Brilliantine NavyPart 2 free porn video

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"What are we going to do about all these men, Creamy?"

"Do about them, Captain?"

"They've all come from different ships, different navies, even. The ordinary sailors aren't a problem; we're so short-handed they'll just have to muck in as best they can. It's the officers I'm worried about. What are their names again?"

Creamy consulted her clipboard. "Smith, Jones ... and ... Mouse, Captain."

"Do you think those are their real names?"

"Does it matter, Captain?"

"I suppose not. But we've only got a couple of hours to shake down before we get within range of this Malvolian cruiser. Before I call the officers together for a final briefing, I need to work out what they're all going to be doing. Damn it, if they were women, there'd be no problem. I'm the captain for obvious reasons, and you're my second in command for even more obvious reasons. Ptarmigan - where is the woman, by the way?"

"Counting ammunition, Captain. She's good at counting things."

"She's got a what, forty-five, forty-six inch bust?"

"Forty-four. Then there's young Shagmore, forty-twos, and Clittinger, forties. A clear heirarchy. But how do we fit these three men into the structure? They're possibly more experienced than Shagmore and Clittinger, but they're completely flat-chested."

"We could look at their ... other features, Captain."

Belinda's eyes narrowed. "You mean... ? But that would only be part of the solution. We'd be able to compare them with each other, but how would they fit in with the ladies?"

"It would have to be done on averages, Captain. We know that the average bust measurement of all Brilliantine Navy officers is 38 inches. The average bra size supplied by our ships' foundation stores is 34D. Fortunately, then, our three officers are rated above average. We'll simply measure these three men and compare them with the average cock size in the navies of the world."

"How do we find that out?"

"There must be records somewhere, Captain."

"I'll leave it all to you, Creamy. I've got two hours to study the battle tactics employed at every naval battle since the days of the Phoenicians."

"Message coming in, Petal." Leading MAN Lucian Uranus said, ripping the message from the machine and handing it to his partner, MAN Felix Cummings. "Just decode it while I have a pee. My bladder's simply bursting."

"Can't I come with you?"

"You can't, silly, she's watching. Besides, you're heaps better at decoding than me."

"I shan't enjoy it," Cummings promised, pursing his lips and studying the slip of paper. With the tip of his tongue sticking out he began tapping at the keys. After a few seconds he gave a sharp little cry and half rose in his seat. He rapped the final keys really hard, stood up, and scribbled the message on his pad. Blushing deeply and chewing his full lower lip, he minced away to find Lieutenant Archibald.

"What's all this?" She read the brief note and glowered at Cummings. "Is this your weird queer idea of a joke?"

"It isn't funny, ma'am."

"You'll find out how funny it isn't when I've shown this to the admiral. Where's your friend?"

"In the loo."

"Both of you stay in here and don't dare run away. Understand?"

The admiral was looking down through the quadruple-glazed window, wiping a tear from her eye. She looked up as the door opened. "Yes, Archibald? What's this?"

"A piece of paper, Admiral. A message from Insufferable."

The admiral studied the message, turning it over to see the other side. "Is this all it says?"

"Aye-aye, ma'am."







"Hmmm. Not like Belinda to need to know this. 2245 Zulu? Ten minutes ago. No chance of it being a fake message, is there, Archibald? It was received in code?"

"Primrose Three, Admiral."

"I see. We'll have to assume it's genuine. Essential soonest. That means it's urgent. What's this Bitter Chocolate business?"

"No idea, Admiral."

"And what about Primrose Three?"

"Search me, Admiral."

"Good. Need to know, you know. Now, Insufferable's only got less than a couple of hours before he's in battle. So in this case Urgent means precisely that. Urgent. Get me everything you have on naval officers' penis length?"

"In our navy, ma'am?"

"Of course not, you damned fool! The navies of the world. Are there any penises in Jane's?"

"I very much doubt it, Admiral. Not while we're at WILD CHERRY. But I'll ask Jane if you insist..."

"No time. We need figures on average penis length. We'll have to generate our own data. Get on to it and let me have the figures by midnight. Zulu. Remember, Archibald, the clock's ticking!"

"Ah, Miss Ptarmigan, can you spare a moment, please?"

"Certainly ... ma'am."

"As a little change from counting the shells, I've got a job for you. It involves the three male officers we have on board. It will need a little tact and a bit of organisation, but as you're the only officer in the Insufferable who's not doing anything important, the captain says you'll have to do it."

"Yes, ma'am. I mean aye-aye, ma'am." Creamy lowered the eyebrow she had raised a second or so earlier. Ptarmigan adjusted her bra straps nervously. "What do you want me to do?"

"Measure their cocks."

"I beg your pardon?"

"We need to find how theirs compare to the average size for all officers in all the navies of the entire world. Measure them and find out, will you? I think individually would be better, to avoid taking them away from essential duties. What are they doing at the moment?"

"Smith is organising the cleaning squad, polishing up the brasswork and whitening the ropes all along the left hand side of the ship. They're in a shocking state. I nearly died when that huge crowd of people arrived just before we left port. I just know they were looking at all that dirt. Jones is doing the right hand side in case we park the other way round when we come back."

"Good, what about Mouse?"

"I saw him with a bunch of giggling seawomen tidying up the sickbay. I've no idea why, nobody's going to be sick tonight, it's calm as a millpond out there."

"Bring them in one at a time. Measure them for length and write it all down. And don't forget to ask them how they compare with the average. Bring the figures to the bridge as soon as you've finished."

"Aye-aye, ma'am."

Creamy hurried away, nodding politely to the blushing sailors who shrank away from her approach, their nipples hardening instantly with respect.

She rapped respectfully on the captain's open door. "All in hand, Captain."

"You've measured them already?"

"Ptarmigan's doing it."

"Ptarmigan? Do you think that's wise?"

"It's what she does best, counting and measuring things. She's going to bring the figures to you as soon as she's done."

"Good. I just wonder if ... if perhaps it might be better if you were to measure them as well. We don't want any slip-ups..."

