Ripples in a Cuckold s Pond
- 4 years ago
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The next weeks flew by between work, preparing for the wedding, house hunting and enjoying some free time with Penny. My lover's morning sickness wasn't too bad, once she figured out the foods that triggered her nausea. Max Solomon checked in with me periodically. Mark Davis and the Raiders spoke with Max every week or two trying to coax me into coming out to Oakland and seeing what the team was doing. I always passed on the opportunity. I told Mark's dad I would never play for the Raiders. It wasn't my fault they wasted their first-round draft pick on me. Trade me so they can get a little value back from the draft pick. Apparently the Raiders asking price was too high. Teams contacted Max and the Raiders about my availability and willingness to play. I was available and willing to play for most any team NOT named the Raiders.
My work at Temple was interesting, even if a little tedious. Al Golden and Matt Rhule were good bosses. I enjoyed working with Matt Dellavecchia. He was a good guy. Things got busier on campus once summer session got started. About 80% of the football team took summer courses to lighten their fall course load. I could watch from the veranda of our building as our starting QB, Chris Considine, and his backups Tyler McBride and Jim Parr worked passing drills with our receiving corps. NCAA carefully regulated the amount of time coaches could instruct their team, so I was reduced to watching without comment. God, I would have loved to have gone out there and done the drills with them. Dave Mitchell did well as they practiced together.
Tyler Jackson, the defensive grad assistant, Matt Dellavecchia, and I spent May 31st collecting equipment for the various drills, the day before our first high school football camp. We came in at 7:00 AM to haul everything out to the practice field and set it up for the day's events. Parents and kids arrived well before the 8:00 AM start of registration. The coaches processed the kids as they arrived and sent them off to our team meeting room. Coach Golden addressed the crowd of sixty to seventy middle and high school kids. I wasn't surprised that fewer kids came here than came to Penn State's football camps. We're a smaller university without the national recognition that Penn State enjoyed.
The staff broke the group up into groups of fifteen or twenty kids and led them through seventy-five minutes of offensive drills. That was followed by ninety minutes of defensive drills. Matt, Tyler and I helped where needed, mostly moving equipment into position and then moving it out of the way when the drill was done.
About twenty or so parents watched the day's practice from the sidelines. They came prepared with camp chairs, drinks and books to fill their time. The university's food vendor had hot lunches available at mid-day. A hamburger, a hot dog, chips and drink went for $7.00. I grabbed lunch from the vendor too.
The afternoon was spent on skills sessions. I got to do a little more hands-on instruction with the kids. The information was pretty simple, perfect for the younger campers going into sixth, seventh and eighth or ninth grade. I noticed a few of the senior high kids seemed distracted during the sessions. I got a chance to talk with a couple of them as I helped with the drills and again when the day ended.
Marques Smith and Tyson Brooks both played for Archbishop Wood High School. Marques, 6'-0", 175 lbs., played wide receiver and defensive back. Tyson, 5'-10", 170 lbs., was a tailback and safety. Both guys were going to be seniors this coming fall.
"Did you guys enjoy the day?" I asked as they gathered up their travel bags.
"It was cool, Coach Martin," Tyson replied.
"Yeah, not a lot different from the past two years," Marques added. "I liked the tips you gave me during the group work."
"I'm glad I could help," I answered. "What did you expect this camp?"
"I hoped to attract Coach Golden's notice," Tyson explained. "I hoped he might be interested in putting me on his team next season."
"It can't hurt for the head coach to know who you are," Marques agreed. "Do you think we have a shot, Coach Martin?"
"I'm the wrong guy to ask," I responded, shaking my head. "I'm three and a half weeks out of college and two and half weeks here. I have NO influence or knowledge about recruiting at all."
"You played top-level college ball," Tyson said. "Do you think we have a chance?"
"It's not my place to say," I responded. That was a true but incomplete answer. I doubted they were up to competition at the FBS level but it wasn't my place to dash their hopes. "Let's look at this another way. Did Coach Golden call you last month when head coaches are allowed to contact juniors?" They shook their heads no. "Did any college coaches call you last month?"
"Coach Abanishe from Lincoln University called me," Marques said.
"Coach Blount from Delaware State talked with me," Tyson added.
"The coaches are probably telling you something," I said. "No FBS coaches contacted you when they were first allowed to call. You can't be too high on their list of recruits if you're on their lists at all. An FCS and a Division II coach did contact you. That should tell you where the coaches think you guys have your best shot at being successful playing college football. June is a quiet period when coaches are not allowed to contact you, but you are welcome to call them at any time. You could contact Coach McDonald, our recruiting coordinator, and ask if the school has any interest in you playing here."
"Thanks for the advice, Coach," Marques replied. "Maybe my mom and I will do that."
"Yeah, thanks, Coach," Tyson agreed. "I wish we could have spent more time with you today. The tips you gave us on receiving are going to help a lot next season."
"Good luck with that," I agreed as the boys headed off the field to meet their parents. I empathized with the two. It has to be tough to realize you won't get to play top-level football anymore when you dream about doing it. Marques and Tyson didn't have enough speed to make up for their small size. They hadn't received enough coaching to make up for their physical deficiencies.
Matt Dellavecchia, Tyler Jackson and I got to work putting all the equipment away. "I wish I had more time with the kids," I commented. "I could have given them some useful advice to improve their game."
"The ones you were just talking too?" Matt asked. I nodded yes. "I know what you mean. The juniors and seniors at the camps tend to get a little bored. They're mostly here hoping to get noticed by the coaching staff."
"Why don't we give the older kids more advanced instruction?" I asked. "Sixth graders need very basic instruction on how to play football. The varsity kids need very different instruction than the kids just entering middle school."
