, it was good manners to call upon the Lamberts on the next day and to thank them for their hospitality. That this was a welcome excuse to possibly see Eleanor Carter again certainly added to his motivation. He therefore arrived at eleven o’clock, speculating that the Carters would still be at the Lamberts’ house. Lady Lambert received him in a small tea room and accepted his calling card. He thanked...

4 years ago
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Thanks Giving Love

What a day! After running here and there, Jay is glad to leave the kids at his mom’s and go home alone. Being a single dad isn’t easy. He needs this 2-day break. On his way home, he decides to give Nicki a call. The phone rings and, answering with a ‘Happy Thanksgiving’, Nicki is thrilled to hear the deep, sultry voice of Jay. She is alone for the holiday, far from family, and missing everyone. After saying hello, Jay asks if he could stop by. Of course Nicki says yes! When Jay arrives, Nicki...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Quinn Wilde Busty Babe8217s First Online Hookup

For the very first time, bright-eyed dirty blonde Quinn Wilde hooks up with a fuck buddy online. The busty lass matches with deviant director Bryan Gozzling on a dating app and struts over to his place for a wild session of filthy sex. Quinn gags and chokes while deep-throating Bryan’s dick. The ruthless dominant harshly plunders her sweet pussy. Bryan yanks her pigtails while fucking her throat, and Quinn submissively mutters, ‘Thank you Daddy,’ when the stud spits into her...

1 year ago
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Choices By Vickie Tern "I'm sorry! You humiliated me, Keith! Now it's my turn!" She spoke precisely, with authority, and though she no longer sounded vindictive her voice could still etch glass. She'd made up her mind, and when Cynthia's mind is made up there's nothing more to say. Now I had to make up my mind. "That's how it is, Keith! My sweet disloyal husband! Your decision! You want this marriage to continue, we can get past this ... this thing you've done to me. To us....

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That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” To my great pleasure I have learnt physically attractive, forty-something women can be wonderful sex partners. They have long lost any inhibitions, are sexually experienced, are able articulate what they want and very often have ripe, lush...

3 years ago
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SynergyChapter 3

Even though the trips to the farms and small hamlets surrounding Pigsford weren't anywhere near as onerous as he had expected them to be, Marlin still preferred being in town and not walking all day. For the most part he was lazy and unmotivated, knew it and while not exactly proud of it certainly did nothing to remedy the situation. While Pigsford was no capital city, it was clean, orderly and didn't smell anything like its name implied. The food was good, not overcooked and underspiced...

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