Money!Chapter 29 free porn video

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My morning began the way I liked it by waking up early and running. Janet wanted to run with me and was with me the entire time. She was talking a lot, asking about how Chuck handled his women’s parents, how they handled the babies’ names, and on and on. I told her, “Go see them. Either that or talk to them when you’re all at the patio. You know how sweet they all are and will gladly talk to you. I’ll bet they’ll tell you some good stories.”

That seemed to satisfy her, and we continued to run the rest of the way back to the patio. We were still early, and had a mug of coffee with Steve before he turned the lights on. Steve said, “Your prisoner transport was a really good icebreaker with the new Transportation Administration people. They won’t use their own aircraft when there’s possible damage to a plane, and then hire folks like us because they think we’re unsuspecting. Well, we aren’t and we protect our property. All prisoners will be chained like those yesterday when we transport them. I think that’s a perfect method to get the job done.”

Steve told me, “Chuck is planning to have you in his office today. I don’t think you’re going anywhere, but be ready. Chuck isn’t all that readable sometimes.”

I smiled as I thought toward Chuck. He was busy with his women and children. I could feel how happy he was helping with diapers and clothing as he handled each of his kids. Back there in the corner of his thinking was what we needed to do today. This was a capture that the men from St. Pete had flubbed twice. Chuck was determined to get the men to complete this open warrant today.

I was wearing a suit hoping to complement Chuck in looking good. He came to the patio driving his Impala, and had filled the front seat with Lisa and four babies, and the back seat with Taiying and Sing, two boy toddlers, and two babies.

I ran out to assist the women to get the little ones into the patio and on into the house when he pulled up. The two toddlers ran for the patio door and had it open and were inside before I could take two babies from Lisa.

Chuck laughed and said, “I know that was very unsafe, but I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal for a half a mile. We need to use this car, so I thought it would save a trip.

The other ladies drove up in long carts, and told the toddlers that they could get out. There was complete bedlam as the rest of the toddlers streamed into the patio and ran from adult to adult to say good morning. Chuck was standing by me when he had drawn a mug of coffee, and said, “Go change into something close to what I’m wearing. There’s no sense in ruining good clothes on a bunch of dirt bags like we’re going after. Change and we’ll head straight to the rendezvous in St. Pete. There are people from the FBI, Pinellas County, and St. Petersburg involved. These guys are ghosts if they get away this time.”

We grabbed some sandwiches and left. Chuck began explaining what had been planned, and what he was going to do to change the plan to foil any planned escape from our net. Chuck said the Pinellas County detectives found the men and have the location staked out to keep them there. It was reported that the wanted men had planted cars in the neighborhood to use as a backup escape route as soon as our plan was announced. Deputy U.S. Marshals went to each car and disabled them so that was one less escape path.

Our plan was to have Deputy Marshals and the FBI close in and be obvious about their locations. The men we were after weren’t known to be shooters, but you never know when you have someone cornered. Chuck made sure that I had my armor on, and then said, “We’re going to screw all the plans up by driving a prisoner van right up to the house. You and I are going to go up to the house, rattling chains and hollering for the men inside to come out and save us all a lot of time.”

“That’s a little risky, isn’t it, Chuck?”

The boss man said, “It is, but we’re going to have snipers all over to make sure none of them start shooting. I think this will work with men who don’t want the needle.”

We met with the Feds’ team leader, and had his people start bringing the other law enforcement people in about ten feet at a time to be sure that they didn’t miss someone already out of the house and trying to get away.

Chuck had me drive the van up to the house and open the back doors wide. I grabbed at least six sets of chains and started walking toward the house. Chuck was walking that way, holding his badge so that anyone could see that he was a law enforcement officer.

A voice from the house hollered, “We’re not letting you just walk in here to get us. You know that we’re armed and we don’t want to go to jail.”

Chuck looked at me as we stood about ten feet from the front door. He asked me, “What should I tell them? Should we remind them that they will get the Federal or the State needle if they shoot at us? They’re dead either way. They probably only have ten years or so against them right now. They’re dead meat if a gun goes off.”

I hollered, “In case you didn’t hear us, we’re offering you a choice between ten years or being dead. Please note that we haven’t shown a weapon yet, so we really don’t want to kill you. Come on, make up your minds. You can’t get out and run. All your backup cars are disabled and all your exits are covered by people with guns. Be smart and come on out.”

