Money!Chapter 30 free porn video

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We had a nice weekend that included a quick trip up to Long Island, New York, to pick up two couples who were movie people and take them to Costa Rica. Diego had another couple that needed to go to Atlanta when we were down there, so we made our day really count with two nice charters. Sheena and Gin acted as our hostesses.

The girls wanted a marathon love-in Saturday night that had us spreading juices until almost three in the morning. The five of us went out to the patio bar and made drinks when we were sated. The girls found Fritos, potato chips and a couple types of dip.

We were snacking and drinking when Mercy and Kathy came out to see what kind of fun we were having. We had all neglected to put clothes on and we were still doing some intimate grab ass. This wasn’t a problem as Mercy and Kathy were equally bare. They decided to join in a drink and snacks, so the party continued.

It was finally agreed to put the glasses in the dishwasher, secure the snacks, and put the dips in the bar fridge. Everyone hugged and kissed, with Kathy and Mercy playing with my re-awakening appendage, but we went to bed. They slid in and I got in on the outside because I had thoughts of running in the morning. Like I said, ‘thoughts’.

We didn’t come out of our funk until Suki and Jenny came in to wake us up at eight. We wouldn’t get any breakfast if we didn’t get up right away. That got us all moving.

We didn’t take a shower and just quickly dressed to join everyone at the tables. Steve was teasing us that we were trying to have our own hot tub party right on the patio in the middle of the night. Shawna was sniffing the air and kept commenting on the wonderful fragrance of last night’s sex.

We helped clean up, and then took a messy shower that required me to shave so that my face wouldn’t be scratching up any tender parts. I put my toiletries, undies, and socks for the next week or two together while the girls were straightening up the bedroom. Not knowing how long I would be gone made it difficult to know what to take. I really didn’t need much, because I knew they would be supplying BDUs, and that there was nowhere to go out on the town. There was no town.

I was ready with a small duffle bag and my flight case that held my pad and laptop. I didn’t know whether or not I could use it, but I might Skype with the girls if I could.

Janet began looking around the room and couldn’t find her purse or phone. She said, “I can hear it, but can’t find it.”

Nikki found the purse behind the dirty clothes hamper in the bottom of the closet. Janet checked to see who had been calling and returned the call. It became obvious that it was her parents. She began looking at me and then held the phone away from her, and asked, “Could you get a helicopter and go get them to come visit? It’ll be an hour and a half before they get here if they drive over. Can we please go get them?”

I told her, “Sure, I’m sure that one of the Bell 407s should be available.”

She told her mom that we would be there to pick them up in thirty minutes or so. We made a mad dash out to the airpark, pushed a 407 out of the hangar, did the preflight, and were on the way to the beach. It was right at thirty-five minutes from making the call that we settled on the roof. Janet’s mom and dad were waiting for us, and Mr. Peterson indicated for me not to shut down. Janet helped them into the back seats, made sure they were buckled up, had them put headsets on, shut the door, and got back in the left seat. I was impressed as none of them were ducking their head thinking that the rotor blades would hit them.

I asked Mr. Peterson; “Are your night landing pad lights on a timer, or can you activate them by radio?” when we were still on the roof.

He said back into the headset, “I have an App to turn them on with my cell phone. That’s smart of you to ask.”

We lifted off and went out over the beach and water, and then circled to get a straight through heading back to the airpark. I asked Janet, “Do you want to call Steve to see if it’s okay to land the helicopter in the big open area by the ball park?”

Janet said, “No way, I want Dad to see our two airplanes. I think they’re both in today. He’ll be impressed with the Mercedes your sister gave you.”

Janet took her parents to the CJ4 at the airpark to show them the opulence someone had created in the aircraft. She then showed them the beautiful G650ER and told them that she could fly all the way to London without having to refuel.

Mrs. Peterson loved the mist blue Mercedes. Mr. Peterson knew that this model was the high-end of the Mercedes automobile line. Everything was fairly normal until we reached the trailer park. I drove through the business park, showing them the various buildings and plants. Seeing the magnitude of businesses really was impressive.

I parked at the patio and you could see the couple looking in all directions at once while trying to figure out where they really were. The families were getting ready for Sunday lunch, which was fairly casual especially for the kids. Chuck’s women were getting the toddlers to the table for a small bowl of mild chili and some quarter pieces of sandwich. The big meals for Sunday were breakfast and a dinner of pizza, calzones, and wings.

Steve, Tiny, and Henry were all there with Sue, helping get the little ones started to eat. I took the couple to Steve, and introduced him as the head of S&S, Tiny as CFO of S&S and several of the businesses, and Henry as CFO of Quality Wear and Big Girls dot com. I introduced them as Ray and Martha Peterson, Janet’s parents.

Tiny said, “I have some chickens on the grill, as well as about six racks of some very lean ribs. Could you go for some of those?”

Ray grinned and said, “Now you’re talking. I see all you folks have mugs of something that resembles beer. I could go for one of those.”

Ray looked at Martha, and she smiled as she nodded her head. My other girls decided that was their cue to come out. Gin and Donna had two mugs pulled for the guests in a flash. The four stood in a row together and were smiling. Janet looked at me, so I said, “Girls, I want you to meet Ray and Martha Peterson, Janet’s parents. Ray and Martha, these are the four girls who make up the rest of our family. From left to right are Nikki, Sheena, Grenaline or Gin, and Donna.”

The four girls were holding their breath, but Martha did what they didn’t expect. The woman went to Nikki and hugged her saying, “Aren’t you the cutie. You’re an island girl, aren’t you?” She hugged Sheena next, and asked her, “I hope you’re a part of everything with the other girls.” Gin was next, and she said, “You be careful of the old perv behind me. He might want to carry you off.” Last was Donna, to whom Martha said, “You are precious. Like a porcelain china doll.”

Janet said to her mom, “Let me show you our suite.”

All the women vanished into the house.