"I know what you mean, Kyle," Matt agreed. "I'd love to have a chance to instruct these kids in some of the things I learned as a starter when I was in high school. I don't know why Coach Golden does it this way, but this is how it's always been done."
"Maybe I'll ask Coach Golden that question," I said.
I had a chance to talk with Coach Golden the following Monday afternoon. "Do you mind a few questions, Coach?" I asked politely.
"Bob Burton warned me about you," Coach replied with a grin. "Why? Why? Why? He said you asked that constantly for the past four years."
"I'm not trying to be a pain in the neck," I responded. "I just want to learn as much as I can from good coaches."
"Fire away, Kyle."
"I was wondering why you set up the football camp the way you did," I began. Coach waved me off before I could finish my first question.
"I know you attended and probably worked Penn State's camps," Coach Golden explained. "We're in a totally different market than them. Penn State gets well-off suburban kids who love to spend a weekend in State College on campus. We need to keep our camp as economical as possible to meet our target audience. Would a parent from Bryn Mawr send their son to spend a weekend in north Philly, even if it is on our campus?"
"Probably not," I agreed.
"Our target audience is local kids here in the city," Coach Golden continued. "We need to keep the costs within their means."
"One day makes sense, given our constraints," I agreed. "What I was wondering about was why we give the sixth graders the exact same instruction as the twelfth graders? Couldn't we break down into smaller groups and offer more advanced instruction to the older players?"
"It's a function of staffing and cost," Coach explained. "I can't afford more staff to do what you're proposing without charging more for the camp and possibly driving away business."
"Matt and I weren't terribly busy today," I offered. "Could we try an experiment next Saturday? Maybe we could offer more individualized instruction to the varsity players."
"Possibly in the afternoon," Coach Golden allowed. "I wouldn't want to cut them out of the fundamentals drills in the morning."
"Absolutely, I agree," I responded. "Sixth grade, JV, varsity, college..." laughingly I added, " ... even me. Fundamental skills practice is always valuable."
"Put together a proposed schedule of activities you would like to do for me to look over," Coach Golden said. "I'll consider it. I suppose you and Matt would work on this together?"
"Matt seems interested," I said. "I wouldn't mind asking a team member or two to help too."
"Do you have any one in mind?" Coach Golden asked. His broad smile told me he knew who I planned to ask – Dave Mitchell.
"Dave Mitchell," I confirmed. "He is familiar with what I have in mind to sharpen up the skills for the varsity players. Hell, he even led the drills I want to do for most of the previous two springs."
"Go ahead and ask him," Coach Golden responded. "I can probably free up a few bucks to pay him for his time."
"That's always welcome for a college student," I said. I didn't tell Coach Golden that I thought Dave would have helped with the football camp for free. He's a lot like me when it comes to football. He can't keep away from it.
Matt Dellavecchia was enthusiastic about my idea. We had to coax Tyler Jackson into helping but he decided to give it a try. Dave Mitchell was excited from the start and totally loved it after Coach Golden offered him $50 for the day. I put together a list of drills based on what Dave's and my Wolverines high school team had been doing for years. Coach Golden accepted the idea, with one proviso. We had to recruit the varsity players to try out our drills. Coach wouldn't assign them to us automatically based on their age.
We were spectacularly successful recruiting the following Saturday when our second football camp opened up. All seventeen varsity or soon-to-be varsity players opted to try out our new skill program in the afternoon. It went well. Coach Golden, Coach [Mark] D'Onofrio, our defensive coordinator, and Coach Rhule all took time to visit with the varsity players. The players and their parents thanked us for the special instruction when the day was done. Coach Golden complimented the four of us too. Varsity instruction would be a permanent part of our football camps.
Penny spent weekday nights in Philly with me during June. She headed back to Paradise after work on Fridays so she and our mothers could prepare for the wedding. She came back to Philly after work on Mondays. It wasn't an ideal arrangement but it was bearable for a few weeks. Penny didn't demand too much of my time, allowing me to concentrate on learning the Temple offensive system, do my grad assistant assignments, my History 8101 and 8109 homework and the football camps. Penny limited my involvement in the wedding prep to honeymoon arrangements, getting my tuxedo and writing my vows.
Max Solomon kept in touch. The Raiders called him every week or two trying to find a formula that would entice me into signing my contract and coming out to Oakland to play for them. Other teams contacted Max regularly about my willingness to play for them if they could trade Oakland for my rights. We told every one of them I would be happy to play in the NFL somewhere other than Oakland. Nothing came of the inquiries. Oakland's asking price was too high.
My and Penny's financial concerns lessened. I was worried Nike might not want a player that refused to play in the NFL representing them. I was wrong. Nike's ad agency came up with a brilliant and funny series of commercials they wanted me to do. We scheduled the shoot for two days in July, after my honeymoon and before football camp started up. Coach Golden was kind enough to give me time off to do the commercials. The other $100,000 from the first year of my contract would be paid out on August 1st. Penny and I wouldn't have money worries.
Will and Abby spent the early part of June searching for houses in Delaware County, just outside the city. They found what they considered the perfect house for two families to share in Upper Darby. It was an old rectory that had belonged to a Catholic church that had closed after it burned down. The place had six bedrooms and two-and-a-half baths. Rent was $1800 a month. Penny and I looked it over one evening. It was about fifteen minutes from the Penn campus. We decided it was suitable even though it needed some work. This house would provide an economical way for our two families to live together. Rose could have her own bedroom. Our little guy (or girl) could have a nursery. Penny, Will, Abby and I could take turns with babysitting in the evenings if others were busy. Penny and I decided we would move in after our wedding and honeymoon. Will, Abby and Rose would join us mid-August after the Boy Scout camp closed for the summer.
I worked furiously through the last week of June into the beginning of July to get my assignments done before my wedding and honeymoon. Coach Golden gave me off from July 4th to July 14th. He also allowed me to take off July 18th and 19th for the Nike commercial shoot. I was beat when I left Temple, hopped on the Schuylkill Expressway and headed west for home after I finished work on July 3rd.