The front door of the house opened and while my heart was dancing in my chest, a face appeared with one hand holding the door and one hand up in the air. He half turned and said, “Don’t be stupid. We can all do the time and be out in ten. Come with me. I have the door, come on out.”

An amazing thing happened. Six men came from the house followed by two women. We didn’t expect this. The boss and I quickly chained the six men, and had waved some of our men forward to cuff the women.

We searched the men and had one of Jan’s female Agents search the women. One of our men was confirming we had the original four we had been after. We loaded the prisoner van and secured the prisoners when that was complete.

The van was going down the street and I was trying to turn the house search over to St. Pete or Pinellas County. Those two groups said that they had completed what was asked of them and all left the scene. All the supposed weapons were still inside the house, along with any possible contraband. Chuck waved his hand in a circle and hollered, “Gather around, Agents and Deputies.”

Chuck counted the remaining men and women, and said, “There are sixteen agents and Deputies, so we’ll go after this in teams of four. We don’t know what’s in that house, but we will when we finish. All you men with explosive and booby trap experience divide up with at least one on each team. Unload and break down any weapons you find. Find a pillow case or something to put them in. Any major contraband find should be tagged and left where it is to be photographed. I’m apprehensive there may be more men or women, possibly more dangerous than the ones we’ve just hauled off still there. I think this is a distinct possibility with the locals running away. Let’s take this place apart and clean it out.”

I mentioned to Chuck, “Something puzzles me. We didn’t find any cell phones on the men we took into custody. Don’t you think that’s strange?”

Chuck nodded and said, “Very strange. Let’s you and I work together and see if we sense any danger as we move around.”

The first thing we encountered was a trip wire. The man leading the team followed the wire to a pipe bomb inside the door. I told the men, “Let’s get ATF out here to clear the explosives. They are on standby and should be here within a half hour. Surround the house and watch for anyone wanting to leave while we wait.”

I had walked around the house noting the all frame construction probably from the fifties. The house was built up on blocks to be higher than any flooding. The area between the bottom of the house and the ground was covered with woven plastic lattice panels. One panel toward the back of the house was loose, with the grass leading to it pushed down with a lot of scuff marks around the area.

I walked past this panel and found the team assigned for this side. I showed them where the loose panel was and told them to find a hiding place and capture whoever comes out of there. They needed to wait for all the rats to be out before they made their move. One of the Agents said, “It’s just like in the sand. I know what to do.”

I told the others, “Listen to this man’s directives. He’s in charge.”

It took a few minutes to look over the rest of the lattice work to make sure there wasn’t another place that showed any use.

The Bomb Disposal Unit from the ATF showed up and we explained what we had found. The leader said, “We’re going to neutralize any cell activity around here in case they have something wired to a cell-activated detonator. Use your radios if you need to communicate.”

The ATF guys took almost two hours to find three more pipe bombs, and two of them were wired to cell phone detonators. I went into the house and kept checking for a hatch that would get us underneath the house. The food pantry held the answer, as it had a row of shelving that moved when I pulled on it.

Someone fired four rounds through the wall when I moved the shelves. We looked for a broom or mop with a long handle. I made everyone else move away and then pushed the shelving unit out of the way, exposing a small room with a big opening toward the back of the floor. A hand with an automatic weapon came out of the hole and fired four more rounds. I had held up my hand to keep us from returning fire so that they wouldn’t know where we were.

I hollered, “You’re still safe down there until I decide to spray that entire area under there with some automatic rifle fire. Do you want to test me?”

“Fuck you, you want us, come get us. I’m sure you’ll look good on the Coroner’s table.”

I pulled my Glock and lined up to shoot the hand that came out of the hole. The hand and gun came out several times, but didn’t shoot. It was as if he wanted someone to fire so he’d know where to shoot.

The hand came up again, and I shot the gun and hand. My round took the gun from the man’s hand, and it looked like it took a couple of fingers off with it. The screaming was enough to make the three other men under the house make a break for it through the lattice panel opening. The three men threw their weapons down and held their hands up as soon as the four lawmen showed themselves.

Chuck Johnson was standing behind me, and asked, “Are you through playing now? You’re a lot nicer than I am. I would have sprayed under there as soon as that guy shot the first time. I’m not saying that what you did was wrong, but you have a lot more patience than I do.”

I told boss Chuck, “I’ll give the other guy a break when I know that it’s a no-win situation for him. It’s his life if he screws it up.”

