Uncle Bob BluesChapter 13
- 4 years ago
- 29
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I woke up with a start because I knew that it was late. I found my phone and saw it was eleven in the morning. That’s not good. I called the contact number and reached my primary contact. He asked if everything was OK, and I told him I thought that we were able to get it taken care of. I wanted to know if he wanted us to come back for the training. He told me to come on Monday and they would work to get both us to where they wanted us for operational use.
That was good news, so I took my toiletries and went into Dora’s bathroom. I had just begun to shower when Sis stepped into the shower and hugged me. It was quickly obvious that she wanted an itch scratched, so we spent a few minutes taking care of that itch, with me leaving a mess running down her leg. She hugged and kissed me, saying, “I still want to steal you away and hide out with you for the rest of our time. Sick, huh?”
“No, Love, not sick, but I think we’ll have to include some others now.”
Dora said, “I know, but it’s something I often think of. It’s impossible, isn’t it? I would miss the girls and Colette. Maybe we’ll just get rid of all this down here and move in with you. Could you handle four more hot properties?”
“I will have to build my own house if this keeps up. The biggest problem would be that you girls would go into withdrawal without so much happening at once if you were to move in with me. You should cut down on the number of places and just have one location. Make it the best on the beach and the talk of Miami the way it has always been. I don’t know how you could make it better, but I have a feeling that you could.”
My sister hugged me after I had shaved, and told me, “You’re becoming the key to our existence down here. Considering how you come riding in on your white horse to save us, you’re the man to make us all happy, and that is way out of reach for most guys. Just keep doing what you do and we hopefully won’t have to call on you for help often.”
Fran had been waiting for Dora and me to finish fooling around in the shower so that she could get ready to go home. Dora woke Colette who was snuggled with Gabby. Dora asked her if she wanted to take us to Executive Airport when she had her attention. Colette asked Dora, “Are you sure you want me to take them, or do you want to do the run and go by your house?”
Dora turned and looked at me. I said, “You can take me, and I’ll call the house to see if they want visitors for a few minutes.” Izzy acted like a kid the way she was squeaking with happiness to have us stop by. She said that Juanita was by the pool getting some sun and she would run tell her that we were coming. I did tell her that we were coming from South Beach?”
We were in the circular driveway of our home in south Miami a half hour later. Izzy came running, wrapped her legs around me, and gave me kisses that I’d bet Julio wishes he had. I met the darling little girl that the couple had produced. She was introduced as the delightful Maranita. I’m a sucker for cute babes and cute babies, of course, so I was immediately done for. Izzy came to me when I wasn’t surrounded by everyone, and asked, “How about putting one of these things in me. I’d love to have your baby. I love my Julio like no other, but you’re the man who took me first and I should reward you with one of your own.”
It was tempting, but I told Izzy, “I love you so much that I can’t do that. I want every kid you produce to be from the pure love you have for that man. I’ll love it just the same.”
Izzy became glued to me as she realized how much I did care for her and her life’s mate.
I told them all that Fran and I needed to get the airplane we were using back to Tampa. Everyone was kissed and hugged, even making Fran feel as if she was family. We drove off to the Executive Airport and went to our aircraft. I told Dora, “Call me at the first sight and thought of an intruder into your business. Call me mentally, on the phone, or through someone else, but call me. I won’t hesitate to protect you and your partners. I really do like them all, and wish that I could play with them more. You go do it for me, and tell them that it’s me with my face where it counts.”
Fran and I were up and down to our Airpark. Jimmy came to get the aircraft, and said, “Perfect timing. Chuck just called and said that he has to be out west for something.”
I called Chuck, and asked, “Do you need us to work with you? We had a good night’s sleep last night, but we’re ready anytime just like active duty Marines.”
Chuck laughed, and said, “This isn’t Marine stuff. This is pussy Agency stuff that some men don’t want to take the responsibility to get done. You’d both be welcome, but you don’t have to come.”
“We’re with you, Chuck. Fran will back us both up.”
I ran for sandwiches for Fran and me, as well as one for Chuck, and went by the office to get some more single serve coffees. I was doing the final outside inspection while the field tech was spooling the APU when Chuck came on board the aircraft. The man said, “Get us out of here. We’ll file on the way.”
