Ripples In TimeChapter 6 free porn video

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I enjoyed the rest of my vacation at home with Penny. Our little boy was kicking up a storm in his mother's womb. It was good that he was active but it didn't do my wife's disposition any good. I followed the news stories as the week progressed speculating about who would replace Coach Golden. Todd Bowles, a Temple grad and the defensive coordinator for the Arizona Cardinals was on the list. Chuck Heater, from the Colts, and Stan Drayton, from Ohio State, came in for interviews. One name topped my list of best choice for head coach – my boss, Matt Ruhle. Matt hadn't committed to going south to Miami with most of the coaching staff.

I found a note on my desk when I went in Monday morning, January 13th. It said there was an all-hands coaching staff meeting at 8:30 that morning. I busied myself with odds and ends until it was time for the meeting. The meeting turned out to be quite small – Matt Ruhle, Brandon Noble, Tyler Jackson, Ron Herndon, our conditioning coach, and me. Coach Noble and Coach Ruhle were teammates, close friends and 1997 Penn State grads. They were both holding off on committing to Miami until they found out if Matt Ruhle got the job as permanent head coach.

Athletic Director Bill Bradshaw joined us before the meeting started. "I thought it would be appropriate to give those of you remaining here an update on the plans for the interim between now and when we have a new head coach for the team. Matt will be the acting head coach during the transition. All of you will report to Matt. I want to thank Matt, Brandon and Tyler for agreeing to stay during the interim. Kyle, I did not get a chance to talk with you yet, though I am told you plan to stay here with our university."

"I'm yours as long as you want me," I answered. "I would like to work for the university until the end of April, if that suits the new head coach."

"Thank you, Kyle," Mr. Bradshaw said. "My plan is to complete the interviews for the head coach this week and to name the coach next week. We have a number of time-critical things that need to be done while the interview and decision process is being completed. I will let Matt explain these needs."

"Thank you, Bill," Matt said. "The most urgent item is to contact each of our recruits and make sure they stay with the oral commitment they have given us. The second item is to get ready for the four early admission recruits that will be arriving on campus in ten days. Brandon and I will confirm with each of these young men that they are still planning to come here. Tyler and Kyle, you will get everything prepared for them: room assignments, workout schedule, playbooks, etc. Our third item is to prep our players who are entering the draft with the combine-style drills."

"I'll cover that, Matt," Ron offered.

"I would be willing to help too, Coach Herndon," I added. "I plan to work those drills a lot as my time permits too. I need to get ready to show off my conditioning at the pro day."

"That would be great, Kyle," Coach Herndon said. "What better way to introduce them to workouts than with someone who has done the combine already?"

"Ron, let's keep our current players on the same workout schedule they've used this fall until the coaching staff is settled," Matt said. "Ron, you will continue to monitor that. Tyler and Kyle, would you spend a little extra time in the weight room helping Ron out. I won't have a lot for the two of you to do, such as preparing plans for the next season. That will wait until the coaching staff is set. Does anyone have any questions?" We didn't.

Matt Dellavecchia popped into the office Monday afternoon to say good-bye. He had finished packing up his dorm room and was going to hit the road for Florida when he was finished at Edberg-Olson. I wished my friend well. I had enjoyed working with him this season.

I worked half days during the week and had plenty of time for my personal workouts. Students were still on break, so the weight room was pretty empty. Penny and I had extra time together. The final weeks of pregnancy were hell for my sweetie. I did my best to keep her comfortable. Abby was a big help too. Penny appreciated a woman's perspective from someone who experienced pregnancy and labor recently.

The NFL Divisional Playoff weekend featured four games. I hoped Trevor's Jets would beat the Steelers. They did, handily. The Saints fought hard but the 49ers disposed of them Saturday night. Eric Peter's Ravens took care of the Texans without too much bother on Sunday afternoon.

I got a text from Coach Ruhle Sunday evening as I was watching the Eagles lose to the Vikings, announcing a staff meeting for 8:30 AM Monday morning. I suspected I knew the primary topic of the meeting – who would be the next head coach. The Philly papers were filled with speculation the past two days. Smart money was on Coach Ruhle taking over. That would suit me just fine.

Athletic Director Bill Bradshaw was there when we assembled for the staff meeting Monday morning. He was direct and to the point. "This is not for public dissemination until after our ten o'clock press conference this morning. Temple University is proud to name Matthew Rhule our next head coach. Coach Rhule..."

"Thank you, Bill," Matt replied. "My first order of business as head coach is to assemble my staff." He stared around the table at each of us. "I hope each of you will stay here with me to help us keep Temple going forward. All of us know where this program was in 2006 when most of us arrived here. Al Golden has built something special in this team and it is our task to carry his program forward and push this team higher. To that end, I am announcing my first hire. Brandon will be our defensive coordinator and assistant head coach for the Owls."

This news was met with smiles all around the table.

"I will sit down with each of you individually to discuss your status with the team," Matt continued. "I hope all of you are willing to continue the work we started here."

"I can save you time, Coach," I replied. "I'm Temple's until the end of April, if you want me."

"Me too, Coach," Tyler added. "I'm here to stay."

"Excellent," Matt said. "I won't put you on the spot, Ron. We'll sit down and talk after the press conference this morning."

Matt reviewed the things that needed to be accomplished this week and what our assignments were. It felt good to have direction again. Matt dismissed us to go back to work. I grabbed Tyler when we got back to the coaching staff office room.

"Why did you decide to take a chance and stay here?" I asked.

"My girlfriend and I are getting pretty serious," Tyler explained. "She's a senior with one more semester until she graduates. I didn't want to go down to Miami and abandon her."

"Love, I understand," I agreed. "Same reason I'm not going anywhere. What would be the point of going to Miami for a few months?"

"Especially with a pregnant wife," Tyler agreed. "How is Penny doing?"

