Incredible ChangesChapter 30: Clinic Day 3 - An Interesting Morning free porn video

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Sometime in the night Sue's drugs had worn off, and she was in bed with me, naked. Finding my boner encased in her scorching hot pussy just seconds before I started to cum was a great way to wake up. Sue stayed where she was as my dick shrank out of her. Kissing was all it took to get me rock hard once more so she could start to ride me again. I don't know how many orgasms she had before she thought she could get back to sleep now. I was almost there again when she pulled me out of her. Deciding it may be another test, I did not say a word as she turned on her side next to me.

"David, I know you are not done, but I really want to go to sleep having you spooned up behind me. I promise to make it up to you," she said sweetly.

Turning over I found I could only get maybe an inch inside her. That was good enough to keep the head inside her wet velvet furnace with the rest of my dick sandwiched between her thighs. I moved my hand over to hold her tit, just as I was dozing off again.

I woke as I started to cum in someone's mouth. I knew it was not Sue since she was laying mostly on top of me now. Whoever was sucking me had moved her leg out of the way. Not that I really cared. They had swallowed my cum and squeezed out the last drops. What did surprise me was seeing a boy sit up between my legs, get out of my bed and then covered me up again.

When he came over beside the bed, I saw three girls I had not met were standing there with him.

"See I told you that I could suck him off better than any of you," he said very strongly. "Now you have to pay up. Whose butt is first?"

I think the nurses gave Sue something to keep her sleeping. She did not even stir when one of the girls moved her back into her bed.

"Ezekiel! None of us is going to use David like he is some piece of meat. It is bad enough that you tricked us into believing David was waiting to have his penis suckled. I am not about to rape him just to settle our bet. If he does not want to do this, then you are out of luck," the girl who put Sue back into her bed told him.

I was not yet really awake, so I sat up trying to figure out what was going on. The girl and Ezekiel went off to a corner to have a heated, but hushed, discussion. There were two other girls in the room kept looking between them and me. Both were extremely cute. I just held out my hands in a way that I hoped they understood to mean I was inviting them to sit on my bed with me. Somehow I sort of knew they did not speak English. I held up the covers as they came over on each side of the bed. The younger looking of the two of them slid right in next to me and pulled my arm around her shoulders to let her cuddle in closely on that side. I can't tell satin from silk, so I had no idea from which of the two her pajamas were made out of. I only knew that they were very soft against my body. She obviously did not think through having my arm around her as she had got comfortable. The way she snuggled in had arm against my chest, hand on my hip and her fingers right on top of my half limp dick. I felt her realize what she was touching and her tense up. I look down at her face as I used my other hand to point at her chest. She actually blushed really red before she nodded slightly. She must have wanted to be completely sure I knew where I stood because she pulled my hand off her arm to put it on her firm tit as she smiled up at me.

The girl with Ezekiel was getting pretty animated in their discussion, and finally drug him into the bathroom, closed and locked the door.

I gently started to explore the younger girl's breast through her pajamas as I waited to see what the heck Ezekiel had won from his bet. It seems that it was a very a big deal to the girl he was talking with in my bathroom. As I touched this girl's breast, she sighed and snuggled in closer. Almost idly her fingers slowly started to explore my pubic hairs. I had completely forgotten about the other, slightly older looking girl until she got into bed with us on my other side.

In the minute or two it took for the younger girl to figure out what she wanted to do with me, the older one had gotten naked. 'I caught a fleeting glimpse, out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look, but it was gone.' The view of her small, triangle bush of thick hair was hidden away under the covers. I knew I could just make myself not see the covers, but I figured if she wanted me to get a good look, then I would.

The older girl did not waste any time putting my hand over her rock-hard nipple. Since we were not speaking, I have no idea what she was had in mind when she also reached down to play with my hardening dick. Maybe it was just quid pro quo here. The younger girl let me caress her boob while she touched my dick. Maybe the older one thought that was the require payment. I didn't really mind as I was playing with tits on two girls while they got my dick hard with their explorations. I was still not truly awake so on autopilot I played with the younger girl's nipple through her pajamas and the bare one of the girls on the other side. If I had been more aware, I would have noticed the younger girl breathing faster. She got so super excited it finally made her climax. She never made a sound, but her fingers were off my dick and holding mine still on her tit.

