A Modern Bard's TaleChapter 4 free porn video

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I woke up myself about 6:30. And the bed was full.

Maeve was on my right; Chyoko had her head on my left shoulder. Astrid and Dorothy were behind her, and both Heathers were snuggled up behind Maeve. That was all I could see without raising my head too far.

I managed to wriggle out from under the ladies and down to the foot of the bed without waking them. As I had expected, all of her friends were snoozing on the ample mattress. I noticed that Molly was almost off the edge. I gently rolled her over to a safer position, then tiptoed out of the room to find the coffeepot. I found a huge Bunn coffee urn and a big can of Folgers.

I used a hand opener from a kitchen drawer to avoid waking the ladies up. Once the coffee was brewing, I peeked in on the women in my bedroom.

As I surveyed the tangle of arms, legs, and beautiful bodies, all could think of was *Looks like a basket of kittens in there*

I turned around to go sit at the kitchen table and damn near jumped out of my skin.

Donal was sitting there. I closed the bedroom door silently and went to the cupboard. "Would you care for some coffee?"

"Black if you don't mind."

I filled us each a ceramic mug and carried them to the table. "What brings you here tonight?"

He sipped his coffee and nodded. "I thought I would drop in and see how you are getting along."

"You are always welcome at anytime." I said. "Unless of course, Maeve and I are um, busy, at the moment."

He chuckled softly, and I could see the resemblance to his brother clearly. "I have been doing some research," he said. "And I have noticed that most of the things you invent are to save lives or to make things easier for everybody."

I nodded. "I just invent what pops into my brain."

Donal finished his coffee and rose. "After your wedding, I have some things to show you. I'd like to see how you would adapt or combine them."

"I would like that." I said.

We shook hands and he went through the door into the nursery. But when I went to show him the proper door, the room was empty.

I should have known.

I went into the bedroom and shook Maeve's foot until she woke up. She wriggled down to the foot of the bed and stood up. I pulled her to the kitchen and closed the door. "Your uncle Donal was just here. He said he just dropped in to check on how we were doing." I poured her a cup of coffee. "And he left via the nursery." I added casually. "You might want to remind him that that sort of thing makes a person conspicuous and can draw unwanted attention."

She goggled at me for a second. "Did... did father have a talk with you about... ?"

I kissed her forehead. "He certainly did."

"Oh," she said in a very small voice.

I finished my coffee and put the cup in the sink. "I've got to go keep a promise. Do you want to go along?"

Maeve shook her head. "I think I'll go talk to my father." Then she brightened and came over to me for a kiss. "Take care of yourself and try not to get into trouble."

"Tell your father that I said Hi will you?"

"I will." she said with a smile. "Now scoot before you're late."

I took the big elevator dawn and got into the Caddy.

I drove over to the big door and used the remote to open it. As I drove away, I thought of a way to make the door a lot quieter. I made a mental note to look into it later.

It didn't take long to locate Guido Balducci in the phone book. When I called, he had just arrived home.

"Yeah, I could use a beer or several." he spoke to someone in the room with him in Italian. "Say, my wife wants to come along and meet you. Is that ok with you?"

"Sure, bring her along. My fiancée is over at her folks house this evening."

He named a nightclub and asked where I was.

He gave detailed directions on how to get there, and then got off the phone, telling his wife to get busy and get ready.

I still got lost once the way to the club but was able to figure out the error and arrive safely.

I parked just down the block and walked back to the nightclub.

This was not a neighborhood I would normally have gone into alone, but no one looked twice as I entered. I saw Guido before he saw me, and edged around clumps of people so he wouldn't spot me until I was right beside him. When he did turn around, I was about a foot away. Guido damn near jumped out of his skin.

"Holy Mary Mother Of!" he yelped. "Don't sneak up on a guy like that. You wanna give me a stroke or somethin'?"

I took his hand. "Sorry about that Guido. I just wanted to keep a promise to a master of his craft."

He recovered enough to shake my hand. Then he turned to a plump, motherly looking woman standing nearby. "Mr. Bard, this is my wife Maria."

I gave her a short bow. "Please to meet you Mrs. Balducci."