"A well as can be expected," I answered. "She says she feels like she's carrying a bowling ball in her stomach. Thank God, it will all be over in a few days. She's due on Friday."

"That soon?" Tyler said. "Good luck."

"If I come rushing into your office and dump a bunch of work on your desk and act like a mad man, you'll know why."

"I'll help however I can," Tyler promised. "You just need to ask."

"Thanks," I replied.

Penny and I didn't lack for help with the pregnancy. Will and Abby helped a great deal. They were on call for driving Penny to the hospital if the baby decided to come while I was at work. I would meet them there instead of driving out to Drexel Hill and back to the city. We had Penny's overnight bag packed so she'd be pretty much ready as soon as labor started. Marilyn Edwards took a week off from work to help out too. She came down Thursday evening, the evening before Penny's due date, and planned to stay for ten days until the baby came home and Penny was settled and ready to look after our little guy.

There was one problem with all our planning. Our son didn't cooperate. Penny and I watched the NFL Conference Championship games together. My honey was sprawled out on the couch because it didn't hurt her back so much. I sat on a chair beside her and held her hand most of the day. We cheered ourselves hoarse as we watched Aaron Morano and the 49ers take down those nasty Vikings who knocked off our Eagles last weekend.

The next-to-final game for the NFL season pitted Trevor's Jets against Eric Peter's Ravens. It was hard to pick a team to root for. Eric and Trevor were both good friends. The five-year friendship with Trevor and the fact that he was in our wedding party won out. We cheered as the Jets beat Baltimore in a tight game. Aaron's 49ers would face Trevor's Jets in two weeks in the Super Bowl. Ironically, the "visiting" team, the Jets, would play in their home stadium, the Meadowlands. The NFC was designated the "home" team for this Super Bowl.

The holding pattern in our lives was frustrating. Penny went into HUP (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania) for a checkup on Wednesday. The doctor said everything was fine but he would induce labor if the baby didn't show up before Saturday, January 25th.

I was practicing combine drills with four of Temple's seniors Friday afternoon when Coach Herndon waved a cell phone at me.

"Your mother-in-law is on the phone," Coach announced. That drew cheers from the seniors. They knew my baby was due anytime.

"Kyle here," I said when I got my phone.

"Penny's water broke a few minutes ago," Marilyn reported. "Don't come home tonight. Go straight to HUP."

"Is everything all right?" I asked nervously. "Is Penny OK?"

"Everything is fine," Marilyn reported. "Can you call Jim and your family? I want to get on the road. My family has a history of dropping babies quickly."

"You got it," I agreed. Marilyn said good bye and I clicked my phone off. "Wahoo! We're going to have a baby!" The seniors let out a cheer. The guys around me shook my hand or slapped me on the back. I dashed for the locker room. I took a thirty-second shower and dressed. The phone calls could wait until I got to the hospital. It was only ten minutes away.

I got to the hospital long before Penny and Marilyn. I called Mom, Dad, Jim Edwards, Will and Andy. Will would pick up Liz and bring her along from Princeton. I didn't need to search down Abby. By no coincidence, she was doing her obstetrics rotation this month. She was already there. I paged her to let her know Penny was on the way. I started the paperwork while my wife traveled to the hospital.

I was surprised twenty minutes later when a police car pulled up to the birthing center door with the siren wailing. Abby, a doctor and two nurses flew outside and returned with Penny in a wheel chair.

Penny managed, "Hi, honey," before gritting her teeth for another contraction. They wheeled her by.

Abby called back, "Her husband and mom will take care of the paperwork."

"It's done already," I announced. "What's going on?"

"The contractions increased quite a bit around the edge of the city," Marilyn reported. "I called 911 and got a police escort."

"Everything's fine?" I managed through my intense bout of nervousness.

"Everything is fine," Marilyn responded. "Now get in there and watch your son's birth." I hustled to catch up to Penny, the doc, the nurses and Abby.

Things didn't move quite as fast as Marilyn had feared when she drove Penny to the hospital. I was there and managed not to faint two hours later when our son appeared into the world. Words cannot do justice to the miracle as I watched him appear from his mother's womb. I was proud and relieved when my son let out his first wail and announced to the world that he was here. He was born at 6:37 PM, weighed in at 9 lbs., 12 oz. and measured 21 ¾ inches.

Penny and I chose the name David Zachary Martin a few days ago, and not because it was my middle name. Penny always liked the name David and I had no objections to it. Zachary needs no explanation. That was to honor his godfather.

I went out to the waiting room to let our assembled families know that our son and my wife were in excellent condition after the ordeal. All of us got to look at my son after the nurses had time to clean David up. I got to visit with Penny and David after Penny had time to rest up.

My son was a marvel. He was a big boy but not plump. He had an almost full head of wispy blond, almost white hair. His hands and fingers were impossibly small and delicate. I understood to my core that evening what my brothers Andy and Will, and my dad had tried to tell me about being a father. I would do ANYTHING for this beautiful boy to make sure he grew up healthy, happy and safe.

I led a parade of vehicles back to Drexel Hill around ten o'clock that evening. Will, Abby and I managed to put up everyone in our big house. Saturday morning we all returned for visiting hours. My family and Penny's family got to meet their grandson, nephew or cousin. Nikki and Adrian made it up from Charlottesville to visit.

Penny had a room full of distinguished NFL visitors too. Zack and Leigh Ann Hayes came down from Lancaster to visit their godson. Ed Fritz flew up for a couple days from his workouts in Pensacola. Aaron and Tania Morano flew in a day ahead of the rest of the 49ers so they could visit before heading back to north Jersey. Trevor and Steph Conwell came down to visit too.

