Money!Chapter 42 free porn video

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We didn’t run into a bunch of traffic at JFK and only had to follow the pattern and get in line at twenty miles out. Lisa smoothly put the aircraft on the runway and taxied to an Agency hangar.

John Scott, Sam Nightfox, and Tom Crowfoot were all waiting for us. Tom was restricted only to Marshal activities because of his value to the Service now. John and Sam both warmly greeted us. John said that I need to visit him on Key West so that he could show his home off. He said that CJ can’t visit because he has too many women. Chuck laughed and said, “The new kid is gathering faster than I did. He already has over a half dozen.”

John laughed and said, “There’s something in the water up there. I have two and that’s a lot more than enough.”

Sam told us, “Maria has found the sweetest little Indian girl who she just loves to death. She was just a nanny for the baby and to help Maria watch the kids at first, and then we had a bed partner one night, and Maria made sure that I enjoyed the new partner before her. I wonder if I caught a disease while living with you there in Florida.”

Tom said, “The other men from the Agency and the Marshal Service are on site. Here’s the plan: Both Chucks will lead a team through the two entrances. John and Sam are going to be set up in sniper positions to pick off any possible problems that may show themselves. The idea is to do this in a rush so that their captives aren’t used as a shield or just executed. This group is a mixture of a bunch of American underworld guns and some Russians. The captives are about fifty percent from the U.S. and Canada, and fifty percent from Russia. We’ll use Lisa and Janet as intermediate snipers since you brought them with you. Remember, the faster the better so that they can’t warn the other sites. There’s going to be collateral damage, so pick your targets well, and make sure that you drop them quickly. I’m going to be in a third sniper position to cover the fire escape on the north side of the building.”

I think we all understood what was going to happen so Chuck, John, Sam, and I put some MP5 magazines in our vests along with a couple of sidearm magazines. I watched the girls load up with a couple of extra sidearm magazines and filled the rest of their vests with .308 magazines.

We rode in a passenger van with a police escort until we were close to the site. We met the other men of the two teams, and made sure that they all had plenty of ammo and were wearing armor. We all carried the HK5N with silencers mounted. We would be able to know where the enemy was firing from this way. That every one of them were in Agency BDUs made me feel a lot more at ease. Chuck was feeling the same way and giving me some soothing thoughts. I felt the comforting thoughts from both Fran and Lisa as we went toward our entry points.

The door we wanted to enter was locked, but it only had a single bolt holding the door. An Agency man stuffed a wad of material where the bolt was and lit it with a lighter. There was a flash of light and the door warped. Another man pulled the door and the bolt was like liquid. We didn’t see any alarm wires or magnets, so we moved forward.

We heard that the rear entrance had been breached in the same manner the front one had. Our first contact was a man by the elevator with an AK that wasn’t at the ready. I didn’t have to make a decision as one of the men put him down, while another ran to him and jerked some devices out of his ears and around his throat. I split the team up and was going to send four up in the elevator and six of us were going up the stairs. I told the elevator team to be on the sides of the door and to wait until we were at the stairway door before they activated the elevator.

The six in our team ran up the steel stairs set in concrete, so there was very little sound. We tried the door to the hallway at the fourth floor and found that it was locked. A quick scan, and an equally as fast stuffed wad of material, and we were ready. I told the elevator team to move over the radio.

We lit the material, there was a flash of light again, and we pulled the door open. Rounds were hitting all around the metal door jamb. One of the men received a scratch from a ricocheting AK round, but it was just a scratch and hardly bled.

The elevator doors opened and the interest in the stairway door was switched to the elevator. My team was out in the hallway firing at those whose attention had switched to the elevator. My team eliminated eight men who were protecting or guarding the captives. The elevator men had survived without casualty, so we were in good shape. There were no guards with the captives, so I advised the Marshal teams to come up to herd this group of captives to somewhere safe. It was someone else’s problem to figure out where they came from and where they should be returned to.