"So you're the story teller I have heard so much about lately." She said. "So what are you doing gallivanting around with my Guido this close to your wedding?"

"I am new to this city." I told her. "And I needed someone to ask for advice that I cannot get from my prospective in-laws. Besides, I made him a promise. And I always keep my promises."

"Such a nice boy." she said. "Does your bride know how to cook?"

I thought about it. "I have no idea."

"You send her to see me, I'll teach her how to make some good Sicilian dishes," she said firmly.

"I will talk to her about it Mrs. Balducci," I replied.

We sat dawn at a table close by the band. Guido poured a glass of wine for me. "So how do you like the finished job?"

"As close to perfect as can be found in this world." I said.

Guido waved the compliment away, but I could see that he was pleased.

We talked about construction and the Navy. It turned out that we had served aboard a couple of the same ships years before.

By the end of the evening, I was too bombed to drive. Guido solved the problem by calling one of his sons to come drive me home. I gave him cab fare home before we got started as I figured I would be out cold by the time I got to my place.

I was right.

I woke up naked in my own bed, curled up to my fiancée's back. I slipped out of bed and made it to the attached bathroom. I wasn't hung over, just a little unsteady for a couple of minutes.

With all the wine I had the night before, I should have felt like the aftermath of a buffalo stampede.

I showered and brushed my teeth. Then belted on a robe and left the bathroom. I got a closer look at the girl in my bed.

It wasn't Maeve.

*Oh Shit! *

Just them Maeve came in from the kitchen. "Hi Darling. You sure were a mess last night."

I glanced at the bed and felt ill all over again.

Maeve saw the direction of my glance and smothered a laugh behind her hand. "Oh," she giggled. "I asked Molly to keep you company when I got out of bed this morning. I didn't want you to wake up alone."

I just shook my head. "If this had been after our wedding and I was released from my vow. I would have acted far differently when I woke up."

"That would have been a real surprise for Molly then." Maeve said. "But I don't think she would have minded."

"No but you would have." I retorted.

Maeve laughed low in her throat. "If I arrange something," she said. "Be sure that I intend and accept for it to happen."

This was a side of Maeve that I hadn't seen before.

*Brian. If you're listening, get your Sidhe ass over here right now! * I thought as loudly as I could.

"I have to see your father today." I told her. "And I have to get fitted for that tuxedo."

Maeve undid a couple of buttons on her blouse. "Are you sure that you have to go?" she said. "I think we can find a way to kill a few hours."

That was it.

This wasn't my Maeve.

I untied the sash of my robe and took it off.

"Oh, you decided to have some fun after all." she said and swayed forward.

I turned the robe inside out and put it on again. Maeve hissed like a cat and vanished in a puff of sulfur smelling smoke.

I went in to check on Molly. She was OK, but sound asleep.

I hurriedly dressed and draped a coat over my shoulders.

When I went down into the main part of the building, Brian was just coming up from the elevator. As he came toward me, I took the coat from my shoulders, turned it inside out and put it on.

Nothing happened. Good this was the real Brian.

"Someone or something was just here impersonating Maeve." I reported. When I suspected something, I took off my bathrobe and inverted it. I put it back on and the imposter hissed and vanished in a cloud of brimstone smoke."

Brian took off running for the apartment and stopped in the kitchen to smell the lingering odor of the smoke. "Any other visitors lately?" Brian asked.

"Only Donal yesterday." I told him. "When I mentioned it to Maeve, she seemed a little upset."

"She had good reason to be," He said. "Tell me, did you tell him that he was welcome here?"

"Yes." I said. "But I thought it was Donal."

Brian cursed. "This place will need to be shielded and warded as soon as possible." He looked at me. "Maeve is asleep in her bed at home."

"Someone is going to pay for this." I said.

I was mad clear through.

Bad enough someone was screwing with me, but when they brought my bride into the matter, it became a blood feud.

Brian was able to wake Molly up easily enough. She was embarrassed, finding herself nude in my bed, but recovered with admirable quickness. "If you gentlemen will look elsewhere, I will get something on and get out of here."

We turned our backs while she slipped out of bed and into her clothing. "You can turn around now," she said.

Brian and I faced her.

