The Pre Wake
- 4 years ago
- 25
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The first thing I notice is the light. It’s painfully bright, swamping out all other sensations as it glares into my eyes. I instinctively try to clench my eyes shut to block it out, but that’s when I notice that I can’t close my eyes. I can’t even narrow them to block out some of the glare. Now that I actually concentrate on them, I realize I’m not even blinking. I’m just staring straight ahead. My eyes start to burn with the urge to blink them, but I can’t close them at all.
I realize then that I can’t move at all. I can’t stand up, I can’t look around, I can’t move a single muscle. I can’t even twitch. I’m breathing, my heart is beating, but that’s all the motion I seem to be capable of. That’s why the lights are so bright. My pupils aren’t contracting.
I start to panic, then, but it’s a weirdly dreamy and distant sort of panic because my body isn’t joining in. My breath doesn’t quicken, my heartbeat doesn’t pound in my ears. I just keep taking slow, lazy breaths and staring straight ahead as inside my body, I quietly freak the hell out. What’s happened to me? Where am I? I try to think back, figure out how I got here, but the whole thing just seems to be a blank inside my head.
I start to become aware of other sensations. There’s a damp spot on my t-shirt right over my breasts. I notice the way my jaw is hanging open, and realize it must be drool. My mouth feels dry now, though. I want to swallow, but that doesn’t work either.
There’s also dampness between my thighs. What was I doing? Whatever it was, I must have been turned on, but I don’t remember any of it. I try to figure out exactly what the last thing is that I can remember, but then I hear the voices.
‘Come on,’ one of them says. It’s a man’s voice. He sounds harsh and impatient. ‘According to the doc, we’ve got exactly seven minutes to grab the girls we want and get out of here before the effect wears off and they start thinking again. We’re gonna do this row by row, and I don’t want any fuckups.’
Row by row…that rings a bell. I can’t move my head or even my eyes, but suddenly the white space in front of me makes sense. I’m looking at a movie screen. I must be sitting in a theater chair. I listen, and hear the same quiet breathing to my left and right as I can hear from my own mouth.
‘Damn,’ I hear another voice say, ‘look at the tits on that one!’ The voices sound coarse, uneducated, and very loud in the stillness. When the men aren’t speaking, all I can hear is quiet breathing. I want to know how many other people are sitting here like me, but I can’t turn my head to look.
‘Yeah, but she ain’t on our list, so we ain’t taking her,’ the first man says. He must be the leader. ‘Only the ones on the list, got it? Now, Row A, we got two. Seat 14 and Seat 26.’
What row am I in? What seat? It’s suddenly the most important piece of knowledge in the world, and I struggle to remember just how I got in here. I try to shut out the voices and concentrate.
I think back to the last clear memory I had. It was this afternoon, out at the mall. There was a guy there, a big guy. Kind of creepy looking, but he had on an employee badge and it was out in public in the middle of a crowd, so I wasn’t worried. He handed me a piece of paper, told me it was a free pass to see a test screening of a new movie. I remember asking what it was, but he said he couldn’t tell me. Some sort of big top secret.
I recognize the voice, now. ‘Oh, mama!’ he says loudly. ‘Jesus, what a pair! Seriously, Jake, look at these!’
‘Fucking Christ!’ Leader says. I’m not sure if he’s Jake, or if the Movie Pass Guy is talking to a third person. ‘What the fuck did I tell you about being on a timetable, and about leaving the ones not on the list alone? You want a girl, I’m sure the doc can arrange for you to play with one of the ones we’re bringing along after he’s done with ’em. Now pull her shirt back down, and get back to fucking work! Row D, we got three. Seats 9, 13, and 22.’
Oh, god. They’re kidnapping us. They’re creepy pervert rapists, and they’re kidnapping us, and I can’t move. I can’t run, I can’t fight, I don’t even feel any adrenalin kicking in. I’m just sitting here drooling in my seat while two or three guys drag us off to some weird doctor who’s going to do something to us, and I don’t know what, but–
But I can start to piece it together. Because I remember filling in some forms, now, some stuff they said they needed to get a good idea of who the best marketing demographic was for the movie. It seemed kind of involved, but they kept kind of hinting that this was a big movie, and that we’d have total bragging rights to all our friends if we saw it before everyone else did, and so I went ahead and wrote down everything they wanted to.