"If you insist, Captain. Although it's only a quick measuring job..."

"It's all about good Order and Discipline, Creamy. When we go into battle, we want to know we have the right people in positions of trust."

"Aye-aye, Captain."

"Good work, Archibald. You finished half an hour ahead of schedule. Are these the figures?"

"All there, Admiral. A sample of ten MANs from our staff. One refused on religious grounds. But we think the ten who volunteered are a good cross section of males. Of course, none of them are officers, but that shouldn't make any difference to the size of their genitalia.






















The admiral studied the figures for some time. "What's the story with this Shorthouse?"

"Not long enough to measure, ma'am. My clit's longer than his cock."

"Really, Archibald?" The admiral moved on down the list. "Uranus certainly makes up for him, anyway. You'd better send him to me when this is all over. So, we can safely say that the average penis length of the human male is four and a half inches. Get that figure encoded and sent out to all ships; action Insufferable."

"Aye-aye, Admiral."

"Were you ever married, Archibald?"

"No, ma'am."

"Still waiting for Mister Right to come along?"

"Sort of, ma'am."

"Not Mister Wright-Upham, though."

"Preferably not, Admiral."

"Although they say size doesn't matter. Run along, Cynthia. You don't mind if I call you Cynthia, do you?"

"Not at all, Admiral," Lt Archibald admitted. "Cynthia's a very nice name. But my name's Cordelia."

"Just checking, Archibald. Security is vital."

"Thank you, Lieutenant Smith. You may get dressed now." The lieutenant swiftly reached for his trousers. He fervently wished he was back in his own ship. When the chance had come to return to sea, he had grasped it with both hands. The last thing he'd expected was to find himself on a ship run by women, including this forbidding harridan who had ordered him to take his pants off in the ship's office. Mercifully, she'd done nothing more than measure him, but he was ashamed and alarmed to find that he couldn't even get an erection. Six months since he'd seen a woman, and this creature with a splendid pair of firm, jutting whoppers failed completely to get a rise out of him. True, she had a face like a bag of chisels, but those massive breasts thrusting out only six inches from his face ought to have had some effect on him.

"It's usually bigger than that, you know," he ventured.

"How much bigger?" asked Ptarmigan sharply. "And why?"

"Oh, about this much," said Smith with due modesty. "And for all the usual reasons."

Ptarmigan frowned. "What are those? What on earth could possibly make flesh grow as much as that?"

"Well ... like ... a pretty girl, perhaps? Something like that?"

"A pretty girl?" Ptarmigan thought of all the pretty girls she knew. "Pretty?"

"Well, pretty. A nice face ... big breasts ... that kind of thing."

"Big breasts? How can big breasts make a penis grow?"

Smith was silent. After all, he'd just had it demonstrated clearly to him that big breasts didn't always make a penis grow.

"Mine are big," Ptarmigan persisted. "Mine didn't make it grow. Is there something wrong with it?"

There was a knock on the door. "Nearly finished, Miss Ptarmigan?" said Creamy, coming in and looking Lt Smith up and down. "Is this the last one?"

"No, he's only the first. I think there's something wrong with him."

Creamy looked at her watch. "You've really got to get a move on, Miss Ptarmigan. We need to be finished with this exercise in another twenty minutes. I'll take this one into the wardroom pantry and interview him. Captain's orders. You'd better call the others in. When you've done with them, pass them on to me. I suppose you have measured this one?"

"Aye-aye, ma'am," said Ptarmigan through gritted teeth. She handed a piece of paper to the commander, who tucked it into her shirt pocket, where her left nipple threatened to punch a one inch diameter hole in it.

"Come on, you," said Creamy to the dysfunctional lieutenant. "This won't take long." She led the way into the pantry and closed the door. "Now, what seems to be the trouble?"

"Erm ... nothing. That is, there was a problem, but it seems to have got better all by itself."

"What do you mean?"

"This." Smith indicated the bulge in his trousers.

"It's no use to anyone in there, is it, man. Get it out!"


"Out with it." It was a direct and presumably lawful order. Smith complied. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this," said Creamy. "Nothing at all."

Smith could only agree. It lay on the commander's palm, twitching and throbbing with every appearance of excellent health. She closed her fist gently and moved it up and down in a tentative way.

"Ma'am... !"

"Yes, Smith?"

"It can't stand much more of this, ma'am. It's going to blow any second now."

"You're not a chief engineer by any chance, are you?" said Creamy with a hint of a smile.

"No, ma'am. Guided missiles. Offensive ones."

"That's a pretty offensive missile you've got there, yourself, Smith!"

"This? It's only average, ma'am."

"Is it, by George?" She produced a small ruler from her top pocket. "Hmmm. Thank you. Pull your pants up."

"Aren't you going to finish what you started, ma'am?"

"Sorry?" Absently she took the thing in her hand again. "Strange, it's so hard, yet somehow it's soft at the same time. Fascinating."

"I wouldn't get too close to it, ma'am..."

"It's getting harder."

"Please, ma'am! Ma'am... ooops! Sorry, ma'am. I tried to warn you."

"Dismiss, Lieutenant. That will be all."

"Aye-aye, ma'am. You're probably right."

Creamy remembered the piece of paper and pulled it out of her shirt pocket. Frowning, she compared the figure written on it with the dimension she had recorded for herself. There was a discrepancy all right. She wrote her own number below Ptarmigan's backward-sloping pencil and added the word 'Smith' alongside before tucking the paper out of sight again. "Damn," she said, wiping at the array of sticky marks on her bodice. "This is my last clean shirt. What is this stuff, anyway?" She tasted it cautiously, then shook her head. There was a knock on the door. "Come!" she cried, wondering why the word sounded vaguely familiar.

Whereas the recent Lt Smith had been tall, dark and not altogether unhandsome, the slim and boyish figure which entered the pantry was several inches shorter than the commander. He looked up at her with apprehension. "Sub Lieutenant Jones reporting, ma'am." He handed her a folded slip of paper which Creamy opened and glanced at briefly. Her eyes widened.