I didn't get a lot of time with Penny between getting home from work and our wedding day. April Chaney was back from her year in Scotland and staying with Penny. Kathy Trimble and Tammy Brooke helped Penny with her wedding preparations.
It was fun to catch up with Ed Fritz on the Fourth of July. He took a few days off from summer semester to come north to be my best man. We worked out together and hung out, just like we had done when we were kids. Jeremy North and Hal Long came over in the afternoon. My friends told interesting stories about their experiences at Chicago's and Carolina's OTAs and mini-camps this spring. It was good to hear how my friends were doing in the NFL but it made me a little bitter at the Raiders. Why did they need to be such dicks? They're making me miss a year in the NFL to prove they can dictate my life. To hell with them!
Ed helped me with a myriad of wedding errands on Friday. He went along with Dad, Andy, Noah, Connor and me after lunch when we went to pick up our tuxedos. Ed headed home after we got back to work on details for the guys' night out after the wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. I reviewed my wedding vows for the umpteenth time. I spent too much time worrying whether I was ready for marriage. I decided in the end that Penny was the right lady and now was the right time. I WAS ready!
Penny came over to my house about twenty minutes ahead of the time to leave for the wedding rehearsal. I greeted her with a hug and a kiss. "How did your doctor's visit go?" Penny had gone to the OB/GYN in the morning.
"Everything is fine," Penny replied with a smile. "I have a present for you." Penny handed me a large, medical-style envelope. I pulled out the ultrasound and stared. You could see our baby's head, body, arms, legs, fingers and toes!
"Wow, she's bigger than I expected," I gushed as I stared at our child.
"It's too soon to know it's a girl," Penny responded. "The sex won't be differentiated for another couple months." Penny patted her tummy and gave me a quizzical look. "Why did you decide this is a girl?"
I explained, "I won't call our child an 'it.' As far as I'm concerned and until I hear otherwise, you are carrying our first daughter. She deserves to be treated like a person not a thing."
"I agree," Penny said.
"How big is she?"
"Dr. Hendershott says she is about the size of a lime right now," Penny answered.
"Wow, it is amazing that our child is so tiny and yet you can clearly see she's going to be a person."
"Do we break the news to our friends yet?" Penny asked.
"I thought we were going to wait until the chances of miscarriage are slim," I responded.
"Chances were about 10% at the end of May," Penny explained. "Dr. Hendershott says the chances are down to about 0.5% now. It looks as if we're going to have this baby. Maybe we tell our friends tonight."
"Let's wait until after the honeymoon, sweetie," I suggested. "The night before our wedding is a strange time to make the announcement."
"April's pretty curious about my morning nausea and today's doctor's appointment," Penny responded. "I don't think I can keep the secret much longer. Would it be terrible if I told some of our friends tonight?"
"Let me know who, so I can inform their other halves," I answered.
"Kathy, Tammy, April, Katie, Steph ... uh..." Penny began.
"I'll tell Ed, Jeremy, Hal, Dave Hanson, Dakota, Trevor, Christian and Damian," I suggested.
"Oh, God! Dave and Dakota ... we can't leave them out of the news," Penny gasped, " ... and Bev. What about Bev Umble? I don't know if she is going out with the rest of us tonight."
"I'm sure Christian will pass the word on to Bev," I reassured my lover. I gave her a kiss. "Are you ready for rehearsal, dinner and a night out?"
"Let's do it," Penny agreed. We took my car over to the church. Mom, Dad, Andy, Liz and the twins arrived a couple of minutes behind us. Jim and Marilyn Edwards, Penny's sister Nikki and her husband Adrian, Trevor, Steph, Christian, Bev and Damian were there ahead of us. Will and Abby arrived a couple of minutes late. Traffic was a bear getting through Lancaster from scout camp. They needed to drop Will's half-brothers Ethan and Cody, off at Will's grandfather's house on the way to the church.
Reverend Hollinger briefed the ushers on their duties first. He spent quite a bit of time with Noah and Connor teaching them what to do tomorrow. Liz was our backup in case Noah or Connor got scared in front of the big crowd. She would escort the boys to the front where they would give our rings to Nikki and Ed. Liz would take them back to Mom and Dad, if necessary.
Rev reviewed the wedding service and had us repeat the pledges we would give when we exchanged rings. We skipped rehearsing our vows. Penny and I decided to keep our vows secret from each other until the wedding service. Rev kept things light as we prepared for our big day. He reviewed the recessional and then it was time for some good eats.
Everyone loaded up in the cars and headed for the rehearsal dinner in Lancaster. Dad reserved a private room for our party at the Gibraltar Restaurant, located on Harrisburg Pike across the street from the Franklin and Marshall College campus.
We had a homemade mozzarella and heirloom tomato appetizer and an arugula and endive salad to start our meal. Dad's guests had a choice of jumbo crab cakes, whole Adriatic Sea Branzino, roast chicken breast or a New York strip steak for dinner.
Penny said the Mediterranean-style fish was delicious. I had a strip steak. My football "family" got a chance to know my real family and Penny's family over a relaxing dinner. Rev greatly enjoyed meeting some of the football stars he watched on TV on Saturdays.
"You're not allowed to gush tomorrow at the reception," I teased. "The guys you are meeting tonight are nobodies compared to who will be at the wedding tomorrow – the college coach of the year and Pro Bowl players. I might have topped Zack Hayes' guest list from two years ago."
"I am looking forward to meeting all of them," Rev agreed. "I will be on my best behavior."