And then they assigned us to seats after they took the forms away, and I was in…in…shit! I can’t remember what seat I’m in! I can remember sitting down, and the lights going out, and then…and then…
And then the movie started. I remember that the credits sequence was neat. Really neat. It had this cool techno music, and it was this mass of swirling lights that kept resolving themselves into words, but there were always more colors behind every word so they were kind of hard to read, but that was okay because it seemed like there was always another word coming along when I missed one. It didn’t seem to matter what the words said, it was just important to keep reading them and watching the colors and listening to the music.
And that felt really nice, after a while. It just felt like my chair got more comfortable with every second, like I was floating inside the screen and it just seemed to fill my whole world the way that a really good movie can. It was just so captivating, so nice, and I just couldn’t look away and I didn’t want to look away and I felt myself getting all wet and I realized that the movie was getting me hot, but it was this weird, passive kind of arousal that just made me want to drift into it more and think less and…
And I know that if these guys drag me away, they’ll show it to me again. They’ll probably show me something else, too, something that makes me want to ‘play’ with them. This doctor guy they work for, he’s made something that hypnotizes people.
Maybe I’ll be able to resist. These guys are talking like they don’t think anyone can hear them. I don’t think I’m supposed to be awake enough to realize what’s happening. Even if I can’t move, I’ve already fought this thing better than I should.
‘Seat 15, not Seat 17!’ Leader shouts. ‘Jesus, you want to grab some housewife whose husband is gonna call the police or something? Yeah, fuck you too, Lenny.’
I try to remember what I put down on those demographic forms. Probably nothing that would make them think someone was going to miss me. I’m new in town, I live alone, and girls drop out of college all the time. I didn’t tell anyone I was going to be here. By the time Mom and Dad get around to wondering why I haven’t called them in a few weeks, there’ll be nothing to lead them back to the movie theater at the mall, and me? I’ll be off somewhere, staring into swirling lights until my brain melts into tapioca pudding. I feel a sick certainty in my gut that whatever went wrong and caused me to wake up, the doctor can correct it if I have his full attention.
I have to move, I know I do. I have to get out of here. These guys aren’t expecting anyone to get up, they don’t even think we can hear them. If I can just shake this off and make a break for it, I can get out into the lobby before they can stop me, and then I’m safe. (Or not. I suddenly realize I don’t know how long I’ve been in here, I don’t know whether there’s anyone in the lobby or even in the mall. It could be midnight for all I know. I can’t look at my watch.)
That just makes it more important that I snap out of this. I focus all my efforts on my eyes, trying just to blink once. If I can blink, then I can move. If I c
an move, I can run. If I can run, I can get away. I need to blink, that’s all. I just need to blink.
‘Row L, Seat 4.’ The words trigger a sudden flash of memory in my head, a casual glance down that didn’t seem important at the time, but…Row N. I’m in Row N. They’re just two rows behind me now. Ogodogodogod…
The theater’s starting to seem a little dimmer, I realize. My pupils must be adjusting to the house lights. That’s got to be a good sign, right? It means I’m starting to come out of this, way ahead of everyone else. I just need to wake up completely, and I…oh, fuck, I can hear them moving around behind me now, I don’t have time, they’re going to take me, they’re going to take me and drag me off and turn me into a sex slave and I can’t fucking move!
‘Row M, Seat 22.’ I’m desperately trying to remember how many seats I walked past when I was heading down the row. I’m desperately trying to blink, to wiggle my toes, to close my mouth, to do anything. Was it six seats? Or seven? Did I just feel my fingers twitch? I can hear them right behind me now, the sounds of small collisions as they drag some poor comatose girl past her oblivious seatmates. She’s never going to even know she was kidnapped, I think. She’s going to go straight from the mind-blanking bliss of those shimmering colors into whatever they’ve got planned, and she’s just going to wake up a happy little sex-kitten with no will of her own. I can feel my heart start to beat faster, and I’m not sure if she’s not the lucky one in all this.
