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Reality Bites


Jess throws her car keys down on the entrance table, and runs, giggling towards her bedroom, hands playfully covering her butt, in that way I find utterly adorable. In the car on the way home from the unspeakable event that had just transpired at Ethan’s, I’d leant over, kissed her neck and growled, “Anal only.” That was our cue, she knew all too well how the night was going to play out.

I chase her down the hall, she runs, squealing, as she looks back at me in a mixture of dread and delight. She likes this. She struggles as I catch her, circling my arm around her waist, she likes that too. I overpower her easily as she pummels my chest with her small, balled-up fists. I smile and laugh cruelly, at the futility of her resistance. I yank her skirt off unceremoniously with one hand, using the other to pin her wrists behind her back. I take a second to admire her beautiful face, those big blue eyes, soft full lips. I wrap her silky, chestnut hair around my fist, at the base of her skull, and pull it back sharply, drawing a quick intake of breath as I see the quick flash of arousal in her eye.

She likes it like this.

I spin her around quickly, lifting her at the waist and physically throwing her face-down onto the bed. She gasps from the shock of it as she lands, looking back quickly, only to see me kneeling at the base of the bed as I pull the large mahogany box out from its hiding place. Her eyes widen like saucers, and she presses her fingers to her mouth in anticipation.

I take my time, as I select what I want, placing the items on the bed, deliberately in her line of sight. I lay the well-used wrist and ankle cuffs out first, followed by the spreader bar and a thick, heavy strap. I notice with pleasure, how hard she blinks hard when she sees it. I find the lube and set that out beside her, trying my best not to think how chilling it felt when I was the one bent over, and Ethan was the one handling the lube. I close my eyes and shake my head quickly.

No, don’t think like that.

I cuff her hands behind her back, enjoying the sweet way she resists. I tease her by running my hands lightly up and down the back of her legs, as I cuff her ankles and fix the cuffs to the spreader bar. I reach up, admiring that pert little ass, tightly cocooned in her sheer, black stockings, as I notice that she’s not wearing any underwear beneath them.

My sweet little slut, I think with genuine affection.

I stroke her ass gently with both hands, before grabbing the lycra and with a loud rip, I tear her tights, shredding them, leaving that quivering, round ass, framed and perfectly exposed.

Yes, I think, this is what I want, as I reach around under her top, to fondle the delicious softness of her breasts, I sigh as her nipples tighten and grow as hard at my touch. This is how I like it. I pull her back up onto her knees. She’s a sight to behold, as the soft curve of her hips emphasizes her tiny waist.

“You remember the deal, don’t you?” I say, without giving her time to answer, as I continue, picking up the strap, feeling the weight of it in my hands. “I’m going to apply this strap liberally to your bare bottom and when I’m good and done, I’m going to spread you, and if I find you wet…” I threaten, allowing my voice to trail off.

“Well,” I add, with mock sincerity, “I’m afraid, if that were to happen, sodomy will certainty feature in your very near future.”

“Uh, uh.” She whines, shaking her head from side to side, “Please don’t. Not the strap.”

We both know she’s as good as done for. She’s probably dripping already. Being trussed up may have got her going, but for her, the mere mention of the strap would have done it for sure.

Ordinarily, I would warm her up a little first, but I’m feeling particularly sadistic tonight. I want to see her flinch and I want to hear her cry. I want to hurt her and more than that, I want to defile her in exactly the same way he defiled m…

No, no, I shake my head briskly again, don’t think of that.

I stand behind her, enjoying the view as I land the first swat of the strap. She cries out and sucks a breath in hard, through her teeth.

“Mmh,” I smile in heartless enjoyment.

Again and again, I rain blows down on her soft, delicate flesh, until she is quaking, shaking and her cheeks are a rather alarming shade of bright red.

“Oh, please,” she begs, “Please, please stop.” I smile inwardly, completely content that I know her boundaries all too well. I know she’s nowhere near them right yet.

“Please,” she says again, looking around at me this time, her hair disheveled and her lips even more swollen than usual. She’s coming undone, I think with utter gratification.

“I’ll do whatever you want.” She mews softly.

“Whatever I want, huh?” I toss the strap down, and coarsely spread her ass cheeks, drawing that familiar little gasp of shock. I see the slick wetness glistening between her legs. I reach down to stroke her and bringing my fingers to my lips, I taste the sweet, organic taste of her. So familiar. So good. So right.

This is what I like, I tell myself.

“Please,” she says, bargaining now, “You can have my mouth, or my pussy, whatever you want.”

I chuckle and say sarcastically, “Both lovely offers, to be sure, but tonight, tonight, neither of those are the holes that I want.”

She’s whimpering now and my hard-on is raging and needs urgent attention, so I prepare her and work my way in quickly.

“Bad girl,” I say accusingly.

“No, please, don’t say that.” She says softly, her eyes, darkly reflecting her discomfort. “I don’t want to be bad.”

“Well,” I say reasonably, as I run my fingertips deftly up her spine, “That can’t be true, can it?” Before adding, with pure venom, “Good girls don’t let themselves get tied up and fucked up the ass.”