Ray chuckled and said, “We set you up a little. I talked to Steve this past week to make sure that we would be welcomed. He’s the one who suggested we get you to come get us with a helicopter. Martha is so excited that Janet has found a direction in life and a man to share it with. It’s only fitting that she’s joined with a few girls to put a family together. Martha and I think it’s unique that you all have enough love between you to make something like this work. She says your relationship just feels right and knows it’s going to work.”

Chuck, Lisa, Bonita, Lizzy, Marion, and Virginia all came into the patio excited about something. They were all carrying instruments. Bonita hollered, “We’re going to play a couple of new pieces for you. These are really exciting.”

You could see Lisa come into view up on the big TV, check on some babies, and then reappear where Bonita was dragging speakers out by the big sliding doors.

Tiny was putting some ribs on plates and people kept appearing like magic. It was still just before noon, but food was ready.

Ray observed, “Those little guys are all so well-behaved. They’re antsy, but are staying in their chairs. Look at all those women hovering around them making sure they all eat.” The mothers began getting the little guys down one at a time, took their bowl and cup to the inside sink, and then came back for their paper plate and took it to the big trashcan.

Sue Ellen saw me, and came running. She leaped at me, turned in my arms, and pointed at Ray, “Is that your daddy?”

“No, Sue Ellen, that’s Janet’s dad.”

The little girl looked at Ray, thought a minute, then stuck her foot up and said, “I have six toes. Want to count them?”

I thought Steve was going to shrink behind the bar. Steve said to Ray, “This is my youngest. She likes to inform those she likes that she has an extra feature.”

Ray took her from me, and said, “I’ll bet Janet’s mother would like to see your six toes on each foot. Let’s go find her.”

Sue Ellen said, “That’s easy, she’ll be in the big bedroom all the way at the end of the hall. I’ll show you.”

Steve rolled his eyes, and said, “It’s going to be difficult to feed those who want some barbeque. Eat up, Chuck, your other brother, Chuck, is going to serenade us.”

I began realizing that I wasn’t startled or surprised by anything that was going on. A bunch of people pulled up on motorcycles and some of the older kids were running out to greet parents. Chuck’s women were getting the little ones up to feed them, and put them in the play area in the living room. Several others were getting soup or chili from the kitchen and coming to the table to make a sandwich from all the fixings.

Martha, Ray, and the girls all came from the back of the house and went to the bar for their beer and some barbeque. The girls were all smiling and happy, so there were no problems with parents. Gin was bringing Sal and the mothers to us and introducing everyone. Their three little guys who were about the same size as Chuck’s kids and Sue Ellen all lined up, smiled, and were excused. They were gone in a flash. Ray and Sal had a conversation for a while.

Sue came out and caused some fumbling around because of her outrageous figure, as usual. She offered to show Martha one of her plants. She suggested that Steve take Ray to the original plant and give the man an idea of what all we do.

Tiny and Steve took Ray and hollered for my car fob. I tossed it to them, and then found Janet to get a report. Janet said, “Mom is so happy that I have a relationship with a man as well as the girls. She said that it was reasonable for a group of us to be in love with the same guy if he was a good person. Dad came in and couldn’t believe how nice our living area is. Those two are really showing me a lot of love and restraint by not criticizing me for my lifestyle.” Janet kissed me and told me, “I do love you like crazy, and I’m only one of five who love you the same way.”

It was about three when we were all back in the patio, just visiting. That’s when Chuck, Lisa, and Bonita really wound up. Chuck began with a very heavy blues bass riff that had you wanting to moan a little. Marion and Virginia added some rhythm guitar in that matched the chord progression the bass was playing. Bonita began playing a keyboard with an organ sound, and then Lisa made you think that some of the masters had come alive. One of the kids was playing an electronic drum set, and the piece really jammed. This wasn’t hard blues rock, but a medium tempo blues piece that had a lot of syncopated phrases and riffs. There was a break, and then the four girls all began singing at once. Lisa led with the twins answering, and then Bonita would lead with the twins answering her. This piece wailed.

You had to get chills, or you were probably dead, when they brought this to a close having the bass doing that sweet riff the piece started with. There was a lot of whistling and applause. Bonita said, “That is something that Chuck wrote a lot of years ago when he was still in high school. I found it among Chuck’s discards and made him work it up for us. I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s special.”

“Let’s change up a little. Here’s something with cow patties, horses, and tractors. Chuck is such a homer.”

There was some instrument changes so that Bonita could play her violin that had been transformed into a fiddle. This had a sixteen bar lead in that had everyone tapping their toe and ready for a real down home treat.

Marion and Virginia showed they were twins by really belting out the lyrics of this one. It was fun, fast, and exciting to listen to. It would be a tune that would often be on people’s lips, that is if you liked country.

The patio had really filled up now, with steady traffic going to the tapper for beer. We listened to several pieces that Bonita, Lisa, and Chuck told us how they were created. Elmer was manning his controller with a headset while fooling around with a mixer.

Ray said, “This place is like a big party. Do people come here a lot?”

I told the man, “The day begins here in the morning, some come here for lunch, and then people come for the fellowship, a beer, supper after work, and often stay for conversation, a card game, or chess while the older kids study, and toddlers finally run down and crash. The place is just called the ‘patio’. I love to begin here about six to six thirty, and I’m early to bed so I’m down by nine-thirty to ten. You’d love the weekend breakfasts. They are special.”

Ray said, “I’ll have to see if Martha might want to come over and spend the night either here or in the hotel next door.”

“You’ll be welcome if there’s room, Ray. Steve, Sue, Mercy, Kathy, Juanita, and Mickey are the most accommodating people you’ll ever meet. I’m still not sure why they like me so much.”

Steve had heard that and came over to sit with Ray and me. “Chuck is like a son to me. Something happened when he came here the first time, and then had all my family wanting him to be with us when he returned. I haven’t let him get away so far, and he’s brought Janet and the other girls to be with him. Do you know that we both have our birthdays on the same date? I know it sounds campy, but we really enjoy having Chuck and his family with us.”