After a few seconds, she pulled my arm from around her. I thought she was going to leave. Instead, she moved around a bit more to get comfortable before repositioning my hand to her stomach. Tugging on my arm lightly to get me to look over, she smiled at me as she kicked a leg out from under the covers to drop her pj pants and panties to the floor. Looking down I saw that she only had a little puffball of hairs right over her clitoris. My eyes, through my dark goggles, were locked on hers as she moved my hand down over the patch of baby soft pussy hair to have my fingers covering her plump wet mound. My fingers magically knew what to do as they gently pushed between her pussy lips get some juices from her hole to rub over her clitoris. The younger girl tilted her head back as her hips pushed up into my fingers to get really good contact. Once I had repeated the three circles around her clit with my finger, I slid down her wet slit to get more juices. The older looking girl stopped stroking me, even though I was still playing with her nipple, as she watched me fingering the younger girl. Seeing that I was looking at her now, she quickly leaned up to let me pull my arm from behind her and slide it under the covers. Unlike the younger girl, she kept the covers over her. She had coarser bristly pubic hairs. The older girl really seemed to like it as my fingers slid over her clitoris and even kicked a leg out of that side of the bed to give me better access. When my finger rubbed over her wet vagina, she slammed her legs closed. When my finger was back up to her clit, her legs opened up wide. Each time I tried to get some of her juices to make her clit slippery, she would slam them shut again. Finally, I got a little frustrated and stopped fingering her all together.

I idly let my fingers just rub around in her pubic hairs instead. When I would graze her clit, legs spread open wide. As soon as I moved my fingers down lower, they were slammed back together again. There was no way I could rub her off with how dry her clit is right now. Finally, I got a bit of an idea.

I needed to get the older girl's attention. I let my fingers slide down to rub her clit a few times to get her legs spread open. When I pulled my hand out I waited until she looked up at me as I got a lot of spit on my fingers. When I put that on her clit, it made it slippery for a few seconds and got her rocking her hips. As soon as she was dry again, I pulled my fingers out to get more spit. I did this three more times before I turned on the place in my head to look at the orgasms' impulses around her clit. To me, it looked like it would happen almost any time, so I turned the place in my head off again.

Over and over again I got her really worked up with a big glob of spit but stopped to get more before she could cum. I just looked down at her each time I stopped to get more spit. She was starting to moan out in frustration and even tried to keep my hand down on her a few times when I stopped. Catching her not paying attention, I quickly pushed two fingers all the way down into her slit. I used them to pull up through her crack to get them really wet. She was watching closely when I pulled them out from under the covers that she did not notice she was half exposed nude. I got them in front of her face and rubbed my thumb over my fingers to show her how slippery they were. The juices dried up faster than spit, but the source was closer. I kept rubbing as she was starting to build up once more, even though her clit was all dry again. Not wanting her to slam her legs shut, I let my fingers rub a bit lower as I made circles on her clit until I was just about to her hole. We were looking at each other the whole time. When I reached her vagina this time she did not move her legs at all. I made three trips down and back to get her clit covered with her juices. That was all it took for her to go off like a firecracker to have a huge orgasm. It was good that she was done because I found I really needed to pay attention to the younger girl.

Being so focused on the older one, I had not noticed the younger was now only wearing her unbuttoned pajama top. The girl pulled my hand free, quickly got out of bed, pulled on her PJs, and started doing the pee-pee walk out of the room. The younger girl pulled my hand free, and I thought she was going to leave too. Instead, she pulled her shirt off before reaching for my other hand as well. Turning over onto my side to be able to reach her got my dick pushed against her bare leg.

Using both of her hands now, she made a hole with the fingers of one and used my middle finger to poke through it. Pointing at my dick, she shook her head no and then guided my other hand to her pussy. It was a bit awkward to get my middle finger of one hand into her pussy and rub her with the other the way we were laying, but we managed. I was just exploring inside her for the places she liked rubbed when I felt her cum. I stopped everything I was doing until she was finished. It was no surprise when she pulled my hands away from her pussy. I thought we were done until she climbed up over me.