‘Row N, Seats 2 and 7.’ Oh, god, that’s me, I know it is, I’m sure it is, I have to move and I have to move now, I need to wake up and run away before they get their hands off me and drag me off to the doctor with the brainwashing machine, I have to move but I can’t move and I have to get away but I can already tell there’s no escape and I’m sorry mom, I’m sorry, dad, I wish I could tell you I love you but I can’t even move my lips–
Movie Pass Guy passes right in front of my field of vision. He grabs the girl sitting next to me, and starts pulling her out of her seat. I’m in Seat 6. I’m in Seat 6, oh thank you sweet and merciful Christ, I’m so sorry for the girl he’s grabbing and copping a feel on as he manhandles her past me but I promise I’ll tell the cops about all this, because I’m going to get out of this. I’m not going to be kidnapped. I’m not I’m not I’m NOT! I’m so fucking grateful that it isn’t me that I whimper out a tiny sigh of relief.
He stops. He looks at me. ‘Hey, Mack, I think this one’s awake.’
‘Nah, can’t be,’ Leader says. ‘Doc says they’ll all be out for a couple minutes more.’ I try to freeze in place, but I can feel my muscles starting to loosen a bit and now it’s so hard not to blink, my eyes feel like they’re burning in their sockets but now Movie Pass Guy is watching me like a hawk and I have to stay completely still, I worked so hard to move and now my whole life depends on holding this position and my muscles are aching and my butt’s fallen asleep and–
He lunges for me suddenly, and I can’t help it. I flinch.
‘She’s definitely awake, Mack,’ he says. ‘I saw her move. What do you wanna do?’
‘Hold on,’ Mack says. ‘I’m calling the doc.’
‘Hurry, man,’ Movie Pass Guy says. ‘She’s seen me, man, she knows what I look like. She can finger us!’
‘I’m calling, I’m calling!’ Mack says. ‘Yeah, doc? We got a problem. There’s a girl not on the list, and she’s starting to wake up ahead of schedule.’ I hear a pause. ‘Row N, Seat 6.’ Another pause. Someone else, maybe Lenny or maybe Jake, comes along and grabs the girl from Seat 7 away from Movie Pass Guy. ‘He says go ahead and grab her. She’s an acceptable risk, and we can’t leave her.’
Movie Pass Guy grabs me, I try to fight, but I can barely even twitch in his arms. I would never have been able to run if I’d had to. He drags me out of the row and down the aisle, and I can’t even hook my foot around the seats, I’m still so limp.
I try to beg, to tell him that I won’t tell anyone about this, that I just want to get out of here and I won’t ever let anyone know what happened to the other girls if they’ll just let me go, to tell him that my parents will miss me and that he should look into his heart and ask himself if he can really do this to a helpless girl, or even just to tell him I’ll suck his cock if he doesn’t hand me over to the doctor…but my mouth feels like I’ve had four or five shots of novocain, and all that comes out is, ‘Blurp…blorg…wraggle…’
He drags me down to the front of the theater, now, to an exit door that’s been propped open. There’s a huge truck waiting outside with its rear door open. Another guy in the truck grabs my shoulders and pulls me in. Inside, I see sixteen or seventeen other girls, all seated on a long bench and buckled into place. They’re all wearing these weird helmets, and I can see light spilling out from the visors in swirling patterns. None of the girls are moving. They’re all just sitting there, drooling and watching the lights. They all have huge damp patches on the crotches of their outfits, and I can remember how good they must feel by now.
They shove me into a seat and fasten my safety belt, then push a helmet onto my head. I hear one of them yelp in surprise as I reach up to try to push it back off, but all my strength is gone and I’m as weak as a kitten, and then the lights begin, and my arms fall back to my sides and I can’t even struggle anymore.