I told Ray, and now Martha who had joined us; “I’ve been thinking that I need to build a place back by the other Chuck’s. We’re eventually going to want a place of our own, especially if we begin to have kids. That’s all in the future, so we’ll have to see what it brings.”

Ray asked, “You finished the Deputy Marshal Academy. Can I see your badge?”

Nikki was gone in a flash, and was back just as fast with my badge wallet. Ray looked at it, and asked, “Janet said that you were going to another school this coming week. What’s that for?”

Chuck Johnson came over and sat with us. He could tell that I didn’t want to divulge what I shouldn’t. He said, “Chuck has been chosen by another Agency to be a part of their darker operations here in the U.S. He’s going to be a Special Operative for the Secret Service. His unit is a separate entity and handles special operations when needed. It is an honor to be chosen to be a part of it. Chuck was part of a similar unit in the Marine Corps, so he was an easy choice for the Agency.”

Martha was alarmed, but Ray half grinned. He said, “I’m familiar with that group; I know that they have a link with the State Department, and that they do extend their operations to other countries. Good luck and be safe, Chuck.”

Pizza, calzones, and chicken wings began coming in the door. The patio was now really full as this was the weekend windup. Janet joined me in drinking iced tea, while Ray and Martha continued with beer. Janet was happy to play hostess for her parents.

It was going to get dark soon, so I suggested that we head to the airpark so we could fly them back to the beach. The Petersons thanked everyone, shook hands, hugged the women, and then Tiny handed me my key fob. He said, “I was watching to make sure that you weren’t drinking. You’re a good man, Chuck.”

I had to push the 407 out of the hangar and do my exterior check as it was getting dark. I probably should have done it in the hangar and then pushed the bird out. We loaded up and I watched the electronic digital engine control start the turbine up. Ray said, “I want you two to know how proud I am of you,” while we were waiting for the systems to all come up to normal. “You showed us your family with a lot of pride in your presentation. That’s what tells me you are doing the right thing. You’re both wacky, but I’m sure you’ll have a lot of wacky fun.”

Martha said, “I think that Janet could have had a bunch of mothers, along with a lot more brothers and sisters, if that opportunity had presented itself to us back in the sixties. I hope you invite us back soon.”

Janet and I both said ‘We will’ at the same time.

We flew back to the beach and stayed right at a thousand feet. The GPS beeped and I asked Ray, “Can you turn your pad lights on now? I’d rather not use the spotlight so that it doesn’t freak your neighbors out.”

The top of a house all of sudden lit up with the big circle and black ‘X’ on it. Four rotating beacons were spaced on the corners, so it was easy to line up. I gently settled on the deck, and Ray said, “Don’t shut down. We’ll get out now and see you soon.”

Janet got out to hug and kiss her parents anyway. She got back in and shut the door. We watched the couple as they moved off the pad area and down the stairs. We lifted off and continued to climb and then made a beeline to our airpark. The rolling pad had been left out, but I had to use the spotlight to line up to land on the pad this time. I set it down on the pad and shut down. We anchored the runners and pushed the helicopter back into the hangar. There I did the post flight inspection and went for the fuel truck.

I shut the hangar lights off and pushed the button to close the two big doors when we were done. It’s always sort of sad to see all the big doors closed. The morning will find most of the doors open, with activity in every hangar preparing aircraft for flights in many directions.

Janet and I made ourselves a drink back at the patio, and toasted each other on a successful first visit by her parents. She couldn’t get over how content her folks were about our relationship. The idea that her dad had talked to Steve and probably had me thoroughly investigated made me know that he was satisfied I wasn’t a love ‘em and leave ‘em type.

Chuck came over and said, “I want to leave here around seven-thirty. I’ll drop you off out there and make sure you will have an escort. They will contact me when it’s time to pick you up. I have to go to San Diego and then up to San Francisco for some station business. You would be with me to learn about some of the admin stuff if you were done with your training. Wanda is going to be with us, but she’s a member of the club so they won’t get nervous over her. I’ll see you at seven-thirty in the morning.”

The girls all looked at me, and I said, “Well, Lovers, let’s get to bed a little early tonight. I probably need the rest after our party last night.” The girls all agreed that we should go to bed early, but I think they were looking for some loving more than sleeping.

We enjoyed some very loving fun, with the five girls playing as much with each other as they were with me. Gin leaned down to kiss me while she was sitting on me, buried in her to the max, and said, “We’re able to entertain ourselves while you’re gone, as you can see. Brandy says that’s how they were when they first hooked up with Chuck. Nancy is so happy that Sheena is part of us, and little Tiani is like Nikki. It’s almost uncanny how Chuck had five, and you now have five with a similar group makeup.”

Gin was riding me through another orgasm as she said, “It’s going to be a lot longer before this five is going to be ready to want babies if we’re going to do it together. I think we need a few years of practice. I hope I can have the time to be with the girls and you while I become a doctor. This is so good, and I’m very happy that we waited the way we did. I think we all wanted to be like Janet and have a chance at being wild and crazy, but Janet even became celibate and waited to find you. This is so good that I just don’t want to quit.”

Janet pushed Gin off while telling her, “Give the man a break and give me a shot at him. I need him at least once before he leaves if he’s going to be gone for a week.”

Jazzy was the last of the five to be loved, and I knew it was by design for both of us. We had some kind of special connection. We fell asleep with me still inside Janet, but I was softening and drooling around our centers.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

It took a couple of seconds to realize that my cell phone was ringing. “Miller.”

Chuck’s voice said, “Get up, get dressed in your BDUs, grab your duffel bag, and meet me in front of the patio. I’ll be there in fifteen. There’s a problem we have to fix.” He hung up so I knew that he was serious.