We are the only two people in her apartment that night, but there might as well have been three of us there, because as I fuck Jess, I feel Ethan there with me. The smell of him, lingering on my clothes, on my neck, wafting up, causing my nostrils to flare. I feel him behind me, the dark heat of his presence setting me alight from my toes, up my legs and my spine. As I touch Jess, I feel myself dissociating. One second I’m him, seeing what he saw, doing what he did. The next minute, I’m Jess, knowing that a few hours earlier, I felt exactly what she feels now.

As her ass struggles and gives way, I can’t help thinking, My ass fought him like that.

As she cries out, I think, I made that sound.

Her little hole stretches to accommodate me Is that what I looked like to him?

Her ass clenches tightly around my cock. Did I make his cock feel this good?

My orgasm comes so quickly, I’m taken by surprise, as I grunt my release.


“Mmmh, so good.” She whispers later, as we curl up together. I pull her close, wrapping my limbs around her. This is the aftercare she likes, but tonight, I can’t help wondering if I’m the one who needs it more.

I sleep fitfully, tossing and turning and waking several times, drenched in a cold sweat. A sickening feeling of regret washing over me every time I think about what happened. My God, I jerked off in the same room as another guy. He saw my ass, and not just my butt like you would in a changing room, my actual ass. My fucking anus! Oh, Jesus, not only that, he touched it and that’s not even the start. He fucked it. Oh, God. And I let him.

I let him.

I feel utterly dreadful. So uncomfortable and so exposed. What is this feeling?

My mom’s a therapist, so I was raised on a steady diet of “name what you’re feeling”, but this feeling? This one’s new. It washes over me again and again, until finally, in the early hours of morning, I get it.

Vulnerable. I feel so intensely vulnerable.


The next week or so passes in a thick fog. My libido has taken on a life of its own. I’m out of control, to the extent that most nights, Jess has to tap-out, and that’s saying something. It’s not for nothing she had the words ‘kinky’ and ‘nympho’ in her profile. She seems almost relieved to get her period and gives me a bit of a wide berth for almost a week. Without her for relief, I wank like a fiend. Three, four, five times per day. Worse than when I was a teenager. I use every ounce of my strength not to analyze why this is, or what’s caused it. I almost succeed, but only because I’m so busy using every spare minute to jack myself off.

It’s been almost two weeks, but the flashbacks from that day are still coming in thick and fast… That bit of skin just above his belt, where I lifted his shirt, the hardness of his body, the way it felt when he held me down on the table, that little sound he made when he entered me, that aching feeling of fullness, but most of all, it’s that, “Maybe I will.” That gets me.

My God.

These thoughts appear before me like visions, slamming into my consciousness at unexpected and random times. Intrusive and totally out of my control. Worryingly, I’ve started compulsively checking my phone. This is concerning for two reasons. Firstly, it’s a worry simply on the basis of the sheer patheticness of it and secondly, I know he doesn’t even have my number. I didn’t give it to him. Rational thought does nothing to quell this behavior though, and I’ve just finished taking a surreptitious peek at my phone, when Jess says, “Oh, guess what, a bunch of us are going to the beach this weekend.” My ears prick up, despite myself.

“Sorry, baby,” she says with a sympathetic little pout, “it’s girls only.”

I try my best to sound nonchalant, “Who’s going?”

“Ummm, well, it’s me, Katie, Liza and…” I don’t even hear the rest of the sentence. I’m too busy trying desperately not to think about the fact that he’ll be alone, or that I’ll be alone. I fail dismally and panic descends.

“Aw, are you sure you have to go?” I whine, hating myself a little for being prepared to ruin her plans, “I’ll miss you so much.”

She looks at me in surprise. Neither of us have ever been possessive before. This is not who I am. It’s not who I want to be, so I pull her close.

“Sorry, babe,” I say into her neck, “I don’t know what I’m thinking. Of course, you should go. I want you to have fun.” She smiles happily and chats cheerfully about her weekend. My mind wonders.

Is it too soon to check my phone again?


The girls leave right after work on Friday and I settle in for a movie and a few drinks with my housemates, Ben and Kip. Kip’s not his real name, and no-one remembers exactly who or why we started calling him that, all we know, is that we just do. I went to college with these guys, they are a handful, for sure, but they’re like family. They don’t seem to notice that I haven’t been myself and I like that about them. The movie is almost done when I hear the familiar buzz of my phone. I lurch up and check it quickly, maybe a little too quickly. It’s an unknown number:

My place tomorrow, 17h30

That’s it. No ‘Hi’, no name. Just the assumption that I’ll know and the audacity to assume that I’ll be there.

I leave him on read all night. I sleep badly. Feelings of dread and inevitability gnawing at me relentlessly. Finally, after breakfast, I text back. No words, just the thumbs-up emoji. Getting through the day proves to be, uncomfortable, for lack of a better word. I make a hideous excursion to a pharmacy to buy a douche. Even typing that makes me cringe. I spend ages on-line, googling best-ass-cleaning-practice before finally, hitting the bathroom for an activity that I would describe as mildly traumatic, at best. The absolute worst of it is the knowing. The fact that it’s intentional, premeditated. This is so, so much worse than last time when all I had was a small sense of trepidation, just the merest inkling that something untoward was afoot.