Penny wasn't ready for discharge when the doctor did rounds Saturday morning, so she wasn't discharged until Sunday morning. I proudly brought my wife and son home to Drexel Hill that morning. Our house bustled during the day, with all the family and friends visiting. Things cleared out by evening as everyone headed back to Lancaster County, Virginia or Delaware. Liz did stay until Monday morning, when Will took her back to Princeton.

My first night at home with my wife and newborn son reminded me of something I had forgotten from four years earlier – exactly how noisy and disruptive a newborn can be. I was pretty bleary-eyed when I got up at 6:00 AM to get ready for work. I managed to get through the day without falling asleep.

Marilyn Edwards helpfully took a second week off from work to stay at our house and help Penny recover and get settled with our precious David. Coach Ruhle wasn't too demanding of my time. He understood about new fathers. He had an eight-month old son at home. I got used to handling diapers, burping and getting up at odd hours of the night when David was cranky. Slowly over the next few weeks Penny and I settled into our roles as parents.

Will and Abby were a tremendous help. I loved how fascinated little Rose was by her cousin. She was gentle and sweet with her little "Davey." Rose turned two in the beginning of February. We had a nice party for our little girl. I was glad Will and Abby suggested sharing a house. It was great spending time with them. It was nice having built-in babysitters too.

Matt Ruhle needed a couple of weeks to fill out the coaching staff. Marcus Satterfield was appointed the offensive coordinator. He came to us from University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. Matt and Marcus had coached together years ago at Western Carolina. Matt decided he wanted a wide receivers coach, since I would be leaving in a few months. He brought in Terry Smith, a Penn Stater (naturally) and father of Justin King. I had met Justin when he visited campus a couple of years ago. Justin and Derrick Williams had led the Penn State renaissance in 2004-5. I looked forward to working with his dad.

I continued working out at Temple with the four seniors preparing for our team's Pro Day on March 8th. I was getting good times on the 40 yard dash and the various cone drills. Chris Considine worked with me on my pass catching and route running. I spent some evenings over in Cherry hill, New Jersey at Pro Train's gym getting ready. I wanted to put on a good show for the scouts and coaches at Temple's and Penn State's Pro Days. Max Solomon thought it would be good to attend both Pro Days, even if I didn't do all the drills both days. We wanted the NFL to know I was still in top physical condition and ready to play for whichever of the thirty-one teams would draft me.

Penny and I passed on going to the Biletnikoff Dinner in early February. Penny didn't feel up to it yet and I didn't want to go stag. We decided to attend the Maxwell Dinner on March 1st. It was Penny's first night out since David was born. We enjoyed the meal and the company. We ended up sitting with John and Paige Elway. They were delightful dinner companions. We enjoyed it for another reason – the Maxwell Award Honoree, one Winfield Ellsworth "Chip" Brinton.

Monday, March 3, 2014, 11:30 AM

I was busy in my cubicle breaking down video for next season when my cell phone rang. My phone showed a phone call from the 303 area code. I had no idea who it was.

"Hello, Kyle Martin," I stated.

"Kyle, this is John Elway," John said.

"John, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon," I said. "Did your wife misplace her sweater again?" She and John almost left the banquet hall Saturday night without it. I ran them down to return it.

"No nothing like that," John responded. "Paige made it back home with it. This is a business call, Kyle. Are you sitting down?"

"I'm in my cubicle breaking down video," I answered. "I'm sitting down."

"I need you to sign a contract with the Raiders," John stated.

"Uh ... you know that isn't going to happen, John," I said. "We talked about this at the banquet. I will never play for the Raiders."

"The contract will state exactly that," John continued. "You will be paid and you will never play for the Raiders."

"You're losing me," I said. This conversation was getting surreal. "The Raiders will pay me NOT to play for them?"

"Actually the Broncos will pay you and you will play for us," John answered.

"I thought your team couldn't trade for my rights after thirty days before the start of last season," I responded.

"True, we can't trade for your rights," John explained. "We can trade for a SIGNED player after the NFL year starts next Monday. That is why I need you to sign a Raiders contract."

"Ohh ... kay ... uh ... How do I know the Raiders won't screw you and me after I sign their contract?"

"I have been authorized to negotiate your Raiders contract with you and Max Solomon," John said. "I was thinking we could add an extra clause in the standard contract requiring the Raiders to trade you to us with a penalty of them paying you your full $14 million dollar signing bonus if the trade doesn't happen by March 15th."

"Maybe I could consider this," I said. "Why are they finally willing to come to terms? How much am I costing your team? More importantly, how did you get the Raiders to consider trading with you? You're in the same division as them. I wouldn't have thought they would do any deal with you."

"Did you know Mark Davis hired Reggie McKenzie to be their general manager a few weeks ago?" John explained. "Reggie isn't emotionally tied to that bad decision to draft you last year. He wants to recoup the lost first-round pick. We can get you for a second round draft pick."

"A second-round pick? Really?" I said. "How did you get the Raiders to trade me so cheaply?"

John laughed. "We put the Raiders between a rock and a hard place. The bottom line is my team wants you to play for us. The Raiders can trade you to us and get something in return. I also have a tentative deal arranged with Carolina. We ship them Omar Harris, one of our receivers, and we swap first-round, #20-pick for their #3-pick." I knew Omar slightly from playing against him in the Rose Bowl three years ago. He was a decent, #2 receiver, but not a great receiver.

" ... and with that pick in the draft, you'll pick me," I said.

"You got it," John said proudly. He chuckled. "I made sure Reggie knew you were going to play for us regardless of what they do."

"You get me for a second-round pick from the Raiders," I asked. "How much do you see me making? Are you going to pay me like a second round draft pick?"

"No ... not at all," John said quickly. "You were the fifth pick in last year's draft. You will be paid accordingly. Now, I want you to understand, we can't pay you anything for last season. The CBA [collective bargaining agreement] prohibits us from doing that."

"OK, this is starting to sound interesting," I said.

"We believe our team is close to being something special and you are the key to getting us there," John said. "Are you willing to play for the Broncos, Kyle?"