We were met downstairs by Tom who said, “Helicopters are coming to take you guys to a place in Jersey that’s said to be like a fortress. All the men on these teams will go with you, and another small group of Agency men will be there. Let’s hustle over there and get the intelligence we need to finish this. The other sites have been cleared.”

We were soon flown some distance south from where we were into New Jersey. This was an old gangster’s home with walls and open spaces designed to keep intruders away.

A group of Deputy Marshals had attempted going to the house, but were fired on from turrets on top of the house. I told Fran, “Clear that turret with your fifty, and do it to any other locations that open fire. Lisa and Janet, you two set up as snipers covering the entire front. I’m sending men around the back to do the same. I’ll take a team in through the front door and we’ll clear the place. We should be able to free the captives if they have any. Whoever is going to be with me come on?”

John was going to be the only one to stay behind to assist as spotter. Sam, Chuck, and Fran were with me along with six Agency men. I know my antenna was up and I was getting more nervous by the second. The front door had the first problem. There was a tripwire right at the step to enter the house. I figured that it would at least get rid of the door.

I threw my hook on the end of a line and snagged the trip wire. I pulled when we were all clear. Kaboom. That was some heavy overkill, since there now was a huge opening where the door used to be.

I threw a piece of blown off concrete into the opening, and at least a dozen automatic rifles opened up at it. I hoped the others noticed where the rounds were coming from. I waited for the familiar ‘clack’ that was the bolt locking back after the last round in the magazine fired. I ran into the entryway firing at the first location that I knew someone was firing from, and then switched to the second one.

We did what was necessary there, and were advancing into the house when I had an eerie feeling. I looked up and saw a guy on the stairway aiming a pistol at us. I dove, pushing Chuck, Sam, and Fran out of the way. The guy got me in the thigh and arm. Someone behind us got the guy. I got up and ran toward the back where there were at least a dozen men with some form of rifle or handgun. Bullets were flying everywhere. My team came up behind me and finished off that group of resistance.

We were just finishing up when I saw a man come from behind something and level off at the men in front of me. I dove at them, knocking Chuck, Sam, and Fran down again, as I was hit by what seemed to be a dozen AK rounds on automatic, and then spun around from a round in the arm. Another round finished me by grazing me on the top of the head. Nighty-night.

Holy shit, I hurt. My head hurt as bad as it did when I woke up after the head surgery when I was kicked. My arm really hurt, so I had to assume that a bone had been hit this time. My side hurt, my other arm was bandaged, and my thigh hurt almost exactly where I was shot before.

I forced myself to open my eyes. I immediately shut them again. Janet was in a chair with her head back and eyes closed. Fran was there by the window, Mercy was there standing with her, and my sister’s familiar body was next to them.

The equipment attached to me must have made a noise, because I suddenly felt all of them next to me. Janet said softly, “Chuck, Chuck, can you hear me? Come back to us, Chuck.”

I opened my eyes and was immediately mobbed by all the people in the room. A couple of ladies in white coats with stethoscopes draped around their neck burrowed their way to me, and began checking my vitals. One asked, “How do you feel, Mr. Miller?”

I looked at her and groaned. I asked her, “Can you make me hurt any worse than I do? Let me tell you then.”

The nurse hit a button on some machine next to me, and I felt something soothing pass through my arm. I lay there looking at everyone and said, “And the good news is that I’m feeling great now.”

I received a lot of smiles and a few laughs. Gin said, “You have enough feel good juice in you to make us all feel good. I’m sure glad you’re back with us, at least awake and talking.”

Tina was standing over me, and said, “I’ve double checked everyone here and know that you’re going to be okay. Thank Fran for knowing what to do with the wounds you had. That graze on the head will match the scar on the other side. Listen, you crazy man, thank you for saving ours, but see if you can duck a little better.”

I had to ask, “Umm, where am I?”

To the last one, they all looked at each other. Nikki finally sat on the side of the bed, and leaned down to kiss me. “You’re in New Jersey. We’re going to get you home as soon as they give us the okay to transport you. Tina has already signed up to be your attending physician. She helped clean up a couple of your wounds a second time. Fran assisted her, and they said that you were in better than expected condition. Your head wound caused a concussion, and you have three broken ribs and a cracked clavicle, along with the other wounds. Your armor had twelve rounds buried in it according to Janet. The video showed that you killed the shooter while you were falling. I suppose that was revenge of some sort.”