I pull up at his apartment, park my car and just sit there for a few minutes with the engine running. You don’t have to do this, I tell myself for the hundredth time. But there it is again, that sense of inevitability. Despite myself, despite common sense, social norms and my relationship with Jess, I already know that I’m going to go inside.


He’s left the door open for me and is sitting on the sofa, a guitar next to him. Does he play? I wonder. He’s wearing khaki shorts and a white t-shirt that clings to his chest just enough to show the curve of his pecs. He picks up the guitar and leans it carefully against the wall. There’s something about the way he moves. Deliberate, almost graceful.

“Oliver.” He says, by way of greeting. He pronounces it Ah-li-ver, drawing out the first syllable and finishing with a hard R. I can’t help it. I like the way it sounds when he says my name.

“Ethan,” I respond with a curt nod.

We take a moment to consider each other. We are standing three or four meters apart, and I don’t know about him, but I can feel his heat from where I’m standing. He walks over to me. There really is something about the way he moves. So considered. His entire body seems to work in concert with itself.

It isn’t fair for someone to be this hot, I think, or to have a voice like that, it shouldn’t be legal.

It just shouldn’t.

He puts his hand flat on my chest and leaves it there for a second, setting me alight. He looks into my eyes, giving me time to notice that his eyes look green today. Flagrantly green, mad flecks of blue and yellow visible from this close.

He shouldn’t have eyes like this either.

Also, not fair.

He starts unbuttoning my shirt. He does it slowly. I don’t move, I’m using all my effort to try not to tremble. He pushes my shirt down off my shoulders. This feels worse this time too. It was easier when my clothes were ripped off and yanked down when I wasn’t sure exactly how it had happened.

He hooks his fingers under the band of my shorts and eases them down, kneeling down to pull my shoes off, first one, then the other. He runs his hand over my dick, through the soft fabric of my boxers. My abs clench and quiver noticeably, as he pulls them down too. I’m completely naked, he’s still on his knees. He reaches for my dick, finding me so hard he has to pull it down carefully to guide it to his mouth.

Jesus Christ! Oh, God! He’s actually going to do this.

I’m lightheaded as I lean back against the back of the sofa, taking a little weight off my shaky legs. He looks up at me, and then down at me. I see the breath he expels. I see his hunger, his lust, as he takes me into his mouth. I moan softly from the sweet relief of being inside him, from the warmth of his mouth. He swirls his tongue around my tip, leaving me dizzy. Just like that, I am that record on the gramophone again, and I’m spinning wildly, out of control, just the same as I did before.

I stand frozen as he blows me, taking a surprising length of me into his mouth. I want to reach down and run my hands through his hair, but I’m not sure what the etiquette is for getting blow jobs from men you hardly know. I keep my arms ramrod straight at my sides, involuntarily clenching and releasing my hands in time with the rhythmic waves of pleasure that are overtaking me.

Too soon, I’m acutely aware that I’m going to explode and it's coming at me with the speed of a freight train.

“I’m going to come!” I rasp, as I try to pull away. While I’m still unsure of the etiquette here, I’m almost positive it doesn’t include spewing my load in a straight guys’ mouth. He glances up at me quickly, before grabbing me by the root and sinking his mouth down on me. I see his desire. His want. He wants this as much as I do, and the knowledge of that sends me right over the edge.

I come with enough force to pierce the back of his throat. My knees buckle and I sink down onto the sofa. I’m stunned by the intensity of it. Shocked, shaky. When the mist clears, I look down at him. He’s still on his knees, his mouth open, slightly slack-jawed, his eyes dark with desire. I swallow hard and clammer to my feet. He is still wanting, his eyes tracking slowly up my torso. I pull him to his feet. He stands close to me. Too close. There’s that heat again. I feel his breath on my neck, as he grinds his hard-on against my hip and says, simply, “Bedroom.”

I lead the way, acutely aware of my complete nakedness and the fact that his eyes are boring into me like a predator stalking its prey. To my shock, I find that I like it. As soon as we get to his bed though, I’m overcome with nervousness. What the hell do I do now? I’ve spent the past two weeks obsessively thinking about him going down on me, to the extent that not once have I paused and imagined the reverse.

Can I do this?

Is this what I want?

He reaches back and drags his t-shirt up and off. I’m sure my eyes bulge at the sight. God, he’s built. He must live at the gym. His shoulders and chest are broad, narrowing at his hips. His abs are insanely defined, the mere act of breathing, flexing and relaxing them, causing little indents to ripple up and down his belly. I’m transfixed, as I follow those lines and the indented V that disappears into his shorts. I fumble with his fly, unbuttoning and unzipping nervously, as he helps by stepping out of his shorts and his boxers in one fluid movement.

Holy shit!

My eyes widen in amazement and frankly, I confess I feel a little sense of accomplishment. Surely, the fact that I took all that, deserves some sort of commendation or special mention? I’m overcome with curiosity.