Chuck smiled at me, and said, “I think the men have found everything they wanted, including the money from that last bank robbery. We have a pile of cell phones that were taken apart to find the ones they could use for detonators. We can’t torch the place because it’s too close to other houses, and we don’t have any local law enforcement on site. Let me call the Sheriff to see if he wants the place. We’ll decorate it with Fed crime tape and confiscate it if not.”

The man who had been shot was a big heavy man and couldn’t, or wouldn’t, help anyone pull him out. We stripped him of his other toys and cuff keys he had hidden all over him when he was finally out from under the house. The paramedics understood that the subject must be guarded twenty-four/seven until we could get him to our Federal jail. A Deputy left with the prisoner. Our team leader called into the office to set up a guard rotation at the St. Petersburg hospital.

One of our men identified the guy from under the house as being part of a group who had been robbing small branch banks. There were no shooting injuries so far, but the group had shot up the ceilings in several of the banks they held up.

Our men were putting crime scene tape up all around the house and sealing the doors and windows. Someone would come over, appraise the house, and put it up for sale. The best offer within so many days and someone has a new home.

Chuck told me on the way back to Tampa, “Now we’re going to have to run an investigation on the Sheriff’s Department and the St. Pete city PD. I wonder why they didn’t want to stay and help the investigation, unless they suspected bombs, and why didn’t they tell us if they did. We then offered them a free house to sell, and they both turned it down as if it were about to collapse from termites. I’ll bet they find out when a Federal prosecutor brings a double handful of investigators in.”

Chuck said, “We make a pretty good team. I think we’ll double up on some of the older cases and see if the two of us can clean them up. You’re going out West next week, possibly for two weeks, but probably only one. The training you’ll receive is all action training. They already know your field skills and will use them as necessary. They may introduce you to several possible sidekicks who you will work with. Never make your mind up until you’ve seen that person under fire. I know it’s too late to discover they aren’t worth a shit then, but it’s important to not throw someone back who is tough enough to do the job. You’ll need a backup when you pull some of the jobs you’ll get. The southern border is heating up again from what I hear, and that’s always a problem. You have some hotbeds that always have someone who needs to be brought in from Michigan or in upstate New York. The Marshal Service works some of these, but your other new employer is very involved in those who might want to become terrorists. Use our gift to search them out and never leave one of them breathing our precious air here in the U.S.A. You’ll see. These people are very dangerous to everyone.”

Sarah cornered me as soon as I went into the Marshal’s office, and told me, “Write a detailed report of why you didn’t kill that bastard that fired on my people. I hope you had a good reason.”

I was stunned. I thought I had done what was right, but was really hearing it from someone who was very important. I truthfully wrote the report, including my thought process. I felt that I could bring the leader of the group hiding from us into custody by firing at his hand when it extended out of the hole. The idea was to scare him and the other men into attempting an escape via an area that we knew was setup as an escape route. My actions were successful, so we were able to capture the men trying to escape and ensure there were no injuries suffered on our side.

Sarah sat reading my report over and over. She said, “Chuck, that crazy boss of ours, had you confronting those people without a drawn weapon and just rattling chains. All the people you’ve brought in have been a wealth of information about other wanted men in the area so far. You know, you’ve done well and proven yourself to the other Deputies. They’ll follow someone with the size of your balls if you have any action. Now go down to see Cap at the firing range. I’m calling Jan to shoot with you. This should be interesting.”

I made a pass by the coffee pot and found that it was fresh, so I poured myself a Styrofoam cup. I was supposed to tell Chuck if I was going to the range, so I poured another cup and put a lid on it and went down the hall to his office.

His two watchdogs cornered me as soon as I entered, and asked me if I had an appointment. Wanda heard them and hollered, “Let the kid in and I’ll get Chuck off the phone. Meet Chuck Miller, he’s Chuck’s field replacement.”

I could see Chuck on the phone in his office. He waved me in and held his hand out for the cup of coffee. He sipped while he argued, and finally said, “Fine, I’ll bring my man up there and we’ll show you it can be done. Now quit whimpering around like a bunch of kindergarten girls and get ready to finish this.”

Chuck was going to slam the receiver, but slid it into place without banging it. He let out a sigh, and said, “Well damn, there goes everything through Saturday unless we get lucky. Why are you here unless it’s to make me feel good?”

I laughed and said, “I was on my way to the firing range, and Sarah said that you were to be told.”