I closed my eyes, but couldn’t remember anything after tackling the people to get them out of the way. I could feel that instant and somehow knew that I was going to be hit, but it didn’t matter. The people I was pushing out of the way were more important. There never is enough time to stop and make a decision. You act instantly, and hope it’s the right decision.

Janet leaned down and kissed me. “I somehow knew that you were going to be alright. You kept telling me that all will be well, although you were out of it. Mercy told me that it was your subconscious trying to make me feel better. It did.”

I spoke to all who were there. Fran came to the bedside and leaned down to kiss my lips. “Thanks for saving my ass again. You are one fearless motherfucker. There would be about four hundred dead little girls without your efforts. It’s going to be four to six months before you can be on duty again. The Agencies are going to argue over who has to pay you during your recovery.”

It made me laugh, since I knew that Tom wasn’t going to take any shit from anyone on this.

Chuck and Steve came to the room the next day. Steve said, “I can’t believe that these guys let you get shot up like that.”

Chuck said, “Thank you, Chuck. Sam sends his thanks as well. I was a little pissed when you collectively knocked us all down the second time, but the automatic rifle fire from that AK then had me crawling away. You saved our asses, Buddy. I’m sure glad that you survived that much fire. I know we’re special to be able to survive the way we do, but this one was special because you saved Sam, Fran, and me, along with all those little girls.”

“Glad I did what was necessary. Now, get me out of here so that I can recover at home.”

Chuck said to me, “What would you think of recovering on board my big boat? We have an extra suite that would be perfect for you and your family. Tina will go to the college to get your women a temp withdrawal so they can go, still do the classwork via the internet, and then make up any lab work when we return.”

I told Chuck, “Hey, I’m not going to be much help. I won’t be able to pull on lines for the sails or any of the hard work.”

Chuck just smiled and said, “We have it covered. Most of the heavy work is taken care of by electric motors. A vessel the size of this one has to have all those to assist, or about two hundred men to do the work. You’ll be put out on deck to get some sun and then shifted from place to place to heal.”

Janet had been staying with me, and leaned over to give me a kiss. “This will be a perfect way for you to heal. Kissa doesn’t want to leave her new job, and will be watching the company and courier flights while we’re gone. We’ve hired a lot of very good pilots who like to fly for smaller companies. There are several in the instrument rating course who will be available for courier flights. We have six men who are now flying the G650. We’re using four men for Hawaiian flights because most of them are quick turnarounds. Tiny found us another G650, so we have two doing Dewey’s turns, and two doing our Island Paradise work. All our courier work is being handled by Hawks, and will soon be augmented by a Delta.”

I smiled at Janet and said, “We probably need to get away from here so that Tiny can’t push more airplanes at us. We’ll have Tiny unload a G650 for every Delta delivered and one of our King Airs or CJ4 for a Hawk while he’s playing with airplanes. We’re looking for speed, STOL characteristics, efficiency, and dependability. Wes’ airplanes give us that, so why not continue with what he makes?”

Chuck managed to convince the doctors following my case to let him and Doc Tina take me home. I was loaded into an ambulance and taken to the airport for a mercy flight home. Gin, Nikki, and Fran were given instructions for the flight home by Tina. I was loaded into another ambulance once there, and taken home to the patio.

I was mobbed by adults and kids. There was nothing better than having all these people being sweet to me. I was lying in the bed that I was going to be in for a while later, when Brandy and Tiani came into the bedroom I was in. Brandy gently hugged me and kissed me everywhere that she could without making me groan. Tiani did the same and said, “Anything you ever need, anything, we’ll make sure you have it. You saved our man. You took bullets that were intended for him. I can’t tell you how much you mean to us. Thank you, Chuck.”