We were up and climbing to our assigned flight level when Chuck said, “We’re actually going into Vancouver because these clowns are trying to cross over with a bunch of religious freaks. We’re going to individually process them and see what happens. I think we’ll see a few who go ‘boom’. Knowing that, be sure to recognize that some of these people think nothing of firing at or killing any and all civilians. Shoot anyone you see with a gun. Make sure you shoot to kill, that means head shots. Shoot for the neck if they have face shields. The object is to kill them before they can set themselves off.”
Fran looked at me, and said, “This isn’t in the fucking training guide. I know that I studied it all, and this scenario wasn’t in it.”
Chuck said, “Don’t worry about it. These situations are handled purely by feel and response. Eliminate the challenge if you’re faced with it. Eliminate what’s threatening your partner if he’s unprotected. We all hate this shit, but we know to eliminate all the opposition as fast as possible when it happens.”
We landed at Vancouver and parked the aircraft. Chuck decided to get a rental and discuss what to do with the locals. We were out of the U.S., and possibly not welcomed, but it seemed that Chuck was a welcome guest when we arrived to meet with the local team leader.
Chuck had Fran and me listen in as the leader told the story. “We discovered these Russkies with about fifty girls under fifteen, and ready to transport them to various locations in Canada and the U.S. We can’t have that, so we confronted them. They threw two bodies of little girls out, and said they could arrange for another fifty if we didn’t back off. We’ve had no further contact so far.”
Chuck said to me, “What do you think we should do, Chuck? You take over here and I’ll watch.
I stripped to regular clothes and walked down the street in front of the house, and then around to see if there was an alley. There wasn’t one, so there basically was only the front entrance to worry about as an escape route. I sent four people to cover behind the house after doing a headcount of available men.
I stood in front of the group who were the force to capture these men, and used the bullhorn. “You are surrounded. You hold children from many countries and probably some from your own. We won’t have to pay to send them back if you kill them. I’ll get tired of being nice in a very short while, and blow you up and kill everyone, hoping a few of the girls you have might survive. It’s no big deal if not, right? What’s it going to be? You send the children hostages out and you come out. You don’t die and the little girls live.”
I waited a long while until there was a hand that came out of the top of the door and threw a handgun toward us. A man came out and we waved the man to the side. He was reasonably treated, but was immediately chained. Another came out and was handled the same way, followed by one after another who tossed sidearms out and came out with their hands in the air.
There were twenty-one men guarding almost sixty girls under the age of fourteen. This was as sick as it gets. Chuck said, “Don’t let it get to you. Let it be remembered the next time you encounter these people. We’re the force to stop them. Don’t write a report because you aren’t on U.S. soil and we didn’t have a formal invite, Chuck. We’re out of here and they can report this anyway they want.”
Chuck said, “This ended up being a non-event because you were up front contesting them. You gave them a reason to give up. Be thankful it was a bunch of Middle East men the way they were presenting this. When they want you to come to something like this one don’t believe what they tell you up front. See for yourself. If this had been one of the radical groups, someone would have shot at you. The Ruskies all want money and more money. Good job.”
I’m sure that Fran was hungry, since I was famished. Chuck didn’t care one way or another; he was single-minded about getting back home. We landed far later than food was going to be available at home, so Fran and I went to Park Place for a steak and veggies. Our women caught up with us while we ate, and happily shared our food to the point that we ordered another two dinners and had help eating everything.
Gin told us, “I may not be able to be with you guys like tonight very often because I’m going to be on the regular emergency room training rotation. I’m not sure how long that will last, but I’ll be home for some rest. I know you will all help me sleep.”
We were at the patio bar after everyone had left for the night. Fran and I wanted something that would kick our butts so that we would sleep. Janet got up and said, “Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I have a flight from San Francisco to the Island Paradise and back to Chicago. We may get our next CJ4 tomorrow, as well as the certification on Wes’ twin. What did he name that aircraft?”
No one knew, but we all wanted to know from Wes and his men so we could call it something other than Wes’ CS&S standard twin.
I woke up at the usual six o’clock, but felt like I could sleep another full eight hours. I sat up and was greeted by Janet hugging and pulling me back into a full body hug. She whispered, “God, I love you so much and love you more every day. What’s with us for me to be so attached to you? There is a secret allure that you have that drives me crazy wanting to be inside you and be a part of it. Brandy says that Chuck has that, and that’s part of how and why they all got together.”
I said back to her, “I love you too, Lover. I’ve thought that I might have found my one and only a couple of times before, but you’ve proven there is only one, one and only. Our friends and lovers hugging us make us feel even better about us as a family. Do you know that my sister says she and her partners should come up and be a part of our family, too? That would be a total disaster, but it might be fun sometimes.”