Everyone enjoyed the meal and time we shared together. Damian, Trevor and Jeremy all pulled cell phones out just before dessert and made calls. I knew they were bringing in reinforcements for the guys' night out they planned for me. Kathy, Tammy, Steph, Abby and Nikki were planning something similar for the girls. Mom and Dad consented to allow Liz to join the rest of the girls. After all, she was eighteen and would be on her own at Princeton in September.
I was stunned after dinner when we got outside. The parking lot was full of friends. Zack Hayes, Aaron Morano and Chip Brinton were talking with Dave McCall.
"You ready for tomorrow?" Zack queried when I came over to greet my mentor.
"As ready as I can be," I allowed. I greeted Aaron, Chip and Dave before circulating to greet more of my friends.
Josh Bruno, Charlie Taylor and Shawn Byrd were hanging out together. I headed over to that cluster, followed by my entourage. I introduced Jeremy, Hal, Ed, Trevor, Christian and Damian to the other guys they didn't already know. A car pulled up beside us while I was doing introductions. Trevor boomed out, "Matty D! It's damn good you could make it!"
Matt Dellavecchia stepped out of the car and gave Trevor a big grin. "Trevor, it's damn good to see you too. Hey, Chip," he added as he gave Chip Brinton a wave. Tyler Jackson hopped out of the passenger side of the car. I introduced my coaching compatriots to the rest of my crew.
"What's the plan for the evening?" I asked Ed. As best man, it was his job to organize the bachelor's party.
"I'd like to say we're having a stag party," Ed grumped.
"Saner heads prevailed," Jeremy interjected.
Trevor added, "The NFL spent half of last week preaching about making smart choices when you go out in public. I'd like to play in the NFL a little before I get kicked out for bad behavior."
"Jeremy helped set up an evening down at the Green Iguana," Ed responded. "Plain Opposition is playing two sets tonight."
"Cool," I responded. The local rock band "Plain Opposition" played at the Green Iguana a couple of times before when we were there. They were quite good, for a local band.
"OK guys, let's load up," Ed announced. "Take a left on Harrisburg Pike and head for the center of the city. Park in the garage on Prince Street. We'll meet up outside the garage and go in the club together. They have an area reserved for our group."
Our group assembled outside the parking garage and walked down the street together to the club. Ed and Jeremy led us up to the door. A couple of words with the doorman got us entry. They checked our IDs and stamped the hands of everyone over twenty-one. My brother Andy and Charlie Taylor were the only ones underage in our group. Andy was short about six months. Charlie Taylor would be twenty-one in three weeks.
We turned quite a few heads as we entered the club. Zack, Aaron, Jeremy, Chip and I all got recognized by the other patrons. The club roped off a special section for our party. Some fans did venture over to say hi or ask for autographs. We obliged them.
The band played a mix of classic rock covers and some of their own music. They played as well as we remembered from last year. I circulated around our section and tried to spend time with all my guests. I enjoyed a couple of beers during the evening. I limited myself because I had no desire to nurse a hangover on my wedding day.
I found Matt Dellavecchia, Trevor and Chip reminiscing at one point in the evening as I circulated. They were talking about their trek to the Philmont Scout Ranch. It sounded like a trip I would have enjoyed, if I had done it when I was a scout. Talk moved on to Indian (Unionville-Chadds Ford) football. I realized as they talked they had all been on the team together for at least a year or two.
"I never connected that the three of you were on the same team," I commented. "You're from Kennett Square. Trev and Chip live in Unionville. I assumed you played for the Kennett football team."
"I don't live in the borough," Matt explained. "Kennett addresses extend half-way to Unionville."
"Matty D and I were together on varsity for two seasons," Trevor added. "He was a good quarterback. He got us to the playoffs both years."
"Matty was a God-send to me," Chip added. "He's the one who taught me how to be a varsity quarterback while I was in JV."
Matt gave Chip a wink. "And then you paid me back by coming in for my senior season and stealing my starting job. You were only a tenth grader. I had hoped to hold you off for at least part of the season so I could get a scholarship from a Division I-A school."
"It's just football," Chip allowed. "Best man plays. I hope you don't have any hard feelings."
"None," Matt answered. "I knew when I saw you in eighth grade that someday you'd come in and take my job as QB. You had everything – size, arm, brains. Losing out to you was pretty inevitable."
"Same thing happened in my high school with Ed," I commented. "He beat out a senior when he was in tenth grade. I doubt Steve has forgiven Ed yet."
"God gave out talents," Matt agreed. "He made Chip a big-time quarterback. Hopefully he gave me the brains to be a decent football coach. I think that's my niche."
"It's a good niche," I agreed. "I like it."
Our party broke up around midnight. Ed and Jeremy had designated drivers for the evening. Of course Christian Hunsecker, Andy and Charlie were on the list, since they didn't or couldn't drink.
I surprised myself by sleeping until 9:30 on my wedding morning. I grabbed a bowl of cereal to tide me over until Mom's family brunch at 11:00. I tried to zone out listening to music and reading a book until it was time to shower and get ready.
Will, Abby and Rose joined the family for our brunch. Liz's date, Alex Weber, joined us along with Liz's best friend, Annie Stoltzfus. Annie was attending the wedding to chaperone and look after Hunter, Noah and Connor during the service and during the reception. Mom made a nice breakfast casserole with eggs, sausage, veggies, potatoes and cheese. Liz baked crescent rolls too.
Things got chaotic after brunch. Everyone was dashing around getting dressed, getting the kids dressed and getting everything together. Mom insisted on pictures of the whole family in tuxes, bridesmaids' dresses or their best Sunday dresses before we left for the church.
I let Andy drive my VW since he would be less nervous than I certainly was. He was in charge of my car for the rest of the day anyway. He'd take it from the church to the reception and then turn it back over to me when Penny and I left for our honeymoon that evening. The bridal party was gathering when we arrived. Everyone headed inside to get ready.