"I don't like being used." she said as she tucked her shirt into her skintight jeans. "What I want to know is who I need to take me baseball bat to."

"When we find out." Brian said admiringly, "You will get your chance. I promise."

She gave a businesslike nod. "I'll hold you to that then." and she stalked off with all the dignity of an offended cat.

I checked the time. "I have to prepare for the party tonight."

Brian made go ahead motions. "Take Maeve and enjoy the evening. I '11 stay here and see to what needs done."

I patted his shoulder and went to change clothes.

This time I buckled on my rapier and dagger.

Ariel accompanied us to the party that evening. Part chaperone and part bodyguard.

I met many of the same people that were at the previous party, and just as many new ones. One man affected an offended attitude about my wearing a sword, but I was soon able to turn the whole room to laughing at his pomposity and pretentiousness.

He sulked in the corner for the rest of the night, casting baleful glares at anyone who came near.

"That boy needs a hobby, or at least a sense of humor." I whispered to Maeve. She laughed aloud and pulled me out onto the floor to dance.

There was no fireplace here, so I used candles on a coffee table for the required firelight.

"Sometimes a man is ignorant of his own importance." I began when the crowd gathered 'round. "And, very rarely, such a man, or woman, makes decisions far beyond their wildest imaginings." And so began the tale of The Roadhouse At The Center Of The Universe.

Brian Kerry showed up just in time for the end of the story. The audience was roaring with laughter as I wound the narrative to a finish.

He waited patiently beside Ariel as the rest of the partiers came up and offered their congratulations. When the crowd had thinned, he came forward and took me aside. "Your home is now as secure as hours, and you should have no more intrusions there. No one with ill intent can enter at all, even if invited."

"Thank you." I said.

"What can I do to help find this walking corpse that offended me and mine?"

Brian grinned mirthlessly. "Did you ever wonder what a minnow on a hook feels like?"

I matched his savage smile with one of my own. "Sounds like fun."

He put a companionable arm around my shoulders. "I knew you would say that."

Maeve came over from where she was talking with her mother. "You two are getting along better every day," she observed.

"Brothers in arms." we replied in unison.

"Pardon me William." Brian said. "I need to speak to my daughter for a moment." I waved my assent and he moved off with Maeve.

Ariel appeared at my shoulder. "You certainly have made our lives interesting in a very short time."

"Much preferable to boredom." I replied. She tucked her hand in the crook of my elbow and smiled up at me. "Shall we have some punch?"

We made our way to the table bearing the punchbowl. I dipped some into a cup for Ariel and took one for myself. "Has your husband told you of the days events?"

Ariel nodded slightly. "We had half expected something of the sort. Not all of our people support your union with our daughter. It means a fundamental shift in the balance of power."

I grimaced. *Politics* I thought sourly.

Ariel laid her hand on my arm. "You have your allies as well as detractors."

"I wish I could just challenge the head of the opposing faction and be done with it." I said.

Her eyes sparkled. "In time, you may have your chance. In the meantime, we need to move the real wedding up. There can be a public, show wedding later. But we need to complete the bonding as quickly as possible," She flicked her eyes over to her husband and daughter. "My husband agrees with me on this."

The Gargoyle, as I dubbed the poor sod who sat in the corner scowling at the world, said something to our hostess. She stopped dead in her tracks. In a loud but steady voice she ordered him to leave the premises and never return.

He slunk out with a sneer and a snide comment or two. When he had gone, the hostess faced the party and took a deep breath. "My apologies friends. I made a mistake in inviting that worm to my party. A mistake I hope none of us will repeat in the future."

The people applauded and the hostess curtsied. She came over to where I was standing and I handed her a cup of punch. "Thanks, I needed that," she said after a few swallows. "I really enjoyed your story tonight."

"Thank you for saying so." I replied.

We made small talk until Brian and Maeve joined us.

I turned to the hostess. "We must regretfully take our leave early. Would you be so kind as to collect the donations from the bowl and hold them for me until I can pick them up?"

"I would be glad to." she replied. I took her hand and kissed it.

We all went back in the Caddy to the Kerry's home.

Back at the Kerry's townhouse, Brian gathered us in the room with the big fireplace.

Maeve's entourage of beauties gathered in a circle.