There were continuous trips to the marina by the families to make sure the boat was outfitted with enough toilet paper throughout the next week. I was able to get up, shuffle out to the patio, and lay on a hospital bed out there instead of having to stay inside.

I could stand having a couple of little ones on the bed with me by late the second week at home. They would jabber at me and I would answer in unintelligible gibberish that they thought was the right answer. This was giving me a lot of time to think that our women should begin bringing us babies.

Chuck made an announcement to everyone on the Friday evening of the third week I was confined. “The boat will sail a week from Monday. We’ll be in Ireland within a few days less than three weeks if we don’t have any hiccups. Our plan is to visit Ireland and then head to the Mediterranean, where we’ll make some stops at Steve’s factories. We’re all planning on some time on the great beaches there, but we’re going to bypass a lot of the sightseeing. Chuck Miller’s ladies want to do some tours, but they’ll be on their own while the rest of us kick back and relax. Chuck may not be able to go everywhere, because of his injuries, but he should be getting back to normal about then.”

“Now comes the fun part. Brandy has done some advance work for Lisa and me. We’re going to do a concert tour with one stop in Greece first, one stop in Italy, and then on to the Riviera. We’ll do two concerts there before sailing home. This will be similar to our tours with the other band, the Blues Expedition, but it won’t be multiple concerts at each venue. The Lucky Lady Blues Band will be the featured warm up band, and the kids’ individual bands will each have a shot at wowing the audience. Sounds like a Friday night on the patio, doesn’t it?”

Bonita bounced up to the microphone and with a big grin said, “We hope to have at least a dozen new pieces recorded by the time we get home. We’re also going to introduce to you a new musician in our group. You’re going to love him. I’m already falling for the guy, and he’s hardly done anything yet.”

I wondered who that would be.

I had been feeling better each day and I was awake early on Saturday morning. I thought I might stretch my limits a little, and was able to dress myself and move out to the grassy area between the patio and Glenda’s house. The big tent was still up, so the space was a little limited. The boxes for horseshoes had been removed, so that area was cleared.

Beginning to try a form after being totally still for almost four weeks is something to gradually approach. I used a basic form that would stretch me and wouldn’t hurt the clavicle, or pull on the other wounds that were just about healed. The ribs were still tender, but not bad. I knew that I would be weeks ahead in the healing process if I could stretch the muscles around the ribs. I was on my third repetition when Janet and Fran came out to join me. They followed me as I repeated this basic form, but I’m sure they pulled it much harder than I did.

I kept this up for over a half hour and was heavily sweating. The good news was that I was becoming more flexible with each movement. The two women bowed and then rushed me when I stopped and bowed to them. Fran said, “Now I know that you’re going to be alright. You’re going to have to work on getting your strength back. Janet and I will help you gradually do it.”

The two helped me through a shower and dressing. We all had coffee with Steve and Glenda. She told me, “We’re going to stay here this time. A trip like that is hard on us older folks. You take care of yourself and take care of that crazy Bonita and Lizzy. You know that it was you she was talking about, don’t you?”

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, but Steve said, “I’m not sure how you’ve swayed that girl from Chuck, but you apparently have. Be gentle with her. That girl and Lizzy do everything together, so if one makes up her mind that you’re it, you’re going to have contend with both of them.”

I was almost feeling terrified that someone like Bonita would want to be with me. Lizzy was almost understandable, but she had never been forward. Then again, Bonita hadn’t been forward either. Janet could see my discomfort and kissed my cheek. “You’re the most loving man I’ve ever met. You’re even more loving than my Dad, and he’s the gentlest of them all.”

Janet gently hugged me, and said, “This is all going to work out and this sailing adventure is the way that it’s supposed to happen. You should be able to have Bonita and Lizzy if I get to have Andrea.”

I wanted to go into a dark closet and cry. All these women wanted something that I don’t think I have. The dress code for Saturday morning had me fantasizing about all the women on the patio, but Bonita and Lizzie came bouncing up in front of me when I was sitting with my delectable group, plus Andrea. Lizzy took after her mother and was slim and sleek, except for what Steve called her ‘party balloons’. That girl rivaled her mother and grandmother, and loved to wave them in my face.