"Drop your trousers, please, Mr Jones."

"Aye-aye, ma'am. Er ... ma'am?"

"Yes, Mr Jones? You haven't dropped them."

"It's ... I'm not usually like this, ma'am." And he lowered his trousers to half-mast, along with a pair of what appeared to be wild silk boxer shorts. They were certainly purple, which made a striking contrast to Jones' pale bluish white matchstick legs. Creamy's eyes widened still further.

"That's a nice average one," she said, flicking her steel ruler out of its hiding place. "Just make it hard while I measure it, will you?"

"Make ... that's what I'm trying to ... it won't go hard. This is as big as it will go."

"I can't measure it dangling down there. It gets even longer than this, doesn't it?"

"Usually, ma'am. But not today, ma'am."

Creamy glowered at the diminutive officer. He was quaking in his little shoes and his knees were actually knocking with a faint bony sound. Trying to keep a safe distance, the commander grasped the cold, clammy, flaccid appendage and raised it to the horizontal. "This isn't as long as when Miss Ptarmigan measured it! It's getting smaller."

"Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am."

It had become smaller still. With a sorrowful shake of her head, Creamy wrote down the latest figure, noting that even at its smallest it was still bigger than Smith's. "It's quite a big one, despite everything," she remarked lightly, letting it drop with a thud against the little officer's thigh. It seemed to have lost another half an inch in the process.

"It's only average, ma'am."

"Pull them up and dismiss, Mr Jones. We've got a war to fight. I'll give you your assignment shortly."

"Aye-aye, ma'am." He wheeled round and marched out like a parade ground recruit, almost colliding in the doorway with a rugged outdoor type; rangy, tanned and craggy-featured. He grinned at the pale-faced Jones and saluted casually.

"Evening, ma'am." He handed over his slip of paper.

"Mickey Mouse, I presume?"

"Not my real name, ma'am. It seems I've upset one of your officers. The old battleaxe out there in the wardroom."

"Miss Ptarmigan is not a battleaxe, Mister! Stand up straight, stop lolling around, stand to attention and drop your trousers."

"Not necessarily all in that order, ma'am," Mouse drawled. "You sure you're ready for this? Ol' Ptarmigan sure as hell wasn't, I can tell you!"

"Just do it, Mr Mouse." She read the slip of paper for the first time and her eyes boggled. It read the same the other way up as well. But mere figures didn't tell half the story.

Mouse's eyes never left hers as he worked his pants with some difficulty down his footballer's thighs, revealing something undoubtedly larger than average. Was there no end to it?

"You seen enough yet?" He grinned at her. "There's plenty more."

"Drop them completely and stop playing silly games."

"Aye-aye, ma'am. You've got a load of cum on your shirt, ma'am, by the way. You ought to get it in to soak. Cold water's best. Leave it in to soak overnight. In fact, that's what I like to do best of all."

Why did everything this young man said seem to sound like a double entendre? "Mr Mouse, if you would kindly lower your trousers all the way down, please. Th-thank you. Oh, my God!"

"It seems pleased to see you, ma'am. Amazing, but you may need to update that figure old Ptarmigan wrote down. Luckily, you can easily change a one to a four."

"Thank you, I am quite capable of measuring it for myself."

"Not with a twelve inch ruler you're not! Tell you what, I'll put my thumb at the twelve inch mark, and you can measure the rest of it."

"I'll do it myself, thank you. All of it. Pass me that grease pencil, please."

"Suit yourself, ma'am." Mouse handed over the black Chinagraph pencil, then placed his hands on his head. "Look, ma'am, no hands."

Creamy tried to apply her ruler. "I can't do anything while it's leaping around like that, can I?"

"Sorry, ma'am." He shrugged his rugged shoulders. "Just a suggestion, ma'am. You need to be able to hold the end of it still while you use both hands to do the measuring, right? The best thing you can do is to..." And he whispered in the commander's ear.

It certainly made things easier.

An urgent pounding on the pantry door.

"Come in," drawled Mouse.

"Signal for the commander, ma'am..." It was the small sailor with the pointed nipples who had earlier spoken to the commander. "Beg your pardon, ma'am."

"The commander's got her hands full at the moment, sailor," said Mouse.

"And her mouth, too, sir!"

"Just leave the signal with me."

"It was for her personal attention, sir. Can you make sure she gets it?"

"Oh, yes, sailor. I'll make sure she gets it all right."

The captain strode from one wing of the bridge to the other. She knew her pacing was making the sailors nervous, but she had to keep moving. This bra was impossibly tight. And it was her biggest, too. This was all she needed; having to go into battle in a bra like a safety harness. Where was Creamy when she needed her? Ah, she remembered, checking out those three male officers. Surely it didn't take that long to measure three men's penes? But then Creamy was always most thorough and conscientious. She wouldn't leave a job undone. Creamy wouldn't go off half-cock.

But Belinda really needed to get this bra off. Even if it meant going bra-less into battle. That was the solution! Show the crew she was a woman of action. She stripped off the admiral's shirt and dumped it on twin handles of the engine-room telegraphs. "Sailor, come here, please."


"What's your name, sailor?"

"Ramsbottom, Captain."

"Unhook my bra, Ramsbottom."

"Aye-aye, captain." The sailor disappeared behind her captain and busied herself. In the distance, bright flashes lit the sky above the horizon ahead of the Insufferable. A thunderstorm, or... ?

"Make it quick, Ramsbottom. It's going to get even tighter in there soon."

"It's shrinking, Captain! My fingers are trapped ... under the ... straps! There!"

"It's off. Good girl. Take it away, it's no use to me now." As Ramsbottom retired into the shadows with her still-warm prize, every eye on the bridge turned to the captain as she wriggled her way into the admiral's shirt and fastened the first five buttons, leaving the top three undone. Six inches of gleaming cleavage glistened in the pale green glow of the radar repeater. It was scarcely believable. The young captain's bust must have increased by at least three cup sizes in half an hour. And her nipples!