Brian and Ariel stood with Maeve and I in the center of the ring beside a table.

On the table there was a wooden box, richly carved and inlaid with precious metals.

Laying his hand on the box, Brian allowed his eyes to assume their slit pupil appearance. "In the presence of those gathered here, seen and unseen, I bestow my blessing upon this Bonding." Ariel placed her hand on the box beside her husband's. "As mother, I give my blessing to this bond. As Priestess, I ask the blessing of Danae to strengthen this bond."

They lifted their hands, and the top of the box opened to reveal an orb, glowing with a shifting silvery light. Maeve held out her hand, palm up. The orb floated free of the box and wafted over to come to rest in her hand. She turned to me with a smile. Her eyes had the same cat pupil look of her mother and father.

"My Love. I offer to you my heart. I offer to you my soul. I offer to you my eternal love. For now and for all time." she said with a tremor in her voice. She held the orb out to me. I held my hand out and she placed it in my palm. I took a deep breath.

"My love. I accept your heart, your soul, and your eternal love. I offer unto you my loyalty, my soul, my mind, my heart, and my eternal love. To Bond with you for now and for all time." I recited what I had rehearsed on the drive from the party.

Maeve put her hand atop the orb. It grew steadily brighter until I had to close my eyes. When the light faded, I could feel Maeve 's presence. Like an invisible thread connecting us. I opened my eyes again and waited to see what came next.

One by one, the ladies of my bride's inner circle stepped up to lay a hand on the. Orb. "I witness and accept this Bonding." each repeated, and then moved back to allow the next one in line her turn.

Finally Brian and Ariel touched the orb simultaneously. "What is now joined, only the true death may sunder."

The orb flashed once, and then waned to a fraction of its former glory.

Maeve took it in both hands and placed it in the box. She closed the lid and came back to my side as the box shimmered and vanished from sight.

Brian came forward and embraced me. "Welcome to the family my son."

Then Ariel came up. She pulled my face down to hers and kissed me soundly. "I knew you were the one," she said. Then hugged her daughter.

The other girls took turns coming to us with hugs and kisses. They all had the same green, slit pupil cat eyes that my bride had.

Except for Chyoko, her eyes were a softly glowing orange/red color.

When all was said and done, I had a new wife, a new set of in-laws, and a whole bunch of non- human houseguests.


If anyone had told me before my trip to the city that I would end up married, I would have called them insane.

"What will you do now?" Brian asked me.

"I think I'll take my bride home. This has been a very long and full day," I answered.

Brian gave me a conspiratorial wink. "Yes, I believe that you should take her straight to bed." Ariel hugged both Maeve and I again. "Tomorrow afternoon I will come over to your home. There is a lot that you will need to know."

Brian put his hand on her shoulder. "Darling, there is much that we cannot divulge without dire repercussions likely."

She turned on him and snapped. "I will NOT have our daughter endangered just to protect the secrets of hidebound old fools! They are Life-Bonded now. If William is slain by our enemies, it could very well mean our daughter's death too. Is that what you want?"

Brian took a long step back in the face of her fury. I don't blame him. Hell, I would have outrun Superman hisself if she got that mad at me.

"Easy my love." Brian said placatingly. "I merely meant that you should consider what you say carefully. He is remarkably quick to put together minor clues to reach the proper conclusions." Ariel subsided a bit. "There is some merit in what you say." she admitted. "I will use all due caution."

I had the sinking feeling that things were going to get a whole lot more complicated real soon. Sometimes I hate it when I'm right.

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Train me aunty ki jabardst chudai

Hi this Armaan again 24 years old. I will send my story of “bua ki chudai” afterwards until I don’t get satisfy from your mails well here is another new story which happened just two days back when I was traveling in train from bilaspur to thrivandrum dosto is aunty ki chudai to badi simple thi.KOI BHI AUNTY 35-58 years sex karna chahti hai to mujhe mail karene ” armaan.mere umar 24 saal hai lekein mujhe aunty bahut aachi lagti haine.Well you knows me very well I m 23 and my Natraj pencil is of...