Same as Money!
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Hubby gets his wish

My wife and I have been married for nine years and we needed a little spark. Myself I’ve always been a little kinky but the wife is way too conservative in bed. She is 34 5’5’’ with a smoking body with an ass you just want to fuck. When my job went overseas I had to leave for six months so I had a plan. I contacted an old female friend that’s very kinky and ask her to help me out with my wife. She asked what I wanted my wife to try I have always loved interracial porn so I said interracial and...

3 years ago
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April Showers

‘Now tell Me all about your day pet. What did you do today? Were you a good girl?’ I asked My girl, April, as I looked her up and down, intently letting my gaze roam all over her body. She was naked, as always, except today I allowed her to wear her panties. I had a special reason for it this night. Earlier that day, she had worn her little black dress, which she knew to be one of My favorites. It was a tight knit halter-top number with the whole back open to just above her ass and in the...

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My twelve-year-old daughter, Hayley, had come to live with me for the summer because her mother and step-father both had to work and didn't like leaving her alone at home all day long. I am a free-lance writer. Although I don't make as much money as her mother, I work at home. A couple of days ago, I had asked Hayley if her mother had had a talk with her yet about her developing body. She said, "No," so I proceeded to explain things like hormones and the development of sexuality in a woman....

3 years ago
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Cuckold Lex has a strange preference in sex

My old schoolmate Lex has a problem. He has been married for 5 years to the prettiest girl in class, and every guy would like to fuck her. In talk or in apps they sort of openly say so to one another, and oddly enough Lex himself would rather have somebody else fuck his wife than fucking her himself. Strange guy ...And watching another guy fuck his wife is his ultimate fantasy. The thought of it has turned him on daily for quite a while. He has one other condition to letting somebody else fuck...

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The ContractChapter 5

The day of the funeral was a damp and dreary one. Samantha, my three kids and their spouses all stood there to one side of the coffin as the preacher droned on and on. This guy had never taken the time to get to know us, even though we had been members of his 'flock' for years, and now he was expounding on Becky's virtues and how she was going to heaven like he had known us forever. It sort of made me sick inside. I had things on my mind this day too. Becky's lawyer had contacted me...

4 years ago
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Felicity Ch 54

Dan and Patty were in a hotel in the city. They were in bed after the musical show they had attended, Wicked. It was a fun show and his birthday present to her. He had gotten the tickets before he learned she was cheating on him, before he cheated on her in revenge. ‘Should we divorce?’ Patty asked .’Do you want to marry him?’ Dan asked. ‘No, hell no. I admit it was fun but no fucking way. Thank you for not throwing a fit when you found out but I am beginning to think I would have...

3 years ago
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Amateur Night at the Blue Nile

“Are we nearly there yet? This doesn’t look anywhere classy.” Clarissa tried to keep the petulance out of her voice. She knew she should be flattered by the stretch-limo and the Dom Perignon, glass number three of which was fizzing its way down her throat, but why the hell were they driving about dingy back-streets? “Relax,” her companion said. “Shoreditch is the new Soho. Home to all manner of delights. Where we’re going is a different type of exclusive.” The way he said it made her shiver...

2 years ago
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Kindling A Cuckold Part VI

For a moment they just stood there looking at each other; it was almost as if they were waiting for one another to open the conversation. It was Brian spoke first. “Been reading my Kindle then, hey?” he said with a smile. “Yes, I was cleaning the bookshelves the other day and just opened it out of interest. Why?” Brian shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing,” he responded. “Just curious, that’s all.” Sara stepped past him as she went to the kettle. “You like the cuckold stories then, do you?” It...

2 years ago
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InterfaceChapter 7

I got up bright and early on Monday, knowing it would be another day of school but I had to get through it before I could get back to my evil plans. I was keen to get started as soon as possible to get it all over with. Once I had dried my hair and feathers, I put on the day's uniform, selecting a skirt instead of trousers. I was getting more comfortable wearing these girl clothes. the openness of them had been a little startling at first but now I was more used to it they didn't bother me...