“Yep, I did say that. Let’s go do some shooting.” He half turned and yelled, “Come on, Wanda; I’m sure that you’re lagging behind your required range time.”

There was laughter from Wanda’s office.

Cap was stuffing rounds in magazines down in the range area. He already had about twenty magazines stacked up when the girl known as ‘Jan’ came running in. “Damn, Chuck, you give us a pile of people with a ton of knowledge, and think that we can interrogate them in a couple of hours? This group is good because they know shit from Atlanta to Miami.”

Chuck said, “I’m here to watch my new man shoot. He just got out of the Deputy Academy so he may be good. Why don’t you two do some warm up, then go head to head.”

Jan said, “I still want to shoot you. I think I’m close to beating your ass on the course. We’ll find out.”

Cap gave me two magazines, and said, “These are for warm up so use them to see how the range feels.”

He had the target out to the full twenty-five meters and blacked out a body mass and head target. This was just another round of shooting at stationary targets for accuracy.

After we finished warming up, Cap asked, “Who wants to go first? How about you, Jan, so that you can set a standard for a new man on the range? We’re doing the random decision course, so let’s see how you both do on decisions, accuracy, and speed.”

Jan was very good, but I didn’t think she was exceptional. My buddies in school could have beaten her. Knowing this was a girl and I didn’t want to show her up terribly, I ran the course with a hundred percent decision, one hundred percent accuracy, and about ten seconds faster than she was.

“Holy shit, you can’t be a new shooter. You’re faster than me by ten seconds and scored higher on decision than me. Let’s do it again, but you go first.”

Knowing that Jan would double down to beat me this next round, I put my three magazines on the shelf with my weapon and stood. The bell rang and I was going through the targets as fast as possible and finished by slamming the timer button with a really good time.

Jan was standing there with her hands on her hips. She said, “You do one, Chuck, and see how you compare to your man. That’s some incredible shooting.”

Chuck said, “I’m a little rusty, but I’ll give it try. Let me use a couple of magazines to warm up.”

I watched Chuck as he went through two magazines as fluidly as any shooter could. Chuck was someone you wanted behind you if the shooting became critical.

Same as Money!
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After the shower, Rick, Jessica, and I were all a bit drained and we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms. We must have slept for an eternity, or so it felt, because I awoke to a good season or so ahead of what we had watched. We would have to circle back and not just for Jessica’s benefit. I really got back into the Walking Dead and so did Rick from the way I could tell, even if we all joked that the love triangle should have just become a throuple. “Oh, damn, what time is it? We’ve...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 23

A terrified shriek broke through the night air waking Ed and Beth from a deep solid sleep. Heart racing, he grabbed his pants and pulled them on. Even as he raced to dress, he shouted, “Beth, get the gun and get in the bathroom. Don’t come out until someone you know calls out to you.” Rather than argue, Beth scrambled out of the bed, naked and raced to the table with the gun. Grabbing the gun, she went into the bathroom. After closing and locking the door behind her, she sat on the toilet...

1 year ago
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Aunt Kelly the SequelChapter 4

When we woke up Wednesday morning, all our limbs were entangled since we were holding on to each other all night, except for turning over and around with one or the other occasionally on top of me. I don't know how any of us got any sleep. At one point, I had purposely rolled Reinie under me so I could fuck her during the night. It was there, I wanted it, so I took it. She only half woke up while I was in her. On this morning, nobody wanted to get up. I didn't think I could miss any classes...

1 year ago
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Fat farm stud

Ben sat nervously waiting in Miss Wilkins' office for her to come in and conduct the job interview! He really needed this job because the tuition for his last year in college was due in another two months, and after looking everywhere for a summer job, not a one was to be found! He heard of this opening last night in a bar down on Clancy St. while some guy bragged that he had made over a thousand dollars in just one week working at the Oasis Health Spa, and what's more, they needed another guy...

1 year ago
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Bus Mein Chud Geya Pankaj

2012 ki baat hai ki main Chandigarh se pathankot jaane k liye bus stand pahuncha. Maine full sleeve t shirt k upar without sleeve jacket pehan rakhi thi. Neeche sirf woolen gym pant thi aur koi underwear nhi pehna tha. Chalte waqt mera hilta lauda sab k liye aakarshan bna hua tha. Jammu k liye Volvo bus khadi thi jo pathankot ruk kar jaane wali thi. Maine ticket li aur apni window seat par aa k baith geya. Meri seat bus k pichle hisse mein thi. Bus mein bauht kam log the aur mujhse aage ki...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Changing of the Guard Part 4

Changing of the Guard Part 4 Time for reflection is always good. I've always believed that it's a good idea to take some time every week and take a look back to see what has happened in my life, usually an admittedly boring exercise. So that's how I found myself staring in the mirror at the girl (mostly) I had become and looking back over the last few days, wondering just what the heck happened. To say that it has been strange would be an understatement. I went right passed...