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 Chapter 2 The Princesss Bard

Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Two: The Princess's Bard By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Chaun – Unmik, Asunow Princedom, The Princedoms of Zeutch My three balls boiled. I groaned, running my pale hand through my wife's sky-blue hair. My hand normally wasn't Zeutchian-pale but midnight black. Nor did I normally have a muscular body, broad in chest and shoulders, thick thighs, and sandy-blond locks spilling about a ruggedly handsome face. I was normally slim, wiry, with an almost...

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The Bard Of Avon

This story contains a small amount of crude language and briefly depicts one or two sexual situations. If such things offend you, please go no further. If the concept of two people of the same sex sharing a relationship upsets you, then please don't read this story. The Bard of Avon By Jane Howard First Ted got divorced and then I got divorced. Neither one of us could handle the stresses and demands of marriage. Our wives both felt that we were irresponsible and too...

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Modern Farm Chapter 5 session 31

The big ass of slutty Katin is hidden in a very sexy with an black, skin tight and net like underbutt hotpant which emphasizes her monster ass properly. Furthermore her football sized silicon tits are put into a black, skin tight and net like shirt encases these massive boobs perfectly. Katin is fully body shaved, except the hairy trapeze above her pussy. The edges of the trapeze she shaves. # Katin is ready for my cock Sexy Katin is laying with her back down on an usual bench to sit, which...

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Modern Farm

Just for heads up: Personally, it was not easy to let these things happen the way I tell them in this story. I am a very courteous and kind person, and need much personal overcoming and discipline equally to do such despising things to women and even destroy a mother and daughter connection in the end. Of course, there are always moments when I would like to take Katin and Sylvia in my arms instead of punishing them further. Especially when Katin or Sylvia look me in the eyes screaming or...

4 years ago
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Modern Farm Chapter 5 session 1

The big ass of slutty Katin is hidden in a black, skin tight and net like underbutt hotpant which emphasizes her monster ass properly. Furthermore her football sized silicon tits are put into a black, skin tight and net like shirt encases these big, hard and massive boobs perfectly. Katin is fully body shaved, except the hairy trapeze above her pussy. The edges of the trapeze she shaves. It is a usual night, the guests served by sexy Katin tonight. Katin is getting a lot of tip due to her...

2 years ago
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Modern Farm Chapter 5 session 20

Another night, there are still some guests are around. The guest are tipping the sexy waitresses Katin and Sylvia a lot, due to the hot dress they wears. I do my usual job in the bar, mixing drinks and watching the both hot waitresses doing their job. # Dress of daughter Katin The ultra horny daughter Katin is dressed very sexy with an black and netlike C string in short version, which begins at clit and ends between the ass cheeks. Her big together pressed ass cheeks hold the small piece of...

1 year ago
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Modern Mage A Hunters Dilemma

Gabriel Roarke had been a Hunter for over a decade, ever since he recovered after his family was attacked by a Vampire. To be more precise after that creature had killed his parents and then turned his sisters forcing Roarke to kill them if he wanted to live. He had spent six months in a hospital recovering from physical injuries he’d received from surviving that night and cleaning up the mess so that he didn’t go to jail for murder. He didn’t tell the police or the doctors, nurses and...

1 year ago
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Modern Mage Chapter 4

I woke as I felt Sindee shift beside me. Opening my eyes I saw her swinging her legs over the side and sitting up. I looked over to the clock to check the time, realizing that she had sat there sleeping at my side for most of the day made me feel better than any medicine or Magick could have. “Time to get ready for work now” I asked in a sleepy tone. Sindee turned to look at me smiling, “I was trying not to wake you; you need to rest and let your body and the IV replace the blood you...

3 years ago
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Modern Pirates

At least it was over quickly, he wasn’t exactly a spring chicken. Carol was 24, the oldest of the three friends who had jumped at the chance for a free holiday in the sun. She was about 5’ 9”, and was the proud owner of a really nice pair of tits. They were 100% natural as far as Peter could tell, yet despite being at least 36D there was no hint of sagging. As Peter watched her, she sat up, shook her long blond hair, and turned onto her front, loosening her bikini top to prevent tan lines,...