I moved over Janet and checked the clock and noticed that it was three forty-five. I did a quick triple S, dressed, and was about to walk out of the room. Janet got up, kissed me, and told me to be careful. Her movement had the other four also waking up and giving me a loving hug and goodbye kiss. That’ll make you feel good, but sad at the same time.

I made two single serve Styrofoam cups of coffee with lids and was standing out by the street when Chuck pulled up. I threw my duffle bag into the trunk, got in, and gave Chuck his coffee. He thanked me, and said, “I think the McDonald’s up the street is open twenty-four hours, so we can get a couple of sandwiches to take with us. I’ll try to explain what I know. We’ll get more info en route, but it was Tom Crowfoot who called me for help. That’s the way it is when there’s a problem.”

Chuck bought four Egg McMuffins for us and broke some speed limits on the way to the airpark. We parked in the pilots’ lot and walked to the charter office. Chuck told me, “I’ll get the books, you begin the exterior. I see the two techs working on it now.”

Both techs met me at the airplane, and one said, “The exterior is good. Go start the APU and get the electronics up. Everything is what it should be.”

I sat in the right seat while getting the APU up and starting the cockpit checklist. Chuck got in, shut the door, and told me, “Sit in the left seat. I’m going to do some research between here and there.”

“Where is ‘there’, Chuck?”

Chuck laughed and said, “You’re good. You don’t even wonder where, you just ask; straight to El Paso. We’re supposed to be met by a helicopter that’s supposed to take us to the site. This is going to be like Idaho, but in some rough desert terrain.”

I asked, “Is this a Deputy Marshal or an Agency job?”

“Both, that’s why it was important for you to be a Deputy as well as be a part of the Agency’s Operations Group. Most of the Deputies who will be there are going to be Agency people as well. You’ll like working with them, although you may be more aggressive than they are. We’ll have some Border Patrol people with us, but hopefully none of the willy-nilly Homeland people who complain about everything. This is serious enough that we should be good with any action we take. There’s a chance for collateral problems, but we’ll have to see.”

Chuck went to the communications desk as soon as we were at altitude, and was pulling information from files in DC and El Paso. He came up to the cockpit and told me, “Refile for Santa Teresa airport in New Mexico. It’s just outside El Paso and closer to our objective. Let me get the rest of the information.”

Chuck came back up with a stack of papers, along with some fresh coffee for both of us, a few minutes later. We ate our Egg McMuffins and drank coffee before Chuck described what was happening.

“A Border Patrol guy was apparently tracking what looked to him like a group of people being walked through the rough area west of El Paso. There’s nothing in that area, and you really can’t have much of a farm or ranch there. There’s lots of rocky barren land just like where you were in Afghanistan. He was using an ATV, getting close to the some heavy rocks, when he began getting fired on. He got the heck out of there and came back with a couple more men to see what they could find. He had a helicopter with infrared scope sweep the area, and it also began to get fired on.”

“Some guy wearing robes and a turban shows up the next day, demanding his people be left alone as they supposedly own some of the land out there and are using it as place to make peace with Allah. The Sheriff in El Paso told the guy he was at the wrong place since the property is in New Mexico. This made the man angry and he was yelling that he was going to steal the wives and daughters of the lawmen, and they would then show him and his people more respect.”

“They thought that he was just some whack job who was making a fuss to get noticed. It turns out that one of the Deputy Sheriff’s wife and two daughters turned up missing that night. Another wife and daughter are missing the next day. Deputies began calling in to make sure that their families were protected. A call was received at the Sheriff’s office that they would trade the two wives and three girls for a million dollars and a guarantee they be left alone. The FBI got involved since this was an interstate incident, and one of their men promptly gets shot. The man goes out to a known hostile area without armor. He’s not dead, but he’ll be out of action for a long time.”

“The Marshals Service gets called into action, and there is a call to the Agency for some covert help since the ACLU is now aware of what’s going on and are hovering around to make sure no one’s civil rights are being violated. No one even knows whether or not these people are citizens yet. Well, they called again last night, and said that all the females would become their concubines if the ransom wasn’t paid within forty-eight hours. So there is a problem with the two wives and three girls being used as collateral, and we have no idea what their installation looks like. My suggestion was to exchange the money for the hostages, and then sweep the area to clean it out. No one high up is willing to do this, so we have to see if we can penetrate their guard and get up close to these people. They tried using small drones, but apparently these guys have been practicing their skeet shooting. I’m going to find a place to observe while you and another man you’ll like will do the leg work. I could do this, but I’m not as agile as I might need to be.”

I was smiling as I said, “Imagine that. I leave all that, and now I’m doing it all over again on home soil this time. Tell me about this partner who I’m going to have.”

Chuck said, “She graduated in the same class you did, and is a medically retired like you Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marines, according to her bio. She’s obviously healed because she went through the Deputy training. Her name is Frances...”

I finished for Chuck, “Cunningham. She’s one tough babe. She was part of the group that I hung around with in school. She was captured and tortured over there, and then was able to kill her guards and all the soldiers who had captured her. She freed six other men who were in bad shape and were scheduled to die by decapitation within a day or so. She should have the Medal of Honor for her actions, but you know how that is. Everything is political.”

Chuck asked, “Then you don’t have any problem using her for a partner and backup?”

“She did everything all the men did and excelled at them. She’s really a Marine, even though a Navy Corpsman so she has had Marine training. Does it say whether or not she’s had scout training?”

“She was a combat corpsman. She was Marine trained, but had to be Navy for medical training. It doesn’t say that she went through scout training, but may have before going on her first tour. She served three tours over there and was captured during her third. The Agency is interested in her, and she could be invited at any time.”

I told the boss, “I’m good working with her. It’s going to be OJT under fire if she hasn’t had scout training. She’ll like that.”

An F-18 was off our port side for a few minutes, and then vanished as I set up to land at Santa Teresa airport. We were directed to a hangar area at the north end of the buildings and told to shut down. A cart came from one of the hangars and parked where our door was. Chuck pulled the keys as he said, “This is all a little strange, but I don’t have any bad feelings. We’ll put the chocks out and lock up. We might not be here that long.”

