Sanctuary Series: Book 1 - White River RevengeChapter 8: The Battle For Minturn free porn video

Buck saw the mutants coming. They were checking the houses on the outskirts of town, making their way towards the two men. Damn, I'd never believe it if I weren't seeing it with my own two eyes, he thought. He and Tex had moved behind an old rusted out car from long ago. Laying Betsy with her new Blake Laser sights across the rooftop he aimed in the general direction. "Get ready," he said to Tex, turning on the laser.
Time to get them riled up a little, thought Buck, aiming at the one in front. They were a little over two hundred yards out, but he needed them back in the streets, not checking house to house. Buck knew he needed to get the mutants' attention on Tex and himself, not on the townsmen hiding in stores and on rooftops. Buck put the laser dot on the mutant in the lead, knowing it would be a little low at two hundred yards. He aimed at the top of the tiger man's head. He watched its head blow up like a melon as the Sharps spoke its mind.
Sure enough all the remaining members of the Pride came running back into the streets to see what had happened to their fallen member. Now they were cautious. None had seen where the big noise had come from. Still, they came back into the street and moved forward again.
Buck waited till they were about a hundred yards out, then snapped another shot into a lion man's head. Right between the eyes that time, he thought. He knew his mentor, Adam, would be proud of the Blake laser sights now.
"Now?" asked Tex.
Buck shook his head. "Wait," he said, trying to judge the speed of the oncoming mutants. Buck wanted the Pride to be focused on himself and Tex, so they wouldn't notice any of the men waiting in ambush positions. When the Pride was about fifty yards off, Buck decided they were close enough and yelled, "Let's go!" They were off in a flash, hearing the beasts roaring behind them in a rage.
The mutant in front spotted them and let out a roar. They surged into a lope heading towards the two men. The Pride had never lost one of their own. Those two humans would pay. A large tiger roared, "Catch them, but don't kill them!" Blood lust was up in the Pride. "I want them to suffer slowly!" he screamed as they went after the two humans that dared kill one of them.
Once the two men started passing the first few storefronts, Buck glanced back to check on the distance between themselves and the Pride. He saw the Pride was gaining ground, now they were forty yards behind the two men. "Told you they'd be fast." Said Buck between breaths as the two ran. Looking past the mutants, he saw Jet drive the Hummer out of the old gas station blocking off any retreat.
"We need to slow them down a little!" yelled Buck.
Tex whipped out one of his 44 S&W revolvers and sent three shots back behind them, dropping a mutant with each shot. Slow enough?" asked Tex.
The Pride slowed just a little. They were confused how these two humans could kill them so easily. This gave the two men time to reach the safety of the barricade the town men had built in the middle of the street. Diving over the hood of an old pickup, Buck hollered. "Now Bear!"
Bear had been looking at the monstrosities loping down the street. He thought of his new friend Bill and the hell these things had put him through. "Time for a little payback you fucked up pussycats!" he said as he swiveled the big gun to the left and opened up on the Pride.
The machine gun thundered, cutting down the first five up front. The Pride's reflexes kicked in, without missing a beat the Pride scattered into the buildings around the square.
They were quick and lighting fast. The initial surprise was over and the Pride tore into the men. Jumping onto the porch roofs and rooftops, they caught the men by surprise. Razor-sharp claws and fangs fought against firearms. The firearms won, but not without a cost.
Jet and Bill came up in the Hummer, there were mutants scattered fighting the townsmen in single combat. Bill was reluctant to fire seeing the Pride so close to the men.
"Stay here!" Jet shouted as he flew out the driver's door with his machine pistols blazing. He stitched a mutant on top of Frank, and then looked for his next kill. Seeing one lion man going up the side of a building, he sent a burst through its brains.
Bill was right though; the battle was too close for shooting. Slamming his Uzi's back into their holsters, he slid out his katana and slashed a tiger's throat. Inside a dry-goods store he spotted a lion man trying to reach an already wounded man that had taken shelter behind the counter. "Hey kitty boy!" Jet yelled getting the mutant's attention. "Over here kitty!"
The beast roared spinning around. It charged Jet, it's razored claws dripping with blood.
Jet had his back to a support beam in the middle of the store, As the beast pounced at him he slid to the right dropping low and sliced upwards into the belly of the beast. Its scream was almost human as it crashed to the floor; it's intestines lying between its legs.