2 years ago
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Bad Girl AmberChapter 10 Empress Amber

So, that's my weekends at the moment. Giggle. And Monday to Friday? The office? How's this looking now? Well, things went downhill fast for Roger after the night I blew him off. The next day in the office I turned up for work wearing the necklace he'd given me. It was like a trophy. Also a way of reminding him how I'd humiliated him in the club. I wore a really REALLY low-cut top, instead of the usual blouse, and I dispensed with a bra. He came in looking sheepish but when he saw his...

3 years ago
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Seductio of Innocent kusum

Once i was terribly sick for more than 2 weeks and reason was i did not have proper food in hostel. So my relative asked me to have both my lunch and dinner at their place. Both my relative are working so when i was going for lunch only their maid was at home. The maid name was kusum and she used to live with my relative since she was 11 yrs or so and they have brought her from their native place. She was grown up at that time and must be more than 18 years or so as they told me she is living...

2 years ago
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Gujarati Bhabhi Mere Muslim Lund Ki Pyasi

Hi dosto, I am moin from gujarat, baroda mera I D wese to mera name hi kafi hai gujarat ki ladies ki pussy me halchal peda karne ke liye vese aap sabhi dost muje jante hi ho ha aagar koi nahi janta to janle ki i am 26 old 5.11ft hight with stong dick to dosto aap logone muje bahot mail kiye our kuch dosto ke sath mene enjoy bhi kiya thx to all. But meri stories only for femail so boys plz dont mail me and dont ask me about and lady tum sab aapne liye khud dhundho i can’t help u ha magar...

3 years ago
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Stolen Lives Catherine v2

Stolen Lives - Catherine Story by treecatt Original concept by Melissa Blake The kitchen is dimly lit as I stare out the windows into the sunrise. Rays of light cascade through the window panes as the morning comes into view. I sit staring at the sunrise. My cup of coffee stares at me. I find it harder to get started without it now. I slowly stand up, brushing my long, soft auburn hair back over my ears as I make my way to the door leading to the porch, carrying my cup of coffee in...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Girlfriends Mum

Stepped in my 20’s and i was in a happy relationship with my girlfriend, things were working out well and soon a year passed, though we both loved the oral sex season. She was never comfortable with my tool inside her, it would hurt her badly soon we discovered she was suffering with urinary tract infection, it’s not that we never stopped trying Sometimes at my place; sometimes in the car or the terrace, we left no spot but the only result was that her pain was not bearable. She was 19 and...

1 year ago
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I miei racconti 1

Vivo in un piccolo paesino del sud Italia,dove ogni argomento sul sesso è tabù e prima di internet tutte le nostre relazioni dovevano essere affrontate a quattro occhi. Io sono sempre stato timido e il dover affrontare l'altro sesso faccia a faccia,mi metteva in enorme difficoltà.Le mie storie saranno tutte vere e dovrò cambiare i nomi,potete capire il perché; comunque i miei primi approcci avvennero durante medie e fu Jojo ( soprannome che le diedi in privato e questo non lo cambio) la prima...

1 year ago
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Liz Takes a Fall

The shadows were growing long when the stage came to life. A single skyrocket caused an explosion that woke every snoozing dad and napping baby. A squeal of feedback from the microphone brought everyone’s attention to the stage. A middle-aged man with an immense cowboy hat and an even larger belly addressed the crowd. ‘How yall doin out there? Are ya ready to kick up your heels and stir up some dust?’ Naturally, this drew a roar from the crowd. ‘Well, come on down here and let’s get this here...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 9

Cockatoo Part 9 I live for feedback [email protected] Areeya came back into the room, gave me a kiss and sat down on the sofa with Alex and me. I wanted to know a little more about her father before meeting him this evening. He was flying in from Bangkok on the company plane and would only be here overnight to have dinner with us. I asked Areeya about her father and she said he was really looking forward to meeting me this evening. I said that I would be honoured to meet...