"Definitely, John. I am willing," I agreed quickly. "Playing for your team would be a dream for me. I loved playing for Coach Baldwin last January at the Senior Bowl. What do we need to do to make this deal happen?"

"Can you and Max come out here to work on the contract tomorrow?"

"I need to talk with Penny, my parents and Max," I answered. "Oh yeah ... I need to talk to my boss too. I do have a job and responsibilities here at Temple."

"Make your calls, Kyle," John replied. "I will have the travel secretary get ready for you. We'll have a ticket ready for you. I assume you would want to fly out of Philadelphia."

"Yes, Philly," I confirmed. "Thanks you for calling, John. This is fabulous news."

I was stunned at the swiftness of my deliverance from the purgatory the Raiders had consigned me to last April. I shook it off and dialed Max Solomon.

"Yes, Kyle, what is up?" Max asked politely when he answered my call.

"How's your schedule tomorrow?" I asked. "Can you meet me in Denver? John Elway would like to negotiate a contract between the Raiders and me. Are you available?"

"Elway? The Raiders?" Max asked curiously. It took a moment for the full meaning to sink in. "You sign a contract with the Raiders, who immediately trade you to the Broncos. Why would they Raiders ever, ever trade you to their biggest rival?"

"John Elway put them between a rock and a hard place," I explained. "John also has lined up a trade with the Panthers. They swap first-round picks and Denver sends Omar Harris to Carolina."

"Brilliant ... positively brilliant," Max marveled. "The Broncos get your services at a steep discount if the Raiders do the deal. They get you in draft if the Raiders don't. The Raiders get something for their squandered draft pick. You get paid and get to play football. Uh ... speaking of pay ... did John say what pay scale they would use for you? They aren't going to pay like a second-round pick, are they?"

"No, John promised me they would pay me like the number five pick in the draft," I answered. "They seem real interested and anxious for my services. Can we set this up?"

"I can rearrange my schedule and get to Denver tomorrow so we can explore this further," Max said. "Don't get overexcited about this possibility. Are you certain you want to play for the Broncos?"

"Antwaan Booker and Brendan Hayden are friends. I know half a dozen guys on the team already," I answered. "I played for Coach Baldwin and the Bronco staff at the Senior Bowl and loved them. I would love to see what Brady Rasmussen and I can do together. Yes, Max ... I want to play for the Broncos."

"Good," Max Said. "How does Penny feel about this move?"

"She's in Neurobiology right now," I answered. "I am going to call her in about fifteen minutes, after class is over."

"Call me before you fly out," Max said. "We can coordinate our travel details and come to tomorrow's meeting better prepared."

"Will do," I agreed before clicking my phone off. I headed down the hall to take care of my next piece of business. "Nadia, is Matt in?" I asked politely of Matt Ruhle's administrative assistant. Matt wasn't as formal as Coach Golden was. He insisted we address each other by our first names around the office. He was Coach Ruhle only when we were in front of the players on the team.

"Go right in, Kyle," Nadia replied. "Matt's not busy."

"Hey Matt," I said as I walked in. "You remember how I have been saying for the past ten months that I was yours until the NFL called?" He looked up and smiled. "Literally, they just called. John Elway wants me to fly out to Denver and sit down to discuss a contract to play for his team."

"That is great news, Kyle," Matt replied. "No one here is going to stop you. Don't worry about work here. Chris [Considine] can handle it and I'll pay him hourly until graduation." Chris was a senior and would graduate in May. He was already lined up to take my grad assistant spot after the NFL draft.

"Thank you, Matt," I said. "Thank you for everything."

"Go. Go do what you were meant to do," Matt answered. He laughed. "Things can get back to normal around here. It was embarrassing watching one of my coaches out-play my players."

I gathered up my coat and headed for home. I could catch Penny during her lunch break while I packed for my trip. I gave Dad a call too before I left Edberg-Olson and asked him to call Blake, Taylor and Mays. My attorneys needed to be prepared to review the contract and turn it around fast. I didn't want this opportunity to slip away. I called Penny as soon as I got back to our place in Upper Darby.

"What's up, Kyle?" Penny asked when she answered her phone.

"The Broncos want me to sign a contract with the Raiders so they can trade for me next Monday," I explained. "The Raiders gave John Elway permission to negotiate a contract with me. Max and I need to head to Denver to sit down with John tomorrow."

"The Raiders?" Penny asked. "Are you sure you can trust the Raiders?"

"I'm not sure," I agreed. "I'm not signing any contract with them without ironclad guarantees that I don't have to put up with their shit anymore."

"How long will you be in Denver?"

"I have no idea," I said. "I think Max and I will be playing this by ear."

"Call me on my cell when you land," Penny asked. "I'll set it to vibrate so I don't wake Davey."

"It could be late by the time I get to Denver," I said. "Are you sure you don't want me to text you?"

"Do you really think I will be asleep when you call?" Penny teased. Davey was doing a little better at sleeping but Penny and I got up too often every night to sooth him, feed him or change him.

"I love you, honey," I said.

"I love you too," Penny agreed. "Go get a good contract with the Broncos."

I called the Broncos when I got home. They had a ticket set aside for me on United. The flight departed at 2:45 PM so I had to hurry to the airport. I made my flight on time. God bless the Broncos. They flew me out first class. I thankfully didn't have a long layover in Chicago. The airport in Denver was huge. I took a tram from my terminal back to the main concourse and headed downstairs to baggage claim. The Broncos were supposed to have someone there to pick me up.

I found a guy my age holding a "Kyle Martin" sign downstairs. I walked over and introduced myself. "I'm Kyle."

"Good to meet you again, Kyle," the man said. "I'm Ryan."

"Have we met?"

"I used to quarterback at Cincinnati," Ryan explained. "We played against each other a couple of years ago."