Janet smacked me on the shoulder and a small hand was grasping and squeezing my gonads while the small voice said, “You have to bring them for us to check out and figure out whether or not to keep them if you want more of us. We are your gatekeepers, as well as your bed keepers.”
I guess I had been told. I still wonder how Sal kept his cool during his introduction to the women who claimed him.
We all got up and had coffee with Steve and Glenda. Tiny and Ruth came, followed by Shawna, Charlie, and their kids. It was neat that I had been able to learn which kid belonged to which parent, as they all went to the nearest parent to ask them something. I thought it was amazing how the individual kids found their way home with their proper parents after mixing it up all day.
Steve and I were talking about that when Ellen came running out and jumped into my lap. She hugged me, then crawled to Janet, hugged her, and then to her Dad. Steve held the little girl and played with her six-toed feet. I can just imagine the thought processes and the temporary anguish of letting those six toes remain on her feet when she was born. It came to me from Steve and Mickey how they had looked upon the little girl they had created and just knew this wouldn’t be a problem as she grew up. I think it was unique as Sue Ellen thought of it as one up on all her extended family siblings.
This was a TGIF that I really believed was a true ‘Thank God it’s Friday’. I was mesmerized by everything that had happened this past week. I think Dora, Beth, Gabby, and Colette are taken care of for the time being. I hadn’t heard from the contact as yet what the disposition of the men from the club was. I actually didn’t care what happened to them, but I wanted to know who was sponsoring their move on the clubs because I wanted their bosses if they had someone over them. I would have to discuss that subject every time I made contact with my controllers. No, I didn’t care what the final disposition of the men was, and no it wouldn’t harm the relationship between Fran and me.
Chuck told me, “There will be no calls to you this weekend unless it’s a real crisis. You’re to report to the training center Monday after leisurely flying there. You’re going to love flying those crazy aircraft they have. Lisa and I had a great time playing cat and mouse when we took the training. They will test you with the game, and all I can tell you is to outthink the opponent and don’t do what they expect.”
I told Chuck, “I need to complete the requirements for type certification of your Citation X. That aircraft has some differences from the CJ4, so can you get me into a simulator with an instructor to truly learn the aircraft?”
Chuck said, “Let’s run out to the airpark and do a couple of things. I’ll get Wes to come with us so he can help you with any additional help to do that.”
Wes was excited to show someone new another simulator. Wes put me in the left seat of the cockpit and told me to get the aircraft off the ground. I did what a pilot should do and went through the checklist item for item until I had both engines at sufficient thrust to move to the runway. The simulator gave me all the responses and I was soon rocketing off the ground on my way to Atlanta. I had filed the simulated flight plan, and as soon as we had climbed to our operating altitude Chuck said, “Turn around and take us back home.” You know how to use this flight director, so use it to land in dense fog.”
The videos changed to heavy fog, and then a strong left to right wind accompanied by the heavy fog that was being blown away had me sweating. I was able to crab onto the runway without a lot of bouncing and tire screeching. The simulated tower had me pull in front of the business aircraft hangar.
Chuck said, “You read all the docs and all the training information on this aircraft. You probably know more about flying this machine than most pilots who do. We would never have an incident if all the people who go for type certification were as diligent as you are about studying an aircraft. Congratulations, Chuck, you can fly my ten or CS&S’s ten any time you need to.”
Janet said, “I’m going to read everything the same way Chuck does so that I can become certified to fly the Citation X too.”
We went back to the patio and were having some snacks in preparation for lunch that would be out soon.
Tiny came to the table we were at, and said, “We have a couple of new aircraft at the airpark. Let’s go see if we might want to keep them after lunch.”
Janet hugged my arm and softly said so that only I could hear, “This is the beginning, isn’t it? The two of us are going to be big time aircraft owners or rather leasers. We’re going to be flying hundreds of hours a week for the courier service and just as many for our Island Paradise flights. You know four aircraft aren’t going to be enough for what Tiny wants us to do.”
Janet grinned at me, and said, “Let’s see, you’re going to be flying the CJ4 all over rescuing the world. Our two Gulfstream 650ERs will be traversing across the USA to the Island Paradise or Hawaii. We need crews who can do this on a continual basis. With another CJ4 and a CS&S twin doing the courier work, the pilots will be up and down all over the area of the country they are working. We will be short of pilots for courier and our bigger charter aircraft. We can rent aircraft from CS&S and fly within the areas delivering and picking up packages if we have more courier work than that.”