I try to squinch my eyes shut against the light, but the music whispers in my ears like a seductive promise, telling me how good it will feel when I open my eyes and open my mind and let go, and I don’t know how long I manage to keep my eyes shut because time doesn’t seem to mean anything anymore, but I suddenly realize I’m gazing deep into those wonderful swirls of color without even remembering actually opening up my eyes to see them.
And they’re so pretty, now, they’re even prettier than I remembered and I wish my arms weren’t so heavy so that I could play with my pussy while I watch, but I know that’s okay because these are just the lights that keep me quiet, the doctor will have other, even better lights for me and that just sounds so good that I just relax and stare and let the tingling in my pussy carry me deeper into the–
No! I can fight this, I know I can, I’m different from the other girls. I have to, have to fight…have to fight the soft, sleepy lights…have to resist, resist by sinking deeper into the lights and going so blank and open, until I…
I can’t let it happen. If I sleep now, I’ll never wake up, not as me. I’ll just be the doctor’s fucktoy, and that sounds so wonderful that I almost drift off right then and there. But I need to wake up, I tell myself. I need to wake up. I keep repeating it in my head, trying to push away the lights and the music with that one thought, I need to wake up I need to wake up I… need… to… wake… need… to… to…
I need to sleep. And so I do.
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My bedroom fan circles slowly, blowing cool air across my body, where the sheet did not cling to my moist skin. He lay next to me, his chest rising and falling slowly. He is so beautiful in the moonlight, the little tufts of his chest hair silhouetted in pale blue where they poke out from beneath the sheet. He seems so soft and peaceful now, so happy. The sweat from our lovemaking has dried on his skin, and his hair splays wildly upon the pillow. He smiles in his sleep, and seeing that I smile...
Upon entering the room and closing the door behind me, I grab your hair by the back of your head and slap you across the face several times, hard, and throw you down on the bed. I brought my bag with me. This is gonna require equipment. I start by blindfolding you really tightly. You don’t get to know what’s coming at any time tonight. I strip you naked pretty quickly—fuck toys and pain whores don’t need clothes. A few more slaps across your face before I tell you to bend over and stick your...
My hubby is a strong man. he loves sex. I too love sex. He has a nice cock which gets stiff and hard just fondling it.It grows almost mre than twice it's size when it gets stiff and hard. I love to make it hard and feel it in my hands when it grows hard. It pulsates nicely and holding it is a great fun. We used to have sex more than 4 to 5 times per day when newly married. Slowly the frequency has come down to about once a day. I love when he fondles my boobs. He knows how to play with them....
Authors note: A few years ago Borgart wrote and posted a story called "A Friend In Need". I liked the premise but wanted to take the plot in a different direction from that of the original story. I wrote to him asking his permission to rewrite his story. He consented to my request. Thank you Borgart for the inspiration. This offering is a complete rewrite, and please do note that the names have been changed to protect the original offering. -POC Paul and Cheryl Richards had been...
After my wife died, I sank into a kind of funk. Some people would call it depression. Family and friends tried to help. They brought me meals and found activities to invite me to attend. The truth is I missed that close personal, comfortable, relationship that Mary and I had for almost 45 years. I especially missed the rush that I got from driving her into orgasmic moans as I buried my cock balls deep in her wonderful warm wet pussy. I wanted to experience those feelings again, but I didn’t...
I savour the routine, peeling the clear plastic off the carton, flipping the lid and removing the foil, selecting a cigarette from the pack, lighting it, tasting the tobacco, breathing in the smoke. That feeling of inhalation is orgasmic. It brings back happy memories of my youth, a time when I was young, free and single. Sarah made me quit, said it was a filthy habit, and she wanted me to be healthy so that we could enjoy a long life together, a long, happy life of nagging and dull jobs and...
Introduction: The beautiful brunette lets her neighbors dog fuck her before the dogs trainer has his way with her. As the hot water caressed her tired body, a beautiful feeling slipped down her spine, causing the kind of sensations she was craving for all day. She slipped her hand between her legs, feeling the soft, bald folds of her vagina. She was wet, and not just because of the water. Her juices were flowing like a torrent. After all, what happened the previous night was new to even someone...