"Ryan? " I mused. "Ryan Williamson ... the Bearcats. You're my age, aren't you?"

"I graduated last spring too," Ryan replied. "I assume that makes us about the same age."

"Did the Broncos send a player to pick me up?"

"No, I'm an intern now," Ryan explained. "I signed with them as an undrafted free agent last spring. I made it through training camp until the final cut downs at the end of August. They let me go. I tried to hook up with another NFL team and then tried the CFL. No luck. I decided it was time to move on to my next career, coaching. Coach Baldwin took me on this January as an intern."

"I understand," I replied. "I've been working as a grad assistant at Temple since the Raiders drafted me."

"I know," Ryan said. "I watched your guys at the Orange Bowl. They did well."

"They did," I agreed.

"Let's get your luggage and get you on the road," Ryan said. "This team is putting you up in a suite near Dove Valley."

"Dove Valley?"

"That's what everybody calls our training center," Ryan explained. "Officially it is the Paul D. Bowlen Memorial Broncos Centre but everyone calls it Dove Valley. That is the name of that area of Denver."

"Let's do it," I agreed. Ryan and I talked about our experiences as an intern or grad assistant as we waited for my bags. There wasn't much difference between the two jobs other than one was for a professional team and the other was for a college team. We did the scut work for the coaching staff.

Ryan pointed out some of the highlights of the Denver area as he drove me south to my hotel. I could see the lights on the towers in downtown Denver from the interstate. I could make out the mountains a little from the snow capping their flanks and peaks in the distance off to our right. It took about forty minutes to get to the hotel. Ryan helped me check-in and promised to pick me up and take me to breakfast before taking me over to Dove Valley for my meeting. He left me his cell phone number in case I needed to reach him before he met me in the morning.

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the scrap man

It was a sunny day and this van appeared on the road, a man of about 60 got out and approached me, it was the scrap man. "I want to apologise for my son's behaviour the oth week" he said. "I really don't want to talk about it" I replied. "Well just as long as you know" he said. He came into my kitchen and sat down."I'm ashamed of him" he continued, "It doesn't matter" I replied. "His mum left when he was young and he's been a right handful since, that was 23 years ago" he said, "I've not had...

2 years ago
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Mom Caught on cam

For some time, I had been going on camera so my son and his friends could watch me. They did not know who I was, but I knew them. I knew who each of them was and learned about the things they liked and what they enjoyed watching. I have written before about being online with them. This all occurred when they were in high school -- they were eighteen or nineteen years old. I learned very soon that they also enjoyed seeing the "real me" when I got home from work. I usually wore skirts or dresses...

3 years ago
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The Touch of a Man Part Three

They began to talk and Cassie Raye began to get even more comfortable with Dylan. She had gotten drinks and they began talking about everything they could possibly think of and the whole time they were, she was thinking of how she had missed being with a man. How long it had been since one had been inside her. Her pussy began to pulse at the thought and she had to think of something else to let the urge go by. She was happy that they talked and laughed with each other and shared things with...

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SLUT ASHLEY 19 THE FINAL CHAPTERAshley was nervous about the following night. Keenum was coming over as a "study buddy", and she was certain he was going to want a blowjob. She was also certain that she would give it to him, even though her boyfriend O.J. would be in the same house. The wildness of it all had her pussy tingling all day, but that didn't hide the fact that she was scared. How long could she keep this up? She had to pick a guy, and it had to be soon. She made a promise to herself...

3 years ago
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Discovering My Nasty Wife Part 1

Part 1The TurnaroundChapter 1I am successful in businessman, and married to a wonderful wife. We are both very much in love, and always been very close, but somehow there was always something missing.Like many men, I had always had a fantasy of watching my wife making love with another man. I know most people think of that type guy as a weak, but I would be considered anything but a whimp. I'd be thought of as masculine and I am a strong contender in the business arena. I've just always been...

4 years ago
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Wife doesnt love me no more sex

I brought him into the dinning room, and told him to take a seat across the table from me and that I had something to say about or relationship. He didn’t say much, he just went and took a seat. I was a little uncertain as to how I should start the conversation, and I could tell that he was a little uneasy just sitting there waiting for what I had to say. So, I thought that I should just come out with it, and then deal with whatever comes up.I told him that I was not happy in our relationship...

1 year ago
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"Would you soap my back?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at me, smiling. Standing in a communal shower, the sounds of other people laughing and bathing reduced to a backdrop of sound, a distant hum, I stared at her. I'd met Ann the evening before, soon after I'd arrived at this weekend workshop. Located in a hot-springs area in northern California, a clothing-optional community that found its roots in the hippie days of the 60's, it had enjoyed a renewal in this new-age decade. A...

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Linda and Jenna

My name is Linda; I am a 32 year old nurse and I assist in giving medical exams. The doctor’s office I work in specializes in women’s health and performs routine pelvic and rectal exams.One case that I will never forget involves Jenna. Jenna is a stunningly attractive office receptionist. As I was doing the preliminary work-up on her prior to the physical, I noticed that she had recently turned 36. I told her, “Jenna the current medical guidelines are to include a proctological examination of...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Married Cousin Shaziya 8211 Part 2

Hello readers. My name is Faraaz, and I am 24 years old from Bangalore. I am working as a software engineer in an MNC. This is the continuation to my previous story, “Sex With My Married Cousin Shaziya”. I received a lot of good feedbacks from the readers for my previous story. Thank you guys for your feedbacks. I really appreciate you all took time to give feedbacks. Please note that have changed my email address to Now coming to the story, Shaziya got married 6 months before this...

4 years ago
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The Loves of Sophie Pt1

Sophie, standing in the clear light of day, viewed her naked body critically in the long mirror. Having waved goodbye to her thirtieth year a couple of years earlier, she was just a little concerned with what age would do to her body.Others still commented on how beautiful she was. She was slender, youthful in appearance, and retained plenty of vigour for the life she led. Yes, it was easy to deceive others, but in her own eyes, her flesh was losing some firmness and the smoothness of the skin...