While we were chatting about this, I asked Janet, “Do you think you can handle all the paperwork and personnel required to do this?”
Janet said, “Sure, I’ll have Kissa work with DeDe, Betty, and Star for a few weeks while we set her office up. Her first big job will be to put out advertisements for pilots. We’ll need four to six pilots type certified for the 650 in case we have to be in the air so much that we need to alternate crews. We will need a bunch of pilots with their Commercial license who need hours. We can put any people we find without their instrument ratings through school right here. We can create a contract that we will pay for their schooling, and they will work for the company for a period of time to pay us back in return. One of Sal’s wives is an attorney. I’ll bet she’ll help. CS&S probably have attorneys that will do it for us too since we’re sort of part of them.”
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She come in, and swims around, and then comes up right by me. "Your quite beautiful," she says, and pulls me into an embrace, our breasts and pussies rubbing against each other. "Thanks, I guess," I say, I have had sex before, but this girl made me feel different. "Come on," Laura says, and lets go of me. She swims over to the ladder, and sits there. I swim over as well. "You ever been with a girl before, Mary?" I shake my head. "But I wouldn't mind doing it now," I say. Laura smiles, and rubs...
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Alexander Steinert and the new sisters travel to 'her' private domain and instead find themselves in a 'Wonderland' of sorts were Cmdr. Steinert is on trial for her recent actions. Can the new Empress understand the twisted charges and defend her sister before the four most revered figures she's ever known? What rules have been broken in order to save a life? Copyright 2012 R.G. Beyer Episode 5 "Trial of the Century? Broken...
Carol heard the front door open and assumed that Max and Niki had returned, it was still too early for Roger to be getting home. She had been glad that Max was out most of the day, as she was still not sure how to react after all that had happened yesterday. It was easier to be by herself, alone with her thoughts, with her memories of the day before - though that was going to change soon. Grabbing the small basket of clean laundry, she left the small utility room and headed towards the...
"Up here sis." I called her from the barn loft. I had kind of forgotten about what happened on the front porch with us for the time being. I was kind of afraid of getting caught since I never knew where my mother would be. When it was nice outside she enjoyed going out in the rocky woods behind the barn looking for chickens that would make nests outside the barn. Sometimes she would be standing by me before I realized it. Besides, mom had found some blood on sis’s bed sheets...
She was new to her job and no one here really knew anything about her. She had a thirst for sex and could never get enough. There were always men available wanting her as she had the sexiest body built for sex. She loved hot kinky sex, lots of deep sucking oral, no matter how big the cock and she craved anal.Here at the office she was looking for new sex partners. The men noticed her right away with her large tits in her sexy suits and the ass that curved just right with the full round ass...
Flashback – Major M – Undisclosed location I looked at my men and ordered, "Put down your weapons. We are going to surrender." As I put down my weapons the L.Cpl. complained, "Surrender! Have you lost your mind?" The Sgt. decked him and put down his weapons as he added, "Sir, I hope this is part of your plan." I replied, "Right now I'd rather take my chances with Baskerville than the Sedankina twins." Plus, I hoped to finally get a good look at the vehicle and the drivers....
Written with a lot of help from wild_lusty:We were at this sexy lingerie shop, she finally went outside braless, with a sexy thin black dress with a huge cleavage. She got lots of attention of the shop clerks the moment we step inside:As soon we step in a male clerk approaches and I say:- We need a shelf bra for her, as she is not wearing a bra today.His eyes open wide - Sure, what is her size?- I think it is easyer to show. Baby, please show what size is your breast!She reluctantly shows her...
Kimberly Snow was walking down the street, minding her own business when the bang bus stopped next to her. $100 for a quick tube interview led to offers of more money for more things. Like for example flashing her tits for $500. She didn’t have to think long about that. And wow, were those tits hot. The boys promised unlimited money in the van. It worked, they lured her in. They kept showering her with $100 bills until she took off all her cloths. Danny Steele took all his clothes off, too and...
xmoviesforyouI had so much fun that I’m going back again, I wonder what’ll happen with Love Potion Number Ten? – “Love Potion Number Nine” Saturday Night Paul was dreaming and he knew he was dreaming. Some dreams you thought were real, but not this one; it was a definitely a dream. He was lounging on a poolside deck watching the trees in his back yard. Sun, blue sky, a few small white clouds and a cooling breeze. The pool and deck weren’t his, they belonged to Ms. Regnier, the mother of his daughter’s...