"Watch your course, dammit! You're falling off to port. Pilot, how long now?"

"Estimating six-one minutes to contact, Captain."

"Thank you." The most vital question; would this shirt stand the strain of another hour, followed by a battle to the death? Belinda could almost feel herself swelling by the minute. Yet it was important for the morale of the crew that she remain visible on the bridge. It would be so easy to go below and change into a pair of those shapeless khakis. But that would be the coward's way out. The white shirt would become a focus for her girls, a beacon of rampant feminity to inspire them through the coming ordeal. The skirt, too, was vital. Tighter and far shorter than allowed by Naval Regulations, it showed off her legs in their gleaming black stockings. She wished she had a pair of higher heels than these. Could she risk sending a sailor down to her quarters to fetch something? No, she remembered in time, all her sexiest things were in her wardrobe back on dry land. All she had in her cabin were a few changes of underwear. She simply couldn't send a sailor to fetch those. If the captain wasn't yet pee-ing herself, the crew could take heart, no matter how extreme the danger. In fact, the crew was hugely encouraged to see that their captain was sufficiently relaxed about the situation to touch herself intimately through the front of her skirt, a sight which made their hearts swell, to say nothing of their nipples. There was not a soul on the bridge who would not have gone down on the captain at this moment.

"Signal, Captain." A small voice at her elbow, and a message flimsy was thrust into her hand. "From the admiral, ma'am."







"Have you read this, sailor?"

"Aye-aye, Captain." The sailor's blushing young face appeared puzzled. "Is it in some kind of code, captain?"

"Code, sailor?"

"My Darren's is ten inches long, Captain. And as thick as my leg."

Her pale narrow face bore what seemed to be a permanently bewildered expression; she wore thick glasses, her mousy hair was greasy and stringy, she had no breasts or hips at all. Truly, nature had her ways of adding variety to the gene pool.

"Then you've got something worth fighting for, haven't you? Back to the radio shack, sailor!"

There were sounds of disturbance, and footsteps clattering up the ladder to the bridge. Belinda's spirits soared when she saw her executive officer come on to the bridge, accompanied by three males in officers' uniforms. Stripes of rank had been hastily attached to their shoulders. Two of them seemed most aggrieved, the other one, smiling foxily to himself, found a convenient surface and leaned negligently against it. He wore the stripes of a lieutenant commander. An extremely young lieutenant commander. Belinda could imagine girls swooning over his craggy features.

"Sorry it took so long, Captain," Creamy saluted. "Lieutenants Smith and Jones, and Lieutenant Commander Mouse."


"Mickey Mouse, Captain."

Belinda lowered her voice. "All measurements completed, Creamy?"

"All done, Captain. All apparently average, captain, but I've given them their new ranks according to their size."

"How big's that one?" Belinda inclined her head towards the smirking Mouse.

"Just over fourteen inches, ma'am."

"Four ... fourteen? My God, he ought to be an admiral! What's all that stuff on your shirt?"

"Apparently it's called cum. I managed to swallow most of it. Permission to change into something a little drier, captain?"

"No time. Get these two away to their duties. You get away to the front of the boat, up forrard, and Mr Mouse can stay here with me."

"As you wish, Captain. Your tits look enormous, Captain. No bra?"

"I had a sailor take it off for me. I can't see this shirt making it through the night. It's the excitement. It always makes me swollen, but this is something else entirely."

"I want to suck your nipples, Captain."

"Later, Creamy. When all this is over."

"Well, Mouse? What's your speciality?"

"Nothing really, Captain. I'm learning the ropes, as it were, and how to shoot guns and things, but mostly I fuck girls."

"You do? All the time?"

"Only on shore, Captain, until now, at least. Our navy doesn't have girls in ships. I don't do it with men, although I've been asked on occasion."

"You've been what, Mouse?"

"Asked, Captain. A-s-k-e-d, with a 'k', ma'am."

"I hope you haven't been getting up to any funny business in Insufferable, Mouse."

"I've only had six of the girls, Captain. About twenty fucks altogether. And one blow-job, but that was with the commander. You can see why she's commander, ma'am. She did things with her mouth and tongue, captain ... I can still feel her down there." Mouse's voice tailed off. He appeared to be staring. "Erm, Captain..."

"What is it, Mouse?"

"Your ... bust, Captain. It's extremely large..."

"Of course it is. I'm the captain of this ship. I have to have the biggest bust of all the officers. The commander's bust is actually bigger than mine, but..."

"I beg your pardon?"

"It's because of the emergency, and one or two other factors. Commander Crea ... I mean ... Coffey has a larger bust measurement, but my breasts themselves are bigger, hence the fact that I am in command."

"It's not, you know!"

"Not what?"

"The commander's bust isn't as big as yours. Believe me, I am a connoisseur, and I have seen both of you from very close-up in the past few minutes. I'd say hers was fifty-eight inches, right?"

Belinda felt a flush in her cheeks. "Exactly right, but mine's only fifty-six."

"Rubbish, ma'am! You're well over sixty inches!"

"Sixty? Don't be silly!" Belinda ran her hands down the swollen mounds of her bosom. Even without her aching nipples, they did look extremely full this evening. And she'd had to take her bra off. But sixty! That would qualify her for command of a fleet destroyer, if Brilliantina had any. "Do you really think so?" she said, lowering her gaze modestly and fluttering her eyelashes.

"Well over sixty. Creamy told you how big they looked just now, didn't she?"

"You mustn't call her Creamy. She's the commander. Anyway, how did you hear that? She was whispering."

"She said she wanted to suck your nipples, didn't she, Captain?"

"So what if she did?" Belinda raged, and a number of faces on the bridge turned anxiously.

"I've got the same problem, Captain, if it's any consolation," said Mouse quietly.

"What problem's that?" Belinda asked, curious despite herself.

"Going into action, your breasts become bigger, don't they?"