I waited nervously at the church with Will, Andy, Ed, Jeremy and Hal for almost a half hour as my guests and wedding party gathered. Zack and Aaron stopped out in the hallway to visit for a couple minutes. Will's half-brothers, Ethan and Cody, happened to pop in at the same time. They were star-struck by the array of college and NFL talent in the hallway, especially by Aaron Morano. They twins were from the Bay area and were fanatic 49ers fans. Aaron was their favorite player on the team and here he stood. They would be telling their friends back home about this day for months to come.
Reverend Hollinger signaled it was time to start. We marched to the front of the church and took our spots. We turned back to watch for the procession's entry. All the pews were filled with Penny's and my friends and family, and teammates and coaches from Penn State and Temple.
We stood in front as the organist finished the prelude. Eyes turned to the back as Vangelis' "Hymne" started to play. Penny's sister Nikki led the bridesmaids' procession into the sanctuary. Abby entered, followed by April, Kathy, Tammy and Stephanie.
My groomsmen and I watched as they paraded to the front and took their places to the left. Reverend Hollinger gave me a big smile as the bridesmaids arranged themselves facing the rear of the sanctuary. The organist struck up Cat Stevens' "Morning Has Broken" as Noah and Connor appeared at the back door with my sister Liz. She whispered to the twins and then they scampered down the aisle to the front.
The boys looked too cute in their tuxes with the red cummerbunds. They performed well, not getting distracted or scared as they walked to the front. The twins split when they reached us, Noah going over to Abby, carrying my ring. Abby held his hand. Connor came over and stood between Ed and Will, holding Will's hand. His pillow held Penny's ring.
All eyes turned to the back as the organist struck up the "Bridal Procession" (Here Comes the Bride). Jim Edwards escorted Penny down the aisle as everyone watched. My bride was resplendent in her flowing white gown. Penny and her dad stepped forward in time with the music.
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There is no explicit sex in this story. I wish to thank the people who helped contribute to and edit this story, per their wishes, they remain anonymous. This story is totally fictitious, any resemblance the characters might have to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. No part of this story may be published at any other site without the express permission of the author. © December 14, 2007 ********** ‘FUCK… fuck, fuck, fuck, and double fuck, there goes my afternoon,’ Hank...
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When I first got married, I honestly thought I could remain faithful to my husband Jared. I was wild and sex crazy before we met, and I was sure I had gotten that out of my system. But not long into our marriage I realized that one dick would never be enough for a cock craving little slut like me. At 20 years old, I guess my sex drive and need for variety still control me. It’s not that I don’t love my husband, I just don’t think he can fill all my desires. My pussy is always...
The kids can't get enough of their mom and dad. Later that night. Susan Fourteen year old Susan woke in the dark with someone in her bed. Her arm was over a man's chest. She was waking from an unremembered dream and not fully into reality yet. She felt herself cuddling up to him. She knew it was safe to do so. In fact she felt her face smiling and knew it was wonderful to do so. Oh Yeah, it was her wonderful father. Then she remembered passing for a 22 year...
With perhaps only minutes left before Rabsha returned, Rowann was taking no chances on losing command. I watched her order Immortals like they were infantry and to my disappointment, they never argued. Her troops were arranged cleverly with Immortals supporting Warriors and Rogues and pairs of strong Mages and Poets behind them. Everyone had a clear priority... target our Zibong Mages. We had no objective, having moved into a defensive posture all we could do was protect the Zibong Mages and...
With the weather getting warmer, M and I decided to go for a long weekend of camping on the coast. We decide on a secluded camping ground in the National Park on the bay and pack for two nights. With tent, sleeping bags, lilos, camp stove and utensils, clothes and swimmers packed we head off early Saturday morning, arriving there at just past 11.00 am and find another largish family sized tent set up. We set up our camping spot on the other side of the camping area away from the other tent. It...
For several weeks Beth and Gwen had been exploring together. They had enjoyed discovering new things to do and new ways to do them. Gwen’s enthusiasm and adventurous spirit were contagious, and she was able to talk Beth into several things she probably wouldn’t have tried otherwise. One evening after an exhilarating session of oral sex, Beth asked Gwen a question that had been plaguing her.“Gwen, do you tell your husband about what we do?” “Of course, I tell him everything. Haven’t you...
I had been thinking about it since the first time I set eyes on you two months ago. Gazing on your perfect alabaster body, my mind seeing my red handprints on those rounded ass cheeks. I could feel your hair in my hand as I pulled your head back, hear your voice whimpering to me, begging me for more, obeying my every command. I had watched others approach you with similar requests, seen you sneer at the thought of allowing yourself to be taken, to be used by another. Men and women alike desired...
The last month of my senior year became rather routine. Now, what aminute; that's not true. How can having frequent sex with your Dad beroutine? How can broadcasting to cyberspace the sexual escapades of twoexhibitionists, Bob and me, be routine? How can the daily suck off of afellow employee be routine? I may have grown up in an unusual householdwith lots of casual nudity, but even I know that what I was doing was notwhat most 18-year-old high school students were up too.Bob and I got...
Steve had little time to dwell on the duality of the situation as she started to bob up and down his shaft. Frankly, it didn't matter to him whether it was Erica or Diane who was sucking his cock at that moment. All he knew was that whoever was doing it was doing a marvelous job!But Steve wasn't the only one enjoying this sexual union. Erica was herself more aroused than she had ever been. It was hard, at times, to differentiate his moaning from her own. Erica sucked on his cock as if she was...
VoyeurAttended a friends Xmas party and boy did it turn into strip poker. Party lasted until 4am. 8 females and 10 guys. Everybody got fucked, pussy ate and dicks sucked. I mean dicks were getting sucked left and right. I saw one girl with dick up her assz that dick was huge. It was good clean fun. I got my pussy ate and ass hole licked. Then some much needed dick from my date. He was so excited. He had never been to such a party were one minute you was dancing and partying then next getting some...