I jumped on the ATV and left before anyone else could stop me. I was about a half mile from their camp and I stopped and said, ‘George, I’m ready, please take me to the plateau about half a mile from my hunting party.’ “My pleasure Bob, here we go. You can open your eyes now Bob.” ‘Thanks George, it does help to close your eyes. Tell Fred we should be home soon.’ “Bob I could tell when you were close to winding down with the talk with Dignar and his people. I went ahead and had Barbara get...
Lisa and Alex were surprised when they arrived for dinner with her parents to find Alex’s parent had been invited and even more interesting their house keeper Stella particularly as they had a ménage a trois with Stella.“Hello darling would you like an aperitif.” Said her mother Sophie. Notching that her daughter was looking at Stella for once modestly dressed in a cocktail dress. “Did you think we didn’t know about Stella? Well to be fair we didn’t but Stu and Fliss quickly worked it out and...
Hello Old Friends! Your favorite writer (I guess) is back with another of her sex episode during a Holi celebration that will leave you wanting for more. I thank you all wholeheartedly for appreciating so much. It is because of you guys that I keep coming back to this platform to share more stories. For those who are new to my sex escapades, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am Chahat Khanna, 5’7″ tall, fair-complexioned, and have big eyes always looking out for hot sex partners. I have...
It was just 3 weeks passed after my encounter with you. I missed you a lot. Even though we kept in touch via messenger, emailing fantasies, texting naughty pictures and on the phone once in a while, but nothing is a substitute for the real thing as I still missed your smile, your laughter, your sparkling eyes, your soft touches and most of your entire arousing moan. After managing to settle a last minute project, I was able to get some off days ' a week! My first thought was to pay a surprise...
EroticI am not, nor will I ever be a physician. So if any of my ideas are wrong, please forgive it under the terms of science fiction. Also any relation to real events that will or have happened are completely coincidental and if this does really happen it would be extremely weird. Thank you. The Invaders: Cue the Cheesy 50's Sci Fi Music Coal, Oil, Iron ore; all these natural resources had been used for two centuries before mankind realized the folly of its dependence. The Twentieth...
‘Come on, Katie. Give in to your desires. You’ve gone this far. You’re almost there. You’re so close to your goals and dreams of being treated like a lady. Accept it. Embrace it. Give in and complete your journey. Tell me what you want.’ Todd and I had been friends for years and even co-workers at one point in our respective careers. It had been almost ten years since I’d seen him and it seemed like fate that after all that time, I ran into him the first night I finally gathered the courage to...
The following day I went to the clinic - I had been regularly to one in Prague and was used to the procedure – they told me I could pick up the test results the following day. Sure enough, Tanja was standing waiting for me when I came out of the clinic, and she decided immediately that we would have lunch together before hitting the shops. No sooner had we sat down and ordered than Tanja grinned and said, “So now you know!” “What do you mean?” I asked. “You know that Richard is my fairy...
9th email from me responding to Brenda's 9th email From: Harvey Landers ([email protected]) Sent: 4/29/13 6:45pm To: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Bren baby, Thank you, thank you for the huge compliment you have paid me by using "my words" in your reply when you said- " ... I love more the feeling of joy and great satisfaction I get when the men who invade my cunt with their hard cocks have more powerful erotic, exquisite orgasms as they pump their cum deep into my...
Monday morning. Light snow in the forecast. The sky was grey with ominous clouds hanging so low I felt like hunching. Before walking out to the truck, I stuck my head in the kitchen. Sia was still in pajamas - powder blue flannel with white daisies all over them - her head bent as she studied her iPhone. Facebook probably. “Sia?” She looked up at me, hair thick, wavy, loose and attractively messy. “Yeah?” “See ya,” I said, turning to leave. Her groan made me smile. “Daaaad! That’s so,...
Bree woke to the sound of her alarm clock beeping its god awful sound from across the room. It read 7:05. She had actually woke up right at the start. I guess an earth shattering orgasm is just the ticket for a good night's sleep she thought. She walked across the room and although her mood was surprisingly bright she still slammed her fist down on the hated alarm clock. She then heard a soft knock at her door. Bree threw on a robe and went over to open it. Trina stood there all made up...