Chuck opened his case, looked at it, and then told me, “Watch for field equipment vests. Grab one if there are some stacked somewhere. They aren’t in anyone’s inventory, so you won’t be stealing from one Agency over another. You might even keep an eye out for MP5s, especially those with threaded barrels. It would be nice to find a silencer for one, as well as a bunch of extra magazines. How many extra pistol magazines do you have?”

“I have five extra. That’s a lot of close work. I hope that I don’t need that many.”

Chuck said, “You can use my collapsible if you can’t score an MP5. It works the same way, just with a fold-up butt that’s made of extremely heavy wire. I only have one silencer, so now you know something else you need to get when you’re in training.”

Same as Money!
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Before I met my wife I was a reclusive bachelor, hanging out at the local college theatre in western Montana and going fishing during the days.Work was never more than a way to make money for beer, fishing tackle and rent in that order. I was often cast in plays and had a pretty high opinion of myself in that aspect of my life. I met and bedded a lot of college-age girls, or women as they peferred to be called, and generally , life was good.After a minor run-in with the law I withdrew from my...

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Wake Up

Wake Up My name is Diana Smith I am 47 years old. I am leaving prison today after 2 years of a 3 years sentence. I am leaving not a woman prison but a man prison as a TS I was sent to such a place I have spent 2 years under rule 43 solitary confinement with all the bloody nonce?s I hate scum that do kids but I was in with them on D wing. Why was I in with that lot of dog filth the reason was simple as a TS I would in general population be raped and raped. But still on the way out...

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Naught is as Naughty Does

Sam left the bedroom and walked down the stairs. Karen watched as he came into the kitchen. “Wow, you look very handsome,” she said. Sam was wearing a black tailored tuxedo that fit his athletic body like a glove. Sam looked at Karen saying, “There’s a new outfit for you in the bedroom.” Karen smiled and asked, “What’s the occasion?”Sam replied, “We have a formal party to attend and I want everyone to see what an amazing lady I have.”Karen slowly walked to Sam, she placed her hand on his chest....

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Master Voodoo

My name is David and I am a freelance web designer. This pretty much means I am self employed, it also means that I do not have an office and do not work the usual nine to five grind. On the flip side it means I am often pretty much a recluse, add to this the fact that I am a geek and it means zero social skills. So it comes as no surprise that I have no real friends and no girlfriend. These facts and the fact my parents were gone meant sinister eyes were drawn in my direction. As I...

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Teaching the Captain

Paulette Fahey was going to be thirty two next Friday. The young English teacher, was very excited. She and her husband, Sean had decided to start a family. She had stopped the pill last month and she should be ovulating today. The beautiful, large breasted, green eyed redhead was very happy. The bounce in her step only gave the male students in her senior English class bigger erections than she normally gave them. There was Michael Collins, the school heartthrob, and football team captain,...

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Forced to strip my older aggressive perv

I'm sharing this story to ask for people opinion.. So 3years ago I was made home less and basicly was forced to move to Coventry into a hostel and this is how it belongs began...okay after lunch I bumped into a hairy sweaty older guy I fell over infront off him as he came out toilets.. I spilt my hot chocolate over him. And okay its was my fault but he went crazy and got in my face started goin crazy shouting rite In my face omg it scared me and as he shouted he was spitting all over my face......

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Anthonys Shopping Trip

PrologueAngelica looked through the yellow pages trying to find the number she needed.  As she flipped through the pages she was surprised to find just how many adult ?novelty? shops there were in town, smiling as she was already thinking of ways to make use of that information.  Finally she found the one she was looking for and dialed.        ?Hi, I was hoping to talk to someone there willing to help me out with something I would like to try involving a friend of mine and a shopping trip to...

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The Four Hour ErectionChapter 9

She walked to his house, instead of driving. Part of that was because the neighbors might wonder what was going on if she parked her car there. And if things didn't work out, the neighbors didn't need to know anything about it. On the way she admitted that she also walked because it delayed what she was afraid would turn into a confrontation. What if Molly Fisher accused her of lying, to try to trap an innocent young man? What if she judged Angela as an unacceptable match for her son?...

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Dorm Room Disapline

Despite the efforts ofthe two freshman students entering the residence hall to keep quiet, it seemedlike every motion they made resounded with its own reverberating echo. Theyopened the door as slowly as possible, but it creaked loudly with everymovement. The effortless removal of the key produced a click that sounded tothem like the shot of a starting pistol. As they made their way to theelevator, Becca stumbled into a chair in the commons, yelping as she banged hershin against the back of the...

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Sex Games

He hears the door close behind him and the key twist in the lock. He turns around. He watches as she places the key on the small table by the door, she smiles at him, then walks toward the bed that occupies most of the far side of the room. He follows her voluptuous figure with his eyes as she moves.She wears a white loose fitting blouse above a knee length black skirt. Her legs are covered in skintight black nylon and he wonders if they are tights or stockings, he studies the way her skirt...

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La Petite Mort Part I

Rebecca thrummed her fingers against the table top in a mindless tune and eyed the door in front of her worriedly. For the nth time in the past two hours she checked her watch, and then the large digital clock pinned above the counter, and wondered if the guy she was meeting today would be another no-show. The bells above the door chimed and she looked up anxiously, only to deflate when a woman pushing a stroller bustled into the café. There was no one behind her. Another glance. Her watch...

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My best night at the club

(It requires me to select three of the pre-defined niches. This contains M/f in my vehicle, it was my first time with the man, though there were no Fetishes or Voyeurs involved. I hope you all enjoy!)It was warm, the mood of the club having shifted towards the later hours where couples were hooking up. My girlfriends had abandoned me about thirty minutes earlier, each of them having found their own Mr. Right for the evening. I was wearing my little black dress, and having anticipated something...