"I wouldn't know," Belinda said haughtily. "I've never been in action before."

"You've seen the guns fired. What happened to your breasts?"

"My nipples got bigger. So what? It was a cold day, and..."

"And they stayed bigger, didn't they?"

"As it happens, yes. But my breasts are still growing anyway, so there's nothing unusual in that."

"You mean there's nothing unusual in them growing two, three, four inches in an hour?"

"They haven't grown that much. Have they?"

"At least. But as I say, I have the same problem. When I get excited ... I don't mean sexually, that happens all the time ... when I'm about to see action, I get ... bigger, too."

"What, all of you?" Belinda stared, then her eyes fell to the officer's groin. "You don't mean... ?"

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"Now my little hors d'oeuvre, it's time you had your appetizer – you know how I hate to be greedy. I want to make sure this an equal partnership. Hop up on the bed here and lay back... I'm hungry and you look delicious!"She did just that, giggling and climbing up on the bed. As she climbed onto the bed, I saw that she had the butt plug I gave her the other day in place in her ass just as I told her. Such a good girl!She moved to the middle and lay on her back, her legs spread wide. She knew...

1 year ago
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A Swinging Lifestyle Chapter 1

One day I mentioned to Linda that Sandy and I had borrowed some XXX movies from a friend and were planning to watch them that night. She got really interested and said that she and her husband, Bob had never seen adult movies and wondered if they could borrow them. I saw an opportunity and invited them over to grill some steaks and watch them with us, and she accepted without even calling Bob. She was breathing heavy just talking about it, and I was having a problem trying not to let my...

2 years ago
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Spaceship 5EX

The EX-class Cruiser was a breakthrough in space travel. It had the capability of traveling at faster than light speeds, enabling it to make journeys that in the past would have take decades or even centuries. The EX’s could now make those same voyages in mere weeks or months. That opened up a whole new age of space exploration and discovery as star-systems that were previously out of range for even the most extended trips by “sleeper ships” could now be visited for research, study, and...

3 years ago
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Friends visit

Thought I would share what happened last week-end when John came to visit with his partner C. John phoned to say he was coming to London for a 2 day conference bringing C with him she would shop and sight see while he worked and could they come to visit as C wanted to meet us. John had already explained that C was a great lover but very shy outside their bedroom and of course no idea of what we got up to on his visits.They arrived on the Friday night and C although not a beauty had a lovely...

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StreetHeadChroncles 1

There are many whores, hookers, prostitutes, and escorts, but I particularly like lowdown streethoes. Toothless, cracked out, nappy head streethoes. It all started when I was 12 years old. Dallas,Tx 1982-83. My mother was never around due to her d**g addiction but I saw her everyday. In the mornings before school, I would see her out on the corner. Usually getting in or out of someone's vehicle. I lived with my Grandma and everyone pretended like it didn't exist. At the time, I knew my Mom...

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I Love All In My Family

'Dama..dama..dama..dada..dada..dummmm...' our ears deafened for a second by the sound of thunder which followed a powerful lightening.It was raining heavily. I and my young brother in law Mahesh hideout ourselves in a small shelter. He stood to my left; folded his hands on his chest and shivering due to the chillness. The splashes of rain water made us almost drenched. My sari skimped with the curves of my beautiful body. The firm breasts took a rounded shape and stood proudly inside it. The...

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The CurseChapter 15

Sabra rolled out of Mick's bed a couple of hours later. She thought it important they didn't get caught by the others in the band. She helped herself to one last kiss before scooting out the door and back to her own bed. She was feeling sweet and tired - that strange contradiction of feelings that'd marked her illicit escapades before fetching up with Mick. Her mind was energised, but her limbs hung limp with fatigue. She knew she wouldn't sleep, now, so she fetched up on the back...

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Diana 3

When Mark moved towards her, she flushed with bright redness. Hepulled her by the elbow and ordered her stand, once he hadreleased her bond ankles. She rose and immediately hung herhead, even though she could not see the person in the room withMark. Mark pulled her chin back up and removed the leather strapand dildo from her mouth, after warning her not to speak. Thenhe removed the blindfold from her eyes. It took a few momentsfor her eyes to adjust to the light in the room. When...

1 year ago
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08 TogetherChapter 66

Flashback – Ben and George (the Butterbar) – Working on the downed chopper The last thing I remembered was talking to George as I chucked medical supplies out of the chopper ... I slowly began to wake up and realized I’m strapped to a fucking stretcher in a different chopper. I tried to sit up and yelled, “My rifle! Where the hell is she?” The flight nurse came over and reassured me, “Don’t worry Sgt. Blaine your packs and rifles are here because the lieutenant made sure that we took them...

3 years ago
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Jennys Kinky Holiday RomanceChapter 7

I took in a deep breath before I answered Jenny. “You know full well how much you’re turning me on doing that in front of me Jen. It’s obvious that you’re now saying all this dog stuff just to get me going too. I’ve worked all that out, but I still can’t for the life of me work out just what the hell has suddenly got into you?” “Surely you must remember last night Mick,” she interrupted. She stopped touching herself up and sat back upright on the edge of the bed. “A bloody dog, that’s what...

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Introduction: This story is about two strangers that met on an airplane. Kathy knelt on the floor of the toilet room with Teds cock in her mouth. Her shoulder length dirty blonde hair bounced as she moved her head sliding his hard dick in and out of her warm mouth. Ted stood in front of the 23 year old plump woman with his trousers down to his ankles on the floor. He looked into the young beauties blue eyes as his throbbing erection kept disappearing in her mouth. He looked down Kathys blouse...