I watched her face as she moved over my dick trying to find out where to put it. It took her at least a dozen tries to get it notched into her vagina. She had to rock her hips around a bunch of times to get the perfect angle for her force me into her very tight pussy. I didn't know if she was just really small inside or a virgin without a cherry. Either way, she was scrunching up her face tightly as she made little in and out motions until she had my dick all the way inside her. She tried to do a few long strokes in and out right off. Her pussy was soaking wet, but her pussy was just too snug to work without hurting both of us. Instead of pulling me completely out of her, she pushed me all the way in and then leaned into French me for a bit before pointing to the clock.

I saw that it was only a few past three in the morning, no wonder I was still tired.

The girl sat up enough to push her hands together, put them to the side of her face, and lay her head against them. She then patted my shoulder. I hoped that she was asking if she could sleep on top of me. As hot as her supper tight pussy was around my dick, I would let her sleep on me as long we could before one of us had to pee. I nodded and found out that she did not even seem to weigh very much. Once she had the covers pulled up to almost her shoulders, she laid down on my chest. I rubbed over her butt as she slowly rocked her hips a tiny bit as we drifted off to sleep. She was still there with my boner fully inside her when I woke up around 6am. The older girl returned to the room to sleep with her back to us. I found my arm under her with my hand on her boob. I had no clue where Ezekiel or the other girl had gone, but they were nowhere in the room that I could tell.

I don't know if the younger girl was having sexy dreams or the sleep had relaxed her. Whatever it was; she had my dick sliding easily in and out of her about an inch. I went back to rub over her butt. When she was awake enough to realize what she was doing with me, she pushed up with her arms and experimented with how easily my dick was moving inside her now. I watched the smile grow on her face as she started taking longer strokes and beginning to ride me faster. It did not take me much to have my balls drawing up and me getting ready to cum. I quickly checked to find that I was killing off my sperm, but instead I got zoomed in on the egg inside her that was already dead. If I remembered it right she was about to start her period anytime now.

Looking at her tightly closed eyes and the look of deep concentration she could not care less. All she seemed to care about was trying to get over the edge herself. I did all I could to fight myself from squirting. Before I even had the first blast get primed to shoot strongly out of my dick, she started to cum. I got to see the look of surprised bliss on her face as her cum hit, and then I slammed her hips down tight with me as I started to cum into her. Since I somehow managed to stay mostly hard inside her, she laid back down on top of me to play with my hair. The small aftershocks in her pussy were more than enough to give me another boner. When I felt ready, I pumped my hips up at her a few times, and then she shook her head no. We dozed right back off. A bit later the older girl was helping the younger one gently pull my dick out.

I can only guess the older one had done this before. She had a warm washcloth that she used to clean us both up before getting the younger one dressed in pajamas again. I was still mostly asleep as she led the younger-looking girl out and then quickly returned.

She stripped quickly and got back into bed with me, but this time she looked pretty scared being all alone and naked in my bed. Without even trying to communicate with me, I felt her fingers go around my boner. I returned the favor as I reached down between her legs again. She was really wet and did not slam them closed like before. The whole time she was watching me closely. A few times I did let my finger push in a bit on her vagina. She started to close her legs like before, but then quickly relaxed them again. Out of the blue, it hit me that she must be worried I was going to rape her or at least try to stick my dick in her. The younger one had made me a bit sore, and I have no interest in sex right now anyway. Unfortunately, there was no way for me to tell her that.

Over a few minutes, I managed to work us over in the bed so that she was in the center, and I was on my side against her. She was still able to play with my dick all she wanted, but now I could lean over her to suck on her nipples. First, it was just the one closest to me, but I slowly moved around to be able to get to the other one as well. I kept rubbing her just enough to get her close, but not enough to push her over. I am not sure if it was what I was doing to her or not, as first one and then both hands were playing with my hair as I sucked on her nipple. That worked out better than I thought as it let me move to where I was between her legs lying on top of her now without her seeming to notice.