What does it feel like? I wonder as I reach down for it.

What does it taste like? As he pushes me downward.

It turns out, it feels so good that the very first contact sends blood rushing back to my dick. I feel myself thickening, hardening with surprising swiftness. It also tastes good, slightly salty and familiar in a completely unfamiliar way. It’s hard to explain, but let’s just say I’m left with no doubt whatsoever, that, yes, I can do this and yes, I do want this.

Now, I’m on my knees in front of him, my mouth overflowing with him. He obviously doesn’t share my concerns about blowjob etiquette, as his hands are all over me, around my neck, in my hair and finally, gripping me securely by the back of my head. He holds me in place as he gently, but firmly, eases himself deeper and deeper.

“Yeah,” he says, “get it all wet, just like that.” The sound of his voice makes my dick pulse fiercely.

I’m gasping for breath, struggling, but not trying to get away. No, I’m struggling to take more. I’m ravenous and he is the very thing I want to devour. I splutter as he uses my mouth. The gargling, slick, hollow sounds leaving me shaken.

“Uh, huh,” he says, unsympathetically, as I choke, “That’s right… Get back down on there...” guiding me down again, pressing his dick forcefully into my mouth.

Fuck, I think in a rage, I can’t believe I let him blow me like a bitch, and he’s using me like this.

My jaw aches and I gag slightly, as he holds me down a little more with each thrust. Until I pull back, coughing and gasping for air. He leans down to help me up, grabbing my neck again and pulling my ear to his mouth.

“Let’s give your mouth a little break.”

Oh shit.

I know what that means - if my mouth is resting, my ass certainly won’t be. Fear grips my insides, twisting sharply. I look up at him, waiting. I want him to tell me what to do. But he just looks back at me. His pupils so dilated his eyes look almost black. I can’t hold his gaze, so I press my lips together, turn my back on him, crawl onto the bed and assume the position - ass up, face down. The tried and true position of those about to be buggered.

“Did you clean out your ass for me?” he asks offhand, the same way he would if he were asking Liza if she’d had a good day at work. Fuck, he’s rude! I want to snap at him, but inexplicably, all I do instead is give him the tersest of nods.

“Hmmm,” he snarls, as he leans forward, spreading my cheeks roughly, making me flinch in surprise. He snarls again as he squeezes my buttocks in both hands, and I feel his teeth, nipping and scraping my skin. I’m starting to find it hard to keep still, as he follows the trail to my crack, working his way down, tracing a line up my balls with his finger and then following it with his tongue. My eyes fly open in surprise.

Bloody hell! Surely, he not going to…!

But he does. He licks a long, firm stroke all the way from my taint right across my asshole, instantly eliciting a moan from me. He does it again, swirling around my hole this time. Again. Again. I’m moaning out of control now. I don’t even care. He dips his tongue in this time, and pulls my hard cock back between my legs, stroking it. I’m lightheaded. I had no idea you could pull it back like that when it’s so hard. He takes my cock in his mouth, sucking hard as he withdraws, before licking all the way up. My cock is still a little oversensitive from cumming before.

Oh Jesus. I think, squirming helplessly, as he does it over and over. Sucking then licking. This is it. This is how I lose my mind.

Before I know it, there are fingers and lube inside me. My dick is still in his mouth. I’m beside myself. Despite cumming earlier, I can say without doubt that this is the horniest I’ve been in my life.

When he rubs his head against my ass and asks, “Is this what you want?” I can’t find any words. I’m worn down, beaten, no ounce of strength left to deny what I want. So yet again, I simply nod. For his part, he wastes no time giving me exactly what I want. I wince and cry out as he breaches me.

“Oh fuck!” I gasp.

The sharp, quick pain of it is just as bad as before. Oh shit! I’d convinced myself that the first time couldn’t have been as bad as I’d remembered, surely not, or I wouldn’t have spent the past two weeks thinking of nothing but this.

But it was.

The difference this time is that it passed much more quickly. My body, accepting its fate, gives way easier, accommodating him, sucking him in. If the first time felt like I was a book, left open outside, pages blowing in the wind, flapping wildly back and forth between pleasure and pain, this time felt like a gentle breeze, coming from the direction of pleasure. If the first time was a story about pain, this time was different. This time, the theme was pleasure, for sure.

I was on my knees, gratefully receiving his long, deep strokes, taking it until I was absolutely positive I was going to lose my mind.

“Argh fuck,” I moan, “Ah, please, God.”

He digs his fingers into my shoulder and pulls my body back towards him, so I was kneeling right back against him, his belly against my back. Biting my neck, he reaches around my chest with one arm, stretching down to stroke my nipples. They harden instantly, so sensitive I shudder as he reaches around and swallows my dick in his other fist. Holding me tight. Harder than a girl would. My back arches, my head lolls back helplessly against his shoulder as he continues his relentless thrusting.

If you think that I’ve suffered until now, or that I’ve been fucked to within an inch of my life the first time, please know that that has nothing on this. The pleasure of this, the helplessness I feel, the total control he has over my body, the complete surrender - it is incomparable. And yet, it is more. I feel more. More than I can describe.




