Wyoming Ute IGT Living Beyond the Dream Saturn
- 3 years ago
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“So you’ve been medically cleared to continue?” Phil asked when Abe and Tracy accompanied Meg back to the treatment area.
“Yeah, despite a few bumps, I’m officially concussion free,” she declared.
“I figured as much, after you trailed Ted for so long.”
“You should talk,” she countered. “How’s your neck? I wasn’t the one who was strangled.”
“My neck’s fine, though I may not stick it out quite so far the next time.”
“I think she should call it a day,” Abe said, holding his niece. “She’s been through a lot, and it’s late.”
“We can still make it through her treatment without a prolonged delay.”
“I’m not sure that’s wise,” Meg hedged. “I’m nervous after the attack and I’m not sure—”
“That’s bull, and you know it!” Phil insisted. “You know what you’re doing, you reacted immediately when something went wrong—saving my life, by the way. It’s always better to ‘get back on the horse’ right away. If you delay, you’ll grow ever more doubtful. It doesn’t get easier, and nothing restores your confidence like discovering nothing’s changed.”
“You really think that’s best?” she asked, cocking her head. Abe rubbed his forehead, not venturing an opinion.
“All right, I’ll do it,” she answered, more confident than she’d been moments before.
“You’re sure you’re okay?” Phil pressed. “No headaches, no dizziness? Your thinking is clear and you aren’t sleepy?”
“Nope. They already asked me those questions. No symptoms, at all. I’m fine ... except...”
“Except what?” Phil crossed his arms, considering her.
“I’m nervous. If something could go so wrong for someone as experienced as you, what’s likely to happen to me?”
He smiled, reaching out to grasp her shoulder. “Don’t worry. No matter how angry the devils get, they can’t touch you.”
“It’s not the invisible creatures I’m worried about. They only gave you a few scratches, but you almost died because someone was strangling you. If some huge adult man decides to hurt me, what chance do I stand?”
Phil wrapped his arm around her, pulling Meg into him. “I’m always watching over you, and I can warn you when something is about to happen.”
“You didn’t know you were about to be attacked,” she mumbled into his chest, but he didn’t appear to hear it.
“You know what you’re doing. You not only have terrific instincts, but you have the ideal attitude. You’re great at bluffing, and when someone as cute as you gets pissed, it scares even the mightiest warriors. You need to trust yourself. Whatever happens, you’ll adapt. Now get back in there, and let everyone know who’s boss. After all, you don’t want anyone thinking you’re a helpless little girl.”
She giggled. “That’s right, I’m a girl who knows how to kick berserker ass!”
“Atta, girl.”
Despite Meg’s bravado, her doubts remained. She was nervous, close to shaking when she entered the treatment room, sitting across from a large beefy man suffering from severe depression.
“All right,” Phil nudged her, speaking in her ear, “everyone’s waiting.”
Meg swallowed, looking above the man’s eyes.
Phil groaned. “Uh ... that’s not the proper term.”
“The word is Silsk, which you know. Keep calm. Whatever else, you’ve gotten their attention, they’re all staring at you, only more curious than surprised. They’re opening their mouths wide—which isn’t an aggressive power display—it looks more like a yawn. No, Slavsin tells me it’s a sign of derision. You need to regain the upper hand. Put the fear of God into them!”
“Listen you, you ... dragons,” she said, in anything but an authoritative tone.
“Uh, you’re not looking at any of them, turn you head thirty degrees to the left and tilt it up fifteen.”
“Is this part of the treatment,” her patient asked, “or is this practice before you begin?”
“You’re losing it, kiddo. You need to reassert yourself.”
Instead of responding she twisted, leaning over and fumbling in her backpack.
“Uh, Meg, they’re all yawning now.”
She still didn’t react, continuing to shift things around in her bag. A moment later, she straightened up again. “Where are they?” she whispered.
“Directly in front of you. What are you—”
She stretched her hand out and sprayed something at them. The dragons all started coughing, choking and hacking. Her patient wheeled back, his eyes watering.
“All right, bitches, laugh at me, will you? Listen up, we know all about you. Not only can I curse with the best of you Sslaussens, but we understand how to track, hurt, and yes, kill you. Why the hell do you think they sent a child against you? Because you don’t scare anyone! Consider your human. Despite your best efforts, he’s doing better than ever, because he’s heard all about you. You’ve been exposed, and once the curtain’s been drawn back, you’ve lost all your power.”
“They couldn’t follow the last line, try the following.”
“Slessin Zlest, ssiso.”
“Jackpot! They’ve all paled, their jaws are hanging open. The lead just asked ‘What now?’”
“Alright, bitches, if you want to be strong again, you need to start from scratch, and I don’t mean when you were children. Instead, do what your creators intended. Yeah, that’s right, we’ve been communicating with them.”