4 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 10

We left Stone Lodge and the stench that lay over it two days later, with me leading our party mounted upon the grey. No one saw us off save Lord Hawke and he did so grudgingly. At the time he was a very busy man, what with cleaning up the rotting carcass of the dragon that was causing the stench that we were fleeing, but regrettably I didn't give him much choice in the matter. I had him ride beside me until we were beyond the gates of the city and out of range of any weapons that could be...

4 years ago
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Her Bullys College Roommate

Amy was giddy with excitement when her parents dropped her off at the Central University of North Texas. Everything was about to change for her. She'd been teased and bullied all through high-school for her appearance (she's barely five feet tall, skinny, flat-chested (but with big, sensitive nipples, and freckled) and for her general nerdiness—she read a lot, sci-fi and comic books mostly, and got really good grades. The boys at her high-school ignored her (except for Mark and Vignesh—her D&D...

3 years ago
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the Best

The Best “So how about it? Is Holly a good cocksucker?” Lewis asked. “I can hear you guys” she responded. My wife was laying on her stomach near the pool. “Then you can hear my answer……..I don’t talk about that stuff.” I said. “Oh come on” he chided “All white women like to suck cock. How about it Holly are you any good?” She lifted her head up, turned around to look at Lewis. “I’ve never had any complaints. He says I’m the best.” She said looking over at me. “Well how the hell would he know/”...

4 years ago
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Waking From The Nightmare

“Shoot me,” he said, pressing the gun into her small hand. “Go ahead,” he said, “Shoot me!” She stared at him, not understanding. “If you don’t, you’ll be sorry.” She shook her head, holding the gun, heavy in her hands. He sighed. “Okay, then. Have it your way,” he said brightly, and took the gun back, pushed her hard against the couch, starting pressing himself into her and laughing. Laughing. It hurt. It hurt. Like knives cold gun at your head. Like suffocating being strangled...

2 years ago
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9 Mrs Wild Anne Bust Treatment

In-room 202, Anne was all cosy in bed. It was over an hour ago, that Jason, who she had been having an affair with, had left her alone in that hotel room. With thoughts of the great sex that she had with him that evening, Anne started to drift off into a deep sleep.As Anne was drifting into a deep sleep, an alarm was going off in room 225. The older lady in that room was not in a deep sleep, her alarm was one for her to start work for the evening. She got up from a brief rest in her bed and...

2 years ago
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Sister in Law 7 entraps friend Part 4

If you haven't read the earlier stories, I suggest you start at Sister in Law 7 entraps friend. This starts the day after Sister in Law 7 entraps friend Part 3.The mobile rang and Jennie's partner answered. Luckily the man on the end of the line asked who was speaking rather than getting straight into it. So Mob was passed over to Jen."Hi Jen here, who am I talking to and how did you get my number?" "You may recall you offered me a coffee when I stopped you fro breaking the law. Mike here." "Oh...

4 years ago
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Jen Teases her Husband into Panties Part IV

Chapter XIII Tom wasn't happy. Under the girl's direction he was putting the laundry away. Jen's underwear went into her dresser, neatly folded. Tom's underwear went on the bed where any of his remaining boy underpants quickly disappeared. Jen was serious about having him wear panties. "Let's take a break for lunch," Jen suggested. The nightstand clock read one fifteen. No wonder they were hungry. The girls started for the doorway. "Hey...Can't I put something on over this?" Tom...

4 years ago
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Road Trip Chapter 1

Let me start off by describing myself, so you'll get a good image. My name is Brittni. I'm 18 years old, 5'8, I have an average body, dark brown hair that extends about a quarter ways down my back, pale skin, light brown eyes, D size breasts, and a clean shaven vagina. My face consists of snake bites, a tongue ring, and small gauges. I'm pansexual, I do quite a bit of drugs and I party way to much. Now here's my story. Traveling had always been a big part of my adventures as a...