Straight Sex
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The Visit

Feel free to archive this on any free site. Pay sites need to ask permission first. Feedback is ENCOURAGED. All feedback (except flames) will be taken constructively. The Visit by Jack Andrews [email protected] You are seated and fully dressed, ready to begin. You have your materials with you. The photos of the woman I am forcing you to become are in front of you. You do not have a choice, nor do you have any control. All you hear is my voice. You will not...

3 years ago
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It is Saturday night / Sunday morning at about 4am. My girlfriend Lizzy and her boyfriend Dan and I have all come back to my place after the club. We have all been taking ecstasy and are buzzing. Liz is my age, she IS a skinny bitch. She is slightly taller than me with long legs and a cute bum. She has small boobs that match her slender frame, her hair is cut short it is dark but with blonde highlights. Dan is a couple of years younger than us; he is well built and about 6ft, he boyish good...

1 year ago
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My Life With Boyfriend And Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi my name is Priya and I am here to share my experience. Me and my bf were studying B.Tech and staying in live in relationship for 3 years in Mumbai. But for higher education i had to move to Delhi. We meet almost every month, Sometimes I go to Mumbai or he comes to Delhi. In Delhi I am doing MBA from IIPM, and Its my 2nd yr.Here I made many friends but i am really close to Amit. We often go for movies, dinner and we do our assignments together. He knows about my bf and they often meet when my...

3 years ago
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Abby TwoChapter 25

“What Uhaul?” “The one behind Alice’s Ute,” I said. Of course he looked. Out the window wasn’t good enough ... besides looking he had to see. Out the door and fine toothed comb. “What idiot issued the plates?” “Supervisor at the Service NSW Agency.” “Well ... it’s obvious he had no clue. This car transport is unsafe.” “Well ... I have title and plates and I’m gonna use it. Where is the ‘34 roadster ute?” “Why?” “I’m going to haul it here and make it run.” Well ... THAT shut him...

1 year ago
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Not EnoughConfrontations

"So, where do we go from here?" Jean asked, not looking at me. "I don't know about you, but I'm going home," I joked. It was a weak, feeble joke but I wasn't sure exactly what I should say. What could I say? We were driving back to our town, our work, our lives after a fairly magical Thanksgiving vacation. I knew, though, that vacations never lasted and that they always ended up as these ephemeral visions of happier times that were pulled out and looked at in the coming days, months...

3 years ago
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Money Helps

All participants in this story are 18 years of age or older It seems I've always been horny, but until I reached my twenties I lacked the nerve to do something about it. Truth be told, I got the nerve when an aunt died and left me $255,000. I had a decent job, that paid well, and with the windfall I decided to try some experiments with the opposite sex. I didn't really give it much thought, and looking back realize I could have done it better, but what the fuck, if I hadn't done what I...

4 years ago
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The Trial

At the tender age of 31, I became a widower and had a heart attack, all within a month. I was in the Cardiac Care Unit of the local hospital for a week before returning home to finish my recovery. Apart from a weekly attendance at a recovery class where I managed to start rebuilding my fitness, it was a lonely time as I had no other family within a hundred miles and having only recently moved into the area in any case, I had very few friends locally either. Work, which had been...

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Pennys Other Life CHAPTER 5

Every day, Phoebe popped in to see Penny in her office to remind her of their Tuesday evening date. Finally Penny gave in and assured the young girl that she would be there."Thank you, thank you, thank you, Miss Perkins! What are you going to wear?"Penny hadn't even thought of that, and she wondered if she should do the granny thing again to appear respectable for Phoebe, or put on her sexy lingerie that she and Mr. Brown enjoyed so much."What are you going to wear?" she countered."I usually go...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Coffee Shop Conversation

Coffee Shop Conversation "Hey Mary" "Hey Marg. Wow. You look awful! What happened?" "This morning my daughter Amy came running out of her room still in her nightgown, crying and saying she isnt a girl, she's a boy, and that some magic spell turned her into a girl overnight." "My goodness. What did you do?" "I told her to stop being silly, and to go and get her school clothes on. When she didnt stop crying, I gave her a paddle on the bum and sent her to get...

1 year ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 18 Lava Tubes Waterfalls

After breakfast, while Dave and Jill readied the RV for departure, Peter setup his pup tent next to the trailer and stored his gear in the 4WD. Jill gave Peter a big kiss and hug and again thanked him for letting her go away with Dave. "Just make sure you have a good time. I really want you to enjoy yourself, especially during the night" Peter reminded her as he squeezed her hard against him. "I'll remember the slogan 'make love not war!' Is that OK? Jill said with a smile, as she...

1 year ago
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Educating Kyra

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

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Revenge For Chriss Sister Epilogue to Another Level of Bromance0

My family and I had no regrets whatsoever about what we did to that piece of shit. Every single bit of pain we inflicted on that bastard was well fucking deserved after what he did. And where he was going, he’d be getting a hell of a lot more than that. My sister’s so-called boyfriend, I’m telling ya. Guess I should start at the beginning though… Chapter 1: The Boyfriend Donna, my 17-year-old sister, met this guy named Tyson over the summer, right after her birthday, just before...

1 year ago
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Outdoor Surprise Chapter Four Final

“I’d love that,” I said. “What do you think about a quick shower to clean off all the chlorine and everything else.” She said, “What you don’t like having my cum all over you?” “I love it, I just figured it would be nice to freshen up a bit before bed,” I said. “I’m just teasing you,” she said. “It sounds lovely.” We made our way through the house to the large master bath. There was room for about four people and had benches as well. “Quite nice Sue,” I said as she ran the water. We...