1 year ago
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Modern Day Cassanova The Beginning

At age 13, and with his mother in such a state, Michael's father was given custody, and he went to live with his father and his new girlfriend, Tina. Michael was nervous about living with someone he didn't know, but was glad that he was able to stay in the house he grew up in. Tina was 26 and a total knockout, with wavy blond hair, a meaty, yet firm ass, and what Michael would find out accidentally was a D cup bust. Even though she was largely at fault for ruining his parents marriage,...

1 year ago
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Modern Day Casanova the intro

Michael left the assembly and entered an old storage closet used for the science department, for some reason it was always unlocked. About ten minutes later the door opened and Amanda walked in shutting the door behind her. She looked extremely nervous as she walked over to Michael and stood face to face with him. “You’re late”, he said coolly. “I got held up talking to Mr. Harris”, she pleaded to him. Michael grinned, “I don’t care, just get started”. Amanda looked reluctant and nervous for a...

3 years ago
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Modern Maturity part 2

“Who’s your best lover?” Mike was steering the pontoon up the small canal and the gentle hum of the little motor had almost put he and Jan into a trance. “Why you,” Jan didn’t hesitate with her answer, “why?” “OK, very politically correct answer,” Mike chuckled, “but let’s go with the same question but add besides me.” “Well now,” Jan thought a moment, “that makes it difficult.” She took a couple of minutes then began to think out loud. “Bob was awfully good that first time...

1 year ago
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Modern Maturity

“Well, hello neighbor,” she smiled as she greeted her new neighbor for the first time since they’d pulled their motorhome in the lot beside the one she and her husband had purchased a year before, “are you just staying a short time or did you two buy the lot?” Mike had been so busy redoing and checking the RV’s connections, that he’d hastily made the night before when he and his wife Jan had gotten in, that he hadn’t seen her walking up. “Good morning,” Mike spoke reflexively almost...

3 years ago
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Modern Love Story 1

God, there has to be an easier way to make a living. Dave Parker was on his back in the loft of an old detached house in Surrey. The owner, who had recently been widowed, was having some work done on the house before she put it on the market. The Private House Sale Act of 2007 compelled the vendor to indemnify the purchaser of a property in the event of any major work needing to be done in the two years immediately after the sale. It was possible to get insurance cover for this contingency,...

4 years ago
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Modern Love Story 2

“It’s simple really. When you think about it, all three of us want the same thing. So, make the most of the opportunity. If you want to fuck him, or if he wants to fuck you, then do it. It doesn’t matter whatever else you’re doing.” “Whatever else I’m doing?” Her incomprehension was obvious. “Well, not literally, Kelly! I don’t mean if you’re shopping in Sainsbury’s or whatever the Majorcan equivalent is! I mean when...

3 years ago
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Modern Cuckolding Works Chapter One

My wife and I were avid Internet fans, always looking something up, checking out new places, things, and activities. One day, while cruising the web I came across a Yahoo group called “Cuckoldry Couples”. Interesting, I thought. Investigating further, I found out that this once shameful, humiliating practice had become the newest rage in couple’s sexual play. The object is for the wife to find and engage other men while she denies her husband sex, either permanently, or as part of an intricate...

3 years ago
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Modern Relations part 02 Kevin Masters Alexandra

After Kevin had painted her eyes shut, Alex had entered her own little dark world, getting wetter and wetter as first she sucked his cock and then as she sat passively while he took pictures of her cum covered face. Just giving him the camera had nearly brought her off. Each click of the camera increased her arousal. Pictures were proof and proof is power. Kevin now had pictures that could seriously damage her reputation. She felt small, helpless and… happy. ‘Alex… who is M?’ repeated Kevin...

2 years ago
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Modern Relations part 01 Alexandra breaks a rule

Alexandra and Kevin made a point taking a break from their busy careers and social lives one Sunday of each month. Kevin called it Lazy Sunday. In typical fashion Kevin declared rules for this special day. He had a thing about rules Alex learned soon after they started dating. There were lots of rules in his place. Alex didn’t mind since most were sensible. Lazy Sundays had a special set of rules. Rule number one? No TV. So they typically spent the occasion reading, sunning, working out,...