1 year ago
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Cherry Picker

Tad's hands were shaking as he handed a wad of dollar bills to Cherry. "That's nineteen, and, uh, I got the rest right here..." He mumbled as he began to fish around in his right pocket for the last dollar, which was made up of many coins that jingled heavily as he tried to scoop them out. Cherry quickly counted the wad of money, and when she saw the trouble the nervous little boy was going to for his last dollar, she reached out and touched his wriggling wrist. "That's OK," Cherry...

3 years ago
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No Secrets

It was seven o'clock in the evening. Outside it was dark and dank. Thick clouds hung heavy, almost static in the night air, shrouding the sky and adding to the blackness of a moonless night. He had waited almost a week for such a night as this. Not long given it was February and such a night was to be expected. A night when few walked the streets and those that did, hurried along with collars turned high and heads sunk into shoulders; night when few would notice a shadow among so many...

4 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 2 1865

Robert weighed barely a hundred pounds when he came home. His yellowish skin looked like old parchment, his joints seemed only tenuously connected and his cloudy eyes hid deep in dingy hollows. His lank body bore a multitude of sores, some of which had scabbed over but many remained open and running for a long time, seeping a greenish pus. Seth, along with his mother and young sister, made the morning-long trip into Washington City to retrieve him from the crowded hospital near the Capitol....

1 year ago
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Maries Pantie Tease

Marie leaves me her panties to play with, then her husband joins us for fun! With spring here but while there was still snow on the ground I decided to take a long weekend climbing in the hills. I set out knowing that many farmhouses did bed and breakfast and there’d be lots of vacancies at this time of year. I was in a secluded valley as dusk was falling and seeing a B&B sign I headed up the track from the lane to an isolated farm house. The door was opened by an attractive woman of...

Sex With Stranger
3 years ago
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Swimming with Sharks

It’s a busy day at the aquarium, as you wander from tank to tank watching the creatures swim back and forth. Huge groups of school children on field trips in matching t-shirts pass young frazzled parents dragging screaming children from tank to tank, trying to get their attention. You scoot past a young woman with a gaggle of toddlers, frantically pointing at the penguins behind the glass as they stare blankly back at the shifting crowd. As you squeeze in between two groups of children,...

2 years ago
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A Knock At The DoorChapter 23

Once they were in the bathroom Joel kicked the door shut and set Janie back on her feet. He bent to turn the faucets to start the tub filling. Behind him Janie shed all of her clothes in just an instant. As Joel stood to let the tub fill Janie turned him around and her fingers went to his belt. In another moment she had him as naked as she was. Joel took his little sister into his arms and they melted together in a sweet kiss. While they went on kissing the tub was nearly full. "How would...

3 years ago
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Debbie enjoys cock again

My Office manger Debbie and I have fooled around a few times ever since she caught me having phone sex with my wife in the office. That story, licking Debbie's asshole is true. Debbie has thanked me for making her feel good about herself sexually at her old age of 68. We fuck a few times a year the past few years, anal sex and eating her asshole.From time to time Debbie will tell me hey I gave a guy a blow job over the weekend. He was married so that's all we did, or Dave I got fucked last...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 193 Meeting the Norrises

Sunday, May 8, 2005 (Continued) Prof and Vanessa hadn't bothered putting a phone in my study, so I went up to Julia's bedroom to call Mackenzie. On the way I tried to think of something more interesting to do than a movie and dinner. I hadn't thought of anything by the time I got to the phone, mainly because I knew almost nothing about Mackenzie; unlike her about me, given that she'd won the quiz. I didn't care about not having an idea, as it wasn't an important date and I didn't need...

1 year ago
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Group XS

Disclaimer: This story is a fantasy which contains graphic descriptions of sex,violence, rape, non-consensual imprisonment, scatology and torture. It isdefinitely NOT for anyone under 21 or anyone who is offended by such material.This story is fictional and any resemblance to anyone dead or alive is purelycoincidental. The story is long and I will happily add further chapters if people letme know they are interested in more - I welcome comments and suggestionsfrom readers but all flames will...

3 years ago
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THE LIVE STREAM HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLDBY ROBOLOVERJust staring at my finger, looking at all the ridges and not paying attention to the current meeting that was in progress. Recently my enthusiasm had been lacking for the publicity firm I worked for, I thought it would be Hollywood parties, red-carpets and coked-up starlets, but here I was giving more thought to my finger then the person talking about per-diems and expense reports. I glanced across the table at Merriam who was in a sexy silk...