Sarah Crawford, formerly Sarah Walker prior to marriage lives a fairly normal life. She has 3 kids, a husband and a small dog. She works as a teacher and is pretty attractive for her age. However dispite this she wasn't always this way. Back in her 20's she was a cock loving slut that only cared about dick. However she broke that, she went to college and even found a husband, granted her two older kids where from her days as a slut. The only thing lingering from those times where the fake tan...
MILFIt came as a bit of a shock, but I can't say a completely terrible one. Andrea and I had just made love, and were lying in one another's arms afterwards. She had made some small talk about how it must be terrible not to have experienced an orgasm, or even to have sex for years and years. I wondered where she was going with it, when suddenly she sat up and looked at me, and asked me if I could consider having sex with her mother.Apparently they had been having a bit of a heart to heart, and her...
IncestRe-Awakeningbybillywiggins©It came as a bit of a shock, but I can't say a completely terrible one. Andrea and I had just made love, and were lying in one another's arms in the warm afterglow. She had made some small talk about how it must be terrible not to have experienced an orgasm, or even to have sex for years and years. I wondered where she was going with it, when suddenly she sat up and looked at me, and asked me if I could consider having sex with her mother.Apparently they had been...
Her illness had caused intense abdominal pain; the gynaecologist had been gentle in her examination and in breaking news of the need for total hysterectomy and at 26 she had felt devastated. She had hopes of marriage and c***dren and these were now removed. The familiar monthly cycle was taken from her life, the scar tissue was visible largely carved across her, neatly done but in her eyes disfiguring her.Her female colleagues had been supportive her boyfriend had backed away in the knowledge...
I savour the routine, peeling the clear plastic off the carton, flipping the lid and removing the foil, selecting a cigarette from the pack, lighting it, tasting the tobacco, breathing in the smoke. That feeling of inhalation is orgasmic. It brings back happy memories of my youth, a time when I was young, free and single. Sarah made me quit, said it was a filthy habit, and she wanted me to be healthy so that we could enjoy a long life together, a long, happy life of nagging and dull jobs and...
Gay MaleAfter we returned that afternoon we unloaded all my purchases and our two teddies. We were like little kids. Sarah and I stripped right in my living room and wiggled into our new erotic teddies. I had a hard time paying attention to my own dressing with Sarah's completely naked body in my presence. Through our shopping trips I had seen her half clothed but I had never seen all of her body naked. I tried not to openly admire her beauty as it slapped me in the face cruelly. I looked away quickly...
BisexualTo understand the story it's necessary to understand Janet. As a teenager, she had been one of the popular girls in school, boys had flocked to her. As a young woman she had been able to pick and choose the men that she wanted to be with, not that she had chosen wisely: she was a two time trophy wife, twice divorced. It had not all based on her good looks; she had a sparkling personality to go with them. Friendly and outgoing, even other women enjoyed her company without any jealousy or...
"Barbara is that you? I have something very important to talk to you about." "Ginny, you ninny! It's been weeks! Do you mean that it's taken you all this time to get a certified hot lover and perfect hunk like Rob into bed? You're worse than I thought, girl." "Huh? Oh, no! I had Rob's tongue in my puss within fifteen minutes and I have been fucking his brains out and vice versa ever since. Though, now that you mention it, I'll admit that the first couple of times were...
Just before Labor Day, I was offered another promotion. I declined. Dave moved to another company and my new regional manager and the vice president were not willing to make any accommodations. They wanted me to move to Chicago. The answer was simply ‘no.’ My daughter was entering high school and I would not pull her away from her friends, her master, or her home. I realized quickly that refusing a promotion under the new management was tantamount to writing a suicide note. They had others...