Seeing no more fight was left in the dying cat, Jet went to see if he could help the injured townsman behind the counter. "How bad off are you?" he asked.
The man was holding his shoulder. Blood was seeping out from under a rag. "I'll live boss, don't worry bout me. Now go kick some more beasty ass!" he said, gritting his teeth.
Jet nodded and took off to do just that.
After diving behind the truck with Buck, Tex saw a few of the cat men jumping from rooftop to rooftop. "Now that's not playing fair," he mumbled to no one in particular. Tracking them as they ran, he heard a crashing of broken glass. As he approached the building he heard the screams inside and gunfire. Seeing a plate glass window he sent a few rounds through it and dived headfirst hoping to catch the cat men by surprise.
Sliding to a stop up against a counter of plants, he realized he was in some kind of flower shop. Tex slipped to the end of the row to get his bearings. "Well that makes it about even," he said to himself, seeing six cat men hunting for more prey. "Hey varmints!" he hollered. Stepping out into the middle of the isle, he put his back to the door. "Come and see what it's like to face a real warrior instead of a farmer, you fuckin pieces of shit!"
The cat men roared in response. Some jumped up on top of the rows so they could spread out better. Three in the isle with Tex walked cautiously, ready to spring as soon as they were in reach. Seeing the M-16 in Tex's hands, they hesitated. This was one of humans that killed their brothers in the street.
Tex guessed what they were thinking, They remember the rifle. OK let's make this a little more fair. Making sure they were all looking at him and not looking for other prey he lowered the M-16 to the ground. "Time to meet your maker pussycats," he said, with ice in his voice.
The cats seemed to feel that he was a dead human now, since he laid down the weapon.
Feet slightly apart, he took the stance he had practiced for years to perfect. Tex let the ice flow through his veins, till the only thing left was a pure killing machine.
The three cats in the isle never saw the blur of his hands, and barely heard the roar of the S&W revolvers as they put lead between each of the cat mens' eyes. Barely shifting, Tex took the two cats on the left as they leaped through the air. In the corner of his eye he saw movement, and knew he couldn't get turned back in time. Dropping his guns, Tex fell flat on his back as the cat man slammed into him. Sliding his hands down to his boots, he pulled the two SOG combat knives out. The cat man had landed on top of him, and was raising his arm back when Tex slammed both knives just under the armpits and ripped all the way down to it's stomach. It wailed, feeling its heart and lungs ripped into. Tex bucked it off then spun and slammed the knives back into its lion-shaped head, sinking to the hilt. It took a minute for him to realize there was no more gunfire outside.
Checking to see if anyone was alive in the flower shop, Tex spotted a young woman and a boy hiding in the old cooler where they kept flowers. "Stay here till I come back, OK?" They were in shock, but they nodded to him. Heading out the door he spotted Buck.
Buck dropped two more mutants as they climbed up the side of a building, howling as they fell. Walking up to the bodies he put another shot into each for safety. Looking around he saw the fighting was over, "Tex!" Buck hollered out.
Coming out of a building covered in blood, Tex waved.
"Are you OK?" asked Buck.
Wiping the blood with his sleeve Tex smiled, "Yep, most of this is from those varmints."
Buck breathed a sigh of relief. "Find the rest of squad, then find me one of these things alive." Buck added, "Just one Tex, no more."
They did find several still alive, and picked the one in the best shape. The rest Buck turned over to Bill and Frank. It wasn't much but it was the best he could offer the men. Going inside the town hall, he found Bear standing in front of the mutant tied to a support pillar. For the first time, he could really get a good look at one of the cat men. Looking at the mutant, it had the head of a lion minus the mane, and it wore a loincloth around its waist.
"Do you speak?" Buck asked. The mutant just hissed at him.
Bear stepped up and slapped it across the face. "Answer the man," Bear said.
Looking at Buck it finally spoke, "Man? All I see is a lowly human."
Buck stepped up, drawing his combat knife. "Well this lowly human wants some answers, so we can do this the easy way," laying the knife to the mutants loincloth he pressed slightly, "or we can do it the hard way."
The mutant shuddered and reluctantly nodded its head. "What do you want to know?" it asked.
Buck smiled saying, "Well, let's start with your name, and go from there."