4 years ago
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Modern Relations part 04 Alex and her Mother Halloween

This is the 4th chapter of the series. Edit: Made some modifications to the story to stream line it and clear up dialog. Kevin lay semi-spooned over Alex as she finished her story. “Unfair,” he exclaimed in mock outrage. “You can’t just drop a bomb like Clayton plowing your mom, and then stop. Keep going, you bitch.” “Now be nice,” Alex admonished. “All this talk makes me thirsty. Can you be a dear and get me a drink?” she said lazily. Kevin popped up to get water for them. He filled two...

2 years ago
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Modern Love

Magically the screen lit up and Darren’s message appeared: What are you wearing? Chloe sat cross-legged on her bed, her IPhone clutched between her fingertips. She starred out of her window dreamily for a moment before expertly keying in her response: Lol – nothing very exciting. Pink t-shirt. Denim shorts. x Send. She chewed her bottom lip furiously, wiping her long straight blonde hair behind her ears before tying it back into a loose pony tail. Her phone sat on her knee, she watched it...

3 years ago
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Modern Relations part 07 Alexandras Freshman Year

“Breakfast is served. Everything a growing girl needs,” Kevin said, cheerfully walking in the bedroom with eggs, bacon, coffee and OJ.. Alex sat up sleepily and arranged her pillows. Kevin put the tray on her lap then kissed her gently on the cheek. “Thank you,” she said. Then she stretched into a yawn, “Mmmm, What time is it?” “Not quite Seven.” She picked up a piece of bacon and waved it at him accusingly, “That’s a little early given the night we had don’t you think?” He looked on...

2 years ago
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Modern Relations part 03 Alexandra Does All The First Time

Alexandra and Kevin lay sprawled over each other, arms draped over legs, breathing in deeply, post coitus. The sheets were slightly moist from their shower and hasty towel off. Kevin lay facing up with his head at the foot of the bed while Alex lay face down to the right with one leg over his midsection. Kevin considered Alex’s extended leg as it lay next to his face. He found the sculpted calf, fine boned ankle and high arched irresistibly sexy. Until minutes ago she’d been walking around in...

3 years ago
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MODERN FAMILY SEX PARODY Phil and Claire Dunfy Teach Haley a lesson

Its 3:00 am, and Phil and Clair Dunfy are sitting at home worried sick about their 16 year old daughter Haley. She went out earlier in the night with one of her friends that everyone knows is a slut, named Jenna. Clair was wearing her wooly nightgown pants, and a white tank top. Her ass was so nice you could see it bounce side to side in the baggy pants as she paced across the living room floor waiting for Haley to arrive home. Finally, Haley stumbles in the front door, looking sexy as ever....

3 years ago
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Modern Family

Choose a character Luke- the youngest and only son in the Dunfee family. He isn't too bright when it comes to school, but he does wield some impressive street smarts. He has two older sisters, Haley and Alex. Luke can be annoying to them sometimes. He is usually considered his parents', Phil and Claire, favorite child. Luke has somewhat curly dark hair. He isn't very athletic with an average build to his body. Claire- She is the mother of three children, Haley, Alex, and Luke. Her husband is...

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Modern Family

***Author's note - any character mentioned in this story has celebrated their 18th birthday - at least a few days ago. Since this is a "choose your own adventure" story, please do not be shocked at what you find. You make the choices - don't yell at me. You have been warned*** Phil finally got an offer on the house of his dreams. The commission alone would bump the Dunphy family into the next tax bracket, which was fortunate considering the money he had to shell out for his three kids. With...

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Modern Family

Gloria Pritchett is a beautiful mother to Manny Delgado. Gloria is also a MILF, The Latina can persuade anyone. Her 34F Natural Bosoms will make anyone want to FUCK her. Gloria is Married to Jay Pritchett who is 65, Gloria is 14month younger than his Daughter Claire Dunpy. Only 3 Hours since her son (Manny) went to school and her husband Jay went to work, Manny school called and said he was in trouble.

3 years ago
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Modern Woman 2

The first few weeks after the seminar were really difficult. I know my husband felt that something had changed. He sometimes just looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face as if to say, 'Who are you and what have you done with my wife?' I spent those weeks trying to find a way to talk to him about Louise. She and I promised each other that we would find a way to leave our marriages so we could be together. We spoke over the phone every day. We had a code so we didn’t alert our...