5 years ago
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Teaching my 18 year old neighbor pleasure of sex

I can remember the day about six months ago when the new neighbors moved in. They were a couple I would say in their mid thirties and their eighteen year old daughter. I saw them move most of their stuff in as I always spend a lot of time working in the yard on the lawn or trimming the shrubbery. I always managed to find some project to work on to keep me busy. I couldn't help noticing the daughter. From a distance she appeared to be a rather cute looking girl. In the past six months I...

First Time
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08 TogetherChapter 125

Two weeks later – Jens, Ben, Mira and Ira – At the cabin I have been diligently studying both my Russian with Ben (he’s such and excellent teacher) and Muay Thai with Destiny. They have both been brutal with me. I finish my latest Muay Thai training session with Destiny and she announces, “Jennifer, the time has arrived for you to challenge Mira and Ira.” I jump up and down in excitement and ask, “Destiny are you sure?” Destiny smiles at me and says, “Yes Jennifer, your progress has been...

4 years ago
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My Hot professor part one

It was a typical bright, sunny, and happy day for me. I had gone to all my classes that day but I had been dreading my last class. It was one of the hardest classes I had ever taken in college and was a 350 level course. I was busting my ass to pass and did not know that I was failing the tests when I was studying at least twenty hours a week. So I got to class and I had sat in my normal seat which was the third row and the first chair. I always made sure that I was right in front so my...

Office Sex
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A Point of Honor

Last summer, a group of us got together after too many months apart. The place was my hometown, a Texas tourist Mecca on the Gulf of Mexico. We started at a little beach bar drinking beer, listening to acoustic guitar and watching the sun go down. An excellent dinner of fresh seafood and wine followed, then on to the nightclubs for dancing. Around eleven we arrived at the biggest club on the beach, and it was jammed. We made our way inside and to the bar where the serious imbibery began. We...

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Feel free to add chapters... each with a new AMA. Feel free to use real AMA summaries or fictional. Either way, please make them sexy and unique. Fetishes very welcome.

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Foot Fetish started

Never ever thought I would be in to this but after my first experience cannot get enough of it.I was 29 and me a and one of my friends (Sarah) were sitting in her lounge and putting the worlds to right. She had just finished with her boyfriend so we talked about a lot of things. After a couple of bottles of wine the talk got a bit sexier and talk of things in the bedroom started to come out and fantasies/likes started to flow. One thing Sarah mentioned was that she loved to have her feet...

4 years ago
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Business Tour Be Come Sex Tour

Dost oh mera naam Bulon hai or mai guwahati ka rehena wala hu, mera age 26yrs hai, looking average, mai ek engg hu or telecom mai job kortha hu, or iss ka laga thar reader hu. Maine bohut sara story pora hai, or moje kuch acha bi laga, isliye 2month ago hui incdent batha ra hu yea sachi stori hai jo meri sath hua tha use mai baie kor raha hu, agar kuch golat ho tho muje maf kor dena. Hua u muje office ka kaam se mizoram jana tha oh bi by road, so maine apna personal ghari (duster) le kor nikal...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Lust Head

I woke up on Christmas Eve to the sound of someone knocking on the door.  It was after nine o’clock.  I was asleep in a guest room in my uncle’s basement.  Next to me was a pair of my panties that were stiff with my dried cum.  Cara had used them the night before to give me a handjob while everyone else in the house was asleep.  It was the third time in less than a week.  The first time was right after she caught me jacking off in her basement.At first, I felt guilty.  Cara was only eighteen...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory the AlukahChapter 2 The Motherhouse

Wednesday October 2nd, 2013 – Sam Soun As our early morning flight on British Air took off from Heathrow Airport in London to Toulouse in Southern France, the entire plane was abuzz about the woman found badly assaulted in the restroom in the terminal. She was found around midnight local time, and since then I kept Candy and I where there were people around. Safety in the herd. I took no chances and made sure my bronze dagger – enchanted to harm spiritual beings – was easily...