3 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 04

Sharon seems surprised I didn’t force her to have sex last night, but it was clear she wasn’t interested, so I let it go for now. Later, when she’s trained, she’ll be eager and ready for me whenever I want her. I could force her, but I want her willing cooperation. We get up, and put robes on for breakfast. Dad smiles when we emerge, because we’ve got three breakfasts delivered again. While we eat Dad asks, “What do you expect those idiots to do today, since their attempts to bully you...

2 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 8

Amy was imagining it was all a dream. For once, she was able to control what was happening. She had latched onto the penis of this Adonis, this god with the two sirens, and would have her way with him. The two sirens could not object, because it was her dream. "She's not gonna let go, Mommy," uttered Hannah as they all settled down onto their floor bed. Nathan wasn't sure what to make of it all, nor did Kathy. They had had a good deal to drink as well, and not really being used to it,...

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Woman With A PastChapter 12

There were only two more days before classes began and I had done myself proud, working steadily every day all week, updating my lesson plans, reviewing new developments in computer language programs, and generally satisfying my professional conscience, after a summer of guilty pleasures. Betsy called me at my office on campus. "Got you on the first try!" she said. "It's that time of year when the phone number calling-sequences change!" "How 'you doin', coach?" "Never mind me....

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The Chav who took my cherry

I never really knew what I wanted in life. I had never been lucky with girls and dating had never been successful. Although my life was to change dramatically when I hit 19. I was 5'8, slim, short black hair.I was a shy reserved sort of guy. I had a part time job in McDonalds and studying at uni trying to get my science degree. It was at work when I first met Trish. Trish was twenty four and a gorgeous blonde girl. She was really nice and friendly and we got on so well the shifts we worked. One...

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About a Week ago

Introduction: Met another hot big boob blonde…. I was getting out of my SUV. I motion for my friend to get out of the passenger seat. Ace worked at a tattoo shop in town. I sold him a computer last year. He owed me a favor. Buck… Is this the place? Should I get my needle and ink? said Ace. Yes! Shes right inside. She cant wait. I said. He smiled. She really wants your initials on her breast and ass??… Wow! Thats my kind of woman. said Ace. I smiled. Yeah! Ill show you were to put BK on her....

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Lonely Old Woman Wanting High Performance Mature Gentleman

This is my second story based on real experience and events, I am Anglo Indian age 65 years old and widowed and retired from business, my wife died 5 years ago suddenly. Since then I have remained quite active. My daughter and son are living and working away and seldom visits me, as they are busy with their own families. My son is in Mumbai and due to go to UK soon, and my daughter is married and in the USA. Being a widower it is quite easy to mix up with the opposite sex of a similar age...

2 years ago
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How Another Man Ended Up Taking My Wife Sexually

I'm still not sure how this happened. I had never dreamed I would ever let another man fuck my lovely, shy wife. It all started with the computer. My wife liked to talk to people all over the world on her computer at home. It didn't take long for the guys to find her. It started off polite and simple talk. In time the talk turned more sexual. My wife is a very shy in person, but on the computer she is bold. She would tease the guys with hints of more to come. Stringing them along. I had no...

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After the Fact

This story stands on its own, but for a better enjoyment I recommend you read my other story ‘Alone and Desolate’ as this story is a direct continuation of ‘AAD’. If you’re looking for stroke material please, promptly back-click as there is not a single shred of sex in this story. I want to thank my editors for the invaluable help they’ve given me while I was sweating over this story. * When I arrived home earlier, I had the feeling something wasn’t entirely kosher. The house felt empty,...

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Raging Storm

Carly couldn’t believe what she had just done, chest burning as she stopped next to the dumpster in the dead end alley, clutching the magazine in her hands.  If this didn’t work, if he didn’t take this they way she wanted, she could get into a lot of trouble.  But she couldn’t think of anything else.  She tried everything else. “What do you think you’re doing Carly?!” Carly froze and spun towards the voice, her body flushing with heat, not out of fear but pure desire. Standing about...

Quickie Sex
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Jaymies Road to Ruin Part 2

PART 2 - Jaymie's Road to Ruin First Inter-Racial Experience Dear readers, Thank you for your kind comments. This is part two of my story. Since this is a true story it may not be as adventurous for some as they would like, however, my development began at a slow pace and during the process I was full of self-doubt. Since the time of my first experience, I spent a bit of time troubled by what happened. On the one hand, it turned me on like I had never expected. On the...

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DarkFyre Chapter Nineteen

Never had the sun shone so bright and warming north of The Teeth before spring had even come. The breeze was chilling and sharp as it rolled off the mountains and swirled along the rise and fall of the open hilly country, but next to a lifetime of winters in the North, the breeze here was but a refreshingly cool caress. The wind touched everything. It combed through the flat plains to the south, teasing patterns from the high, dense grasses. Ripples and waves, and the constant, minute movements...

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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 20

The hours and work until the devil’s threesome were a blur. I was eager for it, as were Anne and Samuel, even if on my end it was my last time coupling with her. It was still one helluva way to close that chapter of our lives, with a nice, healthy, quite literal bang. The day that we chose for it proved to be a very draining one, so we all had to relax and recover first, starting with a nice meal separate from the mess. It was a 48 hour leave, after all. We even shared a couple of glasses of...

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Asian MILF Fucks in Parking Lot

This is another true story...A few years ago, my wife and I agreed to pick-up some family after a local minor league baseball game. We got to the stadium lot about 45 minutes early. There wasn't enough time to do anything in town, so we just decided to wait in our minivan for the game to be over.My wife was wearing tight jeans that hugged her big, Asian ass beautifully, and a sweater. We were talking about everyday things when, without missing a beat in our conversation, she unbuttoned and...