3 years ago
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Ascension By Dawna Tompson A man acts on his desire to medically alter his gender and unwittingly begins to unravel the mystery of his lifelong compulsion. Rated R --------- The faint yellow bulb lit up first followed by a familiar ding announcing the arrival of the elevator. An elderly man with a pensive look stepped forward and then turned back toward the elevator door as if to return. But the doors closed before he could step back. Though he...

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Peephole PayoffbySurgeon©A Brief IntroductionThe whole house was in a state of excitement, as Tanya's wedding came close. Just another day to go, and there were the usual last minute hang-ups in the house, fine adjustments and arrangements to be made. Donald was not too happy about it; for one thing, he wasn't very fond of Michael, his future brother-in-law, and for another, more important reason that his favorite pass time would end. But still, he loved his sister a lot (more than she knew, in...

1 year ago
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Sherrall Starr part 1 The meet

Sherrall was sitting in her room planning her 19th birthday party when the doorbell rang."Shay can you get that!"Kiwi Sherrall's mom called from the kitchen Sherrall scooped Princess the.Poodle of the bed and headed to the front door she looked out the. Peephole and saw a dark skinned boy with a white tshirt and some red dickies on. "Yea may I help you?"Sherrall asked opening the door. "Hi is your mom home" the boy asked "hold on please"Sherrall said heading to the kitchen. "Ma there is a boy...

4 years ago
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The homeless girl

THE HOMELESS GIRLI was quite free on that day, no lingering memories of the nightmare I had endured in the previous night or for the past two years ever since my beloved wife had passed away. As I strolled down the streets of my beautiful neighbourhood, I thought I saw a figure huddled in the shadows of the night. My curiosity was suddenly piqued. Being part of the neighbourhood watch and all I immediately changed course and drew near that location. As I approached, something moved slightly...

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Quit living on dreams S4 D4

Daniel is a guy that just moved in with his uncle in the big city. He can read people's minds which makes things a bit complicated. In his new school he found Chloe, the one girl whose thoughts he can't read. The two got together. (Pretty good story, you should read it :D) Steve goes to the same school. his parents went on vacation and left him and his stepsister alone at home. She tried to blackmail him, he turned it around and now she's his sexslave (willingly). Steve had a friend called...

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French NieceChapter 5 New York City 20042005

Amelie's flight was late, delayed for two hours on the tarmac at Orly by a freak storm, and so she only landed at ten o'clock on New Years Eve. When she finally appeared through the doors from immigration and saw me, she ran shrieking toward me and I had to catch her as she leapt the final eight feet, landing smiling against my chest as her legs locked around my waist, her tongue stretching to find mine. "Oh Oncle Pierre, je t'aime [I love you], she yelled between long kisses, "Je...

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Her desire is mine

I’m a divorced man in my late 30s, I’m 6 foot 2 and fairly fit. I work hard and I like to party with friends when I get the time, but I haven’t had a lot of time for relationships since my divorce a couple of years ago. I often fly to Sydney for work, and on this occasion I took the chance to catch up with some friends that used to live near me in Melbourne that I had known for a long time. Mark is married to Jess, they have been together since they were both about 22.

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FirebrandChapter 12 Call My Bluff

Moralez was woken by a ringing sound, fumbling in the dark as he reached for his bedside table, picking up his tablet computer. Kaisha shifted beside him, her weight making the mattress sink, the Chief struggling to save from rolling into her as he tapped at the touch screen. “Yes? What is it?” he asked groggily. He squinted, trying to make out the clock on the bright screen. It was five in the morning, this has better be good. “Security Chief?” the caller asked. It was a male voice that he...

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Favorite Fucking Fantasies Walking In Rain

I feel so lucky to live where I do, five minutes after leaving my house and I’m in the countryside, fields, woods and the hills, I love to spend an hour or two just wandering about, I don’t usually see many people, the occasional dog walker or ramblers,that’s about it, and in the winter, like now, very few of either. It had been cold for what seemed like months, if it wasn’t cold it would be raining,so when i looked out the window this morning and saw a patch of blue sky it seemed perfect...

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The Dungeon Part 1

Jon and Kat were excited. It was their first visit to the Dungeon in L.A.. They were taking along their bodyguard Dennis, just in case of any problems. Jon was always protective of Kat in these situations, he wanted her to have a good time and he and Dennis would watch out for anything that would spoil her time.It was costume night at the Dungeon, and Kat had chosen the outfits for all of them. For Jon, she had chosen a short roman toga costume, complete with sandals, the gold rope tied low...

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Anal Pleasures Chapter 2

When “M” came back “P” headed for the shower. By the time she came back “M” and I were enjoying a 69. “P” feigned indignation and ordered me to get on hands and knees. Pulling on a condom she covered it in KY Gel and pegged me. Meanwhile “M” moved up the bed and soon I was being fucked at both ends. I was in heaven. “P” ramped up the speed and finally came with a loud groan. As soon as she pulled out “M” slipped on a condom and took over. Soon after she also came moaning but no louder than I...

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She Another strange story

She’s GoneMy Wife Mandy and I have been married for 25 years, and she looks to be in her early 30’s, not bad, considering that she is 45 years old. We have two k**s that are grown up and have left home to pursue lives of their own, leaving us empty nesters. Things between us had become stagnant over the past few years, as she and I lives our lives separately, but we admit that we still love and need each-other. Mandy stands five feet, six inches tall, and weighs one-hundred and forty lbs. She...

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My first woman

I have always loved porn
especially lesbian porn. It is
such a turn on
to see women enjoying one another. We had been married 4 years when hubby thought I should try being with a woman. He new a young lady who had been with women so he asked her to show me the ropes. She was excited by the idea! We took a weekend trip to the town she lives in and got a hotel room. She came over and was wearing a low cut red dress and her boobs were huge, I couldn’t stop staring. We took her out for...