When I moved my fingers off her pussy and pulled her nipple out of my mouth, her eyes got really big. She started to look panicked as I pushed up on my arms to move up to where I could kiss her lips. I purposely pressed my boner, just above my balls, against her clitoris as we kissed. I never moved it against her, letting her move her own hips against me if she wanted. Slowly, I started kissing along her neck as she squirmed under me. When I was back to sucking on her nipples, her hand reached down between us trying to find my dick. I just lifted my head off her chest and shook it no. Before she had much time to react, I had the covers off us, and I was staring at her pussy. There was no way for her slam her spread legs with my body between them.

She had a lot less hair than I had thought since the hairs were very coarse. As she tried to close her legs a bit, I was putting my thumbs down on each side of her pussy and gently pulled them down and out to the sides. I expected her to have a cherry the way she had been acting, but there was no sign of her having had one recently. Seeing that my fingers would not hurt her, I dropped my mouth to her clit and started to lick as I buried two fingers inside her.

She really seemed to like me licking her. When she felt my fingers going in she tried to close her legs and push me away. I was not going to let her do it this time and just kept going. Her legs went limp the instant I found the rough patch just inside the top of her pussy under her bladder. She came quickly from me licking her and pushed my head away. I was determined to finger her, as long as I could and my hand did start to cramp up after I fingered her to her seventh orgasm. She looked at me with a questioning look as I sat back to watch the orgasmic blush fade from her chest.

I moved back between her legs and laid on top of her. I saw her look scared again so I guessed she really did not want to have sex. After kissing her some as she pushed her clit against my dick, I rolled over onto my back and got her so that she was lying partially over me. Once she was comfortable I had her rough pussy hairs against my thigh, one of her knees just below my balls, her hand on my dick and her head on my shoulder. She gently played with my dick, even as it leaked pre-cum all over her hand, until I felt I was dozing off again. When I woke later she was trying to figure out how to suck me as the younger girl stood there whispering in her ear. I noticed they both kept taking looks at the clock.

My dick was just about to go off when the clock showed it was 8:10. Both girls jumped up and got the older one dressed again before hurrying out of the room. Before I could even cover up, Ezekiel from earlier was there, He was swallowing my huge load down without missing a drop. Just as quickly as he arrived, he was waving on his way out of my room.

"That little fucker," the girl who had been arguing with Ezekiel in the bathroom said from beside my bed. "Bastard robbed me of the quick fuck I was supposed to get. Those two girls were supposed to have you so ready to cum so I could get my cherry popped, and it all be over quickly. I am not interested in dick at all, but to get my ass hole parents to quit trying to marry me off to some old sleazy geezer; I have to make sure pics of my cum filled bloody cunt are all over the net. It would e be better if I get knocked up. All the girls say you are cool, give a really good screw, and I already know your dick won't stretch me all out or hurt much when it pops my cherry. I am really in a pickle here because I am to be discharged this afternoon. I need this to get done before then. Between the pics and bloody cum soaked panties, I will be damaged goods in their social circles and can have a normal life. If I help you get it up again, do you think you could make it is quick a fuck as possible to fill my cunt with your cum?"

At least one girl in this whole clinic spoke her mind and told me what the heck was going on. Not really answering her, I sat up and pulled her to me. I wanted to be ready to get off quickly without making it happen with the place in my head. I gently ran the back of my hand over her cheek as I watched her reaction. Since her face softened at the touch, I leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips. She was a bit stiff at first, but then I found that she was a very good kisser. We were French kissing for a while before I scooted back on the bed a bit so she could get up here with me. A bit more kissing and I finally undid her bra strap. Since I was already smelling her juices through her jeans I doubt she really did not like guys like she said.

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Suman ki clinic main boob fucking

Mera naam karan hai aur mujhe pluss size aurat ko chodne maim bahut maza aata hai.meri ek girl friend hai jiss ka naam suman hai woh dr. Hai aur dr. Bhi bahut hi mast .ussko dekhkar kisi ka bhi lund pani chod de ya phir ghar ja kar muth jaroor maarega.suman ke boobs 40c size ke hain aur usski kamar 26 aur gand 42 hai.mujhe to suman ko dekhte hi kuch kuch hone lagta hai aur lund pant main salam karne lagta hai ,waise to main suman ko kai baar chod chuka hoon par uss roz ki chudai ki yaad aate hi...