An hour later, Buck knew the mutant's name was Razor, and the Pride's total number was forty-six. They grew to adult size in a matter of months, and fifteen, including their leader, Krang, had stayed in the woods a mile from town.
"Why would your leader stay behind, while you risked all?" Buck asked perplexed.
Razor smiled showing rows of sharp fangs, "He said it was beneath him to slaughter such easy prey."
Buck nodded to Jet and Bear sending them on a quick perimeter patrol of the town. While he and Tex did a body count of the dead outside. The count totaled twenty-seven bodies of the Pride and nine dead townsmen. Buck wasn't happy. That meant a few of the mutants had escaped the fight, and by now had reported back to their leader, Krang.
Sending Jet to check on the people at the mine, Buck went back inside to talk to Razor. "Well, we might be just humans but we cleaned your clock," he said to the mutant.
Razor smiled, showing his feline teeth. "Wait until dark human, then it will be our turn."
He was right, thought Buck. After dark, the people would be at a disadvantage because of their limited night vision. while the Pride, being predatory animals, should have great nocturnal vision.
Later, Jet was back with his report, "Everyone's fine up there, a little shaken from hearing all the gunfire but fine."
Buck nodded, "Gather all the men on me now Jet."
Gathering all the remaining men together, Buck decided the best course of action would be to fortify the town hall and bring the women and children into the basement. Sending Jet and ten other men back up to the mine, they brought everyone into the main hall.
"Listen people!" Buck hollered. Once everyone was focused on him. Buck went on, "It will be dark in about two hours and we need to get prepared." Sending the women and children down to the basement, Bear made a quick check of the only door leading to the outside. Finding it made of solid steel and in good working order he heaved a large file cabinet against the doorknob. No one was getting in that way he promised. Going through the entire building and remembering the height the mutants could leap, they sealed off every window and fire escape on the top floor.
They broke up chairs and built fires on the concrete floor scattering them at twenty-foot intervals. Now the only way in was the front door and that was what Buck wanted. On the second floor, a balcony surrounded the entire hall so Buck put most of the men up there, leaving the Squad, Bill, and Frank with a few others down below. Now all we can do is wait, Buck thought to himself.
Loud growls announced the Pride's arrival. They could be heard testing the windows and doors of town hall. Razor had been gagged and put into a closet, so he couldn't warn his fellow mutants. Buck nodded at Bear to move the cabinet blocking off the steel door. It was only a precaution till they were ready, and they were as ready as they were gonna get. Bear slid back quietly and got behind the barricaded desk that was his firing position. Less than two minutes later, something tried the doorknob.
Watching the front door, Buck saw it swing open. With a roar the first mutant leaped into the hall and was immediately cut down. "Humans, come out and fight us!" a voice roared.
"Thanks, but it's nice and cozy in here!" Tex hollered back.
The Pride was at a great disadvantage, because the doorway was only wide enough for one or two mutants to come through at a time, leaving them to be mowed down as they came in.
"Which one of you varmints is Krang?" Buck asked.
"I am Krang!" came a voice from outside.
Buck stood up and walked halfway across the hall, keeping himself close to one of the fires. "Krang, it looks like we have us an old fashioned standoff," Buck said.
"We can wait you out," replied Krang. "We have all the time in the world."
Buck countered, "That might be true, but we have one of your Pride brothers in here. He said his name was Razor, and he'll be the first one to go."
After a moment of silence, Krang, with a slight tremor in his voice asked, "He still lives?"
What kind of response was that from such a cold-blooded beast like Krang? Buck wondered. "He lives for now," he finally answered, adding, "He's under guard, and the minute you come through that door, he's dead."
Bill stood up shouting, "You're gonna die, you damn animal!"
Buck shook his head. He understood Bill's feelings of frustration and helplessness. The town hall offered protection, but at the same time was a trap.
"Who is speaking to Krang?" asked mutant through the doorway.
"Me!" yelled Bill walking up beside Buck. "You killed my family, at their farm. Then you monsters stole my sister-in-law while we camped."
Krang laughed back. "Oh, you're the one who was with the female by the road," Krang said, trying to antagonize Bill. "She was a little tough and stringy, so we had to tenderize her a little first."
Krang's strategy worked as Bill yelled and started running towards the front door.
"Get out of the line of fire Bill!" Buck yelled.