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HaremChapter 6

Till jiju and aunt come we, bro sister enjoyed a lot. Once jiju came, the old threesome continued as and when jiju offered invited me. I was not getting didi alone and we had to have patience. At least twice or thrice a week jiju called me and I had to fuck him while he was fucking my lovely sister, all I could do was see my naked sister and I could touch her, and play with her body and could not fuck her. Once my jiju and me were alone I said him, I am fed up with monotonous fucking of the...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 28

With a bit of help from Amara, the rest of my class and I got dressed, cleaned up all the puddles of cum everywhere, cleared up the smell of sex, and fixed any messed-up hair just in time for the end of the period bell. After some quick deliberation with Amara, I decided that the best way to proceed was to have my classmates remember this period only as an unexpected, but enjoyable, dream, one to be remembered but never spoken of. I left a few suggestions to fill in the gaps with vague or...

1 year ago
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The DenouncementChapter 2

I managed to get through the next four or five days without coming unglued and then one night I got a phone call from my mother. "How have you been sweetie? I haven't heard from you all week." "Not good momma. Gail walked out on me." "When did she do that?" "Last Tuesday." "What in the world happened?" "I don't want to go into it momma. It is kind of personal." "You didn't go messing around behind her back did you?" "Damn it momma, you know me better than...

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Eviction Week 11

Author’s Note: This is the final installment of Eviction. I hope you all have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Special thanks to the reader who requested this piece and worked with me to develop the characters and the storyline and for putting up with my crazy schedule that delayed this project for so long. Going forward, I currently have no new series’ planned. I hope to have all my active writing projects finished before the end of the year, which is looking more...

1 year ago
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Dyked Syren De Mer Scarlett Sage Headmistress Head

Scarlett Sage is irresistibly hot, so it is no wonder that headmistress Syren De Mer is looking to score a little sexual attention from her. She tells the young girl that she has to get up and get out because of her poor performance in school. But Scarlett does not want to go, so Syren takes the opportunity to get some sexual favors in return for letting the little slut stay on campus. She sits down and plays with Scarletts tiny pink nipples. Twisting them until her cunt is nice and wet. Then,...

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Rima Boss First taste of BDSM

Rima was lying on her bed thinking about the recent events in her life. She was wondering what had happened to her, why she gets so easily seduced by other men. The fucking with guards could have been easily avoided if she had acted tough, but instead she was excited and horny by the touch of other men. She keeps reminding herself that she was blackmailed but deep within her heart she knew she wanted it, she enjoyed it. Even after passing of two months since the first time both the guards...

1 year ago
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Post Inspection

“You could have at least let me cum.”Twenty minutes later and Nikki is pissed. The walk home gave her some time to process what had gone down and while parts of it were spectacular, in her mind, an unspoken agreement had been broken.He shows no interest in placating her.“What I choose to let you do, is up to me. If you’re not okay with that, I totally get it.”She holds the phone to her ear, waiting for the right words to form. But nothing takes shape. She stares out the window of her loft and...

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Kid Icarus Aphrodites Spa

"Hmm..." Palutena eased the doors to her throne room open a tiny crack, her emerald eyes scanning the room as much as she could from her vantage point. Empty. Perfect. A soft giggle escaping her lips, the Goddess of Light pushed open the door and hurried to her throne. Slipping something into the cushions, she took her seat with a childish grin on her face. This was going to be great. Pit and Dark Pit had been out training with the other angels all morning, giving Palutena the...

3 years ago
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The March of the RoseChapter 24

While the women gathered around Anna to screen her so she could change in relative privacy, Reg took the opportunity to comment on something to Aaron. "I must say you used great restraint back there," Reg remarked. "More than I would have, I think." "What do you mean?" Aaron replied, looking at Reg intently. "Anna wanted it to be her show. A fatherly indulgence." "No, not that really, but now I understand the whole thing a little more," Reg replied. "No, I was remarking on the...

4 years ago
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Tornado Upskirt

It is a Thursday during my senior year and my lunch has just ended and we hear the tornado sirens go off. Some people though it might be a test but the school officials knew that test are done on the first Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m. So they have us all sit in the inner halls of the school with the lockers to our backs. Everyone has at least two lockers to their back. Of course there is the occasional student that has 4 lockers to their back either because they are quite strong or just fat....

1 year ago
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A Journey of PassionChapter 5 Discovery

That was the beginning of several weeks of instant messaging between the two adults. Seth tried not to act like a teenager even though he felt like one again. Gabriela worked hard at not letting her excitement show through in her words every time. How much could you really learn about someone communicating through a computer? Gabriela asked herself that question several times and still didn't have an answer. She did know that she wanted to discover more about Seth, though. It didn't even...

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Every Night means Every Night

This story is follows on from “Every Night?”After the excitement and fear and intensity of the first few days, coming home each night wondering whether Liam might have lost interest in this game yet, or if we were at least going to take a break for a few days, the annoyance, the humiliation, even just the damn pain, began to take a toll on my enthusiasm for this new game. Clearly, we were both excited by this side of our sex life, but equally clearly, this was a few steps up the ladder of...

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Seedy Liasons

The anticipation had been building over a period of six months, which I suppose is the norm when you embark on an online relationship. Web cams also make it easier to connect with people and if that certain person pisses you off you can just shut down computer, or block and delete them, you can't do that in real life can you? I had never met a guy who could handle my sexual predilections or my bizarre fantasies. Then I met Jay. I met him on a dating site and our chats developed quite quickly....

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NubilesPorn Bunny Colby Emily Willis Emma Hix Three Princesses

In this spinoff on a fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella get sick of waiting for a man to find them and decide to take their pleasure into their own hands. Snow White points out that none of them has even kissed a boy yet. Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty suggest that Snow White could practice kissing on a mirror, but Snow White is sick of kissing her own cold reflection. They decide to practice on each other. Once all three girls have experienced kissing, they decide they...

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The New Girl in School Part 6Chloe meets the Godfather

New Girl in School Part 6: Chloe meets the (God)Father It was the most pristine if serendipitous sight for at the school, for in the central courtyard, stood a massive ash tree. And at its foot, in midst of the crisp autumn leaves, laid a couple-Joey the meek but lanky fellow, sitting besides his new girlfriend Chloe as they indulged in a nice lunch outside, despite being it being early October. Sure they had gone on enough dates that for intents and purposes they might as well be a...