Yes, that was it. I let him possess me completely.

I come so hard my eyes rolled back and I see red. Honestly, I’m surprised I don’t lose consciousness. My body spasming over and over as he keeps pumping in and out. I was limp, as he holds me against him, burrowing his face into my shoulder to muffle his primal cry when he finally succumbs.

I slither down onto my belly on the bed when he finally releases me and he collapses next to me on his back. Neither of us touching. His chest heaving as he gasps a breathless chorus that goes something like this:



“Holy fuck.”



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My Goddess makes my dream cum true

I’d been allowed another Worship Session with my Goddess. The last two sessions had been the highlight of my life, but the best was yet to cum. Worshipping Her is my life, and I still can't believe I've been so lucky as to find a Goddess so beautiful who lets me worship Her. And let me worship her in person too. I made it clear in every worship sheet, story, poem, worship video for Her that what I longed for most was for Her to deliberately make me do it in my pants openly in front of Her. In...

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The Queen of the NileChapter 10

Detective Rhonda Murphy woke up with a start in the middle of the night. She was sweating and her heart was beating fast. Much too fast for a body at rest. She had reached a point in her symbiotic relationship with the Moon Goddess entity from the past that was entering a new phase. The attractive redheaded Detective knew she was being guided by the whims and desires of a female creature created by the mummification priests of a 4,000 year old era. The pleasures she had recently...

3 years ago
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The need

Well i got to 50 and realised after many years that i like to be the sub in a sexual relationship tp be used i suppose dommed and so much more. never an easy road to take i suppose being rather shy.i did dabble a little looking for the ONE but over the many years never having found the one to be Mistress of me the controller so to speak. i have spent most of my adult life in a semi chaste state. Masturbating at times to just releive and as i orgasm wishing to hear the voice of a Mistress...

3 years ago
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Pass the Pussy III

Pass the Pussy Part Three By M NBSUJO "Will I see you tonight?" Mike asked as he pulled his shirt on. "No I'm going to hang out with Julie at her house and then I've got a paper to finish." "Then what about tomorrow night?" he asked now putting on his shoes and socks. "Yeah, but not 'til after nine." "Alright. I'm gonna be late. See ya tomorrow night." And with that he left. Mike had been my best friend since high school. There were many things I'd imagined that...

2 years ago
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DNA 2 Chapter 9

"I'll be ready in a minute!" Paul replied, and turned back to the mirror. The girl that stared back at him no longer startled him as much as she used to, but he was still far from comfortable with his new form. He was wearing a flowing long skirt which covered his legs. He would have preferred to have worn jeans, but they just made his masculine lower half too obvious for his liking. Paul fiddled with the buttons on his white blouse. He had never really noticed that woman's blouses had...

2 years ago
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Seducing the Pool Man

It’s only been three months since Anna and Ken Adams moved in the neighborhood, and already, Ken is getting frustrated. Coming from a poor family, he started working at the age of 15 as a pool boy which lasted until he was 22. After finding a better paying and a more stable job after college, he thought that his days of cleaning pools are behind him. But, leave it to his wife of three years to start telling everyone about his past occupation, and soon, everyone wanted their pools cleaned. For...

1 year ago
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A week with Aunt Taylor Day One

I was sitting on my couch at home in the middle of June when my phone rang and the caller ID showed Aunt Taylor's name. So I answered the phone. "Hello?" "Oh my god is this Blake?" "Yes it is." "Look how deep your voice got!" (The last time i seen my aunt was when i was 10 before she moved more towards the east coast. We use to be best friends up until that point but i have not seen or talked to her since. I laughed and asked her why i have not seen her in about 9...

2 years ago
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Hijabi Girl With An Attitude

I know this shit is going to be shocking to some of you, because you’ve got preconceived notions about what Muslim women are like. And honestly, I don’t give a shit. My name is Azeeza Amir. Born in the City of Modadishu, Somalia, and raised in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I’m twenty years old, and study in the Police Foundations program at Algonquin College. I got a story to tell you people. Why else would I be here, right? I’m here to set the record straight about some of us Somali...

3 years ago
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My Bitchy Love Anarkali

It has been a very long time since anarkali and me in a relationship. Yes, we are simply in ‘love’ for each other. In all these five years we had made out so many times at beach, bus travels, at her home and where ever we can. Making out includes kissing, squeezing boobs, handjob, fingering and blah blah. The time came when she has to leave me for her studies. She went quite far away and meeting her was quite impossible. I wish to go to her place but time never permits. Almost after six months,...

2 years ago
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Day by the sea

Several years ago after divorcing my wife i started looking around on gay web sites. After brief oral encounters earlier i wanted to try something more. I made contact with a married gay couple in a Suffolk coastal town and shared pictures and exchanged messages for a week or so. Then one Friday evening we were all free so i arranged to drive out to meet them. After parking up and finding the flat i was welcomed in and shown around the place by a lovely guy. We then went to the bed room and got...