3 years ago
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Fucked Married Indian Lady Doctor In Her Clinic

Hello, I am Vishanth. This story is about how I got to have sex with my neighbour. Her name is Dr. Vidya, and she is a gynecologist. She is almost 38, and she is a fair-looking, chubby lady. She has big boobs and a huge ass. So, when I first saw her, she had just moved to our neighborhood. I got so turned on when I first saw the married Indian lady doctor. Then I was 18+, and I used to jerk off thinking about her, and I couldn’t forget her. So, all those years, I could only masturbate thinking...

2 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 36 Clinic Fund

For the next few days the girls were busy with life happenings, Whilst out walking along the beach towards Snapper Rocks she notice a surf clinic which was run out of the back of a white van. Stopping to look at the young people being taught skills to surf, The trainer said to the trainee’s surfers “If you do not give opportunity, or take opportunity then life will pass you by.” Continuing on with her walk she notice a Medical Clinic for skin conditions. Putting the two together Helena...

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CutRate Fertility Clinic

(M+/F, wife, gb, bd, intr, preg)by Phoebe & AB+++I never thought I'd get pregnant. I'd been trying with my husband for almost three years when new neighbors moved in across the street and we invited them over that fateful evening. John and Kristine were your average looking couple, he was nice enough looking that -- in my mind's eye -- I had him undressed and in bed with me. I know my husband Andy was imagining guy things about Kristine. But what really changed things for Andy and me that...

1 year ago
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That day in clinic

I don’t know why I forgot to wear men’s briefs that day, perhaps I was just so used to the comfortable feel of silk panties I didn’t even think about it when I got dressed. Maybe I had an u*********s desire to be caught; literally to have my little secret uncovered. So here I was at the walk-in clinic, with no desire to go home and change, just on the off chance I might be caught wearing women’s underwear. Surely, if I had to disrobe they would give me one of those gowns to wear.It was the end...

3 years ago
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Sound Clinic Experience

I knew it wasn't me. She was the only person I'd been with in months and we'd used a condom. She had just broken up with a boyfriend a few weeks before we got together. One night when she was drunk she called me since we'd hooked up in the past -- she wanted to get laid, didn't want to call her ex and didn't want to just find some random guy at a bar. We had become decent friends at the time. Like I said, I hadn't been laid in months, she was pretty hot and we'd had sex a few times...

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Indian fertility clinic

A few years ago I accepted a foreign assignment with my company. I was to spend the better part of a year overseeing a construction project in Chennai India. The company put me up in a staff house in a nice part of town. At first the novelty of being in a strange land kept me occupied but over time i found myself with more time on my hands than I knew what to do with as a single guy. I decided to take up golf with a passion as there was a course I had often driven past on my way to the job...

1 year ago
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Sex Clinic 4 Naughty Nurses

At the Sex Clinic I soon serve three tasty lovely looking ladies between ages thirty and fourtyAt the Sex Clinic I first serve my dear docter fine foxyfriend for intimate impregnation thereSoon her sexy secretary nice naughty nurse redhot real redhead succeeds in seducing me as wellSoon after her the head nurse nurtures her beautiful blonde tasty tight twat also with my spermSoon I visit the Sex Clinic of my dear docter almost every week, instead of only once a monthSoon I have three tasty...

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The Grantham ClinicChapter 22

Flight BA572 touched down at Milan's Malpensa airport on a cold January morning. Penrose and Olivia travelled to the hotel in one taxi while Hammond followed in another, anxious to avoid any chance that their arrivals could be linked. They'd booked accommodation on the same floor and gathered in Penrose's room shortly after lunch. Hammond had arranged a meeting with the Lieutenant Roberto Gavioli of GICO division to discuss the possibility of a raid on the Baron's property once Penrose...