A cat man dived through the door roaring, but Jet sent a hail of lead through its tiger skull before it reached the heart-broken man.
"Damn Bill, use your head!" Buck said when Bill was back at his side.
Bill was still shaking with rage, knowing the thing responsible was just outside the door. "I'm sorry Buck, I just keep seeing all my family's bodies torn to pieces by those damn things outside," he whispered.
Buck knew it wasn't the man's fault, and he wasn't a trained soldier either, "Just go cool off a bit and I'll think of something to let you get your vengeance on those animals."
Bill shrugged and left, thinking, No matter what I do, nothing will bring them back to me. I wish I could join them, but they wouldn't want that either.
Things were quiet the rest of the night. It was a Mexican standoff, and neither could do the other harm. After making up shifts for his squad, Buck took the first one, then crashed on a table.
Someone tapped Buck on the shoulder waking him. It was Bear. "The sun's come up and it's been quiet, he said, handing Buck a cup of coffee.
Buck nodded, rising and sipping the coffee. It was grounds they had used twice before, but it beat nothing. "Any movement from outside?" he asked.
Bear shook his head negatively saying, "it's been quiet for the last three hours."
Leaning close to Bear, Buck whispered something, and Bear took off in the direction of the closet where they had stashed Razor. Buck motioned for Jet, who was watching him, to follow Bear. Jet nodded and took off. Buck went looking for Tex and found him in the tiny kitchen of the town hall drinking some of the same weak coffee he had. Their eyes met and Tex nodded, following Buck back to the main hall.
Bear opened the closet door and smiled at the tied up Razor. "I've got a new collar for you, Kitty." Picking Razor up, Bear and Jet carried him into what used to be some kind of office where Buck, Tex, Bill, and Frank were waiting.
Buck walked over with a wide leather belt and proceeded to wrap it around Razor's neck. Frank and Tex then took some gray tape and firmly secured the end of Frank's double barrel shotgun to the belt directly behind Razor's skull.
With venom in his voice, Frank warned, "One twitch out of you, and your head will be everywhere but on your shoulders."
Razor strained to look back at Frank. "Do I know you human?" he asked.
Frank's eyes were filled with pure hatred. His finger was starting to close down on the trigger slowly. "My sisters were in the last town you animals massacred," he said, breathing hard.
Feeling his life was forfeit anyway, Razor decided to come clean, " I'm sorry for your loss, but you should know that this was my first raid."
Tex stepped up questioning, "and how many did you kill out there yesterday?"
Looking into the eyes of the protector, Razor answered, "None. Myself and two others were shot by you before we got to the middle of town."
"You were one of the three at the front of the pack?" asked Tex.
Razor nodded, "Yes. I never would have attacked a human anyway. It's against what I was taught by my mother." The group stared in silent disbelief.
Buck realized then who Razor's father must be. "Krang's your father," he stated.
Razor nodded, saying. "Not all of the Pride members were happy about my father's war against humans. Some, like my mother and a few of the elders, sought to stop him from attacking the farm and were killed by the ones who followed Krang."
Buck stepped within an inch of the lion's face, looking deep into his eyes, seeking the truth of Razor's statement. He saw a deep abiding loathing for Krang and abhorrence of all that had transpired. "Why did you come this time?" he asked Razor.
Showing rows of teeth, Razor smiled, "I was hoping to end my suffering at the end of your guns. I would have died anyway, since my father would have killed me for not taking a human life."
"Well that can still be arranged!" said Frank, but his voice reflected that he didn't want to be the one to kill Razor. Reaching up Frank unwrapped the tape holding his shotgun to Razor's skull. "I don't mind killing those other animals but this one is innocent, although I'd like to get my hands on your father you understand?"
To everyone's surprise, Razor nodded in agreement.
Bill watched this turn of events, not sure how to react to it. "So you've lost kin to the monster outside too, huh?" he said, his voice quivering.
Razor knew who Bill was now, and felt for his loss, "I am truly sorry about your family. And yes, I had to watch as my father ripped my mother to shreds because she wouldn't kill a human." His head lowered and the weight seemed to lift off his shoulders. "Maybe now I can die with some peace. It's better than living in hell," Razor said. "In fact there's only one other Natural left now besides myself," thinking of his beloved Shera.

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