1 year ago
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Are you nervous

Hi, im Travis. This is the story of when I told my who happened to be bi and hot my I add, that I was gay. Or should I say I showed him I was gay? Well it all started when I started to like him.. not boys in general, just him. His name is Brandon by the way. Anyway before I start let me just tell you this guy was HOT. Like damn how could he NOT have a boyfriend already, hot. He had black hair that fell in front of his bright green eyes, he was tall and built like a football player. To top it...

4 years ago
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Potty lips

Julia seems to keep getting her words muddled.Julia Fountain worked in insurance. At thirty-six, she was happily married and a mother of three. She had been part of the North Office for the last six years and was an integral part of the team.Respected across the office, she also held positions in the school parent council, as well as in the neighbourhood community council.Julia was known as a prim and proper lady who, with the bit between her teeth, was fearless when it came to political...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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My wife and our new neighbor part sixteen

Throughout that day I kept having visions of her and Greg in the shower and him peeing over her. This gave me an erection for the whole day and when she called me later that evening, I asked her if she had planned another shower session.“We haven’t planned anything but you never know, Steve,” Christy said, “Did you like what I told you then?”“Yes I did, I found it very erotic.”“I thought that you would be angry with me.”“Never babe, I love that you are experiencing new things.”“Even though I...

Wife Lovers
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Horny Son Fucked His Sexy Milf Mom

Hi friends, this is my first story, and I hope you enjoy it. This story is in between my stepmom, Molly, and me, Jitu. My mom is fair looking and her age 51 but looking like 35, having 34B sized boobs and 35 butts. She is really a milf mom. I think her belly area will be around 30. Her height is also good – 5ft 6in. You can think she looks like Malayalam actress Asha Sarath. We are staying in Kerala. My family consists of me, my mom, and dad. My dad is a businessman, and he continuously travels...

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My Naughty Gayatri Akka

Hello guys,My name is Aditya and I’m 24 years old. I live in a small village near Bangalore. My family consists of me, father Ramegouda (name changed); mother Seema (name changed), my sister Gayatri and my uncle and aunt. Gayatri is 28 now and she is a hot and sexy unmarried woman in my home. My mom is also an attractive woman and she is 47 now.I’m an i****t lover and I love i****t with both mom and s*s. First telling about my mom; she is an attractive woman with large boobs. Her fig is 38 34...

4 years ago
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Teaching Amanda The Gangbang

As I finished applying my makeup, Graham had got into the shower. He left the curtain open and I smiled to myself as I was given a great view of his firm bum. Mr Miller and I had been dating for three months now. Most of the time we were at his apartment, naked, but he treated me like we were very much in a real relationship. The 28 year age difference had become a real turn on for me. I now found myself looking at other much older men and imagining what it would be like to fuck them....

2 years ago
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Taking Care of Business Chapter 3

Ava stood hesitantly, watching the girl suck Mr. Lewis. Mr. Gibson explained that Ava had been watching them through the window, had gotten hot and got herself off while watching them, and now wanted to join them. Mr. Lewis said he was more than happy to have another participant. The girl never stopped sucking his cock, just gave a thumbs up. Mr. Gibson told her, “It looks like you’re in.” He smiled devilishly at her, and moved her hand to his cock. She was eager to taste him. She asked him to...

2 years ago
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Party gets real fun

In my third year of college I was invited by a friend to a "Wear what you wear to bed party". Ok, I thought, could be interesting. It was held in a really nice, big house. When I arrived there were about 100 people there or more. Most of the people were in the basement hanging out in the huge family room, or the game room. The dress was interesting too. Normally I sleep naked, but I couldn't wear that to the party, so I wore a t-shirt and sweat pants. Lots of the girls were dressed the same,...

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Rumspringa The Sequel

If you haven’t read ‘Rumspringa’ you may want to read it first to better understand the sequel. A big ‘Thank you’ to ‘Loving50’ for editing this story for me. As mentioned in the first story, Rumspringa means ‘running around’ in the Pennsylvania German dialect. It is the time, beginning at about age 16, when youth socialize with their friends on weekends. Rumspringa ends with marriage. (For those who don’t marry, Rumspringa ends in their mid to late twenties.) This period is an important time...

1 year ago
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Coach John part II

The story is going to be a long story with multiple parts in the end with each element adding to Tori's sexual experiences. It's starting with an older guy and Tori at age 16 so if that is not your thing don't bother. She may get to be 20+ in the story when all is said and done. The story is not a 3 paragraph nonstop sex text fap story it's going to build up over time with the story, and character build up being as important as the sex. All of the characters are fictional and have no...

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Emily in the DarkChapter 9

We turned south and east, paralleling the river. When we kept 20 to 50 meters off of the bank, the going was not particularly muddy or swampy. We soon fell into a rhythm, me leading, Lucy in the middle, trailing about 30 feet, and Emily bringing up the rear, trailing Lucy by around another 30 feet. I wanted the women to have the time to go to ground, or veer off, should I stumble into some problem or another. That would also provide me with a “flanking element”, who could maneuver on the...