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Krishna 8211 How I Enjoyed Her

Hi guys!! I am a resident of Kolkata aged around 45 years and a regular reader of Indian sex stories (ISS). This inspired me to narrate my sexual experience with my Bengali maid Krishna two years ago. I stay with my wife and daughter and my mother, who is bed ridden and Krishna was engaged as attendant to look after my mother, during day time. She was about 40 years old. She has two sons. The elder one is already married in the age of 20 years and has a baby daughter, while her younger son was...

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The Silencers DaughterChapter 27

Nick woke up the next morning. Instead of just two women in his bed, he found three. Christina was spooning Lilly. Nick removed arms and legs from his torso so he could quietly get out of bed. Petra stirred and whispered, "Nick is everything okay?" "Just fine. I have a lot to do today. Go back to sleep." Petra sleepily acknowledged him and scooted over near Lilly and went back to sleep. Nick smiled to himself. He grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom. He cleaned up, put his...

2 years ago
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Tumblr SisterChapter 21

Looking back on it, it would have been obvious to a blind man that Danni would show up too. I mean four of the five were already there. And under circumstances that suggested they might live there together for some time. And they had even told me there was "a plan". Of course I thought that plan was short termed, and ended when I joined the Marines. I was wrong. I found out about the plan not from Phee, who I was closer to than any of them. And who, let me just mention, was the actual...

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Sandras Big Nipple Brassiere

“My bra has a stretch decorative lace that covers the anatomically shaped under bust band.” Said Sandra.” It’s very comfy, elegant and timeless. Its stretch straps are adjustable in the back which includes stretch 3-position fastening. It’s 65% Nylon, 20% Cotton, and 15% Spandex, bitch” Sandra was a hot blond with long legs, average size breasts and a light blue comfy, elegant and timeless bra with adjustable stretch straps and a stretch 3-position fastening. “My rich silk bra has...

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Korean Koolaid

Confessions of a whoremonger. I am writing this story as a mini-series. There is quite a bit to tell of the year that I was in Korea. This story is mostly true. I say mostly because of changing the names of the guilty, but also because I have forgotten most of the names that I did know. I am writing from a series of memories that may be somewhat clouded, and I embellished a little to keep it from containing the boring parts. I hope you enjoy this journey into my sordid past. ...

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The Delightful Miss Lawson

      Lisa, stood at her bedroom window watching her neighbor Miss Lawson sun-tan. I can't believe she has such a great body, even though she's in her 40's. Lisa thought this everytime she saw her neighbor. In fact she envied her, for her large breasts, which Lisa often wondered how they felt. If  there was ever anyone Lisa wished to look like, it was Miss Lawson.      Heading down the stairs, she checked the phone for messages. There were none. Her parents wouldn't call until later. They had...

4 years ago
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Dono Hath Laddu Ek Hath Priya Or Ek Hath Sonam

Hi friends, I am amar here age 24 .ye meri 2nd story hai friends I really like this site to share about our sex stories bhut acche acche response milte h chat karne bhut friends milte h maja aata h. Now me apne bare m kuch bta do waise to sab mujhe jante h fir v btana chahta hu. I m basically from Bhopal but now a days indore m job kar rha hu av 6 months hi hue h ye story tvi start hui jab me Bhopal s indore shift hone aaya. phle to mujhe room search krna tha jo k bhut time lene wala tha office...

1 year ago
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Swinging Spa

This is a true story about a journey I made recently with my partner into the swinging scene. This is the first time I have ever written a story of any description, so please feel free to feedback! It was nearly a year ago when my partner Jake and I were discussing fantasies. He was not particularly forthcoming with regards to his fantasy, saying that he loved everything we do and would be willing to try anything. I on the other hand, had a reason for starting this conversation, I had always...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 35

Tiffany knocked on Hailey’s door and entered. Her busty blonde friend looked up from her desk with relief. “Oh, thank God!” Hailey said, jumping up from the chair to hug her friend. “I was worried about you.” “I’m fine,” Tiffany said, smiling and sitting in the other chair in the room. “Where did you go?” Hailey asked. “I called everywhere. We even went over to see your brother. He said you’d stopped for a while and then left in tears.” “I went to see Phil,” Tiffany said. She found it...

1 year ago
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Your Engagement

Your name is Andrew Brown and after living together for a couple years, a few months ago you finally popped the question and got engaged to your beautiful girlfriend Jill. She was what you considered a blonde bombshell. She kept herself in great shape and had big and perky DD cup breasts which other men were constantly ogling with envy. She was very kind with an infectious laugh and she seemed over the moon about the prospect of marrying you, and of planning the wedding. She wanted to go all...

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Alex to April Chapter Three

RECAP“April” Momma said “help you sister” – “Get licking sissy boi” instructed Emma and over the next hour April when from being a novice cunt lapper to an expert, learning all the skills necessary to bring her sister to several orgasms. Following instruction from both Emma and Momma he leant how to rim around the lips of her pussy, when to be gently and when to put on the pressure, how to please her clitoris and most important of all how to swallow all the juices she produced. At the end of...

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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 27

"Kate!" exclaimed a shocked Gwen as she tried to take a step toward her sister. Steve suddenly grabbed Gwen's elbows and pulled her to his chest. Then he kissed her for a very long time. "I'm still going to..." insisted Gwen before Steve once again pressed his lips to hers. "Okay, I get the hint," whispered Gwen. "I won't say anything to Kate now. At least not if you keep kissing me like that. I'm still pretty pissed at her. I'll give her a piece of my mind when we get...

2 years ago
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Office fun with Lisa

Lisa on the other hand stood about 5’6” and maybe 135 pounds. Her legs were nice and toned and led up to an ass that had just a bit jiggle in it. She had B cup tits that still had some perkiness after having two kids. I found out she was 17 when she had her first baby and 22 when she had her second. She was 35 now but, could easily pass for 25. She had long brown hair and didn’t wear a lot of makeup. She had full lips that were always glistening with lip gloss. One day walking down the...

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