She proceeded to detail what they had to do, what they had to gain, and what would happen if they didn’t. One started to object, and she sprayed him in the face, causing him to double over, spitting up. “You don’t interrupt me, cockroach!” None of them did it again.
“That was a phenomenal recovery,” Phil said, when Meg joined them for the after-treatment briefing. “What was that? Mace?”
“Perfume. My mom gave it to me as a gift yesterday. It smells terrible!”
“How’d you know it’d ... never mind, after seeing it in action, it’s clear how it works.”
“Care to explain for the rest of us?” Abe asked.
“These creatures draw energy from the environment because they can’t consume solid food. However, they still breathe air. You can’t substitute the role of oxygen in the bloodstream, and you can’t generate it, or get it into the lungs, without breathing.
“Clearly, anything physical won’t affect them, but something less solid, or gaseous in this case, interacts with them normally.”
“Damn, that’s a game changer! It gives us a new tool, not just to distract these creatures when they attack, but to physically hurt them.” Curious, Abe leaned over, lifted Meg’s hands and sniffed, wincing and drawing back.
“It’s not that bad!” Betty argued.
“I’ll tell you what,” Phil suggested, “why don’t you ask the dragons what they think of it?”
“Is that what you were thinking, Meg?” Tracy asked, not totally satisfied and curious how to handle other similar situations in the future.
“Uh ... sure, that’s what I planned.” Meg flashed her a weak smile and looked at her feet.
“Whatever,” Phil said, pulling her to him and hugging her. “I’ll tell you what, as cute as you are, I prefer the tomboy in you. If it wasn’t for her, I’d be dead now. The only reason I survived Ted’s attack was because you distracted him, giving me the chance to break free. If you were the typical girl, standing in the corner and screaming, this entire movement would be over.
“You’ve got plenty of time to be a girly-girl when you’re older and become interested in boys. But for now, I need a warrior who knows how to fight like a girl.” Phil grinned. “Besides, both Mizo and Slavsin report many of their races mightiest warriors are women. It’s only humans who foster helplessness in their females.”
“So should I pick us all up cans of mace?” Abe asked. “It seems more effective than dog whistles.”
“No, it’s too concentrated. There are many instances of police-strength mace stopping full-sized men’s hearts. Given these creatures small size, it will likely kill them. Meg somehow intuitively knew the perfect solution. That’s why I trust her judgment so much. She doubted herself, but when push came to shove, she knew how to respond. Sometimes, the best tools in our quiver are what we find when we’re out of arrows.”
“You sure it wouldn’t hurt keeping the mace on standby—just in case something goes wrong?”
“No, Meg’s perfume works better than a Taser.”
“Excuse me?” Abe asked.
“Oh, sorry, I guess I never explained. Back home, the Philadelphia police wanted my assistance. But when I made demands, they requested a guarantee that I was legit. I fried a demon with one of their Tasers—which worked incredibly well. Unfortunately, I ended up fighting for my life as everyone watched helplessly. No, Meg’s approach is subtle, but won’t be seen as a direct attack. It merely insists that we be taken seriously.”
“I still don’t like the idea of my little girl risking her life,” Betty said. Before Phil could respond, she held her hand up. “I know, I know, they can’t touch her. But like you say, if she becomes their enemy, they’ll start searching for ways to hurt her, too.”
“Sis, could you give me the name of that perfume?”
She glared at him, but Meg rode in to the rescue.
“It’s ‘Miss Pepper Pot’s Perfume’,” she said, holding the container up for him to study.
“If you’re purchasing supplies for yourself, why don’t you order a case—at our expense,” Tracy suggested. “Once this is finished and you move on, the school will need to teach our students how to defend themselves.”
“You should buy another case for the Philadelphia Walker Institute,” Phil said. “It’ll be difficult explaining how we know it works, but it’s something they can definitely use to get the creatures to pay attention to them.”
“I’ll order them, but hold off on shipping it,” Abe countered. “After all, there’s no sense tipping your hat until after the university releases the results of their study.”
“How ‘bout if I send her a single bottle?” Meg asked. “Since she knows me, it won’t seem strange. I can suggest she use it against her invisible creatures, since nothing can withstand the smell.”
Betty rolled her eyes. “That’s what you get for trying to treat your daughter on a limited budget!”
“Believe me, I’m very glad you gave it to her.” Phil gave her a quick hug. “I’ll return the favor three-fold whenever she uses it to save my life.”
“I’ll do better than that,” Tracy offered. “Let’s go shopping, and I’ll buy you whichever perfume you like, and you can recommend anything else we can use against these creatures.”
Somehow, Betty didn’t seem to appreciate Tracy’s gracious offer.