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George Isolde etc Chapter IX

Chapter IX Terry was in the bathroom when Isolde got to the top of the stairs. She rapped her knuckles on the door as she went by, and said, “I’m next.” She heard a muffled, “Okay.” A minute or two later, Terry came out of the bathroom, carrying and drying his hands on the towel. He handed the towel to Isolde, saying, “I guess you will want this.” He went into the bedroom, and lay down on his back on the bed. As he waited for Isolde to finish whatever she was doing in the bathroom (putting...

2 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 38

Despite sleeping well most of the night, I was awake quite early on the Monday morning; I therefore went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea, only to find Sian already there, engaged on the same errand. "Sorry if I woke you, but we needed a cuppa!" "I don't think I heard you, but it doesn't matter at all. By the way, thanks again for coming over to Bristol for lunch; I'm really chuffed that you took the trouble!" "I wasn't sure whether Sheila would keep the secret; but it was...

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NubileFilms Chloe Temple Forbidden Affairs

Spy chick Chloe Temple is on a top secret mission that requires her to break into a locked room and go through a hidden briefcase. She’s just in the middle of her task when Jake Adams, another spy from a rival agency comes upon her. Chloe and Jake exchange a few words, with Jake affirming that he’s going to have to take Chloe down. The blonde uses her last resort secret weapon: Seduction. She waits until just the right moment to turn around in Jake’s arms and plant a kiss on...

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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William Redman CarterChapter 23

While reading her book, Lucy occasionally glanced over at the television to watch the election coverage on the television. It was kind of sad, but the news coverage only addressed a few of the state elections. When they failed to mention the race in Texas, she shook her head and said, "The news services really make me mad." "Why?" William asked moving his book aside to look at Lucy. "They are only covering some of the races we're interested in," Lucy said gesturing over at the...

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Dyked Jay Taylor Moka Mora Hoes Before Bros

Jay Taylors brother is an asshole…but his girlfriend sure is cute. When Moka Mora comes around the house, Jay cant help but overhear her phone call with her brother. Sounds like he has done it again, wined her, dined her, fucked her and now hes avoiding her. Guys suck. Looking out the window, Jay bites her lip when she notices Mokas pigtail braids and tiny pink skirt. Her brother is now home, but it would be rude to leave Moka outside. Jay invited her inside and quickly makes her move,...

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Nurse Udan Kaama Vilaiyaatu

Hai friends, en peyar Ragu, vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Pothuvaaga intha vayathil irukum aangalai niraiya pengaluku pidikum. En endraal intha vayathil thaan sunniyil viraipu thanmai athigamaaga irukum, thirumanam aana pengal thaan ithil ilamaiyaana aangalai usar seithu matter seiya aasai paduvaargal. Naan maruthuvamanaiyil eppadi nurse udan kama uravu konden enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En tholil vilaiyaadum pozhuthu adi patathu, enaku antha nimidathil matum vali...

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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 46

Diana straightened the small stack of papers, and inserted them into the three-hole paper-punch. Leaning down on it, she punched the holes into the papers. She opened the project folder and inserted the sheets. After folding the metal clips to hold the papers in place, she closed the cover. Looking through the plastic front, she read the title aloud, “Personal Definition of Happiness and Goals for Diana Parker.” With a sad expression on her face, she put the folder down. Working through her...

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Hoop Dream

Hoop Dream By J.L. Williams Jack Salmon looked up at the clock, there was ten seconds left in the game. Plenty of time to drive for a lay up or dish off to Bill Devers, his center. This was Jack's favorite part of basketball, down one point, with him in control of the game. Jack faked left, began his drive down the free throw lane, his basketball vision saw the opposing team's center move to block his shot. Jack never hesitated, a no look pass to his center turned into a thundering...

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Deference to Women 10 reasons men should defer

ChivalryBoys at a young age, are taught to respect women, to open doors for them, to have manners, pull out a chair for her, and over all, treat her like a princess. And most men follow these lessons right up until they begin to date a woman. The first couple of dates a man will court a woman, and just about all women find this incredibly flattering, they love it, and its often the deciding factor if that man is worthy of a second third or fourth date.Yet something happens, after several dates...

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SRU Blessed with Breasts

Spells R Us: Blessed with Breasts By: Jessica Rabbit 21 days is all its taken. 3 short weeks. Why am I having trouble remembering what it was like to be flat chested ? It has only been 3 weeks. I pondered this while holding the straps of one of my relatively new additions to my underwear drawer. I held out my 42DDD underwire bra made by OLGA and slid my arms through and in a habit gained by necessity, I successfully adjusted my boobs into the cups and hooked the four hook and...

1 year ago
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Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud At Home

It’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going to do it, someone else has. Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud - At Home It’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 42

Early the next morning, Emma slipped out of bed while Jess and I were still asleep. I stirred at her movement and turned to see what she was doing. She bent over and kissed me on the cheek. “Please don’t get up. I have a very busy day today and need to get going. Please stay here with Jess and I’ll catch up with you guys later,” she whispered to me. I reached around and stroked her neck lightly. “Ok, have a good day,” I whispered back before snuggling tight to Jess and falling back to...

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Jacinta part 17

"Wake up it's a beautiful morning..." The sound of the old nineties song by the Boo Radleys blares from my phone, raising me from my slumber and reminding me that I have a big day ahead of me. After I rise from my bed, I pad through to the bathroom, reminded every step of the way that I've had plenty of big days over the last few weeks as well. The first, most obvious thing I notice as I sit in my shallow bath (a mandated part of my recovery program) is the fact that the area...

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Dont Judge A Book Part 2 Chapter 19

 Evening of Friday 15th June 2018  The pretty forty-something dancer gave me a smile that immediately set my heart running. There was something about the mix of coy nervousness and the knowing wantonness of her profession that I found intoxicating and hypnotic. At that moment my chest and my cock were filled with desire for this intriguing Latina, so much older than most of the other dancers and yet still maybe five or ten years my junior.I felt guilty staring at her body, but the way her...