1 year ago
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My friends dad 2

“Well I just know he is gonna break up with me any day now. I can just feel it,” Jeanette said. “Well, why don't you start looking for another boyfriend or something? Why are you hanging onto this one?” I asked. “I don't know honestly. Maybe I just can't stand losing him. That's a good question Callie. Sadly I have nothing even close to answer though. I guess, he was something special. 'Was' being in key word in that sentence. Maybe it just disappeared. Who knows?” Jeanette...

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Wild West widow Part 2

Karen Masters heart was beating fast as she stood before the hard faced whoremaster. For days she'd been tormented by the thought that she would have to turn to prostitution. She had considered every alternative but there was none. Karen was virtually penniless and hounded by her late husband's creditors demanding their money. The thought of becoming a whore appalled her. She was from a good family and knew nothing about such a life. Yet now she was about to take the fateful step of selling her...

Group Sex
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Hallowen at Misteress Anns

Halloween at misteress Ann's It was a month before Halloween and I got a call from Mistress Ann, she asked if I was doing anything over Halloween? When I replied "I wasn't" she asked if I could drive down to her place in southern California because she was planning a Halloween party for some of her fetish friends. And if I drove down I could dress up as a sissy and have fun plus she had another favor to ask but she wouldn't tell me unless I drove down. Let me explain im 47 yrs old...

3 years ago
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Fiona Alice Mother daughter Two whores are better than one

It happened on June the 30th 2005, Alices 19th birthday. Id got up around 10am, absolutely exhausted from my previous days hard graft then fucking Fiona until late last night. I was seriously pleased I had the day off, it was Alices birthday and I knew that shed booked the day off. My plan was to spend the day fucking Alice all over the house whilst everyone else was at work. I needed a cup of tea to wake me up so headed to the kitchen. Stood pouring a tea at the worktop was Alice, she was...

2 years ago
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The BarnChapter 6

Morning Sickness Sharon squatted in the darkness, trying to eat off of the floor. She did not know how she was supposed to clean up the mess, he ass was on fire and she could not sit, and she was terrified that she would get another beating. Still, she did her best to clean up the floor where David had dumped her food, and she lie awake most of the night, facedown on the mattress. Finally, the cellar light came on and Sharon scrambled into action. She finished cleaning the floor, brushed...

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02 St Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day Is Dumb 9:08 A.M., Friday, February 13, 2015 Honolulu, HI Valentine’s Day was a stupid holiday. Well, maybe it was OK for grown-ups and even teenagers, but not for eight-year-olds in the third grade. Valentine’s Day was supposed to be all about being in love and doing something for your sweetheart, but instead you had to give a card to everybody in class. You had to act like you liked everybody, when really you only liked some of them. Paul had made some friends since moving...

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Aarons New Stepsister

Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both in their forties....

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EMails To My MasterChapter 28

TO - Night Nurse FROM - Master NNN The charity Children in Need will be organising their annual collection soon and I am giving you a task to raise funds for that organisation. You have up until the evening of November 16th to persuade as many of your colleagues at work to dress as St Trinian's style schoolgirls as you can. You will encourage them to dress as slutty as possible but you will do your utmost not to be out done anybody. Your pleated school skirt must be the shortest by at...

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Liaras Sexperiment

"Down goes the last one" Through the dusty haze of the desolate moon, the Shadow Broker agents finish off the last of the strange monks inhabiting the temple. The agents were a fireteam of blue-skinned asari with a taller, paler asari at the helm. Asari are a blue-skinned species that inhabit the planet Thessia. They are one of the earliest races to achieve interstellar travel and the first to inhabit the Citadel. They have a unique physiology as they have several distinct features, they have...

Mind Control
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Deputy PorterChapter 147

We made a stop on the way to the rebuilt house where Holly might be held. The house had been rebuilt with insurance and Disaster funds, then it was taken over from the owner who couldn't repay even that small amount. The gang had taken over, but left the ownership in the name of the previous owner. They had made even more improvements. They reinforced doors, and barred windows not so much from concern about random crime, as concern about rival gangs and the New Orleans PD. The gang also had...

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BlacksOnBlondes Paige Owens 07262022

Jax was relaxing in his back yard sipping his drink when he noticed his bushes needed trimming. He then caledl up DogFart Bikini Bush trimming services. Jax hears the doorbell ring and rushes to the door and sees the sexy hot Paige Owens at his door armed with hedge clippers. Paige asks where are the bushes that need to be trimmed. Jax shows her where the bushes are and sits back and enjoys the view. He’s checking Paige out and Paige is checking him out. After Paige gets done she asks Jax to...

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My Day

The alarm clock clicks on and a slightly manic voice comes out of the speakers, “Good morning, I am the saviour of Radio 1, the one and only Chris Moyes”, “Bugger, that means it’s Monday morning and I’ve got to get my ass out of bed for work” I tell myself! I role over in bed and hit the snooze button, “Ten more minutes and I’ll get up” I say to myself. Just as I role back over I realise I am afflicted with the sign of a man 1st thing in the morning, the timeless duvet tent! “Hmmmm, I tell...