Phil entered the treatment room after the patient had been waiting for some time, twiddling his thumbs. Sitting down, Phil leaned back, considering the man for some time, not saying a word. The man began to get edgy, unsure what was happening, but his demons weren’t any better. They could tell Phil was watching each of them as they flitted around their human’s head, so they recognized he was aware of their presence. However, his refusal to act on the knowledge unnerved them. What’s more, he was like a walking menagerie, with creatures of all kinds sticking close by his side, awaiting his instructions. Someone behind the partition knocked on the window, but he still didn’t budge.
Finally, he leaned forward, speaking not to the impatient man, but to the demons circling his head. “I just killed three berserkers, ripping them asunder or decapitating them with my bare hands.” He held his hands up, as if demonstrating them to the demons, but did so without making any threatening gestures. “Frankly, I’m finding it tiring. As most battle-hardened warriors know, the deaths begin to wear on you, and you realize the futility in the continual pointless killings.”
When several of the man’s demons seemed confused by his speech, Phil signaled Dezpik, Mizo and Desttr to translate for him. The devils responded defensively, but the trio—who’d been briefed ahead of time—simply stated what he’d already said.
“Due to the constraints of this study, I’m required to eliminate at least two of you. Yet I’m frustrated by this arbitrary limit—especially since you’ve done nothing to provoke it—aside from tormenting Ralph here, of course,” he said, indicating his patient. He paused, studying the creatures who’d responded noticeably every time he referenced killing their kind. Again, he made them wait for what he was leading to.
“He slaughter others,” Desttr confirmed, demonstrating his ripping someone apart with his hands.
“However, nothing specifies that I need to kill you, only that you no longer imperil Ralph.” That revelation triggered the demons curiosity. They studied his every move, cocking their heads, trying to figure out his intent.
“Here’s what I’m proposing,” he continued, “two ... no, three of you leave your host and come work for me.” Before they could object, Phil lifted his palm, forestalling their protests. “Of the devils involved in the attack earlier today, the one who set me up, returned home intact only hours later, after he resolved to change tactics, following our advice.”
When Phil paused once again, the demons couldn’t constrain their curiosity. “What do?”
“Oh,” he said, sitting up as if he’d forgotten what he’d been discussing. “Your creators enlisted my aid. I’m authorized to clean up your act, either through wholesale slaughter or negotiation. I’m opting for the negotiations. But as Trror shows, you stand to gain much more by working with me than continuing as you have.”
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“If it’s so intriguing, why not just call him?” Abe replied. “Her,” Phil corrected before chuckling. “You know me, I can’t think straight without a cup of joe.” “Well, you’ve had your coffee, what’s preventing you now?” “The weak complementary swill they serve here only provides enough fuel to reach the decent stuff at the corner.” As they exited the building, someone rushed up, shoving a microphone in Phil’s face. There was a camera crew and a news van behind him. “Mr. Walker,...
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“So you’ll be okay for the next hour or two?” “Yeah, we’ll be fine,” Abe assured him. “Meg wants to scrub herself clean, which should take a while. After that, she’s excited about going grocery shopping with the money you gave her.” Phil chuckled. “She’s some kid. I thought she’d want to squirrel some away, but you’d assume she’d want ice cream and cake too.” “No, she’s interested in some decent food for her school lunches, and plans to stock the hotel room so she’ll have something...
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It was a ridiculous comment to make. After all I so fancied Phoebe. She is my best friend’s sister. I was sorry I made the comment. It just came out. We were all in the kitchen. Dave and his sister were arguing about one of Phoebe’s friends and her ability to get boyfriends. Phoebe is 17 years old and Dave and I are both 19. Dave wasn’t winning the argument that was for sure. Phoebe was much faster when it came to arguing. Dave resorted to insults and suddenly piped up...
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It's your senior year of high school and the last thing you want to worry about are your grades. However, you are on the verge of failing your history class and that would prevent you from graduating with the rest of your class. Fortunately, the class is taught by an attractive young woman named Ms. Turner. She's new to the school, so you hope that she's not wise to your scheming ways and might cut you a break. Determined to raise your F to a D, you wait until school is over on a Friday...
CHAPTER ONE (of two) I've not done much of anything in my fifty years; well, other than read books and work. That formula has worked for me till now but no more. I've finally decided to make a change. Oh me? My name is Bruce Turner more about me later. Working, I'd become a major success; Well, if a hundred million in liquid assets can be considered success. My job? I'm self-employed. I buy and sell foreign currencies, not an occupation for the unlettered or the faint of heart. Me, I'm...
Love StoriesBrandie skipped classes all day Friday, she had been feeling restless all week so she decided to visit little bar with the funny name on the Northside. One week previous she had felt very uncomfortable at the very same location, of course then the circumstances were quite different. As part of pledge week the big sisters of her sorority felt it would be a laugh to take some pledges to an alleged lesbian meat market to see how the new fish would react to that environment. Brandie felt uneasy...