Hi, friends I am Varun age 24 chubby bisexual bottom with a 6-inch cock. I am bisexual by nature and occasionally like to taste good cocks in my mouth as well as my ass. This is a real story which happened in June 2017. I belong to Nagpur but went to Bangalore for a year for studies. This started when I went to Bangalore last year to pursue my post graduation. I have had occasional flings with guys a couple of times before and I kinda liked sucking cocks and getting fucked. I have a hidden...
Gay MaleMarrying a filipina girl was one of the better choices I had made in life, dedicated to her family and always caring and looking out for those close to them. You take the weird and wonderful nature of this small, dark and beautiful enigma and run with it, all the while exploring your own country with her visiting friends and family and gathering new experiences on top of it all.This time around it was her favourite cousin and auntie visiting for a week before travelling to the USA to meet up...
Introduction: Harry Potters 6th year at Hogwarts becomes a little more exciting. NOTE – This is supposed to take place at the beginning of the Sixth Book. A few things are changed, more prominently the beginning. Ill do my best to get all the details correct! Enjoy. Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked – Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents deaths and the other horrible things he...
We spent most of the rest of the day in bed or sitting out on the balcony in the nude. I wanted to take Mouse to the pool in one of her new suits. But mindful of Kara's warning earlier today I decided to wait until dusk. When the sun started to go down I went through the collection tiny bathing suits we bought today and selected one. I put my trunks on while Mouse put on the suit, blushing in anticipation of the embarrassment she knows is to come. I looked at her once she had the suit on....
Eric's two concubines turned as we entered and one reached out to turn off the game. I could see a bit of fear in their eyes, and so stepped over to the couch to sit down while looking them over. They were both attractive and young. The closer one was in her mid-twenties with long brown hair and large breasts. Her eyes followed me cautiously as I sat down, but she said nothing. The farther one might have been eighteen, but most likely was sixteen. She was boyishly slender although her firm...
I should have known the day had something in store for me. It was dull dreary and damp as I made my way from the car park to the Adult Education Centre for my Creative Writing Class. Being the only male I liked to get there early and choose my seat. This was not a strategic place to observe eye candy but more of a defensive position. At 52yrs old I was the third youngest in the class and if I did not get my protected position I would end up surrounded by single ladies of indeterminable age who...
Preamble This takes place in an alternate timeline where Vanessa has not been corrupted by William Afton and the animatronics are fully sentient AI rather than possessed by spirits. Other slight changes include Bonnie still being a part of the band alongside Monty, and Foxy coming and going from the Pizzaplex by choice. Story start Vanessa stepped out of her car right outside the pizzaplex just a little after eleven pm ready for her first night of work. She approached the entrance seeing the...
Student Codey Steele is swamped with school work and cramming for exams during Spring Break. While dodging plans with his buddy and complaining about his inordinate stress, his friend suggests a soothing massage, so he takes his sound advice. Later at the spa, dirty blond masseuse Arya Fae welcomes him in a skimpy satin blue robe. He describes his predicament and the energy drinks he’s been guzzling to cope with his workload. Arya understands, she’s a student too. But she wants him...
xmoviesforyouSteph just sighed. “Oh I guess. Just fast forward to who won because the game of quarters explains the hangover.” Amanda sighed . “Spoil sport………..fine. Some guy won. It wasn’t you or Matt. But at least you out lasted him.” Steph smiled. “Well poo. I wanted to win. At least I beat Matt.” She stretched. “Well I better get out of here. No telling how long I was in here before you got in.” Amanda just simply stated, “Okay.” Steph got out of the steam room and threw the towel in the hamper. She...
NovelsI was out shopping on a beautiful summer day when I saw this man looking at me checking me out.I was dressed to be checked out.I was wearing a pair of tight shorts,a sleeveless top with a nice amount of cleavage showing and a pair of strap heels.I smiled at him and he came over to me and introduced himself.I'm guessing he was 30 something.He was very handsome and had a pretty good body.We talked for awhile and I was a bit nervous not only that someone may see us but how I was going to get him...
By Samantha Skin Lisa woke up when the sunlight fell on her face from the window. She had a hairy arm around her belly and when she looked over, there was a naked man in his late thirties snoring beside her. On the other side there was another naked man, this one a little bit younger. Her realized that her clothes were missing and felt the dull throbbing ache between her thin legs. Her thighs were sticky and bruised. She tried to move her right leg and brushed against the snoring man's...