I guess its genesis occurred more than 25 years ago, before I even knew my wife, Louise. Its rebirth took place a few months ago at Roy and Jill’s and has changed our lives. We get together every Friday evening with Roy and Jill, our friends of more than fifteen years, alternately hosting dinner followed by a movie. On this particular occasion Roy had something to show us before the main feature. He explained it was a homemade video shot in a hotel room by a husband filming his wife with two...
InterracialIt was a long time since I had been to Sydney and even a longer time since my misspent youth had taken me on a journey descending into the world of all night underground dancing clubs, flying on eccies, dancing, touching and being wild. I am not gay but curious and as a young jilted 23 year old girl I took safety with the gay men and women of the dance scene with their beautiful bodies and energy to dance all night to powerful house music. At 44 my body is still a pert size 8-10 of an 18 year...
Group SexI get up to the front door and find myself stuck in my head. Do I ring the doorbell? Should I knock? How many times? Do I say Hi first? STOP! I shut out my nervous thoughts and just knock on the heavy mahogany door. No response. Did I not knock loudly enough? I knock again. Again, no noise from inside the house. I raise my nervously shaking fist to knock a third time and- “Sorry about that!” I hear the cheeriest voice say from my right side. I lean back from the door and see you coming...
I was born in 1974, somewhere in Illinois, and given up for adoption shortly after birth. I had no idea who my birth parents were and the only name I had was David. I spent my first twelve years in and out of foster homes, which eventually led me across the country. I know there are many great foster parents out there, but unfortunately, I would never come to live with any of them. Instead, I ended up in homes where I was viewed as nothing more than a government check, at best, and a punching...
I was born in Edinburgh to my mother Hazel Esquire along with my sister with whom I share my birthday. Twins we were but nothing alike. Our father was said to have died months before we came to. So it was me and my lovable sister Madeleine. Madeleine or Maddy as I playfully call her bears striking resemblance to my mother. Both of whom had sleek auburn hair, kind blue eyes, full lips with their cheekbones presented ever so high. Their pale white skin could camouflage against the whitest snow....
We were woken by Liz when she returned just after ten. Amy started to get out of the bed as she came into the room but Liz stopped her. “It’s okay Amy,” she told her. “I don’t mind and there’s no point in getting out of a nice warm bed to get into a cold one, is there?”Amy smiled as she got back into bed. Liz sat on the edge of the bed close to her. “Had a good time?” she asked her as she brushed hair off Amy’s forehead. “You look shattered.”Amy smiled.“I hope dad isn’t wearing you out!”This...
IncestBarry was a young gay guy; eighteen years-old before he found what he really liked, twenty-one before he finally found what he needed. Irish by parentage, he was born and brought up in London, England. Physically he was a dark Celt, tall and slim, with black wavy hair, piercing light blue eyes and smooth pale skin. Barry had high cheekbones and a killer full lipped smile, which sadly he showed all too rarely. Brought up as he was, strictly, in a devout Catholic family, with religious...
Chapter 1 I was only 12 when it first happened. It was pouring down hard and the field was muddy and wet. I had watched the other boys leave one by one. Most of them had parents who stayed and watched the game. The only thing keeping me from mother nature was a thin soccer jersey with my favorite number on the back. I made my way to a wooden picnic table I used to sit under to wait for my mom when I was younger. I crawled under and wondered how I ever used to fit under there before. Thunder...
Chapter 9RelationshipsAfter Sarah’s revelation there had been silence as they all pondered what had just passed between them.It was Daniel who spoke first.“Well I don’t know about you two, but I need a drink”. He marched to the huge graphite fridge and yanked open the door. Glass clanked inside at the force with which he had opened it. Sarah glanced at Isabella and her expression had changed – she was no longer strong and angry, more…what was that expression, thought Isabella. Mixture of...
Chapter 8SarahIt had been several weeks since the evening Josh left the house. Yesterday he picked up the last of his belongings and now all traces of him were finally gone. She felt sad about the situation but was now looking forward to being with Daniel without the random pangs of guilt that she used to feel.It was a Saturday morning and Isabella woke early. She was enjoying her own space, and the house was starting to feel more like her own. She had put up more photos of her family and she...