LesbianI've not done much of anything in my fifty years; well, other than read books and work. That formula has worked for me till now, but no more. I've finally decided to make a change. Oh me? My name is Bruce Turner: more about me later. Working I'd become a major success; Well, if a hundred million in liquid assets can be considered success. My job? I'm self-employed. I buy and sell foreign currencies: not an occupation for the unlettered or the faint of heart. Me, I'm lettered as hell and...
Introduction: Who Says Senior Cant Fall In Love With A Freshman? One fine day a girl named Chloe, a Freshman at Dessen High School, was hanging out in Spanish class with her friends when the new Senior, Kyle, walked into class. Hes only been at Dessen for about a month and hes already made a bunch of friends from the Cheer Squad and the entire Football Team. Hes tall, muscular, has sandy blonde hair, an eight pack, and biceps to match. He has aqua blue eyes and all the girls go crazy for him....
Introduction: A girl in a small town comes out as a lesbian, but her happiness it not long lived. A long time admirer soon seeks to show her what shes missing. It felt amazing, it felt . . . freeing. To be out, out at last! All those years, all those casual dates with boys, all those lies to her parents, and now she was out of the closet. She was a lesbian, and everybody knew. It felt fantastic. She had never liked boys. She didnt know why, exactly, but something about them repulsed her. They...
“I’ve been so caught up with the study, I never got a chance to ask,” Tracy said, as she accompanied Abe and the others home from the university, boarding the Link Rail. “The administration is fielding thousands of new applications for admissions, most from already established professionals with successful practices. Rather than leaving them dangling, they’re pressuring me to finish up quickly so they can let everyone know where we officially stand. So what happened since the dramatic...
Life can be utterly confusing, especially if you are an 18 year old hottie, in love with a man of the clothe. Read on!!! Rachel volunteered for a priest – a man of God. His name was Father David and he was a magnificent man, whose gigantic compassion for others was only equaled by the size of his cock. He was her mentor, and she was his Mary Magdeleine. Many months before when Rachel was only 18, she had met the Father late one night, while he was preparing for his Easter speech. She stayed...
I’m walking along Waikiki Beach down by the park, south of the hotels. It’s late, I’m a little d***k, and I’m trying to catch the last bus back to Pearl Harbor. If I miss it, I’ll have to walk back to my ship to get there before morning quarters, because the first bus doesn’t arrive in time. I’ve got a boner for no apparent reason (unfortunately), and it’s getting sore from rubbing on the inside of my jeans. I’ve recently lost my virginity to a B-Girl in the Philippines, where I also found out...
**[Sorry for publishing the story without an ending, but I will try to do a chapter every day :)]- - - - - - ** Im a young boy, im 22 years old, i start living by myself and because of that im feeling lonely :( Im new in this town, and i have no friends here, my job suck (it's a callcenter) i need to meet new people fast because im going crazy. I found this dating site MarryYourFuta, i will register here, and maybe il meet a nice and kind woman or maybe the love of my dreams, who know :) This...
TranssexualI received an education when my husband and I began dating that has taken me and our sexual relationship to a different level and knocked out some old myths for me. I enjoyed watching X-rated movies with him and thoroughly enjoyed the rewards afterwards and I have a few toys in my collection that get occasional use, but had no idea of the adventure I was about to encounter. I had always thought of myself as being a little on the wild side, but I have since figured out my idea of wild was really...
Chapter 1“So what brings you here today?”Daniel looked at the date coach. He wasn’t sure of his height, taller than himself for sure, who stood at a paltry 5’ 4”, even though he was already 23 years old. He’d been made fun of his whole life for his height, but he still had a good bit of muscle, and some fat on him, as he weighed about 150 pounds, with nary a hair on his body. The doctor on the other hand, still looked athletic and muscular through his button down shirt, and didn’t look a day...
The alarm went off at 6 AM, like it always did. I stirred groggily andlooked over at my fiancée Leah. She looked so scrumptious lying therethat I had half a mind to blow off work and make passionate love to her,but instead I gave her a little shake on the shoulder. She moaned thatshe was awake, and she padded off to the shower. Only having onebathroom in the apartment meant I was shaving while she was showering. Itwas hard to see in the steamed-up mirror, and sure enough, I nickedmyself.We...
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Amateur Porn SitesYourFreePorn.tv is a domain that sounds like yet another free porn tube. It’s such a perfect fit that I’d bet money was their original plan. It’s actually an amateur site, and it’s not entirely free. (Spoiler alert: you get a few free views per day before you’re suddenly cut off.)The logo at the top calls Your Free Porn “the Best Amateur Site of the Year!” It doesn’t say who gave them the honor, but I’m not too worried about it. I’m less concerned about awards and more about what’s on the menu....
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