Naughty nympho Alexa Grace gets down and dirty with Manuel! Alexa’s in the bath when Manuel interrupts her because he’s feeling horny. She shows off her sexy curves while giving us an amazing view of that pussy and ass and then pulls out Manuel’s big dick. She strokes it nice and slow, getting him rock hard, then Alexa gets on her knees as she takes that huge cock deep down her tiny throat. Manuel fucks her face good and hard then lays on his back to let Alexa ride that cock....
xmoviesforyouI love my husbands cock. I worship it, I adore it, I am totally addicted to it! I love the way it looks, the way it feels and the way it tastes. He has the most perfect cock of any man I've ever seen. I am obsessed with it. I'm constantly thinking about it, fantasizing and dreaming about it. I love sucking my husband. There is no better feeling in the world than the feel of his cock, hard and throbbing, deep in my mouth. I want to suck him morning, noon, and night.I love to be awakened in...
It had been so long since the last DVD of her precious little slut arrived. Susan could hardly contain her excitement. She ripped open the package thinking of how six months had gone by since witnessing Candy being used at the adult book store. What perverted things had she done. Susan’s lust took over, she spread herself like the pedophile slut she had become, rubbing her frothy cunt and staring wide eyed at the blank screen waiting. Candy’s face appeared streaked with cum, her hair was...
It was a rainy Tuesday lunchtime. We'd agreed to meet at a local pub you knew. The 'first meet', an opportunity to check each other out, to ensure neither was insane, criminal or repulsive! You had arrived slightly early and ordered a drink, sitting yourself near the warming open fireplace. You allowed the heat to sooth your ice cold hands feeling the rush of blood flow towards your finger tips. You looked up just as I came through the door, shaking my umbrella out, glad of the dry, warm,...
సుష్మ మదన సామ్రాజ్యం- మెడికల్ చెకప్ (సుష్మకి చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు. తన అనుభవాలన్నిట్నీపూస గుచ్చినట్టు వివరంగా చెప్పినందుకు, అవి రాసేందుకు ప్రోత్సహించినందుకు. ఆమె అనుభవాలు ఆధారంగా చేసుకు రాసినా, నా కల్పితాలు, ఫాంటసీల మసాలా కూడా జోడించాను. ఏది నిజంగా జరిగింది, ఏది కల్పితం అన్నది ఆమెనే డైరెక్ట్గా అడగండి. మీ అదృష్టం బాగుంటే ఆమె రిప్లై ఇవ్వడమే కాకుండా, మీతో chat కూడా చెయ్యవచ్చు. ఆమె మైల్ మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) నేను, రమణ వెళ్ళేసరికి, పేషెంట్స్ ఎవరూ లేరు. డాక్టర్ సునీత, ఆమె భర్త చాలా పేరున్న...
The Bride looked herself over in the reflection of the glass on the white Rolls-Royce. Bending forward she grabbed the front of her dress and pulled it up as high as she could, her ample rack practically spilling out she already wished she would have listened to her mother and picked a dress with straps. "Where is my driver!" she turned to interrogate the poor photographer she was paying to follow her around for the day. "We were supposed to have left already, and I want to get there before my...
BDSMThis story is about 5 years old now but I still remember it like it was yesterday! I had been some what conservative as far as sex goes, I had enjoyed sex with a few girls and had a couple of one night stands but nothing too out there. My mind however was full of fantasies. I was living with a couple of mates at the time in a town house about 5 minutes South of Brisbane City. My girlfriend at the time had just broken up with me and moved to the UK to be a nanny for a year. I came...
The credit for this story goes to ISS, I didn’t know that the community here is not only composed of readers but also enthusiasts. All your emails and messages mean a lot and the appreciation for my stories here is humbling, I thank thee readers!!! Please continue to support like this and all your feedback is welcomed on Hi ladies and gentlemen, I am Ab here working in reputed MNC in bangalore I am going to share my experience with my girlfriend mother and friend which happened due to...
Hi iss readers, I m sham from punjab.I m 19 years old.I m wanted to share my first sex experience with you iss readers. This is a long time time before story when i was at the age 17 and i was then in school. I live in hostel in Delhi. In my summer holidays i go to my home town to spent my holidays. In my family we are three brother’s.Both are elder than me and both are married .Thier wife’s are very beautiful and sweet.when i reach home all members are very happy. Their face are glooming. My...
The sail proved to be a nice distraction for the Captain who seemed at ease ordering her crew around while her juices dripped down her legs and she was half-naked. I brought her some clothes and her boots out to her after tidying the room, which she did put on eventually. Tabatha gave me an all-knowing look but the amount of noise the Captain makes when orgasming I was sure that the entire ship knew she got herself off. Not that it bothered her, or indeed anyone else. It was after-all...
Hello all sexy readers. I am Sumit, 19 years old and am having an average body with height 6ft. but full of sex from head to toe. Two months back the most happening thing happened to me, which i very much wanted to share with someone but is not posible for me to share with any one openly. That's why i am here narrating it to you all. I live in one of the posh colony of Delhi and have a permanent maid at my house, whose name is Rajni. Rajni is a 35-40 years old lady with simple looks, friendly...
Erotic FictionHi this is Jairam 26 year old from Hyderabad, India. I’m average guy without any bad habits. But I’m very interested in sex right from my childhood, you know what I mean. I was more attracted to the boobs and belly buttons. The story which I’m going to write is not a real story. The story is about my friend’s maid and her mother Sunita. Sunita was not very beautiful, but was having good amount of flesh at the right places. She is 42year old with 38, 27, 38 measurement. I was very close to...