1 year ago
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Modern Relations part 08 Its Complicated

Wendy: 4:40 PM“Okay, Okay, hold your damned horses,” Wendy yelled at the door. After ringing constantly for half a minute the door buzzer finally relented. Fresh out of the shower and dripping water all over her apartment, Wendy checked the time as she ran for the door. Andy was twenty minutes early. Wendy jabbed the intercom button, “That better not be you, Andy.” Jerking her finger off the button, she added, “because I’m getting tired of your fuck ups.”“It’s me, can I come up?”“Alex?” Wendy...

3 years ago
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Modern Love

Magically the screen lit up and Darren's message appeared: What are you wearing? Chloe sat cross-legged on her bed, her IPhone clutched between her fingertips. She starred out of her window dreamily for a moment before expertly keying in her response: Lol - nothing very exciting. Pink t-shirt. Denim shorts. x Send. She chewed her bottom lip furiously, wiping her long straight blonde hair behind her ears before tying it back into a loose pony tail. Her phone sat on her knee; she watched it...

2 years ago
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Modern Cuckolding Works Chapter One

My wife and I were avid Internet fans; always looking something up, checking out new places, things, and activities. One day, while cruising the web I came across a Yahoo group called “Cuckoldry Couples”. Interesting, I thought. Investigating further, I found out that this once shameful, humiliating practice had become the newest rage in couple’s sexual play.The object is for the wife to find and engage other men while she denies her husband sex, either permanently, or as part of an intricate...

1 year ago
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Modern Relations part 07 Alexandra Is a whore

Alex cleaned up in the shower and slid into bed next to Kevin, snuggling up against his warmth. She murmured her pleasure. Kevin was having none of it, he demanded a story. Alex retrieved her laptop and opened a folder called freshman_pics, and started a slide show.“Ok. Here, now you can drive,” she said, handing the laptop to Kevin. “These are from my Freshman year, obviously.”“Wow, is that Wendy! She’s so young,” Kevin exclaimed. His fascination and focus on her beautiful friend amused Alex....

1 year ago
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Modern Relations part 06 Valentines Day

 “I planned to pop the question at dinner tonight,” Kevin told Alex as they got in the back of the limo. Alex extended her hand so she could examine her sparkling engagement ring and smiled. Kevin sighed at the sight of his bride to be. In addition to the ring, she wore a dress he’d selected specifically for the evening. A red form fitting sleeveless dress with a bandage effect which created lines to accent curves and draw the eyes up and down her form. Two inch straps held up the dress...

3 years ago
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Modern Relations part 03 Alexandra Does All The First Time

Alexandra and Kevin lay sprawled over each other, arms draped over legs, breathing in deeply, post coitus. The sheets were slightly moist from their shower and hasty towel off. Kevin lay facing up with his head at the foot of the bed while Alex lay face down to the right with one leg over his midsection. Kevin considered Alex’s extended leg as it lay next to his face. He found the sculpted calf, fine boned ankle and high arched irresistibly sexy. Until minutes ago she’d been walking around in...

1 year ago
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Modern Relations part 01 Alexandra breaks a rule

Alexandra and Kevin made a point taking a break from their busy careers and social lives one Sunday of each month. Kevin called it Lazy Sunday. In typical fashion Kevin declared rules for this special day. He had a thing about rules Alex learned soon after they started dating. There were lots of rules in his place. Alex didn’t mind since most were sensible. Lazy Sundays had a special set of rules. Rule number one? No TV. So they typically spent the occasion reading, sunning, working out, eating...

4 years ago
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Modernmom Fucked By Rich Black Friend Part1

Hi guys my name is arjun . Mere mom ka naam seema hai vo 38 years ki hai , unka figure 36dd-26-38 inches aur vo bahoot jyada sexy hai.Mere papa dubai mei corporate job karte hai isiliye meri mom dusre men ke saath bahoot freely baate karti hai .Meri mom bahoot flirty and she loves mens attention . Vo jabhi chalti hai toh unka ass bahoot zoro se upar niche hilta hai . Mere society ke sab mard unke boobs and ass ko dekhkar apna apna lund khujate hai . Mai ek arts ka student hoon and mera ek...

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