1 year ago
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Trans Sexual Clinic 04

It was some six weeks since Johnny had attended the clinic with Wendy and now he found himself wanting to go there more and more. He could not get DR. Francine out of his mind, he desperately wanted to have her hard cock in him again as he fantasized about leaning forward and sucking on her delectable tits. The thought of his cock rubbing against her body as she fucked him up the arse was almost too much. He called Wendy at work and asked if she could and would book another appointment at the...

She Males
2 years ago
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Doctor George VIs Sexual Addiction Clinic

I worked for a sexual addiction clinic. The clinic was a spinoff of the Harding Santorum in Worthington, Ohio,Former President Harding’s brother George T. Harding II founded the Harding Santorum in 1916 to provide treatment for people with physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs and operated it on a forty-five-acre campus until 1999, when it became part of Ohio State Wexner Medical Center.Doctor George T. Harding VI Spun off the sex clinic and created the Harding Sexual Addiction...

Group Sex
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Sissy Clinic for Bois Chapter One My New Sissy Client

“I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me,” Jaiden Chapman told me as my assistant Susan served us both coffees.  “Professor Greene at Texas Woman’s University recommended you,” she continued.  “Professor Greene, Kristen, is my thesis adviser — I’m working on my M. Ed. in curriculum design, and when I shared my story with her she was certain you would be able to help us.”I recognized the professor she was referring to immediately from working with her several years earlier when I...

1 year ago
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CutRate Fertility Clinic

I never thought I’d get pregnant. I’d been trying with my husband for almost three years when new neighbors moved in across the street and we invited them over that fateful evening. John and Kristine were your average looking couple, he was nice enough looking that — in my mind’s eye — I had him undressed and in bed with me. I know my husband Andy was imagining guy things about Kristine. But what really changed things for Andy and me that evening was that Kristine...

1 year ago
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Life Of A Slut 8211 Episode 1 Doctor8217s Clinic

I am Harsha Shah, married to Hiten who belongs to a rich business family in Pune. Soon after my wedding a few years ago, we shifted to Mumbai and Hiten started to look after the Mumbai operations of the business. Though our sexual life was reasonably good, I often felt it lacked a little spice and variety. For instance, even though we only two lived in a luxurious 3 bedroom apartment on the 28th floor of a skyscraper, we never had sex outside the bedroom, particularly when it was possible to...

1 year ago
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CutRate Fertility Clinic

I never thought I'd get pregnant. I'd been trying with my husband for almost three years when new neighbors moved in across the street and we invited them over that fateful evening. John and Kristine were your average looking couple, he was nice enough looking that -- in my mind's eye -- I had him undressed and in bed with me. I know my husband Andy was imagining guy things about Kristine. But what really changed things for Andy and me that evening was that Kristine knew a guy who said he...

2 years ago
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Clinic In the Mountains

“I say that we’ve got to do something. The ignorant savages and their unchecked breeding is costing the state millions,” Cindy had just exclaimed. “If we don’t, soon we’ll be as bad off as the folks up in Fertile Valley.” “You don’t know what you’re talking about, you silly twit,” Alexi replied. The friction that was developing between Cindy and Alexi did neither of them any good. Why couldn’t the two women see that it...

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The Clinic

It has finally happened! I have successfully launched my private psychological clinic and hospital for the treatment of women with various forms of sexual dysfunction. Most are treated and sent on their way, but there are a select few who are selected for a very specialized program. They know nothing of this selection or of the program when they begin, and by the time they figure out that this is not the usual treatment program, it is already to late for them to back out. Some are brought to...

Mind Control
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Mere Clinic Me Meri Virginity Khoi Ek 18 Sal Ke Bacche K Sath

Hi dosto,ye meri pehli chudai story h or sacchai bhi meri jindgi ki.Mera nam ira gulati h or me ek doctor hu.Mene dentist bnne k lie jee tod mehnat ki or iske bich mene kbhi kisi ko nhi ane dia.Me bs or bs pahai pr dhyan lgati rhi or aaj ek dentist hu or apna ek clinic chalati hu jo mere ghar se thoda door h.Meri umra 27 sal h or meri hight 5.10 inch h or me charhare badan ki ladki hu .Mere boobs gol or boht tight h or unka size 36 h or meri kamar 32 or meri gaand 38 h or boht mulayam h. Mere...