IncestHello guys! I am Priyesh. I hope you guys have been doing well. I got a good response on the previous part of the story about my sexy mami and was quite happy. Okay, so getting back to the story. After the mess that had been created in the bathroom, though, accidentally, I was blank. I didn’t know how to face Mami. This kind of incident was the first in my 22 years of life. But from inside, I was happy too that this incident happened. After all, I got a chance to have a clear view of Mami in...
IncestI'm going to tell you what happened to me and my wife Jennifer as it really happened. We went from mild swinging to...well, you'll see. It's all true. You have to understand that Jenny is a beautiful gal. Actually, at 5'4", 135lbs, long blonde hair and hazel eyes, she's a stunner. And believe it or not, she's got HUGE tits (38F) and yeah, they're real. (She always makes me add that.). Jen also has great legs and a beautifully rounded ass. She just turned 28; I'm now 31. Jen comes from an...
Dolled Up To Rock and Roll by: Shawn Summers [email protected] I've always been a rocker, not that I don't love other types of music, too, but there was always something about going to a rock concert that had a special air. A kind of vibe that was hard to describe. Almost like an energy in the crowd connecting them to the band. Of course, I'd been to a number of shows over the years, saw some big bands, some unknowns and...
I was having a typcially lonely night at home last nighti had been indulging in a bit of the old happy pipe at home and i was ridiculously horny. I Found myself once again considering experimenting with my gay side, yet again to the same fantasy of a horny big cocked, dominating, older, mature man to turn me into a sissy and use me.So once again i sat energised and craving this fantasy once again... I put my feelers out and arranged to meet someone i met online on this very site. At first he...
Her face had a "what the hell hit me" look, a kind of dazed, wondering look. Her knees were back near her shoulders giving the man between her legs complete access to what she liked to call her 'honey pit'. Well it sure was going to be packed full of honey tonight if the eight guys in the room had anything to say about it. Each had already fucked Mandy twice, two of them had dumped in her three times, and Jerry, the one between her legs now, was having his fourth helping. A quick glance...
Looking for comments please She sat down on the bed I didn't know if this was just a strange coincidence or something she had been wanting as well or if it was only fueled by the lengthy day spent together now dwindling into the early morning hours. Had reason left us and tomorrow we would see it starkly different? I couldn't pass up the chance, knowing it may not happen again, to fulfill my curiousness a desire I'd hidden that could now be given in to. We looked at each other unsure how...
Alright this 1 night I was at this bar I know when I meet up with this girl well we started talking -n-drinking,1 thing led to another,her ol man shows up I thought I was gonna get into a fight,so I walked away,she comes up to me bout 20 min.later said everything was cool she broke up with him...I thought "alright im getting laid for sure" well we have a few more drinks head back to her place(I had no idea me an her would be fucking at her place,thought we would have been back at mine)but then...
© Copyright 2002 A double flash of lightning sets an eerie glow from behind the trees, at the edge of the marshland and Janet feels alarm at the sudden change in the day's temperament. A scant half-hour earlier, the day had been hot and sunny with a light breeze. Then it became hazy and muggy. Now, as thunder grumbles in the distance, she decides that paddling her canoe to shore may be the wisest option. Although the grasses grow very tall on the bog, trees are scarce and this tends to...
HI I am Mike age 31 from Bangalore… It was a dream vacation that Mahesh had been planning for Kavita his wife of 16 years. Mahesh was a successful CEO of a multinational organization in Delhi the capital of India , and Kavita was an interior designer by profession. They were a handsome couple – Mahesh 6′ tall in his socks weighed 180 Lbs and was well built and muscular. Kavita looked anything but the mother of two kids that she was. 5′ 7″ tall she weighed 120 Lbs thanks to the regular workouts...
I read the note already waiting for us when we checked into the hotel; "Mr. & Mrs. Yorke, Welcome to St. Lucia, my driver will arrive at the hotel at 4pm". It was signed, Del Grande. It was our first visit to this lovely little island in the Windward Group and its purpose was twofold. The first was straight forward enough - a well earned vacation. The second was much more unusual and had everything to do with Del Grande's note. The car arrived promptly at 4 and took us north towards Marigot....
Interracial"Dad?""Huh?" I said, looking up from my plate at my daughter Sarah."What's wrong? You haven't said anything in a while."She was right. We were having dinner together, which was usually the time we caught up and talked about our days, how work and school were, and so on. But tonight, I was totally in my head."Oh, nothing, sweetie. Just work stuff." This was sort of true. I was dreading going to work tomorrow as I knew what was coming. I knew they would be pushing the issue.I tried to engage....
IncestTwo stories were put up recently for the 4th part because I thought that the previous one hadn’t been put up.So I made the second one shorter.Send me your feedback at Shalini came home with us and she had a talk with Priya.I was not involved in the conversation at all. In fact I wasn’t even in the room when they talked. She then went home and not a word was said about her for a whole week.I asked Priya about it but all she would say was that it was taken care off. I returned home from work...
“Move your hands, girl. The master has ordered six hours of suckling a day until you begin to produce.” The rough woman who had dragged her up here gave a curt nod at the two boy and they came to lay on either side of Marie, pulling her back onto the cot and each taking a tit in his mouth. Two mouths latched onto her plump nipples and began to suckle, tugging the nipples rhythmically. It didn`t take long for the sensation in her breasts to reach further. Marie felt a twinge between her...
Hello friends, I’m Kalyan aged 26 male(Single) from Hyderabad working as IT professional 5.6’’ tall with 6.5 inch with good muscular body. The story(I would not prefer… [email protected]’ so that I share our next intercourse with more excitement. ANY HOT AUNTIES, GIRLS FROM HYDERABAD….. starving for SEX can contact the above email Will experience the pleasure of SEX at your peaks. Details will be maintained confidential. Thanks for reading my sex story...