1 year ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 96

... Four months later... So, Emma got settled in with Brent. She did visit about once a week or so and we had plenty of fun together (Brent included) just not as frequently as when she’d lived twenty feet away. Ah well. She also spoke to Jess (and, less frequently, me) on the phone nearly daily. Mike, for his part, was the perfect neighbor. Jess thought him shockingly quiet and low-key for an eighteen-year-old living on his own for the first time. No parties, no loud music, no TV...

4 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 8

"That can't be right," Dixon the Smith speaks up, shaking his head in disbelief. "Oh yes it can. But I think you are not the only ones to come under fire, so to speak." I stand and lean into the center of the table. "I think the Brute Squad was being afflicted as well. We may need to ask Godiva about that, but while we were there she mentioned that they were dying off." I end up waving the chip around for an added effect. I get a shock when I look to my side and see Nimrod is not...

2 years ago
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From Tease to Sleaze to Swing

continuing from my earlier story from Tease to Sleaze in 30 yearsThe next day.During breakfast, she broached the question again.“Let me try and show you”Luckily, there was a banana on handI sat her on the table. I went down on her and tongued her deep, meanwhile, I started massaging her anus with my right hand. It was hairy and sweaty but I tickled it till I could feel it give and let my finger insert. It was warm down there but I needed some more lubricant. The olive oil bottle from last...

4 years ago
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Wet 1

It is so humid here.  Everything is a little bit sticky... all the time.  When I get out of the shower there is no moment of being fully dry before the atmosphere itself makes me damp again.  This means I can never not feel sweaty, even when I'm not.  It's actually physically impossible, I think.  I hate it with a passion I have never felt for any other weather ever before.Other than that, and missing you, I'm having a great time.  Well, the humidity has caused some other problems.  The...

1 year ago
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Changing Minds

“I still can’t believe you managed to convince me to do this.” She frowned at him slightly. “You know I’d never normally wear something like this.” She gestured towards her top, a thin white shirt that clung to her figure, with a deep plunging neckline, over which her black bra could just be seen to be peeking out, and a decorative edge. Sleeveless and only as low as her navel, it afforded little protection, but that was exactly why he wanted her to wear it. “You didn’t take much convincing...

4 years ago
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Natalie Conrad

Natalie and Conrad Natalie paced back and forth alongside her parked car. She stopped alongside the cars passenger window. She bit a nail, trying to stem her nervousness. What if this man, this Conrad, doesn't like her? What if she doesn't like him? Yesterday she had been so excited after Katy had told her about him she couldn't think straight, but now, if Katy had come by and said it was all off, she'd be glad. Wouldn't she? She glanced at her watch for the sixth time since getting out...

3 years ago
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Nammo Aunty Meri 8216Rakahel8217

Hi ISS readers. I m a huge follower of this site. Some of the stories I read here made me pre-cum and I couldn’t stop masturbating. Coming to the story.This happened a month ago. I am a student from a reputed college in Delhi. I am average built decent looking . my height is 5′ 10” and my tool length is 6.5 inches and diameter is 2.5 inches. Being an engineering student I studied late nights. And like every single male I fantasized about me doing intercourse with women. sometimes I...

3 years ago
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Aunty Rose Wants It All

Hi sex stories lovers! This is my first time so please be gentle with the comments, just kidding! I am very much into older woman and had lot daring experience which I would like to tell the world so ladies please tell me what you really like to read and I will search through the brain of mine to see if I have any of mine old memories locked in there for you. This is true story! Names changed, I had early sexual life maybe that is why I having so less of it now. My first masturbation itself was...

3 years ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 33 Double Initiation

Who knows how long this will last, Now we've come so far, so fast? But, somewhere back there in the dust, That same small town in each of us. I need to remember this, So baby give me just one kiss. And let me take a long last look, Before we say good bye. Just lay your head back on the ground, And let your hair fall all around me. Offer up your best defense, But this is the end, This is the end of the innocence. --The End of the Innocence (Don Henley) The next day, June picked...

3 years ago
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Losing my cherry

My name is Susan and I am 18 years of age and I want to tell you of my early sexual experiences. My father worked for the Forestry Commission and he came home from work one day and told my mother and I that he was being promoted and that we would be moving house into the far north of Scotland where he would be an area manager. With great excitement we began to get ready for the move. When we arrived at our new home it was set in a wonderful scenic location with mountains and a sea loch. In the...


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