3 years ago
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The Business TripChapter 5

Darren made the short hike to the Westmar building and rode the elevator. He stepped into the Walnut Street Capital offices and headed for Marcia’s cubicle. “Good morning, sunshine,” he said. “Good morning.” “Your shiner isn’t so shiny today.” “I know. I’m a fast healer. Rob called again last night.” “What did he say, this time?” “He wanted to know my answer.” “And, what did you tell him?” “I told him I wasn’t ready to give him an answer. He started listing all the things he...

2 years ago
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The CircleChapter 42 Reality TV Show Starts

"Quiet! Come on, the show is about to start." That command came from four or five people in the lounge to stop the hum of conversation. Almost thirty people crowded into the room. The entire Circle was gathered in the family room in front of the large TV set. That night was the first airing of the reality TV series entitled 'The Circle.' It was the start of thirteen weeks showing the edited taping from the nearly continuous videography of The Circle for the past six months. The producers...

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The Bloody Faithful Chapter Four Solitude

Chapter Four -Solitude- "You're telling me he just up and left." Rambo studied me with those hawkish eyes. "Sorry Luv, but that doesn't make sense. Why in the bloody hell would he walk out on what promises to be the biggest thing musically of the fucking twenty-first century? The bloke would have to be a nutter." "He was under a lot of pressure," I said. "His father's ill and he had some other issues he was dealing with. Personal stuff." I wasn't about to tell the group what...

2 years ago
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Romantic Love Making To Neighbor Girl

This is the story of the time when I had just finished 12th. I was a Science student with both Medical as well as Non-Medical options. I appeared in many entrance exams for admission in Engineering or Medical Courses. Being from a small town, I didn’t take the much needed coaching and as a result could not clear any. So we finally decided that I shall take a break and study hard for the entrance exams. Both my parents were working. While my father used to go to a different town everyday for his...

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A New Life Redone

Last night's dream had been weird, Vanessa thought confusedly. All she remembered was lots of bright flashes of light, a deep voice sounding, and then a flash of blood, before everything disappeared and she woke up again. Deciding to pass it off as a nightmare or a very odd dream, Vanessa rolled off the bed, yawning, giving myself a once-over in the mirror. She wasn't bad-looking, that was for sure, but she wasn't the best. Her boobs were non-existent, really - a small A-cup, which frustrated...

Mind Control
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The Sleepover Pt3

I keep teasing her pussy and rubbing her little love button, as I kiss my way down her body. Positioning myself between her widespread legs, I replace my finger with my tongue and eat her through an amazingly powerful orgasm."Oh fuck!" she screams. "Ohhhhh Brandon! Oh God! OhhHHHHHHHHH!" I'm sucking on her clit and fingering the opening of her tight, virgin pussy. "I'm fucking cumminggggggg!" she shrieks while entangling her fingers in my hair and pulling my face tightly into her quivering...

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Me My Daughter and the Motel Chapter I A Dark and Stormy Night

Snow covered the road., camouflaging it in with the rest of the landscape. Fortunately, the shadows my headlamps cast in the ditches gave me at least some indication of where the edge of the road was. That, and this road was anything but unfamiliar. I’d driven it many times. Hell, in good weather I could probably almost do it blindfolded, I’d driven it so much the past several years. There was a good set of winter tires underneath me, so that upped my advantage some. Still, one false...

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Caught in the MiddleChapter 5

I let the three take it easy for the rest of the afternoon and evening with the exception of the butt plug/tails in their asses. We ate a nice, simple dinner and watched some TV. I could tell they were waiting for the action to start. I wasn't going to do anything today or tonight wanting the anticipation to build. All three would stay the evening at my house. I could tell that Frank and Joyce, in particular, were feeling the butt plugs. I reminded all three of them that their tails had to...

3 years ago
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NCLA Days A Fab Foursome1

Out of all the girls I met at Naked City, Ashley was the hottest by far. She was this innocent looking 21 year old blonde but she was just a nasty little girl at heart. Her nickname around her old high school was “The banana girl”, which apparently originated from her fucking herself in the ass with a banana in front of everyone at a party. She would do almost anything on a dare. At the monthly NCLA nude beauty contests, she would do her standard routine of poses finishing by...

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