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Step Mom Jan

This happened when I turned 18.My Stepmoms pussy is nice and hairy, she has 36 dd tits that sag a little but are very nice to look at and feel. She has large pink nipples that stick out and ready to be sucked. When she caught me jacking off while sniffing her panties I was so embarrassed, but she didn't get mad, she just smiled and told me to continue. After my shock and surprise I figured what the heck so I did. I started telling her how much I loved her body, especially her big tits and...

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Private Stefany Kyler The Art of Fucking

In Private Specials, Young Beauties 3, the super sexy brunette, Stefany Kyler, is an artist looking to seduce her crush at art school, and in true Private style… it involves a whole lot of fucking! So enjoy this sexy twink in heat on as she treats the lucky Marc Crow to a taste of her sweet pussy before returning the favour with a sloppy blowjob. Then watch Stefany’s beautiful figure in action as she spreads her legs ready for a hard fucking that has her moaning and screaming...

2 years ago
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Krista Gets Roughed Up

Hello Lushes, I've missed you all. It's been eight months since I've written. I'm managing the massage parlor full time now and my boys are keeping me busy. I have a week off and they're out playing, so I have time to do some writing.Deb bought the massage parlor and pays me well to manage it. I oversee eleven girls and rarely do massages myself unless I'm specifically requested. I'm happy and making money. Because I was so busy, I didn't have a lot of time for fun this summer, though a few...

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New Slave PlanetChapter 12

R 12 “Mother I hate you. How could be so stupid as to tell us to chase the families with the lowest points instead of those with the highest points,” Holly ranted as the family were marched to the punishment room. The nearer the losing families came to that dreaded rooms, the more panicky the 16 year old became, until she couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m getting out of this hell hole right now,” Holly screamed and took off at a dead run down a long hallway. “Me too,” announced Michael. The...

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Lindas New SchoolChapter 9 Signed and Sealed

When the room was back in shape and the jammers were turned off, Linda held up her new cell. "Call me when you're done, or if you need me. I'll be off interviewing resources." "Gossiping with the other girls?" "I always said you were smart. Good hunting!" With that, she walked them to Miss James' office door and, as her father knocked firmly, walked off toward the common room. When she walked into the room, the first thing she noticed was the posture. At her old school, half the...

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Pleasures at Dressing Manor 3

Chapter 3. Mr Johnson to the Rescue The story so far: Vera Hidebotham is set on taking revenge on her runaway new husband by desexing his18-year-old son, Lyndon Blonding. She feeds him a feminising agent, Fem-Agra, which alters his gender and gives him an urgent appetite for girlish dresses, enabling her to torment the youth through his fetish desires. The boy smuggles a letter pleading for help to his school teacher, Miles Johnson, who is horrified at the boy's treatment at the...

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Der Keller 5

Ich hatte kein Problem mit einem anderen Namen. Eine kleine Abwandlung, und ich war Nicole. Das gefiel mir ausgesprochen gut. Ben war auch schnell mit einem neuen Namen da. "Ich fand Sarah schon immer toll." Wenig sp?ter hatte sich Julian etwas ausgesucht. Wie sein richtiger Name wieder etwas ungew?hnlich: Alina. Mir gefiel es sehr gut. Anscheinend war ich der Einzige, der seinen alten Namen abwandelte. Nein, doch nicht. Denn Max meinte, "Menno, kann ich nicht einfach bei Max bleiben? K...

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Bound And Chained New Beginning

CHAPTER 15 Kerfan was very careful as he slowly began to tease her to a point where sheno longer cared what happened next. He knew how touchy she was. And he alsoknew how she would probably react to him deciding for her to bind his soulto hers without asking her first. But he also knew that if he had waited anddiscussed it with her that the chance for it to accrue, would never happen.So he would let it happen, and let the fates fly, as they would. Lauren felt the safest she had ever felt....

4 years ago
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when we were Virgins

I was 19 at the time when i first lost my verginity. I was living on my own for a couple of years now, my family decided to move from ny to maine and I dident want to go so i stayed. They dident have the money to take everything but the things that they needed, so my mother asked me to clean out the appt they were living in. I went there The following day n started making phone calls to get most of the furniture out without throwing it away. On the second day i went n started...

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Demigod of WarChapter 11

Day 8: They camped in the storeroom over night. Watching the stairs with a fire at their back made the time more bearable. They each took slightly longer shifts, so Hal could have a short one last. His fire-warmed, dry armor felt like heaven when he got up. “Thank you all.” He told them when they got up in the morning. He scouted up the stairs to the next level while they packed up. He found another storage floor at the top of the flight. This one was bigger, wider, with pantries and meat...

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Getting to Know my Sons New Friends

I was reading a book in my room when I overheard one boy tell my son, “Your mom is so hot.” I put my book aside and walked closer to the door. My son and his two new friends were in the hallway and the boy obviously didn’t know that I could hear him. He said something else to my son but I wasn’t able to hear it. My son’s room was next to mine and we had a bathroom that connected our rooms, so I quietly walked to the bathroom and locked both doors.“Her ass is amazing,” I heard the other boy say....

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I Seduced My Younger Brother And Lost Virginity 8211 Pt 1

Hello, I am Huma and here to tell you an experience when I lost my virginity to my younger cousin Iqbal. This happened when I was 23 years old and my cousin was 19. I am neither fat nor slim, at that time I had 34 size breast (doodh / mamme) and 36 ass (gaand). We lived in a compound and our houses are just a few meters away. One of my friends was getting married and I had to attend the pre-marriage function. It was October, the evenings were pleasant. My cousin went to drop me there and would...

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Tomb Raider Sexual Dream Story

(Tomb Raider Sexual Dream Story - 11/6/2013) it's pretty very long and most sexual dream.. it's based off Tomb Raider game.. she came to, she find herself in the island. she pretty much started out same way like Lara Croft did, but in whole diffrent way. she was on other side of island. she explored the ruins, places. she still had no weaponry to protect herself from others. here was a crashed plane from WWII era, she ran into the plane. she find some gun holster leg strappings, she strapped...