2 years ago
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Clinic of Happiness

                               Clinic of happiness                                 julie    I read about possibility of attractive work the notice on one of islands of Caribbean Sea. I wrote E - mail and waited impatiently on answer . She came quickly .I was invited on preliminary conversation already in tomorrow's day. I waited on this what impatiently it has to happen tomorrow. I got up morning dressed in favourite skirt and blouse .I on foot put my new sandals on small heel .I got to taxi...

4 years ago
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Dog Clinic

Hello, my name is Freya and I work in a Veterinary Clinic in a small village in Holland. My job is to assist the veterinary surgeons in their research work with animals. They deal mainly with dogs and I care for the animals when the clinic closes in the evening and at weekends. I love all the animals and would do anything for them, but my favourites are the dogs. The current research involves dosing the animals with human genes to try and help with human reproductive problems. What this means,...

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The Grantham ClinicChapter 21

A rather irate looking Stephen Wilson arrived at the slightly rundown detached house in North London. His anger turned to dismay as he perceived his wife and Olivia seated on the threadbare sofa, and Angela standing watching over them. "You!" he accused. "I'm afraid so," Angela replied, suddenly feeling on top of the situation. "We've just been having a nice chat with your wife. I was wondering what she'd think once I tell her how you arranged a visit to the same clinic that handled...

3 years ago
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Transexual ClinicChapter 2

It was some six weeks since Johnny had attended the clinic with Wendy and now he found himself wanting to go there more and more. He could not get DR. Francine out of his mind, he desperately wanted to have her hard cock in him again as he fantasized about leaning forward and sucking on her delectable tits. The thought of his cock rubbing against her body as she fucked him up the arse was almost too much. He called Wendy at work and asked if she could and would book another appointment at...

3 years ago
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Transexual ClinicChapter 4

It was some six weeks since Johnny had attended the clinic with Wendy and now he found himself wanting to go there more and more. He could not get DR. Francine out of his mind, he desperately wanted to have her hard cock in him again as he fantasized about leaning forward and sucking on her delectable tits. The thought of his cock rubbing against her body as she fucked him up the arse was almost too much. He called Wendy at work and asked if she could and would book another appointment at...

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My time at the clinic

(This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to persons living or dead is purely coicidental).When I was 19, I checked myself into a specialty clinic for sexual disorders. Since my girlfriend had dumped me, I found that I was unable to reach a climax on my own. The doctors agreed that this was something psychological, but perhaps also physiological and most certainly the worst case of blue balls they had ever seen. They wanted to keep me under constant observation until they were able to...

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FAQs about The Mens Enhancement Clinic

Our clinic has been operating for over 25 years with a staff of world renowned doctors and experts dedicated to one thing: giving men maximum sexual power, strength and orgasmic ability. We primarily cater to heterosexual men and our services are based on tried and proven the****utic outcomes. Founded in 1995 by Dr. Carlson who saw homosexual men experiencing multiple orgasms a night, turgid long lasting erections and the ability to ejaculate from anal stimulation. Dr. Carson and his team made...

2 years ago
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Sex Clinic 1 Prelude

I summarize the sexy content of this issue: I make love to two tasty lovely ladies soon slaves of loveI summarize the set-up of this serious series of sexy stories of to two women wanton for sex and loveI will tell in my prelude how two girlfriends, each others best, become hot for my daily doses of loveI wlll tell You first about a hot holiday together which turns our apartment into our first Sex ClinicI summarize the second longest part of this series when the cool hot hospital turns into a...

2 years ago
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Torture Clinic

Chapter oneTo lovely young Faith Prudeaux, the well furnished foyer of Vanessa Fairc***d's notorious Clinic of Torment gives a deceiving impression. Little does she know of its bizarre and terrifying reality. The Clinic is a place where the treatment is worse than the affliction. Because she is carrying a suitcase, it is clear that Faith anticipates a long stay.„I've read about your program, Doctor,“ she says to the tall, handsome brunette, as Doctor Fairc***d arrives to greet her. „And your...