2 years ago
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Wifes Wild AssChapter 6

Perhaps Caroline was not really jealous of Helen Ramsey as far as Darleen was concerned, but she would sure as hell have been jealous if she had known what had inspired her husband's rare morning hard-on, and more jealous yet if she had realized that such a morning hard-on was not, in fact, rare at all, but that he usually saved it for his secretary. The sight of naked Helen Ramsey, doing her morning exercises, had been responsible for a lusting in his heart--but the lust that he had for...

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The Scent of Roast

For Tina de Dance, who provided the inspiration for this story, and kindly fixed its errors in language — any remaining errors are due to my own subsequent editing! It was sheer luck that I received the news at all. But so late! Why did I have to hear of it so late? Catherine was going to burn on Sunday morning. She would burn in Earstham, and to Earstham it was a distance of 40 miles, the last 10 miles across the mountain. And now it was Saturday evening. So late! Too late! Or was...

3 years ago
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Comic List

Comic List By Paul G Jutras Tommy loved comics ever since he was a kid. He could read his favorites over and over again. When he reached high school he wanted to write his own comics more than anything. He made a comic list and since most comedy and super hero comics had been done to death, he chose to try TG comics. After getting one rejection letter after another saying he should get a female co writer to handle the female aspects of things he began to wear his mother's clothes...

4 years ago
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Wife Tales Dual Massage

As I was looking through the closet deciding what to wear to dinner, my husband reached over my shoulder and pulled out a dress he had bought for me some time ago.“Why don’t you wear this tonight?” He asked.It was a black halter dress that was cut almost to the waist in the front and completely open in the back to the top of my butt. I had tried it on a few times but never had the nerve to actually wear it. It was somewhat sheer although not completely see-thru.“You really want me to wear that...

2 years ago
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Seducing Sexy Fat Lady

Hi Iss reader.. I am a regular reader of indiansexstories. This is raj publishing my experience in the site for the first time. I am 30yrs old, good looking man. This incident happened one year ago, when i was travelling from my home town to Bangalore. She is around 38yrs of age, but still looks like little younger and fatty with huge boobs and mountain ass..I dont have intention to seduce her at first sight. The story begins… I boarded into the bus and have been given a seat at window. Nobody...

1 year ago
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Nieces Weekly Punishment SessionsChapter 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 2 Spanking and Breast Whipping Melissa’s mother laid out clothes for her tonight. It was Friday night again, almost 7 p.m. “You better start getting ready, Melissa. You don’t want to me late for Uncle Bill.” She looked down at the clothes on the bed. Again, clothes that would make her look younger. A short skirt, even shorter then before, red plaid, classic schoolgirl. This time it was a tee-shirt, a very expensive tee shirt, soft, plush...

2 years ago
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Fucking sister in law

My wife and I were invited to a dinner party at Suha residence. I was apprehensive about being in the presence of the only two women I have everfucked, at the same time. We arrived early and my wife offered to help her sister set up the dinner table. From the moment we arrived Suha started giving me horny looks when my wife wasn't watching or around. I was so nervous and horny at the same time I could have fainted.To make things worse she was wearing a dress made out of some thin, figure...

2 years ago
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a bit of a nervous first meeting...a smile, a soft but firm 'hello' and an equal hug accompanied with a gentle kiss on the cheeks. Hands feeling a bit cold but I can keep a conversation going like no one else so we start talking and go for a leasurly strole even though its cold this time of the year, but this does not seem to bother us. After the usual subjects, what do you do for a living etc... we smoothly cross over to the more intimate subjects which can be the subject of a conversation...

2 years ago
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2 Couples and a rainy evening

The festival was coming to an end and the four of us were stumbling to our tent to call it a night. We weren’t drunk but we had been drinking quite a few beers so the road to the camping area seemed a bit longer than it supposed to be. My boyfriend and I agreed to go to a music festival together with a befriended couple who were actually a couple of years older than us. I was 28, my boyfriend was 32 and they were 46 and 45 years old. We quite liked them, not only as friends but also in a sexual...

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Nursing My Helpless Daughter

We moved, my daughter and I. We loaded up the a U-Haul ourselves. Everything was going great. We unloaded everything at the new house and returned the truck to the dealership in our newly adopted hometown.But then my daughter fell face-first from a few feet up from the back of the truck with an arm full of moving blankets. You know, the kind that are used to protect furniture. She was carrying the blankets to their U-Haul office so that the dealer could count them.But the fall broke both her...

3 years ago
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They Called Me MaggieChapter 2 Deeper

A while later, Kate has a wicked idea. "Let's do another pill ... and fist each other when it's coming up!" She says, and even though I've never done two pills in one night before, I have no objection to that. We take the Ecstasy with a swig of water, and I'm just wondering what happens next when Kate says: "I noticed how much you like to watch, well, even though I've got you here, I don't want to waste that lovely veg, soooo think I'm going to open my bum up with one of those...

3 years ago
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She adamantly forced his wandering hand away and then wearily again after it returned but at the third attempt she conceded defeat as it gained the high ground, moving up under her halter-top conquering the supple hill. Two fingers crossed the aureole and then finding the protuberance, one circling it gently. She gasped from the strange new feeling of a man's hand where only her own had dared before. Fervent promises of everlasting love breathed seductively in her ear as lips nibbled the lobe...

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