1 year ago
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Adventures in the Amazon

You are a young biologist working deep in the Amazon to collect new species of plants. However, dangerous unknown creatures prowl this jungle. Many of them would love to make you their meal, and others may have different ideas for you... The story begins on the next page. (Disclaimer: This story has elements of second person hypnosis. For those susceptible to text-based hypnosis, the inductions used in this story may induce trance or strong suggestions. Awakening and suggestion/trigger clearing...

3 years ago
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Nude With Dick and Jane

Chapter 1 It was summer vacation. Dick and Jane helped Mommy and Daddy pack up the car. Then they sat in the back seat of the car. They had their seatbelts on. Their little sister Sally sat in a car seat between them. Daddy drove the car. Mommy sat next to Daddy in the front seat. Daddy drove down a country road. Everybody sang. Daddy parked in front of a cabin. The cabin was beside a pretty lake. Mommy took Sally into the cabin. Dick and Jane helped Daddy unpack the car. There were other...

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A quick stop at a gas station

I was coming that night from a conference in the West.I felt tired and wishing to come back home as soon as I could. But it would be useless; because my lovely hubby was out of town and then he could not give me the good fuck I needed so badly. And I really needed it…I was travelling by the main highway that ran into my home town.There was a gas station there, where I knew that I could find a trucker eager to enjoy my growing arousal that night…I reached there, finding that the parking lot...

4 years ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 13 Growing closer to Liz

Introduction: This is the next chapter in the life of Tori. After finally telling the name of her rapist Tori learns more about the meaning of friendship but where does friendship end and a relationship begin? Again please if you have not read the other chapters of this story you will probably not enjoy this story so dont waste your time. This chapter is about friendship and trust and maybe the beginning of more then friendship read on to find out more. Fortunately it wasnt too much longer that...

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Two Forms of ID Part 3

Two Forms of I.D. By Joe Six-Pack Part 3 Escorted by her lawyer David Ibsen, Christina Angler was seated out side the opulent Los Angeles offices of the Cannon Record Group, waiting for her appointment with the Chairman and CEO of the company. Harvey thought that he was just coming to the place to introduce himself to all the record people. But now he found himself on the top floor of the tallest building he'd ever seen, ready to meet the most powerful person in the entire...

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Maa Ki Chudai Kuch Naya Kiya Aur Choda

Mera nam rohit hai mai ek din apne by kamre mai tha aur maa andar kaam kar rahi thi tabhi pass mai rahne wali maa ki ek frend geeta a gai aur wo dono apass mai bate karne lagi tab maa ne kaha ki aaj bada khus lag rahi hai toh unhone kaha ki kavita mai chudwa kar aa rahi hu na isliye Toh khus hu maa ne kaha kisse bate se ya kisi aur se toh unhone kaha ki bate se hi chudwati hu aur kisse chudwaungi pati ka lund toh milna hi muskil hai paisa toh kama raha hai tare pati ke saath ku ki mare papa aur...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 5 Sister Stella

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Five: Sister Stella Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Tuesday, May 24th, 2072 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The nun ran right towards me, screaming in terror. She held up the gray skirts of her habit as she ran, exposing legs clad by blue jeans. Her pale-blonde hair streamed behind her tangled with her white veil. I didn't blame her for running. Three black, disgusting demons chased her, roaring like big...

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‘Would you like to come and see our new house. It has a terrific view over the bay,’ Denise asked with a broad wide smile, taking me by surprise. For the first time I looked very closely at her, taking in her appearance, and very casual but expensive and understated clothes. Even in her ‘dressed down’ look Denise was a very good looking woman, and it was obvious she had a well kept figure under her clothes. ‘Why not,’ I smiled. ‘Lead the way in your car and I will follow you.’ Ten minutes...

1 year ago
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Private Cherry Kiss The Art Of Improvisation

Cherry Kiss is a true professional and today in Private Specials, Cherry Kiss Homestory she’s here to prove it! Like all successful actresses, Cherry studies and rehearses her lines diligently, however as you will see today, good improvisation separates out the stars! Watch this sexy blonde show off her improvisation talent and more on as she gets practical with an incredible threesome, first rehearsing lines with Sam Bourne before Potro joins the party for some deepthroat, anal...

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Restrained by her own Hand

His orders to her had been explicit. He would return between six-thirty and seven, and she was to be tightly, inescapably bound and completely immobile upon his return, available solely, completely, and irrevocably for his pleasure. His instructions had included numerous specifics, including such items as how she would be required to insert the customized electronic vibrator and set it. He had also been clear to explain he might be unavoidably detained, and so he gave her permission to engineer...

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Brittany and Kari do Truth or Dare

Kari was a shy girl that was about 5'5 with black hair that reached down to the top of her back. She had an ass that was just begging to be tapped and breast that were amazing to look at and a tan that took many years at the beach to perfect with a athletic build because she play Softball for the school . She had a few boyfriends but none that could broke through the zipper on her pants or matter of fact broke her Hyman. Brittany was a girl that was 5'9 that had the ass that was fine...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 54

After classes for the day ended, I ran some errands. I needed to pick up an easel, pad and markers from the office supply store. I also went to pick up some seafood at the seafood market and to the Latin food store to get some flour tortillas. I then drove out to the produce stand just outside town for some herbs and mangos. I came back and studied for my classes, did my reading and my homework. Shannon stopped by and I asked her to start cleaning in the living room since I was having...

2 years ago
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Quick and Nasty

I was sitting in the locker room after a hard workout cooling down before taking a shower. Randy, came out of the shower room drying his hair and humming some burlesque song. I tried to move but my body just wasn't ready. I just happened to look up in Randy's direction and idly watched as he started dressing. He reached into his locker and pulled out a pair of black silk panties, he stepped into the panties then looked over at me and paused as he pulled them to his waist. While I had been...

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