3 years ago
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The Body Swap Clinic Life Couldnt Be Better

The Body Swap Clinic Life Couldn't Be Better By Allison Pettman "Tim, come and clean up your toys from the lounge room this instant." screamed Jennifer Collins. "I will later, mum." replied Tim Collins. "No do it now!" said Jennifer. "God, she is such a pain in the bum." Tim said quietly to himself. Tim went downstairs and started to clean up his toys. When his mum Jennifer came in, he was presented with the sight of his beautiful mother. Jennifer was 28 years old, with long...

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Correction Clinic

CORRECTION CLINIC By Sissy Suzi I arrive at the Correction Clinic as ordered by my company's physician for "corrective therapy". I'm 45 years old, single and totally ashamed to have been sent here. Either show up here for evaluation or my behavior would be reported to my boss and possibly the police. There really was no choice on my part as I was caught with my pants down, literally. It all started with a routine cholesterol check at the company's family clinic. This office was...

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The Exchange Clinic

The Exchange Clinic By Morpheus I was in the Exchange Clinic, sitting across the desk from a professionally dressed woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties. I sat up straight, trying to look calm and confident, though I was actually so filled with a mixture of nervousness and excitement that I was half afraid I was going to explode. I'd found the Exchange Clinic last week, which hadn't been easy since they don't really advertise. When I'd come in to check it out and see...

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Another clinic visit recently OCT 2020

I was at my Dr's feeling a bit down and she suggested that I was again to pay a visit to the private specialist clinic that uses sex therapy as treatment. The clinic caters wholly for BDSM and humiliation style treatments. An appointment was made and this time it would be just with the Consultant as the Covid situation was restricting nurse attendance in the clinic. I duly arrived and was greeted by the Consultant and told to completely remove all my clothes. She briefly checked me over...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Clinic 07

Syd sat inside the sauna, wrapped in a waist towel, sweating profusely. The hot rocks crackled in a basket in the corner. The walls were ringed with two tiers of cedar benches and a long, broad squat slatted table was positioned in the center. He had finished 30 minutes inside and the heat timer had expired to let the room begin its cool down. The door opened and Syd’s six therapists entered the room. Each beauty had her hair wrapped in a white head towel. Another towel was tucked across the...

3 years ago
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Total Woman Clinic 05

Syd lay on the massage table face down butt naked. Frieda, a statuesque Nordic woman, expertly kneaded his back muscles. Her clasps of his skin and subdural flesh seemed agonizingly harsh. But whenever Syd reached the point of complaint, she sensed him flinch and pulled back just at the brink of pain, maintaining suitable compression. ‘You are very tense today, Syd. I will try not to hurt you but I feel many knots deep in your muscles. That often happens because our program is demanding. We...

1 year ago
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Our New Sex Therapy Clinic

It had been the dream of my cousin Tara and I to start our own sex therapy clinic after we both got our master's degrees in psychology with an emphasis on human sexuality. We were eager to analyze the sexual responses of people of different sexes and ages and to help them with their problems. We were able to get a generous loan to start our clinic and rent a space in a nice professional building.Our first clients are women who are anorgasmic, in other words, females that have never been able to...

3 years ago
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Aunty Mili Ek Clinic Me

Hello Dosto or meri pyari Auntiyo, ye meri paihli or sacchi story hai ISS par. Hope apko pasand aaye or jin aunityo ko ye story pasand aaye wo mujhe contact bhi kar sakti hai or feedback bhi de sakti hai. mera email hai Mera naam, Rahul hai main delhi me rahta hai, baat us samay ki hai jab main 25 saal ka tha, main ek skin clinic par gaya jo ghaziabad me hai or doc bahut famous hai. Sab log waha wait doc ka wait kar rahe the. Mere samne ek Aunty jinki umar lagbhag 37 saal hogi wo bhaiti thi,...

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It was the annual health day forClass XII Section A girls. On the annual health day, thestudents typically were accompanied by their class teacherto the doctor and got a complete physical exam done. Dr. Rajan enjoyed the school health checkup days and hisclinic being close to the school, had been doing the schoolcheckups for the last few years. Today, he had brought in an assistant with him along withhis usual nurse. The assistant was a young medical studentAshok, who was for the first time...

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