Affair“Je vous aime. Memere,” Cat said to her grandmother. Having been warned minutes before, she walked to her decorously and hugged her legs. Kate returned the hug. “Sharl!” Cat then cried. She raced to him and collided with him. It was something between a hug and a tackle, but Charles could handle it. He lifted her for a mutual hug, and she ran her hands through his hair. Charles was one of her favorite people, and his kinky hair was one thing which she enjoyed most about him. When he could set...
"Hello again, Ral," Michael said. I stood there staring back at him, waiting for something to happen. He just stood there grinning. "What do you want?" I asked. My voice was steady. Yay! He shook his head. "Merely to help you." "Help me how? You've already got me standing on edge and have scared my girls." His smile softened. "I do apologize. I've not been very forthcoming with you, but as to how I can help, there are a great many things we should discuss. I'm sure I can...
Sawyer's parents returned. The two boys had tried to hash out a a good explanation for her presence, but there wasn't one. She'd have to stay hidden. Renee rolled onto her back. Even with the clothing pile, the floor of Zack's closet was too hard. The tiny nook was so cramped, she'd barely manage to doze off before her muscles would protest and awaken her. And she didn't know when Zack would come back. Exhaustion tugged her bones. She'd been in this blasted room for the entire...
This is the story of how I fucked my sister. My younger sister Jessica and I have always been close. We have two other siblings but We’re only a year apart in age so we grew up with a lot of the same experiences. We were raised first generation Americans in a really close nit Italian family. We grew up in a Midwestern suburb and went to school together our whole lives right up to college when I took off to study on the east coast and my sister dropped out of a local school at the end of her...
IncestIf anyone tells you that high school locker rooms for boys are bigger messes than the one the girls change in, you can tell them they don't know shit! After just two weeks on the job, filling in for my friend's dad who had a stroke, I had found more crap in the girl's locker room than in the boys. Things like beer cans, some of them empty, marijuana, and even a small pocket sized vibrator. Yeah, there were the usual things you'd expect to find - clothing, shoes, panties,...
Fun and I were up early to dress in some casual business clothes so we could see the dog school people. First we needed to go by the Stevens to check on Cassie and Sue. As we walked up to the Stevens' home, Mrs. Stevens, Cassie and Sue were walking back from the beach. When we were together, Sue remained right with Cassie instead of frolicking with Pink and Flower. Mrs. Stevens said, "This morning when I woke up I looked in on Cassie and Sue. I asked quietly if she needed to go outside....
Decent to Beauty: Part 5 By latexslut Chapter 17 henry was tired and hungry and thirsty and disoriented and tight and uncomfortable and afraid and confused. And horny. His thoughts relative to wearing women's clothes had always in large part been rather passive. He had enjoyed the thought of woman's panties and nylons and over time found a way to allow himself to wear them here and there when he was feeling randy. They were much more comfortable than a man's clothes and...
I was laying on the living room floor late one Saturday afternoon, flipping through the channels on the TV. My sister Ginger was laid out on the sofa behind me, daydreaming. We had the house to ourselves for a week, because mom was on a business trip, and Mikey had to go with her.I tuned on a football game, and put the remote down. “Hey, you’re not watching this,” Ginger protested. At 1 3 years old, she was beginning to turn into a woman. She was also becoming the world’s biggest cock tease....
L Dalitha and Salim were wrapped together in Salim’s bed: Dalitha’s dark, small body entangled in Salim’s chocolate, long lithe frame, legs intertwined, breast on breast, sweat dripping onto sweat. Dalitha was again exhausted but still insatiable, a young appetite for sex that Salim found very difficult to keep up with. She could still taste the slightly sour juice of her niece’s vaginal juices on her tongue, and enjoyed Dalitha’s fingers probing around her still sore crotch, still moist but...
Reddit NSFW411, aka r/NSFW411! When it comes to porn enthusiasts, when they want to really find a piece of pornography that they’ve caught a glimpse of years ago, all bets are off. They’ll go on popular XXX tubes and start asking in the comments as they try to explain the porn they watched as vividly and descriptively as possible. Also, if there’s any porn-related boards and or forums like Reddit’s ‘NSFW411’, you can bet both your precious crown jewels that these porn enthusiasts and...
Reddit NSFW ListI have been in sales for over 25 years and have banged more than my share of clients, most of them in their 40's, 50's and 60's and older, as I love to flirt with and have sex with older women. Amy works for one of my clients and she is a new employee who just graduated 6 months ago from college and is studying for her CPA. Amy is thin, blond hair green eyes and an ass to die for. Your typical 22 year old hottie. Oh I'm 59 and I look 55!I have been in the office about 3 times and never really...
Hi, I am Rita jain, married women age 30 from Mumbai. Mere pati mujse bahot hi love karte hain and I also love him very much. Hum kafi happy married life ji rahe hain.hum sath main hi is site ko read karte hai aur sex enjoy karte hain. My sex in life is also very satisfied. So I also want to share my experience with another guy (only by mistake not with intestinally) I requested to all my friends specially married women of my age to send their suggestion about my mistake, that is I am right or...
"A very interesting resume, Mr. Dancer, very interesting indeed, but I'm afraid that the job you're applying for has very specific requirements, and unfortunately there's nothing here that will tell me if you're qualified for this position." "Exactly what is the position I'm applying for?" Mike Dancer asked the personnel director. "The ad was little bit murky as far as the job description went." "And with good reason," Joanne Ford replied quickly. "The job in question is of an extremely...
Charles Dunlap, or Charlie, was your typical science nerd. He loved Star Wars, chemistry, and learning new things. He want the most popular guy in school, especially with girls. He lives with his parents, both scientists themselves. His father was a world renowned archaeologist, and his mother was a famous chemist. His love for science were from his parents. The seventeen year old was starting his last year of school, and his birthday was tomorrow. His parents had gotten him something special,...