Wife Lovers
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Adult Films

Oh shit! This guy makes porno movies! You heard of them, but had never seen one. Why didn’t you read it more carefully? You decide it is time for you to leave. So you head for the door. He blocks you and asks where you think you are going. “Home,” you tell him. “Unh-uh. Not so fast babe. Remember those contracts you signed? You want me to sue your ass off? Looks to me like you don’t even have enough money for a lawyer.” Damn! He tricked you. It’s...

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 7 Service With a Smile

(Floyd and Lily’s Story) mc, mf, voy. The food court was a bustle of activity. All around mall shoppers rushed about in a frenzy of consumerism. None paid the least bit of attention to a middle aged man and his pink haired daughter sitting at one of the court’s many tables. Floyd casually finished off his drink as his Lily devoured her hamburger. In between bites the pink haired teen asked, “Do you think Cindy will have a boy or a girl?” “I have no idea.” Floyd answered. “I hope she has a...

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Tugging Sumter

Mandy lay her naked twenty-two year old body beside her brother Sumter, like she did every night. Mandy loved sharing a room with him. It brought them closer together. Her body, smooth and just as shiny as glass, was lit delicately in the dim light of the room. It was just enough light to make her body glow in all the right places. Her breasts, not small, but definitely not medium either, were a mix between the two and looked like soft creamy hills with tender peaks that bloomed a delicate...

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Husband8217s Favourite Slut

I knew I’d fucked up. That was really the core of everything that happened after. Knowing, right down to the bone, that everything was totally my fault. Me and Todd had had a good thing going; good marriage, nice house, decent money… everything we could really look for. There were people our age who’d have killed for what we had. But I went ahead and ruined it anyway. But if I’m going to tell you all this, then I should explain a little better. My name’s Alice McMahon. Some of you may already...

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Diablo CanyonChapter 7

Wednesday, August 27, 2007 Dan Steele The mission was turning into what the Americans call a complete clusterfuck. We had no way of getting into the Slick residence, and Anastasia had called me in the middle of the night to say that Nolan had found her out. Fortunately he was more excited about having lost his virginity to a spy than angry about radioactive materials being stored in his cellar, but it was still a breach of mission secrecy that could have ramifications later on. Not...

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Friends and BenefitsChapter 6 Lauren

Lauren stood in front of her mirrored closet door applying her eyeliner. Josh was sitting on her freshly made bed tying his shoes. “Thanks again for your help this morning,” she said. They had put her sheets through the wash, washed the dishes in the kitchen, and picked up around the pool. It had taken a whole can of air freshener to get the lingering scent of sex from her room and the living room. “Anytime,” Josh said as his eyes caught hers in the mirror. The way he looked at her had...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 5 Grandfather

Mr.Flensburger was now gone for a week and we had a new teacher. Mr. Walters was his name and he was much different to the jovial and gentle Mr. Flensburger. He was stern and had a no nonsense approach. This Monday morning, right by the main doors I saw Yngve Lofdahl waiting for me. He had a busted; bleeding lip and his left eye was swelling. Like me he was wearing a fur vest over a linen tunic that reached halfway to the knees, linen breeches and boots. Usually he always looked like he wore...

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The Drama ClubChapter 3

Hugh had given Lilian a rather long kiss while Nancy had gotten her key out, unlocked the door and waited for Lilian to come inside. Lilian had asked her if she could go inside and talk about something. She hoped it wouldn’t be some drivel about how dreamy Hugh was. Other girl friends had said stupid stuff like that to her about their boy friends. She would not ever do anything so inconsiderate as that to her friends. So Nancy waited for a couple of minutes and hoped her friend didn’t say the...

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Happy to be used

I cannot see or hear. I'm relying on my Daddy to lead me where he wants me. I can feel the tiled floor beneath me as he pulls me, my nipples sore from the chain. He stops and positions me, pushing on my shoulders to get me on my knees. I feel him bind them, keeping me down. My hands bound behind me so I must stay there, I have no choice, nor would I want any with Daddy around. He rocks me forward and supports me before I feel something pressing against my little sissy pussy. It opens me and...

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The Munsters 14 The Mary Mixup

Please note: the only sex, such as it is, is found only in the first chapter. There may or not be more in the next installments. The Munsters 1-4: The Mary Mix-up Created by Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher; Parodied by Ron Dow75 1) Transformers The smoke from the cauldron that filled the lab was clearing. "Grandpa!! What have you done to me this time!!" Gloria Munster tried to bellow, as she held onto large mortared stones as she came down the stairs awkwardly in pumps. At...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked My Girlfriend And My Cousin Sister

Hey guys I’m dev with my first story I know you guys are going to enjoy this story for sure and thodi badi story hai but I knw yea sach hai I knw mai barobar nahi likh paya hu phali story hai isliye Like ayenge tho aache lagega muje Mai mumbai se hu but mera gaon bihar hai or bat tabhi ki hai jab mai thandi k time pe gaon gaya tha aysa nahi hai mai pheli bar gaya tha jab phale jata tha tab ek ladki thi humare ghar k samne uske age 17hai and meri 21 vho kaafi goori hai bht jaada mast lagti hai...

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Kelly Girl Chapter 2 Suit Yourself

Copyright 1999, by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter. Still, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 2: Suit Yourself By Wanda Cunningham Pete's driving style had one advantage over Barbie's; in a big Mercedes, the passengers...

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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 13 The Search is On

Neona was missed only moments after her disappearance. No one had seen the actual abduction and after repeated calls went, unanswered worry began to set in. The remaining seven that had accompanied her scrambled back into their ACs and took to the air. They began to check the woods from above, one of the larger ACs dropped down and performed a heat source search of the surrounding woods as well as the depths of the pond, nothing. There were four robots, one on each AC, Yuri talked to the...

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